Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Mar 22, 2023


Temperature Written by JM

-- Disclaimer: Uh, simple. Not 18, not interested in a relationship between two males, not open-minded, not a fan of the pop genre, not sure what fiction is, not a interested in anything written by JM, DO NOT READ! --

** This is a just small piece of the Brian & Justin saga. It's just a songfic. This is number sei of ocho. Or simply number six of eight. It is in no way a start to another series, so please do not think of it that way. Understood? Missundaztood? It's all the same now a days, isn't it? **


Justin wasn't sure if it was a word and was pretty confident that if it was, it wasn't spelled easily. He had heard Chris say it earlier that night, when Chris and Joey were sitting around watching wrestling while he dressed his daughter in the next room. He didn't give it much attention, not until Britney entered the room and Joey said it. It had something to do with a reference to one of the female wrestlers. Trish Stratus? Yeah, that was her and Joey had once said she was hot. Joey's taste meant nothing short of big breasts or a nice figure.

Britney played along with it though. She giggled with Justin about it while helping him gather clothes for Autumn's baby bag. She commented on the relationship between the word and the wrestler's last name and how she wore a cowboy hat and lengthy coats like Britney sometimes wore. Justin got the gimmick but he just laughed it off as another boring topic between Chris and Joey.

"Stratusfaction guaranteed."

Justin had heard Chris say it to Joey when he escorted Britney out of Justin and Brian's home. Justin arched an eyebrow and crossed his arms, glancing at Britney while trying to compare her to the woman he had seen earlier. He didn't know much about wrestling outside of that guy The Rock, but he knew that the word was catchy. He repeated it to himself silently when Chris lifted Autumn into his arm and held Angel's hand with his other. He thought about questioning Chris about it when Brian kissed Autumn's forehead and ruffled their son's hair but refrained when he saw Meelah standing in the doorframe with Kaleb nestled into her small arms. He settled for a kiss on Angel's nose and a small peck on Autumn's cheek, snuggling into Brian's arms as his children left with the Kirkpatrick's.

He pushed the thoughts aside when he washed the dishes, humming some old Aimee Mann song he heard a few times in JC's CD collection on tour. He tapped his foot along to the playful melody in his head; his eyes carelessly focused on the water and the suds. The water was hot, steamy against his skin and he doesn't mind all that much. He just washes and tries not to think of wrestling or time at the studio or his children being away from him.

He wavers a little when arms lock around his waist and sweet breath fans his cheek. He giggles and continues to do his work because he knows better otherwise. He finds time to think about how good the kisses feel against his neck and then on the skin of his collarbone. He knows something is stirring inside his groin when a tongue swipes across his ear and hands begin to drag his shirt upward. He wants to speak, say "no" this one time to save himself from doing something he thinks he shouldn't. At least, not now. Maybe later on, sometime after midnight when he will really start to feel that deathly nice sensation in his body.

His skin quivers and tightens when he is pressed against the sink, his hands sinking deeper into the puddle of water and bubbles while a hand unbuttons that top fly button. Something he knows is hotter than the water is pressed against the fabric of his jeans and he swallows a foreign moan when a sideways hand creeps over his ribs with concentrated navigation. He's a little afraid because he knows it's not going to stop. In ways, he doesn't want it to. But it's getting hot and he's still partially submerged in water with wide eyes and unkissed lips.

Unexpectedly you started touching me

Thought it bothered me but it made me weak

It's only supposed to be seventy degrees

But you're rubbing me makes it 103

I can see the steam on my back window

Gotta cool it down, don't want the neighbors to know

We've only just begun

Cause you make my temperature rise up

Something happened between the flap of his jeans being opened and his body being turned to face his husband. He hadn't calculated exact moves or choreographed hand movement in his head and so his hands just fumbled wetly over his husband's bare skin. Shoulders were drenched in bubbles and the tips of his lover's blonde hair were dipped in drops of water from his fingertips.

Justin was sure he shivered when their lips met for the first time in hours. The back of his shirt was wet and his skin was starting to perspire.

He thought the heat was on, but he didn't care cause his eyes were closed and his lips were moving in that practiced dance that melted Brian away. He wiggled his lips and let his jeans fall. He didn't care. He lost sight of logic and swallowed Brian's tongue before Brian could lick at his teeth.

He didn't really mean to wear bikini briefs that day. He had planned to remove them when he changed into more comfortable clothing earlier that day.

It never happened. He never gave them a second thought, not until Brian made that oddly satisfying moan as his finger traced the fabric. Silk. Soft like rose petals and beautiful like magnolia. He giggled to himself somewhere between another kiss and his lips pressed to Brian's cheek. Teasing Brian was an added bonus to sex appeal.

