Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jun 20, 1999


Brian & Justin (Chapter 89) By JM

---- Voted by readers - BEST STORYLINE & MOST ROMANTIC COUPLE ----

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee action for them though, because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Week'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 89th STORY!!! It follows along with the rest, so if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me at the address above. I have received an abundance of mail, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the all 'Justin & Brian' soundtracks (only lyrics). Soundtrack features old and new songs from the BSB, 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin unless noted. They have a purpose, so don't distribute them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best BSB story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for great works, with his storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. Also thanks to Zeo for creating 'N Sync Love. It's a great story! And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJ Vascardi's for being a good friends and great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. VERY SPECIAL thanks to Netboy for designing and maintaining the website for me. And to Cabby for her continuous support. So until the next time... please keep reading the stories...s and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

"You two okay?" Joey whispered as he knelt down next to Brian and Justin. Justin looked over to his friend and could give no answer. Brian looked at Justin for help. Joey cocked an eyebrow at both of them, still awaiting an answer. "You look okay." Joey finally tried to answer for them. "Thanks Joey." Brian replied softly. "Don't thank me. I was only doing what I thought was best for both of you." Joey turned his attention to Brian. Brian responded with a small nod. "I just hope the others will understand like I did." Joey sighed. Justin gave Joey a concerned glare. "We don't have to tell them." Justin whispered. "I didn't say I was going to, but you two will have to. And if you don't, this will." Joey replied, raising his hand to Justin's lip. "And if that doesn't say enough, he will." Brian added, pointing to Nick's room.

The added tension between Brian, Nick and Justin didn't help the situation. "Can we all just drop it." Justin requested bitterly. He slowly stood and began to walk into his and Brian's room. "No Justin, we can't just drop it. What happened last night is something serious and it's something we can't hide." Joey argued. "Joey shut up! Brian feels guilty enough as it is." Justin barked at him. "That's his duty. He knows he's done something wrong and now he has to deal with the guilt." Joey argued reason. "I don't want him to deal with it." Justin was losing hope. Brian stretched and then stood from the floor. He placed a hand on Joey's shoulder for attention. Joey peered to his right and then looked at Brian. "I'll talk to him." Brian whispered. "Are you sure that's wise?" Joey questioned softly. "He's my fiancé and sometimes, I'm the only he'll listen to." Brian reminded Joey. Joey groaned lowly with defeat. "I'll be getting my stuff together." Joey whispered to inform Brian. Brian nodded and removed his hand from Joey. He walked into the room as Joey walked down the hall silently.

Brian left the door slightly opened and approached Justin. Justin sat quietly on the bed, staring at the floor with hopes of getting an answer. He twiddled his thumbs as he heard Brian's footsteps. "I know you don't want to admit this, but Joey's right." Brian was the first to speak. Justin lifted his head to look at Brian. Brian knelt down next to Justin and grabbed his hands. "I hate to say this but I have alot of guilt right now. A tremendous amount. So much that even I'm unsure of why you'd still stick with me." Brian confessed. "Because I love you." Justin whispered. Justin nibbled on his own lip and looked away from Brian. "I know you love me but what I didn't doesn't make it right." Brian reminded Justin. "I didn't say it was right, but that doesn't mean I want to leave you." Justin replied, gazing off to where Tyke slept peacefully. "I know I have to tell the guys what happened. And no matter what they do or say, I want you to stay out of it. Don't defend me." Brian spoke softly. Justin snapped his head in Brian's direction. Brian gave him a stern stare. "I don't want you to suffer through any of this. You suffered enough babe." Brian reasoned his choice.

Justin pulled his hands away from Brian's. "I understand." Brian whispered as Justin looked away from him again. "You don't understand," Justin disagreed. "Even if I don't defend you, I'm still going to suffer. Brian I can't stand to see you hurt." Justin whimpered out. Brian ran his hand lightly over Justin's cheek for support.

"I was scared to death last night when I couldn't find you." Brian changed the subject with need. Justin let Brian grab his hands again. "I was torn apart inside when I realized what I did to you. And on top of me hitting you, I turned my back on you for Nick. I promised Joey and myself that I'd do this," Brian stated. Justin found the courage to look at Brian again. "Justin, as long as I live, I won't lay another hand on you. And me and Nick, that's nothing anymore. He will be my friend but I won't support him unless he really needs me. And I won't touch another drop of alcohol." Brian promised sincerely. Justin looked at him with love. "Well, not until our wedding day when we take that first sip of champagne together." Brian chimed. Justin finally smiled at Brian. He leaned down and gave Brian a loving hug. He didn't need to tell Brian that he understood or that he trusted him. He knew deep in his heart and soul that Brian knew.

"While we're up here getting all emotional, uhm, I think it's time we pack to go." Brian suggested with a laugh. Justin released Brian with a small smile. "Where is that smile that Brian loves so much." Brian requested. Brian lifted his hand to Justin's chin in search of Justin's honest side. Justin removed the small smile from his face as he looked at Brian. "Oh, you're playing hard to get with me?" Brian questioned.

Brian pushed Justin back on the bed and then began to tickle him furiously. Justin screamed out with laughter as Brian tickled him. "Where's the smile?" Brian asked of Justin as he continued to tickle him. "I don't know!" Justin hollered out with laughter. "Then I'm not stopping." Brian grinned as he continued to roam Justin's body with his hands. "Okay!" Justin screamed. Brian released Justin and Justin fell back on the bed with uncontrollable laughter. Tears streamed down his face as he tried to regain composure. Brian leaned down and kissed Justin lightly on the cheek. "I missed that smile." Brian whispered and held Justin. Justin elbowed him the side for revenge. "You stupid asshole." Justin heaved out. Brian kissed Justin's neck as Justin tried to recover.

"I think we had better get moving." Brian suggested while placing another kiss on Justin's neck. Justin ran his hand over Brian's leg that was rested on Justin's hip. "Okay." Justin gave in. Brian left a small hickey on Justin's neck before releasing him. Justin sat up on the bed and tried to escape from the entanglement of the sheets. Brian scooted next to Justin and laid his hand on Justin's thigh. "You forgive me?" Brian asked. "Of course I do." Justin assured him. "You're not saying that because you're afraid to lose me, are you?" Brian questioned. "At first, I would've but then I realized... Brian Littrell has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. So if what happened last night was a mistake, then I understand." Justin replied. "It was a mistake. A SERIOUS mistake!" Brian assured him as he laid his head on Justin's shoulder.

"You're pretty tired, aren't you?" Justin asked. "I didn't sleep all night." Brian responded. "Because of me?" Justin laid another question for Brian to answer. "I was scared you'd never speak to me or look at me again." Brian replied softly. "Joey let me see you last night while you slept. You were so precious and so adorable. I'd had to never see that again." Brian added. "You gave me a kiss, didn't you?" Justin wondered. "Yeah, I did. How did you know?" Brian asked, lifting his head. "I don't know," Justin shrugged. "I just felt that you were there." Justin explained. Brian smiled and rubbed his hand over Justin's thigh.

They heard a small knock at the door before the door opened. Britney peeped her head inside and looked at the two. Her eyes bulged out when she saw them. "When Joey told me, I didn't want to believe it." Britney said bitterly as she pushed the door open. "Told you what?" Justin questioned. "That you forgave him." Britney hissed. She gave Brian a stare that he would never forget. "Britney, calm down a sec. Of course I forgave Brian." Justin tried to ease her emotions. He didn't have much accomplishment. "Of course?! Oh yes, I forgot that this world is filled with abusive boyfriends and everyone is just supposed to forgive them." Britney replied sarcastically. "Hold on there Britney. Brian is not an abusive boyfriend. He has never laid a finger on me until last night." Justin warned her. "The first time doesn't make it the mistake." Britney said with intelligence. "I understand your anger Britney. I am sorry for what I've done, but you're right, I can't change it." Brian spoke up. "And with you saying sorry, Justin just jumped up and forgave you? It's so easy you for you to play off Justin's naive nature." Britney chastised him. "My naive nature? That's got shit to do with this. I forgave Brian because of love and understanding." Justin argued. "Justin, come off it. You forgave him because you feared being without him. If Joey ever laid a hand on me it would end right then and there. You should know better then this," Britney caused Justin shame. "Look Britney, this is isn't Ike and Tina here. Brian didn't beat me down and leave me in the hallway. He slapped me and that was the end of it." Justin barked at her. Brian grabbed onto Justin's arm and stopped him. Brian gave Justin a knowing look.

Justin rolled his eyes and ended his argument. "Are you finished Britney?" Brian questioned. "What, does he got you wrapped around his finger now?" Britney asked of Justin. "Your quarrel shouldn't be with the love of my life Britney. It should be with me." Brian got her attention again. "Fine Brian, are you truly sorry?" Britney asked. "Yes, I am." Brian replied quickly. "Then you should make Justin understand that it was wrong and that he should leave you alone." Britney warned. She turned from both of them and walked out of the room.

Just as she left, BJ came running inside. "I'd say she was mad." Brian made lightly of the situation. "I hope everyone else isn't like that." Justin sighed. Brian's guilt was more than he wanted, but he hid it from Justin. "I'm sure they won't be that mad." Brian did his best to comfort Justin.

An hour went by as Brian and Justin packed their clothes. It was a silent hour as both of them thought about the past 24 hours. They somehow went from the happiest couple within the three groups to the most guilt-filled and depressed couple. Yet they hid it from each other. If they spoke the words that they knew they were thinking, it would mean obvious end to a strong relationship.

"Have you seen my Kangol hat?" Brian asked while stuffing one of his shirts into his bag. Justin picked the hat up from the floor and handed it to Brian. Brian grasped the hat and then grabbed Justin's hand. "Are you okay?" Brian asked softly. Justin licked his lips quickly and gave Brian a straight face. "You're not okay." Brian answered for him. "I'll be fine." Justin assured him. "No you won't." Brian sighed. He knew when something was bothering Justin that it was stuck on Justin's mind until Justin talked about it. "Brian, all I want is to know that you are okay." Justin requested. Brian looked at him funny. "As long as you're right here." Brian replied. Justin smiled and Brian could help but melt right before Justin.

"Hey lovebirds, it's time to go." Joey said from their doorway. Justin and Brian glanced at him and smiled. "Wait, before we go, I have something to ask you Joey." Justin stopped Brian. Joey gave Justin his full attention. "First off thanks for saving a relationship that was slipping." Justin smiled. Joey smiled back at him. "Anything for my friends." Joey responded. "Joey, me and Brian are getting married soon... and well lately, you've been the one person I can count on. You are one of the best friends I could ever have and I love you for it. So I wondering if... if you'd be my best man when I get married." Justin stuttered out with all the nervousness his body could muster. Joey was thrown by Justin's question. "Are you serious!?" Joey's excitement soon showed. Justin nodded. Joey ran into the room and lifted Justin in the air. Joey screamed with excitement as Brian and Justin laughed at him. "Thank you sooooooo much! No one has ever asked me such an honor." Joey bragged as he let Justin down. Justin hugged Joey lightly and then backed away. "You've been there for me and I just wanted to show you much it meant to me." Justin replied. "To us." Brian interrupted him. "Thanks Joey." Brian extended his hand to Joey as he spoke. "No, thank you." Joey chimed.

"I had better let you two finish packing. The bus is downstairs waiting when you guys are done." Joey said, still smiling widely. "Okay, thanks." Justin waved him off. Joey stumbled out of the room with joy.

"Well, it seems you made a choice." Brian whispered to Justin while wrapping his arms around Justin's waist. "One of the hardest choices ever." Justin agreed. "Why?" Brian asked, rubbing his cheek to Justin's. "Because I know that J.C. won't be happy about it." Justin replied. Brian gasped lowly, realizing that Justin and J.C. had a tight bond. "But J.C. has alot on his mind now. I think he just needs time to deal with his relationship with Lance before he could think about handling the responsibility of being a best man." Justin stated. "Spoken like a wise man." Brian teased. "I just hope that J.C. can work out his problems before things go too far between him and Lance." Justin sighed. "Don't worry about them. They're grown boys." Brian assured Justin.

J.C. sat by the elevator door with his bags sat on the floor. He had watched Britney and Joey enter the elevator happily, Chris run from room to room looking for his Tommy shirt and Kevin grumbled about how tired he was. Not once had he seen his boyfriend, Lance, grace his presence. J.C. had slept in Lance's room all night, holding Lance to comfort him. Now he wondered if Lance was still too sick to make it out of the room.

"Hey cutie, looking for someone?" J.C. heard a familiar voice question him. "Yep." J.C. responded clearly. Nikki smiled at him as she stood next to him. "Me too." Nikki laughed. "Isn't it strange how me and Britney dated you and Justin and now you're both in love with guys? Where did we go wrong?" Nikki joked. "I think it was that time that you made us dress up like Barbie dolls." J.C. joined in. Nikki pushed him lightly as she laughed. "Well at least you're happy with Kevin and Britney's with Joey." J.C. commented. "Yeah, things turned out pretty good for us two. What about you and Justin?" she asked. "Can't you tell?! Justin couldn't be more happier if you painted a smile on his face! And me, I'm good." J.C. cheered. "Just 'good'?" Nikki asked. "Adjusting." J.C. added. "Filed with mystery. That's how you always were." Nikki giggled. "Hey, you weren't so bad yourself Nikki." J.C. reminded her. "Yeah, but I can say I'm very happy with Kev'. He's, hmm, well he's fun when he wants to be. But his serious side is so sexy." Nikki bragged. "Okay, more than I wanted to hear about Kevin." J.C. teased. "Of course Lance has those erotic eyes..." Nikki joked. "Hey, those are mine!" J.C. warned her with a laugh. "What? Now you won't share? You used to with Nick," Nikki cackled, but in the end she knew she was wrong.

"It wasn't by choice." J.C. frowned. "I know, I'm sorry Josh." Nikki responded without laughter. "It's okay. You can't escape the past." J.C. sighed. "That's true. But you can look forward to the future." Nikki comforted him. "And that future is walking down the hall." Nikki whispered, bringing J.C.'s attention to the hallway.

