Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Oct 1, 1999


Just Beginning (Chapter 38) Written by JM

-- Disclaimer: The actions and storyline of this story has no relation to that of the actual story 'Bad Boy B-Rok'. The events that take place in this story are no way a continuation or even a part of that story. The author, Leprechaun, was kind enough to allow his character to make an appearance, however Brian Littrell and Matt Thompson are not romantically linked. Matt will not make any further guest appearances unless noted by the author of 'Bad Boy B-Rok'. Thank you. --

*** 'Just when I thought I was to be alone forever...' This is the continuation to the series 'Brian & Justin'. This story involves a romance between celebrities, mainly that of Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync). If you are offended by this kind of material, please do not read this series. If you have not read the first series, please do not read this one yet. I'd like you to know the story of Brian and Justin's saga. Otherwise, enjoy as we continue to drift into the lives of Brian & Justin and their friends. Any comments for me, please send to: ***

*** Welcome to the second chapter of 'Brian & Justin', perfectly titled by David as 'Just Beginning'. I do hope you like this series and I hope to bring you as much joy and sorrow as the first series. As always, read stories like 'N Sync Love', 'Lost And Found' and 'The One' for good storyline. Special thank you to my inspiration and my "Blue", Leprechaun. Read 'Bad Boy B-Rok' for his work of art. Special thank yous to some of my closest friends also: Donnie, Shawn, CJ, Adam, Rick, Jason, River, Mano, Brian and Netboy. And very special thanks goes to all of my OLD & NEW READERS! I love you dearly for your support. The BIGGEST thank you goes to David at Nifty for his continuous support. As always, enjoy and hopefully, you won't be disappointed. So now, the story is 'Just Beginning...' ***

Was it cold? Maybe it was just a little too cold for him. When things are going the way you want, sometimes it can be a little cold. Maybe it was the fear he felt for a few moments. It was a fragile fear, fear of losing something that meant more than the world to him. Yet still he was a cold. Just a little cold but still cold. Fear was cold and he was afraid that somehow everything wasn't as beautiful as painted on the colorful canvas. Maybe it was immature of him? Feeling and caring for a lover, a friend, a confidant, a husband. Just maybe it was but he was still cold. And that coldness made his fear even stronger than that of a child lost within a maze of unsureness. Still he was cold.

Justin pulled his legs up to his chest and hugged himself as he sat in the lobby. He was in a doctor's office and he was just a little cold. He passed it off as the air conditioner and not fear. He wasn't comfortable in the room but he did it for one reason, Brian. Justin made it a point to accompany Brian to the doctors for his checkup to make sure there were no further head injuries. He would not let his husband face such an ordeal alone. It was the nature of his love for Brian. He hugged himself tigether, thinking of how Brian would hold him when he was really scared.

He saw the doors of the offices swing open again and out walked Dr. Erickson and Brian. Brian had a small frown on his face while Dr. Erickson kept a relatively straight face. Justin stood immediately when he saw the two. Brian walked over to Justin and grabbed his hand lightly. Justin gave him a concerned stare. "I guess you'd like to know the results of our testing Justin?" Dr. Erickson spoke up. Justin took his eyes away from Brian momentarily to acknowledge Dr. Erickson. "Yes... please." Justin replied softly. Dr. Erickson nodded, clinging the chart to his chest. "Well according to or tests, Brian has healed just fine. He just has a small scar on his head but otherwise he has no brain damage or anything serious in nature." Dr. Erickson explained with a minute smile. Justin felt his heart jump for a second as he smiled. He looked back to Brian who was smiling back. He knew Brian was trying to scare him with his previous expression but he decided that this was not the moment to argue with him about it. "So you two have no fears when it comes to Brian's head injuries." Dr. Erickson added. "What about his heart?" Justin questioned, still in concern for his husband. Brian looked away from Justin for a second to admire a little child sitting in a seat holding up a stuffed Elmo. He smiled at the little girl as she cuddled to the stuff doll. "Well I don't know what to say concerning Brian's heart. He should visit his cardiologist for a checkup when he can just to make sure he's fine." Dr. Erickson explained to Justin while Brian continued to watch the little girl. Justin nodded and gazed towards Brian. He saw the gentle smile Brian kept with the little girl.

"Now Justin... we have th results of your HIV and AIDS test that you took a few days ago. We know that the label is having each of you do it now just to make sure no one has contracted anything that they can not treat." Dr. Erickson explained, grasping both Justin and Brian's attention. "Brian's test came back negative. So he is fine." Dr. Erickson stated. Justin nibbled his lower lip in fear. Dr. Erickson flipped open the chart and fumbled through papers. Justin kept his nervous emotions going while Brian gripped his hand. Brian leaned near Justin to whisper in his ear, "Everything will be fine. I'm here." Justin nodded. "I must have forgot your results back at the nurses area. I'll go grab them and inform you ASAP." Dr. Erickson said. He walked back behind the closing doors.

Justin sighed lowly and looked at Brian. Brian leaned forward just as Justin turned and kissed him on the cheek. "You can't have AIDS baby... you've only slept with me." Brian whispered. Justin smiled with little content. "I could have gotten it from a needle or anywhere. It's a wide spread disease Bri." Justin replied softly. Brian shook his head, having confidence in his husband. "I have faith." Brian whispered. He lightly tapped the end of Justin's nose with a smile. "I'm going to go grab a drink of water." Justin informed Brian, feeling his throat was dry with the small fear. "Okay. I'm going to go say hello to that little girl and I'll wait here for you." Brian replied. Justin nodded and walked into the double doors, headed for a water fountain.

Justin reached the fountain and looked down. He sighed to himself. 'Could you ask for a better husband?' he thought with a small smile. He shook his head, knowing that Brian was the best thing that had happened to him. He admired his tennis bracelet with sincerity. It was a gift from Brian's heart and Justin cherished it.

"Oh, this is awful..." Justin heard a familiar voice say. He recognized the voice as Dr. Erickson's. "What is it doctor?" a nurse spoke up. "I have to tell... I have to tell a kid that he's HIV positive." Dr. Erickson sighed. Justin's heart jumped with shock. "Oh, that is awful. How old is he?" the nurse questioned with sorrow. "He's only eighteen. He's so young. I don't know if he can handle this." Dr. Erickson replied sadly. Justin felt his eyes well up with a sudden splurg of tears. "No one ever is ready to find out doctor, no matter how old or young they are. HIV and AIDS are very serious diseases. But someone his age shouldn't have to deal with that." the nurse agreed. "He's only eighteen nurse. He's such a happy kid too. He's got his life going in a good direction I think. I just feel sorry for him. I mean if kids learned that it doesn't hurt to use a condom, or question a nurse when they give a trnasfussion or just don't use drugs period. It just bothers me that something like this could happen... especially to this guy." Dr. Erickson complained, feeling all of his guilt flying from his heart. Justin's face was flushed white while a few tears trickled from his eyes and landed in the drain of the fountain. He was lost with sadness. He felt as if he could vomit at any second. "I just hate this. I'm scared to tell him but I have to for his sake. Damn... nurse, could you please try and cancel some of my later appointments. I think this is taking a greater toll on me than expected." Dr. Erickson requested. "Sure doctor. I understand. I'm sure the kid needs as much support as possible." the nruse replied. Justin gripped the fountain as a steadfast flow of tears came pouring. 'Why? Why me!' Justin shouted in his mind, his knees buckling. "Do I know the young man doctor?" the nurse questioned. Justin couldn't stand to hear much more. He quickly dashed away from the fountain, heading for the lobby.

Brian sat reading a copy of People magazine when he heard the doors swing open and saw Justin's pale face staring at him. The ghost-like face brought a slight fear in Brian's heart. He watched a few single drops of sweat break from Justin's brow. He saw where the tears had slid down Justin's face and lightened his tone. Brian stood slowly, not wanting to scare Justin in any form. "What's wrong babe?" he questioned, inching near Justin. Justin felt weak once again but held his ground. He knew if he showed too much emotion that Brian wouldn't be able to take it. Brian brought his face directly in front of Justin's to stare into his fear-stricken eyes. "Tell me." Brian reqested lowly. Justin opened his mouth but words never formed and never escaped his heart. Brian looked at him with the deepest concern. He brought his hand up to catch a crystal clear tear that fell. "Did someone hurt you?" Brian questioned in his thick accent. Justin's lips trembled in shame and fear. Brian ran his finger over Justin's lips repeatedly to quiet his low whimpers. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Just." Brian whispered. Justin felt as if those were the words that brought him out of the maze he ran though. It was Brian's genuine concern for Justin's life and well being that made Justin find a need to tell Brian then.

Before any words could leave Justin's throat and emerge into the air, the doors came sliding open again. Dr. Erickson emerged holdinh two charts in his arms. "I'm sorry I took so long... I had some paper work to fill out before getting the results ready." Dr. Erickson explained, walking up to the silent couple. Brian wrapped an arm around Justin and pulled him into a small hug so that Dr. Erickson would not become suspicous of Justin's tears. Justin sniffled slightly and wrapped a hand around Brian's waist. They faced the doctor with serious faces. "It's okay doctor. We need a little time ourselves." Brian assured him. Dr. Erickson looked over both of them with a curious glance. "Well Justin I do have the results of your AIDS and HIV tests." Dr. Erickson looked directly at Justin. Brian grabbed Justin's hand in their slight hug and held it. Justin rested his head on Brian's shoulder and tried not to cry again. Dr. Erickson flipped open the chart, prolonging the moment. Justin saw each page lifted and flipped with a slow motion. It was almost too much for his eighteen year old heart to take.

"Well Justin... according to our tests..." Dr. Erickson's words came out in mixed sounds for Justin's ears. He felt he knew the results and couldn't bare to him then once more. "Justin... you're HIV negative." Dr. Erickson stated with a small smile. Brian released a loud sigh of relief while Justin stood in shock. "Excuse me?" Justin managed to ask. "He said you're negative Just." Brian responded with a large smile. "I'm what?" Justin questioned again. "Justin, you have not contracted the AIDS virus or HIV." Dr. Erickson went on to explain. "Are you sure?" Justin asked, his eyes rippling with disbelief. "Why? Have you done something I don't know of?" Brian became defensive with his question. Justin turned him to him sudden shock. "No... I just... I..." Justin stuttered out.

"Excuse Dr. Erickson. I don't mean to interrupt you but I called into the office so I could find out if the results from my HIV and AIDS test." a young voice interjected. Justin gazed from Brian to the young man. The young, dirty blonde haired man looked around sixteen but Justin sensed he was older. He had a slight maturity in the way he carried himself but he looked as if he was right out of high school. He dawned a light blue waffle sweater, khaki shorts and a pair of white Nike's. His hair was nice trimmed, almost like Nick's shorter hair. His eyes were of a dazzling blue hue and his smile was hidden but Justin sensed it was one that could light up a room like his husband's could.

"Oh yes Sebastian, just give me a minute." Dr. Erickson spoke up, drawing Justin's eyes away from the boy. "Okay, uh... I'll wait over there then." Sebastian replied. He walked over to the nurse's station as Brian and Justin stood by. "Well Justin, you are HIV negative and nothing to worry about. I got the results from your tests and you seem to have cleared up that small ulcer and you're doing fine now. Just as healthy as can be." Dr. Erickson brought the conversation back to them. "That is wonderful." Brian chimed in. Justin nodded. "So you two can just head over to the nurse's desk and sign out of here. I have another patient to attend to now." Dr. Erickson said, looking over to Sebastian. Justin caught the glimpse and knew why he stared at Sebastian as he did. "Thank you doctor. We'll come back in for a checkup in a few months." Brian extended his hand to the doctor. Dr. Erickson gladly shook his hand and left Brian and Justin to themselves.

Brian turned to Justin with a tantalizing smile. Justin kept his eyes on Dr. Erickson and Sebastian. Brian just smiled at Justin while Justin stared on. "Well we're cleared of any worries." Brian perked up. Justin didn't respond to him as he saw the slightly devestated look on Sebastian's face. "Brian, Sebastian is HIV positive." Justin whispered. Brian cocked his eyebrow at Justin with surprise. "Who?" Brian asked quickly. "That young man over there. He's my age Brian... and he has HIV." Justin stated sadly. "How do you know? And how do you know who he is?" Brian questioned. "Didn't you here Dr. Erickson? He called him Sebastian. I was back in the area where the nurses are and I overheard Dr. Erickson and a nurse talking. They said an eighteen year old was HIV positive and I thought it was me. I thought I was HIV positive. Now I know it was Sebastian. And now that poor kid is HIV positive and I was so stuck on worrying about myself, I didn't even realize that millions of people have to face their fear." Justin began to return to his unnerved and sad state. Brian placed a hand on Justin's shoulder for comfort. "But you don't have HIV or AIDS Justin. You've been spared from what they have to face." Brian said softly. "That doesn't make it right. That doesn't mean that I'm okay. I can easily get it just like they did. I can just as easily contract AIDS." Justin boasted. Brian watched him with fearing eyes. "But I don't have it and they do. Sure it feels good not to have it but I can't imagine what he'll have to go through," Justin stated with sure disgust. Brian pulled Justin into a deep hug as Justin released his anger and pain. "I don't have to deal with he has to... he's... he's so young and so am I." Justin released few tears with his last whispered statement.

Brian ran his fingers over Justin's curls. He hushed Justin out of concern. "I know it's hard to deal with Justin... I hate seeing it too. But it is life. It is something we all have to deal with and face sooner or later. But if you were HIV positive, I wouldn't love you any less. I'd still be there with you, holding you and loving you. I'm not scared to see you with HIV... I'm scared not seeing you at all." Brian whispered. Justin hugged Brian tightly, letting tears fall onto Brian's shoulder. "We have to live with it Justin, but that doesn't mean we can't help in some way. We can help Sebastian." Brian added. Justin felt his heart grow with Brian's. Brian's words were just the right amount of faith Justin needed at that moment in time. "I love you." Justin whispered while lifting his head. Brian smiled back at him. He leaned in and gave Justin a small but sincere kiss on the lips. Brian backed away from the kiss and brushed away any tears that remained on Justin's face. They broke their embrace while thinking over what the other had said.

Justin watched as Sebastian began to walk away with his head drooping. Justin let go of Brian fully and walked over to the young man. He caught up with Sebastian's quick pace and grabbed his arm. Sebastian lifted his head with shock and stopped. Theys stared at each other for seconds. "Yes? Did you need something?" Sebastian asked. Justin could see that Sebastian had shed few but not many tears. "I'm sorry Sebastian." Justin replied. "I'm sorry... do I know you?" Sebastian asked, sniffling. "No, you don't. But... I'm sorry." Justin replied with a straight face. "Sorry for what? You didn't do anything." Sebastian managed to say. "I know... I know you're HIV positive and I'm sorry Sebastian. I'm the same ago as you are. I can't say I know exactly what you're going through but I know somewhat." Justin continued to speak to him. "How could you?" Sebastian asked. Justin sighed and looked over to Brian who was approaching. "Sebastian, if I tell you something will you promise not to say anything?" Justin requested lowly. "I don't even know you," Sebastian looked away. He tried to build the confidence to face Justin again. "Okay... I promise." Sebastian agreed. "Sebastian, I'm Justin of 'N Sync. Some say I'm Justin Timberlake but I'm really Justin Littrell. See Brian, he's from the Backstreet Boys, is my husband." Justin let everything out for the young man to hear. Sebastian's eyes bulged at Justin. "You're... you're him. You're Justin, the guy they always want to talk about. Everyone thinks you're gay, dating Brian or straight and dating that chick Britney Spears." Sebastian stumbled out. Justin smiled at him with content. "I'm MARRIED to Brian." Justin giggled, holding up his left hand. Sebastian admired the wedding band.

