
By Namab Mas

Published on Dec 13, 2017


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Eight

Liam realised half way through his mid-afternoon lecture that he wasn't going to make it to the evening. He was seeing Olly after work, for the first time since Christmas, and he'd wanted to hold off going to the toilet until then, but he'd started to need a shit shortly after lunch. Now, as the lecturer droned on, he wriggled uncomfortably in his seat as his shit pressed urgently in his chute, and he clenched up tight to stop himself farting. By the end of the lecture he was almost touching cloth, so he made his excuses to the friend he was with and hastened to the toilet. He'd never been in that building before, and the toilets tucked away down a narrow corridor came as a pleasant surprise. They were small, with just two cubicles, and there was no hand dryer. They were also deserted, and he ducked gratefully into one of the cubicles, pulled down his pants and sat down. He sighed out loud with relief as he curled out a thick, smooth turd that splashed his bottom as lump after lump dropped into the pan. He looked down between his legs at the big tawny-brown sausages he'd done, sniffed at the thickening smell, and breathed out as another turd started to push his dirty hole open.

He'd been there a couple of minutes when someone came in and took the other cubicle. He glanced instinctively to his right, and then he noticed the little hole in the partition, just below his eye level. He couldn't resist leaning forward and looking through it, and started in surprise. It was a guy from the same course as him whom he'd always fancied; a sturdy, fresh-faced lad with bushy fair hair and cutely boyish features. He was unbuckling his belt, and then he pulled his jeans down to show off his broad bottom, his shirt riding up from his smooth, pale cheeks as he sat down. He reached down into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Then his face froze a little, and he pursed his lips and grunted softly.

'Plop! Ploop ... Ploop, plop, ploop.'

He finished with a wet little fart. In the silence that followed Liam could hear him pissing, and after that had tailed off he blew his cheeks out a little and let go a heavy 'plop.' Liam's dick stiffened as he watched this pretty lad having a shit, imagining his hefty turds dropping and water splashing back up onto his smooth cheeks. Then he plop-plopped loudly and farted, and looked up, as if embarrassed. Two or three more times he made a slight face, and Liam heard more lumps falling from him. The plops got lighter each time. The lad sat for a minute or two more, then put his phone away and reached for the toilet roll. He shuffled well forward, reached round behind him and wiped sitting, his face impassive as he did it, and then brought each wad of paper round to inspect it carefully before going for the next one. Finally he was done, and he gave Liam an unwitting flash of his thick, stubby cock as he stood and bent to pull his pants up. Liam began to wipe as the lad flushed the toilet and went to wash his hands. He hadn't quite finished when the door banged and let him know he was alone, but even so he hauled his trousers up and dived quickly into the next cubicle. The smell was thick and coarse, and it set Liam's dick twitching at once. He reached out and felt the seat, still warm from the boy's bottom, and looked down into the bowl. He'd left skidmarks; jagged, pine-coloured streaks along the bottom of the bowl, and floating in the water was a thick, broken-ended turd. Liam pawed at his cock through his pants, looking at it and sniffing deeply at the aroma of that cute boy's shit. Then someone came in for a piss and jolted him back to reality. He flushed the toilet, took one more sniff, washed his hands and left.

He was still horny when he finally got Olly's that evening. Olly's eyes widened and he wanked through his pants as Liam told him about what he'd got up to over Christmas.

'Jesus, you actually fed him?!' he asked, incredulous. 'What was it like?'

'Horny as fuck! Seriously, it was amazing. And having the two of them do it on me ... bloody hell that was hot!'

'Yeah, I bet. And you took it in the face as well ... I'd love that.'

'I'll do it. Really is something else, watching it all start to happen and knowing you're about to get it and there's nothing you can do. Then all the shit landing, and the smell and everything, It's so fucking ... filthy!'

'Want it now?'

'Eh?! Seriously?'

'Yup. I've not been today. I've ... well, I've something to show you as well. I saw Steve yesterday.'

