Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 13, 2011


Christian's Induction

Part Eighteen

What had seemed to be a slam dunk that afternoon as far as the party was concerned, especially to young Matt, ran into some unexpected problems. Chris had royally enjoyed the encounter with Larry hoping fervently that there would be a repeat, and in the aftermath had readily agreed to attend Mark's party when pressed by Matt. That evening though he began to have doubts about it all. Matt had said that Randy would be there and Chris remembered well the afternoon when Randy had blindfolded him and forced him to suck simultaneously his dick as well as Mark's. A guessing game, Randy had called it and Mark had enthusiastically gone along with it. That afternoon they had had an hour at their disposal, whereas now Matt had said time would be no object. Chris surmised now that that being the case he would be subjected to hours of abuse, not forgetting also that the guys would be high, thus removing any inhibitions on their part. And Chris recalled also that Matt had indicated there might be another guy at the party. He had heard Matt calling Mark after they had spoken and so it was clear that Mark had been told of his agreement to attend. He was now in a quandary as to how to retract his earlier agreement.

During the course of the following morning at school Mark pulled Chris aside and told him to meet him in the car park later and that he would give him a ride home. In the car Mark said nothing and headed straight for his own house. Shortly after they arrived and had barely sat down, Chris heard another car arrive and in walked Randy.

He smiled at Chris and said: "Hiya dude, long time no see. How ya doin? Did you miss me?"

Chris muttered something to the effect that yeah it had been a while.

Mark, never one for unnecessary pleasantries, said to Chris: "Randy's in a bit of a hurry so let's get down to it. I guess you know that your bro called me last night to tell me you had agreed to attend my party on Saturday. Right?"

Chris nodded his agreement but before he could say anything Mark continued: "Well, we are all pleased about that. However, I brought you here this afternoon to cement those arrangements. I have gone to a lot of trouble, assisted by Matt and Randy here, to arrange our little get-together on Saturday night and there is no way that I will allow those arrangements to be fucked up. I just wanna inform you now that there is no way out of it for you and you will be in service from 8pm until the last guy falls over. I hope you understand that clearly dude. No one will be in a position to drive so in all probability everyone will sleep over. Randy's friend, Jose, has been invited to attend as he is our connection as far as the booze is concerned. Randy is in charge of the dope situation. So you can see, quite a lot of money is involved too. Have you anything to add Randy?"

"Well, looking at this bitch's face, I don't sense the joyful anticipation I had expected to see there. Maybe I'm mistaken though. So just let me ask you this Christian. Are you completely up for our little shindig?"

Chris saw clearly that this encounter was not going exactly as he had anticipated, particularly with the presence of Randy, who being older and bigger, brooked no shit from anyone, let alone a fagboy.

"Guys, you both know me for a while now and I have always done my best to please you both. I still do stuff for you Mark. I'm not so sure that I can handle four guys for hours on end. Given the choice I really would like to pull out."

"WHAT!! screamed Mark. This ain't no joke Chris and just let me make it clear YOU AIN'T GOT NO CHOICE in the matter. You were the one who chose to be my bitch and now there is no way out of that. You are my bitch and you will remain my bitch! If you try to escape from that, I promise you you will rue the fuckin day you were born. There will be physical consequences and I will make sure that both you and your baby bro are ratted out to your rents. Do I make myself clear?"

Before Chris had a chance to respond Randy moved towards him, grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and pushed him with force against the wall. He slapped Chris hard on the side of the face and with his own face no more than a couple of inches from Chris', snarled: "Did you just hear what your Master told you boy? Did he make himself sufficiently clear faggot?" Chris was battling to breathe by now by managed to nod repeatedly and say: "Yes, I got it. Just let me go please. And, Mark, I'm sorry I stepped out of line. I'll be here on Saturday."

Mark, apparently appeased, said: "OK, dude, no harm done then. As long as we understand each other clearly. I want you here on Saturday afternoon to clean the place up and of course again on Sunday morning to clear up the mess before the rents get home. Capiche?" Chris nodded his agreement and with Mark's permission left the house. He felt completely defeated but really what choice did he have?


Matt was in a euphoric state of mind the next day. He had managed to successfully carry out the task he had been entrusted with, and he realized that it had been a test of his abilities. Mark would surely be pleased.

The whole episode with Larry, however, had been an additional bonus. It was something Mark knew nothing about nor was there any need for him to know. Matt was beginning to believe in his own ability to control his older bro and before long he might well be able to emerge from Mark's shadow. However, he still had stuff to learn and he figured that the events planned for the following Saturday might go a long way to provide some of the answers. He was even dreaming at this stage of setting up a party, with Chris as the guest of honor, attended by himself, Larry, and the other two members of their foursome, namely, Doug and Will. He smiled as he thought about it. He even remembered the day Chris had blown him for the first time and he had suggested jokingly that he and Chris might make mega bucks off the dudes at school. Maybe it wasn't such a surreal idea at all!

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 19

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