Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Aug 19, 1999


Just Beginning (Chapter 23) Written by JM

--- Well the Awards came and went. It would seem that I got alot of Awards again BUT I don't think I needed them all. Don't get me wrong, anyone would get a big head hearing they won Story of the Millennium BUT not this guy. The three categories I REALLY wanted to win, I won. So I'm happy. So I'm proud to say I won for 'Most Romantic Couple', 'Best Use of Justin Timberlake' and 'Best Use of Brian Littrell'. I share my Award for '...Brian Littrell' with my boy Leprechaun! He taught me how to use Brian, so I share that award with him greatfully. I HAVE to THANK MY READERS!!! I love you guys for voting for me, that meant a lot to me. For the next Awards, I EXPECT to lose to: 'Bad Boy B-Rok', 'The One', 'Brian & Keith', 'Boy Meets BSB', 'Bring Your Own BSB', 'N Sync Love' and 'Brian & Nick' Thanks again. ---

*** 'Just when I thought I was to be alone forever...' This is the continuation to the series 'Brian & Justin'. This story involves a romance between celebrities, mainly that of Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync). If you are offended by this kind of material, please do not read this series. If you have not read the first series, please do not read this one yet. I'd like you to know the story of Brian and Justin's saga. Otherwise, enjoy as we continue to drift into the lives of Brian & Justin and their friends. Any cooments for me, please send to: ***

*** Welcome to the second chapter of 'Brian & Justin', perfectly titled by David as 'Just Beginning'. I do hope you like this series and I hope to bring you as much joy and sorrow as the first series. As always, read stories like 'N Sync Love', 'Lost And Found' and 'The One' for good storyline. Special thank you to my inspiration and my "Blue", Leprechaun. Read 'Bad Boy B-Rok' for his work of art. Special thank yous to some of my closest friends also: Donnie, Shawn, CJ, Rick, Jason, River, Mano, Jay & Josh, Ryan & Drew, Brian and Netboy. And very special thanks goes to all of my OLD & NEW READERS! I love you dearly for your support. The BIGGEST thank you goes to David at Nifty for his continuous support. As always, enjoy and hopefully, you won't be disappointed. So now, the story is 'Just Beginning...' ***

A woman stood in a studio booth with her headphones on. Her hair was pulled up into a bun with chopsticks running diagonally from each side. Little strands of her hair fell to her neck. Her eyes were hidden behind a small pair of ice-blue tinted sunglasses. Her lips were slightly pouted with gloss. One of her hand carefully moved a Superman charm from side to side on her nacklace. He other hand tapped on the riser that held the lyrics to her song in front of her. her eyes were glued on the glass window that seperated her from her friends. She tapped her foot lightly, feeling comfortable in her boyfriend's baggy leather jacket. Her halter top was just the right tightness for her while her jeans were smoothly fitted. She skid her blue Nike's over the floor, still awaiting her cue to sing.

"Okay Britney, go ahead." she finally got an okay. Britney sighed to herself, saying, 'Finally'. She heard the melody return to her headphones and she gazed down to her lyrics sheet. She tapped her foot with the song and prepared her verse.

It's a little after three baby

My mind is on nothing but you

I gotta get away baby

Cause I know you've been untrue

My heart is callin' you

But you won't bother to answer

I know I gotta leave you

Baby, you won't get another chance yeah

Britney stopped and took a breath as the people behind the glass gave her an okay. "Nice job Britney, you can break for now and we'll do the end of the song and ad-libs later." a smokey voice informed her.

Britney was too wrapped up in her exhaustion to care when she was going to finish the song. She removed her headphones and placed them on the riser. It had been almost a week since her incident at the Olive Juice premiere. She had managed to heal from her confrontation with Leigh Ann and had not heard from her since. She had spent little time with her boyfriend Joey due to her hectic schedule. She was constantly on the phone with family trying to plan a trip home with Joey so that he could meet her parents. She had just gotten back to Orlando after a two day stint in Los Angeles in which she did promotional venues for an upcoming tour and she filmed scenes for her appearance in Jack of All Trades. She was thankful that at least Joey was there with her one of the days she filmed.

She grabbed her Naya water from below the riser and then made her way out of the studio. She stepped from the studio into the production booth where a set of her friends sat around. She was in the recording studio to lay down vocals for several songs for her upcoming album and to lay down the vocals for a track for the soundtrack to 'It Never Happened', which happened to be partially produced by Brian Littrell. Britney was hesitant about recording a song that had anything to do with Leigh Ann Wallace, but her record label pushed her into it and she was fortunate enough to get Justin Littrell and A.J. McLean to write the song for her.

Britney looked to the mixing board where three of her friends were. A.J. Mclean of the Backstreet Boys sat piecing together snippetts of the song, taking his chance at producing. Britney peered over her glasses to see Justin Littrell sitting next to A.J. In the seat with Justin was his husband, Brian Littrell.

Justin was sitting between Brian's spread legs while Brian's arms were wrapped around Justin's chest. Brian was lightly kissing Justin's neck, watching his husband work on lyrics for a song. Justin nuzzled his neck to Brian so that Brian would have to try so hard to snuggle with him. A.J. glanced at them for a minute and smiled. "Brian... give the man a break." A.J. laughed, teasing his friend. Brian took A.J.'s advice and pulled his lips and hands from Justin. He reclined in the chair and pull Justin up into his lap. Justin looked at A.J. and frowned. "Brian! Spoooooooooooon!" Justin groaned out with desperation. Britney pulled down her sunglasses to look at Justin wickedly. Brian giggled at his husband's desire for an embrace. "No more Real World and pizza for you Just." Brian teased him while complying with Justin's wishes. "But all I want you to do is spooooon me!" Justin laughed out, imitating that of Amaya. Brian lightly tickled Justin and then placed a gentle kiss on his ear.

Britney ignored Brian and Justin's further cuddling and moved over to a lush couch. She sat down next to her boyfriend and laid her head in his lap. Joey removed her sunglasses and stared at the slightly red eyes. "You've been working too hard." Joey commented lowly. Britney just nodded and closed her eyes. Joey pulled back her honey blonde hair and let her rest in his lap. He just stared out to Brian, A.J. and Justin as they each joked and worked on the song.

"Is this all ya'll are going to do today?! I mean ya'll know we have to have five tracks done today!" Kevin barked as he and Chris entered the production booth. Britney sighed loudly while keeping her eyes closed. "Don't let your girlfriend get too comfortable Joey because according to Johnny she has to lay down vocals for three other songs before she gets out of here." Kevin insisted, striking his revenge against Britney's rebel nature. Joey eyed him, knowing what Kevin was trying to do. "For your information Mr. Richardson, I have to wait for Eric to free up time to record a song with me and then I have to wait for Brian for another song and then I have to review some lyrics with Max over the phone before I even lay down vocals for that song. And all of that can be done before I get out of here. Is that clear?" Britney snapped back with assurideness. "Snap." Justin snickered lowly. Brian nudged Justin's hip while A.J. tried to control his laughter. Kevin listened to each word that was said. "Justin, you guys need to finish up with Britney in here so you can go record with Viet. Brian you need to go hit the studio with Eric, then Britney and then Don Philip. A.J. I do believe that you are supposed to be in an interview with MTV News soon, so quit horsing around and get it done." Kevin gave out his orders with no break or resitance. His orders were clear yet hated.

Brian grumbled and grabbed Justin's hips. "Well I had better get moving then since I KNOW I'll have about a million things to do if I don't." Brian finally succombed to Kevin's wishes. He kissed Justin on the cheek before trying to lift him. Justin hesitantly stood with Brian and remained standing as Brian got up. Brian looked as his husband stood erect. He cocked his eyebrow at Justin, wondering why Justin hadn't sat back down.

"Hey ya'll, if you wanna grab some grub, hit the lounge." Nikki interupted them. She stepped into the production booth with Amanda following. Kevin seemed to lose his scowl when he saw Nikki. "Nikki, do us a favor and give your boyfriend some so we don't have to deal with his uptight nature." A.J. pleaded as he spun around in his chair. Nikki quickly gave A.J. an angered face. Kevin balled his fists and did his best to show his mature side. "Maybe if you didn't give so much up, then you wouldn't be worried about babies all the time." Kevin replied sharply, placing an arm around Nikki's shoulders. A.J. dug his fingers into the chair he sat in as he stared Kevin down. "So you said food eh? Let's go grab some food." Kevin suggested to Nikki with a smile. He smiled back to A.J. and escorted Nikki out of the room.

Amanda stepped in even shier with her arms crossed. She looked at Britney with fear. Britney returned the look and then looked at Justin. Justin looked away from her quickly. He pulled Brian into a hug, fearing a reaction from Britney. Brian didn't mind returning the hug to his husband. Justin kept his eyes away from Britney, Amanda and Joey. He didn't want to think of the deep secret he had been keeping from Brian for a week. Justin wanted to tell Brian when he took Brian to California with the guys of 'N Sync, but couldn't. Trust was something he valued to the highest.

"Can I talk to you outside for a minute baby?" Justin requested as he rested his head on Brian's shoulder. Brian picked up on the slightly taunted sound in Justin's voice. "Okay... come on babe." Brian whispered his reply. Brian grasped Justin's hand and led him out of the room while eyes watched on.

"Hey Panda, you're putting on some weight, aren't ya?" A.J. commented, smiling at his girlfriend. Amanda's eyes gave a dwelling stare at A.J. before she glanced over to Britney. Britney sighed lowly and rolled from Joey. "I gotta grab something to eat before I go back into the recording booth," Britney announced, trying to avoid the obvious problems Amanda was experiencing. "Ugh, how much longer?" Joey comaplied, still sitting on the couch. "If you'er asking because you want to go home and do something with me, put it out of your mind Mr. Fatone. I've been double booked for the past week and I'm tired." Britney explained coldly. She pulled open the door and stepped out. Joey looked at A.J. for the advice he knew A.J. possesed. A.J. was too busy staring at his watch to notice.

Joey sighed loduly and stood. "I guess I better go see if she's okay." Joey grumbled, walking towards the door. Amanda gave him a disappointed look. "You know Joey, sex isn't the way to a girl's heart." Amanda advised him. "Yeah and neither is diamonds." A.J. joked from the chair. Amanda didn't even bother to look at her boyfriend. She stared into Joey's deep brown eyes with hr gentle advice. "I didn't say I wanted to sleep with her Amanda. I just wanted ten minutes to at least be with her." Joey explained his side. "I thought it only took three minutes?" A.J. gave a thought-provoking comment before smiling. "Shut up A.J." Joey hissed. Amanda kept her same posture. "Just tell her you want some of her time and she'll give it to you." Amanda pleaded simply. Joey sighed once again and left the room silently.

Amanda turned to A.J. with a scowl. He gave her a surprised grin but then caught onto her strong anger. "We're going to have to have those talks where I talk and you listen A.J." Amanda insisted boldly. A.J. sat back in his chair and gave her a challenging look. "And why's that?" A.J. boldly questioned. "Because there's somethings you should know." Amanda replied bitterly. She gave her a haunting stare that made A.J. feel insecure with her apparent anger.

Justin was silently walking with Brian down the stretch of hallway that led to a side exit of the studios. Brian held Justin's hand firmly for assurance, just as he always did. He knew that no one would notice them as they walked down the side hall. Justin didn't feel nervous with the idea. He nibbled his lower lip knowing what he and Brian's conversation was going to be about. "It's kind of chilly outside." Brian warned Justin with a whisper. Justin nodded and pulled up his hoody. He wore a navy blue, thin-hoddy. His jeans were the perfect warmth while his shirt gave little protection. Brian had managed to slip on his jacket before they left the main area and was happy he did.

Brian released Justin's warm hand and pushed open the exit door. He let the breeze hit his face and then he shivered slightly. The day wasn't as warm as he wanted it for August, but he let the chill subside. He stepped outside and peered his eyes around. He sighed when he saw a small group of people towards the other entrance. Justin followed him outside and crossed his arms for comfort. He saw what Brian was looking at and frowned. "I swear they always find us. Damn MTV for even coming here, the fans would never know we were here if it wasn't for them." Brian pouted with disappointment. Justin ran his hands over Brian's back for comfort. "Sign some autographs and then slip away is my motto." Justin whispered genuinely. Brian nodded as he saw a small group of fans approaching.

Brian and Justin made short work of their small group of fans by giving each of them an autograph and had security escort them away. Brian took that second he had and escorted his husband to a more secure area of the outside. He had pulled Justin in a corner of the outside and let Justin lean against the wall. He let Justin have the time he needed to think of the right words to say to Brian. Brian ran a finger over Justin's smooth cheek and tried to glare into Justin's eyes. Justin lifted his sulking head and gave Brian a timid stare. "What's wrong?" Brian asked softly, his voice carried by the wind. Justin kept his nibble on his lower lip, becoming nervous with Brian. Brian leaned in closer to Justin and placed his hands on Justin's hips. "Bri... there's something you should know..." Justin finally murmured. Brian nodded, already figuring it was something deep. "Brian, Amanda's going to have a baby." Justin said with a hint of fear. Brian was taken back by the words Justin spoke so calmly. Brian was shaken by it, not giving Justin a lively stare. Justin looked down to his shoes and tried to avoid Brian's dead stare. "How... how?" Brian stammered out his question. "She was pregnant all along but she didn't want to tell A.J. after what he did." Justin replied softly, still looking at his shoes. He plaed his palsm on the wall behind him, trying to give Brian an oppurtunity to pull away. Brian kept his hands on Justin's hips and snapped out of his stare. "You knew?" Brian questioned, curious to Justin's answer. Justin looked up to Brian with devastated eyes. "For about a week now. Britney told me... but she asked me not to tell you because she didn't want A.J. to know." Justin replied, living within his secret.

Brian sighed and turned his head towards the wall. Justin knew that sign and grabbed Brian's hands. He tried to remove them from his hips but Brian refused to lose his grip. "You could have told me anytime Justin and you know that." Brian said slowly and calmly. Justin stopped trying to remove Brian's hands and listened to him. "I mean... we're not supposed to keep secrets from each other... you're my husband Justin.. you shouldn't be scared to tell me." Brian added with reservation, knowing he had made the same mistake before. Justin was stumped that Brian was more disappointed then mad. "I understand though... they are your friends." Brian whispered sadly. Justin felt Brian's sorrow. He used his index finger to lift Brian's chin and gave him a sincere smile. "But you're my life." Justin assured him. Brian gave back that small smile.

Justin lifted his hands and placed them on Brian's shoulders. "Why'd you tell me?" Brian asked out of curiosity. "Because I hate keeping secrets from you." Justin answered honestly. Brian smiled even brighter for Justin. "Well I hate for you to have to keep anything from me." Brian whispered. Justin was caught up in Brian's genuine kindness. He pulled Brian into a hug to comfort himself and Brian. "I could never imagine being in their situation..." Justin whimpered out. Brian rubbed his hands over Juatin's back as he shivered in his arms. "That's not a very healthy relationship for them... nor for them as future parents." Brian sighed, knowing the agony A.J. will feel.

Justin rubbed his hand over Brian's soft hair. Brian listened closely and could hear Justin's sniffles. Brian pulled out of the hug to get a glimpse of his husband's face. He saw the two tears that ran on each side of Justin's face. Brian was stunned to see Justin crying. "Why are you crying?" Brian asked quietly, rubbing the tears away. Justin blinked the last of his tears from his eyes and shook his head. "I don't know... I guess I thought you'd be really pissed at me or would walk away after I told you... but you didn't." Justin sniffled out. Brian lost his smile and kept rubbing the tears away. His fingers glided over the smooth cheeks with the salty tears. "I usually do don't I?" Brian asked, ashamed of his past actions. Justin felt bad for causing Brian the guilt that he did. "Oh Brian, we just get so caught up in everyone else's problems." Justin stated with as much depression as he could muster. Brian nodded.

"Hey... it doesn't mean me and my husband can't be happy." Justin whispered, rubbing his hand over Brian's defined cheek. Brian smiled slightly, agreeing with Justin through his actions. He looked at Justin as he shivered slightly. "You're cold baby." Brian quickly said, pulling Justin into his jacket. "Doesn't matter... you're holding me." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. Brian's joyful smile returned. "How about I get you back inside and make you even warmer with something to eat?" Brian suggested, pulling back slightly from their hug. Justin sighed, loving each moment he spent along with his husband. "Come on J, we can share a plate and relax." Brian coaxed Justin more. Justin nodded, giving into Brian's request. Brian leaned in and gave Justin a small kiss on his nose. "I love you..." Brian whispered out of joy. Justin smiled and gave Brian a ginger kiss. Brian let the kiss continue as he slid his hand to the back of Justin's head. Justin was unprepared for the kiss but let it continue. 'Oh, I wish I could say how much...' Brian thought to himself as his lips rubbed against Justin's velvet-like lips. Justin's mind was far from what Brian was thinking. He had just the thought of being gentle during their kiss to occupy his mind.

Brian pulled away from their passionate kiss and licked his lips. "You taste sweet Just." Brian chimed. Justin giggled with Brian's comment. "Thanks." Justin shivered out. "Come on, inside with your cute butt." Brian suggested, pinching Justin's ass. Justin jumped slightly before nudging Brian. "That ass is off limits until you take me home and make love to me for that time you were gone." Justin warned him with a smile. Brian gave him a sour smile and shrugged. "Anytime baby, we can leave now." Brian's smile burned with sexuality. The temptation was strong for Justin but he controlled his hormones. "And miss a chance for you to record the song for our future baby, never." Justin reveled. Brian rolled his eyes at Justin before swinging his arm around Justin's shoulders. "You can't do that now." Justin reminded him sorely.

Brian dropped his arm with irritation. "One day Justin... one day..." Brian mumbled with distaste. "What? One day you're going to fuck me in front of the reporters?" Justin giggled. Brian elbowed him lovingly. "Hey, that sounds kind of kinky. All of those cameras taking pictures of my dick." Brian laughed loudly. Justin rolled his eyes and kept a steady pace with Brian. "If you wanted someone to take pictures... you should have asked." Justin seductively commented. Brian pondered the thought with excitement. It was kinky and appealing to Brian. "I can do a wonderful Playgirl spread for you." Justin added to intensify Brian's thoughts. Brian did his best to shake the thoughts as they reached the door back to the studio.

Brian and Justin walked into the hallway with silence, trying to make sure no cameras caught them. Justin could hear the faint sound of yelling and his eyes shifted to one of the closed studio doors. He listened closely as they approached the area. He saw Howie and Veronica standing outside the door with curious eyes. He gave each of them an unsure look until he heard the unique tone that he knew A.J. to have only when he was truly upset. "That's not something you can fucking play around with Amanda!" Justin heard A.J. shouting. He drooped his head when he realized what had happened.

"Aye J, get in here!" Lance called out. Justin's head turned to the office in which he could see Lance was in. Brian and Justin stopped their walk. Justin's eyes gazed back to the door that was still closed with arguing. Brian pulled on Justin to grasp his attention. Justin quickly jerked his head in Brian's direction. "Lance wants you..." Brian reminded him. Justin snapped out of his perculiar stare and nodded. He and Brian walked towards the office while A.J. and Amanda continued their endless battle.

