Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Mar 6, 2000


Just Beginning (Chapter 51) Written by JM

*** 'Just when I thought I was to be alone forever...' This is the continuation to the series 'Brian & Justin'. This story involves a romance between celebrities, mainly that of Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync). If you are offended by this kind of material, please do not read this series. If you have not read the first series, please do not read this one yet. I'd like you to know the story of Brian and Justin's saga. Otherwise, enjoy as we continue to drift into the lives of Brian & Justin and their friends. Any comments about the story, please send them to: ***

*** Welcome to the second chapter of 'Brian & Justin', perfectly titled by David as 'Just Beginning'. I do hope you like this series and I hope to bring you as much joy and sorrow as the first series. As always, read stories like 'N Sync Love', 'Lost And Found', 'BSB and 'N Sync' and 'The One' for a good storyline. Special thank you to Leprechaun. Read 'Bad Boy B-Rok' for his work of art. Special thank you's to some of my friends also: Adam, Rick, Jason, Brian and Netboy. And very special thanks goes to all of my OLD & NEW READERS! I love you dearly for your support. The BIGGEST thank you goes to David at Nifty for his continuous support. As always, enjoy and hopefully, you won't be disappointed. So now, the story is 'Just Beginning...' ***

"Hello, I'm Jon Norris, it's January seventh and this is your MTV News break where we bring you news every ten minutes before the hour. Just announced late yesterday, Jive Records is holding a special three-night concert event in Hawaii at the end of this month. The acts slated to perform, well little girls you can stop holding your breath, because you've been waiting for this. The concert will feature the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync and Britney Spears who are all Jive acts now. Despite 'N Sync's previous problems with their former labels Trans Continental Records, owned by the ill-famed Lou Pearlman, and RCA Records, 'N Sync will be featured with the Jive lineup. No surprises that Britney Spears will appear also to promote her forthcoming album, which is titled 'Just Britney', and will be released in early March. And of course no Jive event would be complete without the Backstreet Boys who were almost going to pull out from the label in October and November. All parts of that deal have been settled. The concert will be held on the twenty-ninth, thirtieth and thirty-first of this month. This event will also be held around the same time as two Backstreet Boys and one member of 'N Sync's birthdays. Joey Fatone celebrates his twenty-third birthday on the twenty-eighth as does Nick Carter who celebrates his twentieth. While on the thirty-first of January, Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync will celebrate his nineteenth birthday.

The supporting act at the concert will be the all female group Innosense who have appeared as an opening act for all three headliners. While in Hawaii, the group will film their first and possibly second videos from their debut CD which will be due out in mid-March on RCA Records, 'N Sync's former label. While Britney and the others are in Hawaii, the concert goers will not get a chance to invade their privacy as they'll be under high security. The concert goers might catch them outside of hotel life, but on rare chances. This is also a final vacation for the groups as each will be heading to separate promotional events to support their albums. Also, the Backstreet Boys will begin production on their third album which is tentatively titled 'Standing Alone'. Word from the BSB camp is that A.J., Brian and Howie will each contribute a song each to the new album that they've been working on. And the group will travel to Sweden to work with famous producer Max Martin in the next couple months. Tickets for the Hawaiian event are onsale now. Stay tuned to MTV for further updates."

Two days had passed since the announcement. Life had settled fairly. The aftermath of the events in December remained quiet and distant for everyone.

Sunday night was a more versatile night. There was no rain outside, but inside of hearts storms still brewed. New Years had come and left as easily as the breeze. Celebrations were found in families and not with lovers. It was a night of subtle fear, but family togetherness. Now mending the past was a resolution on many tongues. A chance for a possible resolvement was a secret wish while others still searched for explanations in the breakup of their friends' relationships.

January ninth was no break from this sacred promise. It was the birthday of a Backstreet Boy and family and friends gathered to celebrate A.J.'s twenty-second birthday. The semi-joyous occasion was being held in a centralized party room of the Baha Beach Club in Orlando. The room was zipped up tightly, preventing press from circulating inside from the club. The event was kept secretive from all media to prevent any of the attendants from feeling awkward. A.J.'s mother, Denise McLean, made sure to arrange all the significant details. She was cautious on who to invite and who to inform about the party. She made sure that each of A.J.'s friends could attend with no problems or harassment from the public.

One particular attendant that Denise McLean refused to let the public eye look down upon was A.J.'s girlfriend, Amanda Latona. Amanda sat at the main table for the guest of honor. She felt uncomfortable in her clothing and the way she appeared, but she withheld any complaints so that her boyfriend could enjoy his birthday celebration. Yet she still felt like the green dress in a room of black tuxedos. This feeling caused her to remain distant from the guests at the party. Her vivid blue eyes never met with anyone for too long and her topics of discussion were brief and pointless to her. It only created another enigma in the way others saw Amanda.

Across from Amanda at the well dressed, round table was her close friend, Nikki DeLoach. Nikki lingered in the silence that Nikki created. She was unfazed by it. Nikki had become accustom to silence and patience. Throughout the weeks she's been a single woman, she stopped and took in there world again. She no longer pressed all of her feelings on one person, but rather everyone. Though there were moments when Nikki felt the need to cry over the lost relationship she had with Kevin Richardson, she halted herself. Her eyes saw a brighter light with time.

Nikki's eyes were now locked on a sight that amazed her. While her fingers carefully laced pieces of her silky brown hair behind her left ear her lustrous emerald eyes stared upon the object wrapped around Amanda's left ring finger. "I still can't believe it." she commented with a hush. Amanda's head broke it's stiff position to turn and attain further words from her friend. "You can't believe what, Nik'?" Amanda asked meddlesomely.

She could feel Nikki's eyes prying on her ring. She smiled foolishly. Nikki brought her eyes up with an equally silly grin. "I can't believe that dork, Alex, asked you to marry him." Nikki managed to speak out. Amanda shrugged and then let her own eyes admire the ring. "Careful Nikki.... that dork is the father of my child." Amanda chimed. She daintily held up her hand so that the diamond could glimmer in the smoky light. She tilted her head with admiration. "It's not so much about the ring... it's that, well I don't know. A.J. has really matured in these last months. He's really a man now, he's truly there for me. It could be the simple boyfriend thing and all of that, but he's really taking this role seriously." Amanda gushed out with her own reasonable stance. Nikki propped her chin on her hand and sighed. She longed for something similar to what her friend had. "Alex is truly something else now, Amanda." Nikki agreed without hesitation. Her eyes were human green, but in the light there was a hint of envy in them. It was understandable, for Nikki.

"Well we'll see how well this works when we're parents." Amanda said without her blossoming smile. She now glared at her stomach. She was due in a week to give birth to her first child. It was an unplanned pregnancy. It was an unplanned nine months. Everything happened as the dice fell. Nothing was expected and nothing was rejected. Amanda knew in her heart that she wasn't prepared for motherhood. Many nights, the thought scared her. Her eyes floated up to Brian and Justin Littrell. She could relate with them. They were new parents and learning everything on the way. She admired them for being husbands and adopting a child. She recognized the fear that each could suffer. Their child could question the absence of a mother in his life, but Amanda had confidence in Brian and Justin. She also knew that she and A.J. could become closer to Brian and Justin as both couples enter parenthood.

Nikki's eyes flickered with a human interest. "I think parenthood is an interesting experience for everyone." Nikki commented with a gregarious look. Amanda twirled one of her manicured nails in her raven black hair and then laughed softly. "I'll have to ask Just and Bri." she remarked. She kept a ginger smile when looking at them. "Yeah, you might want to do that." Nikki agreed lowly. She parted her lips for another sigh, grabbing Amanda's interest. Amanda saw the somber expression filling Nikki's face. Her thin eyebrow arched with intrigue. "And maybe you might want to discuss a certain incident previous to Christmas with your ex?" Amanda advised Nikki without reservation in her voice. Nikki curled her lip at the suggestion. "It is nowhere near his business... Kevin does not need to know that I could have been carrying his child." Nikki snapped softly, preventing any others from hearing her. Amanda remained relentless with her guilt-filled stare. "Sounds so familiar." Amanda said with sarcasm. Nikki rolled her eyes promptly. She knew she was escaping the questioning by bringing guilt back to Amanda, but she feared with words she spoke. "I think I heard a friend of mine say it before." Nikki added, glancing down at the table. Amanda nodded, lifting her eyes from Nikki. She toyed with her ring while letting Nikki sulk more. "All I'm saying is that you have to resolve the issues before you can cancel the subscription." Amanda said encryption. Nikki's frolicking, green eyes pounded on her. Amanda gave her a puzzling stare, letting her eyes float off to approaching patrons.

Nikki followed her lead and looked to her side. With an unexpected appearance, J.C. and Brian edged near the table. Their conversation was light, showing signs of fluffiness. Amanda tried to eavesdrop on some of the information traded between Brian and J.C. She failed in her meaningless attempt. Brian huffed, pulling out a chair next to Amanda. Amanda's head turned in his direction while Nikki kept a slaved stare with J.C. Amanda pushed a few strands behind her ear and then gave Brian a quirky expression.

"What's wrong?" she asked as expected. Brian looked over the room, a sullen expression gripping his thin face. He finally let his body relax when he took a seat in the plush chair. "There's never any rest for the weary." he complained roughly. He lightly massaged his temples with his fingers, trying to concentrate on greater things than what was hampering his mind. Amanda searched for clues in his actions. "Would it have anything to do with the Backstreet Boys or life in general?" Amanda hunted for less broader topic. Brian scratched his smooth, chiseled cheek before turning his head in her affirmed direction. "It's about us already working on a new album. We just released our fourth single from this album and we're going to release a fifth single in like two months. Plus the process is so long... and well, it's more time away from my family." Brian brooded, showing signs of depression with the end of his sentence. His ghostly blue eyes burned in the shadows. Amanda pouted a frown. "I heard that Max already had like five songs done for you guys." Amanda recollected. Brian lowered his brow. "That's five songs that we have to figure out the arrangements and take a good two weeks to record. Then we have to submit them to the label and see if they're any good." Brian explained the process in which the Backstreet Boys slaved through two years prior.

The long, grueling work they place into their albums was not attractive despite the expected success. Brian loathed lonely nights in hotel rooms, long days in studio booths, and dinner that consisted of nothing but take out. He knew each of his friends only enjoyed the few moments they had to glance around Sweden's beautiful and gentle atmosphere. Brian also did not look forward to traveling to different studios within the United States. He expectations were low. His mind reflected on being away from Justin on tour. The added stress was that he would now leave behind his husband and his son. The life of a Backstreet Boy was less appealing when the thought of being away from family entered Brian's mind. He only had one other that could empathize, that was soon-to-be-father A.J.

"But don't you have a song you just finished a demo for yesterday?" Amanda asked, trying to brighten the raucous environment. Brian twitched his nose.

He nodded with a brighter hue in his cheeks. "Me and A.J. worked on songs yesterday." Brian responded, adding to information Amanda was already aware of. He cleared his throat softly, searching the room for Justin's image. "Did you write this song about Justin again?" Amanda inquired with a timid appearance. Her hands rested on her stomach, calming her lively child. She scrunched her face with a small pain. "Uhm, sort of. I wrote it out of a general feeling of loneliness I felt... like since before December." Brian stated with his soft, Southern accent. "Before you got Angel, huh?" Amanda became more inquisitive. Brian nodded again, lowering his head a little. "Before I was back here... with Justin and all." Brian pressured out his words. A hoarse lump laid in his throat. Amanda was able to commiserate with what Justin felt when Brian was away. Inches brought shivers and miles brought tears, leaving Amanda in an unsure state concerning the situation.

Nikki watched J.C. while he sat dazed. "I guess we're pretty much in the same state." Nikki remarked quietly. She thread her fingers through her brown hair while her words drew J.C.'s attention. Neither could deny their fondness for each other, though time had proven their fondness did not affect their friendship in a direct way. "When it's all over, you've gotta know who you can lean on." J.C. offered a piece of puzzling advice. Nikki caught on quickly to J.C.'s whimsical personality. "Are you recovering well?" Nikki questioned with a mild intrigue. J.C. took in a portion of his lower lip after hearing the question. "As best as can be, as they say." J.C. murmured out. His innocent blue eyes showed rings of guilt and regret.

However, J.C.'s heart did not stir from its stone position. "It never fails... just when you think something's going good, it ends." Nikki uttered. J.C. nodded with total agreeance. "Things aren't always what you expect." J.C. added. He rested a hand on the table, watching Amanda and Brian's continuing conversation.

Depression was now a dulled state. J.C. was now a survivor with only reflections on the past. "I never did understand the full explanation for you and Nick's breakup." Nikki pried as a friend. J.C. managed a small laugh. "Ditto." J.C. nodded, drawing his view downward again. Nikki licked her red slicked lips and crumbled her brow. "I don't think we've decided on the basic terms of our breakup... or 'break' as I once called it." J.C. hummed. Nikki folded her hands on the table, disturbed. "Well Nick still calls it a break to let you think." Nikki remarked, informing J.C. of past information. J.C. sighed subsequently. "Me and Nick aren't quite on the same level anymore." J.C. remarked without reservation. He became more disillusioning for Nikki with each sentence. She carefully scratched her cheek and allowed J.C. to remain in his sullen ways.

"And what about you and Mr. Richardson? I don't think I got the story on that one." J.C. made a smooth transition to the next subject, throwing his wild car into the game of love. Nikki puckered her lips as to release words, while nothing slithered out. "All I know is it has something to do with him cheating or something..." J.C. was reaching. Nikki needed no assistance to see it. She was going to have to respond to the inevitable question that she kept between herself, Amanda, A.J., Leigh Ann Wallace and her ex-boyfriend. "Basically, and to sum it all up, Kevin and Leigh Ann slept together and I found them on Christmas Eve. Kevin had no explanation or alibi for his actions. So I called it off and I haven't talked to him since." Nikki blurted out, revealing her true spite. Her words were emphasized with a sharp knife-like tongue. Remorse was a trait Nikki left within J.C. "And he never said that he loved me for an apology." Nikki whispered her small inkling of true lamentation.

Nikki's awkward green eyes sustained clear tears. She was stubborn. She could feel the warmth of J.C.'s hand soon resting on her folded hands. She lifted her face, seeing his image as the 'white knight'. "You two haven't said anything to each other? Not even in passing?" J.C. pondered. Nikki sighed incorrigibly. She was not defeated by the question. She was only angered greater with the question. "Josh, I don't want to talk to him. I barely want to see him. He gave up a lot that day and defeated my purpose for loving him." Nikki brooded. She turned her head to the side, ignoring her romantic side. She could feel J.C.'s hand massaging hers. "I know the feeling." his words caressed her earlobe. She felt the honesty in his speaking. Despite their differences when it came to romances, J.C. and Nikki walked the labyrinth together.

Amanda eyed Nikki and J.C. with her own rabbit curiosity. She watched as J.C.'s hand glided kindly over Nikki's hands. She studied the looks in Nikki's eyes and the gentleness in J.C.'s expression. It was intriguing, but mysterious to her. "J.C., what happened to that song you wanted me to listen to a couple of weeks ago?" Brian's soft, country voice broke Nikki and J.C.'s quiet, intimate moment. J.C. drew his hand back hesitantly. There was a place near her he felt comfortable. He coughed a little, making his eyes look at Brian. "Uhm, I canned it." J.C. replied, dawdling. Brian raised his right eyebrow. He was perplexed by J.C. "You canned it?" he furthered his questioning. J.C. grabbed a glass of wine that sat on the table. He took a quick sip, resisting his memories of the song he had written. He nodded briskly after lowering the glass. "It had no purpose for me, except sour memories." J.C. explained his decision. His reasons were justified, but only to himself. His comment was depressing to Brian. Brian knew J.C. and Nick had ended their relationship and he only felt a selfish sympathy for Nick.

Nikki's stare with him was ageless. She was confident in her glare, but indifferent in her view of J.C. Her perplexity left her disillusioned to the actions surrounding her. "And has daddy written a song for his Lil' Littrell?" Amanda questioned in a cooing voice. Brian gave her a quirky smile. "Actually Amanda, I'm Dad. Justin's Daddy." Brian commented coyly. A bright gleam circled Brian's face when he spoke of his son. "Aaaww, that's cute." Amanda gabbed. Brian rolled his eyes at her sentimental behavior. "Is your baby doing well?" Amanda asked out of simple wonder. "Timber's doing fine. He's learned to sit up the other day." Brian responded with a quirky voice. Amanda nodded as she listened. "He's adjusting to being with new parents?" J.C.'s voice was added to the conversation. Brian brought his focal point to J.C. J.C. smiled tenderly. "Yeah, he's doing good actually. He's really taking a liking to Just... and he's already used to being around me." Brian responded. J.C., Amanda and Nikki were still accommodating to Brian and Justin's sudden parenthood. They were informed of the miracle on Christmas morning, but it still left them in surprise. "Baby Angel is a real cutie." Nikki remarked with her cuddling-soft voice. She tapped her nails on the table with her own dreams of motherhood. Amanda, however, lived with the thought as she felt another rocking of her body. She curled her lips. She wavered it as another problem she was having with the foods she ate. 'No more shrimp for you.' Amanda thought out, thinking of her unborn child.

Brian sat up a little straighter. He smiled confidently. He was pleased with his friends support of his coming into fatherhood. "Oh, that reminds me... I need to call Lynn and check up on Timber." Brian spoke out suddenly.

He quickly reached into his coat pocket and fished for his cellular phone.

He was rushed to receive an update on his son. Amanda watched him with a fuzzy expression. Her face grimaced for a second. Nikki watched J.C., seeing the articulate listlessness drawn into the cracks and curves of his face. She purred softly. She wasn't sure whether to sigh with annoyance or to exhale with faith. 'It's like watching Kevin.' she thought to herself, seeing qualities of her ex-boyfriend running through J.C.'s spirit.

"Hello mom... yeah, it's Brian. How's the baby?" Brian began his conversation, standing and excusing himself from the table. As Brian walked away, a loud sigh broke J.C.'s stiff lips. The sound automatically drew Nikki's unending attention. "Is there a problem J.C.?" Amanda asked with contention. J.C. let his head droop. "I'll never have that." he blurted out, staring cautiously at Brian. Amanda arched her eyebrow. "You'll never have what? A cellular phone?" Amanda asked quickly, catching what J.C. stared at. J.C. shook his head quickly, frustrated. "I'll never have that... I'll never have what Brian has." J.C. griped. He slammed his hand onto the table, his silence broke permanently. Nikki folded her hands again. "What dose Brian have that you want?" she asked with her friendship reaching. She was convicting herself. "With Nick, I'd never be able to call Jane and say, 'Hey mom.' It just couldn't happen. His mother would never accept me like that." J.C. mentioned. He was sorrowful. He rubbed his nose. He searched for a way to keep his mind occupied. "Maybe it was better that I ended it so that one day I could find someone where the relationship is a little more intimate than what happens in the bedroom." J.C. proposed a solution to his sorrows.

Nikki leaned in his direction. She stared at him with her simplistic doubt. "You can't tell me that there weren't good aspects to being with Nick." Nikki jested with him. J.C. gave her a pondering expression. He could not deny his thoughts or past emotions. True laid in his heart and memories. "Well... he did know how to make me smile with the little things." J.C. exasperated. Nikki nodded, feeling confident in his expression. Amanda rolled her eyes in rebellion. "Okay, you can get those qualities in a puppy, J.C. There has to be something strong that stood out that made you love Nick the way you did." Amanda debated without resistance.

J.C. was not offended, but dubious to her challenge. He cleared his throat softly. His silvery blue eyes sketched the table with nervousness. "Uhm, I... I think it was the way... well I really liked the way I could lay in the bed with him and just whisper things to him and he'd fall asleep in my arms. Whether we had a hard day... or we didn't feel so great or whatever. I could simply whisper in his ear and he'd forget all the little, petty troubles." J.C. gushed unconsciously. The bittersweet memories flooded his brain and numbed his subconscious.

J.C.'s answer seemed to please Amanda in a pseudo-cupid form. His blushing cheeks pleased her even more. "Even when you think that things are over, there's always some thing good about your old boyfriend or lover. Once you feel that love rush over you the first time, the memories don't fade from your scrap book." Amanda spoke as poetically as a Victorian poet. She tossed her strands of hair aside, watching J.C.'s stiff movement. He agreed with her in a silent form. It was enough for Amanda to watch pieces of suffering leave J.C.'s gray-blue eyes. She understood fairly well the scars that fell along with losing trust in a lover.

Nikki turned her head to ignore the emotions she felt for herself. Pride was a must for young adults, but the past was a realm of unknown escape. "But then there's bad qualities and broken promises that can destroy what you had..." J.C.'s voice interrupted Nikki's private moment. Her face returned to it's position to watch J.C.'s face. His chiseled cheeks flexed with anger, promoting Nikki to search for what J.C. stared at. Her eyes grasped hold of the vision that ignited J.C.'s irritation. She focused on the image of Nick Carter holding a champagne glass and with a substance inside that resembled beer. The obvious white foam at the top of the drink confirmed Nikki and J.C.'s suspicions. J.C. shook his head fleetly. Disappointment was an understatement for him. Nikki felt the same repulsion toward him. She could see that Nick was not passing the drink along to a friend or holding it for anyone, he was intended on taking a sip. "Promises are just words," J.C. commented airily. Nikki found no words for an argument. "I should have known not to expect too much of him." J.C. grumbled more words with a wrath that accompanied his sharp tongue. "Well I would say that he's just having a drink to celebrate Alex's birthday, but then I'd be giving him the benefit of the doubt after all he's done. It'd be rather hypocritical of me to demand he make a promise not to drink and then let him do it now." Nikki proposed a puzzled solution. J.C. sighed heavily after her statement.

Amanda tapped her plate of food with her nails. She too was disgruntled. She sighed after J.C. She could feel the tension J.C.'s body released. Her lips touched her tongue as she glossed them to control her disapproval. "It had better be a rough period for him if he's going back on what he promised to all of us." Amanda demanded with peering eyes. Amanda forced herself to look at another setting, fearing her anger would distress her pregnancy. She did not want to bring judgment into the relationship of Nick and J.C. Though she was unsure of where their road led to, her intuition showed her signs of separate highways.

Amanda's blinking blue eyes watched Brian and Justin approach the table with mild smiles. 'Ah, some relief.' she thought as they inched near the table. Her eyes squinted again and her fists gripped shut. She was uncomfortable once more. She listened to the sounds of the party to try and draw her mind from what she felt.

The party was still lively with its guests celebrating their amicable host, A.J. McLean's birthday. Brian stood behind a chair he had just pulled out. A patient expression dressed his face. He awaited movement. Nikki's eyes enlarged while watching the actions to follow. Amanda and J.C. too watched with admiring eyes. Justin looked at the awaiting chair and a loving smile touched his ruby red lips. "For me?" Justin asked shyly, Brian's image twinkling in his azure eyes. Brian nodded on cue. It was an unexpected question, but a reasonable one for Brian. Justin edged near the chair and then stood with his legs touching it. He leaned to his side and soon his lips caressed Brian's well defined cheekbone. Brian blushed immediately, the discomfiture of his friends looking on him adding to the flushing on his cheeks. "Thank you babe." Justin said lowly after his lips parted from his husband's cheek. Brian nodded as a gentleman and pushed the chair in for Justin as he sat.

Amanda propped her elbow on the table and then rested her chin in her palm. She was still gawking at the pair as Brian took a seat. Nikki and J.C. had ended their stares for an opportunity for conversation. "It is so good to see that chivalry is not dead." Amanda breathed out. Brian felt the embarrassment rising again inside of him. He placed his glass on the table.

"That's Sir Brian for you." Nikki teased her friend, ruffling his dirty blonde hair with her hand. Brian gave her a cheeky smile before resting his left hand on the table. Soon Justin's right hand rested on top of it. The eyes continued to admire the couple. Nikki sighed to herself. 'Man, they may have had their problems... but they are still the utopia of couples.' Nikki thought with a pensive appearance. She felt pieces of her hair brisk over her shoulders, but her attention was never strayed.

"Just out of curiosity, Brian... what are you drinking tonight?" J.C. started a conversation, searching for an improved argument. Brian looked up to J.C. and then lowered his brow. He looked at his champagne glass, inspecting it's contents. He decided to look back at J.C. and avoid any questionable looks from Justin. "Water. What else would I drink?" Brian asked, his own curiosity sparked. J.C. nodded with a growing smile. His head turned toward Amanda and Nikki. "He's drinking water, ladies. They're serving all sorts of drinks tonight, but Brian is drinking water." he boasted. Amanda rolled her eyes with an exhausted groan. Nikki shook her head. She was not apart of the dispute J.C. tried to create.

Brian and Justin looked at all three with a confused look. Justin rubbed Brian's hand with his palm, trying to think of a logical question. "Is there something wrong with the water?" Justin finally coaxed out an inquiry.

Nikki gave a mild shaking of her head, raising her hand a little. "No, nothing at all. Joshua here is trying to justify his argument that maybe it was best that he parted ways with Nick." Nikki gave them a brief answer, one that led to more questions in Justin and Brian's minds. Brian felt uneasy with the forthcoming discussion. He leaned back slightly in his seat to admire the environment and draw from any words of distaste. "Well Peaches, if my ex-boyfriend over there wasn't so quick to chug a beer after our breakup, maybe I wouldn't be so cocky about making him look bad." J.C. gave a sharp, but educated response to her comment. Nikki was annoyed and her actions showed it as she turned her body in another direction. "I prefer look at him as your estranged boyfriend." Brian stepped into dangerous territory with his words. Justin was an opponent that Brian did not desire facing, but he felt the need to defend his friend. Justin's hand, however, stood steadfast on Brian's.

J.C. peered at Brian. "Is that the same 'estranged boyfriend' that did not call me on New Years or even call me to see if I was showing up tonight?" J.C. questioned Brian with the tone of a district attorney. Justin sucked on his lower lip, keeping neutral. He awaited his husband's rebuttal with the patience of a bud awaiting the spring weather. "According to Frack, you put things to a halt for awhile. So that generally means that he has to wait for you to make the first call." Brian argued softly. His Southern drawl never faded. J.C. leaned over the table a little more. Brian watched the vein in his forehead flex a little. He wasn't nervous or fazed. "Even as a friend, you should at least call. Justin called me for New Years. I even talked to you and Angel. Joey, Chris and the others called. Even Lance called me." J.C. debated. He questioned if his own reasons were justified. He didn't let his conscience's battle interrupt his dispute with Brian. 'Lance? Is J.C. really this blind?' Justin thought as the small war continued. "So he didn't call you on New Years. Did you call him? Did you bother to try and get a hold of him during Christmas or even after that?" Brian argued, his temper raising an octive.

J.C.'s lips parted again to respond, but he was stopped by the silence of the music that had filled the room. He held onto his words and let them rest in his throat while glancing around to find out the reason for the sudden silence. He rested back in his seat, his head glancing around the entire room as the lights dimmed a little. Mild conversations continued, but the general feeling was of silence.

Amanda too looked around, confused on what was to come next. She was not well informed of the surprises Denise McLean had planned. She felt a growing distance between her and Denise, brought on by Amanda's silence to A.J. about her medical history. "Is something up?" Amanda heard a smoky voice speak into her ear, causing her to shudder a little. She felt a hand graze over her shoulder before someone took a seat next to her. The faint smell of nicotine made her face crumble with disapproval. "You might as well quit the habit now because you're not smoking around the baby, Alex." Amanda hissed, turning her head a little so her eyes could capture the image of her fiance. The sound of his rough cough, only drew her eyes away again.

"Aaaww, Panda, you know I'd never subject our child to that." A.J. responded with a hint of hurt in his raspy voice. Amanda curled her lip. "I'm amazed at a lot of the things you're capable of, Alex McLean." Amanda grumbled, exhaling lowly when feeling more pressure inside of her lower body. A.J.. leaned his head in her direction, trying to rest his head on her shoulder as others awaited upcoming events. Amanda leaned in the same direction to prevent her fiancee from edging to close to her. "You know I love it when you're sassy, Manda." A.J. cooed at her. She merely grimaced again, finding herself with greater uneasiness.

"Hello? Test... test... is this sucker on?" Denise McLean's voice rang over the speakers of the room. Everyone's eyes soon flocked to her, a silence hushing everyone in the room. Denise smiled as a spotlight fell on her. She held the microphone nervously. Her years as being a public affairs representative for the Backstreet Boys kept her behind desks and phones. Now the stares of many held her frozen in her spot. Though she was an outgoing woman, she now felt like the Whoopi Goldberg trapped in the telephone booth. "Uhm, first of all I want to thank all of you for coming out tonight. I know it's hard for all of us to come together like this... especially with what's been happening around and all. It just feels really good to know that we have people able to help and support us like you have. And especially support my knucklehead son, Alexander." Denise started her speech, drawing an applause from everyone and cheers here and there. A.J. felt pats on his back from all angles, causing him to blush. "It's rough dealing with the paparazzi and all of the drama they like to bring... and I want to thank you all for at least acknowledging them outside and still being here and celebrating A.J.'s birthday with us." Denise added, bringing forth more ovation. Denise smiled toward her son who returned it with a greater amount. His Cheshire appearance caused her to laugh softly. "It's good to be in this new millennium and I uhm, I want to make a toast." Denise remarked. After her words had entered the microphone and echoed through the room, she lifted her champagne glass. Others soon followed and mimicked her. Denise felt a little more comfortable with the friends and acquaintances in the room. "To my son, Alexander James McLean... may your twenty-second and every birthday to follow be one of love, blessings, joy, wisdom, understanding and may your everlasting humor, charity, motherly good looks and wit live on with each year." Denise announced with a sincere tone.

A small burst of laughter followed before a unison voice said, "Here, here."

A.J. blushed again while everyone else took a sip of their beverage. Amanda gave in to her own desire and placed her arms around A.J.'s small neck for a smooth hug. A.J. grinned and placed one of his lean, tattoo-covered arms around her figure. He felt her lips pressed against his cheek for a kiss, adding to the sensation of affection. He gave a wave to friends that pleaded for his attention while he and his fiancee treasured the embrace. "Speech!" a group of voices ordered of A.J. A laughter came from inside of Amanda and A.J.'s hug. "The public calls." Amanda whispered to him as she felt the fond embrace ending. While Amanda pulled away, A.J.'s red lips touched her forehead. The bristles of his goatee ran against her smooth skin. He ran a hand over her reddish-black hair before standing up from his chair.

A.J. fixed his attire accordingly and raised his hands to silence beckoning from the masses. The spotlight drifted from Denise, circling the crowd and then landed on A.J. He grabbed his glass and raised it up. "Well thank you mommy for your kind and highly underdone praising of me." A.J. began with a joke that brought in many snickers. A.J. laughed with his own joke. "I especially liked the part about 'motherly good looks'." A.J. added, eyeing his mother with a grin. She nodded toward him to acknowledge him. He held his hand steady while prepping the words he wanted to speak. He looked down to Amanda for a minute. She smiled up at him, giving the impression of a happy and satisfied woman. "Well I also want to thank all of you for coming here tonight. I know some of you would prefer be in other places right now, but guess what? You're not. So deal with it." A.J.'s sarcasm was perpetual. "But there is one person, besides myself, that I'm really happy is here tonight. And that's my girl, Amanda." A.J. said with as much affection as his slender body could muster. A light acclaim rose up in the room. Amanda gleamed with beauty and pride on the exterior. Other emotions and events occurred on the interior. "It's been a rough climb, but I think I finally made it to the top. So I want to propose a toast." A.J. stated, raising his glass a little higher. The room followed in his actions, raising their half-full glasses. A.J. glanced down to Amanda again. He watched his reflection in her crystal blue eyes. Her glow was motherly. "To my fiancee and the mother of my first child, Amanda. May our lives together be as beautiful and glorious as I know our child will be. When we take those vows on March 24th, let the words we speak be from our hearts and eternal." A.J.'s voice was crisp, clear and filled with passion. Amanda was stiff and somewhat surprised with the words A.J. produced. She listened as friends and comrades said, "Here, here!" She traced her own cup, feeling far too touched to sip from it. The glasses tilted a little before everyone took a sip from their glasses.

A.J. crouched down a little and gave Amanda a small kiss on the lips. "Aaawww, that's cute!" Howie hollered from nearby. An ovation broke out in the room, supporting A.J.'s decision to finally marry his longtime girlfriend. "Way to go A.J.!" Brian joined in Howie's outburst. "Show 'em the rock Mrs. McLean!" Nikki demanded loudly, trying to embarrass the couple further. She laughed while drawing more attention on Amanda and A.J. Amanda rolled her eyes and held up her left hand a little for all the people to admire. Resting around her left ring finger was a fourteen carat, white gold engagement ring that had three round cut diamonds set in the middle. A fond gasp fell from a few lips while the rest cooed. As others concentrated on the beauty of the ring, Amanda thought of different things. Her mind drifted on to how A.J.'s mother, Denise McLean, had managed to convince her son that it would be best to get married in March instead of rushing things for a February ceremony. Amanda knew what she and A.J. wanted. They wanted a simple wedding. They wanted something that only close family and friends could attend. She now felt the grasp of her future mother-in-law on the wedding plans. This brought about unforeseen anger inside of her.

Amanda's musings gravitated away from her animosity when feeling her fiancee pull back from her. She opened her eyes subsequently and watched as A.J. returned to his normal standing position. Amanda licked her bottom lip, still tasting a hint of A.J. remaining. A.J. held onto Amanda's right hand, firmly. He raised his glass again. The eyes of his friends gawked at him with confusion. "I have one more toast actually... it's a much deserved one." A.J. announced loudly to bring back the attention of the attendants. Conversations silenced. The eyes of the people sitting at A.J.'s table were meddlesome. They searched for answers in A.J.'s movement. A.J. sighed with a hint of exhaustion running through his face. "I want to toast to two people who have really, really impressed me. Through it all. And as of recently, they've overcome a serious fight." A.J. announced, causing some to look around with wonder. 'Please don't let him bring up me and Kevin.' Nikki pleaded, ducking her head a little. 'Oh Lord, don't say me and Nick.' J.C. prayed, turning his head away from A.J.'s view. 'Oh, A.J.'s going to make a toast to me and Britney. What a nice guy.' Joey smiled, nodding at A.J. 'Maybe he'll help me get back with Peaches.' Kevin hoped, sighing softly. 'If he says one thing about me and that rat Howie, I'm throwing my champagne on him.' Danay brooded, using a smile to masquerade her emotions. 'Wow, I wonder what they put in these pina coladas.' Lance pondered in his slightly drunken state.

"I want to propose a toast to Brian and Justin. Uhm, I truly think they deserve it because they've done something most couples haven't or wouldn't have done. Brian and Justin are now the proud parents of their adopted son, Angel Littrell. That Lil' Littrell, he's a real cutie... and I think we should toast to them for thinking of someone, a child, that might have grown up without parents." A.J. said, finally wiping the suspicion from everyone's minds. Soon an agreed acclaim rose up in the room. Brian nervously nibbled on his lower lip. He felt Justin's arm slid around his shoulders and pull him closer. "So here's to two of my good friends and O-Town's newest and proudest parents, Brian and Justin." A.J. added to his previous statements. "Yeah, here here." J.C. agreed loudly, raising his glass a little higher. "Here, here!" a loud accord ripped through the room.

A.J. took a sip of his champagne with the others. While he was drinking, Brian stood from his chair. He inched past J.C.'s chair and then placed his hand on A.J.'s shoulder. A.J. lowered his glass and peered over his sunglasses to look at Brian. He could see a forming of tears in the corner of Brian's eyes. "Thanks man." Brian's voice was barely heard over the sounds of the celebration. A.J. turned a little and opened his arms to Brian, releasing Amanda's hand. Brian gladly stepped forward and fell into the embrace with A.J. A.J. began to rumple Brian's hair with his fingers. "Anytime dude, anytime. Just as long as Lil' Littrell gets to see the Bone Daddy once a week." A.J. laughed into Brian's ear, trying to shake off the effects of his sentimental side. "You've got it Bone." Brian laughed, ending their hug. He patted A.J.'s back a couple of times before pulling back fully. A.J. tapped Brian's jaw with his fist. "Congratulations Dad." A.J. offered a final compliment to his friend. "You too, Bone." Brian nodded, signaling toward Amanda and their unborn child. A.J. grinned and turned back to Amanda.

"Can we get some music ya'll?!" A.J. requested loudly, attempting to bring the party back to a livened state. Just as soon as his words were finished, 'I Only Have Eyes For You' by the Flamingos filled the room. "This is by request... so find that certain someone and let the slow jam taking over you." the DJ announced over his microphone. Soon movement began all around the room as some attempted to make it to the dance floor to enjoy the priceless, timeless song.

J.C. stood first from the table. He searched the room for a face. 'Where is he?' J.C. thought, his eyes tracing each inch of the room. Kevin stepped over to the table with a fearful look as J.C. backed away from the table. "Uhm, Nikki, could I have this dance?" Kevin shyly asked, offering his hand to her. Nikki looked up with a sudden surprise. She thought she may have been in disillusionment. She gave Kevin a dumb expression. She then looked around the table for some form of approval. A.J. was the first to nod while Amanda made motions for Nikki to stand. Nikki sighed and then pushed her chair back. She stood, frustration leading her guilded grimace. Her hand reached out and then laid in Kevin's. Kevin savored the soft touch. He was frozen for a second. He wanted some thing to stop time so that he could hold Nikki's hand again; so he could treasure the scent of her and the glow only she gave off. His wish was deferred. "Shall we?" she inquired, trying to coax movement from her ex-boyfriend. Kevin broke free of his solid state and nodded. He closed his hand around hers and then escorted her to the dance floor.

Brian walked over to Justin's chair and began to pull it out. He didn't speak, but his actions told of what he wanted. "Dance with me?" Brian solicited his husband with his lilting accent. He stood stiff behind the chair. He awaited Justin's response. Justin stood from his chair and then turned around to Brian. He pushed the chair aside while keeping a lock with Brian's appetizing blue orbs. "Gladly, Rocky." Justin replied with his own assuasive country accent. The two locked hands and Brian led Justin to the dance floor.

Brian and Justin found an agreeable spot in the middle of the dance floor.

Justin placed his hands on Brian's waist while Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's neck. Justin took the lead while the song's lyrics captivated everyone into an old-fashioned state. Brian rested his hand on Justin's shoulder, hugging his body tight with Justin's. They enfolded into each other's arms, keeping the heat directly between them. Justin kissed the top of Brian's head and began their swaying motion. "Just like the old days." Justin whispered as they danced.

My love must be a kind of blind love

I can't see anyone but you

Are the stars out tonight

I don't know if it's cloudy or bright

I only have eyes for you

Sho wop sho wop

Sho wop sho wop

J.C. walked across the floor in search of one sole person. Disappointment was beginning to reign over his face. 'Where is he?' J.C. pondered while looking past several couples. His attempt to find that one person was looking grim. He turned to his right and then to his left. There was still no sign. He sighed lowly. His hopes were fading with an unpredicted ending. He turned right once more to look and his eyes spotted his affection as couples parted on the dance floor. There, near the edge of the dance floor was Nick and Lance. The two were locked into a smooth embrace, dancing to the song's heartwarming melody. J.C.'s heart began to sink while watching them. They were happy dancing together. They weren't enemies, they were more. J.C. grew pale as neither of them took notice of him. 'What is he doing?' J.C. contemplated. The sight of them, together, brought upon illusions. The past was a constant boomerang for J.C. and there was no way J.C. could simply 'throw' it away.

"I'm sorry about... well you and Josh, you know, breaking up." Lance whispered to Nick while they danced together. Nick nodded, loathing the subject. "I'm the one that fucked up." Nick assured Lance, leaning his head against Lance's. Lance rubbed Nick's back while dancing, trying to soothe him. "I feel like it's my fault too, Nick. I shouldn't have gone to J.C. about it. I should have ignored all of my thoughts of you and just let you two be." Lance argued in a redeeming way. Nick played with Lance's ear, thinking of times he toyed with Lance's ear while they made love. He drifted in and out of reality. "No, it's okay Lance. I would have done the same had I been in your shoes. It's fair trade. I caused the breakup of you and J.C. involuntarily and you did the same for us. I've learned to deal with it." Nick replied in a mature way. He carefully ran his cheek next to Lance's, beginning to think of how he did the same to J.C. while they danced. Lance nibbled on his lower lip. "We both love him," Lance whispered to Nick, trying to be discrete. "Mmm hmmmm." Nick hummed. They sighed simultaneously. "And I think... we both love each other." Lance added with an indication of fear. Nick closed his eyes and danced a little closer to Lance. "It's scary how old feelings don't die as easily as you want them to." Nick agreed in his own way.

Lance placed his hands on Nick's hips as they began a subtle grind. "The question is... which feelings mean more to us?" Lance commented, keeping his eyes open. Nick did not wish to answer the question. He preferred be satisfied with what he had at the moment than what he could have in the future. "I don't know Lance, I don't think I really care at the moment," Nick responded after a period of time. Lance was uncomfortable with Nick's lighthearted look on life. "I do care that no matter what drama me and you have been through, and we've had our share... that we can still dance like this and feel what we used to feel." Nick stated with a confident voice. "It just means that whenever we're lonely..." Lance began to speak. "We'll always have each other." Nick finished his statement, bringing in a complicated piece of evidence into the trial of J.C., Lance and Nick. Lance felt a gasp wanting to escape from his lips, but he held it.

'You did this to yourself Lance. Bryce is gone.' rang through Lance's mind. The echoing sound of Johnny Wright sent shivers up Lance's spine. "I just don't think I should get involved again." Lance remarked with a shudder. Nick felt Lance's sudden shiver and wrapped his arms around his body. He hugged Lance while they danced. "No one said you had to Lance, it's okay. We just know that whenever we're alone and think we have no one..." Nick whispered into Lance's ear for the kindest consolation. "We'll always have each other." Lance choked out the words with a faded set of tears in his eyes. The tears were from the past. The past that existed before Christmas. The tears that were born after Lance decided to steal Bryce Winter's virginity before loving him.

Lance sniffled and clutched onto Nick a little tighter. The inside of his heart felt a burn. "Are you okay Lance?" Nick asked with a friendly concern. He could sense the trouble initiating inside of Lance. Lance rested his chin on Nick's shoulder and breathed out slowly. "Yeah... I'll be fine." Lance tried to assure him. He tried to assure himself that one day he would forgive himself for what he had done to Bryce. Unfortunately, Lance wasn't a good liar.

Kevin felt intimidated while dancing with Nikki. He felt like a pawn in the game to win Nikki's heart. "Did you, uhm, enjoy the time you spent with your family in Georgia?" Kevin tried to start a small conversation with her.

Nikki kept her eyes on all the other couples while she felt an eerie sense that everyone was in turn watching them. 'It's like they all know... they know what he did, who he was with.' the paranoia added to Nikki's stress. "Yes, I enjoyed what time I had with my family." Nikki replied without feeling. She kept her distance from him. She did not want him to invade her heart again. She allowed a silence to linger between them.

Kevin tried to inch a little closer to her. "Oh yeah, thanks for the Paco Rabanne cologne... you know, for Christmas." Kevin added, avoiding Nikki's desire for no communication. Nikki sighed on the inside. "You're welcome." Nikki replied, giving into feeling again. "How did you know I was out of it?" Kevin questioned her, moving his head a little so he could get a glimpse of her glittery green eyes. Nikki eluded him. "I remember when you used the last of it... that night we..." Nikki stopped herself. The reminiscent emotions captured her numb heart. She lowered her head a little, feeling ashamed. Kevin blushed a little. "That night we took that hot, bubble bath together." Kevin finished her sentence for her. The memories opened gates inside of Nikki that she tried to keep shut with iron chains. The visions of her and Kevin sharing a champagne glass in an ocean of ivory bubbles. The feeling of Kevin pinning up her hair as she relaxed her back against his chest. The warmth of the night encircled with the scent of his cologne. Each memory attacked her with a relentless mission.

Nikki pulled back. "Yeah, one night can make a difference, huh Kev'?" she said, pulling her hand from his. Kevin's eyes bore on her with disappointment. Nikki furrowed her brow when retrospection took over. She could not see why she left her boyfriend. Though he had a way with poetic words, he did not have a poetic heart. "Come to think of it, you should be dancing with Leigh Ann right now Kev'. I'm sure there's a way for you to sweep her off her feet and break her heart." Nikki declared with cold, vermilion eyes. She could no longer give Kevin the look he wanted. And as Kevin's lips began to speak words again, Nikki walked out of his life.

Nikki made a quick paced walk over the dance floor, making sure that Kevin did not try and catch her. She wanted to be strong, she couldn't break down once again. Nikki had to brave the dimension of brokenhearts. She waltzed with shaky feet to a section near the bar. She examined the area and found two friends she could hide near. However, Nikki couldn't hide from her heart. "Hey Nik', done dancing?" Mandy asked, leaning on the counter of the bar. Nikki nodded, avoiding the sight of the other couples dancing. Mandy gave Nikki a fuzzy look. 'She's not taking this Kevin breakup easy.' Mandy contemplated. "Aaawww, they are just so cute!" Danay announced, glaring at Britney and Joey as they danced together. Mandy looked up and away from Nikki to catch a glimpse of the sight. Mandy giggled to herself. "Well Miss Britney sure has tamed that shrew." Mandy remarked, the laughter still in her smile. Danay rolled her eyes and then took a sip of her champagne. "Joey's still a wild one." Danay commented, leaning back against the counter. Mandy twitched her nose. "It just depends on which card you play, D." Mandy noted. Danay nodded. She used her peripheral vision to keep a close watch on Nikki. Nikki stood stiff nearby. She showed no signs of communication. 'Poor girl.' Danay sighed to herself.

"Hey guys, uhm, where's Jenny tonight?" Nikki finally spoke up to draw on another subject. She rested a hand on the counter and looked around the room again. Her strength was returning slowly. Danay sucked air in through her teeth, showing disapproval in the topic. Nikki's curiosity was grasped by Danay's sudden bitter reaction. "She's sick." Mandy replied briskly. Danay wiped her head in Mandy's direction. "Yeah, she's sick of us supporting Amanda and A.J. you mean." Danay retorted. Mandy crumpled her face. 'Damn it.' she griped. "Danay, that can't be it. Jenny supports Amanda and A.J. just as she supports the group." Nikki muttered, finding disbelief in her friend. Danay was not impressed. "You're blind some times Nik'." Danay remarked, taking her eyes off of Nikki. Nikki crossed her arms, slightly angered by Danay's statement. Her anger drowned out her thoughts on Danay's perplexity.

"It sure is boring without Ms. Lynn." Mandy sighed out, trying to breakup the confrontation between her friends. Danay raised her eyebrows toward Mandy. Nikki soon found herself laughing. Mandy began to follow her in the laughter. "The only reason you miss Ms. Lynn is because you and her would spend half the night talking about people, from the way they dressed to who they've been dating." Nikki snickered out. "While Veronica and Amanda are usually dancing their asses off on the dance floor with some guys." Danay added with a promising smile. "And then don't forget how you two would always be the ones to go around and try to find celebrities." Mandy noted with a giggle. Nikki and Danay looked at each other and then smiled. Their sisterly bond was slowly returning. "The good old days." Nikki agreed, causing the others to slow their laughter. Danay lowered her drink and then placed it on the counter. "I think... I think I saw Brian Littrell over there somewhere." Danay said. Nikki returned a fuzzy smile. "And did you see what Joey's mother was wearing." Mandy scoffed, keeping a lingering grin. "Veronica sure is tearin' it up on the floor." Nikki pointed out. Each girl laughed. Danay threw her arm around Mandy's shoulders and Mandy placed her's around Nikki's. "Come on gals, we've still got it in us." Mandy suggested. Each girl agreed and soon they began their former ritual, a tradition that kept them together and kept them as Innosense.

Just Beginning (Chapter 52) Written by JM

"...and they lived happily ever after." Lynn Harliss spoke with a sincere voice as she closed the book who's spine read 'Cinderella'. She looked down upon a docile child who's baby blue eyes showed signs of innocence and withdrawal. Lynn frowned a little while looking at him. "What's wrong honey? Why aren't you happy?" Lynn asked him with a child-like tone. The child did not respond in any form. Lynn looked down to her watch, sighing. 'He's way past his bed time.' Lynn complained mentally. She placed the book with the others in a stack next to the chair. She adjusted the child in her lap and then sighed once more. "I don't know what to tell you sweetheart." Lynn said, rocking a little in the chair.

"You could tell him that his Daddy is right here." a voice interrupted their sullen mood. Lynn's head turned a little to the side as she watched her son, Justin Littrell, cross the room. She gave him a straight face, no emotion showing. "Hey there Bastian." Justin cheered, seeing his son resting in Lynn's arms. Angel Sebastian Timber Littrell may have seemed like a long name, but each name meant something to Justin and his husband, Brian. "Sorry we're a little late mom, we wanted to help Denise close things up a little." Brian stated as he entered the room. While Brian spoke, Justin lifted Angel from Lynn's lap and took the six-month old into his arms. Justin toyed with Angel's nose as Angel cooed at seeing Justin. "I wish you would have called. Me and Angel Sebastian have been through 'The Cat In the Hat', 'Winnie the Pooh', and 'Cinderella'." Lynn stated with a tinge of anger. She stood from the rocking chair and watched her son carefully cradle his son. "Is your Granny just a little bit cranky?" Justin questioned Angel with electric blue eyes. Angel giggled in his father's arms. "I told you not to call me Granny." Lynn hissed, pushing the rocking chair back to a corner and then taking a seat on one of the couches in the living room. "He didn't mean it, mom." Brian assured his mother-in-law. Lynn folded her arms, frustration surrounding her.

Brian strolled over to Justin and grabbed Angel. Justin hesitantly passed Angel over to Brian. He cherished holding his son. He was like a new Christmas present that Justin did not want to put down until the batteries ran out. Justin turned toward his mother with a generous smile holding his lips. "So mom, how much do we owe you? Is the going rate still two-fifty an hour?" Justin asked out of sarcasm. Lynn's lips curled and then puckered. She held back harsh words in front of her grandchild. Justin gave her a quirky look before he felt Brian's elbow jab into his side. Justin flinched. He grabbed his side and then looked at Brian. Brian began shaking his head to warn Justin. Justin could read the message in Brian's eyes. He shrugged and then brought his focal point back to his mother. "I'm sorry mommy. Thanks for watching Bastian for us." Justin attempted to make an ammends with his mother. She lightened her mood a little for him. "I know you and Brian have only had Angel Sebastian for a couple of weeks now, but have you thought of getting a nanny?" Lynn questioned, reclining on the couch. Brian looked up from Angel while Justin eyed her with disappointment. "A nanny mommy? Come on... Angel's just adjusting to being around you and the others. How's he going to adjust to having a nanny raising him instead of me and Brian?" Justin inquired, walking back to where Brian and Angel were. "I don't know Lynn." Brian agreed softly. "Oh you two can be so naive. I'm not talking about someone raising your child. I'm simply suggesting someone to help take care of Angel with you still being there. Someone watching him and making sure he's fed and what not while you're on stage or at a press conference. The nanny can basically help you when you need it, not become Angel's mother or anything." Lynn explained with little patience. Brian rocked Angel in his arms, pondering the suggestion. "There's still nothing like having your Daddy to look after you." Justin remarked, smiling down on Angel.

