Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Nov 24, 2010


Christian's Induction

Part Two:

When Jerry dropped me off at my house that afternoon, I was in something of a whirl. It was already 5pm and my younger bro Matt had already arrived home; being the ultra 16yo snoop that he was, he wanted to know where I had been and who it was that had given me a ride home. I fobbed him off with a story that it was someone I had met at the tennis club and that we had been working on some school project together. He knew it was all bullshit and gave me a "Yeah, yeah" look.

My mind truly was in a spin and I was still trying to get my mind around what had happened that afternoon. Apart from the physical aspect of what had taken place (my first gay sexual experience, remember), I started to focus in on what other implications were involved. In the heat of the moment, I hadn't given this any earlier consideration. What, I asked myself, would happen if Jerry didn't keep his mouth shut and started rumors at school that I was gay. I knew that he wouldn't admit to a sexual encounter involving himself but rumors are very easily fanned. I figured that this would really be a disaster for me and, particularly so, if Matt, who was now a freshman at the school, were to hear of it. One could be certain that someone would make sure he did hear of it.

After dinner that night, I went straight to my room and resolved to forget the matter and let things take their course. I had certain school work that had to be completed and tackled that. I should explain that Matt and I had rooms which flanked a shared bathroom and the doors between were invariably left open. We both had telephone extensions in our rooms and so when the phone rang about an hour later, it was Matt who (naturally) answered it. He stuck his head through the door and said "Dude, its for you. Dunno who it is but maybe it's your new boyfriend". I slammed the door shut, picked up the receiver, shouted "MATT, GET OFF THE LINE!", and then answered the call. Well, it did turn out to be Jerry!

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything Chris. Was that your bro being an asshole?"

I said "Yeah, he can be a real pain in the ass".

"I know what you mean", he replied. "Anyhow", he continued, "the reason why I'm calling is that a dentist appointment I had for tomorrow afternoon has been cancelled. So I thought it would be good if we got together instead. I'll meet you in the car park after school. OK?"

I was kind of taken aback that he would just assume that I would be agreeable to meet him but there was no denying the fact that my dick had started to bone. I said "Errr, OK Jerry, I guess that will be cool. I'll see you then".

Matters had definitely taken on a new dimension. It was becoming clear that Jerry now figured he was in control and perhaps he was entitled to think that considering my timid attitude that afternoon. However, I was not prepared to blame myself for that for deep down I was already beginning to realize that I might be looking to play a submissive role in future relationships. It was just that I did not understand the significance of it at that point. I consoled myself with the thought that, at least, if it turned out that I would be meeting Jerry on a regular basis in future, he was most unlikely to spill the beans.

I passed Jerry on two occasions in the hall the following day and he chose to ignore my presence both times. I thought to myself "What the fuck is going down now?" It was true that in the one instance he was charming one of the girls and , in the second, was horsing around with a couple of his buds. I surmised that if he was seen chatting with a lowly sophomore, he would probably be asked what was up. It was a further indication, however, how shallow our relationship (if it was a relationship) was as far as he was concerned.

After school. I wandered over to the school parking lot and found that he was waiting for me.

"I thought maybe you got held up", he said. "But I figured you would have got a message to me if that was the case. Anyway, now that you are here, let's get going".

At the house, he immediately went to the fridge and foraged two beers for us then flopped down in one of the armchairs.

"You know, dude, yesterday was really awesome don't you think?" I smiled and nodded my agreement. He continued: "I'm glad you are so into it Chris, coz there's plenty for us to try.and to experiment with. Girls are really cool but it's a continuous struggle to move them on." He drank a little from his can of beer and continued. "For example, today I am so fucking exhausted I really could do with a massage. But that would be no way forthcoming with the girls I know".

I sank to my knees in front of him and he moved his legs apart. I started to rub the inside of his thighs and he gave a contented sigh. "That feels really good boy. You sure know how to please a guy. My feet are so sore, do you think you could take off my sneaks and socks? " I hurried to comply as he lifted one foot then the other. His socks were kind of rank smelling and he smiled and said "Are they bad, dude?" I lifted the socks to my nose and replied: "Not that bad Jerry. You wanna smell my lil bro's socks. You can't come within ten feet of him." Jerry laughed and said "Those young dudes are really sumthin, aint they?"

I started to massage his feet, one at a time and after a while I kissed them both. I looked up at his crotch and he was clearly sporting a hardon. I was beyond boned at this stage

and, emboldened, moved up to rub his crotch. He lifted his ass and I pushed down his jeans and undies to around his ankles. I was better able to see his balls today and they were like large eggs pulled up tight to his crotch. I moved up and gave them individually a licking. I moved up further & licked his cock from the base up to the head. He was leaking copiously and I licked the precum off the head & then went down on it. He pushed my head right down and without further ado blew a huge load of cum into my mouth. "Swallow it down boy" he urged me "and don't let a drop go to waste".

When we had recovered he told me to fetch more beer from the fridge. While we sat enjoying the cold brew, he asked me if I had ever been fucked. I told him no and he opined, with a laugh, that there was always a first time.

I couldn't wait to get home. I immediately locked myself in the bathroom and jerked myself off. It had been a busy but worthwhile afternoon.

To be continued.

My thanks to those readers who took the time to email me. In response to a few enquiries, this is NOT "my own story". The storyline is fiction, although I have drawn upon some of my own experiences.

Next: Chapter 3

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