Brian was the first to enter the office and looked at Lance. Lance sat at a computer, typing while nearby was Jason, their Internet P.R. Jason was also working hard as Justin stepped into the room. Chris was sitting in a corner of the room, talking with his mother on his cell phone. He didn't give anyone much acknowledgement as he talked. "What's up Lance?" Justin questioned, standing right behind Brian. He was curious to his friends's sudden need to see him. "I wanted you to come over here and answer some of these questions on this online chat I'm having. Since half of them are the basic, 'I LOVE Justin... will he marry me!'" Lance giggled, quoting from the endless message he got. Justin laughed from behind Brian while Brian frowned slightly. "Okay, I'll answer a few, but then I gotta go in the studio and work on the song." Justin agreed, stepping from behind Brian and walking over to Lance.

Justin pulled out the roll away chair next to Lance and sat down. He watched as Lance began to answer a few more questions. Brian looked around the room, admiring the plaques for 'N Sync and all the awards they had received from different associations. Brian admired one certificate that made him smile. 'Justin Timberlake - Sexiest Newcomer'. He giggled to himself with the thought of thousands of girls voting his husband as a 'sex idol'.

"Okay, just let me answer these last questions and I'll let you get in here." Lance stated while typing up a couple of more answers to the many questions he received. "Hey Chris, some girl wants to adopt Busta!" Lance called out to grasp Chris's attention. Chris pulled the phone from his ear for a mere second. "Tell her to buy her own." Chris sighed, annoyed with the question. "I'm guessing he wants you to say, 'Busta has a nice home'." Jason joked to Lance. Lance laughed along and typed up an answer.

Do any of you guys have girlfriends?

Well some of us have people that are special in our lives... right now though, I'm single.

Where are you guys now and when are you coming back to New York?

Right now we're in an office at the studio. We're hear today to record some songs and wok with some artists but all of that is secret right now. :)

I think we'll be in New York for awhile next week to be on Total Request Live and then we're taping our first ever show on Saturday Night Live also. So maybe some fans we'll see us in our busy schedule. Chris says: Don't follow us to the hotel because we got in trouble last time. :)

Lance did his best to answer each question accurately, but his mind was on the question that was asked earlier. Lance no longer got to say he had someone special in his life and he did his best to smile and move on. Only his heart never smiled anymore, living in a dark tomb that didn't let him open up for others anymore. He only let his mother and father try to push down those barriers while he was away. He was even more saddened that he only had three days to spend home. He had to cut his visit short to record with the guys of 'N Sync and to do more production for their new album. Lance had learned to keep as much distance from J.C. as possible while pushing the others away gradually.

<Coca_Better72> Do any of you have tattoos?

Can I answer that one?

Yes, everyone BUT JC has a tattoo. JC is scared of needles.

I have a tattoo on my ankle, but Joey has a Suerpman on his ankle with his flame tattoo. We got the flame from our album on our ankles.

And Chris has a big one on his ankle.

Justin's going to kill me for this but he just got another tattoo recently. He got one in Japanese latters on his back. It's REALLY cool. :-)

Are you guys going to tour with the Backstreet Boys again? I LOVE YOU LANCE!!!

WOW! Well I love you too.

Actually, in about three weeks or less... we'll be on the Backstreet Boys European tour. Otherwise, I don't think we'll be touring with them after that.

We have to do promotional things for our new album.

Justin pouted at the thought. He didn't want to do seperate tours from Brian and knew that was coming. He reclined in his chair and waited for Lance to pass the keyboard. "Okay, here you go. I have to get on the phone with LeAnn Rimes's people and find out if she's coming to the studio today or tomorrow." Lance explained, passing Justin the keyboard. Jason made sure to remind Justin of the basics in an online chat while Lance stood. "Are ya'll still going to record that duet?" Chris questioned, his own phone conversation ended. "Trying to. I was hoping they'd okay it for the soundtrack." Lance replied, glancing to Brian. Brian looked up to Lance and shrugged. "I don't know anything about it. I just know what tracks I'm handling for this soundtrack." Brian stated honestly. Lance nodded and sighed. "If not, we can throw it on her new album." Lance lamented.

Chris let Lance sulk before scooting over to Justin so he could watch Justin chat. "Okay, I'm ready." Justin announced as he adjusted his tennis bracelet. Jason nodded and prepped his own computer screen.

Okay people, we've got Justin from 'N Sync here and he's ready to answer any questions you have for him. So keep sending them in and he'll answer.

Hey guys, this is Justin. I'm glad you came to the chat.

Justin, will you marry me?!?!?!?!?!

Chris bursted into laughter when he read the question. "Oh yeah, he'll be glad to marry you once he gets a simple divorce." Chris snickered, teasing Justin. Justin nudged him and tried to think of a concealing answer.

Well... I'm still kind of young to marry you.

Plus I think Brian of the Backstreet Boys asked me first. But I'll tell him you asked and we'll see what he says. :)

Chris rolled his eyes at Justin's response. "You should have made it juicy like... I can't marry you because I'm married to Brian and having an affari with Britney Spears and me and Britney have three kids!" Chris boasted his phantasm. "Okay... no." Justin replied flatly. Chris bursted into laughter while Justin turned his eyes back to the computer screen.

Is it hard being 18 and on the road?

Actually... sometimes it is. I mean I have four great friends to back me up always and then I have five new friends that are always there for me.

But it is hard to do it sometimes because I am young... but I always have someone there for me... either my mom or someone else.

So yes it's hard but then again we have benefits to it too, so I can adjust. :-)

What is the most romantic thing you've done for someone? A girlfriend?


Uhm, the last romantic thing I did was... oh, I remember one time I made spaghetti for someone and we just sat and watched TV for awhile. It was romantic because we were alone and we were happy.

Justin smiled with the memory. He looked back to Brian who was busy looking around the office. "Yo Brian! Your hubby over here is spilling the dish about what he's done for you!" Chris shouted, making Justin smile. Justin wanted to say something to Brian but instead he turned back to the chat.

Is JC married?! Does he really have a steady girlfriend?

LOL... no, JC's not married.

He did just start seeing someone though... sorry. I'm sure if you asked earlier he would have went out with you.

What's your favorite CD out right now?

Do you mean what am I listening to right now?

I haven't had much time to listen to my CD's anymore BUT I've been listening to 702, TLC, Kirk Franklin and our new stuff.

Oh, also the new Backstreet Boys' album. Can't get enough of that. :)

Chris has got me listening to LEN too... they're pretty good. I like that 'Sunshine' song.

Chris smiled proudly, knowing he had once again influenced one of this bandmates. justin awaited the next question as Jason sorted through them.

Why did you change your hair back to blonde?! And is Chris going to change his braids?

You don't like my hair? Actually right now it's strawberry blonde again because someone asked me to do it. I like it.

Chris says: I am going to put blue streaks in my braids for the next tour. Wish me luck. :-)

Do you guys have many guy fans and do you support your guy fans or do you think they're just like you because they like guys?


We actually support ALL of our fans, if you're guy or girl. Some folks say we don't. What's up with dat ya'll?!

We think it's cool to have guys support us because they're like us. You know? They know what it's like to keep things real. So no we think our guy fans support us for our music... we don't think anyone should support us if they think we just look good.

Chris was proud of Justin's remark. Justin wasn't offended, nor was he rude. He was just Justin and Chris always loved that. He gave Justin a loving rub on the back and scooted forward to see more of the questions that Jason had to shift through.

Brian walked over to them and stood behind Justin. He looked down as Justin looked over the next question.

Who's your favorite Backstreet Boy and do you get along with all of them? Or just one?


Everyone says that. Actually, I don't usually choose favorites. I do have one that I get along with the best and that's Brian.

He's in the office bugging me right now! Guess that's why he's cool. Otherwise, I get along with all of them. Me and Nick are about the same age, so we have alot of the same problems. A.J.'s just CRAZY! So I love him. :)

But Brian says I have to love him too because we shoot hoops together.

Kevin's like my older brother who always makes sure I do things right the first time around. Howie's the one I can hang with for awhile because he loves to shop. So do I. :)

And everyone wish JC a happy birthday! He's a year older today and he's even more grumpier. :)

Chris giggled as he saw the next question Jason was going to propose. "He'll love that one!" Chris snickered, picking one out for Jason. "You're going to get me fired." Jason warned him with a mischevious smile. "That's okay, I'll rehire you." Chris assured him, still laughing.

Brian began to rub Justin's shoulders while Justin listened to Chris and Jason go back and forth. "Just give me a question before these folks go crazy." Justin ordered them, trying to remain relaxed.

Justin, are you a virgin?


Justin turned his head to Chris with a scowl. Chris laughed loudly when he saw Justin's face. He eased back in his chair, trying to avoid any physical contact from Justin. Justin sighed and returned his attention to the screen.

I think I'll keep that to myself.

Why? Are you a vampire looking for blood? :)

Brian reached down and wrapped his arms around Justin's neck. He kissed Justin's ear and smiled. "You're good at this." Brian whispered. "I've had years of experience covering up my personal life now." Justin replied sadly. Most days he wished to have a normal life. The lights, the money, the nice cars and the fame were nice every other day but the days he just wanted to be held were the days he'd gladly stop it all.

What's your favorite food?

Brian says: Everytime you look, Justin has a spoon of cereal in his mouth!

Are you really dating Britney Spears because I hear you and her went to a movie together? Do any of you have girlfriends right now?


I'm not dating Britney Spears. She's just a friend of mine. She's cool to hang with, but I'm not interested in seeing her. Actually, Joey is still dating Britney. But don't tell him I told you. I did escort her to a premiere we went to though, but just as friends.

JC is dating someone right now... Chris is single for the next five minutes and Lance is single.

As for me, I am very happy with my special someone.

Brian hugged onto Justin tighter with a genuine smile. "I'm VERY happy with that certain someone." Justin added verbally. Brian rubbed his cheek to Justin's, looking at the next question.

<Justins_Girl> Who would you like to do a duet with?

I'd like to do a group with Lauryn Hill actually.

As a group, we'd already worked with great people like Phil Collins, Britney Spears, the Backstreet Boys, Gloria Estefan and what not. I had a lot of fun working with Brian on the new song for our album too.

We'd like to do a new version of a song with 702. We'd call it, "Where My Boys At?"

Just kidding. :)

<Blue_Angel> Justin... are you really dating Brian or is this a joke?


Actually I don't know why so many people ask this question. Me and Brian hang out and all but no, we're not dating.

Brian frowned at Justin's response. "Why'd you say that?" Chris asked quickly, sensing Brian's depression. Justin tried to glance at Brian when Chris questioned him. "Because I'm not dating Brian. I'm married to him." Justin replied slyly. Brian lovingly shook Justin. "You asshole." Brian hissed. Chris rolled his eyes at Justin. "It's true though. I can not tell a lie." Justin giggled, mocking George Washington. Brian rubbed a hand over Justin's hair and let him continue with his chat.

We have time for one last question and then Justin has to get moving guys.

<Lil_Crunk81> Justin, do you want a family after this is over?


Yes, I REALLY want a family. That'd be really nice.

I have my puppy BJ and she's like a baby for me but I want children. Maybe two or three. I love kids.

Though it's hard to say when I'll have kids because of our constant touring. I'm young though. I don't need to worry too much about it.

Thank you all for asking Justin you're questions. He has to get going now because he has to be in the studio. We're going to have JC and Joey in here tomorrow if you'd like to talk to them.

THANK YOU all for coming. I had a lot of fun. I wish I could have answered all the questions. I do have to get in the studio though before we leave for rehearsals. Don't forget about our next album coming out and our next video. God Bless.

Brian released Justin so that he could scoot back from the computer. "Great chat Justin, thanks." Jason spoke up to Justin as Justin rose from the chair. "No prob J. Thanks for setting it up. I always have fun at those things." Justin replied happily. Brian eased back from the conversation, trying to plan out his time. "Man, we aren't going to have much time to record if we don't hurry." Chris informed Justin, looking at his watch. "We have the rest of today Chris. Johnny made sure to book the studio for the full day." Justin reminded him, grabbing Brian's hand. Chris gasped, realizing his simple mistake.

"What about J.C.?" Chris questioned. Justin sighed lowly, thinking of his close friend. "Damn I wish they'd give us just one day off." Justin complained, his thinking driving him to a breaking point. "Joey said he got the cake and all we have to do is go into the studio." Chris informed Justin of their plans. Justin nodded, feeling guilty for not having the time to get J.C. something special. He was happy that he and his friends went into together with their gift.

"Let's just go record and get this day over with." Chris advised, grabbing his cell phone so that he could leave. Brian leaned forward and gave Justin a quick kiss on the cheek. "Walk with me." Justin requested, not wanting to end his moments with Brian. Brian nodded happily. His baby blue eyes glimmered in the light, making Justin's face glow with love. "My baby doesn't wanna let me go." Brian teased him. "Can you blame me?" Justin asked. Brian shook his head and smiled even harder for Justin.

Brian pulled Justin forward slightly and gave him a slow yet passionate kiss. His lips were tender and his thoughts even more of a comfort zone. Justin took in the kiss while wrapping his arms around Brian's neck. "Oh baby..." Justin whispered between kisses. Brian kept his eyes closed as his tongue slithered into Justin's mouth. Justin sucked on the tongue for seconds before rubbing his tongue over Brian's. Brian tilted his head even more to accept Justin's kiss. "Mmmmm..." Brian moaned as he enjoyed their kiss. He rubbed his hands over Justin's back, pulling Justin even closer. He hadn't made love to Justin in days, so each kiss made up for the time he missed working and the time Justin spent promoting. Justin wanted to gasp out and ask Brian to make love to him the second their hips began a gentle grind, until reality set in. He knew where he was and who was watching and he knew he had to stop.

"Babe..." Justin mumbled as he pushed Brian back gently. Brian kept his eyes shut while panting lowly. Justin looked at him with sincerity. Brian's eyes finally blinked open, catching the glimmer in Justin's deep blue eyes. Brian sighed as he found himself once again sinking into the blue ocean that were Justin's eyes. "We have... work to do." Justin whispered. He ran a finger over Brian's nose and smiled appreciatively. 'Love you,' Justin mouthed for Brian. Brian's face never lost it's smile as he stared at Justin. He had learn to forget all about the problems that had interupted them earlier. Even with the thought of Amanda being pregnant, Brian pressed on as Justin's husband.

Just Beginning (Chapter 24) Written by JM

Nick rubbed his fingers over J.C.'s defined cheek. His lips were gently pressed against J.C.'s, savouring the taste of his new lover's lips. Nick's hands roamed J.C.'s face and neck. He was dazzled by J.C.'s unique technique of kissing, one that pleasured him greatly. J.C. was secure in his kiss with his lover. His hands gently placed on Nick's thighs, his lips moving at a calm rate and his mind locked into a world only he experienced when alone with Nick.

J.C. brushed back the small tendrils of Nick's blonde hair and leaned more into their kiss. In his mind, he was loving every second of it but in his heart, he still felt guilt. Nick shared the silent guilt, except his was for another. Only two people remained in J.C. and Nick's lives that they yet had finished their love with, Lance and Brian. Yet neither of them wanted to lose a second they shared together. They knew in their hearts that they wouldn't change a moment of what they had shared in over a week's time.

Nick hesitantly pulled back from their tantalizing kiss. He panted lightly, opening his silver blue eyes for J.C. to admire. J.C. ran his finger over Nick's red lips, wanting them back with his. His crave was withdrawn, knowing Nick had something to say. "I missed you." Nick whispered, giving off a caressing stare. J.C. leaned back on the couch they sat in and smiled.

J.C. was tangled with Nick on the couch in one of the production booths. J.C. had locked tohe door to make sure he and Nick got their privacy. It was easy for him to avoid the others as they were wrapped up in recording, meetings and interviews. "I hate it when you have to keep leaving for different shit." Nick complained lowly. J.C. pulled Nick loser, wrapping an arm around Nick's shoulders. "I hate it too but it's our jobs." J.C. sighed. Nick groaned arrogantly. "A job I'd give up for a day if I could have you like this," J.C. added to lighten Nick's mood. "Is that an option anymore?" Nick huffed. "I could always be like Justin and take you with me." J.C. whispered into Nick's ear. Nick giggled slightly, J.C.'s words tickling his ear. "You can't Josh. You know the only reason the label let's Brian get away with so much is because Brian and Justin are married. They barely get any time together and I guess that's why the label feels guilty. Brian's been working a triple shift with doing this soundtrack, going places with 'N Sync and still spending hours rehearsing with us and Fatima." Nick stated, feeling for his long time friend. J.C. nodded, trying not to dwell on the negative marriage that Brian and Justin had been living for a week. "But I barely get to see you with all the traveling we've been doing. A phone call just ain't enough." Nick added cautiously.

J.C. ran a hand over Nick's thigh and grumbled. Nick sensed J.C.'s disappointment. "I just miss you..." Nick softly said. J.C. nodded and gave Nick a simple kiss on the cheek. "I really miss you too Nickie..." J.C. whispered, closing his eyes. Nick extended his tongue out and ran it over J.C.'s lips. "What can we do to change that?" Nick questioned, trying to pull J.C. into a kiss. "Mmmm Nick... it's my birthday... all I want is for you to spend the rest of the day with me." J.C. replied, agreeing to Nick's kiss.

Nick didn't have to answer his boyfriend. He slid J.C. back on the couch and laid on top of him. Nick began an erotic grind with his crotch against J.C.'s, trying to bring J.C. to erection. J.C. feverishly ran his hands over Nick's black shirt. Nick moaned through their kiss, reaching his hands down to J.C.'s jeans. J.C. sensed Nick's want to have sex in the production booth and it brought about erotic thoughts into his head.

Just as Nick's fingers began to fumble with J.C.'s zipper, a loud knock came to the door. Nick wanted to continue his movements but stopped for the sake of their relationship. J.C. gasped with fear as Nick released him. He looked up to Nick who stared down at him with fright. "Wh... who is it?" J.C. called out nervously. "Open up J.C. We've got mad work to do." Chris replied. J.C. sighed with disappointment. Nick pulled fully off of J.C. and adjusted his clothing. J.C. looked at the grief written all over Nick's young face. He licked his lips and then began to stand.

J.C. stood to his feet and stretched momentarily. "Come on J.C.! We got folks waiting!" Joey shouted with aggrivation. "And I care because?" J.C. called back. He stopped in front of Nick and leaned down. "Come here Nickie..." J.C. whispered. Nick scooted forward and let J.C. hug him. "I love you..." J.C. whispered into Nick's ear. Nick nodded and replied, "I love you too Joshua..." J.C. smiled and gave Nick a gentle kiss on the cheek. 'This is so much better than my last birthday' J.C. sighed to himself. 'I have a man to love... and he actually loves me more than Lance did.' J.C. added as he and Nick ended the hug. "Is Nick in there?!" Chris screamed at the door. "Oh shut up!" J.C. laughed as he apparoached the door. He flipped the lights on to full brightness and unlocked the door.

"If I find any condoms...." Chris's words were ended when the door swung open. "You'll do what?" J.C. asked boldly, giving him an intense stare. Chris feared the stare, knowing if the wrong answer escaped his lips, J.C. would start an argument. "I'll pat you on the back for using protection." Chris smiled coyly, pushing back J.C. to get into the production booth. Joey frowned at J.C.'s scowl. "Lighten up J.C. They say when you're getting some you're not supposed to be so tense." Joey suggested confidently. "Well then I guess you're not getting any?" Chris teased him from inside. Joey gave Chris the middle finger as he entered the booth.