Brian lifted Angel a little and then offered him to Justin. Justin gladly swept Angel into his arms, glee shimmering in his face. "Uh oh, did baby go pee?" Justin questioned with a cute experssion that his husband admired. Lynn stood from the couch, anger rooting through her body. "You know Justin, even as you're about to turn nineteen, you're still as stubborn as you were as a child." Lynn chastised her son while gathering her things. Justin frowned. He hugged Angel a little tighter and then awlked from the room with his son.

Brian pouted a little while watching them leave. 'Man, I'm going to have a lot of talking to do.' Brian complained mentally. "It's past Angel's bed time Brian and I'm sure he needs a bottle again. Otherwise, he's been fed and he's wearing his pajama's now, so there's nothing else you and Justin have to bed except put him to bed." Lynn exhaled every thing with a few breaths. Brian helped her with her coat, feeling helpless in the situation.

"Lynn, don't you want to say anything to Justin?" Brian asked her, trying to walk on an icy bridge with no shoes. Lynn jerked on her coat and then grabbed her purse. "What do you want me to say, Brian?" Lynn sighed out her question. Brian licked his lips. "He loves you a lot Lynn. I'm sure you know that." Brian commented, placing his hands in his pockets. Lynn nodded.

"My son loves me greatly. And I love him ten times more. And I love my new grandson... and I love you too. So there's no need to go over the list of things and reasons." Lynn retorted, still showing a hint of sentimental value in her words. She eyed Brian for a moment. "Then you know he and I want a chance to raise Angel... on our own. We want to learn all the right and wrong things to do as parents." Brian stated. Lynn looked down to the ground, a little disappointed in her son-in-law's statement. "I understand." Lynn's southern accent was soft and filled with disgrace. Lynn grabbed her purse a little tighter and then headed for the door. "But Lynn..." Brian called out to her. Lynn reached the doorway of the living room before turning around. She looked up at him. "I'll be sure to talk to Justin about a nanny." he added with a friendly smirk. Lynn nodded and smiled back at him. "Have a good night, son." Lynn trailed off while continuing her walk for the door.

Brian emerged from the steamy bathroom. His shower had ended and his night was coming to a slow, but meaningful end. He used a soft, plush white towel to dry his hair while walking into his bedroom. He kept his eyes shut, trying to scrub his hair dry. He listened to silence holding the room in a soft embrace. With a towel wrapped around his waist and his cross dangling from his nec, he represented an Adonis in it's wettest form. Small drops of sweat caressed his temple while he crossed the polished wooden floor. He walked lightly. Some thing was preventing him from being loud.

Brian looked over to the bed he had cradled his husband in so many times. He watched the form on the bed. It was his husband, sitting on the edge of the bed, cradling their son. Cradling the child they had adopted. They were fathers. After a dream that had been captured unexpectedly, Brian and Justin now had something that would carry their name and legacy. The thought, the utterance brought a teary smile to Brian's face.

Brian inched over to the bed, barely making any noise as he did. His presence was enough to make Justin look up from his son. Justin smiled at his dripping lover. "Did you enjoy your shower?" Justin asked softly, trying not to stir their wearry son. Brian simply nodded and then sat on the bed near his family. He watched Justin's careful movements while feeding Angel his bottle. Brian could see Angel's eyes flickering open and closed, signaling his need for rest. "You know, your mom wasn't so wrong about us needing a nanny, Just. I mean it would help a little, plus she can't be there always when we want to go out together and what not." Brian reasoned with Justin in his low voice. Justin peered over at him. "I know she's right, I just didn't want to admit it." Justin responded carelessly. He tried to relax his tense shoulders while holding Angel. Brian shook his head. "You two can really be stubborn people." Brian exhaled. Justin nodded. "That's just the way we are." Justin sighed, lifting Angel a little. Justin drew the bottle away from his sleeping son's lips. Brian offered his small hands to Justin. Justin placed the bottle on the bed and gently lifted Angel. Angel stirred a little, feeling unnerved with movement during his slumber. Brian grasped his son and hastily pulled him to his chest. He eased up on the bed and then back to the pillows.

Brian slowly laid back on the bed with his son sleeping upon his chest. He rubbed Angel's back for comfort and to burp him. Justin turned his body a little to watch the father and son attempt to rest on the bed. He admired Angel, sleeping in his Winnie the Pooh pajamas. The child was fit to lay on Brian's chest. Justin moved onto looking at Brian who's angelic body was smooth in its naked form. The moonlight creeked in the window to capture Brian's form. The towel he wore had slipped away and showed a model-like appaerance.

Justin, dressed in a red Abercrombie & Fitch shirt, black jogging pants and a white bandanna, scooted up on the bed and pulled the covers back on Brian and Angel. He twirled a finger in Brian's soft, wet hair. Brian's eyes flickered open for a second. He smiled. Justin leaned down and pressed his lips to Brian's forehead. "Sleep tight, Bri." Justin whispered, laying his hand on Brian's left shoulder. Brian grunted out a muffled response. He turned his head and continued to fall into an endless dream world. Justin grinned. He ran his long fingers over the soft skin. 'Now who's the angel.' Justin said in his mind. He began to giggle, but inaudibly. He licked his thin red lips and then backed away from Brian anf Angel. He acrefully laid down in the bed, trying not to cause too much motion for fearing of waking his husband and son. He rested his head on one of the unoccupied pillows and pulled the cover over his body. He slowly closed his eyes, the exhaustion of the day's events taking over him.

The party room of the Baha Beach Club was still not empty from all of its visitors. A few still remained to have one final drink and to help Denise McLean figured out where everything was to go. "Okay, if you guys could handle the clean up, I'll make sure that my guys get all of the stuff we brought in out of here." Denise McLean negotiated with the manager of teh club. Soon compromises were being arranged while A.J. walked around the room. He removed his tinted sunglasses and held them loosely while walking by the table his girlfriend sat at. He glanced over to Amanda, eyeing her stiff movements. He looked at her precariously. She did not look to be in a pleasent state. He watched her holding onto some thing, tightly. He peered harder at her.

A.J.'s concentration was broken when the sound of a glass shattered. His round, brown eyes searched for the source of the noise. It was not one of the waiters or workers who had dropped the glass. A.J.'s ears and eyes identified the sound's origin. It was right before him. It was from the table he had sat at with Amanda. The glass was a decoration of glowing shards across the floor near Amanda. "Panda..." A.J. fumbled out words. She did not look up. Her face was focused downward. Denise rushed the area that A.J. stood in, avoiding the glass. "Amanda, what's wrong?" Denise questioned with a ring of hysteria on her small face. Amanda still did not reply. Denise was frozen while awtching the young girl. "Call... call... call an ambulance..." Amanda managed to horsely say, her body shivering. A.J. saw pain rising in her face as she lifted her head. "Somebody dial 911! Now!" Denise boasted out, recognizing the symptoms. A.J. looked around quickly as people began to move around in expeditious and haste movements. "What... what's wrong?" A.J. asked, standing dumbfounded while others passed him by. Amanda cried out in a wailing voice. A.J. heard the pain growling from inside of her soul. "Come on Alex, help her up and let's get moving!" his mother barked at him as she carried a towel to where Amanda sat, grasping herself. "Where are we going?!" A.J. called out, intensely disconcerted. "Man, are you slow. You're going to the hospital. She's about to have a baby." a waiter said flatly. The announcement hit A.J. quicker than the realization. The waiter's observation was true. Amanda Latona was about to give birth to a child. A.J. McLean was about to be a father.

It was a thick, red wine color except the substance was more surpy than that of a fine bottle of Chardnay. It was more burgundy. At laest to the eyes, it was of that color. It's prescence was less tasteful than that of a glass of wine. Justin LIttrell would have preferred it being wine. He would have gladly sold his candy apple red, M-Class Mercedes, if only it was wine. Still all of his wishing could not make it wine or even cranberry juice. None of his money could silence the screams that filled his ears. All of his credit cards could not stop the tears from flushing down his cheeks. Being the most known teen idol could not save Justin from his fate.

The lingering sounds of what brought him to this point still rang through him. He was doing something out of charity and love. Everyone told him that love hurts and they were right. The last sound Justin hears before a shadow of blackness covers his eyes is, "Don't you fucking do this to me!"

Justin's body lurched up from the darkness and the shadows. Sweat covered his brow and a cry broke from his tight lips. A sniffle was heard and then a small groan. Justin's body was tense and his head bore the pain of a migraine. He panted hard, just as he did that night. "What... what's wrong babe?" Brian asked, rubbing Justin's back while speaking. Justin jerked a little, signaling to his husband that something was definetly effecting Justin's mood. Justin sat erect while pondering where he was. He felt the desire to cry and let out his frusturations. 'A dream?' Justin thought before hearing another soft cry, this time coming from his son. "Sssshh, it's okay Timber." Brian whispered, beginning to rock his son. Justin grabbed his head with an undeniable pain. 'It was no dream... it was real.' Justin thought while a sudden pain swept through his leg.

"Are you okay J?" Brian questioned softly, reaching for Justin again. Brian sat up in the bed while holding Angel. He attemped to rock Angel again, but Angel was beginning to cry a little louder. Justin turned his head to look at them. His tears broke fiercely from his eyelids. They were small and rare in velocity. "Just a nightmare." Justin assured Brian with a more calm demeanor. He scooted closer to Brian, hearing promises in his mind that Brian made. Sacred promises that he knew Brian would not break. Justin let Brian wrap an arm around his sweaty, stiff body. Justin sniffled again and began to pet Angel's soft, blonde hair. He saw in Brian's arm one of the promises Brian made. He leaned down and kissed the top of Angel's head. His small, chocolate brown goatee brushed against Angel's head. "It's okay Bastian... Daddy's here." Justin whispered to Angel, trying to comfort him as he tried to return to his slumber. Brian smiled, watching Justin's natural fatherly instincts. Angel soon cooed and began to fall back into his nest of sleep.

Brian nudged Justin with his head, trying to stir a verbal response. Justin simply looked up with confusion. "Do you want to talk about it?" Brian asked, keeping his voice low to keep Angel sleep. Justin nibbled on his lower lip. He feared speaking on the subject. He feared bringing back memories of the incident that brought upon many nightmares, that caused Justin to fear dark areas and that left Justin trembling when he could not rely on Brian or family. "I just had a nightmare about... the incident." Justin labeled it so that he would not have to dwell on the visions that horrified him. Brian proposed a frown. He himself hated thinking of the event that nearly took his husband's life. "Do you want to go get some water or something? Something to calm you down?" Brian offered, unsure of what to say to Justin to ease his spirit. Justin leaned up a little. His inhibition was broken a year before, but his innocence still throbbed. He swallowed what fear he had to survive next to Brian's strong soul. "I'll settle... for a... kiss..." Justin pushed the words out, coaxing himself to surrender. Brian presented a promising smile. He brushed his fingers over Justin's smooth cheek. "If you insist." Brian said softly, drawing Justin into his web of romance and tenderness.

Brian leaned in and with a parcticed motion, took Justin's lips into his own. Justin smiled in his mind while taking his time to run his lips under Brian's. Brian felt Justin's smooth his hair back. He forwarded the kiss a little, letting his tongue run smoothly over Justin's. Brian loved the taste, the sweet taste of Justin's lips. He pressed a little harder, trying to bring back passion that had been subtly slipping from their hands. Like a waterfall, they dropped to cup the drops of water in their hands.

They were star-crossed lovers, braver than Romeo and Juliet and more poetic than Scarlet O'Hara and Rhett Butler. Ths daring and ravish thought brought Justin back into his reality. He pulled back from Brian with a frustrated appearance. Brian's eyes flipped open. He peered at Justin, confused. "What's wrong?" Brian pondered, directing his stares toward Justin's lips. Justin looked down, drawing a line with his eyes from Brian's lips to his chest. There laid their son. Brian sighed with a hint of yearning in his breath. "Do you think we should be... you know, kiss like this with Angel sleeping right there?" Justin asked pulling back some. Anguish captured Brian's heart. He leaned down and kissed the tip of Justin's nose. "Frankly Justin, I just don't give a damn." Brian replied before beginning his onslaught on Justin's lips again. Justin succumbed to his desire and allowed Brian to continue their innocent making out while their son snoozed nearby.

It was over. Not to A.J. McLean's knowledge, but for the others that had traveled in the entourage, the event was over and now the results were to be presented. A.J. strolled down the hallways toward the room they had secluded his fiancee three hours previous. 'Man, I have got to stick away from hospitals and medical emergencies from now on. They're making me think I should have a permanent ambulance in my driveway or something.' A.J. commented sarcastically to himself, holding his cup of cappuccinon loosely. He kept his sunglasses on tight, trying to keep his identity hidden from the workers and residents of the Orlando hospital. He concealed his arms so that no one could figure out that he was a Backstreet Boy. 'Just another left and I'm there.' A.J. thought while turning down a corridor. He had been accustom to each turn and corner of the hospital with his many visits. 'Maybe they should call this hospital 'The Backstreet Hospital',' A.J. chuckled to himself, bringing about a proud grin. 'Brian could have his own wing... for patients with head injuries and serious flu's.' A.J. continued to joke while walking slower. He was amusing himself greatly without speaking the sour comments to his friends.

A.J. crossed the corner he predicted and came to the small hallway that led to the room he wanted to enter. However, stopping him was his mother and two bodyguards. A.J. gave all three a fuzzy look. He was surprised and bewildered. "What's going on mom?" A.J. asked, trying to find a route to the answers his mind was questioning. Denise looked up with surprise. She did not expect A.J.'s return so soon. A.J. looked at both bodyguards, recognizing them as security that has traveled with Innosense on a few occassions. He pulled down his sunglasses and then gradually took them off.

His dark brown eyes eyed each bodyguard. "Uhm, Alex, these men are here to make sure no unauthorized personnel tries to get back here while Amanda's here. The hospital has had a little trouble harboring celebrities from the public lately. Like last week when they had trouble keeping people away from Devin from LFO when he twisted his ankle." Denise explained to A.J., approaching him carefully.

A.J. felt uncomfortable standing in their midst. He tried to become accustom to being watched by many, even in his most personal moments. "Well is Amanda still in labor? Is she okay?" A.J. rushed out his questions, looking for real, fact-filled responses. Denise's eyes lit up with more astonishment. "Oh Jesus, I've been so busy trying to get security that I forgot to tell you." Denise squeaked out, grabbing her head. A.J.'s face began to burn with anticipation. He briskly grabbed his mother's hand. He awaited for her to speak, the expectation burning inside of his stomach.

"She had a girl A.J.! You're a daddy!" Denise boasted without hesitation.

A.J. dropped his sunglasses at the notion. "I... I... I had a girl?!?!" A.J. asked loudly and vibrantly. Denise nodded with laughter. "Amanda had a baby girl and she's doing just fine." Denise started to calm herself. She watched her son's lips quiver. "I'm a grandmother." Denise sighed, losing a spark of joy in her announcement. "My baby had a baby girl?!" A.J. asked, looking around the hallway with sudden energy. The bodyguards stared at him with amused expressions. "Yes, A.J., you have a daughter." Denise concured, laughing resoundly.

A.J. ripped his hands from her and leaped from his position. He felt a surge of electricity run from his toes to his head. His whole body ripped with fire as he began to run up and down the hallway. The words, the thoughts and the revelations took a hold of him and kept him high within the clouds of fantasy. Never could there have been a prouder man than that of Alexander James McLean. The months of trials, secrets, lies and heartache brought him to this point. As many would say, A.J. McLean had paid his dues.

A.J. began to pant as he came to a stop near his mother. He attempted to calm his body down, but his mind still raced. He looked up to her as she continued to laugh at him. "Congratulations Alex." she giggled out. A.J. nodded, trying to grab words to throw at her. "What's the baby's name?" A.J. asked with short breaths. Denise halted her laughing for a minute. She crossed her arms, feeling laughs still being born in her stomach. "Amanda hasn't named the baby yet. She's waiting for you actually before she names her. She wants you both to name the baby." Denise informed him with valued information. A.J. grinned with pleasure. "So we had a girl huh? I told her!" A.J. boasted with a growing ego. Denise shook her head at her son. 'She's never going to hear the end of this.' Denise feared for her future daughter-in-law. "Just go in and see Amanda and your new daughter, A.J." Denise advised, giving her son a little nudge. A.J. nodded and grabbed the handle to the door. "And don't badger her about having a girl either." Denise warned him, giving him a serious look. A.J. smiled curiously. He held up his right hand. "Scouts honor, mom." A.J. cooed at her. Denise wrinkled her brow. "You were never a scout!" Denise scolded him as he slipped into Amanda's room. He was too far into the room to turn around and acknowledge his mother.

A.J. crept into the room and toward the bed that Amanda laid in. He watched her with the eyes of an artist. He sculpted her shape under the blankets and her flush movements as she cradled their child. A.J. then raised his eyes to the child lying in Amanda's arms. The child was wrapped in a white blanket, covering her from the stale atmosphere of the room. A.J. was proud of Amanda. She took to the child as a natural mother would, watching the baby with careful and attentive eyes. A.J. cleared his throat roughly, trying to seize Amanda's attention. Amanda looked up abruptly. She gave him a faint smile. "Hey daddy." Amanda said softly, allowing A.J. the title he longed for. A.J. grinned and glided toward the bed. "Hey Panda. You okay?" he questioned, checking her health foremost. She nodded.

Her lips revealed a tender face, pleasing A.J. "No pain, no gain." Amanda stated, glancing back down to their daughter. A.J. too looked at their daughter. "She was worth the pain, I can tell." A.J. stated, taking his first look at his daughter's face. Her eyes were closed as she slept in her mother's cradled arms. "She favors you, you know." Amanda commented, gazing at A.J. as he studied their daughter's face. A.J. tilted his head. "How can you tell? Justin was right, all babies do look like lizards when their born." A.J. remarked quietly. Amanda puckered her lips with disappointment.

"Alex, don't say that about our daughter. She's cute." Amanda huffed, introducing her smile afterward. A.J. laughed loudly. He nodded to please Amanda.

A.J. took a seat on the edge of the bed to be closer to the two. "So what are we going to name her?" A.J. asked, reaching a finger out to toy with the child's markedly small hands. Amanda looked up to think over the question. She came to many conclusions before A.J. had entered the room, but she was unsure if any would smooth over with him. The infinite possibilities were not appealing to Amanda. "Well since... since you were right and we did have a girl instead of a boy, I suppose you should give her her first name and I'll give her a middle name." Amanda compromised with a stubborness in her decision. She swallowed bitterness like a ripe lemon, trying to smile through a small amount of disappointment. A.J. felt more glory in her proposition. He lifted his head up and kept his chin high. Amanda could see the conceited nature take over his expression. "Sounds like a plan to me." A.J. agreed finally. Amanda winked at him and then returned to ministering to their baby.

A.J. glanced over to the television for a small amount of inspiration. After years of thinking about child names, after months of planning out his daughter's name, A.J. was at a standstill. He wanted a name that would match what he thought his daughter's personality would be. Some thing that reflected the nature of a girl, the innocence yet the headstrong attitude that circled a girl. His eyes watched the mute program running across the television. He watched the blonde as she exhibited qualities that A.J. desired in his daughter. He recognized the television and the woman. The name became familiar and known to him through his friends. His decision was made after thinking of her nature matched against his fiancee's. They were equal. There names were not too far apart, appeasing another thought of A.J.'s. He turned back to Amanda with a smirk. Amanda studied him. She was curious. "I've got her name." A.J. said happily. Amanda began to rock her daughter a little while awaiting A.J. to name her. She was surprised at A.J.'s quick decision. She did not question the time period or the reasoning. She only anticipated the name she would now call her daughter. "I think we should name her Amaiya." A.J. stated with no reservation in his voice or mind. Amanda raised her brow. "Amaiya?" Amanda asked, presently confused. "Yes. A-mai-ya." A.J. pronounced it for her to be sarcastic. Amanda furrowed her brow. "I know how to say it dumbie. I was just wondering why that name?" Amanda rebuttled, becoming serious. A.J. rolled his eyes at her. He was slightly annoyed by her sudden serious disposition.

"Because that's just how I see our daughter." A.J. gave a brief and quaint response. He was satisfied with his answer though he knew Amanda wasn't. He began to trace his finger over Amiya's face, feeling lofty as he did so. "Plus Amaiya sounds a little like Amanda." A.J. added to win over Amanda's affection again. Amanda gave him a doubtful look. A.J. shrugged and then began to snicker again.

Amanda leaned forward and gave A.J. a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." she whispered into his ear. Her nose brushed against his earring. She pulled back with a motherly glow. "For what?" A.J. asked with a child-like expression. He sat up straight. He looked forward to hearing the symphony that was Amanda's voice again. "For helping me create Amaiya." Amanda said, using her daughter's name for the first time. She was amazed by A.J.'s ability to take statements lightly. A.J. was one for emotion, but in his own private way. He conceleaed tears from her. "You carried her for nine months." A.J. tried to make light of her words. Amanda would not fall into his false reaction. She knew that he too was emotional over the birth of their daughter. "Well I guess we should tell the nurse to put on the birth certificate that our baby's name is Amaiya Alexandria McLean." Amanda stated, hinting toward some thing as she did. A.J. nodded with joy. "Yep, just tell her to slap on Amaiya Alexand... Alexandria?!" A.J. stopped himself and questioned her loudly. Amanda automatically looked down to Amaiya to see if she had been awakened. She still laid sleep. Amanda then lifted her head again to look at A.J. "Yes, her name is Amaiya Alexandria McLean." Amanda reaffirmed. A.J.'s mouth lowered with another ring of shock. Amanda giggled at him. "Alexandria is a good name... and of course, it's quite close to Alex, her bullheaded father." Amanda declared. A.J. elbowed her softly, trying to conceal his smile. "Interesting choice Panda." A.J. said with his trademark grin.

Amanda eased back on the bed with her own smile. She was with her lover, the father to her child and her future husband and she was also with her firstborn baby. She could not find another reason to celebrate her blessings. She have been given grace to survive her pregnancy and to survive the birth of her baby. She did not question doctors on her current health situation. She made it her mission to keep the truth from everyone. It was her hidden lineage. She knew that only one other knew the knowledge that she wish was left in her 'Pandora's Box'. That other person was becoming a growing thorn for Amanda. Denise McLean desired the best for her son, but Amanda knew she was blind to what A.J. truly wanted. She had to allowed Denise her reign, for the time being. Amanda could feel her chance to be the light of A.J.'s thoughts and decision closing near.

It was a new setting. It was an office in the MTV studios. It was one of many, but this office held a unique quality on the snowy Monday afternoon. New York City was oblivious to this visitor as it was kept low for press and security reasons. As a few cameras were set up to record segments and fragments of the interview, a sole figure sat in a plush, feathery-feeling chair. Opposite of her was an intimidating figure in Serena Altschul. She felt nervous, unsure of what questions she would be asked. Her publicist was able to give her little information about the interview or what her standings would be with different questions.

The sole figure was Britney Spears who tried to remain incognito on her trip to New York City. She had seen many people fall to the feet of MTV and the tabloids with unprepared answers for scandalous questions. Britney tried to control her jittery hands by adjusting her shirt that was now being bonded by a microphone. She liked the FuManSkeeto tank that Chris had given her for Christmas. It was simple and sexy, Britney's style. She pushed her golden blonde hair behind her ears. She pressed her glossy lips tightly together. 'This would be so much easier if Joey was standing right there behind Serena.' Britney sighed mentally. She cupped her hands. She placed her hands on her navy blue drawstrings pants and looked around the room. She thought of Joey and Britney's last trip to New York City, when they appeared on TRL. Their impromptu to the club may have been rocky in the beginning, but Britney remember the goodnight kisses that followed. It brought a smile to her face. She believed strongly that she and Joey had a promising relationship, one that they started in New York City more than a year ago.

"Britney, I just wanted to go over an overview of what was going to happen in this interview." Serena's voice broke Britney's daydream of her boyfriend. Britney brought her glittery brown eyes to Serena. Serena smiled at her amicably. This put Britney's nervousness at ease. "Basically this interview will be used for our news segments and it'll be an feature on our MTV online site. The questions will range from the new album to your upcoming appearance with the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync to girls in Pop to personal matters. It shouldn't be too hard or too mcuh for you." Serena informed her with a non-stop force. Britney's fears returned, seeing all of the alleys she could walk to ruin herself in the media. Britney gave Serena a small nod. 'Stay calm Britney.' she coaxed herself so that her nervousness would not be seen on camera.

"Okay, let's start with something pretty easy and basic. How's the new album going? Is it finished?" Serena started their interview with a slower question. She attempted, as all reporters did, to lure in Britney's trust. Britney sat up a little. "Well I just finished the finishing touches for the vocals and music for it after New Year's, so it'll be set for it's March release. We've already picked out all the song we want on the album. I think it's going to be really, really good." Britney responded promptly, revealing her bubbly voice. Serena nodded to show she was paying attention.

"And it's still called 'Just Britney'? Why?" Serena continued. "Well it's called 'Just Britney' because that's basically what I wanted this album to be. I didn't want it to be what people thought I should sing or what the executives thought I should talk about. The album is just how I feela nd all the moods that I go through." Britney stated clearly. Her accent was able to combined with her words. Serena peered at her. "There's one song on the album, me and Max Martin did it. It's called 'Only B' and the song is about how the public perceives me and how some people look at me and that's not the true me. They dislike me for certain erasons that have nothing to do with my personality and who I am. So the song is talking about how I'm just being me and people still have a problem with it." Britney added, hoping to draw Serena's crystal eyes into a lighter mood. Serena leaned forward a little. "So you did a little producing or writing on this album?" Serena asked, trying to stay on the topic. Britney nodded. "Just about fifty percent of the album was co-written by me. I wanted to make sure that myself, Britney, was a part of the messages in the songs. I didn't want just what the producer handed me. So I collaborated with a lot of them," Britney explained with an intelligent tone. Serena arched one of eyebrows.

"Who did you work with or collaborate with for the album?" Serena asked, trying to keep the subject matter basic for the viewers. Britney began to think of the many studios she visited and the many producers she worked with to create her new album. "Uhm, I worked with Eric Foster White... of course, I got to work with Max Martin and Full Force. Gosh, there's a lot. I also did a little work with Missy Elliott, Sturken, and Rogers and Brian Alexander Morgan, yeah." Britney listed names that meant something in the music industry. The producers were each known for their wide variety of work and different styles. Serena could tell that Britney was trying to become diverse from the image created by her debut album. "So this album will set you apart from all of the Mandy Moore's, Jessica Simpson's, and Hoko's?" Serena added a little controversy to their talk. Britney wrinkled her face a little. "I don't really think there is anything similiar between me and them. I mean, we're all in the Pop genre, but our sounds are really different. I've met, you know, Mandy in Europe while she was touring with 'N Sync. We're two different girls... she's a bit younger, so she's learning things. And I've never really spoken to the others." Britney boasted calmly. She could feel sweat taking over her palms. The perssure was building a little.

Serena looked down to her question sheet. "Well what about Christina Aguilera? That seems to be your main competition now a days." Serena stepped into the category that she knew would unnerve Britney. Britney curled her lip. "That's just... that's just the media doing trying to create more controversy. They do the same with Backstreet and 'N Sync and it's like, 'Gosh, cant you find something better to, uhm, talk about.'" Britney persented a simple response. She tried to hide her true despise of Christina. She had more personal reasons for disliking Christina, mainly Justin. "So you and Christina are pretty amicable toward each other? All in support? Or is it just business?" Serena continued with a trivial topic that kept Britney from giving quick and straight answers. "Sometimes, it's just that. Business, I mean. She's doing her thing and I'm doing mine and we're two different girls. We were on the Mickey Mouse Club together, but you know so was J.C. and Justin and Ryan Gossling, and Keri Russell and Tony Lucca. Plus Nikki from Innosense," Britney said with seriousness. She brushed a strand of hair from her face. "So we all are in this industry, but, we're really trying to do different things to uhm, break that connection. You know?" Britney fumbled with words. Serena nodded, pretending to understand where Britney was going.

Serena thought of more questions as she went along. She could see doors that would leave Britney vulnerable to more serious questions. "A lot of different things have come about because of everyone's connection to the Mickey Mouse Club also. The supposed rivalry between you and Christina, but also you were given the opportunity to join Innosense, weren't you? You turned it down to pursue a solo career though." Serena addressed a more serious matter. Britney shook her head. "I originally took the offer. It was something I wanted to do at the time, but then other opportunity's were presented to me and I decided to go toward a more solo perspective. You don't always get to shine as bright when you're in a group, you know." Britney declared without reservations. Serena was surprised at Britney's ability to tackle the question. "Are there any hard feelings left between you and the girls?" Serena inquired, remaining off the record. Britney again shook her head. She brushed a hand through her hair. "No, me and the girls are pretty close. They were in my new video, and uhm, they were on tour with me. We're all like sisters when we're together and what not." Britney noted.

"Well then there's also the connection between you and Justin Timberlake that is brought about due to your lives on tour together and the years you two spent on the Mickey Mouse Club. The two of you have been spotted together in several places and people automatically put you two together no matter what the circumstance." Serena added, throwing salt on a wound of Britney's. Britney frowned a little and then became angered. She hid the anger in her eyes, trying to give a simplified reply. She thought of the proper words to speak. "Me and Justin dated while on the Mickey Mouse Club, but it wasn't that... that serious. We were like twelve and thirteen then. We haven't even gone on a date since then. We don't want to. It's another small thing blown out of proportion." Britney retorted. She failed herself.

Serena smiled a little. 'Got'cha.' Serena thought. "So nothing more than friends?" Serena wondered. Britney raised her brow. "Yes, nothing more. It's not a cover up or anything. Justin has somebody... and I'm, uh, I'm really happy for him and myself." Britney answered her softly.

Serena let the subject go to move onto something a little more recent and interesting. "Now the public knows of your romance with another 'N Syncer and that's Joey Fatone, correct?" Serena asked. She was the lion on the hunt for her gazelle. Britney sighed a little. "Yeah, people are finally getting the hint that me and Justin aren't together, which is like so good. Though I still have some 'N Sync fans who ask me if we do, you know, go together. People think like I'm trying to date each guy in 'N Sync and that's so not true. You know, Joey makes me happy and all. It's okay though. Me and Joey are the ones together, not me and Just." Britney replied. Serena was curious again. "Have you and Joey been a couple long?" Serena asked, staying in the romance area. Britney giggled at the question.

It was amusing to her for many reasons. "A lot of people don't know this, but we've been together for over a year now. Some people think we just started dating and I'm like, 'Gosh, no.' It's real funny." Britney gleamed.

She controlled her laughter. Serena was impressed again. "Okay, can you tell us about the other guys in 'N Sync? Are they seeing anyone at this time?" Serena pondered. Britney had seen this question presented many times and diverse ways. She was unsure if she should keep her friends' private lives away from MTv and the public. Serena looked to her watch, seeing her time period was short. "Well you know me and Joey are together. Chris is in a good relationship right now... and Justin's in a pretty serious relationship right now also. I can confirm those two." Britney finally gave her an answer. She folded her hands in her lap.

Serena's face began to glow. "Possibly marriage for Justin then?" Serena asked a bold question that even she was not prepared for. Britney's mouth began to drop. 'She's crazy.' Britney thought, trying to keep a hold on any incriminating expressions. She began to laugh nervously. "Marriage? Hmmm, not really." she laughed. She kept her eyes on Serena to see if she had succeeded in fooling her. "Well, okay. What about this upcoming event in Hawaii? Are you looking forward to that? Any special plans while there?" Serena stood to questions that were demanded of her. Britney's eyes lit up a little. "Well it's basically some thing put together by the people at Jive. It'll be for three nights, that we perform. It's basically stuff that we've all done from our previous tours with a few surprises here and there." Britney replied with her heavy Southern twang. "Will you be previewing anything from the new album? And are there any surprises you can tell us about?" Serena requested, staying firm. Britney licked her lips for a space of time. "Yeah, I mean on my tour that I just did... I gave people a look at three of my new songs, which were 'Thinking Of Us', a Missy Elliott song called 'Baby Boy' and of course, the first single. At this concert though, I'm going to give them one more new song and thst's the one called 'Across The Street'. It's a nice one." Britney responded accurately.

Serena nodded with a small spec of boredom in her eyes. "Any surprises for the fans?" Serena questioned her again. Britney smiled. "Yes, but none that I can tell you about. They're secrets." Britney replied briskly, laughing subsequently. Serena falsified a smile for her. "And what about when you get to Hawaii? Will you be partying? Relaxing? Making videos?" Serena listed off different activities that were custom for celebrities while in Hawaii. Britney reclined in her seat, growing wearry with the lengthy interview. "Uhm, I'll be relaxing mostly. I might party a little, but nothing much." Britney answered her carelessly.

Serena could see a need for a bitter drop of rain in the sunshine-like interview. "You'll be celebrating your boyfriend's birthday and Justin's birthday while there?" Serena returned to the controversial discussion. Britney folded her arms. 'Bitch.' she thought while eyeing Serena. Britney finally nodded. "Yeah, they get to be in sunny Hawaii for their birthdays. Lucky boys." Britney answered her, not revealing any of her own plans. She was now feeling great hesitation on discussing her relationship with Joey. She could see it would be another blitz that ended up trashing Britney's reputation. "Well that about brings the interview to a close. Any word on what the second single from your album will be?" Serena decided to end the interview with where she started. "It's a toss up right now, but I think, I hope it's going to be 'Baby Boy'. We're deciding between 'Baby Boy', 'Kiss' and the Diane Warren song... 'If I Had A Reason'. Yeah, those are the ones." Britney responded with a grin, glowing over her album. Serena smiled back. "Okay, that wraps things up then. Thanks Britney." Serena said, standing from her chair. Britney remained seated and shook Serena's hand from her position. 'Heifer.' they both said mentally while smiling innocently at each other. Serena grabbed her list of questions and then exited from the room while Britney took in the room as a rememberance.

Just Beginning (Chapter 53) Written by JM

Hawaii was a lush state of elegance, but one that was also being slowly invaded on January twenty-eighth. The island of Honolulu was the home to a new sight, the fans. The wait was steady for a few fans as they stood near the streets leading to the Hilton Hawaiin Village. A tip from one of the bell hops was that 'N Sync, the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears would be arriving within a two hour radius of each other. The fans were excited, standing with their Kodak disposable cameras and CD's and other memorobilia for their favorite artists to sign. They were not allowed toward the main entrance for security reasons. The fans understood, though some still tried to make their way to the entrance. They wanted to be as close as possible for their arrival. Though some fans still had not arrived to Hawaii for the major concert event, most fans showed up three days to a week early to receive as much information as possible about the arrival and the stay of their favorite groups. It was their 'stakeout'. They spied and searched for as many clues as they were alloted. Some fans were even able to book themselves at the same hotel that the artists and their families would be occupying. Now their moment of glory was edging near.

"Man, I don't like this. We're going to have some serious drama with their arrival." said one of the bell hops to a security guard. The security guard simply nodded, remaining professional. They both stared out to the heards of girls and a few boy fans that flocked outside. "I'd like this better if it was Janet Jackson though." the bell hop hinted with a sly grin.

The security guard sized the boy. He curled his upperlip while looking at him. "Get your head out of your wet dreams and try to stay focused on what's at hand, pint size." the security guard snapped with no form of hesitation. The bell hop's head surged in the security guard's direction. He was baffled. He nodded with a nervous pretext. "Ye... yes sir." he said with a stutter.

The security guard returned his attention to the streets when a screech broke his concentration. "It's a van!" a few females shrieked out, drawing everyone's eyes to where they pointed. Their signal was correct. It was a van, followed by another and then another. It was in fact three vans that headed in the direction of the Hilton Hawaiin Village. "Okay, set up three-dash-nine people. Let's move." the security guard spoke into his walkie-talkie while the bell hop listened in. His knees began to shake while watching the heard of girls trying to look into the vans as they pulled up. "I see Nick!" one girl hollered out as the van drew closer. "No, it's Justin!" another argued loudly, shoving the girl aside. The vans began to move a little slower while coming up to the main entrance. Security rushed to hold all of the fans back while a few had already broken their defenses. "I have to see!" a girl yelled out while dragging her little brother closer to the entrance. She peered her eyes at the van, awaiting movement. "Mindy, who is it? Who is it?" her little brother began to question while jumping up and down. "Shut up brat... I'm trying to see." Mindy replied.

Waikiki Beach was unsettled by something besides the waves of the ocean. The fans screams were growing louder as they waited for the first person to exit one of the vans. They watched as bell hops began to unload the vans and as drivers exited their positions. "Come on! Get out!" a rude fan ordered from her place at the street. Mindy continued to search for clues as to which individuals were located in the vans. "Gee, this is quaint." one young male said as he exited the first van. He placed a backpack on his back and stood near the passenger door. He watched as another exited. "Don't complain so much, Tyler." J.C. Chasez requested of his brother while adjusting his gray drawstring pants. Tyler laughed lightly at his brother. "Whatever you say, Josh." Tyler shook his head while his mother, Karen Chasez, departed from the van. Karen sighed while Roy Chasez, Tyler and J.C.'s father, stepped out of the limo. "I wish that Heather could have been here." Karen spoke out a prayer. Tyler shook his head and groaned. J.C. peered at him with angst. "Karen, honey, you know that Heather had things to do and she was unable to come. She sends her love though." Roy assured his wife. Karen nodded, looking around the grand view of the hotel.

J.C. slapped his brother arm to silence him from speaking another complaint. Tyler wrinkled his face and looked away from his older brother.

"It's J.C.! It's 'N Sync!" a few of the girls announced, drawing screams from everyone. J.C. attempted to look over the van to see the fans, but he was unable to. "Ah, the ladies." Tyler cooed, trying to do the same as his brother. J.C. backed away from the van while Lance exited, followed by Johnny Wright. "Guys, we should get into the main lobby before chaos begins to breakout here." Johnny said immediately after stepping out of the van. Lance hoisted one of his bags on his shoulder and looked through the windows. He watched as girls began to scream louder. "Aaaww, that's cute." Lance commented, placing his hands in his pockets. J.C. giggled from next to him. Lance turned his pale face in J.C.'s direction with astonishment. J.C. smiled at him. "You know they're all awaiting for Justin." J.C. whispered to Lance, waving to a few fans that he could see. "Nah, they were awaiting me," Lance replied sarcastically. J.C. began to laugh again. "Come on, let's get inside Josh." Lance advised, urging J.C. to follow him. J.C. shrugged and the two followed Johnny Wright toward the hotel's main building.

Karen Chasez smiled pleasently. "Maybe Hawaii will bring those two back together." Karen sighed lovingly. Roy Chasez wrinkled his brow. "Mom, I don't think J.C. plans on making anymore proposals in Hawaii." Tyler disagreed animatedly. Karen doubted her son's response. "He and Lance were together for a long time." Karen made an argument that she felt satisfied with. Roy watched the two begin an age-old debate for the Chasez's. "And he was with Nick for quite a period of time too. That doesn't mean that he and Lance will work things out." Tyler rebuttled calmly. The sounds of the fans' yells began to drowned out their words. Tyler began a little bit of a step before starting to follow his brother. "I think they were meant to be though." Karen sighed, watching her son walk away from the discussion. Roy placed a hand on Karen's shoulder. He gripped it loosely. "Don't discuss it anymore. It is not our place to be in Joshua's love life. I don't think any of us should care what man our son chooses to make another mistake with." Roy said with a bitter tongue. He pulled his hand off of his wife's shoulder and then grabbed one of his bags. Karen was again shocked. 'Will no one support him?' she pondered with sadness. She gathered her thoughts and her things and began the slow walk toward the main building.

Joey Fatone leaned against the second van that transported his family and his girlfriend from the airport to the hotel. "I think everyone's headed that way." Steven Fatone, Joey's older brother, announced. He began to point toward Tyler and Roy while they entered the main building. "Happy birthday Joey!" a fan screamed out, interrupting Steve. Joey gave a faint smile for the fans.

Britney Spears exited the van and then glanced backward. "Oh my Lord, it's Britney!" Mindy hollered out, causing people to rush to see her from any angle. Britney ducked her head a little. "This is too much." she said, pulling down her Kangol hat. Joey grinned at her. He lifted his hand and then ersted it on her shoulder. "At least they're showing you love." Joey reminded her as a few screams called for her. Britney waved toward a few of the fans for publicity purposes. "Look! She's cheating on Justin! That hoe!" a fan yelled out. Soon she was berated for her ignorance by the other fans. Britney crinkled her nose. "You were saying." Britney grumbled and lifted her backpack. Joey exhaled deeply. He then shrugged and leaned off of the van.

"Don't worry Brit', I can always show them some home movies of you and Joey." Steve said with a brilliant smirk before he held up his video camera.

Britney began to gag at him. He pushed her lovingly. "No thanks Steven Spielburg... I mean Steven Fatone." Britney teased him. Phyllis Fatone, Joey's mother, began to giggle at Britney and Steve's brother-sister companionship. She saw Britney as a part of their family. "We'd all love to see those, Joey." Joe Fatone, Joey's father, announced with his beerly tone. "I'm sure you're going to make better videos tonight, eh birthday boy?" Steve whispered into Joey's ear and then softly elbowed him. Joey blushed. 'Why? Why me, Lord?' he thought with his natural smile. He grabbed his girlfriend's hand and then walked her to the door. "Get a picture!" Mindy yelled to her friend, Bonnie. Bonnie quickly lifted her camera and began snapping as many pictures as she could of th Fatone clan. "Aaaww, look! They're holding hands!" Mindy cooed from her position. Others followed silently in her observations.

Paul Harliss stepped out of the third van. He could see the fans being huddled to one area. 'Hmmm, this never ends.' he observed while Chris Kirkpatrick and his mother, Beverly Eustice, scooted out of the van. Beverkly quickly began to gather a few of her things while Chris leaped from his position to the back of the van. He quickly waved and acknowledged the fans. "We love you Chris!" a set announced together. Chris gave them a charming smile. He began to wave to a few, feeling confident in their love for him. "Christopher, come on." Beverly requested earnestly. She walked to the back of the van and grabbed the bag she wanted to carry. Chris calmed his naturally eccentric attitude and began to assist his mother while the bell hops loaded their luggage on a cart.

Paul turned back to the van's door and looked on as his step-son, Justin Littrell, departed from the vehicle. Justin slipped on his TarHeels hat to hide from the sun's rays. He smiled at Paul and then stepped aside. He felt something coming, something that he sometimes dreaded. "JUSTIN!" a loud unison broke out in the crowd. Paul flinched a little from the suddeness of the screams. Justin lowered his head a little. 'Damn.' he thought while hearing a few more outcries from admirers. "I guess I should have expected that." Paul laughed, trying to settle a mood in Justin. Justin nodded, throwing his backpack on his shoulder. "I love you Justin!" Mindy ripped out, trying to draw his attention. Justin failed to look at his fans, finding a more pressing engagement.

Lynn Harliss was next to get out of the van, her blonde hair lifting in the light Hawaiin breeze. She grabbed Paul's hand and led him back a little. "Some times I wish that the fans didn't know when we were arriving." Lynn groaned, trying to remain civil. She waved to a couple of the fans, some that she recognized. "Where's Innosense?" one of the guys called out, searching for the all girl group. Lynn gave him a smirk. "I guess he didn't realize that they arrived a good two hours ago." Lynn said to her husband, hugging on him a little for pictures. Paul nodded, remaining content.

As her words were spoken, a tap on her shoulder granted the boy's request.

Lynn turned her head a little and could see Veronica Finn standing behind her. Lynn grinned with an ecstatic expression grabbing her face. Lynn released her husband while looking at Veronica. "Hey V." she cheered, pulling Veronica into a quick hug. "Hi Ms. Lynn." Veronica snickered, hugging her back. Veronica looked past Lynn's curly blonde hair and saw Paul standing nearby. "Hey there Paul." Veronica chimed, winking at him. Paul waved to her and presented her a fatherly smile. "I just wanted to tell you that all of the girls and I are checked in and that you guys should get to the desk and get your rooms before all of these girls inavde their parts of the hotel." Veronica said into Lynn's ear, trying to be heard over more screams. Lynn nodded and pulled from the hug. She knew that Veronica's suggsetion was a wise one.

Lynn looked back to her son. "Ooh, where's my boy?" Veronica asked quickly, edging away from Lynn and toward Justin. Veronica wrapped an arm around Justin's shoulder and grinned at him. Justin shook his head at her silly behavior. He pointed to the inside of the van. Soon a woman of eighteen emerged from the van. Her blonde-brown hair graced her shoulders as she held a child close to her body. Her exotic blue eyes blinked, adjusting to the light of Hawaii. "There he is!" Veronica squeeled. Justin giggled and helped the blonde out of the van. Justin knew the woman to be Lea, a close friend to the Timberlake's. "Ooh, look at him." Veronica cooed as Lea held the child up a little more. Justin tapped the end of the baby's nose. "Justin's got a cute son." Lea agreed with Veronica. Justin blushed lightly. He was adjusting to Lea being around, but he was fond of her. As Justin's son's nanny, Justin knew Lea was more help than he needed.

Lynn marched to where they were with closed hands. "Okay, Dre and the security are waiting near the hotel. They want us inside as soon as possible. Lea, try and get my grandson inside without any problems. Veronica and Justin, follow her and Paul to the main building. We all need to get inside and checked in before things get a little out of hand." Lynn declared with her broad Southern accent. She made sure there were no ailments with her grandson, Angel Littrell, and then gazed in the van. Veronica nodded first, never daring to disobey an order from Lynn. She stayed near Justin. She was waiting on his first move. "Be careful with Angel." Justin requested softly of Lea. Justin adjusted Angel's shirt and then allowed Lea to carry him. Lea nodded for him. "I always am, Just." Lea assured him, cradling Angel loosely. She adjusted the baby bag on her shoulder for comfort.

Lea initiated the stroll and Justin and Veronica proceeded. Justin gave the crowd the quick wave they desired. Veronica giggled as they began to scream for Justin more. Lea kept a smooth walk, not letting many get a clear look at Angel. They all listened as calls came from the crowd. "JUSTIN! Marry me!" a voice bulleted out from nearby. Justin looked into the crowd with a confused expression. He was searching for the girl that was bold enough to suggest the idea. His response was in a simple shaking of his head. "Some girls are very courageous." Veronica jested. Justin nodded with a poetic look. "They don't know I'm married, V," Justin said. He gripped his left hand shut, feeling the gold band run against his palm. "Yeah, I know this place brings back quite a few memories." Veronica declared with a grin. Justin too smiled and then agreed with a nod. He hid his ocean blue eyes under his hat and continued to walk.

"Is that his girlfriend?" Mindy began to ask the crowd while sharply watching Veronica. She envied her as Veronica and Justin laughed together. "That's that slut from Innosense." an older fan replied. Mindy gave her an appalled look. "No, he's not going out with her, that's his old girlfriend... he's with the other girl." Bonnie protested. Mindy looked at both females, confused. "Who's baby?" another yelled out a question. Mindy had spied the child, but was again unsure to his identity. This brought out more suspicions. 'Does Justin have a child with that girl?' Mindy pondered.

"It's Lynn's!" one male spoke up. Mindy laughed at the suggestion. She finally shrugged it off. "Just take pictures!" Mindy insisted, turning her eyes back to the procession. Bonnie followed instructions closely and began to click pictures of Justin, his son, Lea and Veronica.

An hour drifted by and the guys of the Backstreet Boys and their families had finally arrived at the hotel. They all sat scattered in the looby of the main building as Denise McLean and Kevin Richardson figured out rooming situations. All were unsure of the location of 'N Sync and their family or the members of Innosense or Britney Spears. The travel from the airport to the hotel was trialing enough and all were physically tired from previous work. It was the sort of setting the Boys expected from touring across the U.S., but not from one trip to the lucious island in Hawaii.

"Man, those fans are restless." Howie commented as he sat on the arm of one of the chairs. He could still hear faint screams from some of the fans that did not book rooms in the hotel. Nick nodded, flipping through a copy of Sports Illustrated. "It's their nine-to-five." Jane Carter tried to joke, but she only managed to pull a small laugh from Pollyana Dorough. Pollyana began to hum the Dolly Parton tune to add to the joke. "Is this what you guys do for entertainment?" Harold Littrell whispered to his younger brother Brian. Brian laughed roughly. "Nothing like a good ol' Jane Carter joke to make you want to vomit." Brian teased with a whisper. Harold nodded and giggled with his brother.

Denise McLean led the path that Kevin and a few bell hops followed. Q, from security, was the first to stand to find out the next destination. Denise bypassed Q to the circle the others were crowded in. "Well we are all located in the Ali'i Tower. All the people with 'N Sync and Innosense's groups are already checked in and they should be in their rooms or somewhere around the tower. Rooming situations have been set up as requested by us when we booked the hotel," Denise stated. She could see that they understood her words. "Everyone has a key card, but the families are going to be on the tenth floor while the 'artists' are going to be on the eleventh floor." Denise informed her travelling partners in a clear voice. No response was given, but Denise could feel thoughts emerging. "Well I think that's probably best that the families stay on a separate floor and that the guys and their friends can stay on another floor." Jane agreed with a sullen smile. Denise gave her a subtle look of disagreement. "It's no big deal or anything." A.J. insisted, standing from his seat while his smokey voice echoed through the ears of his comrades. Jane looked down upon her son, desiring a form of protest from him. Nick shrugged the matter aside and continued to flip through the pages of the magazines. "Well as long as I don't have to share a room with this quack, I'm cool." Harold agreed with no precedence in the conversation. Denise had manifested an unhappy expression with each answer. 'I suppose there's no resisting what they want.' Denise attempted to be civil with herself.

A.J. grabbed his backpack and shoveled it onto his back. He grew fatigued with sitting in the lobby. His obsession with enjoying life to it's utmost meter kept him from relaxing in a silent environment. He pulled his white Nautica hat down a little more and curved the brim. "Shall we ladies and gents?" A.J. suggested with mild signals. Nick finally looked up enough to notice the situation. He roughly closed the magazine and placed it on the table with a careless motion. Aaron Carter, Nick's brother, stared at him with a complacent look. A.J. noticed Aaron's intended expression. He shook his head with a limp feeling.

"Come on ya'll... my friend Nickie here has a birthday that I'd like to celebrate!" A.J. tried to pull forth motivation in a sympathetic way. Brian followed in A.J.'s peppery mood and leaped to a standing position. "Yeah, come on people. Let's clebrate ol' Frack's special day. He's a good old twenty today." Brian insisted, helping Harold up from his chair. Jane Carter stood with a proud aura. She placed a hand on Brian's shoulder as if he was the president of the Nick Carter Fan Club. She could feel her heart crumble like a paper bag in his generous smile. 'Soon enough.' she thought.

