Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jul 7, 2000


Angel's Wings Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. But let's make one thing clear, I don't care who wants to hate and say I should leave Nifty or that I've been writing too long because MY READERS voted for me not to retire. Not ONE reader said I should retire and that makes life beautiful. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

-Feature Presentation: Angel's Wings, Rated R-

Some times dreams seem like reality and they are not. Some times dreams are lies and you hate to realize that they are. Some times you dream of the past and wish you could change it. Dreams are what we live to have and dreams are what we can not stop from coming. Often enough, dreams can occur more than once and sometimes, you relive the past in those dreams while reality is still occuring around you.

It had been two months since a dream of the past had occured for one man. Doesn't seem like long? It was ages for some and mere minutes for others. In the case of two married young men, two months was like two-hundred years in exile. Yet, neither of them showed the strain the two months had been. After all, they were not always given the needed time to reflect on the situation. Lief did not offer that extra breathing time when it came to being a celebrity. Especially when each were apart of the world's most popular boy bands. It just wasn't in the cards for them. Ironic enough, both were becoming accustom to being associated with many people and a lot of gossip and somehow, they let it become apart of their life instead of rejecting it like most would. In the end, they only wanted to be happy. Too sappy? Not for them.

Yes, it was Brian and Justin Littrell, both remaining the focus of the public eye for much of the two months following the wedding of A.J. McLean and Amanda Latona. At this point, it was a part of their life, but not a piece that they chose to focus on. They laid in the verdant grass of their backyard, letting the clouds and the sun watch over them like guardians. Justin's head rested on Brian's left arm while his body was cuddled loosely to Brian's. He had a hand laid on Brian's slowly rising and descending chest with his head turned so that his face connected with Brian's neck. He breathed in Brian's honeyed scent without a frown to control his lips' behavior. Only a bubbly smile remained on his lips as he focused his focal point on his husband's upper body.

Brian did the same with his body, but in a more relaxed fashion. He had his knee bent under Justin's right leg, propping Justin's leg upward. He often ran his fingers over Justin's baby blue TarHeels cap for amusement. His other hand rested on top of the one Justin kept planted on his chest. His eyes were closed, but not tightly. He only rested them in hopes of enjoying the radiant Spring afternoon. It was a break from his usual occupied schedule. He savored it even gerater knowing that Justin was resting next to him. It was what he desired those nights he was forced to stay in a hotel in New York without Justin and without his son, Angel.

Angel, the child that saved Brian and Justin's marriage, was also their ten-month-old adopted son. He was ignorrant to the suffering his parents, at times, went through, nor the constant negative focus they were receiving due to the media's constant search through their personal lives. He was content on being their son, knowing that he always had at least one of his fathers to cling onto when he was scared, tired, frustrated or having fun.

In this instant, Angel laid on his stomach near Justin's lower legs. He was toying with his puppies Ivory and Giligan while their parents, Tyke and BJ, slept at Brian's feet. Angel's satiated smile had existed for hours while reclining in the backyard with his own parents. He let Ivory and Giligan fuss at each other and, occassionally, he would coo to draw their attention away from their meaningless bickering. It was a fond pastime of his, though he still did not understand the true nature of what the dogs were doing.

"Dada!" Angel bellowed out, patting his small hand on Justin's right leg for attention. A small giggle escaped Justin's lips before he lifted his head to look downward at his playful son. He raised his brow and then said, "Yes, Bastian?" Angel shot out an adoring grin. He continued to pat Justin's leg unconsciously. "Uh oh!" rang across Angel's lips when he saw Brian lift his head also. Justin turned his eyes to see Brian's half-waken expression. He laughed carelessly at Brian. It was obnoxiously cute to him and he did not want to deny it. "Oh, Da." Angel cooed, trying to crawl up Justin's leg to reach Brian. Brian snickered out a grin that called for attention from Justin. "Oh Da?! Oh Da?! Oh Da!" Brian bellowed out while grasping Angel. He lifted Angel into the air easily with his hands, holding Angel above Justin and himself. Angel began to giggle wildly as his afther bounced him up and down in the air. Justin leaned back and found himself slipping into a fit of laughter while watching Angel's face. It was a face of unstoppable laughter.

"Why are you saying 'Oh Da' little man? Huh?" Brian chimed, lowering Angel from the air so that he could stare into his shimmering blue eyes. Angel proceeded to snicker as his father let him lay on his chest. Brian winked at Angel, still awaiting some form of a reply. Justin ran a hand over Angel's head, pulling closer to Brian to get closer to his son. Angel sighed out another laughter, patting his father's chest and kicking his feet. "I think it's because he thinks he woke his Dad up." Justin whispered to Brian while brushing his hand over Angel's face. Angel kept a bright smile as he watched his parents cuddle in the yard. Brian raised an eyebrow with suspicion. "Is that it Timber? You think you woke your Dad up?" Brian asked in a soft, gentle voice while his lips were stretched with a grin. Angel giggled at his father's humorous grin.

Justin tiffed out a giggle and turned on his side so his frontal body was pressing against Brian's side. "You two are too adorable." Justin whispered, grazing his hand over Brian's ear as he spoke. Brian pursed his lips to one side of his mouth and then smiled. "We're too cute, huh? A little too adorable? We give you that Charlie Brown-kinda feeling?" Brian began to ask quickly turning a little. He lifted Angel as he turned. He lowered Angel onto the grass behind him as he continued to roll in Justin's direction. The weight of Brian's body caused Justin to fall back onto the grass, his back firmly pressed against the ground. His head easily fell back and he exhaled a small groan. Brian creeped his body on top of Justin with his legs straddling Justin's waist. "Is that what we are babe?" Brian asked with his coy country accent. Justin cocked his head back and proposed a hefty smirk. "Well my son is adorable, but you... uh, you're all right, I guess." Justin responded sarcastically. Brian's face contorted with sudden astonishment. It wasn't a sad expression or an angered one, but one of complete surprise. Brian glanced over to his son, who laid on his stomach watching his fathers. Angel's glowing eyes showed all of his thoughts and they seemed pleasent. "Did you hear that Timber? You're Daddy is becoming bold all of the sudden." Brian commented to Angel before winking at him. The wink set off the enthusiastic spirit Angel carried, causing him to burst into a giggling coo. Justin tried not to laugh under Brian. He knew if he did, Brian's weight would crash harder on him and he would suffer in the end. He tried to leverage himself so that Brian's body rested somewhat to the side as Brian glared at their child. "I've always been bold. What can I say, I'm a regular wise-ass." Justin hissed out, spreading his legs so that Brian's lower body fell between them. Brian pursed his lips. "Oh, you've got an ass all right." Brian said smugly, quickly gripping Justin's firm ass.

Brian chuckled sorely, putting his hands on either side of Justin's head for support. He leaned downward so that his face was centimeters away from Justin's. "Now this is a position that I'm familiar with." Brian whispered to Justin, his lips reaching for Justin's. Justin began to feel uncomfortable with his son mere inches from them. He could feel Angel's eyes glancing at them, unsure of what was happening with his parents. He curled his lips and pressed his head firmly into the grass. Brian slyly looked over to his son. Angel's glassy eyes called for explaination, understanding. "Do you want Dad to kiss Daddy?" Brian asked in small voice so that his son could try and comprehend. The words were still beyond Angel's vocabulary. Justin again tried to shift their position. "Please, don't have him watch this. He might get confused and think you're hurting me." Justin pleaded from under his husband. Brian kept a focus with Angel, halfway ignoring his husband's words.