Nick reclined on the couch as he got painful looks from both Joey and Chris. Nick looked up to them and shuttered. "If ya'll want me to leave, just say it." Nick grumbled. J.C. looked down at Nick with disappointment before turning his attention to his friends. "Stop it, both of you." J.C. hissed at them. Joey smiled while Chris turned his eyes to the glass window. "So Nick... planning on giving the birthday boy here some sugar for his special day?" Joey yteased him, plopping down on the large black couch. Nick blushed slightly, pulling a side of his hair back. "If he asks..." Nick shyly replied. Joey laughed tauntingly while J.C. flushed. "The man has been horny for days! He hid his dick under a table everytime we had an interview!" Joey bellowed out in humor. J.C. shook his head at Joey and walked over to the mixing board.

"So as soon as Scoop gets here, we'll walk down the hall to the studio so we can work with Mocha on that track." Chris informed J.C. as J.C fiddled with a few of the buttons on the mixing board. "Oh." J.C. replied lowly. "Don't get TOO happy J.C." Chris teased him. J.C. shook his head, thinking about the tension between him, Nick and Lance at the moment. "Is Mocha here?" J.C. asked, trying to avoid the battle. "I heard she just arrived with 702." Joey replied, giving Chris a tease-filled smile. Chris looked back at him and eyed him. "What's wrong Chris? Still don't want folks to find out about you and Meelah?" Joey teased him further. "What about him and Meelah?" J.C. questioned, losing his touch on reality. Chris gave Joey a warning in his stare. "Oh nothing... just the fact that Chris is actually taking Meelah to dinner before she leaves on tour!" Joey boasted loudly. Chris balled his fist, ready to swing on his friend. "Oh really Chris?" J.C. asked with intrigue. "It's just dinner. Nothing for the fucking tabloids to find out about." Chris grumbled bitterly.

Nick giggled in the intensity of their discussion. "What are you laughing at pretty boy? When was the last time you and J.C. had a quiet dinner instead of fucking?" Chris blurted out in anger. Nick's mouth eased open with shock and disturbance. "I... I..." Nick couldn't find the words to defend himself. He was too ashamed to turn to his boyfriend for help. He stood to his feet with desperation and made a quick walk out of the production booth, small tears forming in his eyes.

J.C. turned to look at Chris, ready to leap upon him and kill him. The anger and hatred showed in his blue eyes. Chris cursed under his beath and turned to face J.C.'s blazing eyes. "I'm sorry J.C. I... I didn't mean to say that." Chris sighed, feeling the guilt that J.C.'s eyes left him with. He was stripped of his care and forced into a corner where an apology helped minorly. J.C. slammed his fist against the mixing board and walked away. "Damn!" Chris gripped, leaning against the board. Joey sat watching Chris sulk while J.C. left the room. He knew where J.C. was going but he didn't know where Chris's thoughts were moving to.

Nick's walk began to slow down as he walked through one of the many halls of the studio. He lazily stumbled through the hall with the tears still stinging his eyes. 'You're just a big joke Nick... you'll never be able to have that special bod with Josh...' Nick put himself down as he walked.

He listened to a gentle whimper as his walk became less feverish. He looked up to see Amanda leaning against a wall, her head tilted back and soft tears sliding down her face. Nick inched near her with caution. "A.. Amanda?" he asked carefully, placing his hand on her shoulder. Amanda sighed and began to wipe away her painful tears. "What Nick?" Amanda asked coldly, avoiding his eyes. "Is there... something wrong?" Nick asked with a friendly smile. "Like you don't know." Amanda heaved out. Nick shook his head at her, still confused. "I'm nineteen and I just lost my virginity the other day... there's a lot of things I don't know." Nick tried to joke with her. Amanda smiled lightly and turned her head to him. "You're such an ass." she giggled out. "J.C. says I have a cute ass." Nick snickered, rubbing Amanda's shoulder. "You do Nick... you have a cute ass." Amanda laughed through her tears.

"Well my ass never made anyone cry before?" Nick tried to find the route to Amanda's tears with another joke. Amanda let her sobs continue before jerking Nick into a hug. Nick was stunned and dumbfounded by Amanda's quick sign of affection. She rested her head on his shoulder and let the tears continue. Amanda had always consider Nick as a younger brother when she started to date A.J. This time her 'younger brother' was looking out for her. "What is it Panda?" Nick asked, using A.J.'s favorite pet name for her. "Oh... don't call me that. it'll only remind me of the fucked up man that did this to me again." Amanda sniffled with shame. Nick rubbed her back for comfort, trying to hush her sobs. "Nick... let's just say that if you were A.J.'s brother, you'd be an uncle..." Amanda sighed out, letting her crystal tears become solid with bitterness. Nick was stumped as to her enigma. "Uhm Amanda, maybe I should remind you... I'm a blonde. We like when you just give it to us plain." Nick joked to lighten the situation. "Let's just say I won't be able to ride the rides at Six Flags anymore." Amanda sighed with less feeling. Nick puzzled out her words even further. "Okay Nick, could you be a bigger bimbo? I'm fucking pregnant!" Amanda tried to joke at first but her feelings were too strong for the situation.

Nick swiftly pulled away with utter surprise. "No.. no, no, no!" Nick bellowed out, still in surprise. Amanda threw her hand over his mouth for her own protection. "Shut up Nickolas." Amanda hissed at him. "If the media finds this out, A.J. is screwed." Amanda warned him. Nick nodded with fear, blinking his eyes several times. Amanda removed her hand and sighed. "Nick, he's such a fucking loser. You'd think one time he'd be happy he's going to have a child but instead he's worried about his image." Amanda complained, returning to her position on the wall. Nick stood in awe at the situation. "That can't be true." Nick disagreed flatly. "Oh believe it baby! Your boy would prefer me not have a baby." Amanda whimpered, still fighting her tears. Nick leaned in and then rested his body against hers. "It just can't be. All of us want children." Nick argued softly, rubbing his hand on her shoulder. "All of you aren't twenty one and still unsure of where your life is headed." Amanda sobbed lowly. Nick leaned his head against Amanda's for further comfort. "And all your girlfriend wants is for you to be there for her and your baby..." Amanda began to cry once again. Nick wrapped his arm around her shoulders and ler het cry on his shoulder.

"How... how many months are you?" Nick questioned cautiously. He made sure to take one step at a time. "I'm three months." Amanda sighed, letting her cry end once again. Nick shook his head with shame. "You could have told us Panda." Nick reminded her of the guilt she lived with. "Oh yeah and get the same fucking response I got from A.J. today?" Amanda whimpered. Nick ran his fingers through her ebony hair and sighed with her. "He's the bes asshole you know." Nick tried to brighten her moment. "I thought you were?" Amanda joked along. Nick smiled and released her from their small hug.

"Look at us... we're both miserable. Except you don't have to be." Amanda pouted, looking right into Nick's eyes. Nick turned his head, still thinking of why he felt his boyfriend behind. "Is it about J.C.?" Amanda question, trying to be of help to him. "I love him so much Amanda! And no one fucking understand it!" Nick barked out, trying to let lose the tension that built upon him. Amanda raised her brow at him with surprise. "Where did that come from?" Amanda asked with a smile. Nick caught onto what he did and blushed. "I just really love him..." Nick said softer. Amanda nodded and kept her generous smile. "Nick, I actually believe you. Which scares me." Amanda giggled. Nick nudged her and a smile formed over his lips. "But I guess it shouldn't matter who thinks it's good or bad? If you two love each other, that's all that matters." Amanda gave her advice. Nick pulled his hair back and nodded. "It's just... ugh, it's hard to deal with sometimes." Nick groaned, trapped in his sorrow. Amanda placed her hand on Nick's shoulder for the role reversal. "I don't care what they say Nick... J.C. loves you and you love him. So ignore them for now and concentrate on a relationship." Amanda suggested with a pure concern.

Nick bit his lower lip before smiling for her. "Thank you." he whispered. Amanda giggled and once again hugged Nick. "This is the old Nick that I miss." Amanda whispered into his ear. Nick returned the hug towards a woman that has been a constant look out for him. "Well... I'll be the 'old' Nick if you'll be the 'old' Panda." Nick replied, hugging her tighter. Amanda laughed lowly with his response. "Okay but when I get morning sickness and bitchy, don't gte mad." Amanda laughed. Nick agreed and kept their hug going strong.

Justin sat on a familiar black couch in one of the studios. He was curled up on the couch, rubbing Tyke's head. His head was rested against the arm of the chair and his shoes were off. He just listened to the music as it filled the production booth. His eyes were gently closed as he comforted the dog. He loved hugging onto to Tyke due to Tyke's strong affection for Justin.

"Okay, that's a wrap for now Britney." Justin heard Brian say. "I'm gonna run down to the other studio and work with Don for a bit," Eric Foster White informed Brian before exiting the studio. Justin yawned lowly and batted his eyes open. He saw Brian kneeling in front of him and smiled. "Hey baby..." Justin whispered, feeling Brian rub his hand over his head. "Tired Just?" Brian asked sincerely. "Just a bit." Justin answered horesely. "Do you want me to take Tyke so you can catch a nap?" Brian offered lowly. Justin shook his head, trying to keep his eyes open. "No, I'm fine. I have to get down to the studio anyways." Justin replied verbally for Brian. Brian nodded sadly. "I wish we could nap together." Brian whispered to his husband. Justin moaned with delight, daydreaming about the thought. "Before you leave, we will cutie." Justin softly replied. Brian smiled happily and rubbed his finger over Justin's nose. Justin grinned slightly and let his eyes fall closed again.

"You know... I'm thinking we should re-do that bridge again." Britney announced, entering the production booth with her water. She sipped on her Naya water and noticed her interuption of Brian and Justin's moment. "And I'm also thinking I should come back at another time." Britney said with embarassment. "Nah, it's cool." Justin assured her, winking his eyes open again. "You see... Brian aren't you thankful you married that loser? He doesn't mind interuptions." Britney teased Justin timelessly. Brian rolled his eyes with laughter.

"And aren't you glad that it won't last forever?" Britney, Justin and Brian heard a voice interupt them as the production door swung open. Justin popped up in shock, propiping himself up on his elbows. Brian stood up, leaving his husband in awe. Britney quickly placed her bottled water on the mixing board and crossed her arms.

"Wow! I have never received such a heart-filled greeting before." Leigh Ann chimed as she walked into the room. Justin groaned and rolled to a sitting position. "Oh yes, it's Leigh Ann Wallace, everyone's favorite sweetheart." Leigh Ann bubbled as she entered the room. Brian crossed his arms and gave Leigh Ann a cold stare as she flaunted herself around.

"Geez Leigh Ann, shouldn't you be throwing up lunch right about now?" Britney snapped with no reservations. Leigh Ann brushed her hair back and smiled at Brian. "She's got quite the mouth Brian... I guess that's why I hear she's always got something in it?" Leigh Ann spoke perkily towards Brian. Britney clinched her fists, prepared to give a repeat performance for Leigh Ann. "But you know Britney, you're the least of my concerns today." Leigh Ann finally smiled towards Britney. Her smile was terrifying in the way that she used it to her advantage. "And who is your main concern today?" Brian curiously asked. Leigh Ann grinned towards Justin, making him turn his eyes from her. "Let's just say only one of us will walk out of here with tears in their eyes." Leigh Ann clearly stated, keeping her taunting smile.

Brian was intrigued by Leigh Ann's words but feared for his husband. "God... why did God create bitches!" Britney groaned out. "Because if He didn't, what fun would you have?" Leigh Ann charmed her way through the room. Justin cuddled closer to Tyke again and watched as the war of words began. "I'll tell you one thing, God created Britney to beat bitches' asses and I sure am gonna do my job." Britney announced, beginning to remove her necklace. Leigh Ann carefully began to remove her jewlery, awaiting to see if Britney was bold enough to fight in front of Brian and Justin. "Stop it... both of you!" Brian barked at them. Justin and Tyke jumped with shock, hearing the pure hatred in Brian's tone. Britney stopped her movement while Leigh Ann's smile returned. "Gladly Brian." Leigh Ann chimed.

Britney cursed under her beath, backing away from Brian so that she could think for a few moments. "Well let's talk about why I'm here, shall we?" Leigh Ann suggested with her silly grin. She pulled a folded newspaper from a folder she held and dropped it in Justin's lap. "Read 'em and weep Mr. Littrell. I told you I can do things you just can't." Leigh Ann boasted, letting Justin looked at the paper. On the front od the newpaper read: 'Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell starts budding relationship with new starlit Leigh Ann Wallace...' Justin looked up to Brian, his eyes filled with depression. "Oh you should read on to the part about me and Brian's kiss... then there's how in love we are... of course there is stuff about how we've dated before and are starting again... and uhm, there is also a part that confirms a rumor about you and Britney being a couple." Leigh Ann bragged even further, drapping her arm on Brian's left shoulder.

Britney grabbed her bottled water and hurled it across the room. The bottle hit the production door loudly and fell to the floor with a thud. "You have pulled the last nerve bitch!" Britney shouted at Leigh Ann. "Oh no, not yet Britney..." Leigh Ann smiled, turning towards Britney. "See two can play the little game you and Justin played. You lied to the press about me being anoerixc and I lied to them about me and Brian being a couple and about you and Justin." Leigh Ann stated boldly. Britney shook her head, trying to control her anger. The rage in her eyes only made Leigh Ann smile brighter.

"But it doesn't end there ladies and gents." Leigh Ann added with pleasure. Justin sighed painfully. He had wanted to end his battle with Leigh Ann months ago but her tireless antics prevented him from living the normal life he wanted with Brian. "Leigh Ann... could you give all of us a break and just tell us what it is that you have in mind?" Brian requested. He looked down at Justin and saw the agony in Justin's eyes.

"See it's very simple Brian... a little too easy for me. See I decided to seek the council of my lawyers after me and Britney's confrontation at the premiere. And boy did I have a good time. It turns out that what Britney did is called assault people. So I have a proposal for everyone." Leigh Ann chimed with the game to her advantage. "See I can have Britney arrested, I can press charges, then put a restraining order on her and easily screw up her career with all of the above. Everyone's favorite Pop Queen would become everyone's hated Pop Jailbird." Leigh Ann stated evily, looking directly at Britney. Britney kept the anger in her own stare, yet on the inside there was fear. Her life could easily be ruined with a simple phone call and Britney could do nothing about it.

Justin;s hate for Leigh Ann grew by the second. Her eyes caught glimpse of him and his frown became a straight face. 'She won't get the best of me' Justin tried to coach himself as best he could. "But there's a way to prevent all of that drama..." Leigh Ann said clearly yet gently. Brian caught Leigh Ann's eyes looking at Justin and shook his head. "No, anything that's going to hurt Justin, I won't do." Brian quickly stated. Leigh Ann turned her view towards Brian and frowned. "Hurt Justin? Me? Never." Leigh Ann sarcastically said as she pouted. "Bullshit." Britney hissed. "Britney, darlin', please cotnrol your language." Leigh Ann spoke motherly towards her. "Oh she's a freakin' crack case." Britney groaned, turning her back on all of them.

"You see Brian, all you have to do is... divorce Justin." Leigh Ann spoke up with her idea. The utter mention of the statement caused Justin to shiver. Brian's eyes flew open with surprise. "That's right, cut the ribbon Brian. I don't care if you're not with me, but you can't be with him. I've talked to my lawyers and this can easily be negotiated. We can have contracts and all of those privacy agreements. The world we'll never know because the world doesn't even know you two are married." Leigh Ann explained her idea further. "NO!" Brian barked at her. Leigh Ann crossed her arms and gave him a doubting frown. "Don't try to fight this Brian. Because if people find out that me and Britney got into any form of fight, they'll have to know why. Then your little secret will be out and the world will know that Brian Littrell is married to Justin Timberlake. That'll mess up not only you and Justin's career, but Britney's also." Leigh Ann gripped with him.

Justin released Tyke from his grip and looked away from Brian. He needed Brian to make a decision on his own and without guilt. "I have already drawn up a contract that simply says in a week when the papers are finished, you will divorce Justin Timberlake. With that, I'll gladly leave you two alone, leave Britney alone and continue with my Hollywood career. We can save everyone the pain after that." Leigh Ann explained with the sinful tongue she used. "I... I won't divorce him... I don't wanna lose him..." Brian stuttered out, feeling small tears fill his eyes. Leigh Ann wasn't prepared for the impact of her words.

Britney turned back to them to see the desperation in Brian's eyes. "Don't you even think about it Brian. I'm the one that got into a fight with Leigh Ann and I'll take the wrap for it." Britney assured him. "Excuse me? If you go through with this, it'll still get out about Brian and Justin," Leigh Ann reminded her. Britney shook her head confidently. "I beat your ass because I just don't like you. It has nothing to do with Brian and Justin. The minute you try to bring them up, I'll do it again." Britney freely said.

"Oh she won't bring them up at all." each heard a voice say as a nicely tailored young man stepped into the room. Justin's head looked up with confidence when he saw Bryce standing in the doorway. "You see Leigh Ann's lawyers contacted the office and uhm, she can't do anything about this. See she's already broke her privacy agreement by telling the press she was seeing Brian." Bryce explained when he stepped into the room. He closed the door behind himself and smiled at Leigh Ann. "You see Leigh Ann, when the label set you and Brian up a year or so ago, you signed a contract. That contract states that the second you and Brian break up, your relationship is no more and is not to be discussed with the press unless given signed permission. You seemed to have failed to follow the rules and that means you are facing charges and jail time." Bryce confidentaly informed her. Leigh Ann's lower lip trembled with the thought. "Oh and I can easily fax that info down to the folks at Jive and hey, they'll have no problem with inforcing the terms of the contract." Bryce added.

Britney giggled happily from near the mixing board. "Well I won't give in then. I'll contact my lawyers and see the depth of that agreement but I'm sure there is more trouble with Brian and Justin than with me." Leigh Ann assured him. Bryce let his joyful expression fade and he turned towards Justin. "You are in serious danger of baching your contract Justin." Bryce informed Justin sadly. Justin nodded and let a tear roll down his face. "RCA doesn't want you and Brian's marriage to get out and they want you two to keep it that way. So letting idiots like Leigh Ann anywhere near your relationship is dangerous and could mean beaching the terms you signed to okay this marriage." Bryce explained, watching another tear grace Justin's cheek. He looked down at the floor, feeling sorry for Justin.

"Another point for Miss Wallace." Leigh Ann boasted. She pulled out several papers from her folder and approached Brian. "Now all you have to do is sign this little paper and you will spare Justin any further tears." Leigh Ann smiled towards Brian, passing him the papers. Brian clinched the papers and looked at Justin. Justin let another tear roll down his cheek, yet he refused to look at his husband. Brian closed his eyes and let the other tears fall freely. "Time to pay the Piper..." Leigh Ann grinned deviously. He grabbed a pen from Leigh Ann's fingers and quickly scribbled on the paper. "Brian... are you kidding me?!" Britney shouted at him. Bryce sighed and pulled out his cell phone. "You can't fucking do this to him! He loves you!" Britney barked at Brian. She was enraged by Brian's act. She thought she would never see the day when brian would turn his back on his husband. Leigh Ann smiled happily and held the paper.