Howie hesitantly stood and then helped his sister stand. Aaron finally shrugged and stood. "Uhm, could you guys actually go party on another night?" Jane requested, bringing a ray of light to Denise McLean's thoughts.

Her petition brought about looks from all of the occupants in the area. A.J. remained still and calm, grabbing any musings of anger in his subliminal hand. Jane could see questionable looks on all of her son's friends' faces. "I was just hoping it could be a family affair tonight. I mean we couldn't do that on his birthday last year and I wanted to be able to make-up for that tonight." Jane explained her reasonings in a faux manner. She pretended her sins were justified. Her explaination was not argueable by the others. "Yeah, that sounds cool Mrs. C." A.J. was the first to agree while Nick gave his mother a more aggrivated stare. He folded his arms, sighing. 'What's mom up to?' Nick thought while looking at her. Jane smiled at everyone else, still eyeing her son's looks from the corner of her eye. Nick allowed his musings to drift to memories of the birthday the year before. The birthday he spent with Lance Bass in his arms. He was guilty of forgiveness too soon, but the pleasure of that forgiveness were forever on Nick's mind and tongue. A smile was able to break the barriers of his tone heart.

A.J. turned around with a spin of his heels and then looked at the last figure who had not stood. "Are you coming Panda?" he asked with a tender smirk. He crossed his arms in a thoughtful way. Amanda nodded for him, cradling their less-than-a-month old daughter. A.J. leaned down and held out his hands. He let his fiancee place their daughter into his small arms with delicacy. Denise looked on the couple, feeling more than shame running through her blood. 'I can't believe I let him tell me that Amaiya should come here. She's way too young to travel by plane and be here in this open environment.' Denise crumbled her brow while thinking. Her taste for bitterness had become accustom and well seasoned.

A.J. stood up straight with Amaiya wrapped in his arms while Amanda carefully stood from her chair. "Let's go ya'll." A.J. commanded, causing security to make an expected circle around the group. Jane Carter made her way through a gap and stood next to Brian who seemed to be concentrating on a picture in his wallet. Jane spied a quick look to see Brian's eyes boring down upon a picture of his son, Angel Littrell. Jane curled her upper lip. 'Concentrate.' Jane demanded of herself, trying to hold her train of thought while looking and walking. "Uhm, Brian, I was hoping you could join me, Aaron and Nick tonight for that little dinner." Jane requested softly, trying to be discerete about her actions. Brian looked over to her, his confusion exhibited in his lips. "I thought it was just for family?" Brian pondered, dubiously perplexed. "Oh Brian... you know that you've always been considered family. I think of you as a son." Jane assured him with a lighthearted giggle. Brian twitched his nose. He thought of two people, Nick and Justin. It was a constant pick or chose battle for Brian. "Well... uhm, okay. I guess I could do it for Nick." Brian agreed to her terms without thinking of consequences. Jane wrapped her arm around Brian's neck with joy. "Great!" she cheered as they walked.

"I hope my room has a phone!" Aaron shouted out while they all walked close together. "You're not calling that Mandy Moore girl from here in Hawaii!" Jane Carter barked at him just as the elevator doors closed on their entourage. "Aaaww mom!" Aaron lameneted as the elevator carried them to their floors where more disagreements began and other thoughts of the past drew on.

Three individuals crept through the lobby of the Ali'i Tower three hours after the arrival of the Backstreet Boys and company. They knew they were not to be there because they stayed in the Rainbow Tower, but they only sought for quick snaps of their favorite stars. They were fortunate that security was overseeing other cases besides who might sneak into the lobby. "Mindy... are you sure we wont get caught?" Bonnie asked nervously as she slinked through the lobby with Mindy and her younger brother, Johnny. "Oh come on Bonnie, this is going to be simple. We just wait around here and I'm sure we'll see somebody with 'N Sync or the Backstreet Boys." Mindy assuerd her, looking around corners while walking. "I... I don't know... Mindy... we might get caught..." Johnny said with a shivering lower lip. Mindy ignored the sounds of her younger brother. Her tolerance level was falling shorter and shorter of expectation. "Maybe you should have stayed in the room with mom then you little brat." Mindy brooded, searching. Johnny pouted as they walked. Mindy continued her search, hoping to slip or stumble across evidence of her favorite groups. "Look!" Bonnie hissed into Mindy's ear, trying not to stir anyone that monopolized lobby. Mindy's head automatically snapped in the direction of her friend's pointing.

Entering the lobby of the Ali'i Tower was Joey Fatone, Britney Spears, Joe and Phyllis Fatone, Steven Fatone, Mandy Ashford, Harold Littrell, J.C. Chasez, Danay Ferer, A.J. McLean, and Chris Kirkpatrick. They were returning from a trip to the prestige Club Vegas in celebration of Joey's twenty-third birthday. Their loud entourage brought upon natural stares from the hotel workers and residents. Mindy watched them with a stiff body while Bonnie began to secretly snap photographs of her favorites. "Now that's what I call a party!" Steve announced to the lobby with a loud, Brooklyn accent. Bonnie jumped with fright, dropping her Kodak camera as she did. This drew little attention as the group pranced around the lobby.

"We should all get some rest guys. You all have a big day tomorrow." Phyllis advised the group as they began to scatter. Joey nodded toward his mother before turning his head to watch his brother dance around the lobby. His childhood laughter was brought back while watching him. He felt a tapping on his shoulder that broke his stair. Joey turned his head a little, seeing his girlfriend standing close behind him. He grinned proudly while turning to face her. "Hey Brit'." Joey whispered out her name. Britney gave him a smile as a greeting. She leaned up and gave him a smooth kiss on the cheek. "Uhm, I have a surprise for you... in our room..." Britney said softly into Joey's ear, perking up his expression. Joey nodded and hugged her as she pulled back. "Then let's go unwrap it." Joey giggled, grabbing her hand while breaking the hug. Britney giggled softly and held Joey's hand tightly. Their endless stares were filled with a hidden moon in their love life.

Joey was the first to start the movement that led he and his girlfriend from the lobby. "Night all!" Joey announced while he and Britney walked toward the elevators. Dre watched them carefully, surveying the area to make sure that there were no security mishaps being introduced. "See ya Phat One!" Chris bellowed out while walking toward the information desk. "Nighty night you two." Steve waved them off. He turned his attention to Danay to finish a conversation.

Bonnie adjusted her view to get a clearer picture of Joey and Britney kissing near the elevator doors. "See... all of those girls were wrong. Joey is the one dating Britney!" Bonnie said while jabbing Mindy. Mindy's attention was locked on Chris as he stood at the lobby desk checking for phone messages. Bonnie cocked her head at her friend, unsure of why her attention was so devoted to Chris. "Maybe Britney's cheating on Justin with Joey." Johnny offered an ignorant answer to Bonnie. Bonnie's eyes strayed from Mindy to laugh at Johnny. "Now that would made her a cheap tramp." Bonnie snickered lowly. She began to snap more photos of the group for her collection.

"We need to mingle with them!" Mindy insisted with a little raise in her voice. Bonnie fumbled with her camera while lowering it and Johnny's head made an automatic snap in his older sister's vicinity. Mindy began to stand on her toes to get quicker glances at the areas in which everyone stood in. She spied Phyliss and Joe beginning to retire to the elevators while the others remained in the center of the lobby. "Are you crazy Mindy?!" Bonnie said roughly. "They'll kick us out sis'." Johnny whined predictably. Mindy sighed with arrogance. "Shut up Johnny." she hissed at him before pushing him aside. Bonnie could see the fire that was lit in Mindy's eyes. She could feel her own stomach jerk with fear. "Bonnie, you take the center crew and I'll take Chris over by the desk." Mindy announced without a drop of hesitance in her tone. Bonnie's camera began to shake in her fingers. Johnny sulked a little, feeling left out of the equation. "Okay, now you've really lost it Mindy Wiltzer. If you think I'm going to head into that mass of celebrities while you get to chit-chat with old Chris Kirkpatrick, you've lost your damn mind." Bonnie finally found her backbone in the mass of words Mindy dictated to her. Johnny's hand instinctively flew to cover his lips while a gasp tore through. Mindy crossed her arms with preparation for warfare. "Ooh, you said a naughty word!" Johnny howled at her while pointing with a shaking finger. "SHUT UP JOHNNY!" Mindy and Bonnie said simultaneously without giving him a solitaire look. Their stares with each other were intense and anger-filled. Bonnie gripped her camera tightly, awaiting Mindy to make the first statement. Mindy did the same with her stiff stance, never dropping her arms.

Mindy and Bonnie's silent conversation was stalled by the unexpected arrival of another factor. "I'm sorry to bother you ladies, but are you waiting for somebody? I mean two young girls like yourselves shouldn't be in the lobby around this time of night without an adult." a smokey, crisp voice caught both of their attentions and drew another loud gasp from Johnny's lips. Mindy and Bonnie's heads rolled toward the sound of the voice. Their eyes grew larger and their faces flushed into a white hue. Bonnie's lips trembled to speak, but nothing vibrated in her vocal chords. Mindy blinked her eyes rapidly to make sure there were no mirages before her. She could feel an urge to reach out and touch the body near her to see if he was real.

A.J. stood close to the girls, still waiting upon an answer. He smiled at them, realizing they were new the the presence of a celebrity. "A... A... A.J., yeah, well we were actually waiting on... on you guys. See we heard from my cousin Erica, she has like this shrine to you guys on the Internet and all. Well anyway, we were waiting for you guys because she said you went out for Joey's birthday or whatever. We wanted to tell Joey happy birthday and all so he'd like know the fans care and what not, but uhm, yeah." Mindy's words flew out of her mouth before she could think of a clear explaination for A.J. Each word was spit out like a bullet, colliding with the others. Mindy merely smiled at the end, hoping A.J. was a quick learner. A.J., however, was not. He gave her a baffled expression. Bonnie only smiled, unsure of how to assist her best friend. "Well I'm sorry ladies, Joey just went to bed. He's had a long day... and he wanted to get rest up for tomorrow." A.J. gave an answer to Mindy's stuttering comment. Mindy looked around as if she was blind to the realization. "Well he sure is. I guess we won't get a chance to say it then." Mindy faked a pout for A.J. who seemed thoroughly amused by her antics. Bonnie remined stiff next to her while Johnny was apprehensive about his position in the group.

A.J.'s grin grew while looking at the Kodak camera in Bonnie's hands. He could predict the next couple of words, but he awaited a chance to test his knowledge. "And gosh, A.J., uhm sir, my friend Bonnie hear would love to get a picture with you and maybe your friends over there. She just absolutely adores you and the guys. Don't you Bonnie." Mindy said, elbowing Bonnie forward a little. Bonnie scooted on her heels toward A.J. with fear running through her skin. Bonnie began to nod her head tensely. Her breathing was increased, but she kept it low for fear of comments from A.J. A.J. leaned back a little. "Uhm, it's getting kind of late ladies. But I suppose I could pose for a couple of photos." A.J. agreed to Mindy's supplementary requests. Mindy's smile gleamed with mischief. Bonnie turned her concentration to Mindy with fear. "Thank you so much A.J.!" Mindy cheered, trying to usher Bonnie forward more. Bonnie's legs stayed locked, preventing her friend from moving her again. Mindy shoved a little harder, causing Bonnie to grunt. Bonnie's eyes automatically flipped up to A.J. who was centimeters from her. He smiled at her, sensing she was nervous and hesitant. Bonnie gave him a foolish grin. 'I'm going to kill Mindy and then stick her body in a fucking Volcano.' Bonnie mused while staring at A.J. "Shall we ladies?" AJ. asked, offering his arm to Bonnie to latch onto. Bonnie's breathing increased again. "You two go ahead. I just have to go check the desk for my mother's messages." Mindy lied with her dishonest grin. Bonnie gave her a crooked expression. Her palms sweat and the moisture smeared on her camera. "But your mother..." Bonnie began with a strain. "Would kill me if I don't check her messages, yes I know Bonnie." Mindy finished the sentence with her own twist. A.J. was feeling a complete sense of confusion between the two ladies. Mindy merely kept her gleaming smile for A.J. to keep the disillusion strong. "Okay, well then we'll see you in a few." A.J. said with perplexity, dragging Bonnie off to where his friends were located.

Mindy sighed loudly with relief. "Now, onto plan B." Mindy said, looking over to the desk. Her eyes found the next phase of her plan still standing.

"Mindy, what are we going to do?" Johnny asked softly, tugging on his sister's shirt. Mindy jerked away rudely. "'We' aren't doing anything, but I'm going over to the desk to have a nice little chat with Chris Kirkpatrick." Mindy responded with a hint of gold running through her eyes. Johnny sniffled quietly. Once again, he was being left out of the equation.

"But why?" Johnny asked a little louder. Mindy groaned, her agitation stung by her brother. "Because I want to accomplish my goal of finding out who each one of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync's girlfriends are before we leave the island of Hawaii." Mindy answered him quickly and harshly.

Before another question could slip across Johnny's lips, Mindy was gone. Her quick feet carried her over to the desk with no obstacles. Her eyes searched for barriers and they only found an aimlessly security guard dawdling near by. Mindy released a subtle grin, feeling pleased. She walked a little quicker to get past the security guard's path and reach the front desk.

Chris began a slow turn, holding his cellular phone while doing so. He caught a glimpse of Mindy's advancing but ignored it while thinking of the right numbers to dial. He heard the young girl clear her throat and then nonchalantly brush against him. 'Not another one.' Chris thoguth, turning his head to look at her. Mindy gave him a nervous smile. Chris smiled back at her. "Yes, I am Chris Kirkpatrick from 'N Sync." Chris gave an obvious response to a formal question in Mindy's throat. Mindy giggled softly. Chris began to laugh at himself. "I'm sorry I'm not like all the other celebs and better looking in person, but if you wait awhile, I'll find a makeup person to doll me all up for ya." Chris began his humorous rant for her, causing her to laugh a little louder. Chris shrugged and let his arms rest against his sides while leaning back on the desk. "So please tell me you don't actually want my autograph." Chris said without a drop of sarcasm.

Mindy leaned over the desk a little. "Uhm, I just wanted to ask you a question actually." Mindy replied to his remark. Chris twirled his phone in his hand. He found no surprise in her statement as it had become a common prospect of his daily life. His dark brown eyes circled her face and then his shoulders began to shrug. "As long as you're not asking me about any criminal activity or where my green card is, go ahead." Chris said with a light brand of humor. Mindy giggled under hre breath, still finding Chris hysterical. "Actually, all I wanted to ask you is if you really had a girlfriend?" Mindy asked, trying to simulate a shy emotion for Chris. 'Oh, this one.' Chris thought while looking at her. He simply nodded and turned to the side. He figured a simple answer would satisfied her human curiosity.

"Is she pretty? Have you two been together long?" questions discharged from Mindy's lips, showing Chris he was not free from the bondage of personal questions. Chris sighed in his mind and turned to her again. He sized her once more. "Are you with Tarzan Dan or something?" Chris tried to sustain his humor though his was hardly amused by her. Mindy could feel the spotlight falling on her. She let her lips glimmer and her eyes dance in his presence. "I just like to see one of my favorite singers happy. So I wanted to see if all the rumors people spread were true." Mindy lied with a bead of factual information. Chris was becoming an added interest of the girls on the Internet due to his current dating situation. E-mails of different sorts claimed altered reports of contrasted women that Chris was supposedly dating, baffling many of the naive surfers.

Chris saw a sentiment in the way Mindy put her words. He began an awkward movement as his hands began shifting their positions. He reached into his deep back pocket with his left hand while placing his cell phone into his right jacket pocket. Chris's left hand soon emerged with his wallet in hand. He held up the wallet and flipped it open with a learned reflex. Mindy scooted diminutively closer to Chris, trying to catcha glimpse of the contents of the wallet. Chris automatically shifted to the plastic material that held his pictures. He did his best to hide the first three pictures of his mother, Joey and Britney and a picture of Brian and Justin from their wedding. He stopped at the glossy picture of Kameelah Williams, his girlfriend. "That's my girlfriend... her name is Meelah." Chris said while letting Mindy get a closer view of Meelah. Mindy examined the photograph, wishing she had a secret camera to snap pictures of the girl. "We've been together a couple of months now. She's in the group 702." Chris added while Mindy peered harder at Meelah. Mindy nodded. She pulled her head back from gapping at Meelah. "She is pretty." Mindy commented, turning her eyes up to Chris. Chris agreed by nodding his head, still staring at his girlfriend's picture. Mindy's jealousy grew. Though she aws young, she lived like many 'teeny boppers' with fantasies of one day marrying one of the members of the Backstreet Boys or 'N Sync. Her eyes found their own shade of green when catching Chris's eyes never moving away from Meelah's photo.

Johnny drifted around the lobby with a disappointed look. He grew tired of watching Bonnie take pictures with the remaining members of 'N Sync, Innosense and the Backstreet Boys and he despised watching Mindy flirt with Chris. 'Sure, they can go off and meet celebrities but I get stuck doing nothing. Mindy and Bonnie are so unfair to me.' Johnny complained mentally with his bottom lip stuck out. He scuffed his feet on the hotel rug, watching his shoes as they moved. Johnny's eyes did not spot the pair of shoes in front of him before his head met with an upper stomach. He fumbled and grunted, trying to recover his balance. He heard a female's groan and then a sigh. 'Uh oh, I'm in trouble now.' Johnny thought while looking at the pair of white Keds before him.

Johnny's eyes nervously looked upward. He saw a blonde in front of him with a quirky grin. "Hey there kiddo... are you okay?" Lea asked him carefully and conscientiously. Johnny nervously nodded, feeling like Bonnie did previously. "That's good, I wanted to make sure I didn't hurt ya or anything. Though I know a big, strong boy like you could probably knock me over if I wasn't careful." Lea said with a light giggle. Johnny laughed also, his face turning beat red. Johnny could see an opportunity forming before his young eyes. He threw his hands behind his back and began to rock a little. "So what are you doing down here so late anyway? I know you should be in bed by now." Lea pondered, watching him closely. Johnny smiled with innocence. He could not afford to rat his sister out at such a potential time. "Uh, uh... well my sister and her friend are down here getting pictures with the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. But my sister... she was uh too shy to come over here and ask you something, so she uhm sent me." Johnny had acquired his sister ability to lie with little convincing.

Lea knelt down and kept her secert smile with Johnny. Within her heart, she could not deny her love for children. She was thrilled in being able to take the opportunity to be the nanny to Justin Littrell and Brian Littrell. When approached with the idea by Lynn Harliss, Lea was a little shaky toward thinking of Justin as a man married to a Backstreet Boy. Her mind changed when having the chance to see Brian and Justin with their child. She could not ignore that she wanted to be apart of that loving environment.

"Okay, what did she want you to ask me?" Lea asked in her petite voice. Johnny grinned hopelessly. "She wanted to know if you're dating Justin Timberlake from 'N Sync?" Johnny bursted out his answer. Lea's eyes grew large while looking at him. 'Did he just ask what I think he did?' Lea questioned herself. She blinked her eyes repeatedly, shaking off the shock.

Johnny stood peaceful and prematurely calm. "Well you can tell your sister that I'm not dating Justin. He's a friend of mine, but me and him aren't dating." Lea gave an answer, trying to reach over her surprise. Johnny lowered his brow. 'Huh?' he thought while admiring her beauty. "Okay, I'll tell her!" Johnny announced, backing away from Lea. Lea giggled at him. She stood back to her regular stance and then crossed her arms. "Now I think you and your sister should get some shut-eye buddy. Maybe I'll see you at the concert tomorrow." Lea declared while staring down on Johnny.

Johnny nodded happily. Lea laughed lowly again at his enthusiasm. She turned and headed toward the front desk while Johnny ran back to Bonnie. His sleak smile spoke for itself. Johnny felt he had earned his badge to hang around his sister and Bonnie now.

Just Beginning (Chapter 54) Written by JM

Harold stepped off the elevator with a minor grin. He had enjoyed soaking in the night life of Hawaii with his younger brother's friends, but now he wanted to bathe in the beauty of a Hawaiian bed. He had one last detail to attend to before 'kissing the pillow'. His feet carried him out of the elevator doors and he began to survey the floor. It wasn't his floor that he occupied, but he had his reasons for being on the floor above him. He watched as Tyler Chasez crossed his path with Veronica Finn. His eyes spotted A.J. retiring to the room he shared with his fiancee and his daughter. Harold smiled. He was more than proud of A.J. for being a man and taking responsiblities for his actions. Harold could empathize with the feeling of dealing with pregnancy and unexpectation. He could sense that it was love that held the family together and from Harold's own experiences, he believed that love was enough.

Harold glided left and then down the hall, seeing the direction he needed to head into. His blue eyes did not fail him when he saw his brother. Brian stood near the door to the stairs with a familiar blonde. Harold's brow wrinkled when he finally caught a full glimpse of the blonde. He could hear loud, flirtatious laughter falling from the blonde and Brian's lips. Harold took a quick glimpse of his watch and then back up to his brother. 'Not now, Brian. This really isn't the time.' Harold thought.

Harold could see that Brian had still not spotted him while he walked in their direction. "Hey bro'," Harold called out as he entered their vicinity. Brian looked up from his ecstatic conversation. He smiled and then waved at Harold. Harold was disappointed in the quick greeting. He sensed that he needed to be more forceful with his approach. "Oh hello Nick. Did ya'll have fun at your dinner?" Harold asked with his booming country accent. Nick slithered out of the corner he leaned in. "Hey Harold. The dinner was rather delicious." Nick answered him with a confident smile. Brian nodded with a giggle. Harold smiled at them falsely. His suspicion was strong and he began to route all of the evidence back to a woman who he knew would contribute to the equation of Nick and Brian together during the night.

Harold inched into their area and then took a small sniff. "Ol' Nickie here had two beers just to lighten himself up in the presence of his family." Brian laughed, placing his hand on Nick's shoulder. Nick perked up a smile. Harold's senses told him that Nick was the only one consuming alcoholic beverages that night. "What can I say? My mom can really put the pressure on. But I'm glad you were there Frick, otherwise I might have killed Aaron." Nick added with a precocious grin. His timid blue eyes focused on Brian's chiseled face while Brian giggle softly. Nick's stare toward Brian brought obvious thoughts into Harold's mind.

Harold cleared his throat and then nudged Brian. Brian looked up from the floor and then over to his brother. His glassy blue eyes showed signs of serious exhaustion. "Uhm bro', I wouldn't mind seeing that tasty little nephew of mine before I hit the hay. So why don't we go see him and you can hit the hay with your husband... Justin." Harold's hints could not be more obvious to Nick, but Brian was blind. Brian looked down to his watch with a weary expression. He hunched over a little. "Yeah Bri', you should get going. It's real late and all." Nick agreed, staring at Harold while he spoke. Harold gave Nick a brotherly smirk. 'Maybe this is for the best.' Nick thought, pulling his hand off of Brian's shoulder and giving Brian a small push. Brian looked up again after Nick nudged him. "Okay ya'll, I'll turn in... come on bro', let's go see my son." Brian agreed to Harold's supplication. Harold sighed with utter relief. He threw his right arm around Brian's round shoulders and hugged him a little. "Come on, let's go see that husband of yours, who you incidentally married here in Hawaii." Harold kept his sublime messages flowing while tugging Brian down the hallway.

Nick leaned back into his corner, feeling slightly depressed as his birthday came to an end. He pulled his sandy blonde hair back with his left hand, gliding his fingers through the fair strands. The distinct sound of a beeping noise signified the end of the day and Nick's twentieth birthday. He knew the sound came from his pager, his main way of keeping close contact with his mother while he made business or personal phone calls on his cellular phone. 'Not even a birthday kiss.' Nick sighed mentally, thudding his head on the adjacent wall. He thrusted his hands into his pockets and closed his eyes. He was unsure of where to go next, but his fear of being alone only added to his agony.

Nick's nose could pick up the scent of a familiar man. His blue eyes fluttered open quickly before he could pass. He let his body pull out of its limp state and stand correctly. "Hey there," Nick managed to fumble out, causing the gentleman to halt and turn back to him. A pair of piercing blue eyes looked upon Nick, almost judging him in the way they moved. Nick could sense the non-favorable stares and turned his head down. "Hey yourself." the sounds of J.C.'s voice finally echoed. Nick bit down lightly on his lower lip, raising only his eyes. J.C. gave him a lofty smile. Nick attempted to return the smile, but his lips failed him. He was fearful of what ran through J.C.'s mind while looking at him.

J.C. could feel guilt for not giving Nick the opportunity Nick longed for.

Their verbal acknowledgements of each other had been fairly distant since their 'break' in late December. J.C. kept to himself on the affair while Nick exposed it to many of their friends. This trouble J.C. He was a private man with private thoughts and personal ways of handling situations. Nick was a little too open for his taste. He did not feel it was his friends place until the breakup was official for both Nick and J.C. J.C. could not see clearly that his ex-boyfriend was more like the change of seasons and there was a fair amount he did not know about Nick.

J.C. sighed softly and then stepped in Nick's direction. Nick eased back into the corner again, watching J.C.'s steps closely. J.C. shrugged for Nick. "I guess I could give you a hug for your birthday, right?" J.C. said, offering out his arms to Nick. It was an auxiliary gift, only one that J.C. could offer Nick. Nick felt uncomfortable and uncertain on how to take the situation and offer. 'Now Nick, you know mom says to never looked a gifted horse in the mouth.' Nick reminded himself while J.C. waited. Nick hesitantly took a step forward and then allowed himself to hug J.C.

It was a stiff hug for Nick. He felt that J.C. owed him more, that J.C. had denied him a feeling, an emotion for weeks. J.C. was warm to him, wrapping his arms around Nick's back and running his hands over his spine. "You know it's not my birthday anymore." Nick noted, showing no signs of affection for his former lover. He could still remember the nights that were spent in an embrace. The lingering scent of J.C.'s body brought back memories that Nick tried to keep folded in his mental scrapbook. "So I'm a day late and a dollar short, I still had to show you I cared." J.C. responded, closing their hug with his words. He was resistant to his intended break. He found his heart admitting that it missed a piece of Nick.

Nick smiled while easing back to his wall. He gazed at J.C. as J.C. licked his lucious, pink lips. Nick grabbed J.C.'s hand, just to hold and reminisce. J.C. gave no look to what Nick's hands did. It was almost as if they were a couple again for those split seconds. Just the feeling of J.C.'s soft hands brought Nick closer to reliving that life he once shared with J.C. "You smell like the bar at Chillers." J.C. commented. He could no longer withstand the smell of Nick's drinking habit. Nick wrinkled his brow. "I had a couple of drinks for my birthday, that's all." Nick replied carelessly. He made it apparent to J.C. that the promise he made no longer stood for much. It was simply words that fell from his mouth to win over trust from the group. J.C. shook his head, judging Nick again. "It's always that simple, eh Nick? Things can just happen and for you, it's no big deal." J.C. stated, frustrated in Nick's lighthearted spirit and carefree attitude. J.C. eyed Nick for a mistake. His life was about trying to remain flawless, yet he favored the mistakes that Nick eventually learned from. "It all depends on the situation, Josh." Nick again replied with no feeling. J.C. grew agitated.

"And the situation tonight was just you and Brian drinking." J.C. declared softly, pulling his hand out of Nick's. Nick let his hand fall down, depressed. "Brian wasn't drinking, J.C. You know he stays strict to his little vow," Nick informed him, pulling his eyes to look at the empty hallway. Tension mounted on the conversation. "And what's it to you? Jealous?" Nick qusetioned J.C., turning his head to watch him. J.C. crossed his arms with disappointment in his thin face. He shook his head for a response, trying to stick to a courteous attitude with Nick. "You must be sick or drunk, Nickie. I'd never be jealous of you and Brian because there isn't a 'you and Brian'. I have faith in Brian's love for Justin." J.C. chastised him without an ounce of hesitance. He became disgusted with Nick's approach to discussions. "Sometimes it's healthy to be jealous in a relationship Josh. It helps you become confident in what you have," Nick noted in a whisper. His philosophies dwelled on the misfortune of his own love life. "And is that what it was with us? A little jealous helped you become 'confident' in your love for me?" J.C. asked with seriousness. It was urgent for his heart, but his mind held the riegns. He could not give into love again.

Nick puckered his lips. He fought against displeasure in sharing his heart, his mind and his emotions with men. Now he knew it was the only way for him to escapement certain judgment. "I didn't mean to hurt you in any way with what I did, Josh. I'd never want that. But it's obvious you don't allow redemption and so I can't change what has occured." Nick parted his red lips to speak words he had waited over a month to speak. His hands shoveled into his pockets again and he leaned off the wall. He could not compel himself to stay and listen to J.C.'s reply or to even look at his facial expression. He heeded the words of his heart. Those words spoke of time and certain amends for previous crimes. If it was not with J.C. Chasez, then another would understand Nick's desparate search for honest and self-gratifying love. Nick merely left the blue-eyed bandit that had stole his heart many times so that they both could rest from the weary battle of the stubborn.

Brian searched for his key card in his pockets. Standing outside of his hotel room door, Brian felt safer. He did not have to battle with the fans that had looked upon him while in the dining area with Jane, Nick and Aaron.

He also did not have to bare another Mandy Moore story from Aaron, another story of J.C. from Nick and another attempt to bring Nick and Brian together by Jane Carter. Brian could admit without any doubts that the Carter family was a hopeless family when it came to understanding the definition of love. He was fortunate that he and his brother were raised more conscious of the true spirit in romance and affection.

"Uhm, bro', we could have watched you adopt another baby within the time you've spent trying to find this key." Harold commented sarcastically in Brian's ear, standing close by. "And we could have found you a wife in the time you've spent chasing after Leigh Ann." Brian replied with an equally sour remark. Harold scratched the edge of his nose, shocked at his brother's boldness. He leaned his head against the wall and suffered the bitterness in defeat. "Still sour that I got your ex-girlfriend, eh?" Harold joked with Brian, nudging him. Brian grunted. He rolled his eyes at his brother and began to nibble on his lower lip while opening the door to his room. "No, I'm rather tart now that..." Brian halted his words. 'Whoa, shut the hell up Brian.' he warned himself, pushing the door open a little. Harold peered at Brian. He was suspicious. "Now that what?" Harold asked, trying to coax Brian into finishing his sentence. Brian grew inflexible, standing at the threshold of the partially creaked door. Brian's jaw continued to move as he chewed his gum. "Nothing, Harold." Brian said softly, pushing the door farther ajar. Harold grabbed Brian's arm and squeezed it tightly. He proceeded to peer at Brian. "It's not good to hide things little brother." Harold cautioned Brian, striking the loving tones out of his voice. Brian sighed softly. "And it's not good to try and hurt the guy that let you come to Hawaii with his family... free of charge." Brian admonished Harold with his own pretense. Harold released Brian's arm with reservation. He knew he was overstepping his boundaries, but he knew a secret from Brian is a secret that could poison Harold's plans.

Brian felt the door pull fully open. He jerked his hand from it and watched as his husband's figure appeared in the doorway. Harold perked up when seeing his brother-in-law. Brian too smiled when looking at Justin's innocent face. Justin stared at the two with unexpected confusion. "What are you two doing out here?" Justin asked with his soft, unnoticeable country voice. Harold cheesed at Justin. Brian could feel the words building in his throat, but his brother discontinued them. "I'm here to see my Ducky, Just." Harold said with his own lively Southern accent. Justin giggled quietly, stepping forward. "He's sleep Harold." Justin stated, hugging himself and then leaning on the doorway. He was only dressed in a wifebeater and a pair of pinstripe pajama bottoms. Justin leaned his head against the wall and then looked toward Brian. Brian's eyes were filled with Justin's reflection. His lips were overcome with a loving smile. His mind now wrote a single name into its thoughts, 'Justin'.

Harold's lips began to pout. "Darn that boy. He knew I was gonna come back and see him before he hit the hay." Harold complained, stepping past Justin and then walking into Brian and Justin's room. "Don't wake him you idiot." Brian hissed, still standing outside. Harold cautiously peeked around the corner to see the king-sized bed his nephew was resting in the middle of. He grinned while looking at the baby. Angel's body was covered by a baby blue baby blanket but his head poked out with an angelic feature. "That's my Ducky." Harold whispered, moving a little closer to observe his nephew. He watched as Angels sucked on his pacifier, even when he slept. It was precious to Harold, watching his brother's son. He only longed for his own family.

Harold emerged from the room. The smile was still wrapped up in his lips as he quietly closed the door to the room. "Aaawww, ya'll truly do have a cute son." Harold cooed, leaning against the wall. His head thudded against the wall while he rested his palms on the wall. His silvery-blue eyes gazed up to the ceiling, still awaiting a response to his comment. He could hear the audible sounds of two pairs of lips brushing against each other. He snickered to himself while looking to his side. He watched as his brother and brother-in-law engaged in a fond kiss.

Brian's hands were rested on Justin's hips, a common ground for them. His fingers occassionally gripped Justin's sides, but only as a sign of endearment. His crotch leaned directly on Justin's. The sounds of Justin's heartbeat fascinated Brian. Justin's body was aligned against the wall. His arms were wrapped firmly around Brian's neck while his head moved in a rehearsed movement. He longed for the kiss for hours. Now his tongue began a familiar routine with Brian's while they kissed with the affection of new lovers.

Harold cleared his throat a little as a sign to his brothers. Justin and Brian parted momentarily. Justin began to chew Brian's gum while looking at Harold. Brian kept his eyes on his husband, holding his head firmly against Justin's. "Not that I really want to know, but how long has it been since... since you two... well, you know. Since ya'll have had sex?" Harold said, almost ashamed to speak the words around Brian and Justin. His abashment was shown in his growing red complexion. Brian began to giggle in Justin's ear at his brother's self-consciousness. He then kissed and nibbled on Justin's earlobe while Justin pondered the question. "I think it was like the tenth or twelfth of December." Justin replied with fidelity. Harold's mouth fell a little. Brian nuzzled his nose against Justin's face, still desiring a chance to return to their kiss. "It's been over a month since you two have had sex? Gee, having a son sure can kill that aspect of marriage." Harold boasted, leaning off the wall to move to a centralized position. Justin nodded while his husband gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "It's really not that bad. We have our moments and our nights." Brian assured his brother, easing up off of his husband a little. "Having Angel is a little more important than having sex, Harold." Justin added, not ergretting he and his husband's choice. Harold shrugged, not being able to have an empathetic connection to their words and situation.

Harold glanced down the hall and watched while Lea pressed open the door to her room. She was a mere two doors from Brian and Justin's room. A smile crossed over his thick lips. "Night Lea!" Justin called out, also noticing her. Lea jumped slightly, not noticing the threesome standing down the hall. Lea turned her head. She waved to Justin and giggled. "Goodnight Brian and Just. Call me in the morning for Angel." Lea responded vibrantly. Brian waved to her and then returned his tenderness and concentration to Justin's body again. Justin nodded and then waved her off.

Harold sighed pleasently after her door closed. "Man, I'd kill for a date with her." Harold announced, kicking the wall. Brian and Justin both gave him an awkward look. Harold skid his foot along the ground and kept his head low. "You want to go out with our nanny?" Brian asked him the question thar ran through both of their minds. Harold looked up suddenly. "Yeah! I mean have you seen her? She's hot." Harold declared with his abundant Southern twang. Justin laughed loudly at Harold. Brian shook his own and released his own laughter. "Sorry bro', I don't look at her or anyone besides Just in that way. What happened to Leigh Ann?" Brian pondered. "Leigh who?" was the only response Harold could muster, causing Brian and Justin to break out into another fit of laughter. "Well, I guess she really doesn't matter anymore. But uhm, if you want a date..." Brian let his words linger out to set an idea in Harold's mind. Harold's eyes sprung to life at his brother's suggestion. Justin slapped Brian's stomach as he caught onto Brian's words. "Brian, you can't do that to Lea." Justin warned Brian with a quick bout of seriousness. Brian scrunched his face and then nodded. "Wait, wait a minute. Do what to Lea? I'm a good guy and I deserve a chance, J." Harold argued from his place. Justin peered over Brian's shoulder to look at Harold. "I don't doubt you're a good man, Harold. I just meant that Lea works for us and that whole situation would be kind of awkward for her and for us." Justin stated his reasons in a proper manner.

Harold displayed his dismay openly. "Come on Just... give my bro' a chance." Brian pleaded quietly with Justin. Justin gave his husband a quick glance and then his brother-in-law. He saw no fault or discete in either face. "Well I guess I should give you a chance since you did give me a chance when you found out me and Brian were engaged." Justin gave a sarcastic remark to sign their deal. This only brought on more laughter for the three. "You are a hopeless one, J." Harold snickered out, stepping back. Brian nodded, rubbing his hand over Justin's curls. "You remind me of A.J. in more ways than one... Mr. Change My Hair Every Week." Harold added, leaning against the opposite wall. Justin gasped out with falsed surprise. "You know, now that you speak of it.. A.J. did suggest that I highlight the tips of my curls with a light red color." Justin spoke up while his husband drew his fingers through Justin's brown curls. Brian pulled his fingers through Justin's hair and then stared at him with utter astonishment. Harold began to laugh loudly while gazing at his brother's expression. "Maybe you should do it blonde with brown tips." Harold advised through his heavy laughter. Justin grinned at the idea while Brian's face began to contort more. "Ya'll are going to turn my husband into a regular Dennis Rodman soon." Brian finally began to joke with Justin and Harold. Justin and Harold both nodded and giggled.

Justin leaned on Brian, nuzzling his head to Brian's neck. Harold sensed the couple was more than weary of the night. "You know, you two should go to bed. You might have to get up bright and early with Angel." Harold advised them, leaning off his wall. Brian agreed in an inaudible way while Justin released a small yawn. "It's not like I'll have much time to play with him. Our new P.R. is trying to get us to do a whole lot of publicity crap while here." Justin complained, pulling away from his husband to stand straight. Harold could feel a story building behind Justin's defensive demeanor. Brian laced an arm around Justin's waist, not letting him stray too far. "Still not talking to Lance?" Brian asked Justin softly, trying to hide the battle from Harold. Justin sucked in his cheeks and then sighed. "I don't have a reason to say anything to him." Justin stated, rolling his head. Brian shook his head and then turned his eyes to Harold. Harold was too into the mysterious conversation to acknowledge his brother's look. 'What's up between Lance and Justin?' Harold contemplated while staring at Justin. 'Harold doesn't know about Bryce... hmm, better keep quiet then.' Brian urged himself.

"I guess this is our cue to go to bed bro." Brian spoke up to break a hushed silence. Harold tore away from his trance to viwe his brother. Justin began to lean on Brian again. "You're right, we should all get to bed." Harold stumbled out his words. Brian smiled at him. "See ya'll tomorrow." Harold waved them off as he began to walk toward the elevators.

Justin took in a deep breath before feeling Brian lightly kiss the tip of his nose. "Let's go to bed babe." Brian suggested, pulling Justin toward their room. Justin gave up no resistance as the night drifted away into a more peaceful morning.

Nine in the morning was not a loved hour for two females as they entered the lobby of the Ali'i Tower. Their flight to get to Hawaii was not as primped and pampered as they desired and the early voyage was a lamented idea of theirs. It was a regretted mistake, but each could feel a brighter light glowing on their side.

"You know Carm', this would have been so much easier if we had like personal bell hops or something while we were here. We'd be much better off." one of them spoke up as they walked toward the front desk. Carmen, or Carm' as her friend Nichole called her, searched the lobby of the tower for signs of familiar faces. She tried to remain humble in the lobby though she was determined to win over a battle she raged with herself. "Nichole, is there even such a thing as 'personal bellhops'?" Carmen questioned her qithout looking at her. A rally of five bellhops followed the girls through the lobby, pushing carts of their luggage and carry a few of their bags on their shoulders. Nichole pondered the thought over while they reached the busy front desk. "Well you're the rich girl, you figure it out. I mean after all, you did convince your dad to buy us tickets for the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync shows, plus book us a suite in the hotel and you also got him to give us much spending money while we're here." Nichole bragged loudly, hoping some ears would hear and envy her and her friend. Carmen shook her head, well aware of her friend's intentions. "Daddy just had to pay me back after I hid that little affair he had two years ago from mom. So this was what we will call retribution." Carmen chimed, placing her arms ontop of the desk and looking for some valid assistance. Nichole pulled up a position next to Carmen with a money-hungry grin.

Carmen cleared her throat softly while Nichole began to hum the tune to 'Forever'. Carmen tapped her daisy pink-tipped nails on the desk, still awaiting one of the female workers to stop and give her the attention she required. Nothing was done. All the workers continued their busy schedule as they received calls and assisted with other details. Nichole halted her humming when noticing the poor assistance given to her and Carmen. "Hey! Excuse me miss, but me and my friend her have been standing here well over expected time for two gorgeous ladies like ourselves and all we want is five minutes of your meaningless time so that we, as paying customers, can be satisfied." Nichole snapped thoroughly at one of the middle-aged women.

Silence echoed in the lobby as the attention fell upon Nichole and Carmen.

Carmen lowered her head a little before covering her eyes with one of her delicate hands. The middle-aged woman, who's name tag read 'Mary', perched her arms on the desk in front of Nichole and gave her a lighthearted stare.

Nichole edged closer to intensify their battle of looks. Eyes of the room watched them as Carmen removed her hand from her eyes. She knew that her friend was capable of taking on the House of Senate if it came to getting what she awnt. The trivial part of it was that Carmen knew that Nichole would win the argument. "Is there something I can help you with?" Mary asked Nichole, arching her fierce eyebrow. "Carm', tell the woman what you want." Nichole ordered, easing back and away from the desk with a confident look. Carmen shook her head, feeling disordered by her friend's approach. She looked up to the woman who's head was now in Carmen's dierction. Carmen licked her thin lips, hoping for a way to escape the attitude born into the woman's eyes. "Yes, I'd like to know on which floor I can find Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync or possibly Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys?" Carmen asked, faking kindness to win over the woman's decent demeanor. Mary looked at her, perking up her brow. She attempted to hold it, to grab it. She wanted to hold it down. She failed at her attempt though. Her laughter sprung from her stomach and echoed through her body. Her striking laughter puzzled Carmen while it sprinkled wine on Nichole's blue flame. Nichole began to raise her hand to emphasis her words when Carmen nudged her softly.

Nichole swallowed the words she wanted to spit at the woman.

Mary grasped her laughter in her throat to become more professional for the rest of the inhabitants of the lobby. She cleared her throat calmly, trying not to choke on the animated laughter inside of her raging stomach. Mary pushed back a few strands of her dull blonde hair and formed a smile on her lips for Carmen. Carmen perssed her lips tightly together, holding a straight face with the woman. Without acknowledging it, Mary could see that Carmen was not impressed. "I'm sorry, but unless you're carrying a badge and a warrant, I can not reveal that information." Mary responded seriously.

Nichole's face grew red with discete. 'The bitch.' she mused, folding her hands on the desk. "But I can tell you if they are staying at this tower and you can try from there." Mary tried to offer a consolation for Carmen. Nichole turned her head with utter repulsion with the woman. Carmen sighed, growing weary with being at the desk. "Do that." Carmen only uttered the two words that she could pull from her body. She leaned on the desk for support while Mary's eyes turned down to the computer in front of her. Mary began to type quickly on the computer, searching through files for a quick reference. "What were the names again?" Mary asked, clicking through the registrar. "Kevin Richardson and Justin Timberlake. And make it quick so that we can get to breakfast and the suana before eleven." Nichole hissed snobbishly, turning her head back enough to give Mary her icy stare. Mary clicked on a couple of recent dates before turning her head up to Nichole. She returned the stare, beginning their battle of repugnance again.

Mary brought her eyes back down long enough to type in the names. "Well ma'am, there is a Kevin Richardson checked into this tower..." Mary informed her as she began to type in the next name. Nichole brushed her hair back with a vile ignorance in her appeal. "But my computer doesn't show any sign of a Justin Timberlake at this tower. In fact, there is no Justin Timberlake registered at this hotel, period." Mary announced with a slightly raised voice after cross-referencing the files. Her revalation brought bleak stares from Carmen and Nichole. Carmen sulked a little in her stance.

"There has to be a mistake Mary. Justin has to be here because 'N Sync is here." Nichole rejected her answer. She grabbed a pen from the desk and scribbled the name on a piece of paper. Mary watched her with shrill eyes. "That's his name. Maybe you spelled it wrong, overlooked it or just didn't catch it, but his name is Justin Timberlake." Nichole brooded with no regret. Mary pursed her lips. She leaned backward a little and then turned to Carmen. "I'm sorry ma'am, but he's not here." she reported her information, ignoring Nichole's presence. Nichole gripped the pen with fierceness. Carmen grabbed Nichole's arm briskly and yanked it to her side.

"Thanks. Just have our bags taken up to the fourteenth floor and we'll go to breakfast." Carmen spit out swiftly to Mary and began to drag Nichole away from the desk before Mary could reply to her demands.

Carmen struggled to pull Nichole further down the path as they reached the set of round couches that sat in the lobby. "And I should have asked the broad if that chick Mandy Williaford was staying here." Nichole commented rashly as they ceased walking. Carmen was deaf to her friend's words. Her concentration was built on the words Mary presented them preceeding their walk to the center of the lobby. "Did you hear me Carmen? I said I wonder if Nick's girlfriend, Mandy, is here at the hotel." Nichole repeated herself a little louder, eyeing her friend's disillusioned expression. It was fuzzy, but still annoying. Carmen remained quiet and stiff. Her world continued in a secluded state. Nichole crossed her arms with arrogance. "Look Carm', I'm not going to stick around here all day while you're off in La La Land." Nichole boasted with her snooty authenticity. Carmen focused her attention on a pair walking toward the tower's restaurant. Her stare was thin and precise. Nichole rolled her eyes at her friend's unknowingness. "Well I'm outtie then, Carm'." Nichole stated, waving at her friend and gathering her thoughts to exit the lobby.

Carmen hastily gripped Nichole's arm again, stopping her quick-footed walk. "We've got to go to breakfast Nich'... right now." Carmen announced with a sleek smile. Nichole turned her face back to Carmen with disinclination. "What?" Nichole asked. As soon as the words crossed Nichole's lips, Carmen began a slow march toward the restaurant. Nichole watched her, still befuddled. 'What's wrong with this girl?' Nichole thought, folding her arms again. She felt the solitaire feeling of a lonely girl in the lobby. It was uncomfortable for her. She was used to being the full center of attention at any cost to her pocket or reputation. Now she was alone as her friend continued her determined walk. 'Oh shit... Carmen's the one with the cash!' Nichole's mind snapped with quickness. Her realization no longer left her numb to the loneliness, but the poverty she was left in. "Wait up Carm'!" she finally called out, racing after her friend.

The tropical settings of Hawaii entered the small 'city' known as the Hilton Hawaiian Village. One of its restaurants became partially restricted during the morning hours. The Tapa Cafe held some of the family members and members of 'N Sync, the Backstreet Boys and Innosense. Liqour seemed to be the eye-opener of the morning. Kevin Richardson leaned on the bar of the cafe, awaiting his 'Sex on the beach' drink for himself and a 'Blue Surf' for Nick. At the naerby tables sat Nick, Howie, Pollyana and Denise McLean, all enjoying their plates of breakfast. Nich hauled away a dish of eggs and bacon, trying not to glance across the room to where J.C. sat with his family. "Where' Kev' with that drink?" Nick questioned aloud, looking back to the bar with arrogance in his silky blue eyes. "You should try something a little more healthy in the morning. Maybe a V8?" Pollyana advised Nick as an older sister would. Nick lifted his fork and twirled it, pondering Pollyana's suggestion. He took a swallow and then brushed his tongue against his cheek. "Maybe you're right. I should get a Tomato Whip and pour some V8 in it." Nick grinned. Pollyana twisted her face with an expression that slithered from disgust. She couldn't find a way to express her discouragement with Nick. "Don't worry Polly, old Nickie had just better enjoy his liquor while he can. Because once we hit O-Town again, he's going right back on his binge and he won't drop an ounce of any alcohol for a good while." Howie assured his sister while giving Nick a suffocating glare. Kevin returned to his place at the table and passed Nick his drink. "Did I miss anything?" Kevin asked, sliding into his chair. Denise turned her head a little, trying not to look into Kevin's eyes. "You just missed Howie saying that I was going to swear off alcohol again when we get back to Orlando." Nick boasted confidently. Kevin hung his head a little when receiving a rough stare from Howie. "Oh." was Kevin's meaningless response.

They all continued to eat in that dead silence, showing Nick's victory without much request.

"I can't believe Kevin did that." Harold's tingly country voice rasped out from his position in the corner of the cafe. Brian looked up from his plate and then focused his eyes on their table again. "I mean wasn't he one of the biggest advocates for Nick to quit drinking in the first place." Harold hissed at his brother. Brian nodded his head for a reply. He lifted a spoon of apple sauce and then carried it to the side. The spoon met with Angel's lips, who sat happily in a highchair next to his father. Brian cooed at his son, causing Angel to giggle. "Kevin, me, A.J. and Justin were big supporters for Nick to stop drinking... but his biggest advocate was his ex." Brian commented mildly, bringing his eyes away from Angel to look at Harold. Harold pouted a little. He watched his brother take a quick sip of coffee. "So what you're saying is that now that Nick isn't held down by J.C. anymore, he thinks it's party time?" Harold questioned, throwing his elbows on the table and extending his serious expression on his face. Brian wrinkled his brow a little, lowering his coffee cup. The aroma of the coffee woke Brian's senses, but not his mind. "I don't know what Nick's doing now. He's on his own itinerary and I don't know what plans that includes." Brian stated with a low voice. He sighed out disappointment. Brian did not have to force himself to look at Angel, he felt the desire to see his son's enjoyable face and dancing eyes. "Brian, I'm seriously glad that you made that vow to quit drinking for Justin. Even though it was because of some extremity, it'll be worth it in the end." Harold offered a onsolation for Brian's discouragement. Brian gave him a weak smile. He only wondered what pressure would follow Nick's sudden change.

Justin glanced over from the table he sat at with his parents to try and get a quick glimpse of Angel and Brian. A smile ran over his lips while he watched Brian feed Angel another spoonfull of apple sauce. "You can invite them over here, you know." Paul whispered to Justin, nudging him as he did so. Justin turned his head in Paul's direction abruptly. He shook his head with his simple smile. "Brian needs his time with Bastian. He didn't get to see him much yesterday because of all the traveling." Justin stated softly, placing a hand on the table. His wedding ring glowed in the Hawaiian sunlight. Paul shrugged at Justin's reply. He understood his step-son's reasonings. "Where is A.J. and the baby? I've been dying to see the precious baby again." Lynn interrupted them after taking her eyes from the table Nick and the others sat at. Justin rubbed his nose, baring a look of confusion. "Uhm, I don't know. Maybe he, Amanda and Amaiya are sleeping in today." Justin replied. He brought his blushing blue eyes down to his plate of french toast. Thoughts of Lance began to sink into his mind. He thought of the loneliness his friend experienced, but then the realization of what occured between Lance and Bryce infuriated Justin.