He stood up, turned around and dropped his pants. The welts were angrier than Liam had ever seen before, right across both cheeks, vivid scarlet where the raised lines met. Liam could just imagine him bending over, clenching his teeth and sweating as Steve's heavy cane lashed down on his bare bottom.

'Twelve,' he said with a touch of pride. 'Fuck me did it hurt! Now, strip. I need to shit now.'

Liam's mouth was dry and his heart was pounding again as he lay naked on the floor. Olly stood over him, and then squatted down. Liam watched in awe, and reached out to touch the welts as Olly's sore bottom hung inches above his face. Olly drew breath sharply as he pressed a little. Liam drew his hand away and lay, fixated on Olly's lined cheeks, his crack, and his tight little hole.

'You want it?' breathed Olly. 'Want my shit now?'

'Yeah ... oh yeah Olly, give me your shit. Make me your toilet!'

As if in reply Olly's hole twitched, puckered out slightly, and he farted softly. Liam felt the puff of gas on his face, and then Olly's fiercely erotic smell blasted into his brain. He writhed and moaned in his excitement. Olly reached out and began to stroke his cock for him, and then his hole began to open, dilating slowly until Liam could see his thick, light-brown turd. It receded as Olly pinched his hole shut again. Then he gave a loud grunt, his hole opened again, and he began to shit. His turd was thick and solid, glistening greasily in the light, crackling softly as Olly pushed it out. Liam watched it come nearer for as long as he dared, and then as he saw it starting to break he closed his eyes and focused totally on the sound and the thickening smell. The turd hit him like a blow in the face and fell sideways, right across his nose. He was struggling to process the sensation when another one hit him, and another right between the eyes. He was blinded, buried under this filthy, hot, slimy pile whose stink was gassing him. He moaned and tried to hold still, right on the edge of cumming, and he reached out frantically and batted Olly's hand away from his cock.

'Yeah,' breathed Olly. 'Fucking shitting on your face. Want more ... yeah? ... Here it comes! Oh yeah!'

Somewhere above him Olly farted softly. Liam heard a momentary slimy hiss, and then he got another hot stinking blow in the face, and another, setting him whimpering and moaning in the perverted ecstasy of Olly shitting on his face. Suddenly his nose was blocked completely, and he had to jerk his head to the side and shake away the pile. He got his head back up just in time for Olly to fart out another mushy turd all over his face. That tipped him over the edge, and he clenched his teeth tight to stop himself opening his mouth and crying out as he fired cum all over his tummy. Olly jumped up and wanked off over his face.

Liam pulled at the student union that Friday night. Like a lot of the gay students Liam usually went out to the gay bars in town, but that night he was out with the football team. It was late and he was quite drunk when he saw Jack standing at the bar. They'd met once or twice at the student LGBT group and Liam had always fancied him a bit. He was 19; a bit chavvy, but very sweet and quite camp. He looked gorgeous just then, with his hair immaculate and his tight top and jeans showing off his lithe body and bubbly arse. Liam couldn't resist it. He took a big swig of his beer, went over and started a conversation. It was only half an hour later, when Jack excused himself and went for a piss, that he realised that he might be getting somewhere. Jack woke him up the next morning when he stirred in his sleep, then pulled him in closer and began kissing his neck. They'd both been too drunk to do much the night before – just a clumsy wank together, and they hadn't cum – but now he could feel Jack's morning glory pressing into the small of his back. As he turned over Jack put a warm hand down and started stroking his cock and balls, sucked his tongue into his mouth, and then rolled over on top of him, parting his legs so Liam could stroke his back and arse.

'Wanna fuck me?' he whispered. 'I ain't been fucked in ages. Will you take me from behind?'

He yelped and moaned as Liam went into him, and begged him to be gentle. His arse was very tight, and, Liam saw as he drew slowly back, quite dirty. There were dark streaks on the condom, and as Jack relaxed and bade him to do it harder he realised he could smell shit, just faintly but definitely there. He began to thrust harder, and Jack bit into the pillow to stop himself squealing, squirmed and writhed and came all over the sheets. Then he turned over, pulled the dirty condom off Liam's pulsing cock, and sucked him off. He looked up and grinned cutely as he swallowed Liam's cum.

