Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Nov 17, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part VI) by JM

Justin leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. He heard a door opened, but he didn't flinch. Soon he felt a warm hand on his face. "Chris, go to bed." Justin said. He was not in the mood anymore to be bothered. Justin opened his eyes and kneeling in front of him was Brian. Tears were rolling down Brian's face. "I... I had to... see you again. I had to get you to let me explain." Brian said. his sobs were unbearable. Justin turned his face away from Brian's and started crying again. "Oh God Justin, please listen. you have to." Brian said. He tried to touch Justin again, but Justin pushed him away. "Get the hell away from me Brian Littrell. I can't listen anymore!" Justin screamed. Brian sat back on his butt and whimpered. "I'd do anything you asked. If you don't want to talk to me, then I'll let it go. Cause I love you just that much." Brian said. brian started to stand and Justin looked at him.

Brian gazed down at Justin and whipt the tears from his own face. Brian started to lazily walk away. Justin stood and ran after him. Justin grabbed him and turned him around. He kissed Brian passionately for the first time since they had been back. brian hugged Justin tightly and lifted him to the air. Their tongues met again and again. Justin panted heavily as he kissed Brian. 'Was Chris right. Did Brian love me?

Would it show in a kiss?' Justin thought. Brian just held Justin. He never wanted to let go of him again. Brian whipt the tears from Justin's closed eyes and rubbed his face. Justin pulled away shyly and looked at him. "I want to know everything." Justin said.

"Yes I kissed him Justin. I regret ever doing it. He said it was my birthday gift. It meant nothing to me." Brian said. Justin back away even further. "Please don't do this to me again" Brian said. He began to shake his head in disbelief.

"It's okay Brian. you didn't know what I had planned for that night. You didn't even know how deep in love I was with you. I don't blame you." Justin said. Justin moved closer to Brian and licked the tears from his face. "I just don't know if I could ever handle something like that again." Justin said. Brian whimpered but held his position.

"Never again Justin." Brian said. He felt his heart being repaired slowly by Justin. Brian bent down and picked Justin up. Brian carried him to his room and shut the door.

Brian threw Justin on the bed and got on top of him. They began their kiss again, this time even more passionate. Brian grabbed Justin's shirt and ripped it off. He threw it to the corner and started lickign Justin's chest. "Oh Brian." Justin moaned. Brian then unzipped Justin's pants and yanked them off. Brian pulled Justin's cock out of his boxers and began to suck it. He enhaled the cock and smelled the sweet aroma that came from it. Justin dug his head into the pillow and enjoyed the pleasure.

Brian's sucking was so great and intesnse, that Justin couldn't help but to buck his hips. Brian began to hum on Justin's cock and suck harder. Justin felt goosebumps on his leg. Brian's smooth lips caused his body to quiver. Brian stuck his hand into Justin's boxers and started toying with his balls. Justin let loose a eye-popping groan of ecstasy.

Brian opened his mouth and got off of Justin's cock. Brian began to pell his clothes off, with the help of Justin. Soon Brian was buck-naked and ready for action. Brian eased up on Justin and began to kiss his tender lips. Their grunted and groaned as their lips met. Saliva was flung all over their mouths and tongues. Passion was the aroma of the air as they humped each other. Brian yanked down Justin's boxers while still kissing him. Brian slid his hand up and down Justin's young penis. Justin shivered in excitement. Justin wasn't going to cum too soon. He reached down and pulled the sheets over their lower bodies and let Brian do his work. Brian sat up on top of Justin and let out a loud roar. "I want this to be our night again Justin Timberlake." Brian said. Justin pulled Brian's body closer and grabbed his cock. Justin ran his hand over Brian's smooth belly and then engulfed Brian's huge meat. He kissed the head and then began to roll the shaft around in his mouth. Brian loved the feel of Justin's long tongue on his hard meat. Justin wanted Brian to cum hard and vicious in his mouth. Justin began to raise his hips up and down and grunted. Justin began to finger Brian's balls. Brian felt the sweat surround his body as he moaned. Justin slid his finger down to Brian's asscrack and then to his hole. Justin slipped the finger in Brian and Brian yelled in pleasure. He began to cum down Justin's throat, causing Justin to gasp mildly. Justin let some of the cum dribble out of his motuh and down to hsi chest.

