Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Feb 3, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a complete work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part Five.

Our lives continued along the lines which had now been established for a week or so as I thought it best to let things settle down. I didn't want to confuse Chris' mind any further; it would be best I figured if he was brought along slowly. After all, his new mode of life was gonna be a bit of a shock for him to absorb and I didn't wanna fuck up what had been so painstakingly achieved. Jose had called me wanting to know what the hell was going on but I asked him to be a little patient.

Chris himself seemed kinda withdrawn and would come through to my bedroom immediately he heard the rents retire to bed. Previously I had had to call him through. He was now completely obsessed with sexually servicing me; he acted like he was in a trance and treated my body with a kinda reverence. I figured that this was a good sign; it indicated that he had been conditioned to his new lifestyle if you will. I thought it was a good time though to instill in him his sense of subservience even further and adopted a very controlling attitude in dealing with him. He responded well to it and I must say that I was getting off on this new power game.

I decided to make a move. One night as he was licking and sucking on the pouch of my dirty briefs I told him I had arranged for him to be in attendance at the video arcade every afternoon from 3pm to 5pm and that Jose would bring guys to him to suck off. He would have to arrange his other activities around that. He could make up for the cancellation of his tennis by running in the evenings.

He would be taking the guys into the storeroom at the back of the arcade and I impressed on him that he was to give of his best at all times as it was important to hold on to regular customers and through them to get new guys. As an encouragement to him I told him he would be enjoying a smorgasbord of new cock I warned him that he would answer to me if there were any complaints from the customers or if a fall off in business occurred. I told him not to worry about the financial side of things as that was Jose's responsibility. I asked him if he clearly understood and he said yeah.


I guessed that Matt would be feeling some trepidation now that the time had come to put his plan into action but the fact of the matter was that I had prepared myself for this new episode in my life. It was a source of relief to me that I would not have to cruise the malls, streets and parks looking for sexual partners to satisfy this manic need I was experiencing for cock. I knew that it was an obsession but I wasn't about to put myself down over it.

The day after Matt had told me about the arrangement with Jose we drove down to the arcade in the afternoon. It was truly an awful looking place I thought with some amusement and when we entered everyones' eyes were on us. I guess it was the same for any person who entered the door. Matt led me to the back where we found Jose in his box-like office. There was this almost life-size calendar on the wall with a picture of a nude female. Real class!!

"Gentlemen!" said Jose, welcoming us. "Matt, I see you have at last reunited me with your hot bro. We actually have some unfinished business, right?" he said addressing me. Everyone smiled remembering the party at Mark's house.

Matt said with a smile: "Jose, I hope you ain't gonna tamper with the goods." He was serious though.

Jose then explained to me the situation in respect of the clientele and it was pretty clear to me that they were probably young dope pushers or runners or whatever they call those guys. Matt hadn't mentioned that; in his naivety he probably thought they were vacuum cleaner salesmen. Jose then took us through to the storeroom at the very rear of the place. He told me I would be using this place for business. He admitted it was kinda dusty but said that maybe when I wasn't busy I could clean it up and thereafter keep it that way. There was a bed and mattress in reasonable shape in one corner with a clean cover; I guess Jose napped in there. And off to the side a proper bathroom (not the one with urinals and stalls used by the guys who frequented the arcade). Matt looked at me and I just shrugged that it seemed OK. I detected that he was glad there wasn't going to be a problem with that. Jose then showed me to one of those standing tables with a high stool at the back of the arcade itself and said I could park myself there when I wasn't busy. He would put up an "Occupied" sign to ensure the kids in the arcade didn't use that table. If I had been expecting one of those red velvety bordellos like they have in Paris, I would have been sorely disappointed.

We then took our leave and Matt said he would drop me off at 3 the next afternoon. Stares followed us all the way out the front door. On the way home, Matt asked me if I had any problem with the arrangements; if so he wanted to know right then because from tomorrow he was expecting me to concentrate only on servicing the customers.


The next afternoon Matt dropped me off and I walked through the arcade to the rear where I encountered Jose. "Right on time," he said "I like that." I had brought along a school text book as I didn't think I would be sucking cock non-stop for two hours. "What's that?" asked Jose. "A book on trig." I replied. "Trig? What the fuck is that? Oh, never mind." said Jose. "Look dude," he continued, "Park yourself at that table I showed you and we'll see what turns up."