A bit later they got out of bed, and Liam made a cup of coffee for them both as they sat talking. Presently Jack excused himself, looking a bit awkward, and disappeared into the little en-suite bathroom. Liam couldn't resist leaning in closer as he heard Jack put the toilet seat down, and felt his dick stirring in his pants as he heard Jack fart softly and let go a series of loud, wet plops. He sat there for ages before the rattle of the toilet roll holder sounded softly through the wall, and he began wiping his bum.

'I'd give that a few minutes,' he said bashfully when he got back and Liam stood up.

'Can't ... I really need a piss!' lied Liam.

The smell was ripe and dirty, and Jack had left skidmarks too, the same dark colour as the stains on the condom earlier. Liam just managed a small dribbling piss, as his dick grew hard from the smell and the sound of cute Jack taking a dump, and the awesomely filthy vision of fucking him when he needed one in his mind.

The following evening he went over to Olly's place. A few of Olly's friends were over for dinner and beer and a smoke, and he had a great evening. He woke up the next morning with a pounding head, conscious immediately of Olly snoring lightly next to him. As Liam reached for the glass of water by the bed, Olly stirred and pulled him in closer, morning hard-on pressingly lightly into the small of his back. He reached round and took Liam's stiffening cock in his hand, and began to wank him gently. Liam pushed his bottom back, for Olly to slide his supple fingers into his crack, and tickle his hole lightly. As he did the thought of fucking Jack's dirty arse came back to him.

'I wanna fuck you,' Olly breathed in his ear.

'Yeah,' he heard himself whisper back. 'But ... will you fuck my dirty arse? Do it when I've just had a shit?'

'Mmm! Yeah, I'll do that ... or even when you really need to shit, and get really messy!'

'Sometime ... but that'd hurt I reckon. Let's try when I've just done it and see. I won't even wipe; just straight in...'

Liam's hangover shit came on only a couple of hours later, when they were out having breakfast and a coffee at a cafe near Olly's place. He told Olly quietly when he was starting to need the toilet, and they sat there together for a bit longer, getting surreptitiously hornier and exchanging furtive, knowing looks as the urge mounted in Liam's bowels. He reached out and drained his coffee, clenching his hole as he did so against the sharp pressure from inside him.

'Olly ... I really need a shit!' he hissed urgently.

'Come on then, let's go.' He grinned as he saw Liam wincing. 'Ooh you really do need to go, don't you ... and then I'm gonna fuck your dirty little arse before you've even wiped it!'

'Shh! Stop it! I've got a hard-on!'

He was nearly turtle's-heading as they hastened back to the flat, and his cock was uncomfortable in his jeans. In the lift Olly shoved him back against the wall and wanked him through his trousers, and told him how he was looking forward to watching him do a big dirty shit and fucking his stinky hole when he'd finished. His head spun with excitement as they tumbled into the flat and pulled one another's clothes off, and then Olly propelled him along the hall and into the bathroom, where a bottle of poppers, a toilet roll and a couple of plastic bags lay ready.

'Come on,' Olly said, dropping to his knees. 'I wanna see you shit. Just kneel down and do it.

Liam could barely hold his shit back as he knelt, and the relief as he relaxed and let it go was so intense that he cried out loud.

'Yeah!' breathed Olly behind him. 'That's a big one ... come on, push it all out ... yeah, like that ... oh that smells fucking hot!'

Liam's turd seemed to go on forever. Olly reached out and stroked his back and bottom as one thick brown lump after another fell from him, the pile under him grew bigger and the smell thickened around them. Then as Liam paused, straining slightly, he began to put on a condom, and daubed a bit of lube on his cock. He came nearer, sliding his hand round to pull Liam's hips further back, pressing the head of his cock lightly against his left cheek.

