
By Namab Mas

Published on Mar 24, 2019


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Thirty-Four

It was nearly the end of term. The last week of lectures was almost upon them, and Liam was spending long hours working on assignments that were due in either just before the Christmas break or just after it. He wouldn't have much time for university work once he got home, for he'd already phoned the employment agency and signed himself up for as many shifts as were available at the factory. He needed the money, and anyway, although it was a crappy job it did have its compensations. For a few minutes he drifted off into happy reminiscences about sessions with Nick and Simon and the others, and wondered if there'd be chance to play over the holiday. Then the lashing of freezing rain against the window brought him back to reality, and he shook his head and forced himself back to work. The essay he was finishing was due in the following week, and he wanted it finished that afternoon, since he was going to a party later that he reckoned would leave him too out of it to do much the next day. Wearily he picked up his notes and started thumbing through them.

Hours later he came up hard, and the slog of finishing off his essay was forgotten as the ecstasy he'd taken exploded in his head and coursed through his veins, and he and his mates danced to the techno pounding through the disused, squatted factory. Outside through the broken windows and the big roller door that lorries had once backed up to he could see that it was a cold, still night: inside it was hot and buzzing with light and noise and excitement. Haydn caught his eye and grinned at him.

'Fucking brilliant, innit!' he shouted over the music. 'These pills are so strong too!'

Liam looked around him as he stopped dancing for a moment, stepped back and took a drink from the water bottle in his pocket. All around young people were dancing, or sitting on the cushions and old sofas at the side chatting, smoking and swigging from beer cans and water bottles. He hadn't been to a good free party in a long time. Later it might start to get rough, he realised in a brief, lucid moment, and then it'd be time to amble back to his mates' house to smoke and relax for the rest of the night, but for now the atmosphere was wonderful. He slipped the bottle back into his pocket and rejoined Haydn and the others dancing.

Some time later he realised he needed a piss, and he wandered off towards a big arrow on the wall with the legend 'toilets' daubed in fluorescent paint next to it, pointing to a couple of doorways. He nudged his way past the group standing outside the one with the men's symbol on it, and even though he was as high as a kite he got a bit of a shock. The old workers' toilets were cold and bright and well vandalised, with broken tiles and graffiti all over the walls, although the organisers had made some effort to clean them up a bit. There was a long urinal, at which a line of lads stood pissing, and a couple of battered washbasins, at which they'd even provided some soap. But one of the cubicles had been broken down completely, leaving the toilet, without its seat, on full view. The other one had lost its door, and inside it a slim, cute lad in a baseball cap was sitting on the toilet with his boxer shorts round his knees. As Liam took in the scene he looked up and grinned at his mate standing outside.

'Plop! Ploop ... plomp-plop!'

'Oh you dirty cunt, Carl!' cried his mate. 'Phew that fuckin' stinks!

'I know,' grinned Carl.

He took a swig of beer from the can he was clutching and grinned again as he farted and another turd plopped into the bowl. Liam could smell it too now; a really ripe, rich, slightly sharp smell that made his dick twitch in his pants. He eyeballed the lad's mate discreetly. He was gorgeous; tall and sturdy and fresh faced, and quite chavvy in his tracksuit bottoms and cap.

'Hurry up man,' he said urgently. 'I really gotta shit.'

'Yeah okay,' retorted Carl. 'I'm nearly done.'

Liam wasn't going to pass up the chance to see this hot chav lad have a shit, and he joined the little queue as if he needed one too. Maybe he would later on, he mused, and if so he'd get off on having to do it in public like this, surrounded by high young men who didn't care. Glancing round he noticed that another guy had joined the queue; a stocky studenty lad with a round face and narrow eyes and dark hair, who was shuffling impatiently from foot to foot. He looked as if his drugs had just kicked in, leaving him desperate to shit. Then Carl reached for the toilet paper, shuffled forward on the seat and reached round behind him to wipe.

'Sorry about this,' his mate grinned at Liam. ''E always has to shit big time when he's had pills.'

'Yeah, so do I,' laughed Liam. 'Can't believe there's only one bog.'

'You wait an' see what it's like later,' the lad laughed. 'Last party here they were both blocked an' there was people shitting in the alley outside all night. No bog roll either. I'm Ian, by the way.'

'Hi, I'm Liam.'

Carl dropped the last piece of paper into the toilet underneath him, stood up and pulled up his pants, giving Liam a flash of his long, slender cock. At that moment the lad behind nudged Liam.

'Sorry guys,' he said bashfully. 'Can I go next? I'm really desperate for a poo!'

