Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Apr 2, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 55) By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories pretty much follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Nite'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I'll try and forewarn you when I plan to stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 51st STORY!!! It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics; includes previous songs) and the 'Brian & Justin' soundtrack Part II. That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtrack features old and new songs from the B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They have a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! I never thought this series would get this far! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got alot talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best B.S.B. story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for great works, with his storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJViscardi's for being a good friends and great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. He helped me with some instalements of stories. So until the next time, please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Jackie, J.C., Amanda, Harold, Leigh Ann and Lynn broke into Brian's room with pure excitement. "Is he okay? Is he awake?" Lynn questioned excitedly. They all stopped in their tracks, watching Justin stare at Brian. Justin felt the stares in the room and looked over his shoulder at them. "He's doing okay. Dr. Stewart stopped in and checked his vitals. She says he's recovering well. She expects him to be moving around a little by tomorrow night. Otherwise, she said he needs rest." Justin qhispered to them. "Look at him. He looks like a little baby." Amanda cooed. "Not just any baby, my baby duck." Jackie said proudly. "What woke hi from his coma?" Leigh Ann questioned. Everyone's eyes were concentrated on Justin. "The one thing that Brian loves to hear." J.C. smiled from his wheelchair. Justin blushed shyly. "What's that one thing?" Harold questioned naievly. "You'll find out later, Harold. Right now, I think we should let Brian rest. He's gonna need his strength." Jackie said softly. Everyone agreed and made their way out of the room. Jackie watched as Justin stayed at Brian's side. "Justin, you should get some sleep too. It's real late." Jackie suggested. "I'd prefer wait to see if he'll wake up." Justin whispered. "But you'll be no good to Brian if you're too sleepy to talk to him. Just get some sleep and I'll be sure to get you if there's any change in Brian." Jackie said. Justin sighed and agreed. Jackie pushed him back to his room so he could rest.

Before Justin even realized that he had closed his eyes, it was morning. He slept peacefully in his bed, though his dreams were filled with thoughts of him and Brian. Justin's eyes lazily opened as he felt someone tapping him on the cheek. "Huh?" Justin spoke groggily as his eyes opened. "Whazzup!!!" J.C. shouted as he looked down at Justin. Justin jumped in shock and stared at J.C. wide-eyed. J.C. laughed senselessly at Justin as he looked at him. "What are you doing!?!" Justin barked in curiosity. "Just waking you up, silly." J.C. smiled. "You coulda did it a little quieter." Justin spoke softly, grabbing his head in pain. "Ah, I'm sorry. Did I wake the poor baby." J.C. teased. Justin grunted to show his disapproval. "Well your mom advised me to. Brian was up for about five minutes and then out again. Lance has been released from the hospital and I'm supposed to meet him and the others for snacks in the waiting room." J.C. told Justin. Justin caught onto what J.C. was saying and quickly shut him up. "Wait a minute... rewind for a moment. Did you say Brian was up?" Justin asked astonished. "Yeah, he was up for about five minutes. The nurse said he didn't say much. He just asked what happened to him." J.C. explained plainly to Justin. "When was he up?" Justin asked sheepishly. "About two and a half hours ago. It's 11:00 Justin." J.C. answered. Justin rubbed his eyes in disbelief. "It can't be. I feel like I just went to sleep five minutes ago." Justin grunted. "More like five hours ago." J.C. teased.

"Okay, well, where's everyone at?" Justin asked. "Well your mom is out picking up some food from Denny's. A.J. and Amanda decided to go out to eat breakfast by themselves. Nick's some where in the lobby talking with his mom and family. They were up here to see him and Brian." J.C. responded. "Did Lance go to a hotel?" Justin asked. "No, he's in the waiting room. He came in to see you, but he didn't want to wake you. Oh, and A.J.'s mom is downstairs with Chris and Joey holding another press conference. We're trying to keep everyone updated with our situation." J.C. added. "I wonder how the fans and media are taking this?" Justin commented. "Oh, they're taking it very drastically. I heard about ten girls have already tried to sneak into this floor. I also heard that Barbra Walters wants us on 20/20 now!" J.C. laughed. "But there's a good part. We've been getting tons of support and flowers from fans from everywhere." J.C. smiled. "They really do care about us." Justin said softly. "Yeah, they do. Your mom says your dad will be in town today with Jonathan and Steven. He's bringing Lisa too. They're stopping in to see if you're okay." J.C. told Justin. Justin's eyes flung open. "Really? My dad's coming?!?" Justin gasped. J.C. nodded. "Lord, what am I going to tell him now. I know my mom probably didn't tell him about me and Brian, so this is really going to be tough." Justin stuttered. "Don't worry about it. He probably won't stay long enough for you to say much about it." J.C. comforted Justin on the subject.

Justin tried to keep his mind off the thought of his dad coming. "Come on, get out of bed so everyone can see you." J.C. suggested with a small smile. "I'm not really in the mood." Justin shyly said. "Well you had better get in the mood. I don't want everyone thinking your suffering in here because you can't see Brian or something. You know Brian's mom will have a fit over that." J.C. toyed with Justin. Justin rolled with eyes and gave a small laugh. "She's rather fond of you now, Justin. After all, you did help to save her son's life." JC. reminded Justin. "No one has to ask me to save Brian's life." Justin added. "Well then come on. Stop being a loser and get out of the bed!" J.C. mocked him.

Justin sighed loudly and looked at J.C. "Fine. I'll get up." Justin said sorely. "Good! Do you want me to get a nurse or somebody for you?" J.C. questioned. "That's okay. My ankle still throbs, but I think I can walk on it." Justin assured him. "Don't go messing up your ankle because you think you're hard Justin." J.C. joked. "Ah shut up." Justin laughed. Justin yanked the sheets from his young body and sat up completely. "Do you want me to turn around or cover my eyes?" J.C. teased Justin like a little brother. "If you keep on messing with me, I'm going to kick your ass out of here." Justin groaned. "Okay, okay, okay. I'll leave ya alone." J.C. smirked. Justin hesitated and then slide his legs over to the side of the bed. He let them dangle over the sides to adjust his position. J.C. watched with directness, making sure Justin was comfortable with his situation. Justin slid forward a little bit, letting the tips of his toes touch the cold floor. He jerked back a bit, the icey floor chilling his feet. "Are you sure you don't want a nurse?" J.C. asked, this time sincerly. "No, the floor's just cold." Justin nodded. Justin placed his feet back down and leaned forward more. He let the pressure press right on his anklr. Justin grunted in pain and fell forward slightly. J.C. quickly moved to his side to help him up.

"Are you okay?" J.C. asked in concern. Justin shook his head and tried to regain his balance. "It's... it's okay. I just put too much pressure on my ankle, that's all." Justin whimpered. "Yeah, right Justin." J.C. rolled his eyes at him. "I'm fine I said." Justin jerked away in anger. J.C. huffed at Justin's obvious anger. "I wish you weren't always so stubborn." J.C. commented as he let go of Justin. "And I wish you weren't always trying to be my father." Justin snapped. "Trust me Justin, if I was your father I would've beat your ass a long time ago." J.C. spited him. Justin clasped onto the bed and cringed in pain. Justin attempted again to stand, this time barely setting his foot down. He stood proudly, trying to hold back in the pain inside. "Are you okay now?" J.C. asked. "Uh... yeah... I'm fine." Justin stumbled out. J.C. shrugged his shoulders and grasped Justin's arm. "Okay, let's trying walking on it then." J.C. said. Justin bit his lower lip and gave J.C. a worried look. "If you can't walk on it, then you can't do much with it." J.C. advised Justin. J.C. took a step forward and gently pulled for Justin to walk forward. Justin took a small step with his left foot and then his right. As his right foot touched the ground, he felt a small pain in his ankle. Justin squinted his eyes and then sighed. "Good. Now take another step." J.C. said. Justin nodded and moved forward again. As his steps got broader, the pain subsided slightly.

As J.C. and Justin got to the door and Justin began to feel more comfortable with his walking. "Well looks like you've improved." J.C. commented as he let Justin's arm go. Justin felt like a child and his mother letting go of him as he rode his bike for the first time. He felt mixed feelings of nervousness and freedom. "Now, do you want me to get a nurse or do you think you can make it to the waiting room?" J.C. asked with care. "I think I can make it to the waiting room." Justin assured him. "All right." J.C. nodded. J.C. limped out of the room, still feeling pain in his thigh. He looked back and watched Justin slowly follow him. "You sure are moving fast." Justin commented sarcastically. "Or are you just slow?" J.C. laughed. Justin gave him a smile, as if he was smiling at his older brother.

Justin braced himself on the wall as he felt his legs become weaker with the walk. J.C. noticed and stopped his walk. "Do you want some help?" J.C. questioned. Justin took a moment to regain his strength while thinking. "Just a little." Justin gave in sorely. J.C. smirked and limped back to where Justin stood. J.C. grabbed Justin's left arm and slung it over his shoulders. J.C. placed his arm in the middle of Justin's back and balanced him. "Okay, let's go Curly." J.C. spoke as he adjusted to Justin's weight. They both limped slowly towards the waiting room.

As they finally reached the doors to the waiting room, J.C. removed his arm from Justin's back. He pushed one of the doors open and tried to hold it open as they walked in. Harold looked up and noticed their obvious need of help. He quickly rushed over to the door and held it open so they could walk in. "Thanks Harold." J.C. smiled as they came into the waiting room. "Sure." Harold nodded and let the door go. "Hey, you finally got him out of that prison of his?" Lance joked from his chair. "Yeah, he's a tough guy to deal with in the morning." J.C. snickered. "Okay, I'm right here guys. You could at least talk about me behind my back." Justin joked with them. "You see what I mean. Major attitude." J.C. laughed even harder. J.C. helped Justin to a seat next to Lance. J.C. then grabbed a chair for himself and dragged it over to them. "So, how are you Justin?" Lance asked with a straight face. "I could be better." Justin answered honestly. "Yeah, me too." Lance agreed. "Yeah well at least we're in a better situation then..." J.C. silenced Lance quickly. Lance relaized what he was about to say and looked at both Harold and Justin with shame. "I'm sorry." Lance quickly apologized. Justin chewed the side of his lip and gave Lance a puppy-dog glance. Harold took his seat in the corner and ignored Lance's comment.

Lance was saved from embarassment when Chris and Joey came bursting into the waiting room. "Maybe we should have told them that we'd be touring again soon?" Joey said as they entered. "But we don't know when Kevin, Justin or Brian will be released. So you nevr know." Chris assured his doubt. "Yeah, right. Plus we'll probably do other things while we're out here." Chris added. "Geez, sounds like you two had fun at the press conference." J.C. interupted their small conversation. "Oh yeah. We enjoy sitting down there with about 40 reporters all asking us if we're going to leave music or are we going to stop touring with the Backstreet Boys." Chris responded sarcastically. "Oh, wait. Don't forget about the part where reporters kept asking if Brian was on his death bed. Or if Nick was leaving the Backstreet Boys because he was scared of earthquakes." Joey laughed. "That's not funny!" Harold quickly barked at him. Joey looked at Harold with disgust. "Excuse me?" Joey questioned. "Joey, what you said about Brian." Justin swiftly informed him. Joey looked at Justin with sudden surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry." Joey apologized deeply.

"All of you guys just seem to find my brother's situation is the best joke in the world huh? It's so easy to say 'we're not in that place, so we don't have to worry about it.'" Harold stood in anger. "Look Harold, we didn't say that." J.C. defended them. "Not in so many words. I don't even know why you guys are still here. It's obvious none of you actually care for him." Harold spoke with a sharp tongue. "That's not true Harold." Justin quickly interjected. "How so Justin? Everyone's so concerned about everyone else but Brian here." Harold's eyes stared in Justin's direction. "Except me. I care deeply for Brian." Justin responded smoothly. Harold felt unease with him. "I'd never want anything to happen to your brother." Justin told Harold. "How can you feel for Brian, Justin? You can sit here with your friends and joke while he is laying in that bed." Harold scolded him. "Hey man, Justin's done nothing wrong." Chris swiftly backlashed. "Yeah, he's the perfect angle that argued with Brian's girlfriend while Brian went into shock." Harold mocked them. Before Chris could bark back, Justin eased him. "Harold, maybe you don't understand. Leigh Ann means nothing to Brian. She's just a friend, if that to him. If I didn't care a thing for Brian, I wouldn't visit him or defend him or do anything for him. I... I love him." Justin confessed. "What?" Harold questioned in shock. "You heard him!" Lance shouted at Harold. J.C. instinctivly grabbed Lance and tried to hush him.

"What do you mean you 'love him'?" Harold spit out his words in displeasure. Jackie sensed the obvious confessions coming and decided to make her presence none in the room. "Hello all!" Jackie rung out like church bells as she entered the waiting room. Harold's attention was shortly averted by his mother's voice. Justin sat back in his chair and gave a flase smile to Jackie. "Hi Harold, darling." Jackie chimmed as she leaned down and kissed her son on the cheek. "How are ya?" Jackie questioned as she looked at her son's face of confussion. "Uhm... I'm okay." Harold spurtered out, staring at Justin. "You don't look it. Maybe you need to get some food or something." Jackie suggested. Harold couldn't respond before Nick, Britney and Lynn made their appearances in the room.

Brian & Justin (Part 56) By JM

"Who's hungry?" Lynn announced to everyone as she held up the bags from Denny's. "I've suddenly lost my appetite." Justin responded, giving everyone a spiteful look. "What bug crawled up his hopsital gown?" Britney joked as she hugged Joey. "Don't ask." Joey whispered into her ear. "Well I sure am ready for some grub!" Chris snickered as he ran over to Lynn. "Down boy, hold your horses." Lynn laughed as she placed the bags on the small table next to Harold. "Holding them with both hands." Chris smiled. "Maybe I should ask the doctors to perscribe you a sedititive to calm your nerves?" Lynn fooled with Chris. "It's too late. They've got me on three perscriptions and prozac." Chris laughed devilishly. Lynn brust out in laughter at Chris's joke. "They need to take him off the volume." Nick snickered from the side. "And everything else." Lance joined in. J.C. gave Nick and Lance a hateful look. After Lance's confession of his love for Nick three days before their trip to California, J.C. has felt an obvious distrust and dislike when the two are together. "Guys, grab something to eat because we have to chat about a few things." Denise said to everyone as she too made her entrance into the waiting room. "Uh, that doesn't sound good." Howie mumbled as he followed her in.

"So, what's wrong Ms. McLean?" Lance asked as he snacked on an orange. "Well I just wanted to tell you what me and Lynn have found out in the past hour or so." Denise responded as she sat next to Joey. Britney grabbed her bottle of Evian water and plopped on Joey's lap. "Geez, watch it. Just because your knees feeling a little better doesn't mean I've become your personal Santa Claus." Joey groaned. "Oh Santa, all I want for Christmas is a new boyfriend!" Britney nudged Joey. "Okay kids, we need to talk now." Lynn suggested as she sat down beside Justin. "Sure you don't want anything?" Lynn offered as she looked at her son. Justin's eyes were too occupied with the window to hear her.

"Okay, from what I've heard at Jive Records, things are going over to grand with what they call 'another glitch' in the tour. I spent half an hour on the phone with the Backstreet Boys lawyers and management crew over at the Firm trying to figure out what to do next." Denise explained. "She did too. A whole half an hour. We timed her." Chris nodded with a small laugh. Lynn elbowed him and gave him a serious look. "So what did they say?" Nick asked, being one of the only representatives of the Backstreet Boys present. "Unfortunately, they want the tour started back up in two weeks. But I was fortunate to get you guys three more days off." Denise replied sadly. "Three days!?!" Nick hollored. Lance grabbed Nick's shoulder and controlled him. "I know it's short, but they believe that by then Kevin should be on his feet. They say that you guys can at least get to rehearsals without Brian." Denise felt the rage from evreyone in the room. "By then? They can't just expect Kevin to get well and then hope that Brian will be better by the start of the tour!" Nick shouted. "Listen Nick, I'm doing my best to stretch it out, but I'm only your spokesperson at this time. I can't do much more then that. I can only argue your status without Brian." Denise tried to explain to the arrogant young man. "And that's hard to do at that." Lynn supported Denise.

