Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 18, 2000


Angel's Wings (Part 8) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

His indigo eyes spoke a million words and thoughts at once, but no one could read or hear them. The inkiness of their beauty was mysterious and unsettling. It was as if he was there, but he wasn't. Maybe, deep down, he wasn't? He yearned to be somewhere else for a moment, but not by himself. If he could hold the man he stared at under a sky of glistening, ivory-white stars and hear that man say, "I love you more than the oxygen I breathe," then he would be happy, at least satisfied. At this moment, he didn't know if he'd ever hear that man say that, but he would settle for a kiss of undeniable affection; another unattainable feat in his eyes. Then again, his eyes were an enigma right now, so it didn't matter.

'Stop being silly, Justin. Look at him.' Justin Littrell told himself. With the assistance of the sun's saffron beams slicing through the shades, Justin could view the one he desired so much pulling a white T-shirt from his body. He watched as the fairly old shirt dropped onto the ground carelessly. Justin unconsciously ran the tip of his tongue over his lips when viewing the partially naked man before him. 'Look at him.' he said to himself again as the man before stretched and began to rummage through a stack of clothing. He sighed to himself, his eyes searching every plane on the man's upper body. 'Beautiful.' he told himself as he stared at his chest, the small scar running down the center of two nicely shaped pecs. Justin could not tear his eyes away the soft skin, the toned muscles, and the dimpled features. He nibbled on his lower lip, the attraction deeper than any of Justin's lonesome thoughts.

A pair of fragile pale blue eyes caught Justin's and began to steal Justin's thoughts. The laughter in the pair of blue's called on Justin in a heartfelt way. "Are you watching me?" a country accent questioned Justin. Justin swallowed quickly, unsure of how to respond. He pulled his eyes away quickly, a tinge of blush striking his cheeks. He shifted in his seat, a small tremble rustling through his body. He sucked on his pouty lower lip. "Baby?" the voice called out to him again. Justin didn't want to ignore it, but he knew if his eyes stared directly into those pale blue eyes, he'd reveal his thoughts at that moment and he would be denied his desire.

The sounds of more shifting in the small trailer that Justin occupied with the man he wanted and another man caused Justin to wallow in his disappointment. He ran a hand over his short curly brown hair, his eyes staring downward at his gray Nike's. A pair of bare feet appeared in Justin's focal point. He began to lift his head slowly and was astonished when he felt warmth in his lap. "Brian." Justin groaned as Brian Littrell straddled Justin's lap. Brian grinned brightly, holding Justin down in his seat as he straddled him. He ran a couple of fingers through Jutin's tightly curled hair. Justin grimaced, still not looking directly at Brian.

Brian raised his brow, discouraged by Justin's actions. He leaned down and gave Justin a brief kiss on the forehead before pressing his own forehead against Justin's. He nuzzled his nose against Justin's, letting a whimper cross his thin pink lips while trying to glance into Justin's eyes. "What's wrong Bean? Tell me." Brian requested softly. He locked his arms around Justin's neck. Justin pouted, holding in his thoughts. "I don't want say because I don't want you to get mad." Justin responded somberly. Brian puckered his lips and let them brush Justin's. He rubbed his nose against Justin's once more, hoping to soften Justin's barricade. "Don't let that stop you Bean. It's not like I'm going to walk out of this trailer barefoot with no shirt on." Brian joked with his husband in a gentle whisper. There was assurance laced in Brian's words keeping Justin locked in his position.

"Aye Littrell, you know you only have another ten minutes in here. You and Justin have no time for any nookie, got it?" Marc, Brian's personally assigned bodyguard, announced with a cheeky grin covering his face. Brian turned his head to glance at Marc, the soft hairs of his beard rubbing against Justin's smooth face. Justin restrained a moan as felt Brian shift in his lap. "Marc, do me a favor? Stand outside the trailer and I promise I'll be ready in ten, man. I just need to talk to Justin for a minute." Brian solicited kindly. Marc shifted uneasily, staring at the couple. He peered at Brian, distrusting him for a moment. "No nookie Littrell, I mean it. If I feel this trailer shake or hear any moans, I'm telling all the MTV cameras to come over here so they can see a side of a Backstreet Boy they never see." Marc warned Brian as he pushed open the trailer door. Brian giggled quietly at Marc's comment. "I promise Marc, there will be no nookie in here." Brian snickred out, the dimples in his cheeks flaring. Justin sighed softly, leaning backward. 'Yeah, that's what I don't want to talk about Brian.' Justin thought to himself. Marc nodded, still squinting at his friend. He hopped out of the trailer and shut the door immediately.

Brian instantaneously turned his head toward his husband when the trailer down slammed shut. He finally caught a glimpse of Justin's deep blue eyes. They were filled with uncertainty. Brian repressed a frown from forming on his lips. "Please don't look at me like that JuJu. Just tell me what's bothering you and I'll do my best to fix it." Brian whispered, maintaining a soft voice despite Marc's departure. Brian ran his fingers over Justin's softhearted face, tracing every curve and dimple.

Justin was hesitant in making a move under his husband's tender touch. His lips began to form words, but they never cleared his throat. He merely stared in Brian's compassionate eyes and heard a question repeated through his mind: 'You believe that I still love you, right JuJu?' Justin closed his eyes for a second, still debating over his reply. 'Why did you have to ask me that right then?' he brooded, discouraged by Brian's choice to question him. Justin opened his eyes, Brian's baby blues still staring at him. 'Why do you have to stare at me like that right now? I didn't ask for this, Brian. I didn't mean to break your heart like that.' Justin thought, his eyes beginning to feel the bitter sting of tears. He had to look away and escape the care running through Brian's eyes.

Just as Justin's head began to turn, Brian held it steadfast. His grip was tender and affectionate while his eyes called out for a simple answer. "It's about what I asked you, isn't it?" Brian asked, reading the pain in Justin's reflection. Justin licked his lips, a small sniffle released. He tried to fake a smile for Brian, but with no avail. "It's about when I asked you if you thought I still loved you, right?" Brian again asked his husband. The answer was hidden under Justin's lidded eyes.

Justin cleared his throat, leaning toward Brian. He let his forehead tap Brian's while his nose brushed against Brian's. "That's part of it, Rocky." Justin replied, nodding. Brian cursed himself for questioning Justin. He didn't need conformation when he questioned his husband's belief in their love, but a simple response to warm his heart. "What's the other part?" Brian asked with a hint of curiosity running through his voice. Justin could feel Brian's hands running across his neck, petting Justin's skin tenderly. Justin began to get hot under the blazing fingertips, each rub and massage sending a fever through Justin. 'I have to stop thinking about this. How can I think about having sex with him in this trailer when we're trying to get closer again?' Justin questioned himself while trying to control his bodily functions. He was unsuccessful.

Brian sat up some, his lips closing together tightly. He cleared his throat softly, continuing to hold onto Justin. "Oh." was the only murmur to cross his lips. Justin face flushed with embarassment as he began to turn away from Brian again. His self-consciousness not only caused him to blush, but tears rushed to his eyelids. Justin held them in, nibbling on his lower lip. "No, no, uh, uh." Brian insisted, turning Justin's head back to face his. Justin sighed arrogantly, finally allowing his hands to rest on Brian's hips. He laced his index fingers into the beltloops of Brian's jeans. His frustration was evident.

Brian kissed the tip of Justin's nose, a flickering smile straining to break loose. "I know this is really hard on you Justin and I mean that literally and figuratively." Brian remarked, striving not to laugh at his husband. Justin closed his eyes tightly, letting the tears sting his eyes. His face scrunched up as he pressed his head against Brian's. "This isn't easy for me Brian. I want to make love to you so bad, I want you to touch me from my head to toe with just your lips and I can't... I can't do shit." Justin hissed out, his eyes still firmly shut. Brian leaned back a little with astonishment. He did not expect to hear the blunt words flow from his husband's lips. "Why can't I show you how much I love you?" Justin added a question, his eyes finally opening to reveal his red eyes.

Brian traced his hands upward. He let his index finger rub over the bridge of Justin's nose, moving downward until he touched the tip of his nose. He exhaled lightly, licking his lips slowly. "Did you know that when you're not at the house, I masturbate thinking about you? I have to jerk off just about three times a week because I want you so bad." Brian informed his husband in a tender voice. Justin raised his brow with thorough surprise. Brian nodded for conformation, still petting Justin's nose. He leaned a little closer to Justin, his lips dangling near Justin's. Justin parted his lips for a moment, tasting the sweetness of Brian's breath entering between the two pieces of flesh. "Then why can't we make love?" Justin asked, his lips reaching for Brian's. Brian allowed Justin's lips to close over his bottom lip, sucking sweetly for a moment before pulling away.

He felt Justin's hands raise up to his chest, toying with his erect nipples. "I'm not rushing this Justin, not for nothing. I don't care if we go six months without making love. You and I are going to take our time and make sure this marriage is going to work the way we want. If you love me like I love you then making love with be well worth our wait." Brian replied, surpressing a moan as his husband pet his chest, rubbing any spot that would arouse Brian. Brian licked his lips again, his breath accelerating for a minute.

Justin pulled back some, less frustrated by his husband's words. He read the twinkle in Brian's eyes. It was erotic, but tender. He kenw Brian was serious about his decision to make them wait and Justin respected. He did not force himself into it anymore. If his husband believed that it would work, then the doubts had to be erased from Justin's mind. "Sex is only a small part of our relationship. I'm not going to lie, it feels great when you're inside me, but it feels better when I know you love me with everything you are. I can feel that when we're not making love babe... when you say it." Brian whispered to Justin, edging closer to Justin. Justin smiled delicately. "Six months?" he giggled out the question, holding Brian still with his hands. Brian snickered quietly, his eyes squinting at Justin with a hint of carnal arousal. "You'd wait that long, right?" Brian asked, grabbing a hold of Justin's hands and leading them down to the top of his jeans. Justin felt the stiff fabric of Brian's jeans, the golden button asking to be ripped open. Justin caught his breath as Brian pushed Justin's hands down further his jeans. Justin felt Brian's thick penis through his jeans, completely erect and throbbing incessantly. "I'd wait a year if it meant I'd at least get to hold you every night." Justin said softly as Brian's lips brushed against his. He ran his long fingers over the pulsing erection.

Brian smiled sweetly before placing a small peck on Justin's upper lip. "And you'd tell me you love me every night?" Brian wondered, hoping for a small response to the question he solicited two weeks prior. Justin moaned quietly, his lips searching for Brian's. "No." Justin responded with a hiss. He felt Brian beginning to pull away immediately, but slowly. Justin snaked one hand around Brian's back and pushed him forward. He held Brian in place, his lips sliding across Brian's cheek until reaching his ear. "I'd tell you any chance I could, Rocky." Justin whispered into Brian's ear before kissing the lobe. He heard Brian chuckle lightly, turning his head. Their nose nuzzled again as Brian placed his hands on Justin's cheeks. He licked his tongue out, the tip stroking against Justin's lips. "That's my JuJu." Brian whispered, his breath heavy as he dove in to kiss Justin.

"Littrell, come on, you and Justin hop out here. The guys are starting to head for the set." Marc called out, startling Brian and Justin. Justin sighed against Brian's lips. Brian giggled quietly, kissing Justin's lips briefly. "Some other time, I suppose." Brian said as he pulled away from Justin. Justin nodded, allowing a small smile to grace his red lips. "Rok, come on! We've gotta get on set before Paul has a fit." AJ hollered from outside of Brian's trailer. "I'm coming, damn." Brian bellowed back, rushing to change his clothing as AJ began banging against the trailer. "Hope you're not cumming. You better not be banging your man in there." AJ teased Brian, slapping his palms against the side of the trailer. Brian groaned, glancing back at Justin as he struggled to pull on his fitted pants. Justin snickered wildly while watching Brian's hast movements. Brian grinned before turning back around. He grabbed the top of his gray briefs and yanked them down, flashing Justin a lengthy glimpse of his butt before pulling his briefs and pants up. Justin gasped with surprise, laughing loudly. "You ass." Justin chuckled out, tossing a sock toward Brian. Brian caught the sock with a broad grin. He threw the sock behind himself while slipping on his black cut off shirt. "I thought you wanted my ass?" Brian shrugged, his cheeky grin leaving Justin in a fit of laughter.

Just as Brian began to walk over to Justin to silence him with a subtle kiss, the door to his trailer thrased open and Marc stepped inside. "I'm going to bust your ass if you don't get it together Littrell." Marc warned his client, his arms folded tightly as AJ tried to peak from around him. Brian halted his movement, his eyes locked on Marc. "Are they naked? Are they naked? I wanna see!" AJ fussed, trying to slide around Marc's massive form. Brian sighed, spinning around so that he could slip on the rest of his wardrobe. "Perv." Justin sighed as AJ pushed passed Marc. AJ glanced at Justin slumped in the corner and Brian slipping on his leather coat. He groaned arrogantly, throwing his arms up. "Do you see Marc? Had we busted in here when I wanted to, we could have caught them butt ass naked for the MTV cameras. Now look... they're done." AJ complained, staring directly at Marc. Marc did not flinch at AJ's remarks. He remained a stiff tower in front of the trailer door. "Get the hell out AJ. Me and Justin will be out there, fully clothed, in two minutes." Brian demanded while fixing his clothes in a mirror. AJ hesitantly followed Brian's instructions. He finally gave in and slipped out of the trailer, laughing under his breath.

Ten minutes rolled by before Marc hobbled out of the trailer. He glanced around, noticing a few security guards escorting Kevin and Howie in one direction. "Goin' to the set and we're gonna make a video..." Nick crooned out as he and AJ strolled by Marc with their own security. Amanda McLean, AJ's wife, tailed behind shortly with a bodyguard watching over her. "Are they done?" AJ teased Marc, a Cheshire-grin painted on his face. Marc shot AJ a dangerous scowl before acknowledging the other security. "Don't let him bother you, Marc. Alex is just being a smart ass as usual." Amanda assured Marc as she promended past him. Marc nodded with an appreciative smile. "I still can't figure out why you married him Amanda." Marc called out to her with a hefty laugh. Amanda shook her head, her own smile spreading. "Hey, leave Mrs. McLean out of this you big old rock." AJ bellowed, reaching back and grabbing his wife's hand. Amanda sighed and walked closer to AJ as they headed in the direction of the set.

Brian stepped out of the trailer and assisted Justin in doing so. He watched as his friends began to slide by in small packs. Brian glanced back at Justin waiting solemnly next to the trailer. Justin began to hug himself as a chilly Los Angeles breeze touched his body. "Do you have your pass?" Brian asked, straightening out his clothing as he looked at Justin. Justin yanked out a small, lamenated pass that dangled from a chord around his neck. It was his only access to the set, a serious security precaution by the Backstreet Boys' management and label. Brian nodded, taking his eyes off of Justin. "Make sure you wear it or at least have it on you wherever you go. I don't want to get called down to the front of this place because they need me to identify you as my husband." Brian said halfheartedly.

Brian began to walk with Marc close to him and Justin following closely behind. Justin knew his place at Backstreet Boys' events. Now that he and Brian had revealed their relationship to the public, Justin was free to attend events with Brian without fear of being questioned. He also knew that now that he was identified as Brian's husband, he had certain limits and regulations placed on him by Brian's management. He was to stay behind, but not side-by-side with Brian at most affairs that did not involve *NSYNC.

It was merely for publicity purposes, but Justin hated it.

Justin could empathize with why Amanda dreaded attending award shows, photo and video shoots, or promotional events with AJ. Justin wanted to walk with Brian's arm wrapped around his shoulders, but he was denied. He understood, but he also hated it.

He was glad that Johnny Wright, *NSYNC's manager, had warmed up to Justin and Brian's marriage. Johnny never denied Brian backstage access to see his husband on tour and with the marriage being public, Johnny willingly let Brian and Justin show forms of affection for the public. Johnny believed it benefitted *NSYNC's popularity in several audiences.

"Be good people, the MTV cameras are right there." Wes, one of the security guards, announced to the group. Howie spied the cameras and producers waiting patiently near the doors to the main set. "And there goes a line of fans, fuck." Nick groaned. AJ laughed with thrill echoing in his voice. "Shall we please 'em or leave 'em guys?" he wondered, pulling Amanda a little closer. Amanda walked hesitantly with her husband. She was aware of the rules and did not desire to become a victim of the public's dislike for the Backstreet Boys' lovers. "Please 'em." Kevin sighed when finally getting a full glimpse of the pack of fans awaiting the Backstreet Boys' appearance.

The shrieks began to shuttle throughout the area as the Backstreet Boys came into full view. Smiles covered each guy's face as they heard the roar of their fans. "Looks like they missed us." AJ gleamed while leading security in the direction of the fans. "Two minutes ya'll." Tom stated in a stiff, low voice as the group leaned toward the driection of the fans. "Come on Tom, at least give them three minutes." Howie chuckled, but his remark was not welcomed by security. "Just sign some autographs Dorough." Marc advised as he led Brian over to the fans. Howie huffed mildly before greeting the fans with a welcome smile.

