Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Feb 3, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 49) By JM

The guys stepped out on the stage and grabbed their mics. "Okay, so we're still doing 'God Must have Spent...' with ya'll. So let's practice that." A.J. said. "We can practice the harmony for that." Joey nodded. "I'm going to go practice with the dancers." Britney said as she ran to the side of the stage. "You guys practice without me. I have to go work on my beatbox skit." Justin announced as he walked to the side.

Justin stood to the back of the stage looking over the playlist for the show. He saw that he was to do his skit right after the Backstreet Boys did 'I'll Never Break Your Heart'. Justin grabbed a mic and began to rehearse with the drummer. After ten minutes of practice, Chris came running over to Justin. "Justin!!! They need you in wardobe to look over your clothes. Then Brian said to meet him on stage so you guys can rehearse 'Just Part II'." Chris yelled at Justin. Justin cued the drummer to stop and listened to Chris repeat everything. "Okay, I'm out." Justin said as he placed his mic down. Justin walked off towards wardobe.

Justin walked into the hall where all of their clothes sat. "I need my red slik shirt." Nick complained as he dug through clothes looking for his shirt. Justin giggled as he watched Nick scramble through the room. "Hey Janie. Where's the clothes I have to look over?" Justin asked. "There right there Justin. Right next to Lance's." Janie pointed to where Justin had to go. Justin saw his clothes and looked through the clothes. He noticed his baby blue Taj Mahal outfit, his blue Tommy overalls, his black tank top and several other wardobe changes. "What are we supposed to wear for the opening number?" Justin asked as he fumbled through the outfits. "J.C. says you should where your Tommy outfits. Then where the Taj Mahal outfits when you do 'A Little More Time...'" Janie said as she sized Howie's outfit on him. "Okay, got'cha." Justin agreed as he pulled out the overalls. "Hey, hurry in here guys. We have to get changed in twenty minues." Kevin said as he walked by the door to the room. "I've got to egt to make-up and then do that MTV interview." Justin said as he placed his clothes down. "Then you had better hurry. Otherwise, you're going to be late getting on stage." Janie suggested to Justin. Justin smiled and ran out of the wardrobe hall.

Justin entered the make-up room where J.C. and Lance sat getting preped for the show. J.C. was signing CD covers for contest winners while a hair stylist worked on Lance's hair. "Come on Justin, sit on down so we can get you ready." Diane said as she waited on Justin. Justin sat in the chair and Diane began to apply light make-up on his face. Justin closed his eyes as Diane worked on his face. "Hey Justin, you look kinda stressed." Lance commented as he got out of his chair. "Yeah, I feel that way. My body is killing me." Justin complained. "You know you should go to Sue and Donald and let them work out those kinks." Diane suggested as she applied blush to Justin's cheeks. "I just might do that." Justin smiled. "Okay, all done. You've got about thirty minutes before you have to be on stage. You can go grab a quick rub down." Diane said as Justin got out of the chair. "Okay. J.C., come get me when you're about to go get dressed for the show." Justin said as he walked out of the room. "Okay, but don't make me have to wait!" J.C. shouted as Justin headed down the hall.

Justin passed heards of reporters and personel, avoiding every conversation he could, as he headed towards the resting room. Justin entered the room and saw Donald sitting in a chair. "Donald, can you tell Sue I need a quick rub down?" Justin asked. "Sure, I'll go get her." Donald smiled as he stood. He walked out of the room and Justin began to remove his shirt. He laid on the white table and pulled his jeans down slightly. He wanted to make sure Sue could massauge his lower back. Justin laid on his stomach and closed his eyes. He felt the cool breeze float over his back as the door opened. Justin exhaled slightly and awaited Sue to begin her work. "Go easy on me, okay Sue." Justin joked as he felt the warmth of a body over his. Justin closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles. He felt two strong hands grip his skin and slowly massauge his upper back. Justin sighed as the hands began to rub out his tense muscles. Justin realized that the hands were exceedingly stronger then that of Sue's. The warm hands guided their way to Justin's lower back, skinning over his ass. Justin's eyes surged open. "Donald?" Justin said out of fear. There was no response. "Hey, whoever this is, I asked for Sue." Justin stuttered out. The hands did not stop their smooth rubbing. "Who is this?" Justin almost barked as he began to turn over. The hands pressed firmly down and stopped Justin from turning over. "Aren't you jumpy? I was just trying to give you a massauge." Justin heard a voice whisper into his ear. Justin knew that voice. It was Brian.

