Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Feb 7, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a complete work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now!

Part Nine.

The Winter Break had dawned and everyone had their own agenda. I asked Matt what his plans were and he informed me he would mainly be hanging with his buddies, his girl friend Cindy and hoping to get invited to the odd party. That kinda thing depended so much on people's folks taking a weekend break here and there. The kids would then find a multitude of excuses not to accompany their parents and parties would be arranged, authorized or unauthorized. I asked him whether he had spoken with Jose and he replied that he had.

"I'm sorry dude but you are going to have to continue working at the arcade. Jose was adamant that it would be business as usual there and that if there was a break in "services" most of the contacts that had been made would be lost. Also with Christmas fast approaching you will appreciate that the extra income will come in handy for me. The cost of gas for the car is continuing to rise and Cindy is proving to be an expensive item to maintain."

I was beginning to wonder what his stupid sex life, which seemingly provided no dividends, had to do with me. Anyway I figured that it would end pretty soon anyway and kept my mouth shut.

Jose was correct about business at the arcade. It seemed to pick up in fact. I rarely serviced less than three guys a day., usually quickies. I asked Jose what I was supposed to do if I hooked with any one of the boys who hung around the arcade. And what with the Winter break, it was always packed. He said he didn't want any of them in the storeroom as he didn't trust any of them, so I would have to use a stall in the crapper or maybe make arrangements to meet them at night. The stalls in the men's room were strangely enough private with floor to ceiling partitions, but he suggested using the "disabled" stall which was bigger and for which he held a key, which he would be happy to let me have.

Now I mentioned earlier my encounter with young Andy. I thought it would all blow over but I'm afraid that the young man wasn't gonna be fobbed off so easily. As far as he was concerned I had agreed to suck him off for free and he expected me to honor the deal. Everyday he would come up to me when I wasn't busy and say hello, and when he was at the machines, either playing or watching, if he caught my eye, he would give me this big wink. I'd be dishonest if I said I wasn't attracted to him but I wasn't too keen on doing him in the men's room because the news would spread pretty quickly.

One cold afternoon when it wasn't that busy and I was sitting at my "table" reading a comic book that one of the more intellectual patrons of the arcade had left lying around, he came up to me.

"Hiya Chris, how's it goin dude?' he asked.

"Pretty good Andy." I replied. "How about you?

"Horny man. Like as usual you know." It was said with this cute smile of his.

Now it seems that among the teenagers at the arcade "Horny" was a stock reply if anyone enquired how they were doing.

Standing behind Andy a few paces adrift was this 16yo kid kinda like waiting to be introduced. I'm sure you know the drill. I looked him over surreptitiously and he really was cute. He was at that stage between being a boy and a young man which is so appealing and was very nicely dressed, casually but with good clothes. And he looked good in what he was wearing. And the hair, which is such a big factor with me, was longish. Now I'm a major admirer of short well kept hair, but this kid was an exception. His hair was parted in the middle and sort of hung over his forehead in two parts. He was blondish and had gorgeous big green eyes.

Andy piped up: "Chris, you busy?"

"Never too busy for you Andy, you know that." I mean it was so corny, I kinda felt embarrassed that I had said it.

"Cool, cool." he replied, looking around and giving his friend a smile.

"I'd like you to meet a bud of mine. Name's Billy. We were neighbors when I lived across town and we been friends ever since."

I leant over and said: "Hi Billy. Real nice to meet you." He replied in a kind of gruff voice: "Same here Chris."

Andy continued: "Chris, I hope you don't mind but I told Billy about our deal. I figured that you were kinda reluctant to do anything here with all these other assholes around, but I was wonderin if we could perhaps hook up tonite?"

Well, I didn't remember signing up to no deal but I knew that eventually I was gonna end up blowing lil Andy. So I asked him: "What you got in mind Andy?"

"Well it's like this dude." he continued, knowing that he had to close the deal here. "Billy is spending a sleepover at my house and he has this so-called car, which is really more like a box." He laughed and Billy gave him a punch on the arm. "I figured we could go park somewhere private with no one botherin us. I mean I definitely can handle the cold. How's that sound to you Chris?"

