Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Sep 4, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction.

All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now

Part Twenty Three.

Although it was a pleasant surprise to get an unexpected blow-job from Joey's friend, Claude, down at the Arcade, Andy was still feeling kind of down when he got home. He had formulated what he thought was a great solution to the problem of the chores which were going to descend upon them when his mother started her new job, and Pauly's reaction had been completely unexpected. He couldn't understand what his problem was when he had been asked merely to supervise Chris during the week when he himself was tied up after school. Jesus, didn't Pauly realise what a boon it would be to be relieved of doing all those boring chores and, with Chris available on the premises, there were bound to be opportunities for side benefits. All in all it was very frustrating. Well, he decided that he wasn't going to allow Pauly to completely fuck up his plans and resolved to have a chat with Mark after swim practice the next day. Mark was such a cool operator; he was sure that he might be able to suggest some course of action to him.

Andy had made the swim team and he and Mark had since become quite friendly. Mark recognized a kindred spirit in Andy despite the fact that he was younger. So, unless he had some other plans, he invariably offered Andy a ride home. They sauntered over to Mark's car after practice and Mark asked him how his plans to nail Chris were proceeding.

"Funny that you should ask Mark. Things have got a little out of control and I had intended to ask your advice about it. Do you have a few minutes to discuss it?"

"Sure dude." replied Mark. "You feel like joining me at my place for a beer or somethin? You can tell your Uncle Mark all about it."

When Mark ushered Andy into his semi-basement, side-entrance, apartment below the main house, the younger boy's jaw dropped. Not for the first time in his life, he felt deprived. Compared to his own living arrangements, it was fucking huge, equipped with everything a teen boy's heart could desire. He had previously shown Mark his own place and now suddenly he felt a little ashamed of it. Some dudes are so fucking lucky, he thought.

Mark invited him to take a seat and went to the bar fridge to get beers. "So, dude, let's hear it. What's this major problem you have?"

Andy proceeded to tell Mark that the plan he had formulated to have Chris go directly to his house after school each day had badly misfired when Pauly, aided and abetted by his indoctrinated younger bro George, had refused to have anything to do with it. He had assumed that they would between them have been willing to be present at the house four days a week in return for being relieved of the drudgery of doing the chores they were now faced with. Instead, Pauly had called him a lazy bastard to his face. "You know yourself Mark, some guys, especially jocks like us, are not cut out for doin shit like that, especially if there are other pussies willing to do the dirty work on our behalf. That's what I find so fucking annoying."

"Hold on dude." replied Mark. "Let's have some perspective on this huh?"

Andy wasn't quite sure what Mark was getting at but, if it meant that there might be a way out of his predicament, he was all ears.

Mark continued: "Have a look around dude. This place is way bigger than your bedroom and Chris was able to take care of it to my satisfaction on two afternoons a week. I see no reason why he can't look after all your shit on only one afternoon a week, including the cleaning of the bathroom and the shithouse. You have Friday afternoons free so why not tell him you expect him to report to you then. Just tell him, dude, no ifs and buts."

Mark went on: "Andy, you ain't got a problem on your hands, you have a solution." He laughed: "And I don't mean that kinda solution."

"Let me explain sumthin to you amigo. A little cumslut like Chris should have one Master only. If you had Pauly, let alone George, stickin his finger in the pie, it would only confuse the fag. They crave control, and it is best when that control is exercised by one dominant dude. The fact is that that desire to serve is programmed into their psyche and, once released, has to be nurtured, defined and exploited by one Master. You are in the fortunate position of dealing with a dude who has already been fully trained. What's more he has this thing about younger guys. Most young dudes, no offence, don't know this shit and miss out completely. A submissive fag like Chris ain't gonna approach some soph he has the hots for and say "Andy I wanna serve you." It don't work that way. I give you credit for one thing dude, you recognized this dynamic and the fact that you had the desire to dominate or, to put it crudely, take advantage of Chris. And why the hell not? Those submissive pussies are there for one reason only and that is to serve."

Jesus, Andy thought, Mark should have his own speaking circuit, like that Clinton dude. He hadn't clearly understood everything Mark had said but he had understood sufficient to make him realise his problem was solvable.

"So what are you telling me I should do?" he asked Mark.

"That, my friend, is your decision. Every Master has his own method of operation; I have mine and you will discover what works best for you. You may decide that he is just a submissive little fag to be taken advantage of, or you may decide to use him as a fully-fledged servant, or maybe even turn him into your slave. You must decide what you want but be careful not to overplay your hand. But maybe, as you told me once before, your boyish charm will carry the day." Mark laughed and gave Andy a playful punch on the upper arm.

