Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Feb 1, 2001


Angel's Wings (Part 10) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

--- Beginning Credits: It's a party. It has a lot of music. A lot of music equals a lot of lyrics. It also focuses on the different couples, but don't worry, Brian and Justin are at the party too. Put your dancing shoes on, wearing as little clothing as possible and enjoy the party... drinks on me! ---

It wasn't as wild as a rave, but it was not as tame as tea with Queen Elizabeth on a Sunday. Instead, it was a party, a celebration and it was wild and tame at the same time. Sounds impossible to some, but Lance Bass was confident in his ability to entertain. And with dancing and spinning lights, silver balloons draped across the ceiling, a large dance floor, a range of various hip hop and pop dance tracks, close friends, family, and celebrities, and an atmosphere that screamed party, Lance had accomplished his goal.

"Man, check out this guest list. Mandy Moore, Kevin Richardson from the Backstreet Boys, Black Rob, Take 5, Innnosense, Aaron Carter, Nick Carter, the guys from *NSYNC... they're all here." one of the hired security guards hissed to his friend as he and a few other guards checked the guests as they entered the Rosaland Room in New York City. "Who's Bryce Winters?" his friend asked as he glanced over the list. "Who cares, he's in there!" the first guard chimed. Lonnie, one of *NSYNC's personal bodyguards, shook his head while watching the guards. 'Idiots. I don't even know why Lance couldn't just let *NSYNC security handle this shit. These guys are rookies when it comes to celebrities.' Lonnie thought, his peering eyes watching the guards with hawk-like vision.

Lance stood in a business-like-manner while watching his guests dance crazily as the DJ scratched Lil' Kim's 'How Many Licks?' on the turn tables.

He smiled wickedly while watching the grinding masses, everyone screaming and laughing as the party progressed. It was already 10:00 PM and time was wearing closer and closer to midnight and the start of a new year for the world.

His eyes spied Christina Aguilera making causual conversation with her boyfriend Jorge Santos, Meredith Edwards, and Howie Dorough. They seemed happy and content, the way Lance wanted all of his guests to be. He let his eyes run over the dance floor where his friend Joey Fatone danced with his girlfriend Britney Spears and then over to the other side of the party room, where the bar was set up with Nick Carter sgared a drink with his husband, JC Chasez, and his former manager, Johnny Wright.

The DJ began to lower the volume of Lil' Kim's scandalous track as Lance took a few steps forward in the DJ booth. He grabbed a microphone from nearby and clicked it on. "Hey, is everyone having a good time?" Lance called out into the microphone, his deep Southern accent present in his tone. The crowd screamed out rowdily, giving Lance the response he hoped for. He smiled crookedly, bobbing his head to the fading beat. "Okay, well I don't want ya'll to stop partying tonight. Remember, drinks at the bar are on me and there should be plenty of food and music to keep you going. So keep having fun." Lance requested, receiving another thundering response from the attendants.

"Now this next song the DJ is going to spend is by request. It's All Saints' 'Pure Shores' and it's going to a certain guy in *NSYNC and it's from a certain person in Backstreet Boys. He wants me to tell you... ahem, Justin, that he loves you." Lance grinned. A series of coos rang throughout the Rosaland Room. The DJ began to weave the song into the speakers, scratching the beginning before letting the calming, mid-tempo ballad take over the party.

I've crossed the deserts for miles

Swam water for time

Searching places to find

A piece of something to call mine

(I'm coming)

A piece of something to call mine

(I'm coming)

(I'm coming)

Coming closer to you

Went along many moors

Walked through many doors

The place where I wanna be

Is the place I can call mine

(I'm coming)

Is the place I can call mine

(I'm coming)

(I'm coming)

Coming closer to you

Lance slipped through several people to a corner of the room, a large grin on his face. He gave acknowledgement to those who called on him, but he did not stop until he reached a small group of people. "That was sweet of you, Lance." Mandy Ashford, member of Innosense and Lance's best friend, said to him with a cheery smile. She raised her strawberry daqauri to him before taking a small sip. "What can I say? I try," Lance chuckled out as he stood next to his boyfriend, Bryce Winters. Bryce smiled at Lance and grabbed at his hand. Lance glanced around quickly before grabbing Bryce's hand. He held it loosely with a dimmed smile. "Are you having a good time?" Lance whispered into Bryce's ear, his lips brushing against Bryce's lobe. Bryce giggled quietly and nodded. He turned his head, letting his lips run against Lance's briefly before quickly turning away. "I think Lance and Bryce are trying to be a pair of bad boys." Bryan Deas, Mandy's boyfriend, commented while wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's waist. Mandy nodded, leaning her head against Bryan's shoulder. "What can we say? We try." Bryce teased, causing the others to laugh loudly.

Lance licked his lips with a pleased smirk. He could feel the cool surface of Bryce's promise ring rubbing against his fingers. He glanced down at the ring, the silver band resting around Bryce's left ring finger, almost like an engagement ring would. It was priceless. The way Bryce hugged him, kissed him, touched him the day Lance gave him the ring in front of his family and friends held a prominent position in Lance's ring of memories. But to know Lance gave Bryce the ring because he loved him so much caused Lance's heart to flutter and quake.

I'm moving

I'm coming

Can you hear, what I hear

It's calling you my dear

Out of reach

(Take me to my beach)

I can hear it, calling you

I'm coming not drowning

Swimming closer to you

"So do we hear wedding bells any time soon?" Bryan wondered, pulling Lance from his thoughts about his lover. He shot Bryan a shy look and began to nibble on his lower lip. "As long as he's mine, it doesn't matter." Bryce answered for Lance, daring to lean on his boyfriend with pride. Lance felt his face flush, but he did not push Bryce away. "You'll have me for as long as you want me." Lance whispered to Bryce, kissing his cheek quickly. "Forever." Bryce whispered back, giving Lance's hand a mild squeeze.

Bryan snuggled his cheek to Mandy's and watched the adoring couple. "What about you two? What has it been... two years now?" Bryce questioned. Mandy giggled quietly, taking another sip of her drink. "We don't know yet. We like what we have right now, but..." Mandy hummed, directing her eyes on Bryan. Bryan smiled widely before kissing her cheek. "If not by the end of this year, she'll be a Deas by the beginning of next year." Bryan chimed. Mandy raised her brow before receiving a wink from Lance. She swallowed hard and let Bryan hug around her. She saw no reason in fighting her love for Bryan, nor her desire to be his wife.

Never been here before

I'm intrigued, I'm unsure

I'm searching for more

I've got something thats all mine

I've got something thats all mine

Take me somewhere I can breathe

I've got so much to see

This is where I want to be

In a place I can call mine

In a place I can call mine

"I swear Brian, you get more and more romantic by the day." Justin Littrell said to his husband, his affectionate eyes staring into Brian Littrell's blue-eyed oasis. Brian giggled quietly, holding Justin close to his body as they danced. "And you get more and more sexier by the minute, Bean." Brian said softly, his face drawing closer to Justin's as they danced admist other couples and guests. Justin grinned and let Brian placed a brief kiss on his lips. "Stop trying to gt me hard so we have a reason to leave the party early and get laid." Justin snickered as Brian nuzzled his nose to Justin's. Brian shrugged, interlocking his fingers behind Justin's back and letting his hands rest in the small of Justin's back. Justin licked his own lips and kept his arms wrapped around Brian's neck.

The song's words were written for them. They let their bodies sway to the beat as if no one else watched them show their love overtly. Even as Brian began to grind his crotch against Justin's, Justin stayed focus on his husband and not the eyes that might look upon them. "Coming closer to you..." Brian crooned into Justin's ear while resting his chin on Justin's shoulder. Justin smiled, his fingers playing with the hair on the back of Brian's head. "You're so hard baby," Justin whispered when feeling Brian's erect penis nudge against him, trapped in the confines of Brian's leather pants. Brian blushed before kissing the base of Justin's neck. "But I like it. It's turning me on." Justin added.

Brian felt Justin's cock beginning to rise in his baggy pants and he enjoyed it. He nudged Justin's head with his before laughing quietly. "I love you Beanie." Brian whispered, letting a hand run down and over Justin's ass as the song began to draw closer and closer to a close. Justin giggled mutedly, crushing his hard dick against Brian's while biting on his lip to restrain a moan. "Oh, I love you too Brian." he laughed, pulling his head back. He held onto Brian's head with his large hands and smiled at him, leaning toward him. He kissed Brian smoothly as the song died out.

The guests clapped loudly as Lance walked across the stage that was set up near the DJ booth. He smiled widely as the spotlight beamed down on him. "Okay, now ya'll have had a taste of performances by Mandy Moore and Black Rob so far and I think this next act will get you going just as much as they did." Lance said, walking from one side of the stage to the other. His eyes traced over the guests as they gave him their full attention. "Their name is Take 5 and their with Trans Con and me and the guys of *NSYNC think they're the next best thing coming out of O-Town. So ya'll give it up for Take 5 and their song 'Water'!" Lance called out.

The spotlight faded only for a moment before it clicked on again and revealed five young men sitting in five metal chairs spread across the stage. They were all dressed in street gear with some wearing studded black bandannas with the name 'Take 5' stitched around the front. Their heads were down as they sat in the chairs backward, slowly snapping their fingers to the serene beat of the R&B-inspired ballad. The sounds of an acoustic guitar strummed along with the relaxing melody, causing the guests to sway in a slow motion like waves of an ocean on a summer morning.

Clay Goodell was the first to lift his head, a smoky smile on his face. He continued to snap his fingers while bobbing his head to the beat, his other band mates raising their heads with the beat. He shifted out of his chair and stood, walking behind the othes until he was at the head of the stage. He continued to bob with the beat before adjusting his headset microphone so his vocals could be heard throughout the vast area while his counterparts danced the simple choreography for the song in their chairs.


Something in the spring

Is making grow in love with you babe

Something in the summer breeze

Is blowing me into your arms babe


Girl, you know you got me open

There's no time for anyone else

You're a priceless pearl in my possesion

And you are rare

If you ever start to wonder what you mean to me

Let me sum it up in just two syllables


Stevie and the others stood from their chairs and twirled them around until they were facing the right way as Stevie crooned out the bridge. He concentrated his eyes on one man in the crowd, his thick pink lips almost puckering as he sang. He peered his eyes at him before taking them away. There was something between the two in that one spark of moment as Take 5 moved in a different direction in the stage. They sat down and slouched in their chairs, snapping their fingers before sliding out of the chairs, pushing the chairs aside and standing in a line on the stage. They concentrated and began to sing lowly to the soothing chorus.

You are the earth beneath my feet (I'm planted baby)

You are the wind that's blowing me (Into your arms)

You are the fire in my heart (But most of all)

You are the purest ever made

Water, water

As Tilky walked to the middle of the stage to sing the second verse of the song, Brian grabbed his husband's hand and led him away from the crowd of watchers. Justin followed Brian with wonder written into his face. "Where are we going?" Justin asked, trying to be heard over the sounds of Take 5's performance. Brian did not answer. He proceeded to walk quickly with a place in mind.

