
By Namab Mas

Published on Feb 24, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twelve

The following week he was back at university. On his first day back he got lucky in his favourite lecture theatre toilets. He was going for a piss after classes when he found himself walking some way behind a lad he'd seen about occasionally. He was very tall and rangy, and dark-complexioned, with olive-brown skin and almost-black hair. His long face was smooth, with quite prominent lips and big, liquid brown eyes. Liam had always fancied him, and the thought he might be going for a shit turned him on at once. He was just shutting the cubicle door when Liam went in, and naturally he couldn't resist taking the other cubicle, then leaning forward to peer through the little hole just as the lad pulled his jeans down. His long legs were hairy, ending in his slender, smooth bottom that tightened as he sat down. He sat looking at something on his phone, his face expressionless. Then he farted sharply, and again, and pursed his lips.

'Plip! ... plip!'

The lad shuffled on the seat, then did another short, sharp fart. Then he bowed his head slightly, and in the silence Liam was sure he could hear the familiar little crackle.

'Ploop ... ploop ... plomp.'

The splashes came at long intervals; soft, deep sounds as if the lad was lowering his turds gently into the water, ending in a sharp 'plop' as the last bit dropped from him. He grunted sexily and began to piss, and over the hissing Liam heard a soft crackle and plop as he screwed his face up a little and pushed out another lump. He sat for a few minutes playing with his phone and Liam waited eagerly to see if he'd do any more, but none came. Then he reached for the bog roll. He wiped sitting, with Liam stroking his cock as he sat and watched. He only wiped a couple of times, and Liam guessed his shit was pretty solid. As soon as he was gone Liam dived into his cubicle. The smell was quite faint but definitely there; a slightly rank odour with a harsh, teasing edge to it. Liam stood and sniffed at it, fixing the smell of that handsome guy's dump in his mind, then headed off to his next lecture. He was seeing Olly later, and the memory of what he'd just seen and smelled would put him nicely in the mood.

He was horny when he got to Olly's at about five that evening, just when Olly got in from work. He'd been toying with the image of the tall lad taking a shit all afternoon, and when he'd nipped for a piss after his last lecture had finished the sound of some unknown student having a big gassy dump in the cubicle next to him had turned him on even more. His dick began to get hard at once when Olly let him into the flat, kissed his lips and told him he needed a shit.

'I've been holding it in all afternoon,' he grinned. 'Couldn't help farting in the office a couple of times, just before my boss walked in! Thought I wasn't gonna be able to hold it at one point, but then it faded a bit. I had such a big tea last night too...'

Liam took it in the face, wearing a pair of swimming goggles so he could keep his eyes open. It was absolutely huge, and it reeked. The first thick column touched hotly down on his chin and fell backwards to lie heavily across his face. The next lump dropped next to it, and he whimpered through his tight-closed lips. Above him Olly grunted and wanked, and told him in a sexy, low voice how much he'd missed his toilet whilst Liam had been away; how he was loving squatting over him like this, taking a big smelly dump on his face. Then suddenly he let go a big fart and a series of fat logs that buried Liam completely, and forced him to shake them away and gasp for breath as he fired his cum everywhere.

He got hard again after they'd cleaned up, when they were sat talking with a beer. Olly had met up with a lad over Easter; a sub who'd contacted him through a fetish website he was on, who'd really brought out his dominant, sadistic side.

'He's nineteen,' said Olly with a proud grin. 'Name's Dalton. He's a bit chavvy, but he's well cute. He's into piss and humiliation, and having his ass spanked. I ... er, well, I bought a cane to use on him.'

He fumbled under the sofa and pulled it out for Liam to admire. It was the classic school cane, not quite as heavy as the one Steve used, smooth and shining and threatening. Then Olly opened his laptop and showed off some pictures he'd taken of a young-looking lad bending over with his pants around his ankles and his sturdy bottom covered in red lines. Olly grinned again as he opened the last one. He'd taken it from above, camera in hand, pointing down at his condom-covered cock as he pushed it up the lad's well beaten arse.

