Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 26, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 28) by JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get emails all the time about that. I'll try and for-warn you when I stop. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or ***

**** This is the 28th story (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going :|) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very begining. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", "Just Part II" and "I'll Never See A Sunset", email me. Also now available is the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack. That's right, I'm out of control with these songs. Soundtack features old and new songs from B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through come stories. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. And also, thanks to Chris for being a good friend and a good writer. Till then, please keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Justin walked aimlessly down the halls. He couldn't figure out where he was to go now. 'Should I talk to Lance or Nick first?' Justin thought as he came nearer to the waiting room. Just as he was about to enter he ran into Kevin. "Geez, sorry." Kevin said as he recovered his balance. "Oh, Kevin, I'm sorry." Justin stuttered. "No Justin, it's okay. It was my fault." Kevin apologized. Justin frowned and began his walk again. "Uhm Justin, something wrong?" Kevin called. Justin turned around and shook his ehad. Kevin approached him. "Come on buddy, I can tell when something's up with you." Kevin encouraged. "I just don't know where to start with all of us." Justin replied, his eyes still spying the floor. Kevin was confussed. Justin sensed Kevin's confussion by the look upon his face. "I mean all the guys in the groups. We seem to have some still un-finished business with each other. I don't know where to start to end all of this." Justin mumbled out. "Start from the beginning. That's sitting all of us down together." Kevin said in a low tone. Justin smiled and his eyes brightened. "Then that's what we'll do. We can all meet in the lounge room in ten minutes. I think it's time we finished this for good." Justin said. "Okay. Let me go check on Brian and I'll meet you all down there." Kevin said.

Within fifthteen minutes, everyone was in the lounge except Brian. Justin knew he was too injured to even think of leaving his room. Justin stood in front of everyone, there eyes fiaxted on him. He felt akward, but he knew things would be fine. "Well I don't know if everyone knows why we're here, but I'm going to inform you. We're here to discuss the recent events that have caused a serious upset for all of us. It's time we all finally expressed our feelings so that we can move on as two musical groups and friends." Justin announced. "So if there is anything to say about anyone, let's do it in a way that doesn't make us look like children." Justin said as he eyed Nick. Everyone sat silently. "Okay, well how about I start it." A.J. said boldly, shattering the silence. "I believe what I did tonight was wrong. I had no right getting into my car and driving after I had drank beer. I also had no right lying to the cops for Nick so that he wouldn't get thrown in jail." A.J. said boldly. Everyone gasped. "You mean the cops don't know that Nick was drunk." J.C. said in anger. "They don't even know that Nick was driving." A.J. retorted. "Why would you lie for him?" J.C. asked. "We felt it was the best thing to do at the time." Amanda said in A.J.'s defense. "The best thing to do?" Lynn questioned Amanda and A.J. "We did it because we felt that Nick wasn't prepared for the consequences." A.J. answered sarcastically. "Oh, but he's ready to get behind the wheel and nearly get me killed?" J.C. retorted in anger. "No, he was wrong for that J.C." Amanda said. "I'm not trying to defend Nick's actions, but his thoughts." A.J. stammered out.

"Your thoughts and actions all work on the same stream, A.J." Chris said softly. Justin watched calmly as the others began their debate. "Let's all ask ourselves why Nick got in the car in the first place." Howie said bitterly. "No, let's ask Nick why!" Joey said as he pointed towards Nick. Nick hung his head in shame. "Is it important?" Lance said towards them. "Oh here we go again. Lance Bass, Nick's only defense." Kevin sighed. "Shut up Kevin." Nick barked. "Well Nick?" Lynn stared him up and down. "I did it so I could be with Brian. I was drunk and acting stupid." Nick said softly. "Happy?" Lance hissed. "No Lance, if we were all happy, we wouldn't be asking these idiotic questions." Kevin said. Lance rolled his eyes at Kevin and wrapped his arms around Nick. J.C. squinted his eyes and looked at Lance evily. "Why don't we all listen to what Nick just said. He said he got in the car because he wanted to be with Brian. Brian! The one thing that always causes Nick's little outburts of anger. And why is he still having these little outburts?" Howie said loudly. He shifted his eyes towards Justin. "That's not right Howie." Amanda argued. "Is it right that Nick has been fighting this long and still hasn't gotten what he wants? Is it right that all of this could have been avoided if Nick didn't get drunk because he was so upset over seeing Justin and Brian together?" Howie questioned bitterly. He kept his eyes on Justin.

