Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Apr 19, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 65) By JM

----- Voted by readers - STORY OF THE YEAR -----

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories pretty much follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Nite'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I'll try and fore-warn you when I plan to stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 65th STORY!!! It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics; includes previous songs) and the 'Brian & Justin' soundtrack Part II. That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtrack features old and new songs from the B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They have a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! I never thought this series would get this far! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got alot talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best B.S.B. story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for great works, with his storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJ Vascardi's for being a good friends and great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. He helped me with some instalements of stories. So until the next time, please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Justin heard a loud banging at the door and his eyes fluttered open. He had forgotten that he and Brian had fallen alseep after their love making. "JUSTIN!!! BRIAN!!! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!!" Justin could hear from outside the door. Justin stirred and tried to wake Brian. Brian wouldn't stir. "OPEN UP!!!" the pounding continued. "Hold on!!!" Justin yelled back. The sound of Justin's scream woke Brian instantly. "What's wrong?" Brian asked, lifting his head. Justin loooked at the clock and could see that it was 12:10 AM. "Oh no, we've got to get up and get going." Justin realized, pushing Brian over. Brian rolled to his side and tried to get up. "Don't make me call the cops!" Justin could hear from the outside of the door as he ripped the sheets off of their bodies. "It's a good thing I didn't un-pack too much." Brian said as he leaped out of the bed. Justin snatched a rob from the small couch and wrapped it around his body. He stumbled towards the door as Brian ran into the bathroom to finish packing.

Justin pulled the door open slightly, just enough for his head to stick out, and stared at Nick, J.C. and Howie. "Could you take any longer?!?" J.C. questioned. "Sorry." Justin responded, scratching his curly head. "What have ya'll be doing?" Howie asked, trying to peer in the room. Nick nudged Howie and gave a small laugh. "You guys better hurry up. Kevin said whoever's not downstairs by the time he's ready to leave, isn't going." J.C. said. Justi tried to shake off his exhaustion while listening to J.C. "We'll be there." Justin responded. "Okay, where's Brian?" Nick teased. "We'll be there." Justin said again and closed the door. "Huh, for somebody who got some, he sure is grumpy." Howie laughed. "Speaking of getting some, where's Lance?" Nick questioned. J.C. glanced at his room and then quickly looked back. He knew Lance was still recovering from their own sex session.

It took Brian and Justin a total of 15 minutes to throw all of their things into their bags and get fully dressed. Justin threw his bag over his shoulder while his backpack was in hand. Brian grabbed his two bags and placed them on each shoulder. Brian took one final look at their hotel room and felt a peice of him still laying on the bed. Brian flicked the lightswitch and closed the door behind him. He looked up at Justin who had the same expression as he did. "There will be other rooms." Brian smiled, trying to change the mood. Justin giggled and walked with him to the elevators.

When they got downstairs, they could see everyone already making their way to a bus that was going to take them to the airport. Brian and Justin quickened their pace and got to the bus. They handed the driver their bags and leaped inside of the bus. "We thought ya'll wouldn't make it." Chris smiled. "We almost didn't make it." Justin responded. Brian buckled his safety belt and relaxed in his seat. Justin laid his head in brian's lap and began to fall asleep. Brian ran his hands through Justin's hair and looked down at him. "Well, Justin, management called." Joey gave Justin a shakey look. Justin sighed and kept his head in Brian's lap. "They said you can be out of here Saturday morning. We're doing a taping of the Rosie O'Donell show on Friday in New York and then on Saturday our show was pulled. So, you can leave that morning." Joey informed Justin. "That goes for you too, Brian." Joey added. Brian looked over his shoulder towards Joey and mouthed the words 'Thank you.' "Saturday? Where are you going?" Nick asked. "We're going to a wedding in Tennesee. Justin's cousin is getting married." Brian whispered to him. Nick pouted and looked out the window. Justin rested peacefully on Brian's lap while Brian caressed his face and hair.

The plane lifted off and the boys were on their way to Houston, Texas. When they arrived, they were greeted by a mom of fans in the airport. "What the hell is this?" Nick asked as flashes sparkled before his eyes. "Sometimes I wish they never invented cameras." Britney complained while trying to fix her hair. Justin quickly lifted his head from Brian's shoulder and backed away from Brian. Kevin waved to the fans as security tried to usher them along. J.C. and Chris stopped to give the fans some quick poses before running to join the others. They all made their way down to baggage claim and snatched up their things.

"When we get to the hotel, we've got new sleeping arrangements folks." Kevin announced while walking towards their limos. "What?!?" he heard an echo from everyone. "That's right folks. For one, Innosense has joined up on the tour now, so they'll be staying with us at hotels. And two, we've been having schedule conflicts and other problems because of the people who share rooms." Kevin retorted. Soon, Brian and Justin could feel several pairs of eyes on them. "No, it's not just Brian and Justin that are late. Lance has been late, Nick has been late, A.J.'s been late and even Britney and Joey are slacking. So, I'm changing everything around." Kevin spared Brian and Justin the wrath of the others. "So, what's the deal and who's staying with who?" Nick asked. "Well, Amanda and Nikki will stick together. Mandy and Britney will share a room. Veronica and Cindy are going to stay together. I'm going to share a room with Joey. Justin and A.J. are bunking. Brian will be with Nick, Lance with Howie and J.C. with Chris." Kevin laid out the plan. "Fine with me." J.C. responded, hugging onto Chris. "Lord not him!" Chris groaned. "He's in bed by like eight and he never goes to clubs." Chris teased. "I have a complaint." Justin spoke up. "It's okay, Justin." Brian stopped him. "Yeah, it's okay Justin. I'll keep Brian warm for you." Nick smiled. "Oh, you will?" Lance gave Nick an angered expression. J.C. shot a look of anger at Lance. "I don't want to hear anyone complaining about Brian and Nick sharing a room together. They shared rooms together when the Backstreet Boys were on tour before and nothing went wrong." Kevin barked at everyone.

"Fuck it, I don't care." Justin mumbled and headed for the tour bus. "Justin, hold up." A.J. said as he ran after him. "You okay man?" A.J. asked. "I'll be fine. If Kevin thinks Nick and Brian can share a room together, then who the hell am I to complain?!?" Justin hissed. "You're his fiance` and have every right to complain. But it's not going to change things." A.J. responded. "Then let's just go." Justin insisted. Justin boarded the bus with A.J. following.

Justin threw his bags in his bunk and headed to the back lounge. He plopped down on the couch and began to flip through the channels on the TV. He could hear the ruckus of the others getting on the bus, but he tried to ignore it. He felt Brian's hands rubbing his face, but he slid away. Brian sat on the edge of the couch and grabbed Justin's legs. He lifted Justin's legs, slid back on the couch and then rested Justin's legs on his thighs. Justin gave Brian a look of disappointment, but Brian just gave Justin a smile. "Ooh, can't you just let me be mad peacefully." Justin complained. "Why are you mad?" Brian questioned. He rubbed Justin's thighs and looked at him. "Because you and Nick are sharing a room together. He's going to use that against me every second." Justin responded, his own eyes looking at the TV. Brian shot Justin a smirk and then sighed. "Let's ask one question, is Nick the one I'm engadge to... having sex with... or even in love with?" Brian retorted. Justin refussed to answer. "You're so stubborn." Brian laughed. "Guess that's why I love you." Brian added softly. Brian laid his head back on the couch and Justin snuggled onto his end of the couch. They saw Kevin flick the switch and they both tried to sleep on the couch.

The next afternoon, Justin found himself holding hands with Brian at the doctor's office. They were fortunate enough to get a special appointment with the doctor, avoiding any press or other people. Brian held Justin's hand tightly as they awaited for the doctor to return with Brian's results. "Do you think I'm okay?" Brian asked. Justin knew in his heart that Brian was okay and gave Brian a small nod. The atmosphere of the small doctor's office was not appealing to Justin, but he felt comfortable with Brian there. Brian's hand shook slightly. Justin could tell Brian was nervous. The doctor returned to the office and looked at the two lovers. "Well Mr. Littrell, from the results of our tests, you're in good health. We still have some concerns with your head injuries and we'd prefer that you didn't work yourself up too much for a week. Also, get as much sleep as possible. It'll help to rest your head and give it a chance to recover fully." the doctor explained, staring down at Brian's chart. "Otherwise, I can go back to my regular activites?" Brian asked. "Yes, you can. Just keep it light and well... not too much sexual activity either. A build up of stress and sex or other things can lead to serious complications. If that happens, then we will have to operate and that's not what we want to do." the doctor said. Justin's eyes shot open as he heard that. "We need you to just take it easy for awhile," the doctor said. "Okay, I understand. Thank you doctor." Brian replied. "All right, you two take it easy and Brian, follow my instructions so they don't see you in another hospital." the doctor said as he left the room.

Brian shrugged and stood. Justin was still a little shaken. "Justin? Justin, come on." Brian shook Justin's hand. Justin slipped back into reality and looked up at Brian. "Come on, we've gotta go." Brian said. Justin nodded and stood. "It's okay babe. As long as I'm okay, then it's okay." Brian knew what jsutin was thinking and tried to assure him. "But Brian..." Brian quickly hushed Justin. "Let's go." Brian said, avoiding the conversation. Justin's stomach began to twist with pains as he thought about Brian.

The days and nights flew by for Brian and Justin without any love making or cuddling. Justin woke up in his own bed on Friday morning. His head was spinning and his thigh was throbbing. His workout on stage was unbareable sometimes, but he knew it was fun. Of course the fact that Justin had the flu didn't help either. The feeling of no one to comfort him made Justin feel worse. "Justin? Are you going with us?" A.J. asked, looking down at his friend. "Yeah..." Justin groaned. "Are you sure? You don't look too well." A.J. said. "No, I'm going to go. I'll be fine in just a minute." Justin said, rolling out of the bed.

Before Justin could stretch he felt his stomach do another flip. Justin ran towards the bathroom and burried his head in the toliet as he vomitted. A.J. ran in after Justin and rubbed his back. "It's okay, J." A.J. said as he heard Justin sobbing. Justin lifted his head and leaned back against the bathtub. A.J. stood and grabbed a small rag from the sink. He turned on the sink and began to wet the cloth. Justin burried his face in his hands and tried to shake his sick feeling. A.J. knelt in front of Justin and handed him the cloth. Justin took the cloth and wiped his face and mouth. "You should stay here." A.J. advised. "No, I'll be okay. I've been worse." Justin responded softly. "Justin, you can't go on Rosie O'Donnell and then go throw up between commercials." A.J. teased. "A.J., trust me, I'll make it." Justin said woozily. "You stay here. I'll go make a few phone calls and see what I can do. I don't think Kevin will let you go. Even though he's still got a cold and Joey's got a cold too, you've got the flu. There is no doubt about that." A.J. said. He stood and walked out of the bathroom. Justin sobbed for a few more minutes before trying to stand. He felt himself get light-headed and then he sat back down and vomitted in the toliet again. "God, why..." Justin whispered as he lifted his head.

A.J. was talking on the phone with Kevin when he heard two knocks at the door. "Hold on Kev'." A.J. said as he placed the phone on the bed. "Who is it?" A.J. as he approahced the door. "Brian and Britney," A.J. heard Brian say. A.J. yanked the door open and looked at Brian and Britney waiting outside. "Thank God you're here Brian." A.J. exclaimed. "Thanks for making me feel welcome." Britney said sarcastically. "What's wrong A.J.?" Brian asked with concern. "Just come in here." A.J. said, pulling the door all the way open. Brian walked in quickly while Britney just strolled in. "Justin's in the bathroom." A.J. pointed in the direction Justin laid.

Brian sped into the bathroom while Britney lounged on the couch. A.J. went back to the phone and said goodbye to Kevin. "Sorry Britney. What's up?" A.J. asked. Britney stared towards the bathroom and forgot all about A.J. "Yoo hoo, Britney?!?" A.J. tried to snag her attention. Britney glanced over at A.J. and smiled. "Right. Well I was just checking your plans for after the show. Since I heard Lance is leaving to go home for the weekend and Howie's going to visit Pollyana. Plus Brian and Justin are leaving too. So what are you doing?" Britney asked. "Me? I don't know, sit around here with Amanda I guess. We'll probably take in the sites of New York again before heading to our next stop." A.J. responded. "Well you'll have to save site seeing for tomorrow. Amanda and the girls have to go to the studio, as do I." Britney said. "Oh, well, then maybe I'll catch a flick or something?" A.J. shrugged. Britney's attention was once again stollen as she worried about her sick friend.