They tredded through the guests and toward an exit from the room. Brian only stopped briefly to see if security followed him. They didn't. He smiled and winked at Justin. Brian slipped outside first before pulling Justin with him.

The crisp, cool air surrounded Brian and Justin as they stood on one of the terraces. Justin shivered immediately as he felt the wind run over his back. "Brian, it's kind of cold out here." Justin remarked, hugging himself. Brian slinked his arms around Justin and pulled him close until their chests were only separated by Justin's folded arms. "Maybe I can warm you up." Brian whispered. He pressed their foreheads together and nuzzled his nose to Justin's. Justin giggled quietly and kept his body close to Brian's.

"I just want a few moments alone with you... away from it all." Brian explained himself in a quiet, almost shivering tone. Justin uncrossed his arms and slid them around Brian's back, pulling him closer. "It doesn't bother me one bit Brian." Justin smiled before placing a light kiss on Brian's lips. Brian grinned and enjoyed the warmth of Justin's body.

Brian began to rock back and forth with Justin, the night air warming mildly as they stood together. He hummed softly, staring into Justin's eyes with care in his own. Justin smiled curiously at Brian, gradually following Brian's motions and rocking from side-to-side. Brian hummed a little louder with a grin, almost trying not to laugh at Justin's contorted facial expression. "You know I'm going to ask you what are you doing." Justin remarked, holding Brian tighter as a soft breeze caressed the air. Brian shrugged without any cares in his face. The moon and Justin were the only reflections in his eyes.

Whenever I'm weary

From the battles that raged in my head

You made sense of madness

When my sanity hangs by a thread

I lose my way, but still you

Seem to understand

Now and forever

I will be your man

Brian let his voice drop a little as he sang to his husband. He licked his lips, his mind concentrating on the melody in his head. He watched as Justin's face lit up with joy, an undescribable joy. "Keep singing to me." Justin requested in a soft voice. Brian nodded, tilting in Justin's direction to nestle Justin's nose before returning to the song that raged through him.

Sometimes I just hold you

Too caught up in me to see

I'm holding a fortune

That heaven has given to me

I'll try to show you

Each and every way I can

Now and forever

I will be your man

Brian began to hum a few more bars while maintaining his incessant stare with his husband. It was like twilight. Brian never took his eyes away, not even when he blinked. It hurt too much. It hurt too much not to stare in Justin's eyes and feel his words through the deep blue eyes. As he danced slowly with Justin, he didn't want to move too far away. Not an inch. Just holding him and singing to him brought back the memories, the passion, the emotion that he had invested into their relationship. Why? Because he had never been able to love another man or woman as much as he loved Justin. He could not imagine walking over the bridge of life without being able to adore Justin for the man he was. The man he is.

Justin placed one of his hands over Brian's lips, silencing Brian's humming and leaving them to dance in silence. Justin lowered his hand, trailing his fingers over Brian's thin lips. They brushed against the hairs on Brian's chin and fell to his chest. "It's like a dream, but you're not sleeping." Brian whispered to Justin, a tantalizing glow in his baby blue eyes. Justin nodded, smiling a quiet smile. "And I'll keep dreaming even when you go away on tour." Justin whispered, his eyes slowly lowering. Brian attempted to hold a cheeky grin, but when his mind began to contemplate the distance that he and his husband will hold from February until the end of March, a grimace touched his face. "I'll love you every second I'm gone." Brian said, nudging Justin's head with his chin, hoping Justin would smile again.

Justin's head rose and his eyes twinkled with care. "Kiss me." he pleaded quietly, a command that his husband could not refuse. Brian leaned in and before he could react, Justin placed a hand behind his head and drew him into the kiss. The contact of their lips was devoid of passion, but saturated in ardor. Justin rubbed his tumb on the back of Brian's hair, his fingers twirling through his trimmed, almost curly blonde hair. It was his display of affection during their kiss. He could only think to brush Brian's hair back with his hand as Brian rubbed his hips with his soft hands, occasionally lifting Justin's shirt to touch the smooth skin beneath it.

Timed movements and fuzzy thoughts kept the their lips moving. The softness of the other's lips fueled them to move a little brisker, heads rotating to grasp more of the other's lips to kiss. Brian could taste Justin's sweetness and with gradual confidence, he slid his tongue between Justin's lips, licking at his closed teeth. Justin felt the request in Brian's proding tongue and slowly welcomed him into his mouth. Brian smiled mentally as his tongue glided between Justin's parted teeth and across his long tongue.

A raspy noise, a disturbing noise penetrated the air and caused Justin to pull back a little. It was someone clearing their throat and that person was nearby. "I don't mean to interupt ya'll, but you should really be inside at the party. Somebody come out here and spot ya'll making out on the terrace and the next thing ya know, you're plastered all over the Enquirer and you've gotta hide out 'til it blows over." Trace Ayala, Justin's close friend, said with a thick country accent. Justin hesitantly continued to kiss Brian as he withdrew his tongue from his mouth. He felt Brian smile in the kiss, but Justin refused to stop his lips from placing small soft kisses on Brian's lips. He sighed as Brian eased him back. "Okay Trace, we got'cha. We'll stop." Justin exhaled out, slipping his arms around Brian's neck and keeping him close. He peered over Brian's shoulder, staring at his friend as he leaned into the doorway with crossed arms and a broad smirk painted on his lips. He could have been Justin's twin if he was not shorter, tanner, and cockier. "And you'll bring ya asses inside?" Trace requested with a keen tone. Justin giggled quietly and nodded. "Yes, we're coming inside." Brian finally agreed, turning in Justin's arms. He forced out a smile for Trace, his disappointment still alive in his curvy brow. "Good. I'm just looking out for ya best interest." Trace remarked as Brian led Justin toward the entrance. Brian groaned loudly as Justin laughed, giving his husband's hand a light squeeze as they retreated into the party, Trace following closely.

Take 5 continued with their soulful performance of 'Water.' Ryan Goodell slid to one end of the stage as Tilky danced to the other. They glanced at each other as the others continued to croon out the chorus of the song. Tilky nodded in Ryan's direction, giving him an insistive to follow through on.

Ryan walked down the steps of the stage on the right while Tilky walked down the steps on the left. Ryan searched for a moment as the guests cheered at him. He smiled tenderly when finding what he searched for. He grabbed her hand and led her toward the stage, a slick smile on his face while she smiled nervously. Ryan stopped in front of the stage, the song continuing to circle through the room with emotion dripped into the guitar strumming in the background. Ryan stared into her eyes; they were green and filled with a friendly adoration. He glanced to his right where Tilky stood near the stage, holding Mandy Moore's hand. Ryan giggled quietly before giving his attention back to the woman standing before him. He sighed softly, his heart thumping as he looked at her. He adjusted his headset before harmoning with Tilky on the bridge, both men singing to the women standing in front of them.

[Tilky & Ryan]

I'll run through the middle of the desert

At the speed of light

Just to have one drop of you babe

I would run through the middle of the desert

At the speed of light

Just to have one drop of you babe

Ryan grinned as he crooned out the final note with his band mate. Smiling back at him with a heartfelt look was Nikki DeLoach. She shyly held Ryan's hand, the lyrics racing through her mind. Did Ryan mean the words he sang? Was he constant flirting with her through a portion of the *NSYNC tour a true sign of how he felt? Nikki had time to decide, but at this moment, she gave all of her attention to Ryan as he sang to her. He was escape. He was her chance to get away from thoughts of JC and deliberations concerning Kevin. It was just Nikki and Ryan and for once, Nikki was receiving the loving attention she always gave to men with no reciprocation.

"Bartender, can I get another scotch and water on the rocks?" Nick requested, leaning over the bar with glazed blue eyes and spiked blonde hair. His attire was comfortable for him; a black KISS sleeve-less tee over a white turtle neck and a pair of baggy slacks. As the bartender slipped Nick another drink, he stared into the ambery liquid considering his options. It seemed to be all worth it during the night, waving his mind of depressing thoughts concerning his life, but in the morning, when JC nursed him because of a hangover, he knew he was doing JC an injustice. 'What the fuck does he care though?' Nick thought, lifting the glass as he lost his reservation.

"How about you slow down for a second Nickie?" JC requested, almost causing Nick to drop the glass. Nick glanced to his right to see his husband standing next to him, a tepid smile on his face while his eyes held heavy concern. Nick cleared his throat and began to lower the glass, unsure on how to react to JC's sudden appearance. "I thought you were talking with your friends?" Nick wondered while placing his glass back on the bar. JC scooted the glass in his direction, sighing. "I got bored." JC replied, shaking the glass to mix up the contents inside. "So I'm your answer to boredom?" Nick asked spitefully. JC lifted his eyes with pain resting in them. "No. Not at all. I just wanted to be next to someone that makes me smile... someone I love." JC responded, his voice lowered. Nick arched an eyebrow and pursed his lips. "Well your girl Nikki is over there by the stage." Nick hissed, reaching for the glass. JC pulled it back and grabbed Nick's hand. He touched it for only a few seconds before Nick pulled away. "I don't care where the hell she is. I want to be right here with my husband because I love him and he makes me smile." JC whispered, daring to say the words aloud.

Nick calmed his aggitated spirit and slouched over on the bar. "Really?" he asked shyly. JC snickered quietly, wanting to reach out and embrace his husband. "Yes, really. I don't want to argue with you Nickie, just be around you. If I didn't love you, I would've taken off this ring weeks ago." JC replied. He licked his thick lips and winked at Nick. Nick could not help but smile. "Well I... I love you too Joshua." Nick whispered, his voice just about mute. JC blushed lightly and slid the drink further down the bar.

"Can we forget the booze and get somewhere quiet and private?" JC requested lowly. Nick raised his brow, chewing on his bottom lip. "Right now?" Nick questioned him. "If we don't go right now, my little man will be pretty pissed." JC hissed. Nick blinked his eyes before grinning. "Okay, come with me oh-husband-of-mine." Nick chimed softly, tugging on the bottom of JC's black sweater as he moved away from the bar. JC followed with no hesitations.

With light feet, careful expressions, and quick moves, Nick and JC slipped away from the crowd of friends, fans and celebrities and into a nearby room, a dark one that was built as a sort of closet. Whatever it was, Nick and JC did not care. It was of little interest to this couple. They merely needed a room away from the others and they were satiated.

Once inside, JC flicked on a small light, a light that barely lit the room with a yellowish filtering glow. Again, it was good enough. Nick leaned against one of the walls, striving to become comfortable in the cramped, dim-lit room. He let his head rest against the wall and spread his legs, a stance that called on JC. JC was busy checking the door, hoping it was safe enough that no one would enter. 'Did anyone see us come in here? Was anyone watching?' JC wondered, hoping for security in the closet.

"Hey..." Nick's seductive voice called out to his husband. JC peeked over his shoulder, a small smile scratching at his face. He stared into Nick's sizzling blue eyes, the ones that were painted with lust. The way Nick arched his brow and licked his pinkish lips, JC knew there was a reason he was standing in this closet. He and Nick were both owed something.

