Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Oct 28, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. by JM

*** Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there will be guest appearances from all of the guys of Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day'. This story is fiction and does not imply anything about the real sexuality of any of the Backstreet Boys or 'N Sync.

I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

The sun began to crack it's way through the shades in Brian Littrell's room. There he laid, barely any cover drapping over him while he held Justin. He admired Justin as the sun dazzled his eyes. His strong arms cuddled the younger body as he lay sleep. Brian brushed his hand lovingly aganist Justin's cheeks and then kissed him on the cheek. Justin didn't stir. Brian became very impatient with his sleeping beauty. 'Guess I really wore him out?' Brian thought as he slipped his arm from around Justin's smooth body. This caused Justin to moan, but not awaken. "You are just too much." Brian said as he slowly crept out of the bed. He stretched slowly and carefully as he stood. 'Ouch' Brian thought. His 'workout' with Justin last night took alot out of him too. His body felt sticky from the cum and champagne from last night. Brian stepped quietly through his room over to the dinning table. He pulled out a chair and sat softly, trying not to hurt his butt muscles too much. "Well it feels mighty chilly in here." Justin said as he popped his head up. Brian gazed at him, his marine-blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "What are you looking at?" Justin said as he took a big yawn. "Just an all-around great guy. I mean you are everything a girl or guy could want and yet I have you." Brian said. He was rather enthusiastic in his response. Justin smiled his trade-mark at him and then stood. "Well if I didn't have this huge headache I'd come up with something cute to say to you too." Justin said as he sat down next to Brian. "That's okay, just as long as I have you." Brian said with a sarcastic tone. Justin smirked happily and then glanced out the glistening window.

"I guess it's true," Brian said as he grasped Justin's left hand. Justin looked at Brian with confussion on his face. "What's true?" Justin said. "You really don't like to talk in the morning till you've had your cereal!" Brian said as he busted out laughing. Justin smiled at Brian and then began to giggle. "Yeah well, what can I say?" Justin said. "Well don't worry. Room service is on their way up with your cereal and something for me to eat." Brian said. He patted Justin on the hand and then stood. 'How could I fall so easily?' Justin thought to himself as he looked at Brian. It was obvious why. Justin could look at Brian and see very well why he fell in love with him. But not how? Brian walked into the bathroom and Justin heard the shower water begining to run. "Hey Bri, what if someone comes to the door!" Justin called. Brian stepped back into the room totally naked. Justin's morning hard-on was definetly begining to show through his Hilfiger boxers at this point. He wanted Brian like he wanted him last night. "Uh, don't answer I guess?" Brian said.

Justin pouted his mouth a bit and looked at Brian standing there. Brian inquired about Justin and walked towards him. Brian pulled a chair next to Justin's and sat down. "What's up bud?" Brian said as he put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "I don't know. Maybe it's just that we've been sleeping together every night for three nights, but yet it feels as if there's more between us. And we can't even express all that love. We have to remain in secrets and behind closed doors. I think it's sorta unfair." Justin said. He began to sulk in his chair. Brian looked at Justin with concern. "Trust me Justin, I know how you feel. But you know what? We can still show our feelings towards each other. Lance and J.C. already know how we feel about each other. And from what we saw of Nick and Kevin last night, I know they won't mind. So why not show it around the guys, but just not in public?" Brian said. That eased and comforted Justin little, but just enough. "Come here," Brian said as he motioned for Justin to join him in the chair. Justin eased himself over and sat on Brian's legs, facing him. "I feel as if we've been in love for ages too. I know how I feel about you and I hope you feel the same. I know there's alot more to us then just GREAT sex!" Brian said with a huge grin. Justin laughed a bit and then looked at Brian seriously. "So is this like a commitment to each other?" Justin said. Brian looked at the young 17 year old. "If you feel you are ready for one, then yes it is." Brian said with a smile. Justin hugged Brian around the neck joyfully.

Justin then kissed Brian with all of his might, forcing his tongue in Brian's mouth. Brian fell back in the chair and began roaming his hands on Justin's backside. The two lovers were in deep passion as they kissed. Justin breathed heavily as he rubbed his hands across Brian's smooth chest. Brian forced Justin lips off of his. "God, you are a hot guy!" Brian said. "You too Bri," Justin said with a smile. They both panted as they gazed at each other in the morning's light. Brian leaned in and began to kiss Justin's closed lips. Brian stuck his tongue out and passionately licked the outside parts of Justin's lips. Brian was really into his kissing and so was Justin.