"Why are you telling me this?" Sebastian asked out of confusion. "I want you to trust me. I want to help you in any way that I can because... well I know this has to be rough for you." Justin replied. Brian walked up and stood next to Justin, smiling at Sebastian. "I... I don't know what to say..." Sebastian looked at the floor. Brian slipped his finger under Sebastian's chin and lifted it to admire Sebastian's eyes. "Have lunch with us. Okay? Give us a chance to get to know you and try and help you." Brian said softly. A single tear escaped Sebastian's eye. "I... no one has ever... I've never had someone do this for me." Sebastian whimpered. "Well we'll be the first then." Brian assured him. Justin smiled at Brian's natural care for people. "Come on, we'll take you somewhere private so no one will bother you." Justin coaxed him. Sebastian looked at both of them and saw a gentle love in their sets of blue eyes. "Okay." Sebastian replied softly.

Justin threw an arm around Sebastian and hugged him like that. "You're not... not scared to touch me or anything?" Sebastian questioned with fear. "No, why would I be? Just because you have HIV doesn't mean you're some sort of monster or anything. You're still someone, someone very important." Justin replied. Brian nodded with Justin. "You two are very nice." Sebastian commented, beginning to walk with them towards the elevators. "We just want to help you." Brian said. "Do you have a car downstairs?" Brian asked, pushing the elevator button. "Uhm no... I caught the bus here." Sebastian responded. "Well good then... you can ride in my car." Brian chimed. Sebastian broke a smile for both of them to admire. "Is there someone special waiting for you?" Brian asked. "No... uhm, me and my boyfriend just broke up and... he's moved away." Sebastian answered. Brian and Justin were stunned to the news. "Is that how you got HIV?" Justin wondered as the elevator doors clicked open. "Yes... I didn't know and he didn't know. He... he was raped and that's how I got it." Sebastian answered sadly. "I'm sorry." Justin whispered into Sebastian's ear. "Don't be sorry. It's something I have to... to live with now." Sebastian answered. They stepped into the elevators and the doors shut with each thinking of different things.

Brian, Justin and Sebastian sat in a quiet area of The Blue Notes restaurant. It was a small restaurant in Orlando that not many visited during such early afternoon times. Justin knew it'd be the perfect spot just to talk with the young boy and get to know him a little better and to make him feel comfortable with Justin and his husband, Brian.

"This place is rather nice." Sebastian commented, gazing around the restaurant. "We just wanted you to feel comfortable." Brian responded first. "And it's quiet, that way we won't get disturbed." Justin added. "Well thanks for taking me here. I mean yo guys could have taken me to McDonald's and I would have been happy." Sebastian teased. "You see? Could have got him a Happy Meal and he would have been happy." Brian looked at Justin before laughing. "I'm sorry, I want soem REAL food today." Justin laughed, looking over one of the menus the waiter had left them. "I agree." Sebastian nodded, picking up a menu. "Damn and I thought I was getting a quater pounder with cheese." Brian laughed.

They all ordered their food and coveresed over several topics from Brian and Justin's falling in love to their marriage to Sebastian's hopes and dreams to the lose of his father to cancer. "So what is your mom doing right now?" Justin questioned, grabbing a piece of chicken with his fork. "She's... well she's mom right now. She's out in L.A. with her new husband and she's trying to live up this glamorous life that me and my older sis' just refuse to be a part of." Sebastian replied carelessly. "You don't visit her?" Brian questioned before taking a sip of his Iced tea. "If she wants, I'll take a trip out there on her expense account but if not, I don't even bother to try." Sebastian explained. "That's kind of sad." Brian frowned. "That's life." Sebastian shrugged.

Brian looked down into his Iced tea while thinking of how deprived of a good life this boy was experiencing. "So if you guys are married, why would you need to get an HIV test?" Sebastian asked, looking over to Justin. "The label requires it of us now." Brian sighed out, depressed by the notion. "Just you two?" Sebastian wondered, cutting up a piece of his chicken. "No, actually all ten of us now. I guess they didn't want to just say, 'Brian and Justin are the only ones that have to be tested for AIDS'." Justin responded. "But if you two are married, you shouldn't be singled out unless someone has been sleeping around or something? Or unless you two had other partners before each other?" Sebastian argued a strong side. "We know, trust me, we know." Brian nodded. "Did you guys have other partners before marriage? I mean I've heard about Brian and Leigh Ann, so I assumed that Brian probably uhm... well you know." Sebastian became shy with his questioning. "Me and Leigh Ann?! God no. I didn't sleep with her." Brian laughed. "I was a virgin before Brian." Justin said softly, taking a sip of water. "Yeah, Justin was my first too." Brian agreed. "Are you two serious? I mean I've seen Justin at like performances and I figured surely he was messing with someone. And well Brian, the way Leigh Ann is in the media, she makes it seem like you two slept together." Sebastian commented with serious intrigue. "That's just her way of trying to make Justin jealous or whatever. Justin was my first when it comes to sex and all. The best first." Brian smiled, reaching out and placed his hand on Justin's. Justin smiled at him with delight. "Aaaww, was it romantic?" Sebastian cooed. "Very much so." Justin nodded, staring into Brian's platinum blue eyes. "Sounds perfect." Sebastian grinned.

"Well what about you Sebastian? What about you and your... ex-boyfriend?" Brian asked, breaking his stare with Justin. Sebastian looked down to his plate, painting a face of shame. "What's wrong?" Justin asked softly. "Nothing." Sebastian replied quickly but lowly. "Were you raped or something?" Brian dug for an answer. "No, I wasn't." Sebastian answered without feeling. "So then what's wrong with you?" Justin placed his hand near Sebastian for little comfort. "It was okay the first time. The first time me and my boyfriend slept together was on unknown circumstances. We... we were both kind of drunk but we knew what we were doing. The thing was he was dating a guy that didn't like me beforehand. When he found out, he uhm... well he beat me up and that's when my boyfriend got raped. He's ex raped him and well... the rest is our history." Sebastian explained. He didn't lift his eyes to Brian or Justin. "So his ex-boyfriend contracted the HIV virus and then raped him for revenge?" Justin tried to make sense of what Sebastian said. Sebastian nodded with shame. "I should have had him tested. I should have asked first. It's just that... well I was scared of losing him then. I mean he had been raped. Why would he ever want to have sex again? Or trust another man? I had to make sure he knew that I still loved him." Sebastian blurted out, trying not to let the tears break him. "And so you got it." Brian sighed. "I didn't know but lately I was getting really sick and well... it happened." Sebastian whimpered. Justin scooted his chair near Sebastian and drapped an arm around his shoulders. "You got it out of love." Justin whispered. "But I still HAVE it. I can't get rid of it and now I don't have Jase around to help me or support me." Sebastian let out a small cry. "You need to call him and let him know though." Brian suggested.

"I mean we had used condoms before. We knew about protection. It's just for those few weeks, we needed to be with each other without fear of anything." Sebastian added onto his previous words. He let a few tears fall into his plate. "It's okay Sebastian. We understand, we really do." Justin assured him. "God, I must sound like a little kid crying over spilled milk. I have HIV now and I'm stuck with it. I need to get over it." Sebastian sniffled, wiping away the rest of his tears. "Don't be like that Sebastian. It's okay to cry about this. It's a surprise that you just weren't ready for." Brian tried to console him. Justin nodded, knowing he too had cried when he thought he had HIV.

"Well I know I'll have to keep going. At least for my sis' and all." Sebastian lightened up. "How do you think she'll handle this?" Brian asked, getting another swig of his Iced tea. "She'll probably cry or something but she'll support me. She supported me when I told her I was in love with Jase." Sebastian smiled. "WOW! Great sister huh?" Justin giggled. "The best. But she's four months pregnant, so this may hit her strangely. She and her boyfriend want to get married in Feburary." Sebastian chimed. "A baby? Now that's wonderful." Justin smiled, thinking of his own want for a child. "We want a child some day." Brian decided to speak up. "You two?" Sebastian asked out of pure child-like curiosity. "Yes, it's a dream." Justin nodded, looking over to Brian. "It'll be a reality." Brian reminded Justin. "Adopting? Or asking a girl to have your child?" Sebastian pondered. "Trying to adopt." Justin answered. He ran his fork over his plate with a smile. "Baby boy or girl?" Sebastian looked at Brian for an answer. "It doesn't really matter to us. We just want a child to love." Brian replied with a grin. "Well I hope it happens then. I mean I know it might be rough for a child to adjust to two fathers but it'll still be a nice touch." Sebastian commented. "If there's love, two fathers really won't matter," Justin remarked. "Tell that to our fucked up system." Sebastian sighed. "We're going to prove it to the 'fucked up system'." Brian laughed. Sebastian and Justin joined him in the laughter.

The rest of the early lunch went smoothly for Brian, Justin and Sebastian. Each showed a side of themselves that made everyone feel comfortable. It was as if they were all friends for years. Something about Sebastian made Brian and Justin feel at ease. They knew that they were doing him a justice by opening their hearts to him and he was helping them by showing them a side of the world they had not experienced.

"Now you have our cell phone numbers Sebastian. If you need to call us and we're not at home, that's the number to reach us at. We only talk to family and close friends with our cells, so don't be afraid to call." Brian explained when they walked out into the slightly windy Orlando sidewalk. "Thanks Brian. I.. I don't know how to thank you two for this." Sebastian spoke up, his voice carried into the wind. "We just want to help Sebastian. I just don't know what I would do if I was you but then I think about it... I'd love for someone to help me and support me too. Especially at the age we're at." Justin said, placing a hand on Sebastian's broad shoulder. "Yeah, being eighteen just isn't easy, is it?" Sebastian tried to joke. "You don't know the half of it Sebastian." Justin laughed. "You two make me feel old to be twenty four." Brian giggled, stepping in between them. "But you're a sexy kind of old baby." Justin grinned, leaning towards Brian. He pressed his lips lightly to Brian's, taking in a kiss that he had not been able to share with Brian at all that day. Brian took in the kiss with open arms. He laced his arms around Justin's back to hold him. Sebastian watched them in envy. He no longer had a boyfriend where he could run to like Brian and Justin could. And yet Brian and Justin were married, an aspect of love Sebastian was scared to reach.

"Uhm baby.... mmm... Sebastian... hmmm... is still here..." Brian hummed between his kisses with Justin. Justin gave Brian one last small kiss before breaking out into giggles. "I'm sorry Sebastian." Justin laughed, turning to look at Sebastian. "It's okay. I remember love." Sebastian smiled, looking at the ground. "I'm sure you'll have it again soon." Brian whispered. "Yeah well... I won't be looking in the meantime." Sebastian tried to make light of it. Justin frowned slightly at Sebastian's lack for confidence.

"Well listen you two, I have to get home now. My sis' will probably need help around the house and she has a doctors appointment later on." Sebastian spoke up, gazing to his watch. "How are you getting home?" Brian questioned him. Sebastian ran a hand through his hair and smiled. "The bus actually." Sebastian chimed. "Oh no you're not. We'll give you a ride home." Justin ordered. "No, it's okay. You two have done enough for me today, more than enough. You've been really nice to me and I'm just a stranger. So thanks. Besides, I need some alone time. I mean I was just diagnosed with HIV, I need time to think about this and what I'm going to do." Sebastian explained, giving up much resitance to Justin's command. "But we don't want you to just catch the bus home." Brian insisted. "I do it all the time you two. Don't worry. Thank you for the offer though. I appreciate it alot." Sebastian stated. "Are you sure? I mean we can easily drive you home." Brian assured him. "I'm positive." Sebastian nodded. Justin sighed, still not wanting him to leave alone. "Thank you two both so much. Even though I was given the worst news of my life today, you two seemed to make it less painful for me. Thank you." Sebastian said, pulling Brian into a small hug. "We were glad to help." Brian whispered, patting Sebastian's back. "It meant alot to me." Sebastian added, ending his hug with Brian. "We just wanted to help someone in need." Justin added, letting Sebastian hug him. "Well that is very generous of you." Sebastian said softly. Justin smiled and ended their soft hug.

"Wait, let me give you something..." Brian said, reaching into his pocket. Sebastian watched him with a weird sense about him. Brian pulled out his wallet and then dug in. He pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to Sebastian. Sebastian gave Brian a funny look. "Just take it with no questions asked." Brian requested, hushing Sebastian's protests. "But..." Brian placed a finger over Sebastian's soft lips. "No Sebastian, just take it. Spend it on yourself, your sister or someone you love. But it's from my heart, so take it." Brian whispered. Sebastian was left no room for discussion or protest. Sebastian sighed softly and then nodded. Brian smiled at him and dropped his hand. "Thank you. You two are like my guardian angels or something." Sebastian added softly. Brian looked to Justin with a smile. Justin smiled back at him, his eyes shimmering with moistness. He gave Justin a kiss on the forehead and then looked back to Sebastian. "Call us sometime Sebastian." Brian said. Sebastian nodded and then began his walk for his bus stop,

Brian kept his arm around Justin's shoulders as he walked Justin towards the parking lot. "That was really sweet of you Brian." Justin commented when they approached Brian's car. "I just wanted to help him Justin." Brian whispered back. "I think you did in a big way." Justin nodded. "I think we both did cutie." Brian snickered. "I just thought we needed to help that kid in some way and I actually think we did." Justin added. "We truly did Justin. It was nice of you to think of him." Brian agreed. "I guess it's because I was scared that I had AIDS." Justin whispered. "I'd still love you if you did. We're together forever baby." Brian assured Justin. "You're too perfect." Justin laughed with him. "It's because of you that I am." Brian grinned.

"Man it is kind of cold out here." Justin remarked as Brian clicked off his car alarm. "Yeah, just a bit nippy. But I'll fix that." Brian smiled. He leaned in and gave Justin a soft peck on the tip of Justin's nose. Brian popped open the trunk of his car while Justin hugged himself. Brian pulled out a very large and baggy Old Navy waffle sweatshirt. "This will keep you warm." Brian said as he handed Justin the sweater. Justin slipped on the baggy sweater and made himself comfortable. "This feels warm." Justin smiled, leaning towards Brian. He wrapped his arms around Brian's neck for a hug. "Mmmm, this feels warmer." Justin smiled, hugging Brian as Brian hugged him back. Brian kept his arms at the small of Justin's back as they hugged. Justin leaned forward and began to nuzzle his nose against Brian's. "I love you sweetie." Justin whispered to Brian. Brian felt Justin's sweet breath run over him. "I love you too Justin." he replied. He kissed Justin's lips gingerly and began to nuzzle their noses again.

