Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Sep 7, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction.

All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Twenty Four.

During the course of the following week, Pauly became increasingly curious as to what measures Andy intended to take regarding the chores that were soon going to come down on him. Eventually he could no longer contain his curiosity and sarcastically asked Andy whether he intended to employ a housemaid.

Andy replied: "Well, Pauly, maybe you could in fact categorize it that way. I happened to mention what was going down to Chris and he kindly offered to assist me on Friday afternoons. It just so happens that he is free then, like me, and I suppose you could really just call it a lucky coincidence. He is an ultra-neat type of guy and I'm sure he will keep my room spic and span in exactly the same way I do myself."

Pauly was lost for words for a moment and then said: "Dude, if you expect me to believe that cock and bull story, you must be dreaming. You threatened him with exposure of those pics I took of the two of you, didn't you?"

"Well, not directly, no. Although that might have had a role in his thinking when he agreed to do my shit. Look, dude, he gets off on doin stuff for guys like me, so in a way I'm helpin him too."

Pauly just shook his head in disbelief and said: "You know Andy, you really take the cake."

"Anyway, Pauly, it's not as if I didn't have you guys in mind when I discussed this with Chris. After he had committed himself to help me, I told him that part of his duties would be to clean and scrub down the tub, shower cubicle and toilet. Floors too. So we all benefit right?"

"If you say say so Andy." said Pauly, liking the idea more and more.

When he went back to his room, Pauly gave the matter some more thought. He had to hand it to Andy; he really had a manipulative and conniving mind which served him well. If Pauly were truthful with himself, he knew that he himself should have thought of using Chris as Andy had. It was too late now, he thought. He had allied himself with George and that unfortunately precluded him from jumping on the bandwagon. He consoled himself with the thought that there was no way Andy would sit in his room all afternoon supervising Chris and this might allow him the opportunity of getting Chris to suck him off in between. Perhaps he might also barge into the toilet needing an urgent piss while Chris was cleaning up in there and who knows........after last Saturday night, he was convinced that Chris was thirsting for some boy piss. He smiled to himself when he thought back to Tom's reaction to the scene he had witnessed. Tom was a horny little bastard and with a little coaching Pauly thought that Tom might come down hard on any fags that came his way. Just the way it should be too, he figured.


On the Wednesday afternoon after swim practice, Andy told Mark about his success in coercing Chris into agreeing to perform his chores and once again thanked him for his advice. He told Mark he had applied just as much pressure as was needed to get Chris to cave. Mark said it was his pleasure to assist a fellow jock and inwardly he congratulated himself on the outcome. He all along had considered it a real pity that Chris had been let off the hook as it were. He considered it Chris's place to be in a servant-like role and it was only fitting that he should now revert to that lowly status. He resolved to do all he could to ensure that Andy kept up the pressure on the fag.

Andy had spoken with Chris on the ride to school that morning and told him that they should get together after swim practice that afternoon to discuss Friday. He suggested that Chris pick him up at the school at four. Andy, for a change, was dead on time and hopped into the car without a word.

When they entered Andy's bedroom Chris couldn't believe what a mess it was in. Jesus, he thought, how does the guy live like this?

Andy informed Chris that his old girl had started work that week, hence the fact that his room was a little untidy.

"It sure does look like you could use some help around here." Chris informed him.

Andy replied: "Yea, well, that's where you are supposed to come in dude."

Andy proceeded to show Chris where he kept all his clothes and stuff; he had the one cupboard and Chris suggested that his jackets, etc, be hung on the one side, and his shirts, jeans and other trousers on the other. There were obviously not enough clothes hangers so Chris said he would bring some along on Friday. "That cool?" he asked and Andy replied "Yea, whatever, dude." Chris had a spare shoe rack at home and decided he would bring that along too. In addition to the cupboard there was a chest of drawers which seemed to have no plan of arrangement. That was probably due to the fact that there was not much in the way of clean clothes; most of Andy's stuff was unwashed and scattered around the room, on his easy chair and even on the floor.

"I'll leave it to you to decide which drawer to put stuff in." Andy informed Chris. "Like tee shirts, jocks and boxers, briefs, socks, and so on."

"You know Andy one afternoon a week ain't gonna be enough to keep this place in proper order. I ain't callin you a slob or anything but a lot of stuff happens over a week. You think you can get Pauly or George to unlock the place for me on say a Tuesday? Then I can come around and keep it hands-on as it were."

"Sure, dude, I really would like to make this as hassle-free as possible for you, but what needs to be done needs to be done, right?" Andy was pretty sure he could get Pauly to agree; it wouldn't escape Pauly's notice that he would have Chris to himself on that day.

Chris started to gather together all the unwashed clothing and asked Andy whether they had time to do a laundry run.

"Shouldn't be a problem dude." replied Andy. "The folks only get home at six." Chris accordingly proceeded to sort out the laundry and felt himself getting an unexplained hardon when he handled the young dude's smelly socks, jocks and briefs. They bore cum- and piss stains and he inhaled the sweaty musky teen boy odor. Chris figured that sports-playing studs like Andy had a lot on their plates and rationalized that Andy deserved all the help he could give him. The idea of serving Andy appealed to him more and more.