Justin eased back toward Amanda with Mike, another security guard, watching over them heavily. Justin shot the group a perplexed look as fans screamed wildly for the Backstreet Boys. He crossed his arms, a smile tickling at his ruby-red lips. "It's been so long since I've seen this." Amanda commented to Justin, grinning as she watched the fans ravish the Backstreet Boys. Justin nodded while watching the reaction the fans gave to Brian. Nothing had changed. Despite the announcement of Brian's marital connection with Justin, the fans still have a rabid lust for him. "It all seems kind of new to me. It's sorta like me seeing this for the first time without fear." Justin commented, confused by his own words. Amanda giggled under her breath, leaning on Justin. "It's probably because it is new for you, Just. This is the first time you get to sit back as Brian's husband and everyone knows it. The fans are going to expect to see you more often with him now and you're going to watch the fans hug and grab on your husband with them knowing he's married to you." Amanda declared with a sandy voice. Justin nodded again while taking a grasp of the situation. "And now you're AJ's wife. Will it change for you too?" Justin wondered, glancing down at her. Amanda shrugged, sighing heavily. "I doubt it. When went on tour with them, back before I was pregnant with Amaiya, they knew I was his girlfriend. AJ always told the fans. They had plenty of time to adjust to it and so did I." Amanda stated, staring ahead as AJ fooled with his fans. A soft smile graced her lips. "I hope they respect our relationship a little more now that I'm his wife, but if not, oh well." Amanda added carelessly.

"Hey, it's Amanda! Hi Amanda!" a fan shouted out, drawing some eyes on Amanda. Amanda blushed lightly before waving towrd the fan. "How did you deal with some fans not liking you or you being with AJ?" Justin asked her, curious by how his life will change with the eyes of the fans on him. Amanda sighed again, pulling her hair back. She leaned off of Justin as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. Her light blue eyes watched her husband's every step as he moved down the line of fans. "I try to listen to the positive things and block out the negative comments. Plus, I had support from like Nikki when she was dating Kevin and Danay helped out when she was seeing Howie. Leighanne was never much help and neither was Kevin's old girlfriend. I never got to talk to Lance because he never went anywhere with Nick and JC rarely does it too." Amanda replied with a drop of disappointment ringing through her voice. Justin scratched the top of his head, discouraged by her tone. "Plus Brian would encourage me a lot. He gave me a lot of inspirational words and just told me to pray that the fans will find favor with me and if not, they will have to take that up with God." Amanda said with a brighter voice.

Justin raised his brow with grand surprise. He was unaware of conversations shared between Brian and Amanda. Amanda nodded when seeing Justin's face. She licked her lips as another fan shouted for her. She laughed sweetly as both AJ and Brian hugged a sobbing fan. "It's funny because if I was on tour with the guys, me and Brian would talk a lot. When I first started going with Alex, it was hard because no one really knew me and everyone had drama from Kevin trying to figure out his life with Kristen to Brian not really being in love with Leighanne. It was crazy." Amanda noted, folding her arms. She glanced down at her wedding ring, the diamonds sparkling in the light of the sun. "But when Brian started seeing you and all, things changed for him and me. He was happier and we used to sit in the lounge on the bus and just talk. Like when you guys stopped touring with them and I would go visit Alex during my pregnancy, Brian and I would sit in the lounge and just chat up a storm about you and Alex. It was usually right after Brian got off the phone with you. He couldn't shut up about how much he loved you, missed you, and all that." Amanda declaerd, giving Justin a light shrug. Justin blushed heavily, ducking his head with a tender grin on his face. "It was nice. I used to tell him about how the fans discouraged me and sometimes made me feel like I shouldn't be around AJ in public and Brian would tell me that I shouldn't feel that way or pretend as if our love doesn't exist. He hated hiding from the fans the fact that you two were together. So he pepped me up and made me feel good about my relationship with AJ." Amanda added, a proud smile on her face as she saw Brian turn around to stare at the two. She winked at Brian as Brian waved to her.

"He said one day he was going to tell the world how much he loves you and when that day comes, you'd be on tour with all of us. He said we'd have a family bus for me, Alex, him, you, and all of our kids." Amanda beamed, leaning back on Justin. Justin felt an immense smile cracking at his lips. A soothing fire rushed through his heart and sizzled through his skin. "He said that?" Justin forced out, disbelief and surprise floating in his voice.

Amanda nodded quickly, pride glazing her bright blue eyes. "My husband said that." Justin said again under his breath, his face constricted in amazement. Amanda giggled quietly. "Don't be so surprised Just. That man loves you. I called him during the, uhm, 'separation', and he said that you are and will always be on his heart." Amanda stated assuredly. Justin raised his brow and cocked his head to the side. 'This is coming from the guy who asked me if I felt he still loved me?' Justin wondered.

"Look! It's Justin! It's Justin from *NSYNC!" a fan shouted out, stealing Amanda and Justin's concentration on the subject they discussed. Justin's head automatically snapped in the direction of the fans. He ducked his head a little, afraid of being seen. It was far too late. He could taste the surprise in the fans eyes and he could feel the wonder on their faces. "Aaww, I love you Justin! Congratulations!" a fan shouted out. Justin smiled lightly, waving a little. "Ilk! I hate *NSYNC! Go Backstreet!" another rattled off. Justin groaned quietly, turning his head some. ""You dummy, he's married to Brian. He's a BSB fan too." one fan hissed to the girl. Amanda laughed out loud, pushing strands of her hair behind her ear. "Now you know how I used to feel. When I was in Innosense, the girls used to get a lot of crap because I dated Alex. Some fans even hate Innosense now because they think that the girls kicked me out." Amanda snickered while watching the fans continue to ravish the Backstreet Boys. Justin scratched his temple, confused by the reactions he received from the fans.

"Brian, please! Brian, why do you have to be with Justin? I love you too." a fan boasted, pulling Justin's attention toward the scene. Justin watched as a fan hugged Brian tightly, pleading with him. Justin's eyes opened widely as he stared at the girl begging his husband to leave him. "He's a man!" the fan protested as Marc began to unlatch her arms from Brian. Justin lowered his head a little as Amanda leaned off of Justin. She tugged on his arm, seeing the hurt injected into his face. "But I love him, I'm sorry sweetheart." Brian insisted with a smile as he and the others began to move away from the fans. "Justin, come on, we're going to go in this entrance so we're not in the way of the video shoot." Amanda informed Justin as she continued to pull on him. Justin glared at the girl as she sobbed continuously. His heart sunk. "Come on Justin." Mike instructed in a controlling voice. His voice was unheard by Justin. Justin could not tear his eyes away from her.

Mike placed his hand on Justin's shoulder, tugging him backward. Justin stumbled a little, astonished by Mike's actions. "Look kid, we've got to go." Mike ordered, tugging on Justin. Justin turned his head from the sobbing girl, his mind transfixed on his anger. He shrugged off Mike's grip, his lips pouting while a scowl covered his face. "Mike, back off him." Marc warned Mike with a hissing voice. Mike gave Marc a quick glance and then nodded, moving away from Justin. Justin shot Marc a look, his eyes squinting. "Just roll with them, okay J?" Marc requested kindly while the others moved onto the set. Justin sighed before nodding, following Amanda, Mike, and a few other personnel into another door. He tried to rid his mind of the picture of the girl pleading to have his husband.

Nick Carter ran the tips of his fingers over the beaded necklace he wore around his neck. His fingers traced the firm, jagged teeth laced into the design. His hair was tossed in several gelled sections and he wore a flower-print, black and white shirt. The first few buttons were undone, almost exposing the fullness of his chest. He glanced up, his silvery blue eyes looking into a camera. "Mr. Carter, could you just give us the basic concept of the song and a little information about your new album?" an MTV producer requested of Nick. Nick nodded, contemplating what he could remember from working in the studio on the various songs appearing on the album. "Well the basic concept behind this song is a guy telling his girlfried... actually, he's asking her what he has to do to make things right in their relationship. He says, 'I love you,' but she doesn't think that's enough. She wants more and he thinks he's doing all he can." Nick stated, staring right into the lense while speaking. He tapped his fingers along the seams of his leather pants while thinking over what he could add to his previous statement. "He doesn't know what that person wants, but he's trying to make things right. It's sort of the beginning of a breakup." Nick added. He smiled candidly for a brief moment before laughing.

"And the album? Who did you work with?" the producer prompted Nick again.

Nick raised his brow. He had forgotten the second question, one that he was uncertain of himself. He smirked for a second. "Wow, uh, we worked with several different producers. Of course we worked with Max and the Sweden family. Uh, we also worked with Darkchild, Full Force and the crew... Missy Elliott." Nick listed off, trying to think quickly. He nibbled a corner of his lower lip, unsure of who else to name. "We worked with a guy named Guy Roche who did some stuff for Christina Aguilera. I know AJ and Brian got a couple of songs produced for the album." Nick added briskly, sighing quietly. "Anyone else?" the producer wonder, trying to get enough shots for the episode of Making The Video the men of the Backstreet Boys were shooting. Nick gleamed quickly. "Ironically, though we are trying to differ ourselves from other groups with this new album, our label hooked us up with JC from *NSYNC and he did like one song for the album. Well he co-produced two tracks for our new album, but that's it. It's definitely a Backstreet sound, not an *NSYNC one." Nick chimed, winking toward the camera. He cleared his throat roughly and lollied from side-to-side. "Thanks." the producer said bleekly while leading the cameraman in a new direction.

Nick nodded, rolling his eyes and walking away from the area. He stared down at the gold band wrapped around his left ring finger. His heart raced a little when thinking of the words JC spoke when proposing to him. 'The good old days, right Nick?' Nick thought to himself while watching the light flicker over the golden ring. He sighed relluctantly as he began to muse over the affair that took place between his fiancé and Justin Littrell. He could taste the bitter poison lingering on his tongue when meditating over the event. 'No sex, no love, barely a kiss. Justin's so fucking good at making my life miserable.' Nick brooded, walking through a dim-lit hallway. His eyes stayed focused on the ground he walked across. 'Why do you persist to lie to yourself? Why are you making Justin the enemy? Brian fell in love with Justin, Justin didn't force that. Josh tried to seduce Justin. He betrayed you.' Nick's conscience bellowed loudly in Nick's head. Nick's feet became sluggish. Deep down, he knew the truth, but he wanted to deny it. He gripped his fists shut, his anger raging like music at a rave. He threw his head back, discomfort ruling his body. "I still love you Josh." he whispered aloud, his voice scratchy while his heart was at a standstill.

A smile. A grin. A small laugh and then a larger grin. A raspberry and then a tongue lingering outside of a pair of delicate, thin pink lips. Dimples flared as those lips spread for an even smile before another delightful giggle fell from those perfect lips. "Okay, I'm supposed to be telling you what's going on behind the scenes for this first shot, right?" Brian wondered with his hefty country accent. A nod from the producer cued Brian to give the camera an explaination. "All righty then... well, this first couple of shots are basically Howie's close-ups and shots of him in the ball room. The rest of us get to hang around the set until they call on us." Brian explained, pointing out a few things for the camera to take shots of. "Basically what'll happen is Howie will do a few shots up close from his verse and then a few other shots for the break in the song and then our director, Mr. Paul Hundter, will move onto the next guy, which most likely won't be me." Brian chimed in a humorous way. He grinned at the camera before releasing another raspberry.

"Could you tell us the concept behind the video?" the producer requested as the cameraman followed Brian around the set. Brian scratched the back of his head, his brow wrinkling. He srunched up his nose before exhaling quietly. "It's basically about AJ taking us to this party, we're all dressed in like clothes meant for a dance club, and instead we show up at this fancy, rich, billionaire's ball. The reason we're there is because AJ thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him and we find her and she's with this other guy and we're all trying to tell her that, you know, love should be the only thing that matters in a relationship. So we're talking to her while we're singing, but dancing is involved and we're walking around telling the other guests at the party the same message." Brian said, explaining the full treatment for the video in detail. Brian took a deep breath after speaking, mentally making sure he had covered each step of the video.

"Isn't he great at breaking down the video for you. After all the videos we've made, Brian is now able to tell you the basic background behind the video." AJ teased Brian, taking a step into the camera's view. Brian gave him a mock laugh, rolling his eyes at his friend. "But Mr. AJ over here, the director of our new video, can break down every shot and every angle for you. He can even tell you the lighting, ain't that right AJ?" Brian remarked sarcastically. AJ shot him a stern look through his large sunglasses before puckering his lips up to the camera. "Well I could tell you all about the people behind the scenes." AJ shrugged for comedic relief.

AJ turned to the side with a slick grin before turning back to the camera.

"Like over here, right over here..." AJ said in his rapsy voice, directing the camera to focus on a man sitting in a chair near the catering table. Brian took a glance over AJ's shoulder and his eyes widened with surprise. AJ led the cameraman a few feet, his slick grin spreading into his Cheshire-smile. Brian followed with his arms crossed and his mouth twisted. "This is our gofer. He gets us coffee and stuff when we need it." AJ stated as he pointed toward Justin. Justin raised his brow, stunned by the appearance of AJ and the MTV crew. Brian slid from behind the cameraman and hopped into the view of the lense again. "And this guy is so good at his job too." AJ said enthusiastically before laughing roughly. Brian inched an arm around Justin, pulling him close as he crouched down next to his husband. "Hey, he's not a gofer, he's my husband!" Brian whined in a mock tone. Justin giggled quietly, leaning his head against Brian's as the camera continued to film shots of the couple. "Oh yeah, that's not a gofer, it's Justin from *NSYNC. He's here to watch his hubby at work today." AJ declared cheesily. Brian nodded happily, his grin full of pride. He turned his head and gave Justin a quick, but smooth kiss on the cheek. AJ sighed and said, "Aaww, ain't it cute? My wife's around here somewhere, but I can't find her right now. She's probably outside beating up the girl that plays my 'girlfriend' in the video. She wants to keep me for herself." Brian and Justin snickered softly at AJ's comment. AJ grinned harder before stepping away from the camera. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a Backstreet Boy gone mad." Brian added a joke, his country twang clinging to his words. "Kiss my ass married boy." AJ laughed out while continuing to walk away. Brian and Justin fell into a fit of laughter, staying close for the camera's view. They hid nothing with no fear in their joyous eyes.

Amanda sat uneasily near the back of the set. She crossed her legs and laid her hands in her lap, her back pressing firmly into the cushions of a battered couch. She sighed quietly, running her tongue over her glossy pink lips. 'Oh yeah, this is fun.' Amanda said to herself, her eyes studying the members of the production crew as they moved diligently on the set. She blinked her bonnet blue eyes several times while trying to sway her mind from her monotony. She glanced down at ring, a distant smile dying to rise from her lips. 'What would he do without me and Amaiya?' Amanda thought to herself while staring at the eye-catching ring. She lifted her hand for her eyes to get a softer view of the object that represented her promises to AJ.

She let a timid smile flourish against her lips. 'But what would we do without him?' she reminded herself, a tepid sigh parting her puzzled lips.

"I think I did a rather good job of picking out that ring, don't ya think?" AJ's smoky voice spoke in a charm that was only natural to him. Amanda glanced up as her husband toook a comfortable seat on the couch next to her. He flung his right leg over her crossed ones while shoving an arm around her back. He pulled her close with a cheeky grin pulling at his lips. He kissed her temple, the reminents of smoke still lingering in his breath. "It's the meaning behind the ring that I love." Amanda said with a silken tone. Sher brushed strands of her hair behind her ear and fell back into AJ's embrace. "Ah, if you say so. I still think it's a nice rock." AJ shrugged, his words carelessly. "You stink." Amanda said flatly, the perfume of AJ's cigarettes overwhleming her. She rolled her eyes before turning her face from his view. "Sorry Panda Bear, old habits die hard." AJ frowned. He laid a hand on Amanda's knee, squeezing it to grasp her attention again and stare into her velveteen eyes, the eyes he loved so much. "Well shoot the damn habit so I don't have to smell it anymore." Amanda requested negligently. She brushed AJ's hand away, sighing unhappily.

AJ rolled his eyes and shucked his arm from around her. He leaned forward on the couch, his hands resting on his own knees. "Problem?" AJ asked crudely, his voice rolling through the air like fire in the wind. Amanda twisted her lips together tightly. She tapped her fingernails along the arm of the couch, her body involuntarily moving away from AJ's. "I miss Amaiya." she sighed out, her eyes closing as she thought of her daughter. "Jesus, Amanda, we just got here five in the evening yesterday and you just saw Amaiya a good three hours before that. That's not even twenty-four hours." AJ muttered grimly. Amanda's face whipped in her husband's direction, her face contorted in anger. "Excuse me if I miss our daughter Alexander. She's stuck in Orlando while we're all the way over here in California. You know that Amaiya's not usually alone without one of us for more than a day." Amanda hissed lowly to prevent attention from falling on them. AJ leaned back, turning his head to get a better veiw of his wife. "I miss Amaiya plenty, Amanda, but I know she's safe and doing just fine with her grandparents, who just happen to be your parents. You have some nerve complaining about being here in LA when you know you're the reason we're heading to Las Vegas after we wrap up shooting this damn video." AJ retorted in a huff. He stared at her with little content in his face.

Amanda stared at AJ with befuddled skepticism running through her faceless cerulean eyes. "You'll never be satisfied until I quit this business totally and become a full-time housewife, will you?" Amanda asked boldly, unsettled by her husband's actions. Her eyes gave AJ no room for retreat. AJ held a straight face with hopes of disguising his thoughts from Amanda. He scratched at his goatee, discouraged by Amanda's voice. "I didn't say that." AJ finally mumbled out. He chewed on the inside of his mouth, his frustration preventing him from presenting a decent argument.

Amanda sighed ragidly, her right hand gripping the pass that dangled from around her neck. "You know what? You don't have to say it AJ because it's in your eyes. You want me to be little old Amanda McLean, the woman in the background forever while you do your thing with the Backstreet Boys. You want me to raise Amaiya while you get the spotlight. It's not happening Alex and I wish you would've realized that before you decided to make me a McLean." Amanda declared without reservation staining her voice. She again turned her head from him, her anger sizzling deep within her heart.

