Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Nov 27, 2010


Christian's Induction

Part Three:

The following months passed by quickly and everyone was busy with matters leading up to the school year end. Jerry called me once or twice a week and I would go over to his house and service him. Both of us thrived in our respective roles and he became obsessed with the subject of cock worship. By now he had me stripping completely and then I would slowly undress him in turn. I would then lie between his legs with my face in his crotch and go to work slowly on his cock and balls. This might last for over 30 or 40 minutes and he never seemed to tire of it. He loved to shoot a load of cum on to his chest and belly and have me lick it off of him. It was highly erotic I must admit.

Towards the end of the school year he called me one day and asked me to go over to his house. I did so and was most surprised when I arrived there to find one of his jock buddies sitting in one of the easy chairs drinking the obligatory can of beer. It was a guy named Charlie Smithers and he greeted me with a huge smile, although up until that point he had never so much as looked my way. Charlie was not the usual "jock" type although he was an active sportman; he was not big and buff but was about 5'10" weighing some 160lbs. He was well put together however and I was sure he could look after himself in any confrontation.

I looked over at Jerry in an enquiring way and he explained: "Dude, I'm sure you know Charlie; I mean just about everybody does." They both laughed uproariously at that. He continued: "Well, he is a major buddy of mine and I've told him about the two of us. He's kind of envious about the whole thing and I thought that it would be a nice gesture on your part to give him one of your expert blowjobs, like a year end celebration if you will."

I was really mad at this turn of events and told Jerry that what had happened between us was our business and no one else's. This sign of rebellion did not sit well with him and he turned rather nasty.

"Listen, you little faggot, you ought to be eternally grateful that up to now I haven't outted you to the whole school. If I had you would be sucking cock full time. So forget about your tantrums, I've told Charlie you are going to do him and do him you will. Capiche? Now get your scrawny ass over here, get my dick out and do what you do so well."

I went over to where Jerry was sitting, kneeled in front of him and went down on him and started sucking his dick. I glanced sideways and saw that Charlie was taking in the whole scene with some fascination. When Jerry eventually blew his load he ordered me to go over to Charlie and "do my stuff". While I was sucking Charlie's dick, he berated Jerry for having held out on him regarding "this bitch", and laid on the verbal abuse pretty thick until I brought him to orgasm.

I got up off the floor and asked Jerry whether I could leave. He replied: "Yes, cocksucker, get the fuck out of here and don't come back."

I turned on my heel and left. It was a pretty acrimonious end to our relationship but the seniors were due to graduate in days anyway, so I figured it was a pretty empty gesture on Jerry's part.

Two weeks before the end of the school year for the rest of us, I was at my locker in the hall one day when I was approached by a smiling Mark, Jerry's younger bro.

"Hi dude", he greeted me. "I don't know if you remember me. I'm Mark, Jerry's younger bro."

"Sure I do Mark", I replied. "How you doin? You'll be a soph next year right? Same grade as my bro Matt."

"Yeah, that's right. Jerry and I were having a farewell beer last night as he's due to leave for Summer break in Florida at the weekend and then on to college. The conversation got around to you and he mentioned that he knew you REAL well". This was said with a knowing smirk.

"Yeah, I know Jerry We have spent some time together", I replied. I was beginning to see where this was leading.

"Uh huh. I have seen you at our house on occasion and I did wonder what was up between the two of you. You know a senior hanging with a soph. Well, to put it bluntly, Jerry told me you give the best head in the county and that I should get at you. How about I take over from big bro Jerry dude?"

I was kind of taken aback at this full frontal approach, if you will excuse the term. But, on reflection later I realized that Mark was in possession of the facts and really had nothing to lose. What did piss me off was that Jerry should have done this, which in my book was really uncool.

I gave it a moment's thought and grinning said: "Mark, you really think a freshman is up to the task?"

"Well, there's only one way to find out right?" he replied. "Tell you what, I'll wait for you in the car park after school. If you arrive, great. If you don't, it's also cool. No problemo." With that he turned around and walked off.

Now, I have to admit that Mark was one really hot number. None of the jock shit. He played sport but for enjoyment's sake and it showed on him. He was about 5'7" and I guess weighed about 140lbs. Not yet fully filled out. He sported neatly cut short brown hair and had beautiful green eyes. A slim but obviously hard body. He reminded me a lot of Matt. I was hugely attracted to him and, to be honest, without too much thought, I decided what the fuck I would meet up with him.

After school I walked over to the car park and there he was standing next to his battered- looking Ford, grinning from ear to ear.

"I knew you would come dude" was all he said.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 4

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