Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 19, 2011


Christian's Induction


Well, Chris and I got home safely from the party at Mark's house at about 1.30am. I pulled into the driveway and had to help him out of the car and up the stairs to our rooms. I had had too much to drink and knew I would have a hangover the next day. Chris on the other hand had not been drinking but was still under the influence of some or other drug Randy had given him. I figured that it would wear off by the morning. I had made sure that when I collected Chris' clothes from the bathroom that his cellphone was still in the pocket of his jeans.

Both of us slept like the dead and when we awoke at about eight surprisingly enough we were both compos mentis. Chris used the bathroom then looked into my room. He mumbled "Jesus, dude, you look like shit!" "You on the other hand look fucking great!" I replied. I looked him over and thankfully there were no outward signs that he had been knocked about. Thank goodness for that, I thought; if there had been, a lot of explaining would have had to be made to the rents and we would have been placed under all types of restrictions in future.

Soon after we awoke, Chris' cell rang. He started to look for it but I told him to forget it coz I had it.

It was Mark of course. "That you Chris? Where the fuck are you dude? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago. The rents will be here in a coupla hours and the place looks like Hiroshima."

I replied: "No, DUDE, this is Matt talking. I'm real sorry to hear about the mess at your place but you are just gonna have to clean it up yourself. Maybe if you are quick you can enlist the help of your buddies Randy and Jose. Your free ride is over DUDE. From now on Chris reports to me and I will control his activities. Don't get any ideas about retaliating coz I swear your rents will find out that you were not at Randy's house over the weekend. What's more how the Nesbit relationship with Chris developed first with Jerry and then yourself will not make pretty reading as far as your rents are concerned. Nor the involvement of your baby cuz from Chicago."

"Jesus, Matt," Mark replied, "what's got into you man? You were as much a part of this as me. You were a guest in my house."

"Well, DUDE, let me just say this. I now know what a chickenshit you really are. You have a big mouth when you have muscle around but otherwise you are a conniving little cunt. You were quite happy to see Chris get worked over good last night but unfortunately for you I woke up and got him out of there. You gave no thought whatsoever to the consequences had he this morning had bruises all over his face and maybe a black eye or a split lip. You. DUDE, are history!" I switched off the phone.

Chris was standing in the doorway open-mouthed. "So, DUDE, what are you looking at?" I asked him. "Thanks Matt." was all he could manage.

After we had showered and had some breakfast, I called Chris through to my room. "You heard my conversation with Mark. You now report to me, OK? " He just nodded. "And the car is effectively mine, right?" He nodded again.

"OK then, that's cool." I continued. "So, tell me, how does a fivesome with myself, Larry, Doug and Will sound?"

He laughed and said "Fuck! You ain't no better than Mark!"


Later that day Randy called on Chris' cell. I told him that it was me answering. He said "I figured it might be. I just heard the news from Mark. He's kinda gone ballistic." he informed me laughing.

Randy continued "I don't know if you are aware of it Matt, but Chris and I had a little thing going on the side. Where does that now stand?"

"It's all cool with me Randy. But you go through me OK? I think that maybe given a little time we can collaborate if you know what I mean."

"Sounds good Matt. Get yourself organized and then get back to me."


That night Chris informed me that Jose was expecting to meet him at the video games arcade on Tuesday evening. He sounded a bit nervous about it so I said "Leave it to me."

On Tuesday I arrived there at 7.30 on the dot and Jose was surprised to see me instead of Chris. "Wasn't expecting you dude. Where's your bro?"

I explained to him what had happened with Mark, and with Randy too. He burst out laughing. "Kinda amusing" he continued "but I gotta say I took a real liking to your bro. Pity, pity."

"No reason that I know of Jose that says you can't have him. Might cost you a few bucks though. Call me on this number." He replied: "I might just do that."

I looked around the arcade. It was covered from wall to wall with young guys. "So, Jose, what about all these horny looking fuckers? You think they might be interested in some prime head at a reasonable price?"

He gave me this sly look and replied: "It's not without the realms of possibility Matt but that would depend on what business arrangement you and I are able to agree upon."

I said "Give me a call." and went out to my car.

I was smiling all the way home.


My thanks to all those readers who took the time to send me an email. Much appreciated.

Next: Chapter 22: Christians Induction II 1

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