Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 12, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 35) By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get emails all the time about that. I'll try and for-warn you when I stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or ***

**** This is the 35th story (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going :|) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", "Just Part II" and "I'll Never See A Sunset", email me. Also now available is the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics). That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtack features old and new songs from B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They has a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". it is the best B.S.B. story I have read. Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through some of the stories. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some of the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. And finally, thanks to Chris for being a good friend and a great writer. Till the next time, please keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Justin jiggled the hotel key quickly in the door. H ewas so thrilled to finally be bale to get away with Brian, that he paid no attention to Brian's hands grabbing his ass. Justin pushed the door open and bent down to grab his bags. Brian's movements mimiced Justin's as they entered the room. "Look at this place!" Brian shouted as he looked around the room. "It's nice." Justin said quietly, placing his bags next to the king sized bed. Brian walked towards the picturesque window to look at the night's sky. "It's beautiful." Brian whispered as he looked outside. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian and whispered "Only if you're here." Brian smiled and continued his glare out the window. "Hey, let's take a walk on the beach." Justin suggested as he squeezed Brian tighter. "Good idea." Brian whispered, rubbing Justin's hands. "Then let's go." Justin added as he let go of Brian. "Are we in a rush?" Brian laughed as Justin reached the door. "Come on Brian. We may not get time off like this again for awhile." Justin complained as he jiggled the door open. "You're right." Brian smiled. He walked to Justin and grabbed his hand. "So, are we off?" Brian asked coyly. Justin smirked and they both headed for the elevator.

Justin and Brian trotted down to the beach that laid peacefully next to the hotel. Brian watched as Justin ran through the night's air. Brian giggled as Justin ran through the waves, splashing across his young body. "Get over here!" Justin called as he began to remove his shirt. Brian laughed harder as he slowly approached Justin. Justin ran up to Brian and tackled him to the floor. "Ah, it's a sea monster!" Brian giggled as Justin wrestled with him on the sand. "I'll show you!" Justin laughed. He leaned down and placed his lips upon Brian's. Brian still giggled as Justin attempted to kiss him. "Stay still." Justin giggled as he grabbed Brian's head with his hands. Justin forced his lips on Brian's and Brian began to return the kiss. Their lips stayed locked as the ocean's tide grazed their shoes. Justin pulled back and looked at Brian's face. "You sure are pretty." Justin said in a country accent and rubbed Brian's face. "You suck." Brian laughed and pushed Justin back. "Don't we all?" Justin asked playfully. Brian pulled his shoes and socks off and laid them to the side. Justin mimiced his actions and watched Brian stand. "Come here," Brian waved for Justin to get up. Justin stood and walked over to Brian. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and smiled. "Your so silly." Justin snickered as he looked at Brian. "Let's just walk." Brian said softly.

They walked side by side, as the ocean's crest slid across their feet. Their footprints shadowed their movements as they strolled down the beach. As the cool breeze blew to their backside, Brian gripped Justin's hand tighter. Justin glanced at Brian, catching Brian's eyes in his own. Justin stopped, causing Brian to stop also. "What's up?" Brian asked as he turned towards Justin. "Nothing. I just wanted to admire you in the moonlight." Justin whispered. He hugged Brian, wrapping his arms around Brian tightly. Brian sighed, feeling a sense of relief in Justin's arms. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's midsection. Justin closed his eyes and just held Brian. Brian pressed his feet into the sand, letting the grains of sand squeeze between his toes. He kissed Justin's neck softly and rubbed his hands iver Justin's back. "This is what it should be like everyday." Justin said softly. "It will be from now on..." Brian responded, removing his lips from Justin's neck. Justin pushed Brian back gently. "I don't want to argue over this, but you know how I feel about you leaving the guys." Justin sighed. Brian rolled his eyes and backed away. "If you don't want to argue, why bring it up?" Brian spited Justin. Justin frowned. Brian kicked the sand as the tide rolled on the beach. "Come on, let's go." Justin actioned for Brian to come closer. Brian just began his walk back towards the hotel.