Brian was naked and glowing, something Justin loved. Brian loved Justin's hair short, curly, and really blonde. Brian tangled his fingers in Justin's hair and Justin found pieces of Brian's body that he hadn't touched in days.

He thumbed the arch of Brian's back and traced soft tissue before grabbing Brian's butt, squeezing muscled flesh with pride.

He wished he wasn't so clumsy with his kisses at times but he's thinking of pushing Brian to the ground and lacing his lips around his husband's penis. He has bad, bad thoughts about fucking on the kitchen floor, ejaculating on Brian's chest and talking dirty, but that isn't usually how he and Brian conduct themselves. It has to be the heat or the fact that Brian removed his shirt without any struggle from him.

When you touch and you rub and you hug

And you hold me slowly

You make my temperature rise up

When you kiss both my lips, comb my hair

And you pull me in closely

You make my temperature rise up

Cause you show me, threw it on me

Never leave me lonely

You make my temperature rise up

And I can't get enough

Sometimes he wants it to be simple but he knows good sex never is. But he's not sure if that's where this is leading to. He thinks Brian's a little too frisky for sex. Brian approaches it with a mellow undertone that leaves Justin numb afterward. This is forward, this is just playing, just touching, just removing clothing and tossing it around the kitchen.

He knows he's going to smell like Brian later on. He likes that scent, musky with a few drops of sweet cologne and sugary shampoo. He twists his hips some and sighs with relief when Brian backs away, letting his body capture cool air. He kicks out of the jeans pooled at his feet and loses a sock in the process. He doesn't mind because Brian doesn't take long to wrap around him again, all hands, lips and tongue.

Brian's pace slows and Justin doesn't mind the lazy kisses he delivers. He hooks his arms around his husband's neck and groans lowly, lips closed, then open, welcoming tongue, then closing again. He bends his knee and rests his bare foot on top of Brian's, toes tapping against cold skin. Justin's sure that Brian's feet are the only piece of his body that it actually cool.

Justin arches his back and waits for Brian to back away and grab his carry, taking them to their bedroom where they can lay in bed together, lost in each other's arms for a few hours before drifting to sleep. He waits to for Brian to talk of lighter things like Justin turning twenty-one or Autumn's first birthday. Those moments never really come.

Justin watches through long lashes as Brian's lips pucker and he fades into a smile. He would rather kiss those lips for several dreamy hours rather than fuck Brian for days. He was weird like that. He took in his lower lip; sucked impatiently because the lusty glitter in Brian's pale blue eyes left him unsteady. He contemplated running a hand over Brian's hair and calling it a night, leaving sexual exploits to be penciled into the morning's schedule. Contemplation never went very far with Justin.

He cooed before he knew it and moaned only when he couldn't resist the pressure. Brian made sure Justin felt him, led a hand to that erect, throbbing cock and made Justin wrap his fingers around it. Justin gasped, tried not to shudder when Brian licked the expanse of skin on his neck and fingered his way to the sides of Justin's briefs. Sweat made it hard for Justin to keep his hand in one place on Brian's chest and moans made it difficult for Justin not to stretch out the material of his underwear.

Fever broke and swallowed him. He remembered arching his back, welcoming Brian's hands into his briefs. He watched Brian's swollen lips form different shapes as he moaned, Justin's slow and unforgiving hand masturbating him to new heights. They were unreachable. Phones could ring, alarms could sound, dishes could break and they'd still be lost in this condition.

He remembered calling this feeling heavenly at one point and time. Probably when the guys were bored and they were sitting on one of the buses discussing their sexual experiences. Justin always kept his short and undetailed. He just remembered saying it was heavenly, especially when Brian touched him. Sort of like this.

Just fingers were used to lower the bikini briefs and just fingers tangled themselves in his pubic hair, pressing cold tips to the covered skin on his crotch. Breath against his ear gave him the power to panic the sensations to good to describe with small moans. He mewled deep and raised one of his legs, curling it behind Brian's calf. Fingers circled his penis and everything went blurry behind his eyes.

I just can't believe you've got me trembling

Now I'm giving in to your every wish

How did it come to this? We were only friends

That's what I'm thinking while surrending

Now you've shown me things that I've never seen

And we'll never part; you have this much to bring

If you don't tell, you could be the one

Cause you make my temperature rise up

He tried to remember, tried so very hard to remember when Brian had ducked his head or when Brian's hand had grabbed the back of his thigh, lifting his leg higher. He just couldn't. He had found reverie and hugged it tight, his eyes closed and his lips doing nothing but coaching words of ecstasy off a numb tongue.

