Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Sep 24, 1999


BSBLarger Written by JM

*** This story is sort of like what I did with 'The First Week', 'Round & Round' and 'B-Rok B-Day' except there's no sex. LOL. Don't hate me for that but there is a hint of romance in it, well actually more than a hint of romance but you'll have to read to see. Maybe a hint of sex too. :) It is actually about a chat forum that the Backstreet Boys have after the VMA's. I have already started the new chapters and it's past the VMA's, so I figured why not get into a little of what happened after the VMA's. I've decided to do this because I was reading a chat Lance did with Yahoo! and since I had a lot of fun writing about that chat with Justin and Lance before, I figured why not let the Backstreet Boys do one too. This one I will try to make interesting and what not for everyone. So I do hope you enjoy. Yes, the other chapters will be coming out soon. Probably next week. Since I knew that I could write this one little story quicker, I thought I'd write it to tide my readers over. So please LOVE this story enough to wait until next week for the regular chapters. And for those of you who are begging and pleading to know what 'December' means... stay tuned for that because you can hit my webpage up and find out a little more soon. THANK YOU NIFTY for the continued support of my story and thank you all. Now read on and enjoy... ***

It was a foggy Snday afternoon in Orlando, Florida. It was also a restless yet tiring day for the Backstreet Boys. They were secluded in a large and abandoned warehouse for dress rehearsals for the shoot of their fourth video, 'Larger Than Life'. The Boys would not have been preparing for a single that would not come out until December if it had not been for their already future plans. The start of their U.S. leg of their World Tour would run them from October to the end of November. After that the Boys have scheduled to take the whole month of December off to work on other side projects and to rest before preparing for any more tours. So it was their intent to be able to have a video ready for their fans by December to keep the immense sales of their sophmore album, 'Millennium', moving as fast as possible. It was the best Christmas present the guys could think to give to their fans, a song about them and for them during the holidays.

Another reason for the Boys added stress was that they had agreed with their label to host a chat during their dress rehearsals. This two hour chat was set up for the fans so that they could ask all of the Backstreet Boys questions and see what they can look forward to from the Boys. Each agreed that this was a great way to promote and support the Backstreet Boys but so many other things were clouding their minds at the moment. It was the Sunday after the MTV Video Music Awards and so much had happened within that one day that no one was sure in which direction to head at the minute. Stillt he guys supported each other fully and prepared to handle a job filled with stress and obligation.

Jive was kind enough to allow the guys to bring any love dones they wanted with them to the rehearsal set just so they would feel comfortable during the day. Nick took advantage of this to bring he and J.C. a bit closer. A.J. didn't pass up the oppurtunity either as he invited his girlfriend Amanda Latona and his mother along. He knew his mother would be able to help Amanda during the day as she dealt with the stress of being pregnant. Howie knew that Danay would be too busy to be on the set yet Howie took the oppurtunity to be around his friends as a consolation for not being around the girl he wanted. Kevin was thrilled with Jive's choice so that he may be able to bring Nikki along with him. Brian knew he had no reason not to be happy that his husband was spending a full day on set with him. Each second with Justin made the day a little less stressful for Brian.

An area was set up with five computers, each for the Backstreet Boys to be able to chat at. The set was filled with noise as the background music for 'Larger Than Life' was played while Fatima Robinson rehearsed with dancers and other extras for the video. It was the mid day and everyone was still a bit worn from rehearsing during the morning hours.

"Okay guys, I need you to have a seat at your computers for now until you're needed to rehearse. We need to at least start this chat for the fans. They've been waiting an extra ten minutes now." a P.R. spoke up. He heard a loud grumble before everyone made their ways to their computers. Nick sat down first and pulled out a chair for J.C. to sit next to him. J.C. hesitantly sat down and scooted near Nick. "I'm really happy you're here Josh." Nick whispered to him with a gentle smile. J.C. smiled back before turning his eyes to the screen. Nick slipped his hand into J.C.'s lap and grasped J.C.'s soft hand. J.C. knew Nick was trying hard to makeup for their time missed.

Howie grabbed a seat next to J.C. and waited for his screen to be prompted. 'Damn Danay, why'd you have to be in the studio today? Everyone else has the ones they want here and I don't.' Howie grumbled to himself. He tapped on his keyboard while thinking about a woman he was growing to love in ways more than a friend.

Kevin grabbed a seat on the otherside of Nick with a smile. "Nikki? Are you coming over here?" Kevin turned around to search for his girlfriend. "I have to help Ms. McLean with something Kevy. I'll be over there a little later." Nikki replied, looking over contracts with A.J.'s mother. Kevin nodded and turned to face the screen. 'That's my girl.' he smiled to himself. He had made things right between himself and Nikki without even trying. She opened sides of Kevin that he hid from the others so easily.