"It's not right that it's always Justin and Brian's fault everytime things don't go Nick's way." Lynn argued with a passion. "Well if the shoe fits, wear it." Howie spited her. "Is that how you see it?" Justin said as he stood. "I see that things haven't been going right for any of us because of you and Nick's battle for Brian's affection." Howie barked. "And if Nick got his way, would things be right?" Justin asked. "I don't know. Ask me when I'm able to walk again from this damn injury." Howie mummered.

Justin turned around and began to walk out of the room. "You're leaving again?" Chris asked. "It's not like anyone actually wants me here or anything." Justin shrugged. "So you just stopped by and made your grand appearance?" Chris asked sarcastically. Justin glanced at him and continued his effort to leave. "Oh no, no, don't let me stop you. Have a good time with Brian and don't forget about us." Chris said in anger. "Why Chris? Why am I the one who's wrong here?" Justin questioned him with a sob. "Wow, and it looks to me as if you're just giving up on what you should fight for." Chris boasted. "I'm just trying to make things a little easier." Justin said softly. "For who!" Chris asked with a shout. "All you guys seem to do fine when me and Brian are not around." Justin barked at Chris. Tears began to form in his eyes. "We do what we can! It's not like we get the choice anymore. You guys always seem to surprise us with something new." Chris argued. "I'm sorry that you see it that way, but you just don't know what I'm going through right now." Justin pleaded. "So tell me." Chris asked with sincerity. "You could never understand." Justin said, avoiding eye contact with Chris. "Maybe it's not my job to understand. Maybe it's yours. Maybe you should just talk to me and let me know what's up." Chris said in kindness. "How can I talk to you when you're too busy trying to deal with the group?" Justin asked. "Well it's not easy anymore, Justin! It's not happy-go-lucky and kiss my ass everytime I get sad anymore for any of us." Chris shouted. "I know that you guys get worried about me, but.." Justin stopped himself. "No, he doesn't mean just that Justin! He means that we should all deal with our problems and stop throwing them upon you to understand. You have your own love life and your own agenda. Things have to be done, but we're all too busy avoiding them." Joey interjected.

Justin glanced at Joey and turned back towards the exit. "Is that how you're going to solve your problems everytime Justin? Walking out and running to Brian's forgiving arms?" Lynn asked in a strong voice. Justin flinched and then spun around. Tears were forming in his eyes. "Mom, can't you just..." Lynn interupted Justin. "No, I can't just anymore! What is with you?" Lynn asked bitterly. "Can't you see he's running away again." Chris pointed plainly for Lynn to see. "No, I'm not." Justin sobbed. "I'm not sure anymore." Justin said as he looked at the floor. "Well I suggest that you get sure and soon Justin! You can't just run away everytime Nick messes something up for you. These guys are tired of seeing you give up something for no reason." Lynn's heart was racing as she yelled at Justin. "Just stop it, please! I don't know what I'm supposed to do! I can't take it." Justin yelled. Justin turned towards the exit once again. "Don't you dare leave this room mister! We are going to talk about this." Lynn screeched. Justin refussed to turn around. "You know what, I have had it Justin." Lynn said coldly as she stood. Kevin watched in awe, as did the others. "Not now mom. Don't do this to me now." Justin whimpered. "Yes, let's do this now Justin. I don't care about your friends and what they think of me or you right now. It's time me and you had a little talk." Lynn stood in front of her chair.

"It's time you stop running away from what you need to face." Lynn had sparks in her eyes. "You wouldn't understand what I've been through mom." Justin commented. "Do you know what I've gone through with you? First you drop the bomb on me that you're in love with Brian and then you go and get engadged like you know what you're doing. But in the end, you're acting like a little child." Lynn barked. "No! You told me that you'd be happy for me. And you said you'd understand what I felt for Brian!" Justin argued back. "I was confussed Justin. I wanted you to be happy, but at what costs? You just expected me to get what you were dealing with and I didn't know the half of it. You gave me something that I couldn't handle and guess what Justin? I lost it. Do you understand?" Lynn asked. "You have no right to punish me by just leaving the house and excepted the first proposal given to you." Lynn said with a tear in her eye. "You think I'm punishing you? I didn't do any of this to punish anybody!" Justin shouted. "But you did. You don't know what you've put your mom through." Joey interupted them. "Oh great, anybody else want to try and get a shot at Justin?" Justin said sarcastically. "I'm not going to deal with this." Justin cried. "Yes you are. You need to listen to her. Do you realize how much pain you've put all of us through?" Nick said boldly. He stood in front of Justin, preventing him from getting out.