Angel grasped Brian's pants and pulled himself up some. He needed to be closer to his father to understand. Brian smiled, reached a hand downward and pulled Angel up so that his body was next to Justin's head. Justin sighed, still not content with the situation. He flexed his body some to show Brian he was not happy. Brian looked down at Justin, confused. He could see anger slowly creeping into Justin's solid-blue eyes. It wasn't a happy sight for him, but one he bared for the moment. He turned his view back to his son. Angel was beginning to inch near Justin's face with wonder. Brian scrunched his nose with a grin. He tapped the end of Angel's small nose with pride. He could see Angel's playful response beginning to form. This assured him that what he was doing may have been confusing to Angel, but it was not harmful. "I love Daddy. I promise that I won't hurt him at all." Brian said gently to his son. Angel only batted his eyes and released a tender smile.

Brian returned his focus back to Justin for consent. He felt that inside, it's what Justin wanted. Justin eased into a more relaxed state. He loathed the way he was in front of his son. He, deep inside, felt it was wrong. Justin could not ignore it though and he had a sudden crave to feel Brian's lips in an affection way. "As long as he understands." Justin whispered as Brian's lips edged near his red lips again. Brian's breath swept over Justin's lips as they dangled millimeters from each other. He pulled Justin's hat off and let it rest behind Justin's head. "I think he'll understand that I love his Daddy so much." Brian exhaled before his lips clenched onto Justin's lips. Justin allowed the artful kiss to occur, making sure it was not too long so that his son was clear on the definition of what it meant to them. His lips reached for Brian's thin, pink lips, trying to taste each portion of them. He made sure that his lips moved in time with Brian's, but also, he made certain that his tongue could occassionally brush the outer-rim of Brian's. He massaged just the tip of Brian's tongue with his own. Brian placed his own hand behind Justin's head to tilt it upward while slowly kissing his lips. Mentally, he smiled.

The kiss seemed to last an eternity when it truly was but a few seconds. Brian forced himself to pull back so that he would not allow his son to become further bewildered by what his parents did. He pulled back hesitantly, missing days where he could kiss Justin for hours without fear. He cleared his throat while opening his eyes. Justin's eyes gradually fluttered open while an unconscious smile brewed on his lips. The sun blinded him a little as Brian's shadow dazed in and out of position. He rotated his head to the side so he could admire Angel. Angel only offered a solemn smile, one of weariness. "He didn't get it." Brian snickered into Justin's ear. Justin became aware that Brian still laid on him and had returned to his position where their chests met and their heads were centimeters from each other. He didn't dream of one those Hollywood kisses because he was satisfied with what he and his husband shared in the few moments that they had.

Brian raised up again and then gradually crawled off of Justin. "Company should be here soon." Brian commented, rolling to his side so that he could be near his son. Justin snatched his hat up from behind his head and quickly slipped it on his head again. He then propped his upper body up with his elbows, glancing out to the deck. He nodded with shifty eyes, expecting the guests they anticipated to arrive soon. "Angel should get a nap in soon, too." Brian added, pulling Angel up into his lap. Angel latched onto his father's shirt and rested his head on Brian's chest. Justin merely nodded again, not showing much sign of interest in the subjects being discussed.

Brian was not given much time to protest when he heard the bellowing of a familiar voice. "Is this where the family picnic is gonna be at?" A.J. McLean's baritone voice chimed in a raspy tone. Brian furrowed his brow for a second. He turned his head to Justin with doubt in his eyes. Justin offered him a glistening smile. "No nookie for you right now." he joked, trying to lighten his husband's mood. Brian cracked a smile that was memorable in its own right. "Oh, we'll see about that tonight." Brian chimed, slowly turning to look toward the door to the outside deck. Justin flicked a titter from his tongue, leaning back into the grass some. He didn't bother to look to the door because he knew who his expected guests were going to be.

"Is that my favorite couple loungin' on the grass as if they have nothing better to do with their free time?" A.J. questioned as he made his grand appearance known on the back deck. Brian and Justin stayed silent for a moment while Angel attempted to sit up. A.J. curled his upper lip with disbelief. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you want a response?" Justin replied sarcastically, finding his way into a sitting position on the grass. A.J. lowered his husky brown eyes. He was not wearing his usual sunglasses that hid his eyes from any human view. He adjusted the white nylon-cap on his head, pretending to be unmoved by Brian and Justin's silence. "I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you guys for Britney and Joey." A.J. coyly said. He attempted to pull out more life from the couple and with his previous acts, he was doing well.

A.J. turned his body halfways to the right side to admire his brand-new-bride, Amanda McLean, walk out on to the deck holding their daughter, Amaiya McLean. A smile appeared on his face when looking on the two as they stood near the the back of the deck. Amanda took in the fresh air while searching the backyard for all of its occupants. She grinned when seeing the Littrells and their dogs enjoying nature's beauty. "'Manda, you're husband's being rude!" Justin crooned, inching up to a squating position. Amanda automatically turned her attention to A.J. with a stare of conviction. "I didn't do anything. He started it!" A.J. boasted a child would. He was known for such outbursts, showing his immaturity despite the fact that he was now a father and a husband. Justin stood fully and stretched stiffly. Amanda gave both men a look with tempted confusion and unease. She finally opted to roll her eyes and find a seat in a lounge chair. She felt content with cradling her four-month-old daughter. It was a good enough reason to silence any further musings from Justin and A.J.

Brian grasped Angel tightly and stood to his feet with no troubles. He lifted Angel up some so that he was resting just above his hips. "Where are Britney and Joey?" Brian asked, strolling passed Justin in the direction of the deck. "Joey's taking his time parking his Acura. He wants to be a perfectionist now." A.J. responded leaning against the chair that Amanda sat in. Brian raised his brow with slight disbelief. "Joey? A perfectionist? I doubt that's possible A.J. That's like saying a nymphomaniac can become a virgin again after watching the Scarlet Letter." Brian teased, carrying his son to the deck. A.J. felt the need to snicker along with his friend, confident that both knew the humor in the joke.

"How's the baby?" Amanda spoke up, giving her attention to Justin, who had gradually made his way over to the deck. Justin scratched the side of his cheek and twitched his nose. He batted his blue eyes and then gave Amanda a quaint smile. "Bastain's doing good. He's as active as ever. How's little Amaiya?" Justin asked, finding a fond interest in his son and Amanda's daughter. Amanda glanced down to her daughter for a second and then back up to Justin. She could see he had shifted positions so that he was almost standing over her. "She's good. She's been kind of fussy lately because I think she might be teething early." Amanda responded, brushing her hand over Amaiya's petite head. Justin frowned some. He ran his fingers over Amaiya's cheek, trying to sooth the child. "That's not the funnest stage to deal with." Justin commented, thinking of his own battle with Angel's teeth.

Amanda nodded with full agreeance. A smile began to christen Amanda's flamboyant lips. "I remember the fits Angel would throw when his first tooth came in." Amanda snickered lightly. Justin sighed lovingly as the thought of the prior month skated into his mind. He scooted back a little. "He's not a happy camper when a tooth is coming in." Justin remarked.

"Sounds a little like his father when he doesn't get enough sleep." the sound of a heavy Brooklyn accent fell on the ear's of Amanda, A.J., Brian, and Justin. "Or enough ass." A.J. slyly commented while the others' attention was drawn. Brian and Angel looked up quickly, turning their heads to the approaching guests. "Now who might Joey be referring to?" Amanda asked, turning her head, not much, to see Joey Fatone and Britney Spears walk onto the deck. Joey offered up a slick smile, tracing his eyes over Justin like a cop would do a suspect. His cherry-red hair had faded to a dark red with black roots. His round brown eyes looked at Justin in a brotherly way. Justin glanced up to him and then cocked his eyebrow upward.

"Me?" he questioned softly, reaching for a response.