Justin took a seat in Brian's lap with unsureness. He knew that things were a bit shakey inside of himself with Brian at the moment. He lived in fear of being jealous of anyone that got too close to Brian. Even that of Matt Thompson. He fought the feelings many times, even when he and Brian made love. He knew if anyone should cross his mind that much, it should be Brian. He felt Brian wrap his strong arms around his waist and pulled him into a cuddle. "I hope you don't mind if I spoon you baby." Brian whispered before giggling. Justin rolled his eyes with a unique smile. "It's okay Brian. I like to be spooned." Justin remarked. "Good." Brian chimed. He kissed the back of Justin's neck and delighted in the feel of Justin's warm body cuddled to his in the chair.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit and watch Panda?" A.J. questioned his girlfriend. She rested one hand on her forming stomach and the other on his shoulder. "No... me and the baby need some nutrition." Amanda smiled. A.J. smiled back and placed his hand ontop of hers. "Is she kicking?" A.J. asked. "No, he's not." Amanda retorted with a smile. "Well SHE will be if you eat some spicey food." A.J. replied. "That's why HE isn't getting any spicey food." Amanda chimed. A.J. shook his head with a silly grin. "Have fun Panda." A.J. leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "You too." she whispered back and let him walk over to his seat.

"Okay everyone, the chat is set up on your screens. Yo can answer any questions that you choose to and ignore any that you do not like. This is all about you guys, so don't be agraid to express yourselves. I'll monitor things and make sure nothing goes wrong. Otherwise have fun and I'll inform people when you have to run for rehearsal or whatever." the Internet P.R. spoke up, looking over his monitor. "Okay." was the unison reply. "Let's get it started!" A.J. yelled with enthusiasm. He got a ripple of laughter as everyone stared at their screens.

Welcome everyone to the live Backstreet Boys 'Larger...' Chat Forum. I am your operator and will be monitoring the chat for the guys. Each of the guys are here right now but may step out from time to time because we are in Orlando at dress rehearsals for their fourth video. So bare with the guys but they are happy to chat with you and answer the questions. So send in your questions now. The guys love talking to their fans. And without further wait, here are the Backstreet Boys!!!

Hey guys!

What's up?!

Hi people.

Hello fans

Thanks for coming to our chat!

We'll take ANY questions you guys have. We're not shy.

Everyone gave A.J. a puzzled look with his last comment. "I don't know about you but I'm rather shy." Nick whispered. "Then get over it because you know the girls love you!" A.J. cooed. Nick rolled his eyes and returned his eyes to the screen.

Are there any surprises on the US part of the tour that weren't on the European part?

We do have more ideas planned for the US fans. We try to be different with each leg of the tour.

We won't spoil anything about the surprises but we'll probably sing about 18 songs.

We just want everyone to have fun at the shows!

Do all of you guys have tattoos? And what tattoos do you have? What's the latest ones?

I don't have any tatto's.

Me either.

I just got a tattoo... actually two of them while in Europe. I have a shark on my arm. And I have music notes on my back.

Yes, I have two tattoos. I have one on my back and one on my upper arm. The one on my back in my latest... I got it in July.

I have about 12 now. My latest one is a dragon on my back. I lose count because I have so many. I got the number '69' on my stomach. Also... I can't remember the latest ones but I have gotten more while in Europe.

AJ has too many!

He has alot of them. It's hard for US to keep count. LOL.

Will you guys ever tell us who your girlfriends are?

That's a part of our personal life actually. It's not like we're trying to hide it from our fans, it's just that it's not something we have to share.

Actually if everyone wants to know... I am still dating Amanda Latona. I know a lot of people have been saying that on the Internet.

I don't really want to tell everyone who I am dating right now. So no, I'm not "ready" for people to know. Sorry.

I am seeing someone... well I'm with someone that I love a lot. I really don't think a name matters too much. I think fans should be happy if we're happy.

I JUST started dating someone. I don't know if you could call it a boyfriend/girlfriend thing yet.

Are you guys enjoying your success?

Yes, we love our success. It's a great feeling. We still get flattered when people ask for our autographs. It makes us happy to know that fans support us and love us. It's just an all around good feeling you get and enjoy. Just like we enjoy touring.

<T_Luvs_N> Can you tell us about your new video?

Well the video that premieres tomorrow is for 'Don't Wanna Lose You Now'. We shot that video while doing some promotions in L.A. It's a video that features just us with some interesting special effects and all. Nigel Dick did it. It's a very cool video that we think people will enjoy.

It's a song about losing someone close to you but you don't want to lose them. You want to fight to keep the relationship going. So the video is like solitaire, locked away from what you really want.

Nick, are you dating a girl named Mandy? Or are you dating Mandy Moore? Or is she that girl from Innosense?

What girl from Innosense? I'm dating a girl from Innosense. :)

Nick's not dating a girl from Innosense.

Thanks guys. I am not dating a girl named Mandy. I knew a girl named Mandy but she is justa friend. I am NOT dating Mandy Moore either. That's a rumor... a bad one. I've met Mandy Moore. She was on the second part of our European tour. She's nice.

J.C. felt uncomfortable with the way everyone tried to dig into Nick's life. He could see how Justin would feel a bit insecure. The world was looking to find out who Nick's 'new love' was and J.C. knew he'd have to be careful so no one found out about them. He cuddled closer to Nick and rested his head on Nick's shoulder. Nick looked back at J.C. with a smile. He kissed J.C.'s forehead and watched the screen for the next question.

<Starburst_22> Do you guys ever chat on Tommy's page?

I've been there once when me and Tommy worked on songs. it's a cool page. It was too late at night to chat though.

I haven't had a chance to chat there but I'm going to really soon.

None of us get a chance to be online so much. Even when we're home, we're out.

I'm on the Internet when I can be at home. I have a computer at home now.