"Brian?" Justin called. Brian stopped and turned around. His smile had faded and he stood with a straight face. Justin ran up to him and grabbed his arm. "What's wrong with you?" Justin questioned with concern. "I guess I'm just tired Justin, okay?" Brian said. Justin tried to look Brian in the eyes, but Brian wouldn't look at him. "That's not what's wrong with you Brian. You know it." Justin complained. "Justin let's not talk about this right now." Brian pleaded. "I don't want to see you crying." Justin said with sincerity. He placed his finger under Brian's chin and lifted it up. Brian's tears slowly, sparkled down his face. Brian sniffled. "I don't want to go back Justin. Everytime I go back to them, I lose you." Brian cired softly. Justin wiped Brian's tears away. "If you're happy without them, then don't go back." Justin whispered, comforting Brian. Justin kissed Brian's cheek and grabbed his hand.

He walked him to a bench on the beach. They both sat down, Brian resting his head on Justin's shoulder. "So, what is N Sync going to do while you're gone?" Brian asked. "J.C. told me that he was probably going to go into the studio and work on some lyrics and music for some songs. He said Lance will probably join him, but he's not sure right now. Chris is going to be spending time with his fam', while Joey will be spending time with Amanda and Innosense." Justin explained. "Well at least they'll be enjoying their time off." Brian said. Justin glanced at him. "And we won't?" Justin giggled. Brian raised his head and pulled Justin closer. He closed his eyes and kissed Justin, automatically letting his tongue slide into Justin's awaiting mouth. Justin titled his head and let his tongue slide into Brian's mouth. Brian placed his hands behind Justin's head and savoured the kiss. Justin began to lightly press forward on Brian, causing Brian to lean back. Justin got ontop of Brian. pressing his medsection firmly against Brian's. Justin ran his hands across Brian's face as he kissed him. Justin began grasping as Brian's clothes in desperation. Brian groaned through their kiss and slid his hands to Justin's back. He clawed at Justin's back with a need. Justin released Brian's lips and panted heavily. "Do you think we should go to our room?" Justin asked, trying his best to catch his breath. "Maybe." Brian suggested as he lifted Justin a bit. "Okay." Justin whispered, carefully sitting up. Brian groaned in pain as Justin got off him. "Something wrong?" Justin asked as he quickly ran his hands through his hair. "My body just aches. I guess the crash has been a killer on me." Brian laughed half-heartedly. "Well then maybe we shouldn't..." Brian stopped Justin. "I don't want your needs to suffer because of ol' accident-prone Brian." Brian giggled. "As long as I have you, I don't have needs." Justin smiled. "You should write a book about how to make a guy smile." Brian said softly to Justin.

Justin stood and gathered his things. Brian stood also and grabbed his shoes. "Do you want to just walk?" Brian asked, trying to make Justin feel a bit better. "Only if you feel like it." Justin shrugged. Brian smirked and snatched Justin's hand. "I may be hurt, but I'm not going to let you join the club." Brian said as he grabbed Justin. He threw his arms around Justin's mid-section and swung him into the air. "Are you crazy?" Justin said dizzily. They both tumbled to the sand laughing. "You've lost your mind Brian." Justin said as he laughed. "Well, you know what you and the guys say?" Brian looked at Justin with tears in his eyes. "What?" Justin asked, glancing at Brian. "I'm Crazy For You!" Brian giggled. Justin laughed as Brian began singing the words to N Sync's song. "Quit it." Justin laughed as Brian leaped ontop of him. They began to roll around in the sand, their bodies sticking to the sand. Brian took a breath and quit his laughing. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and they laid in the sand. "It's getting kida cold out here." Justin shivered as he snuggled closer to Brian. "We should get back to the hotel anyways. We've got tomorrow to fill..." Brian raised his brow as he looked down at Justin. "Really? I wonder what with?" Justin said coyly. "Nothing but fucking!" Brian teased Justin. "You ass." Justin said as he pushed Brian back. They both stood and gathered their things once again. "Shall we go Mr. Timberlake?" Brian imitated a chauffer as he looked at Justin. "Let's, Geeves." Justin teased as they began walking back towards the hotel.