"And you see Justin... I always win out..." Leigh Ann raved, waving the paper around for everyone to see. Brian walked over to Justin and grabbed his hand. He sniffled lowly, trying to get Justin to look at him. Justin refused to, believing that his love for Brian was strong enough to fight Leigh Ann. His hurt was too much and he knew it'd grow deeper if he looked into Brian's eyes.

"It says right here... signed..." Leigh Ann's mouth fell open when she read the name that was signed to the paper. "Signed Fuck You?" Leigh Ann questioned, looking up at Brian with surprise. "Fuck you Leigh Ann." Brian stated clearly before gripping Justin's hand. "I won't leave my baby." Brian whispered, kissing Justin's hand. Justin looked up and giggled lightly. His tears still fell but he was happy that Brian said the words he did.

Britney bursted into laughter while Bryce smiled at the loving couple. "Ah once again she loses!" Britney bragged with joy. "How dare you leave me for that bitch of a husband!" Leigh Ann shouted at Brian. "But I love my bitch." Brian replied, keeping his eyes in Justin's. Brian leaned in and pulled Justin into his arms. "Come on Curly, you have a song to record." Brian whispered, cradling Justin. Justin leaned forward and kissed Brian upon the lips. "I love you..." Justin whispered, keeping his face close to Brian's. Brian stood to his feet and just held Justin. "I love you too." Brian whispered, carrying Justin from the couch and then out of the production booth.

Just Beginning (Chapter 25) Written by JM

Joey bobbed his head to the music as it faded from the production booth. "Well people?" Joey asked, looking around at all the faces in the booth. "I think it's great." Lance replied, standing from his stool. "Two thumbs up." Brian responded. "I think it sounds great. I'm happy I did it." Mocha replied with her smokey voice. "Well your rap was hot!" Joey complimented her. Mocha giggled softly and then thanked him.

"What did you think Chris?" Joey asked. His eyes shifted to Chris who was deep into a conversation with Meelah from 702. "Hmmm, looks like he's busy?" Lance teased them. Chris had a loving smile on his face, as did Meelah as they talked. Their conversation was quiet, as if no one but the two were in the room. "Yo Chris!" Justin shouted, trying to grasp Chris's attention. Chris turned his head toward Justin with surprise. He saw that everyone's eyes were on him and Meelah. "What is it? What are ya'll staring at?" Chris stammered out. Brian was the first to burst into laughter, followed by the others. "Did you like the song Chris?" Justin asked, trying to control his feverish laughter. "Oh? The song? Oh yeah! I loved it, at remix ya'll!" Chris replied, trying to cover up his ignorance. "Oh yes, sure you did." Mocha teased him with a smile. Meelah smiled with her, knowing her feelings towards Chris were growing with the moments.

"It's getting late guys. I have to hit the studio with Missy tomorrow morning for some recording." Mocha announced, grabbing her backpack and throwing it on. She slipped on her Kangol hat and looked at Meelah. "Oh! I gotta give Mocha a ride to the airport." Meelah spoke up, dreading that moment. She stood to her feet and Chris followed her move. "Uhm I'll walk ya'll out then." Chris stumbled on his words as he looked into Meelah's eyes. "Okay, come on." Meelah smiled happily. Chris grabbed her hand and they all said their goodbye's as Meelah and Mocha left.

"That's a cute couple." Lance commented. "Yeah, sure is." Joey agreed, thinking of his own girlfriend and the news that he was just informed with an hour ago. His eyes turned to Brian and Justin. The second Mocha, Meelah and Chris had left, Brian and Justin were in each other's arms, making out on the lush couch. Joey sighed and turned his head from them.

Brian ran his hand over Justin's thigh and moaned in their kiss. He wanted to slip his hand further inside but paced himself. "Excuse me you two!" J.C. hollered before taking a seat in Justin's lap. Brian muffled a complaint in their kiss before pulling away from Justin. "Josh!" Justin complained, wanting to return to his kiss with Brian. "I'm the birthday boy and I get to do what I want!" J.C. bellowed with happiness. Justin laughed sorely, trying to push J.C. off of him. "Yes birthday boy!" Justin groaned out. "Brian... I don't appreciate you getting Justin hard. His dick is poking at my ass." J.C. commented, turning to look at Brian. Justin flushed quickly, punching J.C. in the side. "Well I can take care of that." Brian whispered, placing his hand between J.C.'s thighs to get to Justin's crotch. "WHOA!" J.C. shouted, jumping from Justin's lap. Brian and Justin fell into laughter as J.C. blushed. "Assholes!" J.C. laughed along with them.

Another hour drifted on as Lance stood in the hallway talking with Bryce. "So I can probably get some time off towards the end of the month?" Lance requested of Bryce. "Uhm... I'll contact Johnny about it and see if you can get a week off after the tour?" Bryce suggested, hoping to help Lance's dilemma. Lance nodded, frowning at the thought of waiting so long to see his family again. "I'm sorry Lance but with this tour, you guys are pretty much booked. I had to tell Justin today that he can't even leave early to go see Brian like he wanted to. He's stuck here in Orlando until you guys actually leave for the tour." Bryce explained.

Lance murmured his words out, looking down at the floor. Bryce frowned with him and placed his arm around him. "Justin told me all about the whole Nick and J.C. thing. I'm sorry Lance." Bryce whispered into Lance's ear. Lance's depressed expression wouldn't leave his face as he looked up again. "It's old news." Lance whispered back. Lance turned his eyes to Bryce and could see the genuine care Bryce had. "Are you sure? I know you and J.C. had something really good going. I'd hate for you to sit around here and be depressed about it." Bryce offered his friendship. Lance and Bryce had always been good friends when Bryce started working for Wright Entertainment Group. He was thanful for the times that Bryce supported him in his relationships. "Yeah, I'll get over Josh." Lance sighed, still looking into Bryce's eyes.

"Okay... I'll try and get you a few days off next week and you can go to the beach or something." Bryce mentioned, giving Lance an oppurtunity to relax again. "Would you come with me?" Lance asked softly. Bryce gave Lance a crooked stare. "Me?" Bryce questioned. After the words had cleared Bryce;s lips, Lance poulled Bryce into a soothing kiss. Bryce was stunned by the touch of Lance's thin, red lips. Lance tried to hold the kiss as Bryce closed his eyes. Bryce found himself moaning in the kiss. Lance's tongue lunged forward and opened Bryce's mouth further. 'Oh... that's it Bryce...' Lance thought to himself. He slid his left hand down Bryce's body and began to grop Bryce's crotch. Bryce played with Lance's tongue until he felt an erection forming in his boxers. He tried to pull back but the temptation that brought him into the kiss stopped him.

Lance began to unzip Bryce's slacks and then Bryce knew he had to end the kiss. He lurched back with desperation. Lance looked at him with surprise. "Lance... Lance what are you... what are we doing?" Bryce asked, panting softly. Lance just stared at Bryce with care. "We're going to make love... tonight..." Lance replied exotically. He leaned forward and kissed Bryce's cheek. "All of those times you were there for me Bryce... all of the times I thought about you... I just want us to fuck tonight..." Lance whispered into Bryce's ear. Bryce felt Lance jacking him off through his clothing. He moaned into Lance's ear and titlted his head back. "Come on baby... you know you'd like it too..." Lance giggled, continuing his rough grabbing of Bryce's erect penis.

Bryce thought over the idea. Many times he thought of Lance in a sexual way but he respected Lance too much to ruin anything they had shared. "I've got a condom in my jeans..." Lance whispered, rubbing his tongue over Bryce's ear. Bryce gasped with pleasure. "It's okay Bryce... it's okay to feel good.. to be hard and feel good..." Lance continued his onslaught of sexual thoughts into Bryce's head. "Please stop..." Bryce begged with a tear running down his cheek. Lance released Bryce's crotch and brought his hands to Bryce's hips. He pulled Bryce close to him and started to grind with Bryce. Bryce moaned even softer and closed his eyes. "Bryce... please..." Lance pleaded. "Lance... Lance I'm a... virgin..." Bryce managed to gasp out as Lance tried to move further upon him.

Lance quickly stopped his grinding and moved away from Bryce. "You're a... a..." Lance started to stumble on his words. He stood against the opposite wall with surprise written into his expression. Bryce nodded with shame. Lance kicked himself for being so forceful on Bryce. "Look, I'll call Johnny and tell him you need some time off soon..." Bryce said, grabbing his cell phone from his pocket. He looked at Lance one more time before walking away with hurt in his eyes.

"Bryce..." Lance called out but Bryce was too far gone to hear. "Bryce I'm sorry..." Lance whispered. He was saddened by the thought of coming close to stealing something so precious to Bryce. "Man... I've got to stop this." Lance said, rubbing his hand over his hair. He looked at the floor and stood there for minutes, thinking over his newfound sexual desire for Bryce.

The night was not new to the Littrell's. Justin and Brian stood in the kitchen of their house. Justin stood behind Brian, hugging onto his waist. Brian was carefully chopping vegetables as Justin instructed him. A pot of water with noodles simmered nearby on the stove. Another pot sat next to it with bioling tomatoes that were curshed to make sauce. "Green peppers?" Brian questioned as he cut the peppers up. "Gives it flavor Bri." Justin giggled. Brian nodded and continued his chopping.

Justin was savouring the moment he was sharing with Brian. Brian had asked Justin to teach him to cook and Justin gladly showed Brian how to cook spaghetti. "Okay, put those in the sauce pot." Justin instructed him. Brian did as he was told while Justin backed away from Brian. Justin took a seat on the other counter and watched as Brian stirred the sauce and the herbs. "This is kind of easy." Brian laughed, thinking of the trouble he had gone through before making food. "It's because you're a natural baby." Justin laughed along with him.

"Do you thik J.C. was upset about tonight?" Brian questioned, stirring the noodles. "Nah, he wanted to be alone with Nick tonight. He told me." Justin assured him. Brian nodded, dwelling on the thoughts of J.C. and Nick as a couple. "Well that's good because I wanted to spend the night alone with my husband." Brian chimed, looking back to Justin with a grin. Justin rolled his eyes at Brian lovingly.

Brian made his way over to Justin and bent down. He kissed Justin's knee and then began to rub Justin's thighs. "I wanna make love tonight... in our bed." Brian pleaded with Justin. Justin nodded with a straight face. "Actually, I want you to make love to me..." Brian whispered, leaning up to catch Justin's lips. Justin leaned down for him and kissed him carefully. Brian continued to massage Justin's thighs while kissing him. "B-Brian..." Justin giggled through their kiss. Brian stopped kissing Justin long enough to find out what Justin wanted. "The food..." Justin whispered to him with a smile. Brian gasped and turned back towards the stove. "Don't let those lips go anywhere, I want to finish what I started." Brian begged before running over to the stove.

Justin leaned back up on the counter and sighed. He watched Brian prepare the rest of the spaghetti with a simple smile. "Brian... do you remember the morning after we first made love?" Justin asked his question out of the blue. Brian nodded with a generous grin. "I was so damn sticky." Brian said sarcastically. Justin giggled softly. Brian walked over to Justin with two plates of spaghetti. He handed Justin one of the plates while he held the other. "What about the words we said to each other babe?" Justin asked, twirling some spaghetti on his fork. Brian thought over that morning, digging into his memories for one of his favorites. "Oh yeah... I remember..." Brian replied softly. He looked at Justin and could see the love that Justin missed. "You still mean what you said right?" Justin questioned sadly. Brian nodded with admiration. "Every last word." Brian added with his Southern accent. Justin ended his frown and became captivated by Brian's baby blues. His mind drifted to that first bracelet Brian got him as a sign of affection. He could still see the 'B.L. + J.T.' inscribed into it.

"What about you?" Brian questioned before taking in another fork-full of spaghetti. "Always." Justin chimed. He spread his legs and let Brian scoot in so that he was standing with his waist between Justin's knees. "Even today?" Brian questioned with his mouth filled with spaghetti. Justin busted into laughter and rubbed his hand over Brian's hair. "Today was scary." Justin finally replied with a serious tone. Brian nodded, looking at Justin's thigh. "I saw you crying." Justin said softly, trying to make his husband feel at ease with it. "I had something in my eye." Brian snubbed the idea off. "You did not!" Justin hollered back. "Yeah I did." Brian disagreed, trying to hide his eyes. "Okay, you did." Justin led Brian on. Brian looked up to Justin and grinned. "You had a tear in your eye!" Justin snickered. Brian sighed and began to tickle Justin's inner thighs. "Did not!" Brian argued with laughter. "YES YOU DID BABY!!!" Justin screamed back with laughter.

Brian ended his onslaught on Justin's legs and let Justin cry and laugh the rest out of his system. Justin took a deep breath and then looked at Brian. "You know, this is rather good." Brian complimented himself on making the spaghetti. "It's tasty." Justin agreed. "Mmmm, even tastier right here..." Brian said as he used his fork to rub some of the sauce on Justin's inner thigh. Justin watched Brian in awe. Brian leaned down and began to suck the sauce from Justin's thigh. "Brian... you're so damn kinky..." Justin giggled before releasing a moan. Brian's smooth tongue rubbed his inner thigh, collecting all of the sauce as he licked. Brian began to kiss the inner portion of Justin's thigh, making sure he got all of the sauce. "You taste... mmm, so good..." Brian moaned while kissing. Justin shuttered at Brian's caressing tongue.

Brian stood back up and licked his lips. "Mmm, you taste so good down there..." Brian hummed for Justin. He grabbed more sauce and lifted Justin's shirt slightly. Justin looked at him with utter disbelief. Brian dipped the sauce into Justin's belly button and then smiled up to him. Justin's eyes grew with suspicion. "Don't..." Justin pleaded. Before he could get Brian's eyes again, Brian bent down and began to tongue Justin's belly button. Justin gripped onto the counter with excitement and pleasure. "Ugh..." Justin murmured as Brian's tongue rubbed in him. Brian began kissing Justin's belly button as Justin began to laugh with pleasure. "Stop it baby..." Justin requested through laughs. Brian smiled and then licked Justin's belly button one last time.

Brian lifted his head and once again licked his lips. Justin giggled quietly before grabbing a long noodle from his plate. "Come here baby.." Justin requested. Brian inched forward and then stood on his tippy toes. Justin made Brian tilt his head to the side and then he laced the noodle on Brian's neck. Brian felt the warm sauce stick to him and he smiled. Justin leaned down and began to suck and lick the noddle off of Brian. Brian groaned deeply. Justin's long tongue scooped the noodle up but that didn't keep Justin from his licking. His tongue ran the base of Brian's neck with care.

"Careful... careful... you may make me hard..." Brian warned him through his moans of pleasure. "Well.. I'm already hard." Justin replied before returning his lips to Brian's neck. Brian ran his fingers through Justin's strawberry blonde curls and moaned with each kiss to his neck. "Let's go upstairs?" Brian suggested, trying to slow Justin's licking. Justin agreed and released Brian's tender neck.

Justin leaped from the counter with enthusiasm. He quickly pulled Brian up into his arms and smiled at his husband. "Shall we make love like it's 1999?" Justin questioned with a grin. "It is 1999 idiot." Brian giggled at Justin's attempt of cliche. "Then we'll fuck like it's 2999!" Justin bellowed out, carrying Brian out of the kitchen. "No... no." Brian said flatly, causing Justin to stop his walk up the steps. "Save the fucking for when I get home. I want to MAKE LOVE tonight." Brian pleaded with his puppy dog eyes. Justin stared into his endless baby blue eyes. He nodded shyly and continued his walk up the steps.

BJ followed the two up the steps, panting with excitement. She was lost to what her master was going to do with his husband. Justin and Brian reached the door and Justin stopped. "Sorry BJ, this is as far as you can go... I don't want you to know what guys do together." Justin chimed, stopping his puppy. "Daddy loves you though." Justin added, listening to his puppy whimper. "Poor baby." Brian cooed as Justin pushed the door closed. The last sound BJ heard before she ran off was, "OH JUSTIN!! YES BABY!!"

J.C. walked with Nick down the peir, hand-in-hand. Their conversation was light, yet friendly. The wind was scarce and humid. Nick carried his shoes in his left hand while J.C. started his lean towards Nick. "It's nice out here." J.C. commented, enjoying the pale moon's sight. "Yeah, I love being out here... especially on those really warm mornings." Nick agreed, admiring the boats as they passed. "I'd like to spend one of those mornings with you," J.C. softly said, basking in the moment. "Hmmm, I'd love that!" Nick exclaimed with utter pleasure. J.C. giggled at Nick's enthusiasm.

Nick stopped their walk when they reached the edge of the peir. "Here she is..." Nick humbled himself before his boat. The white sculpted boat was just big enough for Nick and the family to travel in, one of his three that sat in his collection. "She's a beauty..." J.C. awed at the sight. Nick smiled greatfully before walking J.C. onto the boat. "She does great on the windy days... catches a sail and she doesn't stop until we hit Tampa." Nick boasted. J.C. walked carefully on the boat, still holding Nick's hand. He ran his hand over the nicely polished wood as they walked. His eyes were dazzled by the sight of the finely crafted boat.

"I'll tell you about the rest of her wonders later..." Nick saif quietly, trying to catch the glimmer in J.C.'s eyes. J.C. looked up at him and smiled. "Why not now?" J.C. asked out of human curiosity. "Because I have something else to show you..." Nick replied, winking at J.C. J.C. nodded and followed Nick down to the lower deck of the boat.

When J.C. reached the dim lower level, his eyes sparkled with surprise. He looked down the comfortable bed and saw nothing but yellow rose petals covering the bed. A small gift box sat on the bed in the midst of the garden of roses. "Nick..." J.C. managed to whisper out. Nick smiled, seeing J.C.'s dumbfounded reaction to what he had set up hours before. "Come on Josh..." Nick whispered, leading J.C. over to the bed.

J.C. followed Nick's lead before Nick changed positions. He stood J.C. in front of the bed and smiled at him. "Uh.... happy birthday?" Nick found himself at a lose of words. J.C. giggled and leaned forward. He gave Nick a soft and gentle kiss upon the lips to start the night. J.C. leaned back and kept his loving smile scripted onto his finely chisled cheeks.

Nick placed his hands nervously on J.C.'s shoulders and began to seat him on the bed. J.C. followed with Nick's silent gesture and sat on the bed. Nick kept his honest smile with J.C. as he laid J.C. back on the pedals. J.C. smiled faded but the love upon his lips stayed. Nick gently mounted J.C. and ran his hands across his cheek. Nick reached forward slightly and grabbed the small gift box. He handed the gift box to J.C. and kept his innocent look as he stared into J.C.'s eyes. "It's my birthday present for you..." Nick explained shyly. J.C. gladly began to open the small box.