I went and sat on the high chair at the table and opened up my book. I sensed that all eyes in the arcade were now on me and curiosity was taking over. There was a large contingent of latino guys which suited me just fine, and also a good sprinkling of "white" guys. Every time one of them passed me on the way to the john they would catch my eye in passing and the occasional one would say Hi. They were a cool looking bunch; not sophisticated for sure but sexy as all hell. After about an hour, this +- 18 year old walked in like he owned the place and went straight into Jose's office. They soon exited and moved towards the storeroom. Jose returned and came for me.

"Your first customer is waiting for you at the back." he said. "He's a good friend of mine and if you do a good job, he'll spread the word." I nodded and walked back to the storeroom.

I entered and found him sitting on the bed. I said "Hi. I'm Chris." and, looking me up and down, he replied "Ramon Thank God you ain't one of them sissy boys. If you were, I'd of kicked your ass out of here."

"So? Do I pass muster?"

"Maybe, so far." he replied.. Those guys don't give much away. "Let's see if you suck a good cock. Get down between my legs and do your stuff."

I got down between his legs, started to rub his dick through his denims, then unzipped him and took it out. He soon boned up and I was confronted with a typical brown latino dick. It was uncut and about 6.5in in length but nice and thick. I went down on it and pushed the foreskin back with my lips before running my tongue around the head. He was leaking quite profusely and the taste of his precum and the expected pissy taste of his dick was quite intoxicating. I did my best to make it enjoyable for him and it wasn't too long before I could tell he was close.

"I'm gonna cum soon bitch, so keep your mouth tight around it. When I cum keep my dick in your pussy mouth and take my load and swallow it down. OK?" I did as I was told and was soon rewarded with a thick creamy load of cum.

He zipped up, looked at me and said "Not bad at all bitch boy. Damn side better than the street whores around here, and no fucking pimp looking at his watch."

"I gotta be off." he said ruffling my hair and left me there to clean myself up.


On that first day, Ramon was my only customer but word got around and I was soon doing two or three guys a day, including sometimes Ramon.

Now, you can imagine the curiosity of the boys in the arcade. They soon got to know the score and every time one of them would pass me on the way to the john, he would give me a half smile and a knowing look, then look back as he entered the john. Under normal circumstances, I would definitely have accepted the half-offer. Instead I just smiled and gave whoever it was a wink.

About a week later, it was kinda quiet and I was sitting there reading. I sensed someone in front of me and looked up to see this cute 12/13 year old white boy standing there looking at me. He had spiky hair and the first semblance of bum fluff on his upper lip. I looked back at him but he said nothing.

So I said "What?"

"What's your name?" he asked. I told him and asked him his. "Andy." he replied.

"So, Andy, what's up dude?"

"Oh, nuthin. It's just that some of the guys are sayin things."

"Oh yeah?" I replied. "Like what?"

"My friend said that you are suckin other guys' dicks. Is it true?"

I saw no point in denying it. It was common knowledge by now. So I said "Yeah, Andy. It's true. I do it for the money."

"Wow!" he said. "He also said you eat the guys' cream. Do you?"

I thought to myself: am I nuts answering all this kid's questions?

"Yep, it's true Andy" I replied.

"Yikes! That's kinda gross. Ewwwwww." said my new friend..

"It ain't really that bad Andy, if you like the other guy." I told him.

"Do you think you would like me?" he asked.

I thought: Jesus, how did I get into this?

"Sure. Why not Andy?"

He gave me a big smile. "Well Chris, I'm old enough now to shoot cum and I sure would like to get sucked off."

I thought to myself: this little bastard has been playing me for a real sucker (no pun intended).

I thought I would put an end to it. "Well, Andy, find the dough and it's a done deal."

"How much, Chris?" he asked. I told him ten bucks.

"What!" he exclaimed. "Ten bucks! That's like a week's allowance!"

I couldn't help but laugh. He had known it all the time, the little bastard. He had been trying to sell himself to me.

"Come and chat with me again next week OK? Let's see what we can do. But don't mention it to no one hear?"

"OK Chris. You're a real bud." With that he rejoined his friends at one of the machines.

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 27: Christians Induction II 6

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