Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 27, 2011



This is a work of fiction.

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Part Eight.

Mark decided to call Randy that night to discuss the possibility of organizing a party the following Saturday night with Casey and Chris. Randy's mother answered the phone and shouted up the stairs to Randy that the call was for him. Randy picked up the extension in his room, said "Hello." and then "Just hold on a moment." He listened on the receiver for a few seconds and when he didn't hear a click said "Ma! Get off the goddamn line." When he was satisfied that his mother was no longer listening in, he said "Hello" once more. Mark, who had heard the exchange, thought to himself "Jesus! What a crazy fuckin household."

"Hiya Randy. Mark here."

Randy replied: "Mark? Mark? Who could that be? I don't think I know no Mark."

"Yeah! Yeah! OK, Randy let's cut out the dramatics. I know it's been a while since we seen each other but I been tied up with all sorts of shit on this end and have been kinda out of touch with everybody. So, how ya been dude?"

Randy continued with the charade: "Lemme think now. You know my name and number, so I guess there must be some possibility that we have met. Did you say your name was Mark?"

Mark laughed and said: "Randy, knock it off. I swear, if you don't, I'll put the phone down. And you will never know what you missed out on."

Same old Mark, thought Randy. "What do you want dude?"

"Jesus." said Mark, "What a way to talk to your oldest and dearest friend!"

Randy couldn't help but laugh and had to admit to himself it was good to hear Mark's voice again.

"OK, dearest. What is it I can help you with?"

Mark laughed and said: "Jesus, dude, if you weren't so cute I sure as hell would expunge you from my black book. But let's get serious for a minute, if you are capable of that. I don't know if you remember that little punk freshman Andy Nystrom? Dumb as they come, but as it turns out cunning as they come. He had my, or should I say, our boyfriend Chris completely wrapped around his little finger, not to mention his younger bro Pauly too, and besides using Chris at will to satisfy their disgusting sexual appetites, they had the foresight to take some let us say compromising pics of our boy. Recently the family left town and Andy, always the good samaritan, left behind with the new kid at the house Chris's cell number as well as copies of the pics. I mean can you fucking believe such shit?"

Randy sighed and said: "Dude I am so tired of dealing with these fucking adolescents."

"Lemme finish. The new kid, name is Casey, is a soph on the swim team. I chatted with him at practice and he is way beyond his years. When Chris's name came up, he told me he can't handle faggots, but he tolerates them coz they suck good cock, take it up the ass, and do what they are told. Pretty cool, huh? He called Chris's number and already has him drooling at the mouth. The pics helped of course."

Mark continued: "To cut to the chase, I got the house to myself next weekend, and I figured maybe the two of us and Casey could invite Chris to a little party at my place and gangbang the shit out of him. Blowjobs are all very well but I think it's time that Chris baby learned a few more facts of life and that it's time to teach him that his real place in the scheme of things is to submit to dudes like us. So whadda ya say, you up for it?"

Randy who had taken part in similar events together with his near neighbor Nate in the past was quite intrigued particularly since Mark intended to involve this new kid Casey, who seemed to be a young Master in the making. Nate was deep into the SM shit having been hustling since the age of 16 when he was kicked out of the house and, although Nate didn't elaborate too much, Randy knew that he had a portfolio of older guys who he regularly saw, a number of them being extorted on a regular basis, since Nate held over them threats of exposure of incriminating stuff. However, Randy didn't think it would be appropriate to involve Nate with these younger guys, although he figured it might be possible to borrow a few of his toys for the occasion.

He informed Chris: "Well, dude, it so happens I have an opening on my calender for next Saturday so I'm game. But it's gotta be more than just a blow session hear?"

Mark replied: "That's just great Randy. And as far as I'm concerned the sky's the limit. You just do what you wanna do."

The two of them then made arrangements about procuring beer, weed and chems. Mark would let Randy have the dough and Randy would get the stuff through some guy he knew. He wanted to know what chems he should get and Mark told him to try to get E; it kept Chris going. He told Randy not to get Rohypnol; he didn't want Chris to miss out on anything.