J.C. popped the box open and soon the shiny bracelet caught his eye. Burried within the crushed velvet was a silver I.D. bracelet. The chain was linked silver that shined brightly while the connecting plate was silver-gold. J.C.'s eyes blinked with exictement as he cradled the bracelet in his hands. "I hope you like it. I... I wasn't sure what to get you." Nick stumbled out as J.C. admired the bracelet. On the plate of the bracelet was an inscribed lion's head that resembled that of the ivory Leo necklace J.C. wore around his neck. Next to the lion's head were the words, 'Joshua'. "I got the Leo on it because I know how much you love your necklace and I hope you like it and I just wanted to get you something nice and..." Nick was stopped when J.C. placed his hand on Nick's thigh. Nick stopped his babbling to look down at J.C. "I love it..." J.C. whispered with his honest and heart-filled smile. Nick sighed with relief and smiled back at J.C.

"Uhm... read the back..." Nick requested, biting his lower lip with shyness. J.C. did as Nick instructed and turned the bracelet over. He read the inscription with a sharp eye. 'U R My Heart' was the engraving to the bracelet. J.C. wanted to let a tear slip from his eye when he looked at the bracelet. J.C. did his best to lean up and Nick caught onto his sign. He leaned down for J.C. and soon there lips were firmly pressed together. J.C. ran his mouth lightly over Nick's. He brought depths to the kiss by rubbing his tongue into Nick's mouth. Nick gladly accepted the tongue, feeling J.C.'s affection in each move of their lips.

Nick slipped out of the kiss, trying to keep his plans at the rate he wanted. J.C. leaned back on the bed, still gripping the bracelet. "I love it Nickie.." J.C. chimed after recovering from the kiss. Nick gleamed with happiness. "And I love you." J.C. added, looking up to his boyfriend with pure affection. Nick sat with pleasure in his eyes. "Even after such a short time?" Nick questioned, curious to finding J.C.'s true self. "Hmmm.... YES!" J.C. boasted. Nick snickered with him.

Nick brushed his hand over J.C.'s golden brown hair and then thought of the perfect way to approach J.C. "J.C. can I make love to you tonight?" Nick shyly asked but yet bluntly. J.C. stopped staring at his gift and looked up to his boyfriend. He kept Nick in silence for minutes, just staring at him. Soon a caring smile curled his lips. "Yes... make love to me..." J.C. replied, spreading his legs slightly. Nick sighed in his mind and began to rub his hands over J.C.'s covered chest.

J.C. placed the bracelet back into the gift box and set the gift box to the floor. Nick cautiously leaned down and he and J.C. began their intimate kiss. Nick's hands playfully toyed with J.C.'s red knitted shirt. J.C. ran his hands over Nick's back as Nick began to pull the shirt up. Nick's tongue ran the depths of J.C.'s mouth, stimulating the ecstasy between the two.

J.C. gasped softly as Nick ended their kiss. Nick's lips parted from J.C.'s so that he could lift the shirt fully. He pulled the shirt over and off of J.C.'s body with little help from J.C. Nick drapped the shirt to the side and let J.C. play with his shirt. Nick rested his hands on J.C.'s chest and began to massage his pecs. "Oh Nickie..." J.C. groaned, lifting Nick's black shirt. Nick lifted his arms and then pulled the rest of his shirt off.

Nick dropped the shirt on the bed and leaned down again. He and J.C. embraced once again, Nick's hands keeping their steady rub over J.C.'s chest. J.C.'s hands were busy fumbling with Nick's zipper. "Mmoh... do you want me... to use protection? Condom?" Nick asked, his words muffled by J.C.'s constant kissing. "N... no... I love you enough... to use no... uhm, protection..." J.C. mumbled while trying to keep his tongue in Nick's mouth. Nick nodded as J.C.'s hands unzipped him fully.

Nick slipped out of his jeans and let them slide to the floor. He burried his hands in the rose petals while licking at J.C.'s neck. J.C.'s hands stayed on Nick's back, grasping with desire. Nick's erection began to slip from under his boxers and he knew that their love making how to happen in order for him to last.

Nick pulled his mouth from J.C.'s neck and sat up on J.C.'s legs. He began to unzip J.C.'s jeans while J.C.'s own hands romaed his own heaving chest. Nick bit his lower lip with excitement as he pulled down his lover's jeans. He slid them fully off and let them fall off the bed. J.C. panted with excitement when his eyes met Nick's again. He reached up to brush the blonde strands of Nick's hair back, awaiting Nick's movements to singal their next gesture. Nick's nervousness held him in a state of inability. J.C. sensed this and he knew he made to make the nineteen year old comfortable with what he was going to do. J.C. spread his legs widely and then grabbed a hold of Nick's left hand. He brought Nick's hand to his stomach and rested it there. Nick watched J.C.'s every moment with an obsevervant eye. He turned the view to J.C.'s face, glowing in every essence. "It's okay Nickie... just take me..." J.C. whispered, trying to urge his lover. 'Come on Nick, you've done this a hundered times to Lance, why not him? He loves you... this is your chance to show him even more of the love you have. It's his birthday, don't ruin this night for him.' Nick coached himself confidently.

Without voluntary movement, Nick's fingers began to rub J.C.'s strong abs. His index finger ran over J.C.'s belly button before finally making his move for J.C.'s boxers. J.C. closed his eyes as both of Nick's large hands grasped the waistband of his boxers. Soon J.C. felt the draft of the boat sweep over his entire body. He lifted his legs slightly so that Nick could take his boxers off fully.

Nick clinched the boxers tightly, feeling he had accomplished something. He then looked down at his awaiting lover. J.C. laid innocently in the bed of roses, his eyes timid and his stare gentle. Nick was swept into J.C.'s look, trapped between reality and the world he always found himself in with J.C. Nick was at a lose of words but he knew what was to follow. He slipped out of his boxers and stared away from J.C.

J.C. could still see the fear in Nick. He reached his hand out and grasped Nick's strong, long penis. Nick shuttered with shock until he felt J.C.'s smooth stroking. "Oh...." Nick groaned deeply, feeling his lover jerking him off. J.C. watched as his hand made small sheaths around Nick's cock each time he went in to jack him off. Nick leaned forward slightly and grunted. "It's okay Nickie... go inside of me..." J.C. tried to comfort him. He leaned up and kissed Nick's right nipple and then gave it a tender lick.

Nick nodded and felt J.C. wrap his arms around his neck. Neck braised himself on the bed as he stood over J.C. He broguth his erect penis past J.C.'s balls and his sensitive area. Nick kept his lowering until he reached a hole that he was not yet familiar with. "Just slowly..." J.C. advised, closing his eyes again. Nick took a deep breath and followed J.C.'s instructions. He bent down a little and then aimed himself for J.C. "Wait... what about lube or something?" Nick asked out of fear for J.C. J.C. moaned slightly, with disappointment and anticipation. "Nickie..." J.C. stopped himself. He felt in his heart somehow he was rushing an experience that meant alot to him and to Nick. "I've got some vaseline in my backpack upstairs if you wanna use that..." J.C. replied, opening his eyes. Nick looked down at him and felt he had somehow spoiled the moment. "Joshua... do you trust me enough to do it without lube?" Nick asked with a tremble. J.C. kept his tight hug on Nick's neck and nodded. "You are my heart..." J.C. whispered to encourage Nick. Nick grinned delightfully and returned to his motions.

J.C. closed his eyes once again. Soon he felt the head of Nick's cock trying to enter him. J.C. found that he wasn't loose enough for Nick as he tried his best to relax. Nick tried force the head of his member inside, causing J.C.'s eyes to fly open with hurt. J.C. hissed lowly, trying to prevent Nick from hearing him. Nick looked down with fright, preparing to leave J.C.'s body. J.C. just held Nick and let two tears escape his eyes. He sniffled slightly, recovering from the initial shock and pain of their dry-fuck. "I'm... I'm so-sorry..." Nick found himself releasing tears as he looked at the grimace on J.C.'s face.

J.C. inched forward a bit, his muscles relaxed enough to take another inch of Nick inside. Nick watched as J.C. began to take him inside. It was the only way that J.C. could comfort Nick at the moment. Nick leaned down and pulled J.C. into an embrace. He held onto J.C. tightly, beginning his own pushing inside of J.C. J.C. gasped with pleasure and relaxed fully in his lover's arms. J.C. brushed his hands over Nick's hair and smiled. "Mmmm... Nickie... it'd help if you made love to me now." J.C. giggled. He felt Nick was fully inside of him, Nick's soft balls resting against his cheeks. Nick snapped out of his trance long enough to begin a slow and steady movement inside of J.C.

Nick released J.C.'s back and let J.C. lay on the pedals. His own eyes were shut as he rocked back and forth inside of J.C. J.C. shuttered with joy a Nick made love to him for the first time in their relationship. J.C. let go of Nick's neck and moved his hands to Nick's broad chest. He rubbed his fingers over the young flesh. 'Ooh...' J.C. cooed as his hands ran over Nick's erect nipples. Nick pleasured from J.C.'s erotic touching. "Heh heh..." Nick panted, gropping J.C.'s hips as his pace moved a little faster.

J.C. felt himself slipping into his pleasureable area. He had never made love on a bed of rose pedals, on a boat, on his birthday and with a man he had learned to love and give his heart to. The new experiences were slightly overwhelming for J.C. but in a good way. He let Nick's hand rub over the head of his cock before he moaned deeply. "Joshua... oh..." Nick groaned, shfting the weight of his penis. Nick pulled back J.C. hair and leaned in. He kissed J.C. on the forehead and rocked a little slower. 'Gotta be careful...' Nick advised himself. He let his hips relax a bit while petting his lover's body. "Nickie... mmmm...." J.C. hummed gloriously. He placed his hands on the rose pedals and the silk sheets that lay beneath them.

Soon Nick's lips were rubbing against J.C.'s again. J.C. accepted the kiss with an open mouth. His tongue began to massage Nick's as Nick's hips returned to their regular pace again. J.C. raised his legs even further to give Nick better access to his body. "Ah... ah... uh..." J.C. gasped with pleasure, ending their kiss. Nick's hand had begun a quick and erotic stroke upon J.C.'s penis. Nick smiled, feeling he was doing a good job at making love to J.C. He leaned down and began to kiss the hicket he felt J.C. with earlier. "Happy brithday sweetie..." Nick whispered, bucking quicker in J.C. J.C. clinched his eyes shut, wanting to respond to Nick but unable to.

J.C.'s head bobbed slightly as Nick moved faster. "Mmmm... I love you..." J.C. groaned out unexpectidely. Nick smiled again and moved his lips back to J.C.'s. He gave him a quick kiss before saying, "I love you too Josh." Josh grinned delightfully. He felt Nick grasp his hips and holed them tightly. Within a moment's time, Nick slowed himself again. "Uh... yes.. yes, yes Nickie..." J.C. managed to moan. Nick's hand didn't have to return to J.C.'s cock again. After the slow pace began again, J.C. released himself between the two. His cum shot up in long strings. "OH! Nick... oh Nickolas..." J.C. grunted out. Nick moaned with him, knowing J.C. was enjoying their hour of love making. "Nick..." J.C. sighed with gratification.

Nick wiped the sweat from J.C.'s head and then pulled his hair back again. "I... love you..." J.C. began to let tears out. Nick was confused by the sounds of J.C.'s whimpers. Nick wanted to stop but he knew J.C. wouldn't let him. Nick bent down and used his tongue to scoop up the tears. The saltiness of the tears didn't faze Nick. "Please... please don't cry Josh. I... I love you too baby..." Nick whispered, continuing to thrust. J.C. stopped his tears and sniffled slightly. He was deeply in love with Nick and it brought to tears to his eyes.

After mere minutes of his continued movement, Nick was screaming out in ecstasy. "God! JOSHUA!!!" Nick hollered out, ejaculating his sperm into J.C.'s body. J.C. held Nick tightly as he came, letting Nick continue to fuck him as he did. Nick's body shivered with delight. "I... ah.. ah.. uh, uh, yeah yeah... ooh, Josh..." Nick couldn't get the words out as he let his cock release all of it's cum. J.C. felt Nick softening and continued to pet his hair.

Nick slipped out of J.C. and gasped for air. J.C. gently rolled Nick to his side, still hugging him. "Are you okay?" J.C. asked, concerned for his heavy breathing lover. "Ye... yes Josh..." Nick panted out. J.C. pushed Nick's hair back and held him in his strong, athletic arms. He placed small kisses across Nick's face, letting Nick recover from his orgasm. "Thank you... it was a sweet birthday present.." J.C. whispered, rubbing Nick's cheek.

Nick closed his eyes and rested. "I truly love you Joshua Chasez..." Nick softly added to J.C.'s words. "This wasn't as much a birthday gift as it was an 'I love you so much' gift." Nick explained, drifting in and out of his coma-like sleep. J.C. was touched by Nick's sentiment. "You are so precious." J.C. whispered, rubbing his tongue over Nick's lips. Nick was too tired to return the gesture, pouting his lips slightly for his boyfriend. "I want you all to myself." J.C. sighed quietly, letting Nick fall asleep in his arms. Before Nick was fully sleep, he traced the letters, 'N-C + J-C' on J.C.'s abs. J.C. grinned continously and feel asleep with Nick.

"God it feels so nice to get a hot shower. The hotels and dressing rooms now a days either have too hot of water, too cold of water, hot and then cold water, soft water, hard water... just too much drama for poor Britney." Britney stated as she walked back into Joey's room. She was drying her damp hair with a towel, shagging it out to perfection. She wore one of Joey's oversized shirts while she approached the bed that Joey laid upon.

Joey was wearing his Superman boxers and a wifebeater as he watched his elegant girlfriend approach. He was curled to one side, the sheets and covers pulled back on his bed. His face was not filled with the usual splendor he had when he looked at Britney. He just watched as her lips moved but he heard no words that were spoken. "I guess it's all because I HAVE to be Britney Spears for the cameras and can't ever be just Britney Jean for the world." Britney sighed, staring down at her lost boyfriend. Joey managed to catch her last words with suddenness. He stared into her mocha brown eyes for seconds before looking away fully. "We've gotta talk Brit." Joey said with seriousness, rubbing his hands over his sheets. Britney looked at him awkwardly, catching the serious tone he used.

Britney gripped her towel and took a seat on the opposite side of the bed. She brought her knees up on the couch and looked at him curiously. "What is it?" Britney asked to break the silence. Joey shook his head and looked up at her. "We have to talk about us." Joey replied softly. Britney felt her heart drop slightly. She had heard that statement several times within a bad relationship. She couldn't see how after months of dating Joey that something may finally go wrong. "When I found out about the incident with Leigh Ann, it really surprised me. Then I realized, you did it for Justin. You didn't do it because you had a real problem with Leigh Ann because she's never talked to you. You did it because of something inside of you that says, 'I have to do this because I owe Justin something'." Joey stated without reservation. Britney heard Joey out with subtle eyes. "What would evre make you think that Joey?" Britney questioned bitterly. "No, just hear me out Britney." Joey swiftly interupted her. Britney eased back slightly and gave him a pain's taking stare. "The Leigh Ann thing was a small peice of what's been going on. Then there's the thing where you are constantly gone. Either in the studio, doing T.V. appearances, radio calls, interviews, touring. It's just non-stop and you don't ever say, 'Well Joey I miss you and as soon as this is all over, I'll take a break'. It's just, 'Joey I miss you but I've gotta go do something now'. That kind of realtionship belongs to actors and all." Joey spoke with his heart. "Joey you know I have little control of those things right now. I'm still doing promotional things that I don't wanna do but this is so I can get some off time for awhile and just kick it." Britney argued.

Joey shook his head and took his eyes off of her again. "Me and the guys make sure we take time off for our loved ones. Look at Justin, he's always begging for at least an hour off so he can call his husband and touch basis with him." Joey grumbled. "Joey, if one of you isn't there, you can still do a show. if Britney Spears isn't there, where's the show at?" Britney barked at him. Joey gripped his sheets with anger. "If Joey Fatone isn't here then who will Britney love?!" Joey hissed. "Is that what you want?" Britney asked, finally letting the pain hit her fully. "Britney... you're constantly pushing this relationship off for other things." Joey explained. He was trying to pour his heart out to her yet he had never had to do that for a girlfriend because he had never cared for someone like he did Britney. "How? How can I put off someone I love Joey?" Britney asked with tears in her eyes. Joey turned to her again and watched a tear fall. "Please Britney... I'm saying that you let all of these other things cloud your mind and you never once say, 'Joey I need you because I'm stressed out.'" Joey stated, sitting up on the bed. Britney wiped some of her tears away and tried to control her anger. "You know I need you. I'm constantly just saying 'I love you', but that's not for nothing. I'm not here with you in vain. You know I need you." Britney whimpered out.

Her voice cracked slightly as she spoke. The tears tore down her cheeks as if they weren't meant to be. It was the terpentine to her artwork. "We have to be friends if we're going to be lovers." Joey tried to reason with her. "Lovers?! What does sex have to do with it Joey?" Britney asked coldly. "There is none!" Joey barked at her. Britney shuttered slightly and let out more tears. She refused to fall to full fledged crying in front of him. "Is that what it takes to keep you? Sex?" Britney asked with a tremble. Joey shook his head again at her. "It takes us to be a couple. Not one or the other." Joey argued. Britney sighed, wiping more tears away. "I don't want you to cry Britney." Joey whispered, feeling for her physically and emotionally. "Then what do you want Joey?" Britney raised her voice as she questioned him. Joey laid back on the bed and tilted his head to the ceiling. "I think we both need space right now." Joey sighed out. Britney strained as she held her towel. "Just time to think and work this thing out a bit." Joey added, turning his head so he could look at her. Britney stood from the bed. "If that's what you want Joey, I'll be out tomorrow." Britney whimpered. She snatched up her pillow from his bed. "But Britney I didn't want you to go!" Joey called to her. She just whimpered and exited his room.

Joey groaned, no attempting to run after Britney. 'You did the right thing Joey' Joey tried to assure himself. As he did, a small tear ran out of his eye. He quickly caught the tear and washed it away. he ran his fingrs through his maroon red hair and sighed again. He did his best to close his eyes and forget the night he lost Britney.

'I need to know that you love me too. I need to know that we'd give up anything for each other. I want to know that you'll someday say you'll marry me and we can be together forever.' The words were strong and cherished in the mind of Justin Littrell. The thoughts of his husband proposing to him in the hospital brought back fond memories. The laughs, the cries, the love, the emotion and everything placed together to link the puzzle of Brian and Justin Littrell's romance gave Justin butterflies.

'I can't express in idol words how much you've touched my heart with each passing day. You've been my friend, my partner, my lover, my teacher, my student and most important, my heart. You've looked past my flaws and you've cherished my strong points. Through my deepest pain, through my injuries, I've always woken up to your face. I couldn't ask God for anything more than that. The world is filled with people who search endless years for someone just to make them smile, but I don't have to search anymore. The doubt that comes along with love is no longer within me. And one things for sure, you always keep me laughing and smiling. You're the one friend that I've had that has yet to tell me, 'Love is for fools'. People say that life begins at forty, but the day I found you Justin, life started all over again for me. Because I know that our life is now, just beginning. And I promise to let you be my eyes, my hands, my mouth, my ears and my heart. Through sickness and in health, and 'til death do us part. So with this ring, I, Brian Littrell, thee wed.' Justin seemed to remember the words verabtim, thinking of the vows that Brian wrote for him and him only.