"What do the guys do after the three days is up?" Chris asked. "Well after three days, they expect Kevin, Howie, A.J. and Nick to be on a tight training and rehearsal schedule until the start of the tour. They won't have any contact with 'N Sync or any of the other acts until the beginning of the tour." Denise answered with another frown. This caught Justin's attention very quickly. "No contact?" Justin questioned. "Well you know, phone calls and stuff like that. But they won't get any time off to spend with you guys. After practice at the rehearsal halls, they are to head back to an apartment I'll have set up for them here." Denise explained. "Apartment? We're moving in together?" Nick questioned with extreme confussion. "Yep. Until further notice." Denise answered. "No hotel? Fancy penthouse?" Nick scratched his head and questioned. "None of it. It'll be a nice place that you can use to eat and sleep." Denise responded. Nick huffed in disappointment.

"What about this little three day thing?" Howie asked. "Glad you asked. Each one of you has been assigned a job by Jive to complete." Denise answered bright eyed. "Job? Like McDonalds?" Nick asked ignorrantly. "No, Nick. You have to head out to L.A. to work with your brother and Billy on a song for his new album. While you're doing that, Howie's headed to New York to work on a project for your new album with Denise Rich. While there Howie, you'll be working with Ms. Rich, plus Stevie Jordan from Bad Boy Entertainment and Inga Marchand, whom is better know as Foxy Brown." Denise explained. "Tight. I'm working with Foxy!" Howie smiled with honest joy. "No fair! You get to work with Foxy!" J.C. complained. "How come he gets to work with Foxy?" Chris questioned, automatically looking at Lynn. Lynn shrugged with confussion. "And while Howie's in New York, A.J.'s going to stay here and head to the studio with Roger Smith. They're going to finish up work on another song. So he'll be close by and can check up on Brian." Denise answered. "And we'll be here too." Jackie assured everyone. "What if Brian isn't able to leave by tour time?" Justin asked softly. "I don't know. I have to discuss that with the label and management. I'm meeting them in New York in a couple of days." Denise replied honestly. "Don't worry. Even if he's not ready, we'll tour without him. We can't afford for him to be on tour if he's still hurt." Nick comforted Justin, gently placing his arm on Justin's shoulder.

"So, Lynn what's the deal with us?" Joey asked boldly. "Glad that you asked. You guys have alot instored for you in the next two weeks." Lynn responded with a nod. "Do we get to work with Foxy?!?" Chris asked excitedely. "No!" Lynn retorted. "You guys are leaving tomorrow actually." Lynn said calmly. "What!?!" each one of them questioned. "You leave tomorrow and head to Burbank. That's where you'll meet Diane Warren and Guy Roche to work on a new song for your album. Then that night you guys come back here to rest. You'll stay at the Backstreet Boys place here that night. The next day you're leaving again to go to New York." Lynn sputtered out. "Sounds hectic." J.C. raised his brow. "Sounds tiring." Joey complained. "Oh, that's not the half of it. In New York, you guys at heading to the Hit Factory Studios where you might catch Howie and FOXY!" Lynn emphasized as she stared at Chris. Chris gave her a loving grin. "While you're there, you'll be working with Steve Lipson and Dallas Austin on a new song." Lynn finished. "Dallas Austin? The producer?" Lance gasped. "One in the same." Lynn smiled. "Are we working on a song with him?" Justin asked with interest. "Not just him and Mr. Lipson. You'll be meeting some special guests there who are going to be on the song with you." Lynn smirked evily. "Who?!?" J.C. asked with enthusiasm. "Well Britney is one of them." Lynn pointed her out. "I thought you said special guests?" Joey joked. "Uh oh, you're such a Romeo. And they say you're the flirty one?" Britney kidded back.

"Not just Britney, but also rappers Lil' Kim and are you ready for this... Busta Rhymes!" Lynn laughed with joy. All of the guys of 'N Sync leaped up with joy. "No way!!!" J.C. hollored with happiness. "Busta Rhymes! Busta Bust!" Justin bobbed his head with glee. "Lil' Kim too? God, she's fine!" Joey squeeled. Britney swiftly nudged him. Joey gagged instinctivly. "And they say I'm crazy." Joey gagged out. Britney smiled with revenge. "Man, this is too crunk! Lil' Kim and Busta Rhymes on one song!" Lance smiled uncontrolably. "I'm going to work with Busta Rhymes! I'm going to work with Busta Rhymes! Gonna work with Busta Bust!" Chris sang as he did the Cha Cha. "Wait, how long will we be in New York?" Justin asked with concern. "Probably a day and a half. Then you head to Orlando to do the final mixing on the song." Lynn answered. Justin frowned, feeling he was going to be away from Brian long. "Then what?" J.C. asked, sitting back in his seat. "Then you guys come back here and get a quick half a day off. That night, you're having a video party with the Backstreet Boys for their new video." Lynn responded, giving them a sparkling smile. "Video party! Cool!" Chris began to shake again. "You're an idiot." Lance laughed at him. "The next day you guys are fortunate enough to go shoot a video for your first single." Lynn added. "What!?!" Chris and Lance both hollored. "But we'll get no time off." Joey complained. "Did we ever before?" Justin responded sarcastically.

"By Friday, you guys will get the full day off because on Saturday you have something special to do." Lynn shyly said. "So we work the whole week, get a day off, then work again?" Lance groaned. Lynn nodded. "What's so special about Saturday?" Justin asked. "You guys are praticing for an awards show that day. Probably Friday night too. The awards are on Sunday. It's a new awards show called the Music Fame Awards or MFA for short. It's being hosted by some artists and whatever, but you guys are performing with the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears." Lynn chimmed. "Really?" Joey asked, giving Britney's hips a small hug. "But we don't have a song together?" Nick said confussed. "Not yet..." Denise gave a devious smile. "Is there something you're not telling us?" Howie questioned, sensing something good was about to be said. "Well... you are all recording a song together in about three weeks. It was written by Eric Foster White and a guy named J. Morgan." Lynn smiled. Everyone cheered with excitement. "But how are we going to perform a song we haven't recorded yet?" Nick asked. Everyone looked at him as if he was stupid. "Isn't that all you did on the last tour we went on? Hello! You sang 'I Need You Tonight' before we even recorded it." Howie mocked him. Nick gave him a look of anger.

"And how are we going to get all of his accomplished with Justin's shoulder injury and JC's leg?" Chris questioned everyone. "Well, J.C. how's your rehabilitation coming along?" Lynn asked J.C. "Pretty good. I made it from Justin's room to here." J.C. explained. "Yeah, he sure did." Justin giggled. "And what about you Justin?" Lynn stared directly at him. Justin lightly ran his hannd over his hair and stared at the floor. "I'll be okay in a couple of days. If I just keep walking on my foot, I'll be fine. As for my arm, it feels better. It just feels bruised. I'm sure I can take it out of the sling, I just can't move it around too much." Justin responded lowly. "Okay, then there should be no real problem." Lynn smiled. Justin nodded and gave a small smirk. "Okay now that we've gotten everything out of the way, let's eat!" Denise laughed. Everyone laughed along and began to get their food.

"So, what is the song we're shooting the video for? I mean, we've only recorded like three songs for the album." J.C. asked in his managerial voice. "You guys are doing two videos in one." Lynn said casually, sipping on her tea. "Two videos?" Lance questioned the idea. "Yeah, the director is going to do a split thing. So you'll actually be doing two singles in one video." Lynn answered. "Cool!" Chris smiled. "How is that going to work?" Lance asked. "Well, you're going to shoot parts of 'Just Part II' while here in California. Then in about three weeks, you'll go and finish shooting 'Just' with Brian in it and then you'll begin shooting a video for the Busta Rhymes and Lil' Kim song. Then the director is going to edit it all together so that half of one video plays first then the second video plays." Lynn explained to them. "That'll be hot!" Joey gave his approval. "So, the song with Busta Rhymes is going to be made a single. Very cool." Chris snickered. "We're going to shoot 'Just' without Brian?" Justin questioned. "Just part of it, Justin." Denise responded. "You'll finish the rest when Brian's well." Lynn comforted him.

Justin sat back in his chair and took a big swallow of his Evian water. He felt like he had a pain in his chest just thinking about being away from Brian for so long. "Can I ask what's the deal with Justin and Brian? I mean everyone has been acting as if Brian and Justin's feelings count for everyone. Brian and Justin are two seperate people and are just friends." Harold complained. "Hey, that's what I used to say." Nick agreed from his chair. "Harold, this is not the time nor place for this." Jackie chastized him. "No, mom. I've waited too long now and I want to know." Harold retorted. Justin twisted the cap to his water back and forth, getting nervous as time went by. "It's nothing you have to worry about now." J.C. snapped at Harold. "Don't get involved in this J.C. It's none of your business anyways." Harold barked back. "Oh, here we go again." Chris groaned as he stood. "What's the deal Justin?" Harold asked again. "Justin, you don't have to answer him." Lynn eased her son. Justin looked at her with unease. She knew what he was going to say. "Justin, just get this over with." Nick encouraged him little. "Harold, I'm... I'm your brother's fiance`" Justin stuttered out.

Before Justin had a chance to further his explanation, Lynn noticed a familar man standing in the doorway of the waiting room. "Randall?" Lynn stumbled in shock. Just the sound of the name made Justin's head snap in the man's direction. "Hi Lynn." Randall Timberlake waved to Lynn. The room's silence heightened Justin's fears. "Dad." Justin breathed out softly. "Justin." Randall gave Justin a cold stare. Justin knew that stare. It's the same one that made him cringe as a child when his father was angry. "Don't let me interupt the conversation. Please Justin, continue." Randall insisted. "I... I can't." Justin murmured. "Randall, don't do that to him." Lynn barked at Randall. "If there is something that Justin is goingt o admit to everyone, as his father, I should have the right to know." Randall argued with her. "Not like this, you don't." Lynn shook her fingre at him. "I'm not here to cause any troubles Lynn. If Justin is in love with someone and is going to get married to someone, I have every right to know who it is and why." Randall snapped at her. "We're not going to argue about this here Randall. Not in front of Justin or anyone." Lynn said. "No, we're not going to argue about this at all Lynn. I just want to know who it is that Justin is in love with." Randall gave her a stare that was chilling. Lynn threw her hands up and backed away from Randall. She felt it was hopeless arguing with him.

Justin held his head in the palms of his hands and tried to control his emotions. "Justin, son, if there's something you were going to say, please say it." Randall said in a caring voice. Harold awaited patiently to hear what Justin had to say. Justin lifted his head and stood from his chair. "For those of you who don't know, I'm in love with Brian. Not only that, Brian's in love with me. Like I said before, I'm Brian's fiance`. Not Leigh Ann or anyone else. It's me. If you don't like it, I'm sorry, but I have been through too much pain to let Brian go now." Justin announced to everyone in the room. He spoke proudly and strongly. "What?" Harold questioned furiously. Justin rolled his eyes at Harold and took small steps, heading towards the door. "Justin..." J.C. called out to him. "No, J.C. I'll be fine." Justin told J.C. "Where are you going?" Lynn asked. "To see if Brian's awake." Justin responded, still keeping his steady pace. Justin reached the door and gave his father little acknowledgement. Randall grabbed Justin's arm and halted his movements. Justin sighed and looked at his father. Randall threw his arms around Justin and hugged him tightly. "Whatever makes you happy." Randall whispered to Justin. Justin relaxed and hugged his father back. "Thanks." Justin replied. Lynn smiled at her ex-husband and whispered a quick prayer.

Justin limped out of the room and towards Brian's room. "We need to talk Harold." J.C. confronted Harold. "About what?" Harold asked, still in shock from Justin's confession. "About Brian and Justin." J.C. rested his hand on Harold's shoulder. "I don't want to talk to you about it. I need to talk to Brian." Harold said bitterly. "Well since Justin's with Brian right now, it's best we talk. I'm Justin's friend and I only have the truth to speak." J.C. responded to Harold's comment with kindness and brightness. Harold couldn't defeat that. "Okay." Harold nodded. J.C. smiled and they walked out of the waiting room.

Just as they walked out, Leigh Ann walked in. She smiled happily and waved to everyone. She looked around and felt a sense of displeasement in the room. That sense was well felt with eveyone else. "Did I miss something?" Leigh Ann questioned. "You missed alot, Leigh Ann." Lynn gripped with her. Leigh Ann twiddled her fingers with nervousness as she looked at them.

Britney sat back in Joey's arm and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "What was that for?" Joey questioned. "For saving me all the pain that everyone else has gone through with their relationships." Britney whispered. Joey raised his brow and hugged her tightly. "You never know what could happen next." Joey giggled. Britney rolled her eyes at him. "You sure are a sarcastic Romeo." Britney sighed. "Hey, only the best Romeo's are sarcastic." Joey teased. Britney couldn't help but laugh.

Lance stood lonely, staring out at the lights of the city. He felt two arms grasp his sides and hold tightly. He felt a smooth face rub against his own and he gave a low sigh. "Anything you care to talk about?" Nick asked softly. Lance shook his head and just gazed. "Are you sure?" Nick asked again. "No, I'm fine. I'm just glad you're here." Lance smiled. Nick grasped Lance tighter and rested his head on Lance's shoulder. "I'm just trying to make up for all the mistakes I made before with us." Nick responded sincerly. Lance rubbed his hand over Nick's face. "It wasn't all your fault Nick." Lance confessed. "Yeah well, let's not dwell on it." Nick said. Lance agreed. They both stared at the city with wonder.

Justin slowly pulled the door open to Brian's room and stepped in. He held the door as it closed, making sure he didn't make too much noise. "I was wondering when you'd get here." Brian said softly. Justin sighed with relief when he looked at Brian. "I was afraid you were sleep." Justin replied. "It's hard to sleep when you have nurses coming in here every five minutes offering to give you a sponge bath." Brian laughed lowly. Justin gave Brian a hateful frown. "I told them I was waiting on you to give it to me." Brian quickly charmed him. Justin turned his frown into a smile and limped over to Brian's bed. "What's wrong with your foot?" Brian asked as he looked at the wrapped foot. "I sprained it. The doctors said it'll be fine though." Justin told him as he reached the bed. "And your arm?" brian questioned. "Oh, it's just a bruised shoulder. Nothing big." Justin said carelessly. "Right, nothing at all. Then why is it in a sling?" Brian doubted Justin's free-spirited behavior. "Doctors don't want me to hurt it anymore then I have. Don't worry about me though." Justin responded. "It's my job to worry about you." Brian responded to Justin's comment. "No it's not." Justin responded childlishly. Brian's hand shook as it reached for Justin's free hand. Justin quickly grasped Brian's hand and held it tightly. "I hear my mom's here." Brian said as he held Justin's hand. "Yeah, uhm, we need to talk about that." Justin said sadly. "Uh oh, what's wrong?" Brian questioned, but he could tell by Justin's facial expression that it was bad news.

"Well your mom, brother anda father are here. You've probably already seen your dad." Justin said. "Yeah, he was in here not too long ago." Brian answered. "Well, they've been here since early yesterday." Justin said. "I know, my dad told me that. Justin, is there something wrong? Did something happen?" Brian could tell that Justin was avoiding problem. "Brian why didn't you tell your family about us?" Justin questioned boldly. Brian's eyes widened as he stared at Justin. "You didn't say anything..." Brian was cut off by Justin releasing his hand. "Why didn't you tell them?" Justin asked again. "Why did you tell them?" Brian retorted. "Who says I told them anything?" Justin shook his head at Brian. Brian felt Justin's distancing himself. "I'm sorry I didn't tell them, but it wasn't the time." Brian apologized. "And when was going to be the time Brian? When we were walking down the aisle or when Leigh Ann told them?" Justin spoke in anger. "Leigh Ann told them?" Brian asked. "Wait, is Leigh Ann here?" Brian wondered. "Yeah, she's here, but that's beside the point. I didn't have to tell your mother, she knew." Justin said softly. "She knows? But dad didn't even mention anything to me about it." Brian pondered. "Because he doesn't know. Your mother said she wants you to tell him." Justin said.

"And what about Harold?" Brian worried. Justin gave him an uneasy look. "You told him!" Brian said in anger. "I had no choice in the matter." Justin tried to reason with Brian. "How could you not have a choice? It's either tell him or don't tell him." Brian tried to yell, but his body was too weak. "You don't understand, everyone was waiting on me to tell him. And he kept asking about it. What was I to do?" Justin asked nervously. "Tell him to ask me about it." Brian responded. "In your condition?" Justin said in concern. "Don't worry about my condition. Worry about how my brother's reacting to finding out his younger brother is in love with another guy." Brian snapped. Just the sound of Brian's voice hit Justin like a ton of bricks. "Another guy? That's what I am? You know what Brian, I've been through alot with you. And I'd be stupid to cal this off again, so why don't we talk when you're in a better mood." Justin said harshly. Brian realized the pain he had caused Justin and immediately apologized. "Justin, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off angered or anything." Brian said sincerly. "Brian, I don't feel like talking right now." Justin said, easing away from the bed.