Britney slid from Joey's side and rounded her way around the deck. Justin watched her from the corner of his eye, still awaiting a reply from her boyfriend. "Hey Brit." Amanda whispered as she caught a full glimpse of the youthful woman. Britney smiled at her as a way of greeting her. Britney squated down a little to admire Amaiya. She grazed her soft hands over the child's blanket, hoping to see a response in Amaiya's eyes. "Bi-Ba!" Angel shouted out when seeing Britney. Britney glanced up with a joyful smile, watching her God-son reach lovingly for her. "Aaaww, he loves his Bi-Ba." Amanda cooed, leaning back in her chair to rock Amaiya. Britney giggled softly. She stood erect again and stretched. "And I love my Baby Angel." Britney replied properly, keeping eye-contact with Angel. Angel giggled when seeing her reach back for him.

Justin drifted his attention from Joey to his son, seeing the high adoration Angel had for his former girlfriend. "Oh yeah, he's a spitting image of you." Joey commented, shifting his position to edge closer to Brian. A.J. glanced at Brian with confusion. "Me?" Brian asked curiously. Joey suddenly glared at him with a glassy expression. He chuckled roughly, glancing from Justin to Brian and vice versa. "Actually, Angel's just like both of you." Joey observed. Justin's head quickly snapped in Brian's direction. When his eyes met Brian's, he found his lips naturally forming a smile. Brian returned the look without hesitation. A.J. found himself nodding briskly, seeing sides of both men in their son.

As the small conversation persisted, Britney slinked around Justin and stood in front of Brian and Angel. She offered her arms to the young child who continued to reach for her. Brian lifted Angel up some and then noticed Britney's presence. He gasped inaudibly when seeing her surprising appearance. "Oops, sorry about that Britney." Brian tried to laugh out. He allowed Angel to be exchanged into her arms. Britney took no reservations in snatching up the toddler. She cradled him cautiously in her arms, walking away from where Brian stood.

Brian returned his attention to the conversation at hand. "It feels good to be recording around here in Orlando. At least now I can go home in sleep in my own bed, unlike when we were in Sweden." A.J. jested, pulling up a chair so that he could sit at the outdoor table that rested near the lounge chairs. Amanda felt a small smile naturally taking over her lips. It was the thought of knowing her husband could go home to Amaiya and her after a day of being in the recording studio. "Plus we've got friends around here that we can hang with at studio and maybe at the club, if time permitted." Brian added, crossing behind A.J. to reach the deck doors. A.J. nodded with a puzzled grin. He did not want to comment on the change that had occured in Amanda's life over the past two months. "Oh, you're just saying that because Take 5 asked you to write a song for their album. They're a miniature *NSYNC, those wannabe's." A.J. insisted, laughing roughly. Brian turned to him with a mock-grin and then pulled the doors open so that he could walk inside.

"Have you guys gotten to chill with Nikki and the girls much?" Amanda asked, seeking an answer in his husband's first reaction. A.J. lowered his head some and slouched over in his chair. Amanda licked her lips and then turned her eyes away from A.J. She knew he was disappointed, but she had made a decision that she knew would affect her child and her own life. "Yeah, we've seen them here and there around O-Town." Brian replied when he stpped back out on the deck carrying plates of food. Justin took a seat on the wooden deck, watching Amanda for a saddened expression. She managed to look up and falsify a smile for everyone. "I hope they at least finish the album for that August release they want." Amanda commented, turning her eyes down. Brian gave a small nod, though he knew Amanda was not as sincere as the words she spoke.

Joey eased himself onto the railing. He looked over the area of the deck.

"That was a brave thing you did Amanda... leaving the group and letting Jenny to your place permantely so you could be there for Amaiya." Joey acknowledged. Amanda let her hair catch flight in the wind and turned her head so that she could glance at Joey. She pouted out a smirk. His compliment made her feel more at ease with her choice. "It's what makes her a pretty damn good mother." A.J. agreed, trying to appease his wife's sorrow. Britney glared at them with her own suspicions, still adjusting to the fact that Joey and Amanda once had something long ago and long before Britney became a strong force in their lives. She rounded her hand over Angel's smooth cheek, eyeing her boyfriend and friend. "Though, the girls still miss you." Justin broke her stares when remarking to Amanda. Britney shook off the feeling and carried Angel toward the doors.

Amanda relinquished all guilt concerning her sudden departure from her group weeks ago, but she still felt the concerns. Her chief responsibility was her daughter and her marriage, both factors that she could not live without. She toyed with Amaiya's hair for a minute, contemplating the kind words being spoken of her. "I know that the girls will miss you, but they'll learn to adjust. After all, look how well you girls did after I left you hangin' dry so I could become the teen-superstar of the new millennium," Britney boasted in a light, but hurmorous voice. The mere suggestion caused Justin to laugh. He could clearly remember all of the factors and feelings that were drawn up by Britney's unexpected egression at the beginning stages of Innosense. He could not imagine how he, his mother, and the other girls adjusted to her leaving. Still, Britney's words did not evoke satisfaction in Amanda. "I think, right now, it's hard enough just trying to be a mom and a wife, plus dealing with A.J.'s fame. So, for Amaiya's sake, I'm going to be just that, a mother and a wife. I know in a couple of months or so I'll want to get back to singing and the entertainment field, but it just won't be with Innosense." Amanda confessed, becoming diplomatic with her friends. A.J. dealt with the emotions Amanda conveyed, though inside of him, he wanted to protest the idea. "Que sera, sera." A.J. finally exhaled out, waving his hand around for emphasis. Amanda wrinkled her brow when not receiving much support from A.J.'s end.

"I think maybe we should eat now." Brian recommended when carrying out two more dishes of food. He obtained a rousing agreeance from the others. Joey stirred from his position on the railing so that he could get closer to the table A.J. sat at. He stired with the lounge Amanda and Amaiya occupied. He stopped himself long enough to offer his arms to Amanda. Amanda looked up with gratitude. "I figured you could use a little break." Joey whispered to her, awaiting a full response from his former girlfriend. Amanda snickered softly. She discreetly passed her daughter to Joey, allowing him to cradle the infant. Joey gladly held Amanda's daughter, taking an opportunity to become friendly with Amaiya. "Yeah, it's not always easy being an entertainer and also a father, is it Justin?" A.J. continued the controversial conversation without haste. Justin looked up hesitantly, seeing an argument being justified in A.J.'s tone. He scratched the tip of his nose while watching Joey and Amaiya pass him. He smiled at them, peering his eyes at Amaiya's drooping eyes. He sighed and brought his eyes on A.J. "It has its very trying periods." Justin finally answered him, trying to avoid any sudden glances from Brian. "Daddy me!" Angel requested from Britney's arms. Justin glanced over to his left, finally noticing that Britney stood near him. Justin giggled out a fatherly grin for his son. Justin lifted his hands up so that he could grab Angel from Britney. "But then again, it has its rewards." Justin chimed, accepting his son into his arms. A.J. nodded when seeing how easily Justin passed the question off.

Amanda lifted herself from her chair, stretching somewhat as she stood. She watched as the others slowly started to gather around the table set to the side. She brushed her bans back and sighed quietly. 'Be thankful Amanda. They're your second family.' Amanda encouraged herself even though her exhaustion was gradually beginning to take over her. She strolled over to the table, spying her husband still making light conversation with Brian.

"Are you okay 'Manda?" Britney asked while dishing up a plate of salad. Amanda glanced over to her while finding a seat on the bench next to A.J. She sat cautiously next to her husband, trying not to place any other stress on her body. A.J. cocked his head in Amanda's direction, catching the brief end of Britney's question. "She's just a little tired, that's all. She was up late last night with Amaiya." A.J. replied for his wife. Amanda nodded with a casual look upon her face. Britney peered at them shortly, attempting not to hold too much attention on them. "Up with Amaiya, eh? Is that what they're calling it now-a-days." Joey seethed. Amanda's eyes flipped with disbelief. A.J. eased his elbow on the table and then leaned forward. His face was filled with disapproval. "Five.. four... three... two..." Justin was unable to get the last number out before hearing a loud slap crackle in the air. Laughter followed the noise as Joey rubbed his head and Britney lowered her hand.

