Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Feb 9, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a complete work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part Ten.

Will had parked pretty close to the front of our house and there really wasn't any way I was going to get inside without his seeing me. I decided to go up to the car and see what was up. He saw me approach from behind and as I neared the driver's window, he let it down.

"Hi Will." I greeted him. "This is a bit of a surprise."

"Hey Chris. Not really. Matt's date ended kinda early and I bumped into him at the mall. We decided to come back to your place for a soda. You weren't at home and, when I left, I figured you wouldn't be that long in getting back so I decided to wait a while."

"I see. Was there something you wanted to chat with me about?" I asked.

"Nothing specific. I just thought that we should keep in touch more regularly now. Hey, why don't you climb in?"

He unlocked the passenger side door and I got in.

"You spend the evening with some guy you know?" he enquired.

"Errrrrrrr yeah. Some dude I met in town a few days ago. I asked him to drop me off a block away. Don't want relative strangers knowing exactly where I live. You know how it is." I replied

"Sure dude. You have sex with him?"

"Just a quickie in the car." I replied laughing. I thought to myself why the fuck am I answering all this kid's questions. It felt a bit like I was answering to him for my actions.

"I see. It's cool." he responded. "I'm glad you have been honest with me about it. Like I said at the skatepark that's important."

I wasn't sure how to respond to this. He certainly seemed to be turning the screws on me. Like I had accepted a subservient role. But then had I not?

"I think you deserve a reward for your honestly." he continued. "But since I didn't anticipate seeing you I didn't bring with me tonite a bottle of my piss for your pleasure. But there's no reason why you shouldn't be rewarded anyway. Maybe the next time I see you."

"Well, I guess it's time for me to be on my way." he continued. "Just one more thing. Unless right now you have something planned for tomorrow night, I think we should get together at my house. The folks are going to some party or other and I'll have the place to myself. OK with you?"

I said "Yeah, I guess."

"Good. I guess Matt will be using your car, so I'll pick you up at the bottom corner at 8. Don't be late."

With that I exited the car and he drove off.

To say my mind was in a turmoil, would be the understatement of the year. How the fuck do you handle the depredations of a nutcase when he has the upper hand ?


Matt and I both slept in late the next morning. When I did get up and went through to the bathroom to find that Matt had pissed in the bowl, left the seat up and not flushed the toilet, I hit the ceiling.

"Hey, hey, dude. Take it easy." he said. "That's not like a capital offence."

"Sorry. I ain't feeling myself today."

"Jesus, I hope that doesn't mean you won't be able to go to work at the arcade later. I need every fucking buck I can get with Christmas around the corner."

"No, I'll be OK." I assured him.

As soon as we were dressed I cornered Matt and asked if I could have a word with him.

H looked at his watch and said: "Errrrr OK dude. But can we make it quick? If I'm late in picking Cindy up, I have to listen to this never-ending bitch about how inconsiderate I am."

I decided to come clean about what had happened with his friend Will. I told him the guy was fucking nuts and I was gonna tell him tonite to get fucked. He could then do whatever he wanted. I just wanted to warn Matt in case some of the shit stuck to him.

Matt couldn't believe his ears. "That little asshole!" he said. "No need to wait until tonite. I'm gonna go over there now and sort it out. I'm not gonna sit here and have that little punk fuck up all my plans. He hasn't got a friend in the world besides me, Larry and Doug. I'll threaten to cut him off dead if he whimpers a word of any of our shit to anyone. What's more I'll get Randy (and better still his bud Nate) to come down heavy on him if he so much as utters a word."

"I thought you had to pick Cindy up." I reminded him.

"That's another thing." he replied. "As of now, she can consider herself dumped. I ain't gonna spend the rest of my fucking life listening to her bitching. I mean here I am spending the dough you earn at the arcade on her. It just ain't right dude!"

Matt called me an hour later and told me I wasn't to worry any longer about Will. He would still be allowed to be a member of the "gang of four" but things would just revert to what they had been before. He confided that he intended with the help of Larry to record some incriminating and embarrassing stuff about Will and shut his mouth up permanently. His folks were hardly the forgiving type.


He dropped me off at the arcade that afternoon at 3 and I went through to the back ignoring all the "hi's" along the way. I had a bad headache. I hung up my coat in the storeroom and took up my place at the table at the rear. Andy caught my eye and gave me a wink. Billy was also there and gave me a smile. I smiled back.

A few minutes passed and, as soon as things had settled down, Andy and Billy came over to me. Andy had this small brown paper parcel which he handed to me, saying "As promised dude." They were both smiling and it didn't escape my notice that a few of the other guys at the machines were keeping an eye on what was going on. I knew instinctively that they had blabbed to the other guys.

"Thanks Andy." I said. He replied: "You welcome dude. Any time. They are kinda used and dirty and there are some cum stains where I leaked after last night, but I guess that's OK huh?" "Sure Andy." I replied. "Thanks again".

I asked Billy whether he wasn't supposed to be getting home after the sleepover. He informed me, however, that he had called the rents and got their permission to stay over for a coupla more days. "Ain't that cool?" Andy remarked. "Sure is." I replied. "Fun time ahead huh?" They both giggled.

They left me to my own devices for a while and went back to the machines, except that Andy returned a little while later to ask me if I had any change. He had "sorta run out". I gave him what I had.

Three of my regulars came in during the course of the afternoon and I sucked them off in the storeroom. They were all young guys looking for a quick release and coming to me provided them with that opportunity. One of them said to me he wished I was a female hooker; he would give up pushing drugs and instead run me as a prostitute. The risks were much lower of running afoul of the law. He asked whether I would let him pimp me out and I said yeah but that I didn't have the right equipment. "Yeah, what a bummer!" he said. He informed me that he could still find business for a parttime crossdresser and he would like me to move in with him. I could be his bitch and still earn my keep. I told him to come back in a year's time when I had finished high school and could move out of the house. "Always some fuckin problem!" was his assessment of the situation. "But just remember I got first dibs OK? You speak with me first!"

I could tell that Andy and Billy still had something on their minds as they looked over my way from time to time. Eventually they came over to me and asked if I was doing anything that night. I told them that I would probably be free. They broke into smiles and told me that was great news.

Andy informed me: "We were thinking that maybe we could get together again. But I have to clear a hurdle with the rents first. Don't make any other arrangements in the meantime dude OK?" I agreed not to. I was so fucking relieved at having got Will off my back, I would have agreed to anything.

"Errrrrr, one more thing Chris. Do you think you could use your influence with Jose to score us a dozen beers? I promise I'll let you have the dough back." I thought yeah yeah but agreed to do it. I was in a celebratory frame of mind.

Later that same afternoon this young latino kid came up to me and introduced himself. His name was Tonio. He had the usual dark good looks and dressed in that baggy way. "My homies tell me you suck cock for ten bucks?" I nodded. "OK bitch you be here tomorrow afternoon OK? You gonna suck my pingo good. Maybe I cum two or three times." As he turned away he said "I got a big dick puta."

Things seemed to be looking up business-wise and Matt would be pleased. Except of course Andy and Billy were getting free head. But Matt didn't know that did he?

To be continued....

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Next: Chapter 32: Christians Induction II 11

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