"Oh please Nick. Like you know? I screwed up a few times, but not as many as you. And you have no idea what I've been dealing with and what has happened to me since I got with Brian!" Justin yelled. "Did you try and tell us?" A.J. asked. "For what? There was nothing any of you could do." Justin cried. "But like I could go to you Nick? You've made your feeling perfectly clear to all of us about what you feel about Brian and me." Justin hissed. "Justin, you need to realize what has happened to all of us since you started dating Brian." A.J. said. Justin looked at A.J. with solid tears in his eyes. "Hey A.J., wait up. Why don't you put yourself in Justin's shoes for just a minute. He has had to fight for what he loves. He's been denied more then Nick has and yet all of you keep smiling in his face and end up stabbing him in the back." Amanda defended Justin. "And how does Justin deal with it Amanda? He and Brian keep saying to themselves they're happy." Lynn said. Justin felt as if everyone was turning on him at one time. "You can't live a lie." Lynn said sadly. "And you tell me what Nick's been living?" Kevin argued. "I can't defend nor judge Nick. His actions have been bad and his intentions are even more corrupted, but he does it because he think's it's right." Lynn said directly to Kevin. "And when it nearly costs somebody their lives, when do you intervine Lynn? When it's Justin who's laying in the hospital?" Kevin hit her with his best argument. "Justin, it's just something that's been bothering all of us." J.C. pleaded. "No, no J.C. I can't take this from you too." Justin pleaded back. "Stop! It's time that you listen to him. He deserves that much for sticking up for you all those times." Nick interjected. "Yes, let J.C. talk to you Justin." Lance begged. "Geez Lance, can you stick to bitching at me on your own behalf? Can't Nick ever talk for himself? Or are you always the interpetor?" Justin barked.

"No, I can very well talk for myself. Let's talk about you though. I know you don't want to hear this, but your actions lately have been stupid and very rash." Nick hissed. "Rash? You want to talk about rash actions Nick? Huh, Mr. 'I do it because I love Brian' Nick Carter?" Justin yelled. "Well look where your love got him this time Nick." Justin retorted. Nick balled his fingers and felt his rage growing stronger. "Now I have to intervine before you to try and kill each other again." Chris said as he hopped up. He quickly ran between Nick and Justin. "No let them Chris. If they can't talk about it, it's time we just fight it out." J.C. snarled. "J.C., what the fuck is your problem?" A.J. asked. "My problem? You're all up here blaming Brian and Justin and making Nick look like God's little angel." J.C. said. "We're not trying to make him look innocent of all charges J.C." Joey said lowly. "Well then don't defend him at all." J.C. said. Lance's mouth was beginning to form a sentence. "And please save your commentary Lance. I did my best to show you that Nick wasn't right for you. It seems that the swan losses out to the frog." J.C. huffed. Lance was shocked by J.C.'s tone. "And which proves my point that we wouldn't be here arguing had Justin and Brian just been friends." Howie sighed. "Get over it Howie. I thought that you were on my side." Justin whimpered. "On your side? I'm not on anyone's side Justin. I'm just letting you know that I wouldn't be in this wheelchair had you just let Nick get what he wanted." Howie said boldly.

"No, you'd be on tour trying to live your life as you want it to be." Justin whispered. Kevin looked at Justin and felt his pain. "Yes, had you let me be with Brian." Nick said with a big smile. Lance frowned and gazed at the floor. "What's wrong Lance? Cat got your tongue now?" J.C. said vicisously. "Shut the fuck up J.C.!" Lance yelled. Everyone looked at Lance. "The truth hurts doesn't it Lance?" Justin asked. Lance was finally beginning to see Justin's side of things. "That's right Lance. While you're up here defending Nick, did you think about where you'd be if Nick got his way?" Kevin asked. Lance refussed to respond. "The point of the matter is, that all these problems seem to find there way to Justin and Brian. Why is that?" Lynn asked. She hated to see Justin cry, but she knew more pain was coming. "Because no one ever expresses how they really feel." Joey said sadly. "I can admit at first I didn't like Justin and Brian together. But I got over it, just as Nick will have to. I don't think any of us should be the break up of Brian and Justin." Joey said, his eyes almost ready to cry. "And there's things that have to be said now if we're all going to go on. Even if Justin doesn't like it." J.C. roared. "J.C., man I thought that you'd be the last one to turn on me." Justin trembled. "Really? I thought the same thing about you. But yet you turned on me. You devoted your every minute to Brian and forgot all about me. You forgot that I was your friend. I had problems too Justin. I still do. And I wanted you to be there to help me with them. But you weren't." J.C. said sadly.

