Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Oct 18, 2011



This is a work of fiction.

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Part Three.

Every morning first thing Christian would check out the weather situation and, unless it was scorchingly hot or otherwise unpleasant, he would directly after breakfast head down to the beach. Like most visitors he overdid the time spent in the sun for the first few days but soon developed a tan and could almost pass for a local. He checked himself out in the mirror and was pleased with what he saw; he had to admit he looked pretty hot, especially since his hair now had become bleached in parts. He noticed that he drew some admiring glances from older guys he immediately sensed were gay but studiously avoided giving them any encouragement. Life would be so much more easy if he was attracted to that type he thought.

In the afternoons he invariably spent some time in the amusement arcades and loved sitting on a high chair at one of the few standing-type tables. Here he could survey the array of teenage boys who were invariably clad only in swimsuits and flip flops, stripped to the waist. They were always glued to the machines and paid him no heed. Occasionally one would stroll to the washroom at the back and in passing give him the once over and look back at him as they entered the john. It was the same old routine that Chris knew worked so well. However, since his meeting with Steve and subsequently with his two buddies Carlos and Ramone, he was circumspect as he figured that some of these boys were really only on the make for a few bucks. Also his previous two encounters had had a slight undercurrent of menace and, although nothing untoward had happened, he had decided to be careful as the last thing he needed was to get bashed and have to explain that to the rents. He wished either Andy or Pauly were here with him (or both he thought smiling to himself); they would have been in their element. He doubted though whether their family's circumstances would have permitted of a vacation in Florida.

One afternoon, he had been sitting on his usual chair minding his own business, when a good-looking kid aged about fifteen sidled over to him and said "Hi". Chris had seen him here before and liked what he saw. He was kind of small but compact and had those familiar olive Latin looks. He was no more than 5'7" and must have weighed about 120. He had pitch black hair cut quite short and dark eyes that were like pools of.....well Chris wasn't quite sure what but he was entranced.

"Hi." replied Chris. He knew he had to give some sign of encouragement or the kid would back off. "What's up?"

The kid smiled and said "Nada, as usual." and Chris caught sight of his gleaming white teeth. "It's just that I seen you here a coupla times sittin alone and thought to myself: now there's a dude that could use some company."

Chris smiled and said: "Well, yeah, when you are on vacation with just your folks for company, it can get kinda lonesome." Chris cringed at this lame response but the kid didn't seem to notice.

"Wanna have a game?" the kid asked. "OK." replied Chris and they proceeded to one of the machines. Predictably the kid won by a margin and when they finished, the kid said with a smile: "That's gonna cost you a coke."

Chris replied: "No problem, you earned it." When Chris returned to the table with the sodas the kid was sitting on a chair opposite his own.

The kid introduced himself as Raphael and asked Chris whether he knew Carlos and Ramone.

"Actually yeah." replied Chris. "I met them through this guy Steve. You know him?"

"Oh for sure. He's been around for a coupla of months. Hangs with Carlos and Ramone some." He continued: "To be honest, they told me they had met this Anglo kid who lives near the Arctic somewhere," sticking out his tongue, "and when I seen you I figured you might be the dude."

Chris laughed and said: "Well, I guess you got that right."

Raphael got serious: "Listen Chris, we are all adults here. I gotta tell you I'm straight as a die but I like to mess a bit on the down low. You know what I'm sayin?"

Chris nodded yeah. "So?"

"Well. Number One: Do you like me?" Chris replied: "You know it dude."

"OK, that's cool. I think you are kinda hot too. Love those lips." Again he stuck out his tongue and laughed.

"And Number two: "There's a lil party at my house tomorrow night. Mixed mind you, but who the fuck cares right?"

Chris nodded yeah again. Raphael continued: "Well, if you wanna come, consider yourself invited. If you are lookin for some dick, which I'm guessing you are, you can count on it. My personal guarantee." Raphael laughed: "So whadda you say?"