Brian began to work Justin's neck over with his warm hands. Justin laid his head down and let Brian work him over. Brian's hands slipped across the small of Justin's back and then down to his ass muscles. Brian rubbed softly on the tender flesh. Justin moaned in pleasure as his body released it's built up tension. "You are so tight." Brian commented as he rubbed Justin's lower back. "You should know. You're in me everynight." Justin giggled. "I was talking about your muscles asshole." Brian laughed as he rubbed harder. Brian threw his left leg over Justin's back and gently sat on Justin's back. "Geez, can you get any heavier?" Justin laughed half-heartedly as he adjusted to Brian's weight. Brian began to massauge Justin's middle back and kiss the back of Justin's neck. Brian's lips touched Justin's neck tenderly as he rubbed Brian's shoudler blades. Justin groaned softly as Brian's tongue traced small hearts on his back. "Hey, we can do this all night long you know. We do have a show to put on." Brian laughed as he lifted his head. "Oh, right. It just felt so good with your strong hands on my back." Justin whispered.

"Stop flattering me and get up." Brian laughed as he stepped off of Justin. Justin groaned in disappointment. He flipped onto his back and sat up. He looked at Brian dressed in a deep, black cloak, covering his outfit. "What's that for?" Justin asked as he grabbed his shirt. "For the opening number we do. You need to get changed before Kevin and Chris kill you. Lance and J.C. are doing their MTV interviews right now." Brian said as he watched Justin. "Shit, I forgot about that. I had better get going." Justin stammered out as he stood. "Wait, I'll come with you." Brian said with a smile. They both ran out of the room and headed for wardrobe.

Justin and Brian bursted in the wardobe room. "Okay, I need to get my suit on." Justin said as he grabbed his tear-away space suit. Brian took a seat near Justin's clothes, watchign Justin quickly change. "Hey, Justin, no rush man. Britney's not finished with her set yet. She's got about two mroe songs to do. Probably, 'Sometimes' and she said she's going to close with 'From the Bottom of My Broken Heart'. So take your time, but make sure all of your clothes are at the front so you can change quickly." Lance said as he entered the room. "Did you finish your interview?" Justin asked as he zipped up his space suit. "Yeah, Chris and Joey are chatting right now." Lance responded as he grabbed his pile of clothes. "Janie is going to have to steam this shirt quickly." Justin said as he fumbled through the clothes. "Are you always this antsy before a show?" Brian asked. "No, it's because your here." Justin teased as he grabbed all of his clothes. "Thanks." Brian laughed. "Hey guys, when are we going to kick the hackey sack around?" Chris asked as he walked into the wardrobe room. "Hopefully soon. Justin has to do some interviewing, then he'll join us." Lance said. "Well Joey's signing CD sleeves, so he may be awhile." Chris said. "Well how about you guys start without us and we'll come meet ya there." Justin suggested as he began to leave the room. "Okay." Chris said as he bounced the hackey sack on his knee. "Aren't we forgetting something?" Brian questioned Justin. "What?" Justin said as he looked around frantically. "Me, silly." Brian giggled as he stood. Justin rolled his eyes and they both headed to the front of the backstage.

Justin got to the front where J.C. watched Britney finish up 'Sometimes'. Justin hung his clothes on 'N Sync's clothes rack and looked onto the stage. "She's really good." Justin smiled as Britney began to sing her next song. "Yeah, she's great. She puts on a good show." J.C. agreed. Brian snuck behind Justin and looked onto the stage. "She's got a geat voice." Brian said as he placed his hands on Justin's shoulders. Justin looked oer his shoulder and saw Brian looking down at him. "Let's get to those MTV people and then get ready to blow the roof off this place!" Justin said as he and Brian headed for one of the back rooms. The interview went quick for Justin with the basic questions like: "How's the tour?", "What's next for you guys?", "What's going on with the enw album?" and other little questions. Jusitn answered each one with quick and intelligent responses. He and Brian gladly got out of the room and headed to the front of the area.