Brian held Justin's head in his lap, petting his hands through Justin's hair. Justin sobbed as Brian comforted him. "It's okay babe. It's all right." Brian whispered. "Come on, let's get you to bed." Brian suggested. Justin lifted his head. "No, I'm going with you guys." Justin responded lowly. "Huh?! You can't go in this condition," Brian replied with a confused face. "That's what I was trying to tell him." A.J. interupted them. "I don't care what you guys think. I'll be fine. I just need a quick shower and a little rest." Justin argued. "Justin, you have a slight fever and you look awful." Brian said. "Thanks for making me feel better." Justin responded sarcastically. "Well at least he hasn't lost his sense of humor." A.J. laughed. "I can make it Brian. Trust me." Justin pleaded with Brian. Brian gave A.J. a quick glare and then looked back at Justin. "Okay, come on. Let's get up and you can get a shower." Brian caved in. "Are you nuts!?! How is he going to perform like this?" A.J. argued with Brian's decison. "That's not up to us. Justin is eighteen now and capable of making his own descisons." Brian responded. "And your his freakin' fiance`. Don't you have any say?" A.J. questioned. He crossed his arms and awaited a response. "My say is if Justin wants to be at the Rosie O'Donnell show with me, then he's going." Brian lashed out. "You both must be on fucking Dimetap or something." A.J. hollored and stomped out of the bathroom.

Britney stared in the bathroom, leaning in the doorway. "Britney, how much time before we have to be downstairs?" Brian asked. "Well the show starts at ten and we can't be there any later then 9:30." Britney answered. Brian gazed down at her watch and responded, "About an hour." Britney responded. Brian nodded and said, "Then I'm going to have to work miracles." Brian helped Justin to his feet and they both walked to the sink. Brian sat Justin on the counter and looked at Britney. "Britney, could you excuse us. I've got to get Justin a bath and then get him dressed." Brian said softly. Britney jumped up in shock and nodded. "Is there anything you need?" Britney saked. "Yeah, could you go through Justin's stuff and find him something to wear?" Brian asked of her. "Sure." Britney gladly responded. Britney left the bathroom, giving Brian the time he needed.

Brian looked at Justin and Justin sighed. Brian grabbed hold of Justin's shirt and began to lift it. Justin raised his arms to make it easier for Brian. Brian then grabbed Justin's boxers and began to slid them off. Justin felt the cool counter brase his skin. Brian stared at Justin with pure sincerity. Brian backed away from Justin and moved to the bathtub. He switched the water on and began to let the tub fill. Justin stared at Brian with wonder. Brian began to remove his clothes and Justin stared at him. "What are you doing?" Justin asked. Brian walked back to Justin and lifted him from thre counter. He grabbed Justin's hand and walked him over to the bathtub.

Brian stepped into the tub and sat down. He waved for Justin to join him. Justin looked at Brian with worry. "Look, by the time you get in here, Rosie will be done with her monologue." Brian joked. Justin stepped into the bathub and sat between Brian's legs. He laid his back against Brian's chest and relaxed. Brian rubbed his hands across Justin's stomach, dripping specks of water on his body. Justin laid his head against Brian's right shoulder as Brian adjusted his position. Brian ran his wet fingers across Justin's chest and rubbed Justin's erect nipples. "Brian... we're not supposed... to be doing this..." Justin whispered. Brian nodded and grabbed a small cloth from the side of the tub. He dipped the cloth in th water and began to wash Justin's body down. He ran the cloth from Justin's crotch to his upper chest. Justin relaxed in the water and rubbed his back next to Brian's. Brian leaned down and began to place small kisses on Justin's neck as he washed him. "You're really trying to get me hard, aren't you?" Justin joked softly. "No, but if you did get hard... I'm sure we could take care of it." Brian laughed.

Justin sat up and manuvered his body so he facing Brian. He ran his hand across Brian's smooth face and looked into his eyes. Brian knew that expression on Justin's face. He leaned forward and kissed Justin on lips. Justin returned the kiss, locking lips with Brian. Brian raised his hands and ran them through Justin's hair. Justin closed his eyes and began to move his lips with Brian's. Brian laid his head nack against the edge of bathtub. He laid his body back in the water, allowing Justin crawl ontop of him. Justin knelt his knees between Brian's spread legs and kissed his lips with pure passion. He ran his wet hands through Brian's hair. Brian pushed Justin up and looked up at him. "Uh, I think it's time we get out." Brian suggested. Justin panted and gave Brian a small nod. Justin coughed sorely, grasping his chest. Brian sat up and grasped Justin in his arms. "Are you okay?" Brian asked softly. Justin backed off of Brian and nodded. "Come on, let's get out." Brian said.

Brian stood from the water, the small beads of water falling from his body. Brian reached over to the rack and pulled off a towel. Justin stood from the water and Brian wrapped the towel around him. He rubbed Justin's shoulders as Justin grasped the towel. Brian reached back to the rack and pulled out a towel for himself. Brian stepped out of the tub and wrapped the towel around his waist. "I'll be right back." Brian said to Justin. Brian opened the door and peered into the room. He noticed that Britney and A.J. were no longer in there. Brian crept out of the bathroom and looked around for Justin's clothes. He grabbed them and walked back into the bathroom.

Brian walked back into the bathroom and saw Justin sitting on the edge of the bathtub, his head in his hands again. "What's wrong?" Brian asked in fear. Justin lifted his head and looked at Brian with confusion. "Nothing. I just have a headache." Justin responded. Brian sighed with relief and placed Justin's clothes on the counter. "Are you feeling better." Brian asked. "Yeah, just a little woozy. But I think I can make it now." Justin smiled. "Good. I've got to run down to my room and get some clothes to wear. Get dressed and meet me in the hall." Brian said. "You're going in a towel?" Justin questioned. "Hey, A.J.'s seen me nude before and so has Nick..." Brian stopped himself. Justin rolled his eyes and ignored Brian's last statement. "I'll just go get changed." Brian said, making a quick exit.

Justin grabbed the clothes that Britney had picked out for him and began to get dressed. His mind couldn't help but think about what Brian had said. 'A.J.'s seen me nude before and so has Nick...' repeated in Justin's head. 'And so has Nick...' Justin pondered as he walked out of the bathroom. He searched through his bag for his Kangol hat, still hearing the repeated sentence in his head. His tangle of emotion was further complicated when he thought of the dream he had months ago. Justin tried to shake the thought of Nick and Brian being married from his head.

He walked back into the bathroom and began to fix his blonde curls. His body was weak, yet Justin battled with his virus. 'I've got to get going...' Justin thought as he looked in the mirror. Justin felt his stomach lurch and he leaned on the sink. "Come on Justin," Justin tried to encourage himself. He held his head up and moved away from the sink. Justin made his way into the room and grabbed his backpack from the floor. "Okay, here we go." Justin sighed and made his way out of the room.

As he exited his room, he saw Britney and Lance making their way to the elevators. "Justin? You're coming?" Lance questioned, stopping his walk. Justin nodded. "Are you sure? You look rather ill." Lance responded. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just a little under the weather." Justin smiled. "From the way you were throwing up earlier, I'd said you were alot under the weather." Britney added. Justin waved them off and headed towards Brian and Nick's room. He was a few steps away when Brian emerged from his room. "Are you ready?" Brian asked as he locked the door. Justin grinned and nodded. "Good, let's go babe." Brian smiled and placed his arm on Justin's shoulder. They both strolled to the elevator and made their way downstairs.

Brian found himself comforting Justin once again as they exited the elevator. Justin's nerves were on edge as they approahced the limo. "It's okay J, you didn't throw up." Brian tried to ease Justin. Kevin gave Justin an odd look as Brian helped him to the limo. "What's wrong?" Kevin questioned. "Nothing. Everything's okay." Brian responded. He knew that if he told Kevin that Justin had the flu, there was no way Kevin would let him go. Brian eased Justin inside of the limo and followed him.

Justin laid across one of the seats while Brian sat on the edge of the seat. Kevin entered the limo and the limo pulled off. "So, we've changed the riding arrangements?" A.J. questioned Brian. "Nick's in 'N Sync's limo and Justin's in here. It's no biggie." Brian responded. "It is to me. I could have been riding with Amanda." A.J. retorted. He gave Brian a taunting stare and then glared out the window. Brian lifted Justin's head and placed it in his lap. "Something's wrong. I can tell." Kevin gave Brian a wondering stare. "There's nothing to worry about." Brian responded. "Nothing?!? Brian, will you just tell him." A.J. barked, giving Justin a bold stare. "Tell me? Tell me what?" Kevin's interest was flared again. Brian cursed under his breath and looked at A.J. "Justin's not feeling well. He... he has the flu, Kevin." Brian finally said. Kevin's eyes surged with anger as he looked at his younger cousin. "And so you thought you'd sneak him on the show as sick as he is?" Kevin barked. "I wasn't trying to sneak him anywhere, Kevin. Justin said he wanted to go and as a grown man, he should be able to make that choice." Brian argued. Justin's eyes opened as he heard the two arguing. "Brian, you can't just let Justin make that choice. He's sick and shouldn't be out in the streets of New York." Kevin responded. Justin lifted his head sadly and glared at Kevin. "I understand your fear Kevin, but I'm sure I'll be fine." Justin spoke softly. Kevin gave Justin a doubting look. "I don't want to have to call 911 because you've passed out on stage." Kevin said, trying not to smile. Justin rested his head back on Brian's lap until they got to the studios.

Brian & Justin (Part 66) By JM

The limo stopped outside the backlot to the studios. Fortunate for the guys, no one saw them pull in. Kevin was the first to exit the limo after the driver pulled the door open. Justin sat up from Brian's lap and tried to fix himself. "What are you doing?" Brian questioned as he watched Justin. "I probably look like shit, so I'm trying to look half-way decent for the fans." Justin responded. "Well, you always look good to me." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin gave him a cocky smile and fixed his collar. Brian patted Justin's thigh and then exited the limo. Justin watched as Howie exited and then Justin exited.

Brian looked around and saw the girls of Innosense exiting their limos. "Where's 'N Sync?" Brian questioned while the wind blew past his face. Justin took in a breath of the crisp New York air and answered. "Don't you mean Sync? You've got the 'N' right here." he laughed. "Very funny wise-guy. Where are the other four members?" Brian asked. "I don't know, but I hope they didn't get lost." Kevin responded. "They need to hurry up. I think I'm getting nauseous." Justin said softly. "What was that?" Kevin questioned, raising his brow in Justin's direction. "Uh... I said... here they are!" Justin covered for himself as the limo pulled into the backlot. Everyone's attention was now focused on the approaching limo.

Chris exited the limo with anguish. "You'd think that fans wouldn't find you in New York?" Chris hollered with anger. "Chris, they love you baby!" Justin laughed back. Chris laughed along with him. Lance and J.C. made their way out of the limo and then Nick, Britney and Joey followed. "I could've swore they were going to turn the limo over." Britney said. "Nah, we've had worse." Joey laughed. All five of them made their way to the others. "Shall we go in gents'?" a voice said from the door. All of their eyes focused on the person. "Hi, I'm Tom. I'm one of the show coorodinators." he smiled. "Oh!" an echo of voices said. "Let's get inside so I can get you guys to the green rooms." he waved. Nick shrugged and followed him, pursued by the others.

They soon found themselves in a tunnel of corridors and producers. "Make sure make-up is in there in five minutes!" a shout came from behind them. "Yes, check on that. Damnit, get them in their seats in the next ten minutes." another voice came from the side of them. "What do you mean Rosie doesn't like her outfit?!? How could she not like it!" a third voice said from in front of them. "Okay, this is the Backstreet Boys stop." the producer said. Everyone halted their movement. "'N Sync, you're just down the hall here while Britney isn't too far down either. Uhm, Innosense, I believe you're sitting in the audience." the producer explained. "So, 'N Sync and Britney follow me. Mary Ann here will show Innosense to their seats." Tom said. The girls of Innosense looked to their left and saw a smaller woman standing next to them. "This way ladies." she said and directed them to the main set.

Tom began his walk back down the hall, directing 'N Sync and Britney Spears. Justin looked at Brian and frowned. "I want to kiss you right now, but all of these people would see." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin nodded and grabbed Brian's hand. He held it for a moment and relished the feel of Brian's touch. "I'll see you soon." Brian said softly. Justin let Brian's soft hand go and looked down towards the guys. "Yeah, soon." Justin whispered and made his way down to 'N Sync's green room.

