Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 15, 2011


Christian's Induction

Part Nineteen

On the Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving the Nesbits were up before 6am in order to make an early start for the drive to Mark's relatives' home where they were to spend the holiday weekend. They intended to return on the Sunday afternoon. Mark's mother was still unsure about leaving him behind but Randy's supposed invitation to spend the weekend with his family had now been accepted and so there wasn't really anything to be done about it. She however warned Mark to be on his best behavior and to make sure he thanked Randy's parents when he returned home. Mark groaned and said that he wasn't a kid anymore and that she shouldn't worry herself over it; "Just go and enjoy the break Ma." he advised her. He heaved a sigh of relief when the car pulled out of the driveway.

At school later Mark cornered Chris and reminded him that he was expected early on the Saturday and told him not to be late. Mark still had this feeling that the weekend arrangements could possibly be fucked up and he intended to remain on Chris' back throughout. The heavy pressure that he and Randy had put on Chris, both verbal and physical, when the latter had attempted to renege on his participation in the party, had been a first in their relationship and Mark wasn't entirely sure how Chris would now react. In the event it seemed that he now accepted what was expected of him and he assured Mark he would see him on the Saturday. Mark warned him in advance that there was a mountain of laundry and shit to be done and that the apartment was really in a mess. As an extra precaution he went over to Matt in the cafeteria and told him to keep a careful eye on Chris. He would be held responsible if there were any fuckups.

That afternoon Randy came around to the house and picked Mark up and they proceeded to a pretty seedy part of town in order to buy a few ounces of weed. Mark was decidedly nervous but Randy laughed and told him not to be such a pussy. The purchase concluded they headed back to Mark's place. Mark told Randy: "For fuck's sake, don't speed or run any traffic lights dude. We don't wanna end up in the slammer." Randy smiled to himself and thought that Mark really was a pussy; he could see that maybe he would have to control things at the party. Having dropped off the weed at Mark's house Randy called his friend Jose regarding the booze. Jose told him to fetch him and make sure he brought along his money. Jose, flashing his false ID, entered the liquor store and bought two cases of beer which were hurled in the trunk of the car. Mark paid Jose for the beer and was pretty sure he was getting ripped off. When they dropped Jose off at his house, Randy pulled him aside and enquired whether he could let him have a couple tabs of E. "No problemo amigo." smiled Jose. Mark proceeded to quiz Randy about the E. Was it safe? Had he bought stuff from Jose before? What the fuck would they do if it had bad side-effects? Randy assured him he had no need to worry; it would merely give Chris a pleasant high for a few hours and make him more amenable to being used. It was a "feel good" drug similar to speed. "Jesus, I hope so." said Mark. When Randy left Mark at his house, he told him to come over to his place at about 12 the following day; his parents were expecting him.

Meanwhile Chris and Matt's parents too had planned an early departure on the Wednesday morning and headed out into the boondocks where their mother's sister lived. Their mother also was having second thoughts about leaving the boys behind, but the old man told her not to worry they were old enough to look after themselves. He was looking forward to having a few days respite from the presence of Chris and Matt. Matt had originally been invited to spend Thanksgiving with Larry's folks but suddenly a further invitation arrived for Chris. "Now I wonder what could have arisen to prompt that?" thought Matt, smiling to himself.

The Thanksgiving festivities went off well and Matt and Chris headed off home. As they were leaving Larry came up to Chris and said smiling "See you soon dude." Mark also left for home although ostensibly he was spending the weekend at Randy's place. During the course of the day, he received a call on his cellphone. It was his older bro Jerry who had joined the family from college for Thanksgiving. "What the hell is going on there, you little fucker?" Jerry wanted to know. Mark informed him he had received this invitation from Randy to spend Thanksgiving. "Oh yeah?" said Jerry. "If the old folks believe that crap, they are dumber than I thought." Mark replied: "Please dude, don't raise the subject with the rents OK? If you gotta know I'm having a little shindig at the house on Saturday with your boyfriend Chris as the guest of honor." Jerry laughed and said "You little bastard! I knew something was up. Well, give Chrissie a load for me OK?"

On Friday Mark visited with his girlfriend who gave him a rather cold reception. It had seemed like ages since he had contacted her and, if the truth be known, he was kinda sick of her whining and playing-hard-to-get act. He had discovered that good head was available from gay guys and, what's more, there was no drama attached to it and they seemed grateful to be able to suck on his dick. Matt and Chris spent the day at home, ordering pizza to go, and drinking a couple of the old man's beers. They messed around on the computer like old times. Matt though was intent on keeping an eye on Chris as he had been told to do by Mark. At one point he asked Chris whether he thought Larry was hot and Chris confided that he thought he had suddenly come out of his shell, was a lot more confident, and as a result was kinda hot in his own way. Matt continued: "What about Will and Doug? What's your take on them?" Chris thought about it and said: "Not sure dude. Maybe they still think dicks are there to pee through." Matt digested that and figured that maybe Chris could be in for a surprise sooner than later.

The big day, Saturday, arrived and Mark called Chris at 8am. "I'm waiting on you dude. How long before you get here?" Chris who had slept in late replied: "I'll be there as soon as I can Mark. Gimme a half hour OK?" "Well, I'm waiting dude." replied Mark and clicked off the phone.

When Chris arrived at Matt's place some forty minutes later, Matt let him in and didn't so much as greet him. Chris looked around and couldn't believe that one guy could cause so much devastation. There were books and magazines and DVDs lying all over the place. And he was sure that every item of clothing Mark had changed out of that week had been left exactly where it had been taken off. Even his dirty underwear was strewn over the chairs and floor. Mark said: "I know it's a mess but that's what I've got you for right?" When Chris didn't reply he repeated "RIGHT?" Chris said "Sure Mark. Not to worry. I.'ll have it sorted out pronto."

Mark continued "I have to meet up with Randy to sort out some stuff so I'm gonna leave you to it. Understand this Chris. I want this place looking sparkling by the time the guys arrive this evening. I don't want people getting the idea I'm a slob. The bathroom in particular needs your close attention. Make sure you clean the floor, there's piss everywhere. When I get back we can discuss your duties for tonite. OK?

Mark walked out and left Chris to get on with cleaning up the mess.

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 20

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