They came upon the guys all preparing to get their mics together. "Okay, everyone, let's egt together for a quick prayer and get ready to get on stage!" J.C. announced as he grabbed his mic. Everyone gathered up, the muscians, the personel, stylists, 'N Sync, the BSB and the management. Brian gave a quick prayer and they all gathered up for a group hug. "Okay, let's go out and rock a good show." Justin said as he grabbed his mic. "Okay, guys, they're all yours!" Britney announced as she ran backstage. The guys of 'N Sync huddled and gave a loud "'N SYNC!" yell as they ran on stage.

The lights faded in the concert arena and the crowd scream like a banshee. Girls hollored each of the guys names as they awaited 'N Sync to take the stage. The girls hollored louder as they heard a loud pyro spark off. "Are you ready?" the girls heard a voice blast through the speakers. Strobe lights began to beam across the stage, letting the girls catch small glimpes of five guys in space suits. The whole audience screeched as the spotlights popped on each figure. Just as the crowd got silent again, Janet Jackson's 'If' came blasting through the stadium speakers. The crowd began to jump and dance along to the music as each member of 'N Sync began to dance. The guys worked the stage throught the beginning of the song and then dropped to the floor. The crowd went silent again. One of the spacemen stood and removed his helmet. Chris smiled at the crowd and grabbed his mic. "What's up New York!!!!" Chris shouted. The crowd went balistic as the spotlight fell on him. "Me and the guys of 'N Sync are so glad to be here. And we've got just one thing to ask!" Chris screamed to the crowd. Jay Z's 'Can I Get A...' came flowing into the speakers and each of the guys stood and began dancing. "Aye ya'll! I wanna know... Can I get a 'N Sync!" Justin said into his mic with a bright smile. The crowd shouted back "'N Sync!" with jubilation. "Come on ya'll, do this N.Y. style. Can I get a 'N Sync!" Justin shouted again. The crowd went crazy. The lights faded again. The crowd screamed for 'N Sync with recklessness.

The lights returned and 'N Sync were still in their suits. They quickly ripped them away as 'Crazy For You' began playing from the band. 'Where ever I go/Whatever I do/Whenever my heart is crying out for you' the guys sung as they stripped away their suits. The girls went crazys the guys stood in blue, red, yellow, green and orange Tommy ovrealls. 'I'm crazy for you!' the guys shouted as they began to dance around the stage. The guys got into the music and began to entertain the crowd. Justin seductively teased the girls of the crowd by thrusting his hips to the beat. Brian looked on from the side and laughed at the girls screams. "What a show off!" Nick yelled as he watched Justin. As "Crazy For You' faded, the guys got in place for their next song. The guitarist began to slowly play the music to 'Sailing' as 'N Sync grabbed their stools. Each of the guys sat and wiped the sweat from their head and arms. J.C. began his part, his voicing flowing smoothly with the strum of the guitar. The crowd moved back and forth in a syncronized movement. Joey winked and waved to the girls in the crowd as he sang. Lance kept his full attention on J.C. as he sang. Chris listened to the harmonies blend as he performed his high, falsetto parts. As the spotlight spread across the crowd, each of the guys stood from their stools. Slowly, Lance walked off stage, still singing. Joey followed him and then Chris. J.C. and Justin stood still singing 'Sailing'. Justin was the next to leave the stage. J.C. sang magically till the end of the song. Then J.C. quickly ran off stage.

The lights faded to a dim blue light and five, blacked robed men walked onto the stage. The crowd screamed, anticipating 'N Sync's return. Soon Micheal Jackson's 'Thriller' came rolling into the arena. The girls screamed as they noticed that the men were actually the Backstreet Boys. The guys began to mimic Micheal Jackson's pantent moves to the music. Then with a flash, the guys yanked off the srobs and stood in shiney, silver outfits. The band began to play 'Everybody' and the guys began to dance with their dancers. "What's up New York!!!" A.J. shouted as he came to the front of the stage. "Throw your hands in the air and wave 'em 'round like you just don't care. And if you're ready to party with the B-S-B, let me hear you scream oh yeah!" A.J. shouted with enthusiasm. The crowd screeched out 'Oh yeah!' and the guys began to sing.