Justin stumbled into the green room and looked around. It was a simple room that included a T.V., a make-up table, two couches, a love seat and a small table with food on it. "This is great!" Chris said while grabbing a plate of food. "You guys will be on after the Backstreet Boys. As I understand, you guys will perform?" Tom questioned while going over his checklist. "As far as we know." Chris answered. "Okay, then you'll do an interview. The Backstreet Boys will perform again. Britney will come out, she'll perform. And the whole time you guys should be up there with Rosie," Tom explained. "Sounds cool." J.C. responded. "And, this is an hour devoted to our tour?" Joey asked while lounging on one of the couches. "Yes, it is. So you'll all be up there." Tom responded. "All right, then that's everything." Tom smiled and looked at them. "Any other questions?" he asked. The guys shook their heads and watched Tom leave. "Geez, that was boring." Chris yawned. His excitement cause him to jump from the couch to the loveseat. "I wish they would stop putting sugar in our dressing rooms. That way you'd stop hopping around everywhere." J.C. giggled. "Look, I'm the Easter bunny!" Chris laughed while hopping around the room.

Justin crashed on the loveseat and made himself comfortable. "Eh buddy, are you going to be able to perform today?" J.C. asked while kneeling next to Justin. Justin nodded sleepily. "What are we performing?" Justin mumbled out. "Geez, you should know what we're performing since you have to sing. We're singing one of the Diane Warren songs. You know, 'Other Side of The Door?" J.C. responded. Justin nodded again and pressed his head into the seat. "Get some sleep. I'll let you know when Brian goes on." J.C. suggested, standing up. Justin sighed and tried his best to sleep.

Brian sat on one of the couches in their green room and flipped through a magazine. "Brian, don't you think you should be warming your voice for the performance?" Nick questioned while taking a drink of his water. Brian shook his head and continued looking through the SuperTeen magazine. he stopped on a picture of Justin and admired his fiance. "Brian? Hello!" Nick tried to get Brian's attention. "What..." Brian responded, still gazing at the picture. "You need to warm-up." Nick repeated. Brian placed the magazine down and stared at Nick. "I'm not the one who's always fucks up his vocals during the performance Nick. Maybe you should be the one practicing harder." Brian responded bitterly. "What's wrong with you? God, you and Justin don't fuck for a week and you end up turning on me?" Nick joked. "That's not funny." Brian retorted. "It was to me." Nick laughed at his own joke. Brian rolled his eyes and grabbed a bottled water from the table.

Just as Brian twisted open his water, Rosie O'Donnell walked in. "Hi guys!" she said chipperly. Nick jumped with a surge as he saw her. "Hello Ms. O'Donnell." Kevin was the first to respond. "Oh please, you guys have been on here enough times to call me Rosie." Rosie smiled and shook Kevin's hand. "He's just polite like that." Howie laughed. Rosie shook Howie's hand and then looked at the others. "Well, don't evreyone jump up at once." Rosie laughed. A.J. gladly stood and ran over to her. He gave her a strong hug and smiled. "Feel better?" he laughed. "Much better." she laughed with him. "Hello Rosie." Nick smiled and waved. "Hi." Brian gave his usual smile and shook her hand. "Hey. Now, let me get this right. It's Kevin, Nick, A.J., Howie and... Brian?" Rosie asked, pointing to each of them. "You got it." A.J. giggled. "Good. It's hard to remember your names and the guys of 'N Sync too." she laughed.

"Have a seat, we don't want you to feel uncomfortable on your own set." Kevin offered. "Oh please! I feel uncomfortable everyday I come here. But don't tell Trish because she'll have a fit with me." Rosie responded, giving them a smile. "So, I'm glad you guys could make it. I know one of the guys of 'N Sync is sick, but he's still here." Rosie said, gazing around. "Yeah, Justin's a bit under the weather." Brian responded first, feeling awkward talking about it. "My producer told me. Now, you guys are performing twice. Is there anything I should mention about you guys besides your new album and video?" Rosie questioned. "That about covers it. Except, well of course, the tour." Nick answered. "Yeah, of course that. Is there anything you prefer we not talk about? I know some guests that come on the show, I mention something and they have a fit afterwards because I said something about it." Rosie laughed. "No, we have nothing to hide." A.J. responded. Brian shyly backed out of the conversation. "Well okay then. We have about fifteen minutes before we go on air. So I'm going to go chat with the guys of 'N Sync and then, we'll start." Rosie stated her actions. She began to exit the room and they all said goodbye to her.

Just as Rosie left, her hair and make-up personnel came in. Each guys took turns getting primped for the show. Brian sat on the couch thinking about Justin. He wanted to be in the green room with Justin, cuddling his head and taking care of him while he was ill. Brian huffed and waited his turn patiently.

The girls of Innosense stood in the front row, awaiting the show to start. A producer cued them and they all said in unison, "Hi I'm Amanda, I'm Danay, hey I'm Nikki, I'm Veronica and I am Mandy and we're Innosense. And this is the Rosie O'Donnell show. Today for the show, it's a special look at the 'N Sync and Backstreet Boys tour. With special guests, the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync and Britney Spears. Hit it John!" Just as the girls finished their intro, John McDee and the band began to play the theme music to the show. The introduction cartoon began and the audience cheered with glee. Everyone anticipated Rosie's entrance, the crowd filled with mainly teenaged girls.

Rosie did her best to burst through the multi-colored curtain and smiled. She waved to the crowd with charm and looked at the five girls of Innosense. She motioned for the crowd to take their seats, trying to calm them. "Hey girls." she finally said. "Hey Rosie!" the responded in unison. "How are ya?" Rosie asked in her deep, New York accent. "We're good." Amanda responded. "That's good. For those who don't know, Innosense is just one of the opening acts on the tour." Rosie announced. The crowd cheered. "How is the tour going for you gals?" Rosie questioned. "It's great. The guys are alot of fun." Nikki answered. "And, one of you, I'm not sure which one, is actually dating one of the Backstreet Boys?" Rosie looked at each of them with suspison. Each of the girls looked and pointed at Amanda. "Guilty as charged." Amanda laughed. "That's great. How did you get that gig?" Rosie laughed. "It took alot of auditions and many hours of practice." Amanda joked along. "Well that's nice to hear that it worked out. Because I don't think I could personally handle A.J. You know? But, more power to ya." Rosie laughed while speaking. "Well, that's nice. I am glad that you girls came here. Say hello to John McDee and the McDee-L-T's." Rosie cued them and the band strum up their melody again.

Rosie made her way over to her desk as the band finished. She took her seat and grabbed her cue cards from her desk. "Hey John. How are ya?" Rosie asked, looking at the brooding man behind the piano. "I'm good Roise. you?" John questioned, his daily routine. "I'm fine. Rather happy that you know, the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync are here." Rosie smiled, the crowd screaming as they heard the names. "And have you noitced, but the audience is filled with alot of younger kids today. I mean if you add up the total ages of the front row, you'd probably come out with a number less then Parker age!" Rosie joked. "Yeah, I did." John agreed. "So, John, what did you do last night?" Rosie asked in a mono tone. "Let's see... I went to see a show last night. And it was great! I took my kids to see it, it was a play with Linda Feilds, the theater girl in it. It was really great." Johh answered. "Really? Well I was at home with Parker and Chelsey and I as flipping through the channels. And I stopped on MTv and guess who was on there? The Backstreet Boys!" Rosie said with excitement. The crowd once again cheered with delight. "So, I was watching their video and don't you know, in the middle of the song, Parker began to sing it! I was like, 'Parker, how do you know this song?'. He said, 'Mommy, eberyone knows the Bath Street Boys!" Rosie laughed. Her eyes began to tear as she thought about her son's naiveness. "Bath Street Boys? Who are they?" John teased. "So, he was just singing to the song and I was dumbfounded. I didn't know he knew who they were. Of course, who doesn't know the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync?!?" Rosie hyped the crowd up again.

"Anyways, do you see my hair? I'm going through some changes today. Maybe Trish has the whole staff against me?" Rosie joked. "Maybe." John agreed. "Well, you know the Chub Club and me have to do that 5K walk in May. So, I said to the girls that we need to work out to some music. So we flipped on Lauryn Hill's CD and began to get down. So what I'm going to try to do, is get the boys of 'N Sync or Backstreet Boys to give us a CD. That way, we'll be able to jam while working out." Rosie informed the audience. "And thanks to Jive Records, the audience now has a copy of the newly released single, 'Just' from the Backstreet Boys." Rosie said while holding up the CD single. The crowd shook their CD's and screamed with cheer. "And of course, all proceeds go to charity. The guys were nice to do that." Rosie smiled. The room was silent. Rosie glared around and placed her finger on a button next to her desk. Soon, 'I Want You Back' came balring through the speakers. Rosie began to jam and lip-synch to the song as it played. She shut it off and the crowd came alive again. "So, the guys are going to perform. But I have some sad news. It turns out that Justin of 'N Sync is ill. He's still going to come out here and perform, but let's all show him a little love when he comes out." Rosie informed everyone. The crowd gave an echoing 'Ah'. "Time's up already?" Rosie questioned, looking at her producers. "Well, on today's show, 'N Sync and Britney Spears. And up next, the Backstreet Boys!" Rosie chimed in the camera. The show faded to commercial break.

Kevin grabbed his mic and tuned himself up for their performance. "Hey, you guys did learn the keys right?" Howie asked the band while grabbing his mic. "Yeah, we learned it wise guy. We haven't been on break that long." Tommy responded. Howie gave a small laughed and shook off his fears. Brian sat on one of the speakers, whispering a small prayer. He opened his eyes and looked to the closed curtain. "We're ready," Nick said, doing one last spin. "Okay, let's get our places." Kevin said. A.J. ran to the front and grab his mic. "Thirty seconds fellas." a cameraman said while focusing his lens. Brian stood and walked next to Nick. "Let's do this Rok." Nick whispered and positioned himself. "It's all on you, Frack." Brian responded even softer.

"Okay, starting us off with a performance, here is the Backstreet Boys performing from their new ablum Millennium! This is, 'I Want It That Way'!" Rosie cheered. As soon as rosie backed out of camera view, the curtains split to show a set with of walls, filled with clear pannels. Each side of the glass wall was see-through, showing an image of lights flashing through it. None of the walls were connected, giving the Boys a chance to dance behind the glass and come forward for their solos. Brian started the motion of the group as the band began to play the intro music. Brian snapped his fingers and turned around so the fans could catch a glimpse of him.

You are, my fire The one, desire Believe when I say I want it that way

Brian sang perfectly. His voice was in tune with the band and he began to dance with the others. Nick took the front, giving the crowd a bright smile.

But we are two worlds Apart, can't reach to your heart When you say That I want it that way

The others spun around and began to sing with Nick.

Tell me why Ain't nothing but a heartache Tell me why Ain't nothing but a mistake Tell me why I nevre wanna hear you say I want it that way

They all sang and danced to the mellow melody. A.J. threw his hands up and tried to hype the crowd even more. His smooth character took over as he walked in front of the pannels.

Am I, your fire? Your one, desire? Yes I know that it's too late But I want it that way

The others joined him once again in singing the chorus. Brian gazed out into the crowd and waved. He knew the fans were enjoying the song and the coorodinated dance steps. Kevin slid to the front and waved to the girls of Innosense.

Now I can see that we're falling apart >From the way that we used to be, yeah No matter the distance, I want you to know That deep down inside of me

Howie glided to the front and let Kevin rejoin the others behind the glass.

You are, my fire The one, desire You are....

Howie held his note while the others joined him in harmony. Together they all finished the song, leaving Brian and Nick to belt out the ad-libs. A.J. took the front and hummed the final lyrics, ending their performance. The crowd stood and applauded them. "The Backstreet Boys!" Rosie cheered as she walked over to them. "When we get back, we'll chat with the Backstreet Boys." Rosie announced as the show slowly slipped into a commercial break.

The Boys made their way over to the director's chairs that Rosie had set up near the stage. She decided to have everyone sit around her in director's chairs instead of fitting everyone by her desk. Her producers handed her cue cards and she was quickly freshened up for the next segment. Trish and her crew made fast work, applying microphones to the guys and made their way out of camera view. "Twenty seconds people!" one of the producers called out, ushering everyone out of the way.