'He's not into shit,' said Olly regretfully. 'Well, he said it doesn't do anything for him, but I reckon he might be persuaded... He knows I'm into it, and he wasn't shocked by what I told him I've done. He sounded kind of curious about it, actually... He wants to be caned and fucked in front of other guys too. Fancy it...?'

Liam met Dalton that weekend. He was a solid, dark-haired lad with a cute face, and a bit of an attitude. He complied sullenly when Olly, in one of his most dominant moods, ordered him to strip naked. Liam even thought he wasn't enjoying the whole thing, until he pulled down his pants and his cock sprang out. It was thick and slightly stubby, and very hard.

Olly kept him waiting for his beating for a long time. He produced the cane and flexed it in front of Dalton, taunting him menacingly about how he'd squeaked as he'd had it last time, and how this time he wanted to make him cry. He made Dalton assume one position for punishment after another; kneeling on the sofa with his body hanging over one end, his hands on the floor and his bottom in the air; spread over the table; bending over and touching his toes. As he held that position Liam and Olly both stripped too, and then made Dalton kneel in front of them and suck both of their cocks in turn. His lips were soft and his tongue felt delightful as he rolled it round Liam's shaft. Then Olly jerked his head back, and made him kiss the cane he was holding out and beg to be punished and fucked. He complied, with a quaver in his voice and his cock twitching.

'Right. Stand up,' ordered Olly. 'Bend over and touch your toes.'

Olly laid on hard. The swish and crack of the cane echoed around the room. Dalton winced as the cane slashed across his bottom, and after four or five strokes he began to gasp as each one landed. The welts the cane had raised were red and angry, vivid against his pale skin.

'Now,' said Olly menacingly. 'You're gonna suck Liam's cock while I give you another six. That'll stop you making a noise. If you bite him I'll make your arse bleed.'

Dalton looked up as he closed his mouth around Liam's cock once more. He looked totally submissive, as if he was ready to do almost anything. Then Olly raised the cane and started again. Liam could feel his body tensing up as he absorbed the pain from each stroke. He gagged a couple of times, and as the beating continued he began to gasp and moan with the pain, until as the twelfth one landed he gave a muffled cry. Liam stepped back.

'Oh...' groaned Dalton as Liam's cock slipped from his mouth. 'Ow ... oh fucking hell ... ow...'

'Three more,' said Olly softly. 'Three more, and then ... Liam, you wanna do it? Want his tight little arse?'

Liam put on a condom and dabbed a bit of lube on his cock as Olly laid on the last three. Dalton yelped loudly as each one landed, until by the end he was nearly in tears, moaning 'ow ... ow' as he stood there trembling. His bottom was bright red, covered in savage welts. He moaned softly as Liam fingered them. Then Liam pushed his cock against his puckered, hairy hole and pushed forward. Dalton's arse was very tight. He squeaked as Liam thrust into him, and gasped with a blend of pleasure and pain as Liam pulled back, thrust forward, and again and again, fucking him with long, fluid strokes, making him squirm and buck and squeal. Olly came up in front of him and made him suck, and together the two of them spit-roasted moaning, wanking Dalton.

'Now...' said Olly softly, pulling back and looking down into Dalton's face. 'You know what we're into. We wanna see you shit. Next time you come here you're gonna shit for us, and if it stinks I'm gonna make your arse hurt more than you can believe. I wanna see you take a big fucking dump and then fuck your dirty arse, and piss all over your face.'

Dalton looked around, wild-eyed, still with Liam's cock deep in his shit-chute. He looked horrified, but he was still hard and wanking. Then he nodded.

'Okay,' he said in a small voice. 'Please ... can I cum? Make me cum now.'

A couple of Saturday mornings later found Dalton standing in Olly's living room, naked and meek. Olly stood in front of him, flexing the cane. Looking closely at his bottom Liam could still see the faint lines from his last beating. He was standing awkwardly, his arse clenched up tight, but his thick cock jutted out in front of him like a gun.

'I think six to warm you up,' said Olly quietly. 'Bend over.'