Justin yanked open the door and stood outside waiting on Brian. "Are you coming in or are you sleeping in the hall?" Justin teased in a friendly tone. Brian rolled his eyes at Justin and walked into the room. "Maybe we should give your mom a call so she knows you're okay?" Brian asked as he sat on the bed. "Yeah, right. And have her tell everyone else where I'm at? No way!" Justin snickered. "Then J.C.'s the only one who knows exactly where we are at?" Brian asked as he laid down. Justin sat on the bed and looked down at Brian. "He's the only one who knows." Justin whispered. He shook Brian, making sure he was still awake. "What?" brian asked drowsily. "Oh, you're going to sleep on me huh?" Justin asked playfully. "Uhm, trying not to... but I am kind of tired." Brian shrugged, trying not to make Justin feel lonely. "Well then let's get you out of these clothes and into the bed." Justin said. He stood from the bed and helped Brian remove his shoes. Brian sat up on his elbows and flicked his shoes off. Justin smiled at him and began to unzip his jeans. "Don't get too frisky down there." Brian laughed lowly. Justin rolled his eyes and pealed Brian's jeans off his legs. Brian then removed his shirt and crawled to the top of the bed. "Are you going to bed too?" Brian asked as he pulled the covers over himself. "Nah. I think I'll just sit out on the balcony and watch the sky." Justin sighed. Justin flicked his own shoes off and walked towards the balcony.

Justin walked outside and embraced the cool air. He glanced around, his eyes widening to the amazements of the beach. "It's so beautiful out here." Justin whispered. Justin closed his eyes and slowly leaned his head back, inhaling the ocean's aroma. Justin felt a hand grab his waist and he knew who it was. "I couldn't sleep." Brian murmured into Justin's ear. Justin smiled and said "What, do you want me to sing to you?". "No. I want you to be in bed with me. You know I can't sleep without your body next to mine." Brian said in a deep, sexy voice. It sent shivers up and down Justin's spine. "Come on Just, let's go to bed." Brian coaxed Justin. "Fine. But no fucking mister." Justin insisted because of Brian's condition. He turned and looked at Brian. "Scouts honor." Brian said as he held up his right hand. Justin smirked and walked inside with Brian.

As soon as they reached the bed, Brian grabbed Justin's arm and pinned him. Brian began to kiss up and down Justin's neck. "You promised." Justin sighed, not giving up much resistance. "I was never a boy scout." Brian giggled as he licked the nape of Justin's neck. "You bastard." Justin laughed as Brian pulled his shirt off. "Come on Bri, we can't. You're tired, you're hurt and I don't want anything happening to you." Justin said as Brian's lips caressed his chest. brian paid no attention to him as his motuh went further down. He yanked off Justin's jeans and inhaled his cock. Justin groaned as Brian's lips made contact with his penis. Justin rolled his eyes to the back of his head in pleasure and began calling Brian's name. Brian kept his bobbing up, doing his best to make Justin have an intense orgasm. Justin couldn't jold long, due to ealier acitivites, and let loose a gush of cum into Brian's mouth. Brian gagged a bit and then began to take the load. Justin clenched the bed sheets and panted heavily. Brian let loose Justin's dick and crawled once again to the top of the bed. He laid back and kept a hge grin on his face.

Justin finally recovered and joined Brian at the head of the bed. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian and laid back. Brian enjoyed being held by Justin. "So, are you tired now?" Brian asked. "Yeah, thanks to you." Justin smiled. Brian leaned against Justin and fell asleep in his arms.