The band strum up again and the crowd began to cheer. "We're back and we're here with the Backstreet Boys." Rosie said, her chipper smile still conquering her face. "How you doing boys?" Rosie asked. "We're doing good." Kevinresponded. "That was a really great performance. I liked that song. It's supposed to be on your new album, right?" Rosie questioned lightly. "Yeah, it's called 'I Want It That Way' and it was done by Max Martin, whom we've worked with for years." Howie answered. "That's great. What was it like recording this album?" Rosie asked. "It was fun and yet, it was tiring." A.J. spoke up. "We put in alot of work in the off season and then we've had time during this tour to get some of the other songs completed." Kevin added. "Intersting. Now I heard that each of you guys got a chance to add you writing abilities to the album? What songs did you write and did you work with anybody particular?" Rosie questioned. "Well I got a chance to work with Gary Baker, who's done work for All-4-One and others. We wrote a song called 'Back to Your Heart'." Kevin said. "Yeah and I got to work with Gary too on a song called 'Spanish Eyes'. Plus I worked with Denise Rich and Foxy Brown on a song." Howie interjected.

"And the rest of you?" Rosie opened the floor for Nick and Brian. "I got to write several songs for the album. I wrote a song called 'The Perfect Fan' and while I was in Kentucky, we wrapped up production on that song. Also, I wrote the first single." Brian answered. "Yes, and I love that song!!! It's so great and a really special song. What was it like writing that song and finding out that it would be the first single?" Rosie gave Brian her full attention. "It was the best experience of my life. First, writing the song was great because it fit my mood and it expressed the way I felt. And doing the video and finding out this was the first single made me feel even better." Brian responded honestly and proudly.

"Cool. Now I saw you guys at the MFA's. Your performance with 'N Sync was nice. What was it like winning the award?" Rosie questioned. "Brian should answer that one. It was his accomplishment." Nick said. "Well Brian?" Rosie gave him a goofy look. "Well Rosie, it was exciting. I had too many emotions going on at once to describe it. I was happy, thrilled, overwhelmed and so much more. I felt like I made my mark in the music world." Brian responded chipperly. "And you invited Justin of 'N Sync to join in on your winning. Why?" Rosie gave him an awkward stare. Brian gave everyone an uneasy look. "Well, Justin's a real good friend. Ever since the beginning of this tour, he's been by my side and helped me through alot of things. He was there when I wrote the song and he helped me write another song. It just didn't feel right without him up there." Brian responded. His face was flushed, but he kept his eyes glaring. "That's so sweet." Nick teased. "We're going to go to commercial break and when we get back, 'N Sync is going to perform for us." Rosie said. The show went to commercial.

Justin gazed around as the band practiced for their song. "Does everyone know their part?" Chris asked, tuning his mic. "Yes!" they said simultaneously. Justin felt feverish, trying to keep his head in the right frame of mind. "Okay guys, we're about to come back from commercial." a producer said. Justin grapsed onto his mic stand and tried to shake off his feeling. "Justin, are you okay?" Lance questioned with concern. Justin nodded and stood straight. "Okay guys, on two. One... two..." Dax said.

The curtains raised and each of the guys began to bob back and forth to the slow melody. Justin hummed in his intro, trying to keep his focus on the crowd. The girls gave a high pitched scream when they saw his noticeable blonde hair. Justin looked over to Brian and smiled and then began to sing.

I always thought we were happy An illusion that my eyes would see Even though we took time to argue It never lasted more then a day And what I see is sadness As hard as I try to make believe The way we were was so precious, oh But things just weren't the same

Brian watched Justin's every move and the others guys prepared to sing.

I thought I'd never see this side of the door And now I'm begging for you to come back home It's amazing how we never thought of love To save me from the other side of the door

Justin backed away, his head still throbbing. J.C. glanced at Justin and noticed his obvious illness. He tried to keep his focus and hoped his friend could recovr in time. Chris grapsed onto his mic stand and looked out into the audience. His high voice took over as he sung.

I just wanted to freeze time And picture me and you happy You told me it would never, ever change But then it happened, oh

Lance moved to where Chris was and prepared to sing his verse. His mind was on J.C. and Nick as he sang.

Could you give it just one more try Because I still picture that picket white fence Love is so strange, yeah Now we're without happiness

Each of the guys took their positions again and sung the chorus. Justin's strength began to pick up slightly, making Justin give more his of voice into the song. He watched the others for the next move, giving Brian quick glances. Justin stepped forward and sang.

Could we have tried a little harder I thought our love was meant to be, be yeah

Chris stood next to Justin and blew out his part.

I know it's a desperate plea of me But you've locked me out without a key

The guys finished the song, Justin holding onto J.C. for support. Justin played off his feelings, pretending that hanging onto J.C. was apart of the act. J.C. knew what was wrong and did his best to play along with Justin. As the song ended, the crowd gave a raging applause. "Let's here it for 'N Sync!" Rosie clapped along.

"Come on over here with me gentlemen." Rosie waved, walking them over to where the Backstreet Boys sat. Each of the guys hugged and exchanged 'hello's'. "Are you okay?" Brian whispered in Justin's ear as they hugged. Justin shook his head and then walked over to his seat next to Chris. Justin eased himself into the chair and sighed slightly.

"Hi guys, how are you?" Rosie asked. "We're good." they all responded. "That was a beautiful song you guys just sang." Rosie commented. "Thanks. Diane Warren wrote it." J.C. responded. "Last time you guys were on the show, you were still on the road. Now you're on the road with the Backstreet Boys too. What's that like? Does everyone get along?" Rosie questioned. "Yeah, we all get along. It's a brotherly kinda love. We fight, we bicker, then we all play ball together." Joey answered. "There's no love loss." Chris added. "Now you guys are working on your next album. How has that been going?" Rosie questioned. "It's been fun! We've been to L.A., Burbank and here in new York. Plus Orlando." Lance responded. He was happy sitting right next to Rosie. "We've gotten to work with Diane Warren, Lil' Kim, Busta Rhymes, Britney Spears. So it's been cool. plus, I got to work with Brian." Justin spoke up. "And aren't you just the cutie patottie." Rosie teased the young man. Justin blushed. "Lil' Kim, eh? What was that like?" Rosie gave them each weird looks. "She's fun. And she's sooooo nice!" Joey answered. "Yeah, she even gave me some advice." Justin added. "Like what?" Rosie questioned with intrigue. "I'm not telling." Justin responded with a laugh. "Oh, well what's next for you guys?" Rosie asked. "We've got more touring and more time in the studio. So, we'll still be around." J.C. answered. "And we'll be dropping by!" Chris exclaimed. "I hope so." Rosie smiled.

Brian & Justin (Part 67) By JM

"Okay, let's dig personal fellas. We're going to have a question and answer portion now from our audience. They're going to ask some questions and you guys get to answer them. Please be truthful, if not, they'll kill me!" Rosie laughed. The guys laughed along with her. "Okay, first question." Rosie said, pointing to the young girl who stood by the mic. "Yes, I want to know if Nick has a girlfriend and is it Mandy from Innosense?" the girl asked. Rosie gave the young girl a broad smile. "We don't screen them!" Rosie tried to joke. Brian nudged Brian in the chest and tried to get him to speak up. "No, me and Mandy are not seeing each other. We're good friends, though. But no, I don't have a girlfriend right now." Nick responded. "Next question!" A.J. shouted, trying to gte off the subject. "Hi, I wanted to know what the next single is going to be from the Backstreet Boys and the first single from 'N Sync?" was the next question proposed. "Well for us, it's going to be 'I'll Be The One'. We shot the video in upstate New York and it'll be out soon." Kevin responded. "We're in the middle of shooting a video. We're doing two songs for the first single. One is one that Brian and Justin did. It's a duet. Then the second is for the song called 'Saw It Coming' with Lil' Kim and Busta Rhymes." Lance responded intelligently. "Duet?" Rosie questioned. "Yeah, the song is called 'Just II' and it's just Justin and me on the vocals." Brian answered. "Well, that sounds great." Rosie said.

"I want to know, does Britney Spears go with any of the guys because I've heard Nick and Justin date her." a teenaged girl asked. "Oh, here we go again!" Justin groaned. "Yes, Britney does go with one of us." Howie answered. "Who?" Rosie intriguied. Justin and J.C. both pointed to Joey with a smile. "I beat them all up to get her!" Joey laughed. "Yeah, right!" J.C. chuckled. "I wanted to know when 'N Sync's new album is coming out?" a young man asked. "It should be out by the fall if not late summer." Chris answered.

"Okay, I think that Brian and Justin are sooo hot! And me and my friend want to know if Justin really gave that ring to Brian and is Brian getting married?" a girl asked. Brian and Justin gave each other awkward looks and smiled. "Yes, I gave it to him. He's marrying me." Justin answered with a sly smile. Kevin gave Justin an angered look. "Yeah we're getting married right after the show." Brian joked. "Really? Who proposed to whom?" Rosie played along. "Oh, it was me all the way!" Brian answered. "Well, why don't you show them how it went?" Nick had Brian and Justin right where he needed them. Brian snapped his head in Nick's direction and glared at him. Brian wouldn't let Nick get the benefit of the doubt. Brian stood from his chair and walked over to Justin. He got down on one knee and said, "Justin, since we can't find anyone to be with, will you marry me?" The crowd cooed them on. "Sure, why not?" Jsutin shrugged. Brian stood and snatched Justin by the collar. "Play along." he whispered to Justin and slapped his lips ontop of Justin's. "Whoa! Censor!" A.J. called out. Brian let Justin go and Justin quickly wiped away Brian's kiss. "Ill!" Justin called out. The crowd laughed at the entertainment before them.

"Okay, I wanted to know, is it true that you guys actually get into physical fights backstage at concerts?" a middle-aged woman asked. "Fights?" Kevin looked around with surprise. "Well this is turning into Jerry Springer on me." Rosie laughed. "Rosie! Rosie!" Justin and J.C. hooted. "Yes, and everytime, 'N Sync wins!" Chris shouted. Everyone laughed. "No, we don't fight." Brian responded. "I... I wanted to know... will Lance... will he marry me?' a very young girl said from the microphone. "Sure I will. Come on down here." Lance waved for her. The little girl eagerly ran down to the stage and hopped on Lance's lap. Lance gave her a small kiss on the cheek and held her hand. "Oh, that is so cute. What's your name honey?" Rosie asked the young girl. "My name is... it's Tiffany." the girl responded softly. "Well you can sit up here while we take the next question." Rosie said in the same tone as the girl. "I wanted to know who Brian wrote the song 'Just' about" was the next question. "Someone special." Brian responded. "Would you sing it for us? Just the first couple of bars?" Rosie pleaded. The guys egged him on, trying to get him to sing. "Okay, I'll do it." Brian smiled.

Just when I thought times were hard U came along into my would Setting my love into motion Too many people have said goodbye I know that it makes you cry Never will I do that to our lovin'

Everyone clapped at Brian's well performed acapella. "Well we're going to go to commercial and then Britney is going to join us." Rosie announced.

Soon Britney had joined the others after performing her new single, 'Sometimes'. "Okay, so, Britney, gives us the dirt on the tour." Rosie pried. "Dirt? There's no dirt. But if you don't let Chris take a shower right after the show, there's funk." Britney giggled. "Hah, no!" Chris responded sarcastiscally. "Well let me tell you guys, I've seen the tour. And let me say I thoroughly enjoyed it!" Rosie complimented in her usual tone. "Thanks, we're glad." J.C. smiled. "What's the funnest part for you all?" Rosie asked. "The performing." Nick responded. "Definetely, the performing." Lance added. "It's a thrill and you can't stop it." Nick smiled. "Wow, sounds like a rollercoaster advertisement." Rosie giggled. "Okay, before we go, can I get the Backstreet Boys to perform one more time?" Rosie offered. "Sure, we'd love to." Howie smiled. "Okay, what will you guys do?" Rosie asked. "Uhm, how about 'I'll Be The One'? The new single." Howie suggested. "Okay, when we get back, the Backstreet Boys perform their new single." Rosie stated. After the comercial beak, the Backstreet Boys performed one more time before everyone headed home.

Several hours moved slowly for the sick Justin Timberlake. Just a few hours earlier, Lance said goodbye to Justin as he headed back to Orlando to look for a place to stay. A few minutes earlier, Howie came to say his goodbyes to Justin for the weekend, wishing him good luck in Memphis. Now, he laid alone in his bed. He knew that Brian was busy packing and chatting with Kevin. J.C. was too busy talking with management to stop by. A.J. was out with Amanda, while the girls of Innosense were at a recording session. Chris was sleep and Justin had no idea what Nick was doing.

