Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Mar 26, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part One.

The last semester of the school year had been less frenetic than what had been happening before and most of the guys were cramming in studying that they should by rights have been doing all year. My brother Matt had got his mind in order and, thank heavens, had given up on the idea of renting me out to guys either via Randy at his high school or more particularly through Jose at the Amusement Arcade. Frankly I think he had grown tired of the whole arrangement and was prepared to let it go, enjoying nevertheless the luxury of having at his disposal the services of a cocksucker in the bedroom adjacent to his whenever he wished. And being sixteen years old, going on seventeen, he had a pretty voracious sexual appetite. It was rare therefore that a night went by that I was not summoned to his bedroom to service him. He thrived on having me lick and suck on him from his feet to his pits and then again down to his dick. I found the experience completely intoxicating and would suck avidly on his cock, hands barred, until he shot his bounteous load. He had abandoned the ritual of showering before going to bed and, instead, showered in the morning. Thus each interlude was preceded by my having to remove his sweaty sport socks before licking with relish his feet and then moving slowly up to his pits. I would lick my way up each leg while massaging the other, bypassing his cock and balls until I reached his pits. He had a young guy's sparse patch of pit hair under each arm and I loved licking his salty sweaty pits until they were scrupulously clean. I would then move down nibbling on his nips and running my tongue down his concave chest to his belly button and thence to his dick. I was forced to edge most of the time until eventually I returned to my room and jerked off a huge load. Matt was a lucky guy but then so was I.

I had resumed my relationship with Mark and it was a mutually satisfying one. He continued to exercise his domination over me and slowly but surely he transformed my mind into a state of complete subservience. Never was I tempted to rebel against him and, as far as I was concerned, his word was law. I truly came to treat him as a god-like figure to be obeyed unconditionally. He continued with his sports activities and maintained a girl friend on the side, so it was that I usually saw him about twice a week. He might for example waylay me in the hall at school and tell me to meet him in the carpark after school let out, or he might call me on my cellphone when he required me to come to his house. Of course, quite often it would interfere with my own activities but I had learned to adapt to his needs. His basement "apartment" was always in a chaotic state and on arrival I would immediately get to work straightening out the mess and then start to clean up. The bathroom in particular was always a huge mess and it usually took me some time to scrub down the shower stall, tub, toilet and floor. These activities became part and parcel of my routine.

Our sexual relationship too had taken a turn. Mark had become increasingly interested in viewing websites devoted to "bdsm" activities and fetishism of varying types. He would often have me view these sites with him when I visited and I got the impression that he was keen to see my reaction. I must admit that I found some of it highly erotic. He would say to me "Babe, there is so much more for us to try." He had found a site which specialized in selling associated goods and he showed an intense interest in such things as handcuffs, dildos, gags, whips, restraints, etc. He would say to me "Hot, huh?" and I would just nod agreement. He told me he wanted to get some of that stuff but the problem lay in not having a credit card.

I have mentioned before that Mark and Randy had been bosom buddies since they were kids and, when Mark and I originally hooked up, Mark had wasted no time in introducing Randy to me. I had subsequently serviced them together on numerous occasions and Randy became the first guy after Mark's brother Jerry to fuck me. This was done on the down low and Mark had never been put in the picture. When Randy got involved with my brother Matt the friendship between him and Mark had cooled. But they had since been seeing more of each other again and when Mark showed Randy some of the websites he had been viewing, Randy laughed and said to Mark "Dude, I was wondering when you would get tuned in to something a little more radical. It's certainly a turnon, ain't it?" Mark asked Randy whether he thought he would be able to convince Randy's older bro to order some stuff on his behalf. Randy smiled and said "Who knows dude? He's pretty broad-minded and discreet and in exchange for a couple of cases of beer, might be willing to do so. Let's, you and I, have a closer look at what's available and the cost of it and take it from there."

Meanwhile. I had not been able to restrain myself from visiting the video games arcade. The sight of so many hot young boys congregating wall to wall in that small space was like a magnet to me. I recognized a few of them and they were quick to say hello. There were quite a few I hadn't seen before too. I found a stool at the stand-up table I had previously occupied and sat down to watch the action. It wasn't long before one of the "anglo" boys who I recognized but hadn't previously chatted with, ambled over to me.

"So, dude, I see you are back again. Welcome back. You are Chris right? I'm Joey".

"Nice to meet you Joey. So, what's been happenin?"

"Aw. Nuthin much man. It's a cool place to spend some time and make some friends. Can become a lil boring at times. I was tempted to chat with you before but you always seemed to be busy. And my allowance doesn't extend to payin for no blowjobs." He laughed. "I gotta rely on my useless girl friend for that." He laughed again.

I said "I see my reputation precedes me."

"Well yeah, man, there ain't many secrets in this place. All the guys talk."

I looked him over. He wasn't Hollywood material but he was nice enough looking. He was about sixteen, 5'8", and at a guess about 135lbs. He had medium length brown hair and attractive blue eyes. He was wearing the obligatory blue jeans, tee shirt and scuffed sneakers." Not bad, I thought.

"You were friendly with Andy weren't you?" he asked.

Well, this was laying it on the line. He obviously knew what had taken place between me and Andy and if I were to admit knowing him, it would all be an open book. This was basically a maneuver to clear the air.

"Yea, I know Andy." I replied. "Does he still come around?"

He laughed and said "Yea, sometimes. I think he misses you dude".

I smiled and said "Oh really. I wonder why that would be."

"I think we both know why Chris. Right?" I didn't say anything.

He continued "If it was me, I'd also be missin ya dude. Listen, everyone is watchin us. How about we meet outside in about 5 mins."

I waited for a few minutes then exited the place. He was standing about fifteen yards down the street. I walked over to him and asked him what was up.

"Andy and me are buds. I can call him now and, if you want, he and I can maybe meet up with you tonite. I got wheels of a sort."

I gave him my cellphone and he made the call. He held his hand over the mouthpiece and asked me my number, explaining that Andy was out of the room but would call back in a few minutes. After about three minutes my phone rang. He answered it, had a word with Andy out of earshot and told me "OK, it's all cool. Can you be here at say eight o'clock?" I agreed and he went inside saying "Cya later Chris" and gave me a big wink.

To be continued.

Comments/Suggestions/Brickbats welcome.

Next: Chapter 35: Christians Induction III 2

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