Justin was thrown by J.C.'s comments. "And now you see, that things can't be the way you want." Lance added on. "Exactly Lance. So now we can all see that you'll never get Nick. No matter how hard you fight." Chris argued. Lance felt hurt by Chris's words. "So what's your point?" Nick asked. "His point is that we can't all have what we want Nick. Which means that you can't have Brian." Justin said. "Oh, I'll get him if I want Justin." Nick boasted. Lynn gazed at Justin. "Do you see A.J.? His actions and thoughts are running the same boat." Lynn pointed out to him. "Is this all really worth it Justin? Is it worth breaking up 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys for your childish love?" Howie asked rhetorically. Justin thought for a minute. "You know what Howie? To me, it's all worth it." Justin said with a smile. "Then don't let any of us get in your way." Kevin smiled at Justin. "Oh so we just let Justin get what he wants in the end?" Nick shouted. "Yes Nick we do. And you know why?" Joey asked Nick. "No, why?" Nick asked sarcastically. "Because Justin faught for what he wanted and he never let go of Brian's hand. Even if they weren't together, Justin would always be a good friend to Brian. Unlike you, who has done nothing but hurt Brian." Joey said. "You know what? I'm starting to think that this is turning into a trial for Nick Carter. Guess what? The guilty is not going to stick around." Nick said in anger. He walked out of the lounge in anger.

Brian & Justin (Part 29) by JM

"We never wanted to make you feel like we weren't behind you Justin. Things just have to come out now." Chris said as he placed his hand on Justin's shoulder. "I feel like there has to be something I can still do for Nick." Justin said sadly. "Talk to him Justin." Lance pleaded. "Haven't you seen him try?" Joey asked. "No, I've seen them yell at each other. I haven't seen them just talk about things." Lance said lowly. A.J. looked at everyone and then stood. He walked out of the room, not even telling any one where he was going. Amanda watched him and said nothing. "I think I've ruined things for alot of people now." Justin sobbed. "Oh, don't worry about me and A.J., Justin. He'll get over it." Amanda said with a laugh. "Do you want me to talk to him?" Joey asked sincerly. Amanda smiled at him and shook her head 'no'. "It's been a long night for all of us. I think we should go home and get some rest." Lynn said. She began her walk out of the room. "Come on Justin." Lynn said softly. "Go on mom. You know I'm not leaving." Justin responded. Lynn frowned and left. "I'm going to check on Brian and then see if they can get us somewhere to sleep, 'k Justin?" Kevin asked. "Sure, go 'head Kevin." Justin consented. "I'll just go find Nick." Justin said. Lance smiled at him and Justin smiled back. Justin left the room quietly. "Well I'm out of here for tonight. You guys gonna be aight?" Joey asked. The guys said yes in unison and Joey left. "Well I should be going back to my room now." Howie said. "Need help?" Lance asked. "No, I'll be fine." Howie said as he began to wheel out of the lounge.

J.C. and Lance sat in silence. "Did you really mean what you said about trying to help me?" Lance broke the silence. "Yes, I did." J.C. said quietly. "Why?" Lance asked. "Because..." J.C. thought for a moment. "Because you're my friend. I don't like to see my friends get hurt." J.C. replied. "Oh. A friend?" Lance asked. J.C. smiled and shook his head. "Is that what Nick is to you?" J.C. asked boldly. "I'm not really sure J.C." Lance said honestly. "Okay." J.C. shrugged. Lance laughed at J.C. "What? What did I do?" J.C. asked with a laugh. "I can always tell when you're jealous of somebody." Lance said with a loud laugh. J.C. looked at him with confussion. "Jealous? Moi?" J.C. asked. "Yeah, you. You don't like Nick and you know it." Lance giggled. "So, I'm jealous because I don't show favortism towards somebody?" J.C. asked sarcastically. "No, because Nick likes me." Lance eyed J.C. "Yeah right! And I want you?" J.C. said with a laugh. Lance didn't laugh this time. Instead he leaned forward and kissed J.C. on the lips. J.C.'s eyes flew open. Lance backed off of J.C. and quickly stood. He ran out of the room. J.C. felt like an ass for not saying anything to Lance.

