Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 28, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 30) by JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get emails all the time about that. I'll try and for-warn you when I stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or ***

**** This is the 30th story (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going :|) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", "Just Part II" and "I'll Never See A Sunset", email me. Also now available is the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics). That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtack features old and new songs from B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All are original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through come stories. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. And also, thanks to Chris for being a good friend and a good writer. Till next time, please keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Nick listened as Justin cired on the bed. Nick was so unsure of what was happening, he felt like crying himself. He shook his head and thought. Justin sobbed even more. "Justin, will you please stop crying! I know this is rough, but we have to figure out what happened here." Nick barked. Justin looked up at Nick and wiped his eyes. "I know we didn't sleep together. It's not possible." Nick stammered out. "I know we didn't sleep together too. I couldn't imagine me having feelings for you." Justin mumbled. "Okay, can we stick to insulting me when everyone's around." Nick said sarcastically. "Sorry." Justin whispered. "All I remember is you and me talking outside." Nick said. He strained himself to remember as Justin stood from the bed. "I rememeber that too." Justin said lowly, his eyes begging for release of their tears. Justin looked around at the dim lit hospital room. "And I remember crying about Brian!" Nick shouted. "Yeah and then we both agreeed not to fight over him." Justin said entusiacstically. His tone seemed to brighten as things came back to him. "Well for awhile." Nick said with a sly smile. Justin slid his hands over his face and then rubbed his eyes. "Then it's as if someone knocked us out or something because we ended up in here." Nick said without confidence. He laughed it off. "That's what had to happen. I think I remember hearing somebody say something behind us or something." Justin added. Nick laid back on the bed and sighed. "But it's not like anyone'll believe us or anything. They'll probably think I set this up and then Brian'll never talk to me again. Who knows if you two will stay together." Nick grunted.

Justin frowned at Nick and grabbed his jeans. "Thanks for making me feel better Nick." Justin gripted and pulled his jeans up. "Oops, sorry Justin. I'm just trying to look at the reality of things." Nick complained. He rolled to his side and watched Justin place his shirt on. "So where you headed?" Nick asked. He flicked the hair out of his eyes and gazed at Justin. "To talk to Brian. If they told him, I want to at least talk to him." Justin sighed. Nick laughed at Justin. "I know Brian. He won't believe it at first. Hell, why should he?" Nick laughed. Justin wasn't as confident as Nick. "Look, I'll do whatever I can to help you get Brian back." Nick confessed. Justin's head snapped in Nick's direction. Nick nodded for reassurance. "Thanks, Nick. You may not be so bad after all." Justin said with a smile. "Don't let that get out!" Nick shouted. He threw a pillow over his head and began to laugh. Justin smiled and walked out of the room.

Justin walked calmly towards Brian's room. 'Lord, please don't let it be over.' Justin prayed. He strolled with a straight face down the corridors towards Brian's room. As he got closer, he noticed Kevin exited Brian's room. Justin felt himself become more nervous. Kevin looked up to see Justin and he frowned. "Uhm hey Kev', is Brian awake?" Justin asked casually. "Don't play nice with me Justin. He's awake, but he doesn't want to see you." Kevin said harshly. Justin stared at Kevin in shock. "But I really need to talk to him Kevin." Justin pleaded. "Justin, he doesn't want to speak with you or Nick. So do us all a favor and leave." Kevin hissed in a deep tone. Justin's head felt numb as he looked into Kevin's eyes. The eyes that were once so kind to him seemed so dark and abandoned. Justin knew that there was no way he was getting in. Justin sighed and turned around. He walked away from Kevin, his heart hurt and his body in shock. "And please don't call either." Kevin added. Justin felt another arrow peirce his heart as he walked away. Justin loathed Kevin for being so hurrtful, but he knew Kevin didn't understand. He walked like a zombie down the hall towards the exit. His mind was spinning too fast for him to catch. He just knew that he had to get out of the hospital.