When Mark rang off, he felt better than he had done in ages. Especially now having Beth off his neck. Oh Jesus, he thought, he still hadn't told the old girl that he had ditched Beth. She had had high hopes of his marrying into her rich family, but she wasn't the one who would have to live with a lifetime of nagging. Tough shit, Mom!


The following day in the cafeteria at school Mark approached Chris and told him to meet him in the parking lot after classes. As a point of principle Mark kept Chris waiting for ten minutes and once at his car where Chris was leaning against the passenger door, told Chris to hop in.

"Sorry about that dude. Got talkin about swim team stuff; you know how it goes. So, it's been a while huh? How you doin?"

Chris replied: "Not a problem Mark. I'm fine. How about you?"

"I won't bore you with the details dude. It's just that I been thinkin it's been such a while since we got together, I figured it would be nice to catch up on things." With that, he slipped his right hand on to Chris's thigh; Chris immediately started to bone up, a fact that that didn't go unnoticed by Mark. "The folks are gonna be away next weekend so I was wondering whether you would like to come around to my place on Saturday night. I can get some beer and stuff, and we could get in some pizzas. In view of the booze situation, maybe you should stay overnight. How's that sound to you dude?"

"Sounds great Mark."

"OK then we can finalize the details during the week."

Chris hopped out of the car and Mark felt himself start to bone up.


Later that evening Mark called Casey and told him the news.

"I hope there won't be problem from your side dude, my good buddy Randy is lookin forward to meetin you."

Casey knew that his rep would stand or fall here and assured Mark that he would be there as promised. Furthermore he had been looking forward to the event with anticipation. Chris had been a great lay.


The following week followed the usual course except that on one particular day after the final bell when Chris went to his locker to organize the books he would require for home study, a note dropped at his feet when he opened the door. It turned out to be from Casey who suggested that they should meet up at Casey's place after school. Chris, who had a lot of school stuff to go over that afternoon, thought "Fuck! Just what I needed!" However, he had been waiting for some further reaction from Casey since the afternoon Casey had revealed to him the pics that Andy had taken of him, and subsequently made it pretty clear that in future he would be calling the shots and had fucked him to prove it. This was Casey's next move, he figured, and decided that he had better meet with Casey as suggested. He began to see now why Casey had decided to communicate with him via notes stuck through the door of his locker; he wasn't able to beg off from Casey's demands.

About ten minutes later he pulled up outside Casey's house, so familiar to him through his dealings with Andy and Pauly, and rang the bell for the cottage at the gate. This was a new procedure; there had been no such bell previously. A young voice answered, saying "This is Teddy. Can I help you?" Chris pressed the reply button and replied: "Hi Teddy. This is Chris. I'm supposed to meet with Casey. Is he there?" Teddy replied that Casey was in the shower but that he was expecting him. "I'll open the gate and you can come on up. I guess you know the way." Chris thanked him and made his way up the stairs to the boys' living quarters above the garages.

Teddy met him at the top of the outside stairs and ushered him into Casey's bedroom and told him to take a seat. Chris was able now to take a closer look at Casey's younger bro and he was stunned. The boy was truly beautiful; he looked his age of 14 years but was showing all the signs of budding adolescence. He had beautiful brown hair parted in the middle over his forehead in the traditional style of boys that age, and dark blue eyes. His skin had a natural tan; his body was smallish but one could see that it was really bursting at the seams and ready to bloom. He was dressed in light blue shorts which showed to advantage a nice little bulge, and a black tee shirt with the logo of some or other band unknown to Chris on it. Chris decided there and then he would have to speak with Matt and update his knowledge of the latest musical trends; it was after all a great topic of conversation with younger boys. Teddy was wearing scruffy looking white socks and blue tennis shoes which in no way detracted from his overall impression of cool. He had a smattering of fuzz above his upper lip, and on his lower arms and legs. Chris couldn't take his eyes off him and Teddy just smiled, as if it were his due, and excused himself saying Casey would be there shortly.