Justin felt a hand shaking him, causing his eyes to flutter open. Justin's eyes quickly stung to the light's shine, causing Justin to placed his hands over his face. "Wake up Curly." he heard a soft, Southern voice request. Justin removed his hands and turned his head to the side. He saw Brian knealing next to him with a smile. Justin moaned and stretched where he laid. "Time to go Just," Brian added, running his hand through Justin's curls. Justin realized that he had fallen asleep in the studio.

It was a new day that Brian and Justin didn't get a chance to enjoy much. Justin agreed to accompany his husband to the studio, in which they arrived at around eight. it was a morning of meeting with other artists and recording that Brian endured while Justin sat behind the scenes watching his husband work.

Justin ywaned quietly and then began to look into his husband's eyes. "What... what time is it?" Justin yawned out. Brian giggled and then looked at his watch. "It's about three now." Brian replied. Justin gave Brian an odd stare. "Only three? And you're done?" Justin questioned. Brian nodded happily. "Britney didn't show up for her recording session and Eric's going to finish the work with Don sometime next week." Brian explained. Justin smiled with delight. "So we get to go home early while the other producers schedule more recording sessions." Brian added. Justin yawned again before sitting up. He felt Brian massaging his thighs as he tried to awaken himself. "Do you wanna go home or go out to eat?" Brian asked, trying to savor his last moments with Justin. Justin looked down to him and thought over the choices. "Let's go to mom's. I wanna see Jonathan since he's in town," Justin answered softly. Brian sighed and then nodded. Brian was thrilled to see Jonathan but the idea of dealing with Lynn was something Brian did not look forward to.

Before Brian could offer up any disagreement to the idea, the door of the studio opened. Brian stood from his feet, backing slightly away from Justin to see who was entering. J.C. entered with a smile on his face, looking around the room as he entered. Justin sighed with relief and reclined on the couch he had been laying on. "Hey J.C.!" Brian chimed, starting to walk towards Justin. J.C. raised his hand and shook his head at Brian. Brian stopped in mid-step to look at J.C. "Hey Justin, these are two fans that won a local radio contest." J.C. announced, trying to alarm Brian of his actions. Brian nodded at J.C. and stopped walking.

J.C. pulled the door open fully and let the young, fourteen year old walk into the studio. Her eyes lit up with awe and she looked around the room. A sixteen year old male followed her in with a meek smile. He caught glimpse of Brian and gave the traditional head nod to him. Brian replied with the same. "They get a chance to meet us and get autographs but since we weren't ready, we couldn't do it formally. So we figured give them a small tour and let them at least see us and get autographs." J.C. explained, letting the door close behind him. Justin listened to every word J.C. said as the fans looked around.

"Well I'm glad they came." Justin cheered, trying to put on a show for them. The girl's eyes flung over to Justin with happiness. She tried to control her squeals of joy when she caught his blue eyes looking back at her. "Hey there sweetheart." he chimed. The girl felt weak in her knees as she stared at her dream. "Well what do I sign?" Justin called out with laughter. The girl quickly approached and handed Justin her poster and ticket stub. Justin grabbed both and smiled again at her. "You went to the show here in Orlando?" Justin asked, scribbling his name on her ticket. She nodded quickly. Justin giggled at her and grasped the poster of himself. "What's your name sweetheart?" Justin asked, looking up at her. "M... Mandy." she managed to murmur out. Justin licked his lips and then scribbled his name and a small message for Mandy. "Well I'm glad you won Mandy. It's cool that you got to come to the studio so we could see you." Justin added as she gave her the poster and ticket. "I... I wanted to talk to you on the chat yesterday but the room was booked and I couldn't get in." Mandy managed to say before frowning. Justin felt for her. "Well how about this... you can ask me three questions while I sign..." Justin looked to the boy with a questionable face. "Oh... my name is Josh." he replied with a small stutter. Justin grinned at him and then turned back to Mandy. "While I sign whatever Josh wants me to sign." Justin finished his statement. Mandy controlled herself, wanting to jump for joy.

Josh stepped forward with his fisherman hat on and handed Justin a CD jacket. Justin took the jacket and waved to the boy. "Okay Josh..." Justin said while scribbling his name on the jacket. "You can ask him the questions Mandy." J.C. spoke up from the side. Mandy jumped with shock, still pondering her questions. "Uh... when's the new CD coming out?" Mandy asked, trying not to get too personal with her first question. "It's going to come out next month. We just shot our next video last week and that'll be out next week I think." Justin answered, handing Josh back the CD jacket from their first album. "Uhm, can you sign my North Carolina jersey?" Josh asked, lifting up a balled up jersey. Justin turned his eyes to Josh and nodded happily. "You a Tar Heels fan?" Justin asked, grabbing the jersey. "The BIGGEST!" Josh exclaimed with excitement.

Brian found himself laughing at the boy. Josh turned back to look at Brian with wonder. "Just ignore him... he's a Kentucky fan." Justin joked, unwraveling the jersey to sign it. "And proud of it!" Brian shouted at Justin. Justin kept his silly grin while writing a message on the jersey. "Maybe sometime when I'm in town again Josh, me and you can hit the court for a Tar Heels game or something?" Justin offered, looking to the young man. Josh's eyes lit up with stars. "me and Justin Timberlake?" Josh asked happily. Justin snickered and nodded. "If Brian can come along." Justin added, looking back to Brian. "Only if the Wildcats are playing!" Brian laughed out. Justin rolled his eyes at him and turned back to Josh. "I'd love to go!" Josh flushed. Justin nodded and looked over to Mandy. "Next question babe." he said with a smile.

Mandy felt even weaker when he called her 'babe'. "I read you have a girlfriend or something? Can I ask who?" Mandy questioned with a jittery voice. Justin grinned and reclined further on the couch. "Well I won't say any names but I am seeing someone or rather in love with someone right now. I'm happy too. So I hope that answers your question." Justin answered confidently, learning to cover for his marriage to Brian. Mandy nodded happily. "Uh... can I see your new tattoo?" Mandy questioned shyly. Justin's eyes flew open with shock. Brian crossed his arms with wonder at the girl's request. J.C. awaited Justin's reply with a sly grin. "Oh what the hell. It's no biggie." Justin finally agreed to it.

Justin stood from the couch and handed Josh his jersey. J.C. found himself staring at Justin with shock while Brian stood in the background watching. Justin turned around and pulled up his baby blue shirt. Josh and Mandy both looked with awe, searching his back for the tattoo. "It's right there." Brian pointed it out for them. Their eyes quickly moved to the Japanese lettering on Justin's back. "What does it say?" Mandy asked with wonder. Justin laughed at her question. "Ah ah, I said only three questions." Justin teased her, dropping his shirt. Mandy smiled at him when he turned around again.

Justin sat back on the couch and looked at Josh. "Did you have to ask me anything?" Justin questioned, scratching his head. Josh took a minute to think of a question while Justin looked back to Brian. "Yeah... I wanted to know if it bugged you and Brian that you two are ALWAYS being put together as a couple? Does it bother your girlfriends and all? I mean I know it'd bother mine if she knew the world sometimes thinks I'm dating a guy." Josh let his question slip in with his comments. Justin frowned at the question. "It doesn't really bother me. The press and media like to hype alot of things up. Me and Justin aren't dating so it's not a problem for us. We like to laugh those things off." Brian answered from behind Josh. Josh turned to stare at Brian. "And Leigh Ann doesn't mind?" he questioned. Brian shook his head with laughter. "I'm not seeing Leigh Ann. She's not my girlfriend." Brian grumbled. Josh nodded with the realization. "I agree with what Brian said. We just take it as it comes because it's just the media trying to make things bigger than they are." Justin added to end the conversation.

The hour went by as Justin sat in the living room of his former house. He knew that Brian was out in the backyard playing with Jonathan after Lynn had requested a moment alone with her son. Justin's head was proppoed by his elbow, awaiting his mother to return to the room. He sensed the urgency of his mother's want to talk with him. However Justin was glad that Lynn chose to do it in the living room. Justin hated having any talks with his mother the in cold decore of her office.

Justin looked up when his mother stepped passed him and took a seat on the opposite couch. She looked around the room to make sure there were no flaws. Justin watched her with a loving eye. "Mommy, what did you want to talk about?" Justin asked kindly. Lynn smiled at her son's use of a childhood name. "Justin, we need to talk about Jonathan... and you and your husband." Lynn informed Justin. Justin raised his brow at her with suspicion. Lynn looked around the room again. Justin knewthat she had something burdening on her mind. He flicked a piece of lunt from the couch and awaited her words.

Lynn fluffed a pillow next to her, still dwelling in her thoughts. "Justin, I don't want you and Brian to kiss, hug or show alot of affection around Jonathan anymore." Lynn managed to speak out. Justin sat up swiftly and looked at her with a sense of dislike. Lynn grasped his attention with her words. "Justin... Jonathan and his friend Ryan kissed today while they played outside." Lynn gave a short explaination. Justin's mouth fell open with surprise. "I went to check on them and when I walked outside, I saw Jonathan kiss him. Ryan passed it off as nothing BUT I didn't." Lynn stated. Justin ran his hands through his hair with fright. "Did you ask him about it?" Justin questioned. Lynn nodded sorely. She grabbed the pillow and fluffed it again. "He said that he thought it was okay because he saw you and Brian do it." Lynn replied after adjusting the pillow again. Justin sighed with her remark.

"Mom, if Jonathan kissed a guy, it's no big deal." Justin eased off the discussion. Lynn stood from the couch and began to walk around the room. "It's a big deal Justin. I don't want to have to call home to your father and say, 'Oh Jonathan's fine, he's just kissing the boys in the neighborhood'." Lynn exagerrated her claim. "My Lord mommy it was just ONE person." Justin exclaimed. Lynn adjusted a picture nearby before turning to Justin. "It's a serious thing Justin. What if he thinks it's right to kiss boys?" Lynn questioned seriously. Justin crossed his arms with anger. "So now it's wrong?" Justin bitterly asked. Lynn rolled her eyes at him. "People don't just adjust that easily Justin." Lynn argued softly. "Did you bother to ask Jonathan if he had a crush on Ryan? Loved him in any form?" Justin asked her, trying to prove his argument. "Of course not!" Lynn scoffed. Justin shook his head at her. "What are you afraid of?" Justin asked her, relaxing on the couch again. "Nothing." Lynn quickly answered. "Yes you are." Justin disagreed. Lynn walked past Justin with a furry. "You're afraid he might like boys." Justin added carefreely.

Lynn quickly turned around to him. "Jonathan is not gay Justin!" Lynn barked at him. Justin shook his head at her again and exhaled greatly. "Liking a guy doesn't make you gay mom. That's what the world would love you to think. There doesn't have to be a label for love." Justin said calmly. "Justin, let me make this clear to you. I don't want you and Brian making out and all of that in front of your little brother. He gets ideas in his head!" Lynn snapped at him. "What ideas?! He kissed a guy and he's not wrong for it. He was probably curious!" Justin barked at her. "Don't you take that tone of voice with me. Jonathan doesn't need to think he's in love with another boy." Lynn argued. Justin stood from the couch to look at her. "I'm in love with another man mom. Hell, I'm married to one. Are you mad? Do you hate me?" Justin boldly asked. Lynn took a step back and looked around again. "I don't hate you. I don't hate Brian either." Lynn stated raitonally. Justin turned fro her and looked around the vast room.

"I just don't think Jonathan knows what he's getting into." Lynn clarified her remarks. Justin took a deep breath. "What is he getting into then?" Justin asked softly. "Justin, people will talk... they'll say things. I don't think Jonathan wants to go through that." Lynn rationalized. Justin spun around on his heels to look at her. "He doesn't want to go through it or you don't want people talking about you?" Justin asked coldly. He ended his conversation with her by walking past her and then to the backyard.

Justin stepped into the backyard to see Jonathan chasing Brian around the grassy area. "You'll never catch me!" Brian screamed out, running from the little boy. "Yes I am!" Jonathan shouted as she ran quickly. Justin laughed at the scene before him. Brian stopped his running, tired from the high sprint he kept. Jonathan leaped on his leg and they both fell to the floor with laughter.

Justin walked over to them with a caring smile. "You got me silly boy!" Brian exclaimed, ruffling Jonathan's hair. "Yeah!" Jonathan cheered. "And I've got you both." Justin chimed, standing over them. Jonathan looked up to his older brother with his child-like smile. "I caught my new brother!" Jonathan clapped for himself. "I see that Jonathan." Justin giggled, looking at him and Brian. Brian hugged Jonathan as they laid on the ground.

"Jonathan, do you wanna show your brother what I did for him?" Brian asked of his husband's younger sibling. Jonathan nodded with excitement. Brian soon stood and helped Jonathan up. "Come with us." Brian said, grabbing Justin's hand. Brian held Jonathan and Justin's hand as they walked to one of the trees in the backyard. Brian stopped in front of the tree and released both Justin and Jonathan's hands. Brian stuck his finger out, pointing to the tree. Justin looked to the area Brian pointed too and a bright smile soon formed on his lips. Carved into the base of the tree was a heart and in the heart said, 'Brian Loves Justin'. Brian wrapped an arm around Justin and smiled with him. "My mom's gonna kill you." Justin giggled, still glaring at Brian's artwork. "She'll get over it." Brian snickered. Justin nodded before catching Jonathan looking at the loving couple.

Justin pulled from Brian and knelt down to his brother. He looked into Jonathan's baby blue eyes and smiled. "Jonathan, do you have a crush on Ryan?" Justin asked without reservation. Jonathan blushed at the question. "I'm not sure." Jonathan shrugged, looking at the ground. "When you kissed him today... did you like it?" Justin questioned. Jonathan gave a small nod. "Was okay.." Jonathan verbally replied. "When you kiss Emily down the street, is that 'okay'?" Justin questioned, still trying to figure his brother out. "I guess. She kisses messy! Ryan kisses nice." Jonathan answered, looking back to his brother's eyes. Justin nodded with a smile. He pulled Jonathan into a hug happily. "It's okay bro. Don't kiss Ryan unless he asks but don't do it around others. They might get mad that you're keeping Ryan all to yourself." Justin stated in a child-like way to help Jonathan understand. They ended their hug with Jonathan nodding.

Brian bent down to where they were and grabbed Jonathan's hand. "You're a cutie Jon, don't be scared to say you like someone." Brian advised with a caring smile. Brian leaned over and gave Jonathan a quick kiss on the cheek. "It's okay to be like your older bro. He's a cutie and he wasn't afraid to say he loves me." Brian added, releasing Jonathan's hand to hold his husband's. "Like when you and my brother got married?" Jonathan cooed. Justin laughed while Brian nodded. "You're a smart kid." Brian finally gave into his own laughter. Justin agreed, both of them hugging Jonathan.

Justin couldn't imagine how his happy mood had soon faded. He was at home, sitting on the bed lonely. The room was empty as Brian was downstairs on the phone. The minute they walked in the door, Brian hopped from conversation to conversation, ignoring his husband fully as he talked on the phone. Justin watched Tyke prance into the room and play with BJ. He shook his head with even more anger. 'The last night... the last night he's here with me and he can't just disconnect the phone.' Justin battled in his head.

Another fifteen minutes rolled by before Brian made his entrance into the bedroom. As he did, he placed his cellular phone on his dresser and looked at his brooding husband. Brian was stressed from his phone calls and ignored the question of, 'Why'. Brian removed his shirt and dropped it to the floor. He made his way to the bed and sat down next to Justin.

Justin felt the warmth of Brian's body next to his and rejected it. Brian leaned in and began to kiss Justin's neck. When Brian's lips began to run the length of Justin's neck, Justin jerked away. He stood from the bed and stepped over to his dresser. Brian looked at him with aggrivation. "What did I do this time?" Brian sighed out. Justin adjusted the picture of Brian he had on his dresser as Brian spoke. "Don't act like it's always your fault when I'm mad." Justin grumbled at him. "Fine then, what did your mom do wrong?" Brian quickly replied. Justin shook his head with disgrace. "Justin, I'm too tired to read your mind tonight, so please just say it." Brian complained arrogantly. "That's just it Brian!" Justin finally lashed out at him. "You're always too tierd for anything. if it's not sex then it's, 'Justin can it wait until tomorrow?'" Justin chastised him. Brian groaned and sat erect on the bed. "I have alot of stuff going on right now Justin, I'm about to leave the country for..." Brian started. "For a month." Justin finished bitterly. "A whole month Brian. You can't put shit aside for your husband?!" Justin began to loud roar again. "I put everything aside for your needs!" Brian argued. "The hell you do Brian! It's been this soundtrack, rehearsals, interviews and all the other bullshit. When half of it you could easily put off." Justin lashed back swiftly. Brian balled his fist and stood from the bed. "I'd prefer get it all done now so when I see you in two weeks, we can relax on the tour!" Brian bitterly stated.

Justin walked away from his dresser and back to the bed where Brian had sat. "If you could just put it aside for two minutes and just say, 'Just I love you', it wouldn't be so damn bad." Justin lowly complained. Brian sighed before rolling his eyes. "I say I love you all the time. Don't make it sound as if I'm the bad guy here." Brian argued. Justin looked at the floor with disgrace. "As if it's easy geting two minutes of your time? You're the one always on the run promoting things." Brian brought up a clear point. "I can't get out of those negotiations Brian. That's all Johnny and management's decision." Justin explained. "Yes, just like with me, I'm tied to something to." Brian boasted. "Yeah, Leigh Ann's heart." Justin softly remarked. "Oh fuck, where does she come into this?!" Brian hollered with angst. "She's always coming between us and you know it. It's just the fact that you let her do it." Justin looked up to make his words hurt. "I don't let Leigh Ann do anything. Unlike you seem to think, I ty and keep peace with all of my friends." Brian hissed.

"Oh yeah, like Matt Thompson?" Justin sorely asked. "Matt?! Matt is just a friend! Why must you always be so damn jealous of someone that gives a little more of my attentiont han you do at times?" Brian snapped at his husband. Justin grasped his pillow and hugged onto it. "Because you act like they're the world!" Justin finally complained. "Justin, how many times can I say that you're my world?!" Brian snapped. "I just wanna spend some time with my boyfriend alone." Justin complained sorely. Brian ran his hands through his hair, controlling his anger. "I try and make time for you but you seem so wrapped up in everyone else." Brian griped. He looked at Justin and watched a few tears run down Justin's face.

"I... I..." Brian was at a lose of words when he saw the absolute sadness on Justin's face. "I have to go call my mom before I leave for the airport." Brian softly announced, drifting his eyes from Justin's depressed expression. Brian relaxed his hands before slipping out of the room. He let a few tears run down his own face, thinking of the first serious argument he and his husband had just suffered as a married couple.

"Yes mom... yes, I'm going to miss you too. No, I... I don't know what Justin's doing right now. I'm sure he'll call you while I'm gone." Brian spoke into his office phone. He sat in his office chair, swivelling from side to side as he talked to his mother. "I'm going to miss him so much mom..." Brian felt his voice crack when he thought of losing Justin. "Yeah I know, the phone bill will be big but... I'll call him everyday." Brian added as he and his mother spoke. "Yeah, he'd love to go up there for a few days to see Jacob. I'll try and convince him to slip away and do so." Brian nodded, listening to his mother ramble on. "Yes mom, we're doing our best to get a hold of some adoption agencies and all... of course, he made the perfect daddy!" Brian bragged on with his mother. "I love you too... I'll tell him you said hi mommy. I LOVE you. Tell dad I said bye and tell Harold to call me sometime while I'm in Europe. I want him to come out and see me... yes, me and Justin love you. Bye bye," Brian ended his conversation with her sadly.