"Hey Justin, where you going?" J.C. asked as Justin walked by him. Justin didn't respond. J.C. looked at him with curiosity. "He's going home J.C." Lance said as he walked into J.C.'s room. J.C. looked at Lance with a smile, but noticed tears in Lance's eyes. "What's wrong with you?" J.C. questioned. Lance just sobbed. "What is it?" J.C. asked again. "Justin and Nick slept together." Lance cried. J.C.'s eyes flickered open as he looked at Lance. "What!?!" J.C. screamed as he looked at Lance. "It's true, they did." Lance whimpered. J.C. sat dumbfounded as Lance cried. He couldn't believe it and he refused to believe it. "You gotta be kidding me." J.C. said, still in disbelief. "Look J.C., this is no damn laughing matter okay? Me, Kevin and Howie saw them!" Lance yelled. J.C. looked at him and could see plainly that Lance was hurt. The tears from his eyes slid down his face like rain on a window. Lance gave J.C. a glassy stare and then looked away. "I'm sorry Lance. I really am." J.C. apologized with sincerity. J.C. gazed out of the window and watched the sky began to change it's colors from purple to pink within minutes. "Things are about ot get crazy around here." J.C. sighed.

Justin looked at his watch as he walked into the hospital. A whole week had gone by since he had been to the hospital or even seen Brian. His days seemed so empty as he laid in the bed alone everynight. And now that it was Christmas Eve, Justin knew he had to see Brian. Justin made sure he was at the hospital early. He walked towards the nurses desk and looked around. he saw no sign of Kevin or any of the guys. "Excuse me, nurse." Justin politely got her attention. The older woman smiled at him and said "Yes, may I help you?". "Uhm yes, I was wodnering if anyone was in to see Brian Littrell right now?" Justin inquired. The nurse batted her eyes and then looked down at her files. "I don't believe so. Last time I checked he was alone." the nurse responded, her head still burried in the files. "Thanks sweetheart." Justin said with a sexy smile. He headed towards Brian's room, a small red rose in his left hand. He stood outside of Brian's room for a moment. His grazed his hands over his jeans to wipe off the sweat. he took a deep breath and prepared to open the door.

"Hey, Justin. How are you." Dr. Roberts said. Justin jumped and stepped back with a scared look. "Hey, you okay?" Dr. Roberts asked as he looked at Justin. "Uhm yeah, sorry. You just surprised me." Justin stammered out. "Oh, I'm sorry. How are you? I haven't seen you around here in awhile." Dr. Roberts asked with a smile. "I'm fine. Things have just been kinda hectic for me in the last week or so." Justin said. "Well I know they were hectic for you when you got ehre with Brian, but you haven't visited him since. Is something wrong between the two of you?" Dr. Roberts asked with concern. Justin frowned, but kept his mouth shut. Justin licked his lips quickly and said "Let's just say things aren't as good as they could be." Dr. Roberts also frowned. "Well I know that Brian has steadily been going down sicne you've been gone. He doesn't say much and his activeness has definetly went down hill. I think it's maybe because he's sad about something. It's not helping to improve his condition and last night we almost had to put him back on the respirator. So please do what you can to make him feel better or we may have to go into surgery after all." Dr. Roberts said in all honesty. The whole time he talked, Justin felt his heart get number and number. "I'll do my best. I know I don't want anything to happen to him." Justin sighed. "That's good to hear Justin. Well I'll let you go in for your visit now." Dr. Roberts smiled. He walked away and Justin grabbed hold of the knob. He slowly turned it and opened the door.