The sound of a clearing of the throat once again interrupted Justin. He, Lynn and Paul all looked up to the sound of the noise. Standing directly in front of their round table was Nichole and Carmen with explicit smiles of relief. Justin eyed them for a minute while Lynn scraped her fork aginst her plate. Paul stood from his chair, looking around the restaurant for Q and Dre to assist them. "Hey Justin... uhm, do you remember us? We met you outside at a Backstreet Boys concert and you gave us backstage passes. It was early in the our and all." Carmen did her best to remind Justin of their encounter. She stayed courtious for affection. Justin pondered the memory she proposed. He knew he had met several fans while on the Backstreet Boys tour with Brian. "Yeah, and Carmen even held Tyke for you." Nichole added with a slick grin. Her expression was outrageous, but enough to start to bring flashbacks to Justin. Justin began to scratch his head, hoping his step-father would find a speedier way to exit the conversation.

Lynn brushed her curly blonde hair back with a tinted view. "Ladies, I'm sure if you come to the concert or meet-n-greet tonight, Justin will sign autographs. Right now we are trying to enjoy our breakfast." Lynn remarked, smiling while irritated by the girls presence. Carmen gave her an astonished and intimidated glance. "Lord, I can't get locked up in Hawaii. I asked you to sign my belly!" Nichole boasted out when seeing Dre approaching the table. Justin's eyes perked up as each second of the day hit him at once. He grinned solomnly. Dre reached the table and stood behind the girls with a fierce look on his mohogany face. Justin raised his hand quickly. "Nah Dre, let the ladies stay. It's cool." Justin insisted with his suave tone. Dre eyed Justin with unassurance. Paul turned back to his step-son. He too was in disbelief with Justin's laidback attitude. Lynn folded her hands and then sighed. "For real Dre, let the girls stay. If we get in problems out of 'em, I'll give ya a ring." Justin insisted of the security guard, causing Dre to pull back.

Carmen let out a drawn out sigh of relief. Nichole only smiled and threw her hands on her hips. She shot Justin a cheeky smile. "So you do remember this navel?" Nichole asked in a seductive tone. She pursed her lips and then swiveled her hips a little. "No, I remember a crazy behind question like that though." Justin replied, pointing his fork at her. Nichole faked an expression of hurt. Carmen's grin became a craving smile. "So then you remember us?" Carmen asked in a shy way. She drug her foot across the ground and stood a little lazily. Justin reclined in his chair and placed his hands in his lap. "I remember you two pretty well." Justin responded with a cheeky smile. Carmen batted her eyes and then smiled back.

Nichole had her own vendetta to settle as she searched around the room with her eyes and head. She turned two circles, trying to grab a hold of two particular people. Carmen turned her attention to Nichole when she saw Justin's glassy-blue eyes turn to her. "What are you doing Nichole?" Carmen sung out softly, trying to cease her friend's movements. Nichole continued to look, hearing her friend's voice but keeping a stiff focus. "I'm simply looking for Mandy Wiliaford and Kevin's fiancee." Nichole responded lushly, continuing her investigation of the cafe. Carmen lowered her head again. She could not deny her embarrassment anymore. Justin leaned forward in his chair with shock. He tried to catch himself, grasping the edge of the table for support. Lynn's head wipped in Nichole's direction, more than shocked with Nichole's words. "Who are you looking for? Mandy who?" Lynn asked with no shame in her spiking, country accent. Nichole stopped her searching when hearing Lynn's words for her. Nichole eyed her with the audacity of a forty-year-old woman. "Nick's girlfriend. Is she here somewhere?" Nichole hissed at Lynn, showing no reservation in upstaging Lynn's attitude. "And Kevin's what? What fiancee?" Justin asked, interrupting Lynn and Nichole's discussion. Nichole brought her focus to Justin, feeling a little more out of place with them. "Haven't you heard? All of the girls on the Internet swear that Kevin proposed to that girl Nikki over the Christmas break." Nichole announced, but in a calm and cool condition. Lynn gripped her hands tightly under the table. Justin shook his head, almost finding the statement humorous. "Kev' isn't engaged to any at this moment." Justin assured Nichole with factual but partial information. He did not dare to reveal Kevin's recent affair with Leigh Ann Wallace or his breakup from Nikki DeLoach. Nichole's lips parted with an exhale. "But Erica said that they saw Nikki at the mall in Orlando. She was very amicable about Kevin and their relationship." Nichole huffed out with a shrilling voice.

Paul did not buckle under the miscommunication between the foursome. He merely continued to eat and disregard the noise uttered between the four. "So what you're saying is that Nikki isn't engaged to Kevin and Nick's girlfriend isn't here?" Carmen tried to clarify things to silence her friend's useless bantering. Justin smiled toward her in an honest way. "What girlfriend? Nick's single." Lynn muttered without a clear thought on the situation. Justin was unable to break her words or stop the content wrapped into them. He only burried his chin in his hands and awaited the reaction. Carmen took the revalation with a surprise, but a calm expectancy. Nichole's eyes lit up with a red light that only could be seen in a TLC song. A simple look over showed her genuine smile creaking into joy while a close inspection revealed quick plans being mustered by the young woman. "But right now, I'd say he just wants to be with his family." Paul stated, hinting an obvious in his words. Lynn nodded, staring at the two with proposed dismisal. Carmen caught the hint without disposition. She knew she had to work her natural flirtatious nature in another fashion. "Well my guess is that Justin would like to return to someone also, judging by the nicely shaped, pure gold ring adorning his left ring finger. I'd say it ran around a good four hundred or so... maybe from Zales or Tiffany's if the buyer was smart." Nichole deduced with a single glance, rendering Lynn and Paul speechless. Carmen too got a thorough look at the ring that was wrapped around Justin's finger. Her mouth fell in shock and disturbance.

Justin gradually lowered his hand, feeling exposed. He took in a deep breath with a straight face lined on his face. Nichole raised an eyebrow to him with her charming expression. All Justin could do for her was smile. Nothing could leave his lips. No words could form in his mind so that he could pronounce them. Not a vowel joined with a consanant. He was at a period of blankness and it only scared him.

Justin finally found a thought that encouraged him to move. His hand drew into his pocket and tugged on something. He grasped it tightly and then ripped it from the pocket. Justin lifted his hand and in it were two, lamenated backstage passes. Nichole gave him a percious grin when eyeing the prizes. "Ladies, we'll see you tonight." Justin gave a brief statement before handing Nichole the passes. Nichole saw it as one of many pay off's while Carmen still adjusted to the shock. 'It can't be true...' she thought. She wanted to put herself in his place and understand. She couldn't. She desired a way to compromise with her heart, but she was unable. It was nothing but broken pieces laying in her blood. As she felt Nichole tugging her from the position she stood at, she felt her body grow numb and she ignored the world that revolved around her.

The hotel lobby in the Ali'i Tower was once again invaded by someone searching for the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, Britney Spears, and Innosense. This shapely person walked with the strut of a runway model. Her sunglasses covered her eyes and her hair was pulled into a braided-bun at the top of her head. She reached the front desk with a manicured smile and awaited the bellhops to fetch her bags. She eyed the passing clerks, trying to select one to harass in her own fashion. She curled her upper lip and spotted her target. She perked her ass out a little and leaned on the desk. She cleared her throat softly.

"Excuse me, Mary." she said in her cool voice. She drug her french-tip nails along the desk and awaited a response. Mary turned to her with a quirky smile. "Yes ma'am? Can I help you with something?" Mary asked in her gentle tone, edging to the desk. The woman's smile was laced with poision. "Yes, I called not too long ago from the airport. I'm with the Backstreet and 'N Sync party." she spoke cooly to Mary. Mary looked around the desk for a memo concerning the inquiry. Mary grabbed a sheet of paper with the information on it. "Oh yes, here we go. Yes, we got clearance concerning the matter with a Miss Jane Carter." Mary replied with a nod. The woman gave her an added nod, smiling deviously. Mary placed the memo back down and began to type into the computer. She tilted her head a little to look at the woman. "I've seen you before, haven't I?" Mary asked, clicking in a few numbers to draw up files. The woman gave a flattering smile and then once more nodded. "Yeah, you've probably seen me on the television a couple of times... with him." the woman agreed, intertwining her fingers. Mary shrugged and then looked down at the computer. "Okay, yes. You're staying on the tenth floor with all of the family members, Miss Littrell." Mary said with her ominiously perky tone. A perverse grin curled the woman's lips. "Yep, that's me... Miss Leigh Ann Littrell." the woman said with a purr.

Just Beginning (Chapter 55) Written by JM

The lights of the Blaisdell Center sparkled with the hues of the rainbow. The crowd screamed and begged for a sign of the next act. Innosense had finished their heartpounding routine and now the move was to another sensation. Though Innosense was not as known as this artist, their introduction to her was enough to win over the crowd. Her moment in the spotlight was awaited and now she was going to give the crowd what they wanted. There was no need for Johnny Wright to walk across the stage and say her name, the crowd already screamed it. The only thing that awaited was for her to step on stage.

As Britney Spears stood backstage, awaiting her opening music to start, her shoulders relaxed under the pressure of her boyfriend's hands. "Have a good show Brit'... just do your thing and enjoy it. We're all right behind you." Joey offered words of wisdom and encouragement into her ear. Britney tried to relax the rest of her body, but the butterflies took over her. It had been at least two months since she had to grace the stage for a tour crowd. She could feel the pressure and stress return to her, but she continued to listen to her boyfriend's words. 'Come on Britney, get into that mind frame.' Britney did her best to encourage herself. She knew that's what she needed to her from herself. It was her only escape from fear and discouragement.

"You're on Brit." Johnny said while passing by the couple. The dancers made quick work to the stage to start the introduction. Britney felt her earpieces being passed to her. She took a deep breath and grabbed them. Her headset hung around her neck. She knew it was finally time again. Her break from Joey and her initial walk was nerve-wrecking, but Britney tried to take it in stride. "I love you Britney!" Joey shouted out as she began to walk for the stage. Britney stopped herself and the crew and security that followed her. Britney turned back to look at Joey. She could see a support crowd consisting of A.J., Justin, Nikki, Veronica and Danay forming around Joey. She puckered her lips and then blew a kiss in Joey's direction. She could see Joey begin to blush after her action. Joey smiled and smooched at her. Britney began to giggle softly before mouthing the words, 'Love you too.' She relaxed her shoulders again and then placed her transmitter earpieces in. "Okay, let's do this." she announced, turning back to the direction of the stage.

The smooth electric sound hit the concert hall, drawing up a loud momentum of screams. The ad-libs of Britney's voice echoed through the amped speakers while her dancers began their well-rehearsed routine. Their breathtaking moves were nonstop as the spotlight ran over the sleek stage. The band continued to play the music loud, signaling a new tune for the audience. This new tune was what was needed to start the night. Some thing new to bring through a new period in Britney's life.

The pyrotechnics were the perfect added introduction for the shining star that had fallen to earth. Her lyrical brown eyes filled the overhead digital screen. Her smooth moves from under the stage were unseen. She tossed her shoulder length hair back and smiled innocently while the thumping beat blasted at the audience. Britney enjoyed hearing the screams for her again. It brought back her fondest memories of being onstage and sharing the joys of celebrating music with her colleagues. This is what Britney was devoted to do and she could not deny her love for it at any moment.

All of the audience members caught a glimpse of her as she walked, but then a full fledged look when she crossed in front of the dancers with her own polished moves. She was no longer the stiff Britney that teens criticize. She was no longer placed into a class with Mariah Carey for clothing she wore or the attitude she gave. She could not be classified as just another girl singing because her style was now too unique. And she could no longer be seen as someone above the others, because she was now 'Just Britney'.

While the shimmering white spotlight finally fell on Britney, she lifted her head with determination. The crowd cheered enthusiastically, admiring Britney's honey-blonde hair that was slightly covered with a blue, denim bandanna. Britney could freely move in her see-through, baby blue Fu Man Skeeto top. She let the sleeves stay rolled down her arm while feeling her white tube top squeeze down on her chest. She conmpensated for the top with her black, tight fit pants. Her head set kept her ready as her earpieces dictated the music as it was played. Britney never stopped during her routine to wave or to smile. She kept a serious face to keep her mind focused on the routine she was set to do.

Since the very first day

True love hit us in a special way

But I can't control my temptation

Baby your love is a new vibration

And when you look at me (look at me)

Baby it feels so very real

I can't say no when you ask (when you ask)

Baby I want to make this moment last

Oh ho

Britney let her dancers have their work of the stage while she sung into her headset microphone. She could feel the crowd getting into the song, though only a few knew some of the words. She let the crowd accommodate to the newness of the material she sang while trying to cover as much of the stage as possible.

And baby it's your kiss (baby, baby)

It's your kiss (baby, baby)

It makes me hot like fire

And baby it's your kiss (baby, baby)

It's your kiss (baby, baby)

You're my desire

Baby it's your kiss, baby it's your...

Baby it's your kiss, baby it's your...

Britney adjusted her top and finally broke a smile for the crowd. Though sweat trickled from her forehead, she continued to give the audience what they wanted. They wanted a piece of Britney. Some wanted to be Britney and others wanted to live the life she lived. Some just wanted to taste the cup of exictement she sipped on, but none were aware of the pressures of being her. She never let on to the times she cried during tours and performances.

She had to keep the expression the world expected of her, the infamous smile.

I didn't know the second before

But it was something about your love

I've got you on my mind all of the time

I know it's right when I look in your eyes

And when you look at me (look at me)

Baby I wish you'd say the words

I can't say no when you beg and plead (plead)

You've got all that I need

Oh ho

Britney repeated the second chorus while the crowd began to loosen up with her. "Keep going B!" TJ offered a hint of encouragement as Britney felt herself lagging. She puffed out a small breath and then bounced to the beat. The intensisty of the performance kept her on her toes when it came to movements. Weeks of training could have helped, but Britney prefered experience over practice. Even with thoughts of her boyfriend falling into her mind from time-to-time, Britney remained focused on the performance she demanded of herself. Her only trademark was her alto voice that carried ehr through the rest of the song.

As Britney ended the song, she took a cue from the dancers and struck a pose for the crowd. The band continued a drawn out note to keep the applause ringing for Britney. She panted and caught her breath while the band held the strung out note. Her desire to continue the performance only made her will stronger. Britney's chest rose and fell quickly, she longed for a quick sip of water. While her pose ended, she carefully pulled off her bandanna. She gripped the bandanna and waltzed to the front of the stage. The crowd continued to scream as the music faded. Britney enjoyed her name crossing so many lips. "Hey Hawaii! How are ya'll doing?!" Britney beamed out with her drawn out accent. The joyous response was more than enough for the eighteen year old. She pushed ends of her hair behind her ears and dropped her bandanna onto the stage. She swallowed loosely and then cracked a cheery smile.

"I hope ya'll are having fun tonight and I hope ya'll enjoyed Innosense's performance too." Britney commented, walking to a stool that had now been set out for her. The crowd clapped loudly for her as she sat on the stool. She reached down and grabbed the bottle of mineral water that sat near the stool's legs. "I'm really happy to be here in Hawaii... with friends and of course, you guys. Uh, the song I just did was called 'Kiss' and it's on my next album." Britney remarked before taking a large gulp of the water. The crowd began to silence a little while pictures were being snapped of Britney. Britney lowered the bottle and licked her cotton candy pink lips. "This next song I'm going to do is kind of slow and it'll be on the next album too. It's one of my favorite's from the new album and it's called 'Thinking Of Us'. I hope ya'll enjoy it." Britney announced. She took a deep breath afterward and then placed the bottle back onto the stage.

The ballad-like music began to strum from the band while Britney took in another deep breath. She enjoyed performing the song for many reasons. For some unknown reason, Britney had dubbed the song hers and Joey's. And as she licked her lips for the final time, Britney pictured Joey somewhere in the audience watching her and singing the song with her.

My best friend called today

She asked me if I was stopping by

I told her that I was okay

But right now I think I'm gonna cry

I just saw you and your new girlfriend

And I wasn't really ready

My heart experienced deep unpleasure

And the beat wasn't steady

So I'm telling you

I've been thinking of us

Through the light and the dark

I realize we made a mistake

But it's too late to change

I'm thinking of us

What we had in our love

I'll never get that again

And I should have tried to stay friends

I have to pack up memories

If I'm to survive (it's okay, go ahead and cry)

I've experienced vulnerable emotions

But for some reason I refuse to cry

My friends say they understand

And it seems like they're genuine

But when I see you looking at me

I wonder what could have been

And I'm still thinking

Britney dabbed off a drop of sweat from her forehead as she began to sing the second hook. Her eyes batted and she stood from the stool. Her need to get into the performance drove her to stand. She strolled down to the front of the stage again with a blinded strut. She raised her arms for emphasis while singing. There was no strain, just music. She had found her tune and she couldn't release it without accentuating every chord. Britney brought her eyes out into the audience where she could see girls and guys screaming for her. It was a delight. She could even see Tyler Chasez and Harold Littrell mouthing the words to the song. This made her smile grow even greater.

Didn't nobody know what I experienced those days

When we finally said to go our separate ways

I'm sure something makes you think twice

About letting me walk out of your life

And I'm still thinking...

As the instrumental played, Britney decided to get a little more personal.

She waved to a few members of the audience with glee. She could feel hair sticking to her face from the heat of the night. It did not bother her, she was intune with the music. She strolled toward the section that held all of the artists' family members. She gave a quick wave to Phyllis and Joe Fatone and then to Lynn Harliss. She was delighted to see their support of her. Britney did not want to end her time of intimacy, but she could feel the build of the song drawing near another chorus. She crossed over another piece of the stage, closer to the backstage area. She could see Nikki and Chris rocking back and forth to the music. She giggled inaudibly and then danced a little back to her stool.

I've been thinking of us

Through the light and the dark

I realize we made a mistake

But it's too late to change

I'm thinking of us

What we had in our love

I'll never get that again

And I should have tried to stay friends...

The night was sweeping the Blaisdell Center, but none of the audience members grew weary. Everyone stayed strong as Britney performed two of her old songs and two new songs from her album. She now drew to the end of her set and the audience still wanted more. Britney had finished 'From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart' and now she needed something to spark the audience's liveliness again. While dressed in a sunshine-yellow halter top and power-blue jeans, Britney adorned an equally yellow cowboy hat. She looked at the crowd with the sassiness of Janet Jackson and the boldness of Elizabeth Taylor. "Ladies, let me ask you a question... do you ever get tired of being with a guy who's real immature? I mean he just doesn't have any concept of what loves about?" Britney asked the crowd while walking across the stage. Her response from the women of the crowd was tremendous. She nodded and then smiled. "I mean this one guy just doesn't understand that you're tired of just telling people that you're together. You really want some kind of commitment, but he's just not getting it." Britney added, crossing in the opposite direction she began her walk. Once again, the response was tremendous. Britney giggled and strutted to the center of the stage. She crossed her arms as her dancers began to flood out of several outlets of the backstage. "Well then ladies, this is the song for you." Britney stated with a halfbaked attitude. She tilted her head up a little and then let the band began the instrumental to the song she searched for.

I've never been one for a summertime fling

Something about you attracted me

Even though I was young when I met you

I'm a little bit older and things have changed

I no longer want a card on Valentine's day

I don't expect you to remember every anniversary

But I do want to hear "I love you baby"

I do want to know you're serious about loving me

Britney and her dancers were fully into the song. It was her first single from her new album and most of the crowd already knew the words. The crowds knowledge of the Internet, radio stations and TRL kept them in touch with Britney and Britney savored each moment. From every glide to every dip, Britney was into her routine for 'Bubble Gum Love'. She could visualize the video for the song and the fun she had making it. The song was simply fun for her and now she had finally escaped that teenage love and matured to her relationship with Joey.

I don't want no bubble gum love

That ain't good enough

Boy I know you've got love inside of you

But that's something you've gotta prove

I don't want no sugary love

Because baby that just ain't good enough

I know you've got something special for me

So stop acting innocent

I'm no longer the shy girl

I have to be direct with the way I feel

Cotton candy and rollercoasters are exciting

But kisses in the morning, I can't fight it

There's always been something about you

So baby can't you tell me the truth

I no longer like the big things just the little things

Are you serious about loving me?

Britney repeated the second chorus, walking toward the left side of the stage. She allowed her dancers to do the breakdown for the second chorus while she interacted with the crowd again. Britney lifted her cowboy hat a little and slicked off her sweat. She felt another dying desire for water, but withheld it to continue her routine. She glanced behind her shoulder and saw J.C. and Danay looking on from backstage. She giggled and then waved to them. "Go on girl!" Danay shouted out, trying to get her voice to reach Britney's ears. She failed, but Britney managed to lip-read some of the words she spoke. Britney did not take the small opportunity to reply fore she had to return her full concentration to her performance.

Wished you'd stop playing hide-n-seek

I was just a girl when you fell for me

But now I'm a little older and a little more demanding

Give me something more then roses and candy

Give me good love

Give me your heart

Tell me you love me

Don't toy with my love

I know you've got something special for me

So stop acting innocent

Britney ripped off her cowboy hat to do the third and final chorus. She therw the hat to the crowd, giving the audience memorobilia to remember the night by. Her own memories were being etched by seeing the experssions on several of her fans' faces. Nothing could bring her down from the high she was feeling with each note and adlib she sang. She let the fire inside of her burn with a blazing inferno. And as her set came to a close, Britney had showed the crowd that she had now transcended from the 'teeny bopper' stage to the mature woman stage.

Her final pose brought out shrieks from the audience. Not one hand stood still, each was clapping for the show Britney had put on. Britney gave a small laugh when breaking from her model-like position. She waved to the crowd again. "Thank ya'll so much for coming tonight... I hope to see ya'll around. Have fun! And get ready for 'N Sync next." Britney declared through a panting voice. She pulled her hair back behind her ears and listened to the high pitched screams get louder for her. She shook her head and laughed. "Give it up for the band and the dancers ya'll!" Britney added, turning around to acknowledge the crew that worked with her through many hard nights. The crowd continued to applaud, less concerned about the technical side of Britney's career. The dancers approached Britney and soon they formed a straight line. Britney grabbed hands with TJ and Shawn and gradually they all began to bow for the audience. The cheers continued as they began to bow again. The overwhelming applause left Britney speechless as she and her dancers began to run towards the back.

Britney reached the backstage to be welcomed by a large, white and fluffy towel. Britney ripped the towel that attacked her from her face. She sniffled a little and then began to dab her face off with the towel. She looked to the person who threw the towel, the big and bearly security guard Q. Britney smiled a little and then began to remove her technical equipment with the assistance of Trish and Mike. "Good show Spears." Q commented, looking out into the audience for any security difficulties. His inspection was quick and simple, a recurring event for him. "Thanks Q... is Joey around?" she asked while being patted on the back by several of her dancers.

Q looked behind him and then to each side. "No, he and the guys already headed to their positions for the beginning of the show." Q responded with a brief voice. Britney wrinkled her face greatly. She knew that the action behind the stage was never-ending. It troubled her, but Britney was unable to change the occurrences that happened while she was on the stage. She could only string her soft fingers through her golden hair and pout. "Well is Baby Angel still here?" Britney asked, looking for a second ray of light.

She wrapped her towel on either side of her shoulders. Q nodded for her, finding more pressing matters on his mind. "Yeah, Brian wanted him to stick around for the show and all. So he's down the hall and in the back room with Lea." Q explained. Britney grinned smally. "Then I'll go see that cutie while my cutie's on stage." Britney gabbed in her bubbly inflection. Q nodded again, tracing his eyes along the wardrobe area. Britney shook her head and began a slow walk toward the back of the concert hall. She let her thoughts drag on in her spiritual way. She had more serious matters to contemplate.

The 'N Sync set was finished thiry miuntes prior to this event. It was now the middle of the Backstreet Boys' set and now relfection was becoming heavy on hearts. 'Quit Playin' Games With My Heart' was finished and the band continued to play a drawn out instrumental as the Backstreet Boys quickly changed behind the stage. "Oh I could use a drink!" Nick announced foolishly, trying to accommodate his black vest to the microphone equipment.

He allowed Donna to flip through his hair with a comb and touch up his light coat of makeup. He looked up to see Howie eyeing him with a heavy coating of disgust. Nick fashioned Howie a smile and then went back to primping himself. Nick suffered the scars of war, but he did not attempt to await the full healing process. He let himself bleed further, drawing out more pain for himself internally. "I could really go for a Miami Ice right about now." Nick whistled out, turning his head up some. Howie glided past Nick, failing to recognize Nick's speaking. He did not allow himself to listen to Nick's raves for attention. Howie thought of himself too mature for Nick's level of blinded immaturity.

"Less than two minutes BSB!" the announcement fell from a technician's lips before he ran to make adjustments on the stage equipment. A.J. crossed by Nick, giving him an unfavorable glare. He made it so that they were foriegn to each other. There was no similiar connection between the two anymore. Nick twitched hise nose, followed by a slow crossing of his arms. "Don't say it Nick... I don't care what drink you want." A.J. hissed, sliding on his sunglasses. Nick's lips began to mumble out words, but Nick repressed them. He did not seek another battle between himself and A.J. He only saw defeat in an attempt. "I was just going to suggest a Gilligan for you and the ol' Howie-mistier, but then again we don't want a drunk dad in Hawaii." Nick tried to joke with A.J. A.J. sneered at Nick. He did not welcome Nick's kindness or sour sense of humor.

A.J. made a small turn and then stood near the railing of the backstage where he found an interesting site for his eyes. He crossed his arms and began to hum pleasently. He snorted a little and then sighed. His brown eyes looked through the blue-tinted frames to admire the Littrell's sharing an embrace. He watched curiously as Justin's lips ran roughly over Brian's thin ones. He inspected Brian's hands as they ran over Justin's back and then infrequently slid over Justin's round ass. A.J. tilted his head a little more to watch the patented technique that only Brian and Justin could love. He even regarded the way Brian would break from the kiss occasionally to kiss the tip of Justin's nose. He had espied Brian and Justin kissing before, but this time seemed more intimate and more desperate. A.J. could not configure why he looked upon them as a lily in its first bloom. He knew their relationship had been long and drawn, but the romance still seemed like the last flickering birthday candle, it never wanted to die out.

A.J. began to clear his throat but receeded. He allowed his friends to savor a minute they no longer found. Brian broke from the kiss again and let his smooth, pink lips caress the tip of Justin's nose. "Mmm, I love you babe..." Brian hummed, continuing his kissing to Justin's cheek. He brought his hands down to the small of Justin's back and began to press his body tight with Justin's. His blue eyes batted open to check his time limit. Justin released a small moan into Brian's ear and brushed his small goatee against Brian's thin cheek. Brian smiled and then looked straight forward. His eyes raised open when eyeing A.J. standing behind Justin. His mouth parted a little, a grunt rattling his throat. A.J. shook his head quickly, trying to silence Brian's words. A.J. raised his hands and mouthed the word, 'Stay.' Brian cocked his eyebrow up and then gave him a wide smile. Brian turned his head slightly to kiss Justin's earlobe and then he terminated their closeness.

Justin sighed softly, but kept his hand clasped in Brian's. Justin shifted his body barely and then let his head turn. He saw A.J. standing by with an awkward expression. Justin's face quickly flushed with a reddish hue. "Uhm, I just wanted to tell Brian that we had to get on stage in like thirty seconds or more." A.J. tried to cover for what he was truly escaping.

Brian giggled under his breath, looking as patrons passed by. Justin licked his lips and then gave A.J. a counterfeit smile. He felt the true self-consciousness manifest when A.J. kept the conversation silent. He could only imagine what A.J.'s thoughts had transcribed. "I'm going to go and sit with Angel for a bit before we have to leave for the hotel." Justin managed to whisper to his husband, gripping Brian's hand tighter. Brian nodded, feeling the sweat streaming from Justin's plam. Brian released Justin's hand and then opened his arms. Justin did not need any further hints from Brian. He stepped into Brian's arms for a prolonged hug. Brian squeezed Justin like a plush, soft Tigger doll. He smoothed his hands over his spouse and pressed his head into Justin's shoulder. Brian moaned pleasently, snuggling his head to Justin's body. "I'll see you in a bit Rocky." Justin whispered, pulling from the hug. Brian groaned in disappointment, but he permited Justin to depart from him.

Brian hugged himself while watching Justin disappear into the corridors. He sighed, feeling uncomfortable again. "I didn't want to say this in front of J, but I sort of blame J.C. for what we're going through with Nick." A.J. started a mild conversation while placing his cowboy hat on. Brian turned his head to glance at A.J. His crystal-blue eyes examined A.J.'s face for solacing in the topic. "You mean how Nick's turned back to a life of alcohol again?" Brian questioned A.J.'s comment. A.J. nodded with angst in his hidden eyes. His passing of judgment on Nick was not hidden from any of the members, but his reasons were. "I think Nick took it kind of hard when they broke up and J.C. hasn't really put forth any effort to at least stay good friends or mend the problems they have." A.J. remarked with a grand sound of intelligence. Brian puckered his lips. "We can't blame J.C. for this. If you make a vow, it has to be for yourself and not for anyone else.

God forbid it, but if I ever lost Justin..." Brian had to stop himself with talking about the sore subject. He gripped his fist shut and drew his eyes off of Nick. His shame was greater than his anger. A.J. placed a hand on Brian's shoulder for comfort. Though A.J. was not present the night Brian hit Justin, he knew the burden his friend had to carry was great. A.J. had supported Brian when it came to the battle with their friends, now he felt the tugging force to support Brian with his words. "If I ever lost him, I'd keep my vow to not drink ever again... not only for my son, but for myself. I know I can go on without liquor, but I can't go on without my friends, my family, my son... and my husband." Brian fiddled out with crackling tears kissing his eyelids. He aspired to hold in the tears of his emotional state while taking a deep breath. The thoughts began to wear on his stomach, making him a feel somewhat lightheaded.

"I know what you're saying man... if I made a vow for Amanda or for the baby, I'd keep it regardless of where she was or where Amaiya was because my heart knows that they are number one for me." A.J. agreed, seeing eye-to-eye with the man he called his best friend. He began to massage Brian's shoulder while time ticked down. Brian lifted his head a little, letting the shame fall from his smooth face. "Can you believe it? We're both Backstreet Dads." Brian commented, releasing a healthy laughed. A.J. nodded with a cheery smirk. "I think it's something to be proud of Rok. I mean, me and you... we're fathers now. Still in this industry, in our prime and we're fathers." A.J. marvelled at himself and Brian. It was true pride for A.J. "And soon enough, we'll be the only two married Backstreet Boys too." A.J. added with promise in his glassy eyes. Brian couldn't find any shame in A.J.'s words. Whether the public knew or not, Brian did not care. It was all about having a sense of family and love.

All five Backstreet Boys stepped on the stage with the dimmed lights. They each reached a wooden stool that was placed neatly on the stage for them. Kevin made himself comfortable while wearing a cut-off Clavin Klien top and CK slacks. Howie placed both of his feet on the bars of the stool, adjusting his French Connection top and letting his long, black hair caress his neck. Nick toyed with his microphone, sporting black Nautica sweats, a long sleeved black turtleneck and his Old Navy vest. He tapped his GBX shoes on the stage, waiting for the lights to flicker on the stage again. He could hear fans screaming for them, but he was unsure if they could make their silhouettes out from the darkness and shadows. He glanced over his right shoulder, watching A.J. adjust his earpiece. A.J.'s black cowboy hat was tilted downward, hiding much of his face. A.J.'s CK top bore his tattoo-covered arms and his baggy Nautica sweats made him comfortable while sitting on the stool. Brian sat at the end with his Tommy blue jean jacket and jeans ensemble. His head was covered with a Tommy knit-cap and his feet were covered with Timberland boots. He felt as comfortable as A.J. on the stage, overlooking the massive Hawaiian crowd.

Show me the meaning of being lonely...

The Hawaiian audience ripped with screams with the lights lifted and the sweet sounds of percussion were heard in the arena. The sounds of an orchestra-like rhythm ran through the arena, touching each hand that was raised and each heart that was beating. Brian kept his mic raised while all the others lowered theirs. He closed his eyes to visualize the emotion Max Martin put forth for the song. He could hear it and he could feel it running it's definition through his body.

So many words for the broken heart

It's hard to see in a crimson love

So hard to breathe

Walk with me, and maybe

Nights of light so soon become

Wild and free I could feel the sun

Your every wish will be done

They tell me...

Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with

Tell me why I can't be there where you are

There's something missing in my heart

Kevin stood from his stool to appreciate the full emphasis in the song. He walked a small distance from his stool, trying to let the audience feel more in touch with him. He was shy when it came to his sensitivity. He would not let the crowd see his pain or let them relate to his current situation. He was without a woman that he knew he loved. He had warning, he had time and he had opportunity. Kevin neglected each and failed to realize the importance of priority. He let what he knew to be a leader to failure for Brian and Nick overtake him and lead him through the path of deceit.

Life goes on as it never ends

Eyes of stone observe the trends

They never say forever gaze at full moon

Guilty roads through an endless love (endless love)

There's no control

Are you with me now?

Your every wish will be done

They tell me

As Nick finished his verse and the Boys began their second chorus, each of them stood from their stool. They walked outward to receive more ovation for their talent, harmonizing. True effort was put into their performance for this song to drive out the emotion that was synthesized on their CD. Nick held the middle position, closing his eyes to sing each note. Kevin and Howie drifted to one side to look at family members and friends. Brian faded back some, never leaving too far from his stool. He glanced back and then winked at Nikki. Nikki waved to him with a secure smile. She had been watching her friend's perform, keeping an eye to one particular individual. She knew that Brian could not get his attention and Nikki did not long for it. She only wanted to observe for herself his life after her. She searched for signs of despair to relate and match with her own feelings of devoid loneliness. A sigh crossed her lips as Howie inched to the front a little to complete the verses of the song.

There's nowhere to run

I have no place to go

Surrender my heart, body and soul

How can it be you're asking me to feel the things you never show

The light instrumental began with a rang of a Spanish guitar. All of the guys walked back to their stools, feeling a little weary from previous nights. Howie was the first to sit down, giving a quick wave to Pollyana as she bobbed to the magical instrumental. Nick lagged behind the others, trying to spot Aaron and Jane in the crowd. He could hear many screams for him that he tried to respond to, but the amount of too varied. He brushed his hand over his bangs and then gave a few more quick waves to the back of the audience.

You are missing in my heart

Tell me why I can not be there where you are

Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with

Tell me why I can't be there where you are (where you are)

There's something missing in my heart

Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with (tell me why)

Tell me why I can't be there where you are (where you are)

There's something missing in my heart

The song finished with a heavy pluck of a guitar and the vocals of the Backstreet Boys. The echoing sounds of screams and applause rung through the Blaisdell. The Backstreet Boys gave small smiles, feeling pride in their ability to dazzle audiences. The heads began to turn in Howie's direction, awaiting him to cue the next song. Brian took the opportunity to grab a towel from under his stool and wipe his face. The heat of the night had taken over him and he could feel each pour of his body releasing moisture. 'Man, I would kill to be backstage playing with Angel right now.' Brian thought, taking in a deep breath. His job was becoming more of a burden when it came to performing. He rubbed the towel over his forehead and then dropped it to his side. He figured someone would grab it as they transcended to the next song in their medley.

"Hey Hawaii, are you having a good time?" Howie finally asked, standing from his stool. The reply was unprecedented. There was no question in Howie's mind. The audience had fallen in love with the Backstreet Boys all over again. His cheesy smile was a sign of his pride. "Well we wanna thank all of you for coming out tonight for the concert. We hope you enjoy the rest. But right now, I have a question for the ladies..." Howie's grin grew as he spoke. Another burst of screams filled the arena. Howie laughed a little, lowering his microphone. He turned his head to glance over his shoulder and look at his friend's responses to the crowd. Brian and Nick laughed at their screaming while Kevin remained stiff and unmoved and A.J. began his slow build to a hyper mood. Howie swallowed his grin to give the crowd a complacent expression. "Well see I'm looking for a girl... not just any girl, but someone who'll be good to me. Someone who will love me when I need love and will help me when I need help," Howie stated, pacing from one part of the stage to another. The crowd listened carefully to his words. Howie lifted his head a little higher. "You know what? I'm looking for a girl who treats me right. Do we have any girls like that here in Hawaii?" Howie asked with an expected response. Again the reply was clamorous. A few fans began to reach for the stage, hoping to be a part of the song. Howie nodded as the thudding beat began to play from the band. He began to bob some. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Howie cheered as his counterparts stood from their stools and ran to their positions.

Gotta be there for me

Gotta be there when no one's on me

Got a girl who treats me right (girl who treats me right)

Even when she's lonely

Gotta know she can call me

I wonder if she'll treat me right

The guys began the dance they had rehearsed with Fatima a week prior while Howie made his self known at the front of the group. This song was his opportunity to shine in the show. It was Howie's chance to win over the fans that Brian, Nick and A.J. had already successfully done. Howie wanted to show off his sex-symbol status and his manly body. Nothing could prove it better than the song he wrote with Denise Rich and Foxy Brown.

People say that they've found their only one

But yet they're still lookin' around

Cause you know in your heart when it's real

You've gotta have someone with no doubts

Be sure of what you get

Cause there's no takin' back the love inside

Once you're in it, you stick with it

So I wonder if she'll treat me right

Gotta be there for me

Gotta be there when no one's on me

Got a girl who treats me right (girl who treats me right)

Even when she's lonely

Gotta know she can call me

I wonder if she'll treat me right

(wonder if she'll treat me right)

The song continued to finish with an instrumental taking over Foxy Brown's missing rap. The crowd was in love with the song and the way the Backstreet Boys could excel from a ballad to an uptempo melody. They were phenominal to the girls and the boys of the crowd. It was an undeniable sense of nature that held them in that penical point with the Backstreet Boys. Even with the follow-up being another ballad in the form of the Brian Littrell-written 'Just', the crowd stayed with the Backstreet Boys.

Two members of the audience had abandoned their seats to take advantage of a more promising occasion. They had cleared security with two backstage passes and now they searched for any sign of 'N Sync, Britney Spears or even Innosense. 'Don't Wanna Lose You Now' was filling the backstage and the arena. Carmen and Nichole slithered through technicians to get a few glimpses around. Their eyes watched everything, looking for a reason to stop someone. "Man, we're not going to find any of them back here. You know they either left for the hotel already or are in their dressing rooms. Security will never let us get that close." Nichole complained, slowing her walking as she did. She had given up hope, even though she felt an urge to search for any of the guys' supposed girlfriends.

Carmen crinkled her facial expression, tired of her friend's constant complaints. She stopped her stroll and threw her hands on her hips. She looked around from her spot as more workers walked past her. Even Angie, the wardrobe mistress, did not halt to speak to or question either ladies. This angered Carmen. She suppressed her anger to continue her search, but the fire was still white hot inside of her body.

Carmen's careful eyes inspected every area. She eyed a particular table with food sitting on it. 'Craft Caterers.' she thought with a sly grin. Her timid eyes washed over the table, watching every individual that visited the table. Three in particular stayed near the end of the table, intriguing Carmen. Carmen recognized one of the security guards and then her eyes made contact with one of the females. She had seen the woman before, but never in person. She had only viewed her through a few pictures via the Internet.

She questioned the resmblance. She had heard from various sources that the woman had broken up with the Backstreet Boy Carmen connected her with. Whether the sources were true or not was debateable, but Carmen had no time to decide which to believe.

Carmen nudged Nichole, keeping her eyes locked on the woman. Nichole looked up, feeling a little suprised by Carmen. "What Carm'?" she asked in her nagging voice. Carmen hissed at her, trying to hush her friend's loud speaking. Carmen dipped her eyes a little, avoiding any looks from the three. "Nichole... look over at that table. Is that who I think it is? The girl." Carmen handed out directions in a hissing voice. Nichole looked over toward the table as her friend had instructed her. She strived to be discreit about her glances. Her eyes grew slightly wider when taking full notice of the woman. She sucked in a soft gasp, quickly covering her mouth to silence it. She turned her head hastily away from the three. Nichole began to nod swiftly. "Oh yeah, that's her. I thought they broke up." Nichole whispered, still lost in her surprise. Carmen shrugged, nibbling on her lower lip. She began to contemplate on what she and Nichole should do. "We should go say something to her, girl. This may be a once-in-a-lifetime event." Nichole insisted, retaining her soft tone with Carmen. Carmen was still unsure. The idea seemed dangerous, but somewhat their style. They loved to brave the scandolous things and drink down the jeopardous opportunities like a fine bottle of Chardanay. Carmen soon agreed to her friend's offer, seeing no harm in a friendly greeting.

Nichole and Carmen strutted toward the table with no shame in their Hollywoodesque performance. Nichole brushed a curl of her blondish hair behind her ear and then batted her daisy-blue eyes with a risque smile. Carmen held her Sharon Stone-persona by standing lavishly with her reddish lips heavily puckered. She only awaited her close-up. Nichole stayed silent to see if Carmen would be the first to speak. She pondered the woman's appearance, seeing a distinct resemblance to the woman she desired it to be. She had searched to meet the woman many times, haering of breakups an other miscommunications. Now she was going to get the opportunity that teen magazines, VH1, MTV and others would pay severely for.

"Excuse me..." Nichole began, drawing the attention of everyone. Carmen stayed still, eyeing the woman with a precomposed suspicion.

The woman gave the girls a surprised look while Mike, the security guard, took the forefront. "May I help you ladies?" he asked quickly while Monica, the makeup artist, began to receed from the table. "I'll catch you later Manda." Monica seethed out, slipping away. Nichole and Carmen's eyes lit up, directing their view to the woman. They scrutinized as she waved a farewell to Monica. "Amanda!" Nichole shrieked out with no disregard. Carmen clasped her hands closed, pleased with the sight of A.J. McLean's mysterious fiancee. Amanda gave them a proposed smile. She gave Nichole a quick wave, seeing that she was excited to greet Amanda.

Mike pulled back a little when he felt that Amanda was comfortable with the two fans. Nichole took advantage of Mike's kind gesture and moved forward a little. "I can't believe you're here... I heard that you and A.J. broke up." Nichole boasted, staring at Amanda with a nervous grin. Amanda tossed a piece of her red-brown hair behind her back and looked down to her watch. "No, me and A.J. are still together. Don't believe what you hear." she replied, trying to hide her left hand. She had already calculated the drama that would ensue if either of the girls were to see her engagement ring. She looked back up with a tinted smile. "Are you still with Innosense?" Carmen asked briskly, falling into the moment. Amanda shot her a perplexed expression. She licked her solid red lips. "You could say that. I've just needed a little time off, that's all." Amanda gave a short and hidden answer. Carmen was not satiated with the reply, while Nichole drooled over the glamour Amanda glowed with. "Good because I don't think I really like the new girl... whatever her name is." Nichole commented snobbishly. Amanda shook her head at her. "Jenny's a nice girl." Amanda assured Nichole, though Amanda was oblivious to Jenny feelings toward herself and A.J. Amanda placed a hand over her stomach, thinking of the time she took off from Innosense to carry and give birth to Amaiya. She was thankful the public had no knowledge of her pregnancy. It spared her the troubles of a woman, a celebrity couple, having a child outside of wedlock.

"I am so happy you and A.J. are still together because you're like the one Backstreet couple all the fans are in favor of! I mean none of us will ever like Nick having a girlfriend or Brian dating that Leigh Ann girl. I think we're adjusting to Kevin being with Nikki, but we all know Howie's single." Nichole began to gab without a conscious thought. Amanda giggled softly. She had missed seeing fans ramble on about how much they loved the Backstreet Boys, even a pair as mature as Carmen and Nichole. Carmen nudged her friend as usual, trying to silence her rushed words and sentences. "Well I'm sure you'd be happy for them if you knew how happy they were." Amanda replied, remaining silent on her friends' current love life. She gave them another blissful smile.

Mike listened through his earpiece for circulating security situations while Amanda made small talk with the girls. "Yes, I have met Leigh Ann before. She's, well uhm, she's interesting. But her and Brian aren't together." Amanda endeavored a way to be civil when speaking of a woman that made her stomach churn. Mike listened carefully to the transmission being strung through his earpiece. He stepped forward again. "Amanda, Denise says that Amaiya's awake and crying. She thinks you should get back to the room." Mike made his message brief and silent in Amanda's ear. Amanda nodded and then smiled at the girls. She looked down to her watch again, disguising her true reasons. "Well ladies, I have to get going. But you should get back to your seats and try to catch the last bit of the show." Amanda stated, trying to be expeditious about her leaving. Her only care at the moment was the happiness of her child. Mike began to take the front so he could lead Amanda safely to their destination. Nichole frowned formitably as Amanda started to walk. "Are you staying at the Ali'i with A.J.?" Carmen asked for her friend's sake. Amanda turned her head a little for another apt smile. "Yes." was her simple reply as she walked away from the girls to reach her baby girl.

The night was still not over. Club Vegas was once again being visited by the artists and pieces of their families. It was the after-party to the concert where everyone was finally able to drop their image because none of the younger fans were allowed in. This made many of the members of the entourage feel comfrtoable with letting everything hang out while others kept a nice composure, but still had a good time. It was the perfect New Years-like setting where the party did not stop after midnight and the liveliness never died when there was alcohol to consume.

"I can't believe they made us pay fucking twenty dollars for some damn cover charge just because Britney and 'N Sync are here." Nichole grumbled as she and Carmen slide through pieces of the club to find a designated area. Carmen led the way through dancers and drinkers to find a V.I.P. section where she knew her favorite celebrities would be. "It's too bad they wouldn't believe I was related to Robert DeNiro." Carmen remarked as the sounds of Foxy Brown's 'Hot Spot' rocked through the club. Nichole began to laugh at her friend's somber sense of humor. "Well your daddy did work with DeNiro, she it should have worked." Nichole bragged obnoxiously, shoving past a few more dancers. Carmen laughed at the comment, gliding through the people of the club.

Nichole continued to try and push through people that occupied the vast club. She was agitated that so many individuals had found out about the after-party. As soon as she was settled in her complaints a rough thud rocked her balance, causing her to slip a little. "What the hell?!" Nichole barked out. Nichole grabbed onto the railing of a walkway, catching her balance like a professional tight-rope walker. Her ability to do so was unmatched as she quickly stood again with a crumbled expression. Carmen quickly turned back when hearing her friend's groan. "Sorry about that chica." a nothern accent rung near Nichole as a man faded to the dance floor with a woman. Nichole crossed her arms and stared at the pair as they slipped away without assistance to Nichole. "Assholes!" she grunted out. Carmen ventured to hold in her laughter, but it was growing too strong for the young woman. "Do you know that you were just bumped by Joey's brother... and he was walking with Mandy from Innosense to the dance floor." Carmen remarked on the situation. Nichole was not fazed by her literal run-in with the minor celebrities. This only made Carmen laugh harder at Nichole.

Through careful and calculated convincing, mainly through Carmen's ability to win over a penguin with her flirting and Nichole's capability to argue through a brick wall and still walk away with her pride, Nichole and Carmen had made it into the V.I.P. section of the club. Their pride was still humbled as they could see several females and a few males had also been able to slip into the section that held the celebrities of Hawaii. They leaned on a poll five feet away from the booths that pieces of 'N Sync, Innosense, and the Backstreet Boys flocked to, along with their family members and Britney Spears. The sounds of Cher's 'Believe' were rounding out the atmosphere of light drinking and continuous dancing.

Justin bobbed his head to the beat, holding a Heineken between his thumb and index finger. His husband's blue Wildcats hats was turned backwards on his head. He was thoroughly disappointed that his husband left the club earlier, but he knew it was to be with Angel. Though Justin knew he should have retired with Brian, Brian forced Justin to stay. Justin could not question Brian's desire for him to remain at the club, but he deduced that it was so that Justin could have one free night. Justin soon fell back into the mix of the atmosphere with his friends, only drinking from the beer on a rare ocassion. "Man, I've gotta dance." Chris complained with a frusturated expression. Just as the words crossed his lips, the sounds of a remixed version of 702's 'Gotta Leave' came flooding through the Hawaiian club. Justin watched as his friend leaped from the booth quicker than he expected.

Justin laughed loudly as Chris grabbed Veronica's hand. "Come on V... let's leave these bums behind. My baby's song is on." Chris insisted, dragging Veronica toward the dance floor. Justin glared at them as Chris and Veronica joined Howie, Steve, Mandy, Danay, a few of the Backstreet Boys' and Britney Spears' dancers, and Nick on the dance floor.

The leaving of Chris and Veronica left the booths pretty barren with security, Lance, Justin, Nikki, a few more dancers, Tyler Chasez, and Harold Littrell left. Nichole nudged Carmen with a smiley expression. "Justin's pretty much free now Carm'." Nichole tried to whisper into Carmen's ear. Carmen had already taken notice of the situation, but she remained calm about it. She wanted to observe her prey before striking. "Maybe I should ask J.C.'s little bro' to dance." Nichole pondered, trying to strike up a conversation with her friend again. Carmen shrugged, still taking small glimpses of Justin from time-to-time. "You might be too much for him Nichole." Carmen snickered, well aware of her friend's typical dancing style. Nichole's mouth dropped somewhat. She curled her upper lip with distaste. "A little bump-n-grind never hurt anyone. Take a look at Danay and Howie." Nichole gushed, turning her eyes back to the dance floor. Carmen followed her example and turned her head toward the floor. She could see Danay and Howie dancing intensely, their bodies closer than the cookie and cream of an Oreo. It was electrifying, just as the heat of the club. Nichole threw her hand up, egging them on as they danced. "Those two must have a thing for each other." Nichole commented, glancing over the floor to find Nick again.

"Doubt it." a voice caught both of their attentions. Nichole and Carmen both turned around slowly to greet Britney Spears glowing face. Britney stepped up and looked over the balcony to the floor. "They're just friends." she assured the girls as if they were life friends. Nichole and Carmen both lost composure as earlier, feeling intimidated by having Britney Spears standing next to them. Britney was a Lolita icon for Nichole while a teenager living the good life for Carmen, still both admired the girl for handling all of the rude and obscene remarks made against her.