Brian placed his phone back on the receiver. 'Called mom and the fam, set up appointments with the office and nothing else is left...' Brian thought out the rest of his evening as the night had stricken Orlando in it's shadowy cloak.

Brian shuffled a few papers around before looking up to his office doorway. As he did, his blue eyes were sent into mystery. Standing in the door way was Justin's sleek figure. Justin's body was lightly covered by a navy blue, silk robe. One of his arms gripped onto the entrance way while the other rested on his side. Justin's face was innocent of all orevious crimes in their relationship. His eyes were timid and filled with sorrow.

Justin began a slow and nervous walk into Brian's office. His body was tense and his mind was not at ease. He had spent a half hour in the bathroom crying and another hour trying to think over how he could make things right for he and Brian again. Brian backed away from his desk and watched his husband take a seat into his lap. Justin sat there motionless, wondering if Brian would push him away. Brian didn't push Justin away or reject him. He ran his fingers over the soft material of Justin's robe. Justin felt Brian pull on him and soon they ere in a tender embrace. "I'm so sorry Brian." Justin whispered, returning the gentle hug. Brian nodded, holding onto Justin tightly. "I... I won't be able to hold you for two weeks." Justin whimpered, cluching Brian tighter. Brian empathized with Justin, rubbing his fingers under the soft material. "Don't cry." Brian requested, wanting to hold in his own tears. Justin with held the strong tears for Brian. "Just know I love you and everything will be okay." Brian added, hushing his husband's sniffles.

Brian pulled from the hug and kept his eyes in Justin's. He reached past Justin to an object on his desk. He held the object before handing it to Justin. Justin cherished the object as he looked at it. Justin held Brian's gold cross in his hands. The cross was linked onto a chain, shimmering in the brightly lit room. "This chain means a lot to me. When I'm lonely... it gives me faith. So I'm I want you to hold it while I'm gone. For those nights when I can't call you and you really, really miss me, just hold this cross and pray to God. Everything will be okay after that." Brian explained the sentiment behind the cross he was leaving with Justin. Justin was losing touch with the words he wanted to say as he held the cross. "Brian... I can't take something that means so much to you." Justin stuttered out. Brian shook his head with disagreeance. "Its the only way I can keep my faith too Justin. I want... I need you to hold this for me. Please." Brian pleaded, keeping Justin's hands closed around the cross. Justin did not want to disappoint his husband. He nodded shyly. Brian smiled with relief. He pulled Justin back into a hug and kept his adoring smile. He said a silent prayer while holding Justin.

"Hey... I have a surprise for you." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. Brian moaned softly and ended his hug with Justin. "Surprise?" Brian questioned in his soft, Southern accent. Justin placed his finger over Brian's lips to silence him. "You'll love it baby..." Justin assured him with a whisper.

Justin stood and grabbed Brian's hand. He began leading Brian out of the office with a sexy stride. When Brian and Justin reached the door way, Justin grabbed the belt and began to unbuckle it from Brian's waist. He ripped the belt off and dropped it in the doorway. Brian watched him with suspicion. Justin began their walk again, walking down the hall. They passed their bedroom and Justin continued the endless walk. When they reached the middle of the hall, Justin turned to face Brian again. He unzipped Brian's baggy pants and let them fall to his ankles. Brian stepped out of the jeans with even more curiosity.

Brian and Justin reached the bathroom and Justin stopped with a smile. He grabbed the top of Brian's black breifs and held them tightly. "Ready?" Justin questioned softly. Brian scratched his head with morbid curiosity. "Ready for what?" Brian asked hesitantly. Justin grinned and them began to pull the briefs down. Justin knelt down to the floor, pulling the breifs to Brian's ankles. Brian braced himself on the door and then stepped out of his briefs.

Justin scooted the briefs aside and stood again. "Help me with this..." Justin requested, putting towards his robe. Brian shrugged and grabbed the tie that held Justin's robe closed. He untied it and let the strings drop to the sides of Justin. With a breeze, Justin's robe fell open. Brian admired the small portions of Justin's body available to him through the robe. Justin held his child-like innocence as he hoped Brian would become entangled in the mood he was trying to create.

Brian sensed Justin's need by staring into Justin's eyes. The ecliptic light ran over Justin's blue eyes. Brian stepped forward and bit his lower lip with excitement. "I love you." he whispered. Brian raised his hands and grabbed each side of Justin's robe. Brian pulled down the side of Justin's left shoulder. He leaned in and began to kiss Justin's shoulder as he pulled Justin's shoulder out of the arm. Brian's lips placed small kisses all over Justin's collarbone. Justin wrapped his hands on Brian's head and began running his fingers through Brian's sandy brown hair. "Mmm... ah..." Justin gasped out, feeling Brian's tongue dip into the nape of his neck.

Brian's other hand pulled down the right side of Justin's robe. Brian's tongue washed over the nape of Justin's neck while slowly bringing down the robe. "Mmph.." Brian groaned, slipping his tongue to the right side of Justin's body. His tongue traced Justin's shoulder before he retracted it to kiss his shoulder. "Oh Brian..." Justin moaned, still rubbing his fingres through Brian's hair.

Brian lifted his head. He pulled Justin to him by gripping the robe in his hands and jerking forward. Soon Justin's erect penis rubbed against Brian's. Justin let out a deep moan when their cocks touched. "What did you... mmmm, have in mind Justin?" Brian asked, trying to rub their chests together. Justin's heart beat with an intensity. "Brian... hmmm, you'll see..." Justin groaned into Brian's ear. Brian was troubled in his head but rejected the thoughts as soon as Justin's hands rubbed his neck. Brian released the robe and let it fall to the floor so that he could hug Justin.

Justin held Brian in one arm while his other hand reached back to the bathroom door. Justin pushed it open and released Brian from the hug. Brian lowered his panting to look past Justin. He looked inside of the vast bathroom. The large bathtub was filled with water. On one of the sides of the bathtub was a white rose, laying in it's beauty. A single candle was lit on the sink where a stereo was waiting nearby. Brian looked in with awe. "I'm going to miss you..." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. Brian blinked his eyes as a small tear ran down his cheek. "Look what you did... you made me get moist." Brian tried to sarcastically comment. Justin rubbed his cheek on Brian's and disregarded his words.

Justin grabbed Brian's hands and led him into the bathroom. Once inside, Justin closed the door behind them and locked it. He turned back to Brian who was still staring around the room. "I'm so sorry about before." Justin said, wrappin his arms around Brian's chest. Brian nodded, feeling the guilt for arguing with Justin before.

Justin bent down and lifted Brian into his arms. "I never get tired of carrying you this way." Justin said sarcastically. "And I never get tired of being the bride." Brian giggled. Justin carried Brian to the bath. He lowered Brian into the bath water and then stepped in with him.

Brian adjusted to the size of the tub and let Justin lay between his spread legs. He wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and held him. They both relaxed in the warm water, hugging onto each other. "Mmmm... this feels nice.." Brian moaned, rubbing Justin's ear. Justin snuggled his head to Brian's chest, letting the water run over his body. "I wouldn't spend this day with anyone else." Brian whispered, trying to reassure his husband of his love. Brian ran his water soaked hand over Justin's hair, causing beads of water to form in his curls. "I love you Justin Littrell..." Brian added, rubbing his tongue over Justin's ear.

Justin groaned softly, dipping his own hand to his soft penis. "No..." Brian grabbed Justin's hand and stopped him. "Let me..." Brian requested, replacing Justin's hand. Brian's hand swirled through the water, rubbing Justin's head. The candle lit shined over their bodies, creating a glow over them in the water. Justin let out a soft cry, feeling himself become erect under water. Brian moaned with Justin, letting himself become hard.

Soon Brian and Justin were swirling in the tub so that Justin could face Brian. They both knelt in the tub, Brian's hands rubbing over Justin's abs while Justin's hands roamed Brian's chest. The night was allowing them to gte to know each other's bodies once again. Justin felt Brian's hands become daring again and drift to his cock. He was still erect when Brian began to cup his balls and massage his penis. Justin leaned in more and allowed Brian free access to his body. Justin's own large hands moved to Brian's back and then slipped to his ass. Justin massage Brian's ass cheeks while Brian jerked him off in an erotic way. "Heh heh... B-Rok..." Justin husked out. Brian hadn't heard Justin use the name in months. He slowed the rocking of his hand to try and hear Justin's pleas.

Justin strongly pulled them into an embrace. Their cocks rubbed up against each other before Brian caught onto what Justin wanted. Brian released Justin's penis and raised his arms. He placed his arms around Justin's neck. Justin began to move his body up and down against Brian's. Brian began to do the same, grinding their hips together. "Ah..." Justin gasped out. He rubbed his hands up to Brian's upper back with pleasure. Brian's eyes were shut as he searched for Justin's bare neck. His lips met Justin's adam's apple and he began his sucking. Brian's hands brushed Justin's hair lovingly. Justin moaned against Brian's shoulder, feeling the love they shared.

Justin lowered one of his hands to Brian's ass. He spread the cheek's easily and slid a finger over Brian's hole. Brian shuttered with the feeling. "Brian..." Justin groaned, gripping Brian's back. "Yes..." Brian moaned back, thrashhing his head. Justin slipped his finger inside of Brian and began to finger fuck him as their bodies grind. Brian hissed slightly, letting Justin's middle finger toy inside of him. His wet hands caressed Justin's hair, leaving his neck with a strawberry red hickey.

Brian felt himself being overwhlemed with the sexual pleasure they shared. Justin sensed this and helped Brian slightly. Justin leaned back so that he was laying against the side of the tub. Brian mounted him so that they ere in the same position while laying in the bathtub. Brian's grinding was just as intense underwater, still having Justin's finger burried inside of him.

Brian opened his eyes to find Justin's pouting lips. 'Kiss him... kiss him like you love him more than anything...' Brian conscience advised him. Brian followed through. He leaned down and began to press his lips with Justin's. Justin felt the lips burry themselves on Justin's. The surprise came as intrigue for Justin. He slowed all of his movements. Brian's hand grazed over his cheek, kissing Justin tenderily. Justin felt Heaven rinse over his body. He slipped his finger from inside of Brian and slipped his hands over Brian's wet back. Brian sighed within their kiss, enjoying their tender moment. 'Yes...' Brian exhaled in his mind.

Justin slipped out of the kiss, much to Brian's disappointment. "Please..." Brian requested, trying to pull back into the kiss. Justin rubbed his finger ovrr Brian's lips and smiled. "Wait..." Justin whispered. They released each other, Brian sliding to the otherside of the tub.

Justin stepped out of the tub and walked over to the counter. Brian held himself in the water, watching Justin's every move. Water dripped from Justin's body as he turned on the stereo. He flckied the switch until the CD dial read 'Track 10'. Justin smiled and pressed the play button. Justin pressed 'Repeat' and let the CD run it's course. Soon the sounds of the smooth bass, the powerful instrumental, the coarsing keyboards and the ultimate harmony of Xscape's 'Work Me Slow' filled the bathroom and the house.

Justin sat back into the tub, slipping between Brian's legs. He ran his hands over Brian's face and pulled him back into the kiss. Brian gladly accepted the kiss again and initiated the movement of their hands. Brian's hands ran the small of Justin's back while Justin's hands rubbed Brian's pecs. He traced a finger over Brian's scar with care. Their lips were in the same, gentle motion. No tongue's, no rush, just ecstasy through their lips.

Play me some music

And pour me some wine

I'm in the mood now

Got love on my mind

I want you to know

That I like it real slow

And whenever your ready

You can slide off my clothes

Brian's hands ran down the center of Justin's back slowly. He gradually built the sexual tension in their kiss. Justin's wet hands grazed over Brian's hair and then his defined cheeks. Justin moaned softly in the kiss, taking his time.

And touch my body


I'm yours tonight, make it right

Baby just take me there

Brian's hands slipped forward and made their way to Justin's thighs. Brian rubbed Justin's thighs while slipping his tongue into Justin's mouth. Justin accepted the tongue by massaging his own over Brian's. His hands were still freely romaing Brian's head and face. Brian savored the tongue in his motuh, sucking upon it.

Take your time and work me slowly (work it)

Cause I'm the kind of girl, who needs the kind of guy

That can last (work it work it)

Don't need no man around, if he slowin' down

Too fast

You gotta work, me slowly

Brian was caught up in their ecstasy. His hands rubbed Justin's stomach, feeling the tight abs, the defined muscles, the small belly button and the trails of hair that ran from the bottom of Justin's belly button to his penis.

Now change ya position

And keep it right there

Just go with my motions

Rub your hands through my hair

I hope you don't mind it

If I let out a scream

Cause it's feeling too good to me

It's more then I dreamed

Justin's head was spinning. He didn't know how their kiss had become so intimate but he knew it wasn't ending. He felt his tongue reatract to let Brian have his way. 'I don't want this... he can't leave me..' Justin sniffled through their kiss. His tears fell as they kissed, warming his cheeks. Justin's lips began to tremble within the kiss, causing Brian to sense the obvious.

It's more then pleasure

It's ecstasy

Up and down round and round

Baby just come with me

Brian pulled out of the kiss to see Justin's tears. He didn't stop his motions. Brian simply leaned in and bega to lick the salty tears away. No words had yet been exchange between the two. Justin hugged onto his lover with need. He understood Brian's want to forget all the tears they would shed. Brian's tongue moved from Justin's teary cheeks back to his lips. He licked a way to Justin's entrance before slipping his tongue inside of Justin's mouth.

Take your time and work me slowly (work it)

Cause I'm the kind of girl, who needs the kind of guy

That can last (work it work it)

Don't need no man around, if he slowin' down

Too fast

You gotta work, me slowly

Brian pulled out of their kiss and brought Justin into an embrace. His lips met with Justin's neck while Justin's arm wrapped around Brian. Justin slipped into Brian's lap and just held him while Brian made love to his neck. Justin rubbed his fingers across Brian's neck as Brian's own hands rubbed his back. Justin felt he was getting another hickey on his neck as Brian sucked feverishly. "Ma... make... make love to me..." Justin heaved out, feeling Brian grinding his crotch to Justin's ass. Brian released Justin's neck for a second and then returned to it with his smooth tongue.

Justin lifted himself slightly for Brian's erection. Brian took one of his hands so that he could guide himself into Justin with care. Brian let out a timid moan and then continued to kiss his lover's neck. Justin let the sensations of pain run their course before pleasure entered his system.

And then in the morning

We'll do it all over again (we'll do it all over again)

I don't want this feeling

To ever end (no, no)

I can't believe how your loving me

You get me off (baby you get me off)

I can't believe your still strokin' me

Cause baby you're taking it all

Justin felt the lyrics of the song were true to what he and Brian were doing. Sharing their most intimate night in days. Justin panted hard with Brian, raising and dropping his hips slowly within the water. The stamina he kept helped him in more ways than one when it came to sex. Brian however was too into his kissing to savor the sensations Justin gave his body. He felt numb to the world, high off the of love Justin injected into his body.

Brian snapped out of his world. He placed his hand on Justin's chin and guided his lips to Justin's. "Don't ever let go..." he whispered before beginning a slow kiss with Justin. Justin felt another tear escape his eyes, except it was a tear of joy. Brian had removed the sorrow from his mind long enough for them to pleasure from their love making. Brian's hand caressed the head of Justin's cock as Justin bounced on his lap. "Mmmmm..." Brian moaned in their kiss.

Justin had to release their kiss long enough to scream out in delight. He pulled Brian's hair back and kissed him on the cheek. "Baby... a little... oh, oh... longer..." Justin breathed out, rubbing his hand over Brian's cheek. Brian understood and increased the speed of his jacking.

Take your time and work me slowly (work it)

Cause I'm the kind of girl, who needs the kind of guy

That can last (work it work it)

Don't need no man around, if he slowin' down

Too fast

You gotta work, me slowly

"Oh Just..." Brian holldered out. He knew he was close to cumming with Justin's steady movements. The stroke was deep, rubbing over Justin's prostate. "Mmmph... almost." Brian grunted. Justin felt his head rubbed against Brian's palm once more. "No... oh... uh, uh, yes..." Justin gasped, wrapping his arms around Brian's neck. Brian let Justin cum under the water, the cream mixing with the water. Justin panted heavily against Brian's neck, still trying to make love with Brian. "It's okay Justin... you're tired..." Brian tried to assure him, slowing Justin's rocking. Justin kissed Brian's neck for his concern. He kept moving so that Brian could enjoy the pleasure he did. Brian tilted his head back, his penis expanding inside of Justin. "UH!" Brian grunted hard. "Oh God.. mmm, yes... oh Justin... oh lover... ah, ah, ah, yes!" Brian let all of his pleasureable grunts be released as his cock shot seven loads of cum into Justin's body. Justin stopped his riding and let Brian's dick just pulsate inside of him. Brian shivered as he came, each drop entering Justin's ass. Brian exhaled hard, just holding Justin. Justin lt him relax, not wanting to cry again for Brian.

Brian finally made his way out of the bathroom holding the rose in his hand. He was drying his hair with a towel while another towel was wrapped around his waist. He lifted the rose to his nose and took in the strong aroma. 'Mmmmmm... smells just like Justin's cologne.' Brian sighed with a smile. 'I wonder where my husband is?' Brian pondered, walking down the hall. 'He probably went to bed... poor Justin.' Brian shook his head, knowing Justin probably cried himself to sleep.

Brian walked further down the hall until he reached Justin's old room. He noticed the door was open. He peered his head inside and saw Justin, sleeping nude on the bed with BJ wrapped in his arms. Brian tiltied his head as he glared at Justin. 'Angel,' Brian thought as he looked at his sleeping husband.

Brian pushed the door open fully and walked into the room. 'Be glad you packed Brian, otherwise you couldn't do this.' Brian thought to himself. He crawled onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Justin. Brian dropped his towel and placed the rose in front of Justin. "I love you..." Brian whispered into Justin's ear before snuggling up with him. Justin stirred a little but kept his same position. The warmth of their bodies were all they needed as they slept in the bed together.

This can't be right

Cause each and everytime

I look deep in your eyes

I see the shining stars

Beautiful work of art

Still we do slip apart

Let's talk it through you and I

Here tonight oh ho

Nick listened to the sounds of 702 as he sat at the Orlando International Airport. He had grown to love 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' thanks to his boyfriend J.C. He eyed J.C. from where he sat. J.C was busy saying his farewells to Howie, not giving Nick the time he wanted to say goodbye. Nick ran a hand over his hair, trying not to knock his hed phones off. He bit his lower lip and began to flip through his CD case. 'Maybe some Journey won't make this so bad for me.' Nick thought to himself, grabbing the CD from his case.