Howie peeped his head in the room and looked at the seperated couple. He pondered what had happened and barged in. "Hello guys!" Howie smiled as he entered. "Hey D. What's up?" Brian asked tiredly. "Nothing. Glad to see your awak bro'." Howie said as he hugged the weak Brian. "You had us scared for awhile man." Howie said, rubbing Brian's shoulder. Brian smacked his hand away playfully. "Especially this guy right here. He was in here every second checking on you." Howie added, pointing to Justin. Brian gave Justin a loving look. "Anyways, I'm here to say my goodbye's." Howie said. "Goodbye?" Brian questioned. "Yeah man, I'm headed out to New York to work on a song for the album. I'll be there a couple of days." Howie said. "Well what about the tour and all? Is that still on?" Brian asked. "I thought Justin would've told ya. We're touring again in two weeks." Howie looked at justin with question. "He didn't tell you he was leaving?" Howie asked Brian. "No!" Brian looked at Justin with anger in his expression. "I was going to tell you." Justin told him. "Well look, I'll let ya'll talk. I gotta get going because my plane leaves in three hours. I'm going to cut a part of a song with Foxy Brown man." Howie couldn't help but smile. "Really?" Brian gave a happy expression. "Yeah, it's going to be good. I'll bring back what we finish for you to hear." Howie said. "Okay." Brian nodded. "Let me get going." Howie said as he leaned in to hug Brian. He backed away and then gave Justin a small hug. "I'll see you in a week Brian. And I'll see you in a couple of days Justin." Howie said as he left.

"In a couple of days? You're leaving soon?" Brian asked as Howie cleared the room. "We're leaving tomorrow." Justin responded. "Tomorrow?!?" Brian said in surprise. "I was going to tell you Brian. That's why I came to see you. I wanted to spend some time with you since I won't see you for a week." Justin said sadly. "A week?" Brian got choked up as he spoke. "Yeah, we've got alot of things to do and I won't have time to stop by here at all." Justin said. "A week?" Brian whispered again. "Listen, your mom will be here and so will A.J. plus Kevin's just down the hall." Justin tried to comfort Brian. "We've never been apart that long since we got together." Brian said softly. "I know," Justin sighed. "But I can call you and you can call me." Justin tried to make the change easier for both of them. "Where will you be?" Brian asked. "Well tomorrow we leave for Burbank and then after that we'll be all over. From here to New York to Orlando." Justin answered. "And when you get back here?" Brian asked. "Then we've got promotional stuff to do for the tour and an awards show to go to." Justin responded, feeling even more depressed.

"Come here Justin." Brian waved for Justin to return to his side. Justin looked at Brian curiously and walked back over to the bed. "Sit down." Brian patted a spot for Justin to sit down on. "No, you should get some rest." Justin advised. "I won't see you for another week, so please do me this favor and sit down." Brian pleaded. Justin hesitantly sat down. "Lay back." Brian whispered. Justin slowly laid back and rested himself on Brian's chest. Brian wrapped both his arms around Justin andheld him tightly. Justin felt comfortable in the arms of the man who saved his life. "You know, I can't clearly remember what happened after me and you were running to get to Nick and Chris." Brian pondered to Justin. Justin could still see flashbacks of what happened in his mind. "I fell and twisted my ankle. Then you ran back to save me when you could've saved yourself instead." Justin got emotional as he re-capped the event. "I'd never be that selfish." Brian assured Justin. "And then a spotlight fell and hit you in the head." Justin quivered. Brian hugged Justin and rubbed his face next to Justin's. "It's okay. Don't think about it." Brian hushed Justin. "I... I can't help it. It's there everytime I go to sleep. I can see... see you falling to the ground and laying there... helplessly," Justin suttered out. His body began to shiver. Brian rubbed Justin's face ad tried to calm the young man. "How did we get to safety?" Brian asked, not wanting to dig too deep. "I dragged us to Nick and Chris. I had to carry you, but we made it. And then a pole fell on my arm." Justin answered slowly.

Brian kissed Justin's ear and tried to remember everything. "Wait, you carried me when you had a sprained ankle?" Brian asked. Justin nodded. "And then you got me to safety while you got hit by a pole?" Brian quiered. Justin nodded again. Brian pulled Justin closer to him and began to kiss Justin's neck and ear. Justin closed his eyes as Brian did so. "You saved my life after I saved your's. And then you made sure I was okay." Brian cried as he kissed Justin's neck. "I could never ask for anything else from someone." Brian sniffled.

Just as Brian's lips touched Justin's neck again, Jackie, Leigh Ann and Lynn walked into the room. "Justin?" Lynn called out as they entered. Justin eyes quickly flung open as they entered. "Brian!" Jackie barked as she saw them. Justin quickly jumped from the bed and adjusted himself. "Just what do you think you're doing young man?" Jackie hissed at Justin. "Mom, wait." Brian tried to stop her. "You may be in love with Brian, but this is no... strip bar or some club." Jackie barked her deep, country accent. "Mrs. Littrell, we weren't doing anything." Justin assured her, feeling her anger rise upon his body. "I expected more from you Brian. You're my son and from Leigh Ann said early, she's the only one you've been with like that." Jackie said, feeling disgusted. "She said what?" Brian questioned, looking directly at her. "Maybe I should leave." Leigh Ann suggested. "Hold fast Goldilocks." Lynn stopped her. "Mom, I have never been with Leigh Ann in anyway. Justin is the only person I've been with. He was the first person I was with." Brian admitted. Jackie was unsure what to believe now.

Justin knew his time with Brian was now being brought even closer to an end. "I had better go. I have to get checked out by the doctors before we leave." Justin sighed. He leaned down and gave Brian a light kiss on the lips. "I'll see you in a week." Justin said softly as he backed away. Brian nodded, giving Justin puppy dog eyes. "It was nice meeting you Mrs. Littrell. I wish it was on better circumstances." Justin said, offering his hand to her. She gladly accepted. "I'm sorry Justin. It's just be very frusturating and confussing lately." Jackie said sincerly. "I know," Justin smiled as he shook her hand. "Promise you'll call." Brian insisted as Justin headed towards the door. "I promise." Justin whispered as he met his mother at the door. "Leigh Ann, I hope you'll move on soon." Justin said to her as he faced her. "What's there to move on from?" Leigh Ann shrugged. Justin shook his head at her hopelessly. "Your father is waiting to see you in the waiting room." Lynn said to Justin as they exited Brian's room.

Brian & Justin (Part 57) By JM

Justin entered the waiting room and noticed the few people that we're still inside. Before Justin could say hello to his father, he saw a familar blond-haired, little boy come charging towards him. The little boy wrapped his small arms around Justin's leg and squeezed tightly. "Hellwo Justin." Jonathan said in a cute voice. "Hey Jon. How are ya?" Justin said as he rubbed the little boy's hair. "Goooood." Jonathan rang as he smiled up at his older brother. Justin yanked the boys arms from his legs and bent down to hug his brother. Jonathan gladly hugged Justin back. "Where were you?" Jonathan questioned his brother's disppearance. "I went to see Brian. Do you remember Brian?" Justin asked. Jonathan nodded shyly. "Daddy says that you love Brian. Is that true?" Jonathan asked. Justin looked up at his father with surprise. "Yes, it's true. I love him." Justin replied. "Good, cause I love him too." Jonathan smiled. Justin laughed at his brother's naiveness and began to tickle him. "Hey, why don't you go over there and play with J.C. for awhile while I talk to daddy." Justin said to the boy, looking at his cherry red face. Jonathan nodded and made a mad dash in J.C.'s direction.

Justin stood and walked over to his father. "So, your mother tells me you guys will be on the road again soon." Randall said to his son. Justin nodded. "We wish you could've came home for your birthday." Randall mentioned lightly. "I'm sorry I didn't. But it was still a great birthday, even though I wasn't with family." Justin smiled. "You spent it with... Brian? That's his name?" Randall spoke lovingly. "Yeah, that's him. We spent the weekend together. Away from the music and the business." Justin smirked, reminscing on the relief. "Sounds great. Where did you go?" Randall asked, sitting down. "We went to North Carolina to watch the Tarheels game." Justin responded, taking a seat next to him. "Really? Was it exciting?" Randall wondered. "It was the best! Brian got autographs for me, got me passes to go chat with the team and he also got Brian McKnight to come perform." Justin bragged. "Sounds great. He must really care about you?" Randall asked the obvious. "Yes, he does." Justin answered, twiddling with the ring on his finger.

"Well like I said, as long as your happy." Randall placed his hand on Justin's shoulder. "I am, but you seem so generous about it. Mom wasn't the same way," Justin commented. "She never has been. But that's a different story. I want you to be happy Justin, no matter who you're with." Randall smiled. "And it's not like I'm used to it or anything, but I'll get used to it. You weren't used to me and your mother being divorced at first, but yet, you handle it." Randall spoke wisely. Justin nodded in agreeance. "And that's what everyone else will have to do. I have no reason to be ashamed." Randall eased back in his chair. Justin was shocked to see how easily his father was handling the situation. "So, when do you guys leave?" Randall asked, chaing the subject. "I'm not sure. I think it's early tomorrow morning." Justin answered. "Well how about me, you, Jonathan, Lisa and the baby go grab something to eat? To make up for your birthday that we missed." Randall suggested. Justin nodded. "That'd be great! Where is the baby and Lisa?" Justin asked. "Right here." Lisa Timberlake announced as she walked in. Justin stood happily and walked towrds them. "Is that my new little brother I see?" Justin eatsed, staring at the young baby craddled in his step-mother's arms. "Yes it is." Lisa smiled. "I wish I could hold him." Justin spoke, while cooing his brother. "Well, we're just happy you're alive." Lisa responded. "Didn't think I worried you guys that much." Justin said. "We do, son." Randall answered his comment. "Come on, let's get Jonathan and go grab something to eat." Lisa suggested. Justin nodded and left with them.

Two days slipped by quickly for Justin. He sat patiently in the booth of the studio while producer Guy Roche and songwriter Diane Warren chatted with the writer from Entertainment Weekly. 'Could this take any longer?' Justin thought to himself as he awaited Guy Roche's cue. "Okay, Justin, we're going to take this from the beginning. Like in the rehearsals. Okay?" Guy spoke in his deep, French accent. Justin nodded and heald the earpeice to his ear. As the melody began to fill the studio, Justin listened for his cue. 'When winter comes in summer/When there's no more forever/That's when I'll stop loving you...' Justin sang smoothly into the microphone. Diane and Guy stared at Jusitn wide-eyed, amazed by his suave voice. "Was that good?" Justin asked, relaxing himself. "It's a hit." Diane smirked happily. "I see panties flying." Guy teased Justin. Justin giggled and sat in the chair behind him. He adjusted his Fubu jersey and grabbed the lyric cheet from in front of him. He looked over each lyric, taking in the essence of the song. 'God, was she thinking of Brian and me when she wrote this?' Justin thought to himself. The perfection of the lyrics tested the balance of his own song with Brian.

Justin heard a small click and then the door to the studio he sat in swung slowly open. J.C. and Lance walked in, casually chatting. "Hey bro', what's happening?" J.C. asked, taking a seat next to Justin. "Just looking over this song we're doing." Justin answered, his eyes still glued to the paper. "Isn't it a cool song?" Lance commented, trying to grasp Justin's undivided attention. "Yeah, it's nice." Justin responded lightly. "I can't believe Chris agreed to sit in there and chat with that guy from Entertainment Weekly." J.C. changed the subject abruptly. "Well after talking with BOP, BB and 16, you'd think everyone would be worn with articles. But at least they're not all focusing on the earthquake or anything." Lance added.

Just as Justin was going to add his two cents, they all heard a small, faint ringing noise. "I think that's me." Lance said, reaching in his pocket for his cell phone. Justin and J.C. did the same. Justin dug deep in his backpack and found his cell phone. He quickly snatched it out and could tell the ringing was distinctivly coming from his. "It's me ya'll." Justin said, pushing the small send button on his cell phone.

"Yeah, this is J." Justin answered in his smooth tone. "Cute way to answer the phone." a voice spoke softly into the phone. "Brian?" Justin asked questionabely. "You're gone two days and can't even remember my voice?" Brian responded sarcastically. "No, I was just caught off guard. How are you?" Justin asked. "Ah, I could be better." Brian replied. "So, are you getting all of your rest and making sure you're well for the tour?" Justin teased him. "Unfortunately, yes. With my mom, my dad and Harold always checking on me, it's been tiring." Brian said. "How is your mom and the fam'?" Justin asked, standing from his chair. "There the same. Dad's acting a little different ever since I told him about us, but mom's being as sweet and understanding as ever. Your mom has been by also." Brian added. "My mom?" Justin asked in confusion. "Yeah. She said she wanted to see how I was doing and find out if I had I called you. She was wondering how you were." Brian answered clearly. "Oh, that's why. I didn't call her because I was too tired to. We got here around 2 last night and we had to get up at 6 for a quick press conference at 7:30. Then we had to be here at the studio by 10." Justin explained. "Wow, that's alot of work for you guys. How's the ankle?" Brian said. "Well it doesn't hurt as much, but when I walk around for like more than 20 minutes on it, it starts to throb." Justin responded.

"When do you guys come back here?" Brian asked. "We get back to Sacremento tonight for a couple of hours of free time. But I think I'll just head to bed at A.J. and the guys' place." Justin answered. "You're not coming by here?" Brian questioned in disappointment. "Of ourse I'm coming by. I don't know how long I can stay. The hospital is kinda strict about visiting hours." Justin responded sadly. "I just want to see you for a little bit." Brian noted. "Justin, we've got to record another section of the song." Joey announced from the microphone inside the production booth. "Shit, I've got to go. They don't let you get any time off here. Love ya." Justin said softly. "I love you too." Brian added. Justin pressed the end button on his cell phone nad placed it in his pocket. "Okay, let's start recording." Justin spoke sadly, but yet kept his small smile on his face.

The day finally grew into the depths of night as the guys of 'N Sync arrived at The Backstreet Boys' apartment in Sacremento. J.C. struggled with his bags on his shoulder, as he climbed the ivory, white steps to the door. "This is a nice place." Chris commented as he observed the outside of the apartment area. "It had better be. They're the Backstreet Boys." Lance teased as he followed J.C. "You know J.C., your ass is kinda cute from this view." Lance toyed with J.C. as they reached the door. "Shut up Lance. I'm not in the mood. Save it for Nick." J.C. said angerily. "Hey guys!" A.J. surpirsed them as he swung the door open. "Whoa, where di you come from?" Lance jumped shyly. "It's good to see ya again. Did you have fun in Burbank?" A.J. asked, inviting them inside. "It was tiring. We didn't get to do anything but spend time in the studio." Joey responded. "Well, just tell me what you want to do and we can do it." A.J. offered as Justin made his way inside. "How about sleep?" Justin said groggily as he dropped his bags in the living room. "Okay, there's two rooms upstairs set up for you guys to sleep in." A.J. said, pointing in the direction.

"I need some food. Let's order pizza." Joey suggested, sitting on the small, ebony couch in the living room. "Nick's already doing that." A.J. said in anticipation. "Nick's here?" Lance asked excitedly. "He's out right now. He took Aaron with him to go pick up the pizza. He got back in town about three hours ago." A.J. answered Lance's question while grabbing his bags. "So what's new here?" J.C. asked, avoiding the subject of Lance and Nick. "Well Brian's still in the hospital. I went and saw him this morning. He's doing pretty good. He should be out in about five days the doctors say. Just after his rehibilitation." A.J. answered as he dropped Lance's bags by the stairs. "How's Kevin doing?" Chris asked, while looking at some papers for the group. "He's pretty good. Doctors are releasing him tomorrow." A.J. said. "That's good. Does the lable have anything else lined up for you guys before the tour starts up again?" Chris questioned, giving A.J. his full attention. "Let's see, Howie's still in New York working on that project and working with his sister Pollyana on some stuff. I think Nick and me are supposed to go to Orlando for a day or so to finish up some rough cuts on some songs. Not really sure yet." A.J. said. "And Kevin and Brian?" J.C. questioned. "Kevin's going to go home for two days and rest. He said he'll be coming back the day before we start rehearsals so he can hear some of the album material. As for Brian, after he gets out of the hospital, he's going to have to spend extra hours with Fatima and some dancers praticing for the show. He won't have any freetime." A.J. explained, snatching a coke from the fridge.