He glanced down the hall and saw Lance dragging his bags towards the elevator. "See ya later cutie." Nikki whispered and left J.C.'s side. J.C. was too caught up in finally seeing Lance. lance threw his bag next to J.C.'s and heaved for air. "God, it seems I always end up leaving with more than I came with." Lance joked as he leaned against the elevator door. "Well we just have one more stop before you can stop living out of a suitcase." J.C. lightened his attitude. Lance nodded.

J.C. pushed the down button on the elevator. "We don't get much of a summer beak, do we?" J.C. asked. "About a week and a half off. Then we head into the studio to finish up the last two songs on the album. After that, it's promotion time!" Lance answered in a business-like manner. "What last songs do we have to do?" J.C. asked. "The one that Justin wrote awhile back, '...Sunrise', and then 'Forever'." Lance responded. "Is the song with Blaque going to be on the album?" J.C. asked as the elevator doors slid open. "Uhm, I'm not sure. I hope so because it's a pretty cool song." Lance shrugged while he responded.

J.C. leaned down and grabbed his bag and watched Lance once again struggle with his own. "How much time do we get in Hawaii?" J.C. pondered. "Uh, I think like three days. But Justin gets the week off." Lance coughed out his answer. They both stepped into the elevator and J.C. lightly pressed the button for the lobby. "I'm so jealous of him." J.C. sighed as the elevator moved downward. "Jealous?" Lance asked softly. "Justin's getting married Lance? I mean, come on. That's something that I thought I wouldn't see until he was like thirty. he's eighteen and getting married to a man that he loves! What a thrill this must be for him." J.C. exclaimed. "Yeah, it's still hard for me to think of. It's almost like he's leaving us." Lance agreed. "Yeah, but he's still gonna be in the group. I just can't believe he's getting married!" J.C. wailed. Lance laughed at J.C.'s enthusiasm.

"He'll always be my 'Curly' though." J.C. sighed as he and Lance stepped off the elevator. "Yeah, he'll always be 'Mr. Smooth'." Lance agreed with accord. "But just think? He'll have a ring and everything. I wonder if he'll change his last name legally?" J.C. pondered as they approached their friends in the lobby. "I doubt it. Management wouldn't let him." Lance became technical. "Oh fuck management. This is Justin's life and he wants to be Justin Randall Littrell, then I say go for it." J.C. replied strongly. "There's a lot of paperwork behind that though," Lance added. J.C. rolled his eyes at Lance's comments. "Lance, if I wanted to be Joshua Scott Bass, then I could careless what Johnny Wright or RCA had to say about it." J.C. gave an example. Lance took the example to heart. "Is that what you want?" Lance chimed. "Well I mean..." J.C. was stuck. "Someday." J.C. finally confessed. "What if I wanted to be James Lance Chasez?" Lance offered. "Then I guess we'd have to talk about that." J.C. laughed. Lance smiled and walked with J.C. to his friends.

Justin and Brian stepped into the hallway of the upstairs. It seemed like they were the only ones left on the floor. Brian gazed over and could see that Nick's door was still partially opened. He looked and Justin and frowned. "Uhm, you go ahead downstairs. I have to talk with Nick for a minute." Brian stated. The name caused Justin to drop his backpack to the floor. "I'll wait here." Justin responded flatly. "It's okay J..." Justin didn't let Brian finish. "That's okay. I'll stay here." Justin repeated. "Justin, do you trust me?" Brian questioned with a slight anger. "I don't trust him." Justin replied. "He's probably too hung over to try anything. Look Justin, you don't have to worry about anything." Brian replied plainly. Justin was unnerved by the idea.

"Did you have sex with him last night?" Justin asked softly. Brian's eyes grew large as he heard the question. "What!?" Brian asked loudly. "Did you sleep with him?" Justin repeated the question with shame. Brian took the question with care. He placed a hand on Justin's shoulder and sighed. "No, I didn't sleep with him. He tried his best, but my mind was on you." Brian replied. "Did you want to?" Justin queried. "No." Brian answered. Brian leaned forward and kissed Justin lightly on the lips. He rubbed Justin's cheek with sincerity. "I love you. I don't want him and that's what I'm going to tell him. So go downstairs and get on the bus." Brian smiled as he spoke. Justin nodded and grabbed his backpack. He picked up BJ and cradled him in his arms. "Don't worry." Brian whispered. Justin nodded again and walked down the hall towards the elevator. He took one final look back as Brian carried Tyke into Nick's room.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 90) By JM

Justin didn't mind the wait in the lobby for Brian. He took the time to talk with J.C. and Lance about the wedding and what their plans were for the next album. "I still can't believe you're getting married. Man, I can still remember when you were this little kid on the Mickey Mouse Club, dreaming of a big house in Miami!" J.C. boasted. "Yeah, it's alot to take in." Justin smiled brightly. "And uhm, I've gotta talk to ya'll about something." Justin chose his moment with careful timing. "What's up J?" J.C. asked, taking a seat next to him. "I love you two alot and you'll always be my best friends." Justin exclaimed. "We'll always love ya too Curly." J.C. assured him. "And please don't be offended, but I chose Joey to be my best man." Justin quickly stated. "Joey?" Lance asked, cocking his eyebrow at Justin. J.C. was shocked by the notion. "As long as he doesn't flirt during the whole wedding, I guess it's cool." Lance shrugged. J.C. didn't have an answer for Justin. Justin looked over at J.C. for approval. "Yeah, uh... it's cool. Joey will make a good best man." J.C. finally stumbled out. J.C. stood from his seat and walked over to the nearest window.

"He'll be fine." Lance whispered to Justin. "I would've made him best man..." Justin started. "But Joey's been there for you lately." Lance finished the sentence. "Yeah." Justin agreed. "I can see that. Joey's backed you up on a lot of things and I think the rest of us could learn from him. We've all been in this selfish mood where we care only about our own relationships." Lance understood and spoke wisely. He ran his hand over his hair and then looked towards J.C. "Me and J.C. are both sorry for not being a little more sensitive to you and Brian. But it's kinda hard to do that when you have your own barriers to cross." Lance stated. "I understand Lance. You and J.C. are just getting serious and it's alot for you two to take on after months of just... sex." Justin shyly responded. Lance nodded, not getting offended by Justin's remark. "But we're still apart of the wedding, right?" Lance asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "Of course! Ya'll are like my brothers and I wouldn't dare forget about ya." Justin chimed. "Good because I didn't want to be stuck doing nothing." Lance laughed. "I wanted ya'll to be my groomsmen." Justin replied. "Serious!?" Lance jumped up when he heard it. "No, I was hoping you could be the bartender." Justin joked. Lance leaped on Justin and playfully punched him. "Thank you so much!" Lance screamed as he punched Justin. "Okay, get off me!" Justin hollered. Lance rolled off Justin and onto the lobby floor.

Justin lifted his head and could see that the group was now receiving stares from workers and other hotel guests. Justin ran his fingers through his hair to fix it and then discretely slumped in his chair. "Ya'll have got to calm down." Kevin chastised both Justin and Lance. "Okay, we're sorry." Lance replied. "Yeah, sorry Daddy." Justin joked evilly. Kevin shook his finger at Justin, trying to control his anger. Justin snickered, trying his best not to give a full-fledged laugh. Kevin walked off, avoiding any further attention from onlookers.

"Justin, what happened to your lip?" Lance asked, finally taking notice of the cut on Justin's lower lip. Justin placed his hand to his mouth. "I didn't do that, did I?" Lance asked with fear throughout his tone. "Oh, no, you didn't do it." Justin assured him. Joey glanced over at them and gave Justin a disturbed face. He was doing his best to urge Justin to say something. "Brian hi..." Justin began to say before Kevin interrupted him.

"All right everyone, let's get on the bus now. We wanna make it out of here so I can get home." Kevin announced to everyone. Lance grabbed Justin's arm as Justin began to stood. "He hit you." Lance had caught onto what Justin said. Justin's lip trembled when he heard it out loud. "Did he hit you?" Lance asked sternly. Justin was too scared to respond to him. "Yes, I hit him." Brian whispered to Lance. Lance leaped with surprise when he heard Brian's voice. He released Justin's arm quickly.

Justin backed away from Lance and then stood next to Brian. "What the hell is wrong with you." Lance hissed lowly, trying to make sure no one heard him. "I know I was wrong and I was drunk and wasn't thinking clear. But I'm not saying I was right, but I am sorry." Brian stood up for himself. "Hey ya'll, come on!" Amanda called out to them. "I don't care how sorry you are Brian, you have no right to lay a finger on him." Lance chastised Brian while grabbing Justin's arm. Brian nodded and grabbed his bag. He threw it over his shoulder and headed towards the bus.

Justin watched Brian walk away. No matter how much he wanted to run after him, he knew Brian didn't want that. "I can't believe you didn't leave his ass." Lance huffed as he grabbed his own bags. Justin turned to look at Lance. "I know this going to be hard for you to forgive, but it's something you're going to have to forgive. I love him." Justin stated. "How can you love someone like that?" Lance barked at Justin. "Easily. He's never given me a reason besides last night to doubt him." Justin responded. "So you were going to breakup with him?" Lance asked, intrigued. "The thought crossed my mind, but it didn't stay for long. Last night was one of the biggest mistakes Brian has ever made, but it would have been my mistake to let him walk away." Justin tried to explained. "Justin, it's your mistake for not letting him walk away." Lance disagreed. "I guess then I'm making the biggest mistake of my life by going after him now." Justin responded softly and grabbed his bag. He stepped away from Lance and then followed Brian's trail. Lance frowned and felt for his friend. 'God, why can't that be me? Why can't I say I'd give up everything for the one I love?' Lance criticized himself. He coughed and cleared his throat before walking out of the hotel.

Justin stepped onto the bus and gazed towards the back. He made his trek towards the bunks before finding an empty on the floor. He stuck his backpack inside of the bunk and then closed the curtains. "Justin, dude, hungry?" Chris offered from the front. "Uh, yeah." Justin replied and walked to the front.

Justin grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and then a spoon. "Oreo O's, just like you love 'em." Chris said as he passed Justin the box. Justin brought all of his tuff to the small booth and sat down. He poured some milk into his bowl and then added the cereal. "Feeling okay?" Chris asked as he scooted next to Justin. Justin nodded and then took a big spoonful of cereal to his mouth. "I wonder how he could be feeling okay." Lance commented as he passed by. Justin rolled his eyes and then continued to eat. "What's his deal?" Chris questioned. "Just ask Justin what happened last night." Lance responded before leaving for the bunks. "Lance, do I sense attitude?" A.J. joked as he passed by Lance. "You sense anger." Lance replied.

"What's up J?" Chris asked Justin. Justin sighed and placed the spoon in his bowl. "Something went down between me, Nick and Brian last night." Justin soughed out. "Like what? Ugh, don't tell me ya'll are doing threesomes now." A.J. teased him. "No, something serious." Justin answered with a straight face. "Don't make that face Justin, it freaks me out. You're never this serious unless..." A.J. stopped himself. "Ya'll broke up?" A.J. questioned quickly. "No, we didn't but it came close to that..." Justin responded. "What almost came to that? Justin, stop freaking me out." A.J. became serious as he looked at Justin. Chris examined and studied Justin's movements and face. "What's this?" Chris asked as he reached for Justin's lip. Justin saw the hand coming and quickly jerked away. "What the fuck is it?!" Chris barked. Just as his words came out, Brian stepped into the front area.

"Brian, what's up with your fiancé?" A.J. turned to look at Brian. Brian knew the conversation was headed in a bad direction when he saw Chris and Justin's facial expressions. Brian cleared his throat to distract Chris's attention from Justin. "I think what Justin is trying to say is that I messed up severely last night." Brian stated. Justin looked at Brian with horror. 'Don't do it.' Justin mouthed to Brian. "Last night I went out and got drunk and went clubbing with Nick. When we got back, Nick offered for me to go to his room. Justin saw us and tried to stop me from making a serious mistake. I didn't listen and while arguing, I hit him." Brian's words brought dead silence to the three individuals listening.

"What'd he say?" A.J. asked with astonishment written on his face. Chris jumped up from the booth, getting ready to punch Brian. Justin grabbed the bottom of Chris's shirt and quickly pulled him back into the booth. Justin pulled Chris into a headlock and held him in his place. "Stop it!" Justin barked, trying to overpower him. Chris growled and did his best to pull away from Justin. "Dude, tell you didn't hit him." A.J. pleaded of Brian while Chris and Justin battled. Brian couldn't look A.J. in the face. His shame was now building. "Dude, tell me you didn't fucking hit Justin." A.J. barked at him. "I can't say that because I did hit him and I'm sorry." Brian responded, his eyes flustering with tears. "And it cost me alot when I did it." Brian trembled while looking at Justin.

Just Brian's stare caused Justin to release Chris. Chris stood once again and looked Brian right into the eyes. "Why? Why would you hit him? Justin gives a hundred percent to you while you give him twenty-five." Chris hollered at him. "Chris, I can't do anything about it but make Justin understand that I love him deeply." Brian replied softly. "If you loved him, you wouldn't have hit him." Chris remarked coldly. "You're right." Brian agreed with guilt.

"What is all the noise about?" Howie asked while approaching with J.C. and Kevin behind him. "Brian thinks he's a man now because he hit Justin." Chris responded, still giving Brian a death-filled stare. "What!?" Kevin yelled out. "Quit playing around Chris." Howie laughed while seeing them. Justin stood and looked at Chris with anger. "He's not playing around." A.J. added. The sound of A.J.'s voice was the chilling part for J.C. It was the look he received when he saw Justin. "You bastard." J.C. hissed, trying to push by Kevin and Howie. Kevin held his ground, partly from the shock.