Just as both guys were getting into their action, they heard a knock at the door. "Shit..." Justin whispered as Brian leaped up. Justin fell onto the floor with a thud. "Brian!" AJ called through the door. "Uh yeah." Brian said as he helped Justin to his feet. "Is everything alright in there?" AJ said as he kept knocking at the door. "Uhm, yeah. Everything is A-O.K. AJ," Brian said with a half-hearted laugh. "Well the guys and I were wondering if you were going to join us over in Chris's room?" AJ said as he tried to turn the knob of the door. "Go into the bathroom..." Brian whispered to Justin as he grabbed a robe from the closet. Justin quickly tip-toed to the bathroom and closed the door. "Sure." Brian said as he walked to the door. He opened the door and looked at AJ. "Uh, I'll be there in like 15 minutes." Brian said with a smile. "Uh, okay. Well don't take your time or anything. Oh and have you seen Justin? None of us can find him." AJ said with slight worry. "Justin? Nope, no sir. Haven't seen him." Brian said. He wasn't a very convincing liar. "Yeah. Well if you do, tell him to come over to Chris's too." AJ said. "Okay!" Brian said as he closed the door. AJ looked at the closed door and scratched his head curiously. "I wonder..." AJ mumbled as he walked off.

Justin quietly opened the bathroom door and peeped out. "All clear?" Justin said. Brian winked at him and then nodded. Justin smiled and walked back over to Brian. "So, where were we?" Justin said as he began to suckle of Brian's neck. "MMmmmm, I'm afraid we can't continue that," Brian said as he tenderly pushed Justin away. "Why!!!" Justin said sadly. "Cause the guys are waiting for us in Chris's room. They're all looking for you." Brian said. "Well let them looking a little longer!" Justin said as he forcefully pushed Brian onto his bed. Justin hopped on top of Brian and began french-kissing him. Brian groaned loudly and let Justin do his work. Justin snatched open Brian's robe and began to rub his hands on Brian's torso. They both began to grind their bodies together in a heat of passion. Justin removed his lips from Brian's and began to tongue Brian's ear. "Ahh" Brian said as he grabbed hold of Justin's ass. Justin kept his grinding up, meeting Brian's hard penis with every bump. "We have to stop you know?" Brian whispered to Justin in between groans. "Who says?" Justin said as he began to hump Brian faster. Both of their dicks began to let loose tons of pre-cum. "We have to!" Brian said as he panted. Sweat began to trickle all down his body. "Fine." Justin said as he began to slow his grinding.

He began to exotically grind his hips to Brian's. He never felt so good in his life. There was no sex, but just pure love. Brian grunted and began to fondle all of Justin's body. "Stop..." Brian hissed as he felt himself getting closer to cumming. "Please let me do this..." Justin hissed back as he continued to grind. "Oh" Brian said as he felt himself getting even closer. "Yes Bri." Justin said with a heavy breath. Brian felt the heat all acorss his neck as Justin slowed the pace even more. "NOW!!!" Justin said as his dick let loose a torrent of cum all over Brian. Brian felt the cum hit his abs and decided it was time for him to let go. "OH YES!!!!" Brian said as his cum began to spurt on his own chest. They both panted deeply, with their bodies still grinding.

"Wooooooo!" Brian said as he rolled Justin off of him. "That made me soooo tired." Brian said as he rubbed his hands through Justin's bleached hair. "Mmm-hmm" Justin said as he cuddled next to his sweaty lover. Brian pulled the covers over both of them and just laid there. "Brian." Justin whispered. "Yeah." Brian said, half-awake, half-sleep. "I can't sleep." Justin said as he rubbed his hands over Brian's arm. "Not again?" Brian said as he turned to Justin. "No, not that. Could you.. uh could you sing me to sleep?" Justin said as he cuddled closer to Brian. "Sing? Me?" Brian said as he raised a brow. "Yes you silly!" Justin said as he punched Brian in the arm. "Ouch! Okay okay okay. I'll do it. What do you want me to sing?" Brian questioned. "Hmmm, how about 'Darlin''?" Justin said as he winked at Brian. "Okay." Brian said. Brian began to croon Justin with the famed BSB song. Justin looked deep into Brian's crystal-blue eyes of love. Justin soon began to nod off while listening to Brian. Brian looked at Justin, sleeping quietly. "Goodnight Justin." Brian said as he kissed Justin upon the lips.