Nick eyed his husband and he swaggered closer to him, a lustful smile on his face, thoughts hiding secretly in his diamond-blue eyes. Nick felt JC's hand reach out and run through his hair, crushing his spikes down as he combed it with his fingers. "What was that about your little man being pissed?" Nick asked quietly as JC finally stood before him. Nick's hand immediately reached out and his fingers tentatively brushed against JC's pants. He felt the erect cock through JC's pants, the heat blazing. Nick smiled to himself, wanting to be on his knees to feel the heat and smell that masculine aroma around JC's crouch. "He's pretty happy right now." JC said, half moaning as Nick began to grope his dick through the material of his jeans. JC inclined toward Nick and captured his lips, kissing him erotically as Nick groped his lower body.

Passion was passed between the two men as his lips moved about in rushed engagements. Nick's tongue began to lick at JC's lips and teeth, pleading for entrance as his rough hands stroked JC's swollen, covered dick. JC moaned into Nick's mouth, one hand wrenching through Nick's blonde hair while the other traced down Nick's shirt, toward his pants. JC gasped in the kiss as Nick massaged his balls through the material. This action gave Nick free reign to JC's mouth, his tongue darting in and running over JC's.

Nick's lips covered JC's in rough kisses, his tongue moving in a back-forth motion, massaging JC's slippery tongue and caressing the roof of his mouth. JC could taste just about every drop of alcohol Nick had swallwed that night on his tongue and it intoxicated him with its flavor of poison and pure lust. With an enthusiastic hand, Nick raised the front of JC's sweater, exposing his muscled stomach. His cool hand sent a tingle throughout JC's body as Nick traced his trail of hairs at the bottom of his navel before moving upward to his abs.

JC had no room to moan with Nick's tongue burried in his mouth. He tugged softly at Nick's hair and ground his lower body into Nick's hands with desperation. The room was spinning in his mind as he tried endlessly to capture Nick's tongue in his mouth and suck on it. His breath had accelerated beyond his thoughts. Sweat was breaking from his forehead and he did not know what was next.

JC's hand finally grasped at the zipper to Nick's pants, tugging at it with eagerness. He managed to pull the zipper down with little struggle from Nick. Nick withdrew his tongue from JC's lips and pulled back slightly, his breath panting in heavy, moist exhales. The warm, wet breaths rushing over JC's lips aroused his hunger for his husband even more. He could no longer hear the sounds of the party outside, only the deep breaths, short gasps, and moans exchanged between the two.

"Whoa, shit... mmmmm..." Nick moaned as he felt JC's hand slip into his pants and dig into his boxers, JC's cold fingers brushing the tip of Nick's throbbing dick. Nick closed his eyes tightly and panted hard, his head cocking back as he ground his crotch into JC's hand. Nick wanted more. He didn't care if he orgasmed in his pants from JC's feathery touches; it was all about the pleasure.

"You like that Nickie?" JC asked, his eyes staring at Nick's flushed cheeks and parted lips. Nick nodded quickly, his moaning increasing. JC's thumb rubbed over the pounding erection and he felt his skin become slick with pre-cum. The secretion was arousing, but dangerous. JC was unsure if he should bring his husband to orgasm in the small closet. Nick's seed would cover his hand and Nick's pants. What would they do then? How would they clean up and cover up the evidence? And what about the erection throbbing in JC's pants, the incessant ache that raged through him to have Nick's hands caressing him?

"Maybe we should stop Nick? I don't want you walk around the party all night with cum spots on your pants and all over your boxers." JC suggested, his hand slowly pulling away. Nick groaned in protest, one of his hands snatching up JC's wrist and forcing his hand deep into his boxers. JC gulped suddenly, his eyes lined up with Nick's as Nick bit down softly on his lower lip. "I don't care. I don't care if I have to feel that col cum on my dick all night, Josh. This hard-on is for you and nothing else... so please make me cum." Nick pleaded, a yearn clouded his thoughts and leaving him breathless.

JC hesitantly returned to his squeezing, massaging and stroking. His fingers dipped lower and caressed Nick's semi-hair balls, the fingers rolling the large nuts around. They were ready to expand and explode all because of him. JC smiled to himself as he stared contently into Nick's eyes, the racing fire still waxed with lust. "Oh God, Josh, yes..." Nick breathed out, his eyes gradually shutting and his own hands becoming racy on JC's body. JC nibbled on his lower lip, his head falling forward so that their foreheads touched. His hardness being stroked by Nick's careless hand excited him and his breath became ragged and rash.

Nick's fingers were tweaking his nipples erect, the buds sore with pleasure. The softness of Nick's fingertips trailed over the center of JC's chest, feeling a soft, small patch of hair that grew between the pecs. Nick silened his husband's pleas of maddening love with kisses, wet kisses that absorbed JC's strength and left him virtually helpless.

"I... I think I'm gonna cum..." JC stuttered, pushing Nick back with one hand as he continued to grope his husband's crotch. Nick grinned widely and squeezed JC's dick hard. "Then cum." Nick whispered erotically. JC gulped quickly, his air thin with sex surrounding him. "I... I don't want to... not in my boxers, not like this." JC panted, trying to slow the feelings rushing through his lower half.

Nick sighed and traced his hand upward and away from JC's dick. Nick kissed JC's forehead and pulled back, letting JC slip his hand out of his boxers. "We're going to have blue balls, you know that right?" Nick said, his voice filled with sarcasm.

JC swallowed again, his cheeks flustered and his eyes glazed with confusion. He wanted it, but he did not want it there. He wanted it somewhere else. He wanted it in a place where his voice could echo out screams of passion, his voice strained as he called out Nick's name over and over. That's all he wanted.

"Please don't be mad at me." JC begged, his hand reaching out to grab Nick's face. Nick zipped up his pants, adjusting himself, before he looked up at JC. He pressed out a smile and grabbed JC's hand. He could smell himself all over JC's hand, the scent slightly arousing him. He took JC's thumb between his lips and licked away the remnants of his pre-ejaculation, his tongue swirling around JC's thumb with a heavy seduction. He pulled the thumb out as he swallowed himself, the favlor sweet. He kissed JC's palm and pulled JC closer. "Why be mad? I'd prefer nut inside of you then inside of my drawz." Nick grinned. He traced the curve of JC's jaw as he placed a sweet kiss on his husband's pouty lips. "I love you Joshua." he whispered before laying another kiss on JC's lips, this time refusing to arouse JC or himself.

Time trickled by as slow as molasses in the summer. The party still blazed with the air of celebration, the music non-stop and the guests never silent. It didn't bother anyone. It was meant to be. The loudness, the noise; it was a party after all.

Kevin's steely blue eyes searched through a few of the small crowds of gossiping, chatty people for a woman he longed for. He cared not for conversation with anyone, except her. She was always the exception. It was probably because she kept him calm and secure. He was never unnerved when he was around her even though she no longer belonged to him. But he yearned for that again. He desired to call her anything other than 'Nikki.' Just to smile and say she was his girlfriend, the smile it brought to his face.

He stopped in a small crowd containing Lance, Bryce, Christina Aguilera, Tilky, and Clay. He stared at all the faces as they giggled and talked casually. He strolled toward Lance while keeping a low profile, not desiring to spark a conversation with any of the others. "Lance," he whispered, tugging on Lance's elbow. Lance glanced to his left and caught Kevin's eyes as the older man stood near him. Once Kevin received Lance's attention, he quickly said, "Have you seen Nikki?" Lance arched his eyebrow and glanced around quickly. "No, I haven't seen her." he replied. Kevin sighed and released Lance's elbow.

Before Kevin knew to protest, he heard Lance question, "Have any of ya'll seen Nikki?" Kevin wanted to groan loudly, but composed himself. 'Why the fuck would you go and ask all of them?' Kevin thought, pushing his hands into his pockets while drooping his head. "Nik'? Yeah, I just saw her over there by the stage... with Ryan." Tilky replied first, his head motioning in the direction of the DJ booth. Kevin shifted his eyes over to the stage and peered, Nikki's form coming into sight. He wrinkled his brow. "Yeah, she's over there talking to my bro'." Clay agreed, his shifty eyes glaring at Kevin. Kevin gave his words little attention. He lowered his thick eyebrows and trodded away, moving in the direction of his former lover.

Watching her was painful. Hearing her flirtatious giggle was heartbreaking. Being away from her as she gave him subtle touches was excruciating. His angel had fallen in his eyes. She had crossed over to another territory and left him to rot alone. It was his fault. Why did he wait so long to make ammends with her? He didn't have to cheat on her, he knew that. He knew she had been burned by her past flame and twice? Wasn't that illegal? It had to be, otherwise, why would she disregard his love completely and move on to someone new? Someone who was not him.

"Sucks, doesn't it?" JC's airy voice pealed through the air around Kevin. Kevin permitted his brow to wrinkle as he caught a glimpse of JC from the corner of his eye. "The only thing that sucks around here is your mouth." Kevin hissed lowly, his eyes still locked on Nikki as she continued to flirt freely with Ryan. JC laughed quietly before standing next to Kevin. "Ouch, that one hurts." JC said with a tiny snicker.

Kevin pressed his lips together in a tight line of anger. He did not want JC around at this moment, not while he eyed her. Yet, he could not escape neither of them.

"Look, Kevin, I know how you feel. It feels like shit when you see her hanging on another guy." JC remarked, lightening the air between the two. "What does it matter to you? Aren't you married or is that just what ya'll are telling everyone?" Kevin grumbled out with a thin country accent. JC sighed longly. "She was my first love Kevin. Do you actually think I'm going to get over her just like that? The woman I pined for even when I was with Lance? I know how you feel because I felt it first when she was with you." JC pronounced bluntly. He crossed his arms and stole his eyes from Ryan and Nikki. He brought his view on his wedding ring, his mind remembering the hazy events of the night he agreed to marry Nick.

Kevin, with his jaded thoughts, turned away from Nikki. "Look, I understand you care for her and all, but you fucked up too many times to win her back. You're gay. What is she supposed to do? Be your girlfriend while you suck another dude's dick? Come on." Kevin said, his voice more than jaded; they were cynical. JC shook his head, lifting his eyes. "You can say what you want to about my love life Kevin, but I know exactly where it's coming from. We're both jealous and that's it. We don't have her. So call me gay, a homo, whatever the hell you want. In the end, remember that you still don't have her and I was closer than you were to winning her back.

Maybe you're the one who's living the wrong life." JC noted, his tone laced with truths that Kevin could not disagree with.

Even as JC walked away, he only felt his skies falling down on him in a time he should be thankful to be alive and where he was at. But where was Kevin at the moment? Nowhere.

"So tell me... when does a lonely guy like me get a second chance with a beautiful woman like you again?" Howie grinned as he and Danay stood near the bar. Danay raised her brow with curiosity, sipping on a glass of water.

She licked her lips and shot Howie a sly smirk. "I don't know Howie. How bad do you want another chance?" Danay wondered, circling the top of her glass with her finger. She batted her eyes at him with a flirtatious mist circling them. "Bad enough to not have dated anyone for months now." Howie said, giggling shortly. Danay rolled her eyes, keeping her unique smile on her lips. She shrugged with a candid expression. "I don't know if I can pencil you in Mr. Dorough. You know, now a days, I have so many requests for dates that I just can't keep up." Danay teased.