AJ sighed longily before he allowed his hand fell to Amanda's thigh and said, "Look, Amanda..." "Stop, save it. You can't tell a lie because your eyes already said the words." Amanda interrupting him. Her eyes took a quick glance at his and she could hear the plea coming from them. Her heart did not permit her to fall. "Just... just go back to work. I'm sure their ready to set up the next scene and they probably need you." Amanda added, snatching her eyes from his and gently scooting his hand off of her thigh. She did not turn to him and beg him to stay when she heard his aggravated exhale. She withheld herself from grabbing him as he stood and stomped away from her. She took a sip of stubborness before beginning to nurse on her glass of misery again.

Like in a classic black and white film, time advanced languidly, but ceaselessly. It a gray cloud of swollen rain drops, time held the answer to the dry air circulating through the set. Filming the video was a new chore for the Backstreet Boys. There was no life, no excitement raging throughout the set. The only true emotion was in the vocals thumping into the speakers on the set.

It was a matter of a do or don't. Justin couldn't decide. He dealt with the boredom of the set without thinking. He found mild entertainment in infrequent conversations with AJ and sporadic visits from Brian. He was protected fittingly by Marc while Brian shot his scenes, but when Justin desired to venture through the set, he allowed Mike to shadow him, leaving him fractionally unsatisfied.

Now Justin was partly free of security. Marc was an ample amount of steps away from Justin, surveying the area of the set while taking quick glances at Justin and the man Justin watched over. Judtin smiled at his freedom as a finger traced over the man's face, his husband's face. His finger felt the sharp curve of Brian's jaw, the whisps of thick, soft reddish hair ruffling under his finger. Justin's eyes watched as the delicate, sleeping face shifted a little under his finger. Justin continue to run the finger upward until it outlined Brian's sculpted cheeks, the hot skin flaring like a million fires blazing at once. Softness would not do the face justice. It was a beautiful specimen to Justin. As his finger sketched the outline of Brian's lips, Justin could see the precious dream written into Brian's face. The touches were awakening the innocence inside of Brian. His curled body was laying on the ragged couch that AJ and Amanda had occupied, sleeping soundly; it was child-like, small and still.

Justin leaned in closer to Brian, his fingertips brushing over the hairs of Brian's sprouting mustache. "Whatever you're dreaming about, I hope I'm there Rocky." Justin whispered to Brian, his lips desperately close to Brian's. An urgency rushed through Justin's body as he drew closer and closer to his husband's lips. "I pray," Justin added as his eyes shut and his lips finally brushed over Brian's. With his mouth barely open, Justin seized Brian's thin pink lips and began to kiss them. His lips moved gradually, trying to evoke emotion in Brian's own lips as they moved. Justin's full dawn-tinted lips caressed Brian's as the back of his hand stroked Brian's cheek.

Justin felt Brian's tentaive lips begin to move with his, a tongue automatically slipping across Justin's lips. Justin hesitantly opened his mouth further. He did not want to be submissive to an emotion he did not have authority over. A hundred oceans coated Justin with a breathtaking covering. His lips were parted by Brian's skilled tongue and his face quickly cradled in Brian's gentle hands. Justin could not control a moan from jutting out of his throat, his own tongue finally responding to Brian's. The taste of Brian's lips on his, the tongue in his mouth, sucking on his lower lip as he sucked on Brian's top lip caused Justin succumb to the feeling of love that he fought. He was scared to admit to the feeling, unsure of whether or not his husband would say the words he needed to hear.

Like a lullaby sung softly, Justin was woven into the melody of Brian's kissing. The tender hands running over his cheeks and the wet, relentless tongue stroking his own promised Justin he would not fall into this web alone. He gave into his hunger and tasted Brian further, his tongue dipping into the heat of Brian's mouth. He heard a soft moan roll from Brian's mouth into his own, exciting him a little further.

Hands pulled his face back and Justin felt the feeling of love strangling him as his frustration surfaced. He grunted, his eyes parting slightly to peer at Brian as he ended the kiss. Brian sucked on his lower lip, savoring the taste of his husband's mouth. He stroked Justin's cheek with one hand while the other whipped his saliva from Justin's lips. Justin refused to give in, his mouth taking Brian's fingertips into his mouth. He flicked his tongue along them, relishing the flavor of Brian's hands. His eyes stared directly into Brian's pure blue eyes, the fascination Brian held for Justin causing Justin to blush.

Justin grabbed Brian wrist, pulling his fingers from his mouth. Justin kissed Brian's rugged knuckles before kissing the back of Brian's hand. "You were there." Brian whispered while watching the way in which Justin's lips moved. Justin kissed Brian's wrist before raising his brow. "Where?" Justin asked, holding Brian's hand in both hands. Brian laced their fingers together, holding Justin with no intent on letting him go. The adoration in Brian's eyes kept Justin from asking the question again. He wanted to be held by those eyes forever. "You were in my dream. You're in all my dreams." Brian said tenderly, his country accent causing Justin to swoon. He did not know how to respond to Brian's words. In fact, he never did. Brian was an expert at leaving Justin speechless with a racing heart.

"And your kiss has left a little problem in my pants and I don't think all of America or the MTV viewers need to see that much of me." Brian whispered with a laugh, his eyes brightening and becoming slick with charm. Justin giggled with him, still held by Brian's blue's. "Uh, it's been awhile since me and you have had sex, but baby, last time I checked, you weren't too small in your pants." Justin jested lowly, winking at Brian. Heat raced to Brian's cheeks, leaving them ruddy and bright. Brian turned his eyes down, his abashment choking him.

"But if you want, I can take care of that monster for you." Justin offered unconsciously. Brian shook his head immediately, his face straightening out. "I don't want our first time having sexual contact to be a 'quickie' babe." Brian replied. Justin nodded, a pout jerking on his red lips. "I just don't know..." Brian's eyes silenced Justin before any other words could escape his mouth. He couldn't finish his sentence when seeing the concern etched into Brian's baby blue eyes. "If you don't worry about when, I won't worry about you being unsure about my love for you, JuJu." Brian promised, his sincere eyes sealing the promise for Justin. Justin nodded again, staying frozen in silence. He held his question with hopes that Brian would not question him again on the subject of love.

The silence Brian and Juastin held died out as the hours lagged on. Brian stood with Kevin and Nick and a curious expression overwhelming his face. He chewed his gum casually while holding a cup of steamy coffee. The steam was a cloud of Brian's thoughts, swirling dancily in the air before disappearing. Brian's eyes were focused on Justin as he, Amanda, Wes, a publicist, and a few crew members laughed loudly at a prerecorded episode MAD TV. "Ms. Swan is so funny!" Amanda giggled out, her eyes lined with teardrops of joy. The others agreed with her in their own loud, outrageous laughter.

"Did I miss something or do these people remind you of a room of folks smoking marijuana." Kevin commented to his friends, his draughty voice filled with stiffness. Nick groaned uncontrollably, pressing his hand over his eyes and tilted his head backward. "God, must you be so old? It's weed, a joint, a blunt, chronic; anything but 'marijuana' Kevin." Nick grunt, mocking Kevin with his final words. Kevin shot Nick a dark stare while Brian ignored both of his friends. His eyes kept a strict focus on Justin, love splashing throughout his eyes as he watched the way Justin's face scrunched up when he laughed. Brian was spellbound. The mere sight was like licorice, twisted thoughts of beauty interlinked into an artwork of delicious sweetness. His eyes studied Justin as Justin pulled out his cellular phone to receive a call. Brian did not desire to find out whom Justin began a conversation with. He only wanted to watch Justin to see that captivating smile that gave him a delectable taste in his mouth. It was like the scent of vanilla coarsing through the air, his heart taking in deep breaths of it.

"Yeah, things are pretty damn boring around here, but you know me, I'm surviving. Are things going good at the studio?" Justin wondered, standing from his seat and walking away from the group. "You know the studio thing, it's a hurry up and wait deal most of the time. The guys I'm here with are working on some new beats in the studio next door while I'm trying to wrap up a demo for this tight song we've been working on." JC chimed into the phone, causing a wide smile to spread over Justin's lips. Justin fiddled with a few of his frizzled brown curls while listening to his friend explain his creation. "Well let me hear a little already. I wanna know what you got for us this time, Josh." Justin insisted, taking small steps around the room. "Okay, okay, okay, but keep in mind that this is just the rough copy.

I want to get with Richard Marx and see if we can get something going with this one. Maybe he'll produce it and the label will like it." JC exclaimed enthusiastically. Justin laughed softly, looking down as he walked. His friend's excitement envoked joy in him. He licked his lips in a cautious way, his eyes still filled with drops of care.

The sounds of a guitar strummed through Justin's phone. JC's noticeable voice hummed along with the melody. It took flight in Justin's ear, a rhythm that was reminiscent of a beautiful '80s love song. Justin smiled sweetly as JC's soulful began to croon out the lyrics that spoke feelings from inside.

My eyes closed, my arms wide

If we reach up, we can kiss the sky

And share each moment

This life's not for nothing

If I touch you, I get weak

Cause I know it's a fantasy

But it pleases me so much

Cause I can't go on without your love

The music was cut short and Justin could automatically hear JC waiting for a response. Justin glanced up and caught Brian's eyes watching him. He smiled faultlessly at his husband, the starving twinkle in his eye reaching out to Brian. "That was beautiful, Josh. You really have something going there." Justin said with his eyes still dazed by Brian's soft expression. Justin forced himself to look away from Brian and walk in a new direction. "Do you think so? I really put some effort into writing out what I was feeling and all." JC noted with an insecure voice. Justin giggled silently, picking at his hair again. "You have true talent, Josh. I know that everyone will love that song." Justin assured his friend. "As long as it has your approval." JC chimed causing Justin to laugh warmly.

A question waited on Justin's tongue. The lyrics brought about thoughts, feelings that Justin sheltered out when seeing the results of acting on them. He sobered up quickly, ridding his mind of that inebriated thought. "Who was on your mind when you wrote it?" Justin finally asked with fear trickling through his country-tinted voice. A silence told the conversations of many as neither Justin nor JC could filter out any words. "Not you, Just. I promise that the song isn't about you." JC gradually gushed. Justin forced out a nervous laugh while sighing mentally. It was a relief, a cherished one. "I was just wondering if maybe your fiancé may have been crossing your mind as you were writing that masterpiece of yours." Justin snickered to his friend, tugging out a wild laugh from JC.

"This makes me sick." Nick grumbled, still standing with Kevin and Brian. Kevin tiffed at Nick's remark, nodding. "I don't even want to guess what they're talking about." Kevin groaned, turning to look away from Justin. Brian continued to chew his gum while striving to ignore his friends' words.

"Well, maybe it's time for a little fun?" Nick proposed, leaving a lingering darkness over his words as he moved away from Brian and Kevin.

Justin laughed casually with his friend, a warm smile covering his face. "Could I borrow this right quick? Thanks so much." Nick chimed, snatching the cellular phone from Justin's grip. Justin's laughing died down quickly as he stared at Nick placing his phone up to his ear. "Uhm..." Justin had no reply to Nick's actions as Nick smiled at him. "Hey sweetie." Nick said happily, hoping for an equally grand response. JC's laughter softened when he deciphered his fiancé's voice on the other end. "Oh, hey there baby." JC forced out with little sincerity. "Hey sweetie, how about you call me on my phone so we can talk? I want to know what you're up to," Nick suggested, love laced into his tone. "Besides, Justin should be tending to his husband right now." Nick added slyly, smirking toward Justin. Justin turned his gaze from Nick, frustrated by his actions. "Uhm, yeah, you're probably right Nickie. I'll call you in a second, okay?" JC reluctantly agreed. Nick's smile lightened. "Okay Josh baby, I'll talk to you then." Nick swooned, pulling the phone from his ear. His heart fluttered when thinking of his fiancé.

Nick shot Justin an unfavorable look when he turned to him. His solid blue eyes spoke distaste and annoyance to Justin. He exhaled longly before passing the phone to him. Justin sighed as Nick walked by, his eyes instinctively rolling as he put the phone up to his ear. "Uhm, I guess this is goodbye, huh?" Justin spoke to JC while watching Nick stroll away. He listened as a sigh parted JC's lips. "For now, but only for now. I'll probably see you some time when you and Brian get to the hotel." JC promised. Justin nodded, a bleek expression on his face. "Aight, I'll talk to ya then Josh." Justin agreed, slipping the phone from his ear and clicking it off. He dropped his hand to his side. He felt Brian's hot gaze steaming on his skin and he was once again uncomfortable in his surroundings.

Nick strolled toward Brian and Kevin with a hefty grin on his smug face. His hands were shoved into his pockets, his head was high, and a glimmer blinking through his hard blue eyes. "How's that for handling business?" Nick grinned. Kevin presented him with a mock applause while Brian pursed his lips. "Bravo, Nick. You really did something." Kevin laughed.

Brian's hand quickly grabbed Nick's arm, holding him in place as he tried to walk past Brian. Nick groaned at the tight grip placed on his arm. He struggled with Brian, his eyes peering at his best friend. "Don't ever do that again, okay?" Brian warned Nick, his facial expression shouting at Nick. "Why? I did you a favor, Frick. I did both of us a favor." Nick whined. Brian shook his head briskly, troubled by Nick's blindness. "No, you didn't. You made me out to be some jealous husband and I'm not. If Justin wants to talk to JC, then let him. That's his friend and I'm not trying to destroy that relationship. I know who Justin sleeps with every night." Brian hissed at Nick. The lines of friendship were dusty and unclear. Nick could taste betrayel, but he swallowed without a grimace. "Fine, have it your way. It's your marriage." Nick breathed out, ripping his arm from Brian's grip. Brian pressed his lips together, disappointed in his friend and his inability to deal with the situation.

Nick stood close to Kevin as he eyed Brian. His mouth twisted as he inspected Brian. "One day he's gonna wake up and smell the coffee, Kev." Nick remarked as Brian kissed his husband on his forehead. Nick peered at Brian, his eyes judging Brian whilst Brian sat with his husband. Kevin laughed dim-wittedly before saying, "Uhm, isn't that what Brian's drinking right now? So obviously he's smelt the coffee and he likes his with lots of sugar." Kevin continued to snicker as Nick sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm talking about him and Justin. Can't you see what that kid is doing to him? He's breaking his heart and pulling him away from his friends." Nick fussed, crossing his arms with a bitter scowl on his youthful face. "I doubt Brian will be stupid enough to forget where his true friends lie. Justin's not going to be a problem forever and you know that. You'll have JC all to yourself." Kevin assured Nick, resting a hand on Nick's shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.

Nick turned his head to glance over his shoulder at Kevin. "How much do you talk to your ex-girlfriend now a days?" Nick wondered, an underlying factor filtered into his question. Kevin cocked his eyebrow up before shrugging. "You mean Nikki?" Kevin inquired. Nick nodded slowly, keeping his squinted blue eyes on Brian. "Not that much as of late, but she's been busy. If this is about her and JC, I know they hang out a lot and talk and he's been occupying her time, but that's gonna be taken care of." Kevin replied carelessly. Nick laughed shortly. "That's all you think is going on between your ex-girlfriend and her ex-boyfriend? There's been morning where Joshua has come in with the scent of her perfume all on him. I even found one shirt with a trace of lipstick near the collar; lipstick that she wears. I've paged him at three in the morning and he's called me back from her house. You think that they just 'talk' and that's it? Get real Kevin. Talking is probably the last thing happening between my fiancé and your ex-girlfriend, Kevin." Nick stated firmly. He carefully removed Kevin's hand from his shoulder and turned to him. He let a smile run across his lips as he stared at Kevin, his silence deafening. "You might think about other ways to assist me if you want to salvage anything between you and that girl." Nick whispered with confidence. He stepped away from Kevin, leaving the elder man in a morbid, acrimonious stillness. His silence spoke words that only he could hear, but revenge was their motive.

The lights, the glory, the beauty, the sin. It was Las Vegas. The fluffy pink clouds were succumbing to the purple sky and the lights were beginning to flash their brillance in a clover of beauty. It was life being brought into the world through extravagance and freedom. Eleven people were not strangers to the magical city, but this trip was less business and more pleasuer for all. It was a rejuvenating period for all eleven, a chance to escape the strain of their careers and taste the sweetness of the bewitching city.

"Vegas! Finally." AJ howled as he escorted his wife through the vast lobby of the MGM Grand. Amanda kept a petite smile on her face as she and her husband walked casually throughout the lobby, leading their friends, a small group of security, and a pack of bellhops through the fiery lobby. "I think this city was made with you in mind." Nick joked with AJ, walking closely to JC with a glistening smile on his lips. Each time his lover's fingers brushed against his, another ripple shivered through his heart. He knew JC purposely did it out of affection, smiles exchanged between the two endlessly upon arrival to the city. "Yeah, all the damn lights, outrageous folks, and alcohol and clubs... this place has AJ written all over it." Kevin agreed, following closely behind Nick and JC.