Justin let Angel sit in his lap while the others fixed plates of food. Justin cleared his throat roughly, though he was not seeking attention. He brushed his palm over Angel's soft blonde hair, glacing around the table quickly to observe everyone's hasty actions. He propped his elbow on the table and then grabbed a blue pacifier from nearby. He could see his son casually trying to reach out for it, but Angel did not make any whining noise in attempts to get it. Justin lifted the pacifier up to his plush red lips. He took the pacifier in his mouth for a second, sucking on it to rid it of any harmful bacteria. He rolled his tongue on it and then withdrew it from his lips. He slowly, with his eyes locked on his son, brought the pacifier down to Angel and allowed him to open his mouth. Justin promptly placed the pacifier in between Angel's lips, allowing his son to treasure his favorite chewing toy.

Justin felt a familiar hand run over his right ear, grazing the hoop earring he had in it. Justin turned his head to see Brian giving him an admirable smile. Justin sighed, trying to annoy Brian wtih his loveless expression. "Hey." Brian brooded, drawing his hand away. Justin giggled for a minute. He slide his hand in Brian's direction, grasping the one that had just left his ear. He continued to laugh softly, intertwining he and Brian's fingers. "Hey what, Brian?" Justin asked, offering him a bright smirk. Brian withheld a grin from Justin, playing along with his non-affectionate gesture. Brian pouted his lips. "Hey... I, uhm, really like you." Brian responded coyly. Justin adored the Southern drawl Brian's voice always carried. "You 'like' me?" Justin questioned. He was in control of the situation and he enjoyed it thoroughly. Brian eased closer to Justin with a motive in his Christmas-blue eyes. He licked his lips, drawing ever-so-close to his husband. "Okay, I love you." Brian whispered with a seducitve voice that sent shivers over Justin. Justin felt his heart begin to increase its pace when feeling Brian's warm breath near his lips. They were leaning towards each other, hunting for something they wanted from each other.

"I think my God-son wants his bottle now!" Joey's baritone voice scared Brian and Justin, causing Brian to stealthly move backwards while Justin sat up erect in his seat. Justin looked around quickly, suddenly feeling like everyone had focused their attention on him and his husband while his son still sat in his lap. "Man, the fire in your marriage never died." A.J. commented, almost inaudibly, before taking a bite of his hamburger. Justin blushed heavily under the spotlight of his friends. He reached directly in front of him and grasped Angel's bottle of juice. "So, are you guys looking forward to going to New York?" Britney asked as Justin pulled the pacifier from Angel's lips. He gave his son his bottle, still not looking up at Britney. Joey glanced up from his food with a questionable expression. 'Why would she want to know that?' Joey thought over, twisting his head to look at Britney. Britney stared at Justin and Angel, never seeing her boyfriend's odd looks.

Justin drug his hand over his head, pulling his TarHeels hat backwards and then letting it slide off and into his large hand. He carried the hat down to the table and a round of gasps left everyone's lips except Angel's and Brian's. Justin glanced around when feeling the peculiar feeling of everyone's stares on him again. He became self-conscious. Brian glanced at each of his guests, seeing their exagerrated appearances. "Why are all of you staring at my baby like that?" Brian asked. He lifted his hand and began to run it over Justin's head. To Brian, the change was nothing, but to the average eye, Justin had completely changed. The hair that used to be brown and curly on Justin's head was now tightly braided into cornrows. His hair was still brown with blonde higlights, but it was barely noticeable in the cornrows just now wore to maintain his lengthy hair. Still, Justin felt it was an easy way to keep his hair and Brian had found a fond attachment to the new hairstyle.

"Whoa... it's, uhm, well, it's different, if that's what you can call it." Joey choked out. Justin lowered his eyes to watch his son drink his bottle.

He hated the attention and attempted to lessen it. "It's just for a little while. I need something simple until I decide what I want to do with it." Justin explained, lifting his eyes to see the eyes were slowly drawing off of him. "Mmph, it's cute." Britney remarked, giggling at Justin. Justin sighed contently, smiling some afterward. He continued to allow Brian to run his fingers over the tight braids. "Yeah, it's about time that Justin did something different with his mop-top. It's sorta like Allen Iverson meets Vanilla Ice and they mate." A.J. agreed, slipping his slender arm around Amanda. Amanda sat stiffly while A.J.'s arm laid around her. She tried to become more relaxed around her friends, but her body would not comply with her mind's wishes. Britney continued to observe Amanda's strange actions.

Justin grabbed a glass of lemonade that sat in front of him and brought it up to his mouth. "Is Lea going with you when you go to New York?" Amanda asked a question, directing it toward Justin. Justin lowered his glass after taking a small sip of the lemonade. Brian focused himself on the coming conversation, though, he, himself, dreaded it. Justin placed the glass on the table and lifted Angel from his lap. "Yeah, she's coming up there with us. I'm going to need someone to watch over Angel while we do our little promotional bit." Justin replied with a hint of lament in his voice. "At least Baby Angel will be with Lea. Plus, I know you'll make time every hour to be with him." Britney added to try and cheer Justin up. Joey tried to perk himself up even though he noticed the heavy amount of attention Britney gave to Justin.

Justin allowed Angel to sit on the edge of the table, facing him, while he balanced Angel's body for safety. "Yeah, I won't leave this little tike alone for long." Justin chimed, smiling at his son. Brian turned his head away. It wasn't shame, but fear that kept him from speaking during the discussion. He did not want to have to say farewell to his son and husband again. Seeing them travel off to New York City so that *NSYNC could promote their upcoming single and other scheduled events frightened Brian. And Brian knew he did not fend well with fear. "Ah, Lil' Littrell will be fine with Lea. He's growing up to be a big boy." A.J. noted, snuggling closer to Amanda. Amanda smiled weakly. "Maybe it's time we get a nanny?" Amanda advised, turning her head to her husband. A.J. cocked his eyebrow upward. "A nanny? Why? Me and you can do just fine with our little 'Maiya by ourselves." A.J. disagreed humbly. Amanda cut her eyes at A.J. She returned her focus to the discussion, showing everyone her apparent anger with her husband.

"Well, uh, I think Amaiya needs a bottle too." Joey spoke up while continuing to hold Amaiya in his arms. He rocked Amaiya slowly, trying to silence her as she began to vocalize her want for nurishment. Amanda glanced around with glassy eyes. She could see no sign of Amaiya's baby bag. Her fingers instinctively snapped when the image of what happened to the baby bag came to her mind. Amanda briskly stood from her seat. "I left Amaiya's baby bag in the kitchen. I'll take her in there and give her her bottle." Amanda announced, scooting away from the table. She casually pranced over to Joey, awaiting him to return her daughter. "Do you need some help?" A.J. offered with his smokey voice. Amanda peered over her shoulder to look at her husband while still waiting on Joey. "Here you go." Joey whispered, handing off Amaiya to Amanda. Amanda gratefully cradled her daughter, stepping back. "I've got it, thanks hon'." Amanda finally responded in a precocious way. A.J. shrugged off her reply, though on the inside, A.J. wanted to spend more time with his wife and daughter, alone.

Amanda grasped Amaiya from Joey with a miniature smile. "I'll go with her, A.J. I want to grab Angel some food while I'm in there." Justin spoke up while standing with his son in his strong arms. Brian's eyes followed Justin as he moved. A.J. looked up to Justin and, hesitantly, gave him a smile. He mouthed the words, 'Thank you', to Justin. Justin nodded and carried Angel in the direction Amanda was headed with her daughter.

Amanda stepped inside of the house with slow steps. She could hear Justin following right behind her, but she did not care. She needed peace of mind for herself. She carried Amaiya to the counter near the sink, her eyes seeking out the baby bag. She could see the bag resting at the edge of the counter causing her to proceed in that direction. She did not offer a fake smile, nor a dismal one. She stayed quiet in her steps, reaching the baby bag without questioning from her friend.