Brian got off of Justin and laid to the side of him. "Damn, I love you baby." Brian said. He kissed Justin's cheek and then whipt the cum off of his mouth. "Now I know why they really call you B-Rok." Justin said with a giggle. Brian laughed too and just laid there next to Justin. "I love you just as much Bri." Justin said in response to Brian's comment. "I still owe you, don't I?" Brian said. "No, just having you is good enough for me." Justin said as he laid back. Brian wasn't taking no for an answer. He grabbed Justin's cock and began to jerk it furiously. Justin felt heaven in his body and began to shake. Soon he was bursting cum all over the sheets. Brian watched as Justin closed his eyes and moaned. Justin exhaled and sat back on the bed. Brian leaned over and kissed him again.

Justin sat up and grabbed his boxers. He stood up and put them on. "Come here." Justin said. He waved for Brian to get up. Brian stood and grabbed his own boxers. He put them on and followed Justin. They walked over to the window and sat on the sill. Brian sat down and Justin sat on his lap. Justin raised his arm and began to mess with Brian's hair. They looked down at the calm river below. "This couldn't be any better. I couldn't love you any deeper." Justin said. "Me too. Me too." Brian said. They laid quietly watching the river. "So, what do we do now?" Justin said. "Wait for things to calm around here I suppose. But until then, I have something for you." Brian said. Justin sat up and let Brian get up. Brian ran over to his dresser and pulled out a velvet black box. He ran over to Justin and handed it to him. Justin was shocked and confussed. He opened the box and looked at the shiny bracelet that sat inside. He pulled the gold bracelt out and admired it. It was a gold-linked chain with a gold plate that had the letters "B.L. + J.T." on it. Justin felt a tearr roll down his cheek. Brian smiled and kissed him on the lips. "I love it Brian." Justin said softly. "Read the bottom of the plate." Brian said. Justin turned it over. The inscription read: "'Just' is forever in me and you. Lyrics say a million.'" Justin really felt the tears comming on now. "Shh, don't cry." Brian said. He hushed Justin and hugged him. "Thank you." Justin whisepred. They got up and walked back over to Brian's bed. They both laid down and got under the sheets. They began to cuddle and fall asleep. 'Maybe things can turn out for the better.' Justin thoguht as he drifted to sleep.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part VII)

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there will be guest appearances from all of the guys of Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day'. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the seventh (Wow!!! We sure are getting far!!!) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where chapter 4 & 5 left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission. ****

Justin laid sleep in Brian's arms. Their warm bodies shined in the early morning sun's bright light. Justin's head rested comfortabely on Brian's chest, while Brian laid in a slumber on the pillow. Their breathing was steady, unlike last night's rowdiness. Both boys seemed very calm and collective now, but they knew the challenge ahead of them. Justin turned his head slightly in his sleep, laying his cheek on Brian's heaving chest. Both boys seemed peaceful for the time being.

Just as they felt a sense of peace, a earth-shattering bang hit the door. Brian jumped up quickly, causing Justin to roll to the side of him. "What the hell!!!" Brian said. He quickly rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked around. "AYE BRIAN!!!" A.J. said from outside the room. "Who the fuck is it!" Justin said as he threw a pillow over his head and laid back down. "Shh Just, I'll get it." Brian said. He patted Justin on the back and then removed the covers. Brian sat at the edge of the bed for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts. He then stood and stumbled towards the door. "This had better be good A.J.!" Brian hollored. Brian opened the door with frusturation and looked at A.J. A.J. stood in his Nike sweat suit, smiling a world of wonders. "What?" Brian said. "Come on. You and uh... Justin get dressed and head to Kevin's room. Everyone's going to be in there for breakfast. Then from there, we all have to go to the video shoot. So let's make it snappy." A.J. said. He snapped his fingers and started to walk away. "Wait, what time is it?" Brian said. "It's five in the morning bro. So let's get moving!" A.J. said.