"We have to stop by the store." Brian whispered. "Why's that?" Justin questioned. "We're out of condoms." Brian giggled. "Then it looks like you'll be cumming inside of me today." Justin smiled. "Ooh, are you giving me permission?" Brian questioned. "Anytime you want to," Justin replied. He kissed the tip of Brian's nose happily. "Anytime." he whispered.

"I guess we should get ready to go to Matt's Bar-B-Q, huh?" Brian suggested. Justin nibbled his lower lip, his eyes drifting down to the ground. "I guess." Justin shrugged. "Could you be anymore excited for me?" Brian laughed. Justin wasn't as amused by the statement. He feared going more than he looked forward to it. "Come on baby, let's go." Brian suggested, escorting Justin to his side of the car. Justin stepped inside and let Brian run to the other side. Brian hopped in and started the car, driving them in the direction of Miami, Florida for Matt Thompson's condo.

Lance groaned softly as he awoke from a mid-afternoon nap. His eyes fluttered open slightly, trying to keep the sun from blinding him. He stretched happily upon the bed in which he had slept. His green eyes searched his immediate viewing point for another person. He knew he was in a finely dedcorated bedroom, not his own though. He was in Bryce's bedroom. Lance looked down at his body and he was still clothed in his white T-shirt and cargo pants. He muffled another groan and rolled to his side. He was alone in the bed.

He sighed and lifted his head slightly. 'Where's Bryce?' he thought sorely. He remembered that after a morning conference with some of management, he and Bryce came back to Bryce's apartment and Lance caught a nap on the bed. He had slept in the bed many times with Bryce and they had yet to experience something sexual together. Lance knew he was the one holding back. It wasn't that he wasn't attracted to Bryce, Bryce was something that Lance would gladly fuck day in and day out. It was that Bryce was a virgin. Lance didn't want to take Bryce's virginity when he was unsure if he had developed full feelings for him. He needed more time to work out his feelings for Nick and his feelings for J.C. Yet the temptation and lust for Bryce was stronger than Lance's expectations. He knew he had to slow things though to prevent one of them from walking out of it alone.

Lance saw a door open and steam flow into the room. He watched as a smooth body emerged from the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. It was Bryce, who had another towel in hand as he dried his soft blonde hair. He opened his eyes to the room and saw Lance staring at his nearly wet body. He gave Lance a clever smile and walked over to the bed. "I see you finally woke up Lansten." Bryce commented, walking past the bed towards his large entertainment center. "Only to see you." Lance smiled, letting his deep voice catch Bryce. "Careful Lance... if you say too much, I might fall in love with you." Bryce smiled, rotating the CD in the stereo. "Would that be so bad?" Lance proposed with a sincere smile. "If you don't love me back, it might." Bryce replied, looking away from Lance with a small frown.

Bryce clicked on the CD he wanted to hear and stayed standng at the entertainment center. He let the water drip on his body while listening to the music enter the room. He felt the wetness on his neck and soon realized it was Lance's lips. He felt the lips slowly trial on the back of his neck, heading for his back. "I just need a little time before I can jump into something again Bry." Lance explained, kissing Bryce's moist shoulder. "Then why do you keep coming back to me? Why are you making me wait in agony?" Bryce asked with fear. "Because I don't want us both to suffer... but I want you." Lance spoke up. He snuggled his cheek to Bryce's shoulder and let his strong hands massage Bryce's back. Bryce parted his lips and let a soft moan release. "This can be our song you know." Lance whispered while Shania Twain's 'I Won't Leave You Lonely' hummed over the speakers. "Please don't make me fall in love with you... I don't want to be hurt." Bryce gasped out. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to Bryce. Just give me a chance." Lance replied, kissing Bryce's lower neck. "Please..." Bryce panted. "Let's make love then." Lance whispered, trailing his fingers lower. "Not unless you love me." Bryce replied, standing stiff in Lance's sweet embrace. "Can't you see that I do." Lance said softly. "I'm not Nick or Josh, Lance. I need to know. I need to hear it. I can't read your mind." Bryce replied.

Lance dropped his hands to Bryce's waist and lifted him. He turned Bryce around and carried him to the bed. Lance laid Bryce's smooth body onto the cotton soft sheets. He crawled ontop of Bryce's body, not hearing a plea or hesitation from Bryce. "I love you Bry. Just let me." Lance whispered, his motuh edging near Bryce's. "Don't hurt me Lansten." Bryce begged before Lance closed his lips on Bryce's.

Together - midnight in summer

The air's so much warmer

Falling in love under starlight

Holding on so tight - together

The kiss sealed an unspoken secret between the two. Lance's hands, being the more aggresive, loosened Bryce's towel so that it glided off while their bodies ran over each other's. Bryce played with the thought of withdrawing from the kiss and the hidden relationship but this time he didn't want to fight it. He held in his conscience to answer his inner ecstasy. He let Lance's hand rub over his chest to make him feel comfortable. He was hesitant about letting Lance pull out of the kiss until he felt Lance's lips kis his cheek.

"This is our song now Bry. So let me show you what you missed by not making love to a man sooner." Lance whispered into Bryce's ear. "Heh heh... I don't know... do you have a condom?" Bryce panted out. "I have all the safety you'll need... but yes, I have a condom. One that'll keep us close while I make love to you." Lance replied, rubbing his crotch over Bryce's uncovered penis. "Uhmph... oh... this feels wonderful..." Bryce groaned, grasping onto Lance's back. "Good." Lance smiled.

I won't leave you lonely tonight

I want you to hold me all night

It's gonna be alright

I won't leave you lonely tonight

Imagine - the air filled with jasmine

The breeze blows with passion

You and me dance with desire

The moon is on fire - imagine

Lance let Bryce's fingers play with the zipper to his cargo pants as he removed his shirt. Lance dropped the shirt near Bryce's head and began to place small kisses over Bryce's body. Bryce finally became bold and unzipped the pants. He let them hang in wonder while Lance trailed down his chest with his tongue. Lance lapped at Bryce's hard, brown nipple with pleasure. His tongue played lovingly with his chest, excited by the sex he wanted to have with Bryce. Bryce ran his fingers over Lance's platinum blonde hair with uncertainity. 'Should I let him do this... he's says he love me...' Bryce thought as Lance lingered his lips over Bryce's panting chest. 'Damn.' Lance barked at himself, crawling back up Bryce.

Lance kicked off his pants and pulled Bryce nearer to himself. "You're not ready and I'm not ready to go this far..." Lance sighed out. Bryce nodded, a small tear leaving his eye. "But don't cry Bryce." Lance smiled, wiping away the tear. "I love you." Lance added, kissing Bryce's lips carefully.

I won't leave you lonely tonight

I want you to hold me all night

It's gonna be alright

I won't leave you lonely tonight

"So you're not leaving me?" Bryce questioned with pure sadness melting his eyes. "No, I won't. I haven't yet. We just need to work this out." Lance whispered. Bryce nodded with a small smile. "Now let's finish this perfect moment." Lance sggested. He dipped his mouth back to Bryce's neck and began a slow and erotic sucking. Bryce cried out and wrapped his legs around Lance's waist. "Oh Lance..." Bryce groaned, dragging his fingers through Lance's hair. "Mmmm Lansten..." he groaned hard, thrusting his hips against Lance's softly. Lance ran his tongue over Bryce's adam apple to pleasure him further. "Maybe you can.. uh... jack me off..." Bryce suggested through his soft grunts. "Do you want that Bry?" Lance asked, removing his lips from Bryce's neck. "I mean... oh... if you want..." Bryce panted.

Lance began to lay Bryce down upon the bed and grind his crotch against Bryce's erect dick. "I think we can do this for a couple of hours to cre your problem." Lance grinned, leaning his body fully ont Bryce's. Bryce gripped Lance's back in excitement. "Maybe a couple of hours." Bryce agreed. He felt the bed rocking with Lance's intense movements. "I love you James." Bryce whispered, rubbing Lance's back as Lance continued to thrust against him. "I love you too Bryce. This feels... mmmmm, oh God I think I'm going.... wait... okay... mmm... it feels good..." Lance groaned, trying to control himself. Bryce gasped hard with Lance. He released Lance's hips from his legs and spread his legs on the bed as they made out. Lance was becoming more erotic with his fingers and hips while Bryce tried to make Lance feel the full pleasure of being with a man he loved.

Te amo mucho mi amor

You are the one I adore

They kept moving even as the song had ended. Their hips grinding erotically against each other, their lips parted to gasp and cry out in pleasure and their hands being the comfort zone they needed while making out. Lance feared this feeling of love and lust again while Bryce accepted it as the new feeling he needed with Lance. They yanked back the sheets and crawled under, knowing they were going to keep their passionate movements going for another few hours. "Don't you have to be somewhere soon?" Bryce asked as Lance continued to rub against him. "Yeah... but this is what matters right now." Lance panted, getting a little more aggressive with his movement. Bryce nodded and closed his eyes again, crying out Lance's name.

Just Beginning (Chapter 39) Written by JM Co-Author Leprechaun

Brian pulled his car up to a beautiful and luxerious condo. He saw a few familiar cars parked at the condo, knowing it was his friends who had already arrived at Matt Thompson's condo. He was thankful that Brian and Justin weren't the first to arrive at Matt's Florida home. He recognized most of the cars but noticed that few were missing. He knew the others would make the short drive to Miami for the Bar-B-Q, he was unsure of when.

Justin was asleep in his seat next to Brian, looking peaceful when Brian brought the BMW to a stop. Brian turned off the car and peered out of the corner of his eye for Justin's response. He received none. Brian looked over to Justin, seeing his angelic face sleeping. He sighed softly. Justin kept softing breathing while snuggling to his seat. Brian inched over ad kissed Justin's earlobe. "Time to wake up baby." he whispered, shaking Justin slightly. Justin groaned quietly, trying to shake away from Brian. "Uh uh baby, you have to get up." Brian giggled, pouting his lips. He gave Justin another kiss on the ear and shook him again. "I'll pay you twenty dollars to let me sleep a little longer." Justin grumbled. "Okay." Brian shrugged, stepping out of the car. Justin smiled and snuggled back into his comfortable position.

Justin heard the soft sound of a car door open. He kept his eyes shut and tried to ignore it. He felt a pair of lips press against his softly and he smiled within his sleep. Brian looked at Justin with little satisfaction. 'He makes a cute little baby.' Brian giggled to himself. Brian reached in and lifted Justin into his arms. Justin was still in a state of sleep when Brian stood outside of the car with Justin nestled in his arms. Brian held Justin close to his warmer body and Justin smiled. "Sleep tight babe." Brian whispered and carried Justin up to the front door. Brian reached his hand out and pressed the doorbell to announce their arrival.

Brian stood there with Justin cradled in his arms as Matt opened the door and stared at him. "Gee Bri, you didn't have to bring me a house warming gift. However, I'll be glad to accept it." Matt smiled, his head lolling to the side. "How much will you give me for it?" Brian laughed, trying not to wake Justin from his slumber. "The best damn barbecue in town." Matt smiled, still looking at Justin asleep in Brian's arms. "Deal." Brian acted serious, walked up to Matt and shoved Justin in Matt's arms, then walked into the condo. "Joke, ha ha, funny funny?" Matt laughed nervously. "Too late, a deal's a deal." Brian laughed loudly, causing Justin to stir in Matt's arms.

Justin turned his head and slowly began to open his eyes with a yawn. As soon as he was fully awake, he stared up at Matt, confused. "Hello." Matt cooed as he held Justin and smiled down at him. "What the --" Justin whispered. Matt immediately started laughing, moving back into the house and kicked the door shut. "You're Matt's now Justin. I sold you to him for barbecue." Brian laughed at Matt's smile. "Do what?" Justin looked at Brian, then back up at Matt. "You're all mine baby." Matt smiled, squinted his eyes and shook his head down at Justin. "Did I miss something?" Justin became extremely confused. "I think he'll look good on my bed. What do you think, Bri?" Matt turned to look at him. "That's where I usually keep him." Brian laughed. "Let me down!" Justin laughed, finally catching on to the joke.

"But I don't want to let you down, you're too cuddly!" Matt squealed and practically smothered Justin with a tight hug. "Umph. Don't choke me." Justin laughed nervously. "Oh, alright." Matt sighed, faking disappointment, and let Justin down to a standing position. "So, is everyone here already?" Brian asked as Matt let Justin out of his cradling arms. "Well, everyone is here now. Well except Lance and Leigh Ann." Matt stated, looking at Brian. "Leigh Ann? How'd she get invited??" Brian screamed. "Um, she called me about two hours ago and told me she would be a little late, so I assumed you invited her and told her it was okay." Matt got wide-eyed. "No one invited her, Matt." Justin sighed and shook his head. "Ouch. I'm sorry." Matt apolgozied. "Ah, shit. It's alright. She has a way of weedlin' her way in anyway." Brian tried to smile. "Well come on then. Everyone's expecting you." Matt smiled widely and grabbed Justin around the neck, getting him in a headlock.

Matt walked through the house and out onto the deck behind his condo, dragging Justin behind him in the headlock. Brian followed behind, laughing and pinching Justin on the butt to tease him further. The threesome emerged onto the deck, causing everyone to laugh at Justin's predicament. "Who wants a piece of Justin?" Matt looked at the crowd of his laughing guests. "I do, I do." Brian screeched with a laugh. "Not like that, you dirty boy." Matt laughed. "Let me go!" Justin was beginning to giggle uncontrollablely with everyone else. "Nuh uh uh, we have to take a vote." Matt struggled to keep Justin in the headlock as Justin thrashed around. "So, all in favor of me letting Justin go, raise your hand." Matt smiled as no one raised their hand. "Come on guys!" Justin pleaded as Matt kept his death grip on him. "Oh alright, I'll let'cha go." Matt laughed and let go of him. Justin stood quickly and ran behind Brian, grabbing ahold of him, and laughing. "I ain't going to protect you, he's already bribed me with food." Brian laughed at Justin as he clutched onto him.

"Where's Lance?" Kevin spoke up, finally able to talk without laughing. "We have no clue. He's not with us." Brian spoke up as Justin got up enough courage to let go of his shirt. "Matt said Leigh Ann is coming?" Britney asked quickly, looking at Brian and Justin. Joey tried to tell Britney it would be alright, but Matt spoke up. "Guys, that was my fault. She called, and told me she was coming, so I assumed someone invited her." Matt took the blame. "It's really alright." Justin spoke up, but still didn't come out from behind Brian. "Yeah, let's just have fun, regardless." JC chimed in. "Alright, well I could use some help cooking and whatnot. Who wants to volunteer?" Matt smiled. "I'll help." Brian replied, drawing a look from Justin. "Is everybody hungry now, or does everyone want to go for a swim first?" JC asked, looking at Nick for his approval. "Sounds like a plan." Kevin stated as everyone nodded their heads in agreeance. "I sure hope everyone brought a swimsuit?" Matt laughed. "Yeah, don't worry, you're not going to get a free show." Brian laughed. "Okay, every take a room and change. Oh, Bri, why don't you leave a note on the front door for Lance and Leigh Ann so they'll know to come on in?" Matt suggested.