"Chris, just back up off him. He has nothing to prove to any of us. The thing that matters is that Justin still loves Brian and he's forgiven him." A.J. stated, pulling Chris away from Brian. "Have you gone loco on us Brian? I mean... what the hell?" Howie snapped at him. "He was drunk." A.J. defended him. "I don't care if he was high, drunk and on Prozac, he should've never put a finger on Justin unless it was loving." Howie argued. Brian stepped back from their argument, knowing it was headed for unfriendly territory.

"Brian, have you... have you apologized?" Kevin tried to remain rational. "Apologize?! I don't care if he pleads on his hands and knees, this wedding is off." Howie turned to Kevin. "That's not your decision." J.C. spoke up. He had found the time to get over his initial anger to think clearly. "Forget making decisions, you can't just pick up where you left off because you love each other." Howie chastised both Brian and Justin. "Howie, man, shut up." Kevin begged with anger. "We haven’t just gone back to the way we were. We haven't had enough time to do that." Brian spoke up. "Brian, I gotta step in here and say this was the stupidest thing you've ever done. Now whatever reasons there may be, I want you to take the steps to make this right... with everyone." Kevin demanded of his cousin. "I'm trying to." Brian responded, softly.

Justin pushed by Howie to get to Brian. "Go get some sleep... I'll try and handle some of this." Justin whispered to Brian, placing a light kiss on Brian's cheek. "No, you don't need the stress." Brian began to argue softly. "Brian, I can handle it." Justin replied, hushing Brian but not silencing his fears. Brian finally gave in and then leaned forward. He gave Justin a quick kiss on the lips in front of his friends. "Be careful." Brian warned him. Justin nodded.

Brian pushed by everyone and walked towards his bunk. "Leave him alone, all of you." Justin said to everyone with slight anger. "Justin, how can you..." Justin stopped Howie. "Don't worry about it Howie. You don't know what went down between me and Brian this morning, so just let it go." Justin finished Howie's sentence with a clear statement. "Justin's right. We don't know what has happened between Brian and Justin, so we can't judge or control the situation." Kevin agreed plainly.

J.C. plopped down in the booth, still feeling shaken by the whole idea. The crowd soon disbanded as Howie and Kevin walked to their bunks while Chris walked to the back. Justin took a seat next to J.C. and laid his head on J.C.'s shoulder. A.J. took a seat across from them and looked out the window. "You're out of your mind." J.C said lightly. "Please say you'll understand." Justin asked of him. "How can I? Justin this is serious." J.C. sighed. "I know it's serious but J.C. I don't think I should lose him now." Justin whispered. J.C. twiddled his thumbs, trying to think. "You're right, I suppose. Brian has messed up, but as long as you know in your heart that he's not going to do it again then I'll know too." J.C. replied. Justin snuggled his head to J.C.'s shoulder and smiled. "But I mean if he puts one more..." Justin lifted his head and gave J.C. a knowing look. J.C. stopped his speech for the moment. "I understand." J.C. sighed to calm Justin. "I know you do J.C." Justin nodded. "I gotta find Lance." J.C. commented, trying to move Justin out of the way. "He already knows." Justin whispered as he got out of the booth. "He does? And he didn't tell me?" J.C. questioned. "He just find out." Justin assured him. "Well at least I won't have to break the news to him." J.C. shrugged. He gave Justin a small hug for assurance. Justin returned the hug, showing his friend that he was happy. J.C. walked off with a small smile to find Lance while Justin took a seat in the booth again.

"Isn't it ironic?" A.J. asked. "Don't you think." Justin joked. A.J. smiled Justin's way. "Seriously, we were just talking about the whole tabloid thing and how they said I hit Amanda. And now, boom, Brian hits you. I mean that is the less expected thing and it happened." A.J. pondered. "I don't wanna dwell on it A.J." Justin retorted. "That's fine and all but the rest of them will." A.J. answered. "I know." Justin said softly. "Did he leave that mark on your neck?" A.J. questioned, pulling his sunglasses down to admire the bright, red mark. "Yeah, but that was from something else." Justin smiled brightly. He had almost forgot about the hickey Brian had left on his neck. "You two... forever necking and making out." A.J. cooed. Justin nodded, still smiling strong. "That's good though. At least you two can grow past these things. Brian's a great guy and I'd hate to see him lose you." A.J. commented. "I'd hate to lose him too." Justin agreed. "It doesn't look like you while though. He's pretty hooked on his 'Just'." A.J. teased him. Justin blushed shyly. A.J. couldn't help but laugh at Justin's modesty. "You gonna be okay?" A.J. asked, standing. Justin nodded and watched A.J. stretch. "Okay, then I'm gonna go chill with Chris and see if I can clam his happy-go-lucky ass down." A.J. stated. He stumbled off as the bus continued it's long journey towards Lexington.

Justin stayed seated as he saw Nick walk into the front area. Nick didn't bother acknowledging Justin. He grabbed a bottle of Evian water from the mini-fridge and then took a seat across from Justin. "Ya'll are some loud ass folks." Nick grumbled and then took a sip of the water. "Is there something you want Nick?" Justin asked bitterly. "Just wanted to know if you talked to Brian yet." Nick replied. "I haven't had a chance to chat with him since this morning, why?" Justin worried. "Cause he called things off between me and him." Nick frowned. "I hope you're not expecting me to say I'm sorry, because I'm not." Justin replied. "Brian was close to admitting his love for me. But no, you go and shake your virgin ass for him and then he leaves me for you. Now when he's ready to have sex with me, he falls for your games again because he was scared you were hurt." Nick grumbled. "He wasn't going to have sex with you. And for the record, Brian did not get with me because I was a virgin. We fell in love asshole." Justin mocked him. "Oh yeah, that's real mature. Justin give it up. Your innocent and 'oh so loving' game is done. Brian was gonna sleep with me last night." Nick boasted. "Brian told me he didn't fuck you and that's what matters. Maybe you're the one shaking your virgin ass for him to fuck, but he doesn't want it." Justin responded coldly. Justin stood from the booth. "Look Justin, I'm kind of sorry that Brian hit you last night, but for him to practically end the friendship that we built for you is painful for me." Nick stuttered out. "Maybe if you treated him like a friend and not your first fuck, he could've been the best friend you had." Justin chastised him with no shame. "Oh and I owe you this for the kiss at the bar and last night," Justin added. He pulled back and then released. With a strong force, his fist landed right on Nick's cheek. Nick fell back into the booth with hurt. He groaned and grasped the side of his face "Don't test me again." Justin warned him and walked off.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 91) By JM

Justin shook his head from pain. 'God, his jaw is like rocks.' Justin thought to himself as he strolled towards his bunk. When he reached his bunk, he saw Brian sitting out of the side of it. Justin was confused when he saw Brian. Justin knelt down to where Brian was and could see Brian was cuddling BJ. "Something wrong?" Justin asked with concern. "What can I say? I missed ya." Brian smiled. "Really?" Justin asked with surprise. "Nah, I just felt like sitting here and playing with this mutt." Brian laughed and scratched BJ's head. Justin giggled and crawled into the bunk. He sat up next to Brian and placed an arm around Brian's back. "I am so sorry for what I did Justin." Brian whispered, laying his head on Justin's shoulder. "Brian, you've apologized like a billion times now. The first time was enough." Justin replied. "I know but I feel real guilty and no matter what the others think, I feel in my heart the only one I should say sorry to is you." Brian added. "Well you don't have to say sorry anymore." Justin assured him. "Well can I say I love you?" Brian requested. "Until your lips fall off... and even then, you can use sign language." Justin joked. "You're not funny." Brian attempted not to laugh while speaking. Brian kissed Justin lightly on the neck and then played with BJ lightly. "I think me and you should catch up on some undivided attention." Justin suggested. Brian eagerly roughed BJ up and then placed her on the floor. "Then let's get back to basics, shall we?" Brian cheered, pulling the curtains shut.

Brian and Justin laid back on the bunk, Brian running his hands over Justin's cheeks. Justin and Brian turned their heads to each other and began to kiss deeply. Justin's lips ran over Brian's with slight pain, but that was the last thing on Justin's mind. He felt Brian's leg fall onto his as they kissed and made out. Their lips ran furiously back and forth over each other. Justin muffled a moan as Brian's hand grasped his thigh and squeezed. Brian ran his other hand over Justin's hair, holding their kiss tight. Justin felt Brian's feet kicking off Justin's shoes and then his own. He couldn't believe how flexible Brian was, enough to push Justin's sneakers off in their position. Brian's mind spun in circles as he made out with Justin. He missed the moments they shared just kissing each other.

J.C. found himself passing by the bunk that held the two lovers. He saw the two pairs of legs sticking out, moving around with muffled sounds of ecstasy coming from inside. "You two are forever at it!" J.C. laughed as he knocked on the top of Justin's bunk.

J.C. kept moving past Brian and Justin, bypassing them and walking to the bathroom. He lightly tapped on the amber-wood door. "Lance, hurry up out of there." he called towards the man inside. He was desperate to see the face of the man that he loved. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute." he heard Lance respond. "I hope you didn't fall in." J.C. joked as he left the door.

Little did J.C. know what Lance was really doing in the bathroom. Lance's eyes were firmly shut as he sat on the counter. His jeans and boxers were tightly tangled around his ankles. His legs were spread so that he was comfortable and his back was pressed against the wall. His yellow, Tommy jacket was bunched in a corner of the bathroom while his shirt was right bellow his pants. His right hand was greasy with baby oil and pre-cum while his left hand was lightly grasping one of his nipples. His mind was focused on a picture of him and J.C. having sex for the first time. It was a beautiful picture to Lance because it was the dawn of something that made his dick come to full mast. Lance's hand rose and fell with precision. It was a slow rhythm to start out with. His hand ran over his rosey, red head with care. His lip curled as he tried to hold in his moan. He could see J.C.'s hips moving up and down as they fucked. It was a picture perfect memory for him. He tilted his head up and sighed gently. His hand was quickening his pace. 'Why didn't I just have J.C. handle this?' he thought to himself as he came closer to cumming. His ass was convulsing slightly from the pressure of almost cumming. Sweat dripped lightly from his forehead as his hand reached the top of his dick again. "Come on Lance, just let it go....' he thought.

The picture of J.C. soon faded and a new appeared. That of Nick. Lance was seeing the picture of him getting fucked by Nick behind the curtains at the Backstreet Boys video shoot. The image turned Lance on incredibly. Lance gasped for air as he began to come over his fist. Lance's hand moved with need over his penis as he shot several loads on his chest. Lance's eyes opened slowly, still thinking of Nick. 'What's wrong with me? Why am I thinking about him?' Lance asked himself. 'If you could take his virginity, would you?' Lance heard his conscience question him. Lance pondered the question as he grabbed some toilet paper to clean his mess.

Brian was comfortable in Justin's bunk. They had finally rearranged themselves so that they were laying inside the bunk fully. Tyke was resting next to Justin while Brian took the very inside of the bunk. Brian's head was rested on Justin's shoulder as he held him. Brian blinked his eyes open slightly and yawned softly. The smooth ride made it easy for him to sleep so early in the day.

He felt Justin's body cringe in his arms as he began to rest his head again. He lifted his head and saw Justin's eyes shoot open. "Ah shit." he heard Justin murmur in pain. Brian looked down at Justin with a sudden shock. "What is it?" Brian asked with concern. "I've.. I've got a serious cramp... in my stomach..." Justin whimpered out. Brian was thrown by the pain in Justin's voice. "Do you want me to stop the bus? Get you to a hospital?" Brian offered with a tremble in his voice. "No, just let it ride." Justin responded, trying to calm his stomach. Brian didn't like the response he received. "Just hold me Bri..." Justin pleaded. "But Justin..." Brian was too scared to help. "Just hold me and I'll be okay, Bri." Justin assured him. Brian laid back down and wrapped his arms around Justin. Justin snuggled to Brian and tried to relax.

Brian found himself unable to relax with his hurting fiancé. Even the sounds of the road or the dim lit bunk didn't ease his sleepy mind. "I love you." he heard Justin whisper. "I love you too." Brian responded naturally and hugged Justin tighter. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Brian whispered the question into Justin's ear. Justin nodded and closed his eyes. Brian sighed lowly and closed his eyes. He did his best to sleep with Justin in the bunk. Soon enough, he was able to relax enough to fall asleep with Justin.

Three hours went by before Brian heard someone knocking on the side to the bunk. Brian lifted his head woozily to see who it was. He lifted his arm to pull the curtains open and looked outside. The blazing light of the bus caused his eyes to squint to the feature. "Brian, we're at a rest stop. We're gonna grab something to eat, ya'll want anything?" he heard A.J.'s rusky voice question him. "Yeah, hold on and we'll be there." Brian responded softly. "Okay, just hurry up because we don't wanna be at this stop forever." A.J. whispered back. Brian nodded and watch A.J. closed the curtains.

"Justin... are you hungry?" Brian asked softly. Justin rubbed his ear and opened his eyes. The soft whisper that Brian spoke was enough to wake him this time. "Mmhmmm." Justin responded. "Well come on and let's go get something, okay?" Brian suggested. "Okay." Justin replied. Justin yawned loudly and tried to stretch in the cramped bunk. Justin pushed himself out of the bunk and closed his eyes again. He took the moment to get his eyes adjusted to the light. He felt Brian step out of the bunk, leaving Tyke sleep inside.

Brian smiled as he saw BJ run by towards the back of the bus. "I wonder what she's been doing all of this time?" Brian asked. "Terrorizing me." J.C. responded lightly. Justin giggled softly, still exhausted from the ride. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and held it while they stood waiting. "Ya'll can go ahead off and get something. Everyone else is already out there." J.C. informed them as he began his chase with BJ again. Brian nodded and walked Justin to the front of the bus. Justin stumbled along, trying to shake off his sleepiness.

Brian grabbed his Kentucky hat from the front and then stepped off the bus with Justin. Justin looked around and saw the McDonald's that everyone had seem to migrate to. "You go on ahead. I gotta run to this video store and grab something." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin looked to his left and saw the small video store Brian was referring to. "Do you want anything from McDonald's?" Justin asked. "Yeah, grab me a number two with no onions." Brian responded, handing Justin a five dollar bill. "You got it." Justin smiled and walked off towards the fast food restaurant.