Just as A.J. snapped open his drink, Nick came barging in the door followed by Aaron. "Hey guys!" Nick smiled as he entered. "Hey Nick." Chris waved from his chair. "What's up." Joey nodded. Justin waved and J.C. gave Nick a small smile. Lance happily got up from his seat and rushed Nick. "How are you?" Nick tripped towards the kitchen, Lance straddling his hips. "Great, now that I get to see you." Lance chimmed. "I thought you were going to be in L.A. for awhile?" Lance asked, still grasping Nick. "No, we finished up early, so I left." Nick responded, dropping the three pizza boxes on the counter. "Well I'm glad you did." Lance sighed, hugging onto Nick's chest. "I am too." Nick agreed.

"You know what guys? I'm really in the mood to go to a club or something. All this work has made me so jittery." J.C. announced, grabbing a slice of pizza out of one of the boxes. "Yeah, me too." Joey agreed. "Well, then let's go." A.J. decided. "Is everyone going?" Lance asked, looking directly at Nick. "I'll go, but I have to wait for my mom to come and pick up Aaron." Nick scratched his chin as he spoke. "Coming Justin?" J.C. asked, hoping for someone to talk to. "As much as I'd like to, I'm just too tired. But you guys can drop me off at the hospital on your way there." Justin said. "And as much as I'd like to do that Justin, I can't. Visiting hours are over and since the hospital has been getting alot of heat from press and all, they can't really let anyone else in after that." A.J. let Justin down easily. Justin frowned and sighed. "Well I'm staying here too, so me and Justin can hang." Chris tried to cheer Justin up. "Okay, that's cool." A.J. said. "I'll just call for a limo and we'll head out of here." A.J.'s voice dropped as he walked into the next room. Justin stood and stretched, thinking about Brian. "Justin, don't worry about Bri. I talked to him yesterday and all he talked about was how much he missed you." Nick comforted him. "Thanks Nick. You sure have changed over the last couple of weeks." Justin looked up at Nick. "Everyone changes in life. That's how it is." Nick spoke boldly. Justin sat back on the couch and soon found himself drifting, slowly off to sleep, his thoughts still dwelling on what Nick said.

Before Justin knew it, he and the guys of 'N Sync were standing outside of Battery Studios in New York City. "Let's get inside. It's kinda cold out here." J.C. shivered. "Are they waiting for us upstairs?" Joey asked, hugging himself closely. "Yes they are," Lynn said, standing next to them. Justin had almost forgot that his mother accompanied them to New York for any press situations.

Just as the boys were going to walk inside, three young ladies came walking out, casually laughing while being protected by their security. "Hey, wait!" one of the girls said. The enterouge stopped righr next to the guys and Lynn. "You guys look so familar." another girl said. "Hey, isn't that.. that group. You know, the 'I Want You Back' guys?" the first girl said. "Yeah, you're right Pam," the third girl said. "Eh... that's Total." Chris nudged Joey. "He's right." Justin smiled happily. "Looks like you guys know us too." Pam smiled as she approahced them. "Of course. We love your music." Chris cheered. "See Pam, I told you other people loved our shit. Not just the crazy guys." the second girl teeased. "Shut up Keisha!" Pam chastized her. "So, what are you gals doing here in the studio? Isn't your album already out?" Lance asked, starting a friendly conversation. "Yeah, we're just working on a remix." Keisha spoke up. "Really? For what song?" Justin asked. He knew their new album well. "For the song 'Do Something'. You know the one with Mocha on it?" Pam asked. "Oh that songs great. Can't wait for the remix." Justin added. "Us either," the third girl said. "Kima, we better get you out of here. She loves ya'lls music." Keisha teased. "Wow, we're flattered." Joey spoke out from the back of the guys.

"I think you guys have a great sound. You and the Backstreet Boys. In fact, we just met Howie D. of the Backstreet Boys upstairs." Kima said, while she stared at J.C. "Really? We're good friends with the Backstreet Boys." Chris said. "We've been trying to get ahold of tickets to the tour that both of the groups were on. Puffy says that the tour may have been cancelled so we can't get tickets?" Pam frowned. "Puffy? As in Sean 'Puff Daddy' Combs?" Justin chimmed in. "Yeah, that's him." Kima was surprised at Justin's excitement. "Well we can get you tickets to one of our shows." Lance said. "Really?!? That would be great! We're dying to go since we heard such great reviews of it." Keisha said. "Okay, well, give us a number we can contact you at and we'll see what shows we can get you passes to." Lance said, pulling out a small, white card from his pocket. Keisha reached in her leather coat and pulled out a pen and wrote on the card a cell phone number.

"We'll be in and out today, but we always have our cell phone. In fact, we're on our way over to Justin's, Puffy's restaurant." Keisha said. "You guys can join us if you want?" Pam offered. "Man, we'd love to..." Justin was soon cut off by Lynn. "But they can't. They have to get into the studio to work on a new song." Lynn interupted. "Oh, that's sad. Who are you working on the new song with?" Pam questioned. "We're working with Busta Rhymes and Lil' Kim!" Chris said, recapturing his excitement. "And Dallas Austin." Lance added in his business tone. "Busta? And Kim? We just saw Kim upstairs." Kima said. "Cool. Then she's waiting on us?" J.C. asked. "I guess so. She was there to work on the remix with us." Kima explained. "Well then we had better get upstairs. It was nice meeting you guys though." Justin said, pushing Chris towards the door. "You too." Pam said as her and the girls headed towards their limo. "How cool was that?" J.C. said as they got to the steps towards their studio. "Man, I wish we could have gone to eat with them." Joey said in disappointment. "Guys, we wouldn't want to keep Mr. Austin and Miss Jones waiting." Lynn scolded them in her motherly tone. "Yeah, we know." Lance said. They reahced the large black door that lead into their studio. "Well this is it!" Chris said nervously as he turned the nob. He pushed the door open and gazed inside.

The producers booth rang with a phenominal beat, automatically catching Chris's ears. The other guys peeked in as Chris walked inside. "Hey, come on in!" Dallas waved from his producer's chair. Chris looked around and saw a young, black man sitting at the engineering board and a younger, blonde woman sitting next to him. Chris's eyes stared at the short, young woman sitting the chair next to Dallas Austin. Her long blonde hair caressed the lower part of her shoulders and fell down her back. She was busy writing down lyrics on a notepad while the guys entered. "Hey guys, I'm Dallas Austin. Just call me Dallas." Dallas offered his hand to Chris. Chris gladly shook it. "Hey, I'm Chris." he replied shyly. "Ah, your the guy who wants to meet Busta. I've heard about that from Mrs. Harliss." Dallas smiled. "Yeah, I want to meet him." Chris blushed. All the other guys introduced themselves.

"Hey Kim, are you going to meet the guys or just ignore them?" Dallas teased the young woman, still jotting down lyrics. "Oh, sorry. I had a flow going." the young woman said as she spun around in her chair. The ebony skinned woman had deep blue eyes and a blushing pink glow to her lips. She stood to her feet, no higher then 5'3" and walked over to the guys. "Hi, I'm Kimberly Jones. But ya'll probably know me as Lil' Kim." Kim smiled and spoke in her child-like voice. Each of the guys were too star-struck to offer their hand to shake. "Did I do something wrong?" Kim asked. "Oh no!!!" the guys said in unison. Everyone laughed. "Well I ordered some chinese food for you guys and then we can get started." Dallas said while sitting bsck in his chair. "Oh and make yourselves at home. We're going to be here awhile since I want to finish most of the song before we have to go to Orlando for the final mixing." Dallas said, turning his chair back around to the board. "Isn't he so friendly?" Kim teased sarcastically. "Where's Busta at?" Chris asked, looking for him. "He's not here yet. He called and said he'd be late coming in." Dallas answered Chris, his eyes still lokced the the mixing board. Kim shrugged and sat back in her seat. "Why don't ya'll grab something to eat and we can look over some stuff for the song." Kim suggested while grabbing her notepad. the guys nodded and grabbed cartons of Chinese food.

An hour went by with the guys eating and Dallas working on the correct sounds for the song. "So, what are you working on?" Justin asked Lil' Kim, gazing down at the lyrics she had written down. "I'm trying to get the right stuff for my rap on this song. But some of the stuff is coming out all wrong." Kim replied. "Well then maybe we should work on some of the verses to this song?" Dallas said kindly, looking at everyone. "Okay. What are we doing with this song?" Chris asked, his attention held. "Well I thought we could write this song about a guy who falls in love with somebody, but they saw it coming. That's what I thought we could title the song, 'Saw It Coming'." Dallas explained. "Cool." Justin agreed. "Now, who are my lyrical folks? I mean, who really has a good idea from the beat I was playing on what should go in the song?" Dallas asked. Chris automatically raised his ahdn and was followed by J.C. "Okay, you two come over here and work with me on some lyrics I already wrote out. The rest of you, do what you need to do. And warm up because it half an hour, we're laying down the hook vocals." Dallas took strong command.

"I've gotta go call Nick." Lance told Lynn. She nodded and watched him leave from the studio. "When is Britney getting here?" Lynn asked Joey. "Not sure, she said she'd be leaving L.A. this morning. So she'll probably get here after Busta Rhymes does." Joey told her. Justin sat next to Kim and watched her work on her lyrics. "So, maybe you can help me. I've listened to ya'lls music before, but I don't know you guys. Fill me in on some stuff that I can use." Kim told Justin, seriously awaiting a reply. "Oh, well what do you want to know?" Justin stuttered out. "Well I read in the magazines all the time that you're in competition with the Backstreet Boys, but, then in interviews you guys say you're friends. So what's true?" Kim eased back in her chair as she asked him. "We're cool with the guys. I'm good friends with Brian of the Backstreet Boys." Justin answered. "Brian? Hmmm, yeah, I saw you guys on that show on MTV. It was funny when he kissed you." Kim giggled softly.

Their conversation proceeded until Justin's cell phone rang. 'I hope that's Brian.' Justin said to himself as he pulled out his cell phone. "Excuse me," Justin stood and walked to the side of the studio. "Yes, this is Justin." Justin spoke. "Hey Curly." a voice rang into the phone. "Brian?" Justin questioned the caller. "No, it's Jimmy. Who's Brian?" Jimmy spoke into the phone. "Oh whazzup Jimmy! How ya'll been?" Justin quickly recovreed himself. "We're just chillin' back here in O-Town. We heard you guys were here, how come you didn't stop by?" Jimmy asked. "Oh my bad Jimmy. We were really busy and I had to spend most of the time in the studio." Justin apologized. "Hold on, someone wants to say hi." Jimmy said.

"Hi J baby? How are ya?" a girl spoke inot the phone. "April? is that you!" Justin perked up. "Yep. What's going on?" April spoke shyly int the phone. "Oh, I'm just kickin' it in the studio. Guess who we're up here with?" Justin asked. "Who?" April went along with him. "Lil' Kim yo!" Justin bragged. "No way. Ya'll are in the studio with Lil' Kim?" April asked. "Yes." Justin smiled. "when are ya'll coming back to O-Town?" April asked. "Whan are ya'll coming to see me?" Justin retorted back. "When you send us passes to come see you." April begged. "Well then April sweetie, consider it done." Justin smiled. "Really!?! We get to see ya'll?" Aprial shouted in the phone. "Yeah, us and the Backstreet Boys." Justin got her excited even further. "No shit! The Backstreet Boys too!" April cried into the phone. "You know I got you covered girl." Justin replied. "Can you get me passes to see Brian of the Backstreet Boys? I just love him!" April chimmed. Just the mention of it threw Justin off. "You mean B-Rok Brian?" Justin had to be sure. "Yes! You know him right?!?" April cheered. Justin was thrown over by it. "Uh... yeah, me and him are good friends. I'll see what I can do to get you passes to see him. I'm sure I can do it." Justin replied. "Cool. Look, we don't want to hold you. We'll talk to you later." April said. "Okay. Tell Trace, Amber and Chrissy I said hi." Justin said as he ended his phone conversation.

"Something wrong?" Lynn asked. She could tell by Justin's sad expression. "No, I'm cool." Justin shook it off. Lance came barging into the room with a gigantic smile. "Guess what!?!" Lance shouted. Everyone stared at him with unease. "I just met Foxy Brown downstairs!" Lance finally said. "Really?!?" Chris jumped from his seat. Lil' Kim rolled her eyes and turned back in her seat. Justin knew of Kim's obvious dislike for the other female rapper. "And guess who I brought here with me?" Lance said, moving aside for Busta Rhymes to enter the studio. "Aye, what the dealio?" Busta asked as he entered. Chris fell back in his chair with excitement. "Is he okay yo?" Busta asked unsurely. "He'll be fine." J.C. laughed. Justin gladly introduced himself and the others to Busta Rhymes. "Well let's get started on some of this song guys. Busta already has some of his rap done. "Wait, yo, yo, I thought I was going to rap with one of the guys from 'N Sync?" Busta interupted Dallas Austin. The guys of 'N Sync looked at him in confusion. "I guess I forgot to tell Chris that." Dallas smiled mischeivously. Chris's mouth dropped opened. "Oh ho, Chris, aren't you happy." J.C. shook him with as much excitement as Chris had inside. Chris just nodded with big eyes.

Three more hours went by without Brian calling Justin. Justin sat impatiently at the mixing board. He watched as Lance and Joey put down their vocals for the hook of the song. Lil' Kim sat next to Justin and tapped his shoulder. Justin turned and looked at her surprisingly. "Something wrong?" Kim asked. "Yeah, but I don't want to talk about it." Justin said softly. "You sure?" Kim asked. Justin just nodded and said, "I'm sure." "Okay. Because when Biggie died, I know I kept to myself for months. I felt miserable and it was because I didn't express my feelinsg to no one. After I did, I felt alot better. So maybe that's what you need to do?" Kim suggested in her strong words of wisdom. "I wish I could tell you about it Miss Jones, but I can't." Justin said sadly. "It's Kim. And if it's that deep, then maybe you need to tell someone." Kim pried on. "Maybe?" Justin shrugged. "Well just keep in mind I'm listening." Kim said as she stood. She walked out of the studio and Justin sighed.

After a few minutes, his cell phone rang. Justin gladly answered it. "Yes, this is J." Justin said. "OH MY GOD, IT'S HIM!!!" a high pitched scream rang through the phone. Justin jumped and ripped the phone from his ear. "Who is this?" Justin asked. "Hi, uhm, this is Kristy. I'm your biggest fan Justin! I love your music!" the young girl screamed. "Calm down. How did you get my cell number?" Justin asked. "From a friend. I just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I llloooooovvvvvveeeeee you!" the girl said. "Well I love you too, but this phone is for business purposes only. I have to keep it open for my management to call. So please don't call this number." Justin blew her off easily. "Oh, well can you get me tickets to one of your shows?" the girl boldly asked. "Like I said, this line is for business only. Sorry, I have to go." Justin said as he ended their phone call.

Justin returned his eyes to the booth that was now occupied by Busta Rhymes and Chris. Soon enough, the phone rang again. Justin stood from his chair and sighed. he grabbed his phone and walked into the hallway of the studios. "Listen, this phoneline is for business only. So if you're not management, I can't talk to you." Justin barked into the phone. "Then maybe I should call you back later?" a familar voice spoke. "Huh? Who is this?" Justin asked. "Has it been that long? You don't even remember my voice?" the voice questioned. "Brian. Where have you been?" Justin asked, moving to the side of the hall. "Stuck here in the hospital. They haven't released me yet." Brian answered. "Oh, well it's good to hear from you. It's been awhile." Justin smiled. "Yeah, guess you guys have been busy huh?" Brian asked. "Yeah, but it's not the same without you." Justin gave a depressed feeling to Brian. "You'll see me soon. Don't worry." Brian tried to ease Justin's feelings. "Hope so." was ll that Justin could say and pray. "Do you ever get the feeling if we broke up with each other for good that we'd never be the same?" Justin asked Brian. "I think that every once in awhile. But I'm trying not to think about us breaking up." Brian chuckled. Justin's smile grew. "If I had to give a reason right now why I love you, it'd be because of your posotive attitude towards everything." Justin complimented him. "Wow, that's deep. Then my reason for loving you would be you." Brian outdid Justin once again.