Justin looked around the room slowly. It was fairly lit, with no sign of anyone. Justin walked inside and quietly closed the door behind him. He saw Brian sleeping peacefully on the bed. His face looked run down, while his eyes seemed to return to their natural color. Justin walked over to the bed and lightly placed the rose on Brian's heaving chest. Justin sobbed a bit and controlled himself. "God I missed you." Justin sighed. He ran his hand tenderly against Brian's cheek. Brian stirred and then opened his eyes. He looked at Justin in shock. "What... what are you doing here?" Brian asked in a low voice. He cleared his throat and looked up at Justin again. "I just came to say hello one last time." Justin said with a straight face. Brian raised his brow and then coughed. Justin didn't know what to say next. Should he plead for mercy or just walk away? Brian glanced down and noticed the rose sitting upon him. Brian smiled in disbelief and picked it up. "From you?" Brian inquired as he smelt the rose. Justin nodded and smiled. "Listen Justin, you don't have to do this. You don't have to feel bad for what you did." Brian sighed. Justin stared at him with pain in his eyes. "Feeling bad? Brian, I don't feel sorry for anything because I didn't do anything. I don't know if you talked to Nick..." Brian interrupted Justin quickly. "I'm not talking to Nick right now." Brian mumbled. Justin sighed once again. "Brian I don't know what Kevin or Howie told you, but I didn't sleep with Nick." Justin argued.

Brian looked away from him, tears in his eyes. "Justin, I love you and I trust you. But it's so hard to understand now what's going on. Kevin told me about the big arguement that you all had in the lounge. I haven't spoken to Chris, Joey, A.J. or Nick in days. Lance has been in to visit me, but he's so damn wrapped up in his own problems. I don't talk to Kevin about anything, but he tells me everything's that going on. He said he saw you and Nick together Justin. I didn't want to believe him until Lance told me too. I don't even want to hear Nick's name anymore. He's stabbed me in the back one too many times." Brian cried. His sobs gave Justin pain. Justin barely understood a word he mumbled as he cried. Justin wanted to be able to hug him, but he couldn't. "I don't know what else to say Justin." Brian sobbed. "Then don't say anything and listen to me." Justin pleaded. Brian wiped the tears away and looked into Justin's eyes. He knew Justin was serious. "What happened between all of us has become out of control. I didn't want things to get this bad. Kevin wouldn't even let me see you or even call you! I know you were mad and are probably still mad, but you don't know why. I found myself in the bed with Nick, but I didn't sleep with him. All we remember was that we were talking and someone must have knocked us out and set us up." Justin cried. His tears meant nothing to him if Brian didn't understand why he was crying. "I know this is a bit far fetched, but I would never do anything to hurt you. And Nick? I wouldn't dare steep that low. I love you." Justin hissed. Brian looked at Justin with love in his eyes. "Do you mean it?" Brian asked. Justin frowned. "I've never said anything to you that I didn't mean Brian and you know that." Justin said. He felt like chocking up as he breathed.

Justin scooted Brian's leg over and sat on the bed. "I'd never intetionally not come and see you." Justin said. He placed his hand on Brian's hand and Brian admired the gold ring that shimmered in the light. "This was supposed to be our first Christmas together." Brian frowned. "I know." Justin whispered. Brian coughed viciously and grasped his chest. Justin's face twisted in sadness as he watched his lover suffer. "Listen Brian, you have to get better and soon. I don't want to see anything happen to you." Justin begged. Brian sighed and placed his hands over his eyes. "My head hurts like hell." Brian complained. Justin felt helpless as Brian laid in pain. Justin laid his head on Brian's chest and began to weep. "I don't want to lose you." Justin fussed as he rubbed his hand back and forth on Brian's chest. Brian cried and ran his hands through Justin's hair. "I don't want to lose you either." Brian sobbed. Justin felt as if he had returned to his home as he laid on Brian. "Justin, I don't want to say this but can you get up. You're killing my chest." Brian said with a small laugh. Justin quickly jumped up and rubbed Brian's chest. "Thanks." Brian laughed. Justin smiled back at him. "So what do we do now?" Justin asked. Brian thought for a moment and then grabbed Justin's hand. He kissed Justin's ring finger and smiled. "Kevin's having a little Christmas bash here tonight for me since I won't be able to go home for Christmas. Why don't you come." Brian kissed Justin's finger again and awaited his answer.