Brian & Justin (Part 36) By JM

Justin awoke to the sound of Brian humming. Justin blinked his eyes softly and looked at Brian. During the night, somehow, they had changed positions and Brian was now holding Justin. "Well, if it isn't 'Curly'?" Brian teased as he ran his hand through Justin's hair. "Hey babe, what's up?" Justin asked, looking directly into his lover's eyes. "Well I was just waiting for you to get up." Brian said, looking directly at Justin. Justin yawned and rubbed his hands against Brian's face. "Geez, are you in a need of a shave." Justin complained as he ran his fingers against Brian's stubble. "Oh, thanks for the compliment Justin. Got any more in that sleepy mouth of your's?" Brian said sarcastically. Justin rolled ontop his stomach and looked up at Brian. "Sorry, just thought I'd mention it." Justin said sincerly. "It's okay. I was going to shave after my shower." Brian added. "No, let's go shave it right now." Justin said. He had came up with a briallant idea. "Who's 'we'?" Brian asked, his eyes glaring at Justin. "I've seen Joey and Chris do it a thousand times. Come on, let's go." Justin leaped out of bed. He grabbed Brian's hand and Brian reluctantly stood. Justin dragged Brian to the bathroom, against Brian's protests.

Justin flicked the bathroom light on and forced Brian to sit on the toliet seat. "Yeah, this is comofortable." Brian giggled as he waited on Justin. Justin grabbed Brian's kit from next to the sink and pulle out the saving cream. "Is that really necessary?" Brian asked hesitantly. Justin gave Brian a glare, answering his question. Justin sparyed some of the foam onto his hand and began to rub it on Brian's face. "Ooh, I'll get the strawberries." Brian joked as Justin applied the shaving cream. "You're such a freak." Justin laughed. He grabbed a towel from the cupboard and wiped his hands off. He then pulled out Brian's razor and looked at Brian. "Now you're not gonna cut me are you?" Brian asked with a smile. Justin laughed, thinking Brian looked like a young version of Santa Claus; with his shaving cream splattered around his face. "I won't Brian." Justin laughed. He then sat on Brian's spread legs and began to carefully shaved Brian's face. Brian lightly wrapped his arms around Justin's waist, making sure he didn't fall. "Watch your hands." Justin said sternly, feeling Brian's hands slipping towards his ass. Brian knew not to say anything, afraid that Justin might cut him.

Brian's eyes were gazing into Justin's as Justin concentrated hard on not messing up. Justin fetl safe with Brian's arms wrapped around his waist. Justin removed every spec of shaving cream from Brian's face. He ran his fingers over Brian's cheeks and looked at Brian's shiney face. "You like?" Brian asked with a snicker. "Only one way to tell." Justin said. He placed the razor on the sink and grabbed ahold of Brian's face. He bent down and began to kiss Brian's soft lips. Brian returned the kiss happily, letting his tongue roll into Justin's mouth. Justin accepted Brian's tongue with cheer and wrapped his arms around Brian's neck. Their lips were sealed together as they kissed. Justin ran his fingers over Brian's cheeks and let his tongue slid out of Brian's mouth. Brian then began to give Justin's lips light kisses, cherishing every time his lips touched Justin's. Brian's hands roamed from Justin's back, down to his ass. This made Justin jump a bit, but he refused to let Brian's lips go. Brian felt Justin's legs wrapping tighter on him. Justin backed off of Brian. "Well, what do you think?" Brian asked again. "Just perfect." Justin smiled.

Justin stood and cleaned the sink out. Brian alos got up and turned the shower on. "Are you coming in with me?" Brian asked as he removed his boxers. "No, you go in by yourself. I'm gonna order room service and then get a shower." Justin said. Brian frowned and then got into the shower. Justin walked out of the bathroom, not bothering to close the door.