Howie sighed, drawing closer to Danay. He lifted a hand and led it toward Danay's. "Well, how about you try and pencil me in around February? Before we head out on tour." Howie requested, drawing a heart on the back of Danay's hand with his finger. Danay felt a flutter in her heart and she leaned on the bar to keep from falling. "Uhm... sure. I don't see why not," Danay smiled. Howie smiled back with his mocca-brown eyes, the ones that painted a picture of the two together in a field of happiness. "But don't play with me this time." Danay insisted, her voice stiffening for a moment. Howie nodded, still holding his charming expression. Danay smiled before taking another sip of her water, trying not to fall into Howie's stare of wonder.

Danay lifted her eyes with a tepid smile. Why not? She had no reason not to gaze into his eyes and see what he saw, feel what he thought. "Danay, girl, come on. We've gotta get backstage now." Veronica said, interrupting Danay's moment. Danay groaned with mild anger, turning her head toward her friend. Howie cleared his throat and slowly backed away from Danay. "What do you mean? I thought we didn't have to be backstage for fifteen more minutes?" Danay grumbled, turning his face to glance at her friend. "No, we've gotta go now. Some guy from RCA is here and we've gotta have a meeting." Veronica said, informing Danay of knowledge that was just presented to her. Danay raised her brow with distrust. "RCA? What the hell? How are we going to have a meeting without Lynn being here?" Danay asked. Veronica shrugged, pulling on her friend.

Danay sighed heavily, placing her drink on the bar. She turned her head toward Howie, his face filled with a calm expression. "I'll be back cutie." Danay said as Veronica began to drag her away. "I'll be waiting beautiful." Howie responded. Danay smiled longly, her mind only on Howie as she moved away from him.

Each woman stood with wonder and confusion on their faces. Backstage seemed to be the quietest place in the entire party, but the thoughts were loud. Nikki chewed on her lower lip, her eyes glancing around to her band mates and then to the representative from their label, Bryce, Trace, and then Kaja, one of their PR's. She was mystified, searching for an answer.

"Does anyone mind if I ask what this is about?" Danay spoke up first, her question mirroring the thoughts of each girl. "Ladies, I'm Thomas Gipson from RCA. I'm here tonight to discuss a few things with you, mainly RCA's plans to make 2001 a big year for you girls." Thomas said, his appearance more than business-like. "Sounds good enough to me." Veronica chimed with little support from the others.

Nikki folded her arms, still not convinced by Thomas' words alone. "Why now? Why can't we have a meeting next week?" Nikki asked, doubt ringing through her voice. Mandy nodded, her own disbeliefs shown through her stance. "Because we have some contractual stuff we need to take care of before next week. The label believes we should get a few things out of the way so that we can go full steam into the next projects we have lined up for you lovely ladies." Thomas said in his most convincing voice. He had yet to convince Nikki, but the others were slowly coming around.

"What's next for us? More touring? More television appearances?" Jenny wondered with an excited voice. Danay held a hand up to silence her as she peered at Thomas. "What's the 'contractual' stuff we have to take care of before we get to move onto the next step?" Danay asked a more educated question, leaving Jenny in stillness. Thomas grinned at her with hopes of winning her over. "Well, first, the label has been disappointed with the promotional campaigns that have been set up for you ladies. The heads at RCA believe you're capable of having a stronger presence in the music industry. With all the money that has been invested in you, the label is disappointed by the numbers and figures you ladies have brought in. They'd also like to see you everywhere... magazines, television, radio, concerts, the whole nine yards." Thomas said, easing his hands behind his back. The girls listened with content faces, all except Nikki. "Therefore, to get you ladies in the place that the label wants you in, they need to get someone who can promote you in a better way than previous times. Someone who can put you in all the places you need to be to ensure that you are the next *NSYNC or Backstreet Boys." Thomas boasted. "Someone who isn't Lynn Harless." Nikki finally said, disillusioned by the words. Thomas sigh quietly before nodding. "Well, yes. Someone other than Ms. Harless." Thomas agreed, his face changing shape.

"So what? You want us to find a new manager?" Mandy asked briskly, her voice hard. "RCA would like to discontinue its contract with Ms. Harless and seek a new manger for Innosense. They'd like to find someone capable of giving you ladies the time, devotion, and money you ladies deserve." Thomas explained. "Time and devotion? Lynn has been there for us since day one. She has done a lot." Danay stated. "Where is she now Ms. Ferrer?" Thomas asked, turning his eyes directly on Danay. "She's at home watching her grandson." Danay fumbled out, aware of the argument Thomas was presenting. "Exactly. She is not here helping to promote Innosense the way she should be. RCA cares little for Ms. Harless' other obligations because Innosense should be her first priority. RCA has been disappointed in the way she has chosen to use little resources to promote this group and ensure you success." Thomas argued calmly. Veronica wanted to speak, but she couldn't.

She could not find an argument that would overrule Thomas' words. "But Angel is her grandson." Jenny said, her shrill voice strong. "RCA has no association with the child of Brian and Justin Littrell. That is Jive's responsibility, not ours. We do however have a contract with Ms. Harless that states that she will promote Innosense to the best of her ability and so far, it has been less than that." Thomas disputed, leaving Jenny silent.

"What if we don't want to get rid of Lynn?" Mandy questioned Thomas. "Mandy, please, don't try that." Kaja pleaded with her. Mandy's eyes stayed on Thomas, not daring to look at Kaja. "Ms. Ashford, there would be no use in trying that. Innosense has a binding contract with RCA and they will sue if you fail to follow through with it. Trust me, you do not have the money to quit RCA right now." Thomas insisted. Mandy crossed her arms and sucked in her lower lip, her anger rising.

Nikki felt tears pricking her eyes, pleading to be released. She hugged herself with anger and depression lacing her mind and her body. She could not do this. She couldn't fire the woman who was like her second mother. It was not fair to her. How could she look Lynn in the eyes? How could she expect Justin to want to be around her? The years of being around the Hrless' as if she was a second daughter, wasted? It wasn't just.

"So what do we do?" Danay asked, her words sighed out. "All you ladies have to do is sign the papers that will disaffirm your connection to Ms. Harless and eventually Just-In Time Entertainment. All monies earned and deserved will be paid to Ms. Halress and her management firm and that will discontinue your connection with her as a manager. From there on, RCA will seek out new management for Innosense and we'll schedule meetings to work out further problems. Mr. Winters will work with you as a personal representative and an assitant concerning managerial problems. He will most likely accompany Innosense on the Backstreet Boys tour if new management is not found by then. RCA will begin to work hard to promote Innosense in every venue possible and hopefully you will begin to see the money you deserve for your hard work with our label and next thing you know, you'll be topping Britney Spears." Thomas explained, his voice lighter.

Innosense was silent. They had nothing to say. It was all too real for them, yet it was unfair to them. "What about Trace?" Jenny asked quickly, a concern only she carried. "Mr. Ayala will be offered a contract with your new management, as will Ms. Renee` and Ms. Kari. For now, they may remain with you on tour and other events concerning Innosense." Thomas stated, offering Jenny an excuse to smile. "Girls, please, just do this. It's for the good of you and for the good of the others." Kaja pleaded.

Nikki blinked away tears, letting them slip down her cheek without concern. She glanced at the others as they contemplated their choices. "Does Lynn know?" Mandy asked briskly, her voice choked. "Ms. Harless was informed a half an hour ago of this meeting and was asked not to contact any of you about it." Thomas replied. Nikki sniffled, cursing herself for not calling Lynn during the course of the night.

"Are you ladies going to agree with the terms presented to you?" Thomas finally asked, an echoing silence being broken by discouraging thoughts and small sighs. "Fine." Veronica grumbled, her head turned from the others. Eyes fell on her in disbelief. Didn't they have a right to dispute this? To go against the higher power? Did they really want to fight it?

"I'll do it." Jenny said with a soft voice and her head hanging. Danay sighed and closed her eyes. What was she doing? "Me too." she finally said.

Mandy pulled a shaking hand through her hair. She didn't like this, none of it. She wanted Bryan there to comfort her and calm her nerves. Damn it, she wanted to leave the party and cry in her bed. Lynn was her friend. What would she do without her? "I don't like this shit one bit." she hissed, sniffling quietly. Thomas furrowed his brow at her. "I'll do it, but I don't like it one bit." she added, her eyes staring into Thomas.

Danay turned to Nikki. She watched each tear slide down her cheek, leaving stains across her face. "Nikki?" Danay asked, reaching out for Nikki. Nikki snatched away from her, sniffling heavily. "God, you want me to fire the woman I consider my second mother? Just like that? You want me to get rid of her just because she hasn't done every little thing RCA wants?" Nikki barked, her tears cascading in heavily loads. "Ms. DeLoach..." Thomas began but Nikki did not allow him to finish. "Save that Ms. DeLoach shit, Mr. Gipson. I'm not like them. This woman has meant the world to me." Nikki hissed. Her heart was breaking and she could feel each chunk fall apart. She wiped away her tears and lowered her head. "I can't believe we're doing this." Nikki whispered, her vision clouded by anger and tears. The others had no words for her. "I just can't believe we're doing this." she repeated, her sign to the others that she would agree to the terms, but it would never be the same for Innosense.

Lance stepped on the stage again to a loud ovation from his guests. He smiled generously and held up his microphone. "This next act coming to the stage is going to rock this party. They are a beautiful group of ladies who can dance and sing almost as good as me and the guys." Lance joked, pulling out a few laughs from his guests. "I've toured with them many times and I know they're a group of hard working ladies. Their name is Innosense and they are going to perform the classic favorite 'Get Into Th Groove.' Give it up for Innosense!" Lance announced, his guests applauding and screaming wildly.

Innosense ran out onto the stage with proud grins. Danay stood in the middle, her lengthy black hair caressing her shoulders as she bobbed her head to the incoming beat. Sporting a white sleeveless shirt and brown leather pants, she felt comfortable enough to strut to the front of the stage, her microphone in one hand while she snapped her fingers with the other hand. Following her was Veronica and Nikki, both swaying to the music as they walked forward. Veronica was clad in a strapless, middrif-bearing top with matching baggy pants while Nikki dawned a sheer, sleeveless black top with a black shirt beneath and green and black stripped leather pants, her reddish-brown hair pinned up in a ponytail. Mandy and Jenny took their cue and strutted to the front, Jenny wearing a baby blue spaghetti-strap shirt and tight red pants while Mandy wore a see-through sparkly top with a small black top underneath and tight glittery pants.

Danay raised her mic when she saw the others atnding in rows behind her. She smiled at the crowd, brushing her hair back as the instrumental continued to blare through the speakers. "See music is so inspiring. It can bring you up; take you where you wanna go. Get you feeling good." Danay said, intro'ing the song while receiving screams from the men in the crowd. She shook her hips sassily and strutted to one side of the stage. "And you can dance... for inspiration." she added in a trademark Madonna-style before the others screamed out and ran to the back of the stage, dancing wildly to the beat of the song. Danay ran back to meet the others, each raising their mics to sing the chorus.