"Jesus, Mark, thanks a million for your advice. I owe you one."

"I know Andy. I know."


After Chris left the skatepark the afternoon he had run into Tom, the younger boy could no longer concentrate on skating and told his buds he had to get back home. He had thought that he would have difficulty in hooking up with Chris again but it had turned out to be so easy. It would not even be necessary to enlist Pauly's aid. Like all fourteen-year-olds he was awkward with inter-personal relationships when it came to sex, but Chris had made it crystal clear that he liked him and the whole thing had gone off without a hitch. Jesus, they had even exchanged cellphone numbers like they did in the movies. Pauly had told him a little about Chris and the fact that he got off on blowing young dudes like himself. That was just great because the chicks he knew of his own age definitely were not into sucking cock. He had persuaded Patsy one night at a party, after the guys had slipped something into her drink, to accompany him to one of his friends' cars and to eventually take his dick into her mouth. When, however, he had asked her softly whether he could cum in her mouth, all he had got for his trouble was a slap in the face. She hadn't spoken with him since then. What the fuck was she expecting? Some kissing and tit action? The other major plus with a fag, according to Pauly, was that they expected no reciprocation. Their reward was a load of cum in the mouth. Well, Chris was welcome to that but Tom decided he sure as hell wasn't gonna give no return blowjob to a fag!

Tom was keen to call Chris the following day but was reluctant to in case Chris had had a change of mind. In the end he thought Fuck it! and dialled Chris's number. He told Chris who was calling and waited with baited breath for a response. "Hey Tom! How you doin dude?" Chris asked.

"Pretty cool Chris. How about you?"

"I'm great but was wonderin whether you would actually call. I was kinda forward yesterday; thought you might take offence. And I know you young guys gotta lot goin on."

"Hell no man. We always got time for some hanky panky."

Chris laughed and said: "That's ultra cool man. What you got in mind?"

"Well, you got the wheels but I was wondering if we could get together maybe Saturday evening?"

"Sounds great Tom." They made arrangements to meet at a certain corner at 8pm.

"Lookin forward to it Chris. See ya then." Tom said and rang off.

Having made the arrangement with Chris, Tom began to feel a little antsy. He hoped to hell he wouldn't fuck things up. Maybe he should ask Pauly to join them? He was pretty sure that Chris wouldn't mind if he did.

He called Pauly and, after the usual bullshit, told him what was going down.

"You sneaky little bastard!" was Pauly's response. "And you didn't think to ask your bud to join you!"

"Of course I did dude. Why do you think I'm callin you?"

Pauly smiled to himself; he figured that Tom was getting cold feet and was wanting some backup.

"So, are you askin me to join the party?" Pauly asked.

"Jesus, dude, YEAH I am."

Pauly thought he would tease him a little more. "Well, I'm always kinda booked up on Saturday nights but, with a blowjob in the offing, maybe I could rearrange my schedule. Lemme have a look. Yeah, OK, I'm pretty sure I can make it."

Tom knew he was being bullshitted but nevertheless was pleased to hear that Pauly would be there. He informed Pauly of the time and place and said "Cya then bud. Why not save up your loads until then like I'm gonna? Chris deserves to have a good time."

"I'll think about it dude." replied Pauly and rang off.


Chris picked Andy up outside his house the day after Andy had spoken with Mark. When they had parked in the lot at the school and were about to part company, Andy informed Chris: "I'll be needing a ride home after school dude. OK? Thought maybe we could have a chat, maybe a beer, at my house." Chris was curious but agreed to the arrangement without asking what the deal was.

When they arrived at Andy's house, he invited Chris to take a seat and, having cleared a load of clothes off the easy chair, Chris did so. Andy went next door and asked George to see if he could filch a coupla beers from the old man's stash. George soon returned with the beers and greeted Chris with a big smile. "What's up George?" enquired Chris, and George replied "Awww, nuthin man. You know how it is."

Andy laughed when George had gone back to his room and said: "That's gonna be a real little trouble-maker that one."

Andy found himself a place to sit on the unmade bed and then told Chris about the upcoming disruption in their lives due to his old girl having to take up a job. "I've told Pauly and George they gotta make their own arrangements but, as you know, I'm tied up with stuff after school every day except Fridays, so it's gonna be awkward for me to attend to additional chores. What I had in mind was that you could perhaps lend me a hand on Fridays. I'm a proper slob as you can see and I really, really need you your expert assistance. You could bring me home on Friday afternoons and then get stuck in to cleaning up my room. Ain't no big deal I reckon, just sorting out and hanging up my clothes and stuff, separatin the dirty laundry, and doin some dusting, that kinda thing. Probly my bed will need making up too, as you can see." Andy laughed. "So, how about it Chris? You up for it?"