"I don't know. Right now I know I'm not on good terms with any of the guys." Justin said lightly. "Please come. I don't want to be without you on Christmas Eve." Brian begged. Justin scratched his head and rubbed Brian's arm. "I'll be here." Justin smiled. Brian's eyes brightened and smiled. "But if there's any problems, I'm gone. I don't want you to suffer for my problems." Justin made sure he was clear with Brian. "If you leave, then I will suffer." Brian said in his sweet country accent. Justin leaned forward and kissed Brian lightly on the lips. Brian sighed and said "Oh how I've missed your touch." Justin grinned and stood. He stretched slowly and rubbed his eyes. "Justin, promise you'll be here tonight." Brian pleaded with Justin one last time. "I promise." Justin said without hesitation.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 31) by JM

Justin walked casually into the hospital once again. After being away from seven long hours, Justin felt a need to be next to Brian. As he walked towards Brian's room, he could already hear the cheers of the others. He reluctantly walked into the room, feeling all the eyes on him as he entered. He looked around and the room got silent. Brian peered through the crowd and saw Justin standing at the door. "I was hoping you'd come all the way in." Brian giggled. Justin smiled nonchalauntly and headed towards Brian. The crowd of the guys gladly parted for Justin to be next to Brian. "All eyes on you." Brian laughed and everyone else did too. "Nice to see you again." Dr. Roberts said with a pat on Justin's back. "Hey Dr. Roberts, what are you doing here?" Justin asked with a smile. "Well Kevin was so kind to invite me to this little celebration." Dr. Roberts said as he threw his hand around Kevin's shoulder. Kevin glared at Justin squarely. Justin could feel Kevin's wrath once again. "And I'm happy that you're here. It would seem as I thought, that thanks to you Brian's condition is getting money. So from all of us, thank you." Dr. Roberts said. He raised his glass to the air and everyone hooted. Justin blushed for a moment and looked down at Brian. "Thank you." Brian said lowly. "So, we got any presents!" A.J. hollored as he started to pour more champagne. Everyone cheered and mingled amongst themselves.

"I have something for you." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin looked at him with surprise. Brian pulled open the drawer next to his bed. He pulled out a small silver chain and handed it to Justin. Justin handled the chain carefully and looked at it. A small charm sparkled at the end of the chain. It was a round locket. Justin carefully opened the locket and looked inside. Inside of the locket were two small pictures. Each were of Brian and Justin together. Justin smiled and turned the locket back around. Engraved on the outside was the word 'Just'. Justin sniffled and wiped a tear from his eyelid. "Thank you." Justin whispered as he kissed Brian on the lips. Justin kept his lips tightly on Brian's, feeling as if they were meant to stay there. "Ah, love is in the air." Amanda sighed. Justin giggled and backed away from Brian. "I have something for you too." Justin whispered to Brian. "What?" Brian asked, his eyes widening in anticipation. "You'll see later." Justin smiled mischeviously. "Eh, we cant do 'that' in my state." Brian insisted. Justin looked at him with confussion. "Not 'that' you asshole." Justin said with a laugh. Justin grasped Brian's hand and held it tightly. "Hey Justin, come and talk with us for a minute." A.J. insisted as he and J.C. stood behind Justin. Justin hesistated, holding tightly onto Brian's hand. "Go on silly. I'll wait for you." Brian reassured Justin. Justin smiled at Brian and stood.

