Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on May 9, 1999


Brian & Justin (Chapter 70) By JM

----- Voted by readers - STORY OF THE YEAR -----

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories pretty much follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Nite'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I'll try and fore-warn you when I plan to stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 70th STORY!!! It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics; includes previous songs) and the 'Brian & Justin' soundtrack Part II. That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtrack features old and new songs from the B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They have a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! I never thought this series would get this far! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got alot talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best B.S.B. story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for great works, with his storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJ Vascardi's for being a good friends and great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. He helped me with some instalements of stories. So until the next time, please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Justin's eyes were filled with small tears as he stared into his father's fiery eyes. He had no words to speak, no looks to give and no heart to fill. It was a room with a deadly silence. He did not fear for himself, yet he feared for Brian. He did not want Brian hurt in any way. Yet, Brian only wanted Justin to be spared from pain. As lovers, it was the only thing they could pray for. The situation was serious and the tension was thick. With Brian right next to Justin, Justin had no way to lie. He had disobeyed his father's wishes and he knew the consequences wouldn't be lenient. Still, Justin's mind was on Brian and Brian's was on Justin.

"I asked you a question Justin and you had better have a pretty damn good answer for me." Randall growled at his son. "I... I..." Justin stumbled on his words looking for an excuse. "Well, what?!" Randall barked. Randall looked at Justin's trembling lips, awaiting his answer. Brian looked up at Justin, watching a small tear fall down his cheek. "I think I'm gonna be sick!" Justin squeeled out as he got up from the couch in a rush. Brian was thrown by Justin's actions. Justin ran into the bathroom that was downstairs, in the den. He slammed the door behind himself. "Justin, get back here now!" Randall hollered to his son. Before Randall even finished his words, he heard the sound of his son vomiting into the bathroom toliet. Randall was disgusted by the sound, but held his ground. "I said get out here Justin and stop putting on this show for everyone." Randall said sternly. Brian rose quickly from the couch and stared at Randall with an evil expression. "Do you have an ounce of feeling in your entire body?" Brian asked with hurt. He rushed to the closed door that held Justin behind it.

"Justin? Justin, are you okay?" Justin could hear Brian asking from the otherside. Justin laid his head against the door and listened to his pleading lover. His eyes were filled with tears and his body was in no state to handle the arguement that was about to break loose. "It's my fault." Justin whispered. He blamed himself for the actions that took part last night. If Justin had let Brian go to bed and he went to bed himself, then the trouble would have ended there. "Justin... don't do this to me..." Brian begged. Justin closed his eyes and let the tears fall down his face. He didn't attempt to wipe them away and attempt to answer Brian.

Brian backed away from the door and felt a peice of his heart still standing there. He walked past Randall and grabbed his bag. "Justin, get out here now!" Randall said as he banged on the bathroom door. Brian grabbed his clothes that he had laid out and threw them into his bag. He was still in his tuxedo from the night before and he didn't care. "What's going on!" Lisa asked as she came stomping down the steps. Brian avoided her and grabbed the rest of his things. "Randall, I said what's going on?" Lisa questioned as she approached her husband. "I came downstairs and found these two together." Randall said, pointing in Brian's direction and to the door that still held Justin. "All I asked of them was that Justin stay in his room and Brian stay down here. I did not want Jonathan or anyone else seeing them like that. And instead they both go against me and do it anyways." Randall explained in a more calm composure.

Brian grasped his bags and began to carry them up the steps. "Brian, wait, where are you going?" Lisa asked, her attention on him. "I'm leaving." Brian answered in an angered tone. "You're leaving? Why? Where?" Lisa asked, chasing after him. "I don't care where, but we both know why." Brian said. "Please don't leave Justin like this. You have to see Randall's side of this." Lisa pleaded with him. "See what side? The side of him that doesn't care that Justin is sick and is throwing up in the bathroom? Or how about Justin being torn between his parents choices for him and his own?" Brian argued. Lisa was stumped. "Like I said, I'm leaving because I can't watch him suffer anymore." Brian repeated, heading towards the front door.

He saw Jonathan standing in front of the door with a frown on his face. Brian stopped short and dropped his bags. He bent down in front of Jonathan and gave the little boy a small smile. "You going bye bye?" Jonathan asked in a sweet voice. Brian nodded. "Why?" Jonathan asked. "Because your father doesn't want me here. I have to go." Brian responded softly. "But I.. I want you here." Jonathan whimpered. Brian frowned at the boy's sadness. Brian reached out and pulled Jonathan into a hug. "I'm sorry Jonathan," Brian whispered. Jonathan tried to wrap his small arms around Brian's larger body. "I'll stay a little longer for you." Brian promised him. Jonathan cheered as Lisa watched on. She smiled brightly, watching how Brian cheered up Jonathan so easily. Brian found himself beginning to smile also.

An hour brought a new mood to the house. Randall had taken his anger inside and sat in the living room. He had yet to talk to his eldest son, but he knew it was best for now. Justin was sleep in his bed, in the upstairs room. His mind was no longer at peace. He was able to get upstairs with no one speaking to him, but he only prayed that Brian would understand. Brian sat watching Jonathan color while Lisa cooked a pot of soup. Brian listened to the tick of the clock, the sound of the boiling water and the slicing that Lisa was doing to the vegetables.

Brian watched Jonathan scribble throughout the page with a blue crayon. "When is Justin going to wake?" Jonathan asked Brian. "I don't know Jonathan." Brian answered, giving a small shrug. "He always draws a nice pic-ture with me." Jonathan complained, scribbling harder in his coloring book. Brian giggled at Jonathan's anger. "Well honey, maybe Brian will draw some pictures with you." Lisa chimmed in, coaxing Brian with small gestures. "Sure, I'd love to!" Brian cheered. "Yeah!" Jonathan clapped with enthusiasm. Brian grabbed a sheet of paper from under Jonathan's coloring book and grabbed a red crayon. Jonathan watched as Brian sketched out a heart on the paper. Brian carefully colored in the heart, concentrating on his picture. Brian reached over and grabbed a black crayon. He used the crayon as a pen and wrote in the words, 'Brian Loves Justin' on the paper. Jonathan looked up at Brian with a curious smile. "What does it mean?" Jonathan asked. Brian thought of the perfect way to explain it to Justin's little brother. "It means I like your brother alot." Brian said easily. "You mean like I like you?" Jonathan asked. "Yeah, but with a little bit more love." Brian nodded. Jonathan was confused. "It's like the way you love your mom. It's just there." Brian tried to help him. "Oh, I love my mommy a WHOLE lot!" Jonathan laughed.

Lisa couldn't control her smile. She looked down at the paper and smiled. "Jonathan, why don't you take this picture up to your brother Justin." Lisa suggested. Brian gave her an awkward look. Jonathan gladly leaped from his chair and snatched up the peice of paper. Before Brian could protest, Jonathan was hiking up the steps.

Jonathan bursted into Justin's room and ran up to the bed. He leaped onto the bed where Justin laid sleeping. Justin groaned loudly and looked up at his brother. "Jonathan, get out. I'm trying to sleep." Justin complained. "But mommy said I have to show ya this." Jonathan argued. "I'll look at it later." Justin answered, trying to push Jonathan up. "No! Now!" Jonathan insisted. Justin sighed and sat up. He took the picture from Jonathan and looked at it. He was thrown to see the picture of the heart with the neat writing inside. "Brian did the pic-ture." Jonathan informed Justin. Justin was speechless.

"Okay Jonathan, get downstairs and get something to eat." Lisa ordered as she entered the room. "Aww, mommy! I want to play with Justin!" Jonathan pouted. "He'll play with you later sweetie, now get." Lisa commanded in a loving tone. Jonathan frowned and hopped off the bed. He ran out of the room and flew down the steps. Lisa stood in the doorway with a tray that held a cup of orange juice and a bowl of soup. "It's a nice picture." Lisa commented as she entered. Justin nodded, still looking at the picture. "Why don't you go see him?" Lisa asked while sitting on the bed. She handed the tray to Justin and awaited an answer. "Cause he doesn't want to see me." Justin answered softly and sadly. "How do you know? He's still downstairs. That says something." Lisa argued Justin's thoughts. "I know Brian. Right now, he thinks that I'm being emotional and I need my rest." Justin responded. "I don't think so. He loved you enough to stay here and loves you enough to draw that picture." Lisa disagreed again. Justin stirred his soup with his spoon, too sickened to eat it.

"And I love you enough to come up here and apologize." both Lisa and Justin heard from the door. They both looked up and stared in amazement. Brian stood in the doorway with a half-hearted smile. "I think that's my cue to exit. Eat up and get packed. You've gotta leave soon." Lisa said to her step-son, patting his leg and standing. "Thanks." Justin said to her as she walked away. "Cheer him up." Lisa whispered to Brian before exiting.

Brian walked in the room and stood at the foot of Justin's bed. "How are you?" Brian asked with serious concern. "I'm okay. I'm still a little light-headed, but I'll be okay." Justin answered softly. Brian didn't know what to say next. "I'm sorry." Justin whimpered out. "You didn't do anything wrong." Brian assured him. "Yes I did. I should have left you alone last night and forgot about the whole thing." Justin argued. "No, it's okay. I wanted you there." Brian assured him. "Why can't you ever let me be wrong?" Justin asked with a small laugh. "Because I love you too much." Brian answered. "I wish I could hold you right now." Justin frowned. "I do too, babe." Brian nodded with a smaller frown.

"I love the picture." Justin said with an intentional smile. "Good." Brian smiled back. "Uh, I called Nick. He said that when we get back in town that we're supposed to have a dinner for Lance's birthday." Brian informed Justin. "Shit, I almost forgot about his birthday." Justin said. "It's okay. Nick said he already had something special planned for Lance." Brian assured him. "Uh, I don't want to know." Justin shook his head with a laugh. "Are we still in seperate rooms when we get back?" Justin asked shyly. "I don't know. I think tonight we are, but after that we're on the tour bus." Brian answered with honesty. Justin frowned. "But I don't think I want to be in the same room as Nick and Lance." Brian cheered Justin up. "But I wouldn't mind being in the same room as you." Brian whispered. Justin grinned and took a drink of his orange juice. "Get packed, Justin. We've gotta go soon." Brian said before leaving the room. Justin looked down at his golden ring and found a sense of hope. 'He loves me.' Justin smiled to himself.

A half hour drifted by as Justin made his way down the steps of his father's house. He carried his suitcase and the few bags he had. Just seeing Brian and eating caused his strength to return slowly. "Come on Justin! We don't have all day!" he heard Paul call to him. He had forgotten that Paul and his mother we're taking him and Brian to the airport. Justin reached the bottom of the steps to see Brian waiting by the door, Lynn checking over the tickets, Paul jiggling his keys in front of Steven, Jonathan running around and Lisa sitting on the couch. "Where's dad?" Justin asked, looking around the room. No one responded. "He's in the backyard, Justin." Lisa spoke up. "Come on Justin, let's get moving." Paul urged him while grabbing one of Brian's bags. "Uh... I'll be right there." Justin said, passing his bags to Brian. "What's wrong?" Brian asked. "I have to say goodbye to him first," Justin answered lowly.

He walked into the kitchen and then to the backyard. Justin looked around and saw his father sitting in one of the lawn chairs. The wind shifted it's breeze. Justin watched his father and saw the empty chair next to him. Justin crept into the yard and stood next to the empty chair. He looked down at his father and tried to smile. "I'm leaving now." Justin whispered. His voice was carried in the wind as Randall looked up. He wanted to be apologetic, but in his heart, he didn't know how to. "I guess this is the part where I stand up, give you a hug goodbye and forget about what happened?" Randall said sarcastically. Justin shot him a look of sadness. "No, this is the part where I walk away because my father doesn't understand." Justin shot back. "That's funny. I liked my idea better," Randall laughed lightly. Justin didn't crack a smile. Randall stood to his feet and caught the breeze to his back. "Justin, I am sorry for what I did earlier. I think once you have a son... er, you'll understand someday." Randall said. Justin knew what his father meant, but he didn't let on. "I already understand." Justin responded. "I don't think you do. If you understood, you wouldn't have been down there with Brian when I got home. You wouldn't have thought about letting your little brother see that picture of his older brother in the arms of another man." Randall argued softly, but strongly. "Why? Because it's not natural to you?" Justin lashed back. "No, because it's not natural for him to see it." Randall hissed.