Chris didn't sound too keen and intimated that Friday afternoon was the time he allotted to going down to the town library.

Andy looked a little pissed and replied: "Well, dude, I'm really surprised that you are reluctant to help. You know that I wouldn't ask unless it was really important. And going to the fucking library don't sound like no good reason to me."

Chris was well aware that Andy could turn nasty if thwarted in his plans and he didn't need to be reminded that Andy had those compromising pictures of him. He couldn't decide whether Andy would really out him at school but it was a chance he would prefer not to take in his final year.

Chris therefore said: "Well, dude, it looks to me like you need all the help you can get. Maybe I can get down to the library on Friday evenings. But I gotta warn you I ain't the best when it comes to housekeeping."

Andy smiled and replied: "I knew I could depend on you dude. And, judging from what Mark has told me, I'm sure you will do just fine. And maybe you might consider it a bonus in having to handle my jocks and dirty underwear, huh?" Andy winked and laughed suggestively.

Chris asked: "When you planning on this happening dude?"

Andy replied: "Let's get under way next week Chris. Like I told you Pauly and George are gonna have to look after themselves, although it would be really handy if you would take care of cleaning and scrubbing the bathroom and toilet as well. Those little slobs make such a fucking mess in there." He then added "They piss everywhere and never clean up." figuring that Chris might regard that as an incentive.

When driving home Chris thought about the situation and realized that these new chores would impact on his life considerably but didn't really see that he had any option but to agree. The thought of serving Andy though had its compensations as the aggressive young dude really turned him on. He consoled himself with the thought that at least he wouldn't have to cope with Pauly and George as well.


On Saturday night Chris pulled up at the arranged meeting point and was surprised to find that both Tom and Pauly were waiting for him. They piled into the car offering high fives and, after a quick discussion, it was decided that they would park at some quiet spot and drink the beers Chris had brought along. Pauly also had managed to bum a joint off Andy and they looked forward to sharing that.

"Go to that spot near the river dude." Pauly instructed Chris. "It's always quiet down there and the cops know that kids make out there and don't hassle no one."

Once parked they popped a few beers and Pauly lit the joint which they passed from one to the other. It was soon clear that Pauly and Tom were getting high. Pauly instructed Tom, who was sitting in the front, to let the backrest of his seat down. "It allows easy access to your dick dude." he laughed. Chris leant over to the passenger side and slowly began to rub Tom's crotch through his jeans. He could feel immediately that Tom was semi-erect and unbuttoned and unzipped him. He slipped his hand into his white briefs and told him to lift his ass and pushed his jeans down around his ankles. He soon had his hand around Tom's hot dick and slipped his briefs under his balls so as to gain proper access to his by now stiff cock. Pauly opined: "This is sure better than doin it in the toilets at the sports field, huh Tom?" Tom was too engrossed in what Chris was doing to bother to answer.

Chris had taken Tom's dick into his mouth and was busy running his tongue around and around the head and licking off the copious precum. He stuck his tongue into Tom's piss slit and could clearly taste dried cum and piss. Tom was moaning with pleasure and soon grabbed Chris's head and pushed it all the way down to the base of his cock. Pauly instructed him: "Dude, when you are about to come let him up so he can take just the head in his mouth. That way he can take your entire load in his mouth. You wanna see it on his tongue dontcha?" Tom started to buck lifting his ass up and down as he blew a copious load into Chris's willing mouth. Tom, who had been silent up to now, said to Chris: "Swallow my cum bitch." Chris slowly licked his dick clean as it softened and when Tom had had a minute or two to relax, he and Pauly traded places.

Pauly had no need to be instructed and soon had Chris sucking his cock in precisely the way he liked it. He took no more than five minutes to blow his load and instructed Chris to show it to him on his tongue. That done he told Chris he could swallow it down.

Pauly pulled up his jeans and announced that he had to take a piss. "Come on Chris, you get the honor of holding my dick as I piss." The two of them exited the car and Chris stood behind Pauly holding his dick as he let go. When he had finished Chris replaced his dick in his jeans and inserted his own finger in his mouth licking off a few drops that had deposited themselves there. Tom was looking on in fascination and when the other two piled back into the car, he announced that that was the hottest thing he had ever seen. Pauly just laughed and said: "You ain't seen nuthin yet dude."

Both Pauly and Tom were sitting in the rear on the way back home and Chris heard them whispering to each other. When he dropped them off, Pauly told him not to make any arrangements for the following Saturday night, as he and Tom intended to party with him once more.

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 57: Christians Induction III 24

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