Amaiya continued to cry softly. The noise did not irritate Amanda, but it only caused her movements to become quicker. "Okay baby, mommy's coming, just wait one second." Amanda said in a kind vocie while struggling with the baby bag. "Let me help you with that." a voice spoke out to her. She was finally rescued when Justin grabbed the bag and held it in place for Amanda.

Amanda glanced up with a friendly eye. "Thanks Justin." she said while pulling one of the bottles from the bag. Justin merely nodded and released the bag when Amanda was finished. He stepped back to his right, where Angel sat on the counter with a curious expression. "Oh Lord, that isn't breast milk, is it?" Justin asked cautiously when looking at the different shade of liquid trapped in the small bottle. His face contorted with disgust. Amanda giggled, speechlessly. She turned the bottle to its side so that drops of milk could fall out and onto her wrist. When she felt the tempature she brought the bottle down into Amaiya's crying mouth. "Yes, Justin, it's breast milk and there's nothing wrong with that. Baby's need it. It's nutritional." Amanda said through small fits of giggling. Justin cringed with fear when seeing Amaiya drink the bottle. He turned to Angel with a curled lip. "I'm so glad you were over that stage when we got you. I don't want to imagine you sucking anything out of some girl's chest, let alone drinking it daily." Justin commented, brushing a finger over Angel's smooth cheek. Angel was unaware of what his father said to him, but the kind gesture caused him to smile.

Amanda walked away from the counter and over to where Justin and Angel were located. She looked down into Angel's vibrant blue eyes. They casted the same friendly, but irresitable, hue that Justin carried in his eyes. "Does he still drink formula?" Amanda questioned him, curious as to how Angel was developing. Justin straightened Angel's clothes and then raised his brow. "Yeah, most of the time we give him formula or juice, but sometimes he'll just drink palin ol' milk." Justin answered her while cleaning off his son's face. "Mmm hmmm, as everyone says... just like his Daddy." Amanda added with an assured smirk. Justin found a second to smile cheerfully. He let Angel's feet dangle off the edge of the counter while grabbing a jar of banana and apple baby food. He opened the jar with no obstacles. "Mmmmm, lunch!" Justin chimed while showing Angel the jar. Angel gave him a mock-pleased expression. He let his sleepiness control more over his actions than usual.

As Justin pulled a spoon out from a nearby drawer, he felt Amanda move away from the counter. He glanced to his side to see her walking towards the table. He couldn't produce an even smile when he sensed something was troubling Amanda. "So, Amanda, what's really been bugging you today?" Justin pondered in a blunt way. Amanda's head jerked upwith a sudden surprise. She stared at Justin, feeling pressured by his expression. She wanted to, desired to, lie to Justin, but internally, she couldn't. She cradled Amaiya closer to her chest and then sighed with pride. "I think I'm stressed out." she said, lowering her voice's perkiness. Justin lifted his eyebrows with young curiosity. "What has you stressed out?" Justin pondered. He lowered the spoon and let it rest in the half-empty baby jar. He used a small rag from the counter to wipe Angel's face while listening for an answer from Amanda.

Amanda cleared her throat softly. "I'm too young for this Justin. I'm too young to be a wife, a singer, and to be a mother. I... I feel like there's nothing left to look forward to. A.J. seems to be in his own little world and tries to make everything go just as he plans, but he never considers my feelings and what I want." Amanda complained with grief in her tone. She dislodged the bottle from Amaiya's lips and placed it on the table she stood near. "It's all him. I'm overwhelmed because I've got to be a wife twenty-four-seven, I've got to be a mother twenty-four-seven. I can't be Amanda for a second, I can't be a part of Innosense, and I no longer have a life." Amanda continued with sorrow beginning to overtake each word she spoke.

Justin lifted Angel from the counter and held him in his arms with Angel's lower body resting on his hip. He used his hand arm to grab a banana from the counter. He peeled it open and brought it toward Angel. Angel instinctively reached out and nibbled off the top part with his lips and the two baby teeth he had in the front of his mouth. The words Amanda spoke were all too familiar to Justin. She was living the same life he lived, but with less angst. "I've been there, Amanda. In fact, I'm still there. I'm nineteen and I've got a ten-month-old son and a twenty-five year old husband. Every time I awnt to hang with the fellas or work on some music, I've got one of them to attend to. It makes things so complicated and very hectic for me." Justin concurred in his slightly Southern accent. He looked down to Angel who sought out more of the mushy banana. He smiled at his son's adorable smile. Angel gave his father a loving look. "But then you've got to think about where you would be without them." Justin added, helping his son get another piece of the banana. Amanda watched them with a new sense of relief. "As much as I've thought about just getting away for a day so that I could think without the stress of this career and being a husband and a father, I can't imagine not being surrounded by the love of the guys, plus being with Angel and with Brian. I guess, well, I guess that it's just fate for ya." Justin continued on as Angel took another bite off of the banana. He felt himself smiling harder at his son. "Man, I've wanted to just go to a club and get wild, but then I remember that I'm married and I married Brian because I love him. Yeah, he can be a little bit of a fool sometimes, but I'm in love with the fool. And now that I have Angel, I feel like I'm an adult with a youthful side. It feels good to be a father. I'm more in touch with me and my sensitivity, which is cool." Justin finished his speech, one that he had not intended to give.

Amanda still felt her feelings of stress lingering, but she again masqueraded them with an open smile. "It just takes adjusting, I suppose." Amanda remarked, trying to come up with a simple remedy to her problem. The doubt in her tone struck a chord with Justin. He could remember clearly the talk he had with his father-in-law, Harold Littrell, that boosted his confidence in his marriage and fatherhood. "I don't know, I guess it does take adjusting. But you wouldn't have married A.J. if you didn't love him and well, you wouldn't be with Amaiya right now if you didn't love her." Justin insisted, speaking maturely and with experience. Amanda was again backed against a wall. She couldn't deny her feelings for her daughter or her husband. She merely nodded and smiled graciously.

"Hey you two, are you feeding the kiddies or are you giving birth to more offsprings?" Joey rudely asked as he, Britney, and Brian entered the kitchen. As soon as the sentence had fully cleared his lips, Joey felt a swift smack to his back by Britney. Her warning was not welcomed, but Joey heeded it. Justin snickered out a smile. "Did you miss us or somethin' man?" Justin asked, pulling Angel up on him. Joey smiled with sarcasm awaiting to be released. "He's fine. It's just his natural need to act stupid trying to get out again." Britney responded, grabbing Joey's hand. Joey held his girlfriend's hand and tried to stay chipper. Amanda admired their humorous relationship while Brian walked past her to reach the counter. "Oh, well I have those days." Justin shrugged. Brian found himself laughing at Justin. Justin turned his head toward Brian with gregarious bewilderment. Brian looked up when seeing his husband watching him. He shot Justin a smirk that melted Justin's heart. "What's so funny Brian?" Justin asked, taking small steps to get closer to Brian. Brian mimicked Justin's actions with his genuine smirk. His cheeky expression caused Angel to fall into laughter. Justin glanced down to his son and saw how he snickered at his approaching Dad. Brian grabbed Justin's hips and pulled Justin and Angel close to him. Justin arched his eyebrow with fascination. "Do you have something to say?" Justin asked in a quiet voice.

Brian sighed happily. He furrowed his brow and scrunched his nose. "Yeah, shut up." Brian spoke with a lifeless tone. Justin's eyes blinked with surprise. He felt the grip around his waist tighten, but not in a friendly manner. "And kiss me." Brian finally smiled, rubbing Justin's hips. Justin released a long exhale, overwhelmed with Brian's ability to confuse him.

