Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 9, 2010


Christian's Induction

Part Nine

Early the next morning, Wednesday, Mark's mother tapped softly on his bedroom door and waited for half a minute before entering, not wanting to find him in a compromising position. She hadn't forgotten the day she had walked into her elder son Jerry's room, and found him in the act of masturbating.

"Mark, honey, I have to leave soon for work and I hope you haven't forgotten our agreement that I would inspect your room on Wednesdays and Saturdays."

"Hell no, Ma. A deal's a deal right? I've done my best Mom so I hope you aint gonna be too hard on me."

She smiled and thought to herself that boy knows exactly how to twist me around his little finger. "Well, let me have a look around. I must say it's such a pleasant surprise not to see your clothes and socks and stuff lying all over the place." She walked over to the window and ran her finger along the sill; oh my oh my not a speck of dust! She walked over to the bathroom, opened the door and was hugely surprised to see that there were no wet towels lying on the floor, nor pools of water from the shower.

"Mark, I can see you have really put your back into it. You definitely deserve an A+ for your efforts. Just remember though, this has to be an ongoing effort OK?"

"Gee thanks Mom. I won't forget." To himself Mark was thinking Jesus I really have to keep Chris on side here!

"Bye son. See you tonite. Oh! By the way Uncle Pat called to say he and Auntie Gill and Billy would be spending a few days until Sunday with us on their way back to Chicago. They will be parking that recreation vehicle they have in the back yard so it won't be such an imposition. And Mark, puhleeze try to be nice to Billy. OK?"

"Sure Mom. Bye." Inwardly Mark groaned. That Billy was such a little pain in the ass. Mind you he would be 15 now so he must be a freshman in high school this coming school year. Maybe he's grown up a bit, Mark consoled himself.


Later that morning Mark heard Randy's car in the driveway and went downstairs to let him in.

"Well, dude, there's some good news and some bad news." he informed Randy.

"Oh yeah? So what's happened?

Well, the old girl carried out her inspection this morning and guess what? Yours truly passed with flying colors."

"Hehehe. I hope you called Chris to tell him."

"Don't joke dude. I gotta keep that lil faggot on side no matter what. But that's a project I figure I'm well in control of." "And what's the bad news?" Randy asked.

"My uncle and aunt and my candy-ass cuz Billy gonna be camping here until Sunday." Mark replied.

"Fuck, what a downer! How old is he?"

"Gonna be a freshman this year. So maybe the dude has grown up a little. I just can't let him interrupt Chris' activities. He's due here again on Friday and I really need him to put his back into his work. On a Saturday, it's always possible the old man might check out the situation here."

"You think maybe we could put Billy in the picture and swear him to silence?" Randy wanted to know.

"Depends dude. He might go for it. They will be here later this morning; we can give Billy the once over then."

"Sounds like a plan bro. If he's gonna be a freshman, I'll bet my ass he's already wonderin where he's gonna get that first elusive blowjob. And we hold a trump card there, right?"

Mark smiled and said "That's for sure." They high-fived.


At about 12 later that morning there was this roar like the Indy 500 and Mark knew that the Chicago folks had arrived. Randy had moved his car so that they could get into the back yard. All the necessary greetings and introductions were got done with and eventually Billy was left to go upstairs with Mark and Randy. Mark was surprised at how Billy had shot up and he was now taller than Mark himself, although he was reed thin. His voice had broken too and at least he now looked and sounded human. They flopped down in Mark's room and he suggested that he might be able to filch some beer from downstairs. He asked Billy whether he drank beer and Billy looked at him pityingly and said "Fuck yeah, cuz. What you think?" Mark smiled and gave a wink to Randy who was having trouble trying not to burst out laughing. Mark was keen on getting a second round of beers but was worried that his father would notice the dent in his stash. Randy said "Go get em dude. I'll replenish them later." As Mark left the room Randy caught up with him and said "This is gonna be easy dude. Lemme handle it."

After some meaningless chit chat, Randy asked Billy whether he had managed to get any pussy down in Florida. Billy hemmed and hawed and finally admitted that he hadn't and Randy assured him it was nothing to be ashamed of as he himself had found it difficult when he was a freshman. The chicks were either too old or too young. "Tell me about it." said Billy. He then offered up the information that some girl his age had given him a blowjob but that "she was really fuckin hopeless" and to top it all wouldn't swallow. Mark and Randy roared with laughter at that.