Justin found Nick sitting outside of the hospital. Justin was unsure of what to say or what to do to understand Nick. He knew he had to try. "Nick?" Justin said as he approached him. Nick didn't answer him. "Nick, don't ignore me." Justin persisted. Nick still would not respond. "If you want me to leave, say so." Justin stopped his walk. "Leave." Nick whispered. Justin frowned. He quietly walked up next to Nick and stood there. Nick glinced at him and then rolled his eyes. "Look Nick, you may not like me but that's beside the point now." Justin said as he turned towards Nick. Nick gave no response. "And you don't have to say a thing to me, but there's some things I have to say to you." Justin made no attempt to get eye contact with Nick. "I don't know what I may have done to cause you to ever hate me, but I know it's time that we end this. We can't keep this stupid battle on anymore." Justin pleaded. "Justin, you may think it's stupid, but I'm fighting for a reason." Nick said sarcastically. Justin nodded, giving Nick his full attention. "And that reason is Brian." Nick said, now taking his eyes off of Justin. Justin sighed and looked towards the sky. "What if you never get what you want?" Justin asked sincerly. "Then I'll know at least I faught for it and lost." Nick sighed. Justin smiled. "Well Nick, then me and you aren't much different." Justin cheered. Nick looked at him with confussion. "It would seem that with you constantly trying to ruin me and Brian, i've been fighting for the one thing I loved. And I haven't lost yet." Justin said with a big grin. Nick looked at him in disgust. "Well I'm glad we could have this conversation Justin, but I'm tired of talking with you." Nick said. Nick began to walk away.

Justin grunted and grabbed Nick by the arm. "Nick, wait. I'm sorry if I offended you. I know Brian's been you're friend for a long time. In fact, longer then I've known him. But you should try to destroy what he loves." Justin pleaded with Nick once again. Nick didn't move. "I knwo you care for him Nick." Justin said softly. "And you know that I want him to care for me the same way he does for you." Nick cried. Justin's mouth fell open. Nick quickly snatched away from Justin. Justin thought for a moment, trying to come up with the words to comfort Nick. "Uhm, Nick, I know you feel a bit out of place with Brian right now." Justin did his best to comfort Nick. "I don't feel a bit out of place, I feel alot out of place with Brian right now." Nick barked. "Justin you have his mind and his heart right now. I'm lucky if I get a word from him." Nick complained. Nick sat down on the steps and overlooked the grounds of the hospital. Justin sighed and sat next to him. He reluctantly placed his arm around Nick's shoulder. "I can't say I know how you feel, but I can say that Brian still has a peice of his heart reserved for you. He's the one who told me to talk to you. I know he'd want you to tell him how you felt so that he could change things." Justin whispered to Nick. "Justin, I don't know if he still feels that way after this. I really fucked up this time and I know it." Nick whimpered. "So don't tell me, tell him. Tell J.C. and tell Howie. They need to know that you feel bad. They need to know that you understand what you've done." Justin said. Nick wiped his tears away and laughed.

"If there's one thing I know, it's that Brian sure does love you." Nick smiled. Justin laughed at his remark. "So, what do I do about Lance now?" Nick asked. Justin's smiled quickly faded. He ran his hand through his curly locks and then thought. "Apologize. That may be all you need to do with Lance." Justin said. Nick nodded. "But don't go fucking things up with him again." Justin laughed. "Well I don't think I should fuck for awhile." Nick laughed back. They both giggled for awhile. "So, I guess my fun with you and Brian is over for awhile." Nick smiled deviously. "And mine's just beginning" a voice came from behind both the boys. Before they could turn around, they both felt hands grab their faces and place cloths over their mouths. Within minutes, Nick and Justin were out cold on the steps.

