Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jul 17, 2001


Angel's Wings (Part 17) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

--- Feature Presentation: Angel's Wings, Rated NC-17 ---

It was pretty early for them. The sun had not kissed the sky before they were sitting in this secluded longue of a hospital but the reasons they were there made it necessary. They dropped all they had to do to be there. She sacrificed finishing a recording session at a Miami studio to be there. She angered producer Rodney Jerkins by abandoning the studio, but for her friends, she willing did it. The man next to her gave up a comfortable, a loving man and a day at work to be at the hospital. But neither gave no thought to what they gav up. Their only concerns were what was occuring at the hospital and what had brought them there.

Britney twirled a finger through her hair, her legs crossed and her clothing a sportier side of her personality. She preferred to be comfortable in the studio and, in that instant, she was thrilled she wore her stone-washed jeans and an old T-shirt. She glanced over to Bryce, his button-down shirt and khaki pants calling for a more upper-scale affair that Britney's attire but she grinned through it.

"I can't believe they're going through this again." Britney remarked, her hands settling in her lap. Bryce glanced over at her curiously. He ran a hand over his semi-spikey blonde-brown hair and smiled meekly. "Yeah... Justin sounded pretty shaken up when he called me. He almost sounded scared or something." Bryce agreed, crossing his own legs. "Well you know how protective Justin is of the little one." Britney noted, leaning in Bryce's direction. Bryce nodded, glancing down at his watch. 8:11 AM. He thought about Lance and how Lance probably wanted to be there but couldn't. He chewed the inside of his mouth, wishing he could've stayed in Lance's arms for a few more hours during the night, but he knew Brian and Justin needed him. After all, he was the one that helped them to adopt Angel. To know how scared Brian and Justin were only frightened him. He didn't think he'd ever have to face this again, especially not after the incident last year when he was forced to fight to keep Angel in Brian and Justin's arms.

"They're good fathers. I mean, to be so young and have Angel has to be difficult." Bryce said, adjusting the glasses on his face. Britney frowned slightly, combing fingers through her hair. "It's still hard for me to believe that Justin's twenty and has a husband and a son." Britney commented, glancing around the quiet room. "But he's great with Angel. He and Brian are really great with that kid. It's like they were meant to be Angel's parents." Bryce sighed happily. He watched nurses pass the room without speaking. He wanted one of them to stop, to let them know if everything was fine. He needed to know why Justin sounded so scared and what was happening with Angel.

"Those two were meant to have kids period. They're so in love. They have been since the day they saw each other in that airport in Atlanta." Britney grinned, thinking of the times she had seen Brian and Justin together. The days when their love was young. When Justin told Britney that he loved Brian and when she saw the young couple walk down the aisle. She only wished for that again.

Bryce cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair. "Lots of people fall in love, but most never make down the aisle, especially not in their situation." Bryce stated, a sour expression gripping his face. Britney nodded, lowering her head. "Me and Joey were together for two and a half years and never made it down the aisle. Brian and Justin were together eleven months before they were taking their vows. I guess it just depends on how fast the love grows." Britney declared mournfully, stringing strands of her hair behind her ear. "Yeah." Bryce nodded, only managing that one word when thinking of Britney's failed relationship. 'What if that's me and Lance? What if we go years together and never make that final step because we let our careers or our friends or anything keep us on different tracks?' Bryce thought, nervously picking at the buttons on his shirt.

Bryce had to stop himself. His eyes caught a glimmer of the ring that was around his finger and happiness ensued. 'No, Lance gave me this promise ring. He promised that one day I'd be Bryce Bass and I believe him. I know he wouldn't lie about that.' he grinned, rubbiner his fingers over the cool metal. He closed his eyes and thought of Lance's ivory-soft touch. The way Lance kissed him the day he gave him that ring and the way the words were choked out because Lance had small tears in his eyes and it was emotional for him. Lance never proposed to Nick or JC or Matt and he even turned down JC's proposal. That meant something to Bryce. It meant he was special, he was something that Lance could live with forever. He could be the one.

Footfalls and quiet talking stirred Bryce from his musings. He glanced up as Joey walked into the room, a short, curly0headed female attached to his arm. The girl giggled quietly as Joey glanced around the room. "Hey you two." he grinned when seeing Bryce and Britney. Britney glanced up briefly before lowering her head. Bryce frowned smally before looking at Joey. "Hey Joey. Hi Kelly." Bryce said dully. He knew just saying her name brought pains to Britney's heart. To know that only a few weeks after their breakup, Joey was in the arms of the woman he cheated on Britney with destroyed Britney. It hurt everyone. Bryce had hoped better for the couple, maybe a reunion of their love, but with Kelly in the way, he lost that faith.

Joey led Kelly to a pair of seats opposite Bryce and Britney. He stood, eyeing Britney, while Kelly immediately sat, disatisfied with the silence. "Have you heard from Brian or Justin yet?" she asked, reaching a hand up to grab her boyfriend's. Joey hesitantly sat down next to her, his heart hiding under a pair of perplexed eyes. 'God, I hate it being this hard for her.' he thought to himself, still glaring at Britney.

"No, we haven't heard from Brian or Justin. I don't think they even know that we're here." Bryce finally remarked, searching Joey's expression for his thoughts. He watched the quiet man shift uncomfortably in his chair when his girlfriend snuggled to him and it was obvious. He turned to Britney and watched her hooded eyes stare at the floor, her mouth unmoving but her actions strained. He felt the need to start a conversation with her, to ease her out of that awkward shell but he couldn't. 'Maybe that's what JC feels like when he sees me and Lance together?' he thought, settling with resting a hand on top of Britney's for mild comfort.

"Excuse me, but are you the friends of the Littrells?" an elderly nurse asked, causing eyes to flock to her with surprise. She stood outside of the lounge, a chart pressed to her chest and a unique smile on her lips. Joey cleared his throat loudly while standing from his seat. "Yes, we are." Joey replied. Bryce and Britney quickly stood with curiosity as the nurse took a step into the longue. She kept a generous smile with them as she scanned over their expressions. "I'm Marge Abbigale Angel. I know the Littrells from their trips here to the hospital and I've been visiting with them today." Marge explained before lowering the chart in her hands. "Are they okay? How's Angel?" Britney questioned quickly, stepping forward as she spoke. Bryce held her elbow in his hand, squeezing it lightly to calm her anxiety.

Marge glanced at Britney and sighed lowly. "Well, it's over with, I can tell you that much. They're really indifferent about the situation and especially the suddeness of it. They haven't had a chance to let it sink in, but I can see that it's got them shaken a little. As for Angel, he's confused. He's not really sure what's happening and I guess it kind of worries and scares him." Marge expounded, giving her attention to all of the occupants of the longue. Britney groaned softly, dragging her fingers through her hair. She turned from the group and paced toward a corner of the room, frustrated by Marge's words. "Do you think that they'll let one of us visit with them... at least talk with them?" Joey questioned, denying himself the displeasure of seeing Britney in her shaken state. 'Why do this to yourself? You were the one who was there with her, taking care of Angel, before Brian and Justin got him. It almost felt like a family... and you know how she feels about children.' Joey thought, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"There's no need to ask for that sort of permission. Brian and Justin are on their way down the hall as we speak." Marge informed them, finally revealing information that she hid at request. Joey was the first to let his mouth fall open and his brow raised. Could it have been that easy? He bypassed Marge quickly and peeked into the hallway of the hospital. A few nurses passed him with flirtatious laughter leaving their lips as they santured down the hall. He ignored them all to focus on the pair slowly moving toward him. A smile curled on his lips and his brown eyes lightened with a light of life.

He stared into a pair of crinkly blue eyes and reality hit him. Brian's eyes had never been filled to the brim with joy like they were at that moment. Joey had yet to experience the innocent, composed side of Justin as he focused his attention on something besides his own happiness. Joey folded his arms and stood beside himself as he watched Angel rush in front of his fathers, babbling words that were incoherent to Joey. Joey found himself laughing as the boy stumbled around Brian, pulling on his shirt occasionally to draw Brian's attention from the picture of sunshine embedded in Justin's arms.

"Hey Joey, we've got someone for you to meet." Brian said proudly as they finally drew closer to Joey. Joey raised his brow with his jeery smile as the others made their way into the hall. "You're kidding right?" Joey laughed out, focusing his focal point on the blanketed child in Justin's arms. "You got her?" Britney asked excitedly, leaning on Bryce as she glared at the couple.