Get into the groove

Boy you've got to prove

Your love to me, yeah


Uh, uh, uh

Can you feel this groove? Boy yes you do

All night, hold tight

The feeling when you get it right

Groove baby, I love the way you do it to me

You feelin' me right?

I know this jam's hype

We can take it to the dance floor

With the boys and ladies

Come on, throw ya hands where my eyes can see

If you're in the mood

We'll show you how to get into the groove

As Veronica finished her rap, she danced backward into her position and Jenny and the others strutted seductively to the front of the stage again, their presence welcomed by the guests. "Woo! Go Jenny!" Mandy called out, excitement flaring her voice. Jenny flipped her short-cut hair back and smiled innocently, lifting her microphone slowly. The others danced endlessly behind her, the choreography slick and mastered. Jenny held the microphone up to her lips, prepared to sing the first verse.


Music can be such a revelation

Dancing around you feel the sweet sensation

We might be lovers if the rhythm's right

I hope this feeling never ends tonight


Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free

At night I lock the doors, where no one else can see

I'm tired of dancing here all by myself

Tonight I wanna dance with someone else

Get into the groove

Boy you've got to prove

Your love to me, yeah

Get up on your feet, yeah

Step to the beat

Boy what will it be

Justin stood near a wall contemplating dancing as the others did while Innosense performed. He hoped Brian would return to his side soon, but he doubted it. Brian was swept away by Kevin and from the look in Kevin's eyes, it was a family talk, a long family talk. 'Oh well... he can't always be by your side, Justin,' he told himself, letting his head hang low while he slid his hands into his pockets. 'But why the hell not? He's my husband.' he continued to debate. He couldn't pretend he didn't like having Brian by his side, holding his hand, throughout the night as others watched them, some curious, some pleased, and others disillusioned and disappoving. 'But who gives a fuck? Not me. Not him.' Justin smiled to himself. He didn't mind turning heads, as long as he was doing it with Brian. He sighed. 'But he divorced me back then...' his thoughts seeped into a piece of his heart that still ached. He was so close, so very close to losing Brian and those months were hard. Recovery wasn't easy, especially not for Justin.

"Are we the two loneliest *NSYNC boys?" Lance asked as he found a place next to Justin on the wall. Justin lifted his head with a shy smile. "Where's your boyfriend?" Justin asked, tilting his head in Lance's direction. Lance sighed, shoveling his own hands into his pockets. "Talking with Mandy Moore about upcoming promotional events." Lance exhaled out, disappointed. Justin nudged Lance with a friendly grin. "Don't feel so bad. At least he'll be back any minute. Brian's talking with Kevin about Kevin's problems and knowing Kevin, that's going to take all night." Justin assured his friend. Lance smiled out a silly grin for Justin, causing both to laugh lowly. "We suck." Lance boasted softly. Justin licked his lips slyly. "Yeah, but I bet we do it oh so good." Justin chimed. Lance's eyes blinked open and his brow raised with a generous smile. Justin elbowed him with a small laugh. "You know we do." Lance finally agreed, patting Justin's shoulder. Neither could stop themselves from laughing, their silliness overruning their seriousness.

"Doesn't matter though. Our masterful lips didn't keep our guys by our side right now." Justin commented, his laughter dying down. Justin searched through the crowd, hoping to spy just a glimpse of Brian. No such luck. "I don't know, Justin. It would seem your skills at going down has kept Brian around long enough for you two to get married and have a kid. And I doubt he's going anywhere fast." Lance said, his hand slipping behind his own head to hold the back of his neck. "From your lips to God's ears." Justin whispered, his eyes looking up quickly. Lance licked his thin lips, mildly disappointed in Justin's reply. "That part of your life is done with. You've got the man you want... the man that was meant for you, Justin." Lance whispered an assurance, letting his arm drop and then slide around Justin's shoulders. Justin nodded, a solemn expression orbiting his face. No regrets.

Justin let his deep blue eyes look on Lance, a halfhearted smirk on his pouty reddish lips. "All right, I found the man that was meant for me. Now have you found the guy that was meant for you?" Justin asked, a cheey grin taking over his lips. Lance blushed and turned his eyes from Justin. He smiled grandly, a simple sign to Justin. "I think I want to marry him." Lance said lowly, his shyness prevailing as he spoke of Bryce. "That's good, ain't it?" Justin wondered, a simple look on his face. Lance nodded quickly, his cheeks brightening to a new shade of red. "I really want him to be Mr. Bass." Lance gleamed. Justin arched an eyebrow, fond curiosity streaming through his deep blue eyes. "Like when? Next month?" Justin questioned his friend. Lance laughed mildly, trying to shake Justin's expression from his beaming face. "No, that's way too soon Justin. I haven't even proposed to the guy." Lance continued to laugh as he spoke. Justin giggled shortly, changing his appearance to ease Lance's tenseness. "That's true. Then again, I was writing Justin Littrell on my notebook before he proposed to me, so what's the deal? Are you going to ask him to marry you soon?" Justin inquired, folding his arms over his chest while staring at his friend.

Lance nibbled his lower lip, another unique sign that only Justin knew too well. He had done it often when wanting to avoid a question that could be plainly answered inside of one's heart. "If things keep moving in the direction they have been... if things between me and Bryce stay good, stay perfect, then I could see myself popping the question as early as March, maybe April and we could shoot for a wedding in like October or November." Lance replied, his voice still lowered. He was nervous when just being questioned about the situation. He dreaded the butterflies he got when contemplating the events.

Justin shot Lance a slick smile. His friend had matured so much and so quickly. It was as if his relationships with Nick and JC were flurries in the wind, unimportant to the blizzard of Bryce's love. "Wedding in Novermeber, eh? Sounds romantic. Sort of an autumn romance." Justin said, urging his friend to pursure his dream. There they were, the butterflies. Lance was flustered.

"I thought we could get married back in Mississippi with my family and our friends. You don't think it'd be too cold or anything for Angel if we got married outside, do ya?" Lance asked, hoping to give Justin a reason to be interested. Justin grinned crookedly. "Angel? He'll be fine. You should worry about his new little sister or brother though." Justin chimed, uncrossing his arms. Lance raised his brow with excitement rimming his green eyes. "Another kid?" Lance inquired briskly. Justin giggled before nodding. "By the end of this year Lance, you'll be married and I'll be a father again." Justin insisted, his voice beyond chipper. Lance couldn't help the grin tugging at his lips.

"Boys, boys, boys... can wetalk about whatever you two are talking about later on? Those girls up there are dancing their asses off and this song is just too perfect if you're dying to dance." Christina said, her voice thick with arrogance. Lance scratched the back of his head while Justin sighed mutedly. "And let me guess, you want me to dance with you?" Justin asked, his voice tight. Christina grinned helplessly, her indigo eyes secretive and seductive. "That is if Lance doesn't mind?" Christina chimed, licking her lips before turning her eyes on Lance. Lance laughed shyly, his deep voice resounding through the area. "Oh no, he's all yours. We can finish talking later." Lance insisted, nudging Justin in Christina's direction. Justin's eyes popped open, staring at Lance in disbelief. Lance laughed wildly as Christina latched onto Justin's wrists with her hands and began to pull him in the direction of the dance floor. "Thanks babycakes." Christina smirked. Justin groaned heavily and peered at Lance as he stumbled toward the dance floor. "Have fun cutie." Lance cheered. "I'm so going to take your first born." Justin hissed playfully, gradually following Christina to the heart of the dance floor, willingly.


Gonna get to know you in a special way

This doesn't happen to me everyday

Don't try to hide it, love wears no disguise

I see the fire burning in your eyes


Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free

At night I lock the doors, where no one else can see

I'm tired of dancing here all by myself

Tonight I wanna dance with someone else

JC kept his eyes from the stage filled with bright lighting, intricate dance moves, and his ex-girlfriend. 'Avoid her, save your marriage.' JC told himself, his eyes dancing around the VIP section where he sat with his husband, his friend Chris Kirkpatrick and Chris' wife, Kameelah. "It feels really good to get a night out." Chris commented, a slightly weary look scratching at the surface of his face. He took a quick glance at his wife, his words finally registering in his mind. "I mean, not that it's bad sitting at home with you and Kaleb, sweetie." Chris briskly said, letting his hand rest on top of Meelah's. Meelah smiled sweetly. "I know baby. It's hard for you sometimes because you're working in the studio, taking care of Kaleb, making sure I'm happy, and still working on your clothing line. I know you need to get out and relax without all of that on your mind." Meelah assured her husband. Chris smiled with relief. She did understand. She knew the troubles he bared to ensure his family was satisfied and his work was complete.

"At least you two get to see each other. Josh spends so much time in the studio, I wonder if he hasn't written three albums by now." Nick said cheerily. JC sighed and brought his pale blue eyes to Nick. "I've been working on several projects, Nick, especially for you. You know I've got like four songs written for your album." JC explained, a grime expression draining his face. Nick slipped a hand under the table and gave JC's thigh a loving squeeze. "I know, Josh. I'm very grateful that my husband is writing great songs for me. I just miss you at the apartment sometimes." Nick replied, his voice apologetic and sincere. JC smirked. He lifted a hand and brushed a few of Nick's hairs from near his face, quickly drawing his hand away to avoid attention from others.

Chris cleared his throat lowly, striving to extract Nick and JC's attention from each other. "When are Nick and JC Chasez going to move into a house?" Chris asked. JC let his blue eyes stray from his husband and look on Chris. He shrugged carelessly. "We're trying to move into my beach house because no one is really around that area until the summer. That gives us plenty of time to look for a house." Nick replied shortly. He smiled with control while JC shot him a perplexed look. "How are me and you going to look for a house while you're on tour Nick? Plus I've got to work in the studio so me and the guys can have the album out by April." JC argued quietly. A crease in Nick's brow showed his agitation. "We can look for a house whenever I have a day off during the tour. And there's a studio in the beach house that you can work at." Nick retorted, his voice slightly raised.

"A studio at the house is probably really convenient." Meelah stated, trying to end the argument before it started. Her words were not heeded. "Nick, you know whenever you come home, we'll be too busy having sex to even look for an apartment. I don't know about you, but a couple of weeks without you makes me rather horny." JC declared boldly, causing Meelah to shy away from further remarks. Chris groaned and grabbed Meelah's hand, holding it for comfort.

Nick peered at JC, his eyes showing indications of disgust. "All you'll be thinking about is dick when I come back?" Nick hissed at his husband. JC rolled his eyes, shaking his head with exasperation. "I'll be thinking about you, not a house." JC mumbled. Nick exhaled loudly, turning his head from JC and removing his hand from JC's leg. "Sure." Nick retorted unsympathetically. JC grumbled before fleetingly standing. He looked down at his husband with anger before stomping away, leaving Nick to wallow in resentment with Meelah and Chris sitting quietly across from him.

