Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 11, 2011


Christian's Induction

Part Seventeen

Matt who had been entrusted, nay instructed, by Mark to ensure Chris' participation in the party Mark was planning for the Saturday night of Thanksgiving weekend, knew that his rep depended completely on his being successful in obtaining Chris' agreement to attend. He had never previously attended such a "party" but it was clear to him that the purpose was to get high and that the designated "bitch" would be subject to an increasing level of humiliation, sexual and otherwise, as the night wore on. Obviously that would require the co-operation of that designated person, someone who would himself draw satisfaction from such degrading treatment. Matt didn't really understand how that worked and, while he himself had forced Chris into sexual acts and, recently, had coerced him into performing boring tasks such as his own chores, such as yard work, and running errands on his behalf and carrying his books home from school while he hung with friends, he was by no means sure that Chris was open to further exploitation. On the other hand, Chris had offered not the slightest resistance to the pressures Matt exerted on him so perhaps he might be persuaded to go further. Perhaps Chris did in fact crave humiliation, although Matt for the life of him could not understand the reason. He recalled that Mark had told him to exert as much domination as possible on his older bro, and that Chris would not resist. He also saw for himself how Mark had virtually treated him as a servant on Friday afternoon.

Matt decided that the crux of the matter would be whether Chris was prepared to sexually service a number of guys in the presence of the others. He of course was unaware that Chris had sucked off both Mark and his buddy Randy simultaneously on a number of occasions.

On the following Monday both he and Chris arrived home early from school and had the house to themselves. Matt knew that he had to make a move without much more delay and was pondering what to do when there was a knock on the front door. Matt went down to answer it and it turned out to be his buddy Larry who was a regular visitor. Matt inwardly groaned because, since Larry had outted Chris to him, Chris had treated Larry coolly. Did this mean that another day would now be wasted?

Matt and Larry, as was their wont, disappeared into Matt's bedroom and started horsing around and fiddling on the computer. After a short while, Chris went into their shared bathroom for a piss, and when he had finished Matt called him. Chris said "Yeah?" and entered Matt's room, greeting Larry civilly for a change. Matt thought to himself "It's now or never" and taking a leaf out of Mark's book, said to Chris: "Dude, won't you go downstairs and get us a coupla sodas and some munchies?" Larry's eyes opened wide especially when Chris answered "Sure, Matt. Coke be OK?"

Now Larry had always been considered something of an ugly duckling. It wasn't that he was ugly or fat or anything like that. Quite the contrary. Although he was kinda small built, he had nice features and a trim, and hard-looking, body. Suddenly he appeared to have out-grown that awkward stage and was aware of it. Matt noted that today he was wearing cool looking blue jeans, a black tee shirt with red trim, and loafers. Also Matt was sure he had had his hair styled, in a short type of brushcut. Matt thought: "Fuck! He looks really hot!" When Chris returned with the refreshments, Matt told him to put them on the small table next to his computer. But what he then noticed was that Chris was checking Larry out with more than casual interest. Larry said: "Thanks Chris." who replied "Welcome.dude". Matt was wondering to himself whether this was his chance to make a move.

Larry got himself involved in some or other computer game so Matt told him he would be back in a bit. He went through to Chris' room and shut the door behind him.

"Listen, dude. Maybe you ain't so taken with Larry after what he did. But maybe you owe him a vote of thanks, coz if he hadn't ratted you out to me, you wouldn't be suckin on my dick. Right?" Chris was a bit taken aback but was generous enough to say "Well. maybe."

Matt continued: "No maybes about it dude. You know it's true. Well, here's the thing man. Larry is still lookin for his first blowjob and that stupid little bitch of a girl friend of his, refuses to suck dick. Don't think I didn't notice you ogling him just now so I thought to myself, why don't I ask you to give him some head. You would enjoy doin it and he would get that monkey off his back. So, how about it bro? Oh, and by the way, he's kinda hung." Matt smiled at that.

The thought of sucking on a new young dick was intoxicating to Chris and he asked Matt: "If I agree, how the fuck are you gonna get HIM to agree?"

"Let me worry about that dude" Matt replied. When I give you a call, just come through to my room. OK?"

About ten minutes later Matt gave Chris a call and he went through to his room. Larry was standing there looking kinda sheepish, so Matt told him "Don't be shy Larry. Chris knows the score and what he's gotta do. Just lie on my bed and let it happen. And since we are all friends here, I'm gonna sit in my easy chair and watch. No problemo, OK?" To himself, Matt thought "If this goes down, I'm half way there to getting Chris to agree to attend Mark's party."

Chris went and sat next to Larry on the bed and slowly massaged his dick through his jeans. He already had a semi-erection and in no time flat Chris felt it harden. He pulled Larry's belt off and then slowly unzipped his jeans. He slid his hand inside his jeans and felt Larry's throbbing cock. He instructed Larry to lift his ass and slid his jeans and boxers down to his ankles. There was displayed quite a big piece of meat just as Matt had predicted. He stroked it gently until Matt, who was looking on with fascination, said: "Go down on it bro. Give it some tongue. Believe me, he ain't gonna last too long." Chris did as he was instructed by Matt and after no more than a minute or two, he felt Larry's dick harden even more and knew he was about to cum. Mark, interrupting once more, said: "Larry dude, you gotta cum in his mouth. He loves to swallow and what's more I don't want no mess on my bed." With that, Larry grunting like a pig, shot a huge load in Chris' mouth.

When Larry left for home some fifteen minutes later, Matt went through to Chris' room. "You did good bro. I hope you didn't mind me lookin on?" Chris answered with a smile "Like you said, we are all friends, right?" Matt took his cue.

"Listen Chris, Mark is planning on having a party next Saturday night in his apartment. Just guys. There's will be him, me and his bud Randy, who I believe you have met. Maybe one other dude. Plenty of booze, weed and munchies. Mark's folks will be away so time is no object. Mark asked me to invite you. I'm sure you can imagine why but there won't be any pressure on you. He wants everyone to have a good time including, and especially, you. What do you say? Are you game?"

Chris thought of the possibilities and, after appearing to give it some thought, said "OK, bro. I'll join you." Matt replied "That's just great dude. All friends huh?" He went over and gave Chris a hug.

Matt called Mark with the news. Mark said: "That's just perfect dude. You did good. I'll have a word with him during the course of the week to make sure he don't back out."

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 18

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