Brian smiled at Justin and Justin gave him an awkward look. "Did you like picture?" Brian winked at Justin before laughing. Justin slapped him lightly with a smile. "It was very sexy." Justin whispered. "It wasn't even me!" Brian boasted. "That's why it was sexy." Justin got his revenge mildly. Brian began to tickly Jusitn wildly, bringing the attention to the couple. They smiled at everyone and then broke back out into laughter. "You two need a room." Kevin commented, returning to the computer screen. "And a box of condoms." A.J. grinned. "We still haven't run out of the ones you gave us for our wedding." Brian replied. "But we will soon." Justin added with an exotic grin. Brian slapped his hand over Justin's mouth and blushed towards A.J. "Uh huh. I knew they would come in handy. Making babies ain't easy." A.J. joked. Brian giggled with him, keep his hand on Justin's mouth. "Freaks." A.J. snickered, looking back to the computer screen while Brian kissed Justin's neck.

Are any of you virgins?

This question gets asked so much, why not just answer it? I'm not.

That's private information.

As old as Kevin is? Go figure!

I'm not going to answer that one either. It's between me and the one I love.

I'm just too shy to answer.

Justin hgged onto Brian when he saw his response. "Would that lucky person be me?" Justin whispered. "Always." Brian replied sincerely. He kissed Justin's ear and kept his fingers on the keyboard. He let Justin snuggle with him.

Will N Sync be your opening act again for this part of the tour?

Unfortunately no. The guys of 'N Sync will be in rehearsals for their own tour. They're touring in November, so they won't have time to be on tour with us.

We want to get together with them and Britney Spears and do a big 'Jive' tour in the summer of 2000.

Maybe the guys of 'N Sync will be somewhere on the tour. We're good friends with them, so they might just stop by.

J.C. nodded happily when he saw Howie's reply. He knew he was trying to make plans to be able to tour with Nick just so he wouldn't feel that loneliness again. He was unsure of Justin's plans but he knew he had to be with his boyfriend for a little while before touring without him again.

I LOVE MILLENNIUM!!! When do you think you guys will be working on your next album??? I LOVE YOU NICK!

Uhm... thank you I guess.

It depends on what we want and what the label wants. if we feel we're ready, we might start writing for the album in March and record all through the summer. If the label thinks Millennium can be promoted for longer, then we'll hold off on making an album and take a break. But if we're tired, we'll take a break anyway before doing anything.

We've already got some songs written. We write all the time. It just depends on what material we'd want on the album.

Who would you like to work with if you remixed a song?

I'd love to do a remix with Aerosmith! Maybe remix 'Larger Than Life' with them. I met Steven Tyler at the VMA's.

Uhm, I'd love to do a remix with maybe Jennifer Lopez or something. Maybe a latin remix of 'Spanish Eyes' or possibly 'Timid Voice'.

I'd like to work with 'N Sync since we already did a song for their album. Maybe they could do one for our album. Like a remix of 'The One' or 'Larger Than Life'. I wouldn't mind working with 702 either. We could do sort of a boys and girls version of 'Don't Want You Back'.

I'd like to work with Stevie Wonder on a remix to 'Back To My Heart'. Maybe we should try that?

I wouldn't mind working with someone like Britney Spears or Madonna. It'd be cool to do a song with Madonna, sort of a spin on 'I Want It That Way'. The Madonna way. Or working with Puff Daddy would be cool. We were supposed to work with him for 'Millennium', but he got busy.

Maybe Lil' Kim?

Or maybe we could work with Hole too. Yeah, that'd be really cool to do.

What other projects are you guys working on?

I just finished working with Britney Spears last month. Me and Justin from N Sync wrote a song for her album. Otherwise, I MIGHT be writing a song for Innosense's album. It's not confirmed yet.

I've been working on a soundtrack where I wrote a couple of songs. I've worked with Britney Spears, a new guy named Don Philip... I might do some work with Innosense too. Plus I might be working with Justin again on a song. We're working out the final plans for that song. I did a song for Aaron Carter.

I've been managing my little bro.

I've been producing and writing with my sister Pollyana. We've been working on her demo so she can get signed and do an album in the studio.

I haven't had any side projects yet. I am planning on getting with an artist to write a song soon but I won't say who yet.

Kevin looked around and watched as Nikki approached. She had a smile on her face and a plate in her hand. "Hey there Peach." he chimed when he saw her. "I came to inform you that Fatima needs to work with you for your scene for the video." Nikki gave him a straight face with the news. Kevin frowned and nodded. He stood from his chair and walked up to her.

Kevin has left to rehearse. Keep those questions coming.

Who were the girls with you guys at the VMA's?

Girl? Where? I didn't have a girl with me.

That was the girl I am dating. Her name is Danay.

I didn't have date but a friend was there with me.

I didn't have a date either. My girlfriend was sick. So she didn't attend the awards with me.

The girl with Kevin was his girlfriend.

Justin looked at Brian's response with a small smile. He still thought over how Leigh Ann showed up with the label's persuassion. he knew it was an aspect of life that would be there for awhile but he was still pleased his husband knew how to make things for the better, especially concering Leigh Ann.

How did it feel to win Viewer's Choice?

GREAT! It was a surprise because we were up against some very tough competition. So we were surprised. It was an honor though. Thank you all of you who voted.