Brian and Justin came to a halt in front of their friends, nothing removing the chocolate-sweet smile from their lips. They watched their friends try to draw closer and view the infant resting in Justin's arms. Justin chewed on his lower lip and nervously peeled away the pink blanket from near the baby's face. He admired the child, watching the way the baby slept without fear in his arms. He could only think of her saphire-blue eyes and the way they glew like the sun setting in Egypt. He thought of the softness of her hair and it's golden hue. He smiled when dreaming of the faint blush that filled her cheeks and the way she smiled so generously. She was his and she was Brian's and she was a Littrell.

"Guys, we'd like to meet Autumn Ava Littrell, our daughter." Justin stated, lifting his head to look at his friends. He held his daughter up a little higher for his friends to view. Coo's raced from his friend's lips and Justin began to feel a state of comfort wash over him. It was eaiser when they admired the baby. Life seemed calmer when he could depend on his friend's support. He felt Brian's arm slip around his shoulders and squeeze him close, assuring him that things were right.

"Wow, she's gotten gorgeous over the past few months." Britney gushed, brushing a hand over the soft material of Autumn's blanket. She edged closer to her friend's to view Autumn in all her beauty. 'Another one. Another beautiful child for them... but you have none. You have nothing to look forward to because now your old boyfriend has moved on and you're still stuck on him. Still stuck on his stupid, childish, annoying ways. You can't help but love him and now look, Brian and Justin, the man that was also once your boyfriend, have their second child.' Britney told herself, tuckering away a frown to keep the mood light between herself and her friends.

"She really has grown. She looks a lot healthier now." Joey remarked, laying a hand on Britney's shoulder and it was all Britney could do from snatching away and running to a corner to cry. She felt his bretah on her skin as he eased closer to view the child, leaving a chilled, sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. That wasn't how she was supposed to feel but it was. It was all she could feel.

Justin leaned his head on Brian's shoulder as Brian ran a careful hand over his daughter's golden brown hair. "Yeah, she's a true beauty. The doctors say that we'll have to keep a close eye on her because she was born prematurely, but she's still in perfect condition for us to take home. They're pretty sure that she'll be fine as long as she's in a stable environment." Brian remarked with his healthy country accent. "Well, there goes her chances of being happy. We all know that the Littrell house isn't stable." Joey joked, causing the others to laugh causually.

Bryce pulled his attention from the newly adopted Littrell to give attention to another. He glanced downward as he felt a pair of small hands pulling on the tail of his shirt. He smiled at Angel as the young boy becokened for his attention. "What's up little buddy?" Bryce asked, lifting Angel up into his arms. He tossled the young boy's blonde hair as Angel got comfortable in Bryce's arms. "New baby." Angel exclaimed, pointing toward the yawning infant in his father's arms. Bryce laughed lowly, nodding. "Yeah. That's your new sister Angel." Bryce chimed, finding a brighter world in Angel's glassy blue eyes.

Angel glanced back at his sister, cocking an eyebrow upward with curiosity. He watched all of the attention fall on her and suddenly, he felt alone. He fiddled with the collar of Bryce's shirt before pouting his lips. He looked upward and found Justin's eyes holding him still. His father smiled at him and then winked, giving Angel a reason to smile back. "Daddy." he whispered, grinning as he rested his head on Bryce's shoulder and let his heavy eyes close.

There ws a bowl of corn and a plate of fried and baked chicken. She had prepared a large dish of mashed potatoes with a small dish of green beans. She had a plate of cornbred, a bowl of candied yams and a platter of watermelon. "Watermelon?" Mandy Ashford, a youthful blonde from the group Innosense, questioned as she glanced over the table full of food. She shifted her body until she looked upon the woman who had prepared the feast.

Her solid green eyes watched as Lynn Harliss worked desperately to finish icing the Red Velvet cake she prepared for dessert. She knew Lynn was cooking endlessly because of fear. She feared not having her first granddaughter. She feared seeing disappointment on her son's face because she knew it would hurt him more than anything.

Lynn glanced over her shoulder, a weary expression clenching her face. "Angel loves it. I figured he and somebody else might just be in the mood for some fruit." Lynn stated, quickly surrendering her attention to her work again. She was dtermined to finish, determined to keep herself busy because she didn't need to think about what could happen with her son. She just needed to cook.

"Woo, Lynn, this looks like some good eating." Lance announced, his country accent deep and slippery. He stood next to Mandy with a bright grin, slipping an arm around his best friend's shoulder. He brushed his hand over her straight blonde hair, tilting his head to the side to take in the full view of the table. "Don't you think about touching that food Lance until Brian and Justin get here." Lynn ordered, keeping her focus on the cake. Lance giggled quietly, leaning on his friend. "I won't. Of course, Joey might gobble it all down before I get a chance to." Lance commented. He drew a small laugh from Mandy, one that he cherished. "And you probably don't want to eat without your boyfriend here either? Huh?" Mandy teased, looking at her friend a wide smile. Lance let blush creep into his cheeks but he did not hesitate in nodding. He couldn't lie about about it. He wanted to see Bryce, wanted to feel Bryce, wanted to stare at Bryce and know that love was there in his eyes. It just felt too natural now.

"Hey, Bryce just pulled up with Britney and Brian and Justin are coming up in the driveway right now." Bryan Deas, Mandy's boyfriend, proclaimed as he rushed into the kitchen. Head preked up and eyes glew with excitement. "Oh God..." Lynn gasped out, drying her hands with a dishrag as Lance moved away from Mandy and towards the door. "Did they have the baby? Did they have her?" Mandy asked quickly, throwing her arms around Bryan's neck with bright eyes. Bryan smiled at her and slipped his arms around her waist. "I'm not sure. I only saw them pull up, but Britney was smiling pretty hard." Bryan responded with a model-like grin.

Lynn eased by the cuddling couple to follow Lance toward the door. Her heart had already passed her chest and was slowly creeping into her throat. She could barely control the way her hands shook and shivered. Her mind was jumbled into a thicket of thoughts that barely gave her room to think of her son's name. But it came to her. As soon as she saw him hug Lance and walk into the house, it all returned to her. "Justin..." she squeaked out, searching her son's face for a sign of happiness or joy or that fatherly glow he carried.

Justin looked up at his mother as Lance grabbed Angel's hand and led him into the house. He gave her a calm smile and glanced over his shoulder as Brian entered the house, Autumn cradled in his arms. "Would you like to meet your granddaughter Ma?" Justin asked, already aware of the answer. He stepped aside so that Brian could fully enter the house and move toward his mother-in-law. "Oh God, oh thank God you got her." Lynn gushed, tears of pure joy lining her eyes.

Brian shot his mother-in-law a proud smirk, carefully carrying his daughter toward her. "Yep, she's all ours; adopted in full." Brian chimed in, holding Autumn up for Lynn to admire. Lynn sniffled softly and wiped the tears from her eyes, composing herself long enough to stare into those stunning blue eyes that belonged to her granddaughter. "Autumn Ava, I'd like you to meet your grandmother." Brian said quietly, offering his daughter to Lynn. Lynn willingly scooped the three-month-old child into her arms, smiling gaily as she looked upon the child. She looked upon her granddaughter and those nervous feelings slipped away. She was at peace. She was proud to hold the daughter of her son and his husband.

Justin found his spot on the couch more than comfortable. Next to his husband, he felt nothing but security. His legs were pulled up close to his body and his head rested on Brian's shoulder. His upperbody was snuggled under the wing of Brian's arm, the heat between them only seperated by thin material. That material was only enough to remind them that they could not act out on their feelings in front of the others. They could not release that sexual energy that had swelled inside them.

Justin rubbed Brian's thigh with his smooth hand while Brian pet his short-cut blonde hair. He knew part of Brian desired to string his hand through a head of curls, but Justin wasn't ready to return to that person. He wasn't ready to be Justin Timerlake for the world. He wanted to be the docile, blue-eyed, buzz cut Justin Littrell that his husband got to hold at night and know he was only his. He liked feeling his hair spike up when Brian brushed it backward or when Brian scrapped his fingers along his scalp during sex. He liked the way Brian scrambled to grab his ears because there were no curls to latch onto when Justin gave him head.

He listened to his mother coo at his daughter while Angel and Britney played tag in the nearby room. It was all too soothing for him. Being near his husband, feeling his love, and knowing his children were happy eased everything inside of him. There was a coating of vanillia over his heart, sweet and pure. It was because Brian rubbed his temple in that relaxing way that almost made him feel like falling asleep. It was because he felt complete. He felt that soft, cotton candy world he dreamed about surround him. He had his friends, his family, Brian, Angel and, now, he had Autumn.