Before Justin could protest at all, he was being kissed by his husband in a friendly manner. The sudden impact of Brian's soft, thin, dawn-tinted lips on Justin's semi-full lips caused Justin to shake minorly. He held his balance, trying to make sure Angel stayed tight in his arms. He let his and Brian's lips collide for a brief second before he began to control a portion of the kiss. His velvety lips caressed Brian's in the same friendly nature Brian initiated. His free hand ran over Brian's fluffy ear and then trailed down to Brian's well-defined cheeks. He could feel Brian's tongue attempting to further the kiss and massage Justin's. Justin felt hesitant in letting Brian slither his tongue in his mouth. He allowed Brian to proceed with his actions. Reservation gave into temptation and Justin allowed Brian's agression to cause him to fall into submission.

A.J. cleared his throat loudly and roughly when he entered the kitchen. Amanda's head jerked up with surprise when seeing her husband rudely trying to cease Brian and Justin's moment. She turned her eyes on Brian and Justin who had slowly began to pull their lips apart. She was disappointed. "Again, my God-son does not need to see this." Joey spoke up from his side of the kitchen. Brian showed his flare for arrogance by keeping his lips dangerously close to Justin's. He failed to pull away from his son and his husband despite the requests from his friends. "Leave 'em be." Britney said carelessly, trying to tug Joey in the opposite direcition. Joey heard his girlfriend's hard country accent, but he let the words float aimlessly in the air. "I just don't know why he persists on kissing on you Justin. You're not that cute." Joey said in a mocking voice that screamed sarcasm. Justin let his eyes search for Joey while his lips remained touching Brian's. Joey smiled innocently at Justin, slipping his arm around Britney's shoulder. Britney grabbed Joey's hand while rolling her eyes at her boyfriend's immature behavior. The tension thickened in the room. "Maybe it's because I'm going to miss him, and my son, when they go to New York." Brian responded between kisses. Joey found the response quintessential, but he still did not let it win him over.

Amanda glanced down to her watch. She could see that time had unexpectedly gone by. She lifted Amaiya up so that she could burp her. "Uhm, it's getting late A.J. We need to get back to the house and see how Vegas and Bear and Panda are doing." Amanda suggested while softly patting her daughter's back. A.J. turned his head in Amanda's direction. He casually slipped his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, I guess you're right." A.J. agreed, forfeiting the right to protest. Britney perked up when hearing Amanda speak. "Vegas?" she questioned the name. Amanda could hear her daughter quietly belch, signifying safety. "Yeah, Vegas. He's the Yorkie A.J. got me." Amanda replied with a perky smirk. "He got you a pup'?" Britney asked with excitement. Joey pulled Britney closer to his body by pulling his arm further around her. Amanda nodded to Britney's question. "Uh huh, I picked the puppy up when we got back from our honeymoon. You could call it a birthday-slash-wedding gift." A.J. added, waltzing over to his wife and daughter with a proper smile. The romantic aspect of the dog caused Britney to swoon. She sighed with pleasure. "That is so sweet." Britney cooed. A.J. gave her a crazy experssion. "I'm such a goob for romance." Britney chimed. A.J. nodded, followed by Joey. "Oh, well Alex has his moments." Amanda teased, nudging A.J. A.J. gave her a cocky smile, sliding his slender arm around her waist. He ran his hand over his daughter's head. "I try, Panda." A.J. said quietly.

"Speaking of dogs, we have to get back to my parents house and pick up Clover." Joey commented, drawing Britney's concentration. Britney loosened up physically. She twisted a finger in her short, blondish-brown hair. "That's right, we can't let her sit over there forever." Britney agreed. Justin and Brian stood side-by-side staring at their friends. "How is she?" Justin asked out of blind inquisitiveness. "Clover? She's doing good. That's our baby. She kinda likes running around and so we try and keep her at Joey's house as much as possible. Gosh, there's a lot of running room for her there." Britney answered him in her bubbly tone. Justin could feel Brian lifting Angel from his arms. His attention was temporarily distracted by Brian's actions, but soon he returned his concentration to Britney. "How is decorating the new house coming along?" Justin asked. "I bet it feels good to be out of ya folks' home now." A.J. interrupted him by his own remark. Joey smiled while nodding. "I feel so free now." Joey replied to A.J.'s words. Britney felt uncomfortable with the aspect of Joey's 'freedom' with his new home. Maybe it was because Britney did not share the house with Joey, but merely stayed nights there on occassions? Britney couldn't decide. "As far as decorating, I'm trying to get a good vibe to it. Sorta like the way you guys re-did the house here. I want it to reflect more-or-less the way I want to feel." Joey answered Justin intelligently. "Joeseph Fatone Jr, decorating extraordinare." A.J. said in a feminine tone. Joey giggled softly at A.J.'s imitation. "Oh stop." Joey copied A.J. with his hefty grin. "No, you stop," A.J. said with his lisp. He flicked his wrist and puckered his lips. Justin watched them with disapproval rounding his youthful blue eyes.

"Ladies, can we end this senseless banter so that maybe I could get my daughter home to her crib," Amanda insisted, interrupting A.J. and Joey's harmless game. A.J.'s lips began to form words of objection, but Amanda's cold stare prevented anything from crossing his lips. "Yeah, come o guys, let's let Justin and Brian have their time with Angel." Britney agreed, tugging on her boyfriend's arm. Joey gave up no resistance to Britney's wishes. He noticed the scowl on A.J.'s face, but he dared not to enter the disagreement between Amanda and A.J. "Cal me later girl." Joey continued the previous jesting with A.J. as Britney continued to pull him towards the door. A.J. pressed out a smile and nodded towards Joey.

Justin gave Brian and Angel a quick glance and then began to follow Joey and Britney to the door. He wanted to see his friends out. A.J. watched Justin sneak out with a minute smile. He shrugged, unsure of what made Justin suddenly a little more cheery. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you later dude." A.J. said with his crisp voice while turning his head to look at Brian. Brian nodded confidently. "We've gotta work out those vocal arrangements for 'Blue' man. You know we go into recording next week for that song." Brian insisted, keeping a business-mind-frame. A.J. sighed without contement. He scrathed his arm as a sign of irritation. "Aight, we can do that. Just, uhm, hit me up some time tonight and we can talk about it and then see how it flies with Bowlegged Lou and the crew." A.J. said, sliding his hands out of his pockets. Brian nodded while feeling his son tug on his earlobe. "Are you and Stephen going into final production for your song?" A.J. asked, keeping the conversation lively but still on business. Brian nodded, giving A.J. a straight, emotionaless expression. "We'll have the final song done by the weekend, hopefully." Brian replied dryly. A.J. also nodded, satisfied with the response. "But, uh, you should get out of here man. Little Amaiya looks mighty tuckered out." Brian advised, glancing over to Amanda and Amaiya. He could read Amanda's expression without assistance. It not only craved attention, but understanding.

A.J. lowered his head and then shifted his body so that he moved closer to his family. "You ready Panda?" he asked in a quiet, child-like voice, hoping his wife was not too angered with his choice to take his time. Amanda was infuriated by A.J.'s selfishness, but she again did not let her emotions show in her face. She licked her lips and then wrinkled her brow. "Yeah, let's go." she replied, grumbling. A.J. felt like he had to slap himself to appease her, but it never occured. He merely followed his wife in the direction of the door with a lowered head and a sulking body.