"You know, I didn't come out here to argue. I came out here to say goodbye. So if this is how you're farewell is going to go, then we can save it for another time." Justin suggested, turning his body in the direction of the door. "When's 'another time' Justin? Your wedding?" Randall boldly asked. Justin balled his fits and tried not to let his rage loose. "I'm leaving dad. I wish it was on better terms, but I'm going." Justin reinforced his speech. "Justin, I don't want you to leave like this." Randall sighed, grabbing Justin's arm. "I'm glad that you found love and I'm glad that you're happy with Brian. But when I ask something of you, I'd appreciate if you respect my wishes." Randall stated. "Would like to know what was about to happen last night? Since you seem to be stuck on the subject." Justin barked at his father. "What?" Randall asked, giving Justin an angered stare. "Nothing. We both knew that it was wrong. I just happened to fall asleep in Brian's arms and you saw us. He was just comforting me because I was ill and you saw it as me and him about to have sex." Justin explained, feeling weakened again.

Randall let Justin's arm go and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry Just. When Brian told me that he and you gave up your virginity to each other, I was sure that something was happening when I saw you. I'm just glad to know that all that happened was nothing." Randall laughed and cried at the same time. Justin returned the hug sadly. "I love you and hope you and Brian are happy together." Randall whispered as he parted with his son. "Thanks." Justin smiled. "Hey you two, we have to get moving!" Lynn shouted from the door. Justin looked in her direction and nodded. "I'll see you soon." Randall assured Justin. "Okay, bye dad." Justin whispered and moved in Lyn''s direction. Randall watched Justin go back into the house and then heard the sounds of the car pulling out of the driveway.Brian & Justin (Part 71) By JM

Before Justin even knew it, he was in an office building sitting at a round table with the rest of his counterparts from the tour. The warm hello's and quick hugs had ended shortly for Brian and Justin at the airport. They were quickly ushered to this conference room where they got to meet with the girls of Innosense, the rest of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync, Aaron Carter, Britney Spears, Jane Carter, officials from the Firm, Johnny Wright, Fatima Robinson and P.R. representatives. The cold atmosphere set the worst mood for everyone in the room. Brian was nervous as to the reason for this urgent meeting that he had been rushed to. "Okay, we know everyone is anxious to get to other planned activites, including that of Lance's birthday celebrations. So let's just make this short. We have some matters to discuss, including upcoming events and what is planned for the next three days." Johnny announced. Everyone sat in a clam silence in their office-like chairs.

"Now from what the 'officials' from the Firm tell me, the Backstreet Boys will be pulling out on the last week of the tour." Johnny informed everyone, trying to draw a negative attention to the P.R.'s from the Firm. "What?!" Brian asked, looking around the room. "Any particular reason why?" Nick asked with just as much surprise. "Yes, to promote your new album. For one, you're supposed to go on a summer tour and you'll need to start rehearsals. Another reason is because you need time for public appearances and signing's to boost album sales." one of the P.R.'s explained. "I think the album can do that by itself." Brian complained. "Well others disagree Mr. Littrell. You know how these things work." the P.R. answered back. "So, we're headlining by ourselves?" Chris asked. "To my knowledge, yes. The tour ends after that week and then you should begin your own promotion for your album." Johnny answered. "So basically we'll be heading our seperate ways?" Joey questioned. "Basically, yes." Johnny agreed. Justin was tiffed by the notion of being seperated from Brian. "What about finishing up the album?" JC asked, trying to hold Justin's anger at a standstill.

"No! Wait, so we're just ending it like that!? Tour ends and so does the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync promoting together?" Justin asked with a slight roar. "I don't see what the problem is? Everyone knew that it was going to end sooner or later?" Johnny questioned the younger boy's reactions. Justin raised a brow at him and curled his lip in anger. "Maybe we didn't want it to end." Justin argued. "You have no choice in the matter Mr. Timberlake. The Backstreet Boys have bigger and more important things to work on." the P.R. decided to feul the fire. Brian grabbed Justin's arm and stopped him. "I don't have any bigger or better things to do. We understand the terms of agreement, but who we tour with and when we do tour is up to us and Jive Records." Brian pointed out obvious points. "But we've already worked out a schedule in which you'll tour with 702, Don Philip and Britney Spears." the P.R. informed Brian. "We don't care. We want to re-nogitiate that deal." A.J. spoke up. "Excuse us?" Johnny asked. "Johnny, this is not your matter." Kevin butted in. "Oh, but it is Kevin. Britney and 'N Sync are on my management company. And I have Britney already setting dates for that tour. 'N Sync has other engagements." Johnny quickly responded. "Then we'll just pull out of those and hook up with the Backstreet Boys tour." Chris shrugged. "You can't just 'pull out' of these things. Like I said, you guys have other engagements to attend to." Johnny said, directing his attention to Chris.

"No Johnny, I have a more important engagement to attend to." Justin argued, holding up his left hand for Johnny to see the ring that Brian had gievn him. The room fell quiet. "Where did you get that?" Johnny asked quickly. "It doesn't matter where he got it, but more important is what does it mean." the P.R. added. "Johnny, there are just some things you missed when you weren't on tour with us." Britney smiled at Justin and Brian. "And did you think to tell me these 'things', Miss Spears? or how about you Justin?" Johnny asked, looking at both of them. "Whoa Johnny, it's not me!" Britney quickly backed away. "Leave her out of it Johnny. You're real quarrel is me. I have Justin the ring." Brian stood strong in his feelings. Not only had he just revealed to Johnny his love for Justin, but also Aaron Carter, Jane Carter and other represenatives.

The room was in another silence. "Mr. Littrell, when you informed us of your life choices, we saw no problem with keeping it from the media or anyone else. But you're choice in marraige is something of a greater extreme." one of the Firm P.R.'s spoke up. "My 'choice' to marry Justin is not an extreme, but an act of love." Brian rebuttaled. "One that he took serious thought into." Kevin defended Brian. "If we thought it over seriously, he would have let everyone know before now." the P.R. argued lightly. "This conversation is going nowhere. Brian is committed to Justin and the same goes for Justin. Neither of them are calling off their wedding for a simple career choice. Now that everyone knows, let's move on." Nick advised everyone with a chastising finger. Jane was surprised by her son's anxiousness. "I think Brian and Justin have made very rational decisions and I'm glad their sticking with them." Fatima added her peice of mind to the conversation. "I agree, it's nothing to worry about." JC nodded. "Nothing to worry about?!" Johnny quickly intervened. "Not now, Johnny.. Please." Justin asked of him. Johnny sat back in his chair and respected Justin's wishes.

"Well besides the change in plans on the tour, you guys have a break from the tour coming up. Starting tomorrow, you guys get a chance to make a return to Orlando for a few days." Johnny informed everyone. A small cheer broke out in the room. "Wait, with a break, there's always a day of work." Kevin stopped everyone's moment of joy. "That's correct Kevin. You guys leave early tomorrow morning, about four, to go to Orlando. Tomorrow, you guys head to a school in Orlando to shoot the rest of the new 'N Sync video. you'll be met by Busta Rhymes and Lil' Kim, plus the director Tim Story and Fatima for the shoot. From what we know, there'll be some interviews you guys will have to do while shooting the video." Johnny stated. "How long?" Lance asked, sleepily. "How long what?" Johnny questioned with a raised brow. "How long will we be there?" Lance re-stated his question. "All day most likely." Johnny answered. He could hear several moans and groans from the guys but ignored them. "What's next?" Howie asked. "A day off. The next day you guys get to head out to Universal Studios for a day of freedom in a way." Johnny responded brightly. A loud cheer broke out in the room. "Finally, someplace that I wanna go!" Chris clapped.

"Calm down guys because it's not all fun and games after that. The following day, the Backstreet Boys take a leave from the tour. That day they leave for Los Angeles to do some promotion and the following day, they'll meet you guys in Denver that night." Johnny put a damper of the celebration. "Oh, there's always a aprice to pay." A.J. complained. "What about the rest of us?" Joey asked, looking towards Britney. "Well 'N Sync goes into the studio to wrap up some final work on the new album. Britney is going to Louisiana to shoot parts for her new video. And from what Lynn Harliss tells me, Innosense will be shooting a video while in Tampa." Johnny responded. "So we're seperating?" Britney frowned. "For a bit, yes." Johnny replied. Justin placed his hand up on the table and frowned deeply. Brian watched him and tried to free his mind of Justin's sorrows.

"Is that the end of the meeting?" Nick asked, swivelling around in his chair. "No, now it's time to hear from the rep's from the Firm, Jane Carter and further info from Lynn." Johnny answered rudely. Nick sucked air through his teeth and sighed. "Thank you Mr. Carter. Okay, well we know that not everyone is happy about the split but it's necessary. The guys need to work on the album promotion, including taking pictures for the CD cover and for singles." the P.R. explained. "All work and no play." A.J. giggled to himself. Amanda gave him a cold stare and tried to keep his attention on the important meeting. "While we're talking about Millennium, we got some advance copies for all of you guys to listen to and hear. It's your chance to review your work and tell Max Martin what you think," the P.R. chimmed. Everyone in the room was passed a copy of the CD in a blank CD case. The artwork and everything will be done in about two weeks." the P.R. informed them as everyone looked at their copy. "Personally, I think it's the best CD you guys have done yet." Johnny congratulated them sincerly. "I guess it's because it was without you." Nick said softly and bitterly. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that, Nick." Johnny shot back at him a stare that could kill a snake.

Brian looked at the CD that laid in his hands. He admired the shimmering silver, which included a track list on the cover of the CD. He admired the titles of each song as it ran down the CD.

  1. Larger Than Life

  2. I Want It That Way

  3. Treat Me Right (featuring Foxy Brown)

  4. Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely

  5. I Need You Tonight

  6. It's Gotta Be You

  7. Just

  8. Don't Want You Back

  9. My Heart Stays With You

  10. Don't Wanna Lose You Now

  11. The One

  12. Back To Your Heart

  13. Spanish Eyes

  14. The Lone Road

  15. Timid Voice

  16. Follow Me

  17. The Perfect Fan

  18. You Wrote The Book On Love

  19. That's What She Said (Bonus Track)

He was amazed by the song choices and what had not made it on the album. He was glad that his hard work was not overlooked though. His accomplishment of getting six songs written on the album left a smile upon his face. "What about the song I did with J.C.?" Kevin questioned. "The heads over at Jive said that it was to be released on a soundtrack later on." the P.R. informed him. "I see that 'Just' made it on there." Howie commented, smiling in Brian's direction. "As did your song with Foxy Brown." Joey noted. "I don't think I've heard some of these songs." Lance said lightly, admiring the list. "The Boys did some recording in Sweeden before starting this tour. "Plus we did some work during our down times." Howie added. "Yeah, I remember when you did 'Timid Voice'," Nick nudged Howie. Howie blushed, feeling proud that another of his solo songs made it to the album. "Hopefully there are plenty of songs that I can make good dances to." Fatima said while looking over the songs. "Trust me, there is." Kevin insured her.

"Ah, 'The Loan Road' got on here." A.J. cheered. "What's he so happy about?" Justin whispered to Brian. "A.J. loves that song because of the meaning and what he did on that song. Me, him and Nick wrote that song a few months ago. It was about relationships that we've had. Nick's relationship with Lance, A.J.'s relationship with Amanda and well, me and you." Brian stated. Justin was surprised. Brian had not once mentioned such a song to him. "I want to hear it." Justin asked of Brian. "Not now you don't." Brian advised Justin. "Yes, I do." Justin disagreed. "Maybe later Justin. It's not a happy song." Brian suggested once again. Brian placed his hand on Justin's thigh and comforted him. Justin smiled and placed his hand on top of Brian's.

"Might I say guys that just about every song on here is a hit! You've got many singles waiting on you with this album." Jane smiled. "I really like 'The Perfect Fan'." Jane added, smiling at Nick and Brian. "You're mom must have been touched when you wrote that song for her." Jane commented to Brian. Brian blushed shyly. "She actually hasn't heard the full song yet. But what she heard, she loved!" Brian answered. "She probably responded the same way that Justin did when..." Joey stopped himself. "When Justin what?" Johnny questioned Joey. "Can we cut the rest of the meeting people? We do have a party to celebrate." Nick suggested, protecting Joey, Justin and Brian. "Okay, Jane has information first," Johnny agreed. "I just had to say that Aaron's coming home with me tonight so he won't be with you in Orlando. He has work to do on his album and some time off too." Jane quickly said. She knew her son's urgency, but not why. "Well if that's all, let's call it a day people." Johnny said. Everyone stood from their chairs and tried to figure out what they were to do next.