"I just wanna shop on the strip." Mandy Ashford cheered as she and Nikki DeLoach walked toward the back of the group, Lance Bass and his boyfriend, Bryce Winters, trailing behind them. "Did Mandy say she was gonna strip?" AJ called out, glancing back with his Cheshire-grin. Mandy rolled her eyes promptly as Nikki giggled. "No jackass, I said I wanted to shop on the strip, not strip." Mandy shot back with a curvy smirk. AJ laughed loudly, tugging his wife closer as they drew nearer to the elevators. "But for the right amount of money, Mandy?" Lance teased his friend with a tight smile. Mandy pressed out a snicker. "Lance, baby, you just don't know." she tittered. Lance joined her, releasing a clamorous laugh while walking centimeters from his boyfriend.

"Just give me a hot tub and some soft music." Justin gushed. His hand was being cradled by Brian's, both freely showing their affection in front of the other hotel guests. "And..." Brian let his voice trail off as he whispered into Justin's ear. A quick lick of Justin's earlobe and his spoken words sent a shiver through Justin and caused a school girl laughter to slip from his lips. His face burned with a cherry-red color. "That too." Justin giggled, pressing his lips against Brian's cheek quickly. "Sickening." Nick scoffed from in front of the couple. Brian scrunched his face up with minor animosity. Justin laid another peck on Brian's soft cheek with hopes of tearing his mind from anger. He gave Brian's hand a light squeeze as the group came to a stop at the elevators. "He's jealous." Brian finally whispered to Justin, sending both into another fit of laughter. 'And so am I.' a unison thought slipped through JC, Nikki, Kevin, and Amanda's minds as the elevators pinged open. The entourages filled the elevators and headed for their reserved floor, each of the eleven on a mission to begin new, refreshed chapters in their confusing lives.

Justin paced outside of a room in the well-lit hallway at the MGM Grand. He ruffled his fingers through his copper-shaded curls with his head hanging low and his eyes dosile. His fingers held onto his cell phone as he paid strict attention to the woman speaking on the other end. His feet scruffed against the carpeting of the floor, his mind concentrating one particular person. "Hey, mom, give Bastian a goodnight kiss for me and Brian, okay?" Justin requested, the nature of his call revealed. "Of course sweetie. He misses you two like crazy." Lynn Harless informed her son. Justin sparked an infant-like grin. "We miss him too." he added softly, his almost country-less voice flooded with care. "All right sweetie, me and Lea better go give Angel Sebastian a bath so that his grandfather can put him to bed." Lynn stated jubilantly. Justin kept his silvery smirk as he tangled his fingers in his naturally twisted hair. "Okay mom, tell Lea and Paul I said hi. Love ya." Justin breathed out, a swollen pain developing in his heart. "Okay darlin', tell that hubby of yours I said hello and have fun. You two deserve this." Lynn declared with glee tracing her Southern intone. Justin's favorable smile shined bright subsequent to his mother's words. He gradually pulled the phone from his ear while lifting his head and glancing around.

"Fancy seeing you here." JC's voice caused Justin to spin around on his heels. Justin shot his friend a smirk as he slipped his cell phone into his pocket. "Yeah, you said you wanted to talk to me?" Justin wondered, a goofy smile on his lips. JC stood in the doorway of his room with a slippery smile, his patterned blue eyes dripped in kindness and his smooth, thick lips shaped by a smile. His attire consisted of a body-hugging T-shirt and snug plaid boxers. He was seductive in his own right, but the appearance was not for his friend. He sighed, his lips parting barely as he leaned off the doorway and took a step back into the room. "Come in Curly." JC insisted, walking through his room.

Justin hesitantly stepped inside the dim-lit room, taking a few glances behind himself before shutting the door. "Please say you didn't call me here for any funny business Josh. You know..." Justin could not finish his sentence when receiving an awkward glare from his longtime friend. JC's arms were crossed and his foot tapped against the floor with agitation. Justin quickly sucked in his lower lip, dropping his head with embarrassment. "Justin, you're really going to have to stop acting uptight around me. We both know what happened between us did a lot of damage, but we can't let it keep us from becoming normal again. I love you like a friend and I don't want to sleep with you anymore." JC said frankly. He uncrossed his arms and crossed over the room. He flicked on his small stereo and moved toward his luggage. "I, uhm, oh... I'm sorry Josh. It's just taking some adjusting." Justin assured his friend, carefully taking a seat on the edge of the bed. He took a few glimpses around, his eyes spying discarded clothing crumpled at the bottom of the bed, a pair of boxers balled up in the wrinkled sheets, luggage carelessly thrown throughout the room, and a lacerated Trojan wrapper laying near one of the pillows. Justin felt tense in the setting.

"I'm dressed like this because I just got out of the shower. I thought me and Nick we're going to call it a night after we..." JC slowed his words, taking a sharp glance at Justin. He could read his thoughts without thinking. He licked his lips and sighed slowly. "I'm sorry man. I probably should've cleaned up me and Nick's mess before inviting you in." JC insisted, quickly beginning to gather up some of the clothing. Justin shook his head while trying to loosen himself up. He rolled his shoulders and took a glance at JC. "It's okay Josh. At least you and Nick are having sex." Justin asserted as he flicked the wrapper off of the bed. JC chuckled softly while tossing the clothing into a corner of the room. "If that's what you want to call it. It's more like a few kisses, Nick gives me a blow job, he fucks me, and then we go about other things. Some times we'll cuddle, but Nick doesn't have a long attention span." JC informed his friend, finding a seat next to him on the bed.

Justin bit down on his lower lip as sympathy rolled through his heart. He laid a hand on JC's thigh before squeezing it lightly. "Do you like that?" Justin asked softly, concern his motivation. JC shrugged while trying to laugh through his mild frustration. "Sex is great with Nick; there's no questioning that man. Some times I wish it wasn't just sex though. I wish he'd want to kiss me, hold me, and take his time. Other times, I guess I'm just horny and he gets me off. I don't know." JC said, shrugging again. Justin smiled lightly, giving JC a small shove. JC laughed lowly with him. "I can't believe you're saying this man. Whatever happened to making love? What happened to that romantic JC that wanted it to be hot, but also passionate and stimulating. Don't you want the kind of sex that makes you cry?" Justin wondered, doubtful in his friend's belief. JC groaned softly, laying his head on Justin's shoulder. "Man, how long has it been since that has happened?" JC thought out loud. He snickered quietly. "My birthday... last year." JC finally muttered. "That's not good, man. You shouldn't settle for anything if there's something you really want." Justin insisted. He spoke from experience.

JC lifted his head with doughy eyes. "There was a time when I really wanted something from someone. I thought that someone could make me cry while I made love to him." JC whispered, his eyes changing in the shadows of the room. Justin stared at him with timid eyes. He pulled back, his lips quivering. "No." he said softly, laying a hand on JC's chest. JC shook his head, a small laugh breaking through his lips. "No, not anymore Just. I can't let you go through the shit Lance, Nick, and Nikki have gone through with me." JC affirmed. Justin looked away from JC, distrust running through his spirit. He listened as a classic song trickled through the speakers of the stereo. Again, Justin could feel his life being spoken through song and he allowed himself to listen.

Lay a whisper on my pillow

Leave the winter on the ground

I wake up lonely, there's air of silence

In the bedroom and all around

Touch me now, I close my eyes

And dream away

It must have been love but it's over now

It must have been good but I lost it somehow

It must have been love but it's over now

From the moment we touched 'til the time had run out

"Isn't that ironic?" JC whispered, stretching out on the bed. He laid his head in Justin's lap, his face twisted in displeasure. Justin sighed quietly, letting a hand run through JC's golden brown hair. He did not know how to respond, how to act, how to be around JC.

The stormy sounds of Roxette quieted the atmosphere Justin and JC sat in. "Tell me something Justin, anything that you haven't told someone and you've been wanting to." JC requested quietly. Justin slipped his fingers through the hair, its seoft texture soothing. He swallowed before beginning to speak. "Brian and I haven't made love in so long. He doesn't want to make love to me because of what we did and it's killing me. I want to touch him, kiss him in spots I haven't seen in months and I can't because I let lust get the best of me." Justin whispered, his voice tight and laced with pain. His head drooped and he glanced down at JC, studying his taut face and closed eyes. What had he given up for this face? Had he misinterpreted the soft lips for something more than the pair of lips that would suck and lick his erect penis until orgasm? Did he see those eyes as the ones he would see during intercourse? Were those hands the ones he trusted to stroke, caress, and fondle him instead of hold him when he was weak? The memories were too gray for Justin to decide.

"I'm starting to feel the way I did around you around Nikki. I'm starting to see her as an object of my lust instead of the purity I once saw her as. I'm afraid that I'll have sex with her before I end up falling for her again." JC informed his friend, perturbation trapped in his smooth voice. "Do you want to fall for her again, Josh?" Justin asked. The question left fire in Justin's heart. He ran a finger down JC's bristly cheek while awaiting a response. "I do and I don't. Justin, how can I sleep with two men and call myself a heterosexual male? How could I want you the way I wanted you and still sleep in a bed with Nikki? How could I still kiss her and feel the same fire I felt for her years ago and kiss Nick and feel the love he truly has for me?" JC shot off questions that plagued him. His innocence was stolen by his love life and JC saw no bridge of protection from his own rain. "Who says you have to limit yourself to the term 'straight' or 'gay' Josh? Why can't you fall in love with who you want to?" Justin wondered, tossing JC's hair between is fingers. "I don't know." JC pouted out. Justin sighed. He was discouraged by JC. "Fall in love with whoever your heart tells you to fall in love with and have sex with whoever you know is right for you, but know this one thing Josh... you can't have both Nikki and Nick. You can't string both of their hearts along." Justin warned his friend. JC nodded, small tears prickling at his closed eyes. "Do you think it's too late for me to have either of them?" JC pondered, his heart bouncing in his throat. Justin looked upward. He mused over his own life, his own heartache, and his own victories. "If it's not too late for Brian to stay in love with me, then it's not too late for you to keep either Nick or Nikki." Justin assured JC, the song fading from the radio and the lust fading between Justin and JC.

Nick hiccuped loudly, an inebriated giggle passing over his lips as he fumbled with the key to his hotel room. "How many drinks did you have man?" AJ laughed as he forced open the door to his own room. Nick glanced up with lazy eyes, a wicked grin on his lips. "Just as many as you dumb ass." Nick proudly stated with a lonesome slur. AJ laughed again, his voice echoing through the hall. "I had beers, Nick. What were you drinking? Vodka? Gin? Rum?" AJ challenged him, his raspy voice lightened with alcohol. Nick contemplated the question. He licked his lips, lingering sprites of hard liquor still lining the outside of his lips. "Sure, I drank those." Nick snickered out, finally taking a firm grip of his key card. AJ shook his head with little disapproval in his round brown eyes. "Night lover boy." AJ cooed before stumbling into his room.

"Oh yeah, I'm about to get some ass..." Nick's words were cut short of their entirety. His eyes shot open and his body slumped over. He peered blearily at his fiancé curled up on their bed, his head resting in Justin's lap with Justin stretched out on the bed. His lip arched upward and his fist weakily slammed shut. His anger curdled inside of his body.

"Get the fuck out of my room!" Nick barked out brutally, his steely blue eyes squinted at the two. His intoxication slowed his wrath little as he took a few steps into the room. Justin's body jerked up when he heard the terrorizing voice. He looked around sheepishly and yawned quickly. His hazy vision finally took notice of Nick's shaky body standing in the doorway. He could feel the heat of Nick's fiancé's head still rested in his lap. Justin immediately lifted himself from the bed, JC's head falling forward. JC popped up with sleep caressing his body. "Nickie? Nickie, baby?" JC called out, his eyes blinking several times as he glanced around. JC's eyes stopped stiffly on Nick. He read the anger in his face. It was disturbing. "Josh, what the hell is he doing in our room?" Nick asked bitterly. JC followed Nick's eyes and found Justin cornered between the bed and the nightstand. JC yawned quietly, batting his eyes before offering Nick a diminutive smile. "We fell asleep, baby. Justin was just in here listening to music with me and talking and we fell asleep. It's nothing, really." JC explained himself with a grand reassurance in his sluggish voice. Nick arched his eyebrow, a moot expression clouding his pasty face. "Just slept?" Nick wondered. JC grinned at the light tinting of blush in Nick's cheeks and the glaze running over Nick's eyes. "Don't get mad, Nickie, okay? We didn't do anything. I was waiting for you." JC said. He waved for his fiancé. Nick licked his lips, his sloshed-state obfuscating his thoughts.

Justin slipped from his cornered position, gliding by Nick as he stammered toward JC. Stares were exchanged between the two, dispise grand and focused. "Come on Nick, let's get to bed." JC insisted, reaching out and grabbing his lover's hand. Nick hesitantly followed JC's lead, allowing Justin to pass in silence. Nick flopped onto the bed as Justin reached the doorway. "Sorry about that Just. Thanks for talking to me." JC called out to his friend while petting his lover's hair. Justin took a glance back, his eyes studying JC as Nick kissed along his neck. He could perceive JC's facial expressions and his answer was given. "Night Josh." Justin whispered, stepping outside of the room. JC ran his fingers through Nick's blonde hair before winking at his friend. He pressed his lips to Nick's and laid back on the bed, his lover soon straddling him. "And close the door." Nick hissed, his lips trailing down to JC's chin. Justin sighed and shut the door, his thoughts altered.

Justin was uncomfortable in silence again as he took a few glances around the hallway. Nikki, Mandy, Bryce, Brian, and Lance looked upon Justin with curiosity. Justin licked his lips briskly, his mouth cottony. He felt judgment echoing through the hallway as he leaned off JC and Nick's door. He strung his fingers through his curly hair. He took in his lower lip with a nervous expression on his youthful face. "Let's go to bed Jamesy." Bryce suggested with hopes of bringing attention away from Justin. Bryce latched onto his boyfriend's hand and Lance nodded. He sighed before squeezing Bryce's soft hand and pulling him into their room. Mandy pushed a few strands of her bouncy blonde hair behind her ear. She coughed quietly, her daisy-green eyes glaring at Justin. She shot him an unsure smiled and slipped into her room.

Justin swallowed again, staring down the hall at Nikki and then Brian. Nikki glanced down at the ground and shuffled her feet along the carpet. Justin felt the tension growing between his longtime friend and himself. His eyes caught a glimpse of her as she disappeared into the shadows of her room. The door shut with a whisp of air and Justin could hear the pain being trapped from within.

Justin did not get far enough down the hallway before he was met by Brian's icy-blue eyes. Justin felt a shiver running over his spine as he looked into those glazy blue eyes. Too blue. "You know what I'm thinking, don't ya?" Brian gruffed lowly, his hard country accent beating through the air. Justin took in his lower lip and closed his eyes. He nodded, pain already aching inside of him. "You're mad." Justin sighed out, his eyes batting open again. He watched as Brian's jaw flexed, his tightly crossed arms an evident sign of his anger. Justin lifted his hands and let them rest on the fabric of Brian's shirt, his hands lightly gripping into Brian's chest. He let his fingers feel the heat that radiated from Brian's small frame.

"I'm not mad, I'm hurt." Brian responded, his voice cracking as he spoke. Justin arched his eyebrow and his eyes followed Brian's drooping head. He didn't understand. "I'm trying to get us back to who we are Justin and I don't want you to end your friendship with him because of me, but it's hurting me when he's still getting more of you than me. I want my Justin back... I need him back." Brian said, his voice hardening. He looked down to his feet, ashamed to stare at Justin. "It sounds like you're getting jealous over nothing, Brian..." Justin's words were cut short. "Jealous? Why should I be jealous and you're married to me? Shouldn't he be the one wanting to hold you like that?" Brian fussed. He took a few steps back, causing Justin's hands to abruptly fall. Justin's face wrinkled with disappointment. "But you don't always want to hold me, Brian. You... you don't want to touch me after what I did." Justin responded, his voice slick with anguish.

Brian licked his lips slowly, unsure of how to reply to him. They were both hurting, but not together. Was it his fault? Didn't he see how Justin wanted to feel his love emotionally and physically? Justin took small steps closer to Brin, his eyes heavy with sadness. "I don't want to wake up one day and hear you say that you can't be with me intimately anymore. I don't want us to be together just for the sake of our families or even just because of Angel. He'll always know our love, but I don't know if you'll ever know mine again." Justin whispered hauntingly. Brian could hear tear drops in Justin's voice and as Justin moved away, Brian did not reach out to him. He permitted Justin to walk away and shut the door to their room.

It did not take long for Brian to lean against the wall, slide down the wall, and cry against the wall. The aching inside of him had control and Brian could no longer fight it. He curled up with his legs pressed against his chest, his back on the wall and his chin resting on his knees. The tears descended like hard rain, each running over his chiseled cheeks until runneling over his lips and falling off his face. He sniffled quietly and let the tears splash down. It was no longer worth denying them. He was enduring the pain of a loss. It hurt like hell.

As he licked his moist lips, he tasted the salt of the tears, the tears that tasted like Justin's. 'Damn, you're a fool.' he told himself as a few more tears washed over his face. "You know, crying is a good thing, but not when you do it alone." Amanda's voice informed Brian as she found a seat next to him on the carpeted floor. Brian's tear-soaked eyes followed Amanda's voice until he could view her face, the warmth and compassion comforting him. Amanda laid an arm around Brian's shoulders and allowed him to rest his head on her shoulder. Brian sniffled a little quieter as Amanda held him. "Are things that bad?" Amanda asked in a sincere voice. Brian nodded, his tears still fall ragedly down his flushed face. "He doesn't know if I love him anymore." Brian stuttered out, his voice thick with dispair.