Meanwhile Chris was able to hear the pounding of the shower in the bathroom down the passageway and it soon ceased. Not long thereafter Casey appeared with a bath towel around his waist and rubbing his hair with a second towel.

"Hey Chris. Glad you could make it man. I got held up slightly by Mark, who I believe you know, hence the fact that I'm running a little late. I hope you didn't mind."

"No, it wasn't a problem Casey. Teddy let me in."

"Cool. Cool." replied Casey.

Casey completed his ablutions and slipped on a pair of boxers and a too small tee shirt. He then offered Chris a coke and they settled down to enjoy it after the toils of the day. Chris noticed that Casey now had a small bar fridge in his room. He resolved that he should get something similar.

Casey said: "Andy called me last night to find out how things are going. He specifically asked after you. I told him we had got together and worked on our future relationship and that things appeared to be working out." Casey smiled at Chris. "I guess that would be an accurate description of things, wouldn't it?" Chris nodded yeah; what the hell else could he do?

"Chris, Andy told me you have a special talent. And that is introducing younger guys to the joys of oral sex. He told me that he himself and his bro Pauly had been given their first blowjobs by you. I might have mentioned last time we got together that Teddy is looking for his first experience and I thought that if we could get that behind us, things would be really cool between the three of us. Nothing awkward, you know?"

"I told him earlier you would do him today and he is expecting to be called through to us after our chat. I take it you have no objection dude? I would regard it as a special favor."

Chris was completely taken aback by Casey once more, but he was well aware that Casey held all the trump cards and that he was capable of getting what he wanted one way or the other. So he replied: "Sure Casey, if that is what you want."

"It is dude, it is. Lemme give him a call OK?" With that he went next door and returned with Teddy in tow. "How you wanna do this Chris? I think you should let Teddy have the easy chair and then you can work from there."

Teddy had obviously been primed beforehand and waited for Chris to vacate the easy chair, then sat down with his legs stretched wide.

Casey continued: "Dude I think a suckboy should always strip to show a measure of respect, so do that huh?" Chris slipped off his jeans and tee shirt, together with his sneaks and socks. "Your boxers too Chris." instructed Casey. "Yeah, that's more like it."

Chris got between Teddy's legs on his knees and removed his tennis shoes and then his socks. Casey, not to be left out of things, asked Chris whether he liked that and when Chris nodded in the affirmative, he said: "I figured you would. Sniff them shoes dude and suck on the ends of his socks. Get that young boy taste. I'm sure Teddy won't mind if you take that pair of socks home with you later. Right, Teddy?" Teddy replied: "Sure thing Case. Seems to me he would like to take em."

Chris licked up the length of the boy's legs individually and when he reached his thighs he lifted his ass with both hands and slipped off the blue shorts he had been wearing, and his white briefs, over his now bare feet. Casey instructed Chris: "Kiss and suck his toes dude, then lick under his feet, that's it, one at a time."

Chris moved up to Teddy's crotch and licked then sucked on his smooth balls, then moved up further to his quite impressive five inch dick. By now Teddy was boned and leaking, so Chris licked off the head of his dick tasting his precum and running his tongue around the head. He then started to suck and lick his dick in earnest and pretty soon could feel it stiffen even more as Teddy approached ejaculation.

Casey said to Teddy: "Lift your tee shirt Ted and shoot your load on to your tummy. Chris can then lick it off for you." Teddy lifted his tee shirt and shot a nice load of sticky cum on to his belly and chest. As he relaxed Chris moved up to his upper body and licked the cum off his chest and then his tummy, paying particular attention to his belly button where a gob of cum had settled.

Casey asked Teddy: "You OK dude?" and Teddy replied "Hell yeah, that was awesome bro. Thanks a million."

Chris got to his knees and helped Teddy with his briefs and boxers and then his tennis shoes. Teddy handed him the dirty pair of socks and said: "Here dude, as promised."

Chris quickly got dressed and Casey said: "I guess you better move your ass and tackle that home work dude."

Chris ran out to his car while Casey thought to himself that the weekend would surely be a blast.

To be continued.......

Next: Chapter 67: Christians Induction IV 9

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