"All right, since throwing you guy's a baby shower wouldn't be too much fun, I thought we'd play a little game." Mandy stated as she sat in her boyfriend's lap on a nearby couch. Justin peeked his head up with curosity flaring through his eyes. "What kind of game?" Justin questioned, lowering his brow with obvious wonder. Mandy perked up and licked her glossy lips. "It's a couples game. I'm going to ask you and Brian and Lance and Bryce questions that pertain to your mate." Mandy replied, giving quick glances to Justin and then Lance. Lance shifted uncomfortably on the floor, his head resting between his boyfriend's legs as Bryce pet his hair. "What kinds of questions?" Brian asked, letting his hand drop to Justin's shoulder. Mandy arched her eyebrow fondly as Bryan slipped his arms around her waist. "Well..." Mandy grinned, pulling up a book from near Bryan. "I was shopping in the bookstore the other day with Nikki and just happened upon this book written by Samantha Stonebraker, Brian's ex-girlfriend." Mandy beamed, holding the book up for the others to view. The mere mention of the name cause Brian to groan loudly and hide his face behind his hand. Justin chewed on his lower lip nervously and lowered his eyes, aware of the book and some of its contents.

"The book is basically about Samantha answering questions about her relationship with Brian and her connections to the Backstreet Boys." Mandy explained, flipping through the book while speaking. "Sounds dirty." Lance teased, looking toward Brian. "Sounds underhanded if you ask me." Brian remarked, brushing the curve of Justin's ear. Justin calmed under the touch and listened as Mandy spoke. "Anyways... I thought I'd ask each of you questions from the book and have you answer them to the best of your ability. Answer the question as it pertains to your relationship with your boyfriend or husband or to the group he's with." Mandy suggested, searching for approval from her friends.

Lance shrugged before looking up to Bryce. Bryce stared down at him with a sincere smile. "Sure, why not." Bryce agreed before laying a quick kiss on Lance's lips. He had fear racing through his mind but he kept it silent.

He didn't want to discuss Lance's former relationships, but if it meant he could get closer to Lance, he dared to face his fear.

Mandy turned to Brian and Justin, both silent but obvious. Brian nuzzled his nose against the top of Justin's head, hoping his affection would persuade Justin. Justin sighed and sat up, escaping Brian's touch. "We're in." he said softly, picking at his shirt. Brian frowned and let his hand fall to Justin's waist, giving it a light squeeze. This wasn't the way he wanted to spend the day. He wanted to be with Justin and he wanted to play with Angel and help Autumn adjust to her new surroundings. He knew Justin didn't want to hear about his past, especially not his past with Samantha or Leighanne or Matt.

"All right, I've randomly selected these questions by just flipping through the book. The first question from the book is 'What is it like going home with Brian to Kentucky?' So Justin can answer that question and Bryce can answer what it's like to go home with Lance to Mississippi." Mandy stated. Bryce glanced at Justin, waiting for him to move or to speak. Justin gave Brian a quick look before smiling quietly. "Going home with Brian is always relaxing for me. His mom always makes home-cooked meals and his dad always sits and talks with me. They accept me for me and really treat me like a son." Justin said happily. He let his hand creep back into Brian's lap and rest on his thigh. "Brian's always so laidback and comfortable around his family. He's great to see his parents so into spending time with Bastian because it gives me and Brian a chance to get back to normal." Justin added, keeping his eyes on Brian as he spoke. Brian felt a rush of blood spread across his cheeks and he lowered his head with a smile.

Bryce wrapped his arms around Lance's neck and grinned. That was the kind of love he aspired to reach. "Bryce?" Mandy prompted, causing the dazed man to smile goofily. "Uhm, let's see... being at home with Lance is so special to me because his family always makes me feel like I'm one of them. Stacy always hangs out with me and takes me places around Clinton and his parents are really caring. They treat me like I've been the love of Lance's life for years and it always makes me feel like there's something I want all the time." Bryce replied, his voice drifting softer. He felt Lance looking upward and he couldn't find th strength to look down. "That's because I told them that it feels like we've been in love for years." Lance said, his deep voice serenading Bryce's heart. Bryce swallowed hard and glanced downward, watching a smile spread over Lance's face. He didn't have to speak. His eyes told his story, his thoughts.

Mandy grinned at the couples. She flipped through the book again and stopped on a page. "Okay, the next question is 'What was a typical date like with Brian? Did you ever double-date with other members of the Backstreet Boys?'" she stated, lowering the book when she finished reading the question. Brian leaned back into the couch as Justin laid his legs across Brian's lap. "He's a romantic. He always wants to do something romantic when we go out. He likes to go to the quiet spots where not too many people bother us and we can be us. But Brian's always fun too. He'll take me to the carnival or to the arcade or any place where we can have fun together." Justin replied, keeping his eyes lowered. "Have you guys double-dated with the guys from the BSB before?" Mandy wondered, tilting her head to the side. Justin looked up at his husband with curious eyes. "Not really. I mean, if it's a get-together where everyone is there, I guess you can count that. We've double-dated with Britney and Joey a lot and we've been out with Chris and Meelah and Irish and her boyfriend." Justin responded. "And we've been out with Lance and Bryce." Brian added, taking a quick glimpse at the other couple. Justin nodded, leaning forward to be closer to his husband.

"What about you two?" Bryan questioned, staring at Lance and Bryce. Bryce raised his brow before looking at Bryan. "Lance is a homebody. He likes to spend time at home. We'll go to clubs occasionally, but we like to spend quality time at his place or mine. It's harder for us to go out to restaurants and stuff because the public doesn't know about us, but we do it when we feel like it." Bryce said. "But we like our time at home because it's peaceful and special." Lance added with a small smile. "What about those double-dates?" Mandy questioned with a knowing smile. Lance blushed quickly and turned his head away. "Mandy, we all know that you and Bryan are pretty much the only folks we double-date with." Bryan chimed, hugging onto Lance. "Don't forget about us." Justin called out, laughing lowly. "Them too." Bryce teased, motioning toward Brian and Justin. Lance giggled deeply and intertwined his fingers with Bryce's, striving to be closer to his boyfriend.

Mandy giggled to herself as she flipped through the book. "There's just so much we don't know." she said softly, cocking an eyebrow upward when viewing pictures of Brian and Samantha together. "Are you sure this isn't a way for you to find out all of their deep, dark, juicy secrets?" Bryan joked, gliding his fingers over his girlfriend's waist. Mandy smiled even harder, her eyes twinkling in that way that caused for questioning. She folded strainds of her blonde hair behind her ear and winked at her boyfriend. "Oh Lord." Lance groaned, throwing a hand over his eyes while withholding a laugh. "The next question is 'Is Brian a good kisser?'" Mandy beamed, lowering the book with a michevious smile. Blush rushed Brian's thin cheeks and he lowered his head. "Could this get anymore embarassing for you?" Bryan questioned him, grinning wickedly. Brian shook his head quickly, giggling lowly.

Justin scratched the back of his shortly cropped hair. He licked his lips slowly and eyed his feet as they nervously padded against the side of the couch. "What was her response?" Justin wondered, laying his head to one side with an innocent look of curiosity. "Oh no you don't. I'm not getting you jealous." Mandy chimed, laying the book next to her boyfriend's legs. Justin let a smirk creep out of the corner of his mouth before rolling his eyes. "Well... Brian's the best kisser I've ever met. He might have small lips, but he knows how to use them. He always gives sweet kisses, nothing too over the top and nothing too bland either. I don't know... it's just..." Justin stopped mid-sentence and turned to Brian. He found those pretty pastel blue eyes and he had to swallow his heart. There he was, a romantic in all forms. Just his eyes were a potrait of a summer romance. There was no fighting a love that beautiful.

Justin reached his hand up and latched onto Brian's collar, quickly pulling him forward. He pressed his lips to Brian's and waited. It was just that easy. His husband responded immediately, brushing their lips together in a soft form. Justin did not resist in running he tip of his tongue over Brian's bottom lip before pulling back, his smile a true visual rendering of an angel wrapped in pure white silk. "There's no way I can describe the way he kisses. Just know he's a great kisser." Justin gushed, his voice dipped in a caramel coating of love. Brian smiled on him, brushing the back of his hand over Justin's cheek. "And he tastes like candy too." Justin whispered, drowning in the eyes of his husband.