Britney pulled her Abercrombie and Fitch hat down some and then she began to sway to the sounds of Jay Z's 'Do It Again'. "Uh... uh, where's Joey?" were the only words that Nichole could think of, seeking an undisclosed response. Britney twitched her small nose and then turned her head toward Nichole. "My guess is that he's probably grabbing a Heineken to share to Curly." Britney replied carelessly. Carmen leaned further on the pole, eyeing Britney as suspiciously as she eyed other women. She found it hard to believe that Britney would simply lean on the railing of a club near two complete strangers without an ulterior motive. "I don't mean to be rude, but is Joey a good boyfriend? I mean I've heard a lot of stories of him cheating on his girlfriends and flirting with other girls and a lot of other things. It just doesn't seem like he'd be a good boyfriend. Well not half as good as Justin would be." Carmen did not mean to come across rude, but her mouth led her in that direction. Britney grimaced. She turned to look fully at Carmen. She was not insulted, but superficially annoyed. She had to become accustom to people believing rumors, no matter how false they may have been. "Joey's an excellent boyfriend. He's a good man. He hasn't cheated on me or none of that other stuff you said." Britney said with a hint of defense in her voice. "Better than Justin?" Nichole asked while beginning to dance to the beat of the Jay Z song. Britney laughed sorely. "Me and Justin were young when we dated, we weren't as serious as me and Joey are." Britney replied, bobbing her head. Carmen smiled contently. "He just seems like someone too difficult to keep as a boyfriend." Nichole remarked, holding a friendly attitude with Britney. Britney shook her head briskly. "We have our ups and downs like any couple, but we've stuck it out. I love him." Britney replied, reminding herself of an important feeling she thought she had lost. She finally began to a smile a true smile, one that was born from her heart and not of her mind. This was enough to convince Carmen and Nichole that the Internet may have been a nice way to keep up with events, but it was not always the way to define a person and who they loved.

Again the music turned to another upbeat tune as Sisqò's 'Thong Song' hit the club. Nichole's eyes lit up with victory. "Now this is the song!" she announced, throwing her hands up to enjoy the funky tune. Britney felt a finger tapping her shoulder, drawing her attention away from the freakiness of the dance floor. She turned to see her good friend, Justin standing behind her. He reached his hand out and grabbed hers. "Come on babe... let's go give them something to talk about tomorrow." Justin joked, pulling her a little. Britney smiled a cheeky smile back to him. Justin winked at Carmen quickly, leading Britney away from the girls. Carmen's face blushed red as she watched Britney drift away with Justin. Nichole crumpled her lips. She had seen no reservation in Britney's eyes as she walked away with Justin. "That bitch is stealing your man, Carm'." Nichole blurted out when Justin and Britney found a spot on the dance floor. Carmen gave Nichole a rash stare. "Get real! Britney just said that Joey and her are together and that he wouldn't cheat on her." Carmen argued loudly, never looking to the floor to see Britney and Justin. "Yeah, but she didn't say that she wouldn't cheat on him." Nichole remarked with a serious face. Her comment left a thought lingering in Carmen's head as the song continued to bounce in the club.

She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck

Thighs like what? What? What?

Baby, move your butt, butt, butt

I think I'll sing it again

She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck

Thighs like what? What? What?

All night long

Let me see that thong

Nichole pulled up a stool on the bar as Savage Garden's 'I Knew I Loved You' came rattling into the club's speakers. She waited for a bartender to notice her debonair grin. Her wait was not long as one stopped in front of her with an equally large grin. "What ya want sweetheart?" the New York accent rung through her ears. Nichole placed her arms up on the counter, trying to give the bartender a sexy eye for a free drink. She exposed herself a little, letting him have a quick glance down her tube top while she slowly licked her tender lips. The temptress she was able to be upstaged Carmen's moer innocent approach with men. "Hey sexy... can a cute girl like me get a Calypso?" Nichole requested in a voice that mocked Marilyn Munroe. The bartender slithered his eyes up from her breast and then smiled. "What do I get if I give it to ya?" he asked slyly, licking his own lips. Nichole arched her eyebrows at him, seeing he sought something more sexual in their exchange. "You'll get a chance to work here another day without worrying about a sexual harrassment case on your hands. Oh, and make that two Calypso's with the umberallas." a more mature voice replied to the man's inquiry. The bartender and Nichole turned their attention to Nichole's left as Nick Carter sat down next to her. He held out a twenty in his hands and a mild expression of dislike toward the bartender. The bartender quickly became erect again, trying to return to a professional state when seeing Nick. "Yes sir, Mr. Carter." the bartender replied, grabbing the twenty and then hustling away.

Nick finally creaked a smile from his lips, taking a page from Nichole's book and giving her a trademark smile. Nichole had never been so close to Nick Carter, except for that rare befalling when Justin gave her and Carmen backstage passes to the Backstreet Boys concert. Now she was in a relaxed environment, about to share an alcoholic beverage with the man she wanted to bed in a hundred ways. "If you're wondering if I recognize you, I do." Nick giggled, already breathing out breath of alcohol. Nichole ignored it to shoot him an intelligent glare. She gave him a small, flirtatious giggle. "You're the belly button girl." Nick snickered. He placed his arms up on the counter, repeating actions Nichole had taken earlier. "I prefer the term Navel Woman." Nichole corrected him in a sarcastic way. She and Nick began a timeless round of laughter after Nichole spoke. Nichole's nervousness had faded, but her sense of reality was still blurred. Even when their drinks were passed to them by a new bartender, the looks and laughter between them were somehow priceless for Nichole's memories. She merely sighed, tasting the moment's nectar with a young tongue. Nick took a quick sip from his drink and then passed Nichole a senseless grin. Nichole raised her eyebrows with intrigue. "You know what? I really love this song and have no one to dance with it." Nick chimed, placing his hand closer to Nichole. Nichole felt the sweat begin to moisturize her palms. She attempted to swallow her saliva, but she was unsuccessful in her endeavor. "What do ya say navel woman?" Nick asked her in a more approachful way. Nichole elicited another lod laugh, grabbing Nick's hand. "I'd be honored Nick." Nichole replied through his tittering.

Nick and Nichole crossed down the steps toward the dance floor that was occupied by a few couples. Carmen began walking up the steps as they came down. Carmen's eyes widened and her mouth fell promptly as Nichole and Nick began to pass. Nichole cheesed hard toward Carmen, giving her a miniature wave when they passed her. Carmen still stood pale and astonished at Nichole and Nick. 'That girl works miracles.' Carmen thought, continuing her walk up the steps.

Carmen could hear Savage Garden fading while making it to the top of the steps. She could see a model-like female approaching the steps she was exiting. "Hey ya'll! We've got some celebs up in the house tonight, so we're gonna crank up this brand new jam from the girl-group Innosense and it's called 'Still Thinkin' About Him'!" the DJ announced before Innosense's new single began to enter the club. The guitar lead the vocals, bringing out an angelic sense to Innosense's music. Carmen kept her eyes glued on the woman who acme inches from her. She recognized her without even thinking. She was curious about her. "Excuse me... are you Leigh Ann? The actress?" Carmen quickly asked, halting the woman who was followed by a male counterpart. Leigh Ann looked up with glitter in her eyes. She tossed her long blonde hair back and then winked at Carmen. "Yes, my name is Leigh Ann. You can call me Mrs. Leigh Ann Littrell though." she replied timidly, stopping short of the steps. Carmen blinked her eyes quickly, standing in disbelief. She heard Nikki's voice humming on the song, but she was deaf to anything outside of the words Leigh Ann had just spoken. Leigh Ann glared at her with confusion. She placed a hand on her hip and then shrugged. "I'm sorry sweetie, I have to get back to my hotel. Have a good night though and God bless." Leigh Ann responded kindly, trying to end what was their conversation. Carmen could not nod or reply verbally. She allowed Leigh Ann to walk down the steps, followed by the man. The day of surprises for her were growing to be overindulgent.

The night still was not over for many. Justin, Britney and Joey had just entered the elevator to exit to their rooms while Nikki and Tyler in the lobby. Tyler laid relaxed on one of the couches of the lobby while Nikki sat on the arm of the couch. "I bet we have to go up to our rooms sooner or later, huh?" Nikki giggled out, looking down to Tyler. Tyler shrugged, closing his peering eyes. "I'm too tired to eevn think about going in the direction of the elevator." Tyler grumbled, throwing a hand over his eyes. Nikki giggled again. She released a soft sigh. "You're just like your bro', always the sleepy one." Nikki commented, stretching out while on the arm. Tyler removed his hand and frowned. "No, I'm not. Joshua's always the party-pooper. That's not me at all. Besides, your his ex-girlfriend, you should know me and Josh get tired after a long night." Tyler replied, leaning up a little to inspect the lobby. Nikki sighed at the topic. She was once that strong influence in J.C.'s life. She no longer felt that pull, but she knew that she and J.C. were still close. "Josh was always one for sleep." Nikki agreed, leaning back some.

Tyler finally sat up fully, leaning his side on the back of the couch. "I really hope you two get back together.. some time down the road." Tyler whispered out a thoughtful wish. Nikki quickly snapped her head in the younger man's direction. She had never heard such words uttered from anyone. She admired Tyler as a younger brother, but still the thought of she and J.C. becoming a couple again was far beyond what she believed anyone would say. "I mean Lance is a good guy and all, the family lovse him. I know I wouldn't want it to be Nick from what I've seen from these past couple of days... but neither has been like you have. I know mom and dad love you a lot, and me and Heather already look at you as a sister. It would just seem right, Peaches." Tyler explained his remark with a slowed reservation. He feared rejection from Nikki. Nikki nibbled on her lower lip, still not believing how openly Tyler was being about the subject and idea. "Tyler, your brother is... well, Josh likes guys. I think it's a bit too late for him and me." Nikki tried to explain to Tyler. She slid down off the arm of the couch and onto the couch. She slipped her arm around Tyler's shoulders for a friendly embrace. "It's not like you're with someone Peaches. Justin told me you and that old dude broke up. Plus Josh can like both. I heard that they have such people as bisexuals now." Tyler responded sarcastically. Nikki shook her head and then slapped his leg. "You mean like you." Nikki shot back a tease. Tyler's mouth slipped open with surprise. "Get real Peaches! I'm strictly pussy baby." Tyler assured her with a commanding voice. Nikki's mouth imitated Tyler's when hearing his rough words. She slapped his hand with shame. "Oh, I can't believe what a vulgar little boy you have become." Nikki faked shame, giggling under her breath. "Told ya me and Josh were nothing alike." Tyler grinned ear-to-ear, wrapping an arm around Nikki's waist. Nikki laughed loudly and pushed Tyler away to continue their brother-sister play.

Kevin stepped off the elevator as Nikki and Tyler continued to play. He leaned against the wall ajacent to the elevator and frowned. He missed days he could share that same friendly composure with Nikki. 'What have I done Peaches?' Kevin thought, resting his head on the wall. Now he knew their relationship had become strictly professional, something Kevin despised. He couldn't think of ways to win over Nikki again, not even being himself. It was the Berlin Wall of his life and there was no possible exit. He had lost her. "Hello Kevin Richardson... I think we should talk." Kevin's musings were suspended when hearing a familiar woman's voice. Kevin turned his head a little to see Leigh Ann giving him an innocent glare. He furrowed his brow while looking at her. He wanted to resist the poisonous fruit that had ended his relationship with Nikki, but the proposition in Leigh Ann's eyes was too tantalizing to oppose.

Just Beginning (Chapter 56) Written by JM

"Brian, have you seen my orange Saucony shoes?!" Justin called out from the bathroom of the hotel room he shared with his son and husband. Brian sat in a chair near the door, putting a T-shirt on his son. Standing over him was his brother, Harold Littrell. "No, Just. You brought like twenty pairs of shoes... pick one of the other nineteen!" Brian called back, trying to rush his husband. Justin only released a loud groan, staying in the bathroom. Harold laughed softly. "Dose he go through this all the time?" Harold asked with a grin, admiring the way his brother took direct care of his son. Brian worked the shirt down Angel's stomach and then playfully tickled him. "No, he only does this half the time." Brian snickered. Harold nodded, impressed by his brother's tolerance.

Brian stood up from the chair, holding Angel carefully. He walked with Angel to a nearby mirror-dresser. "So you asked her?" Brian asked, grabbing two hats from the dresser. Harold's face perked up promptly. "Oh yeah." Harold replied, finding a seat in the chair Brian and Angel had just occupied. Brian looked at his brother through the mirror. He slid on his Wildcats hat. "And what did Lea say?" Brian questioned, placing his son's fisherman hat on his head. Angel began to tug on his father's shirt for comfort. Brian lifted Angel up a little more when seeing his son's frown. "She said that she'd love to go out with me tonight, even though she feels a little shaky about seeing her employers' brother." Harold responded with a cheery, southern accent. Brian laughed at his brother's gitty attitude. He turned around to look at Harold with a laughing smile. "Then everything's good." Brian grinned.

Harold sat up in the chair, becoming erect. "I don't know bro'. I mean I just feel a little indifferent about dating a girl named Lea when my last girlfriend's name was Leigh Ann." Harold stated, looking down at the ground while twiddling his thumbs. Brian began to lose his smile. Leigh Ann was alos his ex-girlfriend and a one night stand for Kevin. Brian was insulted that the woman that confessed so much love for him was able to weed her way into sleeping with two other members of his family. He saw the woman as a true bitch to the definition society gave the word. "Don't let it bug you, Harold. Leigh Ann's not here and Lea's different." Brian gave an assurance to his older brother. Harold still felt the guilt of being and loving the woman that was his brother's girlfriend first. He knew it was a family shame, one that his parents did not approvae of.

"Plus Lea is a nice and good person and Leigh Ann's the get-around girl of Orlando." Justin made his presence known with his comment towards Leigh Ann.

Harold and Brian both directing his attention to Justin while he walked toward them. Harold wrinkled his brow. "Careful Justin, you're talking about a woman that I once loved." Harold warned his brother-in-law with a smile. Justin shook his head in disbelief. He found it hard for one person to love a woman that used him and broke his heart. "Are you finally ready?" Brian asked, trying tno nag his husband in a kind way. Justin pursed his lips. He thrived in his ability to annoy Brian with the simplier things. "Just give me my son you little Edith Bunker." Justin replied, forming a grin. "But Archie!" Brian attempted to imitate a New York accent while gingerly bequeathing Angel to Justin. Justin cheerfully took his son into his arms, cherishing him like a diamond. Harold rolled his eyes at Justin's cooing, finally finding the nerve to stand from the chair. "Ya'll three have fun today." Harold managed to only speak a few words to the family as they drew closer together. Brian looked up to his brother as he began his exit. He smiled and then waved toward him. "Have a good date, big bro'." Brian replied with his ginger smile. Harold gave him a small laugh, placing his hand on the door. "Take care of my nephew lovebirds." Harold added before finally withdrawaling from the room.

The pool area of the hotel was not off limits, but rather segregated for the safety of the celebrities. None of the gusets knew that a few were making the trip to the pool, but word began to spread once the appearance of Mandy, Nikki, Justin, Brian, and Lance were known to a few guests. The unknown sixth party was Angel. Soon a few guests made their way to the pool that began to become a security safe zone. Q, Mike, Marc, and Lonnie were all on watch for the celebrities that tried to enjoy their vacation in the Hawaiian heat. They followed all strict regulations to prevent any security mishaps from occurring.

Nikki, Lance, and Brian laid out in the sun while Mandy and Justin enjoyed a portion of the pool with Angel. The setting for them was beautiful, despite the added onlookers. Marc walked up to where Brian, Mandy and Lance sat and passed Lance the Chiller he requested. "Thanks Marc." Lance replied while taking the drink. Marc eyed the area, staying close to the three. "Man, we'll never be able to enjoy the sun like this." Nikki complained softly before sitting up on her lounge chair. She pulled her brown hair into a loose ponytail and flopped back again. "At least you don't have about twenty girls trying to get a picture of your chest." Brian hummed, trying to adjust himself to comfortablity. He propped his arms behind his head, peering his eyes to look at the ice blue water his husband, his son and Mandy played in. "No, but I've got about twenty guys trying to take pictures of my chest." Nikki giggled, closing her eyes again. Lance glanced over to them, his somber face finding a drop of glee. "But at least we're not being rude to the fans, you know? We're giving them a chance to interact with us." Lance reminded them before taking another sip of his Chiller. Brian and Nikki both nodded to show they agreed.

Justin and Mandy emerged from the pool with Mandy carrying Angel in her arms as Justin gathered towels from Lonnie. "Ooh, let me see Baby Angel." Nikki squeeled reaching her arms out as Mandy approached. Mandy giggled at her friend's enthusiasm to see the child. She took a seat next to Lance, keeping Angel in her lap. "Ask his Dad." Mandy replied with a smug grin. Nikki stuck her tongue out at Mandy and then began a loud laughter. Mandy shook her head and then leaned back in her chair with Angel remaining thoroughly quiet. Mandy was pleased that Angel was able to adjust to the people his parents communicated with. It made Mandy feel more at ease with the child.

Justin began to dry his curly hair with the towel near Lonnie. "Are you sure you want to keep the kid out here with all of these people?" Lonnie asked, standing broad and stiff behind Justin. Justin scrubbed the towel through his brown, curly locks. He looked back at Lonnie with a sudden suspicion. "Why not? My son should be able to enjoy this nice weather like everyone else." Justin responded in his own questionable way. Lonnie shrugged, trying to let the subject die. Justin, however, was not as quick to give up. "Excuse me, Justin, can I get a picture with you?" a voice interrupted their slowly building battle. Justin turned around fully, seeing that Mindy had slipped over to their area during Justin and Lonnie's discussion. Justin gave a small sigh. He sought out privacy in the pool area and was not fortunate to receive such a blessing. He eyed the girl with a peculiar knowledge of her. "Okay, sure. Let me grab a shirt first." Justin replied, reaching back to the clothing pile the security stood near. Lonnie could only imagine what friends would think if they knew his sole purpose in the pool area was to guard clothing so that it was not stolen by fans.

Justin managed to slip on the navy blue tank and then slide next to the girl. Bonnie was once again the camerawoman for the day as she snapped two pictures of Mindy and Justin standing together. Justin creaked a nice smile for the camera, while Mindy smiled nervously. She only searched for a reason to stay near Justin longer when the photo opt was finished. Justin stepped away from the girl and removed his shirt again. He felt uncomfortable near a pool while wearing a shirt. As his back was turned to place the shirt with his shoes, Bonnie quickly and stealthy snapped a picture of Justin's back. She knew her purpose for the fleet move. She wanted a picture of Justin's tattoo. She was unsure of where to look for the tattoo. She only knew she had a nice angle of Justin's full back while taking the picture. She sighed out a satisfied sigh while lowering her camera. In Hawaii, she was experiencing what many of girls dreamed of. It was orgasmic for her youthful mind.

Justin turned around to see the girls still standing behind him. He raised his brow, feeling disquieting around the young girls. "Uh, Justin, I was just hoping you could autograph this Kodak card of you... and my cousin would kill me if I didn't give you her e-mail address and her website address." Mindy replied, her voice a little jaunted. Justin licked his erd lips and then smiled. He grabbed the piece of paper with the Internet information on it and then grabbed the Kodak card. "Tell your cousin that I'm not on the Internet much, but I'll try and drop her a line when I get the opportunity." Justin explained as Mindy handed him a marker. Justin quickly scribbled his trademark signature on the card with his picture on it. He handed it and the marker back to Mindy with a polite smirk. "Look Mindy, Justin gave your pen back... because uh, Joey forgot when we were in the lobby." Bonnie remarked, trying to spark an interest from Justin. Lonnie rolled his eyes at the girl's foolish attempt. Justin, however, found interest in hearing the girl speak. "So when did ya'll see Joey?" Justin asked, remaining courteous to the girls. Bonnie and Mindy both greeted Justin's question with a grin. "This morning... he and Britney were leaving with his family." Mindy responded, dropping her shy demeanor. Bonnie only managed to briskly nod. Justin released a light laugh. "Ah, yeah, they went out to another beach. Ya'll ladies have a good day," Justin made a short farewell to the ladies before returning to the region his friends sat in.

Mindy and Bonnie quickly ran over to the side of the pool Johnny and Mindy's cousin, Erica, waited at. "What did he say?! What did he say?!" Johnny asked ecstatically. Erica hastily pushed Johnny aside to reach her cousin and her friend. "Did he get the address? Did he say he would check out the page? Did he give you his e-mail?! Is he going to write me?" Erica blurted out her questions, causing Mindy and Bonnie to bare obnoxious expressions. Mindy brushed by Erica to return to her seat. "Yeah, I gave him the stupid addresses Erica. He said he'd try to write you." Mindy replied snobbishly, losing the high she had seconds before returning. Her words may have been dulled and sharp, but they were no arrows to Erica's heart. She was filled with joy to know Justin had her e-mail address. "Mindy, we didn't ask Justin about his girlfriend." Bonnie quickly noted to her friend, taking a seat in the lonuge chair next to her. "Oh shit." Mindy hissed, pulling her legs up on the chair. Bonnie turned a wicked stare to Johnny before he could have think of the reactions needed. "Shut up Johnny." Mindy quikcl snapped as the words began to form on Johnny's lips. Johnny closed his mouth and yanked the words back into his throat. He had learned to obey his sister for social reasons. "Oh her name is Kelly and she's supposedly here. People saw her with Justin two days ago when they arrived here." Erica informed the girls with a tongue-twisting event. Mindy's eyes made a leap of doubt, satring at her cousin with disbelief. "You mean that girl is Kelly?" Bonnie asked the question that Mindy was unable to utter. Erica nodded with an assured glance.

"Kelly who?" a voice qusetioned Erica's information. Four sets of eyes ran to the sound of the voice. They fell upon Carmen and Nichole standing in matching bikini's. Nichole kept her arms placed on her hips while Carmen posed a model-like stance. Erica's mouth dropped some. "Hello Erica, remember us? From the BSB concert where we met Justin?" Nichole brought up memories to the girl she had referred to as the 'nerd' of the group they shared that night. Erica managed to nod without speaking words, surprised to see Nichole and Carmen once again. "It would seem your website gave me some faulty information. Turns out Nick's not seeing a girl named Mandy and Kevin's not engaged." Nichole commented with a branding glare. Erica took a deep swallow while Mindy, Bonnie and Johnny brought their eyes to Erica with a hint of spite. "A reliable source who attended A.J.'s birthday party assured me that one of the guys was engaged." Erica stumbled over her words, trying to defend herself. Nichole gave her an evil stare. "So you automatically assumed that since Kevin was the oldest that he was getting married?" Nichole questioned her with a hiss. Erica swallowed again, finding it hard to defend her actions and words. "Wait, how do you know Kevin isn't engaged?" Mindy inquired, directing her eyes to Nichole and Carmen. Carmen turn to her with a disrespectful glare. "The same way we know Justin isn't dating a girl named Kelly," Nichole gave a small portion of the response. "We've talked to Justin." Carmen finished their reply. Mindy's heart jumped when hearing the revalation. Carmen gave her a gleam, seeing a competition to win Justin's love in Mindy. Bonnie stayed in her chair, seeing no entrance for her in the conversation.

"In fact, we've talked to Justin, Nikki, Britney, Nick and Amanda." Nichole added, skimming around the area with her smooth legs. Erica watched her with a careful eye. Nichole trailed her nails against the glass table near the lounge chairs. "Do you mean Amanda, as in A.J.'s girlfriend?" Bonnie asked, finally stepping into the conversation with the wittiest intrigue. Nichole nodded for her, dragging her finger across one of the empty lounge chairs. "And we think that Brian's the one who's engaged." Nichole added to her response, grinning slickly. Mindy crossed her amrs, watching Nichole's every move. Johnny was fascinated by the way Nichole covered the small area like a black panther covered his area of the jungle. Every move was slow and sensual. "We know because I saw Leigh Ann last night... or as she'd like to be known, Leigh Ann Littrell." Carmen stated, showing no reservation but disgust toward the topic. Bonnie gasped loudly after Carmen spoke. Their surprise was obvious. They were in awe of the girls ability to find such information in the short period they had occupied Honolulu. "Come on Nich', we should at least go talk to everyone before they head to dinner." Carmen suggseted, throwing her towel over her shoulder and then strutting in the dierction everyone sat. "Oh yeah, I've got a dinner date with Nick tonight. I'll tell ya'll how it goes tomorrow." Nichole bragged with a snobbish smirk. She twitched her hips and then followed Carmen's lead.

Mindy fell back into her chair, dumbfounded. "They've got to be lying. There is no way any of that is true." Bonnie gushed, feeling overwhelmed with the words Carmen and Nichole had spoke to them. Johnny found a seat next to his sister, trying to comfort her in some form. "I don't know Bonnie. I've talked to these girls and well, they don't lie. In fact, they're rather blunt with the truth." Erica argued politely, turning her attention away from the group Carmen and Nichole began to join. "Gee, you think?" Bonnie snapped at her with a sarcastic tongue. Mindy found a way to drownd out the girls' argument, sinking back onto her lounge chair and closing her eyes. She had to create a world in which she was blind to the fact that the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync each had lives and lovers outside of the teenage girls who fantasized about them.

Nichole stared at the child in Mandy's arms while Mandy cradled him and fed him a formula bottle. A curious expression wrapped her face. "He is so adorable." Carmen cooed, staring at the child. Mandy smiled, getting a touch of motherly grace while holding him. "Who's kid?" Nichole asked snobbishly, directing a thoughtless stare toward the child. Mandy gave her a displeased look. Brian awoke from his sunny slumber to shoot Nichole an angered glare. Carmen quickly slapped Nichole's arm to appease the stares she received.

"Hey Bastin, did you miss daddy?" the sound of Justin's voice stirred everyone in the small section. Carmen's eyes shot up and then around to the approaching Justin who was followed by Q. Justin found a seat at Mandy's feet in the lounge chair, reaching for Angel. He was oblivious to the surrounding atmosphere, including Nichole and Carmen. Justin stared into Mandy's face as it grew pale with surprise. Lance pulled himself fully erect in his chair, his mouth wide open to stare at his friend. Brian too gave him that same surprised glance. Justin began to circle his head around the area. Q attempted to think of ways to excuse the two ladies, but there was no escape from the enevitable. Justin found himself staring at Nichole and Carmen, feeling out of place with them near. He had slipped up in a great way. He could see there was no exit for him and the words he spoke. He was in a position he never wanted to be in, one of no retreat.

"He missed you a lot babe." Brian's country voice rang in as the white knight Justin needed. Attention began to gather on Brian as he eyed Justin, Mandy and Angel. Mandy was unsure of her part in the situation. She could feel the heat of stares from Nichole and Carmen question everyone's actions.

"Go on Mandy, let my husband see his son." Brian encouraged Mandy. His words were heard in disbelief by Nichole and Carmen. Carmen's tears sealed her eyes in a peering glare at Mandy. Mandy regretfully passed Angel onto Justin who stayed scared in his own right. Carmen's breathing excellerated while looking at Justin cradling his son. Nichole found herself all at once without words to speak or think. In words, Carmen was traumatized while Nichole was simply disturbed.

Lonnie stepped up, placing his arm around Nichole's small arm. "Come on ladies, I think you'd better get moving." Lonnie advised, giving a small tug on Nichole's frail arm. Carmen blinked her swollen eyes, a small and gentle tear making its exit. Brian stood from his chair and took the tear from Carmen's cheek. He tried to give her a comforting smile, but Carmen hid her eyes in shame. She slipped down her sunglasses and faked a smile, her bottom lip trembling. "Uhm, wow... I.. I didn't know." Carmen manged to stutter out amongst her shaky voice. Nichole nodded, her face falling a softer shade of white. Brian slid his arm around Carmen's shoulder, trying to make the realization a little easier for her. "Yeah, uhm, not many do know." Brian whispered to her, hinting toward the secret that needed to remain quiet. Carmen sniffled softly, staring at Justion and Angel through her sunglasses. "Don't worry, we'll keep your secret safe." Carmen tried to assure them with her sniffles. She again endeavored to falsify a smile. Justin gave her a heartwarming smirk as his son squirm in his arms. "I just want to know... you two are actually married? All kidding aside and forget all the TRL and Rosie bullshit. Are you two married in holy matrimony?" Nichole's voice crackled and hissed at them. Carmen did not attempt to stop her friend this time. Her own wrath was concealed, but not redeemed. Brian sucked in his smile to give Nichole an honesty expression. Justin brushed his hand over his son's blonde head, eyeing Nichole with uncertainty. "Nichole, me and Justin got married July the 4th, 1999 here in Hawaii. That's the truth. We've had to hide it from everyone. We just adopted Angel, our son, last month." Brian answered her question with truth. He knew not to hold anything back from either girls. His words only astonished Nichole to a greater extent.

Carmen carefully rubbed her nose, feeling a little more wearry with the information she was receiving. "Gee, coming to the place you fell in love... I bet that makes it a little more romantic for you." Carmen commented, looking at the ground contently. Nichole was perplexed by her friend's soft-hearted response to the truth. She could feel that her friend was breaking up inside, but she knew Carmen would not allow the world to see her heartache. Nichole's mind was unable to concentrate on the current predicament as she thought of trivial events of the past. Her mind's ability to diverse fiction from reality enabled her to deduce more drawing matters. "That was A.J.'s daughter that I saw in the lobby with Denise McLean this morning, wasn't it? It would explain why Amanda hasn't been with Innosense for several months now." Nichole spat out, finding questions developing before her brain could transmit words. The surprise and suspicion ruling the faces of the people surrounding her left her speechless. "You're good." Mandy managed to exhale out, trying to make herself comfotrable enough to lay back in the chair. Nichole let out a sigh. She could feel herself feeling contented for A.J. and Amanda, but she knew not to show the emotion around the others.

Nikki stood near the railing of the pool area. Her cellular phone was practically glued to her head as she continued a light conversation with J.C. She giggled softly, blind to the actions befalling near her. "Yeah, that sounds good. We can do dinner tonight... yeah, in the Cafe before the show." Nikki began to accept an offer from her former flame. His thriving sense of humor made her succumb to the offer he had given her at the beginning of the phone call. She gave a preoccupied smile to her friends who seemed to be wrapped up in their own mass of dramtic discussion. Nikki watched curiously as Justin stood with Angel and Brian. Her eyes peered at them as Lonnie escorted them away. "Uhm Josh, I'll see you when I get back to the lobby. I think something's up." Nikki spoke with a tender voice, watching the slow movements around the lounge chairs. She nodded her head as she listened to a few more words that J.C. spoke.

Nikki and J.C. ended their conversation on his words, Nikki drawing down the phone and watching as Lance and Mandy advanced to her. She observed them with preconceived thoughts. "What's wrong guys?" Nikki questioned them, crossing her arms and leaning back against the railing. Lance failed to respond to her inquiry as he drifted off to another side of the railing. Mandy gave him a wayward stare, feeling discontent with his demeanor. She gave her attention back to Nikki with a straight faced expression. She could not show her disappointment out of fear and lack for emotion at the moment. She sighed, taking a hold of the railing with her hands. "Those girls over there know all about Brian, Justin, A.J. and Amanda." Mandy responded, drawing her eyes downward. Mandy's gesture with her head assisted Nikki in her search for answers. She watched as Carmen and Nichole followed Q out of the pool area. A questionable expression filled their faces. The fascination grew vast for Nikki. "What do you mean 'all about'?" Nikki questioned her friend's words. Mandy pushed a couple of her blonde tendrils behind her ears and then adjusted her bikini top. She desired another way to explain the situation, but blunt rang a familiar tone in her head. "The girls know that Brian and Justin are married and have a kid... they also know that Amanda and A.J. have a kid too." Mandy replied with a drop of her Southern accent. She kept her light-green eyes looking down due to her own motivation.

Nikki's eyes widened with an unfamiliar feelings running through her body.

She ran a hand over her head, unsure of how to react. She could sense a tension was built between everyone due to the unforseen event, one that she could not interfere with. "How are Brian and Justin dealing with this?" Nikki asked, falling short of her true inquiry. Her curiosity begged her to inquire. Mandy shrugged, unsure herself. "I guess they're handling it in their own way. Manda and Bone don't know though." Mandy answered her in a soft voice. Nikki shook her head, leaning away from the railing. "I think I'll tell them." Nikki rejoined. She grabbed her Nautica windbreaker and slipped it on. She left it open and then pulled her hair back. Mandy didn't attempt to look up. She could feel the wind ordering Nikki's actions. Mandy allowed her to walk away with no protest on her part. She found no incentive to get into another conflict with Nikki concerning a member of Innosense.

Mandy slinked her way from her previous spot to a new location, one that held Lance Bass at a standstill. Mandy slipped her arm around Lance's shoulder with a small smile, leaning her head in the direction of his shoulder. "What's wrong Poo-Fu?" Mandy questioned, trying to dig into the mind that Lance kept locked. Lance stayed quiet and pale. He looked out into the Hawaiian area with a small fondness. It was home to three of his favorite memories. "You know... the wedding was so beautiful, so perfect. Everything went as it should and despite all of the drama that occured beforehand, Brian and Justin made it so right. They gave me so much hope." Lance remarked, eyeing the sands of Hawaii. Mandy lifted her head some, seeing the disappointment that was starting to wrap Lance's face. "And now... Justin hates me." Lance added, drooping his eyes some. He took in a breath of the sweet Hawaiian fauna. "What makes you think J hates you?" Mandy asked softly, still keeping her arm around him. Lance shook his head, keeping his eyes slightly shut. "It's too obvious Mandy. He hasn't spoken to me in weeks. He'll barely stay around me when we're in the same room. And I think... I think it's because I'm the one that broke up Nick and Joshua." Lance replied with a light whimper. He sniffled and then looked down to Mandy. He had respect for the woman who handled relationships like drop of rains. Each one was precious until their water had dried. "Lance, you didn't break up J.C. and Nick. Nick and J.C. broke it up, plain and simple. They both had their own faults and that led to their demise." Mandy retorted with a positive voice. Lance gave her a faint smile. "Don't be too sure, Mandy." Lance replied with the sadness of his moment. He brought his eyes back to the world around him.

Mandy gave him a weakened look. "Are you sure this is all about Justin?" Mandy wondered. She had no agenda for her questioning. She only desierd a way to help her friend from his unintended depression. Lance gave her another meaningless smile. His friend was superb at figuring out Lance's feelings. "Josh proposed to me here... when we were happy. And silly me, I turned him down. I rejected him because I thought I wasn't ready. I let something perfect slip out of my hands and fall into another's." Lance stated, revealing an emotion he kept closeted for months. Mandy lowered her arm from his shoulder to his back for added consoling. "It wasn't your fault Lance. You gave him love and it was his choice to betray you." Mandy argued in a more aclmed position. Lance shook his head again. He felt his heart fighting with her, not allowing her to prove his emotions wrong. He had finally began to realize that everyone could play with his emotions, but he was the one that pulled the strings. He was the one that controlled his own destiny. "Well if I wanted him enough, I would have accepted his proposal." Lance spoke out the truth that was burried inside of him. Mandy frowned. She could not accept Lance receeding in the battle for affection. She could feel maybe it was because Lance could not accept himself as being strong enough to love someone, but even then, Mandy was unsure.

"Who do you think you want?" Mandy pondered with Lance. Her question left a strung out appearance on Lance's pale face. "Mandy, it's not something I really want to talk about right now. I... I'm not ready to talk about it as if I don't love either one of them anymore." Lance announced, sending out another revalation in his words. Mandy felt a shiver run through her. She ended their discussion of the subject for Lance's sake. She released his body and allowed him to take his solo flight into the pool area. Though she despised it, Lance was once again a mystery to all of his friends and observers.

Brian's finger traced slowly over the mirror. His finger slid over the mist that was beginning to cover the mirror. The mist came from the steam, which came from the shower. Brian's articulant eye watched every curve and straight line he made. He was attempting to be as accurate as possible with his writing. His blue eyes peered while hearing the water run its warm essence. The feeling of the heat running over his naked form as he stood outside was breathtaking for him. He took in a deep breath of the heated air while making the last mark on the long mirror. He concentrated to make everything perfect. He could feel his eyes begin to water from straining, but he felt it was complete. Brian took a step back from the mirror, creeking a simple smile. His body was blurred in the relfection, but what he had constructed was clear to his eyes. The writing was on the wall. With his soft blue eyes, Brian admierd the writing that simply stated: 'Brian + Justin = Angel'. The smile became more of a smirk as Brian stared at his writing. His pride was overrunning. He had accomplished his feat and now he felt his need to enter the shower.

As Brian inched his left leg in the shower stall, he felt the steam wrap its full arms around him. Bria in-turn placed his arms around one of the other individuals that stood in the shower. Brian ran his cheek against his husband's as the water began to fall over both of them. Brian pressed his smooth chest against Justin's back and his limp penis against Justin's chiseled ass. The water washed over them as Justin pulled back his son's hair. Angel loved the feeling of being in the shower and knowing his fathers were close by. The feeling and sensations were not erotic for any of them. It was more of a family sense, a togetherness.

Brian lifted his arm and then began to run it over Justin's soft and gentle, brown curls. Justin lifted his head a little to catch the drops of water against his face. He felt his husband's lips began to place soft kisses on his moist neck. Justin likced his tender lips, desiring to release a moan. He held it as his son reached up and began to toy with his father's nose. Justin brought his head down, resting his chin against the upper portion of his chest. He opened his eyes and watched as Angel's small fingers began to run over his lips. Justin gave him a giggling smile. Justin extended himself somewhat and gave Angel a quick kiss on the top of his head. "What? Everybody wants to touch Daddy today?" Justin laughed out as Brian's hands firmly massaged Justin's back. Brian laid another kiss on Justin's neck, giving out his own small laugh. "Angel, tell Daddy that we just love playing with him." Brian said to his son. Angel gave both a faint smile. Justin shook his head with laughter. Brian listened to Justin's vibrant laughter while bringing his silky hands to Justin's hips. "Brian, you want to play with me in a less Sesame Street way and a more South Park way." Justin giggled after feeling his husband's hands rest on his waist. Brian snickered into Justin's ear. "We shouldn't talk like that in front of Timber." Brian whispered, nuzzling his cheek to Justin's again. Justin rolled his eyes, knowing his son was oblivious to the words they spoke. "Bastian's fine." Justin assured him, seeing Angel's concentration was locked on the drops of water that ran down Justin's chest.

Justin admired his son with the attention cardiologists gave to the human heart. "Well at least we're not role playing like my brother and Leigh Ann." Brian commented with a slick grin. Justin raised his brow with stupefaction. "Huh?" Justin exhaled out, resting his back against Brian more. Brian pulled his dripping hand over Justin's slick hair. "Oh nothing... I did not have sexual realtions with that woman.." Brian joked with his best Bill Clinton impersonation. He followed his impersonation with a lingering laugh. Justin elbowed him with distaste. He found a smile curling his lips, but he did not let Brian cacth sight of it. "You better not have had sex with that woman." Justin warned him with his fading smile. Brian kissed Justin's flexing cheek and then laughed some more. He found his husband's temporary mood of jealousy comic in all of its nature.

Fascination was becoming a greater part in the lobby of the hotel. The attention seemed to be focusing on anyone who had a connection to the artists staying in the hotel. The spotlight for this time period was the Backstreet Band. Fans from around the globe looked upon the band as they sat in the lobby of the hotel figuring out how to spend their dinner hour. "Man, these kids are desparate to catch a glimpse of us." Mindy commented as she looked to the small crowd that sat naer the doors to see the band. "Ah, kids... they just want to know about Nick and Justin." Dennis scoffed, rolling his eyes to the group. Tommy shook his head, typing on his lap top as he awaited the others to make a decison.

A stream of screams broke from the girls still wanting to enter the lobby of the Ali'i Tower as they saw a few members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Innosense enter the lobby. Security led them to make sure no one was mobbed by already attending guests. "It's Justin..." whispers fell over the lobby.

"Oh God, look... that's Howie..." another round began as the group strived to make it to a designated area. "Ooh, it's Danay and Jenny..." the soft speaking continued from a few of the girls in the lobby. Justin gazed around with an eerie sense he did not enjoy. He felt like a butterfly encased in glass. All of thwe whispers, giggles and comments were discontenting for him and his friends. "Man, let's just all get to dinner and then the venue." Justin suggested, adjusting his backpack. He then pulled his yellow, Abercrombie & Fitch cap downward, hiding his glassy-blue eyes under the shadows of the brim.

Danay watched Justin, feeling his same sentiment. She too grew wearry of being on constant watch from the fans. "Man, Justin needs to relax a little. We are in Hawaii and it is muy magnifico." Howie remarked while glaring at Justin walk away. Danay cringed when hearing him. She still held her grudge to him, though she lightened at times. She couldn't find a favoring or disqualifying emotion for Howie, but she began to deliberate on forgetting the entire subject. "Silencio por favor." Danay hissed to him, nudging him in a more friendly manor. Howie arched his brow. He was disappointed in Danay's rejection of him any time he was near her. He stayed near her though. He saw no erason in departing from her without trying to win her over again. "Hmmm, tengo hambre." Danay continued her speech in Spanish as she knew Howie would understand her. A smile glided over Howie's thick lips. He carefuly ran his hand over Danay's in a flirtatious manner. "¿Dónde hay un restaurante?" Howie questioned, attempting to grab Danay's hand. Danay turned her attention down to Howie's hand movements. Against her better judgment, she allowed Howie to touch and then grab her hand. His soft hand set her at ease. "Adelante y a la derecha." Danay responded with a small grin. Howie returned the smile and then escorted Danay to the dinning area.

Brian found a seat next to Tommy on one of the couches as he watched the others begin to sign autographs here and there. Brian became comfortable easily on the plush couch. He could see that Tommy was far into the data he typed into his laptop. Brian began to peer over to the screen. His eyes caught Tommy fiddling with his website, updating information for the fans to read. "Hmmm, what's new in BSB Band cyber world?" Brian asked as Tommy typed up a few more sentences. Tommy kept his eyes locked on the screen. "I'm just informing everybody about what's going on in Florida and what's new in everyone's lives." Tommy replied in a technical way. Brian eased back on the couch again. He gave a small yawn and then stretched his legs out. "And so what are you mentioning?" Brian questioned, laying his head against the back of the couch. Tommy still did not lift his head. He had to keep a semi-full concentration on the screen as he typed. "I mentioned you have a new dog, well actually two new dogs. Then I mentioned that you have a new house since I know you have that house in Miami with Justin now. I also mentioned A.J.'s looking for a house, Nick taking time off in Cali' and I mentioned that me and you were going to be finishing work on a new song you wrote." Tommy gave him a detailed answer while putting the final touches onto his update. Brian raised his brow with interest. He did not know that Tommy let the fans so into their lives. "But of course I didn't mention the new members of BSB." Tommy assured Brian, finally taking a moment to look up. Brian gave him a curious expression that rang a smile to Tommy's lips. He began to laugh at his humorous anecdote that Brian was oblivious to. Tommy shook his head with his laughter, bringing his eyes back down to his laptop. "Fans would kill if they knew Brian and A.J. were going to be replaced by Amiya McLean and Angel Littrell." Tommy exasperated.

Brian shot him a youthful smile, relaxing back on the couch again as the others continued to give the fans the attention they sought.

The Tropics Surf Bar & Beach Cafe was officially set off from public as it became the dinning area for the artists and their guests. The setting was perfect for the semi-large group as they felt comfortable in the laidback atmosphere of the restaurant. It was set right for a quick, but enjoyable dinner before the concert for the artists and their families. Harold found it unsually perfect for him while he shared his evening with Lea. He laughed at a small notion he and Lea made toward his nephew. His thoughts towards the date were a bit nervous as he had been out of the dating area since his breakup with Leigh Ann, but Harold found himself becoming accustom once again to the idea when sitting at a secluded table with Lea. "You know it's amazing to me that I'm like on a date... with you know, my brother's nanny." Harold noted befoer taking a sip of his iced-water. Lea looked up from her plate of grilled chicken with a quaint smile. She brushed a section of her blonde hair behind her shoulder. "Well you know that's how Prince Charles and Diana started." Lea remarked with a tantalizing smile. Harold could see the glow in her smile, something that attracted him further. He blushed a little at her words. "But I'm no prince." Harold added, his accent flowing. He licked his lips and then fastened his eyes to his plate. "Not legally, but in other ways." Lea noted, twirling her fork. Harold looked up, feeling overwhelmed by her compliment. They found a stare being intiated between each other. It was casual, slightly flirtatious, but it was honset. It was an unadulterated attraction that Harold had not seen in years. He knew it could not have been lust for Lea had not tempted him in any way. She was, in other ways, the complete opposite of what Leigh Ann was.

Leigh Ann was not far away as she and Kevin entered the restaurant for the first time. Kevin escorted Leigh Ann on his arms with little spite. He needed relief for the night, someone to talk to. He wanted a female companion and though he wanted to deny it to his friends, he enjoyed Leigh Ann in his company. His gregarious feelings left him vulnerable to Leigh Ann and her seductive nature. "I hope we can get a good table away from these people." Leigh Ann commented, snuggling to Kevin's arm. Kevin eyed the restaurant for an area he could share with Leigh Ann away from the sight of the others. He also searched for an area that did not allow Brian or Justin to observe the two. He thought to flaunt Leigh Ann as if she was an object, as she would do with him. He cancelled the musing when seeing that it would not be acceptable. Kevin sought to be accepted by others. He had no choice but to seek a table secluded from all view with Leigh Ann. "Come on Leigh, I think I've found a spot." Kevin commented, intiating their walk across the restaurant. Leigh Ann was hesitant about her own movement. Her blue eyes had located a depressing sight. She glared as Harold stretched over his table to give Lea a soft kiss. Her jealousy desired release, but Leigh Ann's heart sulked. The love she shared with Brian's brother was pure inside of Leigh Ann though she never showed it to Harold. 'Damn it Leigh, you've fucked up royally again.' Leigh Ann criticized herself. She watched as Harold sat back into his seat, but then edged closer to Lea. 'Let's hope you can fix everything with this goof. Yeah, he's not officially a Littrell, but he's a start back into the royal fucking clan.' Leigh Ann urged herself. She released a sigh and then began to stroll with Kevin through the cafe.

Nikki stared at Kevin and Leigh Ann as they passed. Despise filled her young, soft face. She couldn't take her eyes off of them as they walked to their own table. Though Nikki was sitting with her ex-boyfriend, she found it hard to believe that Kevin would betray her with the woman he had an affair with. J.C. watched Nikki's face contort into despair. He shook his head, but not noticeably. He allowed his friend to wallow over lost love. He had known the experience far too well to argue. "I just can't believe of all people he'd cheat on you with Leigh Ann." J.C. commented to take Nikki's eyes off of Kevin and Leigh Ann. Nikki looked back to him with shock. She had not realized she had drifted into her own daze. She nibbled on her finger, feeling nonsensical. "Brian said the same thing about you and Nick." Nikki whispered, laying her hand back down on the table. J.C. folded a frown. "Well then the good thing is that Kevin and Leigh Ann won't last if they get together." J.C. gave her an assuring response to the ill-fated comment. Nikki tried to empathize with J.C. "So I guess I should expect Leigh Ann to erase my plead to win back Kevin's heart." Nikki said with a sarcastic tongue. J.C. gave a small laugh. He then nodded for her.

J.C. traced his hand over his glass of water. "It's amazing to me that we've only shared our thoughts about our breakups with each other and not with the people we broke up with." J.C. stated, watching his glass release more moistuer on the exterior. Nikki forfeited a smile. "Friends tend to be closer than lovers." Nikki replied, her cheeks blushing lightly. J.C. agreed with her silently. They both withdrew from talking of their heartache with their recent breakups. "Do you think it's because we didn't take the time to become friends before couples?" J.C. questioned, leaning back in his chair. He was more than curious of Nikki's response. Nikki released an unpleasent sigh. "I think that could be part of the problem. If you look at the lineage... Howie and Danay, Nick and Lance, me and Kev'. It just points in that direction." Nikki started a true statement. J.C. listened with a stiff attentiveness. "While people like Amanda and A.J., Britney and Joey, Justin and Brian... well they were friends before lovers. They took the time to know each other in several ways." Nikki stated with a serious outlook. J.C. was again forced to agree. He he grabed his fork and began to lightly tap it against the table. "Just like me and Lance." he made a small comment that disturbed Nikki. She continued to hide her feelings, but she found herself drifting to the words Tyler had spoke of.

"It doesn't matter, though. I'm here with you Peaches, just trying to keep the single life alive for longer than a month." J.C. began to perk up, shining Nikki a gentle smile. Nikki fronted him a smirk. She found hope in his eyes. "I'm right with ya, Josh." Nikki sighed precariously. J.C. extended his hand to grab hers and hold it. He depended on Nikki as she depended on him. It was a bond that was conspierd without either's approval, but they dared not to break it. "Seems like old times only become more clear when you don't have them anymore," J.C. remarked, trying to hold Nikki's attention with his words. Nikki gave him a quick nod, distrubuting her attention between J.C. and Kevin and Leigh Ann.

"Excuse us, but it looks like the place is pretty much full. Could we grab a seat here?" a well-known voice requested of Nikki and J.C. Nikki was hesitent about bringing her eyes up to greet the question while J.C.'s head was quick. Nikki took a small swallow and looked upon two faces. J.C. furrowed his brow, heavily disappointed in what he viewed. Nikki held in a sigh. She looked over to J.C. for a response, but he was unable to give her one. Nikki knew she was allowing herself to walk into a dangerous decision.

"Uh, I guess so Nick and..." Nikki was unable to think of the second name as Nick pulled out a chair for his date. "Nichole. We met at the club the other night." Nichole replied, casually taking a seat in the chair Nick had pulled out. Nick seated Nichole next to Nikki and then grabbed his own chair next to J.C. J.C. scooted aside a little, discontented with being next to Nick. "Yeah, I remember. Sorry, I'm just not good with names." Nikki gave a quick apology while watching Nick and J.C.'s reactions to each other. "It's okay, I forget names of people that aren't quite important to me either." Nichole jested with her sour humor. Nikki gave her a poor smile. "And I remember names of people that are good to me." Nick added with his daunting laugh. Nichole shot him a wicked smile of flirtatious descent. J.C. grumbled under his breath and turned from Nick. Nikki again gave a disappointed expression to her ex-boyfriend.

Nick watched as J.C. massaged Nikki's hand. His scowl grew. "So Nichole, what do you want to drink? Maybe a Sex On The Beach?" Nick offered with a devious intent. Nichole blushed lightly. Nikki shot Nick a wearry glare. She derw her hand from J.C.'s, seeing that Nick only sought revenge toward his ex-boyfriend. J.C.'s face twisted with anger. "Uhm, I don't think that'd be appropriate Nickie." Nichole replied with a half-witted giggle. Nikki rolled her eyes before catching J.C.'s anger rise. 'Oh great.' Nikki commented to herself, drawing her menu up. "Yeah Nickie, don't forget to erase the messages beforehand." J.C. slyly said, looking down to his menu. Nick curled his lip. Nichole sat back with a face of confusion. 'What's up with these three?' she thought. She watched as J.C. grabbed Nikki's hand again to hold. She could see Nikki giving signs of calamity toward J.C. "Oh Josh, don't forget to cheat on Nikki with her ex tonight. I know you do that so wonderfully." Nick remarked, not bothering to look at J.C.

J.C. attempted to ignore Nick, but his words were too harsh. He traced a finger over Nikki's palm and then looked over to Nick with despair. He shook his head. He was feeling the wrath he and Nick once shared when they battled over Lance. Nick managed to become blind to J.C.'s stares as he casually flirted with Nichole. Nichole could not play along with the flirting. Her mind was contemplating what drew J.C. and Nick to the strong words they spoke. "Be careful Nichole, Nick might say he loves you but he's not man enough to know that you love him back." J.C. said while still glaring at Nick. Nick flicked his bangs back and then turned his eyes to J.C. "I am very secure in my love for people." Nick responded to J.C.'s words. J.C. gave him a taunting chuckle. Nikki snatched her hand from J.C.'s. She could no longer bare the battle the two continued in.