As Nick came to his part and sang "Am I sexual?", Lance screamed "Yeah!" from backstage. J.C. sucked his teeth at lance's as he changed his clothes. Justin walked to where Lance stood and watched Brian sing "Am I everything you need? You better rock your body with me!". Justin smiled delicously and licked his lips. "He's everything I need." Justin commented as he slipped his new outfit on. "Hey guys, get ready to get out there." a P.R. said from the side. The guys all nodded and watched as the Backstreet Boys finished up 'Everybody'.

Brian walked to the front of the stage and waved to all the fans. "Hey ya'll!" Brian smiled. The crowd roared with excitement. 'One Last Cry' came synthesizing through the speakers. The other guys left the stage as Brian began to sing his heart-filled solo. Brian put his all into every note as the music played. He smiled as he finished and raised his brow at the crowd. "You ready?!?" Brian scremaed as he looked at them. The crowd screamed back. 'I Wanna be with you/It's crazy but it's true/And everything I do, oh I/I wanna be with you/' Brian sang as the guys returned to the stage. Each of the Backstreet Boys took their cue and began dancing to the melody. Brian and Nick got into the moves and teased the crowd by showing off their well-shaped abs. The girls screamed like crazy. Brian turned his ehad towards the side of the stage and winked at Justin. He began to put on a show for the crowd and Justin, teasing them sexually. Justin bit his lip as he watched his lover dance. The guys finsihed the song and ran off stage. "That was cute." Justin said as he grabbed Brian's sweaty arm. "I did it just for you." Brian smiled as he grabbed a towel from the desk Justin stood near. Brian wiped the sweat from his brow and placed his mic down. Justin gave Brian a smooth kiss and helped wipe the sweat from Brian's body.

The lights faded once again in the arena and the crowd jumped with joy. "And now, introducing, the BACKSTREET BOYS!!!" the announcer said. Five figures walked onto the stage. They began bobbing their heads and dancing to 'All I Have To Give'. The five guys were dressed in white suits with different color shirts under the coats. Each of the shirts were fully opened, exposing each guys chest. The guys danced with hats in their hands, mimicing the dances from 'All I Have To Give'. "First, give it up for Kevin!" the announcer shouted. One of the guys walked to the front of the stage and lifted his mic. "Hey ya'll" he said. The crowd looked at him funny. "Now, give it up for A.J.!!!" the announcer said. Another figure came up and said "What up N.Y.!". The crowd was becoming supsicous s they looked at the guys. "Okay, how about Howie D!" the announcer said. "Hola New York!" a deep voiced person said. "Hey, that's Lance!" one of the girls shouted from the audience. "Give it up one time for Brian 'B-Rok' Littrell!" the announcer said. Another, semi-tall guy ran to the front. "Howdy guys!" the guy yelled. "And finally, Nick Carter!" the announcer screamed. "Hey, hey, it's Nickie C. here!" the guy yelled. The crowd was not convinced.

"Whoa, whoa, what is going on here?" a guy yelled as he walked out on stage. "Okay, let's give it up for 'N Sync!" the announcer said. "Give it up for Justin Timberlake, Chris Kirkpatrick, J.C. Chasez, Lance Bass and Joey Fatone!" the announcer said happily as five more guys walked on stage. The guys looked each other up and down. "Hey, I thought I was Nick Carter?" Nick said, dressed in a baby blue North Carolina jersey like Justin. "And I thought I was J.C." J.C. said, as he stood dressed like Nick. "Waz up with this A.J. wanna be?" A.J. said. He was dressed as Chris as Joey was dressed s him. "Uhm, I'm sorry. I thought there was only one B-Rok? Who are you supposed to be." Brian joked lovingly with Justin. "Your momma!" Justin joked back. "Okay, hold up! Who is 'N Sync and who's the Backstreet Boys!" A.J. said to the crowd. The crowd screamed with joy, doing their best to point out who was who. "I got a way to prove it. We'll see who dances like the Backstrett Boys!" Nick shouted into his mic. The crowd bellowed as they watched the little skit before them. "Okay, e can do that!" Justin argued back. 'Everybody' began to flow in again, only this time, the instrumental was the Matty Remix. The guys dressed like the Backstreet boys began to do the dance from the video. They hit every move with ease and perfection. They stopped dancing and watched the others. "Whoa ho!!! That was good, but uh, this is better!" A.J. said to the guys. The guys dressed as 'N Sync began to do the dance, doing justs good as the others. "So, what's up crowd? Who's the real Backstreet Boys!" Brian said to the crowd. The crowd cheered for the guys dressed as 'N Sync and yelled for them.