"Are you really this nice or is it a competition for you to see who you can top next?" Justin joked. "I'd say it's a competition." Brian teased. "Brian, the doctors need to say you." Jackie said from the door. Brian gave her a disappointed look and nodded. "Justin, I've gotta go. The doctors are waiting on me." Brian sadly said. "Oh okay. I'll call you later okay?" Justin sighed out. "Yeah. Bye babe." Brian spoke gently. "Bye." Justin sighed and clicked off his cell phone. Justin leaned against the wall and eased his head back against it.

Justin bent his knees slightly and reasted his weight on the wall. "Do you want to talk now?" a soft voice asked from the otherside of the hall. Justin quickly sat up straight and opened his eyes. He looked forward, dropping his sight down to Lil' Kim's eyes. "You heard me?" Justin asked. Kim shyly nodded. "I was trying to listen and all. I was just coming back from getting my water." Kim explained, raising her bottle Evian water to show him. Justin gave her a blank expression. "So, it wasn't a joke when he kissed you on MTV, huh?" Kim asked. Justin's face automatically lost color as he realized she had figured everything out. "Justin, are you okay?" Kim asked in concern. "You can't tell anyone about this, please!" Justin pleaded. "I won't. It's not my business to tell. I was just trying to see if you were okay." Kim responded to his plea. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Justin shook off his anxiety.

"So, you were waiting on him to call?" Kim tried to start a lively conversation. "Yeah, I was." Justin nodded. "You seem kinda serious about him. Or at least that's how you act." Kim smiled playfully. "I am serious about him." Justin bragged, holding up his left hand. "Whoa, you are in deep." Kim grinned. "You're kind of young to be thinking about marriage though? I mean, even at my age, I couldn't say I'd be ready for marriage or a deep relationship." Kim spoke while twisting the cap on her water. "I know I'm ready though. Brian. he's like my everything." Justin assured her. Kim quickly got her stance and gave Justin a stern look. "Justin, if there is one thing you can learn from me, learn this. Don't make Brian the most important thing in your life that you forget about yourself and God. He doesn't always come first. Yourself and God should. I learned that the hard way with Biggie and I don't want to see anyone else suffer through that. So don't treat life like you have to live it for Brian. Live it for yourself and the Lord." Kim spoke once again in her petite, wise voice. Justin couldn't believe how she went from a sweet woman to a motherly figure so quickly. Justin nodded to show her he understood. "Hey Kim, we need you in the studio!" Dallas shouted from the door of the studio. "I'm comming." Kim hollored back. "Come on, let's go work on my rap." Kim suggested, trying to lighten the mood. Justin and Lil' Kim walked back towards the studio door.

Brian & Justin (Part 58) By JM

Even though it seemed like four years to Justin, four days seemed to slowly slip by. He was exhausted from recording songs, shooting videos, doing promotion work and even from appearing at the Backstreet Boys' video viewing party. With the one day off the guys of 'N Sync had, Justin got to spend half the day sleeping and the other half with his mother. Unfortunately for Justin, Brian was released from the hospital and had returned home to Kentucky with his family. Justin had thought several times about getting a plane ticket out to Kentucky, but parished the thought everytime. his mind was soon drawn to a blank as he heard a loud pounding at his hotel door. "Justin! Come on man! We have to get down to the Shrine Auditorium in half an hour!" J.C. banged outside of his door. Justin snapped back to reality and looked towards his door. "Okay! Give me five minutes!" Justin shouted in the direction of the door. Justin looked around his hotel room and found what he was looking for. He grabbed his CD player and his Lauryn Hill CD, his Backstreet Boys promo CD and the unfinished version of 'Saw It Coming'. "This should tie me over till we get back." Justin said as he threw all of it in his backpack. He grabbed his 'A' hat and his backpack, leaving the room in silence.

Justin sat near the window in the limo, listening to the unfinished copy of their new song. He listened to Lil' Kim's vocals spray through the song. 'Ice skate while you shade, it's the Wright brigade/You turn shady, when I talk about us/Wanna take the Lex, while pumpin' out the 'Just'/I see me and you gon' have to talk, but...' blazed through Justin's headphones as his head bobbed to the beat. He felt someone tap his knee as J.C.'s verse came into the headphones. Justin looked up at Lance with a questionable look. Lance pointed towards the tinted window and Justin raised his brow at Lance. Justin turned his head in the direction of the window and looked through the purple-haze colored window. He saw the large building that was generously titled the Shrine Auditorium. Justin pressed the stop button on his CD player and removed the CD. "Now, everyone did take the time to look over the song lyrics and listen to the demo so we know how it goes right?" J.C. made sure everyone was set for the song. "Yes!" the all mocked him in unison. Justin pulled the headphones down to the back of his neck and slipped his player and CD into a pocket of his backpack. "Does anyone know how the awards is going to go? Like who's performing and presenting?" Joey asked. "No, but a producer is going to meet with us and Britney on that. I'm not sure if the Backstreet Boys are already there?" Lance answered. "Justin, is Brian coming?" Chris asked, fearing Justin's attitude to the question. "Uhm, I'm not sure. Jackie called me the other day and told me that Brian was staying in Kentucky a little longer to regain his strength for the tour. So I don't think he'll be here." Justin responded sadly.

The limo slide easily into the front of the arena, stopping right in front of the door. The guys all peered out the windows at the many artists, stars and fans that were outside of the the arena. "Wow, this is big and it's just rehearsal." Joey commented. The driver pulled open the door and each guy was hesitant about stepping out. "Man, let's just make our appearance and get inside." J.C. took the lead. Lance followed him and then Chris. "Come on Curly, it's no biggie." Joey said as he exited the limo. Justin threw on his backpack and crawled out the limo. They all waved to the fans that were on the side. "Wow, it's great to be noticed." J.C. said as he pointed to on of the girls in the crowd. "Yeah." Lance agreed, smiling as hard as he could. "Should we get inside?" Justin whispered to them, while still waving. "Maybe, we should. We have to rehease as much as possible." Joey agreed. Chris took the lead and began to walk towards the door. Lance and Justin followed, then Joey and J.C.

The guys looked around as they entered the large arena. The lobby was packed with celebs, security and reporters. "Oh, this is going to be fun." J.C. said sarcastically. The guys each noticed tables set up in the lobby for each record label. Chris pointed towards the RCA table and said, "I guess that's where we should start." Everyone agreed and made their way through the crowd to the table.

Justin looked around as J.C. talked to the P.R. at the table. "Excuse me, are you from 'N Sync?" a middle-aged woman asked Justin. "Uhm, yeah." Justin tried to see the face that was guarded by a pair of black sunbgless and long, red hair. "I love your music." the deep-voiced woman said, offering her hand. "I know you from somewhere." Justin said as he shook her hand. "Well most people recognize me by Mary." the woman smiled. Justin's eyes flew open as he shook her hand. "Oh my... I'm so sorry Ms. Blige!" Justin apologized as he shook her hand harder. "It's okay." Mary said as she pulled her hand from his. "Geez, I'm sorry. It's so great to meet you. I love your music." Justin spoke softer. "You too. I guess I'll see you inside." Mary J. Blige said. She waved and made her way with her secuirty into the main concert area. "Shit, how could I be so foolish." Justin said in anger. "Hey J, we gotta get inside and backstage." Lance said, tugging on Justin's shirt. "Huh, right?" Justin said. He turned around to the guys and looked as they signed in. "Justin, you've got to sign in." Lance tried to snap Justin's trance. "Okay." Justin shook off the sweat and grabbed the pen from Lance. "Look, they're goes Fionna Apple and Lenny Kravitz." J.C. shook Justin as he pointed them out. Justin huffed as he looked up to see them passing by.

The PR handed the guys a short slip of paper that have five stickers on it. "This is so you can get around backstage and around the arena without security problems." the PR explained as Chris grabbed the slip. Chris and the guys looked at the stickers that each read: '1st Annual MFA's, Performer (Saturday)'. Chris peeled off his sticker and placed it on his right cheek. "Now, that's a place people will notice." Chris laughed. "Joey grabbed his sticker and stuck it on his shoulder. Lance snatched his off and placed it on his Nike jacket. Justin slipped his sticker off and stuck it on the tail of his shirt. J.C. was the last to grab his and placed it on the left pant-leg of his jeans. "Now you guys can head backstage where a producer will tell you what's to happen and Miss Spears should be awaiting you guys." the PR said, trying to move along to the next artist. "Are the Backstreet Boys already here?" Lance asked as the others began their stroll to the backstage area. "I'm not sure. You'll have to check over there at Jive's table." the PR instructed. "Come on Lance, let's go." J.C. called out, knowing Lance's reasons for asking about the Backstreet Boys. Lance sighed and ran towards the guys.

A security officer lead the guys of 'N Sync backstaged where they saw many artists talking and praticing for their performances. "Good, 'N Sync is finally here." a producer approached them. "You guys are going onstage after two more acts. Britney is somewhere back here warming up. You may want to get with her and let's pray the Backstreet boys arrive in time for the rehearsal." the producer spoke frantically. "Where's Dick Clark when you need him?" Chris joked softly to Joey. Joey nudged him and gave a small laugh.

"I'm gonna go find Britney." Joey alerted the others before tredding off. "Wait up!" Chris called out, running after him. J.C took a seat in a row of chairs and relaxed. Lance sat next to him and watched J.C.'s every move. Justin eyed Lance, feeling deep in his gut Lance's intentions were wrong. Justin looked down at his feet and noticed his untied Nike. He leaned over and began to re-lace the shoes. "Hmm, that's a position I'm sure the world never saw you in." a voice teased from behind Justin. Justin instinctivly knew who it was. "And if the world only knew you were in that position everynight, then we wouldn't have to worry about fans screaming your name." Justin retorted as he stood. Justin spun around on his heels to look Nick right in the face. "It's good to see ya again Justin," Nick smiled. "Sometimes I wish I could say the same." Justin smirked. "Yeah well, maybe if you weren't so uptight in both areas, you could say it." Nick mocked Justin. lightly pushing him aside. Lance looked up and noticed a very familar face. "It's about time." Lance waved to Nick. "Well for now it's just me. A.J. went to go pick up Amanda, while the others are doing their thing." Nick explained, looking over his shoulder at Justin. "'N Sync, Backstreet boys and Britney Spears are up after the Goo Goo Dolls." a voice came over the loud speaker. "The Goo goo Dolls!" Lance jumped in surprise. "Yeah, they're here. I saw them on my way in." Nick smiled. "Well I wanna go check out their performance." Lance said excitedly. "Then let's go." Nick smiled, drapping his arm over Lance's shoulder. They both walked over towards the stage.

"You're not letting Nick get to you again, are you?" J.C. asked from his chair. "What? No, he's not bugging me." Justin lied. "The question is, is he bugging you?" Justin looked seriously at J.C. "I'm over Lance, end of story." J.C. responded quickly. "Okay, but are you over Nick and Lance together?" Justin asked softly, sitting in the seat that was once held by Lance. J.C. wasn't as quick to respond to the second question. "Let's just say it takes getting used to." J.C. eased out.

"But let's get off that subject. Guess what Chris told me last night?" J.C. said in his playboy voice. "What?" Justin played along. "He said he talked with the label execs and after our first show of this tour we're heading to Cancun, Mexico to tape some shows for MTV's Spring Slam." J.C. answered happily. "Really?!? That's great." Justin said with as much enthusiasm. "But wait, it's not just us. He said that Busta Rhymes, Emenim, Britney, Neve Campbell, Charli Baltimore, Aaron Carter, and a whole list of others are going to be down there." J.C. spoke with pure excitement. "And 702 will be there." J.C. smiled bigger. "For real!?! I love them!" Justin pushed J.C. playfully. "Yeah, they're going to be on a show with us and their promoting their new album," J.C. added. "Wow, Britney's going to be there. I'm sure that Joey's going to be thrilled." Justin nodded. "Well you'll be happy too." J.C. smiled slyly. "What do you mean?" Justin questioned J.C.'s statement. "The Backstreet boys are going to be their performing on a Spring edition of the Grind!" J.C. finally said. Justin's eyes lit up. A whole weekend with Brian and Cancun.

"Hmmm, I wonder what we'll do in our time off there?" Justin asked. "Party! Duh!" someone yelled from behind Justin. Justin leaped at the loud voice. Justin turned around and saw A.J. and Howie standing behind him. "Shit, you scared me!" Justin barked at him. "Hmph, must be that time of month for him." A.J. teased. "Stop!" Howie chastized A.J. for his actions. "Okay, okay. But seriously, what else do you go to Cancun for?" A.J. asked. "Love." Justin smiled. "I wish half of these people knew how mushy you were." A.J. giggled. "And I wish half these people knew how lame you were." Justin laughed back. "So, are you guys ready to go onstage?" Joey walked up to them, Britney under his arm. "Yeah, just let me grab my water and we'll get onstage." A.J. answered.

"Everyone did look over their lyric sheets right?" Howie questioned in a motherly tone. "Of course we did. Man, I wonder if every group has a J.C. or Howie." Joey laughed. "Sometimes I wish they all didn't have a smart ass." Howie gave Joey an evil stare. "Who's going to sing Brian's part?" J.C. asked while pulling his Frutopia from his bag. "Why would someone have to do Brian's part?" Howie asked J.C. "Because he's not here." Justin answered for J.C. "What do you mean he's not here? He's standing right behind you." Howie laughed. Justin looked at Howie twice before he felt two arms lift him into the air. Justin looked around in shock and then felt his feet touch the ground again. Justin turned around roughly and looked at a smiling face. "Did you miss me?" Brian said softly with a gentle smile. Justin was at a lose of words. "I think we should take that as a yes." Britney said from the side. "Britney Speas, 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys, to the stage." the voice soared over the loud speakers. "That's us." Brian smiled, placing his bag on the floor. Justin nodded. "Come on ya'll. We don't have all the time in the world to practice this." J.C. took charge.

Everyone walked out to the stage together, looking over the seating area. "Okay, your mics are labeled and your marks are set on the stage." a stagehand said as he left the stage. "Wow, they're so friendly around here." Lance said sarcastically as he grabbed his mic. "Can we get this thing going? I have another act to coreograph before I can go home." a laughing voice rang in as a woman stepped onstage. "Fatima?" Nick said questionably as the woman reached him. "Yes, it's Fatima! That earthquake must have bumped your head!" Fatima teased as she hugged Nick. Nick gladly hugged her back. "And don't act like you don't see me over here B-Rok." Fatima shook her finger at him. Brian smirked and walked over to her. "It's good to see you again, Fatima." Brian smiled as he hugged her. "I'm glad that you're okay. I wish I could have come to the hospital to see you, but I was busy working on three different videos." Fatima sighed as she hugged him. "Where's that fiance` of your's?" Fatima asked as she waved to Britney and Joey. "Over there." Brian smiled at Jsutin sa he pointed to him. "Hmm, the boy looks like he needs to eat some of that chicken and mashed potates your momma make." Fatima whispered to Brian. Brian bursted out into laughter. "So, you're coreographing our performance? But we're doing a slow song." Nick said in confusion. "I know that silly! But that doesn't mean that Miss Thang here can't do something with dancers. I have to do a ballroom scene for this." Fatima smiled. "Cool!" Nick shouted. "So can we get this started?" Fatima toyed with Nick.

Everyone grabbed their microphones and watched as twelve dancers took the stage behind them. "So, how are we going to do this?" Brian asked Fatima. "Well the dancers are going to be dancing behind you. Then we'll do a breakdown while ya'll are singing. We'll see what we can mitch and match for it." Fatima explained. "So, just take it from the top and I'll give ya'll some direction." Fatima said, raising her hand for the sound to start. The simple melody came flowing into the speakers and J.C. took his cue. 'It's misty outside/It's not raining yet/But with you in my arms/I feel like I could never get wet' J.C. sung, looking back at the dancers. A.J. began to move faster to the beat, throwing his hands in the air. "Boy, don't act like I can't see you! I will bust your ass if you keep fooling around." Fatima barked at him. A.J. quickly regained his composure.