He heard a slight tap at the door and then a full fledged knock. "Who is it?" Justin asked, anticipating. "It's Nick, I need to talk with you." Nick said loudly. Justin sat straight up in his bed and felt sickened. Though he and Nick seemed to work past their differences, Justin still couldn't fight the feeling that Nick stirred in him. "Just a minute," Justin said, rolling out of the bed. Jsutin limped over to the door and losely, pulled it open. "What's up Nick?" Justin questioned, looking into Nick's light, blue eyes. "I really need to talk to you about some things." Nick responded. His facial expression was enough for Justin to know that something was wrong. "Uh okay, come on in." Justin finally spoke, opening the door fully. Nick shyly walked inside and Justin closed the door behind him. "What's wrong?" Justin asked, taking a seat on his bed.

Nick walked to the chair by Justin's bed and sat down. Nick sat quiet for a moment. He took the time to gather his words. He stared at the floor, his feelings were tangled. "Justin, when we were in Cancun... uh, something happened that I.. I think shouldn't have." Nick spoke softly and nervously. Justin looked at Nick with caution in his eyes. "What happened?" Justin questioned with a tender voice. Nick looked up at Justin with fear in his eyes. Nick brushed a strand of blonde hair from his eyes and placed it behind his ear. "I.. I sorta kissed J.C." Nick responded in a low whisper. Justin's stomach felt relief, yet his mind was confused. "You kissed J.C.?" Justin asked. Nick looked directly at him and hushed him. "Justin, please, don't tell anyone. Not even Brian!" Nick pleaded. Justin looked at Nick with indifference. "Okay, Nick, I won't." Justin replied. Nick placed his head in his hands and sulked in his shame. "How.. how did it happen?" Justin asked curiosly. "It's all a blur. I do remember having too much to drink that night we went to the clubs and I just... I found myself in one of those triple kisses with J.C." Nick answered, his eyes beginning to well up with tears. Justin felt sorry for him. Justin placed his hand on Nick's shoulder. "Have you talked with J.C. about it?" Justin asked. Nick shook his head, letting out quick sniffles. Justin sighed. "I'm scared to tell Lance and I.. I don't know what to do." Nick said.

Justin coughed hoarsely and tried to think in his state. "Nick, do you love Lance?" Justin asked. He needed to know. Nick looked up at Justin. "As much as I think that it's impossible for me to love somebody besides Brian, Justin, I do love Lance." Nick responded with a sob. Nick stood from the chair and tried to collect himself. "Look at me, crying over somebody that I used to only think of when I was horny." Nick tried to joke. Justin looked at Nick with more confusion. "Justin, I want you to know that I love Brian. Always have, always will. He's a brother to me and he's sometimes more to me. I can admit I am jealous of what you and Brian have, but at times, I picture me and Lance having the same." Nick confessed. "You can't have both, Nick. And you're lucky you have one. If you ever want to have what me and Brian have, then you have to tell Lance what happened. Approach J.C. about it. And then, admit to Lance your feelings. I know he feels sometimes that you care for no one but you." Justin explained. "God, it's so fucking hard!" Nick shouted, grasping his head with anger. "If you don't, J.C. will." Justin said softly. Nick looked at Justin immediately. "J.C. loves Lance just as much as you do. He learned to respect your relationship with Lance, but if you don't take it seriously, J.C. will." Justin warned Nick. "And the same goes with you and Brian. If you don't trust Brian, then who will?" Nick snapped back.

Justin stared in Nick's direction, his eyes droopy, yet his expression was anger. "What do you mean?" Justin questioned. "Well, me and Brian share the same room. So we talk often. He's been feeling a bit neglected by you lately." Nick said. "Neglected?" Justin questioned. "Yeah. He says that you've been finding others things to do besides spend time with him. He's been doubting this whole idea of marriage because of it. He says maybe he really wasn't ready when he said he was." Nick stated. Justin felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Justin grasped his side as if he was physically hurt. "You're not serious. Brian talks to me about everything, he wouldn't say that." Justin denied. "Talk to you?!? He's barely spent time with you since we left Houston. You've been sick, so he's let you get your rest. I don't know, maybe he feels you're neglecting him because what the doctor said about no sex..." Justin stopped Nick. "That is not it! I am not in love with Brian because of sex or anything like that. I love Brian for who he is and there is no doubt in my mind that Brian loves me too." Justin barked.

Justin stood from his bed and walked towards the door. He yanked the door open and said, "Get out!" "But I just got here." Justin heard a voice say. Justin looked at the open doorway and saw Brian standing there. Nick smiled as he saw Brian at the door. "I... I'm sorry Brian. I wasn't talking... I wasn't talking to you." Justin stuttered out. "I think this is my exit. I guess we'll talk later Justin." Nick said, strolling out of the room. Justin walked away from the door, a small tear sliding down his face. Just as Nick stepped outside the door, Brian grasped his arm. Nick hissed in pain as he felt Brian's tight grip. "If you said anything to hurt him Nick, I'm going to hurt you." Brian whispered to Nick. "Brian, why would I say anything to hurt him?" Nick asked, trying to beak free of Brian's grip. Brian let him go and watched Nick walk back towards their room.

Brian walked in Justin's room and closed the door. He looked at Justin laying on the bed, his back to Brian. Brian walked towards the bed and sat on the edge. "Are you okay?" Brian asked, rubbing Justin's back. "I'll be fine in a little while." Justin responded. "Are you sure, babe?" Brian pried. Justin rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. "You love me, right?" Justin asked, his eyes still fiaxted on the ceiling. "Of course I do!" Brian said, a hint of shock in his voice. "And you'd never cheat on me?" Justin asked, looking up at Brian. "Never!" Brian responded, feeling appauld by the question. "What is this all about Justin?" Brian asked. "I just never want our relationship to turn as bitter as Nick and Lance's." Justin whispered. Brian ran his hand across Justin's smooth face and frowned. "We'll never have to go through what they go through. And that's because we both love each other and share everything with each other." Brian said softly. Justin nodded, feeling safe with Brian. Brian scooted Justin over and laid on the bed. He wrapped his arm around Justin. "You can always trust me, Justin." Brian whispered and kissed Justin on the forhead.

"I don't think I've ever felt this sick before." Justin moaned, trying to shake the naseous feeling he had. "Just try to sleep Justin," Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "I've been trying, but I can't." Justin grumbled. Brian caressed Justin's hair and tried to hush Justin. Justin laid his head on Brian's arm and sighed loudly. "Remember the time you sang me to sleep?" Justin reminisced. "Mmhmm." Brian responded with a nod. "Do you want me to sing you to sleep, hon'?" Brian asked, looking into Justin's eyes. Justin shrugged, in his heart, he did. "Hold on a minute. I'll be right back." Brian said, pulling his arm from around Justin. Brian stood from the bed and stretched. "Where are you going?" Justin asked. "Don't worry, I'll be right back." Brian responded, opening the door. Brian walked out, leaving Justin alone.

Justin pouted temporarily. He thought of the time Brian sang him to sleep. He could still hear the sound of Brian's angelic voice singing 'Darlin'. Sooner then Justin thought, Brian strolled back into the room. Brian sat back on the bed and looked down at Justin. "What did you do?" Justin questioned. Brian threw his legs up on the bed and rested his back against the headboard. He pulled Justin towards him, causing Justin to lay his head on Brian's chest. Justin drapped his arm over Brian's thighs and felt Brian's arm wrap around him. "I was saving this song for a special moment, but since anytime with you is special, I'm going to sing it now. Me and Tommy, from the band, are going to go into the studio and record it, just for you." Brian explained. Justin looked up at Brian with surprise. "I wrote it for you." Brian whispered. "I'll never stop loving you..." Brian smiled. "What's the name of the song?" Justin asked. "It's called 'With Time'." Brian responded. "Now close your eyes and let me sing." Brian joked. Justin closed his eyes and rested his head firmly against Brian's chest. Brian got a slow rhythm going, rocking Justin in his arms. Brian began to sing the first verse for Justin.

Once upon a time I thought I could never find security I believed love was a fairy tale That you only find once upon a dream The mistakes that I made Only brought me closer to you And now I know that my fantasies Can come true

Brian held Justin firmly as he sang the chorus.

I've learned to love you with time And now the world doesn't matter Because love is like a storybook And we live happily ever after The bridges that we must bare Will never keep us far apart Because this love is like a fairy tale The one I know by heart

Justin felt secure his fiance's arms. Brian gently caressed Justin's face and began the second verse.

Another chapter in our lives Yet a footnote in the story of our love I'll be your prince charming Your guardian angel from up above With each moment in the hands of time My desire for you grows deeper The wishes that I made upon a star I am the student and you are the teacher

Brian repeated the chorus, singing each part in perfect harmony.

And the way I get Inside of me It'll never ever change If you stay the same

Justin was slowly falling to sleep as Brian sang. Just felt as if the song was Brian's lullaby just for him. Brian finished the song by repeating the chorus, singing softly to Justin. Justin was sleep in Brian's strong arms. Brian made himself comfortable in the bed, trying to go to sleep himself. He knew if Kevin came in, he'd have to leave, but he didn't care. He wanted to cherish his moment with Justin forever.

Brian & Justin (Part 68) By JM

Within time, Brian and Justin had landed in Memphis, Tenessee. The moment Brian and Justin stepped off the plane, they were greeted by familar faces. "You're finally here!" Justin heard his father say. Justin smiled as he saw Randall Timberlake. "Glad that you got the time off." Lynn said with a small smile. Brian and Justin cleared the gates and immediately headed over to Justin's family. Lynn snatched Justin into a hug the minute they reached her. "How are you Justin? We missed you." Lynn said. "I'm okay. I've been sick with the flu, but I've been holding up." Justin replied. "The flu!?!" Lynn said, looking at her son. She could tell by his eyes that something was wrong. "How long have you been sick? Have you been getting rest? Did you have a fever? What about medicine?" Lynn shot several questions at Justin. "Mom, mom MOM! Calm down. I'm doing a bit better. I'm still nauseated and I get these headaches, but I've been taking care of myself. Plus, Brian's been there to nurse me." Justin answered. Lynn looked at Brian with a 'thank you' expression on her face. "That was very kind of you." Lynn said to Brian. "It wasn't that bad." Brian laughed. "Are you going to introduce me to the love of your life or do I just call him Brian, son?" Randall teased Justin. Justin snapped out of his daze and looked at his father. "Sorry dad. Brian, this is my father Randall Timberlake. Dad, this is my fiance, Brian." Justin responded. Brian and Randall both shook hands, exchanging friendly smiles. "We're thrilled both of you are here." Lisa cheered. "So, where's the little monster?" Justin questioned, looking around for Jonathan. "He's at home, right now. He'll be at the wedding though." Randall answered.

"Your cousin was just thrilled when we told her you were coming." Lynn informed Justin as they headed to the baggage claim. "We told her to keep it low profile about you and Brian being here because you two didn't want any attention while you were here." Paul stated. They reached the baggage claim without anyone noticing them. Justin slipped his Yankees hat on backwards and wacthed the turning rack. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and held it, trying to keep his head low. He looked across the rack and saw a little girl staring at them. The girl automatically recognized the two famed singers. Brian looked at her and smiled. He placed one finger over his closed lips, giving her the 'hush' sign. She nodded and smiled. Brian winked at her and waited for their bags. "There we go." Justin said as he snatched up his bag and his suit carrier. Brian grabbed his large bag and threw it over his shoulder. "Come on kids, let's get moving." Randall waved for them. "We'll meet you at your father's house." Lynn said to her son. Justin nodded and escorted Brian in the direction of his father.

Brian and Justin followed Randall out to his Ford Explorer. "Hop in and we'll head out." Randall said, taking Justin's bag. Justin grabbed Brian's bag and threw it in the trunk. Justin walked Brian over to the door and opened it for him. "Thanks babe." Brian said, kissing Justin lightly on the cheek. Justin blushed slightly and followed Brian in. Justin closed the door and Randall immediately drove off.

"So I hear your mom was bugging you with setting a wedding date, huh?" Randall started a shakey conversation. "You could say that." Justin replied. "Have you two thought about it?" Lisa asked, looking over her seat at them. "We've thought about it, but we haven't decided anything yet. Me and Brian feel we have plenty of time before we decide something as permanent as that." Justin said. "Well it's another thing to add to the list." Randall stated. "What?" Justin questioned kindly. "With all of the problems you have, the tour and other things, you can just chalk another thing to your list." Randall explained. "Oh," Justin said, leaning next to Brian.