Lance lost himself in Brian and Justin's display of affection. He batted his eyes like a child, fascinated by them. 'Is that what it's like to be young and married and madly in love?' Lance pondered, scratching the fews hairs that grew on his chin. "Bryce, it's your turn." Mandy announced and Lance let himself drift away from his thoughts. "Can I answer this one?" Lance requested immediately, halting his boyfriend from speaking. "Sure." Mandy replied loosely, sitting up with interest. "Bryce knows how to and when to kiss me. He knows that kissing is an important part of a relationship because it shows care and understanding. He knows to kiss me softly when I'm upset or stressed out and he knows that I like subtle kisses when something is going right. He kisses me quietly when I'm feeling sleepy and he knows to kiss me passionately when we're in the mood. Most importantly, Bryce knows that when he kisses me, I feel what he feels and it makes my love for him grow stronger and stronger." Lance stated, his voice trembling with emotions he rarely expressed.

He felt Bryce running fingers through his hair and he knew Bryce was going to kiss him. He knew those words were enough to stir up emotions inside of Bryce that called for a kiss. He tilted his head back and eyed his boyfriend, tenderness grooving through Bryce's face. "Can I kiss you now?" Bryce whispered out his question, rubbing Lance's temples with his soft fingers. Lance shot him a quick smirk. "Only if you want to." Lance whispered back. There wasn't a need for prompting. Bryce leaned down quickly and their lips met with a spark of fire that rushed through their blood. It was the right kiss for the right moment from the right couple.

The doorbell chimed and eyes drew away from Bryce and Lance as Britney rushed through the foyer. "I'll get it ya'll." she cheered as she passed. "Looks like this game is over ya'll." Mandy announced, standing up and dropping the book into her boyfriend's lap. She stretched laungidly while Lynn entered the living room with Autumn curled up in her arms. "This little girl is just too cute." Lynn said with her heavy country accent. Brian traced his fingers over the spikey ends of Justin's hair as his husband scooted forward to view their daughter. "She's a doll." Justin agreed, folding his arms over his knees and leaning on them.

"You know, the silent treatment isn't always the best way to greet someone." Joey called out as Britney trudged through the living room, her head high but her demeanor filled with flames. "It works for me." she snapped back, keeping her head forward as she moved through the room. Joey quickly followed her into the room, slowing his pace when he felt the eyes of his friends on him. "Hey Joe, what happened to Kelly?" Lance questioned his friend, briefly pulling Joey's concentration from Britney. "Took her home." Joey replied in a curt tone, peering at Britney with unwanted aggravation. He had dealt with months of deep stares and little words. He grew weary of the thought of never being able to know Britney as a friend again. But did he ever? Was their every waking moment together just their relationship? Didn't they know each other as more than boyfriend and girlfriend? Joey hoped so.

Justin cleared his throat loudly as he stood from his seat on the couch. His husband followed him with slower movements, stretching behind Justin as Justin adjusted his shirt. "Well, since most of you are here, I suppose this would be an opportune time to make an announcement." Justin said in a clear voice. Brian rested his hand on Justin's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. It was an added boost of confidence. It was a small gesture that Justin needed but never asked for. "I hope they don't plan on telling us that they want to adopt another kid." Joey joked quietly to Lance, grinning smugly as a few eyes flocked his way.

"Hey, I wanna tell 'em." Brian spoke up, stepping up to his husband's side. Justin turned to Brian with his brow lowered. "But I'm going to tell them." Justin whined. "No, I wanna tell them." Brian grinned out, speaking slowly to tease his husband. Justin pouted. "But I'm going to." Justin fussed, his face wrinkling up.

Brian raised a hand and rested it on Justin's cheek, rubbing it with a tender touch. He lunged in briskly and situateed his lips against Justin's, kissing the ruddy lips with mild passion. He swiped his tongue across Justin's teeth and shuffled his lips against Justin's with smaller kisses. He briskly pulled back and shot Justin a cocky smirk.

Justin's mouth hung open. He squinted his eyes and sighed. It was a tricky move, beyond underhanded. He didn't think Brian was capable of it, but his husband was. "Cheater." Justin hissed out, smiling loosely at his husband. "I know." Brian whispered back, rubbing a thumb over Justin's bottom lip before turning to the others.

"Well, Britney and Joey are already Angel's godparents. They were there the whole time I was trying to surprise Justin with Angel and they've been there for Timber whenever we needed them to be. Now that we have Autumn, we've noticed that there's two other people that have stood by us the whole way." Brian declared, holding his husband's hand happily. Justin gave Brian's hand a light squeeze and leaned his head on Brian's shoulder. "We figured that these two would truly be there for Autumn, especially since one of them helped us get both Angel and Autumn." Brian added, turning his eyes on Bryce and Lance as he spoke. Bryce's face went taut and his eyes grew in size. "We want Lance and Bryce to be Autumn's godfathers." Justin finally announced, stealing Brian's glory from him. Brian huffed quietly while Justin grinned, pressing his lips against Brian's cheek for a small peck.

Cheers cascaded and fell with a spark of joy rushing throughout the room. "Congratulations." Mandy cheered, rubbing Lance's shoulder while Bryan patted both Lance and Bryce's backs. Bryce swallowed quickly and grinned, the announcement playing blissful melodies in his heart. It's official?" he questioned, a gleam of hopefullnes in his eyes. Brian and Justin nodded with laughter. "We don't have any official contracts drawn up or anything, but it's pretty official." Brian teased, sliding his arm around Justin. It was a small gesture but he knew what it meant. It meant he wanted to share the pride with Justin. He wanted to know his husband stood by him for this decision and that nothing would change their mind.

Lance couldn't move. He couldn't speak. He could only think, contemplate why such a heavy burden was so easily placed on him. Godfather? The man that would have to be there on birthdays? The one that would surely be there when the child was baptised? What if he parted ways with Bryce? What if the romance was only meant for the moment and not for eternity? He wouldn't know how to be in the same room with Bryce if things went sour like they did with Britney. Yet, Justin was trusting him to be the godfather to his first daughter? Him and not JC or Chris or AJ. Hell, Lance was only but an usher at Justin's wedding. A fucking usher and now he was a godfather.

"Why?" he blutered out and, somehow, he wish he hadn't. He saw that look in Justin's eyes, the one that told him that Justin was hurt by the question. The one that said Justin knew of his doubts but wanted Lance to trust him. "Because Lance, you and Bryce have been there for me and Justin.

You've been real supportive of us and especially when it comes to being parents." Brian replied with a slowly fading smile.

Lance shyly slid his hands into his pockets. He wanted to understand, but it was hard to. It couldn't have been as easy as words. "Lance... we want you to be Autumn's godfather because I know if there's one person I can trust to care for my daughter like he cares for me, it's you. Not JC or AJ or Nick or anyone else. Sure, Chris is like a brother to me but that makes him more of an uncle with less attachment. But you... you're a true friend to me and though we've had differences, now, I feel that you're more than deserving to hold a place in my family's life." Justin said in an appreciative tone. He took a step forward and Lance flinched. "Please be Autumn's godfather." Justin whispered his plea, his doughy blue eyes circled with want and his lips forming a pout that Lance didn't want to deny.

He felt prickly tears strike his eyes and this was what he needed. A reminder. Something that told him that he truly was one of Justin's closest and most trusted friends. Just a touch of reality that made him think that Brian loved him like a friend too. "It would be an honor and a blessing to be your daughter's godfather." Lance finally choked out with a strained smile. Justin smiled back and embraced his friend, hugged him with a thank you that was unspoken.

"Aaaww, see Jenny, I told you we were missing all the good moments." Trace Ayala, Justin's childhood best friend, said humorously, standing in the entryway of the living room with his girlfriend, Jenny Morris, by his side. Justin separated from Lance with a childish grin, glancing over his shoulder to look at his friend. "You should've got here earlier when we were playing Candy Land and braiding each other's hair." Justin joked, keeping an arm around Lance's shoulder as he faced his friend. Trace shot him a thick smile. "What hair J?" Trace teased, pointing toward his friend's short-cut hair. "Same to you." Justin laughed back. Trace quickly swept his hand over his own hair, a short mess of hairs trying to curl again. Trace let his hand fall over his face and run over the beard he was growing. "Well, you suck anyway." Trace snickered back, grabbing Jenny's hand and leading her into the room. "Uhm, no comment." Justin giggled, pulling his arm from Lance and approaching his friend.

Mandy stood stiff and quiet as Jenny passed by. She had no words for her.

Nothing. There was only that quite, aching tension of two people, once friends, now nothing but people again. She could remember how Jenny freely agreed to fire Lynn Harless as Innosense's manager, how her only concern was Trace and his position with the group. Then when Trace brokeup with Jenny before Valentine's Day, the care for the group slowly diminished. Trace wanted to stay with Lynn and Jenny was torn because she loved him more than she did the other four friends she had in the group. And Mandy, her best friend, the one person she thought understood didn't. For a man, she left the group. For one man, she ended friendships and abandoned the group she fought so hard to be a part of. For this man, Jenny learned the meaning of hate because she could feel that Mandy hated her more than anything.