Justin listened as Britney sung, 'And your poetry speaks to me/Without a single mistake'. He felt Brian grab his hand and he gazed at him. "Stop. We've got to re-do that part ya'll." J.C. broke out. "Yeah, I was too low and then the rest of you started the hook too late." Britney agreed. "Okay, let's start over then." Fatima suggested. Everyone re-took their places, Brian still holding Justin's hand.

An hour of rehearsal drained each of the guys as they finally finished. "Before you guys go and look around, there has been a quick change in your program." the producer shouted to them before they could move. "Don't tell me I have to change the dance routine." Fatima gave him an angered look. "No, Ms. Robinson. Actually, a choir is going to be added into the song. They've been reheasing all morning at a studio and they'll be here tonight for the performance." the producer said. Everyone gave a loud sigh and left the stage. "Chris, I think I saw Gwen Stefani in the back over there." A.J. pointed to the back of the concert hall. "Dude, let's go see her." Chris shouted. They both ran to the back. "I could use something to eat. Eating those hotel candy bars is tiring." Britney complained. "Come on then. There's a Ricky's down the street." Joey agreed. "Hold on, I'll join you." Lance said, grabbing his program. "Yeah, us too." Chris pulled J.C. along.

Brian grabbed his bag and so did Justin. "Where are we headed?" Justin asked, as Brian pulled him backstage. "We're going to the lobby to sign out and then we're going to my hotel to just chill." Brian explained everything as they strolled out of the concert hall.

Just as Justin could think about it, he was laying in Brian's room, cuddled in his arms. Brian flipped through the channels of the T.V. with one arm, while holding Justin with the other. "Would you just stop on a station already." Justin complained. "Why? getting dizzy?" Brian teased Justin. "No, it's getting cold without your other arm around me." Justin hissed as he rubbed closer to Brian. "Oh, I'm sorry sweetie." Brian said sincerly, dropping the remote and squeezing Justin tighter. "Okay, I would like to breathe." Justin laughed.

"So, what was it like in New York?" Brian asked. Justin looked up at Brian. "Do you really want to know?" Justin questioned. "Yes, I want to know." Brian responded. "It was cold." Justin giggled. "And..." Brian tickled to Justin to pull the answer out of him. "Well it was enlightening. Alot of work in the studio and then some signings at the Virgin Megastore. You know, basic promotion stuff." Justin poured out. "I hear ya'll got to work with Busta Rhymes and Lil' Kim. What was that like?" brian asked, fully interested in Justin's reply. "Well Busta was just crazy. He got in the studio and was just hype the whole time. That's why him and Chris got along so well. And Kim, she was phenominal. I had no idea she was so deep. She just sat there for like two hours working on her rap and she made sure there were no flaws. plus she was really cool about me and you." Justin let all of his words slip out without thinking. "Wait, 'me and you'?" Brian questioned. Justin slid upwards and gave Brian a cheesy look. "Yeah, she kinda overheard our conversation on the phone. But I mean, she was so cool about it and even based her rap around us." Justin tried to comfort Brian. "So what you're saying is that one of the biggest selling rap artists now knows that me and you are going out?" Brian questioned. "More like engadged." Justin shrugged.

"Good." was all that Brian responded with. "Huh? No 'how could you do that?' or 'what's wrong with you'!" Justin was shocked by Brian's actions. "No, none of that." Brian responded. "Is this the same Brian Littrell that I know?" Justin questioned. "Yes, Justin. Same guy. I just realized in the hospital that there is no reason in getting mad over nothing." Brian answered wisely and respectively. Justin couldn't believe his ears. "So, shall we see what's on TV?" Brian asked, flipping through the channels again. Justin sat up and leaned on the edge of the bed. "What's wrong?" Brian asked while leaving the channel on MTV. "Nothing, just thinking," Justin responded softly. Brian rolled over to where Justin was and leaned on Justin's back. "What are you thinking about?" Brian whispered in Justin's ear. "How blessed I am." Justin answered. "Well if anything, I'm the blessed one. I lived throigh the earthquake, surgery and I still have you to come home to." Brian added.

Brian heard a soft melody begin to sound from the TV and he automatically recognized it. Justin and Brian both looked at the TV and saw the video for 'Just' playing. "Now, ain't that funny." Brian laughed softly. Justin nodded. Brian hopped off the bed and stood in front of Justin. "Come on." Brian reached out to Justin. "What?" Justin asked, giving Brian his hand. Brian helped Justin stand and they looked each other in the eyes. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and raised it slightly. Brian placed his other hand on Justin's hip. Brian began to move slightly back and forth, trying to get Justin to follow his lead. "Oh, this is ridiculous." Justin complained. "Come on!" Brian laughed. Brian let Justin's hand go and placed it on his hip. Justin sighed and placed his arms around Brian's neck. They danced slowly to the melody of the TV. Justin gently laid his head on Brian's shoulder and danced closer. "This has been a long week." Justin whispered. "Don't worry about it. The week is over now." Brian assured Justin.

"Brian!" Nick tapped at the door. Brian stopped his dancing with Justin. "Maybe if we're really, really quiet, he'll go away." Brian whispered to Justin. "BRIAN! I know you're in there. And whatever you and Justin are doing, the doctors said not to!" Nick scremaed from the outside of the door. "Or maybe not." Brian rolled his eyes and licked his lips. "Would you excuse me a minute?" Brian told Justin and kissed him on the forhead. Brian stomped towards the door and swung it open. "Bria..." Nick's words were muffled by Brian's hand as Brian pushed Nick further into the hallway. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP!" Brian hissed at Nick. Nick shook his head 'yes' and gave Brian a scared look. Brian removed his hand from Nick's mouth and stared at him.

"Look Nick, I'm not in the best mood right now. I was trying to spend a little time with Justin because I haven't seen him in a week. Now unless Howie's finger has been cut off and it's fallen down the drain and you can't get A.J. to drive him to the hospital because A.J.'s soooo drunk that you're not sure he'll live or die and you're afraid that if you drive you'll all fall off a cliff, I don't want to know about it! Okay?" Brian barked at Nick. Nick nodded stiffly. "Good." Brian said as he turned back towards his door. "But you have to get downstairs so we can try-on wardrobe for the concert tonight." Nick whispered. Brian stopped with a thud and turned back around. He gave Nick another frightening stare and rolled his eyes. "Fine!" Brian whispered and headed back to his room.

Justin moved away from the door and pretended to be watching the TV. Brian walked in and slammed the door. "Something wrong Bri?" Justin questioned innocently. "I'm sorry Justin. I have to go downstairs and try on clothes for tonight." Brian scartched his head and gave Justin a apologetic look. "It's fine. I have to go anyways." Justin said as he grabbed his bag. "Where?" Brian asked sadly. "I've got to get back to our hotel and then get dressed for the awards." Justin answered while throwing his backpack on his shoulder. "Oh, well I'll see ya there." Brian frowned. "Yeah and then, who knows." Justin smiled. "Uhm like Nick said, the doctors advised against that." Brian informed Justin. "Ugh Brian, is everything about sex with you?" Justin asked as he kissed Brian on the lips. "No." Brian pouted. "Well it is with me." Justin laughed as he opened the door. Brian smiled and watched Justin leave.

Hours moved by slowly as Justin stood behind stage at the Music Fame Awards. "Ten minutes before you guys go on." one of the producers announced to everyone backstage. "Hey guys, let's get a quick prayer and then grab our mics." J.C. suggested. "Nice to see you guys work so well without me." Johnny Wright said as he approached J.C. "Johnny! Where've you been?" Joey asked with a strong smile. "Trying to get out here to see you guys, but business prevented otherwise. Or more like Donna prevented otherwise." Johnny answered. "Guys, come on." A.J. gave Johnny a bitter look. "What a strong welcome A.J.," Johnny teased the bruting man. "I just think we should visit after our performance and not before. We need to stay focused." A.J. retorted. "Okay, okay. I have to get going anyways. Britney, see me after the show, okay?" Johnny advised the youger girl. Britney nodded and grabbed her microphone. "Is A.J. okay?" Justin whispered to Brian sa they began to form a circle backstage. "He'll be fine. He's just a little pissed with Johnny for not coming to see any of us in the hospital." Brian answered. "Oh." Justin gasped. They all grabbed hands for a quick prayer led by Brian and then preped each other. "Stay on key people and don't forget the breakdown." Lance reminded everyone. "And the beat goes on..." Britney used as a saying as she followed Joey out.

"Please welcome pop artists Britney Spears, the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync..." Monica announced from her microphone. The music gently guided it way through the music, causing the attention to fall to the front of the stage. J.C. and Britney both ttok deep beaths and looked out into the audience. They stood upon a large, white staircase that was at the back of the stage. The staircase led into the middle of the stage where Chris and Howie stood on one side and Justin and Nick stood on the other. J.C. awaited his cue and then begun to harmonize his voice with the music. He held Britney's hand as they gracefully walked down the stairs. Each member of 'N Sync was dressed in a pure white suitjacket, with a large open-collar and white slacks. The Backstreet Boys was trimmed down in black, simliar suits. 'Cause of you I'm getting butterflies/Everytime you say yes' Britney belted out like Mariah Carey. Justin waved to the fans that sat in the outstretch of the audiotorium. He took his cue and looked at Howie. They both nodded and gave their all into singing the chours of the song. 'I know, one day/We will see each other again...' they sang with A.J. and Chris. 'My emotions are lost/But it's not cause of you/It's the words that you use/That makes my mind confussed' Nick threw his all into his verse as he emerged onto the stage. Joey followed him, singing, 'Keep whispering little things/Cause I'm listening'. Britney looked over at her boyfriend, admiring his strong voice. Brian emegred from under the staircase, changing the mood of the song. 'See my eyes crying/And I see your love shining' Brian sung, staring directly at Justin. The choir appeared from the same area as Brian and began to belt out the part meant for 'N Sync.

'Oh, ho, ho, and I know one day.......' J.C. held onto the note as the dancers came running down from the stairs, dressed in jeans and tanks tops. "Wait, wait, wait." A.J. stopped J.C. "I think it's time for something new," A.J. smiled to the artists, celebs and fans that were in the audience. "Can I get a remix?!?" A.J. shouted out. A new beat banged into the speakers. As the beat began to get nods from the audience, each member of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys stripped their suits off, to reveal that they were wearing jeans and tank tops under their clothes. The dancers, plus Britney, the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync began to get their dance going. 'You see/I knew it was meant to be/Without a doubt in my mind/We we're going to find the time...' Britney sang in a deeper voice. 'Well I/Felt the love in you/Cause everything you do/Is evidence and proof' Justin sang. 'Well one day/Me and you/It's gonna be/You know it's true/Though our friends doubt/We no inside/It's our love/There's nothing to hide' they all sang. They all worked in their dance before running up the stairs for their exit. 'I know one day...' Brian mellowed out for their finally. The audience took a stand to applaud the powerful mixture of pop, soul and hip hop in one performance.

"They're standing yo!" A.J. shouted as he peered out the curtain backstage. "God, that was so much fun." Britney panted out, wiping off her sweat. "Yeah, especially the breakdown." Howie laughed. "Lance, what were you doing?" Joey teased him for his mistake. "I was trying to watch your girlfriend mess up." Lance laughed. "J.C., I'm impressed." Brian congratulated him. "Ah, it was work." J.C. huffed out. "Well let's get changed in get out there." Chris suggested, tearing away his sweat-soaked tank top. "Oh, but we're not sitting together." Britney pouted. "That's right." A.J. added. "Well, say you're goodbye's until tomorrow then." Chris ordered. Everyone agreed and made their way to the dressing rooms.

Brian sat back in his seat, listening to Lauryn Hill's poetic speech for being honored as the best selling female artist. He watched as Britney took the stage, looking down at everyone nervously. "Hi, I'm Britney Spears. And I'm here to present an award to the artists with the hottest selling song on Billboard. Never in Billboard times has any artist been able to reach gold status with their single within such a short time. So it is my pleasure to present these artists with this award because to me, they're great friends and they are also talented artists. So I'm glad to give this MFA award to the Backstreet Boys for their song, 'Just'." Britney smiled. The audience clapped as fans screamed for the Boys. Each looked at each other with shock.

"Now, here to help me present this award is a good friend of the Backstreet Boys, Johnny Wright." Britney giggled as Johnny strolled across the stage. "Hello everyone. I've watched the Backstreet Boys emerge from a simple boy band to a phenominal selling group. With any forces in their way, the Boys have emerged triumphant in the music world. They have sold millions of records worldwide and now, with 'Just', they've broken another record. Recently, the Boys were injured in the fatale earthquake that occured here in California. They have recently re-cooperated from their injuries and are about to start back on their tour with 'N Sync. The composer of this song, 'Just', was one of the members of the Backstreet Boys, Brian Littrell. Brian composed this song within a half an hour, being so inspired by a love only he knew of. So, I am proud to give this award to them. So will you stand with me and applaud the Backstreet Boys for their sucess." Johnny spoke strongly and generously.

The audience stood as the Backstreet Boys did. They all walked towards the stage, shaking with astonishment. A.J. reached Johnny first and gave him a strong hug. He quickly moved to the mic. "Before Johnny leaves, I think we should thank him. He helped start and make the Backstreet boys and has always been a strong infleuence on us. Though we have gone our seperate ways, he is still a friend of our's. And I want to give him a special thanks for those kind words." A.J. spoke wisely. Britney handed Brian the award and gave him a small hug. "Now, let's welcome the writer of 'Just', Brian!" Nick bellowed into the mic. Brian handed Nick the award and gave him a small hug. "Wow, this is more then I could ever ask for. It's so much for a person to take in. But the first person I want to thank is God for letting me be here everyday to be with you and these guys here." Brian stuttered. "Now uh, I need to thank Roger Smith for producing the song and everyone at Jive and Trans Conn. for promoting the song. And MTV and VH1 for playing the video. All the radio stations and all the fans for loving this song so much." Brian made sure everyone was known.

"Now, there is someone that I really, really, really need to thank. And I can't do it without him up here. So could we have Justin Timberlake come up here." Brian pointed out to where Justin sat. Justin gave Brian a nervous look. "Come on Justin, we don't have all day!" Howie laughed out to him. J.C. urged Justin to stand and Justin did so. Justin stumbled towards the stage, still staring at Brian. Justin got onto the stage and looked at Brian. Brian placed his arm on Justin and dragged him to the mic. "It's because of this man here that we are getting this award. Justin has been a great person to me and has always backed me up. And he even help me write and produced the second part to this song. So I thank him from the bottom of my heart for being the person he is." Brian sniffled into the mic. The audience clapped at the sheer love felt on the stage. "So, I just want to thank him and the MFA's for this award." Brian ended his speech. Justin and Nick helped walk Brian off the stage, feeling the overjoy he had. "Thank you Justin," Brian whispered, giving Justin a small peck on the cheek. "Anytime, babe." Justin smiled.

Brian & Justin (Part 59) By JM

Justin relaxed in his and Brian's hotel room, lying on the bed comfortably. He was in Cancun, Mexico and just spent the morning performing on MTV's Spring Fiesta. He needed a few hours to himself, so he had Brian go to the beach with the others. It was so amazing to him how fast rehearsals went and their first two shows on the tour. It was as if they flew by in a blink. Now his greatest task was the pressure Brian and Justin were beginning to feel from their parents. It was no longer just Brian and Justin in the relationship. Lynn, Paul, Harold, Jackie, Lisa and Randall each began their own conquest of planning a wedding that Brian and Justin were not ready for. 'What are we going to do to stop them?' Justin thought to himself.

Before he could think of a way to answer that question, Brian, A.J., J.C. and Howie came barging in the room. Each laughed loudly, joking over their experiences at the beach. "Man, I wish we had a camera when Chris tripped in the sand chasing that girl." A.J. laughed. "Or how about the time Howie got swept by the current." J.C. chuckled. "Could you guys be any louder." Justin complained as he rolled off the bed. "Oh, did we wake the poor baby," A.J. laughed as Justin stomped into the bathroom. "Hey, quit it guys." Brian fussed at them. Brian quickly ran into the bathroom to check on Justin. "I'm sorry abbe. We just had a lot of fun at the beach." Brian gave Justin a small kiss on the cheek as he apologized. "Did you have to bring the fun to this room?" Justin asked. "We came here to get you. It's getting late and the parties are going to start up soon. The guys all want to go out and meet Britney somewhere. So, are you going to go?" Brian asked, trying to soften Justin up. Justin thought about it. "Please..." Brian pleaded. "Okay, why not." Justin replied finally. "Great!" Brian said with thrill. Brian held Justin's hand tightly and kissed his lips gently. Justin gladly opened his mouth for Brian's tongue and adjusted his head for Brian's kiss. "Ooooh, this is one for the Kodak!" A.J. smiled as he quickly snapped a photo of Brian and Justin. Justin sighed through their kiss and let Brian's lips go. "A.J., when will you grow up?" Justin said aggrivated. "When you and Brian stop fucking." A.J. laughed. "Then I guess he'll never grow up." Brian said softly.