We're very happy we won it. It was a true honor.

Brian, are you seeing Leigh Ann? I saw her with you at the Video Music Awards and at the premiere of her new movie.

No, I am not seeing Leigh Ann in any form. She's a friend of mine, but that's ALL. I am seeing someone else though that I love. Leigh Ann is an ex-girlfriend of mine.

Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and kissed his cheek. "I don't want her either." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin nodded. "Let's go to the trailer and relive an old memory." Brian whispered a suggestion to Justin. Justin giggled and searched his pockets for something. "Damn, I don't have one." Justin grumbled. Brian cocked his brow at Justin. Justin smiled at Brian, knwoing Brian was confused. Justin saw something fly into his lap and looked down. Sitting in his lap was a condom in his lap. He read the label and saw that it was glow in the dark. "There's a room down the ways with a couch." A.J. stated from his seat. Brian flushed red while Justin picked up the condom. "Hurry up you two!" A.J. insisted, bringing his attention back to the chat. Brian lifted Justin slightly and helped him out of the seat. "Cover for us." Brian smiled, grabbing Justin's hand. Justin gave Brian an odd look before Brian lifted him up in his arms. Brian placed a small kiss on Justin's lips to ease his fears. "We may be awhile." Brian smiled, carrying Justin away from the area.

Brian had to leave the chat to go attend to something.

Are any of the guys from the Backstreet Boys or 'N Sync dating Britney Spears? I heard Nick is dating Miss Britney.

I am NOT dating Britney Spears. It's just a rumor that is very much not true.

None of us in the Backstreet Boys are dating Britney Spears. She is a friend and is on our label.

Joey from 'N Sync is dating Britney. Justin isn't, but Joey is.

<Kitty_Gyrl> Do any of you have pets?

Yes, I have two dogs named Panda and Bear.

I have four dogs actually. They're really cute.

Brian has a chihuaha. His name is Lil' Tyke. He's a little brat when he's not with Brian too.

How is Brian now? I know he was pulled off the tour for being sick.

Brian is doing just fine now. He was really sick on the European tour. He performed alot of the concerts sick too. Finally the doctors told him he couldn't perform anymore so he had to go home.

We were really sad that Brian had to leave too but we knew he had to. So he came back to Orlando and rested.

J.C. sensed his jealous returning when Nick talked of Brian. He lifted his head and backed away from Nick again. Nick gazed over to J.C. and saw him stand. "Where are you going Josh?" Nick asked quickly. "I'm hngry. I'm going to grab something to eat." J.C. lied, patting Nick's shoulder to convince him further. "Okay... bring me back something sweet." Nick smiled. "Like a brownie or a cookie?" J.C. asked. "No... like a kiss from you." Nick replied with a loving tone. J.C. smiled back at him. "Okay Nickie." J.C. agreed, walking away.

<Dr_Right_Here> Do you know who your opening acts for your tour will be?

Right now, we're working on that. We have lined up people like Aaron Carter, B*Witched and maybe even Joey McIntyre. We might get Steps on tour with us and maybe even Christina Aguleria. Right now, we're working those plans out.

My little bro will be there so support him and show him love!

Or we might get 702 back on tour with us.

AJ, what color are you going to die your hair next?! Nick, will you die your hair red for me?! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL. I might get it highlighted or I might just let it go it's natural way. I like it blonde though right now.

My girlfriend wants me to highlight my hair auburn but I want to die it baby blue. Justin from 'N Sync said that'd be cool. I MIGHT shave it all off and start all over. What do you guys think?!

Kevin Richardson has rejoined us. Next questions...

<BSBNSYNC_Fan> Do you guys bring any family with you on tour? Girlfriends? pets?

I sometimes bring my mom with us. She's our PR usually on tour, so she comes for part of the tour. This time around however, she can't come with us. I might bring my girlfriend to some dates.

I don't bring my dogs on tour. They usually stay at home with my mom or maybe my sisters. The only family that's with me on occasion is my brother when he's the opening act. Otherwise, the family might visit here and again.

I want to take my mom and my sister with me this time. I'm working that out with the crew. But I don't have a girlfriend to bring but if I did, I might.

Brian sometimes brings his do on tour. And maybe a friend. He says he wants his brother to come to some of the tour dates. And that special someone gets to come too.

As for me, my family doesn't usually come but I might bring my girl this time. I'm not sure.

Nikki smiled when she saw Kevin's answer. She was sitting next to Kevin munching on some apple pie while he continued to chat. "Nikki? You're coming?" Nick questioned her. "You never know Nick." Nikki shrugged, taking another piece of her apple pie to her mouth. "I want her to but she may be busy with Innosense." Kevin added. "Yeah, they're going to be busy I hear. I wish we could get them as an opening act." A.J. brooded. "But we're opening for Britney." Nikki reminded him. "Yeah, damn that girl." A.J. murmured. "Hey, that's my friend!" Nikki giggled.

I know 'NSYNC gets this question alot, but who are YOUR favorite NSYNC members?

I'll go with Joey. He's funny as hell.

I think JC. He's a very nice guy and he'll listen to you for hours too.

Lance and Chris are very nice. You can get along with them easily.

Right now... uhm, Joey. Yeah, he's cool.

Brian says his favorite is JUSTIN! They're good friends so you know.