Justin stepped inside the busy McDonald's and found his friends quickly. He bypassed people, trying not to get noticed and then took a seat at one of the booths with the rest of the guys. He watched and laughed as Chris toyed around with his Pug, Busta. "Where's your loverboy?" Lance asked sarcastically and with a hint of anger. "He went to go buy something." Justin replied with ease. "I hope a First Aid kit." Lance added. "Knock it off." J.C. warned him. "Sorry, but sometimes I don't like my friends getting beat up on." Lance responded to J.C.'s words. "He didn't get beat up Lance." A.J. corrected him. "Oh right, now you're defending him?" Lance questioned A.J. "Tables turn so easily, don't they? A.J. defending Brian like you used to defend Nick?" Joey added. Joey knew the situation well enough to know where to hit Lance with his best shot. "Where is Nick?" Kevin questioned. "Recovery." Justin smiled. "Huh?" Kevin shot Justin a look of pure confusion. "Don't worry about it." Justin assured him. "Look guys we have a serious problem here and that's our constant involvement in Brian and Justin's relationship. Now I know that I've had my wrong's in the relationship, as many of us have..." Kevin began to lecture everyone. "Uhm point of order Mr. Richardson. I haven't done anything to Brian and Justin. I've supported them all the way." Chris brought to Kevin's attention. "Okay, well except Chris..." Kevin corrected himself. "No, no, no, point of order Kev. I haven't done anything wrong either." A.J. smiled brightly towards Kevin. Kevin gave A.J. a disturbed grin. "And A.J. too." Kevin added. "But we all need to stay out of it now. Justin's eighteen and capable of making his life choices. Brian is someone that I trust dearly and I know that he loves Justin. As we all know that he loves Justin. So he messed up, I'm not saying forget, but I am saying forgive." Kevin stated wisely. Everyone stared at him as if he had given the most powerful and endearing speech of his life.

"Mother Love here is right." A.J. was the first to joke. "Thanks A.J. I just want the rest of our time together to ride smoothly until after the wedding. Then we can all attempt to breakup Lance and J.C. or Britney and Joey." Kevin joked. "Whoa, is Daddy getting soft on us?" J.C. snickered. "Eh, ya'll are going to try and breakup me and Amanda?" A.J. joked with sadness. "Nah, you do that all by yourself." Howie replied with a laugh. "Shut up." A.J. barked. "I guess all I want is to be able to say that Lil' Justin here in my cousin. And I gladly welcome him into the family." Kevin said with love. He placed an arm around Justin for care. "Thanks Kev. You're more like an older brother to me." Justin smiled. "Okay enough before the water works begin." Howie teased them. Everyone laughed with him. "Okay, grab your food and let's get back to the bus you jokers." Kevin ordered in his regular tone. "Uh oh, he's back!" A.J. laughed. Kevin cocked an eyebrow in A.J.'s direction and A.J. quickly hopped into one of the waiting lines.

Justin stepped out of the McDonald's with J.C. and Howie and looked towards the bus. He could see Brian chatting with Kevin, Joey, A.J., Lance and Chris outside of the bus. "Hmm, wonder what they're up to?" Howie asked as they walked to them. "Probably planning out how to kill Justin." J.C. joked. Justin didn't take the joke seriously. "Eh Justin, what are ya'll gonna do for your bachelor parties?" he heard Lance ask. "Oh, let's hit a strip bar and try to figure out where I went wrong." Justin joked a suggestion. "Did you go wrong somewhere?" Brian asked him with a concerned look. "Yeah, I went wrong when I didn't kiss you goodbye." Justin quickly recovered. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Brian's gently. His friends stood in a circle watching them with awe. "That's cute." Kevin cooed. "More like sickening." Lance disagreed with obvious anger. "God, can we all pray for something like this?" A.J. joked. Justin released Brian's lips and smiled. "Who needs a bachelor party? I won't miss that life." Brian responded to Justin's gesture. "Sucker!" Howie shouted and lightly punched Brian in the arm. Brian began to playfully run around with Howie while the others boarded the bus. "If ya'll don't get your happy asses on the bus, we're leaving." A.J. warned them. Brian and Howie made a mad dash for the bus just as the doors were closing. "I think he was serious amigo." Howie laughed as they walked onto the bus.

Brian peered past everyone to see Justin sitting in his bunk quietly eating. Brian smiled with relief. He walked passed Kevin, A.J. and Chris and then made his move for Justin's bunk. Joey quickly grabbed his arm to warn him. "Eh Bri, I know you're doing your best to make amends with everyone else here, but keep in mind that Justin is the real and only concern. So... maybe you could do a little something for him while we are in Lexington. You know? Something sweet." Joey suggested with a kind, but low tone. Brian nodded to show Joey that he understood. "I think I can get something together." Brian replied. "Good, because right now, in his condition, he could use it." Joey agreed. "When do you think Justin will tell everyone?" Brian asked Joey. "You're marrying him, ask him." Joey responded, shrugging at the end. "I'll see what I can do." Brian smiled at him. Joey patted Brian on his shoulder and sent him on his way without worry or prenotion.

Brian reached Justin and stood over him. "Are you going to get in here or are you going to head for your bunk?" Justin asked flatly. Brian sighed and nudged Justin. "Grab your food and my food and come with me." Brian whispered. Justin looked up at him as if he was crazy. "For what?" Justin questioned. "Quality time." Brian responded cheerfully. Justin rolled his eyes and then smiled. "Okay." Justin responded with a mouthful of french fries.

Brian led Justin back to the lounge. Justin walked inside and took a seat on the couch next to the back window. Brian dimmed the lights and walked over to the T.V. "Eh, what's up with the lights?" J.C. questioned. Brian jumped with surprise. "Geez, I didn't know you were in here J.C." Brian replied, catching his breath. "And he's not alone." Justin added, pointing out Lance. Lance and J.C. were cramped together in the small chair in the corner. Justin could tell that the two were making out when they interrupted them. "I'm sorry ya'll, I thought the lounge was gonna be empty." Brian sighed. "No, we're sorry Brian. We can see that you and Justin need some time alone... to uh, make up." J.C. responded. "No, ya'll don't have to leave." Justin assured them. "What's wrong Curly? Scared to be in the same room alone with Brian?" Lance joked. His joke hit Brian hard. "You know what... maybe I should be the one to go." Brian suggested, dropping what was in his hands to the floor. Brian shimmed past everyone and stepped out of the lounge. "That wasn't smart." J.C. shamed Lance. "I didn't mean it... he's shouldn't be so damn serious." Lance replied to J.C.'s comment. "Serious has nothing to do with it. Brian is guilty enough as it is for what he did and now you go and say something like that." J.C. argued. "Is this how it's gonna be for the rest of our relationship? Arguing over Brian and Justin's problems? At least with Nick all I had to worry about was him having wet dreams about Brian." Lance said bitterly. He scooted off the chair and walked out of the lounge.

J.C. didn't take Lance's snap easily. He sliuched back on the chair with disgust and pain. "I'm sorry J.C. I didn't mean for you two to get in the middle." Justin apologized. "Nah, Lance will be fine. I think he's just adjusting to the pain that he went through with me and Nick. We really did put him through the wringer and now he has to come back to the reality of love." J.C. stated. Justin agreed with him silently. "He wasn't right was he? You're not scared to be alone with Brian, are you?" J.C. pondered. Justin wasn't afraid to answer the question with all honesty. "Brian hasn't given me a reason to be scared of him. I just feel bad that he has to suffer through stuff, like what Lance did, for a long time." Justin explained. "Do you want me to go talk to him? Apologize for Lance's actions?" J.C. offered. Justin took the offer into consideration. "No, I wanna talk to him." Justin replied with maturity. "You sure?" J.C. offered once again his services. "Yeah, he needs to hear from me right now." Justin assured him. Justin stood and glided out of the room with no hesitations.

The minute he stepped out of the lounge, he heard slight sniffles coming from the bathroom. Justin opened the door and saw Brian standing inside. Justin squeezed himself inside and closed the door. He looked at Brian with deep concern. "You're crying." Justin whispered. Brian tried to hide the small and few tears that slid down his face. "Justin, you don't have to be in here right now. I'll be okay." Brian stated clearly. "Well I am here right now and I want to be here right now. Here for you." Justin answered. "Like all the other times." Brian whispered. "Yes... but this time it's different. Brian, I know you're suffering." Justin replied. Brian shook his head. "I'm supposed to. What I did was wrong." Brian said with a stern face. "What you did was wrong, but forgiven." Justin did his best to help Brian see. Brian wiped away the few tears and looked at Justin. "That's what you say, but I know that's not how you feel." Brian whispered. Justin couldn't believe that Brian was challenging his love. "Brian, never have I said something to you that I didn't mean. I forgive you for what you did. I love you too much not to forgive." Justin assured him. Brian didn't respond this time. "I know because Lance and Howie and the others don't say it as much as I do, you don't believe it. But in my eyes, only you count and not them. I know you feel the same way too." Justin tried to stir Brian's emotions. Brian blinked his etes lightly, letting another tear fall. "I'm sorry that Lance is such an asshole, but sometimes he's the best asshole I know. I love him still. So don't give up because of him." Justin whispered, wiping away the tear.

Brian tried to hold back his need to cry. "I feel.. feel so bad for what I did to... to you, I... I don't know how you can love me.. because the guilt is so strong... and so deep inside of me... and I... I know that you love me but.. I don't know how you can forgive me... I don't understand how you can just let it go... but that wasn't me last night Justin... I'd never cause you that much pain... I promise you that...." Brian stuttered all of his words out in a blustering fit. Justin watched Brian break down before his eyes. Justin grabbed Brian and pulled him into a comforting hug. Justin hushed him and rubbed his hand over Brian's cheek. "It's okay babe. I forgave you because I know that wasn't the Brian Littrell I know last night. Whether it was Nick or the alcohol, I know it wasn't Brian." Justin whispered. "I know you feel guilty, but I'm here to help you." Justin reassured him. Brian let the tears roll from his blue eyes with shame.

"Now... can I be with the Brian Littrell that I fell in love with?" Justin requested. Brian lifted his head with a smile. "Somehow, for an eighteen year old, you know more to love than I do." Brian laughed. "That's because I learned from you." Justin responded. He leaned forward, tilted his head and then began to kiss Brian's lips. Brian closed his eyes and began to return the kiss freely. Justin wiped away the tears as he kissed Brian. Brian tried to capture the moment and slid his tongue into Justin's mouth. Justin ran his tongue over Brian's with sincerity in mind. Brian let himself fall back onto the toilet and let Justin sit on his lap. Brian's kiss was becoming more than Justin expected as Brian began to lift Justin's dark gray, North Carolina shirt. Justin lifted Brian's hat and then dropped it to the floor. Justin felt his shirt come off and the realization that they were about to have sex hit Justin. Justin backed off Brian with concern and stood. Brian felt rattled by Justin's sudden leave. "What's wrong?" Brian asked softly. "I don't think it's wise we have sex Brian." Justin replied. "It's not wise? Why?" Brian asked. "It just doesn't feel right." Justin replied, folding his arms across his chest. He felt the cold air chill his upper body. "Okay, if you think so. I don't wanna pressure you into anything." Brian agreed. Justin didn't smile. Instead he thought.

Brian sighed and looked at Justin with wonder. Justin made his decision and walked over to Brian. He knelt to the floor and grabbed a hold of Brian's zipper. "No, you just said no sex." Brian stopped him. "And if I did? I can change my mind." Justin replied flatly, pulling down Brian's jeans. Justin pulled Brian's erect cock from the pee-hole in his boxers and slowly began to lick the head. "You're a bad boy." Brian laughed and then soon was overcome by the pleasures of oral sex.

Lance passed by the bathroom and could hear the slow and erotic sounds of Justin's slurping on Brian's penis. He placed his ear to the door and could hear Brian's pants and muffled moans. 'Just like the first time.' Lance grinned from ear to ear. "Eh Lance, what's up?" Howie asked as he walked up to Lance. Lance quickly backed away from the door and looked at Howie. "Uh.. uh... just trying to find J.C." Lance quickly lied. "Oh, I think he went to bed." Howie gave Lance a crooked stare. "Okay... whew, I'm tired too. Think I'll go grab a nap before we get into Lexington." Lance said, faking a yawn. "Okay, see ya buddy." Howie shrugged and walked into the lounge.

Lance sighed and walked away from the bathroom. 'At least they're happy.' Lance thought to himself as he reached his bunk. He looked to his right and could see Nick's feet sticking out of his bunk. Lance sighed again. 'Poor kid.' Lance thought to himself. He walked over to Lance's bunk and knelt down. He lifted Nick's legs and stuffed them into Nick's bunk. He then sat in the bunk and pulled Nick's cover over Nick's sleeping body. Lance found himself leaning down and giving Nick a quick kiss on the cheek. He thought of the past times when he would do that for Nick after sex or after a moment that they had shared. Lance pulled back in surprise. "Sweet dreams Nickie." Lance whispered as he backed away. "Lance..." he heard Nick whisper. Lance stayed in his position, stiff from surprise. He was afraid that he had been caught and that Nick was going to tell J.C. "I'll always have a place for you in my heart, Lance." Nick whispered and then tried to fall back to sleep. "I'll always have a place for you too, Nick." Lance replied softly. He rubbed Nick's leg softly and then stepped out of the bunk.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 92) By JM

Brian and Justin crepted out of the bathroom, gazing around to see if anyone noticed them. Brian was thankful that no one had come by the bathroom to use it. He held onto Justin's hand as they stood in front of the lounge. "Thanks again." Brian whispered and kissed Justin on the cheek. Justin nodded and walked with Brian into the lounge.