They all stepped out of the bathroom and took a breath of fresh air. Justin sat on the bed and held Brian in his arms while A.J. looked at a magazine layout the Backstreet Boys did, J.C. called his brother and Howie admired the hotel room. Justin suddenly felt a thud against his head and then a deep groan. Justin jumped in shock, causing Brian to scoot forward. "What!?!" Brian huffed as he looked up at Justin. A.J. looked at Justin with concern before he heard a slight moan. "Huh?" A.J. questioned. Howie's attention was finally caught when they heard "Hmm, Nick..." seeped through the walls. "Oh hell no!" A.J. laughed. "Can't they get a room." Howie rolled his eyes. "They've got a room!" A.J. shouted. "Could they find another time to be doing this." Justin said, feeling disgusted. "It's nothing that we don't do." Brian giggled. "But I don't want to hear them," Justin pushed Brian forward and got off the bed. "And you must think we do!" Brian complained. "Shut up ya'll..." A.J. hissed. "Yeah, big daddy!" Nick grunted as Lance's head hit the headboard again. "Nasty!" Howie teased. "Somebody has got to stop this hit and now." J.C. barked. "Sh..." A.J. waved for Howie to follow him.

A.J. and Howie crept into the hallway and walked next door to Nick and Lance's room. "Oh..." they heard Lance's deep moan through the door. A.J. placed his hand on the doorknob and softly shook it to see if it was locked. It wasn't. A.J. gave Howie a devious smile. Howie nodded and waited in anticipation. A.J. grasped the door firmly and thrusted it open. "Watch out big daddy because here I cum!" A.J. laughed as he bursted into the room. "Shit!" Lance screamed, flipping Nick off the bed. Howie cried as he laughed, looking at his friends in a compromising position. "And bam! That's a kodak moment!" J.C. snarled as he took a picture of Nick and Lance on the floor. "Revege is so sweet," J.C. laughed as he looked at them. "Get the fuck out of our room!" Nick stood, his dick still fully erect. "Why? So you can free willy!" A.J. giggled. "Look's to me like Willy's already free." J.C. pointed at Nick. "Go Willy, go!" Howie mocked the movie. "Will ya'll get the hell out!" lance yelled out them. "Okay, okay. We're going to some clubs soon. So finish up and get dressed. Will be waiting on Britney." A.J. tried to speek and laugh at the same time. He, Howie and J.C. walked out of the room, leaving Lance on the floor and Nick standing over him. "Well you heard the man," Nick smiled while wiping the sweat from his head. "Let's finish what we started." Nick winked at Lance as he got back down on his knees. Lance gave Nick a huge smile and raised his legs once again.

Justin groomed his hair while listening to Brian, Kevin, Chris and J.C. play cards. They laughed hard as they played. Justin shook his head at their immaturity. He walked into the room and grabbed his bag from near the bed. He threw his hair gel inside and pulled out his necklace. "Come on J.C., deal!" Kevin complained at J.C. slowness. Justin pulled out his light purple shades and threw them on. "Uh oh, Chris you act like you've got a good hand or something." Kevin teased in his deep voice. Justin walked behind Brian and looked down at his hand. "Well Justin... does he have a good hand?" Kevin asked as he arranged his own cards. Justin placed his arms around Brian's neck as he watched them play. Justin pointed to one of the cards, assuring Brian to play that one. "Hey, no fair! Justin's cheating for Brian!" Chris complained. "How?" Justin questioned Chris's motives. "Because you've seen our hands!" Chris barked. "I did not." Justin retorted like a child. "You did too!" Chris pouted. "Oh fuck it." Justin said, releasing Brian from his arms. "Chris, you're such a baby." Brian mumbled as he watched Justin walk away from the game. "Guys, come on! Britney's here!" Joey announced as he walked into the room. "Okay, let's go dudes." Kevin said as he stood from his chair. "Where's the club at?" Brian asked as he put on his red Knagol hat. "There's one across the street and A.J. says there's two down the streets." J.C. answered. "Let's just go and see if we make it out of one." Justin suggested as he headed out.

They all headed across the street to the club, catching looks from everyone. "All these college kids," Kevin whispered to Joey as they got to the club. "Are we actually going to wait in this line?" A.J. asked, ready to get inside. "Hold on, let me and Chris pull some strings." Kevin said, pulling Chris with him to the front of the line. Within minutes, they returned with huge smiles on their face. "Let's go people!" Kevin charmed as he pulled them to the front of the line.

They all walked into the club, which was filled with loud noise and crazy college kids. "Whoa, this is more then I expected." Lance cringed as he pointed to the girls stripping on one of the bars. "It's MTV and crazy ass kids. You do the math." A.J. shouted to them over the loud noises. "Well let's not just sit here. That dance floor looks good to me." Kevin suggested. "Yeah, me too." J.C. agreed. Kevin, J.C., Joey and Britney made their way to the middle of the dancefloor. "I'm more interesting in that chica over there." Howie pointed out a girl sitting next to the DJ stand. "I'm thirsty. Ya'l want anything?" A.J. asked as he walked towards the bar. "Sure," Nick agreed, pulling Brian, Justin, Chris and Lance with him.

They all reached one of the bars and took notice of the crowded area. "Hey, can I get a beer." A.J. flagged down one of the female bartenders. "Sure and what about the rest of you fine guys." the woman gave a sexy smile to each of them. "I'll take a coke." Chris smiled. "Yeah, me too." Lance agreed. "And you, sweetie." the woman approached Justin. "Uhm, I'll have a strawberry daquiri, virgin." Justin answered nervously. "Oh, I hope not like your love life." she smiled. "No, not at all." Brian gave her a hateful smile. "And what would you like?" she winked at Brian. "I'll take a beer, I guess." Brian gushed. "Okay, and what about you blondie?" she questioned Nick. "Gimme a beer too." Nick winked at her. Lance nudged Nick and gave him a displeased look. "You got it babe." the bartender shined as she went to prepare their drinks. "I don't think we should let Lil' Nick here get a beer. Or have we all forgot the last time?" Chris advised everyone. "That was one time Chris. It won't happen again." Nick argued. "Nick, promise me that it won't." Brian said seriously to Nick. "Brian, I promise you that I won't crash anymore cars." Nick snickered. "Keep in mind that that was my car." Justin eyed Nick. "Yeah, and keep in mind I'm still paying for the repairs on that car." Nick groaned.

"Here you go gents." the bartender returned. She passed Nick, A.J. and Brian beer bottles. Then she handed Chris and Lance's their cokes and Justin's daquiri. "Hey, what are these?" Chris asked as he pulled a small, slender, neon-green stick from his cup. "Ah, complementary glow sticks. You stick them in your mouths and they glow." the bartender responded. "Cool." Justin smiled as he stuck the stick in his mouth. "And you can switch them with other folks at the club, but there's only one way to do that." she smiled harshly. "How's that?" lance questioned. "I'll see show ya." she grinned as she pulled Chris closer. Chris looked at her in terror and she began to kiss him, removing the stick from his mouth with her tongue. She let him go and smiled, proving that she had the stick in her mouth. "It's called glow stick. Have fun, gents." she perked up as she threw Chris the stick. "Whoa, can I exchange with you." A.J. giggled.

"Man, what a way to trade sticks." Justin smiled at Brian. "How about you keep your stick and I'll get my own." Brian reassured Justin. Justin gave Brian a glare before looking out to the dance floor. "Go J.C.! Go J.C.!" the crowd roared as J.C. worked the floor. "Hah, look at him!" Nick said, from atop a bar stool. Justin laughed, reminiscing on the days that he and J.C. would dance for all the people on the Mickey Mouse Club.

"Let's grab a table." Lance suggested to Justin. Justin nodded and tapped Brian to join them. Brian shook his head and sipped on his beer. Justin gave a small shrug and followed Lance to a central corneer of the club. "It's getting kinda hot in here?" Lance coughed, smelling the scent of cigarettes. "That's because there's so many people." Justin nodded. "Hey sweetheart, would you like to dance?" a country girl asked Lance. Lance gave Justin a quick glance, looking for approval. "Go ahead! I'll be out there soon." Justin suggested. Lance let go of his coke and slipped his glow stick in his mouth. He and the girl glided out to the floor. Justin watched as the dance floor became packed with dancers. He sipped on his drink and watched from afar. "What the hell." Justin said and slipped his glow stick in his mouth. He pushed through the growing crowd and got to the floor.

The minute Justin's feet touched the floor, he was bombarded by ladies. He made his move from person to person, showing off his hard abs and pelvic moves. "Let's trade." a girl offered, trying to pull Justin into a kiss. "That's okay. I like my glow stick." Justin turned her down lightly and moved through the crowd. Justin looked around and saw Kevin with a girl on one side of him, J.C. with a girl on another side of him and A.J. with two girls behind him. "Might if I take this dance?" Brian asked as he quickly replaced the girl Justin was dancing with. "It's up to you." Justin shrugged as he began to grind with Brian's body. "I think I can handle it." Brian smiled, placing his hands on Justin's ass. They grinded to the beat of Madonna as 'Ray of Light' filled the club. "Look at A.J." Brian pointed out his friend who was deep into a kiss with both girls he was with. "Oh shit, Amanda's going to kill him." Justin whispered to Brian. "Not if he doesn't tell her." Brian laughed as he ran his hands over Justin's back.

"Dude, you've got to try this thing they have here." Kevin told Brian. Brian could tell that Kevin had been drinking from the strong scent of beer and vodka on his clothes. "What?" brian asked, still grinding with Justin. "It's called a triple kiss. You find three people and you just started kissing everyone. It's hot!" Kevin replied with a huge grin on his face. "Whoa, that's dfferent." Brian commented. "Man, is it!" Kevin laughed. "Let's stop." Justin suggested, pulling Brian off of him. "Why?" Brian asked. "Because I'm getting hard and you know what that leads to." Justin answered him plainly. "And I wouldn't mind that." Brian smiled. "Not here, not now and not for awhile." were the three responses Justin gave him. "Suit yourself." Brian threw his hands up and began to dance with a girl behind him. "Asshole." Justin murmured as he moved through the crowd again.

Lance felt Nick's hands digging into his pants as they danced by the bar. "Nick, we can't do that." Lance whispered to him as they danced. "Oh come on Lance." Nick complained, trying harder to rip Lance's pants open. "No!" Lance barked, pushing Nick back. Lance adjusted his clothes and sat at the bar. "Can I get a strawberry and kiwi twist?" Lance asked the female bartneder. "Anything for you sugar." she smiled. Lance looked down the bar to see Britney and Joey casually talking as if no one else was at the bar but them. 'Why couldn't I have something like that?' Lance thought to himself. the bartender handed him his drink and Lance quickly gulped half of the glass. "Damn Lance, what's bugging you?" A.J. asked as he toweled off his chest. "Just Nick." Lance answered boldly. "Oh, him huh? Well just get on the floor. It gets your mind off of everything." A.J. advised. "Been there, done that." Lance laughed. "Well man, I wouldn't mind doing it again." A.J. said slyly, looking at all the ladies in the club. "Didn't you have a yellow glow stick when you went on the dancefloor?" Lance questioned, looking at the pink and blue sticks in A.J.'s mouth. A.J. gave Lance a sly smile. "Hey sugar, how about you give me one of those glow sticks in your mouth?" the bartender asked A.J. "Gladly," A.J. smiled. He hopped ontop of the bar, causing Lance to stand. "Have fun A.J." Lance giggled, heading towards Britney and Joey.

Nick couldn't believe himself. He was half-drunk and in a triple kiss with a girl named Jenny and J.C.! His lips tasted J.C.'s sweet tongue again as they all kissed each other. Nick pulled away as did Jenny and J.C. "Damn, that was hot!" J.C. laughed, fully drunk from his rum. "Oh shit, I think I'm going to vomit!" Nick gagged as he ran off towards the bathroom. "What's his deal?" Jenny asked. "Who gives a fuck, let's get back on the floor." J.C. stumbled with her.

Justin looked around one of the bars, searching for one of his companions. Before he knew it, he found A.J. and Kevin, ontop of the bar stripping their shirts off. "Come on ladies!" A.J. grinded his body on one of the poles that supported the bar. "Yeah baby!" Kevin roared as he danced on the bar. "Will you two get your asses down here!" Justin hollored at them, tugging on Kevin's jeans. "Hey sweetheart, you got the right idea. Take off the jeans baby!" the bartender laughed. "No, get down Kevin." Justin pulled Kevin down. "Geez Justin, can't I have any fun? I wasn't going to do anything." Kevin jerked away from Justin. "Where's Brian?" Justin asked. "I think he's on the dancefloor." Kevin responded. "Hey guys, we're ready to go to the next club." Britney announced to Kevin and Justin, Joey standing behind her. "Yeah, me too." Justin agreed. "Okay, as long as we get to dance." Kevin nodded. "We're gonna get Lance and Howie. Kevin, grab A.J. and Justin, find Brian and Nick. Chris is already outside waiting on us," britney ordered them. "Yes ma'am!" Kevin laughed. Justin gave Kevin a glare and then headed off towards the dancefloor.

"Brian!" Justin called out as he got to the middle of the floor. He felt two arms graps him around the waist and a distinct pelvis grinding into his ass. "Look, I know you're horny and fucking hard, but get the hell off me." Justin nudged his mystery dancer in the stomach. "Shit...." he heard someone groan. Justin turned around and saw Brian kneeling down. "Oh damn, I'm sorry Brian." Justin pleaded as he hlped Brian up. "It's okay." Brian assured him. "So, what's up?" Brian coughed out. "We're leaving." Justin answered. "No, I don't wanna leave yet." Brian fussed. "We're going to another club, come on!" Justin argued. "No! I like this one." Brian argued back. "Brian, let's go." Justin gave Brian a deadly stare.

"I'll only go if you trade glow sticks with me." Brian smiled, showing his neon-blue glow stick to Justin. "I'm not even going to ask who you got that glow stick." Justin responded. "I'm not going without it." Brian stood strong. "Fine." Justin gave in. Brian grabbed Justin by the back of the head and forced his lips on Justin's. Their tongues slid past each other, carrying the glow sticks into each other's mouths. Brian's lips held tightly onto Justin's, licking Justin's tongue softly. Justin felt overcome by Brian's sexuality. Justin's mouth opened and closed several times, savoring Brian's saliva and lips. Justin finally peeled his lips away, feeling exhausted by the kiss. Brian smiled and showed Justin that he had both sticks in his mouth. "Come on." Justin smiled as he tugged Brian off the dancefloor.

"Where's Nick?" Justin asked as they pushed by all the people. "Don't know." Brian answered honestly. Justin looked over the crowds and saw Nick kissing a guy by the bar. "Fuck." Justin stomped over to Nick. He grabbed Nick by the shirt and peeled him away from the guy. "Sorry, but he has to go to bed now." Justin explained to the man as he drug both Brian and Nick out of the club.

They all forced their ways out of the club and took deep rbeaths as they got outside. "That was a hot club." A.J. giggled from the alcohol. "And all of ya'll are drunk." Joey chastized each of them. "We'll be okay." Kevin assured Joey. "Look, let's get to the club before I get too tired to dance." Britney gave a wise suggestion as she pointed to the club down the street. "Yeah, let's go." A.J. agreed. "Hey Lance baby, wait up." Nick stumbled over to Lance, latching onto him. Justin knew Nick was wrong, but refused to get involved. Brian threw his arm on Justin and Justin proudly walked with Brian to the club. "A.J., what were you doing on the bar?" Britney questioned A.J.'s strange behavior. "Oh, I was just giving the ladies what they wanted." A.J. answered with a slur. "And what about Amanda, A.J.?" Joey fussed with A.J. "Look Joey, you have Britney. Don't worry about Amanda." A.J. argued with him. "Will you two shut up." Howie boldly barked. "Can we get to the club without anyone fighting or arguing?" Chris pleaded. "That's funny, we're always arguing over Brian and Justin. Yet they're sitting back there just as quiet as can be." Nick added. "Don't worry about us Nick." Brian responded. "Ooookkayyyyyy." Nick bellowed out. "But I saw the way ya'll we're dancing and I was afraid that ya'll were going to be butt naked before A.J. was." Nick giggled. Justin wanted to throw the kiss in Nick's face, but couldn't afford Lance's wrath. He held his tongue and smiled at Nick.