Amanda exhaled lightly as her fingers began to twist through Brian's silky hair. "He's hurt and you're hurt right now, Brian. This whole affair has really changed the way you and Justin are towards each other and you're both working hard to make things right, but you're not working on the same side. Whatever it is holding the both of you back, you need to get it out of there. Whether it's JC, Nick, being away from each other..." Amanda let her words die down as she heard Brian clear his throat. "It's me." he admitted lowly. Amanda felt the warm tears running over her cheek and a frown captured her face. "How?" Amanda wondered, moving her hand down to Brian's face to erase the tears that lingered there.

Brian lifted his head and sighed. He let his head thud against the wall as he cursed himself. He closed his eyes tighter as the tears broke from his eyelashes. "I won't touch him anymore. I mean, I'll hug him and kiss him, but nothing's sexual anymore. I won't be intimate with him and I keep making him wait for me." Brian said, his voice clearer. Amanda furrowed her brow. She pushed back her bangs and pealed her arm from around Brian. "What's the problem with that? I know your relationship is not based solely around sex, so where's the problem with that?" Amanda asked, her voice growing hard. Brian reopened his eyes and pushed his tears back. "We both know that we can survive without sex, but sometimes, sex is a good way to show someone how much you love them. Even if I'm just touching him, softly, he can feel my thoughts and how much I care for him. I don't do that anymore." Brian insisted. Amanda's expression refused to let up. "You make him sound like Alex; always complaining about not getting any. My love can be felt without you being inside of me." Amanda brooded, turning her face away. Brian laid a hand on her knee and gave it a light squeeze. Amanda sighed and let her head droop. "Sucks to be us, doesn't it?" Amanda tried to laugh out with little success. Brian nodded, a tiny smile peaking through his sadness.

"We can make it right, can't we?" he asked her, seeking faith in her eyes.

Amanda turned to him, her baby blue eyes bright. She gave him a small nod and then a grin. "I wanna see you on that bus with Justin." Amanda whispered, running her fingers through his hair again. Brian licked his lips and smirked. "Not without you and Alex, okay?" Brian requested. Amanda closed her eyes before nodding. She reopened her eyes with a gentle smile. "You go to Justin and I'll go to Alex. We'll both make it right and then I'll see you on that bus, okay?" Amanda chimed, her voice hushed. Brian giggled quietly as he nodded. "I'll pray for you babes." Amanda said before standing. She assisted Brian in standing. Brian quickly pulled her into a hug, relieved to have Amanda as a friend. "I'll pray for you too, 'Manda." Brian whispered, embracing her happily. Amanda snickered before pulling out of the hug. She smiled at him once more before walking in the direction of her room with AJ. Brian sighed and moved in the opposite direction with hopes of making things right.

Justin's sleep-hungry eyes batted open and he licked his lips. The sounds of objects being shuffled around in the room awakened Justin from his quiet slumber. He felt the bed shift a little as more weight was added. He blinked his eyes open wider, the shadows of the room moving in several directions. His blue eyes strained to view the occupant of the room. The darkness engulfed everything, preventing Justin from deciphering the shadows. Soon a scent surfaced near his nose and Justin sighed internally. He listened as sniffles echoed through the thick air. His eyes watched as Brian's head laid on his pillow. He could see the clear tears descending down Brian's face. He watched Brian's bottom lip tremble a little as Brian tried to close his eyes to sleep.

Justin reached his arms out and scooped Brian up. He pulled Brian close to him and Brian burried his head in Justin's chest. Justin felt the lonesome tears press against his chest. Brian gasped before crying softly. "Rocky, babe..." Justin whispered, using a hand to lift Brian's face. Brian sniffled as he looked up at Justin. Justin offered him a gentle smile, running his hand over Brian's moist face. He pet the bridge of Brian's nose, his eyes offering another comfort for Brian. "Say it." he said softly. Brian's brow raised with confusion. He cleared his throat and looked deeper into Justin's eyes. It was there. It was what he needed to see. Right there. "I love you, JuJu." Brian said, his country accent filled with small drops of relief. Justin leaned down and kissed Brian's forehead before whispering, "I know you do. I believe you." Brian gasped again, coughing out another cry. Justin hugged Brian tighter as tears of another emotion began to fall from his eyes.

Joy. There was no other way for Brian to describe it. As Justin's fingers curled through Brian's hair and he kissed Brian's temple, Brian could feel Justin's understanding. "I love you." he said again for reassurance and a small laughter broke from Justin's lips. Justin smiled as he kissed Brian's temple again. "Trust me babe, I know it. I won't question you anymore." Justin promised Brian. Brian smiled deeply as his husband held him and promised to never doubt the purest feeling the couple shared.

No one could expunge the swollen smile of joy on Lance Bass' face. He cheeks flushed as he walked proudly down the strip with Mandy by his side and Q, a bodyguard, walking behind the two. "A ring. I cannot believe you're buying him a ring." Mandy exclaimed with a cheery smirk on her youthful face. Lance chuckled heartily, his dancing sunlit-green eyes sparkling in the mid-morning sun. "It's just a promise ring, not an engagement ring Manny." Lance gushed, his cheeks burning red with modesty. Mandy rolled her eyes and gave Lance a friendly shove. She ran her fingers through her silky blonde hair while glancing at the shops they passed. "Promise rings lead to engagement rings Lance and you know it." Mandy cooed, her own glowing green eyes filled with life. "Not really. Me and Bryce could break up next month." Lance disagreed, hoping to sway his friend from the subject of marriage.

Mandy's pale strawberry shaded lips automatically pouted and she moved away from Lance. She glanced down at sidewalk they walked upon, disappointed in Lance's new tone. "You don't want that and you know it, Lance." Mandy whispered as she lifted her head. Lance took a glimpse at his friend and watched her face mold into an expression of disillusionment. He strolled closer to her and slipped an arm around her shoulder. "You're right Manny, I don't want that. I don't want that for anything in the world. I love Bryce." he assured her, his country accent thick with seriousness.

Lance took a quick glance at a few of the shops they came upon. He ignored stares he got from others as he and Mandy walked. He knew he was being recognized, but he gave it little care. He concentrated on his goal and that goal contained a ring that explained his adoration for his boyfriend. "You don't want to buy an engagement ring because of Hawaii, huh?" Mandy wondered as Lance's arm slipped off her shoulders. Lance sighed. His pace slowed as more shops interested him. "I'm not gonna lie and say that when he proposed and everything afterward really fucked me up, but I... I can't let it ruin my life forever." Lance managed to get out while glancing at a jewelry shop. He brushed his fingers over his spiky dirty blonde hair and stopped. Mandy stopped. Q stopped. Everything stopped as Lance thought.

"I don't know if I made a mistake by not saying yes that day, but things are meant to happy for a reason. Sometimes, yeah, I think that if I had accepting JC's proposal, a lot of things would be different now. Hell, I'd probably be Lance Chasez right now and Justin and Brian could've been spared of this stupid affair, Nikki wouldn't be suffering, and Nick probably would've found the one right for him," Lance stated, bringing his eyes to Mandy. Mandy watched him with attentive eyes. "But it wasn't meant to be. I was meant to go through what I went through with Matt. I was meant to lose Bryce the way I did, so I can realize how much I love him and need him." Lance added with his deep voice flowering into a stronger tone. "And you're meant to be right here, right now, buying him a promise ring." Mandy added with a pure smile. Lance nodded, a smile finally trickling over his lips. "Maybe two, three months from now, I'll ask him to marry me. If things keep going the way they are going, then I know I want to be with this guy forever." Lance swooned, crossing his arms as his heart fluttered inside of his chest.

"And then, soon enough, you'll be Mrs. Mandy Deas." Lance grinned, nudging his friend as they talked outside of the store. A light breeze shift and ran over them. Mandy sighed and glanced up to the bright sky. She shook her head before looking at her friend again. "You know I'm not really ready for marriage, yet. Me and Bryan will settle for living together and enjoying life as a couple. Maybe we'll be like Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn." Mandy shrugged. Lance twisted his lips to one side. The doubt rang through his eyes. "Forty bucks says you're engaged by June of next year." Lance smirked, a friendly gesture. Mandy laughed loudly. She pulled a stray piece of her blonde hair behind her ear and licked her lips. "Make it fifty and a slice of your mom's peach cobbler." Mandy winked. Lance chuckled lowly before nodding. "A hundred says you're walking down the aisle by August." Mandy gleamed, puckering her lips for Lance. Lance shook his head as he laughed. "You're reaching." he crooned out, patting her shoulder. "And you're blushing." she crooned back as the hint of redness remained in Lance's puffy cheeks. The heat increased and Lance ducked his head as he blushed more.

Lance glanced around the dry streets. The city seemed to sleep during the day and becoming animate at night. Maybe it was an illusion, but Lance chose not to investigate. "So when are you proposing, I mean giving him the ring?" Mandy asked while teasing her best friend. Lance laughed again, rustling his fingers through his stiff hair. He rubbed the end of his nose and sighed. "Christmas; probably at my folks' house in Clinton. I want others to be around when I give him the ring so it's memorable." Lance responded, love clutching to his every syllable.

Mandy raised her brow with intrigue. She tossed her hair to one side while watching Lance shuffle his feet along the ground. The years of knowing each other made one emotion clear to Mandy: Love. Lance was in love. He was head over heels, again. Mandy trusted it was for the greater good this time, but she never doubted her friend. She had watched him fall in and out of love with two men. She had listen to his cries over the phone; held him when he lost one of his boyfriends. She let Lance carry on about his love for JC and Nick, but not it was different. Bryce was new, he was pure. He was a new flavor in Lance's ice cream shop. His taste was sweet and satisfying. Mandy knew there was no escaping this love and the only way it could taste sour was by Lance's fault and his fault only.

"Well, being that I planned on dragging Bryan over to your house on Christmas so I can see your parents and Stacy again, I guess I'll be there when you pop the question, or rather, hand him the ring." Mandy smirked. Lance groaned, his friend's constant teasing bothersome. "I bet you will." Lance agreed cheekily.

Lance observed the life, the beauty in Mandy. Could he have asked for a better best friend? Did he want anything more than to have Mandy stand by him when he finally decided to ask Bryce to marry him? No. It was that simple for Lance. Any decision he made, he would inform Mandy of. It was a system he stuck to because he trusted her above his other friends. He desired to see Mandy stay in within the mist of happiness for a long period.

He would go to any length to make sure Mandy stayed with Bryan so that she could share his contentment later on. He, like Amanda and Brian, had dreams of sharing family moments that he and Bryce shared with Mandy and Bryan. It was too natural for him. When he made Bryce his husband, he wanted Mandy to become Bryan's wife. But was it right? Was Bryce going to be Lance's husband? Could Bryce Winters succumb to Lance's thoughts and become Bryce Bass?

Lance wasn't presented with the opportunity to consider his future plans. "Well, speaking of people who like to pop the question..." Mandy let her words trail off as she looked upon another sight. Lance removed himself from his daze and permitted his eyes to follow Mandy's words. His face scrunched up. He scratched the side of his head before exhaling heavily. He cleared his throat as he stared at Nick and JC walking casually across the street. They were followed by two bodyguards. Laughter surrounded the two as they flirted casually in public. Lance shook his head. He was over them, he was sure, but he was not over the idea of them together. "Not even a year after he asks you to marry him, he's asking Nick to marry him. Then, he cheats with Justin and starts sleeping at Nikki's place. He's just the perfect guy... I wish I could've had him for a boyfriend." Mandy hissed, folding her arms in anger. Lance laughed bitterly. "You're not going to hate him forever, are you?" Lance wondered. Mandy replied with a sour smirk. She eyed Nick as he slipped an arm around JC for a second before letting it fall. She shook her head, discouraged by their actions. "We're not here to look at them and watch them try to salvage a broken relationship. We're here to get your boyfriend a promise ring that'll rock his world." Mandy finally cheered, tugging Lance in the direction of the jewelry store. Lance laughed lowly, his eyes still watching his former lovers as they continued to walk.

A knock and then another knock and then a repetition of knocks disturbed Nikki. Her hand manuevered a brush through her damp hair as she walked toward the door. "Just a second." she called out as she drew closer to the door. She did not want any visitors at the moment. After taking her morning shower, she prayed time would drift on quickly so that she could attend Amanda's performance at a local club. She pulled the brush through her brown hair effortlessly.

As she passed her nightstand, she read the glowing red numbers on her alarm clock. It was 10:52 AM. Nikki was discouraged by the time. She thought to grab her watch from the table, but she was denied the opportunity.

The knocking continued. She rolled her eyes. 'Don't let it be housekeeping trying to irk me.' she thought as she finally reached the door.

She used her free hand to pull open the heavy door, her eyes focused as the door raced past her. She peered her green eyes at Kevin, a wonderous expression covering his carved face. "Do you always take that long to answer the door?" Kevin wondered, cocking his head to one side while staring at his ex-girlfriend. Nikki sighed, lowering the brush from her head to her side. "Do you always come knocking at a girl's door so early in the morning?" Nikki shot a bitter response back. Kevin smirked toward her, shoving his hands into his jeans' pockets. "Well, usually it's room service knocking in the morning and I'm waking up in the girl's bed." Kevin grinned in spite.

Nikki groaned loudly, turning to the side. Her former lover's arrogant words angered her. She adjusted the baby-tee she wore before brushing her hair once more. "Is there something you wanted Kevin?" Nikki asked with a careless tone. Kevin edged into the doorway of the room, his pale blue eyes watching Nikki's moves. He glanced up and down her body, the body he could once touch freely. His frosty blue eyes rounded to her face, the one that was filled with little content. 'Where did Peaches go?' Kevin wondered with grand disappointment.

Nikki turned back to Kevin, her face stricken with curiosity. "Kev? Is there something you needed?" Nikki asked again, her voice a little lower and softened with concern. Kevin swallowed quickly while attempting to regain his composure. "Yeah, I want to talk to you." Kevin finally replied with a serious tone. Nikki groaned mentally before taking a few steps back. "Do you want to come in?" Nikki questioned with a les-than-thrilled tone. Kevin leaned on the doorjamb, his eyes still glaring at his ex-girlfriend. "You're probably going to want me to step out once you hear what I have to say, so I think I'll stick right here." Kevin answered her honestly. Nikki ran her fingers through her wet hair, her eyes peering at him. "Don't be so confident. You don't know me that well." she sneered back. "Let's see, I was your boyfriend for over six months." Kevin reminded her, a taut grin smacking his lips. Nikki rolled her eyes promptly. "Yes, but let's not forget I broke up with you almost a year ago." Nikki added before brushing the ends of her hair. Kevin groaned, lightly hitting his head on the doorjamb.

"So get to the point already." Nikki insisted, lowering her brush. "Peaches... Nikki, from what I've seen and from what I hear, things aren't exactly going your way lately and I don't want to see you hurt because you misinterpreted someone's feelings." Kevin stated with sincerity seeping through his airy voice. Nikki unconsciously dropped her brush when hearing Kevin speak. His words swept around her, surprising her. "Is my relationship with Josh the talk of the fucking town now?" Nikki brooded. Kevin's eyes blinked open wider. He could only remember one other time Nikki had become so stern, so angry toward him. "And you're one to talk, Kevin. It would seem I misinterpreted your feelings and that they were love, but instead, you screwed Leighanne and left me heartbroken. Now, should you really be the one here trying to convince me to stay away from Josh or should it be his alcoholic boyfriend?" Nikki added with fire in her voice.

Kevin leaned out of the doorway, his eyes squinting at Nikki. He crossed his arms with his own resentment building. He finally shook his head before hissing out, "That is his fiancé, Nikki. When are you going to realize that JC has asked Nick to marry him and hasn't called it off yet? If he wanted you so badly, then he would've proposed to you and dropped Nick. I don't want to see you hurt by him." "You don't want him to hurt me like you hurt me? Tell me Kevin, when was the last time you showed this much concern for me? Huh? Now that someone's finally here to take your place, you want to protect me? But all these other months, when I had no one, you didn't give a fuck." Nikki argued. Kevin groaned loudly, his temptation to throw his fit into a wall racing. "I've been waiting on you. I haven't had a girlfriend in months. I only want you... fuck, I proposed to you in Februrary because I love you, not because I wanted you as a trophy." Kevin contended. Nikki read the care trying to broke through Kevin's solid blue eyes, but she could not believe it. She did not want to.

"Excuse me..." a voice interupted their battle. Kevin briskly spun on his heels. Nikki peeked past Kevin. She knew the voice too well. It was too familiar. They both stared at JC, standing behind Kevin with a tentative expression etched into his face. "Uhm, is it okay if I talk with Nikki... privately?" JC requested, bypassing Kevin's hateful stare to look at Nikki. Nikki sucked in her lower lip, fumbled with the ends of her hair, and nodded.

JC's smile glew like angels in the dark. He did not let Kevin's heated stare prevent him from sliding past him and entering Nikki's room. He took a hold of the door and begin to close it, Kevin's eyes calling out to Nikki as the door began to cover him. Nikki heard his call, the call that pleaded for her to let her mind win over her heart. Nikki was unsure if she should heed the call or if she was strong enough to let JC go once more.

The steam, the mist, the fog, the heat. All of it covered in the bathroom in an endless array of clouds. Justin used a small towel to clear off some of the steam from the mirror in the bathroom. He gave himself a small smile. It was okay to smile now. Brian knew that Justin believed in his love. They were on a road to true recovery and understanding. At least, that's what Justin believed.