"Five in the morning?" Brian said as he quietly closed the door. He staggered over to the bed and kneeled down where Justin was lying. "Justin babe. We have to get up. It's five in the morning and we have a long day ahead of us." Brian whispered. He began to shake Justin. "Five? My body doesn't even know the meaning of that word." Justin said grouchily. Brian stood and ripped the pillow from Justin's head. "Come on Justin. We have to go to breakfast. Everyone's going to be there." Brian said. Justin just laid there and kept trying to sleep. Brian sat softly on the bed and began to kiss Justin's back. He kissed softly the regions of Justin's back that turned him on the most. Justin groaned and slowly rolled over. "You got my attention Bri. What is it?" Justin questioned. He cracked a smile breifly and then went back to a grouchy face. He didn't want Brian to know he was too happy. "We have to go. Sorry, but we really have to this time. It's time to face the music." Brian said. "I'd prefer face the lyrics." Justin said with a smile. "Ah. My poor Justin. You feeling okay?" Brian asked. He was really concerned for Justin's health after the fight last night. "Yeah. I got a few bruises, but nothing severe. How about you?" Justin said. "Not as good. My wrist hurts like hell and so does my head. But at least my heart's no longer broken." Brian said with a smile. Justin sat up and gave Brian a kiss on the lips. "Good." Justin said. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and just held it. They stared into each other's eyes and felt a fire. "Well uh... Let's get moving." Justin said as he came back to reality. "Alrighty then!" Brian said as he impersonated Jim Carrey.

The shower gave Brian and Justin a chance to admire each other's gorgeous bodies once again. To be able to touch and feel what they wanted most. And that was all they needed. Brian sat on the bed as he awaited Justin once again. "How long does it take a guy to do his hair?" Brian said as he tied his shoes. "Awhile." Justin said as he emerged from the bathroom. Brian looked his lover up and down. Justin was wearing a blue, short-sleeved shirt with black, baggy jeans. Justin stood proud and erect in front of the bathroom door. Justin grabbed his shoes and then his new bracelet that sat on Brian's dresser. Brian watched Justin try to fasten the bracelet to his wrist with no avail. "Let me help you with that." Brian said as he walked towards Justin. Justin handed Brian the shiney bracelet and Brian fastened it to Justin's wrist. It dangled loosely from Justin's wrist, but glimmered in the light. "Now that looks good." Brian said. "Yeah. Thanks for the bracelet. It looks great." Justin replied. Justin admired the token of Brian's love. "Actually, I was referring to how good you look." Brian said. Justin blushed and then shoved Brian. "What was that for?" Brian said. "If I didn't do that, I would have jumped on you and fucked your brains out. Then we would never make it to breakfast." Justin said as he put his shoes on. "Well I wouldn't have mind that so much." Brian said with a huge grin. "You're too much." Justin said. He began to giggle at Brian's humor. Brian laughed too.

Brian then jumped on the bed and started tickling Justin like crazy. Justin and Brian rolled in a tickiling fit on the bed. "Oh God stop it!" Justin hollored. "Say UNCLE!" Brian yelled back. He was not letting go of Justin for anything. "UNCLE!!!" Justin screamed in laughter. Tears were rolling down his face from so much laughter. Brian let Justin go and they both began to laugh again. They laid back on the bed and just let the tears roll. "You asshole." Justin said. He was still giggling to tears. "Yeah well. You asked for it." Brian said while laughing. They both clamed down and sat up. Brian leaned over and brushed the tears from Justin's eyes. Brian leaned in and kissed Justin's lips quickly, savoring the taste. They both rolled with laughter again, before they decided it was time to go.

They headed to Kevin's room holding each other's hand. They no longer felt a need to keep it secret. It was now out in the open, but yet their was anomousity everywhere. All the lies, sex and cover up's were going to have a major effect on each group. Brian and Justin stopped dead in front of Kevin's door. They looked at each other with a curious stare. "Ready?" Brian asked Justin as he squeezed his hand tighter. "Not really. I mean I guess I have to be." Justin said. He felt a hint of sweat escape from his forehead. "You don't have to do this. We don't have to do this.

We can just go back to our rooms and wait to go to the video shoot." Brian said. He wanted Justin to feel totally comfortable with his surroundings. "We can't hide for the rest of our lives. We might as well just get this over with." Justin said. Brian smiled at Justin's integrity. He leaned forward and gave Justin a deep kiss. Justin moaned slightly and returned the kiss to Brian. They parted lips and turned their heads towards the door. "Well, here we go..." Brian said as his hand reached to knock on the door.