'Oh!' groaned Dalton. 'Oh ... sir, I really need to go to the toilet!'

'You can hold it a bit longer. If you don't I'll flay your arse until you howl. Now, stand on that plastic sheet and bend over.'

Dalton obeyed slowly, looking scared as he bent over and touched his toes. Olly came round behind him and took up his usual firm stance. He held the cane across Dalton's quivering, tight buttocks for a long time, tormenting the lad with what was about to happen to him and establishing his aim. Then he swung with all his force.


Dalton winced as the cane struck him and stood there trembling as the white line it left across his cheeks flushed into a vivid red welt. He closed his eyes as Olly raised the cane again, and then the next stroke ripped into him. He stayed silent all through, only gasping softly as the last couple of strokes hit him. The red lines stood out starkly across his bottom. Then he straightened up suddenly, looking panic-stricken.

'Oh!' he exclaimed. 'I'm gonna shit! I need to go to the toilet now!'

'Nope,' said Olly, shaking his head. 'You ain't sitting on the toilet. You're just gonna squat right where you are.'

'But...' Dalton was squirming about, hopping from foot to foot with his semi bouncing up and down. 'No, but I don't wanna ... oh fucking hell, alright!'

He gave in. The stripes across his bottom widened out as he squatted down, wincing again, and Liam and Olly leaned in closer to watch. His tight hole began to pucker open at once, and he let out a long, hissing fart. Then as it dilated further Liam saw his shit. It was smooth and reddish-brown, glistening as its rounded end began to force itself from him, pulling apart as it came so that a big lump thudded to the floor. Behind it came more, oozing quickly out with a filthy crackle, glistening with slime. Another thick log thudded to the floor and he grunted in relief.

'Ooh!' breathed Olly. 'Cor, that fucking stinks!'

Dalton's smell was cloying and ripe and nasty, roaring up Liam's nose and making his cock twitch madly. He glanced at Olly, wanking, and then back at Dalton. He was still shitting; a slim, worm-like turd was flowing idly from his dirty hole, with little puffs of his gas squeaking out around it. As Liam watched and stroked his cock it dropped a couple of lumpy curls onto his growing pile. It began to tail off, getting slower and thinner and dropping another one. Then suddenly his hole opened wider with another gassy hiss, and he curled out a great thick one that broke and dropped two slimy logs atop the pile.

'Uh!' he grunted.

His hole was filthy, covered in sticky shit that clicked and crackled as it puckered in and out. A gooey lump forced its way through and fell from him, and he looked round. His face was red with embarrassment and he looked completely beaten.

'I ... I'm done,' he said in a small voice.

'There's a bog roll,' Olly said, handing it to him. 'Wipe your arse, and get ready for another six. You dirty bastard, your shit stinks.'

As Dalton rocked forward onto his knees and tore off a length of paper Liam saw that he was rock hard. He scrunched the paper up and reached round to wipe, first wiping slowly to get the worst of it off, then more vigorously as he got clean. His cock bounced sexily as he did it. All the while Olly kept up a stream of filth, telling him he was disgusting and he stank, and he deserved to have his face rubbed in his shit. When Dalton was done wiping Olly ordered him to stand up and bend over, looking straight down at what he'd done, and he picked up the cane again.

Crack! ... Crack! ... Crack!

Dalton yelped as each stroke seared his bottom, and then after ten he yelled out with pain. As he gasped for breath between strokes Liam realised he was struggling, and wondered if he'd finally use the codeword he'd given them to signal that he'd reached his limit. But he gritted his teeth and kept his mouth shut for the last couple of strokes. When it was over he straightened up with his cock harder than ever, and tears in his eyes.

'I need a piss,' said Olly.

'Yeah. Me too,' agreed Liam.

They led Dalton through to the bathroom and got him to kneel in the shower, where finally Olly let him wank as they both pissed on his face and into his mouth, and he squirmed around and moaned, and finally shot all over himself.