He scrubbed a towel through his damp curls. Their red-brown highlights mixed with Justin's naturally dirty blonde hair. They were wild from the water of the shower. It gave him an abandoned sex appeal that Justin delighted in. 'I bet Brian will like it until it dries.' Justin thought to himself. He dropped the towel onto the counter and glanced down at his shaving kit. He quickly unzipped the bag and pulled out a container. The label read 'Surfer Sex Wax for Hair.' Justin smiled brightly as he removed the top and began to apply the thick gel to his hair. He perfected it so that his hair was wild, his curls tangled together.

He looked at his marine-blue eyes, the bliss finally lit inside of them. He ran his large hands under a steady flow of water in the sink, washing away the remains of gel. He stared at his body as he did so. He would never admit it to himself, but he was beautiful. The curves, the muscles, the firmness; it was all beautiful. He glanced at the furry goatee growing at the edge of his chin. The reddish-brown hair was adorable. He stared down to another string of hair. The brushing of hair that ran from his navel to his pubic hair was enticing. He wondered why Brian loved to kiss and lick that area? He shrugged, his eyes now examining the kinky hair surrounding his limp penis. He cocked his eyebrow up. The hair was a light in comparison to the hair atop of his head. He curiously ran his fingers over the hair. The water still dripped through the soft patch of hair. He nibbled his lower lip as he lifted his penis. He smirked before dropping it. He usually masturbated in the shower, but he refrained from doing so for a week. He had lost the will to pleasure himself. He longed for his husband's hands all over him again. 'Maybe that'll be my Christmas present,' he told himself.

A swift knock at the door brought Justin's eyes away from his body. "Yeah?" he called out, grabbing the towel from the counter. He began to finish drying his arms as he heard Brian reply, "Come out here, I've got something to show you." Justin smiled. Anything for his husband. "Just a second, I gotta get dressed." Justin responded, throwing the towel on the floor as he reached for his boxers. "No, you've gotta come out now, JuJu. You gotta sse this right now. Don't worry, I've seen you nude before." Brian's voice came through the door, an urgency in the way he spoke. Justin arched his eyebrow. He was curious about his husband's sudden need for him.

He turned toward the door and popped it open, peeking outside.

The room was fairly dark. The curtains were pulled shut and the lights were not clicked on. Three single candles kept a small glow in the room, each set up in a different area of the room. Justin listened as the sounds of music began to filter into the room, circling everything with an aura of love. The white linen of the bed glew golden with the assistance of the candles' flames. The smell of peaches and vanilla crowded the thick air in the room. It was quiet, casual, cozy... beautiful.

Justin took a step outside of the bathroom, his body completely nude with small beads of water still dripping down his youthful form. His eyes traced over the room until finding Brian near the television, lighting another candle. Brian was naked, his whole form exposed to Justin. Justin gasped quietly, leaning against the door. The door immediately shut with Justin's weight against it.

The sound caused Brian to turn around, a large smile on his face. Justin swallowed hard when looking upon his husband's naked form. "Uh... uh.. you had something to show me?" Justin stuttered out. Brian nodded, his grin glowing. His tanned form walked slowly in the room as a heartwarming ballad wove through the room. Justin's pouty red lips pressed together, excitement running through his blood.

When Brian reached him, he swallowed again with greater complications. Brian winked at Justin before tapping the end of his nose. He grabbed Justin's hand and held it, the smooth, soft skin pleasing him. "Can I make love to you JuJu?" Brian requested, He began to rub the back of Justin's hand with his thumb. Justin's breathing was raged. How could he respond? Something he waited months for was being placed at his feet and he did not know whether to pick it up or to let it sit there. "Brian... this isn't because..." Brian pressed his index finger over Justin's ruby lips. "I planned this before you even said that, Ju. I knew that it was finally time that we made love when you kissed me awake on the set. When I looked in your eyes and saw how beautiful you really are, I knew I had to make love to you, but at the right time." Brian responded to Justin's unasked question. He licked his lips and leaned closer to Justin. He could feel Justin's growing erection brush over his thigh. He nuzzled Justin's nose with a wet smile. "But when you held me last night as I cried, I knew that I wanted to make love to you and to be with you forever and ever and ever and ever..." Brian whispered before placing light kisses on Justin's lips. Justin closed his eyes as Brian's kisses became more affectionate.

Brian pulled away from Justin's lips with a warm smile. He lifted the hand he held and kissed the back of it. "Listen to the music and let me make love to you..." Brian pleaded, pulling Justin in the direction of the bed. Justin hesitated, but the adoration in Brian's baby blue eyes assured him that it was right.

The room is empty

And the lights are dim

And my heart wonders

If I'll ever see you again

As Brian laid Justin down on the bed, he released Justin's hand. Justin scooted back on the bed as Brian walked around to the front of the bed. Brian crawled up the edge of the bed, his body moving in a catlike motion. He licked his lips again as his body finally slinked over Justin's. The heat of his husband's body inflamed Brian's, sending his heat through his fingertips and into his rigid penis. Brian dangled his lips over Justin's. He could feel Justin's erect cock jabbing his stomach as he teasingly ground his body against Justin's. He stared into Justin's solid blue eyes, the fear erased, but the uncertainty still breathing heavy breaths into Justin's pupils. "Are you sure about this baby? I don't want you doing this for my sake." Justin whispered his question out as Brian leisurely rubbed his throbbing cock over Justin's inner thigh. Justin sucked in a healthy amount of air. Brian knew his spot. He knew it too well. Brian smirked at Justin, his lips still suspended over Justin's. "I can't tell you how much I love your innocence Bean." Brian smiled out before winking at Justin. He finally let his lips press against Justin's as his tongue forced his own lips open and then Justin's.

Justin gasped into the kiss, the passion inside of it swallowing Justin whole. He raised his hand and placed it on Brian's cheek. He could feel every muscle in Brian's jaw move as Brian pressed the kiss upon Justin. The way his jaw flexed as he swirled his tongue into Justin's mouth only brought Justin higher into the cloud of passion and understanding that Brian lived in. Like angels falling, Justin fell everything around him shift and change.

As Brian's hands grabbed at his chest, tweking his nipples erect and toying with the pecs, Justin felt alive in his spirit. He let his other hand rest upon the small of Brian's back, holding him down as their lips danced wildly with the kindred music flooded their ears.

"Oh God, I love you..." Justin panted as Brian's lips tore away from his. Brian smirked again, moving his lips down Justin's face as Justin moaned into the air. Like honey, Brian's lips dripped slowly down Justin's chin and onto Jusitn's neck. Brian latched onto a piece of the soft skin, nibbling lightly before kissing away any pain that raised up. Justin blushed as Brian licked at his neck. The care in his tongue relaxed Justin.

He spread his legs invitingly as Brian's hands ran down his body. Justin moaned again as Brian's nimble fingers finally made simple contact with his beat red dick. Justin licked his lips, panting heavily as Brian's lips marched over the flesh of his neck. The air was overflowing with their desire for one another.

And my tears are hungry

For an open door

When your arms held me

I never felt that way before

Sydney Forest's voice cooed Brian on as his lips ran back up Justin's body. They met with his cheek, fluttering over his cheek like a butterfly. Justin's hand slipped behind Brian's head and pulled it in the direction of his lips. Justin licked his lips, still tasting the syrupiness of his husband's lips. "Do you want me to lick you... down there..." Brian panted out. He could feel Justin's hips girated with his, grinding their bodies in an erotic form. Justin giggled out a smile as his hand ran down Brian's smooth back. He eased his fingertips over the top of Brian's butt. "No, that's okay Rocky... I only want to feel you inside of me." Justin whispered back. His lips reached out for a quick kiss and Brian happily complied.

And I'll be waiting

And I'll be watching

Under a blue moon

A taste of Heaven

Only happens

Once in a blue moon

Justin's palm brushed over Brian's carved cheek, slipping down to the silky hair that formed Brian's beard. He swallowed a groan as Brian pulled from the kiss and ran his lips to Justin's ear. He nibbled on Justin's lobe. Justin clenched his eyes shut. His hand found Brian's shoulder and massaged it while his other hand palmed one of Brian's firm butt cheeks. Brian's own hands rubbed Justin's hips. He licked at Justin's lobe with a small smile on his thin pink lips. "I want to make love to you... I want to show you how much your love has meant to me... and when you scream, I want to be the one you call out for because you know my love for you is as deep as you love for me." Brian breathed into Justin's ear. Justin groaned a little louder. He could feel Brian's cock running over his, spreading their precum between their erect dicks. "Show me Rocky." Justin requested in a throaty voice. Brian nodded, rubbing their cheeks together.

Brian's hands slipped over Justin's drying skin until they reach his spread legs. They caressed Justin's inner thighs with admiration. "Oh man, Brian..." Justin moaned loudly. He gripped at Brian's back as the flames crackled in Justin's lower body. Justin kissed Brian's temple as he felt Brian's lips drifting lower again. He could not bare the teasing, but Brian loved it.

Justin bent his knees and welcomed Brian's lower body between his legs. He gently squeezed Brian's waist between his thighs before smiling. Brian looked up and saw the laughter in Justin's eyes. He shot Justin a smirk, permitting his hands to paw at Justin's sweaty balls. Justin groaned softly with his eyes open. Brian watched him with content. He let one hand rise up and snake around Justin's lengthy cock while the other ran downward, rubbing the sensitive area between Justin's butt and ballsack. Justin again moaned with a higher pitch.

"Are you sure you don't want me to taste you?" Brian asked again, his rubbing becoming a little rougher to ilicite louder wails of passion from his husband. Justin panted hard, his eyes squinting. He ripped his head back and arched his hips, pushing his cock into Brian's hand. Justin's need was growing. He bit down on his lower lip and let his cock throb under the pressure of Brian's hand.

Do you remember

When the wind blew free

And we fit together

So naturally

Brian's own eyes began to squint as he felt a familiar finger slide between his crack. Brian squeezed his muscles tightly, grasping the finger for a moment before Justin began to toy with the hole to Brian's entrance. Brian grunted hard, his breath washing over Justin's chest. Justin licked out a smile. He stroked the pink hole with pleasure. He listened to whimpers exiting Brian's body as he slowly slide his middle finger inside of Brian. Brian briskly burried his head in the crook of Justin's neck as Justin entered him with his finger. Brian groaned against Justin's neck, gripping Justin's pulsating cock a little harder. "Oh shit!" Justin grunted out, his body shaking with intensisty. "Oh baby, oh baby, oh God JuJu..." Brian panted quickly, his breaths short and heated. Their bodies ran over each other like water over the rocks of a waterfall.

And I'll be waiting

And I'll be watching

Under a blue moon

A taste of Heaven

Only happens

Once in a blue moon

The acoustic guitar-driven melody began to fade from the speakers and give precedence to another song. The thunder rumble softly through the speakers as soft rain fell in the song. The seductive beat raged through the room as Brian shifted on Justin. He sat up with his body still in between his lover's legs. Brian raised his hands to Justin's stomach and he ran his fingers over the firm muscles. He weaved his fingers through Justin's trail of hairs before letting his hands run through Justin's kinky pubes. He smiled when staring at Justin's leaking penis. It craved attention and release, but Brian did not rush anything.

Brian used his hands to press Justin's down against the downy sheets, his eyes filled with youthful passion. Justin complied to the requests in Brian's eyes. He laid back while keeping his legs spread. He took in the sounds of a quiet storm that rumbled through the song playing.



[Baby, what'cha wanna do?]


Yeah yeah

[Baby, what'cha wanna do?]

Brian led a hand up to Justin's pouty cherry red. He ran his fingertips over the soft texture as he licked his own lips. Justin gradually parted his lips and opened his mouth. Brian slid a few of his fingers into Justin's warm cave. Justin brushed the tip of his tongue over Brian's fingertips before circling each finger in an erotic fashion. Brian watched as Justin's tongue occasionally flicked out of his mouth as he attempted to lubricate Brian's fingers with his saliva.

Brian reached down and pulled up one of Justin's hands. He brought it to his own thin lips and immediately opened his mouth. Justin hesitantly slipped the tips of his fingers into Brian's mouth. Brian ravished the fingers with his tongue, sucking quietly on them. Justin's breath began to accelerate, Brian's licking sending heat through Justin's fingers and into his bloodstream.

Brian kissed the tips slowly as he withdrew his fingers from Justin's mouth. He allowed his fingers to run down Justin's body, leaving long trails of wetness down Justin's body. He maneuvered the saliva over his fingers and into his palm before placing his hand on Justin's aching cock. Justin moaned, the feeling of Brian's gropping hand on his penis and his fingers trapped inside of Brian's mouth arousing him to a new height.

Boo, I know you're spoken for

But I adore ya

[I'm making love to ya every night]

In my mind, there's fantasies of what I wanna do

[Can't wait, I'm hungry]

Hungry for a taste of love

Your body's all I'm thinkin' of

[I won't say a word, baby, not a single word]

It'll be, baby, baby, just between you and me

[If you don't scream, I won't scream]

Justin slipped his fingers out of Brian's mouth and hurriedly brought them down to Brian's thick member. He gripped the middle of the shaft with fervor. His tumb bruished over the tip, glazing over the slit to gather Brian's precum along his thumb. Brian groaned out loudly, tossing his head back as Justin masturbated him. "I want you inside of me so bad." Justin whispered seductively, gliding his hand down Brian's dick. Brian could feel his saliva lubricating his expansive dick. He took a deep breath before glancing downward. The sight of Justin masturbating him and his own hand masturbating Justin pulled out another groan. He began to rock his lips with Justin's stroking as Justin did the same. He found Justin's eyes and could see the desperation ringing throughout them. "You have to make love to me soon, baby... I'm going to nut if we keep this up." Justin panted out.

Brian nodded, lightly nibbling on his lower lip.

Brian pulled his hand off of Justin's bouncing penis. Justin released a relieved sigh before tearing his own hand from Brian's cock. He let his hands drift upward to Brian's downy brown patch of pubic hair. He felt his hand glide upward as Brian shifted downward. Justin lifted his ass from the bed and spread his legs further. He waited for Brian to enter him. His body relaxed in anticipation. When Brian's left hand grabbed his waist, Justin could feel his right hand guiding the tip of Brian's penis into his crack.

If you kiss me, I won't tell

Suga, suga, suga, suga, suga

I'll make you feel good, that's no damn lie

Suga, suga, suga, suga, suga

[Baby, what'cha wanna do?]

If you kiss me, I won't tell

Suga, suga, suga, suga, suga

I'll make you feel good, that's no damn lie

Suga, suga, suga, suga, suga

[Baby, what'cha wanna do?]

Penetration; that's what it's called. Justin felt the tip of Brian's cock slide inside of him and he shut his eyes. The pain was there. It had been too long. He felt Brian's lips nuzzle his, hoping to take his mind from the pain. Justin held his shut as he felt Brian sliding further into him. "Come on babe, let me kiss you... I love you." Brian whispered to Justin, his lips brushing against Justin's as he spoke. Justin resisted for a minute before alowing Brian to kiss his lips open. "I love you too Rocky." he managed to get out as Brian compressed their lips together. Justin feasted on the sweetness of Brian's lips as the pressure began to subside. He felt Brian rocking his hips, running the tip of his penis along Justin's prostate. "Oh baby, mmmm, yes..." Justin hissed out, his lips breaking from Brian's.

Brian held still for a few seconds, allowing Justin to adjust to Brian being burried inside of his ass. Brian kissed the bridge of Justin's nose as one hand slid back to Justin's cock while the other caressed Justin's hip. He slowly began to make love to Justin, his hips moving at a timely pace. "Fuck, you're so tight Ju," Brian mumbled, racking his teeth along the tip of Justin's nose. Justin squeezed his ass muscles together, yanking out a muffled groan from Brian as Justin pressed his lips against Brian's. Brian did not resist the kiss. He licked his tongue across Justin's lips before massaging Justin's tongue with his own.

Justin winced a little, his body still growing accustom to Brian's ample cock. He pulled his fingers through Brian's hair, playing with the ends as their kissed softened. Brian pulled away some, his lips moving down Justin's face. Justin laid his hand on Brian's ass, pulling Brian deeper into his body. "Oh, uh..." Brian groaned when feeling Justin's hole swallow his cock. "Oh yeah, you feel so good, so tight... uhh, and so good." Brian moaned, kissing his way to Justin's neck. Justin smiled mentally while keeping a focus on their intercourse. He wrapped his legs around Brian's body, sweat forming at Brian's brow as he increased the friction between them. Justin ran his thumb over Brian's forehead, gasping as Brian took a stronger grip on his cock. "I want you to cum on me." Brian whispered into Justin's neck. Justin nodded as Brian's lips closed over his Adam's apple. He continued to brush his fingers through Brian's hair while Brian sped up his thrusting.

Don't say nothing, cause we don't have long

Jump into the shower, let me soak you in my love

It's about to be on (It's on)

I've been waiting for this moment for so long

[Oh, word is bond]

Come on, if you don't scream...

Then I won't scream

"Right there, oh man, stay right there..." Justin pleaded as his husband's cock pumped inside of Justin. Brian sucked feverishly on the bottom of Justin's neck, sucking up a deep burgundy hickey. He pulled his swollen white lips up. As the color began to return to his lips, Brian panted. He could feel his balls pulling up against his body signaling his coming orgasm. Brian used his thumb to play with the tip of Justin's penis, sending small shivers up Justin's legs and arms. His free hand teased Justin's wild curls. "Oh, I've wanted this so bad... it feels so good to be in ya baby..." Brian said huskily. He closed his eyes and ran his lips over Justin's. "I've missed your body, your touch..." he added, licking at Justin's lips. "Your lips." he whispered before giving Justin a small kiss.