Trace toyed with Autumn's small, delicate fingers as his girlfriend held her, cooing at the child. "Yeah, she's a cutie." Trace remarked, looking up to Justin. Justin licked out a smile and nodded. "That she is." Justin agreed softly. "And you're a father again, all before the age of twenty-one." Trace added, staring at his friend with grand concern in his expression. Justin sighed lowly and turned his eyes to his daughter. He didn't want to hear this again, not from Trace or his mother or Johnny Wright or anyone. Anytime he made a serious decision, whether it was dating Brian or falling in love with Brian or marrying Brian or adopted his first child, he had to be questioned. He had to hear Trace's concerns or Johnny's doubts or friend's insecurities. There was never a unified agreeance when it came to his decisions. He hated it.

"Trace, you know this is what I want. I want to have a family and I want to continue to be with the guys from *NSYNC. I want to live my life with Brian and I want everyone to support me." Justin said, his heart carried in each word. He nibbled on his lower lip and glared at Trace with a furrowed brow and glassy eyes. "I know buddy. I just have to make sure you're getting what you want in life." Trace said with an undulating smile. Justin smiled back and his heart rested, secure in the spot it belonged.

The sun sparkled, glimmered, and brought illusions to the sky when reflecting off the pool water. The images revealed beauty and innocence, two things that were devoid from this relationship. She couldn't believe she was on the deck, listening to the melody of her heart, wishing it would stop. She was out there with him, her ex-boyfriend, the one man that was able to hurter her more than Justin. Even closing her eyes tightly and throwing a penny into a fountain, making a wish that only she could hope would come true, didn't help her situation. The heat of the day only heated her pain and anger.

"So why'd you take home that girl?" Britney questioned, letting the soft breeze catch her hair. She turned her almond eyes on Joey, letting the crease in her brow and the tight formation of her lips express her distrust of him. "Because it was hurting you." Joey replied gently. He didn't look at her. He didn't have the audacity to. He knew that she hurt a little too much to handle him looking at her, judging her. "What was hurting me?" Britney asked innocently, but she knew he knew. They were together for two years; how could he not know? It was right there, in her eyes, when he looked at them. If only for a brief second, he knew it all.

Joey turned in her direction, stepped closer to her, but he didn't touch her. He looked at her with soft eyes and a quiet smile. "I don't love her.

I don't know if I ever will, but she's someone new. Someone to help me get over you." Joey declared in that voice that reminded Britney why she had so many feelings for him. "You're using her then?" Britney questioned in a sharp tongue.

Wasn't it supposed to get easier? After months of being apart, it was supposed to be easier to talk to each other. They should've been past it, but they weren't and Joey was the first to admit it. "I'm not using her. I'm exploring my life without the woman I loved for over two years. I'm trying to find out who I am without her and Kelly is helping me." Joey disagreed without the condescending voice that he knew Britney wanted him to use. He refused to hurt her. He wanted her to know, to understand his choices.

"I hope she helps you find your inner Joey then." Britney hissed, pulling stray strands of hair from her face. Joey shook his head and sighed. He laid a hand on her shoulder, massaging it lightly. His thumb brushed over the baby soft skin and he was flooded. The feel of her skin was something he'd never forget. He'd never forget that night in Hawaii where she gave her soul or the days he held her, the nights he loved her and the moments her skin under his meant that she wanted to be near him and wanted to be loved by him. It meant she was his forever in that second of touch.

"I'm not going to pretend that I'm over us Britney, but if I can't find a sign that you forgive me and want me back, then I guess I can't wait." Joey whispered to her, his hand rising to run through her honey-blonde hair. Britney leaned into the touch but she knew she wasn't supposed to. She wasn't supposed to feel those feelings for him because he cheated on her. He was the one that broke the relationship and she wasn't supposed to repair it, was she? She was the one who was supposed to walk away and forget that he loved her better than any man ever tried to. "I'm the one who's supposed to say I can't wait. I'm the one who shouldn't forgive you for cheating because if you can do it once, you can do it again." Britney said quietly, closing her eyes. "Why not Brit'? Nick forgave JC. Amanda forgave AJ. Brian forgave Justin..." Joey argued with a lowered tone, disappointed in her refusal to let the pain end easily. "That doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing it again." Britney replied, lowering her head. "Even Justin?" Joey questioned quickly, looking for just a spot of hesitation. "Even Justin." Britney whispered and let her feelings catch flight in the casual breeze.

Brian watched them with concerned eyes. 'I wonder if they'll ever get back to where they were?' Brian thought, searching Joey and Britney's faces for a chance. He couldn't see it. He wanted to, but he couldn't.

"I wonder what they're talking about." Mandy remarked while drying a wet bowl from the many dishing that Lance had just sprayed clean. "Love." Lance replied flatly, splashing water onto another dish with his eyes lowered. He concentrated on the dishes instead of the constant push and pull between his friends. He had been there. He had experienced it enough to know he'd never do it again. He'd never leave himself that vulnerable after a breakup because he had Nick and he had JC and he had memories of endlessl nights of tears because of them.

Brian cleared his throat and scrubbed a cup clean while continuing to watch Britney and Joey. "I know how it is for her. It's just not that easy to forgive someone when they hurt you like that." Brian stated lowly, holding back painful black and white images from his mind. He let his eyes fall to the water he scrubbed the next dish in. "But you did, Brian. I think that was so noble of you. That's real love." Mandy noted, glancing at her friend with a sincere expression. Brian sucked in his lower lip and let the dimples rise in his cheeks as he tried to smile. "It's hard not to love Justin." Brian said softly, blushing speckling across his cheeks. "Oh, but how we try." Lance joked, playfully splashing a few drops of water on Brian.

Brian and Mandy laughed with him, pulling their eyes away from Britney and Joey.

Mandy strung her hair up in a ponytail and turned to the table still decorated in plates of food. "You know, I bet a lot of our friends thought those two were going to be the next to get married." Mandy commented, folding her arms over her chest. She let out a quick exhale, blowing her bangs upward and out of her way. "I did." Brian said shortly, drying his hands. He tossed the dishtowel on the counter and began filling the cabinets with the clean dishes. "I sorta thought they were next to make that move. Two years is quite a long time for young people." Lance agreed brightly, twisting the silver ring that adorned his right hand. He watched Mandy shifting through cabinets in search of plastic wrap with intense eyes.

"Then again, I thought maybe you and Bryan would take that big step Manny." Lance remarked slyly. Mandy glanced over her shoulder with a distrustful grin. "Me? Mrs. Deas?" she questioned, arching one of her eyebrows. Lance nodded proudly, the corners of his mouth raising into a quiker smirk. Mandy rolled her eyes and returned to her task. "Maybe next year Oh Sappy One." Mandy teased.

Lance leaned against the counter with his elobows, his shoulders haunching up as he slouched. His light green eyes acught Brian staring at him, smiling sweetly. He raised his brow inquisitively before asking, "What?" Brian winked at him quickly. "Oh nothing Mr. Winters... I mean Mr. Bass." Brian joked coyly, turning from Lance. Mandy did not surpress her laughter at the comment. Lance scrunched his face quickly before sticking his tongue out at his friend. "You know, everyone does think that you're going to propose to Bryce pretty soon." Mandy sung out to him, patting his shoulder as she passed.

Lance sighed loudly and leaned off the counter, adjusting his ring nervously. "Well..." he let the words hang as he hoisted himself up onto the counter. He let his feet bang against the polished wood as he stared down at his hand. "Can you two keep a secret?" he asked in a quiet voice, lifting his eyes for confirmation. "Sure can." Brian chimed while Mandy nodded. "I'm madly in love with that man!" Lance called out, a tingly giggle proceeding his words. Brian groaned with frustration. "That's the secret?" Mandy asked with arrogance lacing her healthy southern accent. Lance nodded happily, a thick shade of blush rushing through his cheeks. "Well gosh Lancey, I didn't even know you were gay." Mandy cooed mockingly, flipping her hand in his direction. Lance grinned wickedly. "Couldn't you tell by his unusually good fashon taste." Brian joked, tapping Lance's knee while mouthing the word 'down' to him. Lance briskly hopped off the counter and straightened his clothing. "I guess that would explain why he's always walking around like something's shoved up his ass." Mandy remarked cooly, ruffling Lance's hair with her hand. Brian snickered quietly, slipping past the two with a lowered head.