Kevin sat quietly in Brian's room. He watched his cousin's every breath as he slept. A small knock came to the door and then it opened. Lance walked in shyly. Kevin looked up and smiled. "Is he awake?" Lance asked Kevin. "No. He's been out since I got here." Kevin whispered. Lance sighed and stood next to Kevin. "When do you think he'll be awake?" Lance asked softly. Kevin shrugged his shoulders and kept his eyes on Brian. "I'll be awak as soon as you two stop whispering." Brian said softly. Kevin laughed and Lance smiled. "Do you always just sit there while others are in the room?" Kevin asked with a snicker. "No Kevin, just when you're here." Brian said with a small laugh. Lance looked at Kevin and raised his brow. Kevin got Lance's signal. "Well I guess I'll just leave you two alone." Kevin smiled. He quietly crept out of the room. "So what's up Lance?" Brian said with his trademark smile. "Well, I uhm, I just came here to apologize to you." Lance said shyly. "For what?" Brian asked. "For being the biggest asshole on this planet." Lance mummered. Brian was confussed and raised his brow towards Lance. "I know I've been sticking up for Nick and causing you and Justin a whole bunch of hell. I'm sorry for that. I never meant to cause you and Justin any type of harm." Lance apologized. "Lance, there is no need for you to say anything. We all do things that are crazy, but we do it out of love. That's why I understand Nick so much. But I'm just sorry that you've been caught in the crossfire." Brian said. He coughed and rubbed his eyes. "You must still be sleepy." Lance said timidly. "Yeah, I guess I am. Do me a favor and go find Justin. I need to talk to him." Brian asked, his eyes barely open. "Sure." Lance said with a smile. He left Brian's room quietly.

Lance walked down the hall and ran into Kevin and Howie. "Hey Lance, where you headed?" Kevin asked. "To find Justin. Brian wants to see him." Lance said lowly. "Well then come with us. I think he's in the room the doctors set up for us. Howie needs to see him too." Kevin said with a smile. Lance smiled back and followed them. As they approached the room, Lance felt a turn in his gut. He felt as if Brian knew how he felt, but Lance couldn't express his gratitude to Brian for being a good friend to Nick. Kevin reached the room and slowly turned the knob to the door. As he opened it, he took his time. He pushed the door open fully and flicked the light switch. Lance's eyes grew large and Howie's mouth dropped as they looked in. Kevin looked at them in confussion and then looked inside himself. On the bed was Nick and Justin, sprawled in each other's arms. Lance's eyes weld up in tears as he saw Nick's lips firmly pressed on Justin's neck as they both laid naked in the bed. Howie couldn't believe his eyes. "What the fuck is going on!" Kevin hollored as he looked at them. Justin felt dizzy as he lifted his head. He didn't realize where he was at first. He then ran his hands across the bed and found Nick's thigh across his stomach. Justin's eyes jottled open and he looked down to see Nick cuddling up next to him. He looked around and saw Kevin, Howie and Lance staring at him. He quickly jumped up and pushed Nick off of him. Nick rolled to the side with a moan. Justin felt around and noticed he was nude in the bed. "Oh my Lord!" Justin screamed as he grabbed the sheets. "Justin, what the fuck are you doing?" Kevin yelled at him. "I, I don't know what's... what's going on." Justin stuttered.

"You ahd better explain yourself quickly." Kevin said in rage. "Kevin, I don't fucking know what's going on!" Justin sceramed as he got out of the bed. "Why the hell are you in bed with Nick?" Kevin asked, his patience running low. "I don't know, I don't remember." Justin cried. Nick's eyes opened and he tried to adjust to the light. "Shit, I feel like throwing up." Nick groaned as he rolled out of the bed. He lifted his head in confussion. He looked around and saw everyone looking at him. "What's going on?" Nick asked dizzily. "Did you two sleep together?" Howie asked in shock. "Who two?" Nick asked, his face twisted in shock. He looked around and noticed that both he and Justin were naked. "Oh shit no!" Nick said as he sprung out of the bed. "Both of you had betetr do alot of talking and fast." Kevin hissed. "Damn Justin, I just asked you to talk to him. Not fuck him!" Lance yelled. He quickly ran from the room. "Oh shit." Nick whispered. "I didn't sleep with Nick!" Justin cried again. "I'd never sleep with Justin." Nick pleaded. "Then why the hell were you two in bed together?" Kevin asked. "Somebody had better tell Brian." Howie mumbled. "NO! You can't say a word to him." Justin pleaded to them. "You can't expect me to keep a secret like this from ym friend." Howie barked. Justin sobbed and sat on the bed. "I didn't sleep wit him." Justin whimpered. Howie wheeled out of the room and headed towards Brian's room. "Nick, was this another one of your sick jokes?" Kevin asked evily. "Hell no! I ahd nothing to do with this. I'd never try and sleep with Justin." Nick yelled. Kevin walked out of the room and headed towards Brian's room. Justin fell back on the bed cried.


(Many loves and wishes to T.J. and Randy)

Next: Chapter 14: Brian and Justin 30 31

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