Joey stood on the steps that led downward to the front yard. He and Justin watched as Britney unlocked Joey's Acura and began to move things around on the interior. Joey snickered at his girlfriend from afar. "So, what's up tonight J? We hittin' any fly places around O-Town? Taking Baby Angel shopping? Chillin' at my crib for a little while?" Joey asked, trying to offer his friend many options. Justin shifted his head in Joey's bearing as the wind changed. He considered the many choices Joey left him with. He laughed to himself. "Actually Joey, you can Brit' can swing by later if you want and pick up Bastian." Justin replied in a sly voice. Joey was innocent. He did not pick up on Justin's more-than-obvious hint. "Uhm, Angel's a bit young to go clubbin' with, Curly. I mean I know he can probably get all the ladies, but I don't think that'd be right." Joey said, trying to laugh through his confusion. Justin shook his head, releasing a small laugh towards Joey's joke. "I don't think I can let my son hang around you, you're a very bad influence. He might come home saying, 'Daddy, I just met a fly honey and she's already out of training diapers.'" Justin teased, lightly socking Joey in the upper arm. Joey found the quip hilarious, liberating a heavy laugh. He grazed a hand over Justin's head in a friendly way.

"But seriously though, I think I want you and Brit' to come get him tonight, Phat One." Justin repeated his previous statement. Joey raised his brow, still tickled with bafflement. "Why?" he questioned, leaning back to get a clear look at his friend. "Cause I think I want to try and get some ass tonight and I can't do that if my son's sleep two doors down." Justin replied flatly, but still with a generous smirk. Joey's mouth fell before he comprehended all of Justin's words. It was Justin's bluntness that astonished Joey. He had not seen that side of Justin in a long time. "Well, uh, I mean, uh, I guess, uh..." Joey was truly at a loss of words. Justin smiled and batted his eyes. "Thanks, Joey. Angel will be so happy to spend the evening with you guys." Justin chimed, patting Joey's back. Joey heard the thumping of Justin's hand on his back, but the stinging sensation he felt was still not enough to daze him away from what Justin had told him.

The sounds of the horn from the Acura and the door opening caused Justin and Joey's discrete conversation to end. "Hey, Justin, get your ass inside and attend to your husband that your son already." A.J. teased while walking outside with Amanda. Justin smiled at him, loving every second of A.J.'s wild sense of humor. "You know Justin, he's gonna back that ass up," Joey laughed, winking toward Justin. Justin felt his body get tense and his cheeks turn blush red. He couldn't help it, he was embarrassed. He scratched his head and nibbled his lower lip as his friends began to descend into the yard. "Take care J. Make sure my friend gets enough rest so he can be awake in the study." A.J. said, waving him off. "Yeah, don't hurt nothing in there, Curly." Joey gleamed. Justin lowered his eyes when hearing Joey. He hated how Joey was able to throw things back at him. "Bye bye Justin. Take care of Lil' Littrell." Amanda spoke as she walked across the yard. Justin gave her a small wave, still reaching out to Amanda. He shot Britney a quick grin and then waved to her. "All right, ya'll come back now, ya hear?" Justin said, emancipating his Southern accent as he spoke. He smiled widely and waved to each of them. He could hear the faint laughter of his friends as they all began to head their separate ways.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to schedule an interview with Entertainment Tonight on Friday. I promised Parker and Chelsea that we'd sit at home and watch some movies, plus I want to spend as much time as possible with Blake.

If they'd like to do something say next week, like Tuesday, maybe we can negotiate it. I'm sorry, but the kids come first." a high-pitched, Brooklyn accent rang through a hall of the NBC studios. It was a well-known television personality's voice, one that rang through many television sets daily. It was also the voice that lifted spirits for women, and some men, across the United States. "But Ms O'Donnell, if you'd simply give them three hours, they'd like to discuss some of your upcoming plans and also some of the charities you are now supporting." Lezna, an NBC production assistant, struggled to convice one of her top clients otherwise. She only received a waving of a hand, a sign of dismissal, as recognition. "I don't think you understand Ms O'Donnell..." Lezna began to plead. Her client was less-than-amused. "No, I don't think you understand, Miss. My children come before Entertainment Tonight. They come before Barbra Walters and her whole 20/20 America and they come before the million dollars you can offer me to appear on any of these name-brand talk shows. If they want to know what charities I'm supporting, tell them to watch the show and research the organizations on the Internet. If they want to know my upcoming plans, tell them to contact my personal assistant, Bobby Pearce and take it up with him.

Rosie O'Donnell is spending Friday with her kids and that's that." Rosie O'Donnell, a royalty in the talk show world, said in a candid, but demanding voice. Lezna was given no choice but to back down. Rosie left her no room for arguments and no room for apologies.

Rosie sighed with anxiety and turned to walk in the opposite direction. "Hey Ro', Parker's back from his trip to the cafeteria and Debbie tells me that the guys of *NSYNC arrived about half-hour ago and are in the green room." Janette Barber, the Comedy Producer on Rosie's show, announced as she and a few other writers passed Rosie. Rosie perked up when seeing her friend. "Really? Well thanks for taking Parker down to the cafeteria." Rosie chimed. She received a nod from Janette as she and the others continued to walk in another direction. Roise smiled brightly and began her solo walk in the direction of the stage.

*NSYNC was in New York as planned and they seemed to be in high spirits while sitting in the green room at the NBC studios. They did not feel a need to prepare themselves for another visit to the Rosie O'Donnell show. They had made several vistis before and each one was memorable for them in its own respect. It was a relief, for them, visiting a more laidback show like Rosie's show. They felt no pressure to act a certain way or prepare for heavy questions that would dip into their personal affairs. They each respected Roise and considered themselves friends to her.

Justin eased his head back on the couch, his eyes drooping some. The flight out to New York was not an easy one for him. He was plagued by seeing his husband's sad expression in his mind while his restless son refused to sleep. Justin had been running the few days he had before the trip to New York to make sure everything was in order, business and personal-wise, while he was gone. In his short time period, he was able to run over a treatment for his group's next video with director Wayne Ishlam, make an appearance at the House of Blues to support and promote his mother's group, Innosense, and he was also able to make an appearance on WXL in Orlando to promote *NSYNC's upcoming single. He knew his friends we equally busy. He was aware that Chris had spent a week in Los Angeles working on a new song with his girlfriend's group, 702. J.C., on the other hand, had spent a week in production with the Backstreet Boys and he also worked on some demo's that he hoped to run by his boyfriend, Nick Carter, for his first solo effort. Lance suffered through the grueling promotion process, trying to get his artist Meredith Edwards foot in the door on some radio stations and also trying to land her an opening spot on a few dates for a new Disney Tour being put together. It was a working hell for *NSYNC and their trip to New York was not a retreat, but an added bonus to their promotional work.

"Don't go falling asleep now, Justin. I can't play with Baby Angel forever." Chris spoke up, trying to stir his friend from his drowsy state. Justin's eyes batted open and he glared at Chris as he held Justin's son. He watched the two play together on another sofa in the green room. His eyes were gradually becoming heavy, but Justin resisted temptation to sleep.

He understood that he'd have to suffer through weariness in order to stay bright for the different ventures his group would be making throughout the day.

Justin yawned quietly and stretched on the couch. He batted his eyes again and turned to his side. "Why don't you just have Lea take Angel down to the daycare? They'll be fine down there, with the other kids and all." J.C. suggested. He sat directly next to Justin, reviewing a magazine article concerning People's Sexiest People in America. It was not a coincidence that Nick Carter, J.C.'s newly claimed fiancé, was one of the few selected for the magazine's timeless event. Lance coughed up a small laugh. "Justin doesn't want Angel down there with all the other germ-filled kids." Lance joked with a snicker. Justin rolled his eyes promptly. "I think it'd be best if Angel and Lea stayed here, in the green room, to prevent questioning and other troublesome affairs. It's also a lot safer." Lonnie, one of *NSYNC's chief security guards, advised. Lea sat in a corner of the couch J.C. and Justin occupied, only observing and never questioning.

It was her job to be a nanny for Angel and she never questioned her jobs. As a friend of Justin's, she felt safer knowing that he approved of what happened to her and his son. "Yeah, I think so too Lonnie." Justin agreed softly. "I guess that's settled then," Chris gleamed, bouncing Angel on his knee. This final statement brought the silence back to the green room. J.C. curled his lip with disapproval, but he did not voice his opinion to his friends.