Dalton admitted before he left that day that he'd found having a shit in front of them a real turn-on. Liam was starting to like him by then. At first he'd thought he was thick and a bit rude, but he'd come to realise that under his chavvy, slightly surly manner he meant well, and he wasn't stupid either. He was just coming to accept his own sexuality – he hadn't come out as gay to his family or most of his mates, he admitted – and he was loving the discovery that other guys shared his fetishes, and others he'd never even thought about. He came around and took a shit again later that week, one day when Olly was off work and Liam was round.

'I've not been for a dump for two days,' he said coyly. 'Gonna be such a big one!'

His cock was already standing proud as he pulled his pants down and stepped out of them, and then he squatted down over a plastic bag with his arse peeping cutely out below his T-shirt, the welts from his last caning still visible. His shit was the same glistening reddish-brown as last time, but a bit more solid. He grunted softly as his hairy hole began to open, and slowly he pushed out a thick, cracked column. A few thick inches pulled away from it as it came and thudded softly to the ground.

'Ooh, that smells so nice!' breathed Olly, sniffing deeply. 'Mmm!'

Dalton looked round and grinned, and as he did so the broken end in his flaring hole began to move again. He grew another brown tail that tapered off as it got longer, until eventually its end slipped cleanly out. It landed with a muffled thud and stood for a second or two, before it slowly bent over across the fat log he'd already done. His fruity smell hung heavily in the room, and a little piss and pre-cum trickled from his hard cock. He strained a little, and his brown hole puckered in and out.


'Nah. Gonna do another one ... ooh it's coming!'

His hole twitched and flared out again, and he did a smooth, greasy snake, pulling stickily apart as it curled lazily from his arse and dropping curls onto his pile. As it came it grew thinner and softer, until finally he finished with a wet little fart and a couple of small, mushy turds.

'That's it. I'm done,' he said huskily.

Liam moved in closer, and Olly too, wanking, looking from Dalton's dirty, hairy hole, with a little sliver of shit still dangling from it, to the big pile below, feeling its warmth and sniffing deeply at his stink. Dalton shuffled forward a bit to let them get closer still to his shit, looking round with one eyebrow raised.

'Fuck me,' he said. 'You really do like my shit don't you...'

'Yeah,' breathed Liam. 'I do. Mmm, it smells so fucking nice! Want me to wipe your arse for you?'

'Er...' Dalton hesitated, looking uncertain. 'I guess so, if you want to...'

'Oh yeah. Go on, kneel down and stick your arse out.'

Dalton rocked forward onto his knees and pulled his cheeks apart, and Liam began to clean it. The first wad of paper came away with a great brown splodge across it; the next a big streaky smear.

'Ooh!' sighed Dalton as Liam began to rub at his hole again. 'Oh that feels so nice ... love having my ass played with ... oh yeah ... ah! Ah! Oh fuck me, one of you you, fuck me now!'

As soon as Liam had finished wiping Dalton Olly came up behind him, putting on a condom, and thrust into his tight arse. His cock came out filthy, with great brown smears all down his shaft, and then Dalton squealed as he thrust back in again.

'Cor,' grunted Olly. 'Your arse is well dirty ... mmm!'

Liam watched and wanked as Olly humped harder and harder, making Dalton squirm and writhe. His bottom wobbled as Olly thumped into it with each thrust, as Dalton gasped and begged him to do it harder; make it hurt. The smell of his shit hung around them, all heavy and nasty and filthily erotic. Then Liam came round in front of him and thrust into his mouth, and there they both fucked him until he was gagging and moaning as he spunked all over the floor, and Olly came up his arse as Liam pulled back and shot all over his face.

None of them had much to do that day, and once they'd cleaned up they went out for something to eat, and then went to the pub, where they settled in a quiet corner with a pint and talked over their fetishes. Dalton was a bit puzzled, he said. He'd never been turned on by shit in the past. He enjoyed taking a satisfying dump as much as anyone, but it had never been anything sexual, and he'd always been embarrassed when his arse was a bit dirty when he'd been fucked or fingered. The idea that someone might actually find it a turn-on had always struck him as weird, and rather disgusting. The first time he'd crapped in front of Olly and Liam, he'd only agreed to do it because it came as part of a ritual of pain and humiliation, which were what had always turned him on in the past, and he'd been surprised to find that the shitting itself was exciting and sexy. He'd started to fantasise about it, he admitted, and a couple of times he'd wanked whilst watching videos on the internet of guys shitting. Now he sat slightly awkwardly, with his eyes wide and obvious hard-on in his jeans as Olly described some of what he and Liam had done, and Liam told him about his play with Callum, Nick and Simon, and the last sessions he'd had with them.