Justin headed for his suitcase, to grab some clean clothes when he heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Justin called, walking towards the door. "Room service!" a voice came from outside the room. "Room service? I haven't even called yet." Justin said, a million questions floating in his head. He slowly opened the door and saw a cart of food waiting outside. "Huh?" Justin said as he looked at the cart. "SURPRISE!" Nick yelled as he came from the side. Justin leaped back in terror. "What the fuck?" Justin said, still trying to regain his balance. "Hey Justin, old buddy." Nick said as he patted Justin on the shoulder. "Nick?" Justin didn't have time to react. "So, this is the room you and Brian are staying in." Nick said as he invited himself in. Justin finally realized what had happened and quickly spun to look at Nick. "Nick, what the hell are you doing here?" Justin barked. "Oh, don't act like you're not happy to see me." Nick laughed. Justin stomped towards Nick and looked at him. "What are you doing here? How did you know wwe were here?" Justin asked, his eyes were on fire. "I have my ways, Justin. You know that." Nick smiled boldly. "Hey Justin, are you coming in the shower or not?" Brian asked as he walked into the room. Brian was still naked, water dripping from his body when he froze. Justin's mouth dropped open and Nick's smile got bigger. "Now this is a moment that I wish I had my Kodak." Nick snickered. "NICK!!!" Brian shouted as he looked at him. "Hey Frick. How you doing?" Nick asked happily. "What is he doing here?" Brian said as he looked at Justin. "That seems to be the question of the hour around here." Nick srugged.

"Brian, go back in the bathroom. Nick, get out of here now!" Justin barked orders, trying to keep what sense he had left. Brian stomped into the bathroom and slammed the door. Nick smiled and walked out into the hall. Justin followed him, closing the door on the way out. "Why are you here Nick?" Justin asked, making Nick stop. "Let's just say that you can't escape me that easily Justin." Nick grinned at Justin. "Hey Nick, where's the room service?" Lance asked as he walked up towards Nick. Lance froze in his position when he saw Justin standing on the opposite side of the hallway. "Justin?" Lance asked with confussion. "Hey Lance." Justin nodded. "Justin, what are you doing here?" Lance asked, still in a state of confussion. "I'd like to ask you two the same thing." Justin said. "Aye amigo's, where's my food?" Howie asked as he limped up towards them. He looked around and he too noticed Justin. "Oh my God, what is he doing here?" Howie bauled out. Justin rolled his eyes at Howie and didn't bother saying anything. "Well, what are you doing here?" Kevin asked as he walked up to the crowd. "Geez Nick, what are you having a full fledged orgy or something?" Justin commented sarcastically. "We know why Justin's here." Chris said as he walked up to the guys "Why?" Lance asked, looking at Chris. "Him and Brian are here to knock some boots without us." Chris snickered. Justin blushed and looked at the floor. "Why is Justin here Nick?" Howie asked, feeling that Nick was once again up to something. "Well, let's just say I figured since were were all getting away, why not catch up with Justin and Brian and see how they're doing." Ncik said quickly. "Oh yeah right. We just happened to be at the same hotel as them." Chris said sarcastically.

"Hey, I didn't do anything wrong. Lance told me they were here." Nick said innocently. Lance snapped his head and Nick's direction and stared at him evily. "How did Lance find out?" Justin asked. He stared at Lance. Lance looked at the floor and shimmed to the side. "That's my fault." J.C. said, finally making his appearance. Justin quickly looked at J.C. in disbelief. "Look, everyone's here to have a good time. So let's all go down to my room and have breakfast." Kevin suggested. "You too Justin." Kevin said, looking at him. "Yeah, that's a great idea!" Nick shouted. "Come on, you and Brian come to breakfast." Chris insisted. "Uh... I don't know." Justin felt hesistant about being with them again. "Look, just eat with us. It won't kill you." Kevin was getting tired of playing games. "Fine, me and Brian will be down there for breakfast." Justin sighed. All the guys walked back to Kevin's room while Justin walked back into his and Brian's. He frowned as he saw Brian sitting on the bed.