Live out your fantasies here with me

Just let the music set you free

Touch my body, move in time

Now I know you're mine

Now I know you're mine

Now I know you're mine


I know you're mine, yeah

You've got to

Get into the groove

Boy you've got to prove

Your love to me, yeah

Get up on your feet, yeah

Step to the beat

Boy what will it be

"Woo! All right, that's what I'm talking about." Joey called out as the girl in front of him danced seductively, grinding her body into Joey's. He smiled wickedly, pulling a hand through his blonde-brown hair while letting his eyes glance at Danay. She danced happily on the stage, giving him a quick wink as she and her counterparts began to complete their up-to-date ode to Madonna.

"Uh, uh, go 'head now." Joey cheered, still dancing with the girl in a playful manner. She smiled brightly, her dance merely teasing the flirtatious member of *NSYNC. Joey was denied the pleasure of enjoying the final chorus of the song as a hand tugged him backward, causing him to stumble back clumsily. "Jesus, what the..." Joey staggered out, rotating on his heels to face his opponent.

He stopped. His words no longer flowed from his lips in an angered manner. He was silent and he was momentarily scared. "I think you were about to say, 'What the fuck,' but I'm the one who should be saying that." Britney chidded, her arms crossed over her tight, low-cut blue and white Aerosmith tee. Joey swallowed hard and twisted his lips, his facial expression screaming guilt and annoyance. They were conflicting emotions all aimed at his girlfriend. Britney flipped her honey blonde hair back, letting her hands drop down to her jutting hips. Her fingers pressed heatedly into the tight white material of her pants. "So please tell me Joey... what the fuck are you doing with this girl?" Britney asked, her voice slightly raised without reservation. Joey chewed on the inside of his mouth, remaining still. "Dancing." Joey mumbled, lowering his brow and glancing toward the floor. "Dancing? Is that what you call it? Shit, I could've swore you two were down right having sex on the dance floor." Britney boasted, her anger rippling through her country-heavy voice. Her eyes sparkled with vehemence, the browness that was naturally there succumbing to her sweltering fever of rage.

"We were not even that close Britney." Joey finally lashed back, discarding the minute group around them that watched the two argue publicly.

"Oh, so you admit you were close." Britney countered. Joey groaned lowly, turning to the side. He stared at the girl he was dancing with, her composure now innocent and quiet. 'Oh yeah, like you didn't start this.' he complained mentally, peering at her with his brown eyes. "Britney, we were dancing, period. Don't get so uptight and pissy because I found someone to dance with while you chatted with all of your friends." Joey responded, his words directed toward his girlfriend's previous remark. "Oh, that's debatable, Joey. I could've swore that half of the people I was talking to were your friends too, baby." Britney hissed back.

Joey threw his hands up with a loud sigh as Innosense's performance ended and the DJ made the transition to the next record. "Please do not act like a complete ass just because I danced with another girl." Joey begged. "More than one Joey. More than one girl." Britney argued briskly. "And none of them were you." Joey snapped back, words he wished he did not say, but he could not restrain any of them.

Britney felt another shout burning inside of her, but a pair of hands pulled her back and prevented her from causing a public dispute between the two. "Brit, girl, let's talk." Christina chimed, dragging Britney away from her boyfriend. Britney gripped her fists shut as she stumbled back with her friend. "What are you doing?" Britney griped through clenched teeth. "Save you from making a complete ass of yourself in front of all of these people. Did you know there is photographers running around here just waiting for something crazy to happen? They will have pictures of you and Joey arguing plastered all over the newspapers." Christina responded, still pulling Britney from the dance floor.

"Oh, who gives a fuck? They'll probably write lies about me anyway." Britney sneered, yanking away from Christina's loose grip. Christina sighed, tossing her blue-tipped hair behind her shoulders. "I give a fuck, Brit. You should never outdo me on the front page." Christina replied brightly. Britney twisted her lips before laughing witlessly at her friend.

Christina joined her in the girlish fit of giggles, the two walking away from the dance floor and leaving the words Joey and Britney shared without a thought.

The dark, heavily hip-hop-drenched sounds of Madonna's 'Human Nature' resounded through the party as JC leaned up against the bar, his mind still ruled by frustrated thoughts of the argument he imparted with Nick. "Let me guess, someone shot your dog?" Lance asked playfully, nudging JC as he leaned against the bar next to JC. JC quickly rotated his head in Lance's direction, surprised by his appearance. He fumbled a goofy grin for his friend, his eyes shying away from staring at him. "No, no one shot my dog." JC eventually replied, his voice soft and caressed. Lance smirked, nudging his friend again. "Then don't look so grime at my party. It really puts a damper on the way things look here." Lance pleaded cheerfully. JC pushed out a halfhearted smile. "And it doesn't give me a reason to smile." Lance added with a whisper.

JC felt the fire light again. He turned his solid blue eyes on his once lover and cocked his head to the side, a jeery grin on his thick lips. "Lance, I didn't know you cared." he beamed. Lance rolled his eyes with his own inane grin. "Well I do, but don't let that get out." Lance responded with his healthy Southern accent. His words were enough to give JC a reason to disregard the echoing words of anger he and Nick shared.

JC sighed longily, staring out into the mass of dancing bodies moving in unison on the dance floor. "So are you going to tell me what's bothering you or am I going to have to call your mother up and tell her you're being a potty-mouth." Lance pondered, elbowing his friend once more to shake him from his thoughts. JC stroked his shapely goatee, considering his options; they were little and almost nonexistent. "It's about Nick. We had an argument and he really pissed me off because he wouldn't see my side of the problem." JC stated, nervously toying with the end of his shirt. "Let me guess, he was acting stubborn and refused to agree with you even though you both knew you were right?" Lance questioned, arching an eyebrow. "Yeah." JC chimed quickly. He felt victory drawing closer and closer. "And you got frustrated because he wouldn't hear you out, but then again, you knew some of the things he was saying sounded more practical and Nick probably said some things that you didn't like just because they weren't as plotted out as you would've liked them to be." Lance added shortly. JC lowered brow and sighed. "Yeah." he said a little lower, his own faults becoming clearer. "You'd probably like him to apologize with an explaination as to why he acted so childish while I bet right now Nick would let everything go if you simply gave him a hug and a kiss because he's so caught up in loving you that he forgets what reality really means." Lance declared forthrightly, a grand smirk on his lips. He was good. He knew it too.

"Okay, but you weren't even there when the fight happened. How do you know so much? Have you been talking to Nick?" JC asked suspiciously. Lance laughed lowly, sliding an arm around JC's shoulders. "Josh, I dated both of you. I know you two very well and I know how you two can get when you get into an argument." Lance grinned. JC rolled his eyes with a defeated smile.

"Are you calling us predictable?" JC questioned him teasingly. "Just as sure as my name is James Bass." Lance chuckled, hugging JC close to his body as JC slipped an arm behind his back.

JC sighed happily, Lance providing him the relief he sought. "Gee Lance, you're acting like we're friends again." JC remarked slyly. Lance shrugged with his crooked smirk. "I don't see a problem with that Josh. Just as long as you don't go fucking with anyone else's life, I wouldn't mind having you to lean on again." Lance responded, a drop of glee in his deep voice. JC felt his heart flutter. "I'm a married man now Lance. The only person I fuck with his my husband." JC cheered, waving his left hand in front of Lance to show off his wedding band. Lance admired the ring with a tinge of jealousy. "Thank God he's the only guy you get ass from." Lance laughed, giving his friend a light shove. JC followed him into the jovial laughter, their friendship mending with the smiles they brought each other.

Haunting eyes stared at them as they laughed. 'You can argue with me while laugh and flirt with your ex-boyfriend? Where's your respect for our marriage Joshua?' Nick thought bitterly, his hands gripping onto the railing of the VIP section. He squinted his lidded cobalt eyes at them while his upper lip curled. 'And it's just so typical of you. Somebody makes you mad and you go and find your next fuck. Just like that.' Nick gripped, his anger rising. He kicked his foot against the bars on the railing, his frustration getting the best of him. He had seen the pattern too much. He knew the routine and for some foolish reason, he accepted it. He let his husband flirt with his former lovers. Why? Because Nick loved JC and prayed that every night he knew who to come home to. At least he knew that much.

"Uh, excuse me... Nick? Nick Carter?" a slightly scratchy yet gentle voice questioned. The voice was not too familiar to Nick and he was on the defensive. He didn't feel like dealing with a stranger and that person's desire to meet and talk with him. He glanced over his shoulder, curting his eyes toward his caller. His face spoke words of disinterest.

Hush. Heart stop. He was unprepared. Like a ghost, the man behind him frightened him to an unspeakable degree. But it wasn't a bad thing. It was more like seeing a phantasm from a familiar, memorable dream and losing his breath for that second, Nick could see black and white flashes of that fantasy, that storybook dream he wished to have once more.

Was that his heart beating a little faster? It felt like the wings of a butterfly batting through his body, fluttering everything in a new direction, yet it was keeping his calm and reasonable. He never left himself this vulnerable, but when he turned around fully to look into those gorgeous brown eyes, he was a kid again, running through fields of snow on a day off from school.

Gazing, just gazing, into those eyes, Nick smiled lightly. "I, uh, don't know if... if you remember me because it's been so long..." the younger man stumbled with his words. He was nervous and Nick could see it. It was adorable to him. "Stevie, I remember you." Nick replied, his reverence for the man's concern grand. "You.. you do?" Stevie questioned, raising his brow in awe. Nick giggled softly before nodding. He leaned back against the railing, his stance more than flirtatious and interested. This wasn't his dream, but he was thankful for some form of relief from his thoughts.

"How long has it been since I've seen you for more than five minutes?" Nick asked, his head cocking to one side as he looked the young man up and down. Stevie ducked his head and let his hands rest by his sides. "But you haven't seen me for five minutes." Stevie replied, a little tinge of shyness in his voice. "But I want to see you for more than five minutes." Nick replied sweetly, causing a burning blush to ripple through Stevie's cheeks. "So that look I got from you when I was performing wasn't just the lights in my eyes?" Stevie asked, taking a step closer to Nick. Nick laughed briefly.

He let the corners of his mouth shape a grin on his face. "Did you want it to be the lights?" Nick wondered, the sparkle in his eyes inviting. Stevie lifted his chin with a cocky glimmer in his face. "No. I wanted it to be someone with nice eyes, a great smile, and someone that wants to.." Stevie slowed himself, fearful of speaking the words. He glared into Nick's eyes and saw comfort.

"You like guys, right?" Nick asked, easing back the tension Stevie felt. Stevie nodded quickly, a little more confidence coating his expression. "I've only been with one guy and that's Tilky. We just fooled around a few times... mostly masturbating and kissing and groping. Nothing too serious. But he's with his girlfriend now and he doesn't really need me to get him off anymore." Stevie added to his silent response. Nick raised his brow with interest. "Sounds like an ex-boyfriend of mine." Nick sighed, letting his eyes drift in the direction of Lance and JC. He watched their lively converation continue without a break, except for the one in his heart.

Nick felt a hand on his arm, squeezing it kindly. He let his head turn back to Stevie, his kind eyes giving Nick a reason to smile again. "I can't believe I'm standing here talking to Nick Carter about our experiences with men. To think I had a crush on you for so long and you're just like me." Stevie remarked, his voice soothing to Nick's aching soul. Nick nodded with a generous smirk. "I can't believe we're here talking about this either when we could be doing something else." Nick said suggestively. His jealousy cornered him and forced him to follow his dreams and forget his reality.