Yes, Justin's cool too. He always loses to Brian in basketball though. Don't tell him I told you. :)

J.C. walked back to his seat and saw the words that Nick had wrote. He grabbed onto Nick with a smile. Nick turned to him with surprise. "What? Did I do something wrong?" Nick asked quickly. J.C. shook his head and wrapped his arms around Nick's neck. He pulled Nick forward for a soft and lasting kiss. Their kiss was admired by Nikki while Kevin rolled his eyes. "They shouldn't do that right here and now." Kevin commented. "If they are in love... they should." Nikki hissed back. "Where is Brian and Justin?" Kevin didn't look at her as he searched for his cousins. "Fucking. And don't disturb them either." A.J. replied in anger. "What?!" Kevin barked at him. "Next question!" Howie ordered, growing tired of A.J. and Kevin's continuous battles. "Yes... uhm, next question." Nick agreed, letting J.C. kiss upon his neck as he looked at the screen.

Has Brian ever dated a fan?

Not that we know of, no. Brian is the dating type. This is the furthest he's been in a relationship.

<Copy_Cat> Have any of you ran onstage with your fly unzipped?

Yes! While in Europe, I did it TWICE. It was so embarassing.

Nick's a freak like that.

My pants fell down a couple of times. It gets crazy when you're rushing to get onstage.

We've all had that problem before.

"Ol' Nickie has had it more than once." Howie teased. "Well if he didn't get blow jobs during intermissions, he wouldn't have that problem." A.J. commented with a wicked grin. "Jealous?" J.C. questioned with a smile. "NEVER!" A.J. laughed. "Do ya'll have to discuss my sex life right now?" Nick hung his head in shame. J.C. laced his fingers with Nick's for comfort. "Isn't it my sex life too?" J.C. questioned. Nick nodded before giving J.C. a small smile.

Brian Littrell has joined us again.

Do you guys get into fights? And if so, who stops them?

We don't get into actual 'fights' really. I think we may have once but we do argue. When we argue, usually D stops us.

Yes, HOWIE always stops us.

I try to stop them so things don't get too far.

But sometimes we fight with Howie and no one can stop us. LOL.

We try to sort our problems out and not argue as much as possible. It helps that we're like brothers too. So we forget things easily... so we don't worry about it.

Do you guys get embarassed when gils throw bras, condoms or that kind of stuff on stage?

YES!!! Stop doing it.

It can be difficult when things get thrown onstage but we just deal with it and try to keep performing.

I get really embarassed. Especially if someone I know is backstage and sees it. Don't throw condos on stage either. It's gross.

The Backstreet Boys believe in safe sex, thank you. LOL.

I REALLY get embarassed so please don't throw your underwear or bras at me.

One time A.J. threw the bra at Tommy! It was funny.

And one time A.J. took a condom and threw it at a couple cuddling in the crowd. He's a real bad boy.

"Like you're not a bad boy?" A.J. giggled over to Brian. "I practice safe sex baby." Brian retorted. "Only when you want to." A.J. snickered. Brian rolled his eyes and smiled. "You shouldn't be having sex before marriage anyways." Kevin commented. "I'm married dumb ass!" Brian bellowed. "You weren't before you and Justin first slept together." Kevin added. "And? We loved each other and we're still together." Brian argued. "Let it go Bri." Justin advised. "How can you be in love after a week?" Kevin questioned. "Let it go." Justin replied to Kevin's question. "Quit it Kev." Howie suggested. "That isn't any of your business Kevin." Nikki snapped.

"Howie, we need you for practice." Fatima came by and informed him. "Oh great, there goes the Peace Maker." A.J. grumbled. "Have fun boys!" Howie chimed before running off. Kevin eyed Brian while Brian ignored him as his husband had requested.

What's the CRAZIEST thing ya'll have done... on or off stage?

The craziest? Hmmm...

We need a censor for this one!

I think one time Brian convinced Nick to hang his underwear out of the tour bus window. That was funny as hell!

I was young!

One time Justin pants me while playing basketball with the guys... It was just crazy and I was embarassed.

Ooh, one time I dared Brian to kiss a girl he didn't know. He did it too. It as funny because she slapped him.

They are so bad. I think they only crazy thing I've done was actually play 'Trust or Dare' with these guys.

AJ does a crazy thing every day!

What's in your CD player right now?

Backstreet Boys! LOL! No, uhm, right now I'm listening to Dr Hill's CD.

702 and 'N Sync.

Alanis Morrisette... I like her new album.

Journey's Greatest Hits and Mary J. Blige too.

And Lauryn Hill too. You MUST listen to Lauryn Hill.

I heard Nick was in the hospital? is this true?

I WAS in the hospital before we went on tour. Yes. I am just fine now and there are no further problems.

It was just a little scare we had with me, but everyone supported me and I pulled through immediately. It was still kind of scarey for me though.

But Nick, you are all better and ready for the tour?

Yes, the doctors say I can still tour and I'll be fine.

J.C. hugged closed to Nick. He hate to think of what happened to Nick and how he ended up their. Througha jealous fit, Lance's fist made contact with Nick's chest. J.C. felt the most guilt for the situation. He had hit Nick in the chest months previous to Lance's attack. He had told Nick that he had not loved him. And he was the one who let their relationship tun from friendship to a sexual relationship. J.C. pondered all of these events while Nick continued to chat. He began to feel repulsed by his own actions.