They arrived at the club, each feeling a bit rested. "Come on in!" the security offered, automaticallly recognizing the two groups and female singer. "Thanks buddy." A.J. patted him on the shoulder as they entered.

A.J., Howie, Chris, Lance and J.C. went straight to the dancefloor as they got in. "I'm thirsty." Britney pointed towards the bar. Joey followed her, then Nick and then Brian and Justin. Kevin headed towards the restrooms to releave himself. "Can I get a Pineapple fruitdrink?" Britney asked as she took a seat at the bar. "Comming up ma'am." a southern bartender answered. "I think I'm gonna have a coke." Joey spoke towards the bartender. "And could you add a margurita to that?" Nick raised his hand to grasp the bartender's attention. "Do you want anything?" Brian asked Justin, while sitting next to Britney. "No, I'm fine." Justin answered. "Well okay, can I get a light beer?" Brian asked. "Sure buddy." the bartender responded. "Another beer?" Justin questioned Brian. "Yeah, it's okay. I've only had one and it's not like I'm driving anywhere." Brian defended himself. "Still, you really don't need to drink all that alcohol." Justin argued. "Justin, it's a light beer. What's the problem?" Brian beckonded an answer. "Nothing." Justin gave up.

"Here you go." the bartender slid Brian a bottle of beer. Justin crossed his arms and gave Brian a bored look. "Come with me," Brian pleaded with Justin while tugging on his shirt. Justin sighed and followed Brian out to the dancefloor. "We're here to have fun." Brian said to Justin while budging through the crowd. Brian grabbed Justin's hips and yanked Justin closer. "What's up ya'll? I here that we've got the Backstreet Boys in the house, so I'm gonna throw this jam on for them. It's called 'I'll Be The One'!" the DJ shouted through is mic. As soon s the music came in, all the people on the dancefloor threw their hands up. Brian grabbed Justin by the thigs and pulled him hard onto Brian's pelvic area. Justin began to feel the heat of Brian's mouth near his chest and the heat of the dancefloor overcame him. Justin felt the drops of sweat pour from his shoulders as he began to feel all over Brian's neck.

Brian lifted his head and looked right into Justin's eyes. Justin's vision felt blurred by the intensity of the dance. Brian moved forward, his face holding a tremendous smile. Brian stuck his tongue out he reahced Justin's lips and darted forward, making Justin part his lips. Justin felt Brian's lips finally grasp his and they began an intense kiss. Brian grabbed the back of Justin's head and kept the kiss going as the Backstreet Boys song was mixed with an 'N Sync song. "Let's give it up ya'll because we've got 'N Sync in the house two. And we have a treat for ya'll, the club mix of their new single 'Just Part II'..." the DJ's voice echoed through the club. Brian released Justin's lips and pulled his erect tongue from Justin's mouth. Justin panted heavily, his eyes still shut. Just as Brian was about to speak, he felt a person's body thrusted on his back. Brian tripped forward, his beer spilling from it's bottle onto Justin's face, hair and shirt. "Shit!" Brian hollored as he regained his balance. Justin's eyes fluttered open and stared at Brian. "Justin, I'm sorry. this asshole behind me bumped into me." Brian complained. "It's okay, I'll just go wash it off." Justin comforted Justin as he moved through the crowd. "Wait up!" Brian called out to Justin. Brian did his best to push by the dancers and catch up to Justin.

Justin pushed opened the bathroom door and looked around. The bathroom was empty, but filled with beer bottles. "This must be the piss and go spot." Justin whispered as he moved towards the sink. Justin turned the knob on the sink and hot water began to flow out of it. Justin ran his hands through the water and lifted it to his face. "Justin!" Brian called out as he entered the bathroom. Justin glared over his shoulder at Brian and then began to run his fingers through his hair. "What took you so long to get here?" Justin asked, while toweling off his shirt. "The crowd." brian answered. Justin looked in the mirror at Brian's reflection and caught Brian sipping another beer. "And was the crowd at the bar?" Justin asked seriously. "Oh, you mean this? Nick gave it to me." Brian responded. "Let's just get back outside to the dancefloor." Justin suggested as he turned around. "Wait, wait. You missed a spot." Brian pointed out a small drop of beer on Justin's cheek. Brian leaned in and licked the drop of beer of Justin's cheek. Brian began to kiss Justin's cheek before Justin pushed him back. "Let's just get back out to the dancefloor," Justin repeated. "Suit yourself." Brian shrugged and sipped on his beer.

The stepped out of the bathroom to hear 702's 'Where My Girls At' blasting in the club. "I love this song!" Justin shouted as he looked around the club. "Come on." Justin dragged on Brian. "You go ahead. I'm gonna take a break." Brian turned Justin down. Justin frowned and gave up. "I'll see you around Brian." Justin waved and ran out to the floor.

Brian stumbled to the bar and sat down. He let his beer sit on the counter as he burried his head in his hands. "Hey B-Rok, what's up?" Nick asked as he plopped down next to Brian. "I feel like shit." Brian responded. "Oh, that's too bad. I feel geat." Nick said in a chippery mood. "That's great Nick. Where's Lance?" Brian lifted his head to look at Nick. "Somewhere around here. It doesn't matter to me. He was being a boring stiff, so I left him." Nick responded. "I wish I could be so free like you." Brian slipped out. "What?!? You mean without your precious Justin?" Nick laughed sarcastically. Brian just shook his head. "Well look, you can be free. You can do what you want, whenever you want." Nick coaxed Brian. "No, I can't." Brian disagreed. "Yes you can. Say you wanted to kiss me right now, then you could." Nick persuaded Brian easily. "But I don't want to kiss you right now or ever." Brian pouted. "Well say I wanted to kiss you, what's stopping us?" Nick asked. "The fact that I don't want to," Brian answered. Nick leaned into Brian and gave him a small kiss on the lips. "There, you did it." Nick smiled. Brian gave Nick an aggrivated look. "Why don't you go find Justin, so you'll be a little happier." Nick suggested, leaping from his bar stool. Brian took Nick's advice and left the bar.

An hour went by and soon Brian and Justin were comfortably in each other's arms in a booth. A.J. sat next to them, chatting with Howie while Nick was lip-locking with Lance. "What's the deal ya'll? Why are we just sitting around here?" Joey asked as he approached. "I don't know... what you're... talking about?" Nick muffled through his kisses with Lance. "Yeah, we're doing something." Lance panted out. "And it's making me sick." Brian gagged at them. "Look, me and Britney were watching some folks at the bar do body shots and it looked like fun." Joey said as he held up a plate of lemons and a bottle of whiskey. "Body shots?" Justin gave Joey a crossed-eyed look. "Yeah, that is so erotic." A.J. smiled. "But Joey, you're not a drinker." Brian commented. "Neither is Justin, but I do like Britney and well..." Joey dropped subtle hints. "If Britney will, then I will." Justin responded breifly. "Then let's do it baby!" A.J. got up from the booth. He looked around for a good looking girl while everyone else stood around the booth.

Britney walked over to them and smiled, while Howie walked of to the dance floor. "Okay Brian, Nick, A.J. and I'll grab the lemons. Lance, pour out four shots of whiskey." Joey said as he grabbed a lemon from the plate. "Now, the guys with the lemons place some salt on the necks on their partners." Joey explained to everyone, placing somesalt on Britney's neck. "Now, grab the shot glass and get ready!" Joey smiled. Brian grabbed his glass and waited. "GO!" Joey shouted, taking a lick from Britney's neck, then swallowing the whiskey and sucking on the lemon. Brian did the same, taking a long lick on Justin's neck then the whiskey and the lemon. Brian gave a howl as he sucked it all down. Justin laughed at Brian's eagerness. "Okay, now everyone switch." Joey said. Justin took a lick from Brian's neck and swallowed the juices from the lemon and the whiskey. Nick licked Lance's tongue with his alcolhol covered tongue, feeling fully turned on. Justin letting Brian suck on his neck for awhile as the others did more shots.

Two more hours went by as Brian and Justin made out in a corner of the club. "Excuse me." Kevin tapped on Brian's shoulder as Brian caressed Justin's chest. "Hello!" Kevin bellowed at them. "What is it Kevin?" Brian asked through his kisses. "It's time to go guys." Kevin answered, tring to get their attention. "Why?!?" Brian asked, moving off of Justin. "Britney's feeling sick, I'm tired, Nick's drunk and I think A.J.'s passed out around here somewhere. We've been here way too long and everyone's partyed out." Kevin answered in a fatherly voice. "He's right Brian, it's late." Justin yawned. Justin gazed at his watch and saw that it was going on 3 AM. "Fine, let's go." Brian grumbled. He stumbled forward, making Kevin catch him. "And you're just as drunk as Nick." Kevin shook his head in disgust. "I've got him Kevin." Justin assured Kevin as he helped Brian up. "Where's J.C. at?" Joey asked as he carried Britney over to them. "J.C. left about an hour and a half ago. He went back to the hotel." Kevin answered him. "And what about Lance?" Chris asked in concern. "I think he left too." Kevin responded, unable to find Lance in the club. "Let's get going. I'm tired." Howie complained.

They all made their way through the hotel lobby and upstairs to their floor. "A.J., it's going to be okay." Howie tried to comfort his friend as he made his way down to A.J.'s room. "Amanda's going to kill me. I didn't mean to kiss all of those girls. I was just so damn drunk and so fucking stupid." A.J. whimpered. his feet drug on the ground as he tried to walk to his room. "I'm sure she'll understand." Howie did his best. "Oh, I'm going to throw up!" Britney shouted as she barged into her room. Joey ran in after her, trying to help her. "We should never go to a club again." Kevin suggested as he looked at the outcome. "At least we all made it back here safe." Chris yawned out as he jiggled his door open. "Goodnight ya'll." Chris shouted out as he slammed his door. "Could he keep it down?" Nick whinned as Kevin helped him to Lance and Nick's room. "Just go to bed Nick." Kevin ordered as he opened the door. "Where's Lance?" Nick asked. "I'm sure he'll be here soon. Just go to bed." Kevin barked again.

Justin and Brian lazily walked into their own room. "Is there something bothering you babe?" Brian asked Justin as Justin helped Brian to a chair. "Yeah, but let's not talk about it now." Justin suggested. "No, let's talk about it." Brian begged Justin. Justin gave Brian a simple look and sat on the bed. "My mom called while ya'll were at the beach today." Justin said softly. "What did she say?" Brian slurred out. "She said that she wants us to give her a date for the wedding. She talked with your mom and she feels we're putting this off. She thinks it's a way for us to stay together." Justin answered seriously. "That's bullshit. I love you and I don't need to worry about that." Brian bellowed out. "Then we do you think we will be ready to get married Brian?" Justin asked honestly. "When? Hell, we can go out and get married now. Just call a minister and we'll do it now. I don't need a fancy wedding or to wait on anybody!" Brian sounded tired and drunk as he spoke. "Shut up, Brian. You don't know what you're talking about." Justin hissed while standing. "I know what I'm talking about. We'll go get married right now." Brian argued. He stood and walked to the door. He yanked the door opened and yelled into the hall, "Anyone who wants to be at me and my fiance's wedding, be ready in ten minutes!" "Go to bed Brian!" Howie yelled at him. "Well you're not invited then!" Brian yelled back.

Justin jerked Brian into the room and slammed the door. "What the hell is wrong with you? We're not going to get married now." Justin yelled at Brian. "Could ya'll shut up!" Nick banged on the wall from his room. "There's nothing wrong with me. What the hell is wrong with you? You've been PMS'ing all damn night." Brian yelled back at Justin. "I can't talk to you now. You're drunk." Justin eased off Brian. "I'm drunk! You drank too!" Brian barked. "Brian, just go to bed." Justin walked into the bathroom while talking. "Fuck this! I don't need to stay here! I'll go sleep in Nick's room." Brian yelled as he left out the door. Justin stared at himself in the mirror, his mind spinning but he decided to let it go.

Justin heard a ring at his phone five minutes later and quickly picked it up. "Hello?" Justin answered. "Ya'll aren't baking up again are you?" J.C. asked groggily. "No, we're not. I love him too much to break up over this." Justin answered. "Good." J.C. answered. "Goodnight J.C." Justin laughed. "Nite man." J.C. slurred out. J.C. hug up his phone and rolled onto his pillow. "Who was that Josh?" a voice asked J.C. "Just Justin." J.C. responded. "Oh," the person replied. "Are you tired?" the person asked J.C. "Why?" J.C. was intrigued. "Because I'm not" the voice smiled. "Well then..." J.C. rolled over in his bedmate's direction. J.C. smiled and began to kiss the lips of his partner. "Oh, that's nice Lance." J.C. groaned as he felt warm hands jack on his dick. "Yeah, baby." Lance smiled as J.C. groaned. Lance straddled J.C. and began to kiss him. "It's a shame Nick doesn't know about this." J.C. laughed as Lance jacked harder on his penis. "He doesn't need to know." Lance whispered sa he kissed J.C.'s tight chest. "Then, let's... fuck." J.C. groaned out his words. He felt the hand move faster on his penis and soon he was releasing a torreny of cum on Lance's hand. "Hmm, I missed this cum." Lance smiled as he licked J.C.'s juices from his hand.

Another hour went by while Justin sat waiting on brian. 'Where is he?' Justin thought. Justin stood from his bed and walked to the door. He was determined on finding Brian. Justin pulled the door open and before he could set a foot outside, he saw Brian curled up next to the wall. Justin frowned at Brian and knelt next down to him. "Brian? Brian, baby?" Justin tried to question him. Brian didn't respond. Justin shook Brian and Brian gave a soft groan. "Come on you silly boy." Justin huffed as he pulled Brian up. Brian stumbled to his feet and Justin grabbed his arm. Justin threw Brian's arm around his shoulders and pulled him into their room. Justin laid Brian on the bed and exhaled. Justin sat on Brian's legs and began to remove Brian's shirt. "Oh Justin, I'm sorry." Brian whispered. "It's okay Bri." Justin responded and began to unzip Brian's jeans. "I didn't mean it baby. I love you." Brian coughed out as Justin peeled off jeans. "Brian, it's okay." Justin repeated. "Just go to sleep baby." Justin whispered and gave Brian a kiss on the lips. He rolled Brian over and slipped the covers on him. "I love you too, Brian." Justin whispered into Brian's ear as Brian drifted off to sleep.


*** After a LONG time, I finished. As always, forgive me for the time, but I have the awards and school that I'm working on. I do hope you liked this story... Look for even more interesting things in the next story, which I'll work on during my Spring Break next week. But this is a LONG segment anyways, so it should tide over. Also, Brian and Justin didn't break up at the end here, so everyone knows. ***

** There are some things that I must clear up. To all of you 'N Sync authors, I apologize. When I first placed Jonathan and Lynn in the story, I made it seem as if Jonathan was Lynn's child. He is not. He is Randall and Lisa's son and Justin's half-brother. I noticed that everyone has followed the trend I started by placing Jonathan with Lynn. So that clears up alot. Another thing, I do realize that the Backstreet Boys's first single is 'I Want It That Way', but keep in mind half the things in my stories are fictional. So, don't take them seriously. And NO MORE E-mails asking if Brian and Justin will beak up when I'm finished with this story. NO, no, no, and for the last time, no! **

  • Now, here's a poll I'd like to do with my readers. I'm too into this story to stop, but if I ever did, what kind of story would you like to see me start a series for? One that focused on Justin & Brian's marriage, one that centered around a romance between Nick & lance or Lance & JC, a story about Britney & Joey, one about 'N Sync or one about the Backstreet Boys, or would you like me to focus on a new relationship that could develop like Brian & Nick, Justin & JC, Justin & Lance, Brian & AJ or Joey & Howie? Just a question. E-mail responses to me and I'll give the answer from the readers in the next story... *

Next: Chapter 27: Brian and Justin 60 64

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