'Nah, sorry,' said Ian firmly. 'I really gotta go too.'

With that he went into the cubicle and pulled down his pants, showing the reflection of his sturdy bubble bum in the grimy tiles on the wall. He looked down at the floor.

'Plop! Plop-plop-plop ... plip-plop-plop-ploop!'

His shit sounded loose and nasty, and then he did a big wet fart and another series of wet plops. His smell rolled out through the door, mingling with that left by Carl, who'd gone back into the party. It was harsh and nasty; the smell of a lad with an upset stomach.

'Oh fuckin' hell,' he grunted. 'Proper pill-shits I got.'

At that moment the studenty lad who'd been standing behind Liam barged past suddenly, his face panic-stricken, fumbling with his belt. Ignoring the comings and goings round the urinal and the queue for the thunderbox all watching him he ripped down his jeans and hovered over the bare toilet. Liam watched between his legs as a thick, dark turd extended down from him and then dropped with a resounding 'plop' and a splash of water out of the bowl. He gasped with relief as he did three or four more splashy lumps in quick succession and looked around, all bashful and embarrassed. The guy at the urinal next to him was eyeing him with disgust, wrinkling up his nose, and a couple of others were laughing.

'Sorry,' he said to no-one in particular. 'Was about to shit my pants. Oh shit, there's no bog roll. Anyone got any tissues?'

Someone offered him some and he began to wipe, half-squatting with his stubby cock bouncing up and down. By then Ian was wiping too. He looked as if he normally did it standing, but now he was squatting with his arse sticking out and one hand covering his cock. He looked very self-conscious. Someone else nudged Liam then, and he turned round to see a rough-looking older guy behind him.

'This the queue for the shitter? I'm gonna go next, okay?'


'I said okay?! Get out the way yer posh cunt.'

He clenched his fist and Liam took a step back. At that moment another couple of guys intervened and told him to leave it, but it gave Liam the excuse he needed to sidle back into the noise and friendliness of the main room. He sneaked out through the door and pissed up the wall in the alley before he rejoined his mates.

'Where you been?' asked Haydn.

'Had to go for a shit,' he lied. 'Anyway, anyone having another pill...?'

A while late he went again, stumbling through the crowds and the deafening music with his head rushing madly, past a fire juggler performing by the doors, and into the cold and relative quiet of the toilets. The floor was swimming in piss and water and beer and fag ends, and the place smelled rank. The toilet in the cubicle was blocked and filled right up, with turds and screwed up paper on the seat and even on the floor around it. In the middle of the room a studenty-looking young guy was hesitating, looking around him warily. He was tall and sturdily built, blonde and fresh-faced, and very handsome in a boy-next-door sort of way.

'I can't,' he was saying to his mate. 'Not here, not in front of everyone like that.'

'Well where else can you go? There isn't another toilet. Anyhow, Eddie, look how fucked everyone is. Like they're gonna remember! I'll stand in front of you, so's people can't see.

'Er ... yeah, okay,' said Eddie. 'I've got to. Look the other way!'

Liam nudged past just as the lad said that and took the end of the urinal right by the toilet. He took his time over fumbling out his dick with his ill-coordinated fingers, and he realised he was going to struggle to piss even though he needed to. That was no bad thing. Next to him Eddie came up to the toilet and pulled his jeans down a little way, giving Liam a sneaky glance of his broad, smooth bottom. Then he squatted down.

'Ooh!' he breathed; a sigh of relief Liam could hear over the music and shouting. 'Ooh...'

Liam hesitated for just a split second, his head spinning, then looked down and to the right. His high eyes saw everything in incredible colour: the whiteness of the cracked porcelain; the shades of the skin on Eddie's bottom; and then the intense orangey brown colour of his shit. It came out of him fast, in a series of soft, curling sausages, one after another dropping from his bum.

'Plop! Splash! Plop! Plop! Plop!

Eddie grunted loudly. The guy to Liam's left screwed up his face in disgust and looked away. Then the smell hit Liam, all rank and nasty, and his cock, tiny as it had been from the cold and the stimulants started to wake up. As it did so he began to piss at last. Eddie grunted once more and curled out another hefty, snaky turd that pulled apart just below him and dropped a few more splashy lumps. He paused a second, his cheeks heaving as he strained, and a little slim brown worm slid from him. At once his hand came around behind him, holding a scrunched up tissue that he stuck his bottom further out to use. Liam stared in wired fascination as he wiped his filthy hole hastily, glanced at the tissue, then used another and another. Vaguely he realised he'd long since finished pissing as Eddie went to pull his trousers up

''Ere, are you gonna be any longer?' demanded a voice behind him.