They saw A.J., Howie and Chris sitting around the room talking. Brian walked Justin back over to the couch and let Justin have a seat. "Ya'll don't mind if I pop in a movie, do ya'll?" Brian asked. "Nah, that's cool." A.J. responded for the room. Chris lounged in the chair that J.C. and Lance had once occupied while Howie sat on the floor listening to a CD. Brian placed the movie in that he had bought and then took a seat by Justin.

The movie started and Justin soon took notice that it was 'While You Were Sleeping'. Brian relaxed on the couch and let Justin rest his back on his chest. Brian began to chow down on one of his cheeseburgers while Justin began to eat Brian's fries. Brian draped one arm over Justin's chest as he watched. Justin found himself getting comfortable again and lifted one of his leg to the couch. He kicked off his shoes and then nuzzled to Brian. Justin listened as Brian's breathe went slowly up and down. "Eh Justin, look." A.J. pointed out to Justin. Justin looked up curiously and saw that Brian was fast asleep. Justin smiled and then kissed Brian on the lips.

"Wow, he sure did go to sleep quickly." Chris whispered. "He's tired. He was up most of the night last night." Justin replied. "Because of you?" A.J. wondered. Justin nodded. "Where were you? Brian came to me and J.C.'s room looking for J.C." A.J. stated. "I was in Joey's room." Justin replied. "He was your comfort zone, huh?" Chris worried. Justin nodded. "He said he's gonna be your best man. Even though wish it could've been me, I can see that he's the one. He's been around you alot and just real supportive." Chris stated with pride. "Has Brian said who his best man is? Dropped any hints?" A.J. asked with intrigue. "Nope. Not a thing." Justin replied with a devious smile. A.J. pouted and returned his attention to the movie. "Don't tell A.J. this but I think Brian wants him to be his best man." Justin playfully whispered to Chris. A smile soon dawned A.J.'s face. "Sucker!" Justin laughed and threw one of the small pillows at A.J. "You dufus." A.J. pouted again as he grasped the pillow.

Chris was too caught up in laughter to see Brian wake from his slumber. "I'm gonna go to my bunk and try to nap." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin was shocked when he heard the voice. Brian pushed Justin up and got off the small couch. "Oh, okay." Justin finally responded as Brian stumbled out of the room.

"He's got quite a hangover." Chris giggled. "You suffer in love." Howie spoke poetically. "What do you know about love D?" A.J. laughed as he joked. "Hey, you're talking to the Don Juan of love baby." Howie joked. "More like the Bill Clinton of love!" Chris boasted. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Justin joined in the joking. "Man Howie, Justin has gotten laid more than you and he's eighteen. You're friggin' twenty five." A.J. teased him even further. "Hey, I don't get laid." Justin reminded him. "Oh, I forgot. 'Me and Brian make love'." A.J. cooed. "Make love, fuck, doesn't matter." Howie argued lightly. "Oh it does. Cause either you Don Juan or the minute man." A.J. stated. "And you know about that 'Minute Man', eh A.J.?" Chris laughed. "Tattooed right on my ass." A.J. smiled. "Well I got the Don Juan." Justin announced to all of them. "Please, I know even Brian has had his 'Minute Man' moments." A.J. disagreed. "A.J.'s jealous because his is the 'Thirty Second Bang'." Chris smiled.

"Okay, enough about me and Amanda's exploits, okay?" A.J. pleaded with a snicker. "He's right, let's get back to Brian and his 'Ride 'Em Cowboy' sex scandals." Howie suggested. He then smiled brightly towards Justin. "Well at least he never has to worry about being the Lone Ranger." Justin mocked Howie. "As long as I have my 'trusty steed' and 'Tonto'." Howie replied, pointing from his hand to his crotch. "Nasty!" Chris sneered. "Hey, at least Howie can admit he doesn't mind spending time with his hand and dick." A.J. pointed out. "I don't have that problem anymore." Justin smiled and leaned back on the couch. "Oh, like you ever had that problem. Justin didn't learn what masturbation meant until he was what... sixteen or seventeen and then next thing you know, he's losing his virginity." Chris mentioned. "Jealous?" Justin teased. "Hardly, I think I lost mine before you." Chris assured him. "One point for Chris." A.J. announced with a laugh. "But I am jealous that you have a good thing. Not that I want a man, but a love that I can count on." Chris spoke honestly. "Yeah dude, he's right. You've got something in Brian. Me and the guys always said he was going to make someone very happy." A.J. agreed. "Well I'm that someone then because I couldn't be more happier with him." Justin beamed. "Hopeless romantic." Howie cheered. "Nah, he's just hopeless." A.J. joked lightly.

"Kiddies, we're just about here." Kevin announced as he walked into the lounge. A smile covered his appearance as he took a seat next to Justin. "Excited?" he asked Justin softly. "More like nervous. Me and Brian haven't sat down with his parents since Jersey and well uh.. that didn't go over too well." Justin replied. The butterflies in his stomach helped to build on the fear he had developed. "Ah, it's nothing. Uncle Harold and Aunt Jackie are like good apple pie. It's always best served with ice cream!" Kevin responded in a deep southern accent. "Ill, now you sound like Brian." Justin snickered. "We folks from Lexington are always humble and southern." Kevin assured him. "Do you know how long Brian sounded like that when we first started out!" A.J. complained. "I'm guessing longer than you wanted." Chris responded first. "It didn't bother me. It was funny actually." Howie answered next. "I think Brian's accent is cute." Justin shrugged. "You would!" A.J. said, making a gagging face.

"Seriously though Justin, I've talked with Aunt Jackie and honestly, she loves you to death! She has no problem with you and Brian being in love and she thinks you make Brian's life shine a little more. So don't sweat it." Kevin gave Justin his full knowledge on the situation. "I don't think I'm really worried about Brian's mom. I'm more concerned about his dad and well uh... Harold." Justin sighed. "Harold? That brat! He's no big deal." Kevin laughed out an answer. "So you say." Justin whispered. "And as for Brian's dad, as long as he knows that you're making Brian happy and that you're serious, and I mean SERIOUS in all aspects about marrying Brian, then he'll be fine." Kevin gave Justin advice. Justin wasn't as confident.

"Just speak what you feel. I remember way back, like a year and a half ago, when Leigh Ann had this thing about pretending to be Brian's girlfriend for some publicity stuff we we're going through, she told Brian's dad that they were planning on getting married. Brian's dad had a fit because for one he doesn't like Leigh Ann too much and two, he knew that Leigh Ann wasn't serious. They didn't know that the label sorta set up Brian and Leigh Ann so Brian could avoid any further questions about a so-called engagement of his, but Brian wasn't thrilled when he found out. That's when he broke it off with her." Kevin stated. Justin was indifferent towards the story. "Yes Justin, Brian and Leigh Ann Wallace were an item for like a week and a half. They were friends LONG before though and sometimes I thought they were going out, but Brian said it didn't get serious until later on." A.J. explained. "But in all honesty, Brian never looked at her more than a friend. I think I saw him kiss her like twice while they were together and that was by her request." Kevin added. "So Brian called it off?" Justin pondered. "Oh yeah, of course! He didn't appreciate her lying to his father for whatever reasons she had or even going to that level. Brian has never really been ready for marriage since he's never had a steady love after high school." Kevin replied. "Yep, always the lonely one. Even Nick kept a girlfriend or two. But not Brian... he was always saving himself for something 'real'." A.J. agreed whole-heartedly. "And that's supposed to be you, Justin." Chris whispered. "I can admit, you are the real deal. He's head over heels for you." A.J. agreed.

"But Leigh Ann and Nick are always going to be there." Justin sighed out. "Somehow, I doubt that seriously." Howie disagreed. "Of course Nick's gonna be there, but Nick used to play a rather serious role in Brian's life. He doesn't now. I mean, Nick, he was the one! Brian's parents loved him, Brian loved hanging with him and if there was anyone that Brian ran to... it was Nick." Kevin bragged without worry. Justin slowly began to withdraw from the conversation. He could tell the aspects and strong issues Brian's had with friendship have changed greatly due to him. "Kevin, Nick was just there to make Brian laugh and for little comfort." Howie reminded him quickly. "Right, what I was trying to say is that Brian has actually drifted from Nick for several reasons. Yes, Justin's one of them but another was when Nick thought that he and Brian had something more than just friendship. Brian sees Nick more of a younger brother than anyone of a love interest. I think that's what hurts Nick the most. He can't have Brian." Kevin finished.

"Did I hear my name?" Brian asked groggily. Justin's mood brightened when Brian made his return. "Yes you did bro." A.J. replied. "I hope nothing bad." Brian yawned out sheepishly. "Some good and some bad. The guys were just breaking down your love life for me and Justin." Chris responded absent-mindedly. Brian's eyes quickly shot open. "My love life?" Brian questioned, looking at everyone's faces in the room. "More like 'where Brian went wrong, but how he made it right with Justin'." Howie tried to lightened the situation. "Where I went wrong? Oh, this should be interesting." Brian gave everyone a disturbed face. "Nothing to fret over cuz, we just tried to ease Justin's mind about seeing your parents." Kevin assured him. Justin quickly elbowed Kevin in the side. Kevin grasped his side in pain and shot Justin a look over anger. "Ease his mind?" Brian repeated the phrase with a dramatic question written on his face. Justin bit his lower lip shyly and didn't look up at Brian. "Hmm, I'm guessing it would have helped if Justin would have mentioned it to you first?" Kevin asked, looking from Brian to Justin. "Yeah, I guess it would have." Brian nodded arrogantly. "The kid's worried B-Rok. Come on now, you'd be too if you weren't sure how his parents felt about your choice in marrying him." A.J. defended Justin proudly. "I know how he feels, trust me, I know. I just wish Justin would have said something." Brian replied calmly. "Okay, Justin's right here in the room." Justin tried to joke. "I can see that." Brian gave him an awkward stare.

"All we did was talk about how Leigh Ann and Nick messed up a good thing with you." Howie changed the subject briefly. Brian gave Howie a doubting look. "I don't see how you guys would know how they 'messed up' things with me. I've never discussed that with anyone." Brian stated. "Maybe that's your problem, Brian. You're not too open about how you feel about things anymore. You're just wrapped in this tight, little shell that even Justin can't get past." A.J. lectured him with a mild tone. Brian agreed with A.J. silently. "There's just some aspects of my life I don't like to discuss." Brian replied to A.J.'s statement. "Boy, you'd be no fun at confessional." Howie laughed. Chris found himself joining in with Howie. "That's fine and we respect that Brian. I just think Lil' Justin here is a bit insecure about that." Kevin spoke with comfort. "So why doesn't Justin tell me that?" Brian questioned his cousin and Justin. "Because it's none of my business and I don't want to pry." Justin answered first. "I'd add onto that, but I said it wasn't my place anymore to be in ya'll relationship." Kevin smiled as he answered. "Justin, whatever I have is yours. So if you wanna know... just ask." Brian assured him with his endearing, blue eyes.

"I think there's something else I think we should discuss now." Joey suggested, stepping into the room and interrupting the group discussion. "What's up Phat One?" Chris questioned as Joey dragged Lance, Nick and J.C. into the small linge with him. "I don't mean to put Justin on the spot like this... but uh, I think he has something he should tell ya'll." Joey spoke up, looking over to Justin with concern. "Yeah, he should tell ya'll." Brian agreed, trying to build his fiancé's confidence.

Justin's hands shook as he felt all of the eyes were on him. "Okay... well uh guys, I've been real sick lately and it hasn’t been the flu. The other day, me and Joey went to the doctors and uhm... the doctor said that I have Gastritis, but it's a more serious case. It may have developed into a more serious stomach condition that's causing serious inflammation in my stomach. Well uh.. she said if I don't get better, they may have to operate." Justin stuttered out his condition with sheer nervousness. Brian wasn't at ease with the situation and took that moment to excuse himself from the room. Justin felt lonely as his one sign of hope left the room. He received no response from anyone, just surprised and saddened stares.

He looked to the floor with less confidence. He felt two arms wrap around him and he looked up. J.C. stood over him, hugging him with pure affection. "I wish you would have said something sooner." J.C. whispered as he tried to comfort Justin. "Wow, that's serious." A.J. replied, feeling fully bummed out. "Do you know if uh... if you'll have to get surgery?" Lance asked with worry. "I won't know until the day after our last show." Justin replied. "Thank God you found out when you did. That way we can end the tour and you'll have plenty of time to relax and recover." Kevin did his best to comfort Justin. J.C. just kept his tight grip on Justin. "Why didn't you tell us Joey?" Chris asked softly. "Justin asked me not to." Joey replied while staring at J.C. and Justin. "I'm sorry Justin, I know it must be rough." Nick spoke up. Joey looked at Nick with utter surprise. "Thanks Nick." Justin whispered his reply without looking towards Nick. "What's... what's Brian going to do?" J.C. asked, a small tear falling from his eye. "I don't know." Justin answered.

"He's not going to his death bed, so let's stop talking like he is." A.J. demanded. Kevin could tell that A.J. was not one to take to bad news easily. "He's right." Joey agreed. J.C. finally released Justin and looked at his face. "If you have to get surgery, I'm going to be right by your side. And when you go back to the doctor's, I'll be right there too." J.C. assured Justin. "Thanks J.C., but when I go back to the doctors, as much as I want my friends there, I really want Brian there this time." Justin responded softly. J.C. was hurt by Justin's response. He felt as if his friendship with Justin was being cut by the ends. "That was nice of you Joey to help him." Lance changed the direction of everyone's eyes. "Justin needed me and I was there." Joey gave a simple answer. "So all of those times you were throwing up and just plain sick?" A.J. pondered. "It was all Gastritis." Justin replied with a nod. "God, I wish I had known sooner or something." J.C. grumbled. "It's okay J.C. You know now." Lance did his best to help J.C. J.C. grabbed Lance's hand and held it for comfort. He hated to know that his best friend was suffering and he could do nothing to help him. It was a feeling of helplessness.