"What are you all talking about? What's with you three?" Nichole briskly inquired. Her curiosity had won over her mind. J.C. and Nick stayed silent, taking their eyes off of each other. Both denied Nichole a reply. Nikki shook her head and began to sulk in her chair. "You didn't know Nichole? Nick and J.C. used to be boyfriend. They just broke up." Nikki gave Nichole the answer she desired. Nikki brushed her hand over her hair. She refused to glance at J.C. Nichole again had to swallow another surprise. She glared at Nick with suspicious eyes that were filled with discouragement. Nick couldn't find the pride to return the look. Nichole lowered her eyes. "I think I'm gonna need a Bloody Mary." she said, sniffling. "Better make that a double." Nikki added, lowering her head in the same fashion.

Just Beginning (Chapter 56) Written by JM

"Brian, have you seen my orange Saucony shoes?!" Justin called out from the bathroom of the hotel room he shared with his son and husband. Brian sat in a chair near the door, putting a T-shirt on his son. Standing over him was his brother, Harold Littrell. "No, Just. You brought like twenty pairs of shoes... pick one of the other nineteen!" Brian called back, trying to rush his husband. Justin only released a loud groan, staying in the bathroom. Harold laughed softly. "Dose he go through this all the time?" Harold asked with a grin, admiring the way his brother took direct care of his son. Brian worked the shirt down Angel's stomach and then playfully tickled him. "No, he only does this half the time." Brian snickered. Harold nodded, impressed by his brother's tolerance.

Brian stood up from the chair, holding Angel carefully. He walked with Angel to a nearby mirror-dresser. "So you asked her?" Brian asked, grabbing two hats from the dresser. Harold's face perked up promptly. "Oh yeah." Harold replied, finding a seat in the chair Brian and Angel had just occupied. Brian looked at his brother through the mirror. He slid on his Wildcats hat. "And what did Lea say?" Brian questioned, placing his son's fisherman hat on his head. Angel began to tug on his father's shirt for comfort. Brian lifted Angel up a little more when seeing his son's frown. "She said that she'd love to go out with me tonight, even though she feels a little shaky about seeing her employers' brother." Harold responded with a cheery, southern accent. Brian laughed at his brother's gitty attitude. He turned around to look at Harold with a laughing smile. "Then everything's good." Brian grinned.

Harold sat up in the chair, becoming erect. "I don't know bro'. I mean I just feel a little indifferent about dating a girl named Lea when my last girlfriend's name was Leigh Ann." Harold stated, looking down at the ground while twiddling his thumbs. Brian began to lose his smile. Leigh Ann was alos his ex-girlfriend and a one night stand for Kevin. Brian was insulted that the woman that confessed so much love for him was able to weed her way into sleeping with two other members of his family. He saw the woman as a true bitch to the definition society gave the word. "Don't let it bug you, Harold. Leigh Ann's not here and Lea's different." Brian gave an assurance to his older brother. Harold still felt the guilt of being and loving the woman that was his brother's girlfriend first. He knew it was a family shame, one that his parents did not approvae of.

"Plus Lea is a nice and good person and Leigh Ann's the get-around girl of Orlando." Justin made his presence known with his comment towards Leigh Ann.

Harold and Brian both directing his attention to Justin while he walked toward them. Harold wrinkled his brow. "Careful Justin, you're talking about a woman that I once loved." Harold warned his brother-in-law with a smile. Justin shook his head in disbelief. He found it hard for one person to love a woman that used him and broke his heart. "Are you finally ready?" Brian asked, trying tno nag his husband in a kind way. Justin pursed his lips. He thrived in his ability to annoy Brian with the simplier things. "Just give me my son you little Edith Bunker." Justin replied, forming a grin. "But Archie!" Brian attempted to imitate a New York accent while gingerly bequeathing Angel to Justin. Justin cheerfully took his son into his arms, cherishing him like a diamond. Harold rolled his eyes at Justin's cooing, finally finding the nerve to stand from the chair. "Ya'll three have fun today." Harold managed to only speak a few words to the family as they drew closer together. Brian looked up to his brother as he began his exit. He smiled and then waved toward him. "Have a good date, big bro'." Brian replied with his ginger smile. Harold gave him a small laugh, placing his hand on the door. "Take care of my nephew lovebirds." Harold added before finally withdrawaling from the room.

The pool area of the hotel was not off limits, but rather segregated for the safety of the celebrities. None of the gusets knew that a few were making the trip to the pool, but word began to spread once the appearance of Mandy, Nikki, Justin, Brian, and Lance were known to a few guests. The unknown sixth party was Angel. Soon a few guests made their way to the pool that began to become a security safe zone. Q, Mike, Marc, and Lonnie were all on watch for the celebrities that tried to enjoy their vacation in the Hawaiian heat. They followed all strict regulations to prevent any security mishaps from occurring.

Nikki, Lance, and Brian laid out in the sun while Mandy and Justin enjoyed a portion of the pool with Angel. The setting for them was beautiful, despite the added onlookers. Marc walked up to where Brian, Mandy and Lance sat and passed Lance the Chiller he requested. "Thanks Marc." Lance replied while taking the drink. Marc eyed the area, staying close to the three. "Man, we'll never be able to enjoy the sun like this." Nikki complained softly before sitting up on her lounge chair. She pulled her brown hair into a loose ponytail and flopped back again. "At least you don't have about twenty girls trying to get a picture of your chest." Brian hummed, trying to adjust himself to comfortablity. He propped his arms behind his head, peering his eyes to look at the ice blue water his husband, his son and Mandy played in. "No, but I've got about twenty guys trying to take pictures of my chest." Nikki giggled, closing her eyes again. Lance glanced over to them, his somber face finding a drop of glee. "But at least we're not being rude to the fans, you know? We're giving them a chance to interact with us." Lance reminded them before taking another sip of his Chiller. Brian and Nikki both nodded to show they agreed.

Justin and Mandy emerged from the pool with Mandy carrying Angel in her arms as Justin gathered towels from Lonnie. "Ooh, let me see Baby Angel." Nikki squeeled reaching her arms out as Mandy approached. Mandy giggled at her friend's enthusiasm to see the child. She took a seat next to Lance, keeping Angel in her lap. "Ask his Dad." Mandy replied with a smug grin. Nikki stuck her tongue out at Mandy and then began a loud laughter. Mandy shook her head and then leaned back in her chair with Angel remaining thoroughly quiet. Mandy was pleased that Angel was able to adjust to the people his parents communicated with. It made Mandy feel more at ease with the child.

Justin began to dry his curly hair with the towel near Lonnie. "Are you sure you want to keep the kid out here with all of these people?" Lonnie asked, standing broad and stiff behind Justin. Justin scrubbed the towel through his brown, curly locks. He looked back at Lonnie with a sudden suspicion. "Why not? My son should be able to enjoy this nice weather like everyone else." Justin responded in his own questionable way. Lonnie shrugged, trying to let the subject die. Justin, however, was not as quick to give up. "Excuse me, Justin, can I get a picture with you?" a voice interrupted their slowly building battle. Justin turned around fully, seeing that Mindy had slipped over to their area during Justin and Lonnie's discussion. Justin gave a small sigh. He sought out privacy in the pool area and was not fortunate to receive such a blessing. He eyed the girl with a peculiar knowledge of her. "Okay, sure. Let me grab a shirt first." Justin replied, reaching back to the clothing pile the security stood near. Lonnie could only imagine what friends would think if they knew his sole purpose in the pool area was to guard clothing so that it was not stolen by fans.

Justin managed to slip on the navy blue tank and then slide next to the girl. Bonnie was once again the camerawoman for the day as she snapped two pictures of Mindy and Justin standing together. Justin creaked a nice smile for the camera, while Mindy smiled nervously. She only searched for a reason to stay near Justin longer when the photo opt was finished. Justin stepped away from the girl and removed his shirt again. He felt uncomfortable near a pool while wearing a shirt. As his back was turned to place the shirt with his shoes, Bonnie quickly and stealthy snapped a picture of Justin's back. She knew her purpose for the fleet move. She wanted a picture of Justin's tattoo. She was unsure of where to look for the tattoo. She only knew she had a nice angle of Justin's full back while taking the picture. She sighed out a satisfied sigh while lowering her camera. In Hawaii, she was experiencing what many of girls dreamed of. It was orgasmic for her youthful mind.

Justin turned around to see the girls still standing behind him. He raised his brow, feeling disquieting around the young girls. "Uh, Justin, I was just hoping you could autograph this Kodak card of you... and my cousin would kill me if I didn't give you her e-mail address and her website address." Mindy replied, her voice a little jaunted. Justin licked his erd lips and then smiled. He grabbed the piece of paper with the Internet information on it and then grabbed the Kodak card. "Tell your cousin that I'm not on the Internet much, but I'll try and drop her a line when I get the opportunity." Justin explained as Mindy handed him a marker. Justin quickly scribbled his trademark signature on the card with his picture on it. He handed it and the marker back to Mindy with a polite smirk. "Look Mindy, Justin gave your pen back... because uh, Joey forgot when we were in the lobby." Bonnie remarked, trying to spark an interest from Justin. Lonnie rolled his eyes at the girl's foolish attempt. Justin, however, found interest in hearing the girl speak. "So when did ya'll see Joey?" Justin asked, remaining courteous to the girls. Bonnie and Mindy both greeted Justin's question with a grin. "This morning... he and Britney were leaving with his family." Mindy responded, dropping her shy demeanor. Bonnie only managed to briskly nod. Justin released a light laugh. "Ah, yeah, they went out to another beach. Ya'll ladies have a good day," Justin made a short farewell to the ladies before returning to the region his friends sat in.

Mindy and Bonnie quickly ran over to the side of the pool Johnny and Mindy's cousin, Erica, waited at. "What did he say?! What did he say?!" Johnny asked ecstatically. Erica hastily pushed Johnny aside to reach her cousin and her friend. "Did he get the address? Did he say he would check out the page? Did he give you his e-mail?! Is he going to write me?" Erica blurted out her questions, causing Mindy and Bonnie to bare obnoxious expressions. Mindy brushed by Erica to return to her seat. "Yeah, I gave him the stupid addresses Erica. He said he'd try to write you." Mindy replied snobbishly, losing the high she had seconds before returning. Her words may have been dulled and sharp, but they were no arrows to Erica's heart. She was filled with joy to know Justin had her e-mail address. "Mindy, we didn't ask Justin about his girlfriend." Bonnie quickly noted to her friend, taking a seat in the lonuge chair next to her. "Oh shit." Mindy hissed, pulling her legs up on the chair. Bonnie turned a wicked stare to Johnny before he could have think of the reactions needed. "Shut up Johnny." Mindy quikcl snapped as the words began to form on Johnny's lips. Johnny closed his mouth and yanked the words back into his throat. He had learned to obey his sister for social reasons. "Oh her name is Kelly and she's supposedly here. People saw her with Justin two days ago when they arrived here." Erica informed the girls with a tongue-twisting event. Mindy's eyes made a leap of doubt, satring at her cousin with disbelief. "You mean that girl is Kelly?" Bonnie asked the question that Mindy was unable to utter. Erica nodded with an assured glance.

"Kelly who?" a voice qusetioned Erica's information. Four sets of eyes ran to the sound of the voice. They fell upon Carmen and Nichole standing in matching bikini's. Nichole kept her arms placed on her hips while Carmen posed a model-like stance. Erica's mouth dropped some. "Hello Erica, remember us? From the BSB concert where we met Justin?" Nichole brought up memories to the girl she had referred to as the 'nerd' of the group they shared that night. Erica managed to nod without speaking words, surprised to see Nichole and Carmen once again. "It would seem your website gave me some faulty information. Turns out Nick's not seeing a girl named Mandy and Kevin's not engaged." Nichole commented with a branding glare. Erica took a deep swallow while Mindy, Bonnie and Johnny brought their eyes to Erica with a hint of spite. "A reliable source who attended A.J.'s birthday party assured me that one of the guys was engaged." Erica stumbled over her words, trying to defend herself. Nichole gave her an evil stare. "So you automatically assumed that since Kevin was the oldest that he was getting married?" Nichole questioned her with a hiss. Erica swallowed again, finding it hard to defend her actions and words. "Wait, how do you know Kevin isn't engaged?" Mindy inquired, directing her eyes to Nichole and Carmen. Carmen turn to her with a disrespectful glare. "The same way we know Justin isn't dating a girl named Kelly," Nichole gave a small portion of the response. "We've talked to Justin." Carmen finished their reply. Mindy's heart jumped when hearing the revalation. Carmen gave her a gleam, seeing a competition to win Justin's love in Mindy. Bonnie stayed in her chair, seeing no entrance for her in the conversation.

"In fact, we've talked to Justin, Nikki, Britney, Nick and Amanda." Nichole added, skimming around the area with her smooth legs. Erica watched her with a careful eye. Nichole trailed her nails against the glass table near the lounge chairs. "Do you mean Amanda, as in A.J.'s girlfriend?" Bonnie asked, finally stepping into the conversation with the wittiest intrigue. Nichole nodded for her, dragging her finger across one of the empty lounge chairs. "And we think that Brian's the one who's engaged." Nichole added to her response, grinning slickly. Mindy crossed her amrs, watching Nichole's every move. Johnny was fascinated by the way Nichole covered the small area like a black panther covered his area of the jungle. Every move was slow and sensual. "We know because I saw Leigh Ann last night... or as she'd like to be known, Leigh Ann Littrell." Carmen stated, showing no reservation but disgust toward the topic. Bonnie gasped loudly after Carmen spoke. Their surprise was obvious. They were in awe of the girls ability to find such information in the short period they had occupied Honolulu. "Come on Nich', we should at least go talk to everyone before they head to dinner." Carmen suggseted, throwing her towel over her shoulder and then strutting in the dierction everyone sat. "Oh yeah, I've got a dinner date with Nick tonight. I'll tell ya'll how it goes tomorrow." Nichole bragged with a snobbish smirk. She twitched her hips and then followed Carmen's lead.

Mindy fell back into her chair, dumbfounded. "They've got to be lying. There is no way any of that is true." Bonnie gushed, feeling overwhelmed with the words Carmen and Nichole had spoke to them. Johnny found a seat next to his sister, trying to comfort her in some form. "I don't know Bonnie. I've talked to these girls and well, they don't lie. In fact, they're rather blunt with the truth." Erica argued politely, turning her attention away from the group Carmen and Nichole began to join. "Gee, you think?" Bonnie snapped at her with a sarcastic tongue. Mindy found a way to drownd out the girls' argument, sinking back onto her lounge chair and closing her eyes. She had to create a world in which she was blind to the fact that the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync each had lives and lovers outside of the teenage girls who fantasized about them.

Nichole stared at the child in Mandy's arms while Mandy cradled him and fed him a formula bottle. A curious expression wrapped her face. "He is so adorable." Carmen cooed, staring at the child. Mandy smiled, getting a touch of motherly grace while holding him. "Who's kid?" Nichole asked snobbishly, directing a thoughtless stare toward the child. Mandy gave her a displeased look. Brian awoke from his sunny slumber to shoot Nichole an angered glare. Carmen quickly slapped Nichole's arm to appease the stares she received.

"Hey Bastin, did you miss daddy?" the sound of Justin's voice stirred everyone in the small section. Carmen's eyes shot up and then around to the approaching Justin who was followed by Q. Justin found a seat at Mandy's feet in the lounge chair, reaching for Angel. He was oblivious to the surrounding atmosphere, including Nichole and Carmen. Justin stared into Mandy's face as it grew pale with surprise. Lance pulled himself fully erect in his chair, his mouth wide open to stare at his friend. Brian too gave him that same surprised glance. Justin began to circle his head around the area. Q attempted to think of ways to excuse the two ladies, but there was no escape from the enevitable. Justin found himself staring at Nichole and Carmen, feeling out of place with them near. He had slipped up in a great way. He could see there was no exit for him and the words he spoke. He was in a position he never wanted to be in, one of no retreat.

"He missed you a lot babe." Brian's country voice rang in as the white knight Justin needed. Attention began to gather on Brian as he eyed Justin, Mandy and Angel. Mandy was unsure of her part in the situation. She could feel the heat of stares from Nichole and Carmen question everyone's actions.

"Go on Mandy, let my husband see his son." Brian encouraged Mandy. His words were heard in disbelief by Nichole and Carmen. Carmen's tears sealed her eyes in a peering glare at Mandy. Mandy regretfully passed Angel onto Justin who stayed scared in his own right. Carmen's breathing excellerated while looking at Justin cradling his son. Nichole found herself all at once without words to speak or think. In words, Carmen was traumatized while Nichole was simply disturbed.

Lonnie stepped up, placing his arm around Nichole's small arm. "Come on ladies, I think you'd better get moving." Lonnie advised, giving a small tug on Nichole's frail arm. Carmen blinked her swollen eyes, a small and gentle tear making its exit. Brian stood from his chair and took the tear from Carmen's cheek. He tried to give her a comforting smile, but Carmen hid her eyes in shame. She slipped down her sunglasses and faked a smile, her bottom lip trembling. "Uhm, wow... I.. I didn't know." Carmen manged to stutter out amongst her shaky voice. Nichole nodded, her face falling a softer shade of white. Brian slid his arm around Carmen's shoulder, trying to make the realization a little easier for her. "Yeah, uhm, not many do know." Brian whispered to her, hinting toward the secret that needed to remain quiet. Carmen sniffled softly, staring at Justion and Angel through her sunglasses. "Don't worry, we'll keep your secret safe." Carmen tried to assure them with her sniffles. She again endeavored to falsify a smile. Justin gave her a heartwarming smirk as his son squirm in his arms. "I just want to know... you two are actually married? All kidding aside and forget all the TRL and Rosie bullshit. Are you two married in holy matrimony?" Nichole's voice crackled and hissed at them. Carmen did not attempt to stop her friend this time. Her own wrath was concealed, but not redeemed. Brian sucked in his smile to give Nichole an honesty expression. Justin brushed his hand over his son's blonde head, eyeing Nichole with uncertainty. "Nichole, me and Justin got married July the 4th, 1999 here in Hawaii. That's the truth. We've had to hide it from everyone. We just adopted Angel, our son, last month." Brian answered her question with truth. He knew not to hold anything back from either girls. His words only astonished Nichole to a greater extent.

Carmen carefully rubbed her nose, feeling a little more wearry with the information she was receiving. "Gee, coming to the place you fell in love... I bet that makes it a little more romantic for you." Carmen commented, looking at the ground contently. Nichole was perplexed by her friend's soft-hearted response to the truth. She could feel that her friend was breaking up inside, but she knew Carmen would not allow the world to see her heartache. Nichole's mind was unable to concentrate on the current predicament as she thought of trivial events of the past. Her mind's ability to diverse fiction from reality enabled her to deduce more drawing matters. "That was A.J.'s daughter that I saw in the lobby with Denise McLean this morning, wasn't it? It would explain why Amanda hasn't been with Innosense for several months now." Nichole spat out, finding questions developing before her brain could transmit words. The surprise and suspicion ruling the faces of the people surrounding her left her speechless. "You're good." Mandy managed to exhale out, trying to make herself comfotrable enough to lay back in the chair. Nichole let out a sigh. She could feel herself feeling contented for A.J. and Amanda, but she knew not to show the emotion around the others.

Nikki stood near the railing of the pool area. Her cellular phone was practically glued to her head as she continued a light conversation with J.C. She giggled softly, blind to the actions befalling near her. "Yeah, that sounds good. We can do dinner tonight... yeah, in the Cafe before the show." Nikki began to accept an offer from her former flame. His thriving sense of humor made her succumb to the offer he had given her at the beginning of the phone call. She gave a preoccupied smile to her friends who seemed to be wrapped up in their own mass of dramtic discussion. Nikki watched curiously as Justin stood with Angel and Brian. Her eyes peered at them as Lonnie escorted them away. "Uhm Josh, I'll see you when I get back to the lobby. I think something's up." Nikki spoke with a tender voice, watching the slow movements around the lounge chairs. She nodded her head as she listened to a few more words that J.C. spoke.

Nikki and J.C. ended their conversation on his words, Nikki drawing down the phone and watching as Lance and Mandy advanced to her. She observed them with preconceived thoughts. "What's wrong guys?" Nikki questioned them, crossing her arms and leaning back against the railing. Lance failed to respond to her inquiry as he drifted off to another side of the railing. Mandy gave him a wayward stare, feeling discontent with his demeanor. She gave her attention back to Nikki with a straight faced expression. She could not show her disappointment out of fear and lack for emotion at the moment. She sighed, taking a hold of the railing with her hands. "Those girls over there know all about Brian, Justin, A.J. and Amanda." Mandy responded, drawing her eyes downward. Mandy's gesture with her head assisted Nikki in her search for answers. She watched as Carmen and Nichole followed Q out of the pool area. A questionable expression filled their faces. The fascination grew vast for Nikki. "What do you mean 'all about'?" Nikki questioned her friend's words. Mandy pushed a couple of her blonde tendrils behind her ears and then adjusted her bikini top. She desired another way to explain the situation, but blunt rang a familiar tone in her head. "The girls know that Brian and Justin are married and have a kid... they also know that Amanda and A.J. have a kid too." Mandy replied with a drop of her Southern accent. She kept her light-green eyes looking down due to her own motivation.

Nikki's eyes widened with an unfamiliar feelings running through her body.

She ran a hand over her head, unsure of how to react. She could sense a tension was built between everyone due to the unforseen event, one that she could not interfere with. "How are Brian and Justin dealing with this?" Nikki asked, falling short of her true inquiry. Her curiosity begged her to inquire. Mandy shrugged, unsure herself. "I guess they're handling it in their own way. Manda and Bone don't know though." Mandy answered her in a soft voice. Nikki shook her head, leaning away from the railing. "I think I'll tell them." Nikki rejoined. She grabbed her Nautica windbreaker and slipped it on. She left it open and then pulled her hair back. Mandy didn't attempt to look up. She could feel the wind ordering Nikki's actions. Mandy allowed her to walk away with no protest on her part. She found no incentive to get into another conflict with Nikki concerning a member of Innosense.

Mandy slinked her way from her previous spot to a new location, one that held Lance Bass at a standstill. Mandy slipped her arm around Lance's shoulder with a small smile, leaning her head in the direction of his shoulder. "What's wrong Poo-Fu?" Mandy questioned, trying to dig into the mind that Lance kept locked. Lance stayed quiet and pale. He looked out into the Hawaiian area with a small fondness. It was home to three of his favorite memories. "You know... the wedding was so beautiful, so perfect. Everything went as it should and despite all of the drama that occured beforehand, Brian and Justin made it so right. They gave me so much hope." Lance remarked, eyeing the sands of Hawaii. Mandy lifted her head some, seeing the disappointment that was starting to wrap Lance's face. "And now... Justin hates me." Lance added, drooping his eyes some. He took in a breath of the sweet Hawaiian fauna. "What makes you think J hates you?" Mandy asked softly, still keeping her arm around him. Lance shook his head, keeping his eyes slightly shut. "It's too obvious Mandy. He hasn't spoken to me in weeks. He'll barely stay around me when we're in the same room. And I think... I think it's because I'm the one that broke up Nick and Joshua." Lance replied with a light whimper. He sniffled and then looked down to Mandy. He had respect for the woman who handled relationships like drop of rains. Each one was precious until their water had dried. "Lance, you didn't break up J.C. and Nick. Nick and J.C. broke it up, plain and simple. They both had their own faults and that led to their demise." Mandy retorted with a positive voice. Lance gave her a faint smile. "Don't be too sure, Mandy." Lance replied with the sadness of his moment. He brought his eyes back to the world around him.

Mandy gave him a weakened look. "Are you sure this is all about Justin?" Mandy wondered. She had no agenda for her questioning. She only desierd a way to help her friend from his unintended depression. Lance gave her another meaningless smile. His friend was superb at figuring out Lance's feelings. "Josh proposed to me here... when we were happy. And silly me, I turned him down. I rejected him because I thought I wasn't ready. I let something perfect slip out of my hands and fall into another's." Lance stated, revealing an emotion he kept closeted for months. Mandy lowered her arm from his shoulder to his back for added consoling. "It wasn't your fault Lance. You gave him love and it was his choice to betray you." Mandy argued in a more aclmed position. Lance shook his head again. He felt his heart fighting with her, not allowing her to prove his emotions wrong. He had finally began to realize that everyone could play with his emotions, but he was the one that pulled the strings. He was the one that controlled his own destiny. "Well if I wanted him enough, I would have accepted his proposal." Lance spoke out the truth that was burried inside of him. Mandy frowned. She could not accept Lance receeding in the battle for affection. She could feel maybe it was because Lance could not accept himself as being strong enough to love someone, but even then, Mandy was unsure.

"Who do you think you want?" Mandy pondered with Lance. Her question left a strung out appearance on Lance's pale face. "Mandy, it's not something I really want to talk about right now. I... I'm not ready to talk about it as if I don't love either one of them anymore." Lance announced, sending out another revalation in his words. Mandy felt a shiver run through her. She ended their discussion of the subject for Lance's sake. She released his body and allowed him to take his solo flight into the pool area. Though she despised it, Lance was once again a mystery to all of his friends and observers.

Brian's finger traced slowly over the mirror. His finger slid over the mist that was beginning to cover the mirror. The mist came from the steam, which came from the shower. Brian's articulant eye watched every curve and straight line he made. He was attempting to be as accurate as possible with his writing. His blue eyes peered while hearing the water run its warm essence. The feeling of the heat running over his naked form as he stood outside was breathtaking for him. He took in a deep breath of the heated air while making the last mark on the long mirror. He concentrated to make everything perfect. He could feel his eyes begin to water from straining, but he felt it was complete. Brian took a step back from the mirror, creeking a simple smile. His body was blurred in the relfection, but what he had constructed was clear to his eyes. The writing was on the wall. With his soft blue eyes, Brian admierd the writing that simply stated: 'Brian + Justin = Angel'. The smile became more of a smirk as Brian stared at his writing. His pride was overrunning. He had accomplished his feat and now he felt his need to enter the shower.

As Brian inched his left leg in the shower stall, he felt the steam wrap its full arms around him. Bria in-turn placed his arms around one of the other individuals that stood in the shower. Brian ran his cheek against his husband's as the water began to fall over both of them. Brian pressed his smooth chest against Justin's back and his limp penis against Justin's chiseled ass. The water washed over them as Justin pulled back his son's hair. Angel loved the feeling of being in the shower and knowing his fathers were close by. The feeling and sensations were not erotic for any of them. It was more of a family sense, a togetherness.

Brian lifted his arm and then began to run it over Justin's soft and gentle, brown curls. Justin lifted his head a little to catch the drops of water against his face. He felt his husband's lips began to place soft kisses on his moist neck. Justin likced his tender lips, desiring to release a moan. He held it as his son reached up and began to toy with his father's nose. Justin brought his head down, resting his chin against the upper portion of his chest. He opened his eyes and watched as Angel's small fingers began to run over his lips. Justin gave him a giggling smile. Justin extended himself somewhat and gave Angel a quick kiss on the top of his head. "What? Everybody wants to touch Daddy today?" Justin laughed out as Brian's hands firmly massaged Justin's back. Brian laid another kiss on Justin's neck, giving out his own small laugh. "Angel, tell Daddy that we just love playing with him." Brian said to his son. Angel gave both a faint smile. Justin shook his head with laughter. Brian listened to Justin's vibrant laughter while bringing his silky hands to Justin's hips. "Brian, you want to play with me in a less Sesame Street way and a more South Park way." Justin giggled after feeling his husband's hands rest on his waist. Brian snickered into Justin's ear. "We shouldn't talk like that in front of Timber." Brian whispered, nuzzling his cheek to Justin's again. Justin rolled his eyes, knowing his son was oblivious to the words they spoke. "Bastian's fine." Justin assured him, seeing Angel's concentration was locked on the drops of water that ran down Justin's chest.

Justin admired his son with the attention cardiologists gave to the human heart. "Well at least we're not role playing like my brother and Leigh Ann." Brian commented with a slick grin. Justin raised his brow with stupefaction. "Huh?" Justin exhaled out, resting his back against Brian more. Brian pulled his dripping hand over Justin's slick hair. "Oh nothing... I did not have sexual realtions with that woman.." Brian joked with his best Bill Clinton impersonation. He followed his impersonation with a lingering laugh. Justin elbowed him with distaste. He found a smile curling his lips, but he did not let Brian cacth sight of it. "You better not have had sex with that woman." Justin warned him with his fading smile. Brian kissed Justin's flexing cheek and then laughed some more. He found his husband's temporary mood of jealousy comic in all of its nature.

Fascination was becoming a greater part in the lobby of the hotel. The attention seemed to be focusing on anyone who had a connection to the artists staying in the hotel. The spotlight for this time period was the Backstreet Band. Fans from around the globe looked upon the band as they sat in the lobby of the hotel figuring out how to spend their dinner hour. "Man, these kids are desparate to catch a glimpse of us." Mindy commented as she looked to the small crowd that sat naer the doors to see the band. "Ah, kids... they just want to know about Nick and Justin." Dennis scoffed, rolling his eyes to the group. Tommy shook his head, typing on his lap top as he awaited the others to make a decison.

A stream of screams broke from the girls still wanting to enter the lobby of the Ali'i Tower as they saw a few members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Innosense enter the lobby. Security led them to make sure no one was mobbed by already attending guests. "It's Justin..." whispers fell over the lobby.

"Oh God, look... that's Howie..." another round began as the group strived to make it to a designated area. "Ooh, it's Danay and Jenny..." the soft speaking continued from a few of the girls in the lobby. Justin gazed around with an eerie sense he did not enjoy. He felt like a butterfly encased in glass. All of thwe whispers, giggles and comments were discontenting for him and his friends. "Man, let's just all get to dinner and then the venue." Justin suggested, adjusting his backpack. He then pulled his yellow, Abercrombie & Fitch cap downward, hiding his glassy-blue eyes under the shadows of the brim.

Danay watched Justin, feeling his same sentiment. She too grew wearry of being on constant watch from the fans. "Man, Justin needs to relax a little. We are in Hawaii and it is muy magnifico." Howie remarked while glaring at Justin walk away. Danay cringed when hearing him. She still held her grudge to him, though she lightened at times. She couldn't find a favoring or disqualifying emotion for Howie, but she began to deliberate on forgetting the entire subject. "Silencio por favor." Danay hissed to him, nudging him in a more friendly manor. Howie arched his brow. He was disappointed in Danay's rejection of him any time he was near her. He stayed near her though. He saw no erason in departing from her without trying to win her over again. "Hmmm, tengo hambre." Danay continued her speech in Spanish as she knew Howie would understand her. A smile glided over Howie's thick lips. He carefuly ran his hand over Danay's in a flirtatious manner. "¿Dónde hay un restaurante?" Howie questioned, attempting to grab Danay's hand. Danay turned her attention down to Howie's hand movements. Against her better judgment, she allowed Howie to touch and then grab her hand. His soft hand set her at ease. "Adelante y a la derecha." Danay responded with a small grin. Howie returned the smile and then escorted Danay to the dinning area.

Brian found a seat next to Tommy on one of the couches as he watched the others begin to sign autographs here and there. Brian became comfortable easily on the plush couch. He could see that Tommy was far into the data he typed into his laptop. Brian began to peer over to the screen. His eyes caught Tommy fiddling with his website, updating information for the fans to read. "Hmmm, what's new in BSB Band cyber world?" Brian asked as Tommy typed up a few more sentences. Tommy kept his eyes locked on the screen. "I'm just informing everybody about what's going on in Florida and what's new in everyone's lives." Tommy replied in a technical way. Brian eased back on the couch again. He gave a small yawn and then stretched his legs out. "And so what are you mentioning?" Brian questioned, laying his head against the back of the couch. Tommy still did not lift his head. He had to keep a semi-full concentration on the screen as he typed. "I mentioned you have a new dog, well actually two new dogs. Then I mentioned that you have a new house since I know you have that house in Miami with Justin now. I also mentioned A.J.'s looking for a house, Nick taking time off in Cali' and I mentioned that me and you were going to be finishing work on a new song you wrote." Tommy gave him a detailed answer while putting the final touches onto his update. Brian raised his brow with interest. He did not know that Tommy let the fans so into their lives. "But of course I didn't mention the new members of BSB." Tommy assured Brian, finally taking a moment to look up. Brian gave him a curious expression that rang a smile to Tommy's lips. He began to laugh at his humorous anecdote that Brian was oblivious to. Tommy shook his head with his laughter, bringing his eyes back down to his laptop. "Fans would kill if they knew Brian and A.J. were going to be replaced by Amiya McLean and Angel Littrell." Tommy exasperated.

Brian shot him a youthful smile, relaxing back on the couch again as the others continued to give the fans the attention they sought.

The Tropics Surf Bar & Beach Cafe was officially set off from public as it became the dinning area for the artists and their guests. The setting was perfect for the semi-large group as they felt comfortable in the laidback atmosphere of the restaurant. It was set right for a quick, but enjoyable dinner before the concert for the artists and their families. Harold found it unsually perfect for him while he shared his evening with Lea. He laughed at a small notion he and Lea made toward his nephew. His thoughts towards the date were a bit nervous as he had been out of the dating area since his breakup with Leigh Ann, but Harold found himself becoming accustom once again to the idea when sitting at a secluded table with Lea. "You know it's amazing to me that I'm like on a date... with you know, my brother's nanny." Harold noted befoer taking a sip of his iced-water. Lea looked up from her plate of grilled chicken with a quaint smile. She brushed a section of her blonde hair behind her shoulder. "Well you know that's how Prince Charles and Diana started." Lea remarked with a tantalizing smile. Harold could see the glow in her smile, something that attracted him further. He blushed a little at her words. "But I'm no prince." Harold added, his accent flowing. He licked his lips and then fastened his eyes to his plate. "Not legally, but in other ways." Lea noted, twirling her fork. Harold looked up, feeling overwhelmed by her compliment. They found a stare being intiated between each other. It was casual, slightly flirtatious, but it was honset. It was an unadulterated attraction that Harold had not seen in years. He knew it could not have been lust for Lea had not tempted him in any way. She was, in other ways, the complete opposite of what Leigh Ann was.

Leigh Ann was not far away as she and Kevin entered the restaurant for the first time. Kevin escorted Leigh Ann on his arms with little spite. He needed relief for the night, someone to talk to. He wanted a female companion and though he wanted to deny it to his friends, he enjoyed Leigh Ann in his company. His gregarious feelings left him vulnerable to Leigh Ann and her seductive nature. "I hope we can get a good table away from these people." Leigh Ann commented, snuggling to Kevin's arm. Kevin eyed the restaurant for an area he could share with Leigh Ann away from the sight of the others. He also searched for an area that did not allow Brian or Justin to observe the two. He thought to flaunt Leigh Ann as if she was an object, as she would do with him. He cancelled the musing when seeing that it would not be acceptable. Kevin sought to be accepted by others. He had no choice but to seek a table secluded from all view with Leigh Ann. "Come on Leigh, I think I've found a spot." Kevin commented, intiating their walk across the restaurant. Leigh Ann was hesitant about her own movement. Her blue eyes had located a depressing sight. She glared as Harold stretched over his table to give Lea a soft kiss. Her jealousy desired release, but Leigh Ann's heart sulked. The love she shared with Brian's brother was pure inside of Leigh Ann though she never showed it to Harold. 'Damn it Leigh, you've fucked up royally again.' Leigh Ann criticized herself. She watched as Harold sat back into his seat, but then edged closer to Lea. 'Let's hope you can fix everything with this goof. Yeah, he's not officially a Littrell, but he's a start back into the royal fucking clan.' Leigh Ann urged herself. She released a sigh and then began to stroll with Kevin through the cafe.

Nikki stared at Kevin and Leigh Ann as they passed. Despise filled her young, soft face. She couldn't take her eyes off of them as they walked to their own table. Though Nikki was sitting with her ex-boyfriend, she found it hard to believe that Kevin would betray her with the woman he had an affair with. J.C. watched Nikki's face contort into despair. He shook his head, but not noticeably. He allowed his friend to wallow over lost love. He had known the experience far too well to argue. "I just can't believe of all people he'd cheat on you with Leigh Ann." J.C. commented to take Nikki's eyes off of Kevin and Leigh Ann. Nikki looked back to him with shock. She had not realized she had drifted into her own daze. She nibbled on her finger, feeling nonsensical. "Brian said the same thing about you and Nick." Nikki whispered, laying her hand back down on the table. J.C. folded a frown. "Well then the good thing is that Kevin and Leigh Ann won't last if they get together." J.C. gave her an assuring response to the ill-fated comment. Nikki tried to empathize with J.C. "So I guess I should expect Leigh Ann to erase my plead to win back Kevin's heart." Nikki said with a sarcastic tongue. J.C. gave a small laugh. He then nodded for her.

J.C. traced his hand over his glass of water. "It's amazing to me that we've only shared our thoughts about our breakups with each other and not with the people we broke up with." J.C. stated, watching his glass release more moistuer on the exterior. Nikki forfeited a smile. "Friends tend to be closer than lovers." Nikki replied, her cheeks blushing lightly. J.C. agreed with her silently. They both withdrew from talking of their heartache with their recent breakups. "Do you think it's because we didn't take the time to become friends before couples?" J.C. questioned, leaning back in his chair. He was more than curious of Nikki's response. Nikki released an unpleasent sigh. "I think that could be part of the problem. If you look at the lineage... Howie and Danay, Nick and Lance, me and Kev'. It just points in that direction." Nikki started a true statement. J.C. listened with a stiff attentiveness. "While people like Amanda and A.J., Britney and Joey, Justin and Brian... well they were friends before lovers. They took the time to know each other in several ways." Nikki stated with a serious outlook. J.C. was again forced to agree. He he grabed his fork and began to lightly tap it against the table. "Just like me and Lance." he made a small comment that disturbed Nikki. She continued to hide her feelings, but she found herself drifting to the words Tyler had spoke of.

"It doesn't matter, though. I'm here with you Peaches, just trying to keep the single life alive for longer than a month." J.C. began to perk up, shining Nikki a gentle smile. Nikki fronted him a smirk. She found hope in his eyes. "I'm right with ya, Josh." Nikki sighed precariously. J.C. extended his hand to grab hers and hold it. He depended on Nikki as she depended on him. It was a bond that was conspierd without either's approval, but they dared not to break it. "Seems like old times only become more clear when you don't have them anymore," J.C. remarked, trying to hold Nikki's attention with his words. Nikki gave him a quick nod, distrubuting her attention between J.C. and Kevin and Leigh Ann.

"Excuse us, but it looks like the place is pretty much full. Could we grab a seat here?" a well-known voice requested of Nikki and J.C. Nikki was hesitent about bringing her eyes up to greet the question while J.C.'s head was quick. Nikki took a small swallow and looked upon two faces. J.C. furrowed his brow, heavily disappointed in what he viewed. Nikki held in a sigh. She looked over to J.C. for a response, but he was unable to give her one. Nikki knew she was allowing herself to walk into a dangerous decision.

"Uh, I guess so Nick and..." Nikki was unable to think of the second name as Nick pulled out a chair for his date. "Nichole. We met at the club the other night." Nichole replied, casually taking a seat in the chair Nick had pulled out. Nick seated Nichole next to Nikki and then grabbed his own chair next to J.C. J.C. scooted aside a little, discontented with being next to Nick. "Yeah, I remember. Sorry, I'm just not good with names." Nikki gave a quick apology while watching Nick and J.C.'s reactions to each other. "It's okay, I forget names of people that aren't quite important to me either." Nichole jested with her sour humor. Nikki gave her a poor smile. "And I remember names of people that are good to me." Nick added with his daunting laugh. Nichole shot him a wicked smile of flirtatious descent. J.C. grumbled under his breath and turned from Nick. Nikki again gave a disappointed expression to her ex-boyfriend.

Nick watched as J.C. massaged Nikki's hand. His scowl grew. "So Nichole, what do you want to drink? Maybe a Sex On The Beach?" Nick offered with a devious intent. Nichole blushed lightly. Nikki shot Nick a wearry glare. She derw her hand from J.C.'s, seeing that Nick only sought revenge toward his ex-boyfriend. J.C.'s face twisted with anger. "Uhm, I don't think that'd be appropriate Nickie." Nichole replied with a half-witted giggle. Nikki rolled her eyes before catching J.C.'s anger rise. 'Oh great.' Nikki commented to herself, drawing her menu up. "Yeah Nickie, don't forget to erase the messages beforehand." J.C. slyly said, looking down to his menu. Nick curled his lip. Nichole sat back with a face of confusion. 'What's up with these three?' she thought. She watched as J.C. grabbed Nikki's hand again to hold. She could see Nikki giving signs of calamity toward J.C. "Oh Josh, don't forget to cheat on Nikki with her ex tonight. I know you do that so wonderfully." Nick remarked, not bothering to look at J.C.

J.C. attempted to ignore Nick, but his words were too harsh. He traced a finger over Nikki's palm and then looked over to Nick with despair. He shook his head. He was feeling the wrath he and Nick once shared when they battled over Lance. Nick managed to become blind to J.C.'s stares as he casually flirted with Nichole. Nichole could not play along with the flirting. Her mind was contemplating what drew J.C. and Nick to the strong words they spoke. "Be careful Nichole, Nick might say he loves you but he's not man enough to know that you love him back." J.C. said while still glaring at Nick. Nick flicked his bangs back and then turned his eyes to J.C. "I am very secure in my love for people." Nick responded to J.C.'s words. J.C. gave him a taunting chuckle. Nikki snatched her hand from J.C.'s. She could no longer bare the battle the two continued in.

"What are you all talking about? What's with you three?" Nichole briskly inquired. Her curiosity had won over her mind. J.C. and Nick stayed silent, taking their eyes off of each other. Both denied Nichole a reply. Nikki shook her head and began to sulk in her chair. "You didn't know Nichole? Nick and J.C. used to be boyfriend. They just broke up." Nikki gave Nichole the answer she desired. Nikki brushed her hand over her hair. She refused to glance at J.C. Nichole again had to swallow another surprise. She glared at Nick with suspicious eyes that were filled with discouragement. Nick couldn't find the pride to return the look. Nichole lowered her eyes. "I think I'm gonna need a Bloody Mary." she said, sniffling. "Better make that a double." Nikki added, lowering her head in the same fashion.

The night was warm, filled with life. The Blaisdell Center was again packed with teenagers, parents, young children and the press for the second night of the concert series. All awaited the beginning of the show as they were tantalized by the mystery of what occured backstage. Some fans closer to the front could catch small glimpses of people near the backstage entrance, but they were unaware of who might be moving in and out. Some were able to recognize members of 'N Sync's band and even security, but the mystery was who's family was at the show. All of the fans wanted to find out more about the personal lives of the artists and less about the technical side.

The lights dimmed in the arena, signaling the start of the show. Screams roared from every angle of the concert hall. The curtains of the stage were moved aside for one individual to step on the stage. Some of the crowd members began to scream out words as they identified the lone woman. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the show!" a Southern accent broke through, signaling to the crowd the beginning. "Some of you might know me, I'm Lynn Harliss. I'm the mother of Justin from 'N Sync... and I'm here tonight to introduce the first act." Lynn announced with a charitable smile. The crowd ripped with howls when hearing who they were looking at. Lynn gave them a small laugh, feeling slightly embarrassed at the love she received from the audience. "Our first act is one of the artists I manage. These five ladies are a treat for me to work with and I look at all of them as daughters. So will you please give a warm welcome to RCA Recording artists, Innosense!" Lynn proclaimed, clapping for her group. The audience joined her with a favorable sense.

As Lynn exited the stage, the tune of a familiar melody began to run through the speakers of the concert hall. This tune had become a loved one by the inhabitants of the Hawaiian shores. The curtains parted to reveal five young women. Two of the women stood in light blue, half-cut hoodies with pink halter tops and white draw string pants. Another two stood in pink see-through shirts with light blue halter tops underneath and white draw string pants. The last stood in a long sleeved pink top with a black halter top over it and white draw string pants. All five ladies had their heads down as they awaited the start of their singing. From the first note they sung, their heads lifted and they smiled to the crowd. Their response was unanimous, the crowd adored them.

The introductions would come later as Jenny Morris stepped to the front of the group of females. They all sang the second bar of the song, starting their smooth dances. Jenny was thrilled to enjoy the spotlight with the girls of Innosense. She felt her part in Innosense was now known. She was replacing a voice that was hard to recreate. Though the verse was not intended for Jenny, she took it with pride. She was the fifth member the group was missing during Amanda's maternity leave and now she dared not to give up the position.

I don't wanna run anymore

I don't hide in the corners

I know you have a deep affection for me

So why don't we become lovers?

What you say to me is exposure

To what you do

Boy, I'm lost in this war (this war)

And I can't take it no more (no more)

So if I can have you

While Nikki DeLoach finished up the bridge, the girls regrouped for the hook. Nikki gave Jenny a deserved high-five for taking the verse that was originally Amanda's. Nikki and the other girls knew the world was still oblivious to what caused the change in members, but they had to keep a strict concentration on their work instead of their personal lives. It was their only escape from the shadows of rumors.

If I can have you, forever

I will gladly take you

If I can love you, oh baby

I will gladly have you


Oh yeah

Oh baby

Veronica Finn slid from her position in the back of the group to the front. Her curly blonde hair set her aside from the other girls and made her known to the crowd. She lifted her top a little and then shot the audience a defiant grin. She was the 'troublemaker' as labeled by executives. Veronica didn't mind the title as she gave a quick wave to Paul Harliss. She was indeed a woman who loved the excitement of danger.

So love is just so brand new

Sometimes I wish, you weren't just so blue

Because I need you to know

I'll never, never, let you go

What you say to me is exposure

To what you do

Boy, I'm lost in this war (this war)

And I can't take it no more (no more)

So if I can have you

If I can have you, forever

I will gladly take you

If I can love you, oh baby

I will gladly have you


The girls ran across the stage in different directions. They loved to interact with the crowd that barely knew them as artists. Nikki took the opportunity to give a wave to Roy and Karen Chasez and then blow a kiss to Tyler. Tyler winked at her before she ran off in the opposite direction. "Come on!" Veronica called out as she and the girls returned to their spots for an upcoming bridge. Mandy Ashford, the known 'blonde bombshell' of the group, took the front to sing her hymned bridge.

Baby, you are my Romeo

You are my Mark Antony

I wanna be with you

Until I lose you baby

Baby believe

It's all I can conceive

You and me

That's how it should be

I can see

You and me

So let this be

The way it should be

The Eric Foster White tune turned to an instrumental after Nikki and Veronica had ended the bridge with their strong voices. The girls began a synchronized set of dances that caught the audiences eyes. Each girl stayed on step to the beat. Their concentration was precise, one that was earned through hours of rehearsals. The girls were prepared to dazzle the people of Hawaii and set themselves apart from the other female groups. Their promise for a good time was not broken or misled. The girls were as their namesake, innocent.

Their first song was ended with a harmonizing of the repetitive hook. All of the girls took a deep breath as the crowd applauded them. The girls all smiled with a feeling of accomplishment. Nikki walked to the front of the girls while the others regrouped for a small break. "Hello Hawaii! My name is Nikki and we're Innosense." Nikki announced through a panting voice. The crowd held no hesitance in cheering for the girls. Nikki smiled with a deserved pride. After the events of the day, Nikki needed something to make her feel proud. "We are so happy to be here tonight opening up for our friends. This means a lot to us. Uhm, I want to introduce you to the girls. We've got Veronica, who we call V." Nikki said, pointing back to the hyper Veronica. Veronica gave the crowd a wave with a cheery smile. Nikki turned and then pointed toward Mandy. "Then we have Blondie here, her name is Mandy." Nikki said as Mandy stepped up. "Ahola Hawaii!" Mandy chimed, drawing up acclaim from the audience. "And we've got Miss Danay back there who's Mama D." Nikki said, pointing to the back where Danay Ferrer was pushing her hair back. Danay grinned and then waved. "Hola Hawaii!" she cheered. Nikki then looked to her side where Jenny stood. "And finally we've got Miss Morris here, Jenny." Nikki ended the introductions with a smile. Jenny gave a small wave to the crowd, sipping on her bottled water. Nikki cleared her throat and then searched for her water. The crowd continued to scream for the women as they rested for the few seconds they were given. "We hope ya'll have a good time tonight!" Veronica added to Nikki's speech while the girls again reassembled.

The thundering sound of the next tune brought all of the girls back to their direct concentration. It was a Max Martin tune that the audience only knew of through performances of the past. Mandy stood in the middle of the line of girls. She pushed her blonde hair aside, ready to start the performance again. All of the girls enjoyed the song because it gave them a chance to get into a full routine of dancing and intense singing.

I was the shy girl around him

Never said too much about him

I knew he had a girlfriend with him

But I couldn't stop my wantin'

So I took it upon myself

To finally tell him how I felt

And he kissed me right after his girlfriend left

And what am I supposed to do about that?

I know there's consequences for loving him

But I'm willing to risk it just to hold him

I won't tell myself I don't need him

Because inside of me, I'm feindin' for him

I know there's consequences that I must pay

But I'll do anything just to hold his hand

And I won't deny myself this feeling

But there's someone that we're deceiving

The girls broke a sweat with their intense movement. They were not stiff, but they were organized. They stayed close in their group of five while sending out sensual signs through their dancing. The power of the song overcame the audience and had them swaying and dancing along to the rough, urban sound. This song won over a new stock of Innosense fans.

The audience screamed from every inch of the arena. They were in love with the performances Innosense was giving them. Innosense had finished performing their emotional, Diane Warren ballad in the form of 'You Didn't Have To Hurt Me'. The stagehand left their chairs on the stage for the next and final performance. The girls all relaxed while Danay stood at the front of the stage. She dabbed off sweat wtih her sleeve and then waved to Pollyana and Harold in the crowd. She blew a kiss to some of the fans that screamed dierctly for her. "We've had so much fun tonight with all of you. You guys are really a treat. We're gonna finish up our set with our second single from the album. We really love this song and we think it's a great way to end the show for us." Danay announced as the crowd began to silence. She took in a breath as the air ran over her. She prayed that the last song was the song the won everyone in the audience. "The song is called 'Still Thinkin' About Him'." Danay added, walking back to the area marked for their routine.

The guitar-filled, FULL FORCE song hit the audience with an opening acapella from the girls. The crowd began to scream, some familiar with the tune. All of the girls sat in chairs except for Veronica. She stood in front of her chair with a small smile. She took in a deep breath, fearing the reaction some of the females might give to them. She briskly licked her lips and then prepared to sing the verse intended for her.

