Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 21, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 26) by JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get emails all the time about that. I'll try and for-warn you when I stop. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the 23rd story (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going :|) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very begining. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", "Just Part II" and "I'll Never See A Sunset", email me. Also now available is the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack. That's right, I'm out of control with these songs. Soundtack features old and new songs from B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through come stories. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. And also, thanks to Chris for being a good friend and a good writer. Till then, please keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Justin paced slowly in the hall. Tears were still flooding from his eyes. He was trying to decide whether to face the others or just await his moment to see Brian again. 'Why is this always so damn hard for me.' Justin thought as he wipted a tear off his cheek. He felt an arm grab him and he was afraid to find out who it was. Justin stopped his pacing and looked A.J. in the face. "Hey A.J." Justin said with a sniffle. "Hey man. Do you want to talk?" A.J. asked, gicing Justin his full attention. "Uhm, no A.J. That's okay." Justin said, his eyes drifting to the floor. "Justin, you have to talk to somebody. You can't sit here and drown your worries in tears. Let your feelings out." A.J. pleaded. Justin sniffled and tried to control himself. "Brian wouldn't want you to be like this." A.J. said sincerly. "Sure. He'd want me to go on all day about how sick and tired I am of something going wrong in our relationship?" Justin barked. A.J. looked at him squarely. "Would he want me to go on and on about how frusturated I am with this damn love? Or how about me talking about how fucking mad I am at Nick Carter for doing this again? And hey while we're on Nick, what about how many dam times he's interferred in me and Brian's relationship! Or how Lance could give a flying fuck about my feelings because he's so damn wrapped up in his sick and twisted love for Nick!" Justin hollored. People stopped in the halls, glarring at him. A.J. looked around and grabbed Justin by the arm. He dragged Justin to the side of the hall.

"It's not your fault any of this is happening." A.J. said with a tear shedding from his eyes. "It's not my fault?" Justin asked, tears cascading his cheeks. "Didn't Brian tell me not to interfer in Nick and Lance's 'relationship'. But I'm so stubborn and stupid that I did it anyways. Had I not tried to talk to Lance, Nick would have never fucking got in my car and almost killed J.C., Howie and Brian." Justin yelled. "Calm down Justin, please. It's not your fault at all." A.J. said, doing his best to comfort the young Justin. "A.J., Brian is fighting for his life. And it's because of Nick, me, you and everyone else. I should have never been with him! This is just so fucking messed up!" Justin screamed. He felt the tears burning in his eyes. He slid down the hall and pulled his knees to his chin. Justin looked down and began to cry unbearanly. A.J. felt as if he could do nothing for Justin. A.J. knelt next to Justin and wrapped his arms around Justin. Justin did nothing but cry even harder.

"If you blame yourself, then you won't love yourself. Brian loves the Justin Timberlake who loves himself. Brian would never blame you for any of this. He's a very religous man and he knows things can happen by the will of God." A.J. whispered to Justin. "I don't kow what I can do for him." Justin whimpered. "Pray for him. Believe he'll be okay." A.J. said quietly, still holding tightly onto Justin. "Now let's get to the waiting room and wait on the doctors to tell us what's up." A.J. said, wiping tears from his own eyes. Justin sighed and began to stand. A.J. stood and helped him to get up. "Thanks A.J. I never thought that you'd understand what I was going through." Justin whispered to A.J. "I know more then enough Justin. I've been friends with Brian for a long time. I don't ever want to see him hurt." A.J. said with a smile. They both walked slowly towards the waiting room.

They entered the waiting room, catching a glimpse of Joey as he walked towards the nurses desk. "Is everything okay?" Kevin asked as he ran up to them. "For now. Things are still a bit bad." A.J. repsonded, knowing Justin was not in the right kind of mind to answer. "When can I see him?" Kevin asked anxiously. "Soon." A.J. responded, helping Justin to a chair. Kevin kindly jerked A.J. to a corner, trying to avoid Justin's ears. "Is Justin okay?" Kevin asked quietly, looking slyly towards Justin. "No, Kevin he's not. He's taking this very hard." A.J. whispered in response. "Poor kid. I'm gonna call his mom." Kevin said. "Please do. He's in very bad shape." A.J. said, glancing at Justin. A.J. walked towards Amanda, who sat nervously in a chair next to Justin. "Are you okay?" he asked with a smile. "No A.J. I can't get over seeing everything that happened. I can't get over lying to get Nick's ass out of trouble. When I saw Brian just laying there..." Amanda stopped short of her words. A.J. looked at her with intensity and raised his brow. Amanda looked quickly towards Justin. "Uhm Justin, I don't mean to..." Amanda stopped herself once again. Justin didn't respond to either of them. "Let it go Amanda." A.J. said softly, rubbing her shoulder. Amanda nodded and tried to contain herself.