"Come on in, the water's great!" Brian screamed towards the beach where Justin and Matt stood. "Come on Justin." Matt nudged him. "It looks kinda chilly." Justin smiled nervously. "Ah, don't be a wimp, come on." Matt started to step into the water. Matt got up to his knees in the water, then turned around to see Justin with his arms folded over his chest, still standing at the water's edge. "Come on, baby!" Brian hollered, bobbing up and down to his chest. "It's cold out here!" Justin screamed back with a giggle. "Don't make me come up there for you!" Brian laughed. "I'll get him, Bri." Matt smiled evily and turned, running towards Justin. "No, no, no, no." Justin laughed and began running back towards the house. "Uh uh, you ain't gettin' away boy." Matt laughed as he caught up to him and grabbed ahold. "I'm not goin' in." Justin tried to break away with a laugh. "Oh yes you are." Matt laughed with him, then picked him up and threw him over his shoulder, carrying him back towards the water. Brian watched the show the two were putting on with a laugh as Matt came walking in the water. Matt walked into the water, up to his waist before Justin started screaming and kicking, trying to get away. "Boy, if you keep kicking, I'm going to drop you, and you'll get wet anyway." Matt laughed, holding on to Justin for dear life.

Britney and all the other guys heard the screaming, and came running out onto the deck to see who was being murdered. "Look at those fools." Chris laughed. "I don't blame him, it is sorta chilly." Britney laughed at the scene Justin was making. "Oh really?" Joey smiled evily down at her. "Grab 'em Nick." With that Joey threw Britney over his shoulder and started running towards the water with her. "You heard what the man said Josh." Nick laughed and picked him up the same way. "Let me down!" JC started laughing as Nick went running off the deck and across the beach. "Oh well, I guess we better join them, huh?" Kevin smiled at the display. "I guess so." Chris sighed, then jumped into Kevin's arms dramatically. "Take it away big boy." Chris laughed. Kevin laughed loudly and quickly ran towards the water, carrying Chris with him. "Oh lord." A.J. laughed and ran after the group.

"Here he is Brian." Matt laughed as he reached Brian in the water. Justin was practically trying to stand on Matt's shoulders to keep from getting in the water. "Come on down, baby." Brian held his hand up to Justin with a slight laugh. "Nuh uh." Justin smiled nervously. "I can always dunk you." Matt grunted from the pressure Justin was putting on his shoulders. "Or I could yank you down." Brian smiled as he reached up and tried to get ahold of Justin. "Alright, alright." Justin laughed, and pulled away from Brian, almost tipping him and Matt over. "Get off me then." Matt laughed. Justin slowly slid off of Matt's back, dipping himself into the water while the two laughed at him. "Damn! It's freezing!" Justin screeched and tried to climb back up on Matt's shoulders. Matt laughed and moved away from him, leaving him to wade in the water. "See, it's not that bad, baby." Brian smiled and swam over to Justin, giving him a quick but sincere kiss on the lips. "I guess not." Justin laughed, but shaked a shiver for dramatic effect. Brian looked into Justin's eyes and ran a hand through his hair, trying to warm Justin up a bit. "They sure make a cute couple." Matt interrupted the two. "Who?" Justin asked, awakening from his daydream. "JC and Nick." Matt pointed over to where the two were huddled in the water together, kissing each other lightly. "Yeah they do. It hasn't always been like that though." Brian agreed. "What do you mean?" Matt turned to look at Brian and Justin. "Well, they've both had their fair share of Lance." Justin sighed. "Oh really?" Matt smiled with more than passing curiosity. "Yeah, they both have dated him at one point. If that's what you can call it." Brian laughed. "Interesting." Matt smiled to himself.

They had all been splashing around in the water for about a half an hour, generally causing a ruckous, when they heard a scream. "Hey!!!!" vveryone looked up to the beach to see Lance standing there, waving to them all. "There's the little late boy now." Matt smiled. "It's about time." Justin laughed. "We should probably go say 'hi', huh?" Matt smiled at Brian. "Yeah, I guess so." Brian looked at Justin for his approval. "We may as well start cooking while we're up there, too." Matt stated, questioning Brian. "Yeah. Will you be okay out here without me, Just?" Brian looked at Justin lovingly. "I think I'll manage." Justin smiled, then gave Brian a kiss. "Alright, I'll be up there if you need me." Brian replied after Justin broke away and began to swim towards the shore with Matt.

Lance stood on the beach, watching everyone swim as Matt and Brian walked towards him, water dripping from their shorts. Lance turned to look at the two guys. Quickly, he caught himself looking up and down Matt's body, noticing how sexy he was. He didn't have too long to glance him over. "Hey. You must be Lance?" Matt extended his wet hand to him. "Um -- yeah. Nice to meet you, Matt." Lance smiled nervously, then unconciously licked his lips as he looked into Matt's deep blue eyes. "Nice to meet you, too." Matt smiled widely as he looked at Lance with the same fascination. Matt and Lance stood there, their hands locked for almost a full minute before Brian spoke up. "Yeah, so, um Matt and I were going up to start fixing the food." Brian looked at the two curiously. "Oh, yeah," Matt shook his head to get out of his daze. "We going to go start on the barbecue. You can take a swim -- or join us in the kitchen?" Matt offered. "I think I'll swim for awhile." Lance grinned, still looking Matt in the eyes. "Alright. If you need ANYthing, just holler." Matt let go of Lance's hand and began to walk with Brian towards the house, turning to smile again at Lance. When they were out of voice's reach, Brian spoke up. "If you need ANY-thing?" Brian laughed and punched Matt in the arm. "Oh shut up!" Matt laughed and shoved Brian back. "That was just too cute." Brian laughed and wrapped his arm around Matt's shoulders as they walked towards the house.

Justin bobbed in the water next to JC and Nick, watching his husband walk with Matt towards the house. He didn't really like the idea of the two of them being left alone in the house with no supervision, especially with how touchy-feely Brian seemed to be with Matt. When Brian wrapped his arm around Matt, he wanted to run up to the house and cuss them both out, but was quickly taken away from the thought when JC dunked him under the water with a laugh.

Lance stood on the beach, turned towards the house, watching Matt as he walked away, smiling to himself, getting lost in his own secret thoughts. He quickly pulled his shirt off over his head, then began to unbutton and unzip his jeans, letting them fall to his knees. He started to blush as Britney and all the guys began hooting and hollering from the water, whistling at his "strip-show". "Oh shut up!" Lance laughed and screamed at them. "Take it off baby!" Joey screamed back with a laugh.

Brian and Matt were on the deck when they heard the screams, and quickly turned around to see Lance stripping off his jeans. Matt stood there, transfixed on Lance's half naked form, wishing he'd take his boxers off, too. Brian stood there with Matt, wondering why he was glued to his spot on the deck. He noticed Lance stripping and giggled lightly, then waved his hand in front of Matt's face. "What?" Matt shook his head as if waking up from a dream. "See anything you like?" Brian laughed loudly. "Ah, go to hell." Matt laughed and turned back around with Brian to get to work on lunch.

"Okay, what do I need to do?" Brian asked quickly as they got into the kitchen. "You want to be in charge of the barbecue, boy?" Matt asked as he opened the fridge. "Sure." Brian smiled. "Good, because I can't cook barbecue. I invited ya'll hoping someone else would do it." Matt laughed loudly as he handed the chicken, ribs, hotdogs, and hamburger meat to Brian. "Gee, thanks." Brian laughed as Matt passed him item after item. "If you'll get the grill on the deck fired up, you can come back in and keep me company while I do the side-dishes before it's time to grill." Matt smiled at Brian. "Sure thing." Brian walked back out to the deck and lit the charcoal, waiting to make sure it would stay lit before placing the cover on the grill and walking back into the house.

"Damn, you're quick." Matt laughed as he stood at the counter, cutting up onions and tomatoes. "Hey, I'm from Kentucky, we know how to do our barbecues, boy." Brian laughed and hopped up onto the counter to sit and talk. "That would explain a theory of mine, then." Matt looked up at Brian and smiled. "What's that?" Brian cocked his head to the side. "All good lookin' guys come from the south." Matt laughed. "Oh really?" Brian laughed with him. "Yep, that's the theory." Matt smiled. "Well, Lance is from Mississippi." Brian smiled evily. "Is that so?" Matt walked over to the glass door that connected the kitchen to the deck to look out at Lance. "Mm-Hm." Brian smiled to himself. "Ah shit!" Matt turned away from the door and cursed. "What?!?!" Brian asked quickly. "We can't have a barbecue without barbecue sauce." Matt laughed at himself. "You forgot the sauce? How could you?" Brian laughed with him. "Yeah. The main ingredient I forgot. I'll just run down to the store down the block and grab some." Matt smiled and began to walk towards the door to the garage. "I think me and Just have you blocked in in the driveway." Brian spoke up. "I'll drive you down there if you want." Brian smiled and hopped off the counter. "Will ya'?" Matt asked. "Sure, come on." Brian walked through the house and out the front door.

Brian disabled the alarm on the car and unlocked Matt's door for him. They both hopped in quickly and were off in search of barbecue sauce. "I like your car." Matt made off the cuff conversation. "Thanks. Just seems to like it alot, too." Brian smirked at him. "I like my Expedition better though, so there." Matt laughed. "Yeah well, I'd take mine over yours any day." Brian teased. "Turn here." Matt smiled and pointed to the street Brian had to take.

"I think I'm going to get inside the house and get dressed. It's gettin' a little too cold now." Nick shivered as JC held onto him in the water. "That wouldn't be a bad idea." Justin agreed, as he huddled in the water, just his head showing. "Okay, baby." JC replied and began to walk with him up to the beach. "Hey guys! We're all gonna go get dressed." Justin stood up in the water and hollered at the group. Everyone seemed to have the same idea in mind, as they all started following the three guys towards shore. Justin, JC and Nick were the first ones into the house, all three of them shivering from the air hitting their wet, half-naked bodies. "Where'd Matt and Bri go?" Justin asked, quickly noticing that they weren't in the kitchen. "I don't know, and I don't care. I'm going to dry off and throw some clothes on." Nick laughed and dragged JC with him. Justin stood there, wondering where his husband and Matt had gone.

Leigh Ann pulled into the drive way, noticing several cars there. This made her happy because she always loved to be "fashionably late". She quickly got out of her car after looking in the rear-view mirror to make sure her make-up was perfect. Not exactly. She'd have to touch herself up inside. She locked her car and walked towards the house. As soon as she got to the frontdoor, she was about to push the doorbell when she noticed the note on the door for Lance. She figured the group of people were still out back, so she opened the door, letting herself in. She noticed Justin standing in the living room, hugging himself and shivering. "Hey Justin, where is everyone?" Leigh Ann asked, not really wanting to speak to him. "Outside." Justin replied quickly and coldly, still shivering. "Where's Brian?" Leigh Ann asked excitedly. "I don't know, Leigh Anne." Justin replied. "Matt?" she asked, getting impatient with Justin. "He must be with Brian, wherever Brian is." Justin sighed, impatiently back. "Well, I need to use the bathroom. Where is it?" Leigh Ann snorted at his quick answer. "Through there." Justin pointed at the hallway and walked back towards the kitchen. "Thanks alot." Leigh Ann replied snottily and walked towards the hallway.

She opened the first door, and quickly realized it was a bedroom. It looked lived in, so it must have been Matt's. She opened the next door and realized it was another bedroom. She stepped inside, noticing it was well decorated. She thought to herself about how nicely done the room was when she heard it. It started off as a soft moan. Then she could hear a slight thumping on the wall to her right. She slowly exited the bedroom and walked down the hall a few more steps until she reached what was apparently the bathroom door. She could hear the moans a little louder. She knew those sounds. It sounded just like a guy moaning during sex. The moans started getting faster and louder until whoever was making the moaning noise gasped loudly and stopped. Leigh Ann quickly walked back down the hall the way she came, not wanting to be seen by the people in the bathroom.

Justin stood, still shivering, when he saw Leigh Ann quickly walk into the living room. "Did you find a room to try and improve that face of yours?" Justin questioned her quickly. "Uhm, no." Leigh Ann softly replied, still looking back to where she had heard the moans. "Well find it quick, you're scaring the natives." Justin snapped, walking past her with his dripping form. He felt her hand grip his arm tighly. "Are you sure Brian is with Matt?" Leigh Ann asked dramatically. "The hell if I know or care right about now. They came up here to the house before the rest of us." Justin responded, rolling his eyes breifly. "So he wouldn't know if you guys were back yet?" Leigh Ann became curious. "I guess not." Justin shrugged, trying to break away from Leigh Ann's grip. "Initriguing." Leigh Ann smiled. "You are one twised woman." Justin shook his head, Leigh Ann finally letting go. He walked off towards a room to change in while Leigh Ann stood pondering the sounds of a man's moaning.

Little time passed as most of everyone gathered out on the deck, smelling the sweet smells of the barbecue. Kevin was tending to the grill while the others sat around the table. "Sure, they say you can go swimming and then they leave you to do all the cooking." Kevin complained with a small smile. "You'll get over it." Chris laughed. "Sure, I'll remember to spit on your food then." Kevin laughed along. "Hey, where is Brian and Matt anyway? Justin?" Joey asked, twisting his head to look at the lonely and silent Justin. "I don't know. Why is everyone fucking asking me like I'm their owners or something?!" Justin snapped harshly at Joey. "Gee Justin, still on the pad?" Chris joked at Justin's obvious anger. "Actually no, Justin is having mood swings. You get those when you're pregnant." Kevin replied, agreeing with Chris joke. "Very funny, very funny." Justin eyed both of them.

Britney felt Joey snuggling to her after his unexpected tiff with Justin. She began flipping through an Entertainment Weekly magazine while Joey rubbed against her. "It's no fun when you don't cuddle back you know." Joey whispered to her, running a hand over her blonde hair. "If I wanted to cuddle, I'd make the first move like always Joey," Britney whispered back with a sure smile. "Please. I'm the one always begging, not you." Joey argued softly. "And that's because I'm irresitable and you're just Joey." Britney replied, still smiling strong. "Don't flatter yourself Britney. You didn't call me 'Joey' the other night when we..." before Joey could finish, he felt a elbow sticking him hard in the stomach. "Any more and you'll show the guys what you had for lunch last month." Britney warned him. She had yet to lift her eyes from the magazine. "I'm scared of you. Justin still brags about what you did to Miss Leigh Ann." Joey giggled, backing away from her quickly. "And don't you forget it." Britney chimed, stopping at an article in the magazine.

Britney stared down at the black and white photo of Leigh Ann, followed by the article scandalously titled 'Backstreet Boys Secrets'. Britney squinted her eyes to give the article a hard look as the interview went into Leigh Ann's early days, her early career and her plans for the future. Britney finally skimmed enough to come to the section, titled in bold print 'All Brian Had To Give'. Britney made sure to read this section of the interview word-for-word, not missing a period or apostrophe.

You can be a Backstreet girlfriend today, hidden behind stage so no fans may see you and a superstar tomorrow, out in public to expose things that fans don't see backstage. Leigh Ann is one of those victims as she runs the line with other former Backstreet loves that spotlight themselves on that aspect of their lives. Leigh Ann has never been scared to share a secret or two as she wasn't afraid to tell us at EW some sexy secrets.