Brian could tell something was wrong. "So, what is it this time?" Brian sighed. "All the guys are here Brian." Justin didn't btoerh looking at Brian. "Huh? All of them?" Brian asked. "Yes. I don't know why or how, but I know Nick has something to do with it." Justin said. "There goes Brian and Justin's time off." Brian rolled his eyes. "No, no. We don't have to spend time with them Brian. It's just me and you." Justin said. He walked over to Brian and knelt in front of him. Brian looked down at him. "There's something else, isn't there?" Brian asked with a straight face. "Well..." before Justin could finish, Brian stood. "I knew it." Brian screeched. "Look Brian, they just want us to have breakfast with them." Justin pleaded. "Justin, how well do we know these guys? How many breakfasts did we sit down to with them and ended up walking out alone?" Brian asked rhetorically. "Just give them this one chance Brian. For me." Justin begged as he stood. Brian looked at Justin with doubt. Justin flashed a quick smile and hoped Brian would give in. "Just breakfast, Justin. That is it!" Brian insisted. Justin nodded and hugged Brian. "Thank you." Justin whispered. Brian sighed and hugged him back.

They headed to Kevin's room silently. "Ever notice that we're always going in Kevin's room?" Justin did his best to break the ice with Brian. Brian nodded, but refused to say anything. Justin held his hand and went along with Brian. Justin tapped on the door, waiting an answer. A.J. swung the door open and smiled at them. "Come on in, guys." A.J. welcomed them in. Justin smiled, but Brian didn't. They walked in and A.J. quickly hugged Justin. "I know you probably had to convince him to come." A.J. whispered as he hugged Justin. "Yep." Justin replied. A.J. stretched his hand out to Brian. "Hey Brian, long time no speak." A.J. said with a laugh. Brian was always happy to see A.J., even when he was sad. "Hey A.J., it has only been a week." Brian said as he shook A.J.'s hand. "Well that's like four years in Backstreet years. Right guys?" A.J. shouted. All the guys laughed. "Well, don't be shy. Sit down and I promise that Nick won't bite. We got his rabies shots the other day." A.J. laughed as he took a seat next to Howie. "Doesn't this feel like deja vu?" Brian whispered to Justin. Justin nodded and walked towards the couch. He sat down and Brian sat next to him. "Okay, if you're happy sitting there." Howie rolled his eyes at the two. "So, what have you two been up to since Brian's leave of absensce?" Kevin asked. "It's not a leave Kevin. You know what I said." Brian argued. "Okay, okay. If that's what you want to do then we'll call Lou when we get back and tell him that you're out." Kevin said with a fake smile.

Justin sat back and did his best to avoid the fire that was going to break loose. "So, how soon are you guys leaving." brian mumbled as he placed his hand on Justin's thigh. "Look Brian, no one's here for your benifit!" Nick barked, pointing his fork at Brian. "Fine, then why should I be here?" Brian sighed. He began to stand and Justin frowned in disbelief. "Is this how you guys always act?" Justin asked. "Justin, I don't think this concerns you." Kevin said. "Really? I could've swore it did." Brian remarked slyly on Kevin's comment. "Like it matters what Justin says. When you two go back to Orlando, Justin will be too busy for you Brian anyways. 'N Sync is about go back on tour." Nick blurted out in anger. Justin looked at him with huge eyes. "Is this true?" Justin turned towards Lance. "We we're going to tell you, but we weren't sure how." Lance said softly. Justin cleared his throat and then thought for a moment. Neither he, nor Brian had thought about what it was going to be like if Justin stayed in 'N Sync. Justin gave Brian a once over and then looked at Lance again. "When do we leave?" Justin asked. "Well today's Thursday and we leave on Monday. So the minute you guys got back into town, you'd have to leave." Lance said. Justin was dumbfounded. "See Brian. You sorta cancelled out of the equation." Kevin commented. Brian stared at him in anger. "Makes you want to think twice about leaving us huh?" Howie said. "Okay, that's it. I'm out of here!" Brian yelled. He headed for the door.