"Anyone who wants to go to Lance's birthday dinner, come on over to the hotel with us." Nick announced to everyone, holding onto Lance's hand. "Nick, can I talk to you before me and Aaron leave?" Jane asked while trying to push past the chairs. Nick nodded and let go of Lance's hand. He made his way past the people to meet his mother on the otherside of the room. Lance was relieved to get a small break from Nick's admiration to talk with J.C.

J.C. kindly tugged on Lance's arm and pulled him to another corner of the room, away from prying ears. "What's wrong?" Lance asked softly, noticing J.C.'s taunting stares. "When are you going to tell Nick it's over?" J.C. asked. Lance was shaken by the question. It was a subject he was getting closer and closer to approaching. "I don't know. When the timing is right I guess." Lance shrugged. J.C. frowned and backed into the corner. "The time never seems to be right anymore. Everytime you get close, you pull away." J.C. complained. Lance crossed his arms and awaited J.C. to get to the point of his speech. "I think you should break up with him tonight." J.C. advised. "What? Tonight? On my birthday?" Lance gave J.C. questions that even J.C. had not thought of. "I've had a pretty good day until I had to meet back up with the guys and now you want me to break up with Nick on my birthday?" Lance questioned again with emphasis. "Lance, I don't mean to make things bad for your birthday it's just... Lance I'm tired of hiding my feelings for you. I.. I love you." J.C. confessed. Lance looked at him with surprise. They stared at each other with little love and much intimidation. "I'll do it after dinner." Lance stated, walking away from J.C. J.C. laid his head against the wall and felt himself getting nervous. He confessed his love and devotion, while Lance walked away. It was too ironic, J.C. re-living the words to 'N Sync's song 'I Drive Myself Crazy'.

Lance stood in the hallway of the office building, waiting to see if Nick or J.C. would exit first. He laid his head against the wall and tilted it back. He didn't know what to do anymore. There were too many thoughts in his head and too many emotions in his heart for him to decide.

He cared for J.C. deeply, enough to lose Nick over him. J.C. was his first, his only and his trust. Lance knew that giving your virginity to someone didn't mean that it was just a night, it was a lifetime meaning. He felt that with J.C. in many ways. J.C. seemed to hold Lance on a pedestal and showed him a world that he could never see. J.C. was almost the 'Brian' in his life, giving what he had to show him what he needed. J.C. was there for him when Nick chased Brian and left him lonely. He couldn't remember a time when J.C. wouldn't devote his life to make Lance feel better.

Another thought on Lance's mind was Nick. It was something about the charismatic, younger man that attracted him. Nick used to be just someone that Lance slept with yet had little feelings for. Now Nick was Lance's shoulder to cry on, Lance's hug after a fight and Lance's arm to keep hi warm at night. He couldn't feel that with J.C. Only Nick. Nick had grown to give instead of receive and Lance had learned to love Nick. It was a deep feeling that Lance no longer took for granted. Nick had given up a small obsession for Brian, a taste for liquor and a distrust for Lance. Lance was amazed that even after his affair with J.C., Nick was the first to begin to trust and understand him again. Nick was the first to hold him when everyone else tried to get over the shame. Lance could never forget that.

He listened as Justin and Brian passed by. They were in love and he wanted that. They were what he wasn't with J.C. or Nick, giving to each other. It was something that he could never understand. No matter how many times Brian and Justin broke up, they always seemed to find their way back to each other. With Lance, he always found himself drifitng between both worlds. The painful part for him was that he knew to love someone was to say that you'd give up everything for them. He couldn't figure out if it was Nick or J.C. he would give everything up for.

He felt a hand grab his and he jumped slightly. When he realized who it was, he smiled. His moments of waiting were still there, but he felt at ease holding the hand of a person he cared for. "Let's go." he heard his admirer say. Lance nodded and smiled. He waited for a moment and then saw a head leaning towards his. Lance gladly leaned forward and accepted a kiss from the person. Their lips touched for seconds, but Lance felt lost in the kiss. He pulled away and smiled affectionately. "Before we go, I have to say something." Lance's lover whispered. "I love you." Lance heard. Lance knew what the word meant and it was something he thought he'd never understand. "I love you too, Nick." Lance smiled and stared into the blue eyes of his lover. Nick smiled back and walked Lance to the elevators.Brian & Justin (Part 72) By JM

The room reserved for Lance's dinner was perfectly set. The lights were set at the right brightness, the tables were perfectly designed and the food was selected to match Lance's dining tastes. Plus Nick had managed to keep it casual by telling everyone it was an informail event. Lance was overcome with joy thanks to Nick's workings. Nick had managed to plan this simple dinner for Lance while Lance was away. It was a surprise to everyone, but Nick kenw his reasons. He held Lance's hand while they sat at the table. Lance felt no shame in being with Nick. The only pain he felt was when he looked to J.C. who sat lonely and sad.

J.C. watched as Nick and Lance grew closer. His eyes often drifted around the room to avoid admiring them. He found himself staring at Brian and Justin would seemed to be enjoying themselves. They had no problem experssing their feelings for the room to idolize. J.C. watched as Britney and Joey shared their affections mildly, but enough for everyone else to notice. J.C. even noticed how close Kevin and Nikkie had become and how A.J. and Amanda stayed to themseleves and away from the view of others. J.C. knew it was jealousy that made him adore these couples so much, but in his heart, it was more. It was the fact that he couldn't show everyone how close he was to Lance.

Brian and Justin sat closely together. Brian's arm was wrapped around Justin's shoulders and Justin's head rested on Brian's shoulder. Brian's other hand held Justin's on the table. They were quiet but at ease. "I love you." Justin said on the spur of the moment. "I love you more." Brian answered, squeezing Justin's hand slightly. "You can't love me more than you already have," Justin sighed. Brian nuzzled his head to Justin's and enjoyed Justin's warm body. "You two are so cute," Amanda sighed while hugging to A.J. "Thanks." Brian said softly. "I just can't figure out how they do it." A.J. shrugged, teasing his friends. "It's not hard." Justin answered. "I heard it's hard at night." Howie laughed mildly, joking with Justin. Justin smiled and kept his position. He listened to the sweet sounds of Brian's voice over the speakers.

You need me like I need you

We can share our dreams comin' true

I can show you what true love means

Just take my hand, baby please

Justin lifted his head to notice J.C. staring at him and Brian. He gave J.C. a confused look. J.C. took notice of Justin look and quickly looked away. Justin pulled away from Brian and sat straight in his chair. "Something wrong?" Brian noticed Justin's distance. "No, I'm okay. Just worried about somebody." Justin responded softly. "Hey, there's a photographer over there. Let's go take some pictures." Brian suggested. Justin nodded and stood from his chair. Brian followed and they walked to the photographer.

With quick words and an exchange of money, Brian got the photographer to take some pictures of Justin and Brian and get them developed in the same night. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and prepared for the first pose. He placed his hand on Justin's shoulder and placed his chin on his own hand. Justin smiled as the photgrapher snapped the picture. Brian then walked behind Justin and wrapped his arms around Justin's waist. Brian placed his chin on Justin's shoulder and smiled. The photographer took the picture with a smile on his own face. For the next picture, Brian sat in a chair and Justin sat on his knee. Brian placed his hands on Justin's thigh and gave a curious smile. Justin laughed slightly and posed. Justin and Brian stood and made their way to the wall. They leaned against the wall and Justin placed his arm around Brian's shoulders. They both smiled and laughed. For the final pose, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin hips and faced him. Brian leaned in slowly and placed his lips on Justin's. Justin closed his eyes and let the photographer snap the final picture. When the photographer was finished, Brian and Justin were still deep into their kiss. Their lips parted and then kissed again. It seemed like forever since they had the oppurtunity to kiss without worrying about time. "Uh, I'll have these pictures delivered to your room, sir." the photographer whispered and walked away. Brian held Justin tightly and kept his motion with his lips. They rubbed softly against Justin's, showing their gentle side to everyone.

"One day we'll be just like them." Nick smiled and placed his arm on Lance's shoulder. Lance pointed his fork towards them and smiled. "I don't think anyone can be in love like they are." Lance disagreed. "It's hard to find, but sometomes you can." J.C. commented and stood from his chair. He frowned once again at Nick and Lance and walked away from the table. "Geez, what's wrong with him?" Nick asked. Lance sighed and pulled Nick's arm frm around his shoulder. "I'll be right back, Nick." Lance said and gave Nick a quick kiss on the cheek.

Lance stood from his chair and walked in search of J.C. He could hear the sounds of the Backstreet Boys new album being played in the room. The lyrics met in time with his thoughts about J.C.

It's a place I've never been

And it comes from deep within

And it's telling me that I'm about to win first prize

Knowing all I have to do

Is reach out my hand to you

Lance couldn't hear the final part of the song. His eyes had just met with J.C.'s and there was a feeling of animousity between the two. "Why did you leave Nick?" J.C. asked. "Because I was worried about you." Lance answered. "Why should you care about me? You have the one you love." J.C. said bitterly. "No, I don't know who I love." Lance confessed. "You seem mighty close to Nick tonight, so why shouldn't it be him?" J.C. set a powerful question on Lance's mind.

Let it be (let it be)

If we're nothing more than dreamers

Who believe (who believe)

That we see no wall between us

How can they be in my heart (in my heart)

And in my mind (in my mind)

When all I could find

The song filled their silence. "I did it because Nick... he made me feel special." Lance answered sadly. J.C. nodded and started to move away from Lance. "But you make me feel special everytime you hold me." Lance whimpered. J.C. stopped himself. He looked up at Lance and watched a single tear run down Lance's cheek. "I want what Brian and Justin have. I want what everyone in this room has." J.C. said to Lance in a pleading voice. "I want it too." Lance said, his bottom lip quivering. J.C. reached up and wiped the tear from Lance's cheek. "So why can't we have it?" J.C. asked. Lance didn't know why, but he had to try and help J.C. understand. "Because there is only one Brian and Justin." Lance sighed and walked away from J.C. J.C. let a tear run down his won face with no one there to wipe it away.

'I have to decide.' Lance found himself saying throught the rest of the dinner. Even when nick tried to kiss Lance, he still had those words on his mind.

Guilty roads through an endless love (endless love)

There's no control

Are you with me now?

Your every wish will be done

They tell me...

The irony of the song affected Lance's every decision in the matter. Lance looked up to see J.C. sit down next to him. J.C.'s eyes were filled with hurt, but he wasn't giving up. "Do it Lance, tell him." J.C. soke up to Lance instead of whispering. Lance was thrown by J.C.'s technique. "If you don't, I'm leaving." J.C. added. the ultimatum had been set and the desire had been sparked. Nick hand rubbed gently up and down on Lance's leg. Nick was overcome with a discussion between Kevin and Britney. He couldn't hear the words of his lover and J.C. Nick leaned over and kissed Lance's neck softly. "I think we should end this party and get to your real surprise." Nick suggested, gently nipping at Lance's neck.

There were no words left to describe Lance's emotions except fear. It wasn't his choice to get stuck between two people he cared for and it wasn't his choice to fall in love with both of them. His only choice was to let the endless battle continue to a point of no return. The challenge he once owned was now controlling him. He was alone in one sense and with both of them in another. He could only pray that he could figure out where his heart really was.

Lance looked to Brian and Justin. The way they held each other, cuddled and kissed was as if they could have no other. He looked to Nick who was staring at him with a deep affection. He then turned his head to J.C. who stared at him with a need. Lance looked back to Brian and Justin who now sat perfectly together, just hugging onto each other. He felt Nick's lips caress his cheek and slowly move their way towards his lips. He turned his head in Nick's direction, after a cue from Nick's hand. Their lips met and Nick savored the moment. He held Lance's lips in the moment. His tongue slithered forward and slid across Lance's. It wasn't lust, it was love that Nick gave to Lance. Nick pulled away and whispered, "I love you Lance with all of my heart."

J.C. couldn't ponder his moves anymore. He had to know what Lance was going to do. He moved to Lance's head and whispered, "I love you Lance... I can't wait any longer." Lance heard J.C.'s words and felt himself begin to whimper slightly. He sniffled and tried to keep his mind on what was at hand. His heart thumped hard and his mind echoed 'I love you...' over and over. He knew he couldn't handle it anymore, so he went with the feeling.