EW: Now you used to date Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys. How long did you two date?

LW: For awhile we dated. I wasn't there from the beginning [of the Backstreet Boys], but I was there for quite awhile. So we were together for quite a bit.

EW: Who broke it off?

LW: Brian broke it off. I don't want to state the reasons but there were reasons.

EW: Is Brian still a virgin?

LW: Uhm, that's deep. Well actually, he was a virgin when he was with me. As to date, I do not believe he is [anymore]. Things happen when you're with the Backstreet Boys.

EW: Did you get along with all of the guys?

LW: Yes, I pretty much did. I got along really well with Nick since he was always around [Brian] and all. I got along with the others too, there were no problems.

EW: Are you friends with any of the Backstreet Boys' girlfriends or ex-girlfriends?

LW: Not really. I can't think of any [one] girl I got along with like "best friends". I knew Amanda [Latona], she has been dating AJ for quite some time now and alot of people didn't know that. She came before I did. I never met Brian's previous girlfriends and didn't really know the [other] girlfriends. I recently met Nikki [DeLoach], who is dating Kevin now and I met Howie's new girlfriend too. The girls seem rather nice, I just don't know if it'll last.

EW: Nick's not dating Britney Spears?

LW: No, he's not. Why would he date her? He's not dating anyone, I think. He might be dating someone in the music industry. Nick's shy like that and he's scared to go out and date someone who can't handle his schedule. So dating someone in the industry is [the guys'] thing.

EW: Do you know if they'd date a fan?

LW: Kevin has [dated a fan] last time I checked. Nick has not, AJ has not, Howie has not and Brian might have. I don't want to know about [his] old girlfriends.

EW: So you and Brian never had sex?

LW: No, we did not. In all of our time together, we didn't. Go figure.

EW: So he may not be a virgin now though?

LW: Well I'm not sure if I can talk about the [guys'] sex lives but AJ wasn't when I was there and Brian was. I think now though Brian isn't, so that's all on him. You can ask him though. Sex is an issue important to Brian but I'm not sure if he is a virgin or not.

EW: I know you've probably heard this and can probably clear things up for the readers. It has been a mild rumor in the entertainment industry that Justin Timberlake of the pop group 'N Sync may have or may be seeing Brian Littrell. Is this true to any effect? Are they 'friends' like they say?

LW: I'm not really allowed to comment [there]. They are friends but as far as something more, I can't say. They seem really close though. That's something you'd have to ask Brian, Justin or their PR.

EW: Would you be jealous?

LW: Of who? Justin? Why? Brian and I still see each other often, I wouldn't fear any competition or anything from someone [like Justin].

EW: Have you been out with Brian lately?

LW: Yes, I went to the MTV [Video Music] Awards with him and I've been to other events with him. In fact, me, Brian and the guys of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys went to Universal Studios together, a couple of months back. It was alot of fun for us. Brian and I rode the Twister ride together.

EW: Well you and Brian may be friends, but is there something more?

LW: You never know if Brian will want to be with me again, but we're not boyfriend/girlfriend right now.

EW: Did Brian treat you good?

LW: When we were together, yes. He bought me a dog named Tyke. Well actually he bought himself the dog, but we shared it. Now he has Tyke and I rarely see him unless Brian is out of town and Brian needs me to watch Tyke.

EW: That's kind of harsh.

LW: Well when relationships end, things aren't always the same. But Brian bought Justin a dog [named BJ] too, so maybe he just does it for friends. I don't know. Personally, I don't dwell on it.

EW: When you were with Brian, not many girls liked you. Do you still get that problem?

LW: No, girls were and are very nice! But when they saw me [with Brian], they called me names I don't want to repeat. But that was only those really dumb fans that think that the guys love them over their actual girlfriends or whatever. It's not true. The guys love their fans but they prefer girlfriends [that] don't do the crazy stuff girls do. And it's annoying too. Brian didn't like girls calling me names and stuff. He still doesn't.

EW: So you have fans right?

LW: Yes, with my acting career, yes I do. Great fans too! They make websites for me.

EW: Back to Justin, since there is no jealousy, is Justin dating Britney Spears?

LW: No, not now. Maybe in awhile or something, who knows right? But they USED to date. When me and Brian were dating, Britney was [probably] dating Justin. I do know that when Britney misses a show, it's not because of Justin, it's that other guy Joey. She disses her fans for him. So whatever. Me and her have never been friends.

EW: Oh? Problems?

LW: No comment there either. I prefer not say.

EW: Is Justin a virgin to your knowledge?

LW: He's like Brian actually. I don't think he really is. But he didn't sleep with Britney if that's what people want to think. He doesn't like her THAT much to my knowledge. He's a rather mysterious guy in person but he may have been sleeping with someone last time I saw him.

EW: Maybe Brian and Justin slept together?

LW: No comment. If they did, it's none of my business but I won't comment on it [either]. That's my ex-boyfriend you are referring to.

EW: Yes, I'm sorry. Do all of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync have girlfriends?

LW: Well since I don't really hang around 'N Sync, I don't know. I know Justin is supposedly with someone he loves greatly. And I know Joey is dating Britney Spears but they broke up and got back together. It wasn't related to Justin though. Lance isn't dating, neither is Chris. JC might be. Brian has someone, I won't comment on who though. Kevin is dating a girl from Innosense, so is Howie. AJ broke up with his girlfriend and they got back together. They broke up while I was going with Brian too. Nick, I have NO idea at this time.

EW: There were rumors you were pregnant and had an abortion, you and Britney Spears got into a fight over Brian, you and Brian were married and that Brian cheated on you with Justin or Mandy from the girl group Innosense. Are any of these true?

EW: NO! Brian didn't cheat on me with Justin. At all. Not even close. I did however date Brian's brother [after Brian]. That didn't work out though. I didn't fight with Britney [Spears] over Brian either. That's a dumb rumor. I don't have time for stupid things like that. I was never pregnant with Brian's child. We haven't slept together. I was also never married to Brian but engaged for a short period. Very short.

Britney's eyes drifted away when she was finished with the article. She looked around the deck for a sign of Leigh Ann. Fire burned in Britney's eyes as she searched for her. "Where's Leigh Ann?" she asked, looking to everyone. "Does it matter?" Chris giggled. "Are you trying to kiss and make-up with her now?" Kevin cooed. "That bitch only wishes." Britney replied coldly.

"Is the food ready yet?!" Nick called out as he stepped onto the deck. "Nope, not yet." Justin replied, gazing over to Nick. "Damn, I'm starved," Nick pouted. "Well whree have you been?" Chris questioned him. "Me and Josh were inside watching TV... that's it." Nick replied quickly. Chris nodded and then shrugged. Kevin cocked a brow at Nick with slight suspicion before returning his attention to the grill.

"Has anyone seen Matt? I uh... I wanted to ask him some... questions about his new movie." Lance coughed out shyly. "His new movie eh?" Nick asked coyly. "Is he naked in that movie?" J.C. asked as he walked past Lance. "Wouldn't that be nice." Nick grinned sexily. "Watch it boy." J.C. warned him, taking a seat in Nick's lap. "But I'd uhm prefer see my boyfriend's cute ass." Nick tried to correct himself. "Well you see it everynight," A.J. grumbled. "And sometimes during the day." J.C. sighed before giggling. "ILL! I don't want to know." A.J. laughed out. Justin watched them with a smile. He admired how J.C. and Nick cuccled at the table as young lovers always did. He reminisced on the days that he and Brian sat in front of his friends and ignored them all to cuddle tightly and whisper little thoughts of love into each other's ear. He watched as Nick kissed J.C.'s ear, leaving a momento of love. He sighed heavily and looked away, trying not to become anymore envious of the two.

Leigh Ann stepped onto the deck with folded arms. She scanned the area and found Justin with her deep blue eyes. She singled him out of everyone and stared at him. She unfolded her arms to approach him with little care. She didn't hear the sounds of the others conversing or even mentioning her name. She was content on seeing Justin and Justin only.

When Leigh Ann reached Justin, she stood over him for minutes until his crystal blue eyes looked up to her. He gave her an odd stare and then an angered one. "Can I help you?" he asked rudely. "Yes you could help me. Well actually I'm helping you with what I'm about to tell you." Leigh Ann spoke candidly. "Look I don't want to hear for the billionth time that you are still in love with Brian because he married me and that's that. So save it for the tabloids." Justin snapped back with sheer disgust. "Actually no asshole. Brian's not in love with you because if HE was then HE wouldn't be giving his old boyfriend a blow job in the bathroom." Leigh Ann replied bitterly. "Excuse me? Have you bumped your head or something?" Justin questioned her. Soon their noise drew the attention of the others. "Please! I would have liked to save my ears the noise of hearing Matt cum in Brian's mouth but it was too loud for me to not listen." Leigh Ann hissed, using strong words to get to Justin. "And how do you figure this?" Justin asked, standing with disgrace. "Duh Justin! I heard them you idiot. Your husband was giving Matt's dick the healthy attention it needed." Leigh Ann replied, cocking her head from side to side. "Matt is not Brian's ex-boyfriend." Justin argued. "You're not fooling me or yourself Justin. You know those two had something back in the day. I wouldn't be surprised if Brian wasn't a virgin with you. Brian surprised me by marrying your dumb ass so he's probably hiding things from you too." Leigh Ann mocked him. "That is a fucking lie. Brian was a virgin when me and him slept together." Justin hollered at her. "So he says, so he says." Leigh Ann rolled her eyes intentionally. "Don't even try it Leigh Ann. Just becase he wouldn't touch your dried up pussy doesn't mean you're going to bring this back on me. Brian doesn't do fish so stop looking for bait, okay?" Justin barked at her, his eyes stinging from small tears he had produced.

"Your husband was giving head to Matt and you won't admit it will you? Where has Brian been for the past half hour? Why isn't Matt out here? Why is it that they left before any of you got up here? Why did I see a used condom in the trash can in the bathroom?" Leigh Ann put out strong questions for Justin. "I didn't give a fuck what you think, my husband loves me!" Justin screamed at her. "Your husband almost fucked Nick... an ex-boyfriend is easy ass for him." Leigh Ann argued back. "Oh but he still hasn't touched you. Maybe it's that you're too easy of ass?" Justin proposed, trying to keep a cool head with her. "Justin I don't give up sex after a week because I'm not a slut, bt maybe you are." Leigh Ann chimed with a disgracing smile. "Funny, you fooled me." Britney threw in her comment as the others stayed silnt. "And of course, your Wonder Woman is here to save you from the truth." Leigh Ann laughed at Britney's attempt to get into the argument. "Oh I have some words... and fists for you Miss 'I'll Gladly Suck Brian's Dick If He'll Stay With Me..." Britney's words were cut off by Justin. "Stay out of this Britney. I'm the only one who sucks Brian's dick and Leigh Ann hates it." Justin growled. "You're just a condom he puts on when he's horny and throw to the side when he has an orgasm." Leigh Ann commented boldly. "And you're PMS that just won't go away." Justin hissed. "At least my man isn't giving head in the bathroom while I'm swimming," Leigh Ann grinned. "What man? maybe if you had a man you wouldn't be so up tight. Or maybe it's because you haven't gotten dick in a while?" Justin stated for all ears to hear. Mouths dropped all around the area. "Hmmph, I got your man's brother's dick thank you very much. It was just a preview for the dick I can get from Brian if I wanted. Shit, he'd probably eat me just for some satisfaction." Leigh Ann confessed loudly. Justin squinted his eyes at her and balled his fists. Kevin knew he should step in, as did A.J. bt both were afraid to get caught in the crossfire.

"I keep my man very satisfied but that's none of your business. You have no proof that any that my husband did anything with Matt Thompson." Justin spoke up with no shame in his eyes, just glistening tears. "Well Brian told me, so does that count?" Leigh Ann asked, folding her arms. Justin heard a loud gasp from J.C., Nick and Lance yet the others stayed quiet. "He couldn't have." Justin shook his head with disbelief. "I'm not going to say something not true Justin. He had no choice but to tell me when I caght them coming out of the bathroom." Leigh Ann chastised him. Justin kept shaking his head at her. "He said Matt's just like Campbells, 'Mm mm good'." Leigh Ann smiled.

"I said who was like Campbells?" they all heard a voice questions from the doorway. Justin looked past Leigh Ann quickly to see Brian and Matt standing in the doorway. A tear broke his eye when he saw the two standing together. Leigh Ann spn around to stare Brian in the eyes. She could see the obvious dislike he was now showing for her. "Uhm.. I... uh... uhm..." Leigh Ann stuttered over her own words. "For your information Leigh Ann, Justin is like my Santa Claus. I love it when he cums down my chimney, okay? I don't need any other man to stuff my stocking or to drink my milk or eat my cookies, got it?" Brian grumbled at her with no admiration. "But Brian... I..." Leigh Ann was still at a lose for words looking at Brian. "You are a bitch and you wanted to make my husband cry and believe I was cheating on him but it's not happening Leigh Ann." Brian chastised her. "I didn't mean..." Brian once again stopped her. "You did mean it, every word you said you probably meant. You want so bad for Justin to fall out of love with me and suffer just because I fell for him." Brian argued. "No I don't Brian... I really..." Brian silenced her by walking by her for Justin. "Leigh Ann, like my husband said, save it for the tabloids." he spoke up, taking his eyes away from her teary face.

Brian grabbed Justin around the waist and pulled him forward. Justin sniffled and tried not to look into Brian's eyes. Brian leaned forward and kissed the tip of Justin's nose. "Don't believer her Justin. Me and Matt went to the store." Brian whipsered. He lifted a hand and caught each tear that escaped Justin's eyes. "I... I.." Justin took a deep breath to clear his mind of his argument with Leigh Ann. "You don't have to say anything baby boy. She just wanted to shake you up and from what I heard, you stood strong." Brian said softly, hushing Justin's small sniffles. Justin nodded, refusing to reply verbally. "And for that, you get a cookie." Brian joked. Justin giggled, presenting Brian the smile he adored. "That's my baby." Brian smiled, hugging Justin tightly.

Leigh Ann watched their devotion with sickness. She felt her stomach turn and her body become weak. She had been exposed once more but more powerfully by Brian. She was unsure of what to do but she knew she couldn't stay and watch Brian and Justin share their intimateness anymore. "Fuck you both." she whispered and began a walk for the door.

"Excuse me! Excuse me Miss!" she heard someone call after her as her pace quickened. Leigh Ann finally stopped and whirled around in the direction of her caller. She eyed Britney with disgust. "What is it tramp?" she questioned with hatred. "Ooh, nice word bitch, can you come up with any others?" Britney questioned. "Sure, ho, bitch, tramp, whore, trick, Girl 6, Miss Fuck Me Now, Cock Sucking Slut..." Britney's hand hit Leigh Ann's face smoothly after the last name. "I don't suck dick bitch." she barked at Leigh Ann. "Well then you had better check you lip, some of Justin's cum is still there." Leigh Ann smiled, grabbing her face with little shock. Britney pulled her own hair behind her shoulders and relaxed. "I won't comment on that Leigh Ann because I think Justin put you to shame enough." Britney smiled. "Oh he did? Then maybe he should check the bathroom for the used condom filled with Matt's cum," Leigh Ann chimed.