"Okay, okay. You guys got that one." Justin said. He and the guys of 'N Sync left the stage. "Well hold up, how about we do this." Kevin said. 'Like A Child' began to flow in the speakers, being performed by the band. The guys began to sing as the guys of 'N Sync got changed. After 'Like A Child', the guys of B.S.B. performed 'As Long As You Love Me'.

Justin ran out on stage just sa the guys were leaving. "Wait, I think everyone wants to hear something from mr. Nick Carter? Huh?" Justin asked the crowd. The crowd screamed with delight. Nick walked back and the band began to play 'I Need You Tonight'.

Justin ran backstage and flirted with Brian casually. "Hey, you guys got go and do your set now. Nick's almost done." Britney said to Justin. Justin sighed and stood. He grabbed his mic and kissed Brian gently on the lips. "Be back in ten minutes." Justin said. He and the others got on stage and began to perform 'U Drive Me Crazy'. A.J. ran on stage and performed to rap to the song and the guys danced along to the beat. "Okay, give it up for A.J. ya'll!" J.C. shouted s A.J. ran off stage. 'N Sync began to perform 'For The Girl Who Has Everything'. Brian watched as Justin sang for the crowd. He knew in his heart Justin wanted to say 'for the boy who has everything', but he let it go. 'N Sync then finished their second set with 'I Want You Back'.

'N Sync ran off stage and grabbed their towels. They dried off as they awaited A.J. to finish his solo on stage. "'God Must have Spent...' is next right?" J.C. asked as he took a large gulp of water in his mouth. "Yeah, with the guys." Lance nodded as he sprayed some water of his head to keep cool. Justin massauged Brian's shoulders as A.J. finished his song. "Let's go guys!" Chris said as he ran out to the stage. He was follwoed by Nick, J.C., Lance, Joey, Brian and then Howie. Justin took a quick sip of water and then he and Kevin joined the others on stage. They began to sing 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You' together, swooning the crowd with their range in vocals. Girls were in tears as they watched their favorite boy groups perform together. As Justin hit his last note of the song, the guys walked off the stage. "Now, we want to do something different for you. This is the first single off of 'N Sync's new album and it's called 'Just Part II'." Brian announced to the crowd. He and Justin sat on stools next to each other. The crowd gave a loud yell in anticipation of hearing the song. "Me and Justin wrote this song and we hope you enjoy it." Brian said. He began to strum on his guitar and sing the song. Justin joined in and together they blew the crowd away with their melody. Justin and Brian stood and gave each other a hug as they finished the song. The crowd gave them a standing ovation after they broke from their hug. Tears dripped from both of their eyes as they left the stage.

'N Sync ran back on stage and did 'Here We Go', 'I Drive Myself Crazy' and 'More Then A Feeling'. Kevin and J.C. then graced the stage and preformed their new song 'The Two Of Them'. Kevin played piano while J.C. and he both sang the melody. The girls screamed for J.C. and Kevin s the others looked on. "That's a nice song." Nick said as he listened to J.C. put his all into the lyrics. "It's real deep." A.J. agreed in a low tone. Chris sprawled out on a couch that sat backstage. His head was covered by a towel as he tried to rest. "You okay Chris?" Britney asked as she sat next to him. "Yeah, just tired. I forgot how much these shows take out of me." Chris said softly. "Okay, the B.S.B. has to perform '10,000 Promises' now." the P.R. said as he ushered the guys on stage. Justin watched as Brian sang the song to the crowd. Justin noticed Brian's eyes looking back and forth towards him. This gave Justin the strength to smile.