"Both of you get the hell away from me!" Lance lashed out and quickly stood from his chair. Brian and Justin removed their lips from each other and looked up at Lance. A.J. and Amanda's attention was quickly caught, as was everyone else's. "I can't take this anymore." Lance hollered with tears streaking his face. As a child, Lance never had a reason to cry. The only time Lance let himself cry was when he was pressured to the point that he didn't know which side of the world was up. That was this moment. "Lance, what's wrong?!" Nick asked, standing up. He placed his hand on Lance's shoulder for comfort. Lance jerked away violently. "Just get away from me Nick! I don't need you right now." Lance said. J.C. smiled and stood to his feet. Lance looked at him with anger. "I don't want to see you either J.C.! I've dealt with all the shit I can take from you and him." Lance sobbed. Everyone in the room was confused except for J.C. "All I've done for these past weeks was fight to keep my sanity. I love two men and I'm damned for it. If I'm with J.C., I feel for Nick. If I'm with Nick, I feel for J.C. Both of you have pressured me to say 'I love you' so much that I don't know if I even love myself!" Lance screamed at them. He threw his chair back and moved from in between the two.

"I do love you, J.C. You've given me so much to look forward to, but I can't love you if you keep telling me when I need to. Damn it, I'm not your heart. You can live without me!" Lance barked at him. J.C. was shocked and reserved about the lashing. "And Nick, I love you deeply but I'm not your puppet and I'm not your dog so treat me with some respect. I want to be with you, but I can't if you expect me to fall to your every desire!" Lance turned his head to give Nick his full emotion. "I try and I try and I try to decide who I love and I can't. It's not fair to either of you, but neither of you will let up. This is my birthday and instead of me enjoying it with my friends, I have one guy who wants me to leave my lover and the other guy who just wants to get me in bed. Where's the fucking love in that?!" Lance questioned the room. He received no response.

"You've been sleeping with J.C. again!?" Nick finally questioned. Lance nodded with tears still falling from his red stained eyes. Nick was hurt once again by surprise. "Why? Why Lance? I could understand before when I was so fucked up in the head that I didn't know what I was doing, but why now? Why when I finally find someone that I love and loves me?" Nick questioned, overcome with tears himself. "I don't know Nick. Maybe because half of me always did love J.C. but never admitted it. J.C. was the first man I ever slept with and... he's always been there for me, always." Lance tried to make Nick understand. "And when he left you... who was there then?" Nick argued. "I'm sorry, Nick." Lance cried. Nick turned around and moved out from the table. He walked to a corner of the room and tried to collect his thoughts.

"Lance, maybe you should just get some rest and think about this?" Brian suggested. "Shut the fuck up Brian! You and Justin have everything you want. You're in love, you're going to get married and you let the rest of us sit in misery because we don't have what you two have!" Lance lashed at him. Brian sat back in awe. "Don't put him in this Lance. This is between me, you and J.C." Nick demaned of Lance. Lance turned his head in Nick's direction with anger. "So you still care for him, don't you? Still have feelings for him?" Lance questioned out of rage. "I always will, but I love you. The thing is, I love him enough to stand by him. I don't love you enough to watch you rip out my heart again and stomp all over it in front of everyone." Nick cried, stumbling on his words. "Nick, I love you enough to understand." Lance sighed. Lance had turned against everyone and didn't know what he was going to do.

J.C. was lost, but stood by Lance. "Lance, I know you love Nick, but I love you. I love you so much and I've never stopped loving you. Please... don't leave me." J.C. pleaded with him. "I love you." was all that Lance could say to J.C. "Then decide." Nick demanded of him. "I can't and I won't." Lance said, moving away from everyone.

No one knew what to do as they watched Lance run from the room. J.C. took a seat back in his chair and began to cry softly. He was soon comforted by Nikki, Britney and Joey. Nick emerged from his corner and walked towards the exit. "Nick, wait up!" Brian called out to him. Brian looked back at Justin and then Nick. He knew what he had to do. He ran after Nick and tried to comfort the young boy's pain. Justin watched as Brian walked out of the room with Nick. He knew where Brian had to go and he understood.

Lance had made it to his room with no further complications. He laid in his bed, tears still rolling from his eyes. He had no one left to blame but himself for what he had just done. It was painful, but it was reality. He was alone in his room and no one would understand the pain he had suffered.

He heard a small knock at his door and he was hesitant to get up. He knew sooner or later he had to face the reality of his friends. He slugged out of bed and made his way to the door. It was a painful task. He slowly opened the door and stared into two eyes. They were eyes that he grew to love and understand. He knew in his heart that this was where the pain ended and the love began. He had been through his trials and now the end of the rainbow was his. "I'm sorry." he heard the voice say. Lance was overcome with sadness. "I'm sorry too." Lance whimpered. He felt two, strong wrap around his body and hug him. Lance didn't know what to do. He lifted his arms and wrapped it around the loving body. "I don't want you to cry," the voice calmed him. Lance pulled the body inside of his room and cried on his shoulder. "Don't cry, Lance." the voice repeated. "I won't anymore..." Lance sighed. "Thank you... J.C." Lance said as J.C. laid him down on the bed and held him. Their lips touched softly, starting a new chapter in their growing romance.Brian & Justin (Part 73) By JM

Brian didn't know why he sat in a dark bar with Nick. He didn't know why he left Justin to be with Nick. And he didn't know why he felt so vulnerable around Nick. The smells, sights and sounds of the bar didn't attract Brian, but he sacrificed anything for a friend. It was just how Brian was raised. Nick felt himself drowning his sorrow in a small glass of vodka. He was never this heavy of a drinker, but love brought out the worst in him. It wasn't fate, yet reality that brought Nick and Brian to where they were. Brian knew that Nick needed something to sink his thoughts into and besides sex, Nick wasn't much for other stress relief therapy.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, Brian." Nick sighed over his glass. Brian didn't speak, just listened. "I've never told anyone I loved them before. Never. And now, it's just like 'Boom, Nick Carter you're life has been turned upside down again and you just have to deal with it. He doesn't love you and so you're fucked'." Nick said sadly. "It doesn't have to be like that Nick. You have a life, friends and a career still ahead of you. Lance was just a phase that you went through." Brian comforted him. "A 'phase'?! Lance, I told the man I loved him. You don't love phases, you just live them." Nick argued. Nick took another gulp of his drink before pushing the glass forward. It was a sign to the bartender that he wanted more to drink. Brian shook his head towards the bartender, advising the bartender that Nick had had enough.

Nick looked around sleepily. "I doubt that Justin would like this place." Nick slured out. "Yeah, he wouldn't." Brian agreed. "He's more of a bed-and-breakfast kinda guy. Isn't he?" Nick teased Brian. "No, he's not." Brian disagreed flatly. "I wonder how hard it is to get a prostitue around here." Nick pondered. "Don't even think about it, Nick. Just because you and Lance called it quit's doesn't mean that I'm gonna let you go fuck up the rest of your life." Brian warned him.

"Why do you care for me so much B-Rok? I mean, I broke you and Justin up so many times, I almsot killed you and I've disrespected you and Justin's relationship by kissing you more than once. What's there left to like in me?" Nick asked. Brian gave him a goofy look. "Everything. You're kindness, you're sense of humor and even your blue eyes. You're just someone that I know will always be right there if I need support." Brian answered. "Shouldn't Justin have these qualities?" Nick asked, sounding sober. "He does and more." Brian answered boldly. "So, I could be on the same standards as Justin one day?" Nick asked lowly. "One day, maybe." Brian shrugged. "But I won't wait to find out." Brian laughed, trying to encourage Nick. Nick wouldn't join in for the first time in their relationship. Brian knew that Nick was hurt severly. Nick grabbed hold of his glass and let the glass catch his tear drops. Brian placed a finger under Nick's chin as raised his head. "Don't let this hurt you Nick. You're so much bigger than this. Love is right around the corner, but you have to want it." Brian whispered, giving Nick confidence. "One day?" Nick questioned again. "One day." Brian nodded.

The stare into each other's eyes was compelling. It held them in a moment that there was no escape from. Brian knew it was wrong, but he was held. Nick leaned forward slowly and Brian found himself doing the same. Within seconds, their lips pressed firmly together and they began a slow, erotic kiss. Nick's hands ran across Brian's face, caressing his cheeks. Brian moved his lips slowly on Nick's, naive to what he was doing. Nick's lips caressed and rubbed against Brian's with a force that held tides of ocean together. It was a deep kiss that was not meant to be. They slowly pulled away from each other and stared into each other's eyes. "One day," Nick whispered softly. Brian felt himself ready to cry. He didn't know what he was doing, but he knew it was wrong. "Uh... Nick, I have to go," Brian said, standing from his stool. Nick grabbed onto his arm and pleaded. "Don't leave Brian. This is 'one day'." Nick begged. "No, it's not! It can't be because I love Justin more than you can imagine." Brian argued, throwing some money on the counter for his and Nick's drinks. "If you loved him then why would you kiss me?" Nick questioned. "Because I was stupid!" Brian answered. Nick backed away and let Brian leave the bar. A small smile crossed Nick's lips as Brian left. The smile slowly faded as Nick thought about his situation. 'Maybe it's not Lance that I love?' Nick pondered.

Brian's rush to get back to the hotel got him there quicker then he expected. When he entered the hotel lobby, he was dazed and confused. He knew one thing, he had to see Justin. he looked around the lobby and heard a loud roar outside. The sounds of thunder and rain were not pleasing to him. His thoughts drifted back to the first time he and Justin were confronted by ran and thunder. It was an experience that Brian would never forget. He almost lost Justin that day because of Nick and Lance. History was repeating itself slowly.

Brian looked around each corner of the the lobby with no avail. 'Maybe he's upstairs.' Brian thought to himself. Just as he began his walk for the elevators, he heard Justin call out to him. The voice was soothing to the sound. He spun around on his heels to stare into the face of the man he loved. No matter what had happened between him and Lance, Justin was the one he loved. The one he needed to sleep at night.

Justin approached him and gave him a small frown. "What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost or something?" Justin questioned, rubbing his fingers across Brian's cheek. It was the same cheek that Nick's hand was on minutes before. Brian flinched away and Justin looked at him with hurt. "Did I do something?" Justin asked. He still got no answer out of Brian. "I.. I have to talk to.. you." Brian stuttered out. Brian was not one for keeping secrets from Justin. Anything he had to tell Justin, he was going to do it that moment. "Okay, what's wrong?" Justin asked again.

Brian grabbed Justin's hand and walked him over to the sofas near a large, picturesque window. Brian sat Justin down and then sat next to him. Justin was confused as a flash of lightining shimmered outside. "Brian, you're starting to scare me. What's wrong?" Justin asked with concern. Brian tried to think of the right words to say to him. "Justin, I love you. I love you more than anything and I cherish every second I spend with you." Brian said for his opener. Justin nodded and smiled. "I love you too, babe." Justin responded. Brian smiled quickly and then gave a frown. He knew what he had to say to Justin, but he didn't know Justin's reaction. "Something happened while I was gone." Brian said softly. Justin sat back on the couch and awaited to hear more from Brian. "I took Nick to a bar so he could clam down and try and forget about Lance for ahwile." Brian added. "Is Nick okay?" Justin asked sincerly. "He's fine. That's not what's wrong though." Brian answered. Brian took a moment and then looked down at his ring. It was a symbol that he had tarnished and he knew he had to make it shine again. "Me and Nick kissed Justin." Brian finally fessed up. Justin gave Brian an odd look. "Nick kissed you!?" Justin questioned excitedely. "No, I kissed Nick and he kissed me." Brian repeated.

Justin sunk into the couch and stayed still. Brian knew what he said affected Justin. He watched Justin's bottom lip tremble and then his hands begin to shake slightly. "Did you mean to kiss him?" Justin finally asked. Brian didn't answer. He looked to the floor, giving Justin an answer silently. "It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did." Brian confessed. Brian didn't bother to look up at Justin. He knew how Justin was feeling. Brian felt Justin's hand grab his and hold it. Brian shyly looked up at Justin. "It's okay. I... I still love you." Justin said sadly. Brian smiled slightly and held onto Justin's hand. "I'll never do it again. I don't love him." Brian said sincerly.

Brian and Justin stood and began a walk to the stairs. It was a silent walk. Brian felt a cold prescence from Justin and didn't know why. He stopped Justin in the niddle of the hallway and gave him a worried expression. "What's wrong with you?" Brian asked. "I.. nothing." Justin stopped himself. He let go of Brian's hand and began his walk lonely towards the stairs. "No, wait. You.. what? What is it?" Brian asked. He ran after Justin and stopped in front of Justin. "I thought you said it was okay?" Brian questioned Justin's words. Justin didn't respond, staring at the floor. Brian did not bother to shatter the silence with his own words or thoughts.