Nick and Lance stood in the hall near Brian's room. Nick's hands roamed up and down Lance's chest, kissing his lips softly. Lance panted, feeling Nick's tongue caress his chin. "Nick, don't do this." Lance whispered softly. "I'm just trying to make it up to you for saving my ass." Nick said devilishly. Lance groaned and felt Nick's hand grab his groin. "Not here and not now." Lance panted. Nick's mouth traced Lance's jaw line and worked it's way towards his ear. "Quit it!" Lance barked. He pushed Nick away. "You're not going to do this to me again. You've played with my mind too many damn times." Lance grunted at Nick. Nick was shocked at Lance's assertiveness. "I was just saying thank you. The way you would like me to say it." Nick said with a smile. "No Nick. I don't want to be around you anymore." Lance said, giving Nick a stern look. "Okay, that's fine." Nick said, backing off Lance. "But don't go crying to your friends that I hurt your feelings Once Night Stand Lance." Nick said with a snicker.

Before Lance could evern respond to Nick's comment, Nick was thrown into the wall by two strong arms. "What the fuck?" Nick said as his head crashed into the hospital wall. Kevin stood in front of Nick, rage in his eyes. "You bastard! How the fuck could you do that to them?" Kevin spoke in an evil tone. "What are you talking about Kevin?" Nick trembled in fear. "You know what I'm talking about Nick. You nearly killed Brian, Howie and J.C. you asshole. And all because you were too fucking drunk to know better." Kevin responded, his eyes blazing as if they were on fire. Nick had never seen Kevin so angry since he had known him. "It was an accident, I promise." Nick cringed. "An accident? You shouldnn't have gotten in the car in the first place!" Kevin shoutd. Lance stood in awe, watching as Kevin pratically strangeled Nick. "Kevin! Kevin stop!" Justin yelled as he, A.J. and Amanda ran towards the inccident. "Not till Nick understands how mad I am!" Kevin shouted at them. "Kevin I know your pissed. I really am sorry, I am." Nick whimpered, tears rolling from his eyes. "Let him go Kevin." Lance said from across the hall. "And there Lance goes sticking up for your worthless ass again. You should be glad and lucky you have someone who cares for you like that. Instead you just use him for dick and throw him to the side." Kevin snorted. Justin quickly grabbed hold of Kevin. "Let him go Kevin." Justin said in a calm voice as he struglled with Kevin. Kevin pushed Nick into the wall and released him.

Kevin backed away slowly. "That's now how we should do this Kevin." Justin said. Kevin looked at Justin, sensing his wrong. "This is how you should do it!" Justin said and he quickly grabbed Nick by the neck and shoved him into the wall. Kevin was shocked by Justin's violent action and hesistated for a moment. "Justin, no!" A.J. shouted as he attempted to pull Justin off of Nick. Justin had fire in his eyes. He was determined to make Nick regret his actions. A.J. ripped Justin off of Nick and threw him to the side. "Stop this you guys!" Amanda shouted. "He's not worth it." Kevin said as he grabbed ahold of Justin. "I'm sorry. How many times can I say it?" Nick cried. He knelt on the floor, feeling hurt and ashamed. "Not enough Nick. You messed up really bad this time Nick." Kevin said, glarring down at the pleading boy. "And hasn't he suffered enough?" Lance asked as he helped Nick up. "Haven't you suffered enough?" Amanda intervined. Lance looked at her in shock. "Every five minutes you're sticking up for Nick and taking the blame for him. And every five minutes he's dissing you." Amanda said in an angered tone. "He's young. He doesn't need to be blamed for everything that goes wrong." Lance defended Nick. It had now become a part of Lance's nature to stick up for Nick. "Last time I checked Lance, it was me and Brian getting blamed for everything." Justin said, tears once again dawning his face. "The only thing you get blamed for Justin is loving him. And for taking what Nick had wanted." Lance said, giving Justin an obvious stressed looked. "Let it go Justin and Amanda. There's no helping Lance now. You've tried and it's not going to work." A.J. pleaded, trying to pull Amanda away from the scene.