Brian, are you really dating Justin Timberlake? I think it's a funny rumor.

Nope. I'm not dating Justin. He's a cutie though. He's like my best friend. People took what me and him did on MTV and Rosie to the extreme and now everyone is asking. So to clear it up, no we're not dating. He'd probably love to date me though. Kidding! LOL!

"Oh I would huh?" Justin asked. "Yeah, now that we're married, we're required to have sex." Brian smiled. "The best sex." Justin agreed, nuzzling his head to Brian's. "Slow and nice..." Brian added, rubbing Justin's lower back. "Are you trying to turn me on?" Justin purred for Brian. "In the best way..." Brian replied, rubbing his lips over Justin's neck. "You don't have to try." Justin giggled. "Do you think A.J. has another condom?" Brian teased. "Who needs one!" Justin boasted with his generous smile. "Mmmm, cute little tiger." Brian whispered with a sensual tone.

What is your favorite make-out song?


TLC's "Red Light Special".

Too personal to answer. Something slow though.

'Turly, Madly, Deeply' by Savage Garden.

Uhm... I'm too shy to answer this one too.

Nick is 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' by 702.

"Did you have to tell the world what song I make out too?!" Nick barked at Brian. "What? I told what song I make out to Justin with." Brian argued. "AND?! I'm not fucking you and Justin." Nick snapped. "Baby, you'll never fuck me or Justin." Brian retorted. "Like I'd want your ass anymore." Nick mumbled, looking back to his computer screen. "Funny, very funny." Brian faked a smile and then looked at his screen.

Boxers or berifs guys? I mean which are you wearing right now?

Am I allowed to say none? It's not easy to change with them and all.

Gee, briefs.


Briefs. Cute ones. :)

Howie has joined us once again. Keep the questions going and we'll answer as many as possible in the time we have.

<CareBear_Stare> What is one rumor that you'd like cleared up?

We don't hate anyone in the business. We don't have egos either. We're not stuck up and don't try to be something that we are not. We are just the Backstreet Boys and we love what we're doing.

Uhm, I can't think of one that really gets to me at this moment.

I am NOT seeing Britney Spears, Mandy Moore or any pop female singer. So please don't ask me that.

Uhm, I'm happy with my girlfriend and we didn't break up. People think that's a big rumor and all but it's not true. Don't always believe what you read.

I am NOT dating Leigh Ann Wallace and I'm in a good relationship right now. So be happy for me. :) If you see me out with Leigh Ann, I am just a friend of hers.

Nikki, Justin and J.C. each managed to smile happily when they saw what the guys had wrote. Nikki kissed Kevin's cheek and then rubbed it in. "You're so special." she whispered. "Aaaww, I am?" Kevin joked. "Yes Pumpkin." Nikki giggled. Kevin wrapped an arm around her with admiration.

"So you're not dating Britney? I guess that means you're single?" J.C. asked with intrigue. "No... I am dating the sexiest, most caring, biggest hearted man ever. No one can touch him." Nick replied, keeping his eyes on the screen. "Not even for a one night stand?" J.C. whispered. "Not even." Nick answered flatly. "Damn. He must be lucky." J.C. giggled. "Yes... Lance is a great man." a broad smile dawned Nick's face. "Fuck you." J.C. hissed. "Mmmm, you're so tempting Joshua." Nick laughed. "Yeah yeah." J.C. grumbled.

<No_Scrubs_Net> Did yu enjoy Britney Spears and 'N Sync's performance? I thought it was GREAT! I LOVE YOU BRIAN!

Love you too.

I really didn't pay attention that much during the performance. I was thinking about the other awards we were up for.

I thought it was very original. I loved it when Chris and Busta Rhymes pretended to fight.

Did ya'll see how cute J.C. was? Sorry. LOL. I loved it. Lil' Kim looked hot even though she had no clothes on. LOL.

It was a GREAT performance. Very original and well done. They worked hard on it, so I'm happy for them. Britney did a great job too.

I actually love that song alot. It's a cool collaboration.

Who do you think is going to get married first and who will have kids first?

I'd say Brian as the first to me married.

Yes, Brian.

BRIAN!!! But A.J. will probably have kids first. LOL.

I was hoping to be the first to have kids? Aaawww.

Me married first? I want kids, definetely. Maybe a little boy and a little girl.

I'd like a son too someday. But not right now.

I want a daughter.

We all want kids and I know Brian's first for marriage, next me, then Howie and followed by those goofs Nick and A.J.

But we'd all make good uncles to whoever's kids.

Except A.J., he's cheap on the Christmas presents.

"Mr. Littrell, you better get your husband before I do." A.J. warned Justin. Justin covered Brian's mouth and smiled. "Aye aye captian." Justin chimed. "That was an insider job. Someone knew that question was coming up." Kevin looked around with a smile. "It was a cute one." Justin replied. "Sure, you're married!" Howie boasted. "Don't get mad Howie, I'm sure Danay will propose some day." Nikki teased. Howie scowled at her. "Who says I want it to be Danay?" Howie played on the edge. "Don't even think it. Don't play with Danay's heart Howie." Nikki warned him with a angered expression. "Yeah Howie, don't use her like you used those girls in Cancun." Kevin agreed. "I didn't fucking use anyone in Cancun." Howie barked. "Watch it kids." Nick advised.