Jolted back to reality he panicked for a second as he thought he'd been caught. He looked around, but Eddie was walking away with his mate and there was only a guy waiting to use the urinal. Hastily he tucked his cock back into his pants, smiled apologetically and went back to his dancing mates.

Hours later, as the very first light of a winter dawn was starting to emerge, Liam and Haydn walked home. They'd all left the party in the early hours and headed back to their mate Adrian's place to smoke and chill, and some down gently with some music and a drink. Adrian was saying as they walked up his street that he'd needed a shit for ages but hadn't wanted to go in those toilets. Liam eyed him subtly on hearing this. He'd always fancied Adrian a bit; tall, dark Adrian with his sturdy body and peachy arse. Adrian disappeared into the toilet as soon as they got in, and Liam hung around nearby, waiting his turn. He needed a shit too by then; one of those big pill-shits he could sit and savour; and doing it straight after Adrian would be better still. Just before the music went on in the living room he was sure he heard his plops.

'Sorry mate,' grinned Adrian when he came out. 'You'd be better giving that a few minutes!'

Liam grinned ruefully and shut the door, and the smell of hot Adrian's shit hit him. It was thick and rank, and his dick twitched as he ogled Adrian's dark skidmarks, and then pulled down his pants and sat on the warm seat. He was completely wired, the sensation of taking his dump was wonderfully intense, and once he was done he sat for a while in the warm, bright bathroom, moving slightly in time with the distant music and enjoying the feeling of relief, and the smell of his and Adrian's shit. Later, as he and Haydn ambled home, his drugs were wearing off, leaving him horny and looking forward to a long comedown wank before he finally went to sleep. He'd be glad to get to the toilet and have a piss too. Then Haydn spoke, his voice strained.

'Liam ... I really need a shit.'

'Yeah?' asked Liam vaguely, still wired but suddenly interested. 'And I need a piss. S'okay, we'll be home in ten minutes.'

'I know, but it's the pills ... sometimes they make me need to go really suddenly ... I'm not sure I'll make it.'

They stopped and Liam looked at him, his handsome, pale face tense under the orangey glow of the street lights, and his dick stirred in his pants. Visions of Haydn having to squat in the open raced through his mind.

'Ooh,' said Haydn again, pursing his lips. 'Oh I gotta go so bad.'

'Why didn't you go at Adrian's before we left?'

'I didn't need to ... oh fucking hell, mate, I'm seriously gonna have to shit. I'm gonna go and squat up that alley there. You got any tissues?'

'Yeah, there you go. Actually I really do need a piss. I'd better come too.'

Haydn nodded, and together they crossed the road, dodged around a street light and the dustbins that would hide Haydn from view, and scuttled into the alleyway. There was a gate across it only a few yards back from the road, and Haydn looked around urgently.

'Can you wait here?'

'Oh mate,' said Liam, exaggerating his tone a bit. 'I really need to piss. I'll look the other way.'

But ... oh fuck it, never mind.'

Liam turned to the wall, got his dick out and began to piss, looking surreptitiously down on Haydn just like he had with that hot blonde lad at the party. That seemed a lifetime ago now, whereas Haydn's urgent breathing as he undid his belt and their breath hanging in the freezing night air were awesomely real. Quickly he turned his back to the wall, pulled down his pants and squatted. His pale bottom showed up vividly in the light shining up the alley. He grunted softly, and in the silence Liam heard a soft crackle from underneath him. A big, dark turd thudded softly onto the litter and frozen leaves, and then another on top of it. Liam's dick began to stiffen as Haydn's smell rose up him; that same coarse, deliciously dirty reek he left in the bathroom at home. He farted softly, and another couple of dark lumps fell onto his pile.

'Mate,' chuckled Liam, 'I can hear you doing it. Fucking stinks too!'

'Yeah, I know! You didn't have to stand there,' snapped Haydn, with shit still crackling from him. 'Fuck off and wait down there!'

'Yeah, okay,' said Liam, tucking his semi-hard cock back into his pants. 'I really needed a piss. Anyhow, I'm going.'