That smile you lost

It makes me think of what we used to have

I've found a new love

But I still think about what we shared

And right now I want you to understand

That I'm trying to live a life with my new man

I just can't stop myself from thinkin' about him

About him, about him

It doesn't matter what I say or what I do

I can't fight it

I'm still thinkin' about him

Can't go back again

Let me prove I can fall for another man

I just can't stop myself from thinkin' about him

All of the girls stood after Nikki's beautiful voice did the bridge. The mid-tempo song gave the girls a chance to enjoy their routine. They danced around the chairs while singing the hook. It was a song of fallen memories, but enough to be a song that the crowd could relate to. This encourage Jenny to run to the front and sing her verse with her strong sorprano voice.

I don't know why

But I'm trying to leave that world behind

But when I see your eyes

I still believe you should be by my side

And right now I want you to understand

That I'm trying to live a life with my new man

I just can't stop myself from thinkin' about him

About him, about him

It doesn't matter what I say or what I do

I can't fight it

I'm still thinkin' about him

Can't go back again

Let me prove I can fall for another man

I just can't stop myself from thinkin' about him

The audience was into the song. It's easy lyrics allowed them to catch onto a few portions of the song. This made the women of Innosense proud. They smiled while dancing and allowing Jenny to bring in the second bridge. It was one of the few songs the girls actually recorded with Jenny, so it was one they learned to enjoy. Though Danay and Nikki missed Amanda's presence on stage, they learned to adjust to Jenny being with them. There was no sense in arguing over something as petty as whether or not Amanda was with them. The important part was that the ladies enjoyed performing and they savored the response they got from the audience. The passion they got from performing filled the void the had in their social lives.

Now what am I to do?

I'm still thinkin' about him

Now what am I to do?

I'm still thinkin' about him

Now what am I to do?

I'm still thinkin' about him

Now what am I to do?

I'm still thinkin' about him

The girls finished their high-strung performance with the song, sending the crowd into a fervish passion of applause. All of the girls began to bow with surprise at the reaction they got from the Hawaiian crowd. The girls released their fitting smiles and began to wave. "Thank you! Hawaii, ya'll rock!" Veronica shouted out, giving one more bow. "Let me introduce the girls again... I'm Danay Ferrer... that's Nikki DeLoach and Mandy Ashford... then we have Veronica Finn and Jenny Morris. And we are Innosense." Danay announced, finding a friendliness in the crowd's response. Nikki panted lightly, taking a quick sip from her water. "Thank you!" she managed to shout out, shooting quick waves to her friends in the audience. "Don't forget, the album is out in early March!" Veronica added, putting an arm around the panting Jenny. Jenny managed to smile for the audience, though she was partially exhausted. She took a quick glance over to Mandy who also showed signs of wearriness. All of the girls empathized with the others. Mandy took a quick swallow and raised her microphone. "Get ready for Britney Spears ya'll." Mandy said, feeling her head throb somewhat. She began to towel off her face, the sweat building. The girls pulled their strength together to form a line and grab hands. "And once again, we are Innosense!" Nikki shouted out as the group took a final bow together. The girls relaesed hands and then made a quick dash for the backstage.

Britney Spears' set had ended twenty minutes previous. The stage was completely black with darkness. Fans chanted a combined word, 'N Sync'. They sought a glimpse of any of the guys. Their desire was not enough to speak alone, it had to be shown. From large posters to glossy photos to homemade banners, the adoration toward 'N Sync was immense. It was the perfect lead up to the performance many fans awaited.

Hey hey

Bye, bye, bye (bye, bye)

Bye, bye

The fans began to scream uncontrollably when the blazing sight of pyrotechnics and the roaring sounds of 'Bye, Bye, Bye' entered the concert hall. The spotlights flashed on and revealed the members of 'N Sync in all of their glory. They were as hyped as the flourishing audience. Each of them ran acrossed the stage in a band of fury. They wanted to become in touch with the crowd before beginning any choreography. "What's up Hawaii! We want ya'll to get up and throw your hands from side-to-side!" Justin shouted out, making gestures to assist the crowd. The crowd let out a ripple of screams for him, causing him to give them a cheeky grin. "And tell all of those people bugging you..." Chris added. "Bye bye bye!" the unison of the five initiated the return to the performance. J.C. was prepared for the beginning of their show as he took the middle of the five for the first verse of the song.

I'm doing this tonight

You're probably gonna start a fight

I know this can't be right

Hey baby come on

I loved you endlessly

When you weren't there for me

So now it's time to leave

And make it alone

I know that I can't take no more

It ain't no lie

I wanna see you out that door

Baby, bye, bye, bye

(Bye, bye)

Justin and J.C.'s thunderous redition of the chorus brought out screams from all ends of the concert hall. Chris became thoroughly into the choreography, never missing a beat. Lance and Joey remained stiff during their dancing, trying to remember each move as they did them. Justin kept a strict outlook into the audience, his face giving them a narrow, angered experssion. He pulled up his maroon top a little to tease the crowd as they all entered the hook.

Don't wanna be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

You may hate me

But it ain't no lie

Bye, bye, bye (bye, bye)

Don't really wanna make it tough

I just wanna tell you that I had enough

Might sound crazy

But it ain't no lie

Bye, bye, bye

You just hit me with the truth

And girl you're more than welcome to

So give me one good reason

Baby, come on

I lived for you and me

And now I've really come to see

That life would be so much better...

Once you're gone

Justin and J.C. entered the bridge again after Justin finished his verse. Joey took the brief opportunity to wave to his mother and father during their dancing. He smiled their way with a son's pride. The others kept their focus while entering the hook again. They all began to sweat with the intesity of their dancing, but never falter. They wanted to give fans what they had been missing during 'N Sync's forced downtime. They were prepared for all of the responses they might receive, but the overwhelming screams they got brought back a youthful feeling toward their career.

I'm giving up I know for sure

I don't wanna be the reason for your love no more

(Bye, bye)

I'm checking out

I'm signing off

I don't wanna be the loser

And I've had enough

I don't wanna be your fool

In this game for two

So I'm leaving you behind

Bye, bye, bye yeah

After Justin's half-done version of the bridge, the guys went straight into a rough, ad-libbed filled version of the chorus. Each guy kept their eyes straight ahead, falling into every note their sung. It was their defining moment, proving whether or not the guys had truly lost their tough.

In the given proof, the guys had surely surpassed their days of Lou Pearlman and RCA Records. They had transcending the unexpected to become a new entity in pop culture and without any doubt in the Hawaiian audience, they had lifted up to 'Another Step'.

When ending their dance-filled version of 'Bye Bye Bye', the guys each took a break. Lance walked toward the band who tuned up the next song for the audience. He grabbed a towel from near Ruben's feet and used it to wash away from the sweat from his face. 'Focus on the show James, not him.' Lance tried to coax himself, trying not to search for a man that had a hold over his mind. He dropped the towel near Ruben's feet and then turned back to the audience. He caught a quick glimpse of Joey as he walked up the steps to the percussion section. 'Good ol' Joe.' Lance joked in his mind, walking back to his point on the stage.

"What's up Hawaii?!" J.C. yelled out, letting drops of sweat slide down the side of his face. The burst of screams for him gave him pleasure. He waved quickly to his mother and father and then faced the crowd. "As you know, we are 'N Sync. We're here tonight to make sure that you have a good time and that you don't stop jamming. So whenever you feel like dancing, just do so. We're all here to have fun." J.C. stated, wiping his mouth of perspiration afterward. The audience launched into another fit of screams. J.C. watched as girls attempted to flash photos of all of their favorite members. "Right now we're going to do a song that we hope you know. It was the second single off our second album, 'Another Step'." J.C. announced, signaling to the others to take their positions. His hints led the crowd to scream out what the song was. J.C. smiled egotistically. "That's right, 'It's True'." J.C. spoke out, walking backwards to his spot.

The band began to strum up the classic 1980's hit. Again the crowd broke out into a scream. Each of the guys found a portion of the stage to sit on so that they could feel comfortable while singing. Not one of the five attempted to stretch their vocal chords while singing, so they made it a point to be complacent on the stage. J.C. sat in the middle of a lowered portion of the stage near the band. He was aware that he was the first to sing and he raised his microphone when he heard the notes string to his section.

So true, funny how it seems

Always in time, but never in line for dreams

Head over heels when toe to toe

This is the sound of my soul (this is the sound)

I bought a ticket to the world

But now I've come back again

Why do I find it hard to write the next line

Oh I want the truth to be said

Ba ba ba ba ba, ah ha

I know this much is true

Ba ba ba ba ba, ah ha

I know this much is true

Justin stood from his spot on the steps. He felt his verse coming after the guys sang the harmony-filled hook. The females of the audience cheered clamorously when seeing Justin stand. Justin smiled and then winked toward his step-father. Justin knew his mother was in a room backstage with Lea and his song, Angel. Justin thought of only Angel when hearing the song. It was a reminder that he had been blessed and he could never forget what he had been given. He took in a deep breath before letting out his verse with perfect pitch.

With a thrill in my head and a pill on my tongue

Dissolve the nerves that have just begun

Listening to Marvin (all night long)

This is the sound of my soul (this is the sound)

Always slipping from my hands

Sand's a time of its own

Take your seaside arms and write the next line

Oh I want the truth to be known

Ba ba ba ba ba, ah ha

I know this much is true

Ba ba ba ba ba, ah ha

I know this much is true

The beat began to change at the portion that was usually reserved for the instrumental. The plans had been changed to the guys knowledge. It was a chance for Joey to shine. Joey found his way to his feet and walked to the middle of the stage where Justin now stood. He placed an arm around Justin and grinned, bringing audience members to shout once more. Justin gestured to Joey to bring up more screams. He laughed at the audience's love for the flirtatious Joey. Joey grinned and awaited his section to strum in. His pride in standing next to the man he knew as his best friend could not be shattered. The sounds of a familiar Michael Jackson tune brought older members of the audience to begin to sing with Joey.

Reaching out

To touch a stranger

Electric eyes are ev'rywhere

See that girl

She knows he watching

She likes the way he stares

If they say

(Why, why) tell 'em that it's human nature

(Why, why) does he do me that way

If they say

(Why, why) tell 'em that it's human nature

(Why, why) does he do me that way

The other members of 'N Sync joined Joey for the hook to Jackson's 'Human Nature'. It was a favorite of the guys and they were able to incorporate it into the performance that they had dubbed their 1980's section of the show. Joey and Justin stayed in their spots as the others came from their positions to them. They all stood together for an acapella version of 'It's True'. They again proved they could sing with the way they put each section of music into the four lined chorus. It was the impeccable ending they looked for to the song. And as J.C. expected, the crowd enjoyed every second of the performance.

Chris stood backstage with his arms crossed. 'N Sync had already performed new and old songs ranging from 'I Want You Back' to 'This Side Of The Door' to 'Saw It Coming'. Chris looked forward to the next portion of the show, though he was troubled that he was awaiting his friend to end a kiss. He was fully dressed and ready to move to the stage, but something or someone held him back.

Chris stared at Justin as he kissed his husband with an affectionate sentiment. Chris was partially jealous of the couple. After all, Chris was unable to be with his girlfriend, Meelah. She was away in Las Vegas while Chris was in Hawaii. Chris pouted at the thought that Hawaii was an island of romance and he was unable to enjoy. His girlfriend could not make the trip due to other engagements. It only hurt him more. He allowed the kiss to continue though because he knew that Hawaii meant more to Brian and Justin. It was the place that Brian and Justin made that life-long commitment to each other. It brought on more envy from Chris, but Chris only saw it as a good envy. He only wish that he, being the oldest member of 'N Sync, could have been the first to wed. His connection to Meelah brought out more thoughts on the concept that Chris tried to burry. He knew his mother would argue it was too soon for him to consider the commitment that brought people together through marriage. A sigh crossed his lips. He watched the two lovers said goodbye in their kiss. 'Man, love is a tricky game. Chris thought out. He respected Justin, but he also felt Justin was still young to handle all of the commitments he had given himself. Chris allowed himself to fade the thoughts and soon Chris and Justin were making their way back to the stage for another performance.

A grand piano began to chime with J.C. sitting at the seat. The piano was positioned near the side of the stage, making it easier to entrance and exiting purposes. The audience screamed rarely, trying to keep a silence for the sounds of J.C. As J.C. tickled the ivories, three spotlights followed the remaining members of 'N Sync as they walked onto the stage wearing all white. The audience got a little louder when catching the guys walking out and passed J.C. Joey and Justin led as they walked to the center of the stage and then to four stools that were in the middle. Each member, excluding J.C., took a seat on the stools. J.C. continued to play an instrumental to a Lionel Richie song that became familiar to the older attendants. "We want to sing a song that's dear to us before we head into our next song. We hope you enjoy it." Lance announced, cueing Joey and Justin to sing the first verse for the song together. Joey and Justin gave each other a glance and then lifted their microphones.

Sail on down the line honey

Have from my soul, and I

Don't really wanna know

Where you're goin'

Maybe once or twice, you say

You tell me everytime I try, try to

Hold on to what you got, but uh

Now you're goin'

And I don't know

About the things you've come to say girl

I gave all my money

And my time, I know

I know it's a shame

But I'm givin' you back your name

Cause I'll be on my way

I won't be back to stay

I guess I'll move along

I'm lookin' for a good time

As Justin finished the bridge solo, the guys all lifted their mics. The song became apparent to knowledgeable members of the audience. It was 'Sail On', a song made famous by Lionel Richie and Destiny's Child. It was 'N Sync's chance to again give tribute to musicians they looked up to.

Sail on, honey

Good times have never felt so good

Sail on, honey

Good times have never felt so good

J.C. stopped playing the piano and allowed Ruben to strum his guitar. The guitar strumming brought the guys into their next song, which was an audience favorite. As J.C. stepped down from the piano, the audience applauded. They all knew 'N Sync was again paying tribute, this time to Christopher Cross. 'Just keep your focus, J.C.' J.C. advised himself while he strolled to center stage. He had to keep his mind off of his personal problems in order to enjoy his moment in the spotlight. He knew he was capable of it, he only feared whether his heart would allow him to do it.

Well it's not far down to paradise

At least not for me

And if the wind is right you can sail away

And find tranquility

Oh the canvas can do miracles

Just you wait and see

And baby believe me

It's not far to never never land

No reason to pretend

And if the wind is right

You can find the joy

Of innocence again

Oh the canvas can do miracles

Just you wait and see

And baby believe me

Sailing, takes me away

To where I've always heard it could be

Just a dream and a wind to carry me

Soon I will be free

The start of the chorus brought each member of 'N Sync flying into the air. The cables that lifted them sent them flying over the crowd, drawing up loud screams. The guys found strong faith in their technical crew, believing there was no possible way they could be injured during their flight. Even Chris, who held a strong fear of heights, let himself become one with the air and savor the moment of literally being on top of the world. Justin waved to a few girls that shouted for him, staying as always friendly with the audience. "Hello." Justin stole a trademark saying from his husband as he passed over several younger female fans. They let go shrieks of pleasure when seeing him overhead. Joey too found pride in communicating with the audience in a more personal way. He winked to a few female attendants and then waved to a few mothers. He giggled softly when some blew kisses toward him. 'Bet'cha Britney's jealous of that one.' Joey thought with a tease.


It gets the best of me

When I'm sailing

All the world in reverie

Every word is symphony

Won't you believe me

Oh ho ho ho

Sailing, takes me away

To where I've always heard it could be

Just a dream and a wind to carry me

Soon I will be free

J.C. enjoyed the freedom he was given while flying over the audience. The screams, the attempts to reach him, the flashes of lights left him in awe of the audience. He could not see how any of them could love him so much, but they all did. It touched him a greater way. He had only been able to see that kind of support and love in his family, the members of 'N Sync and one other man. He lifted his head some. He did not want to think of that man while singing a song of freedom. With that man, he felt there was no freedom to be anything besides a lover to depend on. He swallowed cautiously while taking a break from singing. Disappointment ruled his eyes.

Well it's not far back to sanity

At least it's not for me

And if the wind is right you can sail away

And find serenity

Oh the canvas can do miracles

Just you wait and see

And baby believe me

Oh ho ho ho ho

All of the members of 'N Sync joined in for one last chorus. The cables brought them back towards the stage as they sang. They could feel that they were no true to the words they sang. They had all just 'sailed' over the audience, but they were not as free as they spoke of. They all had something that denied them the freedom they could have had. Lance was forever binded by the guilt of Bryce. He had ruined a man's life and out of pleasure for another man. Chris was in a constant struggle with love and other people's lives. He sought to have what others had and that prevented him from having what he really needed in life. Joey was locked in the tormoil of how he felt for Britney and her demands of their relationship. He was never free to his own thoughts because he often found them conflicting with hers. Though he loved her more than he could another woman, he felt himself crying out to release some energy. Justin often looked back in retrospect on his life and saw himself trapped. He loved his husband and his son deeply, but he often wondered if he was too young to understand the paths he had chosen. He was now a married man and a father and all of this before the age of nineteen. He wondered if other teenagers his age or even younger understood the struggle he faced. J.C. was encased in a life without love. Even when he tried, he failed. He balmed himself inseatd of others. He knew he threw himself into his work to try and ignore his problems, but now he was denied that privellage. He was unable to escape what he wanted in lief and that was to love someone without fearing the loss of trust. All of these building factors left 'N Sync unable to sail away, but to only drownd in self-defeat.

Just Beginning (Chapter 57) Written by JM

Six A.M. may not have been the most pleasing hour for certain individuals in Hawaii. It was surely not a pleasent hour for Justin Littrell as he rested in his bed. His night of parties was cut short from his usual one o'clock party to a short-lived eleven o'clock event. He promised his son a story before his bedtime and fortunately enough for Justin, Angel stayed awake until his return. Justin allowed himself to fall asleep an hour later after a brief kissing session with his husband. His satisfaction was great, knowing the next day brought his nineteenth birthday. Now that day had arrived and Justin was broken from his six hour sleep with a couple of nudges from Brian.

Justin groaned with a desparate cry for more sleep. He sought more time to catch up on his 'beauty sleep', but he was denied. His heavy eyes parted to see Brian continually proding and nudging him. He deduced that his husband was requesting his attention. "Just two more hours Rocky." Justin groaned, placing a pillow over his head and curling up under the covers. Brian gave him a minute giggle. The humor in his husband's response brought Brian to the natural reaction. "I can't even give you two more minutes babe, there's things to be done." Brian responded, ripping the covers back with no reservations. Justin grunted even harder, feeling his eyes creek open to the sudden reply. He lifted himself a little, giving Brian a grouchy glare. "We've got company waiting to get the baby." Brian whispered, signalling to the three individuals standing nearby with Angel.

Justin peered his eyes in their direction, identifying Britney, Joey, and J.C. Justin gave them an artificial greeting within a diminutive smile. Joey shot him a burst of laughter, seeing that Justin was unaware of what was occuring in his room. "What do they want Bastian for?" Justin questioned, changing his view to Brian. Brian offered Justin a promising look. "Because today is someone's special day." Joey cooed in a child-like voice. Brian released a petite snicker. Justin offered Joey a dulled expression and then rolled his eyes. "See we're going to take care of Baby Angel today." Britney assured Justin, clutching loosely onto Angel. Joey nodded with his clown-like grin. "Yeah, we're taking care of Baby Blue for the morning shift and then your Chris and Nikki got him for the afternoon shift." J.C. explained. "And then your mother has Baby Blue for the evening shift." Joey added, crossing his arms with power. Justin was surprised at his friends' coorodination of his child's schedule. He looked to his husband to object, but only found a smile on Brian's lips. "Come on J, you can trust him with us." Joey made an attempt to encourage him. Justin sighed. He wanted to share his birthday with his son, but he could see that there was no way he could protest against his friends. "Fine." he grumbled out, putting his head back down to his pillow.

Justin's body leaped with surprise when he felt a hand make contact with his ass. He yelped out and sat up briskly. "Get up Curly and get a shower." Brian ordered in his friendly, country accent. Justin scratched his fingers through his curly hair, his head beckoning for more sleep. "Come on Angel, you can eat breakfast with Auntie Britney," Britney chimed while speaking to the child. J.C. led the group out of Brian and Justin's room, ignoring all advice on how to take care of the child from Justin. The door closed and Brian gave Justin a heartfilled grin. Justin peered at Brian, lowering his brow. "I've got plans for you baby." Brian swooned, folding his arms. Justin curled his upper lip. "A special day doesn't mean I should wake up at damn six o'clock in the morning." Justin grumbled sarcastically while slipping out of the bed. He was unconscious of his husband's plans, but he knew that if they were anything compared to his last birthday, they would be worth the early rising.

The beach was practically empty at seven o'clock in the morning. The rising sun had not yet hit its peak and the tide was still low and calm. The sounds of birds were the only fear that Brian and Justin had as they strolled hand-in-hand across the sand. The surrounding air was softly chilled, but not enough to keep Justin and Brian away. The romance that breathed with each gush of wind brought them closer. The orangy reflection of the sun on the water glimmered in their eyes.

"This is nice." Justin commented, gripping Brian's hand a little tighter. Brian nodded, staying silent so that he could hear the sounds of the calling birds above. He allowed his husband to sink into the sights of Hawaii again. It had been over six months since their last visit to Hawaii and the occassion was even more worthy. Brian licked his lips, thinking of the days, mornings and nights he and Justin had shared on the beaches of Hawaii during their honeymoon. Every tranquil minute was relaxing and fullfilling for Justin and him. A smile raised Brian's straight face. He could feel Justin's soft palm rubbing on his. He couldn't thank God more for Justin. Justin was in a more simpler term, Brian's best friend.

Brian took in a deep breath and then exhaled. "Kind of reminds me of a good kiss I had." Brian remarked, pulling he and Justin to a stop. Justin arched his left eyebrow. He was intrigued by Brian's soft-spoken words. "And when was that Bri?" Justin asked, placing his arms around Brian's neck.

He perssed his body against Brian's, imparting him a sensual smirk. Brian watched the sun sparkle in Justin's round eyes. He brushed his hand over his husband's cheek. He could see, through coincidence, a lot of his son in his husband. "Right now." Brian replied, swiftly leaning in and pressing his lips against Justin's. Justin took the astonishing move with ease, cautiously brushing his lips over Brian's. The kiss was a magical one, lighting flames inside of Brian and Justin that they had blown out when their son entered their house. Brian groaned loosely in the kiss, flicking his tongue over Justin's. He savored the sweet taste of Justin's tongue, massaging it with his own. He could feel Justin's hands rub up and down his back, causing more friction between their bodies. Brian licked Justin's lips while parting briefly and then thrusted in tongue back into Justin's mouth when their lips made contact again. Justin panted softly, lightly rubbing his crotch on Brian's. He tickled Brian's earlobe with his finger, the exotic motion of their lips firing up passion inside of him.

"Do you... mmphmm... have... uh, a rubber... mmmm..." Justin muffled out words during their intimate kissing. Brian grinned during their kiss. He began to massage Justin's hips, finding uncontrolled pleasure in his actions. "We can do it without one." Brian responded between an extended kiss. Justin giggled a little. He pulled in and nibble Brian's bottom lip.

Brian found the action even more exotic. He let Justin trickle his tongue across his bottom lip. "Mmm, well you can't pop an erection without the protection." Justin teased him, giving him a final kiss before making a quick dash past him. Brian felt his body grow tense with frustration. "Oooh! Justin!" Brian barked out, following his husband with fleet feet. As Brian chased Justin down the sandy shore, the sun bore a smile on them. Time waited for no man, but it slowed for two men in love.

"I feel like fucking Rose McGowan at a twenty-four hour showing of Barney." Nichole groaned, keeping her hands over her eyes. She sat at the Tapa Cafe with Carmen trying to relieve herself of a hangover. She pouted with brooding lips. She was still recovering from a night of unfullfilled dreams in which she could do nothing but drink away her misery with alcohol and dance her love away with fast music. Her friend, Carmen, however could not swallow her fate so brashly. She suffered her own ignorant bliss by locking herself away from any visitation, including Nichole. "Try coffee." Carmen murmured, sulking in her chair. Nichole gave her a blistering stare.

She couldn't find more reason to be disappointed in her friend. "Carm', this is so not Les Miserables so turn that frown upside down." Nichole requested with her usual obnoxious tone. Carmen shot her a hateful glance. "Did you even read the book?" Carmen questioned Nichole with an underlying argument. Nichole twirled the straw in her orange juice. She puckered her lips a little, feeling an awkward moment surround her. "I mean does it honestly matter? Who wants to read the book when you can see Uma Thurman totally bring prostitution up two points?" Nichole gave a chalky response. Nichole gave a wauking smile after speaking. Pride rode her face. Carmen's eyes rolled promptly. "Illiterate ass." Carmen mumbled, tracing her finger over the rim of her glass. Nichole curled her lips. "At least I didn't fall for a fruit." Nichole boasted. She lifted her glass but before it could reach her lips, she topped herself. Carmen gave her a controlling glare. "Oh wait a minute, I did." Nichole giggled and then sipped on her orange juice.

Carmen shook her head and then sat up in her seat. "I don't think they like the term 'fruit' Nichole. They probably prefer something like..." Carmen began to ponder the idea while Nichole lowered her glass. "Gay? Fag? Pussy-challenged? Hom-o-sexual? Pink Cowboys? What?" Nichole babbled out, drawing up a stern look from Carmen. Nichole shrugged and returned her attention to her glass. "Hmm, just a little bit sore because you had to masturbate about Nick again last night huh? Oops, he's got a boyfriend." Carmen hissed, seeking revenge toward her friend. Nichole glanced her up and down. She had never seen so much backbone in Carmen. "Sassy girl, I likes. Unfortunately, you're wrong. Nick's got an ex-boyfriend. All the cute ones are always the one fucking men." Nichole said, snapping her fingers afterward. Though Carmen could feel her blood curdling with despise toward Nichole, she could not help but laugh at Nichole's lightheart toward all downfalls. Nichole too gave a small laugh, her pride never fading from her experssions.

Brian and Justin were oblivious to Carmen and Nichole's presence in the restaurant. Their concentration remained on each other as they dined on breakfast. "Mmmm, these pancakes are delicious." Brian hummed, taking in another forkful of the food. Justin eyed him with a slick grin. "Bet you'd like a long, thick sausage with that, huh?" Justin taesed him, sliding one of his sausage links against his lips. Just as soon as the sausage cleared Justin's slick lips, food came spattering from Brian's lips. Justin backed up a little and then started a round of laughter between them. Brian started to laugh while wiping his mouth. He took a quick sip of his water and then pointed his knife in Justin's direction. "I am going to get you back for that you little perv'." Brian warned him while shaking the knife. He lowered the knife, trying to shake his body of all laughter. Justin started to carefully move his knee in between Brian's thighs with his growing grin. "Ooh, I hope you 'get me back' all night hon'." Justin cooed, puckering his lips at Brian. Brian lifted his head quickly, reaching for his knife again. Justin began to giggle again. Brian followed him with adoring eyes. 'Sucker.' Justin snickered in his mind while staring at Brian.

Justin's eyes began to circle the room when his eyes dropped on the table close to them. His eyes lost that circle of life and soon they were filled with anguish. He stared dierctly at the table that was filled with Kevin and Leigh Ann. A frown could not be formed on Justin's lips, but curiosity did begin to ring through his eyes. Thoughts travelled through Justin's eyes that brought up painful memories. He could only think of the combined pain Kevin and Leigh Ann had brought to Brian and Justin's relationship. Now Justin looked on both of them, together, in the same setting.

Justin's disappointment was held for the time. Other vengeful thoughts were sent through his brain. He reached his hand across the table and grabbed Brian's hand. Brian looked up to his plate with hollow eyes. Justin gave him a half-hearted grin. "I'll be back cutie." Justin whispered, rubbing Brian's hand. Brian poured a supsicious glare on Justin.

He felt a little bit of mischief in the way Justin spoke to him. "Behave Curly." Brian advised, pulling his hand back. Justin's grin grew. "Always." he chimed, standing from his chair and walking away from the table.

Leigh Ann's eyes stayed on Kevin as he was dazed by his own musings. She huffed out a sigh and then skid her knife across her plate. Kevin did not break from his daydream. Her brow wrinkled. She was greatly angered by Kevin's less attentive feelings for her. "Kevin, get your mind off of that girl." Leigh Ann demanded, slamming her knife on the table. Kevin's concentration was finally broken by Leigh Ann's actions. He glanced up to her with an astonished expression. Leigh Ann's curled lips sent signals of repulsion into Kevin's thoughts. He rolled his eyes at her and brought his attention to his glass of water.

"Hey Leigh Ann, how are ya?" a country accent rung through Leigh Ann's ears, causing her eyes to drift in another direction. Her blue eyes fell upon Justin with a child in his arms. Leigh Ann began to peer at him, feeling sickened in his presence. "I'm five-by-five." Leigh Ann replied, mocking Eliza Duskhu. She eyed the child Justin held. Her curiosity was bold and too great for her to resist. She rose her eyes to Justin's charming smile, bringing out more rage inside of her heart. "Who's the kid?" Leigh Ann asked carelessly, switching her position to look at Justin. She offered him a sensuous grin, winking at the child. Justin did not falter under Leigh Ann's coy mirage. He raised the child up more. "Oh, the baby? Well I'm glad you asked Leigh Ann." Justin cooed, inching a little closer to Leigh Ann. Leigh Ann raised her eyebrow with a perculiar glow. She felt a challenge rising, one that she would love to accept. "See Leigh Ann this cute, adorable, little child here is one of the things you said I could never give Brian." Justin added, never wincing at her. Leigh Ann folded her hands, fear shivering through her eyes. "And what's that? Another headache?" Leigh Ann said, trying to hide her fear. Justin licked his lips and gave a short titter. "No, Leigh Ann this is our son, Angel Sebastian Timber Littrell. Isn't he cute?" Justin cheered, holding Angel slightly closer to Leigh Ann. A lump formed in the pit of Leigh Ann's throat. Her entire vocal passage became dry and almost unusable. She quickly snapped her head in Kevin's direction. Kevin merely nodded, knowing the question Leigh Ann longed to ask. Leigh Ann brought her eyes back to Justin and Angel, her heart racing. Doubt was an emotion Leigh Ann was unable to control and she faered it.

Justin backed away from Leigh Ann, pride only filling the void he had with fear. His victory was edging near and the prize was seeing Leigh Ann's face filled with sadness and pale faith. "Oh and there was one more thing you said I couldn't do with my husband." Justin added, walking back to the table that was occupied by his watchful husband. Leigh Ann never took her eyes off of Justin and Angel as they moved. She gripped the tablecloth, feeling her stomach tighten up with nervousness. A fragmented tear kissed her eyelid.

Justin found his seat next to Brian again, giving him a promising smile. Brian had become more than curious about his husband's actions. Justin ran a hand over Brian's thin cheek. "Kiss me." Justin requested in his soft voice. Brian arched his eyebrow. He was unsure of the reasons for his husband's desire. He licked his thin lips, inching closer to Justin. "Whatever you ask Justin." Brian replied before perssing his lips on Justin's. Angel watched as his fathers endured a tender, emotion-filled kiss. His fascination with them was endless. He did not understand the meaning of their movements, but he could feel that it did not draw any love away from him. When his Dad's hand rested on his head and began to rub it, he knew that his parents were only showing each other the love that they showed to him.

Leigh Ann's bottom lip trembled with uncontrollable pain. She watched as her ex-boyfriend showed the world that he no longer cared for her. Leigh Ann quickly looked over to Carmen and Nichole's table. Her heart only sought revenge, deaf to her conscience's words. "Hey! Don't you two see Justin and Brian kissing over there? We should call the press or something!

These guys are fucking making out!" Leigh Ann barked at Nichole and Carmen, trying to draw their attention to Brian and Justin. She was successful, but not in the way she sought. Nichole rolled her head to look at Leigh Ann. She pouted her lips a little. "Lady, what's the big deal? So they're kissing, they are allowed to. It's a free fucking country." Nichole growled at Leigh Ann and then began to sip on the last of her orange juice. Leigh Ann's expression of surprise could not be faded easily. "That's what you do when you're in love." Carmen added, sulking in her chair. Leigh Ann sniffled, her body unable to take the rejection she received. "No, this can't be fucking true. This shit isn't right." Leigh Ann demanded, standing from her chair. Her disappointment was unbearable for her soul. "What ye love and what ye cherish only lasts through true faith and understanding." Nichole said poetically, looking upon Leigh Ann with despise. Leigh Ann shook her head. "What?!" she hissed at Nichole. Nichole smiled at her with the content of a lovestricken woman. "Did anyone tell you that you could be a double for Uma Thurman, Mrs. Littrell?" Carmen questioned her, causing Nichole to burst into laughter. Leigh Ann crinkled her nose and gave boht of the girls icy stares. She could see that she was being ridiculed and it only threw wine onto her fire. She walked away from her table and away from Brian. Carmen and Nichole continued to mock her as she left, bringing a little joy into their somber worlds.

The evening had swept over Hawaii before expectation. All of the events of celebration had wined down when everyone began to pack and prepare to leave for the venue. Brian and Justin's day of shopping and relaxation was pleasureable for both. Angel enjoyed being with his diversed babysitters. Family members were able to enjoy one last day on the beach and they were able to take in some of Hawaii's culture on a tour. The day aws in one word, perfect.

The Backstreet Boys were unable to leave the hotel as quickly as Innosense, Britney and 'N Sync. They were held by MTV, an interview they were forced into by their management. Sitting in a conference room of the hotel did not please Brian, for he desired more hours with his husband. A.J. hungered for more time with his fiancee and his daughter. Kevin only wished for more hours to sleep to rest his body from emotional and physical distress. Nick sought a drink of alcohol, but was deprived one all day due to interviews and cellular phone conversations. He searched for any route out of thoughts of his dinner with Nichole, Nikki, and J.C. Howie desired peace within his group, but he knew without thorough mediation it would not be possible.

Ananda Lewis, the newest member of the MTV staff, felt overwhelmed with the privelege to travel to Hawaii and then to be able to interview one of the hottest acts in America. She had met the Backstreet Boys several times, but the opportunity to interview them in a more secluded sense drew out more cautious Ananda. She felt her nerves build and stir her from thinking perfectly. Her producers were able to coach her through with questions would work well with the Backstreet Boys, but even Ananda had her own questions she sought to ask each of them.

Ananda strived to relax in her swivle chair as the Backstreet Boys got their microphones fixed. She took deep breaths. She knew that she could usually handle a cool demeanor with celebrities, but the Backstreet Boys were a serious matter at MTV. Not just any of the staff was given such a freedom. "We're set Miss Lewis." one of the technicians announced as she slid behind camera's view. Ananda encouraged herself to remain placid as she looked down to her clipboard. The questions and topics were before her, but she had to control in what direction each hurdle went in. Ananda smiled at the Boys and then prepared herself for the first question.

"Okay, everyone knows that you guys are really hot in like the teenage girl category. It's kind of impossible for you to actually date any of them, so how is your love life? I mean in terms of are you dating and is there anything serious for the Backstreet Boys right now?" Ananda said in her professional voice, holding the ball over the court. Each of the guys looked at each other, fearing what they should speak about. A small laugh broke out between Howie and Brian. The awkwardness of their lives as it was made it difficult for them to speak easily on their love lives. "The floor is open to anyone." Ananda said to loosen the restraints on the guys. "Aaaw, man. Well I know I just got out of a relationship. It wasn't too serious, yet." Nick answered first, feeling compelled to begin the answer portion. Ananda nodded, giving the others the opportunity to reply. "A.J.'s in a very serious relationship right now, but currently I'm single." Howie replied, giving Ananda a strict stare. Ananda looked to A.J., hoping he would add to the answer. 'Little prick.' A.J. grumbled in his mind, directing his thoughts to Howie. "Me and my girlfriend are pretty serious right now. We're happy with what things are like and we're just trying to basically take everything day-by-day." A.J. finally added, intentionally not revealing his recent engagement. Ananda leaned back a little, curious. "Amanda's a really nice girl. We all love her." Kevin added, placing a hand on A.J.'s shoulder for support. Ananda began to jot down notes for later topics. "And you Kevin?" Ananda asked, looking up from her clipboard. A.J. grinned mischievously. He felt the heat raise from him to Kevin. "Well me and my girlfriend are sort of on a break. Right now our careers are pulling in two different directions and it's really preventing us from being together." Kevin explained his situation in a lie. He only found escape in deciet, which angered Howie, Brian and A.J. Finally the eyes swallowed Brian for a response. He nibbled on his lower lip. "I'm with someone still. I'm like A.J., it's pretty serious." Brain answered the question briefly.

Ananda leaned forward, taking another look at her clipboard. "Well now that we're on the subject, though it looks like three of you are pertty much single, is it possible that any of you would get married while still being Backstreet Boys?" Ananda shot a question that was not located on her list. She had learned the tactic of improvise and could see that her producer's had no protests. Nick leaned back and turned his eyes to his friends. He felt it was time for revalation, but he would not front any of the guys out.

He let them remain in silence, listening to what their conscience said. "Certainly, it's possible. I don't think any of us would uh, put our lives on hold for this." Kevin responded stiffly. Howie nodded, folding his hands in his lap. "Yeah, I mean we love what we do but sometimes you have to step back and look at the wide picture. There's life outside of this, outside of the Backstreet Boys. So if any of us felt it was necessary, then we'd take that step." A.J. added to Kevin's words. "And we'd all support it." Nick agreed, taking his step out of protest. Ananda was impressed with their easy handling of the question. She knew many would fold under the risky topic. "When something like that comes along, you can't just put it off. You have to go for it when you feel it. It's a natural progression for most healthy relationships and we, as men, feel that if you feel it's right, then do it." Brian said, speaking on his own situation. The others felt it, though Ananda and the producers were blind to Brian's true life. Ananda merely sat back in her chair and looked for the next question in her list.

"Let's move onto to the new record. I know a lot of people are looking forward to seeing what you guys will do to top 'Millennium' and to breakthrough another door. So what's up?" Ananda asked, feeling relaxed in her environment. She looked to everyone for gestures or signs. All eyes shifted around, searching for the first to answer. "Man, the new album... well we haven't actually finished it. I mean all of us have done a little studio work here and there, but there is still quite a bit of work for us to do." A.J. explained, his raspy voice lingering in the air. Nick sat up to show he was interested in the discussion. "We don't really want to top the last album, but we do want to slid in other directions. Try something new here and there." Kevin noted, trying to emphasize with his hands. Nick looked to Brian for support. He could see Brian thought of other things, which disturbed Nick. Nick hated that Brian's mind was concentrating less and less on the Backstreet Boys and greater and greater on his personal life. "Like who have you or are you going to work with? What do you want as individuals on this album?" Ananda tried to narrow the subject. "Well again we're going to work withMax Martin and the Sweden family. It's sort of a given." Howie answered her. Ananda nodded, taking more notes. "But then we want to work with other people this time. We want everyone in the group to have a writing and production credit on the album." Nick interrupted Howie. Howie glanced at Nick, confused. He shook his head and then returned to looking at Ananda.

Ananda could see the tension between the group. She sinced it would be an interesting topic, but she strayed from it for the sake of the group's image. "We want to really be able to talk about everything on this album. I mean issues we as adults can relate to, teenagers and other people. We don't want to just talk about love and how it can be good and bad. We want to say what makes it bad, what makes it good." Howie finished the thought he had started. Ananda nodded, glaring at Howie. "We're going to write a lot of things about our own personal experiences. Some of us already have like Brian, A.J. and Howie." Kevin added, leaning back in his chair. Ananda pointed her pen to the three for a brief explaination. "Yeah, the album will be more personal on all levels. It'll be about having a good time and then the next song'll be about how someone hurt you and then the next song could be about the world in general and what we feel about it." Brian stated. He felt his point came across as needed for the interview. He refused to reveal his reasons for writing his own song.

Ananda took her eyes off of Brian and looked at everyone in the group. "We hear the album is most likely going to be titled 'Standing Alone'. Why is that?" Ananda asked a required question. A.J. grinned with confidence. "Basically we want to name the album that because that's how we see ourselves as a group now. We feel that we've gotten to the point where we no longer have to be looked upon as a copy because we're not. We get tired of seeing all of the groups come out and they're not original. They're just what the act preceeding them was. We're more original and more individual. We don't have to copy anyone, everyone tries to be like us. And when it's like that, it means you're standing alone. It means people are trying to get to that level, but they can't." A.J. said matter-of-factly. Nick nodded, fully in support of A.J.'s explaination. Ananda eyed him with disapproval. She could see too much pride in the way A.J. appeared. "We're not trying to say we're the best group out there, but we are saying that we don't try to be something another group is. We stand alone and try to remain that way." Kevin covered from A.J.'s conceited statement. Brian watched A.J. for a reply, but he knew A.J. could not. Kevin kept their identity safe.

"Well speaking of groups that copy you, how are you guys handling 'N Sync sort of following what you've done. They've joined Jive, they've left Trans Continental Records, sued Lou Pearlman... I mean it's sort of repetitive being that you guys have already done it. I mean you guys almost left Jive Records over this, so what do you feel about them and the other groups?" Ananda stated a topic that she knew would start some fires. Brian itched his nose, waiting to see if any of his friends would rebel against their own friends. "It kind of hurts. It hurts to know that no one wants to be original anymore. No one does their own thing and proves themselves. We don't need copycats. We're trying to be Backstreet Boys and there can only be one group named the Backstreet Boys." Kevin declared, agitated at the facts Ananda provided. Nick could not help but nod again. "You get sort of tired of people doing what you're doing. They just keep following you, being in your shadow. It's flattering, but then again it's like 'Man, move on and try to be something different.'" Nick brooded.

Brian began to form a scowl on his face, seeing that hatred was now being spoken. "It's really a friendly competition between us and 'N Sync, but these other groups are becoming overwhelming. They are getting out of control and no one has their own identity anymore." Howie added. "I think 'N Sync was smart. They needed to get out of some bad situations and I think that was smart. I can't say that I don't look at it and say, 'Hey we did that,' but then I don't complain about it. I know there is room for both because we're not all that similiar." A.J. argued, showing he was not afraid to battle with his companions. "But if you look at who you work with, who you let produce or write with you, it's falling a little too close to home now." Kevin disagreed mildly. A.J. peered at him, disappointed. Brian shook his head at the way his friends battled. "I just think people put too much attention on it. You've got to do what you've got to do in this business. A lot of people will take you for a ride and I think 'N Sync did what they had to do to you know, get out. 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys don't hate each other and I don't think it'll ever be that way." Brian protested, silencing all of his friends from their complaints and bickering.

Ananda could see that Brian was often the one that supported the unspoken alternative. She admired that in him.

Ananda found her final topic on her clipboard. "Let's talk Grammy's. You guys are up for six for this album. You're up against the likes of Santana, Britney Spears, 'N Sync, Sting and others. How do you feel about that?" Ananda asked chipperly. The guys all laughed at her eagerness for responses. "It feels good... real good." Kevin responded in his mono voice.

"We didn't expect, you know, six of them. I mean we're up against 'N Sync in three categories and Santana, plus others. We don't know if we'll win any." Nick commented with a light voice, looking to the others for assistance. He found it in the complacent A.J. "We want to win... we'd love to win just one. Just one to take home to mom." A.J. added to Nick's words. Everyone nodded, knowing the feeling would be overwhelming. The conversation was still a disbelieveable topic for them. "I think we should all congratulate Brian because he got us the Best Song nomination for his song and then he co-wrote our nomination for Record of the Year. That brings us up a knotch." Howie noted, patting Brian on the shoulder. A.J. followed suit, smiling at his blushing friend. "Yeah Brian, you should be jumping up and down!" Ananda laughed, tapping him with her clipboard to envoke emotion. Brian giggled, shaking his head. "It's a true honor for me, as an artist. If we won, I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably cry or something. It's truly an amazing feeling just to get the nomination." Brian replied, keeping a modest outlook. His country accent brought A.J. and Howie to mock him, giggling all the while. Ananda smiled at him, lowering her clipboard. "Any ideas on what you'll win or maybe perform?" Ananda questioned, staying directly on top of the subject. The guys gave her a perculiar look. "It's too early to decide something like that. We haven't been asked to perform, but we're hoping to be able to, you know, perform something." Howie replied, giving an honset reply. Nods soon followed. "Well I think you guys deserve at least one award ya'll." Ananda made a final statement as their interview drew to an unexpected close.

The arena held its greatest capacity for the third and final night of the concert series. All of the artists held the backstage closed, keeping security on all ends to prevent the press from entering. The nerves were tense for all of the artists and their crews. It was a night of celebration, but it was also a night of intense concentration. No extra or added confrontations or workload were alloted. The stage plan, set plan and song list were all set up a day ahead to prevent problems or mistakes. All of the thoughts led to one thing, making sure everything went perfectly. That task was set aside for Innosense to initiate and their plans to take control and handle it were in full rotation.

They had ended their performances of 'If I Can Have You' and 'Consequences' and now the crowd was amped for them. Nikki walked a slow walk across the stage, listening to screams from everyone. 'Neither are worth the heart I put into them.' Nikki told herself was she strolled with a hanging head. "Not usually about now we kind of slow things down and take it to our ballad, but tonight we'er going to change things up a little." Nikki announced, lifting her head to look out into the crowd. She saw signs that begged for 'N Sync, the Backstreet Boys and some that even reminisced on the Mickey Mouse Club. Nikki was satisfied that she and her former castmates Britney Spears, Justin Littrell and J.C. Chasez were able to share one stage once again. "Yeah yeah, we're going to give ya'll something crazy." Veronica chanted, running down the stage. Nikki giggled and walked back to her position. "Uh huh, but get this ya'll... we don't want ya'll to go crazy." Danay stated, shaking her hand to the crowd. The rippling screams signaled to Innosense to begin the song.

The computer generated beat began to thump and then flowed in the music, leaving the crowd baffled. The girls of Innosense began to dance their Darren Henson-choreographed moves. They ignored the audience's silence toward the beginning of the song. Their knowledge of their surprise led them to believe that the crowd would soon respond to the song. Danay's confidence kept her face straight and her eyes narrow as she ran to the front of the stage to croon the first verse.

I see you and me

In this world of dreams

Lyin' on the beach

Tryin' not to lose the feeling

But we can't just have this fantasy

And not see reality

I know you hate the things I say

And I can't stand it when you're away

Don't you wanna know the things I go through

When I'm not always close to you

Why don't you ever show concern for how I feel

I really don't care what your friends say

I'm supposed to your everything

Tell me if this love is for real

Jenny backed away as she ended the bridge of the song. The girls of Innosense moved to a portion of the stage, expecting an appearance as they danced. With a shout from the crowd, followed by a massive round of screams, the gentlemen of 'N Sync came dashing onto the stage. They were all dressed in black, leaving the hint of a shadow in their motif. They began to dance a slick routine that complimented the one Innosense danced to. All ten of the singers initiated the chorus which was meant for them to sing.

Don't go crazy cause I will not love you

Baby, how can I want you?

All you do is make me go crazy

And keep me waiting

Don't go crazy cause I will not trust you

Baby, I can't give my heart to you

All you do is make me go crazy

And keep me debating

The sounds of the two harmonizing groups and the fair sight of their quick-footed dance moves left the crowd in awe. Screams raged through the concert hall while awtching them. It was a fusion of an expected success in one girl group and already a successful group in the male group. The unexpected combination made the audience more oprn to the performance. Justin stepped to the front of the stage as Innosense retired to the side of the stage and 'N Sync stayed dierctly behind Justin. Innosense allowed the guys of 'N Sync an opportunity to rule the stage while they rested. Justin's appearance drew up a roar of approval as he began to sing the second verse of the song.

Oh constantly

I can't see how we're supposed to be

In this reality

If all you do is cheat on me

You claim it's jealousy

When you see other girls huggin' me

I hate it when you lie to me

But I love how you do it innocently

Don't you wanna know the things I go through

When I'm not always close to you

Why don't you ever show concern for how I feel

I really don't care what your friends say

I'm supposed to your everything

Tell me if this love is for real

Two repitions of the hook which ensued J.C.'s version of the bridge brought all of the members of the crowd to their feet. The concert hall began to thump with the music, screams and dancing occuring inside. The smiles of the fans caused grins to wrap over the artists faces. They found no greater pleasure than the one they received when watching fans enjoy a performance. It proved to them that they were capable of sharing a stage and sharing the bliss they could give to fans. This made Innosense's performance with their friends easier than the previous nights.

The sounds of the audience's screams did not die down after 'N Sync had left the stage. The audience craved more of Innosense. They wanted to see what else Innosense had to offer. Innosense was now like juice to a young baby, new to the taste and pleasently loved. Innosense delighted in the control they had now. They had again made their mark. Nikki was proud to stand at the head of the stage, holding her microphone closed to her face as she was about to speak. She looked around to her fellow members who moved across the stage to refresh for the next performance. Nikki pulled a section of her hair behind her ear and waved to a few members of the crowd that knew her name well.

"Well we're glad that ya'll are having a great time!" Nikki called out, finding her energy flowing again. A set of applause proved her statement true. She cautiously walked past a few of the speakers and then to the left of the stage. "Generally right now we sing our ballad titled 'You Didn't Have To Hurt Me,' but not tonight ya'll. Tonight we want to do something special since it's our last night and Hawaii has been so good to us." Nikki declared, taking a second to wave to Tyler and Roy Chasez. They acknowledged her as the crowd burst into another period of shouting. Nikki glanced to the backstage area, seeing a person awaiting her. She smiled and then looked back to the crowd. "Tonight we're going to sing a song by an artist by the name of Shanice. We're singing it because tonight our friend Justin of 'N Sync is celebrating nineteenth birthday. But as you know as Innosense, we've got to do things a little different. So we're going to bring out a special guest who is going to sing this song with us for Justin." Nikki continued the introduction, walking away from the left side of the stage. As her setences ended, a woman graced the stage, drawing up a few screams and a few pondering faces. Nikki took a quick glimpse back and then her smile grew. "Tonight we're going to sing this song with our fellow Innosense member who's been out for a little bit. Some of ya'll may know her and some of ya'll may not, but her name is Amanda Latona." Nikki announced, letting a spotlight dawn on the missing piece to Innosense.

Amanda waved to the crowd as the spotlight followed her every step to the front of the stage. A range of applause and questions fell upon the concert hall as they looked at Amanda. Many questioned her identity while others questioned where she had been 'hiding'. Some knew of Amanda and her 'notoriety' through the Internet. Others were fully imformed on the true Amanda, having met her a couple of times before. The knowledgeable ones trusted that Amanda was a kind person who had been technically 'sick' for the months she was not with Innosense.

The sounds of an approving audience brought their eyes to Justin walking on the stage, escorted by Karen Chasez. Nikki, Mandy and Veronica giggled at Justin, seeing his facial expression. They all could see the embarrassment tangling his grin. The crowd enjoyed it thoroughly. It was truly a night of celebration for them. All of the girls of Innosense crowded near Justin and each held up their microphone. They let the primary piano introduction to Shanice's 'Yesterday' roll through the arena. It was a pleasing melody, one that each of the girls enjoyed hearing. They also knew that it was a favorite of Justin's. Amanda was aware that she was given the duty of handling the first verse. She brought her blue eyes to Justin and smiled at him. He was one of her favorite people to be around because of his liveliness and his ability to keep the world smiling. She took a deep breath, making sure all of her heart was poured into the song she was about to sing.