Stevie arched an eyebrow, astonished by Nick's subtle proposition. He cleared his throat quietly, letting his hand drift further up Nick's arm until reaching his shoulder. "We can't just leave the party like this." Stevie declared with little confidence in his own words. Nick shot him a smug grin. "We don't have to leave the party. I have a spot we can go." Nick responded cheekily. Stevie puckered his thick lips and nodded, permitting Nick to lead him away from the VIP area.

How could he turn down this moment, this chance? He couldn't. He could still feel the tingling sensation that ran through his body during that dream. Now, Nick was content being locked away in the closet again, this time with a younger man, one that appreciated him and did not hold petty grudges against him. With his lips pressed firmly against Stevie's, their tongues massaging together and their hands caressing erotic spots, Nick felt glory weave around him and trap him in a web of pleasure.

Stevie moaned into Nick's mouth, one hand slipping behind Nick's head to hold it in place. He rubbed the tip of his tongue against the roof of Nick's mouth while intertwining his fingers in Nick's blonde hair. He could feel Nick's throbbing erection pressing against his hip. 'Man, he's kind of big.' Stevie thought, a smile waxing over his lips.

Nick pulled back from the kiss with heavy pants, curious as to why the younger man was smiling so affectionately. "What are you smiling for?" Nick asked, ducking his head into the crook of Stevie's neck and latching his lips onto the skin, sucking gently. Stevie moaned quietly before giggling. "You're a rather large guy, Nick." Stevie whispered, pulling his fingers through Nick's hair and rubbing his cheek. Nick lifted his head, his pink lips swollen and his eyes misty with desire. "You're not so bad yourself Stevie." Nick responded, his hand groping Stevie's swollen member through his pants. Stevie's eyes immediately closed and he groaned loudly, tilting his head back. Nick took advantage of Stevie's movement and began to kiss the nape of Stevie's neck while still massaging Stevie's covered penis.

Stevie shifted his stance until his knee was pressed against Nick's crotch. He panted heavily while moving his knee back and forth, caressing Nick's cock through his pants. "Mmmm, oh man..." Nick moaned lowly, his lips leaving wet kisses across Stevie's neck. Stevie grinned for a mere moment before a familiar sensation began to overcome him. He glanced down and peered past Nick's head to see Nick's hand digging through his pants, trying frantically to slide into his briefs and capture his cock. "I think I'm going to cum in my pants the second you touch my penis." Stevie said in a husky voice. He gripped onto Nick's shoulders as Nick finally gained entrance into Stevie's underwear. "I don't think I'll mind." Nick chimed, licking his way up Stevie's neck until he reached his lips. "As long as you lick my cum off your fingers when you're done." Stevie smiled before kissing Nick's lips, welcoming Nick's tongue back into his mouth as Nick gradually took hold of Stevie's aching cock, stroking it slowly to the erotic sounds of Stevie's moans. Nick was deprived of guilt for the moment. His lips felt pleasure, his cock throbbed with ecstasy and his hands moved freely to the sounds of Madonna's sexual anthem.

For no reason at all but the feeling of the moment, Lance grinned widely while standing on the stage. He let the microphone press against his lips while the party's attendants began to get silent. The eyes were on him and Lance thrived on the attention. He glanced down at his watch. 11:41 PM. The turn of a new year was so close, so very close.

"Okay ya'll, time's ticking down and we're about to give you one of the last performances before the year 2001." Lance announced as the DJ lowered the music playing throughout the Rosaland Room. The crowd held little conversations, the excitement building. "This last one is coming from the lovely women of Innosense again and they're going to slow things down for ya'll." Lance added. A few hoots circled through the room, the anticipation growing. "Would you please give it up one more time for Innosense as they perform 'I Wish.'" Lance announced his request, pulling a loud round of ovation from his guests.

The sounds of a slow-running ballad captured the room as a fog of mist began to flow over the stage. Emerging slowly from the mist was Danay. She smiled kindly toward the crowd before crooning out the ad-libs to the Veit Renn-produced track. Her counterparts in Innosense followed her onto the stage, staying behind her as she moved.

A spotlight clicked on directly over Danay's head as she walked slowly to the front of the stage. A lone microphone stand was set up at the front of the stage while four others were lined up behind it. Danay found her way to the one at the front of the stage, setting her microphone up as the others found their stands. Danay brushed her hair back and snapped her fingers to the beat, a tantalizing glimmer in her eyes as the song carried its way to the first verse and the other women of Innosense began the simple choreography they had learned nearly two years previous.


Hey, when we met that day

I was thinking that I wanted to know you

And hey, we had so much to say

I was thinking that I wanted to go with you

(Oh, I) Never felt this way before

(Oh, I) Never wanted anyone more

If somewhere there's a lucky star

Listening to my heart

I wish

Every night when I close my eyes

I wish

I'll be yours and you could be mine

I wish

More than anything, at the top of my list

I hope that one day

"I love you," you'll say

That is what I wish, what I wish

The girls harmonized nicely to the slow song. Danay pulled her microphone from the stand while singing the final chords of the chorus, walking toward the back as Nikki moved to the front. Nikki smiled at her friend with kind green eyes. She strutted to the front of the group, adjusting the stand while preparing to belt out the second verse.


Hey (Hey), when I'm all alone

I dream about you constantly (Constantly)

And hey (Hey), don't you know, everyone knows

(Everyone knows, everyone knows)

I've fallen for you so hopelessly

(Oh, I) Wonder just how you'd react, baby

(Oh, I, oh, I) If I kissed you would you kiss me back?

Yes, somewhere there's a lucky star

Listening to my heart

As Nikki crooned the ad-libs of the second chorus, another pair croon out sounds of their own. Bryce breathed heavily, moans breaking from his lips as his boyfriend trailed fingers into his open pants. Sprawled on a small couch in the dressing room backstage in the Rosaland Room, Bryce felt slightly uncomfortable with Lance grinding on top of him in their confinde space, but he had no complaints. He relished the feel of Lance's tender lips running circles across his neck and Lance's strong hands cupping his erection through his tight boxer-briefs.

Bryce arched his back as Lance began to pull down his boxer-briefs, exposing the tip of his cock to the darkened room. Bryce moaned longly, pulling the tail of Lance's shirt up to caress his back. He traced his fingertips up and down Lance's spine as Lance's fingers played with the head of his cock. He nibbled on his lower lip, holding back a loud moan that pounded in his throat. The touches were burning his skin.

"Baby... heh heh, I've got a condom..." Lance breathed against Bryce's neck, licking at the small hickey he left at the base of Bryce's neck. Bryce closed his eyes, continuing to grind his body against Lance's. He had no response for his boyfriend's suggestion. He wasn't even sure if he should be in the dressing room making out with hos boyfriend, but his hormones got the best of him and he saw no reason in fighting the feeling.

One of Lance's hands found its way to Bryce's hair, his thumb rubbing against Bryce's forehead while his fingers combed through Bryce's soft blonde hair. Bryce felt Lance's other hand spreading his legs apart and pulling his pants further down. He grunted hard, forcing his cock to thrust against Lance's stomach. Lance's gentle kisses across his face encouraged him as Lance ground his own crotch into Bryce's underside. "Hold up... I need to get this out of my pocket." Lance panted, shifting against Bryce and working a hand into his pocket. Bryce swallowed hard, holding onto Lance as Lance moved.

Lance licked at Bryce's lips with a forceful tongue, pulling his hand back up and resting it on Bryce's chest. Bryce felt the condom pressed against his chest, hiding under Lance's cupped hand. He slowed his thrusting as he began to think a little clearer. 'What are we thinking? Sex in the dressing room? That's not romantic at all.' he reasoned. He slid a hand between their bodies, grabbing Lance's hand as Lance began to unzip his pants.

"Stop Jamesy." Bryce requested in a breathy voice. Lance laid a kiss on the bridge of Bryce's nose before raising his head inquisitively. He panted deeply, staring into Bryce's eyes for an explaination. "Something wrong Bryce?" Lance finally asked, regaining his breath. Bryce nodded, trying to shift under his boyfriend. Lance sat up some, permitting Bryce to get comfortable once more.

"I don't think it's wise of us to have sex right here." Bryce said, his voice dropping a few decibals. Lance arched his eyebrow, disappointed in Bryce's words. He lifted the condom from Bryce's chest and dropped it onto the floor. He grinned at Bryce, rubbing his thumb across Bryce's cheek. "Yeah, you're right. Who wants to have sex in the ugly old dressing room?" Lance said softly, a cheeriness in his voice.

Bryce smiled gently. He felt at ease again as Lance laid down on top of him, pushing his hair back and gazing into his eyes. "You must be some kind of dream come true. A man that understands when his boyfriend says he doesn't want to have sex? That's just unheard of." Bryce commented, rubbing Lance's back.

Lance smiked and blinked his light green eyes. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Bryce's. It was unheard of. To have a boyfriend that accepted him and loved him regardless of their sexual activity? That was unheard of to Lance. To have a man that didn't want to have sex all the time? One that actually cherished intercourse? That was beyond unheard of. It was perfect. In fact, it was Lance's perfect definition of love.


I believe if you wish hard enough (Hard enough)

You never can tell (Never can tell, never can tell)

And I'd even throw a penny down

Into a wish (Into a wishing)

Into a wishing (Into a wishing)

Into a wishing well

The crowd cheered noisily as Jenny held the last note of her verse, but Justin held his own applause mentally as Brian held onto his lips, kissing him slowly. Justin was pressed into a corner with Brian's body pressed to his. Brian's fingers were curled around Justin's waist while Justin kept his arms wrapped around Brian's neck. Brian kept Justin's legs spread with a knee in between them, occasionally arousing his husband by shifting the knee upward to brush against Justin's crotch. Justin let his fingers play in Brian's caramel-blonde hair while his lips toyed with Brian's.

"Mmmm." Brian hummed as he retracted from Justin's lips. He smiled innocently at his husband, rubbing a thumb over Justin's cheek. Justin stared at Brian with glazy his eyes. He was in awe of the power of Brian's kiss. He wanted to speak, to tell Brian how good the kiss was, but he was speechless.

Brian giggled while admiring Justin's face. The dancing lights coasting over Justin's immersed blue eyes broguth butterflies to Brian's stomach. He tilted toward Justin with his loving smile, his lips beginning to pucker. Justin did not resist Brian. He consented to another compassionate kiss from his husband, coiling his fingers in Brian's silky-smooth hair.

The kiss died shortly as Brian pulled back quickly with his candid smile. "I love you." he said before diving back in for another kiss. Justin giggled quietly, Brian's lips moving over his. "I love you." Brian said again as he pulled back. Justin nodded, nibbling on his lower lip while looking at Brian. He fought his giggles as Brian leaned in his direction again, stealing another kiss from him. "I love you." Brian snickered when viewing Justin's expression. Justin smiled sweetly at Brian. He waited a few seconds before leaning toward Brian, grabbing a kiss of his own. "Love ya." Brian whispered as Justin began to pull back. He followed Justin and with a passion in his eyes and his heart, Brian placed a hand behind Justin's head and pulled him up into another kiss, a lasting one.