Brian tasted a new flavor on his lips as he kissed Justin. His eyes batted open as he licked his lips. Saltiness. It was not semen, it was not salt; it was a tear. Brian could taste tears when he kissed Justin. He traced his eyes up Justin's face until reaching his eyes. He stared into Justin's eyes. They were shadowy and blurry, covered with clear tears. Justin sniffled inaudibly as Brian slowed his strokes. Justin shook his head, gripping onto Brian's sides. He pulled Brian in farther and nudged him out. "Keep going baby." Justin pleaded, blinking out a few more tears. Brian was unsure on whether or not to follow his husband's instructions. "But you're crying, Bean." Brian said, his voice cracking. He wiped away Justin's distended tears with his index finger. "It's because I didn't know you could make me feel this good... that I could love you this much right now." Justin responded, his voice shaky. An angelic smile washed over his face. He began to move his hips with Brian's causing Brian to return to his quickened rhythm.

If you kiss me, I won't tell

Suga, suga, suga, suga, suga

I'll make you feel good, that's no damn lie

Suga, suga, suga, suga, suga

[Baby, what'cha wanna do?]

If you kiss me, I won't tell

Suga, suga, suga, suga, suga

I'll make you feel good, that's no damn lie

Suga, suga, suga, suga, suga

[Baby, what'cha wanna do?]

Justin panted hard as Brian bucked against him with the same intensity. Justin felt Brian's nose nuzzle his and a warm tear fell onto Justin's face.

Justin opened his teary eyes to look at Brian. He too was crying as they made love. The bed rocked fiercly. The sounds of their flesh slapping, rubbing, and grinding together could not outweigh the sounds of their hearts. "Uhhh, oh baby, fuck..." Brian groaned out with his tears. Justin sighed before moaning with his husband. "Rocky! Oh Rocky, yes!" Justin hollered out. He used his hands to hold Brian's face near his. "I love you, I love you, I love you..." Brian panted, his bucking growing wilder.

Justin squeezed his eyes shut, tears cascading out. His lips pulled apart and his mouth opened widely. His entire body shuddered uncontrollably. The bed bounced as Justin tightened up. "Oh God, oh man, oh man, oh man... Rocky, God, don't stop... I'm gonna... oh Rocky, I'm nutting... yes baby!" Justin crowled, his semen sputtering from his throbbing red penis. The cum shot out with a high velocity, landing across Brian's stomach. Brian groaned as Justin's muscles tightened around his cock. The feeling of Justin's sticky, hot, thick cum spread across his stomach excited Brian. He felt Justin turn to putty beneath him, holding onto him as Brian continued to make love to his body.

Sweet like candy, hot like wax

Slow like honey drippin' down my back

Sweet like candy, hot like wax

Slow like honey drippin' down my back

(Sweeter than candy)

Sweet like candy, hot like wax

Slow like honey drippin' down my back

(Hotter, hotter than wax)

Sweet like candy, hot like wax

Slow like honey drippin'...

Justin took in a deep breath as he slipped down from his ecstasy-filled high. His body ached with pleasure. His orgasm caused his entire body to go limp. He reached his hand up and let his middle finger rub his thick cum over Brian's taut stomach. He scooped up a healthy amount and raised it to Brian's face. Brian felt Justin rubbed the substance over his lips and he winked his eyes open. He licked at Justin's finger before opening his mouth and sucking Justin's finger inside. His tongue rolled over Justin's finger, licking up the remains of Justin's seed from the digit.

Brian's body began to rock in shorter strokes. He took in a sharp breath, his eyes squinting shut as Justin's finger slipped out. Justin caressed Brian's bottom lip while tightening his muscles. He strived to assist his husband to orgasm. "Shit, no, no, no..." Brian whimpered out. Justin pulled Brian completely inside of him. "It's okay Rocky, cum..." Justin assured his husband. Brian bit down on his lower lip, his body losing control. "Mmph, heh heh, Bean... Bean... oh fuck Bean! Oh Bean, yes!" Brian finally screamed out, ejaculating inside of Justin's young body. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's back and pulled him down as Brian came violently. "Oh, heh heh, uhh... uhhh, aahh..." Brian moaned softer as he emptied himself into Justin's hole. His body became tight and motionless, his cock striving to release each drop of semen. Brian felt safe in Justin's arms. Nothing could harm him. He was at ease again.

Brian glanced over to the clock on the nightstand. He laid in the bed, still naked, with Justin wrapped in his arms. He and Justin had no desire to leave the comforts of their bed. It felt like hours shifted by after their orgasms and they could still feel the comfort of love nestled in the room.

The red digits on the clock read 3:02 PM. Brian sighed, playing with Justin's curls while looking up at the ceiling. "Did you think it was good?" Brian asked Justin, a ray of curiosity in his Southern drawl. Justin shook his head, running a finger over the scar on Brian's chest. "It was more than good, Rocky." Justin replied before kissing the scar. Brian smiled brightly, rubbing Justin's back. Justin moved up, letting his chin rest on Brian's shoulder. Brian looked down at his husband. "It was a taste of Heaven." Justin grinned, winking at Brian. Brian giggled, running his hand down the small of Justin's back. He felt Justin's leg raise and then rest on his thigh. They were close. "We'll have to do that again some time." Brian chimed, laying his head back. Justin nodded, burring his face into Brian's shoulder. He kissed the smooth skin.

"It feels like we're on borrowed time, Brian." Justin sighed out, snuggling to Brian's body. Brian sighed after Justin. He smoothed down Justin's curls and then turned his body to Justin's. He pulled Justin's body closer, their limp penises touching. He brushed his index and middle fingers over Justin's ruddy lips, admiring their beauty. "We have about an hour or so more before we actually have to get up and get dressed to go to Amanda's performance." Brian informed Justin. He let a hand run over Justin's firm ass. Anything he could do to show his affection, Brian did. "It doesn't seem like enough time." Justin replied, letting his eyes drop. Brian leaned in and kissed Justin's lips, hoping to ease away Justin's concern. "Because we're leaving tomorrow?" Brian wondered, keeping his lips near Justin's. Justin replied with a nod. He ran his hand over Brian's chest, trying to distract himself from his musings. "I miss Bastian like crazy, but once we go back to Orlando, do things go back to the way they were?" Justin asked. Brian again kissed Justin's sweet lips. "Not at all. If I'm given the chance, I'll make sure we make love at least three times a week. When I go, you're coming with me baby. If you got something to do with *NSYNC, I'm gonna try and be there. We're gonna change things and make sure Timber gets both of us and we get each other." Brian promised to his husband. He gave Justin one last kiss before embracing him. Justin smiled against Brian's skin, kissing it before shutting his eyes. He had no plans to sleep, but he had no plans to remove himself from Brian's body until he had to.

Justin did not realize how quickly time rolled by and how quickly he had to let Brian go; in at least one way. Justin was satiated holding Brian's hand as they made their entrance into the Ally McBeal-styled club. The round tables, the dancing lights, the lit bar, the dancing couples and friends, and the sounds of adult contemporary music left a honey-sweet taste in Justin's mouth. He allowed Brian to navigate him through the club with Lonnie leading Brian and Marc, AJ, Nick, JC, and Wes following close behind.

"Hey, it's that guy from the Backstreet Boys..." a few patrons whispered loudly. Brian smiled lightly, waving to a few of the attendants. "It's the tattoo one too." other voices spoke out when spotting AJ amongst the entourage. AJ kept his sunglasses covering his eyes and his head hanging low. He refused to attract attention to himself. He dimmed his spotlight for the attention to fall upon a new star in the sky.

"All right, we've got a little something new for ya'll tonight. We have a beautiful new singer coming to the stage and she's going to give you something sweet and something sassy. She goes by the name Amanda Latona, but you might know her better as Amanda McLean, wife to a Backstreet Boy. Please give it up one time for Amanda!" the MC announced loudly. Eyes began to flock toward the stage as the entourage found their seats near the front.

AJ cussed under his breath as he slinked into the booth. "Why the fuck did they have to call her out like that? She's gonna be pissed at me tonight." AJ grumbled, slumping in his seat next to Nick. Nick rolled his eyes and gave his attention to the stage, slyly holding JC's hand under the table. He peered to his left, spotting Justin and Brian cuddled in the booth. 'Fuck ya'll, I'll be there someday.' he thought bitterly. He tore his eyes from them and gave his attention to the stage once more as Amanda walked out, her head high and her eyes transfixed on the crowd.

Amanda stopped at the classic microphone and placed a hand on its stand. She let the applause die down before smiling. "Hi all. I'm Amanda Latona and tonight, I just wanna do a few songs for you from this album I'm working on. This first song is kind of slow, kind of mellow, but I hope you like it." Amanda announced. As her words ended, she gave a glance to the pianist and nodded toward him. He gave her a generous smile before beginning to strike up the chords to the first song of her performance. The calm, subtle melody floated through the club like smoke. Ears were attentive and eyes watched as Amanda prepared to belt out her song.

All I think is about you baby

All I do is for only you and it's true

With every heartbeat, I see your face

Ooh yeah

Amanda's songbird voice took control of the music and raised it above the clouds. The club goers watched her with contentment. Their fondness for her voice was seen in their eyes, the way they never moved from her or her mouth.

AJ sat up in the booth, lowering his sunglasses to watch his wife. He stared at her, his eyes observing her beauty once more. Her hair pinned up brought attention to her fair skin, her bright eyes and her full lips. The way she swayed to the music brought back her innocence, the innocence AJ had lost touch with. He propped his chin on his hand and watched her with adoring eyes. It was easy to see. It could not have been been anymore clearer. The way her image reflected it his deep, dark brown eyes reflected his love.

"Look at him, he's lost." Brian whispered to Justin, indiscreetly pointing in AJ's direction. Justin took a quick glimpse of AJ and smiled. "Oh, he's not lost, he's in love." Justin replied. He leaned on Brian and permitted Brian to wrap an arm around Justin's shoulders. "Love, eh?" Brian huffed out. Justin ran a hand over Brian's cheek and giggled. "Yep. Like us." he chimed as he felt Brian kissed the top of his head. Brian snuggled closer to Justin, letting his eyes focus on Amanda again. "Like us babe." he agreed, grabbing Justin's hand and interlocking their fingers.

Every night when I laydown baby

I close my eyes and imagine that I'm kissing you

Before I fall asleep, I always pray

"Here you go." the waitress broke Brian, Justin, Nick, and JC's attention from Amanda as she began to place their drinks across the table. "Thanks." Nick chimed before snatching up his Long Island Iced Tea. He began to slurp it down through the straw while JC calmly took a hold of his beer. "You really should try something a little more edgier, Josh." Nick suggested with a unique grin. Brian eyed Nick with distrust as he grabbed his glass of water. Justin pulled up his Heineken bottle, ignoring the words Nick spoke.

He leaned over the table, trying to give his attention back to Amanda as Nick continued to coax on his fiancé.

"Just a little something with vodka in it. How about a vodka and Spite?" Nick suggested. JC rimmed his glass of beer with his finger. He contemplated the idea as Nick stopped their waitress. "Could he get a vodka and Sprite on the next round?" Nick requested before JC could give him a decent response. The waitress happily nodded before walking away. "There ya go." Nick grinned at JC, dropping his hand down to JC's thigh while sipping on his drink again. JC pressed out a discouraged smirk, a sighing pleading to be released. "PLease shut the fuck up so that I can hear my wife sing." AJ hissed at Nick, his eyes growing lifeless again. Nick rolled his eyes once more and returned to sipping on his drink and toying with JC.

That in your eyes

You'll see what I see

And in your heart

You'll feel what I feel too

And I wish me you

I know you're the one

And I'm holding on

'Til my dreams come true

Every star in the sky

Will know that I

Wish me you

As Amanda belted out the last note of the song, an ovation broke out across the club. AJ immediately tried to stand as he listened to his wife complete her song. "Thank you, thank you all so very much. That song was called 'I Wish Me You.' Right now, I'm going to take a break and let the house band play ya'll some great music." Amanda said with a new sense of pride. She pulled her bangs back and smiled at the crowd before shooting AJ a look of adoration.

"I've got to go talk to her... move." AJ demanded, nudging Nick. Nick raised his brow, the alcohol already blurring his senses. "Stop pushing." he insisted, nudging AJ back. AJ's brow wrinkled and he gave Nick a hard shove, causing JC to abruptly slip from the booth. JC caught himself as Nick began to stand from the booth. "Thanks drunk boy." AJ hissed, pushing past Nick to exit the booth. Nick growled under his breath as AJ stomped away from the table, Wes hot on his heels.

"Man, he can be such an asshole." Nick grumbled, snatching up JC's hand and pulling him back into the booth. "Here ya go." the waitress shyly said as she laid a few more drinks on the table. Nick grabbed his drink with a perky smile and slid JC's new drink to him. "Drink up." he cheered before taking a large gulp of his pina colada. JC hesitantly lifted his vodka and Sprite and took a small sip, the sour alcohol automatically burning his lips and tongue. He felt the flames roll down his throat and his eyes welled up with water. "Hits the spot, doesn't it?" Nick grinned, running his hand from JC's thigh to his crotch. He gave JC a light squeeze, smiling wildly. JC coughed out a response as Nick's gropping became more erotic. Nick chuckled quietly, turning his face toward the other patrons.

Justin glared at JC with disgust. 'If you chose him, man, Josh you're gonna be fucked up.' Justin thought to himself while holding his Heineken between his index finger and thumb. He took a quick swig of the dulled beer before turning his eyes on his husband. Brian stared helplessly at the passing couples. His face was filled with wonder, a small sparkling of life mixed into his young features. "What are ya thinking about?" Justin asked in his candid voice. Brian turned to Justin, his lively eyes shining and his lips folded into a smile. "Something." Brian responded smoothly. Justin raised his brow with grand interest. He placed his bottle on the table and leaned in Brian's direction. "Ooh, this sounds like fun. Okay, do I get three guesses?" Justin cheered lowly, staring directly into Brian's eyes. Brian laughed tranquilly. He shrugged, playing along with Justin's senseless game.

"Three guesses. That's all you get. Each wrong guess gets me five dollars." Brian finally agreed with a posh grin. Justin's eyes widened. He was surprised by his husband's proposition. "A five? What do I get if I'm right?" Justin boasted. "You get to know what's on my mind." Brian gleamed.

Justin's look of little contentment furthered Brian's words. "And a kiss and I'll even pay for your drinks tonight." Brian added, tapping the end of Justin's nose. Justin shot Brian a mock look of astonishment. "What? You're not paying for my drinks? What kind of date do you think I am?" Justin gushed, faking a feminine intone for jokes. Brian twisted his lips, the laughter in his eyes. "I think you're a cheapskate trying to get me to pay for your liquor tab." Brian winked. Justin rolled his eyes before laughing. "They get you drunk and then they just wanna fuck you later on." Justin joked, elbowing Brian. Brian giggled softly.

"Okay, hmmm, let me think." Justin said, attempting to become serious with Brian. The look of amusement on Brian's face troubled Justin. He concentrated on the way his eyes beamed, the way his cheeks dimpled and the way his lips stayed together in a perfect figure. "I've got it, you're thinking about Bastian." Justin boasted with a textbook smirk. Brian sighed and then shook his head. Justin slouched for a second. He scratched his curly head, giving Brian a once over. Brian laughed wholeheartedly. Justin licked his rounded red lips. "You're thinking about AJ and Amanda and how things are going to be just fine for them." Justin said, dubious of his own words. Brian smiled again before shaking his head. "Fuck." Justin grumbled. He did not like the tab he was building. He tapped his fingers along the table, watching as the light reflected off of his golden wedding band. He licked his lips again and then smiled gently. He lifted his eyes and found Brian's eyes again. "You're thinking about how good that sex was earlier and how you'd like to try it again tonight." Justin sneered at Brian.

Brian fell into laughter when hearing Justin's final guess; his face tightening up with delight. He let his eyes stare at Justin and found the pout on his lips. He tried to control his snickering as he leaned toward Justin. He laid his hand on top of Justin's while swallowing a few more giggles. He cleared his throat and release another small laugh. His flushed red cheeks began to return to their naturally light shade. "No, Bean, it was good. It was damn good sex, but that's not it." Brian assured Justin. patting his hand. Justin furrowed his brow and ducked his head. He titled it a little and then frowned at Brian. "Well what is it then?" Justin wondered. Brian leaned closer to Justin, his offbeat smile returning. "I was thinking that I'm glad we finally told everyone we're married because now, if I want to kiss you in front of all of these people, I don't have to worry about explaining it on MTV tomorrow. Everyone knows and though the tabloids and Internet will read, 'Brian Littrell has major make out session with young *NSYNC husband at local Vegas club,' I'm okay with it. I can show all these folks how much I love this young *NSYNC husband of mine." Brian answered Justin with his loving country twang leading him. Justin felt a tremble in his heart and he immediately began to blush.

Brian giggled again before pushing his lips close to Justin's. "I thought I got a kiss if I guessed right?" Justin whispered in confusion. "Let's just call this the Rosie O'Donnell Show and everyone wins." Brian suggested as he pressed his lips onto Justin. Justin offered no rebuttle or argument as Brian kissed him gently with the eyes of the club watching.