I know I shouldn't walk out this way

Sorry but my feelings have changed

I would only hurt you more if I stayed

So I can't go on pretending that I

Feel like I did yesterday, so

I can't stay

And keep living this lie

I finally found the strength to say goodbye

I'm on my way

Nothing can change my mind

I'm leaving behind what we had, yesterday

The girls of Innosense kept their concentrations on singing the song that was intended for their friend. Not one broke from their harmony until it was required. They all kept a rigid body movement, trying not to sway the sounds they were creating. As the hook ended, Nikki felt her solo approaching. She was anxious to sing for Justin. Their years as friends proved greater than the lone complications of their separate lives. Justin and Nikki were able to experience a brother-sister love for each other, through the Mickey Mouse Club, the forming of Innosense and the forming of 'N Sync. Nikki felt it was her chance to thank Justin for the time he dedicated to her while Kevin was away on tour. She lifted her microphone and concentrated her focus on a man who could never leave her life like the leaves of autumn.

Know this

It's not about somebody else

It's not you

I just need sometime by myself

Though it hurts me to see you go through this pain

Still I can't go on believing that I

Feel like I did yesterday, so

I can't stay

And keep living this lie

I finally found the strength to say goodbye

I'm on my way

Nothing can change my mind

I'm leaving behind what we had, yesterday

The crowd whistled, appreciative toward Innosense's sentimental tribute to their friend. The cheered and hollered for Justin's attention, but he never took it away from the girls surrounding the sides of him. He felt butterflies shivering through his stomach. His face was a new shade of rosey red, but Justin did not give it much thought. He was overwhlemed that the girls of Innosense were able to pick a song that meant a great amount to him. Amanda and Danay both raised their microphones to sing the bridge together while the rest of Innosense harmonized the background vocals. Nothing could touch the way their vocals combined and sent shudders through Justin.

Throughout this time

I've realized

Been holding this in for too long

But I have to stay strong, can't turn back

I've been there for you

And now I must do

What I should have, yesterday

I can't stay

And keep living this lie

I finally found the strength to say goodbye

I'm on my way

Nothing can change my mind

I'm leaving behind what we had, yesterday

Yesterday, yesterday

The song came to a powerful ending with the notes carried in Amanda's airy voice. She was holding Justin's hand as she sang, showing her appreciation, the same appreciation that each girl of Innosense held for him. Justin smiled at her and then all of his friends. Though the screeching crowd could not hear it, Justin thanked each of them before hugging each, one-by-one. Tears had filled a couple of the audience member's eyes. The emotion carried in the song and its purpose left girls misty-eyed.

Britney Spears was mid-way through her set. She had given the crowd 'Kiss', 'Thinking Of Us', and 'Born To Make You Happy'. Each one was received well by the audience. She not sat with a lone blue spotlight on her. She was seated on a set of steps that led to where her band was located. A smile was not loacted on her face. She discerned the importance to being in character for each of her songs. This character was one she was relative with. She had felt the mood of this song in a past relationship of her own. It words, it made the song harder for Britney to perform. She felt too closely related to the meaning, but she allowed the fans to enjoy the musical aspect of the song's purity.

A lone acustic guitar began strumming, the spotlight flowing a glow over Britney's baby blue outfit. She kept her head low and looked to the crowd as one of her feet began to tap to the beat. Britney glanced to the side where a chair was occupied by one man. The crowd raised up in its attention when seeing that Joey sat in a chair on the stage, a planned routine. Screams started to echo when audience members began to recognize Joey's facial features. Britney and Joey played the ploy of the song, showing a separation between boyfriend and girlfriend. Britney sighed, knowing the song was less directed to Joey and more to a former love of hers. She did not allow herself to become emotional with the song. Her main goal was to prove that her only love was for that of the redhead sitting in the chair on the stage.

I guess when they said together

They never pictured me and you

You're something I couldn't live without

Until I finally saw the truth

The truth is we had such a gentle love

And no one knew how strong it was

But hanging around with all of our friends

Never did a thing for us

I know that we could never see

The things that we should have seen

But when I think about how it could have been

I start to cry all over again

Even as I look across the street

I see that you stare at me

And we're too stubborn to say hello

We were so happy before

But now we try to even the score

But letting the other go

I see you across the street

And all I do is dream

Britney stepped down from the steps after completing the first hook. She walked with elegance and in time with the song. Joey pretended to ignore her, though his only thoughts were of Britney. As she walked around him, he left his mind drift. He couldn't imagine how little things brought up the worst arguments between them. He knew a serious social issue was making it more and more difficult for himself and Britney to communicate, but he was a man who took troubles in stride. He held the stronger heart in the relationship and he was not ashamed. He cared for Britney far more than she could care for him and he knew it. It was shameful, but he loved with it. He only desired the best for both, even if he was the one who could be hurt in the end.

The journey we took in this love

Nobody will ever understand

All the people that hung around us

Used to think that we were just best friends

We kept our lips concealed

Even to each other and it hurt so much

All I linger for is a gentle kiss

And maybe just a touch

I know that we could never see

The things that we should have seen

But when I think about how it could have been

I start to cry all over again

Britney stood directly in front of Joey as she sang the secondary hook. She stared down at him, remaining in character. She could feel her heart melting while looking into his cuddly brown eyes. There was something she couldn't deny in her, it was love. However, Britney battled an ongoing fear of sex and that drew her away from Joey. She could not suffer the fate her friends, Amanda and A.J., had taken. It was a road she did not agree with and would not allow her soul to meet. She desired a life in which a child could not disrupt her career and her life. Britney was partial to Amaiya and Angel, but she was aware she could not withstand the pressure Amanda, Brian, Justin and A.J. dealt with. This brought her and Joey to the mercy of separation and all of its intense power. It held a lock on Britney's heart, preventing Joey from entrance without the right key.

Best of friends is what we will be

But sometimes I wish it was more than dreams

I see you across the street

And you don't even say hey to me

Even as I look across the street

I see that you stare at me

And we're too stubborn to say hello

We were so happy before

But now we try to even the score

But letting the other go

I see you across the street

And all I do is dream

Britney ended her performance of the song by leaning down and giving Joey a soft kiss on the cheek. The crowd gave them cooing noises, pleased that a celebrity couple could shine in the spotlight. Joey stood from the chair holding Britney's hand. They turned to the crowd and bowed. "Give it up for my boyfriend, Mr. Joey Fatone!" Britney announced in her bubbly voice. She made the statement clear so no more perssure would be pressed on her and Justin. Joey smiled at her and then waved to the crowd. Britney blew him a kiss as a sign of dismissal. Joey showed no sings of jealousy toward Justin and Britney was pleased with it. While watching him exit, Britney finally began to think of less depressing thoughts and more musings about she and Joey and their promised future together.

Lance Bass felt relieved that 'N Sync was down to its final three songs. The sweat adorning his small, but pudgy face left him uncomfortable. He had bared with it for years, but his clock was finally wearing down. His pale green eyes looked on an audience that cherished him. He only looked down to them with wonder. 'How can they understand?' Lance questioned a question he had never thought of. He walked slowly from one side to the other as the audience called for him. He was aware of what he was supposed to do, but he delayed the inevitable. He looked downward again, looking at his feet. "Usually around this time we sing 'Giddy Up' for ya'll. Tonight, however, we want to sing another song and dedicate to some very important people in our lives and yours." Lance announced, looking upward. He took his time with his words, letting his Mississippi accent rule his tongue. The audience began to calm themselves to hear Lance's deep, soft-spoken voice. Lance took a glance back to the backstage where he could see a heard of people coming. "Tonight we're going to sing a song for the mothers of 'N Sync and for the mothers of the audience." Lance announced, walking to the side so that his fellow members of 'N Sync could escort their mothers onto the stage. The audience lifted up in a song of praise for 'N Sync. "And this song is called 'Dearest Friend Of Mine,'" Lance added, pepping up his voice. He walked back to where his friends were standing with their mothers. His mother was unable to attend the event, making Lance the only member of 'N Sync without his mother on the stage. He refused to let the occurence bring his spirits any lower. He had to present the perfect appearance for the crowd and also for his friends.

You know the right things

To say to a broken heart

You know how to wipe away

My tears when I'm hurt

A million friends may pass and go

But your love is a touch of gold

So thankful you made me

Even when my world's changing

I could cry a river of tears

Say things that I don't mean

But I thank God just for you

You are the meaning of family

You don't have to say a thing

Don't have to show me all of your love

But without you to wipe away my tears

Without my mother's touch...

Karen Chasez, Lynn Harliss, Phyllis Fatone, and Beverly Eustrice didn't know how to respond to the beautiful song crafted by 'N Sync. The touching melody rang through the arena, causing sons and daughters to clutch onto their mothers in appreciation. The lyrics explaining exactly what mothers had done for their children left the audience breathless. From each voice and each verse, the sense of love and understanding could not leave the concert hall. It was a granted emotion that led the mothers to shed a few silent tears, each whispering a secret apperciation for 'N Sync and their anthem for the mothers who worked hard to create a world of safety and security for their children.

The stage held each member of 'N Sync, their eyes filled with lust for more excitement. J.C. stood in the middle of the line of men. He adjusted his headset microphone, trying to make sure he could be heard. He drownd out the sounds of the screexching crowd to focus on the next song of their performance. "This is our new single... we want ya'll to get up and feel the performance." J.C. said with little excitement, but mystery. When he finished his words, the large screen behind 'N Sync's band was filled with the beginning of a music video. It was 'N Sync's latest music video, drawing up clamorous cheers from the crowd. The lights stayed dim on the stage. The guys of 'N Sync were stayed in outfits similiar to the ones they wore in the music video. The simulation brought out more intensity to their performance.

Welcome to a world

Where a man loves another... and gets hurt

Yet you know.. you know...

You know he doesn't want any... one... else

'N Sync would... like to thank you for taking...

Another... Step...

The sounds of N2's computerized voice and the sight of her digitalized body soon faded from the arena. The crowd began to silence in anticipation of the performance piece. Some still remained rowdy, bellowing out their favorite member's name. The excitement of a darkened arena and the knowledge of 'N Sync's upcoming song led everyone to their feet in anticipation. They all awaited the sounds of J.C. singing the first verse.

Today was another day

That I've spent trying to get a hold of you

Just to tell you that I'm not ready

To just let go of you (let go of you)

So you say that you love someone else

Well what happened to dedication?

I always told you I don't need no one else

So baby stop driving me crazy, yea

You know I don't need anyone else

But I don't wanna be by myself

So stop playing games with me

I know you need to find love for yourself

But I don't need anyone else

So baby please stay with me

The crowd screamed with joy as 'N Sync sang 'Don't Need Anyone Else'. The guys of 'N Sync broke their ranks to run the length of the stage and become personable with the crowd. "Sing it if you know it!" Joey growled out, running up the level platform to where the band jammed. Justin laughed and ran to the edge of the stage, to the right. He lifted his shirt and began to thrust sexily for the occupants of the crowd, yanking out ear-splitting shrieks from the women and girls. He looked over to J.C. who was into the routine they were supposed to perform in the middle of the stage. Justin shook his head with an adamant smile. He walked down a few steps to the regular stage floor so that he could cover the main stage for his verse.

Why do I have to suffer right here

You can't even tell me to my face

I'm calling all of your friends just to find you

And tell you that things have changed

Even if I have to send you an e-mail

I'll do anything to show you that I'm so in love

It's not that I don't want you to go

But I know that it'll be just so wrong, hey

You know I don't need anyone else

But I don't wanna be by myself

So stop playing games with me

I know you need to find love for yourself

But I don't need anyone else

So baby please stay with me

'N Sync ran all over the stage, dancing to their own routines. Lance and Chris slapped hands as they passed each other, Chris seeking the area he knew family and friends occupied. He waved briskly to Joe Fatone and Paul Harliss. He searched for Pollyana and Steve, but was unable to find them. He shrugged and then ran back in the opposite direction. "Somebody scream!" he called out, blazing past Justin. Justin found Chris' endless energy humorous. He walked slowly to the middle of the stage, bobbing his head to the bass-hitting beat.

So baby, hear me out

I'm not trying to sound desperate

But without the honesty

I'll be thinking of you twenty-four-seven

You must understand...

This is the story of a lovesick man...

And I'll do anything to show you I'm in love

Ooh baby, I'm not ready just to let you go

The guys continued to perform until the close of the song and their set. They had riled the crowd up with each of the uptempo songs and calmed them with each of their ballads. Now the crowd was excited and screaming for more. They adored 'N Sync's measureless verve and honorable crooning. 'N Sync snatched their own pleasure in watching the crowd never lose their love for them. It showed loyalty, something the guys of 'N Sync held for each other. Never losing their smiles, they bowed and introduced the band, giving the Backstreet Boys the ample time they needed to prepare for their show. "Thank you Hawaii!" Joey shouted out as they bowed again and began their exit from the sweat-covered stage.

A piano was being played for an introduction to a song. Five men sat on steps near the piano, relaxing from a pop-y performance of 'It's Gotta Be You'. Nick Carter stretched out on the steps, covering the most area of the metal stairs. He yawned away from his microphone, not wanting to look behind himself to the piano. He knew it'd be too great of a task to accomplish. There was too much effort and heartache in the act. He only listened to Kevin's deep voice and awaited the beginning of their performance.

"Hey Hawaii... we're about to sing the song that I wrote for our album, 'Millennium'. This song is titled 'Back To Your Heart'." Kevin announced, standing up from his position on the stairs. An applause from his fellow Backstreet Boys members and the audience brought a smile to his lips. He used a towel to wipe the sweat from his brow, looking out to the hearty audience. Kevin could deduce that the song was a favorite of many of the Hawaiian residents. "And tonight, playing the piano for us, we've got a good friend of ours. His name is J.C. Chasez." Kevin added, walking up to the piano that his friend sat at. J.C. smiled but kept his concentration on playing the right keys to the melody. The atonished audience broke out into screams, watching J.C. play the introduction notes as if he was Bach. Kevin watched him with a noble expression. J.C. had learned all of the chords to strum, making Kevin considerably proud of the song he had written. "Let's do this BSB..." Kevin whispered into his microphone, turning back to his friends. A.J. stood from his spot on the stairs and began to walk down to the stage. It was his duty to handle part of the first verse and he did it proudly.

It's not that I can't live without you

It's just that I don't even want to try

Every night I dream about you

Ever since the day we said goodbye

If I wasn't such a fool

Right now I'd be holding you

There's nothin' that I wouldn't do

Baby if I only knew...

The words to say

The road to take

To find a way back to your heart

What can I do

To get to you

And find a way back to your heart

As the hook ended, Nick glanced over to Brian. His soft, baby blue eyes were a natural love of Nick's. Nick smiled smally, seeing that Brian kept his eyes on the crowd with a strict focus. Nick related heavily to the song. He could feel that it was written dierctly for his own situation. For his own love for three men, but only one that he loved. Denial was the first word in Nick's vocabulary, but it was one he now wanted written off. He took a second to glance back to J.C. during Kevin's lit ad-libs for the transition to the second verse. The way J.C.'s eyes never left the keys but his face was still filled with that same angelic glow Nick saw that first night they made love angered Nick. He couldn't see why he had to fight so hard to decide what he wanted. He didn't hate himself, but the repulsion was great. Desire and lust were two different emotions, but two emotions Nick combined when thinking of the three men who broke his heart each time he was with them.

I don't know how it got so crazy

But I'll do anything to set things right

Cause your love is so amazing

Baby you're the best thing in my life

Let me prove my love is real

And made you feel the way I feel

I promise I would give the world

If only you would tell me girl

Even as Nick watched Brian and Kevin make their way down the steps to meet A.J. and sing the hook, he stayed seated next to Howie. He could feel Howie staring at him with pondering eyes. His friends looked on him often, scared and bewildered. They never knew in what direction Nick's life would go. They prayed for the good, but often saw the bad. Nick never took the time for his own introspection. He only watched others. He tried to study them, become them. He had only one failed attempt. He could never become Justin.

He was able to become Lance, to be what he was for J.C. J.C., however, never became Brian. Nick knew that J.C. had no desire to be what Brian was for Nick. Nick was ashamed, knowing he could never become what Justin was for Brian. From day one, he tried. He was never successful and only pulled many of his friends into the circle of loneliness. If only for time, Nick would have reversed some of his choices. But he had learned, from J.C., that there is never a love outside of the one you allow yourself to become trapped within.

Give me one more chance (give me one more chance)

To give my love to you (give you my love, my love)

Cause no one on this earth loves you like I do

Tell me

The words to say

The road to take

To find a way back to your heart

What can I do

To get to you

And find a way back to your heart

Nick lowered his microphone and stopped singing. He didn't want to sing anymore. He did not want to experience the emotion the song brought to him.

He couldn't hear anything, his thoughts rambling too loud for him to concentrate on what he desired. He watched Brian walking up the steps, seeing emotion in his eyes. Nick could hear Brian saying, 'We've been through the best of times together and you're always... always going to be with me.' The words ran through his head as he watched Brian. He turned and looked at Kevin, who he thought of as his second father. 'Abandoning us won't get you anywhere.' Kevin once said to Nick. Nick took the words to heart, fighting off his social troubles to remain friends with his band mates. Nick looked up to A.J., who once said to Nick, 'You're handsome, you're smart and you've got life waiting for you on a platter. But instead you're ordering left over's. And for what? You could have a lot of things in life... a great man, a family, friends and the love of your fans.' Nick saw no underlying reason for A.J.'s words. It was out of a friendship that he and A.J. had maintained for years. Nick was now minus one of the features A.J. spoke of, but he questioned if that made him any less of a good person. 'I really don't think you and J.C. should be a couple or anything after what Lance has been through and the whole history between you and J.C.' Howie's words echoed in Nick's mind. He glanced over to Howie who was deep into the final hook of the song. Howie was never one to hide around the truth, no matter how blunt it was. 'Maybe it was a warning?' Nick pondered, thinking of the words Howie had said to him. He could not decide if it was choice or fate that led him to the spot he was in, but he knew each of his friends had forwarned him that if he was not careful, he would truly ruin his life.

The crowd continued to scream as the Backstreet Boys came to another ballad. This time the Backstreet Boys were not alone on the stage. Ten stools covered the main stage. Occupying the stage were the Backstreet Boys and Innosense. The crowd was not expecting an appearance from Innosense. They were a surprised, but well welcomed addition to the performance. "Right now, we're going to perform the third single from our album. Tonight we're going to sing it with a few friends of ours, you probably know them... Innosense." Brian announced, introducing the next song. The girls of Innosense waved to the crowd. The shouts and screams echoed throughout the concert hall and on the stage. Nick forfeited his singing of the first verse so that Veronica Finn could sing. He sat near Veronica to watch her every movement as she sang the first verse to a song the audience knew well.

I never thought that I would lose my mind

That I could control this

Never thought that I'd be left behind

That I was stronger than you (baby)

Boy, if only I knew what I've done

You know, so why don't you tell me

(And I) I would bring down the moon and the sun

To show how much I care

Don't wanna lose you now

Baby, I know we can win this

Don't wanna lose you now

No no, or ever again

The combination of all of the singers built up the spirits of the crowd. It was a perfect duet, Max Martin-written and set to the music of lost souls. The easy going crowd accepted the joining with excited hearts. The chance to hear the combinding of ten God-given voices only left their mouths watering for more. When they saw Brian's unique smile, there was no need to wait. They sensed his was going to give them the male version of the song they longed for. Brian gave a quick wave to his father-in-law and then stood from his stool. He stayed close to the stool, being followed by A.J. and Nikki who were to harmonize the end of Brian's verse with him.

I've got this feeling you're not gonna stay

It's burning within me

The fear of losing, of slipping away

It just keeps getting closer (baby)

Whatever reason to leave that I've had

My place was always beside you

And I wish that I didn't need you so bad

Your face just won't go away

Don't wanna lose you now (don't wanna lose you now)

Baby, I know we can win this

Don't wanna lose you now (don't wanna lose you now)

No no, or ever again

Don't wanna lose you now (don't wanna lose you now)

A.J. stepped forward some, looking back to his friends as they all stood from their stools. He thought it was a brilliant idea to bring all of the voices together. He had grown a fond love for every girl of Innosense due to his history with Amanda. They all accepted him and he accepted each of them. Now he was going to take his solo verse, but he could not throw his heart into it. He had finally won a war that took him ages to win. He was not going to lose Amanda or his daughter because both of their love were wrapped firmly around the crevices of his heart.

I never thought that I would lose my mind

That I could control this, yes

Never thought that I'd be left behind

That I was stronger than you, oh

Don't want to lose to loneliness

Girl I know we can win

Don't want to lose to emptiness (oh no)

Never again

Don't wanna lose you now (Don't want to lose to loneliness)

Baby, I know we can win this (Girl I know we can win)

Don't wanna lose you now (Don't want to lose to emptiness)

No no, or ever again

(It's just because of you, ho)

Don't wanna lose you now (Don't want to lose you now)

I know we can win this

Don't wanna lose you now (Don't really want to lose you now)

No no, or ever again (Don't wanna lose you now)

The song came to a close with the sounds of A.J.'s soulful voice. The audience never stopped their hollowing screams and they lifted their hands for an applause preceeding the end of the song. Everyone stood for the ovation. The Backstreet Boys all pointed to the girls of Innosense, attempting to get them full recognition for the heart they poured into the song. Nikki giggled, unconsciously wrapping her arm around Kevin as the groups celebrated. Kevin held her tightly, waving to the crowd and then pointing to her for her acheivement. Jenny looked on them with suspicion in her own right. She hugged herself on the stage as others celebrated around her. Danay and Howie hugged briefly, laughing as they did. "Good job amigo." Danay giggled, grabbing his hand for a short bow. Howie smiled, he had accomplished something in his own heart. Brian therw his arm around Veronica and Mandy with his cheery smile. "Give it up for Innosense ya'll." Brian's country accent stated, pulling up more screams from the crowd. "And Backstreet ya'll." Veronica added with her equally strong country intonation. Mandy merely howled out, feeling the pride of the night.

Just Beginning (Chapter 58) Written by JM

The backstage area was a place of full celebration from all sides. Everyone that was apart of the tour celebrated the success of the three-day event. "Ya'll kicked ass!" Dennis of the Backstreet Band commented loudly, signaling an ovation for all of the artists. Britney laughed with holding up a bottled water. She had an arm wrapped around Joey's shoulder's, hugging him while talking with friends. She nudged Justin who was wrapped in a hug with Veronica. "Let's not forget our birthday boy!" Joey called out, noticing Justin's attention flowing toward them. The celebration became louder with the announcement. A.J. yanked Justin close to him and began to give him a nuggy while the others cheered on the small party. "We should head to Club Vegas for one more night of partying, especially since it's ol' Just's birthday." Steve Fatone suggested, getting a few agreements from the band members. Justin shook his head with reverie. "Nah, not another night of partying." Joey disagreed with his brother, kissing Britney on top of her head. Britney snuggled closer to Joey, watching the others carouse. "What? Am I hearing this right? The man who makes it a point to hit a club in every town is not going to party tonight?" Chris said sarcastically, eyeing Joey with a smirk. Joey grinned back, laying his head on top of Britney's. "Just for one night." Joey assured Chris, giving Britney another peck on the head. Chris frowned a little. He wasn't disappointed that Joey would not join him at a club, but more disappointed that he could not be with Meelah the way Joey was with Britney.

J.C. leaned against a wall, watching Nick carouse with Mandy, Howie, and Danay. He sighed, breaking his perfect facial expression. He shook his head. His denial was great and unadulterated. "Thinking about him again huh?" Nikki's voice questioned J.C. J.C. watched as Nikki crossed the side of him and then stood in front of him, blocking his view of the others. J.C. sighed again. That was his answer for her. Nikki took the response lightly, looking up to the ceiling. "You can tell?" J.C. asked, rubing a finger over the wall he leaned against. Nikki smiled briefly. "Every single time you look at him Josh." Nikki replied, staking her ground in the conflict. J.C. strung his eyes up and then on her. He gave her a loose smile. "I've been thinking about letting him go. Just starting over and finding something new to hold onto." J.C. informed her, hoping to shed a small piece of light on her. Nikki shook her head at him, lowering her eyes to glance at him. "You can't Josh. I mean you were able to let go of Lance and you... you were able to let go of me." Nikki breathed out, stumbling over her words with her own distaste. She tried to swallow, but the lump in her throat was growing too big. J.C. could see she was having difficulty with the situation. He loved her, but he pittied her. "But you can't let go of him, Josh." Nikki sniffled out, looking over to Nick. She wiped her eyes with her fingers, hiding the tears she wanted to shed. She was hurting.

J.C. placed his hand on her shoulder, hoping to bring her comfort. "I've always loved you, Peaches." J.C. whispered to her, hoping to pull her into an embrace. Nikki giggled softly, still letting a few tears break from her eyelids. She sniffled again. "We all find something to love Josh. Whether we know it or not, there's always something greater than our first loves." Nikki stated with her shifty smile. J.C. massaged her shoulder as she tried to cease her tears. "Will you go to him?" J.C. questioned, knowing to the 'greater' man Nikki referred to. Nikki turned her head to J.C. "Will you go to him?" Nikki asked, reversing the question. J.C. took a small bite of his lower lip. "We all have to some time Josh. When will you?" Nikki stated concisely, walking away from J.C. and toward the back exit.

Lynn stood near the exit that Nikki approached, looking directly at Brian and Justin as they said their farewell to Angel. She glanced down to her watch, seeing time continually ticking. "Guys, me, Lea and Paul have to get back to the hotel soon. Angel Sebastian needs to get to bed." Lynn announced, breaking up the family. Lea giggled, watching Justin and Brian eye Lynn with disappointment. Lynn crossed her arms, giving them a firm stare. Justin sighed and then took hold of his son. He tapped the end of Angel's nose while Angel sucked on his pacifire. "Aaaww, Baby Angel needs to go beddy-bye." Nikki cooed, making her appearance known as she stood next to Justin. Angel smiled when noticing Nikki, his glassy eyes showing signs of wearriness. "Yes, he does." Lynn murmured. She drew attention from Justin who despised his mother's control over his son's life.

Justin puckered his lips and then gave Angel a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. He gave Angel a hug, not wanting to let his son leave his side. "Be good for Granny." Justin whispered into Angel's ear, petting his hair. Angel merely sucked his pacifire, ignorant to what was being said to him. Brian joined Justin in petting his son's head. He looked upon his son with a sad expression. Though he knew his son would be safe, he also hated nights without Angel. "Be good Timber." Brian stated, kissing the top of Angel's head. Nikki offered her arms, desiring a chance to hold Angel. Justin hesitantly passed Angel along to Nikki, who clutched him tightly with her embrace.

"Nikki, why don't you, Lea, and Paul head out to the van with Baby Angel. I'll be out there in just a second." Lynn advised, signaling for their exit.

"Okay." Lea agreed, looking toward Nikki. Nikki responded with a shrug. "Happy birthday babes." Nikki said, kissing Justin on the cheek. "Thanks." Justin whispered, letting her receed. Lea waved toward them, not speaking a word. Her smile was enough recognition for Brian and Justin. "Sleep well Foxy." Brian called out to Nikki. Nikki giggled and then continued to walk with Lea. Lea and Nikki escorted Angel out the door, trying to make him wave farewell to his fathers. Paul stepped up to his wife, watching his grandson disappear out the doors. "Don't be long hon'." Paul requested, kissing Lynn on the cheek. Lynn nodded, watching Brian and Justin stiffly. "Happy birthday son." Paul said, waving to Justin. Justin gave him a weak smile. "Thanks Dad." Justin replied, waving back. "Take care son." Paul added, looking directly at Brian. Brian smiled at him, nodding as Paul stepped out of the back doors.

Brian wrapped an arm around Justin, taking his eyes to Lynn. She gave them a faint smile, not exhibiting too much love in her appearance. "Don't worry you two, Angel's in safe hands." Lynn assured them, seeing that Justin still looked at the back doors. Brian brushed his hand over Justin's curly brown hair, trying to comfort him. "We know he is Lynn." Brian replied for both of them. Justin drifted his eyes from the door to his mother, trusting her. "Uhm, I just wanted to tell you two one thing before I left." Lynn stated, adjusting her purse on her shoulder. Brian and Justin nodded, awaiting her words. Lynn released her smile and formed a straight face. "Well I awnt you two to use protection. I know that's what you two probably plan on doing tonight and I wanted you to be careful at all costs." Lynn declared softly, attempting not to bring any attention to the three. Justin peered at her, fascinated. Brian raised his brow and then lowered it, putting on an angered expression. He pulled his arm from Justin to cross his arms and stare at Lynn. Justin licked his lips, feeling a small argument building. "Me and my husband are quite safe Lynn." Brian hissed with his soft country voice. Lynn brushed her thick, curly blonde hair back. "Regardless, I want Justin and you to use protection. It's better to be safe than sorry, Brian. You know I don't play games like that and I don't want my sons to do that either." Lynn argued quietly, throwing in a cork into the champagne glass Brian and Justin tried to live by. Justin lifted his head, doubt in his mother. He felt there was some reason Lynn pushed the issue so strongly. Brian became offended with his mother-in-law's serious suggestion. He saw no reason for her blunted intervention into Brian and Justin's marriage.

"Okay, mom, we'll be sure to take your suggestion seriously." Justin intervened in the disagreement. He grabbed Brian's hand and held it tightly. He wanted to prevent Brian from adding any other questionable words. Lynn stared at them with her own drawn out suspicion. "Just be safe. Sex like... well like that can never be sure." Lynn added, approaching Justin for a hug. Justin released Brian's hand to agree to his mother's silent request. He could feel disgust bubbling in his stomach, insulted by his mother's statements. Brian peered at her, snarling his upper lip. "Have a happy and safe birthday sweetie. Nineteen is another step up in your adulthood." Lynn said to her son, hugging him a little tighter. Justin patted her back as she hugged him. Lynn and Justin broke from the embrace and Lynn turned to Brian. "Goodnight son... make my Justin's birthday the best it can be." Lynn beseeched, smiling at Brian. Brian nodded to her. "I'll do my best, Lynn." Brian agreed, letting Lynn walk away after he spoke his words to her.

Brian and Justin's hotel room was silent, smiliar to many nights they shared with their son. However, this night, Angel was not with them. They were alone, resting, an unusual aspect to their marriage. Justin was slowly petting Brian's gentle blonde-brown hair, easing him into a relaxed mode. Brian's head rested on Justin's stomach. His eyes were slightly closed, the feeling of Justin's warm hand bringing him into a sleepy state. "It's so quiet." Brian commented, putting his left hand on Justin's thigh. Justin stared up to the ceiling, lost in thoughts. "Is that so bad?" he asked Brian, twisting his fingers through Brian's soft hair. Brian shrugged, not searching for a reason to complain. "It's just usually so loud around here." Brian said. Justin nodded, releasing a bantam smile. He gazed down to Brian, seeing that he was content. "Maybe we should make some noise." Justin suggested, giggling afterward. Brian joined him in the hushed laughter. "Yeah, maybe a little jumping on the bed." Brian snickered, lifting Justin's shirt a little to press his head against Justin's warm skin. "Or a little something else on the bed." Justin hummed. He tightened his stomach and then relaxed again, flexing his muscles for Brian. Brian continued to laugh, but a little more stiffer. He extended his tongue from his mouth, tracing it over Justin's belly button. Justin giggled softly, continuing to pet Brian's head. Brian did not cease his actions, dipping the tip of his tongue into Justin's navel. Justin shivered, his body rocking a little. "I like that something else." Brian whispered, kissing the outer rim of Justin's navel.

Justin arched his back up, letting Brian wrap his arms around his waist. Brian placed the rest of his body onto Justin's legs, pressing his weight on Justin. Justin raised his arms up and placed his hands under his head, leaving his elbows akimbo. Brian proceeded to kiss around Justin's navel area, bringing out small moans from Justin's lips. Justin closed his eyes as expected, falling into that zone of ecstasy that he adored. He felt Brian's sweaty hands lifting his shirt higher. Brian took his time, gliding his smooth tongue up his lover's stomach. His mouth left sweet kisses across Justin's well-toned stomach, taking no percautions in his actions. Justin kept his back arched, spreading his legs some causing Brian to spread his to accomodate to their new position.

Justin pulled a hand from behind his head and slowly drug it down his chest, grabbing the front of his shirt to lift higher. It had been awhile since Justin had the pleasure to become intimate with Brian. He pulled the shirt until it reach past the top of his chest. He held it while Brian continued his trail upward. Brian's tongue rubbed over the center of Justin's chest, before seeking new areas of Justin's body. It traced its way to Justin's right nipple, allowing Brian to close his lips around it. Brian sucked heartily on Justin's brown nipple, savoring the sweet taste of the erogenous skin. Justin exhaled a groan, gripping his shirt tighter. He ground his crotch against Brian's stomach, pleading to create more friction between the two. Brian was ignorant to the request as his tongue flicked over Justin's erect nipple. Brian hummed his moan while sucking on Justin's nipple again. He was drawing up blood and leaving a hickey around Justin's nipple. Justin forced himself to pull his other hand from behind his head and place it on Brian's head, leading Brian's mouth to Justin's left nipple.

Brian followed Justin's directions and moved slowly to Justin's other erect nipple, kissing his way across Justin's smooth chest.

Brian used his hands to lift the tail-end of Justin's shirt, receiving assistance from Justin in the front. With slow cooperation, Brian and Justin were able to remove Justin's orange Polo shirt. Brian drug the shirt to the side of their bodies and then pushed it off of the bed. Justin panted timely, curling his upper lip with a fierce expression. He scooted the sheets aside with his feet, attmepting to give he and his husband easy access around the bed. Brian ignored Justin's movements to concentrate on his own. His button-down shirt had already been unbuttoned when he was laying in the bed. He pulled his arms back to let the blue shirt slip off and then fall like a hankerchief onto the bed. Justin part his legs more, thrusting his crotch to Brian. Brian muffled his words, kissing a little rougher on Justin's chest. One of his hands pet Justin's abdomen while the other toyed with the zipper to Justin's khaki cargo's. He let Justin control in which direction his head went.

They both felt the bed rocking as the rushed to pull their clothing off. Justin heard the sounds of his zipper falling, causing his eyse to open and awtch as Brian removed his pants. Brian resisted slowing down and yanked Justin's pants to his ankles. He let them lay there as he fooled with his own jeans. Justin smiled faintly and then began to suck on his lower lip, using his hands to massage Brian's hips. Brian looked up to Justin, his body resting on Justin's crotch and his upper body sitting up straight. He gave Justin a tender smile as he unxipped his jeans. Justin could see the waist band and upper portion of Brian's black Calvin Klien briefs already. He was ecstatic to see Brian's jeans regress, revealing the rest of his underwear. Justin looked at Brian's chest rising and falling as it would during their love making. He watched the scar on Brian's chest move in and out. Justin licked his tender red lips and then rested his full body against the submissive bed. "How long has it been Brian?" Justin asked through soft gasps for air. Brian admired Justin in his glory, the sheets sprawled across the bed, mixed with pieces of their clothing. He pondered the inquiry and its time period in question. He began to calculate dates for Justin, but he did not put his full focus into it. "Over a month." Brian replied, leaning down while Justin tugged his jeans off. Brian pressed his chest to Justin's, finding a spot on Justin's neck he wished to suckle. "Too long." he added before stifling his lips against Justin's neck.

Justin groaned when feeling Brian's hips buck against his. He ran his fingers over Brian's thin cheeks, heaving as Brian sucked on his neck. He used his feet again, but this time to fully remove his pants. He did not hear the thud as his pants hit the floor. His concentration was directed on becoming more intimate with Brian. He could feel the head of Brian's broad, erect cock slithering out of the bottom of his briefs. Justin grinned mischievously. He ran one of his hands down Brian's back, pressing his palm firmly against the small of Brian's back. His fingers touched the waistband of Brian's briefs, searching for a signal that they were to make love soon. He could feel Brian's left hand toying with his nipples while his right hand fooled with his arm. "Uh... oh babe..." Justin groaned out when feeling Brian's body grinding slightly rougter on his. He gripped the sheets with his other hand, feeling the silk material glide between his fingers. His lengthy penis pleaded for release from the confounds of his white boxer-briefs.

"Aaahh... uh..." Brian drew out his moan when feeling his dick creeping out of his briefs and running against Justin's ab-filled belly. He sucked air in through his teeth before beginning to nibble on the nape of Justin's neck. He ultimately felt Justin sliding his briefs downward, making him clamour with shivers. The sexual urge inside of them left them with cravings for each other. Brian did his best to help Justin slide his briefs down and release his cock. They were successful as Brian's stiff dick ran against Justin's stomach while his briefs were curried down to his smooth ankles. "Mmmmm... ah yeah.." Brian gushed out and into Justin's ear. He used his tongue to stroke Justin's earlobe while Justin led his long tongue across Brian's shoulder. Brian began to rumble his body in different directions, yanking his briefs from his feet and pulling them up to where he and Justin's faces met. He dangled the cloth over Justin's face with his index and thumb fingers. Justin gave him an exotic smile, snatching the briefs from Brian's hand with his teeth. Brian let Justin take a whiff of the essence that exhaled from Brian's body. He leaned down to kiss Justin's cheek as Justin licked at the area that held traces of Brian's precum.

Justin used his mouth and head to toss the briefs to the side of his head, leaning up to kiss his adorable lover. Brian acknowledged the kiss, rustling his tongue over Justin's. His hands dropped to Justin's chest, pushing his body up some. Justin kept his mind on the smooth kiss while his hands voluntarily began to remove his boxer-briefs. Brian felt Justin scuttling under him, perventing their bodies from touching while Justin pulled off his undergarment. When Justin's body felt completely free of clothing, he clutched onto Brian and ebagn to buck his body against Brian's.

Brian grunted, pulling his head up to watch Justin's face. The contortions of intense pleasure wrapping Justin's face caused Brian to groan out in heavenly bliss. "Yeah baby! Uh, oh... uh huh.. ah, ah yeah..." Brian huffed out, forcing his body down onto Justin's. He could feel the precum from Justin's penis sliding onto his thigh. He heaved out, finding the time he desired great.

Justin slowed his movements when feeling Brian's upper body lift. He panted hard, shifting his feet to yank off his boxer-briefs. His eyes opened to look up at Brian. He could see Brian's eyes were still shut and his mouth still open. Brian released small, short moans while wtisting his body. Justin raised his hands to Brian's hips. He admired the ample penis that was nearing his chest. Justin thought of times he and Brian had compared their manhoods. Justin was the one who carried the youthful, but lengthy penis while Brian's was thicker. Justin smiled at the sight of the head of Brian's cock. He pondered if it was Brian's country roots that blessed Brian so well. It did not matter to Justin. He loved his husband despite the shape or size of his manliness. He took in a quick breath of Brian's manly scent, staring at the protruding penis and the curly brown forrest of pubic hairs surrounding Brian's dick. His mouth had a fond desire to suckle and kiss the penis, but he resisted, awaiting his husband's requests.

Justin's mouth was denied its craving when Brian pulled his body backward and rested it near Justin's patch of light brown hairs. Brian traced a finger over one of Justin's biceps, running his ass lightly over Justin's navel. He glanced down, eyeing the trial of hairs that ran from Justin's belly button to his pubic hairs. He sighed, appreciative to the sight of his husband's strong lower body. He also pondered the origin of Justin's grand shape. Brian was fond of the length and fullness of Justin's penis and his shapely balls. He ran his hand in their direction, lightly tracing them with his fingers. "Oooh... uh, aaah... heh heh..." Justin began to moan out, feeling his erect cock finally being touched as it desired.

Justin was not prepared for Brian's next move. Without a hint of warning, Brian gripped Justin's cock and then quickly led it to the entrance of his ass. Justin felt the tightness of Brian's rectum kissing the tip of his cock. He could tell it had been awhile when Brian's body was not receptive to he and Brian's want. Brian squinted his eyes and continued to lower his body, forcing his ass to adjust. Soon his body began to rediscover the the muscles it had not used to sexual activity in a month. The pain began to roll over Brian's body, but he became accustom to it again while taking the head of Justin inside of him. Justin kissed Brian's fingers while Brian took the lead. He took Brian's ring finger into his mouth, rotating his long tongue over it. It was his way of comforting Brian and keeping his mind on pleasure instead of the discomfort he was experiencing. Brian was grateful for Justin's comforting tactics. His muscles relaxed greater, allowing Justin to slide in farther. Brian sensed the aches were throbbing because he and Justin chose not to use any lubricant for their love making. He could feel some of the distress passing as he felt Justin's hairs tickling the rim of his ass. "Uhhhh... uh oh..." Brian moaned. Justin's cock was now burried deep inside of his husband. Brian laced his fingers through Justin's hair and then panted lightly. He was now ready to begin their full sexual intercourse.

Brian began to raise his body and then lower it again, stimulating the excitement inside of Justin's dick as he did. He was riding Justin's penis as Justin groaned deeply into the night. "Yeah... ah yeah... aaaww, baby... mmmm.." Justin groaned, petting Brian's stomach and waist. The bed rocked harder while they fucked. Brian pressed his lower body down on Justin each time he came down. His cock ran over Justin's stomach, leaving small traces of precum over Justin's navel. "Oh, oh, oh..." Brian breathed out, enjoying the feeling of Justin's cock running over his prostate. Brian placed his hands on Justin's shoulder, his sweat building as his pace increased. Justin curled his upper lip, his balls growing. They were being filled with the essence that Justin awaited to release inside of Brian. "Oh fuck..." Justin grunted, feeling his body slipping closer and closer to cumming. Brian lowered his body some. He thought himself as a cowboy at times, riding Justin's 'stallion'. Justin was ignorant to Brian's musings as he was caught up in his own state of bliss. He felt Brian shift around some. His eyes opened to see Brian masturbating while making love to him. Justin smiled some, licking his lips. He drew a hand up and began to pet Brian's balls. "Aaaahhhh shit..." Brian grunted, pleasuring in Justin's hand touching him. He squeezed his thighs on Justin's waist, panting roughly.

"Kiss me..." Justin requested while shouting another grunt into the air. The bed began to rock and bang silently against the wall. Justin pulled the sheets aside while waiting for Brian to lower himself. As Brian's ass kissed Justin's hips again, he lowered his upper body and slowly lowered his head. Brian stuck his tongue out and licked Justin's lips before taking them in for a smooth kiss. Their lips wrestled in an erotic dance, kissing and petting with affection. Moans were muffled while hands ran everywhere. Each portion of the body that was touchable was felt and gropped. Brian's lips became shaky while kissing, his body feeling a growing need to cum. Justin stripped the sheets from under himself and brought his legs up. Brian rested his back against Justin's thighs, continuing to ride Justin. Brian broke the kiss and then kissed the tip of Justin's nose. He brought his fingers to Justin's sweaty forehead, reaching to tossle his hair. "Mmmph... heh heh.. Brian! Oh Brian! Yeah... uh Brian..." Justin began to call his lover's name without hesitation. He ran his hands over Brian's soft, smooth back. His fingers slipped over the surface like ice over a burning skillet.

Brian squinted his eyes again, feeling himself drawing nearer to the edge of no return. "Oh!" he groaned out, his body getting limper. He bucked on Justin with force, causing Justin to bite on his lower lip. Justin grasped Brian's hips, regulating the rate in which they made love. "Ugh... uh, ooh, aaahhhh..." Justin grunted, rolling to the left. His movement succeeded into what he desired. He rolled their bodies so that Justin was now on top, grinding his penis into Brian's asshole. While they were making their transition to give Justin control, Brian crooned out a note of pleasure. "Justin! Oh yes... oh babe... Justin! Yeah, right... uhhhhh..." Brian yelled while ejaculating over his stomach. Justin glanced down, awtching the thick spurts of cum volley over Brian's navel.

Justin continued to heave aggressively, fucking Brian fleetly. He closed his eyes again, sprawling his hands on the bed, pressing their bodies closer together. "Ah yeah!" Justin grunted, feeling his dick expand inside of Brian. Brian sperad his legs and then wrapped them around Justin's waist. He pressed his head into the pillow under him, closing his eyes to enjoy the rest of their love making. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's back, hugging him. "Cum... mmmmm..." Brian hummed into Justin's ear, licking Justin's earlobe. Justin took heed to Brian's words. He did not withhold himself while making love. "Fuck... ughn, yeah.." Justin wailed, drawing infantly closer. Brian felt his hair sticking to his head with the combination of pleasure and sweat. His ass was tired, but it still enjoyed the satisfaction of being made love to.

The bed rocked a little slower when Justin became tenser. Brian's eyes creeked open to watch his lover's actions as they occured. He glared at Justin's lips as they parted, curled and then searched for moans to liberate. Brian smiled and then his body pulled him into an ecstasy-filled groan. "Oh Rocky... heh heh..." Justin heaved, drawing Brian's lower body up. When Brian heard the nickname Justin had given him, he knew that Justin was on the edge of orgasm. "Rocky! Yes!" Justin grunted out again, quickening his hip action. Brian felt his head shaking on the pillow while he hugged onto Justin in any way he could. Justin pulled downward for one final kiss that was short-lived. Brian attempted to taste as much of Justin's lips as he was alloted to. "Uhhhh, God Rocky! Rocky!" Justin shouted out before climaxing inside of Brian's hole. The bed jumped as Justin came, his whole body jerking and then becoming rigid. Brian yanked on Justin's sweat-covered body and held him, comforting him as he whimpered.

Justin sniveled while cumming. He sniffled, feeling that orgasmic feeling he had not encounter in months.

Justin began to pet Brian's hair back, laying his chest on top of Brian's.

He felt choked up, but held in tears while looking down on Brian. He stared deep into Brian's baby blue eyes. He emancipated a smirk for Brian. Brian smiled back and then began to giggle. He massaged his feet with Justin's, just as lovers did. Justin felt Brian's stomach tightening while he laughed. He shook his head and then slithered his penis out of Brian's body. Brian faked an expression of disappointment before falling into another snicker. Justin admired Brian's dimples as he laughed. "What's so funny Rocky?" Justin questioned, twirling his fingers through Brian's hair. Brian unwrapped his legs from around Justin and let Justin lay between his legs. He grabbed the sheets and pulled them, as much as he could, over their bodies. "Isn't this like the part where I say happy birthday?" Brian questioned through his snickering. Justin puckered his lips and then licked them. He tapped the end of Brian's nose with his finger. "No Brian... this is the part where you shut up and kiss me." Justin responded, leaning down and kissing Brian. Brian allowed his lips to succumb to the kiss. He squeezed Justin tighter in his small arms, tasting Justin's nectar-y lips again. Justin slid his tongue over Brian's, never missing a beat of the kiss. Brian moaned while kissing Justin, accepting the sexual side of himself that he had been forced to neglect.

They pulled back and looked at each other. It was another spark, but less sexual for them. Brian attempted to hold back his laughter, but he couldn't. He freed it into their room, smiling at Justin as he did. Justin finally joined him, rubbing his feet over Brian's. He fould it romantic. January thirty-first was defintely the day that Brian and Justin found the meaning of intimacy again.


*** It has been quite a while, has it not? I won't give you all the boring details about why it took me so long and what not. Most of you know because I needed time off, my birthday, being sick, going out of town, Internet troubles and what not. It doesn't matter. The point is I have given you this long ass set of chapters to enjoy! :) So everybody be happy. I'm happy with this set. I want to start by saying THANK YOU to all of the people who wrote me about 'December' and complimented me on it (even those who criticized me for it). It was a serious pleasure for me to write. Next I want to THANK, from the bottom of my heart, all the people who voted for me in the Nifty Awards. I was fortunate enough to snag the 'Best Use of Brian Littrell' and 'Best Use of Justin Timberlake [Littrell in my book]' for the THIRD YEAR in a row. That is truly an honor for me. I also snagged some more awards (can't remember which), but I was proud to take the one for 'Best Use of Leigh Ann Wallace'. That's my girl! :) Which brings me to another topic of discussion. I've gotten quite a few letters about Brian & Leigh Ann's engagement. Let me first say that I have no problem with Brian or Kevin getting married. They are grown men and deserve their happiness. I also have to say that I don't know Leigh Ann. What I write about her is fictional. I've heard she is a very nice woman. So I hold no personal vendetta or anything against Leigh Ann. I'm sure she's nice. What we (the authors at Nifty) write is truly fictional. You can not take any of it seriously. We only try to give you a world in which little dreams of ours (the authors) come true. So please try not to harrass us on the topic. We all have to adjust. New e-mail: ***

** Okay BIG announcement people. I don't really want to tell people this right now, but I refuse to make it a big surprise or astonishment. I am (to my knowledge right now) retiring from the series. That's right, the saga will probably end after that. In April, I will have concluded the series and the fairy tale of Brian and Justin and their friends. I will NOT let someone take over or replace me. I've been at Nifty for awhile and I hold the longest story in the Boy Band section. There is no way I'd let someone else take care of my 'baby'. So don't ask or worry. I think it's about time I turned in the keyboard and let others go WAY beyond what I have done.

I know the series won't be missed too much. We've all kind of progressed and moved on. I know that I have because I'm a fan of series like 'Lost & Found', 'N Sync: Lance & JC', 'All Grown Up' and others. So I'm sure people have been waiting for me to leave Nifty for a LONG time now. Don't worry, NO ONE will die in the series finale. There's no guarantee of a happy ending, but everyone will live. I might want to return later on, like other authors have. But right now, I'm pretty sure we've come to a round end for the series. I have a lot of plans for the ending and I need to know if there are some things the readers want included. So I have a top ten that I want you to vote on. I am going to present ten questions and you can pick THREE [only three] that you'd like to see answered in the series finale. The top three qusetions that are picked will be answered in the series finale. This all based on the majority of readers, not me. So if I get one vote, then those three questions will be answered in the finale. Here are the questions that you can choose from [please choose carefully]:

  1. What happened to Bryce? 2. Who helped Brian get Angel? 3. Will Nick and Lance get back together? 4. Does JC still have feelings for Lance? 5. Will Amanda have any more pregnancy-related problems? 6. Does JC have romantic feelings for Justin? 7. What is Christina's obsession with Justin really about? 8. Who does Lance really want to be with? 9. Does Kevin love Nikki or does he have feelings for Leigh Ann? 10. Are Britney and Joey ready for marriage/kids?
  • As always, please be safe. Take care of yourselves and the ones you love.

Sorry it took so long, but the next set is only two chapters long, so expect it MUCH quicker than this one came! Let's all pray I don't have any other unexpected events come up. If you have any questions, PLEASE ask them (or to compliment or criticize me). Send them all over to my e-mail (the hotmail one). Peace and all that good love ya'll! *

Next: Chapter 55: Just Beginning 59 60

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