"Hey, low blow." Lance scoffed, pushing Mandy's hand away with a friendly smile. "Yeah, you wish you had a..." Lance threw his hand over Mandy's mouth, stopping her, halting the words that dared to slip from her mouth. Mandy gasped under the hand before looking downward. She eyed Angel as he trotted into the kitchen, a wide smile on his petite lips and his eyes brighter than the stars. "Dad! The baby happy." Angel babbled out, rushing to his father's side. Brian smiled down at him cheerfully. He brushed a hand over Angel's head before sliding a few more plates of food onto the counter. "Are you playing nicely with your new little sister Timber?" Brian asked as he edged by Angel, carrying a dish toward the refrigerator. Angel nodded happily and quickly dashed after his father. "She.. she and Uncle T... playing." Angel stumbled out, tugging on the hem of his father's pants for needed attention. It was something Angel never desired to be without. He adored attention from his fathers and he felt the world glow when he had it.

Brian glanced down at him with a playful smile. He couldn't deny Angel a smile. It unthinkable. The look in Angel's eyes revealed the need to be loved and adored and that look warmed Brian. He placed the food into the refrigerator and closed the door before kneeling down to stare at his son. He brushed his hand over Angel's face, watching the bright smile on Angel's face glow. Angel's eyes were perfect for getting lost in. They were all Brian had to keep him positive sometimes. The light shades of blue that spread evenly throught his eyes told the story of a child that knew nothing but love and joy.

"Do you love Autumn a lot?" Brian questioned Angel. His fingers traced the roundness of Angel's cheeks while his eyes stayed focused on Angel's. Angel proudly nodded, sucking in his lower lip to hide his glee. "And you love Daddy a lot?" Brian asked, cupping Angel's chin. "Yep." Angel chimed, tilting his head to one side. Brian giggled softly at the action. Angel's shyness was beyond description. It came in like the rains and disappeared like the eclipse. "Do you love me a lot?" Brian asked finally. Angel's docile eyes answered the question before it was finished. "A whole lot." he whispered back. "How much?" Brian wondered, teasing his son. Angel stretched his arms in opposite directions, offering his father a dign to answer his inquiry. "That's my boy!" Brian cheered, sweeping Angel into his arms quickly before tickling him wildly. Angel fell into Brian's arms, laughing loudly as his father tickled him.

The foreign sound of another child's crying and whimpering unexpectedly interrupted Brian and Angel's laughter. Brian pulled back from Angel and peeked his head up, eyeing Lynn as she entered the kitchen. "I don't think this little gal is too happy right now." Lynn said with a heavy country accent. She rocked Autumn in her arms, hoping to silence the child's uncontainable cries. Brian frowned slightly, standing from his position with Angel still embedded in his arms. "She's probably sleepy." Brian stated lowly while carrying Angel toward his mother-in-law. "I'm sure that's what it is. She probably needs a bottle and a good nap." Lynn agreed. "And this little guy is probably tired too." Mandy remarked while running a hand over Angel's soft hair. Angel grinned at her and Mandy stuck her tongue out at the toddler. Brian nodded, carefully petting his daughter's hair.

"Hmmm, somebody doesn't sound too happy." Justin said as he walked into the kitchen, Trace following closely behind. "Say 'Daddy, I'm so very tired.'" Lynn cooed at the infant. Autumn continued to cry in her grandmother's arms, her face turning a bright shade of red. Justin opened his arms and accepted his daughter with a small smile. "Aaaww, it's okay Autumn." Justin gushed, wiping away her tears with his finger. He felt something inside of him rupture as he watched her cry. This was his daughter now. When she cried, he hurt. "You should probably take her upstairs to calm her down." Lance advised, watching from behind Justin as Justin pet Autumn's face. Justin nodded and glanced up to Brian, a sign in his eyes calling on Brian. Brian offered him a dimunitive smile and nodded toward the stairs. Justin turned and made a quiet exit, striving to hush his daughter as he, Brian, and Angel headed for the stairs.

Strips of pink laced themselves throught the yellow-painted room. Various stuffed animals adorned the dresser while painted balloons gave life to one of the walls. Each wall held a name scripted into it, from Brian to Justin to Lea to Angel to Autumn. The two lamps sat in the room were ceramic angels and the crib sat next to a rocking chair in one corner of the room, completing the look needed to comfort a small child.

Justin carried Autumn toward the crib while humming a soft tune that only he knew. Brian followed with Angel still sitting curiously in his arms. "Nap?" Angel asked quietly, his head turning to Brian. Brian nodded with a mute answer. He focused his concentration on Justin as he carefully laid Autumn down in the crib. The care, the gentle touches brought back colorful memories for Brian. He could see images of Justin laying Angel down in his crib, patting his back and giving him a pacifier just as Justin did with Autumn. It was surreal for him. 'God, I was blessed with a good man. He's so good with kids.' Brian thought as he took a seat in the rocking chair, turning Angel so that his son could watch Justin.

"It's okay honey, Daddy's here." Justin said softly, rubbing Autumn's back to calm her. Autumn sniffled loudly, closing her eyes as Justin rocked her.

She could feel the warmth of her father's body as he leaned down. "Don't cry sweetheart." Justin whispered, kissing the top of Autumn's head. Autumn sucked greedily on her pacifier, keeping her eyes shut as fewer tears escaped them. She listened to Justin hum a song and she relaxed when hearing her father's softly, lulling voice sing to her.

I'll always remember

It was late afternoon

It lasted forever

And it ended so soon, yeah

You were all by yourself

Staring up at a dark gray sky

And I was changed

Justin smoothed his hand across Autumn's small back as he sang. He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to rmember the lyrics he had heard Mandy Moore sing only a few times. He brushed his thumb along the back of his daughter's head, ruffling the blonde hair that rested there. He could feel her calming down, relaxing under his touch. He dared not to smile, to think he had accomplished the task of bringing his daughter to ease. He just sang for her, only for her.

In places no one would find

All your feelings so deep inside (Deep inside)

It was there that I realized

That forever was in your eyes

The moment I saw you cry


Moment that I saw you cry

Justin batted his eyes open and stared at Autumn. Her face was that of a newborn angel, one he had seen before. It was sweet, soft, peaceful and everything he loved about his son's expression when he began to fall asleep.

He let a miniature smile caress his lips as he brushed his hand along her back. He'd give it all up. He'd leave behind his career and his fame and his money to see those moments nightly. He didn't mind losing it all when he had Angel and Autumn. They were links in his life he would never risk losing. They were his son and his daughter, adopted or not. They were he and Brian's children. They were a rainbow that gave Justin hope he never thought he'd have when he and Brian fell in love.

It was late in September

And I'd seen you before

You were always the cold one

But I was never that sure

You were all by yourself

Staring up at a dark gray sky

And I was changed

Justin glanced upward and found Brian's calming blue eyes. He smiled at his husband, leaning back to take in Brian's beauty. Brian smiled back at him, Angel fast asleep in his arms. Justin tried not to giggle at his son's obviously uncomfortable position. He shook his head as Brian continued to rock back and forth in the chair, keeping their son quiet and sleep. 'Love you.' Justin mouthed to his husband, his expression more than sincere. 'Love you too.' Brian mouthed back, winking at Justin. He adjusted himself in the chair and tuned out the world, focusing on the sound of Justin's angelic voice.

And I wanted to hold you

I wanted to make it go away

And I wanted to know you

I wanted to make your everything all right...

I'll always remember

It was late afternoon

In places in no one will find

Brian cautiously stood from the rocking chair, clutching Angel tightly. His son whimpered softly but remained asleep in his arms. He lifted his son a little higher into his arms and slowly carried him away from the chair. He stopped near Justin, smiling innocently at him. Justin leaned forward and left a small kiss on the tip of Brian's nose. "Hurry back." he whispered to Brian, rubbing his side. Brian nodded and for some reason, he knew what it meant. He knew that touch. It meant something deep. He licked his lips and carried Angel out of Autumn's room and to his own, thinking of nothing other than his family.

In places no one would find

All your feelings so deep inside (Deep inside)

It was there that I realized

That forever was in your eyes

The moment I saw you cry

The situation felt too perfect, almost a fantasy for him. When he had walked down stairs, after laying his daughter to rest, all of his friends and family had gone. They left cards and well wishes, cleaning up the kitchen and living room before they made their silent exit. They had left them alone, to be together, to cherish their time in peace.