As he turned away Haydn farted again, all wet and nasty, and a stream of gooey turds squelched and thudded onto the pile. At the end of the alleyway he lit a cigarette, glanced back and saw that Haydn was looking away from him. Turning around slightly he looked Haydn up and down, and his dick got stiffer at the sight of him squatting over the big, coiled pile he'd made, with steam rising up from it. He was still straining; screwing up his face cutely as he pushed out a few little turds. The smell was very obvious even on the road, and Liam sniffed quietly at it as he smoked and watched his hot housemate finishing his huge shit. Then Haydn levered himself upright, and he looked away. He'd always imagined Haydn as a standing wiper like himself, and when he glanced back he saw that he was right. He was standing up straight, with his legs bent only a little, and rubbing vigorously at his hole with a tissue. Then he threw it away, and Liam looked away again as he bent and pulled up his pants. He was gazing innocently down the street when Haydn rejoined him, and together they set off for home. Before he went to sleep in the gathering daylight he had a wank, with his head full of what he'd seen that evening, and afterwards he drifted off to sleep musing happily on his good fortune.

Strangely, it was another encounter with Haydn's shit that helped to warm him up for the last session with Olly and the others, only a few days before he went home for Christmas. He was finishing off one of his last pieces of coursework for the term and waiting on a text from Olly, when he heard Haydn go into the bathroom. It had to be him, as they were the only two in. Liam stopped typing as he heard the 'click' of the toilet seat going down, and leaned into the wall. Haydn farted sharply, and in his mind's eye Liam saw him screwing his face up in that cute way as he strained. A few little nuggets started to drop from his bottom...

'Plip ... plip ... plip-plop ... plop, plop ... Plop! ... Plop! ... Plomp-plop ... Ploop ... Plop!'

Liam got hard as he listened, imagining Haydn doing what he was hearing, and anticipating the stink and skidmarks he'd leave behind. He pawed at himself a little as he heard the toilet roll holder rattle, and watched in his imagination as Haydn stood up and wiped his bottom. A dull clonking sound and a swear word brought him back to reality, and he grinned as he heard Haydn try again to flush the toilet.

Haydn wasn't very practical. He could barely change a light bulb, and when Liam realised it hadn't occurred to him that he'd be able to flush the toilet with a bucket he said nothing. Instead he said he'd take a look, and went straight in. His dick stirred as he sniffed at Haydn's rank, very thick smell. There was a lot of toilet paper in the bowl, all crumpled up with dark stains on it, and underneath he could see Haydn's shit. A big load of smooth curls sat on top of two or three big, chunky logs, the whole lot a lovely chocolatey brown, with his heady stink rising up from it. Liam looked at it in fascination and sniffed deeply as he took the top off the cistern and hooked the rod back over the lever, where it had come away. He took one last look at hot Haydn's huge dump before he tried the flush. It worked, and he watched the shit disappear, leaving behind the usual big skidmarks.

Only a few hours later he was at Olly's, and his dick pressed hard against his jeans and pants as they sat and smoked, and some of them began to let out little need-a-shit farts. It was the first time Alfie had met Toby, and Liam noted wryly that he was giving him a lot of attention and casting hungry glances at his arse as he went to sit down, and Toby seemed to be responding. Aaron was looking pensive, shuffling a bit as if he was desperate to shit. Liam was already getting that way, and his load pressed uncomfortably against his hole. Olly turned and winked at him, lifted his left cheek and farted softly.

'So,' he said flatly. 'I need a shit. Who else wants one...?'

'Yup,' grinned Toby. 'It's gonna be a properly big one too. I had such a big tea last night...'

Liam couldn't help noticing Alfie eyeing him up again. Alfie was obviously going to eat at least once that afternoon, and it was becoming clear who he wanted to be fed by. Meanwhile, he was starting to need his usual afternoon dump too, and that just left Aaron.

'Yeah, I do,' he said quietly. 'Really startin' to need the toilet. But ... I wanna get shat on, big time. Wanna take it in the face!'

'And in your mouth...?' asked Olly, with a filthy grin and one eyebrow raised. 'Gonna open your mouth for me?'

'Erm ... yeah, I'll try...'

'You'll be fine,' smiled Alfie. 'Watch me. I wanna eat from you, Toby. Will you...?'

Toby nodded vigorously. He'd never fed before; never watched a guy eat, and he stroked his hard-on through his jeans at the prospect of doing it for the first time. Then he said softly that he was going to fart. Alfie knelt down behind him as he bared his smooth arse, and whimpered with desire as he did a couple of gassy little farts right in his face.

'Mm! Mm! That smells so fucking good. I so wanna eat your shit!'