"Did it mean anything to you at the time?" Justin asked. "I told you I don't love him." Brian responded. "No, I said did it mean anything to you at the time? Did you have second doubts about not staying with him?" Justin asked again, lifting his head to look at Brian. Brian closed his eyes and let his true feelings come from his heart. "I guess... I guess it made me re-think some things at the time." Brian confessed another of his true feelings. "But I don't think that way now. I love you... I love you so much." Brian said, opening his eyes. Justin stared at the teary eyes with no eomtion. His hands shook with a strong nervousness. What could he do? He loved Brian, but Brian betrayed something important to that love. He had betrayed Justin's trust. Justin panted softly, trying to take in what Brian told him. He shook his head with depression. He couldn't say anything to his fiancé. Justin turned his body in the other direction and began a quick-paced walk to the hotel entrance. He was leaving without his own intentions. Brian watched him walk away before making a final decision. Was his love for Judtin worth the sacrafice?

Justin found himself outside, feeling the pouding rain hit his body. He had not shelter from the storm and he didn't know where to go. He looked to either side of the road and saw no oncoming traffic. He ran across the slippery road to the otherside. He looked around and saw nowhere he could run to. He saw a Starbucks and figured it was the best chance for him to get out of the rain. Before he could run for the coffee shop, he felt a strong hand grab his arm. Justin peered over his shoulder to see a soaked Brian on the otherside. Justin knew it was too much for him. Justin turned his body in Brian's direction and stared at him. They were both covered with ran and their clothes clinged to their bodies. Their hair was dripping wet and they didn't care.

"I thought I could handle it Brian. I thought I could just move on... but I can't." Justin sobbed, sadly. Brian didn't know what to say. "I just don't understand how you could do this? Why would you do this to me? I mean, it's Nick.. the same guy that broke us up time after time after time." Justin barked. "I don't know what happened. I just ended up kissing him. I didn't plan it..." Brian's words were cut short. "But you did it anyways!" Justin yelled at him. A bang of thunder rippled through the skies. "Yes I did, just like I let him kiss me in Cancun. I'm the one to balme here, not you. You stood by me in Memphis." Brian agreed sarcastically. "That's not fair! What happened to me in Memphis is something else. I didn't kiss anybody or betray anybody's trust." Justin argued.

"You didn't? You call abandoning someone a good thing? or how about when you didn't tell me about Lance and J.C. the first time?! Hell, you might have known this time again! How am I supposed to trust you?!" Brian argued his point clearly. "We don't have a relationship if we can't trust each other." Justin cried. "So it hat how you're going to end it? Because of Nick again?" Brian questioned Justin. Another rumble of thunder shook their conversation. "No, it's because of you. I love you too much, damn it! I'm so fucking screwed up for loving you and you're out kissing Nick. Maybe I'm too young for this and I'm too young to understand." Justin shrugged. "Well then I guess I'm fucked up too because I love you Justin, that's all I can ever say." Brian sniffled out. Brian hugged Justin tightly and Justin cried on Brian's shoulder. Brian lifted Justin's head and begin to give him a kiss on the lips. Justin jerked away and shoved Brian off of him. "No! I can't do it! You just kissed Nick with those lips and now you're kissing me. I can't do it." Justin yelled at him. Brian was torn by Justin's reaction.

Justin stood on the corner of the street feeling desperate and feeling alone. "Brian.. I'm sorry." Justin sighed. He lifted his left hand slightly and began to swivel his wedding ring off. He took off the gold rin and gave it one last look. Brian let tears and rain fall down his face as he watched Justin. He didn't know what to do. Justin dropped the ring in the rain. It hit the ground with a heavy heart and rolled into the street. Justin walked away from the corner and leaned against a buidling. The rain still fell on both of them as the ring sat in the street.

Brian was never a quitter. His life was built on faith and that's all he had to love with. He slowly walked towards the street and stepped into the street. The street was clear as Brian looked down at the gold ring that sat in the street. The pounding rain seemed to keep the ring in one neutral spot. It wasn't the money, the shame or the pain of not having the ring that disturbed Brian. It was the fact that the ring was no longer on Justin's finger. Brian slowly bent down to pick up the ring and grasped it in his fingers. He admired in the ring in the rain. It was the purpose that held the bond between them. Brian stared at the ring as the water dripped off it.

Justin looked at Brian as he sat in the street. It was amazing to him how Brian didn't move from his spot as he looked at the ring. Brian was so into his dazing that he didn't see the beams of bright lights streaming through the rain. Justin looked from afar and saw the two sets of lights approaching. It wasn't a moment where Justin could think clearly. The car couldn't see Brian in the dimness of the rain and the night. It wasn't possible for it to stop after it had crossed it's buffer zone. Brian had still not moved from his position.

"NO! NO!" Justin called out. He looked towards Brian and quickly made his way from the side of the building. Brian looked up as he heard Justin's voice. He could hear the sounds of a car, but he didn't know where it was coming from. Justin's movements seem to go in slow motion. He was unsure if he was going to be able to save Brian from a fate that would destroy Justin. Brian felt Justin's swift hands yank onto his jacket. he was scared when he realized the car was feet from him. Justin pulled back on Brian, yanking Brian onto the side of the curb he was on. The car slammed on it's brakes just as it skid by Brian's feet. Brian and Justin tumbled onto the corner in a fit to save their lives. Brian's head slammed into Justin's chest as Justin's knee skid on the concrete. Brian kept his hands balled as he and Justin made their final rolls on the ground. The wet ground help to make their slides easier.

As the car had finally come to a stop, Brian and Justin laid on the concrete sidewalk. Brian laid ontop of Justin with a scared look upon his face. He stared down into Justin's eyes, who was also terrified. "Are.. are you okay?" Justin heaved out his words. Brian nodded with a deep breath. He was still scared and he didn't know how to control it. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian and hugged him. They could see a small crowd develop in minutes. "Are you two okay?" they could hear voices asking. "We're fine." Justin responded, trying to hush Brian's sobs.

The crowd disipated shortly and the driver, a woman in her late fourties was staring at the door. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see him!" she pleaded with Justin. Justin was still holding onto Brian, on the sidewalk, in the pouring rain. Justin was able to convince the woman not to contact police or an ambulance. He got Brian to sit up and they sat in the rain. Brian shook with nervousness. "You... you saved my life, Justin." Brian stuttered. "Anything for the man I love." Justin responded with a smile, avoiding the pain in his knee. Justin stood in the rain and helped Brian up. Brian quickly cluthed onto Justin and hugged him. Justin patted Brian on the back and tried to usher him to the hotel so they could dry off.

Justin limped towards his room, holding Brian's hand. Brian shivered with fear and iciness. The cool air of the hallway breezed over their damp bodies. Water was dripping from all features of their body, leaving a small trail on the floor. The floor they stayed on seemed to be empty throught the hallway. Brian and Justin didn't care. They had just suffered a moment of lose in their never ending love and it seemed to pull them further apart. Justin slipped his keycard through the door and pushed the door open. He peered in to see if A.J. was still there. He wasn't. Justin gave a sigh of relief and invited Brian in. Brian crept in shyly and Justin closed the door behind him. Brian stood in the room nervously and didn't know what to do. Justin removed his own jacket and threw it onto a small chair near the door. Justin walked over to the dresser that had a small mirror in the middle of it. He looked at his pale face and wanted to cry. 'What are we going to do?' he thought to himself as he looked in the mirror. He ran his hands over his curls and then his cheeks. He knew what he needed to do. He picked up a CD case from his dresser and put it in his stereo. He knew what number to program because he had memorized the track listing. He pressed his 'skip forward' button till it reached number ten. He pressed play and programmed the song to repeat.

The melody began and Justin turned towards Brian. Brian stared at the floor. Justin approached him and placed a finger under his chin. Justin lifted Brian's chin and Brian tried not to stare at Justin. Brian's expression was that of an innocent child. Justin ran his hand smoothly against Brian's cheek. Brian wanted to say a million things to Justin, but he was speechless. He heard a melody very familar to his ears. He heard Nick singing softly on the CD.

I never thought that I would lose my mind

That I could control this

Never thought that I'd be left behind

That I was stronger than you, baby

Girl if only I knew what I've done

You know, so why don't you tell me

And I, I would bring down the moon and the sun

To show how much I care

Justin began to remove Brian's jacket without protest from Brian. Justin lifted the wet jacket from Brian's soaked body and dropped it to the floor. Brian shyly lifted one of his hands and began to feel Justin's saturated shirt. Justin grabbed hold of the bottom of Brian's sweatshirt and tugged on it. He began to lift the shirt up. Brian raised his arms to help Justin and Justin pulled it off fully. He held onto the shirt for a moment, clutching it. He dropped the sweatshirt to the floor and stared into Brian's naive eyes. 'I can't hurt him... I love him...' Justin thought to himself. Brian lifted his hand again and began to remove Justin's shirt. Justin helped Brian and Justin slipped out of his shirt. He wore an ash gray, North Carolina Tarheels T-shirt under it. Brian slipped out his own under shirt and dropped it in the pile of clothes on the floor. He flicked on Nike's and sootd in his jeans and socks. Justin followed and removed his shirt and shoes. He listened as the angelic voice that was Brian's sang.

I've got this feeling you're not gonna stay

It's burning within me

The fear of losing, of slipping away

It just keeps getting closer, baby

Whatever reason to leave that I've had

My place was always beside you

And I wish that I didn't need you so bad

Your face just won't go away

Brian let a tear drop fall down his face as he listened to the song. 'Why did he have to pick this one?' Brian questioned as he listened to the ballad that represented how they were both feeling at the time.

Don't wanna lose you now (don't wanna lose you)

Baby, I know we can win this

Don't wanna lose you now (don't wanna lose you)

No, no, or ever again

Justin placed his hands on the top button to Brian's jeans. Justin unbuttoned the jeans and slowly unzipped them. He let the heavy jeans fall from Brian's waist to his ankles. He grabbed Brian's hand and let Brian step out of his jeans. Brian stared into Justin's eyes with a lonely appeal. Justin let Brian undo his pants and he stepped out of them.

Justin grabbed Brian's arms and pulled him towards the bed. Justin laid Brian back on the bed and laid down ontop of him. Brian's heart pounded as Justin stare into his child-like eyes. Justin sat up gently and pulled Brian's boxers down. He pelled off the wet boxers and dropped them off of the bed. Brian slipped his socks off and then he laid naked under Justin. Justin felt Brian's hands grab the waistband of his boxers and he didn't resist. he felt Brian slid them off as Justin kicked off his own socks. Their shivering bodies were inches from each other and they didn't attempt to touch each other. It was the first time in a long time that Brian and Justin didn't want to sleep together. It just wasn't in them. Justin needed a sign to know it was right. He listened to the lyrics and Brian's voice for his sign.

Whatever reason to leave that I've had

My place was always beside you

That was all that he needed. He leaned down and gave Brian a small kiss on the lips. Earlier the feel of Brian's lips appalled Justin because of what Brian had did. This time, it was something special. It was the thing that he needed and he knew it. He moved away slightly and looked at the pouting lips before him. 'I'm sorry.' he saw Brian mouthed. Justin leaned back forward and closed his eyes. He kissed Brian gently and felt Brian return the kiss deeply. Brian lifted his arms and placed them on Justin's back. He pulled Justin down ontop of him again.

Their wet bodies tried to warm each other with their kiss and feel. Brian ran his hands over Justin's back as Justin kept their kiss moving. He felt Justin's tongue curve it's way into his mouth and he gladly accepted it. Their tongues ran over each other and massauged each other. Justin pulled back, keeping just his tongue in Brian's mouth. Brian opened his mouth and let Justin slip all the way out. Justin got off of Brian and pulled away fully.

He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his head in his hands. Brian was confused. He heard muffled sounds of Justin's crying. Brian sat up and cralwed over to where Justin was. He placed his hand on Justin's shoulder and felt Justin pull away. Brian didn't know what he had doen this time. "I know you're so... sorry, Brian.. but it's still there... the pain is still there..." Justin cried. Brian understood.

He stepped off the bed and moved towards the stereo. Justin continued his crying, sadly. Brian programmed the stereo for two songs. He pressed play for the first song to begin. He listened as the familar sounds of his cousin playing piano strummed into the room. Justin listened to the music, but kept his same position. Brian walked over to Justin and knelt in front of him. He waited for the right moment before he started singing with the CD.