The guys stood outside of Brian's room, sitting in the chairs that sat next to the door. "So, how are you holding up?" A.J. asked as he took a drink from his glass. "I'm doing okay." Justin gave a wild smirk and then looked to the floor. "How's everyone else?" Justin asked in a soft tone. "Well Joey is fine as you can see inside. But Howie's not so great. He can't wait to get out of here, so he's trying to rush his therapy along." A.J. sighed. "Lance is survivng, though he's still not convinced that nothing happened between you and Nick. J.C. said in disappointment. Justin grunted and avoided saying anything about it. "Chris is his usual self, trying to make everyone laugh it off." A.J. said with a laugh. J.C. smiled and laughed too. "What about Kevin?" Justin asked regretfully. "Well he's a whole new story. Ever since he saw... well he doesn't seem to trust you or Nick. And I know things won't be the same between you two for awhile." A.J. mumbled. Justin felt as if another peice of his heart was taken away. "Hey guys, you should see what Kevin got for Brian." Joey said as he stepped into the hall. "What is it?" A.J. asked as he reclined in his chair. "He got him a chain that has two broken hearts on it. One of the hearts says Justin and the other says Brian." Joey said with a fake smile. He felt like laughing, but held it in. Justin gasped and looked at Joey in disbelief. Amanda and Lance quickly ran into the hallway. Amanda grabbed A.J. and yanked him from his chair. She quickly kissed him on the lips and hugged him. "What's that for?" A.J. asked. "It's Christmas silly." Amanda giggled as she held onto A.J. tightly.

Lance winked at J.C. and dragged him towards the end of the hall. "Where are we going?" J.C. asked as he stumbled towards an exitway. Lance stopped and smiled. J.C. looked at him with mischeif. Lance pointed to the ceiling and a peice of mistletoe hung lowly. Lance quickly snatched J.C. forward and locked his lips firmly on J.C.'s mouth. J.C. gasped and closed his eyes. He felt Lance's tongue slip into his mouth and slither all over. J.C. ran his hands through Lance's hair as he returned the kiss. Lance slowly back away and looked into J.C.'s crystal blue eyes. "Merry Christmas J.C." Lance said with a grin. "Same to you." J.C. smiled back. "And that was for the other day." Lance said happily. J.C. smirked and kept his arms around Lance's neck. "So, does this mean something for us?" J.C. asked as he removed his arms from Lance's neck. "I don't know right now. Things are becoming complicated for me." Lance sighed in depression. "Lance!" Howie called from down the hall. Lance and J.C. sighed and walked slowly towards Howie. "Yeah, what's up?" Lance asked. "This was sitting on the table for you." Howie said as he handed Lance a note. Lance looked at the peice of paper in surprise and began to read it. 'Meet me in room 303 in ten minutes...' the note said. Lance looked at it suspicously. "Uhm, I gotta go J.C. I'll catch up with you later." Lance said as he walked away. J.C. tried to call for him, but Lance was already gone.

Justin sat lonely in the hall. "Why haen't you come back inside yet?" Kevin asked as he plopped down next to Justin. "Hmmm, don't want to fuck up the party I guess." Justin said in misery. "Look Justin, I don't think anyone in there hates you or anything. We're just real confussed on what happened with you and Nick." Kevin argued. "Nothing. That's what happened." Justin shrugged. "I'm thankful that you're here. Brian seems to be happier and he seems to want to fight again. The doctor said that he should be ready to come home next week for awhile." Kevin said with a grin. Justin smiled too. "I know I may have been hard on you, but it was only for Brian's concern. I don't ever want to see him hurt by someone." Kevin comforted Justin. He placed his arm around Justin's shoulders and hugged him tightly. "I don't ever want to see him hurt either Kev'." Justin said sadly. "Good, then we see eye to eye." Kevin laughed.

"Justin?" Brian said softly as he came into the hall. He was walking slowly with a cain as he came out. Justin didn't respond. "I'll be going now." Kevin said as he stood. "You take care cuz'." Kevin said as he patted Brian on the shoulder. Brian crept over to where Justin sat and sat next to him. "You okay? You act like you don't want to be bothered or something." Brian asked as he sat closer to Justin. "No, I'm fine babe. I guess when we're apart, I'm never happy." Justin said to comfort Brian. Justin tried to avoid looking directly at Brian. Brian knew that. "Look Justin, maybe I should go back and lay down. That way I could avoid any kind of problems for us." Brian said sadly. Justin grasped Brian's thigh firmly. "Don't do that." Justin whispered. As he leaned in to kiss Brian, Justin heard his watch buzz. Brian was startled and then looked around. "It's midnight. It's Christmas Brian." Justin said with a smile. Brian smiled back. Brian sat back in his chair. Justin leaned next to Brian and rested his head on his shoulder. "You know, jealousy doesn't suit you well. You don't look good in green." Justin said with a laugh. "What!?!?" Brian questioned as he gazed down at Justin. "When you thought I slept with Nick, I bet you were pissed." Justin said with another laugh. "Do we have to talk about this now?" Brian asked. "Actually no we don't. Let me give you your Christmas present." Justin said as he sat up. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gold ring. He got out of his seat and got onto one knee. "brian Littrell, you asked me so I'm now asking you. When we're ready, will you promise to love me forever?" Justin asked as he slipped the ring onto Brian's finger. Brian smiled, tears filling his eyes. "If you don't cheat on me." Brian said with a laugh. Justin laughed back and got back into his chair.

Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and began to kiss his neck. Justin moaned and threw his arms around Brian. Their lips met quickly for a moment. Brian stared into Justin's eyes while Justin gave him a questioning look. "If I ever caught you sleeping with Nick, I don't know what I would do." Brian said sadly. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and ran it across Justin's thigh. "Brian, I wish we could be able to lay together like we used to do." Justin sighed as he ran his hand across Brian's face. "Me too." Brian said as he kissed Justin on the cheek. Brian grabbed Justin's shirt and helped him stand. Justin stood in front of Brian and sat onto Brian's lap. Brian hissed for a moment, then relaxed. Justin felt concern for Brian and made sure not to put all of his weight on him. Justin began to kiss Brian's lips lovingly, making sure Brian felt at ease. Brian's tongue was soon headed into Justin's mouth, forcing it's way through his lips. Brian ran his hands over Justin's hair and then his neck. Justin placed his hands on Brian's hips and began to grind slowly against them. Soon enough, they were both humping each other as they enjoyed their deep kiss. Justin slipped his hand under Brian's shirt as Brian began to grunt. Brian's moans filled the hall as Justin's hand traced cicrles across his nipples. Justin slowed himself, making sure he didn't work Brian's energy up too much. Justin massauged Brian's chest and abs as he kissed his lips. Justin removed his lips from Brian's and gasped. Brian relaxed and rubbed his hands across Justin's back.

Justin glanced around to nake sure no one was watching them. He glanced down and noticed a note was laying where he was once sitting. "Hmm, what's this?" Justin asked as he leaned over and picked up the note. "To Justin..." Justin read as he opened the note. "Wonder who it's from." Brian inquired as Justin opened the note. Justin oepend it and inside was a picture. Justin looked in curiousness and then his eyes bulged. "What?" Brian asked as he looked at Justin. Justin stared at the picture of Nick and Justin laying in the bed together. Justin quickly got off of Brian and stood. "Who the fuck did this?" Justin hissed as he looked around. "Did what?" Brian asked with concern. Justin crumbled up the pciture and read the note. "I've seen love." Justin said as he read the note. "This had better not be one of Nick's crazy jokes!" Justin hollored as he tore the note up. "Justin what the hell is going on." Brian asked with serious concern.

Lance walked into the dark room that read 303. "Hello?" Lance cooed as he flicked on the lights. He gasped as he saw Nick laying on the bed naked. Nick wore a red bow wrapped around his neck, sporting a major hard-on. "Merry Christmas sweetie. I hope you like what Santa brought you." Nick said deviusly. Nick spread his legs, begging for Lance to join him on the bed. "Oh, I'll have to remeber to thank Santa later for this." Lance said with a smile. He ran over to the bed and rushed to kiss Nick.