Justin stood from the couch and pushed passed everyone. He walked out of the lounge and to the front of the bus. He saw Brian sitting at the table, eating a bagel. Justin sighed lowly and took a seat next to Brian. Brian kept his attention on his food so that Justin would not see his pain. "Don't do this to yourself." Justin whispered for encouragement. Brian took another bite from the bagel as Justin spoke. "I try not to, but I can't help it sometimes. I put you through hell last night and look what happens... you turn up sick and I just added more stress to it." Brian replied softly. "You didn't know." Justin assured him. "But you knew and that makes it even rougher. Why didn't you tell me when you saw me? Why didn't you stop everything and tell me something was wrong?" Brian asked with hurt in his eyes. "Because I couldn't. I couldn't ruin things between us by having you worry about me." Justin replied with uncertainty. "I have to worry about you! Justin I'm marrying you. I have to be able to care." Brian whimpered. "I know that... but Brian, I wanted to make every moment happy." Justin tried to explain. "It won't be happy if you're not here." Brian sighed. Justin placed his elbows on the table and looked away from Brian.

"I know what you went through when I was in a coma because I'm going through that right now. I'm scared Justin because I don't want you to have to get surgery." Brian stated, his voice rising and falling. He threw his arms around Justin and hugged him. "I don't want you to be scared Brian. I want you to be the one to tell me things are okay. To lie to me and say it'll all be fine if we're together." Justin whispered with pain. "That's not a lie Justin." Brian whispered back. "I know... but I wanted to hear you say it." Justin sighed.

"Could we suffer anymore in this relationship?" Brian questioned. "No, I don't think we could." Justin replied. "It's not a sign from God." Brian assured him. "I know because when I'm with you, I'm overjoyed. I think it's because we let too many things in and not being able to keep to ourselves." Justin responded. "That's what fame can do to people." Brian agreed. "But not us." Justin giggled softly. "Yeah, we're special." Brian smiled and gave Justin a light kiss. "We're Brian Thomas Littrell and Justin Randall Timberlake." Justin boasted. "Soon to be Mr. Brian Thomas Littrell and Mr. Justin Randall Littrell." Brian chimed. "Mmhmmm. Just me and you." Justin smiled chipperly. "Or should it be Brian Thomas Timberlake?" Brian pondered. "Nah, I like your name better." Justin laughed. "We could always change our name's to Brian and Justin Smith." Brian joked. "Oh yeah, there's real excitement in that name." Justin replied sarcastically. "As long as I have that ring on my finger. It doesn't matter." Brian responded. Justin nodded as the bus came to a stop. "We're here." Brian whispered.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 93) By JM

When the bus came to it's full stop, Brian gazed out the window to see the place that he once called home. They were parked in the back of a luxurious hotel to prevent fans from hunting them down. "I'm home! I'm home! I'm HOME!" Kevin shouted as he ran down the bus. "What a loser." Brian joked playfully. "Hey, don't hate me for missing my brothers and my mom." Kevin warned him, losing his excitement. "It was a joke," Brian replied flatly. "Oh, well in that case, I'm HOME!" Kevin shouted and quickly pulled Brian into a nuggie. Justin laughed loudly as he watched the two cousins wrestle. "Okay, I give in!" Brian shouted and pushed Kevin off of him. Kevin smiled broadly and ran back to the bunks. "What's your rush?" Justin asked him. "I'm getting out of here. I get to home and spend time with my fam' while ya'll are stuck in the Bates Motel." Kevin replied as he pulled some of his bags from the overhead. "Actually, me and Justin are staying at my parents Kev. And I know things will go over well there." Brian assured him.

"What time is it?" Nick asked groggily as he stepped into the front. "It's like nine at night." Brian responded. "Nine? Ugh and now I have to go to that stupid hotel room." Nick complained. "The life of a celebrity." Brian joked again. Justin found himself laughing with Brian. Nick gave both of them a scowl and he walked back to the lounge. "Let's get our bags and head out of here." Brian suggested with a whisper. Justin nodded and they both stood from the booth. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and held it as they walked back to their bunks.

"Hey, what are ya'll gonna do after tomorrow night?" Kevin asked as he grabbed the last of his things on the bus. "I'm headed back home for some much needed rest before we go back to the studio." Lance replied. "Same here." J.C. agreed with a bright smile. "I'm gonna tour around with Amanda because they're headed to Miami for a special radio show concert." A.J. cheered. "Uh, I'm headed home for like two days since I know we've gotta start promotion on the new album soon." Howie replied as he walked by them. "We're staying here for a day after the show and then we're headed back home for final plans for the wedding." Brian replied. "And when do we get our invitations?" A.J. requested. "Tomorrow at the show. I had my mom handle all of that today." Brian answered. "And what about best men?" Kevin pondered. "Uhm, well Justin already picked his best man." Brian gave a shady answer. "Yeah, Joey." J.C. nodded with little interest. "And you?" A.J. put more pressure on him. Brian pulled his backpack from the overhead and didn't answer. "Uh... I'll let ya'll know at the show tomorrow night." Brian replied softly. Justin felt the pressure on Brian and did his best to ease it off of him.

"What are you guys going to do?" Justin asked Joey and Kevin. "I think I'll stay here for the two days I have free and then head to New York when we have to go to MTV again." Kevin replied. "And I think I'm going to go to Orlando with Britney and see what we can do for our free time." Joey answered. "What about you Nickie?!" A.J. called out. "I think I'm gonna go home to see my mom in Cali and just try to start things over for myself," Nick replied, frowning Brian's way. Brian turned his face from Nick and finished grabbing the rest of his things. "We will be sure to meet up in Orlando in a week so we can go to the wedding, right?" Justin asked of everyone. "Of course! Then we can have some bachelor parties to kill time!" A.J. roared to get the others excited. Brian and Justin laughed along with the others.

Brian and Justin stepped off the bus with their bags on their arms and their puppies in their hands. Brian and Justin nonchalantly walked to the front of the hotel and Brian spotted a familiar car. "Our ride is here." Brian whispered to Justin and led him over to the car.

Jackie leaped from inside of the car and ran to her son. "I'm so happy to see ya'll!" she bellowed as she pulled both Brian and Justin into a hug. Brian and Justin stumbled to her and tried to hold everything as they hugged her. Jackie realized their dilemma and gave up on the hug. "Come on, let's get ya'll home." Jackie suggested in her deep, country accent. She popped open the trunk for them and Brian and Justin tried to squeeze some of their bags into the trunk. Brian then opened the backseat door for Justin and let Justin and BJ slip inside while putting bags on the otherside. Brian hopped in the front seat with Tyke and awaited his mother to pull off.

Jackie pulled out into the streets and began to her drive back to her home. "I'm so glad that ya'll are here." Jackie repeated as they rode. "We're glad to be here." Brian replied with a ginger smile. He rubbed Tyke's head and then gazed out of the window. "Justin doesn’t seem to think so." Jackie added, looking at Justin through the mirror. Justin looked up at her with a smile. "He's just nervous mom. He doesn't think you guys like him." Brian quickly ratted on Justin. A frown quickly covered Jackie's face and she signaled to pull off to the side.

Jackie exited to the side and stopped the car. Brian looked at her with utter shock. Jackie turned her body around to look at Justin. "Justin, don't ever feel like that. Even if Brian was joking, don't ever feel like we don't like you. We do. You saved my son's life several times and you make his day brighter. You're gonna be in my family now and I'll think of you as a son. So don't ever feel like we don't like you." Jackie begged of him. Justin nodded to show her he understood. "Plus you make a cute husband." Brian added with laughter. "Stop it." Jackie demanded, lightly popping Brian's leg. "Always joking around." she smiled and then started the car again.

Justin relaxed as the ride became a short one for him. They pulled into the driveway to Brian's parent's house and quickly exited the car. "Just grab whatever bags you'll need for tonight and then get the rest tomorrow." Jackie suggested and headed for inside the house. Justin placed BJ on the ground and dipped into the trunk. Brian stepped behind him and placed his hands on Justin's hips. "Are you mad at me?" Brian whispered his question. "Yeah." Justin replied stiffly. "For what?" Brian asked boldly. "Don't play stupid with me B-Rok. You know what you did." Justin replied as he pulled his bag out. "B-Rok? Oh, I must have really messed up because you never call me that." Brian laughed quietly. Justin pulled away from Brian and began to call BJ. "Okay, wait, wait." Brian pleaded as he grasped onto Justin's hips again. "I don't wanna go in there mad at each other, so how about we just end this now. I'm sorry for telling my mom what you were feeling but at least she was kind enough to tell you how she felt." Brian stated. Brian stepped in front to look at Justin and make sure he was okay. Justin gave him a half-hearted smile and then looked towards the door. It was still open but no one was standing near it. "Now, can we make up?" Justin asked softly. "I thought you'd never ask cutie." Brian said with a light southern accent. Brian tilted forward and placed his lips to Justin's. Justin leaned forward a bit and began to kiss Brian. Brian placed a hand under Justin's chin and tried to control the kiss. Justin's lips ran over Brian's with an erotic nature. Brian knew that Justin was still a bit horny, but he had to control his intentions while at his parents' house. Still, he wanted to be with Justin in every way possible. Brian's other hand began to grope Justin's shirt and that's when Justin got the sign that they needed to quit.

Justin pulled back off of Brian's lips and kept his eyes shut. Brian regained his normal stance and looked at Justin. "Sorry, I just..." Brian stopped his words. "I just missed the way we could lay together all day." Brian sighed. "Yeah, me too." Justin agreed, opening his eyes to look at Brian. Brian searched Justin's face for a loving expression. Every corner and dent that he saw showed nothing but love for Brian. "This is the part where we go inside and fall to sleep in each other's arms on my bed." Brian whispered to Justin. "If it were only that easy." Justin replied. Brian smiled and grabbed the one bag he needed.

They found themselves walking inside silent to avoid any attention. Jackie sat in the living room with her husband and Brian's father, Harold Jr. They watched as Brian and Justin crept in. "It's about time, what were you two doing?" Harold questioned them, shattering the silence. Brian dropped his bag to the side and ushered Tyke and BJ inside. He closed the door and then looked to his father. "We were just talking." Brian finally explained. "I hope there's no trouble," Jackie sat up with concern. "Nah, not for us." Brian assured her as he held Justin's hand.

"Well come in and relax your dogs. I'm sure you two are tired from the long drive." Harold suggested with his country humbleness. Brian walked in and took and seat and awaited Justin. Justin lifted BJ from the ground and walked in to take a seat next to Brian. Brian placed his hand on Justin’s thigh and slouched into the couch. "Well, how does it feel to know you'll be getting married in a couple of weeks?" Harold Jr. asked, looking directly at his son. "It feels great." Brian assured him. "I can't believe you're getting married before your brother Brian. It's hard to believe since you live a much more hectic life. Are you sure you and Justin can handle that?" Harold sent his questions in with precision. "Dad, I've said it a million times. Me and Justin can handle it." Brian replied with a deep sigh. "I'm just telling you son." Harold eased off. "More like warning me." Brian replied. "I understand that you're grown. You're twenty-four now. I'm just concerned because poor Justin there is only eighteen and he may not see his... his 'husband' for months at a time if you tour separate." Harold explained. "We're not concerned about that. If Justin needs me, I'll take time off to be there." Brian responded. "That's a perfect plan." Harold replied with sarcasm. Brian rolled his eyes at his father's choice of words.

"I got the invitations like you asked Brian. Have ya'll made out a guest list yet?" Jackie asked. "We're working on that. We want to keep it pretty small." Brian responded. "We just want our close family and friends. Like the guys from the groups, maybe their parents and our families and some of management since they've been a big help and keeping us touring together." Justin added. "Good. Then you guys don't have to worry about it getting out to the public." Jackie cheered. "Oh, we don't have too many worries. It would seem Kevin and the guys are setting up this quaint spot for us to get married. Sort of away from public view you could say." Brian responded. "That'll be nice." Harold joined in.

"Do ya'll want some pie? I made a fresh apple pie just for the two of you." Jackie offered. Justin gave Brian an awkward look and then returned his smile to Jackie. "Sure, that would be nice." Justin replied politely. Jackie leaped up and walked towards the kitchen. "Have you two set up time for the... er, honeymoon?" Harold was reluctant to ask. "Yep. Just enough time to be alone." Brian replied with a gigantic smile. It was enough to make Justin smile but unsettle Harold even more. "Well as long as you two value the time you have together." Harold caved in to his sincere side. Brian gave his father a loving look.

Just as Jackie stepped into the living room, the doorbell rang. Brian looked toward the door with aggravation. "Who could be here at this time of night?" Brian asked bitterly. "Your brother." Jackie responded as she pulled open the door. Just as her words spoke, Harold III was standing outside with a bright smile on his face. Reflecting the image of Brian with a little more age, Harold III stepped inside to hug his mother. "Hey mom." he spoke with his everlasting accent. Jackie quickly hugged him with one arm as her other hand held Justin's slice of pie. Harold III released her with a twitching nose. "Ah, your pie!" Harold cheered and snatched the plate from her. "Hey, that's for Justin." Jackie snapped and grabbed the plate from him. "You go in the kitchen, wash your hands and cut your own slice Harold." she ordered and turned her attention back to Brian and Justin. "Geez, you invite company and all of the sudden son's aren't welcome anymore!" Harold joked and ran off to the kitchen. "And I love how you took the time to acknowledge your father's and your brother's presence. Oh and I love how you said hello to your future brother-in-law too!" Jackie boasted with sarcasm. She handed Justin his plate of apple pie and a fork to eat it with.

Harold III stepped back into the living room with a plate of pie. "I'm sorry ya'll, it's been a long day and I'm hungry." Harold III replied with a mouth full of pie. Jackie shook her head at her son with shame. "Hey there dad, miss me?" Harold III asked of his father. "Always Harold!" Harold Jr. laughed. Harold III smiled brightly with his father's response.