J.C. walked backstage and sat in a chair next to the couch. Lance went behind him and rubbed his shoulders softly. Britney looked at Lance fuzzily then turned her attention to Joey. "So, are you chilling after the show or are you going to egt a girl something to eat?" Britney joked with him. "Where? Where's the girl?" Joey teased back. Britney giggled with him as the Backstreet Boys returned from their set. "Ugh, final number ya'll. Let's do 'Giddy Up', 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' and then 'Tearin' Up My Heart' and be done with it." J.C. groaned. He and the others marched back out onstage and gave their all in their last three songs.

After the final encore, everyone rushed out the backdoor, security surrounding them as they got on the bus. "Damn, I'm tired." A.J. panted as he walked towards the bunks. "I'm out ya'll." A.J. said as he hopped in his bunk. "Woooo, that was an awesome show!" Nick said as he walked to the back lounge. "Yeah, but I think I messed up on the 'Tearin'' dance." Joey said as he took a sip of water. "Where's Aaron?" Kevin asked as he walked to the back. "Oh, he's with my mom. They're on a seperate bus with another group. Aaron's just there because he has some things to look over for a new song he's doing." Nick responded lowly. "I'm sooooo hungry!" Lance laughed as he grabbed a bag of chips from the counter. "Oh, I'm done for the night." Howie said as he slipped away into this bunk. "Yeah, me too." Chris said as he threw his stuff in his bunk. "See you in the morning." Chris said as he closed the curtains to his bunk. Justin walked to the back lounge and sat next to Nick. "Ya'll did great tonight. You and Brian really turned it out." Nick said as he patted Justin's leg. "Thanks, Nick." Justin groaned as he wiped the sweat from his brow. Brian stayed in the front of the bus and sat in the booth. he rested his arms on the table and placed his head down.

Kevin laid his head back in the chair and slowly began to drift off to sleep. Britney joked with Joey in the front lounge as Brian slept at the booth. "Hey, gimme that!" Britney laughed as she snatched the bag of chips from Joey. "Man, I've gotta get to bed. Justin, please make sure that Brian gets to his bunk and doesn't sleep at that booth." Nick said as he stood. "Sure, Nick I've got him." Justin waved as Nick walked towards the bunks.

"Shit, I've gotta piss so bad." Nick complained. He headed towards the bathroom and yanked the door open. He peered in to a sight that astonished him. "What the FUCK!?!?!!!" Nick yelled as he looked inside. He saw Lance and J.C., sitting half-naked in the bathroom kissing. Lance's eyes flew to Nick and his both fell open. 'Shit, we forgot to lock the door.' J.C. thought as he looked into Nick's firey eyes. "What the hell are you two doing!" Nick yelled at them. "Uhm, Nick... Nick, hold on." Lance begged as he stood. "What the fuck do you mean 'hold on'!" Nick barked with rage. "Nick, damn it, it's not how it looks." Lance stuttered out. Nick's emotions were taking full control and couldn't hear a word Lance was saying. "It's not how it looks!?! It looks to me like you and J.C. were about to fuck in the damn bus bathroom!" Nick shouted. Justin's eyes flew open s he heard the comotion. He quickly ran to the noise and saw a sight he thought he'd never see. Britney and Joey soon followed. "How the fukc could you do this to me? Damn it, I gave up Brian for your ass!!! I slept with you and you've been fucking J.C?" Nick was in pure rage. "No, I didn't say that." Lance did his best to explain. "We just need to talk, that's all." Lance stammered out. "I'm not talking to you about anything." Nick said as he backed away from Lance. Tears were beginning to fall from his blue eyes.