"God, why do you all have to be so fucked up?" A.J. asked as he watched Brian walk out. "Well Justin, what are you going to do?" Nick wasn't giving up. "I don't know." was all that justin could mutter. Kevin stood and strolled ovre to where Justin sat. He sat down next to Justin and looked at him. "Look Justin, can't you do us all a favor and go on the tour. With you away from Brian, he'll have time to think about coming back to us. You knew sooner or later something would come between you and Brian." Kevin did his best speech to convince Justin. "Are you out of your mind?" Justin asked him, his eyes twisted. "You want me to go on tour, so Brian will get lonely and break up with me?" Justin said, clearly showing his disgust in Kevin. "Look Justin, I could care less right now what you think of me. I'm more concerned about Brian's future and not your future together. Brian needs smething he can rely on besides this love that you two have for each other. He needs us as much as we need him." Kevin argued sternly. "Well Kevin, you get him to come back to you. I'm not going to try anymore." Justin said. He stood and began walking for the door. "Hold up Justin." J.C. said as he ran up to Justin. He grabbed Justin by the shoulder and stopped him. Justin looked at J.C. and began to feel a turning in his stomach. "You told them didn't you?" Justin asked in anger. "No wait, let's talk man. Come on, I'll take you downstairs and we can chat." J.C. offered. Justin was hesistant about going. "What about Brian?" Justin asked. "He'll be fine. This has to be just me and you." J.C. insisted. Justin nodded and they both headed downstairs.

Justin and J.C. walked into the hotel's bar and sat quietly on two stools. "So, what are you and Brian doing tonight for New Year's Eve?" J.C. asked. "Don't know. Brian said he had something planned for us, but with him, you nevr know." Justin shrugged. "Oh, well I know it'll be nice." J.C. smiled. "Can I take you gentlemen's order?" the bartender asked. "Yeah, I'll have a water." J.C. said. "Can I have a iced tea?" Justin said. The bartender looked at them cock-eyed. "You guys are at a bar and are ordering water and iced tea?" he remarked. J.C. and Justin laughed and the bartender left. "Okay J.C., how did they find out?" Justin asked boldly. "Uhm, it's a long story Justin." J.C. dropped his head. "Well I've got the time now that Brian's upset." Justin said, kindly looking at his watch. J.C. sighed and looked up. "Well for awhile now, me and Lance have been sorta of... uh, fooling around." J.C. said. Justin raised his brow at J.C. "Yeah, I know. He's got this obsession ovr Nick and all. But, I don't know. Me and him just click." J.C. said. Justin was still a bit confussed. "So how did everyone find out?" Justin asked. "Well, I sorta commented to Lance about it. But it was strickly confidential." J.C. said honestly. "So let me guess, Nick just happened to pry it out of Lance and corrodinate this whole rondevouz?" Justin asked. "Not just Nick. Kevin too." J.C. said quietly. The bartender returned with their drinks. "Kevin too!" Justin shouted. The bar got quiet. J.C. frowned and sipped his water. "They really want Brian to come back." J.C. did his best to lobby for the guys. Justin didn't respond. "How does Brian feel about it?" J.C. saked. Justin took a drink of his iced tea and thought. "He says he doesn't want to go back, but I know he really does." Justin answered.

Just as J.C. took another sip of his water, Nick and Chris came into the bar. "Okay peeps, now that you've had your talk, we have to go." Nick said as he stood next to J.C. "Where we headed?" J.C. asked in confussion. "There's this theme park called the Great Xskape about thirty minutes from here. We're gonna go spend the day there and come back here for New Year's night." Chris said with a candid smile. "Come on Justin, come with us." J.C. insisted on it. "No, I'm not leaving Brian here all alone." Justin said sincerly. "Well that's okay because Kevin's going to get Brian to go anyways." Nick added. Justin didn't bother looking at Nick. "So, are you joining us Justin?" Chris asked. "Why not. It's still my vacation." Justin smiled. "Alright!" Chris shouted with happiness. They all headed back upstairs. "Don't worry about it J.C. It's not your fault." Justin whispered to J.C. as they stepped into the elevator.

Next: Chapter 17: Brian and Justin 37 39

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