Billy wanted to know who was using the "cool" basement apartment now that Jerry was at college, so Mark told him he was working on it as a project. Randy then asked Billy if he was cool with gay guys. Billy answered that there were a few at his school but he avoided them as he didn't want to be labeled gay and in any event guys didn't turn him on. "Why are you askin me that for dude?" he wanted to know from Randy.

"Well, for one thing Billy there's no harm in getting a little head on the down low from gays, and let me tell you something the head they give can't be beat." Randy could see that Billy was trying to figure out where this was leading, so he continued. "I'm pretty sure we could fix you up with a little something while you are here but Billy, for Mark's sake, you would have to promise to keep your mouth shut about it. Mark and I think you are a cool guy and that you can be trusted but we need your assurance on it."

Billy looked offended and said "I'm no snitch man." Mark said "No one thought that Billy." and gave him a hug.

Mark and Randy then proceeded to tell Billy that they had this gay guy named Chris who was their slutboy and who thrived on being completely subservient to them. He would do their bidding, no matter what. Billy said "Really!! How fuckin cool is that." Then laughing he asked "He doesn't do homework assignments by any chance? Just kidding,"

Randy said "Seriously Billy, at the moment Mark is having to prove to his rents that he is capable of keeping his bedroom and bathroom in a spotless condition in order to get them to agree to his using Jerry's apartment permanently. Now you and I both know Mark is a major slob so he hit on the idea of having Chris report to him twice a week to clean and tidy up the place before Mark's old lady does her inspections on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Chris started work here yesterday and I bet you can see how spotless the place looks. He's due to report again on Friday and, since you would be bound to see him, we decided to put you in the picture. Now about that blowjob........."


Billy had to accompany his parents to visit friends so Mark and Randy finally had Billy off their hands. Randy said "We had to tell him the whole story dude, coz if he had seen Chris here working like a slave cleaning up and doing laundry, he was bound to have mentioned it to his parents at some stage. However, I think it would be good to compromise him in some way as extra insurance. Why don't you call Chris and tell him we'll pick him up tonite to cruise a little in the car. He'll know he will be expected to suck cock and that should ensure he agrees. We can spring Billy on him then. Once Billy has joined in the fun, he won't talk as he can't afford for his rents to know he has been fucking around with queers."

Mark figured it was a great idea and boned up at the thought.


At 8 that night Chris waited at the corner down from his house for Mark and Randy. Mark thought it would be a good idea to keep him waiting for a while and they finally arrived at 8.20.

"Get in dude." said Mark indicating the back seat of Randy's car. "Let me introduce you to Billy, my cuz from Chicago. He's visitin for a few days." Chris didn't appear to be too happy with this development but said Hi to Billy and took his place next to him in the car. They drove around aimlessly for a while and then Randy suggested that they find a quiet spot to park as he had managed to lay his hands on a six-pack of beers which they could then imbibe. Mark said he knew just the spot; he had taken Wendy there a couple of times.

While sipping his beer, Chris stole a sideways glance at Billy and decided that, although he looked kind of young, he was nice enough looking. He had no doubt he would be expected to suck Billy's cock before long.

Mark informed Chris that Billy was going to be moving to high school that year and so, like most guys, he'd no doubt be starting to be on the lookout for some head. He told Chris that sex-wise Billy's vacation in Florida had been a bit of a flop.

"We were thinking dude that maybe as a favor to me and Randy you might be willing to help him out. I'm sure Billy would appreciate it. Not so, Billy?"

"Uh, well yeah, I guess so" replied Billy "but only if Chris really wants to."

"Oh, don't worry on that score." chimed in Randy. "I'm sure he will oblige."

Billy involuntarily moved his ass forward in the seat and spread his legs and Chris could see a not inconsiderable bulge in his pants. He pushed Billy's pants and briefs down around his ankles and was surprised to see revealed a nice thickish six and a half incher. Mark, who was leaning over the back of the front seat, giggled and said to Randy who was starting on his second can of beer "The kid's hung dude!" Chris proceeded to give Billy one of his best blowjobs and when the kid came, Billy was grunting like a pig. He looked on with big eyes when he saw Chris obviously swallow his load.

They decided to call it a night and the trio dropped Chris off at his house before heading home themselves.

To be continued

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Next: Chapter 10

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