The two slept quietly for two hours. Just as they began to awaken, they heard pounding at the door. Brian jolted up from his sleep, causing Justin to roll to the side. "WHAT THE?!?!?" Brian said as he rubbed his eyes. "BRIAN!!!!!!" Nick and Kevin called through the door. "Open the door man!" Joey said. Brian looks around quickly and realizes that he and Justin have slept too late. "Oh Lord! Justin..." Brian said as he shook Justin. Justin groaned and kept sleeping. Brian began to panic as he shook Justin. "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!" Justin said as he pushed Brian away. "GET UP!!!" Brian screamed at Justin. "Brian?" Kevin said. "Who's in there with you? Is it another girl!!!" Nick said sarcastically. "Shit." Justin said as he looked around. Brian snatched his boxers from the floor and quickly began to pull them up. Before Brian could get the boxers to cpver his penis, the door swung open. "AH-Haa....." Nick said. Kevin, Nick and Joey all looked confussed and shocked as they saw Justin laying naked on the bed and Brian pulling up his boxers. "OH SHIT!" Justin said.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Joey said as he walked into the room. "Brian?" Nick said. His mouth hung wide open. Brian's mind began to do flips as he did not know what to do. "Uh uh uh uh uh uh..." is all Brian could say. "Hmmm, uh Nick and Joey. Could you guys excuse us?" Kevin said as he looked at the other two guys. "Hell no!" Joey said with anger. Joey, please." Kevin said. "Come on Joey" Nick said as he tugged Joey out by his shirt. "but... but..." Joey said. Nick closed the door behind them as they left.

Brian felt tears comming on as his cousin stood before them. "Sit down Brian and get your boxers on" Kevin said calmly. Brian sat down and pulled his boxers back up. Justin quickly covered himself with the sheets. Kevin pulled a chair from the table and sat in front of them. "I don't have to ask what's going on here. Hell, I don't even have to think about it. I know all about Brian, but I didn't know about you Justin. But this is very intresting. Very." Kevin said as he sat back in the chair. Brian and Justin still sat nervously on the bed. "Well I have no problem with this. None at all. But I do have one question to ask both of you." Kevin said seriously. Brian and Justin both looked at each other and then at Kevin. "Do you guys love each other or is this just good sex?" Kevin said. He raised his eyebrow as he awaited his response. "It's got to be love" Justin stumbled out. Kevin then looked at Brian. "Well?" Kevin said as he awaited the answer. "I love him Kevin." Brian said. he then smiled as he just realized what he had said. He loved Justin. He LOVED Justin Timberlake. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian as they both began to shed tears. "Okay okay! Don't go to pecies on me!" Kevin said with a smile. They both whiped away the tears and looked at Kevin. "Well this is good to know." Kevin said. "I'll break the news to the guys, if Joey and Nick haven't already. You guys just get dressed because we have rehearsal today with Fatima and plenty of studio time." Kevin said.

Kevin stood and walked out of the room. Brian laid back on the bed and let a sigh of relief escape his lips. Justin rolled ontop of Brian. "So you love me huh?" Justin said with a smile. "Uh huh." Brian said with a smirk. "Hmm, didn't know I had you so hung up" Justin said as he began to laugh. Brian did not find it funny and pushed Justin off of him. Justin fell onto the floor with a bump. He landed right on his back. He felt a serious pain and cried out. Brian jumped up and got on the floor where Justin was. "Justin baby?" Brian said as he held Justin. Justin jerked away from Brian. "Oh I didn't mean it. I just thought that what you said wasn't funny. I really meant that I loved you. I'm sooo sorry baby." Brian said as he grabbed Justin. "I'm sorry too. I didn't realize that I made you mad." Justin said as a tear slithered down his face.

"Here, let me kiss it and make it all better." Brian said as he laid Justin on his stomach on the floor. Brian then began to kiss Justin's shoulder blades softly. Brian massauged his hands on the small of Justin's back as his kissed went further down. Justin groaned as Brian's hands came to his ass. Brian began to rub and knead the soft flesh of Justin's butt. Brian brought his lips to Justin's ass and began to kiss it tenderly. "How's that?" Brian said. "More..." Justin whispered. Brian spread Justin's ass cheeks and dove his tongue in. Brian began to lick the small pink entrance to Justin's ass. Justin groaned loudly. He had never got rimmed before and he loved that once again his first time was with Brian. Brian licked softly around the hole and then dove his tongue in. He began to move back and forth with his tongue. "Yeah..." Justin said quietly. Brian really got into the rimming as he tongued Justin's hole. "That better?" Brian said as he removed his lips frm Justin's ass. "Yes!" Brian said as he sat up. He and Brian began to kiss once again, falling onto the floor. Brian pushed Justin's lips away from his. "We really have to get going now" Brian said. "Alright" Justin said with disapointment. They both stood and headed to get dressed.

TO BE CONTINUED.... (that's if you like it...)

Next: Chapter 2: Brian and Justin 2 3

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