I wish

And every night when I close my eyes

I wish

I'll be yours and you could be mine

I wish

More than anything, at the top of my list

I hope that one day

"I love you," you'll say

That is what I wish, what I wish


That is what I wish

I wish, I wish, I wish


And every night when I close my eyes, I wish

Oh, I'll be yours and you'll be mine, I wish

And every night, every day

I love it when you come to me

I love it when you wish for me

Come to me baby, yeah

Oh yeah, yeah

Ooh, ooh, oooh, oooh, ooh

The audience again began to applaud loudly as Brian drew back from Justin.

He licked his lips, the flavor of Justin still damp on them. "I love you." he said once more in a quiet country voice, his nose nuzzling against Justin's. Yet again, Justin was breathless.

A shadow formed behind Brian and the sound of someone clearing his throat once again interrupted Brian and Justin. Brian sighed while Justin groaned loudly, attempting to peek over Brian's shoulder. "Okay Trace, we know, we know. We'll stop fooling around here and mingle with the rest of the folks." Justin said, his voice whining. "It's too bad I'm not Trace, Justin. If I was, I'd probably be a lot more lenient about you and Brian making out during this party." Johnny Wright remarked, his sheering tone causing Justin to stiffen in Brian's arms.

Brian crumbled his brow before slipping his arms from around Justin's waist. He pulled back from Justin, reading the expression that covered Justin's face. He knew it meant business Justin had to take care of, but deep down, he wished Justin would avoid it and stay near him.

Justin cleared his throat quietly and leaned off the wall, shyly slipping his hands into his pockets and looking at Johnny. Johnny curted his eyes at Brian, discouraged by Brian's refusal to leave the area. "Brian, I'm not your manager anymore, so I can't tell you what to do, but I would appreciate it if you'd allow me to talk to your husband in private." Johnny sneered, crossing his arms while staring at his former client.

Brian did not flinch. He crossed his arms, staying close to Justin. "I would appreciate it if you saved business matters for another day so that me and Justin could enjoy our New Year's Eve." Brian replied in a hard voice. "Me stopping Justin from being plastered all over the covers of every publication in the city with pictures of him sucking face with his husband cannot wait until tomorrow." Johnny declared frankly.

Justin released an aggravated sigh, his eyes glancing from Brian to Johnny. "Johnny, everyone knows that me and Brian are married now. We told everyone." Justin reminded his manager. "Justin, I don't care if they know what position you two like to have sex in; some people don't like it and don't want to hear it, let alone see it. It's bad press." Johnny stated, chastising Justin in a resentful way. Justin lowered his head, mumbling to himself. "And don't give me that attitude either. I told you back in March of last year that you and Brian flirting around the way you do would hurt the group. Then I let you two come out to the world, but I won't let you show the world and your fans that *NSYNC is about guys making out with their girlfriends or boyfriends at social functions. You have to maintain a respectable image for the fans and that means you can't wrap yourself up in him." Johnny reprimanded, directing his eyes toward Brian. "Especially since it's Brian from the Backstreet Boys." Johnny added with a hiss.

Justin quickly placed a hand on Brian's stomach to silence him from speaking against Johnny. "They were just a few sweet kisses, that was it. I don't think we should carry on as if I destroyed *NSYNC's career. I understand what you're saying." Justin said kindly. The scowl on Johnny's face did not vary. "Save your 'sweet kisses' for home Justin. You're a teenage heartthrob and the girls here do not want to see you kissing all over Brian. They have dreams and everytime they see a picture of you getting cuddly with Brian, that dream slowly becomes a nightmare." Johnny asserted. Justin nodded, feeling defeated by Johnny's statement.

Brian pulled Justin's hand from his stomach, interlocking their fingers and pulling Justin back. Justin willingly moved back and felt Brian's other arm wrap around his waist. He fretted Johnny's reaction to Brian display of affection. "I may no longer be your client Johnny, but I am still Justin's husband and I have some say in this." Brian insisted, defying Johnny without reservation. Johnny lowered his brow and peered at Brian. "Justin isn't doing anything wrong by showing me that he cares in a physical way. You, however, are doing him an injustice by making him feel that being gay and being married to me is a bad thing. His fans love him regardless if we're married or not. It's Justin's charm, his charisma, his care for them that makes them love him so much. They don't care about the ring around his finger because they still think one day he'll be there for them and just maybe he'll leave me for them. Now it's not a good idea, but it still keeps their dreams alive." Brian proclaimed. Justin felt a smile tug at his lips.

Brian was coming to his defense and that was heartwarming for him.

"And who cares if I'm Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys? You just think it's wrong that Justin's kissing a guy period. I won't let your words hurt him like they did back in March. You nearly drove my husband to committing suicide and I'll be damned if you do it again." Brian boasted firmly. Justin and Johnny raised their brows with disbelief. Brian was usually shyer about speaking his mind and defending someone. Not with Justin though. Brian had a reason to believe his words were not spoken in vain.

"Brian, you fail to understand..." Johnny insisted, but his words never finished. "Exactly Johnny; Brian doesn't understand. This is a New Years party and we can't argue. It's policy." Lance chimed, slinging an arm around Johnny's shoulder as he made his appearance. Johnny turned his head in Lance's direction, surprised by his sudden arrival. Brian clung tighter to Justin, a shifty look upon his youthful face. "Brian, take Justin somewhere quiet so you two can relax. We're about to start the countdown and I'd hate for you two to miss your chance to kiss at midnight because you were too busy discussing a bunch of malarchy." Lance suggested, winking toward his friends. Brian hesitantly nodded, leading Justin away from Johnny.

"And you, Mr. Wright, know that the press have been sanctioned to one place in this party and they are not to disturb the guests or snap pictures of them unless they are in the publicity area. I've got a good amount of security making sure nothing goes wrong, so don't go harassing anyone tonight. It's our night off." Lance noted, pulling his arm from around Johnny's neck. Johnny squinted his eyes at Lance with mild distrust. Lance merely smiled at his manager before trodding off, seeking freedom from the tyranny Johnny held when *NSYNC was working.

The countdown began with sixty seconds and even outside on the veranda, Justin and Brian could still hear the loud chanting as the numbers were screamed loudly in the Rosaland Room. "It's almost time babe." Justin whispered, rubbing the bridge of Brian's nose with his index finger. Brian let a grin tug on his lips, exposing his dimples and his sweet smile. "Yep.

It's almost 2001 and it's going to be a great year. We're going to have an infant in the house all over again." Brian smiled out. Justin nibbled his lower lip with a shyness that attracted Brian. "A brother or sister for Angel, this year, right?" Justin wondered curiously. Brian nodded proudly. "This year, I promise Beanie." he whispered, placing a quiet kiss on the tip of Justin's nose.

"Hey, no kissing before midnight." Lance chimed, escorting Bryce onto the terrace with Bryan and Mandy following. Brian smirked halfheartedly, keeping his arms wrapped around Justin's waist as the other couples made an appearance outside. "I guess I can handle waiting thirty more seconds." Brian sighed teasingly. Lance nudged him, finding a place to stand with Bryce while Bryan and Mandy remained close to the door. "Lance is only complaining because he had to drag Bryce all the way out here to be able to kiss him at midnight." Mandy chimed as her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm. Lance stuck his tongue out at Mandy with a sour expression. "Nobody cares if I'm in there anyway." Lance boasted, holding Bryce's hands in his as Bryce rested his head on Lance's shoulder.

"Now Lance, that's debateable." Chris remarked as he and Meelah crossed the threshold of the terrace. Lance glanced toward them, his eyes squinting as he watched JC and Nick follow. "I think some folks are wondering why the DJ is doing the countdown and not the host of this party." JC gleamed as he ushered Nick to one side of the terrace. "I'm sure they'll survive." Lance smirked, snuggling his head to Bryce's. "They'll try." Chris cheered, finding a seat on the railing of the terrace. He swept his wife into his arms and stared into her eyes as time drew closer.

Justin glanced around at the couples as they got closer and more intimate, his picture of a romantic kiss alone with Brian slowly dripping away. "It's getting kinda crowded out here." Justin remarked, hugging closer to Brian. Brian nodded, taking a quick look around. "I guess that means ya'll really don't want us out here." Trace chimed. He guided Jenny onto the veranda with Nick and Veronica and Danay and Howie pursuing. Justin groaned lowly at the sight of the other couples. "Oh come on Justin, it's a family affair." Danay beamed. Justin shot her a less-than-thrilled expression as she walked with Howie toward Chris and Meelah. "I think Justin wanted to be alone with his Romeo." Trace grinned, causing a few giggles to ripple through the chilly air. "Oh yeah and I'm sure we all cared." Nick said sarcastically. Justin furrowed his brow while glaring at Nick. Nick merely smiled and embraced his husband, forgetting Justin's stares or the others' thoughts.

"Hush guys... it's almost time." Lance announced loudly. "Oh good, we didn't miss it then." Britney cheered as she and Joey rushed out onto the veranda. "Nope, you're just in time Britney." Veronica gleamed while hugging onto her boyfriend. "Where's Nikki?" Britney asked as Joey guided her to a corner of the crowded terrace. "Somewhere in that party with Ryan, I think." Jenny replied first. "Yeah, I saw her with him." Mandy agreed, wrapping her arms around Bryan's neck. Britney raised her brow with suspicion, but Joey's arms cuddled her and drew her mind to a more intimate thought.

Justin sighed again, resting his chin on Brian's shoulder. "Now and forever..." Brian crooned softly into Justin's ear, hoping to ease his frustration. Justin smiled and lifted his head, staring longly into Brian's eyes. He leaned in Brian's direction as his friends chanted raucously, "Five... four... three... two... one... Happy New Year!"

Brian's lips met with Justin's before the last word could come out. He held his husband tightly and let their lips flow carelessly. Love, that's all it was. It wasn't the others sharing their own kisses. It wasn't the chill in the air. It was just love, the love Brian and Justin shared at the stroke of midnight.


--- Just in time for a new month, here is the New Year's story! I've been working hard to ge this one and the other story I just posted done. It took me less than two weeks I think to write both and that makes me very proud. Now it's onto the Valentine's story and I PRAY I can get both parts of it done by the middle of February so that I can work on a story for Brian's birthday and then work on the fan appreciation story! That means a lot of hard work, but I'm a willing writer. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Justin Timberlake(-Littrell)!!! He's 20 ya'll. Just one more year before he can drink, yeah! Like he doesn't already, right? Ha! And oh my, the albums of the moment are Fiona Apple's 'Tidal' and Madonna's 'Music.' If you're looking for something good, get those two. Uhm, I hope everyone checked out the magazine: Also, please e-mail me with comments on this story. I didn't get too many responses on the last story, but that's cool. It's all for the fun of it! THANK YOU DAVID!!! He keeps me coming back to Nifty ya'll. Okay, gotta go now. Stay blessed and keep your mind on your goals! ---

Next: Chapter 74: Angels Wings 11

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