Harold III walked over to Brian and Justin and wedged a space between them. He plopped down on the couch and looked at Brian. "Hmm, I can see I ticked you off by doing that." Harold III chimed. "You sure are good with hello's Harold." Brian sarcastically responded. "You're right, I'm sorry. How are you lil' bro? I did miss you while you were away." Harold III apologized with honesty. "I'm doing fine Harold. I missed you too, well, for five minutes at least." Brian joked. "Hey, I was nice to you and now you're hitting me with the joke-crap." Harold complained. "One turn deserves another." Brian replied, still laughing.

Harold III took another fork of pie into his mouth and then turned to look at Justin. "How ya doing Justin?" Harold asked with friendliness. "I'm cool Harold. How are you holding up?" Justin responded calmly. "I'm fine now that I have a new girlfriend." Harold chimed to everyone. "We're happy to hear that. Who is she?" Jackie was the first to ask. "Actually... it's rather funny you should ask that. It's actually Leigh Ann." Harold replied, gazing towards his younger brother for acceptance. Brian just gave him an evil stare. Justin scratched BJ's head and tried to stay out of the conversation. "Leigh Ann? As in that girl, Leigh Ann Wallace? The one that Brian used to date?" Harold Jr. asked with more anger than concern. "That's her." Harold nodded. "Oh, how could you make a mistake like that? Did you learn from Brian?" Harold Jr. complained bitterly. "She is not a mistake dad. Whatever she did then, she's changed." Harold III argued. "Yeah, she's changed all right. She schemes even more now." Brian stated. "Don't start that bro. I have yet to complain about you and Justin." Harold III warned him. "And what right would you have to complain about us? Justin hasn't done anything like she's done to me." Brian argued seriously. "Whatever Leigh Ann did was the past. I don't want to discuss Justin right now because he's not a concern." Harold III responded coldly. Justin was crushed by Harold's reply. "Harold, don't you say stuff like that. Justin is going to be your brother-in-law and you need to have respect for your brother's relationship." Harold Jr. quickly interjected when he saw Justin's expression. "I have respect for them. But as a couple, I still have some 'adjusting to do." Harold III explained. "Well adjust quickly because Brian is getting married soon." Jackie forewarned him. Harold nodded to spare himself of the lecture he was going to receive.

"I was hoping I could bring Leigh Ann to the wedding as my date?" Harold asked of Brian. Brian rolled his eyes quickly at Harold. "Well, uh...." Justin was quickly interrupted by Harold. "I was asking Brian, Justin. I know how you feel about Leigh Ann and that's why I didn't even bother to ask you." Harold snapped lowly at him. Justin had taken all that he could of Harold's comments.

"Well then ask Brian. I'm tired and so I guess I'll be heading to bed now." Justin said, faking a yawn. Brian stood from the couch to look for a sign from Justin. "Goodnight babe." Justin whispered and gave Brian a small kiss on the cheek. He wasn't afraid to show his affection for Brian in front of Brian's parents. Brian couldn't say goodnight because he didn't want to. "Thank you for having me here Mr. and Mrs. Littrell. I hope that one day I'll be just as loved as Brian and Harold in this family." Justin said proudly to both adults. "Justin, you are loved." Jackie reminded him. "Yes Justin, as long as you and Brian stay happy, we care for you." Harold agreed. Justin smiled. "Justin, just take your bag up to my room. It's the second door on the right. You can sleep in my bed," Brian instructed to him. Justin gave Brian a nod and then carried BJ and his bags up the steps.

As soon as he heard his bedroom door close, Brian spun around to look at Harold. "How could you Harold? All I ask of you is to be my older brother and have some love and respect for my choices in life. Instead you go out and hook up with my ex-girlfriend and throw it all in me and Justin's face. And on top of that, you treat Justin like he's lower then Tyke or something." Brian snapped at him. Harold kept his eyes on Brian with no shame. "I should have the right to speak my mind and date who I want. Keep in mind lil' bro', I am the older one." Harold spoke clearly for Brian. "That doesn't mean you have the right to hurt Justin." Brian argued. "Look, it's not like he's dying inside because I thought my brother's opinion on something meant more to me than his. Brother-in-law doesn’t make you my brother." Harold stated arrogantly. Brian was fumed by Harold's words. "I can't believe you. You'd be fine if me and Justin called it off, wouldn't you?" Brian questioned with scorn. "Stop it you two. You're not kids anymore. You are grown." Harold Jr. stopped Brian's words from going any deeper. "Don't bring Leigh Ann to the wedding." Brian warned Harold. "If she doesn't go than I don't go." Harold III boasted. "Harold, you don't mean that. You have to be their for your brother's wedding." Jackie hissed at him with little concern. "Don't bring Leigh Ann, Harold. Justin has enough stress as it is." Brian repeated. "Stress? What? He doesn't like a little friendly competition?" Harold jested. "Anything from that girl is not friendly." Harold Jr. warned him. "Dad, she's not that bad. But she must have something with Brian for Justin to be that stressed out." Harold replied, looking back to Brian.

"You idiot, Justin doesn't need any stress in his life. He may already have to get surgery because of it!" Brian shouted, letting something slip from his mouth that he knew he shouldn't have uttered. "What? Surgery?" Harold Jr. quickly asked. Brian murmured under his breath when he realized his mistake. "Justin has been having serious problems with his stomach and now he may have to get surgery because of either too much stress or lack of good eating habits." Brian explained. Jackie sat dumbfounded at Brian's revalation. "Excuse me? Why didn't you tell us before now?" Brian's father questioned. "Because I just found out this morning." Brian responded sadly. "You just found out? What, Justin didn't take the time to tell you that he was sick or you were too busy to notice?" Harold III deamnded an answer of his younger brother. "A little of both." Brian replied softly. "Something wrong? I mean are you and Justin having problems?" Jackie worried. "We were for a little bit and it was my fault. But I think we were past them until Harold decided to get rude." Brian replied, looking at his mother and then his brother. "Don't put the blame on me for your relationship problems." Harold III quickly spoke up. "What kinds of problems?" Harold Jr. demanded to know of. Brian looked at the floor, his blue eyes filled with shame. "Brian? What did you do?" Jackie asked softly to try and coax Brian. "I don't really want to talk about it right now. I'm tired and I'm more concerned about Justin right now," Brian gave his reply. "You should be concerned about him if he may have to get surgery." Harold III agreed with a sour smile. "Okay son, we understand." Jackie replied for herself and her husband. Harold Jr's eyes didn't give the same response as his wife's. "Why don't you go get some sleep and make sure Justin's okay." Jackie suggested.

Brian nodded in her direction and began his walk out of the living room. "Mom, can I talk with in the kitchn for a minute?" Brian requested as he was leaving. Jackie looked at her husband with concern. "Find out what's wrong." he whispered to her as she stood. Jackie nodded, showing that she understood.

After a calm discussion with his mother, Brian found his way into his room. The lights were out and everything was silent. Brian ushered Tyke inside and then closed the door behind himself. Brian carefully and lightly placed his bag on the floor and pulled out an old Kentucky Wildcats shirt. Brian looked around the room, admiring his old basketball trophies and accomplishments. He even saw the old and small football uniform that he got for Christmas when he was younger. He could remember the times he played football with Harold in the yard and it brought a smile to his face. 'Why couldn't we be like that anymore bro?' Brian questioned in his head. He knew Harold's response would be along the lines of, 'Because you're getting married and you wouldn't have time for me.' He knew that's how Harold really felt, but yet Harold was in denial about it. But Brian understood.

Brian ran his fingers through his hair one last time and then looked towards his bed. Justin slept quietly in the bed as Brian approached. Brian smiled and admired his sleeping lover. Justin had a face of child-like innocence and his breathing was light. Brian knew Justin was a light sleeper, so he did his best not to wake Justin. Brian pulled the covers back slightly and slid into the bed. It was a single bed, not leaving Brian much room to get in the bed. He hoped that his parents didn't come into the room for they would see Brian and Justin in the same bed together. Brian laid his head down so that he was facing Justin's face. He tried to scoot into the bed, causing Justin to wake slightly. "Brian?" Justin whispered in a woozy tone. "Justin go to sleep Just." Brian replied and gave Justin a kiss on the nose. Justin smiled lightly and snuggled closer to Brian. Brian's smile grew as he felt Justin's head nuzzled next to his. Brian placed an arm on Justin and relaxed. "Goodnight Bri." Justin whispered, trying to fall back asleep. "Night Just." Brian replied and rocked Justin to sleep. Tyke ran over to where BJ slept and found a spot next to BJ for himself to rest. As his eyes shut, the room fell to a stature of sleep.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 94) By JM

The morning sprang upon Justin unexpectidly. He rubbed his eyes lightly and tried to catch the lsat bit of his sleep. He failed at the attempt. Justin peeked his eyes open and Brian was no longer asleep with him. The spot that Brian slept in was now empty. Justin raised his strawberry blonde head to look around the room for Brian. He kept his eyes closely shut, with just enough room to peer through. There was no sign of Brian in the room. Justin looked to the floor and even Tyke and BJ were missing from the room. Justin gave a loud yawn before rubbing his eyes again.

Justin pulled back the covers slightly and sat up in the bed. Justin looked to the side and saw a note sitting ontop of the dresser. Justin looked at the noe with a puzzled face. Justin shrugged and pulled the covers off of his body. Justin rolled out of the bed with a grumpy modd in mind. Justin walked to the dresser and grabbed the note. He opened it and read it:

Dear Justin,

Good morning babe. I love you. I'm downstairs getting something for you. Just wait in the bed for me and I'll be right there. And don't worry about BJ and Tyke, they're taken care of. I'm sorry for last night, I'm sure Harold didn't mean anything when he said what he said. Please don't be mad. Don't worry, I still love you and that's all that should matter.

I love you,

Your Bri P.S. Don't think of sneaking downstairs to see the surprise!

Justin smiled sincerely as he read the note. Usually he was tired and grumpy in the morning but this moment, but this time he couldn't stay angry. He placed the note back on the dresser. He stumbled back to the bed and got back under the covers.

Just as he got comfortable, the door opened slightly. Brian crept inside with a tray in his hands. "Good, you're up." Brian smiled as he saw Justin looking at him. Justin nodded, keeping the quiet mood he had attained. Brian walked over to the bed and placed the tray in Justin's lap. "I made you breakfast." Brian whispered as Justin looked down at the tray. It was filled with bacon, eggs, grits, a muffin and a banana. "Wow, thanks." Justin replied. "Well actually, mom made breakfast. But I got these for you when I went to the florist." Brian responded, pointing to the small pile of baby blue orchid petals that were next to the glass of orange juice. Justin's eyes grew at the sight. "Those are the same flowers I ordered for our wedding." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "And while I was out, I got looked at some nice tuxes for us." Brian added. Justin was thrilled that Brian had made effort to prepare for the wedding. "Thanks." Justin spoke gently. "Don't thank me. I would have done it regardless." Brian assured him.

Justin grabbed a fork and began to eat some of his eggs. "Mmmm, I've missed good ol' country cookin'." Justin chimed at the taste of the eggs. "Mom sure knows how to make you feel good." Brian replied. Brian relaxed on the bed and grabbed the banana. "This is for me." Brian said softly. Justin shrugged and took a spoonfull of his grits. "Just the right amount of butter and sugar." Brian pointed out to him as Justin ate. "It's perfect Bri." Justin assured him with a smile.

"I sent my parents and Harold outta here so me and you could have some private time." Brian informed Justin. "They probably thought you asked that so me and you could you know..." Justin cocked an eyebrow Brian's way as he spoke. "Nah, mom and dad don't think all we do is have sex. Mom understood that sometimes two people need quiet moments like this to express their love." Brian gave a short and summarized reply. "Well at least they're open and understanding." Justin frowned. "Your parents are too. It's just sometimes they're more protective of you because you are young and special. Trust me, I would be the same way because you are so special." Brian responded softly. Justin smiled again for Brian. "I'm melting." Brian teased after looking at Justin's gorgeous smile. "That's okay, you already gave me the sunshine I needed." Justin responded.

Brian laid his head back and looked to the ceiling. Justin quickly finished the rest of his food and swallowed down his orange juice. Justin ushered the tray aside and rolled over so that he could hug onto Brian. Brian turned so that he was facing Justin. "You gotta a little something there." Brian whispered as he pointed to a drop of orange juice on the side of Justin's lip. He leaned forward and kissed the drop away. Brian held his face right next to Justin's with a straight face. 'How could I hit such a beautiful face.' Brian thought to himself with pure shame.

Justin made the move and kissed Brian back. Brian closed his eyes and returned the gentle kiss. He kept a slow movement to show Justin that he didn't want to be rough or too forward about things. Justin followed Brian's movements and placed his hands on Brian's covered chest. He eased Brian back and took a more controling stance. He bega to kiss Brian's cheek and then Brian's neck as Brian ran his hands over Justin's back.

"Do you want to?" Brian asked first of Justin. Justin continued kissing Brian's neck until he pulled a moan out of the depths of Brian's body. "Yes, I want to..." Justin replied as he gave Brian a small hickey on Brian's collar bone. Brian nodded and kept his eyes shut. Justin crawled ontop of Brian as he continued to make out with Brian's neck. The flesh ran gently next to Justin's smooth tongue.

Brian gave Justin a small sign to remove his clothes and Justin sat up. Brian peeled Justin's shirt off and then placed it on the side of the bed. Brian pulled his won shirt off and then grabbed Justin's arms. He pulled Justin back down ontop of him to resumre their kissing. Justin gladly returned his lips to Brian's and ran a hand over Brian's hair. Brian ran a hand over Justin's leg to arrouse Justin even further. Justin's muffled moans were enough to let Brian know that they were going to have sex in that bed within minutes.

Brian pushed Justin over to the other half of the bed and stepped out of the bed. Justin frowned and looked up at Brian. "It's okay, I understand." Justin assured him as he tried to grab his shirt. Brian looked at Justin with confusion. "Oh, no, I want to have sex with you. It's okay, I just needed to get something first." Brian assured him. Justin's smile returned. Brian bent down and grabbed something from his bag. Justin took a moment to admire Brian's sleak legs and round ass through his boxers.