While Chris was busy with the laundry run, Pauly arrived home and Andy immediately tackled him about the Tuesday suggestion. Pauly of course made a big deal out of it but in the end agreed to help. He could see that it might have benefits for him; ever since last Saturday he had been figuring out ways to cement his relationship with Chris. He was keen on ingratiating himself with some of the rich kids at school of whom Tom was one. He also hadn't forgotten about Will, who had seemed to have a major interest in using Chris. Things were maybe looking up.

On the way home, Chris reflected on the poor state of Andy's wardrobe and decided that he would agree to give him the extra ten bucks per week which Andy had been pushing him hard for.


At school the next day Pauly and Tom sat together in the cafeteria to discuss the upcoming Saturday evening. Some little fag who had his eye on Pauly asked if he could sit at their table but they shooed him away.

Pauly advised Tom: "It don't pay to let fags get too familiar with you, but one should always let them feel that maybe they have a chance with you. You never know when they may come in handy in some way." He laughed and added: "Of course, there are also occasions when a down-low blowjob can he had."

Pauly continued: "About Saturday night. I dunno how you feel about it but a planned quickie in the parking lot seems like a bit of a waste of time. The problem is to have somewhere to go. Unfortunately it won't be possible at my place."

Tom thought about it and then said: "Well, it so happens my folks are going to some asshole birthday party and they never get home before midnight. And they usually leave at about eight. Maybe we could use my room."

Pauly knew that Tom didn't have siblings. "Sounds perfect in that case."

"Let's check it out after school. See what you think, ok?"

"Cool." replied Pauly.

Tom lived quite close to the junior high and he and Pauly legged it to his house after school. It was situated in one of those small upmarket areas hidden away in a middle-class suburb. It reminded Pauly of Will's place except that the back garden wasn't as extensive and there was no swimming pool. No-one was at home; Tom explained that his mom was involved in charity stuff during the day. They went up a staircase and then along a hallway towards the back of the house. It turned out that Tom's bedroom was of a nice size with plenty of room apart from the usual bedroom stuff. Besides his computer, TV and stereo system he had a couple of stuffed easy chairs and an occasional table. Off to one side was a private bathroom and toilet.

"Very nice dude!" enthused Pauly.

"Thanks man." replied Tom. "But we will have to lug drinks and stuff up from downstairs."

"Hell, Tom, that ain't no problem. We will have Chris here remember."

They sat down to discuss matters further. Pauly continued: "Tell me to shut the fuck up if I gross you out, OK?"

Tom smiled and said "Let's hear it."

"Ever piss on a dude Tom?"

Tom's smile grew a little wider. "Well, I gotta pass there. But I'm kinda interested."

"Well, I had this idea that maybe as a kinda initiation ceremony for Chris we could piss on him. I figure if he don't baulk at the idea, and I don't think he will, we would have him pretty much where we want him. He's a submissive pussy, dude, and I figure that if he accepts that kinda treatment, he will do whatever we want."

Tom responded: "MMMM. Two junior high kids bossing a high school senior. Sounds fucking sweet."

Pauly undertook to chat with Chris about sourcing beer and some weed and they decided once that little matter was settled everything would be in place for a way out party.


Pauly duly called Chris and explained what they had in mind for Saturday night, apart from the golden shower bit of course. He then asked him if he thought he could charm Tonio into supplying them with some booze and weed. Chris said: "Tell you what, why don't I pick you up tonite at say 8pm and we can go down to the Arcade and check whether Tonio is there."

At 8pm that evening Chris pulled up outside Pauly's house and both he and Tom were waiting. They piled into the car and left for the Arcade.

When Tom saw three or four guys hanging around the entrance looking tough he asked Chris whether he was sure it was safe. "Just follow me guys." Chris told them.

They entered the place and three or four of the habitues greeted Chris, two of them grabbing their crotches suggestively and laughing their asses off. They walked towards the back and luckily found Tonio.

"Hola, Chris." Tonio greeted, looking him up and down. "What brings you here. Seems like you got company, no need to come lookin for any here huh?"

Chris said: "Hi Tonio. How goes it? You remember Andy and Joey right? Well, this here is Andy's bro Pauly and his friend Tom." Tonio gave them the once over.

"So?" asked Tonio.

"Well, it's like this dude. These guys are planning to have a lil party on Saturday and were wondering if you could source some beer for them. Also," shielding his mouth with his hand, "some weed."

"Excuse me Chris, but these dudes (no offence, mind) look as if they are seniors in kindergarten."

Pauly and Tom were by now looking exceedingly uncomfortable. However, Pauly piped up: "Tonio, believe me, there's no problem here. We just wanna have a lil fun. And you can conclude the deal with Chris."

Tonio had to smile. Fuck! he thought, they get younger and younger. He turned to Chris: "OK, what you want?"

"Just a case of beer and a bag of weed." replied Chris, looking over to Pauly who nodded his agreement.

"OK be here at three on Saturday," Tonio informed Chris, "and come alone hear? No babes in the wood."

When they exited the Arcade there were a few low whistles and one young kid sidled up to Chris and asked him if they could get together some time. Chris asked him his name and for his cell number.

On the way back Tom said: "Jesus, I was wondering if we would ever get out of there alive!"

Pauly just laughed.

Next: Chapter 58: Christians Induction III 25

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