Brian knocked gently on the door. Justin felt the knock in his heart. In was almost like waiting for a death sentence to him. The door swung open and Chris stood before them. "Hmm, what's this I see?" Chris said with a huge smile. "Hey the love birds finally arrived?" he said as he stood aside. Everyone looked at Brian and Justin as they stood at the door. "Come on in guys!" J.C. yelled from the back of the crowd. Brian and Justin casually walked in and looked around. "So what's up guys?" Chris said. He went back to his seat next to Howie and plopped down. "Nothing much." Justin said. Brian stood closely to Justin, as if a thousand eyes were on him at one time. "Come on guys. Sit on down." A.J. said as he patted on two steas. Justin headed over towards A.J. and sat down. He looked around and decided it was best to look like he was relaxed. Brian strolled over to Justin and sat down. That put Brian right next to Nick, who was humbling himself in his coffee. Brian edged towards Justin so he wouldn't be so close to Nick. "Okay people. Let's all just chill and not get over excited." Chris said as he reclined in his chair. "No questions, no answers is what I say." J.C. repsonded. Justin rested his hand on the table and Brian placed his on top of Justin's.

"So, what's the deal for today Kevin?" Howie said. He tried to avert all his attention away from Justin and Brian. "Well D, we have the video shoot to do. We're supposed to be there by 7 A.M. and then leave by 4 P.M. So it's a long day. From there we head to the arena for quick rehearsals, soundcheck and so forth." Kevin answered. "Sounds cool." Howie said. He began to chow down on his eggs and bacon. "Want something to eat?" Brian whispered to Justin. "Nah. Let's just sit ehre for a bit." Justin responded. "Well I want to know if everyone is okay from last night. I know there were some bumps and bruises that were not tended to." A.J. said. Everyone looked at him with terror. 'Why the hell did he have to bring up the subject.' Justin thought. Brain placed his other hand on Justin's thigh and just held it there. "Nothing to worry about. We're doing good. I just banged my wrist up a bit." Brian said with a smile. "Nick?" Lance said as he looked at the sad Nick. "Huh?" Nick said without looking up. "Are you all right?" Lance asked. "Uh yeah I guess. I just feel like shit right now." Nick said. 'You should.' Brian thought. Justin glanced at Brian and could feel the anger building inside. "Let it go." Justin whispered to Brian. Brian looked back at Justin and nodded. "I gotta go." Nick said as he stood. "Wait Nick, don't leave. We all have to resolve all of our problems if we're going to egt through this." Lance said. He held Nick down and Nick plopped back in his seat.

"What's there to resolve?" Howie said. He frowned his brow at Brian and Justin, then went back to eating his food. "If we're the problem, then we'll leave!" Justin said. He raised his hand from under Brian's and started to stand. "What the fuck is that?" Howie said as he pointed to Justin's wrist. Everyone admired the braceleet that hung from Justin's wrist. "A present." Justin said. He stared at howie and then backed away from the table. "Justin wait." Brian said as he tugged on Justin's shirt. "He's right Justin. Don't leave." J.C. said. "Why shouldn't I? It's obvious that Howie, Nick and the rest of you have a fucking problem with me and Brian's relationship. But you know what? I don't give a shit what you think." Justin said. Tears began to roll from his eyes. Brian felt sorry for Justin. He felt like Justin was taking all the heat for him. Brian stood and grabbed Justin's arm. "This is what I want to be happy." Brian said as he raised Justin's arm. Brian then grabbed Justin's hand and held it. "I'd gladly leave the Backstreet Boys if it meant that Justin wouldn't have to go through this pain anymore." Brian stood there with confussion in his face. "No. This is not how it supposed to go. You all need to stop fucking tripping on Justin and Brian." J.C. barked. He stood and walked behind Justin and Brian. "I have never seen so much dedication in my life." J.C. said. Brian rubbed his hand against Justin's face and brushed the tears away.