Then, without expectancy, he found himself kissing his husband in the middle of the hall, the silence of the house urging them further with slow touches and smooth tongues. He couldn't deny that he had wanted that all day. A smooth, tasty kiss from his husband was what he desired, but to receive one without requesting was pure pleasure. When Brian had lifted the front of his shirt and crept pliant fingers across his navel, smoothing down that kinky path of hair that ran from his navel into his jeans, he released a soft moan into the kiss. He melted into his husband's arms and accepted all of the touches, quick kisses and whispered words of lust with closed eyes and an open mouth.

Now, sitting on his knees in his bed, completely devoid of clothing, he felt aroused, inspired, and very sexual. The ruffled comfort under him kept his legs warm as the night's light crept into the bedroom. He ran a hand over his shaved head, ruffling the prickly strands of hair while his hooded eyes watched Brian approach him slowly, seductively. He let a quick smile curl on his lips as he hugged himself, eyeing Brian draw closer and closer.

Brian was beautiful naked. There was nothing about him Justin could not want to kiss or grab. The way the light traced over his pecs, showing off his semi-muscular form helped to raise the tempature in Justin's lower body.

He watched the scar draw a line down the middle of Brian's chest before letting his eyes watched the muscles flex in Brian's stomach. He wanted to wrap his hand around Brian's semi-erect penis, bring it to life and touch the thick organ. He inadvertly licked his lips when he looked at Brian's arms and the way they bulged as Brian acrried objects toward the bed.

Justin spread his legs shyly as Brian crawled onto the bed. Justin nibbled his lower lip and tilted his head, adoring Brian openly. "Now we have to be quiet because Autumn's room is right next to ours." Brian said softly, placing four small jars onto the bed. Justin sucked in his lower lip and nodded, keeping his arms wrapped around himself. He felt Brian's eyes on him and he winked at him. "Are you trying to play the shy, sex kitten role?" Brian asked with a playful voice. Justin nodded before grinning. He listened to his husband's flirtatious giggle as he pulled his legs from under himself, keeping his knees bent and his legs openly inviting. "Well it looks good on you babe." Brian whispered, leaning forward to lay a gentle kiss on Justin's lips.

Justin unfolded his arms and allowed one of his hands to grab the back of Brian's head, holding him in the kiss. Het let his head tilt even further to the side, intensifying the kiss with slight hesitation. His husband's hands rested on his inner thighs, giving them a small squeeze. Justin smiled to himself and let his tongue slink out of his mouth and into Brian's open mouth. He felt Brian rake his teeth along his tongue, squeezing Justin's thighs a little harder.

"Mmmmm." Brian hummed, feeling Justin's tongue lick against the roof of his mouth. He pulled back with a grin, flicking his tongue against's Justin's as he retreated. Justin moaned impatiently and Brian pushed him back slightly, letting Justin rest his back against the headboard of the bed. He scooted in between of Justin's open legs, dropping the four jars between them. He leaned to one side and kissed Justin's bent knee, palming sturdy, hairy thighs as he hummed to a melody breathing into the room.

Justin wanted to close his eyes and listen to the song, let Brian touh him and kiss him while he took in the sexuality of the song wavering through the room. He listened to the Arabic melody with open, wandering eyes. He glanced down and stared at the four jars, two of them dangerously close to his balls. He reached down curiously and lifted them. He knew what they were. He knew the jars were filled with edible body paint, something he blushed at when buying them, but he had forgotten what flavors he had purchased. The first jar was vanilla, followed by blueberry, peach, and pineapple. 'Mmm, I wonder how pineapple would taste on him... though, I have tasted pineapple on him before.' Justin thought to himself, smiling helplessly. He twisted open the vanilla jar and stared at the substance within as Brian kissed his jaw.

Justin curiously dipped a finger into the cool liquid. "I thought couples were supposed to be kinky when they're dating and lose all of this when they got married." Justin commented as Brian's lips drifted higher. Brian snickered near Justin's bottom lip, tentatively licking it to grow accustom to the taste once more. "We're a special couple Justin." Brian stated, looking up at his husband. Justin nodded with a proud smile. He withdrew his finger and stared at the cream-colored substance. "Hmmm." he hummed, running the finger across Brian's lower lip. He smiled when viewing the glossy smear it left across his husband's bottom lip. "Looks good on you." Justin said before leaning in. He took Brian's bottom lip between his own lips, sucking longly on the flesh. Brian moaned quietly, grabbing Justin's torso for support.

Justin traced Brian's lip with the tip of his tongue, closing his eyes as he spread the paint through his mouth. He pulled back, smacking his lips happily as Brian's eyes rolled to the back of his head. He couldn't hold back his grin as he used the back of his hand to wipe off the remaining paint from Brian's lip. "Tastes like you." Justin chimed, immersing his index and middle finger into the jar. He watched Brian regain composure as he lifted his fingers again. "That felt nice." Brian sighed out, pulling Justin closer.

Justin lightened his smile while staring into Brian's blue, lust-filled eyes. "Maybe I should see if it tastes that good everywhere?" Justin suggested, brushing his fingers down the middle of Brian's chest, leaving a healthy coating of the paint in the shadows of his fingers. He kept a steady gaze with Brian, letting a crooked smile emerge. He dropped his hands to Brian's lap and waited, letting time guide his actions.

The cool, gelatinous paint caused Brian to shiver briefly. He took in the beat of the song as Justin leaned forward and ran his smooth tongue over the center of his chest. He wrapped his arms around his husband's head, holding him there as he licked and kissed his scar and his pecs. His breath had lost its even, steady flow and he knew he would never forget these kisses.

The desert I wander lacks its mirage

There's no mistaking the barrage

Of sand and wind that tears my skin

Leaving what's without, exposing what's within

Forsaken, left here in my barren desolate...

Justin withdrew from Brian's chest, licking his lips, tasting nothing but vanilla and Brian. He preferred the taste of Brian, but the added taste of vanilla didn't hurt any. His eyes watched Brian's shaky hands open the jar of peach while he lifted the vanilla jar. He let the tip of his tongue plunge into the jar, collecting paint on the edge of his tongue. He carefully carried the paint to Brian's smooth shoulder, rubbing it in there.

His tongue trailed the paint down the upper portion of Brian's arm. He felt the cold paint circle his right nipple and he moaned quietly, kissing away the vanilla from Brian's shoulder with an open mouth. He scrapped his teeth along Brian's taut muscles until he reached Brian's bicep. He smoldered a groan in Brian's skin as Brian pinched his nipple with wet, sticky fingers, stimulating the nub into an erect piece of flesh. He lifted his head and pulled back some, permitting his husband to duck his head and flick his tongue along the nipple. He hissed loudly as Brian blew warm breath along the skin. The fingers of his left hand tangled themselves into Brian's blonde hair while his right hand traced the muscles of his arms, outlining the new tattoo that was etched around Brian's arm.

He spelled out the letters to keep his mind away from the mind-numbing feel of Brian's hot tongue on his nipple, licking at the erect nipple without care. 'Autumn and Angel.' he thought to himself as he traced over the black ink, the capital letters written close together and repetitively around Brian's arm. It was hard to read from far away, but up close, it was easy to piece together what Brian had permanently scripted onto his body.

"Mmmm, blueberry." Brian mumbled out as he kissed higher on Justin's chest. Justin let his eyes lazily fall shut as Brian's thumb plastered dabs of the blueberry paint across his neck. 'When did he open that?' Justin wondered, looking at the blue remains of the paint on Brian's hand. He let his eyes fall shut again as his husband left smooth kisses across his neck, collecting the liquid. "Oh Jesus..." Justin hissed out, spreading his legs further as Brian moved in closer. He felt the bottom of Brian's thick penis brush against the head of his, drawing in breath quickly. He swiped blobs of vanilla and drew circles along Brian's wrist, lifting his husband's arm to collect the artwork with his mouth.

My soul is evaporating

Won't you saturate me, won't you saturate me

Rain down on me with life

My soul is evaporating

Won't you saturate me, won't you saturate me

Storm around me, bring the tide

Brian had Justin's left arm bent back, a thick, messy strip of blueberry paint running along the underside of Justin's arm. He licked his lips, still tasting the peach paint from Justin's chin there. He squinted his eyes before inclining forward, flattening his tongue on Justin's skin and pulling it upward, fathering the paint into his mouth. He felt Justin's right hand dance paint around the crack of his ass and he didn't resist his husband's want. He lifted himself higher and let Justin's mix the paint with his own sweat. He ran his tongue back downward, dragging his lips along Justin's skin until reaching his fuzzy patch of blonde hair under his arms. He took in a breath of Justin's masculine scent while swallowing the sweat and paint in his mouth. "God, you taste good... and you smell good too." Brian groaned, rubbing the tip of his nose into Justin's arm.