Brian's lips were pure vanilla wax, stinging a fire to his skin as they kissed the foundation of his chest. They learned his frame, taught the meaning of pleasure to Justin's senses. They kissed across dimensions and even closed to suck on one of his nipples.

Justin was halfway to insanity and didn't give a fuck. His husband flicked a pink tongue over his erect nipple while Justin fingered strands of blonde hair. The hand on his thigh went lower to raise Justin's leg higher. There was a shift in positioning and he trembled when Brian cupped his hand under his knee, his back arched against the sink with his body fully exposed.

Justin didn't mind losing his grip on Brian's dick when Brian changed their alignment. He curled his arms around Brian's neck, continued to pet his head while delicate lips worked over the other nipple. He circled his hips, adjusting the building pressure of Brian's sensual masturbation. Justin tried to keep his balance on one leg and was thankful for Brian's strong arms and the sink behind him.

Brian didn't surprise him much when he lifted his head, leaving behind damp skin that ached for more breathless kisses. Justin settled for kind kisses to his lips, a tongue daring to slip out and lick Brian's bottom lip. He couldn't mutter words at the time, but he wanted to tell Brian to continue. His eyes said enough, even daring to answer the question awaiting in Brian's eyes when they stopped kissing. He arched more and relaxed, never squinting or tensing when Brian nudged him below with his dick.

Justin threw his head back in some fit of pleasure. He gasped and moaned quietly, releasing a louder one only when Brian toyed with him by merely pressing his penis to Justin's entrance. "Fuck, baby, come on," Justin grunted, heat on his breath. He swallowed, head still tilted back, and eased into a comfortable state of bliss when Brian started kissing his neck and pushing inside of his shaking body.

He bit his lower lip at one point, just hard enough to bring tears to his eyes. Fire had manage to rise in the lower half of his body and his breathing had increased. He pulled Brian closed with his leg and didn't wait for relief to assure Brian it felt good. His penis was already throbbing and his body had begun to move with Brian's liquid motions. If anything, Brian fucked like he danced. He was all rhythm and skill and passion. Nothing was really planned, just there naturally.

A sizzle burned in his toes and sweat slid over his body. Brian hugged him close, leaving his dick to rub against Brian's stomach. He was glad Brian didn't bother opening him up with his fingers. He couldn't have lasted. He just needed to be fucked. He needed to feel Brian inside of him and foreplay wasn't really on his list of things to do anymore.

One of Justin's big heads smoothed upward and tangled fingers into Brian's sweaty mop of hair. He let his head fall forward and Brian caught his lips before he could moan again. Tongues wrestled and struggled to stimulate other nerve-endings while Brian's hands scrambled across Justin's slick back, pants coming hard and fast.

I never thought you'd be the one

I never knew you felt me this much

How could our friendship turn to love?

You got me when you started touching me

Rubbing me

Holding me

Creating this heat

Got my temperature rising so much

Boy I think I'm in love

Justin thought he'd howl when Brian lifted his leg even higher, his knee being tickled by the hair under Brian's arm. He whispered precious things against Brian's lips because it was the right angle for Brian to reach deeper with stronger strokes. He was scared his leg would give out and he'd fall with Brian trapped inside of him but he decided to concentrate on the building pressure between their bodies as his dick slid against the tense muscles of Brian's stomach.

Brian was twisting his hips with stiff jerks. Justin hissed low and hard, eyes trying to stay open to watch Brian's face. He smiled at one point, guilty with happiness over Brian's face of uninhibited pleasure. It was silky beautiful. He kissed Brian's chin, nibbled at it and panted hard, eyes finally closing when the pressure was too great.

Brian's nose was in Justin's hair and his lips were whispering dirty, dirty words into the baby curls as his body started to convulse. This was good. Justin cried out, never thinking of how he could strain his voice or damage Brian's hearing. His ass was clenched and he knew he was draining Brian's dick of all its semen. He merely cooed and stuttered out "I love you."

Justin eased his hands off Brian's back and laid them on the sink behind him, balancing himself while Brian lowered his sore leg. Brian kissed his shoulder and bathed his neck in short licks. Justin giggled and decided against combing his fingers through Brian's hair. Instead, he thumbed Brian's nipples and tried not to look at the sticky residue on Brian and his stomach.

Brian kissed his lips after a few minutes, his thumb brushing against the hair on Justin's chin. "They should put some sort of warning label on you JuJu," Brian laughed out, labored breaths still mingling with his words. Justin grinned and nodded like a child. "Stratusfaction guaranteed" he giggled out and Brian cocked his eyebrow upward, leaving Justin to hug him and laugh harder.

The End.

--- Story inspired by: "Temperature," performed by Blaque --- *** Forgive me if the lyrics are not perfect. I tried. ***

Next: Chapter 93: Running

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