"Uhm, that's not Matt's condom." Nick commented shyly, interrupting Britney and Leigh Ann's argument. He ran a hand over his hair and blushed heavily. "Who's is it?" Chris asked curiously. "Uhm... well me and Nick were uh..." J.C. couldn't find the proper words to explain he and Nick's sexual act. "You two were the ones fucking?" Matt asked with intrigue, taking a seat next to Lance. "We didn't fuck, I promise!" Nick squealed out. "You gave him a blow job?" Brian questioned Nick, breaking his hug with Justin. "Actually, he..." Nick became shy once more. "ILL!" Joey shouted at them. "Can we please control our hormones at stranger's houses?" Lance requested of them with embarassment in his own right. "It's okay. At least someone is getting laid here." Matt smiled, looking at Lance. "We don't need to know Matt!" Brian laughed.

Leigh Ann gave them all furious expressions before beginning to walk away again. She felt someone grab her arm tightly. "Don't leave yet Leigh Ann, the fun is just starting." Britney insisted. "If you don't let me go, I'll show you the true meaning of ass whupping, okay?" Leigh Ann warned in a hissing voice. "You don't want round two Leigh Ann... you might just get an ear bit off." Britney growled. "Not before I bite yours off first." Leigh Ann replied.

With a quick jerk, Leigh Ann pulled away from Britney and her fist came slamming into Britney's jaw. Britney backed up with a stumble and stared at Leigh Ann. She brought her hand up to her jaw with surprise. "Hmmm, some bitches get bold with age." Britney commented, still griping her jaw. "And some broads get stupid after they get laid," Leigh Ann smirked. "See had you not brought my boyfriend in this, I was just going to pull out a few of your hairs. But now I'm going to have to show you the true meaning of unpretty bitch." Britney smiled brightly, kicking off her Nike's onto the deck.

"Uhm.. should we stop this?" Lance asked quickly. "Let them fight, I haven't seen a good cat fight in awhile." Matt laughed. "Then you must not be watching Jerry lately." A.J. giggled. "No, he didn't see what happened at the premiere." Justin smiled, escorting Brian to the table. "Guys, don't let them fight." Kevin pleaded with a strong voice. "Yeah, not yet. Just pause for a sec'. Let me put some barbecue sauce on the burgers and then fight." Matt laughed, leaping from the table to run to the grill. "We'll tell you what you missed." Nick laughed, keeping his eyes on Britney and Leigh Ann to see who would strike first.

"So you're ready to tango with the big girls now?" Leigh Ann questioned, lifting her high heels from her feet. "Depends, are you ready to be beheaded by the Queen?" Britney asked, removing her necklace from Joey. "Be prepared to leave the throne you little bitch." Leigh Ann hissed, tying her hair up. "Matt, don't bother fixing me a burger. I'm about to have some rare meat, served Leigh Ann-style." Britney chimed. "Ooh, can I get a piece of that?" Matt cooed from the side. "Like you got a piece of Brian's meat earlier?" Leigh Ann replied, not taking her eyes off of Britney. "What did she say? She doesn't want me to take out my weave and show her how we do it in Hollywood." Matt barked. "Down boy, down." Brian laughed at Matt's humor.

"So what are you going to do B? Sugar-coat me to death with your lame ass bubbly attitude?" Leigh Ann laughed. "No, I'm going to cut off that dick you have and make you eat it bitch." Britney replied. After her words came out smoothly, Leigh Ann swung at Britney, missing her. Britney balled her fists and with a quick snatch, she had a few locks of Leigh Ann's hair. She pulled Leigh Ann forward quickly, causing Leigh Ann to trip and fall to her knees. Britney's fists made contact with Leigh Ann's head repeatedly before she was dragging her forward a bit. "Don't fuck with me anymore." Britney shouted, slamming her foot into Leigh Ann's side.

With a surprise, Leigh Ann grasped Britney's leg and pulled her to the ground. Britney's head slammed onto the deck, giving Leigh Ann the advantage to crawl on top of her. Leigh Ann rammed her fist into Britney's stomach, causing a cry to break Britney's lips. "Doesn't that feel good B?" Leigh Ann asked in spite. Britney quickly kneed Leigh Ann, causing Leigh Ann to roll to the side in pain. "Hell yeah!" she gasped, grabbing a piece of Leigh Ann's hair again and rocking her fist into Leigh Ann's back. "Just as good as Brian's dick probably feels in Justin whore!" Britney screamed, pulling harder on Leigh Ann's hair.

Leigh Ann grasped onto Britney's shirt and began to pull on it, ripping it slightly. "Kiss my ass broad." Leigh Ann hissed, elbowing Britney in the side. Leigh Ann's last move caused them to roll apart for deep breaths. "Don't get tired on me yet Britney. This is just like fucking Harold, you've always gotta break for him to restore his supply but once you get going again, it's a rock hard ride." Leigh Ann panted, walking closer to Britney. "Well this is like sleeping for me, it only takes one dream to get me started," Britney groaned. She gave Leigh Ann the appropriate space distance before swinging her fist into Leigh Ann's eye. Leigh Ann stumbled and Britney grasped her hair to hold her steady. Leigh Ann screeched with horror, feeling a few hairs pulled from her scalp. "Don't get tired." Britney huffed, kicking Leigh Ann in the leg. "I'm not!" Leigh Ann screamed, punching Britney in the stomach again. Britney groaned and doubled over, falling to her knees. "Let's see how good weave stays in when I'm whuppin' your ass!" Leigh Ann smiled, grabbing Britney by the hair. "But I'm just getting started." Britney grumbled, pushing Leigh Ann back. Leigh Ann lost her grip on Britney's hair, giving Britney the upper hand. Britney grasped Leigh Ann's shoe from the floor and began to beat her with it as they tumbled to the ground once more.

Justin watched them carefully as Britney shoved Leigh Ann into the doorway and grabbed her hair again. 'They're really going to hurt each other.' Justin thought when he saw Britney punch Leigh Ann several times in the back of the head. "This is bad." Nick commented, turning his head from the scene. "Really bad." Lance agreed, taking his eyes from the fight to look at Matt. Matt had a generous smile on his face as he watched on. "Joey, do something!" Nick pleaded. "Why? It was going to happen sooner or later." Joey shrugged, not looking at the act of violence.

Britney grabbed Leigh Ann by the shirt and threw her into the condo wall. Leigh Ann's shirt ripped in the process, slightly exposing her upper body. "Tired yet?" Britney panted, grabbing Leigh Ann's wrist firmly. Leigh Ann's palm stroke Britney's face, ringing out a loud slap. "I'm just breaking a sweat." Leigh Ann groaned. Britney began her ravaging of Leigh Ann again, her nails leaving scratch marks on Leigh Ann's neck as she tried to pull her to the floor. Leigh Ann got few hits in, slapping Britney's back as she tried. Britney attempted once more to bring Leigh Ann to the floor by pushing her roughly.

Britney succeeded by causing Leigh Ann to trip inside of the condo. "They call me Lil' Tyson because when I bite, you bleed." Britney smiled at Leigh Ann huddled on the floor. "Funny, it looks like I made you bleed." Leigh Ann laughed, trying to stand but the pain was becoming great. Britney brought a hand to her lip and saw that blood was dripping from her lip. "You bitch!" she screamed before running in the condo and pulling Leigh Ann with her.

"Damn, now someone has to break this up before something of mine gets broke." Matt pleaded, looking around to everyone. "Your lose." J.C. laughed. Matt slammed his fist on the table and stood. "Do something ya'll.... now!" Lance ordered. They heard the sounds of glass breaking and then a loud scream. "Oh fuck." Joey murmured, standing from the table and walking for the condo. "Wait up Joey!" Kevin called out, running to catch up to him. "If I see blood on my carpets, all of you bitches are getting beat down." Matt barked, following Joey and Kevin.

Brian rolled his eyes and began to massage Justin's shoulders as he heard the yelling from inside. "This is silly." Justin complained, relaxing himself for Brian's soft fingers. "We're not involved." Brian insisted, rubbing Justin lightly. "Mmmm, okay." Justin moaned, enjoying the smooth sensation. "Good boy Just." Brian smiled, kissing Justin's neck.

"Well maybe we should leave before this gets out of control?" J.C. suggested, looking at Nick. "Didn't it already get out of control?" Nick laughed. "I guess so." J.C. frowned, looking to A.J. A.J. nodded with a ginger smile. "Oh well." J.C. shrugged, looking around to avoid the sounds of screaming people.

Brian watched as Kevin pulled Leigh Ann outside. Her blonde hair was tossed everywhere, her lower lip was bleeding and her clothing looked like it had met up with Marilyn Manson's designers. He knew who the winner was but he still feared for Leigh Ann. "That bitch! Whore! Slut!" Leigh Ann shouted as Kevin began to escort her off of the deck towards the cars. "You'll have to excuse her, she hasn't had ver medicine." Kevin added, dragging her out.

"I still got your hair bitch!" Britney chimed, holding up a few strands of her blonde hair. "Calm down girl." Joey advised, helping her back onto the deck. "Ouch!" Justin called out to her. "Ah, a few bumps and bruises to show that bitch who's boss." Britney shrugged, taking a seat with Joey.

Just Beginning (Chapter 40) Written by JM Co-Author Leprechaun

"Goddamnit!" everyone froze in their seats when they heard Matt scream from inside the condo. "What's wrong with Matt?" Lance started to get up. "I wouldn't go in there just yet, Poofoo." Joey waved him back to his seat as Britney hung her head. "What did you two break?" JC looked at Britney. "Um, well, he won't be watching MTV for awhile." Britney whispered through her guilt. "You broke his TV?" Brian asked, shocked. "I didn't mean to, but I pushed Leigh Ann, and her fat ass went through it." Britney still sounded guilty. "Maybe I should help him go clean it up?" Justin looked at Brian. "I don't know..." Brian looked towards the open deck door. "Hey, I'll go help him." Lance stood and quickly made his way into the condo. Everyone just sat there, glad that Lance was gonna be the one to get his head chopped off. Lance slowly walked through the kitchen, expecting Matt to come charging at him with a butcher knife. He slowly turned the corner into the living room and saw Matt down on his knees, collecting the bigger chunks of glass into a dustpan. "Um, do you need help?" Lance spoke almost at a whisper.

"Why does Leigh Anne have to have such a fat ass?" Matt sighed, not looking up. "It goes with the whole package, I suppose." Lance giggled a little. "It was kinda funny though." Matt giggled with Lance. Lance smiled and knelt down beside Matt. "Yeah, I'll never forget the way Britney's fists connected with the back of Leigh Ann's head." Lance laughed loudly. "Or the way Britney slapped the bejesus out of Leigh Anne for calling her a cock sucking slut." Matt looked up at Lance, forgetting the glass on the floor. "That was definitely classic." Lance smiled. "I hope you're not upset about the T.V.?" Lance smiled. "Nah. I guess since Britney whooped Leigh Anne's ass and gave us entertainment for the day that I won't make her replace it." Matt smiled and began picking up glass again. "I'd be pissed is all I'm saying." Lance smiled and reached for a sliver of the glass. Matt reached for the same sliver at the same time, the two guys hands connecting. Lance and Matt looked up at the same time, their eyes locking. Lance slowly started to move forward, his face coming closer to Matt's. Matt sat there, anticipating what was about to happen. Lance was just about to kiss Matt fully on the lips when his knee hit the dustpan, causing it to flip, and glass to go flying back onto the carpet. Immediately, they both pulled away and began laughing loudly, blushing at the circumstances. "Are ya'll okay in there?" they heard Chris scream from the deck, causing them to laugh harder. "I think they've gone crazy." they heard Chris announcing to the others, which made them laugh even harder. "Hey, would you go out there and ask Kevin to check the grill and tell Brian to get everything out of the fridge?" Matt smiled at Lance as soon as he was able to speak without laughing. "Sure." Lance smiled, his lips glistening. "Thanks." Matt smiled graciously. Lance stood, hesitantly, not wanting to leave Matt, and walked back through the house and out to the deck.

"Is he mad?" Britney asked, her eyes glistening a bit. "Um, no. He just wanted me to come out and ask Kevin to check the grill." Lance spoke up, causing everyone to sigh from relief. "Oh, and he wanted you to get everything out of the fridge." Lance turned to Brian. "That I can do." Brian smiled at Justin and hopped up to go into the condo. "If it makes you feel better Britney, he's in there blaming Leigh Ann's fat ass for the whole thing." Lance stated with a giggle, causing everyone to laugh.

As the food was set upon the table, everyone watched as Britney explained what happened inside of the condo. "So you slapped her?" Nick questioned, taking a small sip of his Coke. "Which time?" Britney questioned back with a small smile. "You threw her on the floor and then she pulled your hair so you began beating her with the remote control?" A.J. tried to hold his laughter as he spoke. "Pretty much. It wasn't a pretty sight A.J." Britney nodded, doing her best to silence his laughter. "Well she was already ugly, you couldn't have done too much damage." A.J. broke into a full-fledged laughter with his last comment. Britney shook her head at him while Joey massage her side. "Yeah well her ass did a number on my nice T.V." Matt tried to look sad but his own laughter was shining through.

"What did you two actually fight over? Me and Brian?" Justin asked softly. "Actually no, not really. I mean I didn't like that she lied about Brian and Matt, that really pissed me off. My real problem was this." Britney stated, grasping the Entertainment Weekly magazine and opening it for everyone to see. She pointed out the highlights of the article that disturbed her the most. "Oh she's a true bitch." A.J. hissed. "She had no right to just tell everyone who we're dating." Kevin brooded. "Well at least she didn't make you look like a single, frequent masturbator." Nick grumbled. "But at least she didn't make you seem like a ho." Justin frowned, looking away from the article. "I can't believe she told everyone I wasn't a virgin." Brian sighed, placing an arm around Justin. "I can't believe she had the nerve to not even own up to the fact that I'm beat her ass before. So that was a second ass beating to remind her for next time." Britney announced, feeling a sense of victory.

"I can't believe she didn't even mention me! I thought we were friends? That bitch. She could have put me on Justin's list of 'accomplishments'." Matt pretended to be hurt as the others gave small laughs. "You did not fuck my husband, thank you very much." Brian smiled. "Ah well, I can tonight since you gave him to me." Matt chimed, cutting up a piece of his barbecue chicken. Justin cocked his eyebrow at Matt and then smiled. Justin gave Matt a pale look with surprise. "What's wrong Justin? You're looking kind of sick." Matt laughed loudly. "Ah, that's because Justin's pregnant. Brian knocked him up." Joey snickered. Justin flicked Joey off and turned back to Matt. "Do you have a condom?" Justin joked. "Pick a flavor." Matt grinned. "Vanilla." Justin played along. "Oh good, I've got ten of those. We'll be fucking until the sun comes up." Matt laughed. "I've done that one before." Justin giggled. "Brian, you kinky bitch! How come you never told me?" Matt snickered, slapping Brian's arm. "Well you know... I'm still recovering from that one." Brian blushed, leaning his head on Justin's shoulder. "Ah well, I last a long time anyways." Matt cheered, gazing past Brian and Justin to Lance. "Not as long as my Superman." Justin cooed, rubbing Brian's cheek. "Hey, don't give your boyfriend my boyfriend's nickname!" Britney screamed to them. "Britney, if you knew how Super Brian's little Man was, you'd call him that too." Justin winked at her. "Uhm, covering my ears! Little girls shouldn't hear this!" Britney insisted, throwing her hands over her ears.