He wrapped his fingers around Justin's wrist and lowered Justin's arm, his other hand collecting more blueberry paint. He outlined his husband's new tattoo with the paint, leaving light brushes of the blue substance. He stared at the finely crafted cross on Justin's arm. The way Justin's muscles bunched and flexed caused Brian to shudder. The added feel of a finger penetrating his body did not help, but Brian concentrated on the now blue tattoo, curcling his lip slightly as Justin burried his entire index finger in him. He bent down and licked away the paint, thinking of the meaning behind the tattoo and the way it felt to hear Justin moan when his tongue mapped out the formation of the tatoo over the large muscles of Justin's arm.

My days stretch long into the heat

As the sun brightens my defeat

My lips are chapped, they're parched and dry

My thirst, it builds with every day gone by

Forsaken, left here in my barren desolate...

As Brian gripped his shoulders, lowering his body onto Justin's vanilla-slicked penis, Justin drew the features of Brian's chiseled cheek with his thumb and pineapple paint. He dusted his middle finger over the tip of Brian's nose and then over his lips, delicately applying the paint to Brian's open mouth, listening to the grunts his husband released as he adjusted to the feel of Justin's legnthy cock inside of his body.

The fire that raged around Justin's cock made him flinch, his body spasming upward and throwing Brian off blance. Justin clutched his husband's hips and held him steady, watching a single tear escape Brian's eyes. It must have been the beauty of the moment, the passion that was felt between two aroused bodies.

Justin stretched up and brushed his tongue over Brian's cheek and then his lips and finally his nose. He kissed away the paint with eager lips, tasting what he knew was pure sugar and innocence. "Oh baby..." his lover groaned lowly, slowly riding him. Justin kept his hands gripped around Brian's waist, keeping him slow and cautious. He felt Brian rub paint over his naked collarbone and drift lower, leaving smudges of paint on his chest and his stomach. His own hand dared to move away and find a glob of spilled paint on the sheets, gathering the peach liquid and rubbing it over Brian's thigh. "Mmmm, yes..." he moaned and slid backward, feeling Brian's muscles constrict and suck on his aching dick.

Brian batted his eyes open, letting his tongue hang out of his room. The heat swelled around his body. Sweat, paint and a coating of stickiness surrounded his naked form. He lowered his head and lapped at Justin's collarbone, tasting a healthy dose of paineapple. He squeezed Justin's arms as he rode Justin at a quicker pace, angling so that the head of Justin's penis brushed against his prostate. With every scrape came another moan and another sparkling explosion inside of his heart. He painted a heart on Justin's chest with the blueberry paint, leaving it there to admire. "Oh baby, fuck..." he groaned as Justin spread a glob of pineapple over his navel and pubic hair. He felt Justin's cool hand wrap around his throbbing dick and he knew it'd be over if he thought about it too hard. If he looked down and saw that multi-colored hand jerking him off, he'd lose all control and release his seed before its time.

My soul is evaporating

Won't you saturate me, won't you saturate me

Rain down on me with life

My soul is evaporating

Won't you saturate me, won't you saturate me

Storm around me, bring the tide

Brian garnished Justin's shoulder with drawings of a halo and a happy face with pineapple paint, wrote the word 'sex' across Justin's upper chest and splattered the remains of peach paint on Justin's nipples. He sucked roughly on Justin's nipple as Justin thrusted upward, taking an active role in their love-making. Brian tried not to think of the way Justin constantly grunted in his ear, trying to stay quiet as the headboard lightly rocked against the wall. He smiled as Justin broke his silence, calling out as he flexed his ass muscles. "You're killing me baby..." Justin groaned, throwing his head backward. Brian bit back his own need for release as Justin played with the head of his cock, spreading precum and paint over his cock. "Want me to stop?" Brian asked, licking away the smiley face from Justin's shoulder. He listened to a low hiss and felt Justin massage the cleft of his ass, keeping the steady upward thrusts become softer. "No... no, no, no... don't stop Rocky..." Justin pleaded, lifting his head. Brian nodded and leaned forward, locking his lips with Justin's.

Justin let heavy pants express his love. He closed his eyes tightly, holding everything he had inside. He wanted it to last. He wanted it to be more than beautiful. He wanted their love-making to be an immortal painting in his mind. It couldn't be just good sex. It had to be the best. It had to be something he wouldn't recover from so quickly. He wanted help getting to the bathroom afterward. He wanted to smell like Brian, smell like sex, smell like heaven. He needed to feel choked-up afterward, ready to shed tears over withdrawing from Brian's body.

The dunes that shift, drift and lift in the wind

Cover up my hope as I start to give in

To the cracks and the creases and the dips in my will

As I am pushed toward to the brink

I drink down there and swill

"JuJu.. JuJu.. fuck, JuJu..." Brian groaned out, scraping lines of pineapple paint over Justin's arm. A drum pounded in his head, in his heart. He was losing control and his breath was shallow. His throat was helplessly dry and his eyes were drawn completely shut. His husband's thumb slicked the sticky paint over the slit of his penis and it was over that easily. "Fuck!" he grunted out and a new color was added to the mix. Long streams of white smeared across Justin's hand and Brian's chest. It dripped slowly downward, leaving lines of white over smudges of yellow and blue. Brian's nostrils flared and his mouth stayed open, bathing Justin's neck with moist breaths. "God, I... I love you..." Brian managed to get out, his body shivering helplessly in Justin's arms.

Justin drew a line down Brian's spine, kissing away paint from Brian's fingertips. He controlled his pants but his body was on another plane. It moved in quick, sharp inward strokes, fighting against the gripping muscles of Brian's butt. "Mmph... baby, Rocky..." Justin gasped out, licking in-between Brian's fingers and across his palm. He kissed the back of Brian's hand and everything wen stiff. "Rocky... holy shit, Rocky..." Justin strained to speak. His body exploded, everything went black and he was sucked into a zone of blurry features and paint, paint everywhere. He could see Brian's eyes watching him, smiling at him as he came, came deep in Brian's body. "Keep cumming baby... keep cumming in me." Brian whispered and Justin could've swore he was having multiple-orgasms. He felt his toes curl and his legs go numb while his arms became tight and pain met pleasure.

"Oooh, fuck baby..." Justin hissed, letting it all go. His husband's hand pet his face and encouraged him, leaving sparkly trails of yellow across his cheek.

Justin fell back against the headboard. His body was sticky, worn and on fire but he loved it. He stared up at Brian through half-open eyes. He fumbled out a smile as Brian painted a heart on his cheek. "You look so damn good when you nut Beanie." Brian commented, licking paint from his fingers. Justin managed a lazy nod, mouthing out, 'You too.' Feeling began to gradually return to his body and he took deep breaths inward as Brian laid across his body, holding him as he tried to recover. "I don't think I'm going to be able to walk for a few hours." Justin whispered, brushing a sticky hand over Brian's hair. Brian giggled and left a small peck on his cheek. "It's okay cutie. You've got at least five more hours before Autumn or Angel get up." Brian assured him, retracing the heart he drew on Justin's chest. Justin snickered quietly and bathed in the afterglow of their sex, thinking of nothing but Brian and the racing sound of his heart.


Song Credits (In order of appearance)

  • Cry (James Renald), performed by Mandy Moore - Saturate Me (Randall M. Barlow, S. Green, Tim Mitchell), performed by Mandy Moore

--- Hmmm, that was a rather interesting scene right there. I think you've got to listen to Mandy Moore's 'Saturate Me' to appreciate the passion that comes along with those words. Anyway, I don't think it took me too long to finish this one up. It was hard to get past certain parts, but I think I got it. I hope you liked this very drama-free chapter of the series. It's easier for me to write ones like these. Takes a little less energy. Oh yeah, forgot to point this one out: NO couple is able to adopt as quickly as Brian and Justin do. In reality, it takes years. That's why I enjoy fiction, but I thought I'd mention that I do realize NOBODY gets kids that fast, legally. Uhm, someone told me I won two awards at the latest Nifty/Boy Band Awards. Uh, yeah, I guess. Uh, the next part is going to be kind of drama-free too and have a focus on *NSYNC and what not. Be sure to pick up *NSYNC's new CD when it comes out (My God, Justin is getting SO DAMN SEXY! Brian too!) I want to say that my prayers are with Mr. Alexander James McLean during his trying period. I hope he makes it through his dilemma soon. Go out and get Mandy Moore and Alicia Keys albums too! Great stuff there. Anyway, I'll leave it at that. If I haven't gotten back to you on e-mail, again, I apologize. Don't give up on me though. Just nag me! God bless and keep smiling... ---

Next: Chapter 83: Angels Wings 18

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