"Well we're supposed to fucking accept it. Like nothing is going on. Like they're not down their fucking every single night? That shit doesn't seem fair at all if you ask me?" Joey said. He was the one that was rebelloius enough to say what he had just said. "But no one asked you dfid they?" Lance said. Joey glared at Lance and then threw his fork down. "I'm with Howie and Nick on this one. You shouldn't be together." Joey said. Brian's heart dropped and he plopped down. Justin watched him sitting there, with tears streaking from his eyes. "Then that's it. You all have made the decision in our lives. It's over between me and Brian. I refuse to cause him anymore heart-ache!" Justin said with rage. tears fell from his eyes as he let Brian's hand go. He pushed the table aside and headed for the door. "STOP!!!" Brian called from the table. "You're not fucking walking out on my ass again!" Brian yelled. Chris grabbed Justin's arm and pulled him aside. "Don't do it Just. You know you don't want to." Chris whispered. Justin just looked at Chris. His eyes had tears in them, but his face was twisted in anger. "Stop this. All of you! We're not trying to chastized Brian and Justin, nor break up 'N Sync or B.S.B. We're just trying to let go of built up feelings." Kevin said. He was the only man who kept his witts about him under pressure. "He's right." Lance said. "Go back to Brian, Justin." Chris said. Justin looked over at brian. Brian was crying with his head on the table and tears puddling before him. Nick just sat staring at him.

Howie stood and began to walk out the door. "Wait one minute Howie. Why are you leaving?" J.C. said as he grabbed Howie's arm. "Because I don't want to be the reason that Brian and Justin break up. They love each other. I can't change that.

Doesn't mean I'll except it, but I just can't change it." Howie said. "Then stay. Try and understand where they're coming from." J.C. pleaded. "No. I'll see you guys downstairs." Howie said. J.C. let him go and Howie walked out the door. Chris walked Justin over to Brian. Justin sat next to Brian and threw his hands over him. "It's okay Bri. I won't leave you." Justin said. They both whimpered in tears. "I can't believe this. He'd never feel this way for me. I can't have him." Nick said. He finally realized what he couldn't for the past three days. Love has to come from both people and not one. Brian and Justin sat up and stopped crying. "I'm really sorry guys. I guess I was being a real ass." Nick apologized. "Thanks Nick." Brian said with a heart-filled smile. "Uh, I get to get out of ehre. It's becoming a bit too mushy." Chris said. "Yeah, me too." Lance said. They both headed out of Kevin's room. "We have to get moving soon guys. We have awhole video shoot ahead of us." Kevin said. Brian and Justin just held each other and looked at the table before them. "Don't ever freak me out like that again." Brian whispered to Justin. "I'll try not to." Justin said with a laugh.

Nick, Joey and J.C. stood and headed out the door. Nick took one last glance back and kept moving. Justin began to kiss Brian's ear and then his cheek. Brian turned his ehad towards Justin's and began to french kiss Justin. Their tongues wrapped around each other. Justin grabbed hold of Brian's head and started getting into the kiss. Brian closed his eyes and squeezed Justin close. Their lips met several times before holding their position. Justin breathed deeply and enjoyed the moment. Brian let Justin's lips go and whispered "You know we can't do this here." Justin just smiled and grabbed Brian's hand. They ran out the door and into Justin's room. "Shit, I haven't been here in days." Justin said as he busted the door open. Soon as the door was open, Brian pushed Justin to the floor. Justin turned over and Brian laid on top of him. They began to make out heavily as they started ripping each other's clothes off. With in minutes, Brian was on top of Justin with nothing but boxers on. Jusitn laid under him with his jeans and shoes still on. Brian began to kiss gently across Justin's young chest. "Ah-haaaaa," Justin groaned as Brian licked his nipples. Brian grinded his hips on Justin and began to lick down towards Justin's navel. "HEY!" A.J. yelled from outside the room. "No time for that. We have to go. Exit. Stage left even!!!" A.J. said while smiling. He lwaked by and headed towards the elevator. Justin and Brian both grunted and then sat up.

"Shit. Oh well." Brian said. He grabed his jeans and shirt and started to dress again. "All's well that ends well." Justin said as he grabbed his shirt. "It's too bad we got caught again." Brian said. He started laughing hard. Justin giggled a bit and then stood. "Let's just go. We have plenty of time to fuck later." Justin said. "You know what Justin Timberlake?" Brian said as he stood too. "What?" Justin said. He crossed his arms and awaited Brian's smart remark. "I love you." Brian said as he kissed Justin's lips. Jusitn smiled and kissed Brian back. "I love you too Brian Littrell." They both began to kiss, letting their tongues slip into each other's mouths again. "I said come on!" A.J. hollored from outside. "UGH!!" Brian groaned as he backed off of Justin. They both smiled and walked out of Justin's room. "Next time, close the door." Brian whispered to Justin. They both laughed as they got on the elevator.


Next: Chapter 5: Brian and Justin 8 9

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