Brian stood up straight and turned to look at Justin. Justin bit his lower lip with insecurity. He clunched a red object in his hands and ran back to the bed. He hopped in and grasped Justin. "I just wanted you to have this." Brian whispered as he flashed Justin a condom. Justin finally understood and took the condom from Brian's hand. "Now, where were we?" Brian asked as he leaned in and began to suckle Justin's neck. Justin moaned lowly and fell under Brian's control again.

Justin pushed Brian back down and ran his hands between Brian's thighs. Brian moaned loudly and spread his legs for Justin. Justin grasped Brian's plaid boxers and then pulled them down. Justin saw Brian's cock fly up when it was released from the boxers. It stood in it's long and erect form for Justin. Justin found himself rubbing his hands from Brian's belly button to his sandy brown pubes to his rosey red head. Justin smiled happily and pulled down his own boxers. Justin grabbed both pairs and dropped them on the floor.

Justin used his teeth and tear open the condom and then unwraveled it. It was as scarlet red as the wrapper it came in. He placed it on his penis and prepared for his moment. Brian didn't show any signs of fear or pain to Justin. His trust was more powerful then any fear that seem to grow with each waiting moment. Justin pulled Brian closer to him and prepared to enter him. Brian spread his legs again for Justin and lightly locked his ankles behind Justin's back. Justin closed his eyes and then moved forward towards Brian. His penis entered Brian sharply, making Brian squint his eyes shut. Brian gasped lightly, but not enough for Justin to stop his entering. Justin ran his lips over Brian's to ease what he flt in Brian. Brian's ass gripped Justin's cock and swallowed it as Justin went further. Justin then began his slow bucking in and out of Brian. Brian grapsed onto Justin's neck and held it loosely. His cries filled the room as the bed shook. Justin's pace continued to increase with each touch. "Oh... Brian..." Justin groaned softly.

Brian opened his eyes to look up at Justin's expressions of ecstasy. "Keep going..." Brian whispered, running a finger over Justin's lips. Justin nodded and kept his hips bucking. Jusitn leaned further down to let Brian suck on his shoulder. A hickey soon formed there. Brian's need for Justin to cum now became evident as he scratched Justin's back. Justin's finger drew a trial over Brian's scar to his belly button. It was an erotic touch and feeling that Brian enjoyed. Justin's loud moan informed Brian that Justin was cumming inside of the condom. Brian smiled brightly and held Justin in his arms.

Brian rolled Justin over, causing Justin's soft penis to slip out. Brian began to kiss from Justin's neck to his chest. He didn't want their moments alone to end so easily. Brian's lips ran over Justin's chest with care. Sweat caused Brian's hair to stick to his hand, making him even more attractive to Justin. In any light, any dark or any illness, Brian never lost his appeal to Justin. Jusitn leaned his head back and let Brian kiss his chin. Brian finally moved up and passed Justin's lips to kiss his nose. "That was wonderful." he whisepred to Justin. Justin nodded. "I think you should get a shower while I uh... try and tiddy this mess up." Brian suggested. "When do your parents get back?" Justin asked. "Uhm, in like forty-five minutes." Brian replied, trying to figure the time. "Will you take a shower with me?" Justin pleaded his request. "I can't. I gotta clean things up here and get things situated so we can go to rehearsal." Brian replied with sincerity. Justin frowned and gave Brian his puppy dog eyes.

Brian slipped off of Justin and got out of the bed to stretch. Justin followed his lead and rolled out of the bed. He grabbed a new pair of briefs and then a shirt and jeans. He walked out of the room with no clothes on and into the bathroom.

Justin closed the door to the bathroom and then turned on the hot water. He knew he had his bathing down to a time due to 'N Sync's constant rush to get from place to place.

Justin heard the bathroom door opened and he turned to look at a naked Brian. "I didn't want you to be sad or anything, plus I missed you." Brian explained before Justin could ask. Brian gave Justin a comforting hug that caused a tear to slip from Justin's eye. "You're too good for me." Justin whispered. "No, you're too good for me." Brian responded. Brian leaned down and lifted Justin into a craddle position in his arms. "What are you doing!?" Justin saked with pure shock. Brian didn't give Justin an answer.

Brian carried Justin into the shower stall and closed the shower door. He let the water splash against their bodies before placing Justin's feet down. Justin stood up and looked into Brian's blue eyes. Brian ran his hands over Justin's cheek and neck, just admiring him. Justin let Brian's hands roam as they wished.

Brian turned Justin around and then pulled him into a hug. Brian placed his hands around Justin's front as the water splashed off their backs. Brian began to kiss Justin's neck as the water fell over them like a waterfall. Justin relaxed his head against Brian's shoulder to show Brian he felt comfortable. "I love you... I love you... I love you..." Brian whispered with each kiss to Justin's neck. Brian held his normal standing position with Justin to show Justin that things were the way they always have been.

"Oh Brian, I want our lives to go like this everyday. Just me and you taking time for each other." Justin requested with a loving sigh. "I want that too Justin," Brian responded, still finding areas of Justin's neck to kiss. "And if we have to take a month off from work to do that, then we will." Brian added. After he spoke, he gently nibbled on Justin's earlobe. Brian ran his left hand over Justin's left shoulder where he had left the hickey on Justin.

"We should get out of here and get dressed. No telling when my mom and dad will be back with Harold." Brian suggested. He wasn't eager to suggest it, but yet he knew he had to. Justin nodded and grabbed the bar of soap. Within five more minutes, Justin and Brian were squeaky clean from their bathing.

Brian wrapped a towel around his waist as Justin did the same. Brian pulled his hair back tightly and then looked into the mirror at the two of them. They were a perfect relfection on an honest and caring couple. Something that Brian had rarely seen outside of his home when he was growing up. "Thinking hard aren't you?" Justin commented as he leaned on Brian. Brian nodded. "You're rather mature for an eighteen year old," Brian commented back. "I learn it from you." Justin alughed out an answer. Brian placed his arm around Justin's hips and guided him out of the bathroom.

Brian and Justin walked into Brian's bedroom with smiles on their faces. Brian relesed Justin's hips and stared into his dreamy eyes. "I wanna kiss you." Brian whispered as he inched forward to Justin. "Go ahead." Justin shrugged. Brian backed away with less enthusiasm. "Just 'go ahead'. Not 'I want you ro kiss me too'?" Brian questioned his lover's weak response. "Do we always have to be so mushy?" Justin questioned with a laugh. Brian frowned. Justin thought of the perfect way to bring Brian's hopes up again. He lifted Brian's chin with his index finger and then caught Brian's gaze.

Because you are the way you are

R you just a dream?

I feel as if you'd never hurt me

A fight couldn't tear us away from each other

Never will I do that to our lovin'

Justin thw rods that Justin sang reminded Brian on the time he spent with Justin when he wrote that song. Justin leaned forward and pressed his lips to Brian's. Brian returned the kiss eagerly, rubbing his hands over Justin's shoulders. Justin ended the kiss short with a smile. "How was that?" Justin asked. "Geez, I need to find a man who can't do EVERYTHING!" Brian joked. "I can't do everything. I can't make myself smile when I miss you." Justin replied with a romantic tone. "But you can melt my heart in a second." Brian cooed.

"Have a seat while I go get something." Brian advised as he walked out of the room. Justin nodded and walked over to the bed. He couldn't believe how daring Brian was to walk out of the room with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Justin decided not to sit right away and walked to the nearby window. It was a picturesque view that Justin didn't take in. He closed the curtains so that no one would look inside and see him with just a towel on in Brian Littrell's room. 'The Star would love to see that!' Justin thought to himself with a dazzling smile. He walked back over to the bed and sat on the edge.

Brian reemerged in the room holding a plate of apple pie. Brian closed the door behind himself and walked over to Justin. "Miss me?" Brian asked as he looked down at Justin. "Yep." Justin replied with a grin. Brian decided to take a seat in Justin's lap. Jusitn gladly welcomed him and held him in place. Brian snagged a piece of apple pie onto a fork and brought it to Justin's lips. Jusitn opened his mouth and took the pie into his mouth. Brian grabbed a fork-full for himself and ate it. "You're mom sure knows how to sooth the Southern soul." Justin teased. Brian nodded happily. Brian gave Justin another bite of the pie. "Do you ever get tired of feeing me?" Justin asked with a joke. "Nah, you're cute when you eat too." Brian replied with a laugh. Brian leaned down and gave Jusitn another kiss on the nose. "And you just got this adorable nose!" Brian cooed in a sarcastic way. "Why thank you." Justin laughed out a reply.

"I'm kinda tired Justin. We have about an hour or so before we have to go to the arena. I think we should take a nap." Brian suggested with a yawn. "Yeah, I'm tired too." Justin agreed. "Okay, let's hit the hay then." Brian advised as he stood. "What about your parents?" Justin questioned in fear. "They won't mind. I talked to my mom last night about us and she assures us that she made my dad feel comfortable about the way we act around each other. She says that he's fine with it as long as we don't get out of control or cause any problems." Brian explained. Justin was overwhlemed by Brian's response. He couldn't believe how much more laidback Brian's parents were compared to Justin's parents. "Okay," Justin nodded to show he was okay.

Brian nibbled on his own lower lip as Justin stood. "Do you think we should put on some boxers or something?" Justin asked with little concern. "Nah, we can sleep in the flesh. No one will know." Brian assured him with his response. "Okay, take a seat." Justin replied. Brian nodded and dropped his towel. he quickly folded it and placed it ontop of his bag. He peeled the covers back on the bed and sat down.

Justin gave Brian a curios grin and began to remove his towel. He removed it erotically just for Brian. H pulled the side from side to side with his tongue slowly licking his lips. "You know if you weren't in 'N Sync, I see a promising career as a stripper." Brian teased. "We prefer the term exotic dancer, thank you very much." Justin responded with a laugh. Justin threw the towel at Brian and then grabbed a hat from his bag. "Wear this." Justin requested as he handed Brian the North Carolina Tar Heels hat. "Why?" Brian pondered as he put the hat on backwards. "Because you look adorable in blue." Justin replied with honesty and seriousness.

Brian opened his arms for Justin to hug and they fell onto the bed in each other's arms. Brian laid his head back and let Justin hug him. He pulled the covers up so that they just covered their lower halfs. Brian kissed the top of Justin's head gently and whispered the words for Justin to hear again, "I love you." Justin smiled and closed his eyes. He ran his fingers over Brian's chest, forming the letters 'I-L-O-V-E-U'. Brian smiled to himself and closed his eyes. They let the sleep that convinced them to nap take over.

A half hour seemed to slip by with Brian and Justin sleep. "Eh Brian, I think Just left some clothes in the bathroom." Harold III said as he entered Brian's room. He was shocked when he saw his brother sleep in the bed with Justin and from what he could tell, they were shirtless. Harold almost felt disgusted until he saw his btoerh's expression. Brian had a semi-smile on his face as he held Justin tightly. Harold found himslef smiling at the two. 'At least he's happy again.' Harold said to himself as he dropped Justin's clothes by his bag. Harold walked over to them and looked at them. "I hope he makes you happy Brian." Harold whispered as he pulled the covers up further on them. 'Just like Leigh Ann makes me happy.' Harold thought to himself as he exited the room.

Harold closed the door back as his mother passed by. "Everything okay hon?" she asked of her eldest son. "Yeah, everything is fine. Brian and Justin are just taking a nap." Harold assured him. Jackie smiled brightly. "Mom, you've been around Brian and Justin more than me, is Justin the real thing? I mean is he really head over heels with Brian and is Brian the same?" Harold asked softly. Jackie didn't have to think out the question. "Harold, I could only wish we could all have what they have. Brian really, really, really loves Justin. And from what I can see, Justin is the same way. So yeah, Justin is the 'real deal'." Jackie replied. Harold couldn't believe how easily his brother had falled in love with another guy, but even more, how he had fallen in love with anyone.


*** Thanks everyone for holding on for this one. I do appreciate it. And thank God I did finish. I had to say all of that first. Okay, I hope I still have a srtong fan-base because I can see I have what some may call "rivalry", but what I call "new friends" on Nifty. And I do mean there is a LOT now! So... please stick with me through this. But of course, I'll always have one reader that I can depend on if everyone goes away and that's myself. Thanks to everyone who told me to take my time with this because I needed to know that. But that really messes me up now because I'm trying to have Chapter 100 done on July 4th, which gives me two weeks to write that and the last chapters before that! Not much time at all!!! So please, PLEASE forgive me if I don't get it done till like July 5th because I do get busy alot of times and can't get to the story. ***

** I got a new computer this weekend and so I had to do alot of work there. But guess what?! I no longer have ALL of the old messages I used to have. SOOOOO I need readers that have written me to write me again when you tell me what you think of this one so I can stay in contact with you all. I would appreciate that. Same goes to people that I had on my ICQ list. If I haven't already gotten you back on my list, please let me know by sending me a message. I would appreciate that. **

  • The FINAL message for this set. Okay, for one, I realize that it takes longer to get from Denver to Lexington, but bare with me. I had to get other things done. Another, alot of people took it rather odd about Brian hitting Justin. Some say Jusitn shouldn't have went back to him, some say that it was a good point, others say that I need to change some things around because of it. Please, I know that it's hard to adjust to, but this is how the story is going. Thanks for the support anyway. And everyone, let Leprechaun know that JM misses him on ICQ and wish that he would keep writing 'Bad Boy B-Rok'. Lastly, I've had some rather unusual complains about who I am picking for best man. As you can see, I still haven't picked Brian's. So e-mail me and let me know if Joey was a bad choice for Justin and what not of who you want to be the best men. I like my choices, but a some people (and one person knows who he is) doesn't like it too much. So let me know what you think and who and why you think that person should be best man. Thanks and hopefully the next part will be up next week! *

Next: Chapter 36: Brian and Justin 95 99

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