Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on May 1, 2012



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Part Eighteen (Conclusion).

The remainder of the week in Florida seemed to flash by and every day Hector would seek Chris out. He had further encounters with Hector and his brother Raphael at their parents' condo and with Hector and his friend Benny while parked in remote spots in the latter's car. Chris, if he were to be honest with himself, was a willing participant as he found that all three guys oozed sex and were possessed of hot looks. The imbibing of a couple beers and the effect of the weed they smoked certainly lowered any resistance he might otherwise have had to their varying sexual demands; he complied with every new suggestion he was subtly coerced into, just as they knew he would. They had soon sensed that he was putty in their hands and that he thrived on any new humiliation that he was subjected to.

On the Thursday before his departure for home, Hector had run into him at the games arcade and after they had shot the breeze for a while and played a few games, they settled down with a coke to watch the other players. After a while Hector leaned over towards Chris and in a low voice advised him that two of the buddies he had mentioned to him earlier that week were going to meet up with him that evening to smoke some excellent Mexican weed they had scored and that he was pretty sure they would be keen to meet Chris. By this time Chris had decided that he would avoid any further assignations with Hector who up to that point had completely monopolized his time. He informed Hector that he had planned to spend the evening with his family but Hector pointed out that they might simply then hook up after supper; in any event he had promised his buds that Chris would join them and they were likely to be pissed off if Chris refused to join them. He explained to Chris that his rep would be damaged if he failed to deliver on his promise. Chris, as always, caved in to Hector who, with that huge smile of his, told him they would pick him up at eight thirty.

Soon after the appointed time that night he saw Benny's car approaching and pull up to a stop in front of him. Inside were Benny, Hector and two other kids he hadn't seen before. Hector was sitting up front and he told Chris to pile in the back with the other two. They were both about Hector's age although the one appeared to be be slightly younger; he was now seated in the middle. They were both pretty attractive looking boys and Chris would certainly have given them second glances had he passed them in the street.

Hector asked Benny where he had decided to park the car and Benny replied that he knew of a good spot not far from where they had parked before that was out of the way and where they were unlikely to be disturbed; he certainly didn't want to attract the cops attention with weed in their possession.

Jesus, (Jesus! thought Chris), the younger kid sitting in the middle at the back was slowly groping himself and it soon became apparent that he was getting a hardon. He was wearing shorts and he slipped them down so that the waistband of his briefs was under his balls exposing his package. He continued to stroke his 5.5in dick slowly and after a minute or so leaned over to Chris and whispered to him: "Why don't you suck on it gently dude until we get there. I don't wanna cum yet but it would kinda set the tone if you know what I mean." giving Chris a wink and a smile. Chris lowered himself to Jesus's cock and took it in his mouth; he was rock hard by now and as Chris licked and sucked he could taste the remains of piss under his foreskin and also some dried up cum. The kid had obviously had an orgasm earlier that day. As he slowly pleasured Jesus's dick he felt a hand on the back of his head and neck and out of the corner of his eye he could see that it belonged to the other guy. He forced Chris's head down forcing him to take Jesus's dick all the way into his mouth and throat. "Hold it there and keep lickin on it dude." he instructed Chris, who did as he was told. To Benny and Hector he said, laughing, "Good news guys! The fag takes it all the way." Benny replied: "Told you so." Jesus hadn't wanted to cum so soon but by now was getting close and before they reached their destination he involuntarily shot his load into Chris's mouth with a grunt. The other three applauded and laughed.

As soon as Benny had parked the car in a well-chosen spot he hopped out and retrieved from a cool bag in the trunk a six pack of beers and a well-wrapped small parcel of weed. The beers were shared and Benny lit up a joint which was passed around. The second guy in the back whose name was Angel (Jesus Christ! thought Chris, these latino guys certainly have inappropriate names!) took a deep drag and passed the joint on to Jesus and Chris. After three drags on the weed Chris's head was spinning, while the others were getting really high. It was good stuff. This was the signal for the other three to start wanting to get their rocks off and Chris found himself spending the next hour being fucked roughly in the mouth. He was finding it difficult to breathe and was immensely relieved after Hector, being fourth in line, spewed his considerable load into his mouth and a second round of beers was called for. Meanwhile the other four continued to smoke the weed and there developed a pattern of aggressiveness towards the "bitch" at their disposal. Each of them in turn called for second blowjobs and Chris was experiencing a "going-over" like he had never before. Angel in particular was intent on getting Chris to go down all the way on his seven-incher and when Chris struggled unsuccessfully to comply he slapped him hard twice across the face. After he had brought Hector to his second orgasm, Hector instructed him to join him outside the car, and as had now become the custom, he held Hector's dick from behind as he pissed. He was about to return to the car when Hector said: "Not so fast dude. Get on your knees, I got somethin extra for you." Chris complied and Hector shoved his semi-erect dick in Chris's mouth and let go the remainder of his piss load in Chris's mouth, instructing him to swallow "every last fuckin drop".

When eventually Chris was dropped off outside his condo, he asked Hector to accompany him to the entrance. Once there he informed Hector he would not be able to see him on the remaining two days before returning home as his rents were pissed that he had spent so little time with the family.

Hector looked disappointed and said: "Jesus, dude, I thought you went for this kinda stuff. Seems there ain't no pleasin some people. Somehow, I think you might change your mind, so if you do, you got my number. OK?"

Chris nodded yeah and entered the building.


The following morning Chris, as well as his bro Matt, slept in late. Chris felt as if a truck had slammed into him but after a long hot shower, felt a little better. They enjoyed a big breakfast together and, much to Chris's surprise, Matt agreed when Chris asked him if he would like to spend the rest of the day together at the beach.