"J.C.?" Britney said in surprise. She looked at him with disgust. J.C. quickly stood and pulled his pants up. "Look guys, don't take this the wrong way. I mean, nothing happened!" J.C. said nervously. "J.C., you were about to have sex with Lance. How aren't we supposed to take this the wrong way?!?" Joey asked in confussion. Soon enough Brian had made his way to the scene. "Listen Nick, there's nothing between me and J.C." Lance did his best to make Nick understand. J.C. stared at Lance with hate in his heart. "What the hell do you mean there's nothing between us? You just told me you loved me!" J.C. barked at Lance. "What?" Brian asked in a sleepy voice. "Uhm, Brian, maybe you should go." Justin suggested. "Yeah, cause things are about to get real ugly." Nick said with a sob. "Listen Nick, don't do anything stupid." Lance pleaded. "Oh me not do anything stupid? Look at you fucking somebody that you could have had a LONG time ago. Had you just let me runb after Brian, there'd be no problem. Instead, I had the nerve to have feelinsg for you and stick with you. Just so you could fucking make me look like a dumb ass!" Nick yelled while crying. "Nick? What's going on here?" Brian asked, finally awaking himself. "It seems that J.C. and Lance have had something on the side here while I've been thinking he was in love with me." Nick explained in a trembling voice. "We haven't had anything on the side!" Lance argued. "Oh and what do you call fucking everyday for the past week?" J.C. asked in anger. J.C. fixed his shirt and began to walk out of the bathroom. "J.C., I'm sorry." Lance pleaded.

"Hold up, you're not going anywhere!" Nick said as he grabbed J.C. by the arm. "Nick, I'd listen to Lance and not do anything stupid." J.C. said sternly. "And what, let you and Lance fuck behind my back or something?" Nick gripped J.C.'s arm tighter. "Get your fucking hands off me before you regret it." J.C. eyed Nick instensely. "Nick, let him go." Joey urged as he watched. "Or what?" Nick mocked J.C. J.C. took no time to think and forced Nick's hands off of him. J.C. pulled back and threw a fist righ into Nick's chest. Nick fell back in pain and J.C. backed away. "Don't ever touch me again!" J.C. said with a yell. Lance looked at Nick crying on the floor and J.C. walking to the front of the bus.

Britney and Joey quickly helped Nick into the back lounge. Justin and Brian followed them. Lance walked in shyly and looked at everyone. "Justin, aren't you going to do something?" Brian asked as he watched everyone scramble. "I told J.C. to be careful." Justin mummered. "What?!?" Brian said in disbelief. "You knew about this!" Brian yelled at Justin. "Well, yeah..." Brian quickly cut Justin off. "How could you not say anything! How could let me do this... do this to Nick?!" Brian was angered. "I don't know. It's not my life, it's their's." Justin mumbled out. "But they fucked with Nick's life! Damn it, Justin, he was in love with Lance!" Brian was yelling in disbelif. Justin looked into Brian's hurt eyes. "Listen Brian, Nick was just in love with you two weeks ago and now you want to tell me he's so in love with Lance? And furthermore, you told me not to get involved in their relationship!" Justin argued back. Brian couldn't believe Justin's actions. "I told you not to get involved, but I didn't tell you to let them break Nick down like this. Justin, he's my friend and I can't believe you'd let them do this!" Brian boasted. "And J.C.'s my friend and I couldn't tell him not to love somebody. He never once told me not to love you." Justin barked. "And you weren't with somebody att he time! Lance doesn't even know who he loves. How could you chose a friend over what's right!" Brian yelled back. "Brian, just shut up!" Jsutin yelled. Justin sat on the couch and watched Britney apply ice to Nick's chest.

"You want me to shut up because you know I'm right." brian said angerily. "No I want you to shut up because you're acting like an ass." Justin spitted Brian. "Takes one to knw one." Brian said as he helped Britney with Nick. "Oh, and Nick's this prefect saint. He's getting his 'just-desserts'." Justin said. "All those times he broke us up, he's getting his payback!" Justin yelled. "Yeah, but at least I didn't fuck him to make you jealous." Brian hissed. "No, brian but you're probably about two seconds away from that now. You can be such a jackass sometimes!" Justin was angered with Brian. "And so can your friends." brian responded. "Stop it you two!" Britney yelled at them. "You're just so stuck on Nick. You want everyone to feel sorry for Nick. What about J.C.? He's been hurt here too!" Jsutin spoke with a strong tongue. "Nick's my best friend. He'll always be my best friend. He's been there for me through some real rough times. I'm not just going to forget about his feelings because you don't like him." Brian argued. Justin was in raged with Brian's words.