Randall pulled his car into the driveway and stopped it. Randall hopped out of the car and looked around. "That Paul must be a slow driver. It doesn't take that long to get here." Randall said. Justin rolled his eyes at his father's remark and got out of the car. He held the door open for Brian and Brian got out. "So, this is Elvis city, eh?" Brian whispered to Justin. "It's not all that people crack it up to be." Justin responded. "Are you two coming in or do you want me to put sleeping bags outside for you?" Randall called to them. "Ooh, it would be romantic to have sex in the middle of your dad's yard." Brian etased Justin. Justin elbowed him and smiled. "We're coming dad." Justin called back. "But we haven't even done anything yet and you're already cumming?" Brian whispered to Justin. "Shut up!" Justin hissed at Brian, trying to prevent anyone from hearing him.

Justin walked Brian inside of his father's house, admiring the hosue he hadn't seen for over a year. "Justin, your room is upstairs and down the hall from Jonathan's. Brian, your's is downstairs in the den." Randall explained. Justin looked at him, feeling repulsed. "Is there something wrong with me and Brian sharing the same room?" Justin inquired. "For one, you're room only has a single bed. And another thing, though you and Brian are in love as you claim, I have no need for you to to share the same room, let alone the same bed." Randall argued. Justin pouted momentarily and rolled his eyes. "That's fine." was all that Justin could say. "I'm glad you approve." Randall said sarcastically. He walked upstairs. Justin sighed and looked at Brian. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "Sorry for what? It's not like we haven't spent this last week in different rooms. It's no big deal." Brian assured Justin. Justin kissed Brian on the lips swiftly and hugged him. "You are always so understanding." Justin whispered. Brian hugged Justin back, holding onto his waist.

"JUSTIN!!!" a young voice screamed as a little, blonde boy ran down the stairs. Justin quickly let Brian go and looked at the small figure approaching him. "Hey Jonathan!" Justin smiled as the little boy grasped onto one of his legs and hugged it. "I'm soooo glad you're here!" Jonathan chimmed. Justin gladly picked his little brother up and swung him around. They stopped in mid-swing and fell to the floor giggling. "What's goin' on lil' bro'?" Justin questioned while tickling Jonathan. Jonathan was too filled with laughter to answer his older brother. Justin and Jonathan stopped their fun for a moment. They both had eyes filled with tears of laughter.

Justin panted while trying to recover from his fun. "Hey Jonathan, Brian's here. Why don't you go see if he's ticklish." Justin coaxed the little boy. Jonathan looked at Brian deviously and Brian gave a playful look of fear. Jonathan charged Brian and Brian fell to the floor with the little boy tickling him. Brian and Jonathan rolled on the ground, tickling each other while Justin laughed from the side. "Wow, you two are really good with kids." Lisa stated from the doorway of the den. Brian and Jonathan stopped their wrestling momentarily to stare up at Jonathan's mother. "I love kids," Brian responded, roughing up Jonathan's hair. Justin wiped the last tears from his eyes and crawled over to Brian. "And I love you." Justin said, kissing Brian on the lips. Jonathan smiled at his brother. "They're in love mommy!" Jonathan exclaimed to his mother. "I can see that." Lisa giggled. "Come on Jonathan. Lunch is ready and then we have to go get Steven from daycare." Lisa expounded. "YEAH!!!" Jonathan cheered as he ran into the kitchen. "Do you two want anything while I'm in the kitchen?" Lisa offered. "Nope, thanks mom." Justin replied. Lisa smiled at him, feeling relieved that Justin called her mom and didn't treat her like a stepmother.

Lisa trotted off to the kitch while Justin smiled down at Brian. Brian laid on the floor, panting from exhaustion. Justin knelt over him. "It's sweet how you adapt to kids so well." Justin commented while running his hand over Brian's hand. "You're not too bd yourself." Brian teased. "Of course, Jonathan had the upper hand on you." Brian laughed. "Oh really?" Justin raised his brow at Brian. "What? Are you challenging me?" Brian questioned, sitting up. "Maybe I am Brian Littrell. Maybe I am." Justin gave a smirk. "And what are you gonna do about it?" Brian taunted Justin.

With a surge, Justin leaped towards Brian, causing both of them to fall to the floor with a thump. Soon enough, Justin was ontop of Brian, trying to pin his arms down. Brian broke free easily and reached down to Justin's sides. He quickly began to tickle Justin, causing Justin to roll to the side in laughter. Brian threw himself on top of Justin and kept tickling him. Justin threw his arms around Brian's neck and laughed uncontrollably. Brian leaned down and kissed Justin's lips while tickling him. Justin laughed and tried to kiss Brian at the same time. "STOP!" Justin cried out in tears. Brian stopped tickling Justin and let Justin catch his breath. "I hate you!" Justin laughed. "That's funny, because I love you," Brian responded. Brian leaned down again and pressed his lips firmly on Justin's. Justin grasped the back of his neck as he returned the kiss. Brian didn't have time to think about what he was doing as he kissed Justin.

"Hey you two, are you going to get something to eat?! You sound awfully quiet in there!" Lisa shouted from the kitchen. The sound of her voice caused Justin to force Brian off of his lips. Brian released Justin's lips reluctantly and then stared down at him. "I know," Brian responded before Justin could say anything. Brian sat up and crawled off of Justin. "Hello! I said do you two want anything?" Lisa asked again as she walked in the room. "No, we're fine." Justin responded, sitting up. "Okay then. Well Justin, my Lexus is outside. If you want to take Brian around the city, feel free to." Lisa offered. Justin looked at Brian and Brian shrugged. "That'd be great. Thanks mom." Justin smiled. Lisa smiled back at him and walked back into the kitchen. "Come on, let's go." Justin said, standing. Brian joined him and they headed into the kitchen. "Where are the keys?" Justin asked, watching Jonathan chow down on a sandwich. "Over there on the key ring." Lisa reponded, pointing towards the backdoor. "Okay, what time do we have to be at the wedding?" Justin asked, taking a seat at the counter. "You've got about three hours before you have to get back here." Lisa responded, staring at her watch. "That's enough time. We'll be back then." Justin said. "Make sure you call your mother while your at the mall. She'll probably drop by here looking for you." Lisa advised, passing Justin a small slip of paper. "That's her cell phone number." Lisa stated. "Got'cha. Call her, be back in three." Justin responded in a mono tone. Justin stood and headed over to the backdoor. He waved for Brian to join him. Justin snatched the keys from the keyring and headed out the backdoor, followed by Brian.

Justin and Brian walked to the front of the house. "Where to Bri?" Justin asked, clicking the alarm button on the keys. They heard a quick beeping noise as they approached the black Lexus. "Doesn't matter. A mall or something." Brian shrugged. "A mall it is then." Justin smiled, yanking open the driver side door. Justin stepped into the car and adjusted the seat. Brian got into the car, closing the door behind him. Justin shut his door and placed the keys in the ignition. "I haven't said this since we've been here, but I love you." Brian said, looking in Justin's direction. Justin turned his head to look at Brian. "You're not so bad yourself." Justin jested. Brian laughed lightly and Justin turned on the car.

They pulled out of the driveway easily and Justin took an easy drive throughout the streets. Justin kept his speed medium as he pointed out the shops in Memphis. Brian awed at the sights. It was nothing compared to what Brian thought Memphis would be like. It reminded him of Lexington, back in Kentucky. Justin cruised easily through the streets, then he pulled onto the highway. "Where are we going?" Brian asked, still looking around at the sites. "You said you wanted to go to a mall, so I'm taking you there." Justin responded. Justin sped up with the other cars, clearing many of the slower ones. Soon Justin was pulling off the highway and onto the off ramp.

Justin came to a stop at a red light and looked around. "This place hasn't changed much." Justin commented. Justin looked around and caught a car of three girls staring at him. They pointed towards the car with excitement. Justin smiled at them. One of the girls turned up the music in the car, blasting 'I Drive Myself Crazy' for Justin to hear. Justin smiled and rolled down his window. "Small world huh?" Justin laughed to the girls. The girls began to scream as they relaized that Justin Timberlake, of 'N Sync, was talking to them. Brian smiled and laughed as Justin teased them. "Listen, if you're really, really quiet, I'll give you an autograph." Justin charmed them. All of the girls nodded. One of the girls slipped Justin a peice of paper and Justin quickly autographed it. He looked up and saw the light turn green. "See ya ladies!" Justin said and sped off. Before the girls could try and follow him, Justin had turned on one of the back streets. "You are so bad!" Brian laughed. "Hey, at least I gave them an autograph." Justin said, slowing his speed. "That's right, one autograph. Those girls will probably spend all day fighting over that one signature." Brian said. "I know. I wish I could be there to see it." Justin laughed.

Justin pulled into the huge parking lot garage of the Mall of Memphis. Justin shopped around for a parking spot while Brian relaxed. Justin found a spot in the middle of the hundreds of cars and parked. "Wow, this mall looks big!" Brian exclaimed. "It's one of the best." Justin said, opening his door. He hopped out of the car and stretched. Brian got out of the car. Justin looked around the dim light parking garage. "Let's get inside." Justin suggested. They both made their way through the garage and headed towards the doors to the mall.

Brian and Justin quickly made their way to the mall and stepped inside. Brian stared at the size of the two story mall. Justin slipped his Kangol hat on and placed his keys in his pocket. "Let's go babe." Justin said, strolling around in the mall. Brian followed, walking just as easy and laidback as Justin did. "This is nice." Brian said, staring up towards the other story above them. "Where do you want to go first?" Justin asked, trying to remember where each store was at inside the mall. "How about we hit a clothing store. I want to pick up some new things to wear." Brian answered. "Well let's see what I remember. I know there's a few places on the second floor that you'd like." Justin responded. "Oh yeah, there is a Gap not too far from here." Justin recollected, pointing down the mall. He and Brian made their way past the crowds of people in the mall and headed into the Gap.

Brian searched around for clothing while Justin admired the different cargo hats. Brian had a pile of clothesin his hands when he approached Justin. "I think I'll get all of these." Brian smiled. Justin gave Brian an awkward look. "Your choice." Justin responded, grabbing two cargo hats and a polo shirt for himself. They approahced the register with all of their things. Justin wiped out his Visa and awaited the woman to ring up everything. As she read the price to them, Justin passed her the credit card. "What are you doing?" Brian questioned him softly. "Uh, paying for the clothes. You know this kleptomaniac stuff has got to stop." Justin teased him. "No, I mean you paying for my stuff. Last time I checked, it was my turn to pay." Brian said. "Lord have mercy. You're keeping tabs?" Justin asked him. "Justin Timberlake? Where do I know that name?" the girl questioned. She looked around and noticed an 'N Sync poster her co-worker had hung up in the store. The girl did a double-take and then looked at him. "Are... are you from 'N Sync?!?" she stuttered out, trying to control herself. Justin turned to look at her and nodded. "Please don't scream." Justin pleaded. The girl nodded and handed him the bill to sign. Justin signed the bill and then she handed him another small peice of paper. He looked up at her with a smile. "It's... it's for my younger sister." she covered. Justin signed the papaer and grabbed their bags. "Thanks." Justin smirked and passed Brian his bags. They strolled out of the store with no hassles.

"Where do you want to go next?" Justin asked. "Uh, let's get some shoes." Brian said. "Ah, a man after my own heart." Justin smiled. "And whatever else you're carrying in those baggy jeans of your's." Brian joked. "Something you won't be seeing for awhile according to the doctor." Justin joked right along. Brian frowned and continued to walk with Justin, silently. Justin realized what he said and looked at Brian. Brian walked timidly, his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry Bri. I know how hard that has been on you. The restrictions can be tough, but when we make love, I want you to be healthy. I can't afford for you to have sex and then hurt for a week." Justin comforted him without touching him. "Come on, let's get over to the Foot Locker." Justin urged Brian. They made a mad dash for the Foot Locker and spent another twenty minutes shopping for new shoes. Within another ten minues, Jsutin walked out of Foot Locker with a new pair of shoes while Brian walked out with two new pairs. "It's a good thing those guys have no idea who the Backstreet Boys or 'N Sync are." Brian laughed. "Let's go upstairs for a bit. I want to go to Camelot Music." Justin said, heading towards the escalator.