"So you enjoyed the song, right?" Amanda wondered. She sat at the bar, on a stool, with AJ standing next to her. AJ had an arm drapped around her slim waist and a loving grin on his thick lips. "It is was as beautiful as you are Panda." AJ responded, his rapsy voice thick and his free hand running over her hair. Amanda felt a light rush of blood fill her cheeks and she shied away from looking into her husband's eyes. She took a small sip of her apple juice, glancing around the club. It was a nice spot, a good crowd for her to begin her solo singing career with.

"I'm sorry," AJ said clearly. Amanda turned her head in mystification. Her sky blue eyes studied AJ's face with interest. "Excuse me?" she pressed out. AJ sighed, letting his hand slide from her hair to her shoulder. He massaged the soft skin, his silence speaking care. "I'm sorry for saying what I said back in LA. I miss Amaiya a lot too. And I'm sorry I made it sound as if your career is the reason we don't get to spend that much time together as a family. I know me being in the Backstreet Boys and trying to play husband and lover to you while trying to remain a good father to Amaiya is hell... for the both of us. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not doing it right." AJ explained himself with his heart in his words. He let his hand slide off of Amanda and he began to lean on the bar with a somber expression taking over his face.

Amanda's hand brushed over his stubby cheek. She smiled lightly at her husband. "There's no right or wrong way to do this Alex. You just do it. I don't expect you to be perfect or anything above the Alexander McLean I married almost a year ago. I just want you to consider my feelings too." Amanda assured him. A sigh of relief broke from AJ's lips. He glanced up at her with worry. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" AJ shyly asked. Amanda nodded with a smile. "And after you do this last song, we can go back to the hotel and work things out?" AJ added another question, praying for another happy reply. "Anything you want Alex." she chimed. AJ grinned with wide eyes. He patted Amanda's hip and allowed her to move from his embrace.

"Turn 'em out Panda Bear." he encouraged her as Amanda stood and began to head for the stage. She grinned at him before blowing him a kiss, one that seemed to carry her feelings to him in a gush of wind.

"Mmmm, you always taste so good." Justin moaned as he and Brian ended another kiss. Brian tried to grin through Justin's words. "You taste like beer." Brian sighed as the waitress placed two waters before Justin and another glass of water before Brian.

Justin nibbled his lower lip, disheartened by Brian's statement. "You can have the last of mine if you want." Justin offered, sliding the beer bottle in Brian's direction. Brian gave the bottle a quick look, memories flooding his mind. He pushed the beer aside and grabbed his glass of water. "Nah, it doesn't interest me anymore. I made a promise and this promise has kept my family together." Brian stated before gulping down a large portion of the water. Justin lowered his own glass; it was only half-full now. Brian smiled at Justin, seeing his attempt to pull away from the alcoholic substance. "You know, I don't mind you drinking an occasional beer when you go to the clubs. It's not like you've come home drunk or anything. Besides, you don't have to change because I did. I like your wild side." Brian assured Justin, grabbing his hand. Justin smirked as Brian held his hand. "My wild side?" Justin laughed, taking a small sip of his water. Brian nodded, winking at Justin. "Would that be the style in or out of the bed?" Justin wondered. "Whichever one comes out first." Brian laughed.

Justin nudged Brian, crinkling his nose. He swallowed another mouth-full of water. "Aaaww, my baby's freshening up his breath for me. Let me see what he tastes like." Brian gushed. He quickly pulled Justin into a kiss, his tongue promptly porbing Justin's mouth and tasting him. He flicked his tongue over Justin's as his hand rubbed Justin's. Justin moaned gently as Brian pulled away, licking his thin lips. Justin sighed, slouching into the booth to recover from the strength in Brian's kiss. "Still tastes a little like beer, but better." Brian grinned. Justin roled his eyes, his smile kissed into his lips by Brian's.

"Love this, love that, will you two save it?" Nick snickered out as he stood from the booth. Standing lazily next to him was JC, a drunken smile pressed into his eyes. His eyes were glazed over and his weak stance gave away his intoxication. "You're drunk." Justin said flatly to his friend. JC raised his brow and licked his lips. His inebriation left me speechless.

He was vulnerable.

"Oh keep your concentration on your husband already. We're leaving." Nick announced, assisting his fiancé in standing. Marc immediately stood from his chair behind the booth. "Oh, it's okay Marc, Wes is rolling with us. We've got it covered." Nick assured the bodyguard. Marc shot Nick a distrusting look. "I thought he was with McLean." Marc questioned Nick, still standing in his broad form. "Nah, AJ swatted him off. It's cool Marc, really. Wes is rolling with us and we're probably just going back to the hotel, that's all." Nick strived to convince the bodyguard. He sobered up for a moment and gave Marc a healthy grin. Marc crossed his arms, still distrusting, and nodded. He eyed Nick and JC has they slipped away and soon fell into the crowds of people moving through the restaurant. "Wes better not walk over here in five minutes." Marc grumbled as he found his seat again and turned his attention to Amanda as she graced the stage.

Unfortunately, for Marc, Wes did return to the table in five minutes. However, there was no chance of seeking out Nick and JC. Cell phones were turned off, pagers were left at the hotel, and now, in the morning, things had already changed.

JC's head hurt. Check - Yep, his head ached desperately. He groaned loudly as the small glimmers of the sun broke into the hotel room he laid in. Lips were moving along his jawline and hands were petting the muslces in his chest, slipping lower. The lips and the hands were recognizable. Their technique gave them away and JC sighed with little relief. "Baby, I've got such a hangover." JC grunted, barely blinking his eyes open. Nick laid his chin on JC's chest and smiled up at him. "Sorry to hear that. Last night was so wild, I'm surprise you're up this early cutie." Nick grinned. JC coughed with the bitter taste of alcohol still lingering in his throat. He could also taste Nick mixed with the bitter flavor, leaving him weaker. COuld that explain why his body was feeling sore? "We had sex?" JC wondered. He attempted to lift his upperbody with little success. He propped himself up on his elebows and watched as Nick left small kisses across his stomach. The rumbling in his head prevetned any expression from crossing his contorted face. "More than once, sweetie." Nick gleamed. He reached up and placed a loving kiss on JC's lips, one JC found hard to reply to. "And we probably kept everyone up the way you were moaning." Nick grinned, allowing a hand to slip beneath the jumbled covers to run across JC's thigh. JC took in a sharp breath of air and closed his eyes. "Then it must've been good." JC forced out a smile as he spoke. He surpressed a moan as Nick brushed his fingers over his soft cock.

Nick giggled and began to nuzzle JC's neck. "I think we were both so excited from what we did before and it just charged us into fucking like wild men." Nick whispered seductively, raking his teeth across JC's neck. "Please don't say we got tattoos. I know I wasn't too drunk to forget my fear of needles." JC snickered, his fingers tangling themselves in Nick's blonde-brown hair. "No, you weren't Josh, but you made me the happiest man alive." Nick replied, kissing JC's cheek. JC sighed and allowed Nick to grop his body furhter. "And how did I do that?" JC finally asked, running his hand from Nick's hair to his shoulder. He traced the shark tattoo on his left arm, the inky art attracted his eyes. It wasn't new. "You made me Nick Chasez and I couldn't be any happier." Nick whispered into JC's ear before nipping at it. He nibbled his way down JC's neck while JC became still, stiff.

A reaction was expected and it came loud and clear. The shout, the loud words, the confusion rattled through the hallway. And as expected, people grew curious. JC flung open the door to their room, his eyes beaming with apprehension. "Do you mean to tell me that you and I eloped last night?" JC carelessly bellowed out as he stomped into the hall dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. Nick followed him quickly, only clad in his boxers. "It was a really nice ceremony, babe. There was no cheap Elvis impersonator or anything." Nick said thoughtfully. JC drug his fingers through his golden brown hair. He kicked the carpet with his feet, the notion, the idea, the meer thought of he and Nick being married troubling him. "So what you're saying is I was so fucked up that I finally broke down and got you to be Nick Chasez?" JC wondered, his eyes peering at Nick. Nick flicked him a smile and drew close to him. He pulled his fingers through JC's hair and gave him a small peck on his stubbled cheek. "Something like that." he beamed.

"What's 'something like that' then?" Nikki asked, her voice hard. Nick and JC turned their heads to see the woman approaching, her arms crossed and her stance tense. Nick rolled his eyes while JC's grew. They could spot Mandy, Lance, Bryce, Justin, Brian, Lonnie, and Marc standing in the hallway, all looking at the couple. "It means yes, Josh was drunk when we suggested that we go to a chapel, but when it came to the vows and the ceremony, he was a new man. He was really sincere." Nick responded, his smile fading. Nikki stopped near them, her eyes still cutting them. "Really? He was that drunk until it came down to the wedding? Josh, do you remember any of this? Do you remember suggesting that you and he go to a chapel and just get hitched, without any of us there to experience it with you?" Nikki questioned her ex-boyfriend.

JC swallowed quickly, his mind straining to think. He stared at Nikki, the hurt hidden beneath an armor of anger. Where did that rage come from? Why had he not seen it before? He was losing it and he had a hangover. And he was married, according to Nick. As his eyes glanced down and saw the golden ring resting around his finger, he couldn't deny it. He had no reason to. He finally did something that he thought he was incapable of. He married Nick.

"It's true Nikki. I remember telling him..." JC let his words drift off before turning to Nick. Nick looked at him with a lost child running in his azure eyes. "I remember telling him that he was the one that would make my life complete." JC softly said. The healing in Nick's expression soothed him, but for a moment.

"And so that's it? He completes you and it's forget the friends, we're getting married tonight? Didn't you think any of us wanted to be there and at least share the memory? Why couldn't you wait until today, this afternoon?" Nikki interrogated them without reservation. "What's it matter to you Nikki? We all know you'd be the last person that would want to show up at a wedding between me and your ex-boyfriend." Nick finally snapped back, causing gasps to break out throughout the hall.

Mandy clenched her fists shut. "I told that bastard..." before she could finish her words, Justin clamped a hand over her mouth and muffled her final words. "Now, now Mandy, let's just watch and see what happens. After all, we both know Nikki will handle her own." Justin whispered to his friend. Mandy tried to fight him, but a smile crossed her lips. She sighed and permitted the argument to persist without her intervention.

"You're wrong Nick. I'm the last one that would want to sit through a wedding between you and JC." Lance spoke out. Another few gasps followed. Mandy's eyes immediately shot in the direction of her friend as he stepped toward Nikki. Nick peered at Lance while JC frowned at him. "To watch you two make a mockery of something so sacred would really make me give up in the system. To think the people of Vegas would let two drunk men get married is beyond me and to get married considering what has unfolded in the past months is stupid of you two." Lance pointed out, his hesitation gone. "Nothing has 'unfolded' that me and Josh haven't been able to get past." Nick retorted. A brief laugh crossed over Nikki's lips. "Nothing Nick? The fact that your husband over there just came to me yesterday confessing that he was beginning to fall for me again and that he didn't want us to get hurt if it wasn't right seems to be a problem to me." Nikki noted with a smug grin.

Nick held JC's hand with little confidence. He nibbled his lower lip, the denial swallowing him. "If we all lived in the past, we'd never get anywhere. Maybe Josh told you that to prepare you for what was to come. You need to understand Nikki that even though you two had something when you were younger, Josh is older now and I've been there for him and he's meant a lot to my life." Nick stated, his voice cracking as the emotion was poured into his heart. "And you need to understand that Josh can't just say he'll marry you one night when he's drunk and just give up the feelings he's had for Nikki, Justin, and me." Lance challenged him with a quieter voice. His ivory-green eyes looked upon JC and saw fear; fear for what may be said. Fear of how far JC had travelled without finding his way.

Nick flexed his jaw muscles. "Justin? What more was Justin than an obsession that Josh is so over?" Nick hissed. Justin rolled his eyes and groaned softly. "Oh yeah, this is my cue to leave. I'm not getting involved in this." Justin declared. He felt Brian grab his hand with a subtle smile on his lips. "Just like that? You're going to leave without even defending yourself and declaring how unfit those two are?" Brian asked, the smile beaming into his words. Justin leaned back and kissed Brian's lips. "Just like that yo. I'm outtie and I ain't making a U-turn. If I know it, you know it, and they know it, there ain't no use in wasting time I could be spending with you." Justin said with a cocky voice. Brian grinned harder. He gave Justin's hand a small squeeze and pulled him in the direction of their room. "Come on Mandy, let's roll." Justin said, pulling on her arm. Mandy did not budge. "What about Lance?" she asked her friend.

"It's okay Blondie. I've got him." Bryce assured her in a lifeless tone. Mandy gave Bryce an unsure glance before nodding. She followed Brian and Justin, praying Bryce would not suffer as Nikki and Lance did.

"Let's not bring Justin into this, okay? I'm trying to keep a friendship with him instead of fucking it up like I did with you two." JC pleaded, his voice stricken with sincerity. Lance cocked his head to the side, his mind questioning JC. JC turned from the glare. He knew what it meant, but he had no answer for Lance. "Lance, when are you going to get over this jealousy and let me and my husband live peacefully?" Nick snarled out his question. Lance raised his brow at Nick. His eyebrows arched before he pursed his lips. "Jealous? Jealous of what? I don't need you or Josh anymore. I'm not mad that you two ended up together after both of ya'll were with me. I've got a good man, a real good man, over there and he's all I need right now. I can't think of one thing either of ya'll could give me that Bryce can't give me ten times better." Lance boasted, his animosity spiraling through his country-thick voice. Bryce shoved his hands into his pockets, ducking his head to avoid the argument. "I hope you two enjoy this marriage of yours. I don't know how long it'll last, but I do know that something isn't right with this whole eloping thing and I also know that if the love is real between you two, then you better get your lives right before trying to let that love back in." Lance added, the contentment departed and the anger subtle.

Arms wrapped around Lance's neck and pulled him close. "Brave words fom a beautiful man." Bryce whispered into Lance's ear. He pulled him away from the conflict, away from the bubble of tension and down the hall toward their room. "Please, don't get mad." Lance pleaded as Bryce kicked open their door. Lance closed his eyes, scared of looking down the hall to see Nikki standing alone with JC and Nick. "I couldn't be mad at you, Jamesy. You did the right thing and that's why I love you." Bryce said cooly, holding Lance a little closer as they slipped into their room and away from the anger.

JC looked upon Nikki, the heartache in her eyes and the loveless in her appearance. He wanted to reach out to her and apologize for the pain, but he couldn't. His rainbow was fading and there was not another cloud of storm to bring back the colors. The cold air was creeping upon him and she could no longer provide the heat. She sniffled softly and turned her eyes down to the ground. "I love you with all of me and you hurt me again, Josh.

Don't try to love me anymore." Nikki choked out. She looked up, small tears clouding her eyes. JC wanted to see those green eyes one more time. He desired to taste that love for one more second. "I know now why they wrote 'You Can't Touch Me Now' for me. You. It's always you and I can't walk down that road one more time." Nikki whimpered. She wiped a few tears from her eyes and sighed.

Nikki turned her focal point on Nick. She hated him, there was no denying it. "Nick, I don't know how to say this to you any easier, but you're just sex and a good time. You'll never be able to provide that love and understanding that I did for him. He ran to me, not you and soon enough, you'll see what it's like to love him and get hurt." Nikki said bitterly. She stomped away from them, slipped into her room, and slammed the door. She closed the door on them and on what she once shared with the man that was meant for her.

JC heard a few more smiffles, closer to him. He instinctively wrapped his arms around Nick's waist and hugged him. He felt Nick's tears pierce through the fabric of his T-shirt. The tears were hot and filled with aggravation. JC kissed the top of Nick's head and allowed him to cry. "All I wanted was to be your husband. I didn't want to divide us from everyone." Nick sobbed out. JC clutched onto Nick and kissed his ear for comfort. "It doesn't matter because I love you Nickie Chasez. Even if it wasn't the way I wanted it to be, I don't want this to go away, okay? We're going to have to work this out, babe, but you'll still be my Nickie Chasez." JC assured his new husband, swallowing his pride and accepted what was. JC was married, he eloped, he had to tell his family, and he was holding Nick, the man he had to accept as his husband.


--- There it is and there you go! So you can tell me how you feel, how confused you are, and what you expect next or you can just say how much you enjoyed it and leave it at that! LOL I'll say that I really enjoyed writing this section as I did with the previous two. I'm getting a lot of different emotions out and I like that. I'll try and get the Christmas chapter out before New Years (Don't hold me to it!) and then after that, I'll be working on 'Heartache.' Heartache will be the year 2001's 'December.' It'll be based around Valentine's Day and I'm working out a bunch of different storylines for it. Not sure what'll fly and what won't, but I hope it gets as much acclaim as December did. And who knows, the story might end with a new bundle of joy for one couple? You never can tell, but I expect at least two couples to breakup and one couple to get together and I might even breakup one marriage. Keep in mind, four couples are married now!

I just saw the movie with Justin in it (Model Behavior) and he's sooooo cute! I've got a brand new love for him and Brian because of pictures I've been finding of the two on the Internet. They are so sexy ya'll! Oh yeah, I totally support Justin and Britney's relationship. They're a cute couple (But deep down, I want him with Brian). So haters, stop hating and start motivating! Also, someone made a nice drawing of Brian and Justin for me, finally. I'm asking if there are any artists or if you know someone that can draw, PLEASE draw pics of Brian and Justin and send them to me! I always appreciate that and will let others know of your work if you want. Bare with me, enjoy this section, and let me know how you feel about it. I feel like I'm forgetting something and I probably am, but oh well. Big shoutouts to Daniel, Miriam, Jim, and a few others for giving me detailed letters about what they like and dislike! I appreciate it! Okay, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Next: Chapter 71: Jm Announcement

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