'Fuck me,' he said. 'That's too heavy for me, getting it in the face and all that, but I wanna watch ... and, er, have you guys been today?'

'Nope,' said Liam. 'I'm probably gonna start needing one in a bit.'

'I'm starting to need one now!' said Olly, with a knowing smile. 'Back to mine...?'

Back at the flat they stripped once more. Liam was starting to need a shit himself by then. He was about to say so, but then decided to hold back, wait and see how Dalton reacted to watching Olly. Dalton was rock hard, fizzing with excitement as he and Liam knelt down, and Olly knelt in front of them with his peachy arse sticking out. He let his hole relax a bit, and Dalton's eyes widened as the tip of his turd peeped out. It receded as he tensed up again.

'I really need a shit,' he breathed. 'Here it comes ... oh yeah!'

His hole relaxed and puckered out again, and the end nosed its way out, a rounded, light-brown plug in his ringpiece. Then he gave a grunt as he pushed it out. His shit came in one smooth, greasy flow, a thick glistening log that slipped cleanly from him, snapped off again and again, and built up a big curled heap under his flaring hole. The smell hit Liam at once; Olly's familiar, heady reek that set him sniffing and wanking. Dalton was wanking next to him, wide-eyed as he watched. Then Olly stopped, with a jagged, slim stalactite still hanging from him that he grunted and pushed out so that it flopped lightly on top of his pile.

'Oh fuck!' whispered Dalton. 'Oh that's mad! Can't believe how horny that is, watching you shit like that.'

'Yeah! Sniff it. Go on, smell my shit.'

Dalton hesitated, then leaned in until his face was close to what Olly had done and took a big sniff.

'Oh fucking hell!'

'Like it?'

No! It fucking stinks, but...' He got his face in even closer and sniffed again. 'Fuck, it's so fucking horny too. It's ... like it's so nasty, but so good. Mm, your shit ... oh fuck I never thought I'd get off on this!'

He straightened up again with his dick in his hand, dribbling pre-cum on the floor, and caught Liam's eye.

'I need a shit too,' hissed Liam.

'Ooh...' moaned Dalton, swallowing nervously. He took a deep breath. 'Shit on me. Please!'

He lay down on his back, his cock twitching as Olly turned to watch, and Liam straddled him and squatted with his arse hanging over his chest. He looked down between his legs and into Dalton's wide eyes, looking up his arse in wonderment.

'Wanna be my toilet? Sure?'

'Yes! Oh yes, take a shit now!'

Liam relaxed, and sighed ecstatically as the crackle and smell of his own shit began to emanate from under him. He looked down between his legs again, to where his lumpy, golden-brown tail was hanging in front of Dalton's shocked face, swinging slightly from side to side as he moved. Then it dropped, and Dalton cried out as it landed on his chest, bending into a U-shape and toppling over between his nipples. Liam gave a push, piss trickling from his stiff cock, and dropped another one. The room stank of his and Olly's shit, and rang with the sound of three horny lads' hoarse breathing as he squatted there, revelling in the sensation of another big log slowly sliding down his chute. He opened his hole and farted, and then it was coming out, more and more of it.

'Oh! Oh fucking hell!' cried Dalton as the turds thudded softly onto his chest. 'Oh I'm gonna cum! Gonna cum!'

Hi balls tightened up and his face contorted, and then his cock jerked and spurted, and fired his thick sticky cum in great jets that squirted right up between Liam's legs and onto his face, and all over the ragged pile Liam had made. Then Olly came too, all over him, and Liam turned around and tugged himself off into his open mouth.

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Next: Chapter 13

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