Brian and Justin laid in Brian's bed quietly. Justin sobbed a bit as Brian brushed through his hair. He had no idea what the note said or what the picture was of, but he knew Justin was upset. "Justin, are you okay?" Brian asked as he lifted Justin's chin. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Justin whimpered. "Well then I have a question for you." Brian said softly. "What is it?" Justin asked as he sat up next to Brian. "I know everyone's so concerned about my health and all, but I've realized that the time I spent without you was rough. And I understood that you were the one person that faught to make sure I was okay after the car accident. That's real love Justin. And I want to show you how much I appreciate that." Brian said shyly. Justin ran his hand over Brian's ear and smiled. Brian felt at ease once again. He began to remove his tank top and then his boxers. Justin looked at him with shock. "You want us to do it here and now?" Justin asked with confussion. "It's Christmas and I want to be with you." Brian said as he laid Justin back on the bed. "Brian, I don't know..." Brian quickly hushed Justin with a kiss. Brian and Justin's tongues began to dance gracefully in each other's mouths. Brian began to peel Justin's shirt off as they kissed. Jsutin's erection boasted through his jeans as Brian kissed him heavily. Brian slipped the covers over them as Justin removed his own jeans. Brian and Justin began to moan as Brian entered Justin. Justin grunted as his ass adjusted to Brian's length. Justin's ass cheeks squeezed hard as Brian began to slowly buck inside of Justin. Brian breathed heavily, giving Justin great concern. Brian clamed himself and gazed into Justin's marine-blue eyes.

Soon Brian was moving quickly inside of Justin, as Justin laid on the bed enjoying the friction and heat between their bodies. Brian's eyes cried tears as Brian kissed Justin's chest. Justin felt himself crying also. He had never felt so good while fucking Brian. Justin leaned his head back and let out several grunts as Brian fucked him slower. Brian forcefully yanked Justin's body up, keeping his penis planted firm in his ass. Justin gasped as Brian suckled on his neck. Brian lurched as he felt himself getting closer. Justin whispered Brian's name over and over as Brian licked every inch of his neck. Justin bit down on his lip as his own dick began to fire a load of cum between them. Brian didn't slow for nothing as he bucked hard inside of Justin. He let loose a torrent of cum as he climaxed. He laid Justin down on the bed and laid peacefully ontop of him. Justin wiped the sweat from Brian's face and held him.

Brian relaxed and looked up at Justin. Brian smiled happily and rolled to his side. He reached for his glass of water on the table and found a small charm on the tabel instead. He looked at the shiney sterling charm. It had small letters on it. Brian looked over each letter, spelling out "J.T. + N.C.". Brian quickly dropped the charm and looked at Justin. Justin laid silently in the bed, not paying attention to Brian. "What the fuck is this?" Brian asked as he dangled the charm in front of Justin. Justin looked at the charm with wonder. "I don't know, I've enerv seen it before." Justin argued. Justin read the letters and then gasped. "Who is doing this?" Justin asked with worry. "What are you talking about. All I know is this is a sick joke and I don't like it." Brian said as he threw the charm. Brian rolled over and faced away from Justin. Justin gasped and tried to touch Brian. Brian quickly snatched away. Justin began to cry and faced away from Brian. He forced his ead into the pillow, his tears soaking it.

As Brian and Justin sat in a dead silence, Lance was releasing a gut wrenching moan of passion as he came in Nick's hand. Lance laid back on the pillow and cuddled next to Nick. "So, do you like Santa's little stocking stuffer?" Nick asked as he stroked his meat. "Yes, I love it!" Lance shouted with glee. Nick rolled over with a smile and grabbed his boxers. As he reached for them, he saw a torn picture of Brian and Justin. Nick looked at the picture with curiosity but decided to let it go. Was it a sign for him? Was there a way that he may actually get Brian? He had a few guesses, but no real evidnce. He knew in his heart though, soon it would be time for him to make a few decisons concerning Brian and himself. The time had come for him.


*** Special notice for those who figure out who is behind these evil doings, you will get a grand prize! Email me and tell me which two people do you think are behind these recent attempts to destroy any hope for Brian and Justin. Remember, suspect anyone and everyone. From the memebers, to outside people and perople from past stories. If you guess correctly, you will get a chance to have your idea placed into the next story and an advanced copy of it. So start putting the clues together!!! ***

Next: Chapter 15: Brian and Justin 32 34

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