Nick laid his head on Brian's shoulder and tried to cope with the pain. "Don't worry about it Nick. It's going to be okay." Brian whispered as he rubbed Nick's head. "Justin, why don't you just go to bed in your own bunk and leave me alone." Brian said. "Brian, fuck it! I'm not worried about you at all. I'll sleep in my bunk tonight and for the rest of the tour. I'm through with you!" Jsutin yelled. "Justin, wait, don't do that." Joey tried to stop Justin. Justin yanked his ring off and threw it at Brian. "Stop acting like a damn baby!" Brian yelled as he picked the ring up. Tears rolled down Justin's face and he quickly wiped them away. "I can't believe I fell in love with you Brian!" Justin whimpered. Joey grabbed Justin and tried to stop him. Justin pulled away and walked out of the lounge. "But Justin..." Joey called out. Jsutin was so distraut that he walked to the front of the bus. He sat in the booth and let the tears fall down his face. "Brian, aren't you going after him?" Britney asked. "I'm tired of running after him." Brian said softly as he craddled Nick. "You're going to blow all you have over Nick!" Joey barked. Brian didn't reply. "Joey, go find J.C. and see if he's okay." Britney suggested. Joey stomped out of the lounge. "Lance, I think it'd be best if you left." Britney said, looking at Lance. Lance shrugged and walked away.

"Brian, please don't break up with Justin over this. I think Nick'll get ovre this." Britney pleaded. "Britney, I'm not going to watch and let Justin say it's okay to let J.C. and Lance do what they did to Nick. It wasn't right." Brian argued. "And he threw the ring at me. He's the one making the mistake." Brian insisted. Britney sat back on the couch and looked at Brian. She couldn't understand his anger.

Justin sat in the booth, trying his best to wipe all the tears away that slid down his face. He felt a hand on his shoudler and looked up at Brian. Brian sat in the booth next to Justin and tried to hug him. Justin backed away. "Justin, I'm sorry. I love you." Brian pleaded. "Sorry and I love you aren't going to cut it this time." Justin shook his head. "Justin, if you want it to be over, you just say the word." Brian stared at the table. "Brian, I'm sorry. It's over." Justin cried. Brian placed the ring on the table and sat there. Brian felt the tears slid down his face also. "I'll always love you." Brian whispered. "I'll always love you, but I can't keep going back to you." Justin stuttered out. Brian leaned over and gave Justin a quick kiss on the cheek. "I guess that's all we have to say." Brian whimpered. "I guess so." Justin whimpered.

Brian scooted out of the booth and wiped the tears from his eyes. Justin kept his eyes looking outside the window. Justin heard a faint sound from behind him. He heard a familar song playing through the bus speakers. Brian looked up and could hear it too. Nick walked towards them and looked at the both of them. "You can't end it because of me. I've learned you guys are too much in love for that. So, stick together." Nick said. Brian looked at Justin and felt the same way he did. "I don't want it to be over." Justin whimpered out. Brian smiled and wiped another tear away. "Good, then Brian, get that ring back on his finger." Nick did his best to smile. "I want to, but I can't. I need time to think." Brian sniffled out. Justin looked at him with hurt. Nick looked at Brian with confussion on his face. "I want to, but Justin's betrayed me and my trust. I love you, but I just can't right now." Brian explained. Brian sat on the opposite side of Justin and looked at him. They both stared at the ring as the bus drove on...


**** Well there we go!!! Sorry it took me SOOOOOOOOOO LONG!!! It almost took two weeks! Well it's done and I hope you like it. Please forgive the lateness, I promise to do better. The next one will be a LONG one chapter story... because it's number 50!!!! Also I want to send out a VERY HAPPY B-DAY TO A.J., JOEY, NICK & JUSTIN!!! Until later, see you in the next story... ****

Next: Chapter 24

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