"Nick, they need you on set." Amanda spoke up as she approached the group. "Oh, okay." Nick nodded. Nick stood from his chair and looked down at J.C. "Want to come?" he reached his hand down to J.C. J.C. smiled and took his hand. "Sure." he smiled. He threw his arm around Nick's shoulders and walked with him while Amanda pulled a chair up to A.J.

Nick has gone to rehearse with Fatima and the dancers. Keep the questions moving.

Kevin, does anyone call you Pumpkin or Boo?

LOL. My girlfriend does now. It's cute to me. She calls me 'Pumpkin'.

Have any of you been skinny dipping?

blush Yes.

Yep, I sure have.

Nick says, "Uhm, yes. But I was by myself when I did it."

Yes, I have. It was fun actually. I don't know if I'd do it again.

No comment.

"Like you wouldn't go skinny dipping with him again!" A.J. laughed. "Maybe." Brian smiled back. Justin rolled his eyes with a grin. "I might do it again." Kevin hinted to Nikki. "Oh I guess you'll be like Nick huh? By yourself?" Nikki replied sarcastically. "Ya'll are some horny kids." Amanda giggled.

Brian, will you marry me?!?!?!

Actually I can't. See I asked Justin to marry me on the Rosie O'Donnell show and he said yes. But maybe he'll say no later on and we can get married?

"Uhm, no." was Justin's only reply. "Aaawww, someone wants to be married for life!" Brian bellowed with happiness. "It's all about the diamonds baby. Get to that 50th and be done." Amanda joked. "That's why you're not getting to the 50th." A.J. chimed. "Are you jixing us?!" Amanda hissed. "Uhm, no." A.J. laughed. Amanda rolled her eyes and turned away from him.

Will 'N Sync be in your new video?

Not that we know of. The label may throw them in later on. We don't know quite yet.

Since we haven't requested for them... probably not. But you can catch Brian in 'N Sync's new video.

Yeah, I'm in the new 'N Sync video. It's a cool video and a cool song.

We may ask for 'N Sync to be in there. It'd be cool.

Just in case anyone didn't know the next video the guys are shooting is 'Larger Than Life'.

Yeah, we chose that song collectively as a group and agreed with our label to make that the fourth single. We're dedicating all of it to the fans.

What happened to Justin on the European tour? I heard he wasn't there?

Justin wasn't on the European Tour for the BSB.

Justin had to return to Orlando for a family emergency. He was unable to rejoin the tour later on so he didn't get a chance to perform with 'N Sync however 'N Sync did perform and did a great job.

But everything is fine with Justin now and he'll be on the 'N Sync tour.

Brian sighed after he typed his last words. "Family emergency?" A.J. questioned. "Brian's family." Justin replied shortly. "Yeah so it qualified for a family emergency. It's easy to cover up." Kevin nodded. "Well as long as it is covered." A.J. agreed. "For now." Brian sighed. Justin kissed Brian's cheek for some form of concern. "They don't have to know." Justin whispered. Brian nodded and kept his attention on Justin and not the public.

Who got a new car?

I am about to egt a new car soon. I need another one.

I plan on getting a new one too.

I don't need a new one and neither does Howie or Nick.

Brian what would you name your son? A.J. what would you name your daughter?

Egypt. Or something unique. I'd want her to stand out in a crowd.

I'd name him Angel because that's what he'd be to me.

Aaaww, ain't that cute?

"It is cute." Justin smiled, letting Brian wrap his arms around him. Brian ran a finger over Justin's nose with sincerity. "This couldn't be anything more than love." Brian whispered. "I know." Justin nodded. He kissed Justin's cheek lightly. He rested his chin on Justin's shoulder with care. "Will you marry me and by mine forever?" Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "Only if you'll be mine forever." Justin replied with a small smile. "I'll never let you go." Brian whispered back. Justin closed his eyes and pictured his life with his husband and his son.

Okay guys we have time for a couple of more questions.

Who does your laundry while on tour? Do you need someone to help take care of the dirty stuff? :)

Actually WE do our laundry when we're home. So if we get a day off and we go home for the day or something, we have to do the laundry. But if things stock up, we have our wardrobe and stylist handle it for us. She's very nice about it.

You can ask her if she needs an assitant. But my drawz get dirty so I don't think you want to help. LOL.

It's hard work during like two weeks of laundry too. Sometimes it'll take the whole day off to do.

What is a typical day off tour for you?

Working in the studio with my sister and relaxing as much as possible.

Looking over or schedule, taking in a movie and finishing up work on my house.

SLEEP! if not that, hanging with my girlfriend and my dogs. Going to visit friends and trying to eat healthy. I've been slacking while on tour though.

Catching up on sleep, paying bills, doing work on the house, playing with my dog and going on a romantic date. I try to keep the romance alive when I'm at home by doing little things.

Nick sleeps or he plays video games.

What is the most romantic thing you've done for someone lately?

I brought my girlfriend to Europe and took her to dinner in Paris.

Hmmm... a dozen roses would be the last thing I can think of right now.

I got to go to dinner with a friend of mine in Paris and I paid for it and paid for a movie too.

It'd have to be when I made dinner for the two of us. it was a nice candelit dinner and it was great. We had no interruptions. I bought a white rose too and it was romantic. We had a great time.