"Justin, I never meant for Brian to get hurt. You know I'd never do anything on purpouse to hurt him." Nick sniffled. "Really? What about all the times you broke us up? Did you ever think how much you were hurting Brian?" Justin asked, keeping his calm. Nick thought for a moment. "I guess I didn't." Nick responded lowly. "Then maybe now you should." Justin said as he walked away from them. Lance hugged Nick, trying to stop him from crying. Lance felt he was wrong to go against everyone else's suggestions, but he couldn't help his need to help Nick see his wrongs and his rights.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 27) by JM

Justin and Kevin walked back into the waiting room. As they entered, they saw J.C. sitting in the room. Justin rushed over to J.C. and hugged him as he sat in a wheelchair. "Hey Justin." J.C. said in a quiet voice as he too hugged Justin. "I'm glad that you're okay." Justin whispered, tears circling his face. "Me too." J.C. whispered back. Justin let go of J.C. and stood over him. "Feeling well?" A.J. asked as he offered his hand to J.C. J.C. smile and shook it. "Yeah, I'm okay. My head is throbbing, but otherwise I should be good to go in about an hour or two." J.C. responded. "Have you heard anything about the others?" J.C. asked, his eyes focussing on Justin. "Yeah, we have. Actually Howie's not in too good of shape but he'll survive. Brian's not in the best shape either." A.J. responded. "When can we see Brian then?" J.C. asked, now looking away from the depressed Justin. "The doctor said in about half an hour." A.J. answered. He took a seat next to J.C.'s wheelchair. "It's a shame that this happened. We'll definetly be in Orlando for awhile now." J.C. said with a laugh. A.J. laughed with him. Justin tried his best to smile, but it wasn't working. "Come here Justin." J.C. waved for Justin to come closer. Justin knelt down and J.C. wrapped his arms around Justin. Justin began to cry again, his head laying on J.C.'s chest. "I know it's hard buddy. But I know that Brian'll pull through." J.C. said, stopping himself from crying. Justin sobbed harder. J.C. ran his hands across Justin's head and hushed him.

"Can I see Howie?" J.C. whispered to A.J. "Sure. If you want I can take you to him." A.J. whispered back. J.C. shook his ehad yes, still petting Justin's head. "Justin? I'm gonna go see Howie and see how he's doing." J.C. said softly to Justin. Justin raised his head and quickly wiped the tears away. "Okay. Uhm, I'll be fine here." Justin said as he stood. "Are you sure Just? You can come with me." J.C. said sincerly. "Oh no, you go and see him. I'm sure you want to thank him for helping you out." Justin sniffled out. "Alright man. I'll be back in like ten minutes." J.C. said with a smile. Justin smiled back. A.J. stood and helped wheel J.C. out of the waiting room. Just as they were leaving, Lynn came rushing in.

"Justin? Oh Justin are you okay?" Lynn said as she ran over to Justin. Justin sighed and knew he had to hold back the tears this time. "Yes mom, I'm okay now." Justin said as he hugged his mother. Lynn looked into Justin's face. "You look as if you've been crying for days." Lynn said as she rubbed Justin's face. "I feel like that." Justin retorted with a smile. "Is he okay?" Lynn asked. Justin knew what she was referring to. "He's stable for now. That's all I know." Justin replied sadly. "Well when are they going to let you see him? Have you seen him? And what about J.C.? How about Howie? Where's Kevin?" Lynn spit all her frantic questions out within seconds. "Mom, calm down. Howie's okay. Kevin's getting coffee and J.C.'s visiting Howie." Justin answered her as best he could. "Well have you seen Brian?" Lynn asked with concern. "Once. For about five minutes. It was about an hour ago." Justin said. He ran his hands quickly through his hair and decided to sit down. "Justin you look very tired." Lynn said as she sat next to him. "I am tired mom. I feel like someone has placed a million bricks on my back and keeps stacking." Justin replied honestly. "Then you should come home and get some rest. Kevin's here..." Lynn was stopped short. Justin raised a brow at her and knew that he had to say nothing. "Of course you want to stay here and look after him. That's just what I expected from you." Lynn said sadly.