Chris asked Matt: "Ain't you got no arrangements to meet up with your friends?"

"Huh!", replied Matt, "I ain't got no friends to meet up with dude."

Matt went on to explain to Chris that all the kids his age were in little cliques and every time he tried to charm some chick, some asshole would interfere and drag the chick away to join some stupid fucking activity. Matt was well aware that girls considered him "hot" and he found the treatment he was being dished out with, pretty sobering and "so fuckin unfair".

Chris consoled him with the thought that the world was made up of assholes and suggested they spend the last two days together. Matt immediately agreed and perked up.


The family returned home at the weekend. Chris, who had applied to a local college for admission, was elated to find that he had been accepted and the dire thoughts that he would have to repeat the final year at high school were dispelled.


Sandy Bishop was a junior at school and was in the same class as Chris's bro Matt. She was attractive and friendly and was sought after assiduously by most of the jocks, who had visions of dating her and hooking up with her as "a couple". She would have none of it however and strictly maintained her independence. Perhaps unfairly, she thought jocks were all "dumb", but what she disliked most was their sense of entitlement. Matt himself had secret thoughts about Sandy but figured that with all the competition he had little chance with her.

Matt was somewhat surprised on their return to school when Sandy sought him out and asked whether Chris had made any plans regarding the prom. Matt knew full well that the last thing on Chris's mind was attending the prom and he couldn't believe that she would be interested in Chris. The whole idea of it was fucking hilarious considering the circumstances. He had no intention of outting Chris however and so merely informed her that, as far as he knew, Chris had no prior plans. If Sandy called Chris then it would be up to him to decide what to do. It was kinda funny though and he had difficulty in accepting that Sandy would prefer Chris to him, let alone all the other dudes chasing her. When he got home that day he gave Chris the once-over thinking that maybe he had overlooked some quality Chris possessed. However, he looked the same as always he thought.

That evening Chris received a call on his cell which turned out to be Sandy. At first he couldn't figure out who was calling him until she said: "It's Sandy silly, like in Sandy Bishop." He replied: "Oh sorry Sandy. I didn't recognize your voice for a moment. Did you want to speak with Matt?"

Matt who was listening at the door was pissing himself with laughter. Sandy continued: "No, Mr. Smarty. I wanted to chat with YOU! I wanted to know whether you intended to go to the prom and if so whether you had yet asked anyone to accompany you."

Chris was non-plussed for a moment but admitted that he had made no plans. Sandy said: "OK, then, how about we go together?" Chris really saw no way out of it and so agreed tentatively and suggested that they discuss it further the next day at school.

When Chris ended the call, Matt stuck his head around the door and said laughing: "So, Mr. Casanova, what you been hiding from me? You don't even have a big dick." Chris told him to fuck off.

Matt couldn't resist saying: "OK, I will, but I'm just wondering what all your boyfriends are gonna say about this."


About a week later, shortly before the end of term, what Chris had been fearing for years came to pass. He was outted at school. How it had happened he did not know and he wasn't sure who was responsible. He was pretty sure however that Casey was involved.

Suddenly things all changed. Everybody seemed to avoid him, probably he figured, in case they themselves were to be tainted. He decided he would just have to tough it out. Now, when the brothers had been quite young, their father had taken them to a gym to learn some rudimentary fisticuffs. Chris had hated it but he nevertheless had learned quite a lot. He decided that he wouldn't take the bullying lying down and would fight if he had to. So it was that when one of the juniors, in an act of bravado, called him a faggot to his face in the parking lot after school, Chris beat the shit out of him. It didn't right matters but Chris got a lot of satisfaction out of it.

The strange part of it was that the one person who stood by him was Randy. They were chatting about it in the hall when one of the senior jocks passed them and said to Randy: "Better watch it dude, they tell me it's infectious." Randy moved like greased lightning, grabbed the jock by the front of his shirt and frog-marched him out to the parking lot. There he demanded an immediate apology and when it was not forthcoming, beat him up until he was begging for Randy to stop.

Of course, Chris was not so na've as to expect the news not to find its way to Sandy's ears. Therefore, he called her and offered to pull out of the arrangement to attend the prom together. She would hear nothing of it but he told her it would save a lot of embarrassment all round if they cancelled. He offered to have Matt replace him, but she just laughed and said: "That little bastard is too cute for his own good. Everybody would be looking at HIM, rather than at ME." They enjoyed a good laugh over that. Chris and Sandy continued to date "as friends" during the rest of the Summer months.


On the Saturday morning Chris was sitting at a table in the Food Court at the Mall watching the world go by. Suddenly he sensed someone standing in front of him and looked up. To his surprise it turned out to be Travis Jones, a junior in Matt's class at school.

Travis asked: "Mind if I join you Chris?"

Chris looked him up and down and replied: "Travis, if you are looking for grief, you have come to the right place."

Travis just laughed and sat down at the table.

Travis continued: "I heard that you and Sandy have decided not to attend the prom together."

"Yeah, well, that's old news I guess. But what's it to you anyway?"

Travis laughed his infectious laugh and replied: "Well, I would hate for you to miss out on such an auspicious occasion, so I was wondering if you would like me to partner you instead." He stuck his tongue out at Chris and laughed again.

It finally dawned on Chris that Travis was coming out to him. He had often caught himself looking Travis over (he was cute in a manly way), but he didn't really think he could be gay.

"Travis, I don't think either of us would look good in a dress so let's forego the prom, shall we? If you are free tonite, though, how about we go to a movie or sumthin?"

"Sounds great Chris. I'll give you a call later OK?"

"Cool." replied our hero.

The End.

Next: Chapter 77: Christians Induction V 1

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