Justin reminisced on that day he came home to that dinner. It was still a memorable moment in his marriage.

<Sarah_NY> Kevin, would you date a fan like me? Same question Howie?

Sure, I'd date a fan. I did one time. It was cool.

I would but not right now. I have someone, but thanks for the offer.

What do you guys think of the topic of sex? Are you for safe sex? And are you for waiting? Maybe until marriage?

We think that safe sex is the best way if you are determined to do it. We're not trying to tell you when or why to have it but we do think it should be when you're ready and in love. Love is a very important aspec of a relationship while sex is another. You have to be sure of what you want and what your partner wants.

Safe sex should be the only sex. Don't let someone tell you otherwise. You have to be careful now a days.

We haven't made sex a big issue of what we try to stand for but I think we all agree that abstianance is a good way. If you don't know anything, then you shouldn't do anything. Sex isn't a game you can play with. So yes, we do thinkt hat waiting until marriage can be a good thing. Being a virgin isn't bad. Sex is something you have to be very careful with.

Love is so important to sex. You can't just sleep with anyone and you shouldn't at all. If you know deep down inside of you that that person is the one, then they can wait. Virginity is sacred. And safe sex is important too. Many people forget that now and just sleep with anyone. If you're going to do, that's your choice but let it be your choice to be safe too. I know all of us know that safe sex is something every kid should be taught. And knowing what sex and marriage is also important. Don't just sleep with everyone. Know what the difference is and wait. Just wait.

Good message guys.

The guys all agreed on the message they had just sent out to their fans. Justin kissed Brian's lips slowly after Brian had written his message. "That was such an important thing to say to them." Justin whispered before going in for another kiss. Brian placed a hand behind Justin's head and held it. Their kiss was gentle and slow, the slowest they had had a chance to enjoy all day. Brian made sure the kiss was tender for Justin's young lips. Justin moaned through their kiss, in a state of true romantic bliss. Brian ended the kiss and went in for one more quick one. "Thank you sweetheart." he whispered back.

Brian turned his head to see Nick and J.C. returning. "Where have ya'll been? I thought I saw Fatima leave about twenty minutes ago?" Kevin pondered. "She didn't leave... she had to rehearse with other dancers." Nick answered, taking a seat carefully in his chair. "So where were ya'll?" Howie asked. J.C. looked down at Nick with a shy face. "Somewhere." Nick replied, trying to hold back his smile. "Getting some nookie?" A.J. questioned with a grin. "I didn't say that." Nick replied, eltting J.C. take a seat in his lap. "You don't have to, your smile says it all." A.J. laughed. "And uhm... that condom wrapper hanging out of your pocket." Amanda pointed out, trying to hold in her snickers. Nick looked down and sure enough the used condom wrapper was slipping out of Nick's pocket. He quickly shoved in it in his pocket, his face turning red. "Gee, can anyone wait until they get home?" Kevin complained. J.C. hung his head in slight shame until Nick's hand touched his shoulder. "You felt great. Did I tell you that?" Nick whispered up to J.C. "Twice." J.C. smiled smally. "Well that's a third time Joshua. It felt really good." Nick whispered, leaning up and placing a kiss on J.C.'s thick lips. J.C. grinned after the kiss and looked at the computer.

Well thank you all for joing us for this wonderful chat. The guys of the Backstreet Boys have to go now to finish up a quick rehearsal and then go home. Make sure to check out the rest of the Official Backstreet Boys page and write messages on the message board.

Thanks for coming guys! I wish I could answer all of your questions but I have business to handle. But thank you and have fun. We love you fans! :)

Thank you all for being a aprt of this. It has been our pleasure to chat with you all today. Please check out the rest of our page and let us know. We'll try to answer some of the messages on the message board and any e-mail we get. Thanks again. Sorry we couldn't get to all of the questions but we'll try and have another of these.

Maybe when the next single comes out.

Thanks to all of you online today. If I ever get back online again, maybe I'll get a chance to talk with ya'll. I'll make sure you know it's me. Don't listen to the fake ones, they can't sing like me or whatever. I hope to see each and every one of you at the concerts. Go to our site and try and win tickets! I wanna see ya'll there. We'll do meet and greets so you can come and see me. The BSB loves you alot ya'll. Have a good day.

THANKS GUYS! Seriously, ya'll mean so much to us. We love our fans a whole bunch. If I can do it, I'll try and e-mail all the people that have sent e-mail me. I'll do my best guys and girls. Thank you for the support and thanks for voting us for 'Viewer's Choice'. We love you for that great support. My baby says "Hello BSB FANS! I hope you had fun!" Isn't that cute? We love you and thanks for coming online today. You all are true BSB fans. I'll catch you on the flip side.

Hey ya'll, check out too!

Hey ya'll thanks for coming to this official chat. it's been real. I appreciate each and every one of you. I'll be looking for you during the tour. So have fun at the concerts!!! I hope you enjoy Millennium too. I'll try and get online again to talk with fans, so look for me, Howie D. Love you all and KBSPA!!!

Thank you all for attending this forum. The Backstreet Boys and myself had a lot of fun. Look for further chats on the Official Backstreet Boys site. That is the end of our chat.

<<<<< END CONNECTION >>>>>

Next: Chapter 48: Just Beginning 38 40

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