He and Brian got upstairs and walked around for awhile. They finally walked into Camelot Music, Brian unsure of what Justin was looking for. Brian decided to look around while Justin shopped. Soon Justin made his way back over to Brian with three CD's in his hand. "What do you have there?" Brian asked. Justin held up the CD's for Brian to see. Brian admired the three CD's, a copy of the Backstreet Boys album, a copy of Nas's album and a copy of 702's single. "Backstreet Boys? Wait, why did you get that?" Brian questioned. "I can't find me, so I decided to buy a new one." Justin responded. "But I could've easily got you a CD, in fact, ten CD's if you wanted." Brian said confused. "But I don't want you to. if I buy it, then it helps you guys." Justin explained vaguely. Brian shrugged and followed Justin to the front counter.

A young man and older woman stood behind the counter, looking over CD's. "Throw on this song." the woman said, handing the man a copy of 'Just'. "Backstreet Boys?! Why?" the man questioned. "Because I like that song, it's so sweet." the woman cooed. "But it's the Backstreet Boys." the man complained. "I like that song too." Brian finally spoke up. "You see, this guy likes the song." the woman argued. "Yeah, I like it too." Justin agreed. "Ah hah, three to one. Now put the damn song on." the woman barked. "The guy who wrote the song must be really talented." Justin smiled. "Yeah, he's one of the Backstreet Boys. I think his name is Brian." the woman declared. "Really? God, he has the same name as me." Brian uttered. He decided to reveal himself vauguly. "That's nice." the woman said, finally staring at Brian. Her eyes bolted open. "No way!" she shouted. The store fell into a total silence as they looked at her. Brian gave her an uneasy look. She understood and said, "I can't believe I have to do another price check!" Justin smiled and Brian sighed from relief. The store went back to the usual conversations as the woman drooled over Brian.

"I can't.. can't believe that it's really, really, really, REALLY you." she cried. Brian nodded. "Who?" the young man inquired. "It's him you idiot! Brian from the Backstreet Boys." the woman hissed. The young man jumped back in shock. "Uh, can I pay for this?" Justin questioned, passing them the CD's. Both of the workers eyes were fiaxted on Brian. "Uhm, my friend here, Justin, would like to purchase these three CD's." Brian tried to shake their hypnotic stare. "Oh, right!" the woman jumped up and got to the register.

"Oh, and can I get that poster of Justin Timberlake, from 'N Sync." Brian pointed to a poster behind the register. Justin nudged Brian, trying to avoid the same attention Brian received. "Sure, anything you want Brian." the woman screeched. She grabbed the poster and unwravled it for him. As she looked at the picture of Justin from their Christmas album, she gazed up at the young man before her. The eyes, the smile, the face and everything matched that of the poster. "No, you're not, I mean.. you couldn't be." the woman stuttered. Justin gave a long sigh and nodded. "It's me," he said. The woman felt weak in her knees. "What's wrong now?" the man asked, putting on 'Just' for everyone to hear in the store. She pointed to the poster and then Justin. The man looked at both and then fainted. "Roger?! Roger, get up!" the woman barked, shaking the young man. "Ugh, you see what you've done." Justin whispered to Brian. The woman rung up evrything and took the money from Justin. "Can I..." Brian and Justin already knew what she was going to ask. Brian greabbed the CD cover to Justin and quickly penned his name on it. Justin did the same and scriblled his name on the CD. "THANK YOU!" the woman said chipperly. Justin and Brian both flashed her a quick smile and rushed out of the music store.

"I'm never taking you shopping again." Justin snickered. "Hey, I saw a store back there I want to go to." Brian said, looking over his shoulder. "Okay, let's go." Justin replied, stopping in his steps. "No, I can go by myself. Why don't you look around while I go." Brian suggested. "Are you sure?" Justin gave Brian a questionable look. "Yes, I'm a big boy." Brian laughed. "Okay, I'm headed to Kay Bee to pick up something for Steven and Jonathan. Then I'm going to San Fransico Music Box to get something for my cousin. So let's meet in the food court in about thirty minutes, okay?" Justin said. Brian looked at his watch and then Justin. "Okay, thirty minutes." Brian agreed.

After a half hour, Justin was sitting down at one of the tables in the food court, eating his waffle fries from Chick-Fil-A. Justin had bags surrouding him from Foot Locker, Camelot Music, The Gap, Kay Bee Toys and San Fransico Music Box. He looked for Brian, but no sign. Justin took a sip from his Sprite and felt something drop in his lap. Justin quickly looked down, trying to prevent the soda from choking him. Justin saw a small bag in his lap with the words 'Spencer's Gifts' on it. Justin's curiosity was intrigued and he looked up. He saw Brian standing over him with a huge grin on his face. "I figured we could have fun with these sometime." Brian whispered. Justin opened the bag with interest. Justin peeked in the bag and saw three objects. One said 'Edible Body Paint' and the other two were Trustex flavored condoms. Justin looked up at Brian with mixed emotions. "Someone was busy while shopping," Justin finally commented. "Just thinking of you." Brian responded, walking from behind Justin to the otherside of him.

Justin felt a bit light headed, trying to act normal for Brian. "Something's wrong." Brian immediately said. "What do you mean?" Justin played naive. "There is something wrong with you." Brian repeated. Brian riased his hand and placed it on Justin's cheek. "You're getting a fever." Brian said, yanking his hand from Justin's face. "I'm fine." Justin responded. "We had better get going. I don't want my dad to flip out because we were at the mall forever." Justin suggested. Brian nodded and grabbed the Spencer's bag from Justin. "Can you drive?" Brian asked as Justin stood. "Yeah, I'll be able to handle it." Justin replied groggily. Justin and Brian gathered up all of their bags and headed to the parking garage.

Brian & Justin (Part 69) By JM

Within another half hour, Brian and Justin had made it back to Justin's parents house. Justin stumbled to the front steps with his bags in hand, Brian following him. Justin placed the keys in the door and jiggled the door open. "We're home!" Justin announced, his head throbbing. "It's about time." Lynn said, approaching the door. "Hey mom." Justin smiled, trying to cover up his sick feeling. "Hi sweetie. Hey Brian!" Lynn waved to Brian while hugging Justin. Brian waved back with the bags in his hand. "What did you two do, clean out the mall?" Lisa asked as she walked by. "Just about." Brian laughed. "Well shower, get changed and get something to eat. We have to leave in an hour." Lisa ordered while chasing Jonathan. "Jonathan, if you don't come here, then you won't get to play with Justin later on!" Lisa hollered as she chased the little, blonde boy. Jonathan stopped his running and turned to look at his mother. "Good, now let's get dressed." Lisa smiled.

"Brian, go ahead and shower. I'm going to nap for a minute." Justin said, sleepily. "Justin, are you okay?" Lynn asked Justin as he headed up the steps. "Yes, mom. I'm just a little tired from the plane trip." Justin lied. Justin tripped up the steps and walked towards his room. He threw his bags in the room and fell straight on the bed. His eyes closed immediately and Justin tried to fight the flu.

Time slipped by too quickly for the sleeping Justin. He felt two lips kissing his ear and then the same lips kissing his neck. He knew of only one person that would wake him in such an tender and caring way. Justin opened his eyes, feeling a painful sting in them. "Is it time to get up already babe?" Justin asked softly. "Yeah, you only have about thirty minutes before we have to get out of here. And I know everyone's going to come stomping up here looking for you if you don't get up soon." Brian whispered. Justin yawned and tried to force himself up. "Okay, I'm getting up." he said, rolling to the side. "All right. I'll be downstairs, packing my stuff up." Brian said. He stood from Justin's bed and walked out of the room.

Justin groaned and looked around the room. He saw all of his bags piled on the floor next to his luggage. "Come on Justin, you can do this." Justin encouraged hisself. Justin sat up. He grasped his head, feeling a pain but he faught it. he placed his feet on the floor and flicked his sneakers off. Justin stood and walked to his luggage. He grabbed his suit-carrier and unzipped it. He pulled out his suit and tie and carried them by the hangers. He walked out of his room and into one of the bathrooms.

Justin turned on the shower and began to remove his clothes. He felt his stomach lurch and Justin quickly made his way to the toliet. Once again, Justin found hisself vomitting in the toliet. Justin lifted his head, trying not to cry. 'I have to get over this.' Justin thought to himself. He stood and grasped onto the railing near the shower and wiped the sweat from his head. He stepped into the shower and let the steamed water relax his body and mind. Tears fell from his face as he thought about how awful he felt. He knew he had to be stronger. He dipped his head into the stream of water that poured from the showerhead. The water slid down his face and onto his chest. His hair was drenched in the hot water and his body felt at ease. The water pounded on Justin's back as Justin calmed his mind. Justin soaped his body up, his mind drifting back to when he and Brian were in the shower together. 'Calm down, Justin.' Justin said to himself, trying to keep his penis from becoming erect. He couldn't help but think about the feelings Brian stirred in his body. "Time to get out." Justin said, avoiding any other thoughts.

Brian sat in the living room, listening to the conversation between Paul, Randall and Lynn. "Honestly, I believe that people make the right decision when they decide to wait." Paul said. "Wait for what? Love only hits you once, real love." Randall argued. Lynn gave Randall an evil stare. "It depends on what we're referring to. What are people waiting for, sex or marraige?" Paul proposed. "That's true. Adutls now are looking towards marraige, but teens are waiting for the sex." Randall agreed. "Yes, well sometimes it can go both ways." Lynn interjected.

"Hmmm, what do you think Brian?" Randall asked, turning his head towards Brian. Brian's attention was soon grasped when he heard his name. "Huh, excuse me?" Brian said politely. "What are you waiting for? Did you wait till marraige to have sex? Have you and Justin had sex? Is that one of your priorities or is marraige first in your life?" Randall threw several questions at Brian. Brian gave him an uneasy look of shock. "Uh.. uh, I think marraige is a very important thing." Brian answered. "You didn't answer my questions. Have you and Justin had sex?" Randall shot back. Brian felt a drop of sweat break from his head. Lynn felt sorry for Brian, but she knew that Brian was facing worse by not answering. "Yes, me and Justin have had sex before." Brian answered. "And was Justin your first?" Randall questioned. "Stop it Randall. He doesn't have to answer that." Lynn argued. Paul watched, unsure of what position to take. He cared for Justin, but he had to be sure of Brian's stance. "Yes, he was." Brian stumbled his words out. Lynn's feelings were twisted in guilt and sympathy for Brian. "And so you decided Justin was the one? You could no longer wait until marraige before sleeping with my son?" Randall seemed to get bitter with his questions. "Mr. Timberlake, I don't know what you seem to be implying, but I took it upon myself to lose my virginity to your son. As did he with me. I didn't know that Justin was going to be the one until it happened. And then I realzied there is no gentiler person then him. And we did not wait till marraige, but that doesn't mean there is any less love between us." Brian responded intelligently and with pride.

Justin stood in the doorway of the living room the whole time that Brian responded to his father's question. A small tear slipped down his face. 'There is nobody I love more.' Justin thought as he looked at Brian's angelic face. Justin made his appearance known in the room when he cleared his throat. Everyone's attention fell on him. "And there was no one else that I would've lost my virginity to then Brian." Justin added for everyone to hear. "But such an unwise decison as to have sex on a whim, without even being married?" Randall argued the other side. "If you'd like to know, it wasn't sex, we made love. And father since you are so interested, I am happy with Brian. I've never regretted my choice that night and I never will." Justin assured his father.

"Look at the time. We have to get going." Lynn lightened the mood. Brian stood and walked to Justin. Justin kissed Brian on the lips lightly and smiled at him. "Thank you," Justin whispered. "For what?" Brian responded. "For being Brian Thomas Littrell." Justin responded. "Come on love birds, let's get moving." Paul insisted. Lisa came down the steps, holding Steven in her arms while Jonathan followed behind her. "I have to go grab the wedding present I got for the happy couple." Justin haulted everyone and then he ran upstairs. "How are we traveling people?" Lynn asked. "I thought maybe that everyone could drive. Just follow us." Randall answered. "Okay, and Brian and Justin?" Paul questioned. "Justin can drive." Lisa proposed. "Good idea." Lynn agreed. Justin came pouncing down the steps and said, "Did I hear someone mention my name?" "Yes Justin. We decided you should drive, that way we can spare any further arguements or disagreements." Lynn responded. "I didn't know that my coming here with Brian would cause such an uproar." Justin responded, feeling hurt by his mother's hoice in words. "Oh, I'm sorry Justin. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." Lynn said apologetic. "Can we save the apologies for later? We have a wedding to get to." Paul complained. Lynn stared at him with discord. "Yes, let's leave." Randall agreed with Paul.