'Hold it!' gasped Liam. 'I've not finished! Gonna do some more ... oh here it comes!'

His dirty hole puckered open and he blasted out a fart, and began to curl out a long brown snake that crackled wetly as it came out, and dropped a series of smooth turds onto his hefty pile. All the while Olly kept a stream of pure filth, saying huskily how beautiful Liam's shit was, how good it smelled, and how he wanted to fuck his dirty arse. No sooner had Liam finished than he moved right behind him, pulled his arse back and pressed the head of his thick cock against Liam's filthy, flaring hole. Liam reached down and pulled the bag beneath him forwards to look down in wonder at his own shit, and then moaned out loud as Olly thrust gently forward and pushed deep into his relaxed, relieved arse. There was none of the discomfort, the need to pause and let himself relax that he sometimes felt as he took it; rather, the movement inside him felt as if he was still shitting, exquisitely, again, and again, and again! He was squirming and moaning in his pleasure as Olly fucked him, and the smell of his shit roared up his nostrils, just like the poppers Olly was holding under his nose as their movement came to a halt.

'Mmm,' said Olly hoarsely. 'You got such a dirty arse. All over my fucking dick...'

Liam could only moan and beg for more, and then squirm and squeal helplessly as Olly fucked him. He did it so hard it hurt, but Liam barely noticed, lost in the amazing sensation of what they were doing. Then suddenly he was cumming; that great, long, intense orgasm he sometimes got when he was fucked like this, and he cried out as his cock jerked and pulsed without his even touching it, and he dribbled and spurted cum all over the floor, and Olly bit into his neck and shot deep inside him.

Olly shit-fucked him properly just a few days later. He was right: it did hurt a bit, and he yelped as Olly forced his cock into his full bowel, and pushed his shit deep up inside him. He squirmed and moaned helplessly as he tried to shit, gasped as Olly pulled back and his bowel tried to force out the cock and his shit at once, and then cried out again as Olly thrust back into him. He'd never felt anything like this. His head spun with poppers and horn, and the smell hung around them both as Olly fucked the shit out of him. He was on the verge of cumming when Olly suddenly leaned back, pulling Liam with him.

'I need a shit too,' he hissed. 'Yeah ... there we go.'

Liam moaned. He could have sworn he could feel it, maybe as Olly's cock pulsed slightly as he pushed out his load. He could certainly hear it; the slimy, hissing crackle and little gassy farts from Olly's arse, and the squelchy thud as his turds fell. Olly grunted so sexily as he relieved himself, and his stink thickened around them. As soon as he'd finished Olly knelt up again, depositing Liam on his hands and knees and making him squeal in pain and pleasure with his arse full of cock and shit. Olly reached round and pulled the plastic bag with his shit on it right up below Liam's face. Liam regarded it dully, his head spinning, fascinated by the curves and cracks and lumps of Olly's hefty pile. The memory of taking it in the face from him only a couple of weeks earlier shot into his mind. Suddenly he wanted a face-full again and he leaned in closer until the smell nearly made him gag.

Then Olly began to hump him again, and suddenly his own bowel was all he could think about once more as that great cock started to stir up his shit once more, forcing it deep inside him and sending out the 'oh fuck I've got to shit now' signal, then letting it surge forward again, pulling some of it right out, where it packed his crack and spread across his bottom, and lump after lump fell to the floor.

'My dick's fucking brown,' hissed Olly in his ear. 'Looks like a fucking turd.'

'Oh...' moaned Liam helplessly. 'I gotta shit! Please let me shit...'

'Yeah ... shit all over my fucking cock.'

He knelt back up again, and lifted Liam up so that his cock slipped right out, and Liam gasped in relief as he shat uncontrollably all over Olly's cock. Then once again Olly pushed him down on his hands and knees and went into him, and fucked him deep and slow and nasty. Olly's front and Liam's arse were now well coated in shit that rubbed stickily about as Liam writhed and squealed, and Olly grunted and bit into his neck, and shot right up inside him.

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Next: Chapter 9

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