The words to say

The road to take

To find a way back to your heart

What can I do

To get to you

And find a way back to your heart

Justin lifted his head and looked at Brian. Brian meant what he sang. Justin tried to wipe his tears away, but Brian stopped him. "It's okay to cry, Justin. I know I hurt you." Brian assured him. "I just don't want to lose you." Brian whispered. Brian grabbed something from the floor that glimmered in the pale light of the room.

Give me one more chance (give me one more chance)

To give my love to you (give you my love, my love)

Cause no one on this earth, loves you like I do

Tell me

Brian held up the small object and he let Justin admire it. It was Justin's engagement ring. Justin sniffled and let the tears fall like Brian said. It was the right time and the perfect setting all over again for the two. Brian knew it. As he thought earlier, history was repeating itself. Nick and Lance's card had been played, now it was time for Brian and Justin's reconciliation. And as history grows even more ironic, it was once again time for Brian to propose to Justin. "I love you... I don't want to love anyone else, Justin. I know I've done some stupid things, but I need you. Please, marry me?" Brian questioned with a sincere voice. Justin didn't know how to answer Brian this time.

I turn back time

To make you mine

And find a way back to your heart

I beg and plead

Fall to my knees

To find a way back to your heart

Justin held his hand out for Brian. Brian looked to Justin's eyes for an answer. It was always Justin's eyes that told the true honesty and never his actions. Those blue eyes that Brian stared into were filled with sincerity and love. Brian slid the gold ring onto Justin's ring finger and held it tightly. "It's only you." Brian whispered. Justin hear the song fade into a song that had grown onhim. A song that didn't have as much to do with loss as it did with understanding pain.

So many words for the broken heart

It's hard to see in a crimson love

So hard to breathe

Walk with me, and maybe

Brian stood slightly and pushed Justin back on the bed. Justin gladly laid back and Brian got on top of him. Brian kissed Justin's cheek and moved his way to Justin's lips. Justin parted his lips and let Brian kiss him with a passion. Their kiss held as Justin moved his hands over Brian's strong body. Their shivering had stop and their love had grown. Unlike with Amanda and A.J.'s relationship, there was no distance. Unlike with Joey and Britney's relationship, there was understanding. Unlike with Nick and Lance's relationship, there was no need for lust. Unlike with J.C. and Lance's relationship, there was trust. Brian and Justin's was the relationship that was built on the defitiontion of love.

Nights of light, so soon become

Wild and free, I could feel the sun

Your every wish will be done

They tell me...

Brian's body moved up and down upon Justin's. Their bodies ground together in an erotic way. They were not out to have sex, they were out to re-new what they had lost. Justin's lips let go of Brian's slightly to pant out Brian's name. Brian eased himself on Justin and rubbed his hands over Justin's hips. Justin raised one of his legs and let Brian's leg fall between his thighs. Brian leaned down once again and pressed his lips on Justin's. Justin let his tongue enter Brian's mouth again and gave himself to Brian. Justin's hands grabbed onto Brian's neck and held their heads together. Brian used one hand to grabed Justin's leg and massauge it. The other hand ran over Justin's warm cheek. Brian moved his lips from Justin's and glided to his ear. "Let's just do this..." Brian whispered and began to kiss Justin's ear. Justin nodded slightly and moved his hands to Brian's shoulder blades. Brian lifted his body slightly and then brought it back down again against Justin's. It brought pleasure to Justin.

Neither of them realized that they had become erect during their kissing. The thought never crossed their minds. Brian's hand moved from Justin's inner thigh to his abs. Brian traced the word 'Just' over Justin's stomach and then he grabbed onto Justin's hip. Justin moaned softly as Brian moved his lips to his neck. Brian sucked softly on the neck, never staying at one position. Justin felt Brian's penis run against his and it sent shivers throught his body. Brian's other hand moved from Justin's cheek to his hair. Brian ran his fingers through Justin's golden blonde hair.

Life goes on as it never ends

Eyes of stone observe the trends

They never say forever gaze at full moon

Guilty roads through an endless love (endless love)

There's no control

Are you with me now?

Your every wish will be done

They tell me

Justin panted softly as Brian sucked harder on his neck. Justin moved his hips up and down, creating friction between their penises. Justin's hands gripped Brian's hips and held them down ontop of Justin's crotch. Brian let go of Justin's neck and moaned softly into Justin's ear. They began a small roll on the bed as they kissed and hugged each other. In the end, Brian remained on top.

There's nowhere to run

I have no place to go

Surrender my heart, body and soul

How can it be you're asking me to feel the things you never show

Brian moaned softly into Justin's ear and then moved his hands to Justin's chest. He ran his fingers gently over Justin's chest and savored their act of love. Brian's lips brazed over Justin's as he tried to control his moans. Justin's eyes were still shut and he felt himself falling into a zone. Brian fondled Justin's ass in his hands for a few moments. Justin's eyes surged open and he looked up. Brian's eyes opened at the same moment and he looked down at Justin. Before their lips could reach each other again, their bodies exploded in ecstasy. They both shook and shivered as they came between each other. "Heh... oh, Brian..." Justin moaned and grabbed onto Brian's body. Brian laid his chin on Justin's shoulder and whimpered as he finished cumming. He wrapped his arms under and around Justin's shivering body. It had been over a week since Brian and Justin had been able to touch each other to that extent. It wasn't sex, it was love.

Brian lifted Justin slightly and pushed him up to the foot of the bed. They laid in each other's arms for seconds. Justin leaned forward and gave Brian a small kiss on the tip of his nose. He ran a finger under Brian's left eye and caught the tear that was ready to fall. "It's okay to cry." Justin assured him with the same compassion that Brian gave earlier. "I don't want to cry." Brian responded. He placed his arms around Justin and held him. "I want to hold you." Brian whispered and hugged Justin. Justin returned the hug. He brushed his hands through Brian's hair and they both clamed themselves. Theyr laid their heads on one pillow and fell alseep quietly.Brian & Justin (Part 74) By JM

The morning came quickly as everyone walked onto the set of 'Just II/Saw It Coming'. It was a short plane ride, but still a hard one for everyone. The silence between groups and lovers was strong. No one had discussed the events of the night before. It was an awkward sense to shoot a new video with. The school was a high school that was closed for three days, so the guys had plenty of time to shoot their video. It was set up just as they planned, the video for 'Saw It Coming' was of the guys in high school. It reminded Britney, in a way, of her video for '...Baby One More Time', except no uniforms.

"Uh, head to wardrobe and make-up and then meet on the set." Chris told everyone without feeling. He walked off towards wardrobe while everyone else held their positions. Was this the part where everyone seperated in silence or where they finally discussed what happened?

Joey held onto Britney's hand and she laid her head on his shoulder. The two of them were in a state of silence because they were torn between who was right and who was wrong. Britney argued the side for Nick who had suffered greatly, while Joey defended his long-time friend J.C. for his battle with secrets. Nothing had changed, but they stayed together. It wasn't worth their growing love to give up like Lance had.

Amanda stood next to A.J. peacefully. They had began their road back to love after the distance that was between them. It wasn't new to them, but they were growing tired of starting over. A.J. didn't argue and fight to change things, but he wanted everything form Amanda and Amanda wanted the same. The only problem was... why didn't they try harder?

J.C. didn't stand next to Lance. The night they spent making love was precious to him, but he knew how everyone else felt. He needed to keep the peace until the time was right. Lance understood as he felt the eyes of anger surround him. He had nowhere to go, but he knew J.C. would stand by him. Lance felt in his heart that he should talk to Nick, but he knew Nick didn't want anything to do with him. He was sorry that it ended the way it did, but he didn't want to change what had happened. Nick stared at the floor, his face pale and his eyes barely open. He had a hangover and he had kissed Brian. One of his problems was more of a joy in his heart. He had kissed Brian, but Brian had kissed him. He wanted to tell Justin the full extent of their kiss, but he knew if he approached Justin that he'd have no chance at finding a way to Brian. So, he kept his peace.

"Hey, don't you guys look kind of sleepy-eyed? Come on, we've got work to do!" Fartima barked at them. As she did, everyone began their walk to their places. No one spoke and it was chilling to Fatima. "Did I miss something?" she asked Brian as he walked by. Brian nodded and kept walking.

An hour went by before most of the people had made it onto the sets. "Okay, listen up people, I need Justin and Brian onto the 'Just' set. We'll start by shooting that first and then we'll go onto the next video." Tim Story, the director, announced to everyone through his mega-phone. Justin found his way to the set which was nicely designed.

It was a pure white hallway. The white shimmered with bright overhead lights that glowed with a fluorescent tone. Brian stepped onto the set and saw Justin walking around. Brian looked at the two white walls that repsented the hallway they were to walk through. He admired the walls and noticed the writings that were on the wall. The word on the wall, written is several languages, was 'Just'. "Is this Spanish?" Brian asked in amazement. "Spanish, French, Chinese, English and anything else you can think of." Tim answered him. "Okay, let's start with Brian's verse. Everyone clear the set except for Brian so we can shoot this." Tim announced. Quickly, production workers left the set. Justin looked at Brian before stepping off the set. He watched from behind the camera to see his fiancé.

The music cued to the beginning of Brian's part and Brian began to lip-synch his verse. Brian was dressed in a long, white coat with a white shirt under it and white jeans on. the lights above caused a glow to shine around Brian's clothes. Brian motioned with the music and waited for his verse to end. "Okay, cut!" Tim yelled. Brian rested against the wall and looked towards Justin. Justin smiled at Brian and winked. Brian made a goofy face and caused Justin to laugh. Their flirting while apart never ceased.

"Okay, let's get some shots of you just walking through the hallway while the music plays." Tim suggested as the camera set up another angle. Brian nodded and waited for the music to play again. As it did, Brian built up his acting skills. He developed a lonely look and walked around the hallway. His fingers ran over one of the walls, creating an even more dramatic look. His on-lookers were loving each moment of it. When his verse eneded again, Brian smiled brightly. "How was that?" Brian asked. "Perfect!" Tim called back to him.

"Okay, let's do your close up shots and then you can go to wardrobe to get ready for the next video." Tim said, pointing out some shots to the other cameraman. Brian walked up to his marker and stood in front of one of the cameras. He looked to Justin again with love. "If he stares at you all day long, then we'll never get the shoot done." A.J. whispered to Justin. Justin smirked and shrugged. Once again the music started and Brian sang in front of the camera. He gave faces of joy and of pain as he lip-synched. "And cut!" Tim yelled. "Okay Brian, that's a wrap. Justin, on the set!" Tim said while preparing his next camera shot. Brian stepped off the set and walked over to Justin. He gave Justin a hug and a small kiss on the cheek. "Have fun, babe." Brian whispered to Justin before walking away from the set. Justin smiled brightly and found it hard to get into character. He was constantly re-doing his shots because of it, but he didn't care.

Justin walked to the set of 'Saw It Coming'. Only one of the halls of the school was used for 'Just II'. The rest was reserved for 'Saw It Coming'. Justin held his Evian water in hand as he stepped into one of the hallways of the school. He watched production staff run crazy through the halls setting up the last props for the video. He tried to keep everyone from noticing something very different on him. He felt two arms wrap around his waist and he smiled as a chin laid on his shoulder. It was becoming Brian's trademark, but Justin didn't mind it. "Where have you been?" Brian asked, hugging Justin tighter. Brian didn't even notice Justin's head. Justin took off his hat for Brian to see something new. "It took me a bit longer to shoot my part of the video. Sorry." Justin answered before taking a sip of his water. Brian took notice of the hair that was ontop of Justin's head. Justin's hair was now auburn-red, giving him a light brown look. "Well you look nice." Brian chimmed. Justin was glad that Brian didn't mind that Justin had dyed his hair. "It's rather sexy." Brian whispered, running hir hand through Justin's hair.

Justin was wearing a navy blue DKYNY sweater with white jeans. Brian wore navy blue sweatshirt with baggy, black sweats. "Hey, are ya'll going to be in the video or not?" Fatima called from the doorway of one of the classrooms. "Yeah, we're coming Fatima." Brian answered. Brian unwrapped himself from around Justin and held his hand. They walked down to the classroom and let go of each other at the door.