"Can we stop talking about Brian's sex life now?" Brian requested, feeling the full effect of embarassment. "What's wrong Brian? Don't like talking about how you and your husband like matress dancin'?" Matt bursted into laughter. "Matress what?!" Justin giggled. "Actually no... my uhm, lil' man is coming to attention thinking about how it's satisfied Justin so many times." Brian's face lost a little color as he explained. "Oh Lordy!" Matt snorted. "Ooh, kinky kinky." A.J. clapped. "Get a room." Kevin rolled his eyes. "No, buy a hotel." Britney nodded. "Leave my husband alone. I think it's cute." Justin gleamed, pulling Brian in for a soft kiss. "Oh, you would." Joey teased them.

"Well Lance... I've heard about everyone else's sex lives." Matt cooed, trying to draw something out of Lance. Lance took a bite of his hot dog and then glanced over to Matt. "And?" he blushed. "And are you getting any nookie or are you a celibate jock like me?" Matt bellowed. "Ooh, this is one of those truth or dare questions." Nick sneered. J.C. gave Lance a slight stare of disappointment. He too was curious as to what his friends love life entailed but he was too scared to jump back into a life he had been thrown from. He left Matt's question on the table, questioning his own jealous of what he saw in Matt's eyes. "Uh, love life?" Lance still avoided the question. "Put it this way, have your dick felt the pleasure of anything besides your hand lately?" Matt became bold. "Hmm, like someone else's hand." Nick grinned, winking at Lance. Lance pondered the question, thinking back to his actions of the earlier day. He thought of what he and Bryce had almost did and what they ended up doing. He looked at the table with a great amount of shame. "Uhm, no. My hand has been my olnly satisfaction." Lance boldly replied. "There is nothing wrong with jacking off." A.J. assured him. "Yeah, my hand's my best friend." Matt laughed. Lance smiled back at him, knowing the lie he had told. He saw that small twinkle in Matt's eye and soon the guilt had faded. "I mean since I'm not really trying to get anyone right now, I guess that would be why my hand is my best friend." Matt added softly, directing his comment to Lance. "Me too. You've gotta wait for love to hit you." Lance smiled. "Yes, waiting is good because it's better with love." Matt nodded, keeping his soft conversation with Lance. "But getting a blow job isn't that bad." Nick broke into their conversation quickly. He received a laughter all around.

"Could any of you be anymore perverted?" Britney hissed. "Sure, we could talk about you and Joey fucking and lose our lunches." Matt smiled at her. Britney shook her head and returned to eating her hamburger. "Britney is just a prude, you'll have to forgive her." Brian spoke up, releasing Justin's neck to speak. "Just go back to giving your husband hickey's and let us talk, okay?" Britney snapped. Brian shrugged and plling the collar of Justin's shirt lower to find a new spot of Justin to explore while the others conversed.

"Sometimes I think people treat sex to lightly. I mean it should be with someone that you've been with and trust." J.C. added to the previous comments. "Oh really? Such an interesting philosophy you don't seem to live by Josh." Lance peeped in, causing a gasp to be released from some mouths. "I mean not to blow your cover or anything but I just love how you'd like people to 'know' each other when me and you had sex after not even going with each other and you and Nick had sex after being drunk and while you were me. Hipocrit doesn't suit you well." Lance stated, giving J.C. a powerful eye. "That was low Lansten." Justin spoke up. "He could argue the same for you and Brian though. A week? That's really getting to know each other before losing your virginities." Kevin commented slyly. "We KNEW each other rather well Kevin." Brian hissed. "A week just seems like the right amount of time to know somebody huh? Sex is just sex then, right?" Kevin argued. "Don't go there Kevin. You know me and Brian were in love from the start." Justin disagreed. "But you waited a long time to even tell any of us. I mean love should be expressed to your friends." Joey stated calmly. "Maybe some times friends don't understand what's in your heart like two lovers can." Britney added with her point.

"That's true. A lover can have something that your friends don't have." Matt nodded. "And a lover should have trust in the one they love." Lance commented, staring away from Matt to look at J.C. "And a lover should devote time to the one they love," J.C. argued. "No matter how much time away, your heart should belong to your lover." Lance barked. "Maybe if that lover returned the love, it wouldn't hurt so damn bad." J.C. grumbled. "Well maybe if the lover knew how not to fuck with the neighborhood hoe, he could see that love was right there hidden under shame of the past relationships." Lance stood from his chair with anger. "I'm not the 'neighborhood hoe' Lance. I didn't expect to fall in love with Josh! It just happened." Nick let a small tear trail from his eye. "And after one night of pure sex, that's truly waiting until you know each other." Lance replied sarcastically. Nick ran a hand through his hair with the shame of his actions. He wondered if the others looked upon him but he was too scared to look and see himself. J.C. saw this fear and snapped his head in Lance's direction. "I didn't expect to fall for him but he gave me something I didn't have with you. Love Lance, love!" J.C. shouted at Lance. "You had that with me." Lance groaned. He was not impressed by J.C.'s display of affection for Nick. "Don't start this again you two." Chris pleaded. "I'm not starting anything with him. I'm in love and I'm past him." J.C. replied bitterly, grabbing Nick's hand and standing with him.

"Thank you Matt for a great time. I really appreciate you inviting me and Nick. We'll have to get together for lunch again some time when you're in Florida." J.C. said kindly towards Matt. "Yeah, sure J.C. You two are alot of fun when you're not making out." Matt teased with a generous smile. "Thanks." Nick spoke up. "Come and see me again. We'll uhm... playing tennis? Wait, I don't know how to play that." Matt laughed. "He'll teach you." Nick smiled, hugging onto J.C. "Oh cool. Make me sweat boy." Matt winked at J.C. J.C. nodded and escorted Nick from the deck. "We'll see ya'll later!" Nick called out as they entered the condo to leave.

"Well that was cute." Lance sighed, propping his chin on his hand. Matt eyed Lance with subtle suspicion. "It was sort of uncalled for Lance." Kevin commented. "Like you making Brian and Justin's relationship look fake was good?" Lance retorted. Kevin took his eyes away from Lance with no guilt. "Don't mind Kev, it comes natural to him." Brian replied for him. "Ya'll are too much. It's like an episode of Melrose Place all the time." Matt laughed, continuing to eat his chicken.

"Actually, I should probably head out, too. Amanda probably is wantin' to see me right about now." A.J. smiled at Matt as he stood from the table. "Aight, you be good boy." Matt smiled at him. "You com'n D?" A.J. looked at Howie. "Well since you're my ride, I think I ought to. Thanks for everything Matt." Howie stood and followed A.J. into the condo to leave. "Take care!" Matt hollered after them. "I think that's our cue as well, Matt. I think Chris and I are gonna head out now, too." Kevin stood, signaling his prescence. "Jeez, Nick and Josh leave and EVERYONE's gotta be goin'." Matt laughed. "Yeah yeah. It's gettin' sorta late." Kevin replied with a laugh, looking up at the darkening sky. "Aight, you two be good. Well, atleast good at it." Matt laughed as the twosome headed towards the door. "It is getting sorta dark out, baby." Joey looked up to the sky as he spoke to Britney. "Cool, if ya'll leave, Brian, Just, Lance and I can have that orgy we were planning." Matt smiled evily across the table. "We did not need to hear that." Britney laughed loudly at Matt's comment. "Keep that to yourself. Do you think we should move along?" Joey laughed. "Yeah. Let's let these guys have some quiet time." Britney smiled across the table to where Brian still had his face nuzzled in Justin's neck. "Don't mind them, you can tell them goodbye anytime." Lance laughed. "Yeah yeah." Joey laughed as him and Britney stood. "Thanks for coming guys. Come see me again. Maybe next time we won't break anything?" Matt laughed. "I'll try." Britney smiled sheepishly as her and Joey walked into the condo.

"Well that just leaves us all alone now, doesn't it?" Matt smiled and peered past Brian and Justin to look at Lance. "What about them?" Lance pointed at Brian and Justin. "They're too busy making out." Matt giggled. "They might actually start going at it if we don't stop them." Lance laughed. "Yeah, well I could use a free show, let me run in the house and get some money to throw at them." Matt joked. "Alright, alright. We are still here, ya' know." Brian took his mouth away from Justin's neck. "Coulda fooled us." Lance smiled evily. "I'm surprised he can talk after wearing his lips out on your neck, Just." Matt laughed. "Aight, that's it." Brian stood, pulling Justin up with him. "Aaawww Bri. Don't leave already, the fun's just now startin'." Matt giggled nervously, afraid he had offended him. "Oh don't worry, we're not leavin'." Brian smiled down at Matt, putting his fears to rest. "Then where are we goin'?" Justin smiled lazily at his husband. "We're goin' for a walk on the beach." Brian smiled at Justin. "Aaawwww, how romantic." Lance cooed, with slight sarcasm. "Yeah, then we can have some privacy without having to listen to the smartass comments." Brian laughed and eyed Matt and Lance. "You trust me enough alone with him?" Matt pointed at Lance with an evil smile. "Hey, he's on his own." Justin smiled down at Matt as Brian drug him off the deck and towards the beach.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me." Lance folded his arms on the table and looked at Matt. "Can't get no better than that." Matt laughed slightly, looking back at him. Lance stood, somewhat nervously and moved two chairs over until he was sitting next to Matt. "So, what shall we do 'til they get back?" Lance asked, sheepishly. "I don't know. What did you have in mind?" Matt flirted right back without inhibition. "Um, well -- I don't -- um, that's up to you." Lance blushed and hung his head. "I probably should get these dishes washed up, actually." Matt laughed and slowly stood from the table, beginning to pick up the plates. "Need help?" Lance looked back up. "Yeah, if you want to help, you can put all the leftovers in the fridge." Matt smiled down at him, never stopping his cleaning. "I can do that." Lance smiled slightly and started gathering up the dishes with leftover food in them. Matt finished gathering up all the plates and headed into the house, Lance right behind him. Lance quickly began to shove the containers into the fridge as Matt began placing the plates in the dishwasher. Lance closed the fridge and turned around, to see Matt bent over still, arranging the plates in the washer. He let his eyes roam over Matt's back, finally coming to rest on his ass. "I need someone to do dishes for me, it's the worst chore." Matt laughed as he came to a standing position. He turned around to see where Lance's stare had been. "Um, yeah. I don't like dishes either." Lance spun around quickly, searching frantically for something to do. "So, you used to go out with Josh AND Nick?" Matt knew he shouldn't have asked, but needed a topic quickly. "Yeah." Lance started walking for the deck. "Touchy subject, huh?" Matt spoke softly as he followed Lance.

"You could say that." Lance tried to smile as he helped Matt gather the rest of the remaining items off the table. "Well, why aren't you involved with anyone right now?" Matt asked, smiling. "I guess I'm waiting for love." Lance spoke like it was a question. "Yeah. Love is pretty important. Nothin' like it." Matt agreed with a wide smile as they carried the arm fulls of bottles and glasses inside. "Why aren't YOU with anyone?" Lance asked as he shoved the condiments in the fridge while Matt put the glasses in the dishwasher. "Same reason, I suppose. Lookin' for the right guy." Matt replied. Lance closed the door of the fridge as Matt was closing the dishwasher. Matt stood and turned around quickly, just as Lance was. Matt almost bumped right into Lance, but stopped right as his face was almost pressed up against Lance's. Matt stood there, looking into Lance's eyes, his nose just grazing Lance's. "Um, love." Matt stuttered. "Huh?!?" Lance looked shocked. "I'm looking for love. The right guy." Matt shook his head to wake himself up, stepping away from Lance.

"Oh. Yeah right." Lance giggled to himself. Matt smiled and grabbed the washcloth out of the sink and walked back out onto the deck. He wiped the table off quickly and returned inside to a shivering Lance. "Are you cold?" Matt asked as he threw the clothe back into the sink. Lance glanced down at himself, drawing Matt's attention to the fact that he had on a tee and a pair of shorts. Matt laughed. "Yeah, I guess you aren't exactly dressed warm. I'll be right back." Matt jaunted off further into the house while Lance stood there, shivering at the breeze coming through the deck door. Lance smiled as Matt appeared in the kitchen again, a blanket in his arms. "That might help." Lance smiled gratefully. "Come on, then." Matt smiled and walked back out onto the deck. Lance followed him, shivering as he stepped out into the breeze. Matt quickly walked over to the bench-swing that was on the side of the deck and sat down. "Hop a squat." Matt smiled and patted the swing next to him. Lance smiled shyly and walked over, sitting down next to him. Matt unfolded the blanket and laid it over Lance. "Better?" Matt asked. "Yeah. Now." Lance smiled over at Matt.

The tender breeze ran over the beach. The waves were now mild in the sunsetting atmosphere. Brian held Justin's hand tighly as they continued a quiet walk down the Miami beach. The sand were soft yet cold as they often got on cold nights. Brian sniffled slightly with the cold air running over them. "Cold?" Justin asked softly. "Just a bit breezy, that's all." Brian nodded, not gazing over to his lover. "Should we go back?" Justin offered, gazing to Brian. "And miss a chance to walk the beach with you? I don't think so Just." Brian giggled. Justin laughed with him, keeping a ginger smile.

"So you uhm... you actually had thoughts that I might have been with Matt in the bathroom?" Brian questioned, slowing their walking. "No, I didn't. I mean it probably crossed my mind without my wanting but I didn't dwell on it. I figured if you and Matt wanted to have an affair, then I'd fight out soon but then again why would you cheat on me? As long as I've known you, if your feelings weren't comfortable about something, you don't do it. So you wouldn't have married me if you didn't love me." Justin stated calmly. Brian nodded, rubbing his nose with a shiver. "I'd never cheat on you because my heart wouldn't allow it. Like Lance said, I was waiting for love and I've got it." Brian added. "Found you're soulmate?" Justin smiled at him. "From the living and even after the moment a black rose is placed on my coffin, a white rose will remain in my heart for that lover that let my spirit escape twilight and see something that the world could not see." Brian replied poetically. "Aawww, who wrote that one?" Justin questioned with a grin. "Some goofy kid from Lexington." Brian answered with twinkling eyes. "Aaww, some kid from Lexington?! And is he in love?" Justin cooed. "More than you'll ever know baby." Brian nodded. "I think I have an idea." Justin winked at him, letting his own shivers subside for Brian's eyes. "I think you do too." Brian gleamed, leaning over to place a soft kiss on Justin's cheek.