Everyone piled out of the house and headed for the three cars. "I wanna ride with Brian and Justin!" Jonathan shouted. Justin looked back at his young brother and then his father. "It's okay, he can ride with you." Randall corresponded. Justin smiled and ushered Jonathan in the car. "Just don't drive too fast Justin!" Lynn and Lisa found themselves simultaneously yelling towards Justin. Justin laughed and got in the car. Brian followed. Within five more minutes, everyone was backing out of the driveway and headed towards the site of the wedding.

The drive for Brian and Justin was easy, little conversations and joking with Jonathan. They had the oppurtunity to avoid any questions from Justin's parents. Justin pulled into the vast grounds of a Memphis park. "Whoa, look at all those colors!" Jonathan cheered. Justin parked the car next to Lynn and Paul. Justin looked at Brian and then Brian looked at Justin. "So, shall we go or stay here?" Brian asked, making a Jim Carrey face for Justin. Justin snickered and looked out of his window. "I wouldn't mind staying here." Justin responded. "I wanna, wanna see the colors!" Jonathan complained. "Otay Jonathan, otay. We'll see the lights." Justin laughed. Justin unlocked the doors and Jonathan immediately hopped out of the car. Justin looked around, trying to spot anyone around the car. The area was empty. Justin leaned over to Brian and quickly kissed him on the lips. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and rubbed it. He knew Justin wanted the kiss to last longer, but it was a public place. They both exited the car and saw Jonathan waiting on them. "Let's go little buddy." Justin tugged Jonathan with him.

All three of them looked around the park grounds as they searched for Justin's parents. "Justin, over here!" Lisa flagged them down. Justin and Brian walked Jonathan over to Lisa and Randall, Jonathan holding one of Justin's hands and one of Brian's hands. "Oh, how cute." a woman cooed from next to Lisa. "He's a great older brother." Lisa pointed out Justin to the woman. "Mommy, mommy, the pretty lights!" Jonathan boasted as he saw his mother and father. "Yes sweeite, they're pretty." Lisa agreed. Streams of lights flodded across the grounds and from poles at the park.

Justin took a moment to admire the park. It was a widespread area, filled with trees and a ample lake in the middle of the park. The park was now decorated with white and light blue lights, small latterns, drappings of white and areas for all of the guests of the wedding. The benches were decoarted with lights and two, small wedding eblls on each side of the bench. An ice sculpture of a swan sat in the middle of the reception area. The tent that the wedding was to be conducted in was satin white with white candles blazing near the alter. "Justin, let's get inside." Lynn approached them. Justin snapped from his trance and gazed at her. "Sure." Justin nodded. He and the others began to fill the tent.

Justin and Brian took a seat in the middle of the rows. Lynn, Paul, Randall, Jonathan and Lisa with Steven followed suit. "This is amazing." Brian said, admiring the beautifully decorated tent. "Observe wisely, guys. You may get some hints on how a wedding should go," Lynn advised. Brian and Justin made themselves comofrtable and awaited the wedding to start.

Soon Justin and Brian heard the faint sound of an organ being played and everyone gazed to the back of the tent. One by one, flower girls and bride's mates made their way into the tent. They all were escorted down the aisle, walking in the traditional wedding march. Justin's eyes were fiaxted on Brian as he watched the march. Brian observed everything that happened. As everyone began to stand, Brian and Justin copied their motions, standing to admire the bride. As she walked down the aisle, all of the audience cooed and cheered her on.

Justin's mind drifted as he watched her. He could see he and Brian standing at the alter. Their hands in holding and they eyes staring into the other's. Justin could imagine the vows he would take with Brian and the promises that they would make. He could feel Brian's warm fingers guiding the gold ring on Justin's left hand. He could see the smile that would occupy Brian's face throughout the wedding. He could hear Brian's sweet voice whispering to him. Justin could smeel the cologne that Brian would be wearing. And he could tsate Brian's sweet lips as they kissed in front of friends and family. Brian shook Justin, trying to get his attention. "We can sit down now," Brian whispered, pulling Justin down. Justin's attention was grasped when he heard Brian's tender voice. Justin sat next to Brian and snuggled closer to him. Brian gave Justin an odd look. "I don't care who wants to stop and stare. I love you." Justin whispered to Brian. Brian beamed and rubbed Justin's hand.

The wedding was a long ceremony of tears and joy. Brian felt at ease as he watched the glorious moment for the happy couple. He could only imagine how wonderful of an expereince it would be for Justin and him. As the wedding ending, everyone made their way out of the tent and into the recption area or they walked around the park. Brian found himself walking with Justin around the tent. "That was so beautiful." Brian commented, ending his silence with Justin. "It was." Justin agreed. "Do you think our's will be like that?" Justin asked shyly. "I think it'll be better, even if it's just you and me." Brian cheered Justin up. "You know, just watching the wedding made me think about when we should get married." Brian added. "Really? It made me think too." Justin was shocked at Brian's comment. Brian stopped Justin and they both stood in the wind. "Let's get married in two weeks." Brian finally said. Justin looked at Brian awkwardly. "Two weeks? That's kind of soon don't you think?" Justin worried. "Not if you love someone." Brian smiled. "I love you, but two weeks is rather short." Justin argued gently. Brian frowned and held Justin's soft hands. "When?" Brian asked quietly. "Uhm, I don't know." Justin answered.

Brian and Justin stood in silence until they heard the loud roar of fireworks above them. Justin looked up and smiled. Brian gazed upwards and took the fireworks as a sign. "July the 4th." Brian said. Justin looked at Brian, feeling confused. "Huh?" Justin questioned. "Let's get married on July the 4th." Brian repeated. "July the 4th? It does have a nice ring to it." Justin shrugged. "Not as nice as the ring I'm going to put on your finger that day." Brian said happily. Justin smiled at him. "Then July 4th it is!" Justin exclaimed. Brian grapsed Justin around the hips and kissed him. Justin gladly accepted Brian's kiss, happy with the situation. Brian let go of Justin and looked around, making sure no one was around. "I love you." Brian said proudly. "I love you more." Justin chimmed. Brian let go of Justin's hips and grabbed his hand. They walked towards the reception area, hand-in-hand.

Justin and Brian found Justin's parents and took a seat at their table. "You missed the toast." Randall said lightly. "Sorry, but we have something of our own to toast." Justin smiled. "What?" Lynn asked in anticipation. "We've decided on a date." Brian responded before Justin could. "That's wonderful!" Lynn cheered. "When?" Paul asked with intrigue. "We're getting married on July the 4th." Justin answered. "Oh, that's so romantic." Lisa said. "That will be nice." Randall finally smiled. "That's rather short? How will I... I mean you guys get it all together by then?" Lynn stumbled over her words. "It'll be alot of work, but we can pull it off." Brian assured her.

"Then let's toast to it, to Brian and Justin's love." Paul suggested, raising his champagne glass. "Justin, where's Jonathan?" Brian asked, causing Justin to look around. Brian took the oppurtunity to slip a small, gold bracelet in Justin's champagne glass. "He's over there." Justin pointed out for Brian. "Oh, okay. Let's drink." Brian said, raising his glass. Justin grasped his glass and raised it. As he looked at the glass in the light, he saw the gold bracelet glistening in the champagne. "What's this?" Justin asked. Justin lowered his glass and dipped a finger in the glass. He pulled out the bracelet and admired it. Justin raised the bracelet to the light and saw the small charm on it. The charm was the letters 'J-U-S-T' in formal script. Justin looked on the back of the barcelet and it said 'Just me and you... Love, Brian' Justin automatically looked at Brian and smiled. "You're welcome." Brian smiled back. "Where did you get this?" Justin asked. "I got it from Freidman's while we were at the mall." Brian answered. "You two are so adorable." Lisa teased. "That's young love for ya." Paul laughed.

Another hour went by at the wedding and Justin found himself feeling ill again. He sat alone at the table, staring into his champagne glass. Lisa and Randall were chatting with the bride and groom while Brian was dancing with Lynn. Paul was tending to Steven and Jonathan. "I agree, something simple with just family and friends would be nice." Lynn said while sitting in her seat. Justin saw Brian standing next to him. "You okay?" Brian asked. "I'm not feeling so great." Justin admitted. "Oh, do you need anything? Maybe we should get you home." Lynn advised. "Yeah, I was thinking I should go," Justin agreed. "Well come on then, there's no need for us to stick around." Brian confirmed the decision. "You sure? I don't want to ruin your night." Justin said softly. "If you're not happy, then my night is ruined." Brian answered. "Oh, you two and this mushy talk. Just go back to your father's already." Lynn giggled. "Tell evryone I'm sorry we left early mom." Justin asked of his mother while standing. "Sure, get some rest and I'll see you in the morning before you leave." Lynn agreed. Justin nodded and kissed her mother goodbye. Brian and Justin made their way out of the reception area and went back to Randall and Lisa's house.

Justin escorted Brian downstairs to the den, looking around the comfy room. "Are you sure you'll be okay down here?" Justin asked. "I'll be cool." Brian responded to Justin as if Justin was a nagging mom. Justin took a seat on the couch that Brian was to sleep on. "You know, my parents aren't home." Justin teased Brian as if they were high school lovers. "Ooh, what time will they be back?!" Brian played along. "Who knows?" Justin shrugged. Brian sat on the couch next to Justin and hugged him. Justin began to kiss Brian's neck as Brian hugged him. Justin knew that kissing Brian's neck turned Brian on. Brian pushed Justin back on the couch and crawled ontop of him. Brian and Justin's lips met several times as Brian untied Justin's tie. Justin began to unbuckle Brian's pants and then unzip them. Justin panted as Brian ran his hands across Justin's thighs. "Wait, wait, WAIT!" Brian shouted. Brian got off of Justin and zipped his pants back up. "What?" Justin asked. "We're not doing this again. We both know that I can have sex at this moment and we can't do this in the basement of your parents house." Brian explained.

Justin slid back on the couch, feeling embarassed and ashamed. Brian placed his hand on Justin's thigh and laid his head on Justin's shoulder. "I love you." were the only words Brian could think to say. "I had better go upstairs. I'm feeling really sick." Justin avoided Brian. Brian held onto Justin's thigh as Justin tried to stand. Brian laid Justin back on the couch and once again crawled ontop of Justin. Brian slowly kissed Justin's lips, barely touching them. Justin began to return the kiss, his lips trying to grasp Brian's. Brian finally locked his lips to Justin's and tried to slid his tongue into Justin's mouth. Justin slowly opened his mouth and let Brian's smooth tongue in. Justin rubbed his hands across Brian's back and moaned through their kiss. Brian let Justin's lips go and panted heavily. "I love you." Brian repeated. "I love you too." Justin responded this time. Brian ran his hands through Justin's hair, trying to calm him. They both adjusted themselves so that they were laying next to each other. Brian had his arms wrapped around Justin's waist while Justin had his arms around Brian's chest. Brian found himself falling to sleep and before Justin knew it, he was sleep too. They slept for hours in each other's arms. They were awakened in the morning by a loud shout. "What the hell is going on here!?!" they heard Randall scream at them. Justin and Brian bolted up as they heard the voice...


*** There you go. Rather long, eh? I'm going to be working on two projects for next time. One is the 'pre-quel' to 'The First Nite' and the other is the next instalement of this story. The next instalement will probably be about three chapters, so forgive me. I got an idea from one of my readers that I'm going to use. That reader knows who he is! Also, all songs in this instalement, with the exception of 'Just', can now be found on the third soundtrack. Thanks for reading... ***

** One more note: HELP WANTED! I need to find an artist. A GREAT artist to do a picture for me. Requirements, the picture has to be of Brian & Justin together. In anyway that you chose, I need them together. I want it to be romantic though. The other requirement is thta you have a scanner. I need you to send me the pic by e-mail. The best pciture will be sent to my readers by request and the artist will forever be credited in my series! I thank one of my readers for suggesting this. Also, I have received alot of great ideas that I plan on using in the stories. All of the readers who sent these ideas in will be credited for their work and at the end of the series, I'll pick the idea that I liked the best! So thanks to Paul for the wedding date and for the artist idea! I appreciate it it greatly! **

  • And what story would be complete without another contest? It's not really a contest but a vote. I am torn between who Lance should be with! I like the JC idea, but I feel Nick deserves another chance because he has been changing. So, I want readers to e-mail me who you think Lance should be with and why. I need a reason why! That way, I can decide by the best reason why. That's all I need of you. Thanks again and see ya next time... *

Next: Chapter 29: First Week

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