They looked inside and saw some of their comrades inside with cameras and workers setting things up. The classroom was decorated just like that of a regular high school. The desks were college-style and everyone was preparing to start the scene. "Okay, we're going to be shooting in this room and two other rooms down the hall. Everyone should know how the video is going to go. When we start, you're going to be in the classrooms and you're going to have this need to get out. So after awhile, you start to dance and party in the class. Then, right after the second chorus, you all get into the hallway and notice everyone else is partying in the hallway. Everyone should take their cues from Fatima on what to do and everyone should know when to start singing." Tim explained. Everyone in the room listened closely. "Now, for this scene Justin, you walk into class late and find out that you're breaking up with Britney." Tim talked directly to him. Justin understood and knew that part of the video was coming. He had explained to Brian before the concept of the video so it would match the song. Brian was understanding enough to know that Justin had to do the same when Brian did 'The One' video. Tim walked over to Lil' Kim and explained her part as the teacher in the video.

Justin took notice of who was in the room. Lance sat in the far corner of the room while J.C. was on the opposite end. Britney sat in the front near the door and Chris right behind her. Danay and Veronica had seats next to Britney and A.J. sat in the middle. "Hey Brian, saved you a seat." A.J joked while pointing to the seat in front of him. "Oh, nice hair Justin. it's about time you changed it!" A.J. cheered and laughed. Justin smiled at him and gave a small laugh. "Eh, it's cute." Britney shrugged, teasing him. "Well I think it suits you." Danay nodded. "Thanks." Justin responded. The dancers seemed to fill the rest of the seats as Brian sat down. There was one more seat left and it was reserved for when Justin came in.

Justin stood outside the classroom awaiting his cue. "Okay, action!" Tim called out. Justin waited for the bell to ring before he ran into the classroom. He puffed as if he was out of breath with everyone in the room staring at him. "You're late, again, Mr. Timberlake." Kim bellowed at him. "I know... I'm real sorry Miss Jones." Justin played his role. Brian smiled as he watched Justin act as if they were in high school again. "Take your seat, Justin." Kim said. Justin walked through the aisles to his seat next to Brian. Justin felt it was more than coincidence that he happened to have a seat right next to Brian. Justin saw a small note drop on his desk and he looked up. Britney waved to him and winked. Brian refused to get jealous because he understood what went into making a video. Justin opened the note and read it. 'It's over!' was scribbled on the note. Justin looked up with a disturbed face.

"Cut!" Tim called out. Justin was relieved and dropped the note on the desk. "Okay, let's do some more shots of Justin getting the note." Tim suggested, taking the camera people to another angle. Justin sighed and picked the noe back up. They did five more takes with Justin and Britney before calling a break.

"Justin, can I talk to you for a minute?" Tim asked while wrapping things up. Justin nodded and walked over to him. "We're going to be doing some more shots about you and Britney and the whole concept behind that, also we'll be shooting with the other guys. I need to ask a favor of you though." Tim stated. "Okay, what do you need?" Justin asked, willingly helping. "We need you to take off that ring on your left hand. It looks like an engagement ring and it would mess up the whole concept behind this video. It makes it seem like you're attached to someone." Tim explained. "My ring?" Justin questioned, looking down at the ring. "Yeah, it's just for today. I'm sure it's no big deal since it's not like a wedding ring or something." Tim shrugged. Justin looked down at the ring and then over to Brian. Brian was busy talking with A.J. and had not heard a word the two spoke. He looked at the bright smile that seemed to control Brian's face. It was something Justin didn't want to see go away. Justin shook his head. "No, I can't, Tim. I'm sorry." Justin answered. "But Justin, it's just for today." Tim pleaded. "No, I can't take it off Tim." Justin said defensively. "Why?" Tim asked, not understanding Justin's strong disagreement. "Because, it is something very special to me." Justin responded. Tim backed off the subject. "Okay, maybe we can get you from different angles. It's fine." Tim apologized in his own way. He walked off and began shooting on another side of the school.

Justin plopped down in his seat and sighed loudly. He looked up and saw Nick walk into the classroom. He had not been around Nick enough to say anything to him yet, but he was too tired and disturbed to say anything to him now. He watched as Nick approached Brian and the conversation changed distance. Justin took his eyes from Brian and Nick. He trusted Brian.

Justin placed his arms on the desk and laid his head down. He tried to catch a few minutes of sleep while he waited for the video shoot to continue. "What's bugging you?" he heard a voice ask. Justin lifted his head slightly and saw Britney standing over him. "A lot." Justin answered and laid his head back down. "Well I guess it's more than you want to tell me, huh?" Britney asked kindly. "It's a long story, Britney." Justin responded while keeping his head down. "That's funny because I love long stories." Britney persisted. Justin didnt' answer. "It has something to do with Nick and Brian, doesn't it?" Britney asked softly. She sat in the desk in front of Justin and waited for an answer. "How do you know?" Justin finally questioned, looking up at her. "Me and Joey had to get Nick to bed last night when he came back from a bar. He kept mumbling something about Brian, but I wasn't paying attention." Britney responded honestly. She placed her hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "What happened?" she asked softly. Justin tried not to linger on the memories. "Brian and Nick kissed." Justin whispered with a depressed tone. "Nick kissed Brian?!" Britney hissed, softly. "No, Brian and Nick kissed," Justin repeated. Britney's mouth hung open in surprise. She didn't know what to say to him. In ways, Justin was her ex-boyfriend, but that was too long ago to compare to what Justin was feeling now.

"How did you find out?" Britney finally blurted out her question. "He told me." Justin said. Justin licked his lips and looked down at the desk. "He told you. You mean he actually came back and told you that he and Nick kissed?" Britney asked desperately. Justin gave her a small nod. "God Justin, you have a great boyfriend." Britney complained. Justin looked at her with astonishment. "What?!" Justin said confused. "Brian actually came back and told you he kissed Nick. He didn't cover it up or keep it secret. He told you. That's an honest and caring man. He really must care for you to tell you something like that." Britney stated. Justin never thought of it in that light. Brian did come straight to Justin and tell him what happened. He didn't try to hide the truth from Justin. "Excuse me, Britney," Justin said and stood from his desk.

He walked away from her and found Brian and Nick, in a corner talking. Justin walked behind Brian and wrapped his arms around Brian's chest. Brian was shocked to feel Justin grab him. "Excuse me, Nick. I need to talk to my fiancé for a minute." Justin smiled. Brian bit his lower lip, fearing that Justin was going to argue with him for being with Nick. Nick nodded shyly, fearing that Justin was going to beat his ass. Justin pulled on Brian and Brian followed Justin.

Justin walked Brian out of the classroom and into the hall. He saw that Tim Story was shooting in another classroom, so he took this oppurtunity to kiss Brian on the lips. Brian was astonished once again, by Justin's kiss, but he gladly returned it. Justin ended the kiss shortly and stared into Brian's baby blue eyes. "Thank you for telling me yesterday." Justin whispered to Brian. Brian licked his lips and tasted the sweetness of Justin's lips on his own. "I wanted you to know everything." Brian whispered back. "I know that now. I love you. I won't ever love another man like you," Justin said, running his hands over Brian's sweatshirt. Brian grinned and wrapped his arms around Justin's neck. Justin placed his arms around Brian's waist and pulled Brian up to his crotch. "You're not going to say anything to Nick, are you?" Brian asked. Justin placed a finger on his lips and hushed him. "I don't want to talk about him right now." Justin whispered to Brian.

Justin lower his head and began to tongue Brian's neck. Brian shivered with sensations. Justin's tongue ran over the nape of his neck and then to his adam's apple. Brian could feel Justin's erect cock rubbing against his thigh through his sweats. Brian looked around before releasing a small moan. "We can't do this, Justin." Brian whispered to him. Justin pushed Brian up against a door in the hall and jiggled with the knob while still kissing Brian's neck.

The door opened and Justin and Brian stumbled inside of the room. It was a dark room and Justin searched for a light switch. When he found one, he noticed that he and Brian were in a closet. Justin and Brian laughed. "Now I really do feel like I'm back in high school." Justin giggled. Brian put a hand on Justin's jeans button and unbuttoned it. "Brian, I didn't mean.." this time Brian hushed Justin. Brian knelt down in front of Justin and pulled his jeans all the way down to his ankles. Brian yanked at Justin's baby blue boxers and pulled them to his knees. Brian admired the smooth cock that sprung out in front of his mouth. Brian stuck his tongue out and licked the slit that ebgan to releasing pre-cum. Justin sighed deeply and relaxed. Brian grabbed the hot penis and held it in his hands. He licked at it gently and tenderly. Brian's tongue swirled around the head of Justin's cock with a need. He savored the taste of Justin's salty cock. Justin let small moans escape his lips and he began to slowly move his hips back and forth. Brian finally took the head of Justin's penis in his mouth and sucked on it. His tongue flipped and swirled over the head. Justin leaned his head back slightly and moaned. With his eyes shut, his hands found Brian's light brown hair. He ran his fingers through the hair as Brian began to bob up and down on Justin's cock. Brian ran his own hands from Justin's pubic hair to the very inside of his thighs. Justin was overcome with the pleasure of Brian's lips.

Before Brian could go down one last time on Justin, Justin grunted loudly and came in Brian's mouth. Brian accepted every drop of Justin's precious cum. Brian swallowed Justin's cum with enthusiasm and then let go of Justin's softening cock. He licked his lips and stood to his feet. Justin leaned down and pulled up his boxers and jeans. "Brian!! Justin!! Where are you!!" Justin and Brian heard Howie calling. "Uh oh, here comes the bad part." Brian smiled. Justin grinned and zipped up his jeans. Brian snatched Justin into an embrace and held him. Justin took a minute to regain his composure. Then he lifted his arms and returned the hug to Brian. He knew why Brian was hugging him. Brian knew that it was hard to find someone like Justin. Someone who would forgive him because he loved him and not because he didn't want to be alone. "Oh, I want to hold you forever." Brian whispered. "I know.. I do too." Justin responded. "Brian!! Where are you!!" they heard Kevin call out. "Yoo hoo, lovebirds! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" they heard A.J. playfully say. Brian sighed and let go of Justin. Justin held on tight and didn't let Brian pull away. Brian kissed Justin's cheek and massauge his back. Justin decided to let go and they parted.

The silence of the room was nothing compared to the silence of their hearts. Brian was the first to exit the closet, making it seem like he was the only one in there. When Justin felt it was secure, he too exited. Justin looked around and saw Fatima waiting on the otherside of the hall. Justin's mouth fell open and he stopped. "Boy, you hide it well." Fatima commented. Justin stood nervously, awaiting to see what Fatima wanted of him. "Can't you two spend an hour away from each other?" Fatima asked with a small laugh. "I think we've spent too long away from... each other." Justin answered shyly. "Oh, something wrong?" Fatima asked with concern. "Yeah.. but we've got a video to do." Justin said, trying to avoid the subject. "Yeah, you're right. Let's forget the subject and watch you and Brian pout all day long." Fatima agreed in a sarcastic tone. "It's not going to be like that." Justin assured her. "Really!? Because the last video we did, you moped the whole time because of Leigh Ann. Now, I see Nick talking to Brian and you sitting at a desk by yourself. So what's the deal Justin? Who's the problem here?" Fatima questioned him seriously and bitterly. Justin shook his head and began walking away. "You know he loves you. Tell him you love him. I think he needs to know." Fatima called to him. Justin listened to her as he walked. Justin walked back into the classroom he was filming in. He saw the director preparing everyone for the upcoming scene. "Glad you could make it." A.J. said, tipping his cowboy hat in Justin's direction. Justin waved and went back to his seat. While Tim was talking with the dancers, Justin looked over to Brian. Brian sat patiently at his desk. He stared directly at the blackboard. His thumbs twiddled with each other while he thought. Justin grabbed one of Brian's hands and pulled it off the desk. He held it up and then kissed it. Brian turned his head in Justin's direction. 'What are you doing?' Brian mouthed to Justin with an intese expression on his face. "I love you Brian Littrell. I love you deeply and whole-heartedly." Justin said clearly. A.J. smiled and giggled at Justin. "He's a killer for romance." A.J. laughed to Brian. Justin was glad he took Fatima's advice. Soon a bright smile appeared on Brian's lips.

"Okay people, we're going to start shooting again. Everyone remember what you're supposed to do and go with the flow if plans change." Tim announced. Everyone nodded and awaited the shoot to begin. Justin watched as the bright lights began and the room was set perfectly. "Ready... action!" Tim called out. Lil' Kim took her cue and began her acting part.