Twenty minutes later Aaron knelt down in front of them all and filled his pants. He loved shitting himself on front of other people; got off massively on the sense of shame and humiliation as he did it, and Olly told him he was a dirty cunt and his shit stank. It really did that day as well, and it was big and solid, and made a big lumpy bulge in the back of his pants that flattened across his bottom as he sat down, and then up to his waistband as he lay back. Alfie lay down next to him to take it from Toby, before Liam and Olly moved in to use Aaron's face for their toilet. They all moved in close to watch as Alfie took a big sniff of poppers, and his dick began to dance as he reached up to guide Toby down, until his smooth arse hung a couple of inches above his face.

'Now,' he breathed as he opened his mouth wide. 'Gimme your shit!'

Toby bowed his head a little and looked down, and his arse heaved a little.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Ooh ... here it comes!'

His tight little hole flared out, and through it emerged a rounded end that grew slowly into a hefty, dark turd. Alfie whimpered in his throat and opened wider still as it came nearer and Toby's thick, slightly acrid smell gassed him and rolled out round the room. Then Toby's turd pulled stickily apart, and a thick lump dropped into his mouth with its broken, pointed end jutting up above his lips. He closed his eyes and bit down on it, and retched softly. Toby tensed up slightly to stop his flow, pinching off a little brown lump that hit Alfie on the chin and rolled onto the floor, and looked down between his legs to watch Alfie chewing and gagging, and then swallowing hard.

'Ugh,' he gasped thickly. 'Ugh ... oh your shit tastes so fucking good ... give me some more!'

Toby's shit was big and slimy and deliciously smelly. Twice more he filled Alfie's mouth, and both times did a bit more than Alfie could handle, so that it slid down his cheeks and covered his nose and mouth. Aaron wanked and moaned in anticipation as he watched and sniffed, and looked up pleadingly at Olly.

'Want my shit now?'

Aaron nodded meekly. As Toby farted softly and gave Alfie another glutinous turd that made him retch and whimper Olly stepped forward and squatted down next to him, grinning sadistically with his dick bouncing up and down. He let go at once, and curled out a big, crackling, sandy-brown log whose stink rolled out around the room. Then it dropped, and Aaron cried out through his tightly closed lips as he got a turd in the face for the first time, and his dick jerked and began to dribble. Olly curled out another hefty one that dropped his across his nose and stayed there, and at the same time Toby did another gassy one. Alfie retched and wanked as it crackled out of Toby and straight into his mouth, and his eyes watered as he chewed. Next to him Aaron moaned as another brown curl dropped onto his nose. Liam watched it all with his dick dancing, and his own load pressing firmly against his hole.

'Open wide...?' breathed Olly, looking down at Aaron between his legs. 'Gonna taste it?'

Aaron shook his head, gagging with the smell, so Olly just curled out a last couple of slender turds onto his brown face and stepped aside, dick in hand as Liam took his place. As he got into position Aaron shook his head, gasping, and shook away Olly's reeking turds. Glancing to his right Toby's face was vivid, his eyes bright, pursing his lips as he strained and grunting softly as he pushed out another one. And then he relaxed and let his own shit go, grunting with relief as it began to slide out of him. He bent down to watch between his legs as his big golden-brown column touched down on Aaron's lips, curled around and dropped. Another one followed it, and another as his bowels emptied and he added his own smell to the heady reek hanging around them. Next to him Toby's eyes widened, and he squeaked softly as Alfie craned his head and began to lick his dirty little hole. They grinned happily at one another, both loving what was happening beneath them, and then Liam looked back down and watched himself download another thick curl onto the pile covering Aaron's face. He whimpered underneath it, and his dick jerked again and dribbled pre-cum into the sticky pool on his belly.

'Aw Liam,' breathed Olly, wanking hard. 'That's such a big one...'

'Yeah ... ooh feels so good,' Liam grunted. 'I'm nearly done.'

Aaron moaned and held up his thumb, and Liam began to strain. He was edging now, and his dick began to dance and dribble as he finished his shit. As he did so Toby stood up abruptly, spun round and knelt back over Alfie, who opened his shitty mouth once more for Toby to wank into. Olly was breathing harder and harder behind him. No sooner had he finished than he too turned round, and he and Olly closed in on Aaron, wanking and moaning with his face covered in Liam's curled, glistening pile. He was squirming, breathing harder and harder, and then suddenly he opened his mouth and put his tongue out, right into Liam's shit. He gagged and retched and whimpered, and then shook his head convulsively as he came everywhere. Liam and Olly shot all over his face, and at the same time Alfie fired all over Toby's thighs and dirty arse, and Toby came into his toilet's ecstatic mouth.

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Next: Chapter 35

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