Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 23, 2010


Christian's Induction

Part Fourteen

The following morning at breakfast neither Chris nor I looked at each other over the table and during the car ride to school nothing was said by either of us regarding what had taken place the previous night. It was as if we both were aware that a shift had taken place in our relationship. I realized suddenly that it was I who had become the dominant force in our relationship and that Chris was now, unconsciously maybe, looking to me to take matters in hand. This may sound like hocus pocus but I find it difficult to explain otherwise. It was a learning curve for me, this sudden need to dominate, so I decided to play it cool and apply the pressure gradually. I wasn't sure how my older bro would react and the last thing I wanted was to fuck up what I sensed could turn out to be something advantageous to myself.

It was true that I had in effect blackmailed Chris into becoming my pussy boy and I wasn't sure that if he had resisted my threats, I would really have snitched on him to the rents. That would not have been out of consideration for him but simply because I was not a snitch. Obviously he couldn't afford to be ratted out to the rents but I had this sneaky feeling that maybe he had succumbed to my threats out of some indefinable need of his own.

Well, enough of the "psychology" crap. I probably deserve my reputation of being something of a dumb jock so I decided to play it by ear. If Chris wanted to be my pussy boy, then that is what he would become. Time would tell.

When we reached the school and had parked the car, I thought to myself "well here goes". I said to him "Listen dude, we are having tryouts for the swim team today. It should take about an hour or so. Why don't you hang around until I'm ready to leave and give me a ride home? Having to walk would be a real pain in the ass." He hesitated (I knew he had wanted to go down to the town library) but he agreed to my suggestion without bitching about it. I figured I had crossed the first hurdle.


After school, all the guys who were wanting to get on to the school swim team gathered at the pool and listened to the usual bullshit from this neanderthal coach we had and then we had to swim a couple of lengths of the pool to get the feel of things. I did pretty well and at the end of it all, who should approach me but Mark Nesbit. He said "Pretty good show there dude." I said thanks and he continued "You are Chris'younger bro Matt right?" I merely said "That's right" and thought to myself I wonder where this is going. He continued "Chris and I are kinda close friends so I thought if you and I are gonna be on the same team together, maybe we could hang a bit sometime. Maybe have a soda or beer or something, ya know? How does that strike you?" "Sounds like fun." I replied. "OK then let's make it Thursday afternoon after practice. I can give you a ride if you like." This was an opportunity I couldn't miss so I replied "Don't bother dude, I'll have Chris drop me off at your house. I'm sure he knows where it is."

I thought I saw some flicker of interest in Mark's eyes I figured that he had suddenly stumbled on to the realization that maybe, just maybe, I was aware of what had been going on between him and Chris. He soon recovered his poise and gave a little smile which I thought might be interpreted as some collusion between the two of us or maybe the sharing of some common secret. Things were moving at a pace and I thought that possibly I might be able to cross quite a few hurdles in my relationship with Chris through Mark. I looked forward to the visit with some anticipation.


On Thursday afternoon I once again had Chris wait around for me until after swim practice. If he was pissed about it he said nothing. We jumped into the car and as we left the car park I told him to drop me off at the Nesbit house. His face was quite a picture when I told him that and he wanted to know whether I was going to visit with Mark. I said "Yeah, why?" and he replied "Couldn't you have gotten a ride with him then?" I said "Yeah, I guess so dude, but I didn't want to bother him, ya know?" He didn't pursue the matter and I smiled to myself.

I knocked on the front door to Mark's house and he met me himself holding two cans of beer.

"I was just raiding the old man's bar fridge. Follow me, my place is around the side. Used to be my older bro Jerry's basement "apartment" but I have it now that he is away at college." Jesus, I was impressed. I thought to myself how fucking cool to have a place with a private entrance. Imagine the possibilities.

He showed me around the place; a big bed, small table with three easy chairs, bar fridge, the latest in computer gear, and a stereo/TV system to die for. Even a small microwave oven. A separate bathroom off to the side. Jesus, I must have turned green with envy.

"You like?" he asked smiling at me. "Fuck yeah man." I replied "You are livin like a king".

"My mother is pretty strict about the place bein kept neat and tidy," he continued, "so I have someone come in on Fridays to clean up. By then it's usually a bit of a pigsty." he laughed. I just shook my head in wonderment.

Looking directly at me he said "That's where Chris comes in dude." He saw the look of puzzlement on my face. "Haven't you ever wondered where Chris disappears to every Friday afternoon?' he asked.

Mark continued "Don't think I didn't notice that you had Chris hang around at school for an hour so he could drop you off here dude. I did after all offer you a ride, so I figured you were kinda showing him his place as it were. Am I right?"

"Yeah" was all that I could muster.

"And, of course, he's suckin your dick whenever you want, right?"

"Right again." I replied. I didn't let on that it had only happened once thus far.

"Well, then, you must know by now that your bro thrives on being kept under firm control. And I provide him with that. He lives to serve dude. I must say I have only now stumbled on the fact that he is serving you as well. I really think the fact he is serving a younger bro is totally hot!"

Until now, I had been struck virtually dumb. I confided "It was my bud Larry that tuned me in to the fact that he was suckin cock. Just a rumor he said. Have you in fact outted him at school?" I asked.

"Jesus no dude. Why would I do that and fuck up a good thing? The only guy who I have told is my best bud Randy and he goes to another high school. He's been kinda busy this semester and so he hasn't been around as much. So Chris has been havin an easier time of it." he laughed. Becoming serious he continued "I personally think it's that vicious little bitch Pammy who started the rumor that Chris is gay. She had the hots for Chris and he turned her down. You know what they say - hell hath no fury etc etc."

Mark continued "Matt, I really think we should collaborate on "Operation Chris", especially now that Randy is rarely on the scene. What do you say?"

I didn't hesitate and agreed. I could see that I had much to gain in teaming up with Mark. "OK then it's a deal'" he said. When we had finished our beers, he handed me his cellphone and said "Here, call him on his new cell and tell him to come and fetch you."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 15

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