Justin escaped his hand hold with Brian and walked behind him. Brian felt Justin's weight thrown on him as Justin hopped on Brian's beck for a piggy-back ride. Brian shook his head and released a groan. "If you hurt my back, no more sex for you." Brian laughed, supporting Justin's weight. "Hmmm, your lips will still work." Justin giggled. "I'll bite your dick off if you break my back." Brian groaned, finally adjusting to Justin's weight. "What kind of husband would bite his soulmate's dick off?" Justin questioned. "What kind of husband would break is soulmate's back?" Brian snickered. "Hmmm, I'd prefer break some bed springs." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. "Down cutie, not yet." Brian smiled. Justin groaned into Brian's ear playfully. "You're making me want to drop my pants right now and see how warm I can keep you." Brian grinned. "I bet my ass could keep your dick mighty warm." Justin chimed. "I bet it could." Brian nodded.

Brian carried Justin further down the beach with timid smiles on both of their lips. Justin began to rub a finger through Brian's smooth blonde hair. He kissed the tip of Brian's ear and smiled. "You're cold Brian." he whispered, feeling the heat Brian's body was trying to create. "Don't you think I know this?" Brian teased Justin. "Can I keep you warm?" Justin requested with a laugh. "Are we going to get naked and rub our bodies together on the beach?" Brian cheered. "Another day Brian, another day." Justin rolled his eyes. "Well then rb my nose." Brian requested swifly. "Why?" Justin cocked a brow as Brian came to a stop. "Because if you don't, I'm going to sneeze snot everywhere." Brian replied with a purely nasal tone. Justin laughed and brought his hand to Brian's face. He softly rubbed Brian's nose to silence his sneeze. "Better?" Justin giggled. "Much better. You've got such soft hands babe." Brian responded. "Thanks." Justin replied.

Justin slid off of Brian's back and stood behind him to admire the setting sun. He wrapped his hands around Brian's waist and rested his head against Brian's. "This is a nice view." Brian whispered, seeing the orangy clouds shift around in the sky. "Yeah, it is." Justin agreed. His eyes danced with the light as the skies changed hues from time to time. "It sort of makes you want to sing that Carpenters' song." Brian giggled softly. "What song?" Justin asked with a whisper into Brian's ear.

We've only just begun to live

White lace and promises

A kiss for luck and we're on our way

We've only just begun

Justin listened to Brian's mellow voice with content. "That's sweet." Justin said softly. "That's you and me." Brian added. "Are you getting emotional on me, Brian Thomas Littrell?" Justin asked with a smile. "Depends, are you in love with me Justin Randall Littrell?" Brian retorted happily. "Very much so." Justin giggled. "Then yes, I'm getting emotional on you." Brian laughed. "Always the Romeo!" Justin bellowed with his husband's laughter. Brian brought a hand back and ran it over Justin's smooth cheek.

"Aren't we supposed to be like kissing or something when this is happening?" Justin whispered innocently. "When what is happening? When me and you are being sappy men?" Brian asked, turning around to Justin with intrigue. "No... when the sun is setting." Justin replied lowly. Justin drooped his head slightly to look at the golden brown sand. He felt Brian's finger under his chin, lifting his head as the breeze ran over their flesh once more. He looked up and caught the saphire blue eyes calling him. Justin felt the instinct to move forward as Brian's lips pouted closer towards his. Justin closed his eyes on the sensual impact and felt Brian begin the tender and smooth kiss. Justin became mutual in the kiss, showing Brian every bit of love he felt for him at the moment. Brian's lips moved roughly for seconds due to the coldness but when Justin's arms closed around his neck, he slowed it down. He let Justin's tongue slither in to savor a kiss they had not experienced all day. Soft spoken cries of passion were heard between kisses. Brian suckled upon Justin's tongue while caressing his fingers through Justin's tight, blonde curls. The nectar and sweetness of the kiss pleasured Justin without sexual satisfaction.

Brian grunted when he finally felt Justin's lips part from his own. Brian inched forward but his complaints were silenced by Justin's finger upon Brian's lips. "No." Justin whispered. Brian's eyes shot open with shock. "Why not?" Brian pouted. "Brian, if you want to kiss me... you've gotta catch me." Justin giggled before ripping away from Brian and making a swift dash down the beach. Brian caught onto what Justin said and began to race after him.

The waves pounded as the sounds of laughter and joy filled the innocent evening. Justin did his best to keep a step ahead of Brian but he grew tired. He felt a pair of hands latch onto his waist and pull him into the air. "Got'cha!!!" Brian called out, swinging Justin around. Justin laughed loudly as Brian and Justin fell onto the sand. Brian fell ontop of Justin and pinned his arms down. Justin did his best to stop his laughter as Brian held him, panting heavily. "Are you going to stop now?" Brian asked under his heavy breath. "I don't know yet." Justin smiled, trying to struggle. "Well I'm getting my kiss anyways." Brian grinned, leaning down.

Justin struggled again but finally gave in when he felt Brian's sweet lips pressed against his own. Justin sighed and began the kiss again, feeling Brian release his wrists. Brian placed his left hand on Justin's cheek while using his right to prop Justin's head for their kiss. Justin ran his hands to Brian's back, massaging the clothes that Brian wore. The wind chased their amber cresented kiss as Brian drug his fingers through Justin's soft curls. Temptation was there but Brian made sure to keep the kiss filled with bliss and not seduction. Brian's tongue penetrated Justin's mouth, sealing their purity. The pearl softness slid over Justin's in an erotic nature.

Justin moaned softly and let Brian pull from the kiss. He ran his hands over Brian's hair playfully, grinning at Brian. "What is it?" Justin whispered to him. Brian didn't reply, he glared into Justin's full eyes, seeing the bashful love they exhibited. "What if I told you I'd like for us to make love by the fire tonight?" Brian finally replied softly. He ran a finger from Justin's lips to the tip of his chin. "Is that were you were thinking about when you kissed me?" Justin asked shyly. "No, I started thinking about that when I felt your penis get hard." Brian laughed softly. Justin pouted and looked away from Brian. "Now you're going to have to kiss my ass really good to get anything from me tonight." Justin murmured. "Well... uhm, how about this then. Your body's VISA. 'It's everywhere I want to be.' Good enough?" Brian joked. He felt Justin laughing silently under him. "Good enough Bri baby." Justin turned to look at him with a sincere smile. "Goodie." Brian cheered, causing another laugh to break from Justin's lips.

Brian walked up the hill with Justin holding his hand. Brian held Justin's hand tightly so that the two didn't slid down the shallow hillside. They reached the top as the sky began to form it's midnight complexion. "We should get going." Justin advised, catching up to Brian. Brian nodded and walked with Justin onto the deck. "I wonder if Matt fell asleep waiting on s to get back." Justin joked as they scanned the deck. Brian caught glimpse of the swing on the deck and saw two bodies cuddled on the swing. He saw Matt's head cocked against Lance's and both of their eyes shut. It seemed that Matt had Lance in a small hug to keep the two warm under the autumn's coolness. Lance's hand was pressed against Matt's chest under the cover while his other hand was resting on Matt's shoulder for support. They looked peaceful to Brian's eyes yet the suspicion he had was strong. "That's cute." Justin giggled softly, trying not to wake the two. "I don't know about that." Brian shook his head, peering at them. "What's wrong?" Justin asked, slightly envious of Brian's devoted attention to the two. "I mean... I wonder what... never mind." Brian shook off the thought. "You sure are in a sharing mood tonight, aren't you." Justin crossed his arms with discontent. "Yeah, let me share my sperm with you." Brian joked, rubbing a hand over Justin's ass before gripping it. "Oooh, touch me." Justin laughed. Brian removed his hands from Justin and smiled. "Should we wake them?" Justin offered, catching Brian looking back to the sleeping pair. Brian thought over the idea as he stared at them. "Nah... let's let them wake themselves." Brian replied quietly. Justin leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Brian's cheek. "You're a good husband babe." Justin whispered into Brian's ear and walked from him. Brian nodded, still pondering the thought of waking Matt and Lance.

Brian walked over to Matt and Lance and pulled the cover more upon their bodies. "Thanks for a good day Matthew." Brian whispered, leaning down and giving Matt a small kiss on the forehead. Matt groaned softly and snuggled tighter to Lance. Brian backed away with distaste for a minute. 'Don't even think it Brian.' he warned himself. "Brian?" Justin questioned, standing at the doorway of the condo. Brian turned to look at him, faking a small smile. "I'm coming cutie." he replied. Brian ran a hand over Matt's hair and then patted his head softly. "Sweet dreams you two." Brian whispered and then walked away. Matt smiled within his sleep as he felt Lance's head snuggle closer to him. He dreamt of the second in time as Brian walked over to the doorway.

"Are you ready to go?" Justin questioned, giving Brian a frown. "Yes, I'm ready to go try and make this baby again." Brian giggled, lifting Justin into his arms, the same way he did as he entered Matt's condo for the first time. He cradled Justin as Justin smiled. "You don't... I mean have thoughts about him?" Justin asked with insecurity. "About who? Matt?" Brian pondered, raising his brow. Justin looked at Brian's ring on his finger for a silent answer. "All day long... I think of Justin and Angel." Brian chimed, kissing Justin's cheek. Justin nibbled his lower lip, pleased with Brian's answer. Brian noticed the angelic smile and nodded. He carried Justin from the condo and outside to his car where they prepared to leave Miami and return to Orlando. Brian pulled out of the driveway as Lance and Matt slept peacefully on the bench.


*** Did you like it? Well I HOPE you did because I had a lot of fun writing it. I know it's short but I did seven chapters last time and I need to work out final plans for stuff. So maybe this will tide you over even more. I hope it does. I have to thank my people's Leprechaun, Ceej and a few others for giving me support and help with these chapters. Especially Leprechaun for being nice enough to write with me on two of the chapters. Leprechaun is the best author but I won't embarass him again with how much I love him. That bitch knows. :) J'aime beaucoup Allen. Et toi? Learning your French yet? LOL. So tell him you love him for writing on these chapters and let him know he's the Queen Bitch, bow to royalty. :) Matt is a great character and maybe he'll come back to visit some time. You never know with us. :) Thanks to Rick for his support and Jason for always giving me the info I need. Thanks to the readers! Yes, you are all great! Don't ya'll start getting on me about Lance either, we'll fight. :) Please forgive me if some of the words are missing their "U" because my "U" button is screwing up on me. And thanks David for helping me all the time with Nifty. It's great with the support. If I haven't gotten to your letter, a response is coming. With school, it's hard but you'll get it soon. Check out the webpage that Netboy does for me. It's very cool! And Boy Band authors, can we come together and be friends? I feel alot of us tend not to communicate and we need to. Let's not hate, we're in this together ya'll. Support one another and read each other's stories! So until next the time kiddies... peace... ***

** There was a rather important issue discussed in one of the chapters. That important issue is that of HIV and AIDS. It's something serious, VERY serious. If you are sexually active, I don't care how old you are, you should be tested monthly or regularly. That's not something to play with. Millions of people are diagnosed with the disease and it may not be their fault but sometimes we all forget that it can be our fault. Use a condom, don't do drugs and just be careful. For those of you who have HIV or AIDS, I LOVE YOU! I don't see you different for any reason. You still have a life and you should live it with love. Don't be afraid of someone with AIDS or HIV, it's just not cool. Be their friend because they are going through a lot more than you. So support them and help them deal with a disease that they may not be comfortable with. Sebastian got Brian and Justin's support, so give yours. And Sebastian will be returning. **

*** Aight, so JM told me I could write my own little notes in here. I tried to convince him to not list me as a co-author, 'cause trust me people, I hardly wrote ANYTHING on chapters 39 & 40. However, you know how JM is, he's gots to get his way. Anyway, I don't really have too much to say here except I enjoy every minute that I worked and brainstormed with my baby bro JM. He's definitely an inspiration to all authors on this site. He's definitely got to be the sweetest and most friendly author around, and he sure knows how to stick up for his big bros when we need him. Anyway, I'm going to do the MMC roll call here, so bear with me, aight? I want to thank Jesse, OFCOURSE. He's a great baby bro, and a damn good friend. I couldn't ask for anything more from him, although he's willing to help me in any way. You're always there to encourage and stick up for me, so for that I am grateful. You are crunk, jazzy, and you ARE the Bomb Diggitty boy. You'll be getting that man of your dreams, so don't worry. WINK Ceej, my big bro and another sexy bitch. Always there to, um, "test" me. ;-) But I understand how it is, so don't ever think that stuff will upset me. You know I love you, and yes, you too are the Bomb Diggitty boy. Just try to stop doing that "I know something you don't know" bullshit, aight??? LOL To the two men that make my two bros happy, and you know who you are, I can't say enough about how much that means to me, so I'll just resort to saying you "rock", aight? Dennis, I wish the best for ya', and since you're my new surrogate baby bro, I love you muchly. To the team at NIFTY NEWS, we rock, and we're the Bomb Diggitty, don't ya'll forget that! Even when the newsletter gets called a "mess", we're still cool like 'dat! And to all reading this, remember these words of advice-"Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke". It helped me and it can help you, too! Thank you all, beaucoup. Love, Lep ***

  • Look ya'll, he learned his French. LOL. Okay, the last thanks you's go to my "Brady Bunch". To Pony Boy, you rock big bro! I LOVE YOU! You know it so stop denying it. :) Keep it wild as always and hey, I get an invitation before that "other" bitch. Love to love ya boy. And oh my goodness, how I love you "Jan". You are the most intelligent bitch I've ever known. You give the best advice too. I love you to death boy for putting up with my drama 24-7. It takes a real man to be able to handle that. :) And what can I say, LOVE YA "Big Daddy". I know your man loves ya and I'm adopting you boy because you are too cute. Okay now to say something special.... I LOVE YOU BLUE J! Enough said? Nah, you're my "Angel" baby. I love you to death and don't you forget it. I'm there for you when you need me and even when you just want to say "Hello". See ya soon. *

--- DECEMBER: 'To be in love... on Christmas... because everybody needs somebody on Christmas' - 'N SYNC ---

AMANDA & AJ: How cold are bitter secrets... when they're your own...

MEELAH: Devotion? Trust? Love? What does she feel for Chris? Is this meant to last or is this an oppurtunity for Chris to save he has someone? Will living in Los Angeles affect their relationship? What will change come the change of seasons? How cold will Chris be Christmas morning?

JC: Who does he love? Has his heart ever been with Nick's or was Lance right? Will JC accept what Lance does? Does JC still have feelings for Lance? Has he had feelings for Justin? Does he trust Nick? Can he fight temptation when it comes so close to him? Is he ready to accept Nikki being with Kevin? Can he handle Nick being in on tour without him again? Could he repeat Lance's actions of the past?

BRITNEY & JOEY: Winter freezes hearts... while tears fall like snow...

CHILDREN: Will any child be born or brought into the N Sync and Backstreet Boys' circle? Will Amanda give birth early? Will Brian and Justin ever adopt? Will Nick or JC want a child? Can Britney want children? Will Nikki, Meelah, Britney, Danay or even Irish turn up late? Will another gift be unwrapped for everyone's eyes to see?

SEX: If romance dies, will sex be the only thing that remains? Will affairs break marriages, engagements and even relationships? Will children be conceived through affairs? When it gets cold, who will keep who warm? Will sex die from a loveless romance?

Next: Chapter 49: Just Beginning 41 45

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