"Uhm Justin?" Dr. Roberts said shyly as he walked into the waiting room. "I don't mean to interupt anything." he said as he walked over to Justin and Lynn. "No, it's quite allright Dr. Roberts." Justin said as he stood. Lynn stood alos, keeping her eye on the doctor's face. "Dr. Roberts, this is my mother Mrs. Lynn Harling." Justin introduced his mother and the doctor with uncertainity. Dr. Roberts and Lynn exhanged glances and shook hands. "Well doctor, can we skip the unnecessary. How is Brian?" Lynn asked plainy. "Well Mrs. Harling, Brian is stable as of now. He has some medication running through his body and hopefully he's vitals will stay the same forawhile. If they do, they'll be no need to operate." Dr. Roberts said. "That's good." Lynn said with a long awaited sigh. Justin gazed at the doctor and waited to ehar some very important words from him. "Uhm Justin, he has been asking for you for awhile now. We had to wait until he was stable, but he'd like to see you." Dr. Roberts said with a bewildered smile. Justin smiled back and nodded. "Go ahead Justin, I'm going to go check on J.C." Lynn said with a smile. "Well I'll accompany you because I have to look over J.C. to make sure he's ready to go home." Dr. Roberts said. Justin was glad that the doctor was going with his mother. HE needed time to himself.

Justin left the room without a word and started his slow, sad walk towards Brian's room. Justin's eyes were fiaxted at the floor as he walked. His thoughts were twisted so much, that Justin couldn't tell what was right and what was wrong. He came upon Brian's room and took no hesitations in entering. Justin gazed at the sleeping Brian, his eyes shut and his body still. He looked at the machines hooked up to Brian. Brian's head was bandaged and he had an I.V. running through his arm. His eyes looked bruised and his face was a shade of white. Justin wanted to cry at the sight, but this time he knew he could be strong. He strolled over to Brian and placed his hand on Brian's hand. "I wish I could take you out of here." Justin whispered as he grabbed hold of Brian's hand. "Me too." Brian whispered back as his eyes blinked opened. Justin smiled. "You look as bad as I do." Brian said with a small laugh. Justin giggled and leaned down to hug Brian. "Ah ah, watch it." Brian groaned as he raised his hands in pain. Justin's eyes couldn't hold abck the tears any longer. Brian listeneed as Justin cried. "Justin remind me to get you a box of Kleenex for Christmas." Brian said with a smile. Justin couldn't laugh this time.

"I'm sorry Brian, it's just that..." Justin tried to stop himself. "What?" Brian whispered. He brushed his hand over Justin's face and tried his best to make Justin feel comfortable. "It's just that everything's so messed up now. Everyone is against everyone and I feel like it's our fault. If they didn't throw that party for us, who knows where you might be right now. And who knoiws if Howie would be laying in that bed right now or J.C. And my God Brian, me and Kevin tried to kill Nick in the hall. He's made it so hard for us and I feel like it's no longer worth fighting for." Justin whimpered. Brian was confussed by some of the things Justin was saying. Brian grabbed Justin's left hand and held it up. He pointed to the gold ring that rested on Justin's ring finger. "This is why it's worth fighting for Justin." Brian whispered. Justin smiled and let the tears stream his face. "Nothing else should worry you." Brian spoke in a tender voice. "I know that, but it does." Justin said in a teary voice. Brian didn't know what to do to make Justin feel better. Brian raised Justin's chin and looked into his eyes. "Then leave me if you think it'll make everyone feel better. If it'll change things, then I'll let you go." Brian said sadly. Justin thought and tried to think of the words to express his feelings. "Is that what you want?" Brian asked. "No." Justin whispered. Brian smiled. "Then try and work things out. I know with me here in the hospital, it'll be ahrd. But you have to do it. Whatever hate you have for Nick, you have to put it aisde and try and work things out. And whatever love you have for Lance, you have to put that aside and help him." Brian said. He knew he could build up Justin's confidence with simple words.

"I don't want to be alone." Justin said sadly. "And you won't be alone." Brian responded. Justin leaned forward and kissed Brian's lips. Brian savoured the moment. He parted his mouth and let his tongue slither towards Justin's. Justin closed his eyes and kissed Brian's mouth softly. Brian grabbed the back of Justin's head and tasted Jusitn's sweetness. Tears ran down his face. Justin let Brian's lips go and looked at him. "Why are you crying?" Justin sniffled out. "Because you mean so much to me." Brian said with a smile. "You had better rest now. Kevin will probably be in here in a minute or two." Justin said. "Will you be back soon?" Brian questioned. "Of course. I'll be back in about half an hour. I going to make sure that I take care of this problem of ours for good." Justin said with a smile. "Don't go getting yourself put in the hospital too." Brian said with a low laugh. "I won't." Justin replied as he walked out of the room.


*** Don't forget to read the next chapters and email me for the 'Brian & Justin' soundtrack. ***

Next: Chapter 13: Brian and Justin 28 29

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