It was an invitation Chris felt happy to accept. "I say yeah, Rafe."

"OK then, be outside here at eight tomorrow night. I'll have Carlos pick you up. Cool?"

"Sure." replied Chris.

Later that afternoon Chris bumped into Steve while walking home. Steve insisted that Chris join him for a coke at one of the stands along the beachfront.

"Had a call from Carlos earlier." he informed Chris. "Oh yea?" replied Chris.

"Yea. He tells me you gonna be at Raphael's party tomorrow night."

"Yea. I met Raphael at the arcade this afternoon and he invited me."

"Gotta say dude, you waste no time." Steve laughed. "But that's good. For you and some of the guys right? Should be fun." He gave Chris a huge wink.


The following day was a bit gloomy and on the cloudy side so Chris dispensed with going to the beach and spent the day sightseeing with his folks. He had the feeling that they were a bit disappointed that he was spending so little time in their company. He told them that he had been invited to go to a party that evening and thought he would chance his arm with his dad and asked him if he would buy a six-pack of beer for him to take along. The old man was against encouraging his sons to drink and smoke, but decided, What the hell! they were after all on vacation and there would be no driving involved, so he relented much to Chris's surprise. "Bud be OK?" he asked with a smile. Chris laughed and said "Yea Dad that would be great."

Chris's old lady chimed in: "So glad you found some nice friends my boy. I thought you might be lonely what with Matt not being here. Don't get into no trouble with no girls hear?" Chris assured her he wouldn't.


That evening he arrived outside the arcade shortly before eight and soon thereafter Carlos arrived in his junker. Predictably Steve and Ramone were with him. He got in the back with Ramone and it wasn't long before he felt Ramone's leg pushing up against his. Ramone gave him a sideways look and a wink.

When they arrived at Raphael's place, he was surprised to see that it was a very nice condo in what appeared to be a good neighborhood. Chris gave Raphael the six-pack he had brought along and was then given a tour. The condo was a three storey affair, the top floor consisting merely of an apartment-like arrangement which Raphael shared with his younger bro, who was a year younger than him.

"Jesus dude," Chris informed Raphael, "this place is awesome."

There appeared to be about twenty people at the party, roughly evenly divided between boys and girls, all middling-age teens. If Chris was expecting the party to be some rough-and-tumble affair, he would have been badly mistaken. Soft drinks and snacks were neatly laid out and word quickly spread amongst the boys that beer and weed would be found in Raphael's apartment on the third floor. Chris was surprised to gather that there were few couples; nearly everyone appeared to be unattached. It certainly made for some interesting hook-ups.

After the party got under way, Raphael pulled Chris aside.

"Listen dude, most of the guys know the score as far as you are concerned, so I thought that maybe after everyone has had a beer or two and had a drag of pot, you could instal yourself in my bathroom for maybe an hour or so and take care of whichever of the guys feels the need for a quickie. I hope you are up for it."

Chris was flabbergasted but the whore instinct in him wasn't easily extinguished and he agreed to fall in with Raphael's plans. If he were to be brutally honest with himself it really would be the fulfilment of a fantasy he had had but never quite expected to happen.

Having got Chris's agreement, Raphael said to him: "OK then, let's go upstairs and I'll show you the layout." Chris thought that that seemed a little unnecessary but as soon as they entered Raphael's bathroom, he locked the door behind them and laughingly told Chris that since he was the host he figured he deserved to have first dibs.

Chris settled himself on the toilet seat and Raphael stood directly in front of him and told him to go for it. Chris reached around and grabbed the boy's ass cheeks in his hands and pulled him close with his face in Raphael's crotch. He could feel that he was erect and ran his tongue along the outside of his jeans where the outline of his dick was clearly visible.