"So you're saying even if I protest, you can't stay?" Nikki complained, not wantning to end her second hug with her boyfriend. "You're going to make this so hard for me when they start boarding us." Kevin sighed. He ran his hand over her sunshine red hair. "I guess that means you don't want to say goodbye?" Nikki sadly asked, trying to keep the tears from overwhelming her. "Come on Nikki, let's go to the lounge." Kevin advised, wanting to spend his last minutes alone with his girlfriend. "But then I can't say goodbye to A.J." Nikki argued kindly. Kevin held her hand and frowned. "This is hard enough Nik. Please, give me the ten minutes I need to say, 'I love you'." Kevin pleaded with a frown. Nikki added to the frown and leaned up and kissed him. "Then give me two minutes." Nikki requested. Kevin nodded sorely and grabbed one of his bags to walk away.

Nikki ran over to where A.J. sat with Irish and Misha. Nikki took a seat next to A.J, interrupting his coversation with Irish and Misha. "I'm sorry ladies, I need Alex's attention for two minutes." Nikki explained her sudden appearance. "Sure, I need to go call Tony anyway," Misha agreed. "Yeah, I want to go say goodbye to Justin before I leave too." Irish added, standing up from her seat. Both girls left, leaving Nikki and A.J. alone.

A.J. turned to Nikki and removed his sunglasses to talk to her. "What's up Peaches?" A.J. asked, dropping his hand over her's. "Alex, we've gotta talk about Amanda." Nikki begged in a subtle way. A.J. removed his hand from her's and flipped his sunglasses back on. "Not interested." A.J. bitterly answered. Nikki snatched his sunglasses off to grasp his attention again. "I didn't ask if you were. We're going to talk about ehr regardless though." Nikki demanded. A.J. grabbed his sunglasses from her and stared at her. Nikki felt she had his attention, keeping her serious expression. "Alex, she didn't know what to do. You weren't ready for a baby. She couldn't just say, 'Oh A.J., I'm pregnant but let's breakup so we don't fight about me keeping the baby.'" Nikki gave her scenario. "That's my baby!" A.J. argued. Nikki sighed loudly. "I know it's your baby, but it's hers too. She has to carry that little boy or girl around for nine whole months. Less than that now. If the father of her child didn't want a baby, then she felt she couldn't tell him the truth. So she hid it from you and the others." Nikki stated, defending her friend's actions. A.J. shook his head hatefully, still angered by his ex-girlfriend's actions.

"Look Alex, just take this." Nikki said, passing A.J. a folded piece of paper. A.J. grabbed the paper and slumped in his seat. "I love you Alex, have fun and please, take care of Pumkin for me." Nikki requested, kissing A.J. on the cheek. "I love you too Peaches and I'll watch for your boyfriend." A.J. replied, letting her stand. Nikki walked off to be with Kevin while A.J. brooding about looking at the paper.

A.J. sighed and defolded the paper. When he opened it fully, a small picture slipped out. A.J. caught the picture and looked at it. It was fairly black with waves and other blouches on it. He looked at it curiously. A.J. turned it over and read the back of the picture. 'Amanda Latona, three months: First Ultra Sound'. A.J.'s eyes winded at the sight. He realized that the picture he held was an actual picture of his child. He quickly flipped it over again to stare at it. He ran a finger over the picture, trying to make out his baby in the tangles. He was in awe at the sight.

He swiftly opened the letter and looked at each word with wonder. he knew Amanda's writing and he knew it meant something.

Dear Alex,

I don't know what happened and I don't know where I went wrong, but I know it's not doing me any good. I kept something from you that I shouldn't have but I had to. I can't expect you to understand what a child means to a woman. We're both still very young and we're not even married. We've had our shares of good and bad, but more good than bad. Forgiveness never comes easy for me and you, but it's always what keeps the bond of Panda and Bear. I'm keeping the baby Alex. I know it's not in the best interest, but I'm not losing something that's a part of my body. We created this baby, me and you. I'm not ready to give up. I know you're not ready for a child. That's why I won't hold you to it. I have enough money, a stable place to live and friends to help me. Lynn is already setting things up for me so I'll have a good nanny and things with me when I have touring to do.

I love you always, you know. I'd push apart oceans and walk over mountains. This time Alex, I have to slow down and think about something more. Our child. He/She wasn't a mistake, but a blessing. A relity check for me and maybe one for you. The baby will always know who their father is, always. Don't worry about this getting to the press or anyone, I'll be on hiatus for a bit from the group so that people don't know. It'll just be my little secret. I wish you the best Alex, with all of my heart. I was thinking of naming the baby Panda if it's a girl and Alexander if it's a boy.

I love you,

Amanda Latona AKA Panda

P.S. I attached a picture of our baby's first ultra sound. Please keep it so you'll have some part in your child's life. Thank you Alex.

The tears seem to grace A.J.'s cheek for the first time in ages. The tears of regret and soroow left A.J. in pieces. A.J. held the letter tightly in one hand and the picture in the other. He held his head in shame, thinking of the woman he let get away.

"A.J.? Bone? What's wrong buddy?" he heard Howie's Spanish accent ring in his ears. As he did, the tears began to flood his face. Howie swiftly sat down next to A.J. before A.J. pulled him into a brotherly hug. Howie did his best to calm his friend, still not knowing why A.J. was crying so hard. A.J. just let his tear continue to fall, thinking of Amanda with each drop.

Justin ran his fingers through Brian's hair as Brian admired his wedding ring. Brian's head was in Justin's lap, his body resting on some nearby chairs. A few tears ran down his face while Justin's remained tear free. Justin rubbed away each tear for Brian's sake. "Look at you Justin. Kast night you were a baby and today you're hard as a rock." Brian tried to joke with another tear. Justin wiped it away quickly. "I don't want you to cry as much as I will." Justin gave his answer sadly. Brian nodded, captivated by his ring.

"I really don't want to interupt this." a soft female voice said. Justin looked up and then smiled. "It's okay Irish." Justin assured her. Irish smiled at Justin and then Brian before taking a seat next to Justin. "So... two weeks before I see ya?" Irish tried to start a simple conversation. Justin nodded without emotion. "Bet you're glad you're getting a break from this goofy guy." Irish teased Brian, trying to make Justin crack a smile. Justin giggled with her. "Yeah, two weeks of an empty house." Justin sarcastically added to his pain. "And one hell of a phone bill," Brian added with a meek smile. Irish bursted into laughter, looking at Brian's face.

"It won't be so bad. You can call each other when you feel lonely." Irish tried to lighten the sadness between Brian and Justin. "That and phone sex!" Brian chimed, trying to make everyone smile. Irish pretended to gag while Justin was caught up in laughter.

"See Brian if you keep trying to take my man, then we're gonna have to fight." Irish joked, hugging onto Justin. "And if you keep flirting with my husband, we really will fight." Brian joked back. Irish fell into laughter, leaning down to hug him. "You don't want none of me baby." Irish cheered. "Why?" Brian questioned with a grin. "Misha! Where my girls at?!" Irish called out to her older sister. Misha took the phone from her ear and replied, "Put one hand up!" Irish threw her hand up with laughter. Brian sat up from Justin's lap and grinned deviously. "Aye Nick! Where my boys at?!" Brian yelled out to his friend. Nick turned to them with an equally charming smile. "From the front to back!" Nick hollered back. "Lord, don't make them break into chorus!" Justin bellowed. Brian began to tickle him with delight, causing Justin to fall into Irish's lap.

"Hey Nick, where's my boyfriend at?" Nick heard a quiet voice ask. Nick looked back and saw J.C. standing over him. Nick smiled happily, offering J.C. a seat next to him. J.C. lifted Nick's backpack and sat down next to him. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours to them. "I'll miss you sooooo much Josh!" Nick said, trying not to complain about it. J.C. grinned. "Yu'll have me everyday baby. I'll call on the hour." J.C. replied cheerfully. "What if I'm jerking off?" Nick questioned slyly. "You'll still be on the phone with me because I'll be the one getting you off." J.C. replied evily. Nick fell back into his chair with a smile. "With just the right words... oh Nick.." J.C. played with Nick's mind, running his hand over Nick's crotch. Nick slapped his hand away with fright. "If I get hard and have to talk to Brian about how surivive on masturbation, I'm blaming you!" Nick warned him. "That's just your way of saying, 'I love you'." J.C. humbled himself. He rubbed his hand over Nick's hair before grabbing his hand to hold. Nick nodded and held J.C.'s hand while he waited.

Nick glared to the windows and a face seemed to mirage on the window. 'I'll miss you Lance... you'll be in my heart.' Nick said to himself, seeing a smile on Lance's face through his mirage. It saddened him that Lance refused to come and say goodbye to him and the guys, but he understood Lance's pain. He had once stood in the shoes that Lance had to fill now.

"Special Flight 1379 for London Englad is now boarding and registering. Please come to the front desk for boarding." the woman said over the announcement. The plane was set to leave at four thirty in the morning and everyone had arrived an hour early for final bagagge check in and to make sure nothing went wrong. Kevin made sure that everyone was set with their carry-on's and that everyone was in the right place at the right time.

Chris held Meelah's hand as they walked to the front desk. "You have my cell phone number, right?" Meelah asked, holding his hand tightly. Chris nodded with depression. "Okay, I want you to call me later on." Meelah requested, looking into his ebony brown eyes. Chris nodded once again, staring at his new found girlfriend. Meelah sighed, hating the looks Chrishad given her since they arrived. "If you don't cheer up, I'll have Justin kick your ass." Meelah warned him with a warm smile. Chris found the strength to smile back. Meelah felt thrilled for that second she saw his smile. "Don't miss me Chris." she whispered, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "That'll be hard." Chris replied, releasing her hand. Meelah waved at him and began to board the plane.

"Don't miss me too much either Chris baby!" Howie howled before slapping Chris's ass. Chris jumped with shock. Misha laughed along with Howie as they walked together for the plane. "Bye Chris!" Misha called out, stepping into the boarding area with Howie. Chris waved to both of them, his mind still set on Meelah.

"If you stick your tongue any further down his throat, you'll be tasting what he had for dinner." Kevin complained as he and Nikki wacthed J.C. and Nick make out one last time. Nick and J.C. didn't stop their kissing, trying to take advantage of the last minutes they had. "Kev, you gotta get your stuff on the plane." Mike, one of security guards, advised him. Kevin nodded, taking his eyes off of Nick and J.C.

Nikki bit her lower lip and turned to her boyfriend. "Just say goodbye so my make-up isn't screwed." Nikki tried to joke off their goodbye. "I won't say goodbye. You know that Peach. I'll say I love you Peach and that I cherish you. Even if sometimes I don't say so. I don't think of anyone else but you. So I'll see you in a month and I'll think of you thirty days straight." Kevin made his words poetic and sentimental. Nikki gushed at his words before letting a tear escape her eye. "Damn you Kev." Nikki pouted, trying to wipe away the tear. Kevin smiled. He leaned down and gave her a smoothing kiss. Nikki closed her eyes and thought of being 'Mrs. Kevin Richardson' as they kissed.

Nick let J.C. walk him to the gate. Tears ran down Nick's face as J.C. tried to remain strong. Nick knew he should just let go of J.C.'s hand and walk the rest of the way alone. When they reached the gate, Nick did as he thought of. He released J.C.'s hand and attempted to walk the rest without a goodbye. J.C. gripped his arm and stopped him. Nick flinched with pain and turned to face J.C. "Josh... please." Nick pleaded, another tear gracing his cheek. J.C. wiped the tear away and smiled. He pulled a ring from his pocket and held it up. It was a sterling silver ring, catching Nick's eye. J.C. grabbed Nick's right hand and slipped it on Nick's ring finger. Nick stood stiff with surprise. J.C. gripped the warm hand and kept his smile. "This is a promise ring Nickolas. It means I promise to be your heart when we see each other again. I won't stray and I won't be tempted. My heart belongs to you now." J.C. explained, becoming misty himself. Nick let the tears fall freely again. J.C. giggled and pulled Nick into a hug. "I love you Nickolas Gene Carter... don't forget that." J.C. whispered into Nick's ear. "I... I... I love you too Joshua." Nick whimpered. J.C. rubbed Nick's back for comfort. They ended their hug so that Nick could board the plane in silence.

"Okay, I'll let you borrow my Kangol hat if you let me borrow your cargo pants." Irish began her negotiations with A.J. as they two walked to the gate. "Hmmm... deal." A.J. agreed with a grin. Both did the best they could to get over having to say goodbye to Justin. "Now what about those halter tops ya'll wear?!" A.J. laughed out, bringing a perculiar smile to Irish's face.

"ALEX!" A.J. heard a voice call out just as he and Irish reached the gate. A.J. turned his head in the direction of the voice. His eyes caught onto a figure jogging towards them. A.J. quickly released Irish and ran back towards the calling voice. "Alex!" she called again. A.J. reached her before she could reach him and swung her into an embrace. "Panda." A.J. gave a sigh of relief as he held her. He didn't let any tears fall, holding them back for her words. "I had to say goodbye face to face and to tell you I love you and good luck." Amanda said when A.J. finally placed her on the floor.

A.J. smiled, pulling away from the hug. "Panda I love you." A.J. quickly interrupted her. "I love ya too A.J. So I wish you well." Amanda nodded. A.J. shook his head at her. "No, I LOVE you. I don't want to breakup over this. I want to... I want to be there with you to raise the baby." A.J. finally made a decision in his life that he never thought twice about. Amanda's eyes lit up with love. "Will you take me back?" A.J. asked with fear. "Don't ask me silly!" Amanda giggled, pulling him into another hug. A.J. exhaled lowly, happy to finally have something stable in his life. "You get on that plane Alexander McLean and remember that you have a baby at home. So don't flirt with those German girls!" Amanda tried to make light of his leaving to prevent a show of tears. A.J. hugged her tighter, thinking about her and her only. "Hey, I've got a baby in there!" Amanda warned him with laughter. A.J. quickly backed away with surprise. "I'm sorry lil' Panda." A.J. said, apologizing to Amanda's stomach. Amanda laughed before punching him in the arm. "Get out of here!" she advised of him. A.J. nodded and gave her a swift kiss on the lips. "I'm going to call you." A.J. added before running off. Amanda waved him off with a smile.

Endless minutes. That's all there was in Brian and Justin's embrace. Tears slipped down Justin's face but they were silent. Brian's eyes stung with desperation but he refused to shed more tears. Justin sighed lowly, letting Brian caress his head with his fingers. "I love you." Brian whispered. Justin blinked his eyes as another tear fell to meet the others. "I... I.. I love... you too..." Justin began to sob. Brian hugged Justin tighter, knowing the tears were falling down Justin's face and his heart. "It's okay Justin... it's okay." Brian hushed him, still caressing his hair.

"Brian... uhm, we've got to get on now. They have to take off in about fifteen minutes." Kevin spoke up to them. Justin let the tears roll harder, loosening his grip on Brian. Brian sensed this and sighed. "Just give me five minutes Kev." Brian requested. Kevin nodded and walked over to the gates.

Brian grabbed Justin by the hips and led him to nearby seats. He sat Justin down in one of the seats and knelt down on one knee in front of Justin. Justin watched him with ever flowing tears. Brian grabbed Justin's left hand and held it in his own. "I promise to love you... honor you... cherish you... and hold you as the center of my heart." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin's lip trembled as he watched Brian. "If you just need to say 'Hello', call me Justin. If ou trip over your shoe laces, call me Justin. If you can't find Tyke, call me Justin. If you need someone to whisper those special things you like, call. And if you just need someone to sing you to sleep... please call me." Brian listed his requests, with the last one letting a tear slip out. Justin nodded. "Please tell me what I want to hear..." Brian asked. He scooted forward to Justin and plaed his hand over the area that Justin's heart beat. Justin thought of the only words he needed to say. "Thank you for marrying me... I love you Brian Littrell." he managed to get out without tears. Brian grinned and leaned upwards. "Just two weeks." Brian softly said. He placed a loving kiss on Justin's red lips. Justin took the kiss as Brian's love. Brian pulled Justin into one more hug for his goodbye. "You're the song in my heart..." Brian whispered when he ended the hug.

"Last call for Flight 1379." the announcement was heard clearly. Brian kissed away a few of Justin's tears and released him. As he did, Justin slipped something into Brian's hand. Justin grabbed the hat Brian wore and turned it backwards. "You look better like that babe." Justin managed to say as he adjusted Brian's hat. Brian smiled and stood.

Brian walked towards the gate with a semi-smile. He opened his hand and in his hand as the tennis bracelet Brian had bought Justin for a wedding gift. Brian turned back to face Justin with wonder. He knew it was a 'Remember me' momento. He blew a small kiss to Justin before following Kevin towards the plane.

J.C. made his way over to Justin with Chris, Nikki and Amanda in tow. They watched as Justin sat in the seat with his knees brought up to his chest. Justin's chin was resting on his knees and he was hugging his legs with his arms. Tears streamed his face s Justin thought about losing his husband. "Curly? Curly, are you ready to go?" Chris asked hesitantly while J.C. took a seat next to Justin. Justin wa stoo shaken to answer Chris. J.C. placed his arm around Justin's shoulders for comfort. "Justin... we all know how you feel." Nikki spoke up. Amanda swiftly agreed. Justin sobbed harder with that. "None of you saw your husband leave you..." Justin's words were in tremble. J.C. felt for his friend as he bottled himself up from help. "I... I can't do this..." Justin whimpered, his eyes shut to release the tears. Amanda moved in to hug Justin and help him get past one of his toughest mornings. "Come on J, you can come stay at me and Chris's." J.C. whispered. Amanda began to wipe away his tears. "You will always be Justin Littrell and he'll see you in two weeks." Amanda softly reminded him. Justin nodded, still holding his ball position.


*** Chapter 25 was LONG!!! Yes, it was! Hope it was worth it too. I can see you're crying right? It took me a lot of work to actually snap out of the sad mood I created. So if I made you cry, I'm SORRY! Think good thoughts and it'll go away. :) Thank you for your patience on this story, it's been about two weeks coming. It was a small break that I took. I get to go see 'N Sync on Thursday next week, so I'm excited. School starts Monday, so things will slow down a bit. I hope you enjoyed this part. I'll be doing a little side writing for a fellow author. So look out for that. It'll be a one time thing, but I'm honored to be doing it. i won't say who yet though, I'll see if you spot me somewhere. Please enjoy yourselves and stay safe... ***

** Sex and drama, are those two of your favorite words? Well lets just say they seem to make a good story. Let's talk about it for a minute though. I have been getting minor complaints in which readers want less sex and more drama. NO! I love drama as much as the next and I do tend to have drama always in my stories, but I won't cut out on any of the sex scenes. It bothres me a lot that every other story coming out on Nifty now is all of ths fluffy romance and nothing real. Sex is apart of a relationship people. NO authors touch on it though. Most authors either make it short and cute or make it one of those things where you're supposed to guess someone's had sex. Now I'm not a sex freak or anything, but I can't see how so many authors can think sex isn't apart of love or anything because it is. So please don't ask me to cut down on sexual acts between couples because think about it, don't couples have sex?! I try to be the one author that does touch on sex between several couples because it's reality. And ya'll know I LOVE reality! :) Thanks. **

  • Opinion time. Well a little bit of opinion. These Chapters were hard hitting chapters. A lot of ifferent things happened and some things aren't resolved. So tell me what you think would be a good way to resolve some things. You can read through the story and pick a storyline or whatever and tell me what you think about it. Those of you requesting Howie and Chris have a relationship, it's coming along and as for Kevin & Nikki, they're coming along too! *

Next: Chapter 44: Just Beginning 26 30

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