Andy was like a terrier and wasn't gonna let go and he also knew that he had me all but hooked. So I said: "OK guys. How about I meet you in front of the deli two blocks down from here at say 8 tonite?" Of course they readily agreed.

That night Matt of course had arranged to meet Cindy so was using the car. I bundled up and caught the bus into town. Promptly at 8 this rather old looking Toyota pulled up with my two friends. I hopped in the back and I kinda gathered that there was some relief that I had made it. Maybe they thought I wouldn't show.

Andy informed us that he knew a good place in the parking area near the river bank; he had been there on a double date on one occasion. He added ruefully that it hadn't helped anyway coz the little bitch wasn't prepared to do nuthin but make out.

He gave Billy instructions and it wasn't that long before we were parked at the spot. Billy had switched off the interior light and got out announcing that he had to have a piss. I looked him over; he was wearing a pair of warm black sweats and a thick vest and loose sport shirt. He looked kinda hot. When he took a piss he had to untie the string of his sweats and lower them beneath his balls. Andy meanwhile re-arranged the seating arrangements. He told me to get into the driver's seat while he himself got into the back. When Billy returned he told him to park himself in the front passenger seat. Say what you like about those old cars, they always had separate front seats, each capable of having the backrest recline.

Andy informed Billy that he was the guest so he should go first. Billy, conversant with the workings of his car, let the backrest down and slipped forward on his ass with his legs outstretched. He turned to me and said; "OK. Chris. It's all yours. Go for it."

I started to rub Billy's dick through his sweats and was pleased with what I felt. He slowly started to bone up, so I told him to lift his ass as I undid the string of his sweats. I pushed them together with his undies down to his ankles and heard his stiffening dick slap against his belly. He was uncut and, not fully hard, displayed about 5 inches of thick meat. I went down on it and pushing back his foreskin with my mouth, I tasted the last few drops of his urine which had been trapped under the skin. I started to suck on it really fast using my tongue on the head, which was my specialty, and his cock lengthened to about 6.5 inches. He was obviously easily aroused and before long he came three or four spurts of cum in my mouth.

Andy, who had been hanging over the backrest of my seat watching proceedings, piped up: "Chris, I told him you would swallow his load OK?"

Andy and Billy then traded places and, as I was sure it was gonna be Andy's first blowjob, I resolved to make it a memorable one. I started by rubbing his dick through his jeans in the same way; he seemed kinda tense so I whispered to him: "Just relax, dude, and let me take care of you." That helped and when I pushed his jeans and his briefs down to his ankles, he had boned up nicely. He had a 5 inch dick, kinda thin, but I don't think I have ever felt anything so hard. It was like fucking steel. I went to town on it taking my time, wanting him to reach the stage where he would just blow. While sucking him, I went down to his small balls and sucked on them gently. He was purring like a fucking cat! Eventually he shouted: "Quick, Chris, I'm gonna cum." I went back to the head just in time to catch his thin but tasty load. He visibly relaxed and asked me: "Did you catch it and swallow it dude?" I replied that I had and that obviously pleased him. "Jesus," he said, "that was absolutely fucking awesome!" He asked his friend: "Did you enjoy it too Billy?' who replied "Fuck yeah, best I've had!"

They drove me home and while Billy drove, I whispered to Andy. "Can I have that pair of briefs dude?" He looked kinda surprised but by now nothing was gonna faze him. "Sure." he whispered back. "They kinda grubby but I guess that's OK. I'll let you have em tomorrow when I see you." They both thanked me when they dropped me off near my house and we said good night.

As I approached the house I saw this parked car and immediately recognized that it belonged to Will. He was waiting for me.

To be continued....

Feedback, good or bad, welcome at

I'd really like to know whether I'm wasting my time and effort here. If you want me to continue let me know please!

Next: Chapter 31: Christians Induction II 10

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