"Take it out." Raphael suggested and Chris quickly complied. He unzipped Raphael's jeans, slid his hand inside of them, and jerking down the waistband of his briefs, brought Raphael's dick out into the open. It was by this stage a throbbing five inch piece of meat and Chris quickly engulfed it with his mouth. It had that tantalising taste of boy dick and Chris allowed himself to savor the smell and taste of it for a few seconds before going to work on it. As was his wont, he ran his tongue around and around the mushroom head wetting it liberally with his saliva, then inserting the tip of his tongue into Raphael's piss slit. He could clearly taste the boy's dried up piss and cum. Moving down he was able to take the dick completely inside his mouth and throat, suppressing his gag reflex. He felt Raphael's clean smelling silky pubes against his face as the boy grabbed the back of his head and slowly started to fuck his face. His hip movements intensified and Chris kept his lips tight around his dick. When Raphael felt he was getting close to orgasming he instructed Chris to go back to the head of his dick and to swirl his tongue continuously around it. Chris felt that familiar stiffening of cock before orgasm and was soon rewarded with four or five thick creamy gobs of cum on his tongue. Raphael was panting with exhaustion but was clearly enjoying that feeling of satisfaction after blowing a load. Chris kept his dick in his mouth as it slowly softened and licked it clean, squeezing out the last few drops of cum on to his tongue. "You swallow it dude?" asked Raphael and when Chris nodded yea, he said "Good job man. It was awesome."

When the two of them had tidied themselves up, Raphael said to Chris: "Gonna ask you a favor dude." Chris replied "OK." Raphael continued: "You met my lil bro downstairs right? Well, he's lookin for his first blowjob and I don't want him to have to look to some useless 13 year old chick or hook up with some old dude down town, like what happened to me. He's a cute kid and I know you will like him. Won't you do the honors please? He's kinda shy and I know you would give him a good time."

Chris, while not wanting to appear too willing, said to Raphael smiling: "Put like that, how could I refuse dude. I'll do my best to put him at his ease so that he enjoys himself."

Raphael's bro must have been waiting in the bedroom because Raphael unlocked the door, stuck his head outside and said: "In here dude." His brother was indeed cute and was introduced as Hector. "Chris gonna do you bro. He's a cool guy and so just relax. Ain't gonna be no problemo OK?"

Raphael departed and Chris told Hector to lock the door. He then went about the extremely pleasant task to him of introducing Hector to oral sex. He soon had his hard dick in his mouth and it wasn't long before Hector relaxed and entered into the spirit of things. Chris instructed Hector: "When you are ready to blow your load, just tell me OK. I wanna taste your cum in my mouth and swallow your load when you are done." Hector looked a little wide-eyed at this development but did as he was told. When he had orgasmed and Chris had licked clean his cock, he said: "Jesus man that was fucking awesome. Thanks a mill." Suddenly gaining confidence, he added: "I don't suppose you are gonna be around these parts for long huh? I think you should come live here. Maybe move in with Raphael and me." he giggled. Chris laughed and told him to get the hell out of there.

After Hector left, Raphael re-entered the bathroom and locked the door. "Thanks man. Never seen him look so fuckin happy. Listen dude, here's the drill. If some dude wants his balls drained, he will knock three times. You then unlock the door and let him in. If you don't answer he will know you are otherwise occupied. OK?" Chris said: "Sure thing."

During the course of the next hour or so, Chris sucked off another three guys. When at last there was no further demand for his services, he exited the bathroom and settled down to enjoy a couple beers and to smoke some weed in the bedroom. Later in the evening three of the boys (including Ramone) wanted seconds and, being high as a kite, he acquiesced and did them on his knees in the bedroom while the others relaxed and looked on.

The party broke up at about one o'clock and Chris was helped to the car by Steve and Carlos. They were pissing themselves with laughter while Ramone bemoaned the fact that Chris was in no state to suck him off for the third time. "Dude's got no staying power." was his take on the situation. Carlos and Steve looked at each other shaking their heads.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 62: Christians Induction IV 4

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