"Now class, today we're going to be studying 'Love'. I know that alot of you have read about love and what great qualities it has. But today, we're going to talk about the downside of love." Kim spoke clearly and with pride. "Now.." Kim was interupted by the sounds of music being blared over the speakers. "What's up ya'll!!! This is Busta Rhymes and schools out! So everybody rock on!" they heard Busta Rhymes shout over the loud speaker. Slowly, each person in the class began to bob their head to the music. Then, each dancer got up from their desks and began to dance around the desks as the Backstreet Boys did in 'As Long As You Love Me'. The dancers ran up to the front of the room and began their dance with Lil' Kim.

Uh, uh, yeah yeah

Check this out

Who's 'N Sync without the 'N' or the 'C'?

My LP set on three, icely Q.B.

If they wanna find me, I'll be O-U-T

Like Changing Faces, I've got the monopoly

I'm priceless, you stay hidin'

Call me the nicest, and if you don't like it

You can 'Just', keep ya style on the hush

I see me and you gon' have to talk but...

You want my ends and my Benz without Junior Mafia

I'll leave you like the Lox, because you'll always love Big Poppa

Me and Justin is partners, while J.C. on wit' us

Lance know's what's wrong with'cha, Joey makes my profit

Chris blitzed the scene, so now we like pow!

You'll be side-bar, wishin' you could taste the Cristal

I see... you love me for the chase

Saw It Coming, now you lost the Lil' K

Lil' Kim lip-synched her part with ease. She kept her concentration on her dance steps and where she was to move next. Justin awaited for the right moment before standing from his desk.

I was in a daze from the first time

I heard you sing your song, you were mine

Lost in a world of desire and trust

But then you showed me the way to love

Justin stood right in front of Britney as he lip-synched to the music. He slid over the floor and let J.C. take center stage. His eyes went to Brian who was getting ready to begin the group dance.

The way you made the room glow

I couldn't ignore you anymore

Even the stars didn't shine at night

You seemed to move the sands of time

J.C. got the room into a steady groove before following Tim Story's cue. He grabbed Britney's hand and began to dance with her. His purpose was to create a feeling of jealousy on Justin's behalf. Justin found it hard to follow that direction but he was a professional.

Can you say that you will be with me

Stop telling all your friends you don't love me

Cause I'm tired of playing games

I saw it coming that first day

I have a million questions for you

Tell me baby, say it's true

Is it my time to finally hold you

Oh baby, I wanna love you

"Cut!" Tim called out. Everyone stopped dancing and took a deep breath. "Oh, that was beautiful!" Fatima cheered them from the side. She was impressed on how everyone caught onto the steps that she had taught them. "Okay, we're going to do some close up shots with J.C., Lil' Kim and Justin. We'll need Britney too. While we're doing that, Fatima needs to go over a few steps with the dancers and A.J. and Lance. The rest of you get a break." Tim informed everyone. Justin frowned and followed J.C., Britney and Lil' Kim to the front of the class for the close up shots. Brian took a seat behind the camera to watch Justin do some of his close ups. Brian kept his eye on how Justin stayed in character and casually flirted with Britney. "Ah, I don't believe him. He's acting like she's his little sister." Danay said, trying to cheer Brian's mood. Brian laughed lightly and kept watching.

"Okay, let's get some shots of you guys singing from your desks. I have a desk set up here with no one around to make it look like you're singing solo." Tim directed, clearing the room. "Brian, come on out here and rehearse for the hall scene." A.J. said to him. Brian stood from his chair and took one last look at Justin who was prepating for his shot. Justin didn't even notice Brian's looks before Brian left.

An hour slipped by before they were ready to start shooting in the hallway. Only the members of the Backstreet Boys, Innosense, 'N Sync and Britney Spears were in this first scene. They all awaited Justin, Busta Rhymes, Lil' Kim and J.C. to show up. They had rehearsed long with Fatima for this scene. She awaited the results.

Soon Justin and J.C. entered the hall. "All right, I need to get some close up shots of Chris, Lance, Britney and Kevin by the lockers. I want to get them singing the chorus." Tim stated. Britney groaned for doing another close up, but made he way to where Tim had set up her marker. Kevin, Chris and Lance followed her and awaited their turns.

"Curly, nice hair." Joey commented, seeing his friend's new hair color for the first time. "Thanks, Phat One." Justin smiled. Joey chuckled and looked at Britney. Chris searched around the hall for Busta Rhymes in hopes of chatting with him. A.J. found himself clinging to Amanda while Danay and Mandy looked on. Nikki watched Kevin with a sharp eye. Their relationship was slowly starting to grow, despite J.C.'s unsure feelings towards the relationship. Nick stood lonely next to the lockers in the hall. Brian watched him with a sense to help him again. His 'need' soon faded when he thought of what happened last time he tried to help Nick. The hallway may have been filled with the sounds of 'Saw It Coming', but the feelings were far different from that of the song's meaning and lyrics.

"Now, let's do this big dance number before we shoot the scenes for Justin and J.C.'s second verse. So, Chris and Busta Rhymes get to the front so we can shoot you guys rapping while the rest are dancing." Tim Story ordered while setting up the next camera angle. The dancers and everyone else got to their spots and stood in line with each other. Fatima made the final calls on who stood where and then jumped behind camera. The music started up and Busta Rhymes took his cue, running wildly into the scene.

Aye see, when I saw you, I was 'N Sync

The way you made me bounce, my heart beat

You was alto, for my soprano

My X to my O, my Mighty in my Joe

You know me and these five cats, never look back

We might say 'I Want You Back', but never believe that

I see two honies, lookin' fly to me

Put your hands where my eyes can see

If you really wanna be with me

Chris laughed and hopped around as Busta did his rap. When Chris felt his part coming on, he quickly jumped in front of Busta Rhymes and began to coorodinate himself with everyone behind him.

Well Busta Bust I see this girl fly, no lie

She right, lookin' nice in the skin-tight

She got a cute smile, some fly style

She like Sade, Smooth Operator, and bright eyes

Busta Rhymes pushed Chris out of the way jokingly and finished his part before Chris jumped back to do his part.

Well Chris, can she kiss, did she miss

Did she tell you she got two or three kids

If this, then you need to leave that kick

Yo son, I heard she just want you for ShowBiz

Well first chance, I'm gon' move to the next dance

If she wants a scrub, then I'm not the man

Now I'm 'N Sync cause of her loving

So what's up girl, I Saw It Coming, uh

Chris and Busta moved out of camera view and let the guys and the dancers finish up their dancing. Britney slid to the front with the female dancers and smiled. She danced and began to sing her part for the song.

Oh baby you know I love you

Oh baby you know that I want you

And I saw it coming

Thought you wanted to be with me, yeah

The music faded and everyone started to ad-lib their dancing. Fatima clapped loudly at her accomplishement. "You guys are going to make me cry!" Fatima laughed as she congratulated them. "Now, Justin and J.C. get ready for your verses that we skipped. We'll shoot those by the lockers with the rest of the guys. I need Howie, A.J., Brian, Joey and Chris out here with the male dancers. Then I need Britney, Amanda, Nikki and Lil' Kim with the female dancers." Tim commanded his wishes. Everyone listened once again and then followed his directions.

Justin grabbed a bottle of water and stood near the make-up stand as Brian danced with the dancers. Justin sipped on his water and waited for Trish to touch up his make-up. "You guys are looking great out there." Trish commented. "Thanks." Justin smiled. He kept his eyes on Brian the whole time. "You two are just the cuttest lovebirds." Trish teased as she applied a little blush to Justin's cheeks. Justin smiled and tried to keep a straight face. Justin heard the music stop and saw the dancers disipate. Brian ran over to Justin and smiled. "Excuse me Trish, but can you touch up Justin's lips?" Brian asked while smiling at Justin. "Why? They look fine to me." Trish questioned with a concerned look. "They won't in a minute." Brian said. He grabbed Justin's neck gently and brought his lips to Justin's. Brian began to kiss Justin with passionate lips. Justin slowly returned the kiss, forgetting about Trish standing next to them. Brian pulled away and panted lightly. "Ooh, Brian, I'm going to kill you!" Trish growled at him. "Sorry, but I needed that." Brian giggled. He grabbed Justin's water and ran off to the next scene. "See ya later J." he called out. Justin grumbled and waited for Trish to fix his lips.

Another five hours brought more work for everyone. They shot scenes outside of the school with a small group of fans that cheered along with the song. It was an exciting day for everyone, but still tiring. As the shoot wrapped up, Brian stood outside waiting on Justin. He hadn't gotten much time to spend with Justin all day, but he understood.

Brian felt two arms wrap around his waist and he smiled. He was the only person to do that to Justin and he knew Justin would be the only person wise enough to do it to him. He felt a chin rest on his shoulder and that brought an assurance to him. "I love you." he heard a voice whisper into his ear. "I love you too." Brian smiled. He turned his head slightly and saw a head of blonde hair. His eyes flung open. Had Justin taken the dye out of his hair. But then he realized that the hair wasn't curly either. Brian tried to pull away but felt the arms hold him tighter. "Don't go B-Rok." he heard the voice plead. 'B-Rok?' Brian thought. Justin had never called Brian B-Rok before. Only the members of the Backstreet Boys called him that and none of them who hug with this much affection except Nick. Brian jerked away and looked at the face of his assailant. It was Nick.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Brian blurted out. "You know what I'm doing. I told you I love you and you said that you loved me too." Nick responded sadly. "No, I thought you were Justin." Brian shouted at him. Nick looked away from Brian. "You wouldn't say it if you didn't mean it. You kissed me yesterday and I know you meant it." Nick stated. Brian was speechless. Nick approached him and stood right in front of him. "I know you care for me like I care for you, Brian. We have something that's deeper than what you and Justin have." Nick whispered to him. "No, we have nothing." Brian argued. "Then tell me that kiss yesterday meant nothing to you. Tell me you didn't feel something." Nick pleaded. Brian didn't respond. Nick moved closer to Brian. There lips were inches apart. "Tell me you don't want me to kiss you again. Say that you don't want to kiss me." Nick whispered. Brian felt his lips beginning to move forward. "No!" Brian said, pulling away slightly. Nick's lips grazed against Brian's before Brian pulled away. "I love Justin." Brian whimpered. "Then why did you kiss me?" Nick questioned, still moving closer to Brian. "Brian... I love you..." Nick whispered. "Nick... I lov... I love..." Brian found it hard, but he almost felt himself say it. "I love... Justin." Brian felt his heart speak for him. Nick's lips moved slowly away from Brian's.

"Brian... what's going on?" Brian heard Justin say. Brian turned his head quickly and saw Justin standing near them. Brian felt a tear run down his face as he looked into Justin's eyes. Justin was on the verge of running away again. Brian didn't know what to say to him. "Justin... I love Brian." Nick spoke up. Justin trembled with fear. Brian closed his eyes and let a few tears run down his face. "Justin.. I love you.." Brian whispered. Justin nodded, his body frozen in the position he was in. "I won't give up on you Brian. I know you love me too." Nick said plainly. He moved away from Brian and let Justin watch. Brian felt his knees weakening. He quickly walked to Justin and hugged him. "I.. I love you.. Justin." he cried to Justin. Justin couldn't find the strength to hug Brian. "Justin.. please hold me." Brian pleaded. Justin still didn't move. "Justin... please." Brian begged. Still, there was no movement on Justin's part. Brian let go of Justin and moved away. He leaned in and gave Justin a small kiss ont he lips. "I understand. I always will." Brian whispered. Justin lifted his arm and grabbed Brian's hand. Brian leaned forward again and kissed Justin. To his surprise Justin returned the kiss. Justin didn't know why. In his mind his trust for Brian had been challenegd again, but in his heart he still loved Brian. Now, he had to figure out which to believe.


*** Well people asked for one last break-up before the wedding, but this is not ending... so keep your eyes open. I have gone with readers choice and given Lance and J.C. a chance. I hope you like the consequences of your decision. But life goes on. Most of the songs in here are on the Backstreet Boys new album. If you want one of the pictures that was described during the phot scene, ask me for it. Thanks to Yas, I have one for you guys. Also, I have the lyrics for 'The Loan Road' for you and some original pics I did to represent Brian and Justin's love. They are actually designs. Thanks to a reader named Brian for his idea for the big 'Lance' scene. Also, I believe I have found the storyline I am looking for and the title I am looking for. But you still have a chance to win. So send them in. And ARTIST still wanted!!! Please, ask around for me! Thanks and see ya nextime, which will be in maybe two weeks or sooner... ***

Next: Chapter 33: Brian and Justin 75 80

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