A knock at the door drew everyone's attention from the dead subject. There was not wait needed as the door was automatically forced open, giving Lonnie no time to find out the identity of the new guest. Lonnie stood mid-way between the door and the first couch occupied by Chris and Joey as the smiling Rosie O'Donnell made her entrance. She was alone, relieving Lonnie little. "Hi ya guys!" Rosie cheered as she entered the green room. The suddenness of her appearance made it hard for everyone to move and decide what they should be doing. Rosie felt the awkwardness everyone gave off. "Hey Rosie. How have you been?" Joey was the first to speak without hesitation. He scrambled to make sure Rosie did not feel a difference within the group's behavior. Rosie turned her attention to him, keeping her jolly grin. "I'm good, just goodie. How ya been Joey? Still keep the Brooklyn spirit alive, I hope." Rosie said candidly. Her joyous aura made the others comfortable in their places. "Of course. You know us Yankees have to stick together." Joey said, using his fluent Brookyln accent. Rosie let loose a small laugh. "Oh my goodness, I feel like I'm from Texas and I'm in the middle of Central Park for the first time." Chris joked, trying to liven his other friends. Rosie swiftly snapped her head in Chris' direction. She arched her eyebrow, not noticing the figure sitting in Chris' lap. "Well then you really ought to try the franks down thee, they're like having a plate of fettucini in the middle of winter while waiting to hop on the Metro." Rosie followed with the joke.

The others let laughter slip out of their mouths, barely understanding the joke Rosie presented them with. Rosie glanced around the green room, taking in the faces of each person. "Gee, I think it's time we redecorated this place." Rosie commented briefly, taking another glance around the attire of the room. Chris glanced up and then smiled peacefully. "Yeah, it's not all that comforting. Sorta like staying at the Bates Motel." Chris teased, glancing back downward. Rosie snickered. "Hey, it's better then some of the places we've been." Lance reminded him in his deep, rustic voice. Chris nodded without protset. "Boy, you guys sure know how to make a girl feel good about her work place." Rosie jested. Justin smirked heavily. "Hey, we try." Chris cheered. "I think Chris tries a little too hard." Justin finally joined the laughter in the room. Rosie gave Justin a friendly smile and then crossed her arms.

"Well he didn't have to try that hard with this little cutie patootie." Rosie chimed, glancing down at the strangely quiet Angel. Justin's eyes snapped in the dierction of Chris and his son. He tried to keep a smile glued to his lips, but he was now been challenged on a new front. "So, who's this? Is he your little brother?" Rosie questioned, directing her inquiry towards Chris. Chris stayed stiff in his seat. He was unsure of how to respond to Rosie. "Uh, actually, uh, actually no." Chris responded briskly, yet nervously. He kept his hands locked on Angel's hips to keep him still in his lap. Rosie could see his nervousness. "Nephew? Maybe cousin? Or maybe he's your..." Rosie was cut off from speaking the last word that would cause Chris to be locked in an enevitable arrangement. "He's my son, Rosie. He's mine." Justin finally spoke up with pride.

Attention automatically fell on Justin after he spoke. It was an amazing feat that no one had expected of Justin. He had always been quiet about his personal life, keeping things private as he thought they should be. He never revealed too much to anyone unless they were a close friend of his. Some thing had changed it Justin. Some thing made him feel closer to Rosie, enough to reveal the identity of his son. It was the fact that two months ago, Rosie publicly supported Justin in his life choice, whether she knew it or not. "Oh, are we joking again? I mean, are you serious, Justin? He's your son?" Rosie felt compelled to ask as she was left breathless by Justin's announcement. Justin reached his arms out to Angel after catching his attention. Angel had a natural flickering gleam in his soft blue eyes. "Daddy me!" Angel said with a bright smile. Chris slowly stood from his couch and walked over to Justin, feeling apprehensive about Justin's declaration. Rosie watched, still in disbelief. Justin gladly took his son into his arms, cradling him as a father would.

Rosie couldn't help but hold her mouth open with an overstretched skepticism. She wanted to believe the unbelievable, in terms, but it was becoming beyond her. To find such a hero in a young man of nineteen would make it too hard for a normal adult to grasp. "So, uh, you have a son?" Rosie stumbled over a question that distracted her senses from being the usual bubbly person she was. Justin glanced up with a chipper smirk. "Mmm hmmm" he hummed with a fatherly delight. Rosie conjured up a playful expression for Justin. Confidence, a word that was keen but powerful in its own definition. It was all Rosie and Justin needed to face their fears. "And, uh, if you don't mind me asking, where's his mother?" Rosie asked with a straining New York accent. The room stayed blackened in a spellbound mist. No one desired to say anything that would hurt Justin or that would incriminate him any further. Justin cleared his throat blankly. He slouched on the couch. "Well, see Rosie... my son, Angel, he's adopted. His parents are no longer living. So, me and, well Brian, you know Brian right? Brian's... well, he's my husband and Angel, he's our adopted son." Justin stuttered, stumbled, and choked out each of his words. He was baring himself for the first time when it came to his marriage and when it came to his son. It was an epiphny, for him, to say the least.

Rosie felt her stomach flip and then her knees became somewhat weak. "Whoa." she faltered. She brushed her hand through her hair and tried to remain speechless, if that. "You're married... you're a father... you're nineteen..." Rosie let each statement fall off her lips. Justin nodded apprehensively. He let Angel snuggle to him as a playful child would. Justin giggled a little when Angel's small hands grazed over his stomach. "That tickles." he whispered to his son, roughly running his hand over Angel's head. Rosie watched him with admiration. "You adopted." she added with life in her voice again. "Yeah, isn't that just fascinating? Our old friend Justin actually had enough backbone to go and adopt a boy. That's just beyond us." Chris commented sarcastically, but he didn't let it show in his serious expression. Lance let out a half-hearted laugh, shaking his head at Chris. J.C. scratched his head and became restless in his seat. He wasn't sure what to think of Justin's boldness.

"That's wonderful! Wow, I mean I always knew you guys were a great bunch of guys, always doing work for charity and all, but gosh, you adopted a child. A child that might not have ever had a home had it not been for you.

That's... I mean that's truly amazing. Inspiring." Rosie boasted, surprising everyone within the room. Justin, unsure of himself, smiled. Rosie couldn't stop smiling at him. She felt overwhelmed with emotion. "He's our trooper." Joey grinned. Justin felt himself blushing with all of the added attention. "So, how old is he?" Rosie asked with her insatiable curiosity. Justin fumbled with Angel's fingers while listening to the question. "He's ten months. We got him when he was only five months." Justin replied affably. Joey crossed his arms with a broad grin. "Yep, he was a wee tike back then." Joey said, trying to imitate a Scottish accent. Chris chuckeled concisely. "Now look at the brat he's become. Just like his Daddy." Chris chimed.

"And you and Brian are together, huh?" Rosie questioned with her own fond interest. Justin nibbled his lower lip while nodding, looking down. "They're a regular Amy and Joey, those two." Chris continued to tease while trying to imitate a New York accent. "No, no, Ike and Tina, you idiot." Joey said, laughing. "Guys, guys, it's Hilliary and Bill." Lance wanred them with a smile. Justin lifted his head, laughing at the jokes that were meant to be about Brian and him. "Lay off him guys," J.C. insisted, sitting up in his seat. He leaned over and looked to his left. Angel was close to him, but still not too close. He smiled at the child that he found himself growing apart from. "Careful Angel, he bites." lance whispered his joke. J.C. sighed with tremendous grief.

Rosie pulled her hand through her hair again. She was competely dumbfounded, not only at the revealations, but the fact that the group talked so candidly about the subjects. "Whoa, that's kind of unbelievable. I mean the press practically hunted you two down like back in Salem during the witch hunts. To know, uhm, that it's true is amazing." Rosie commented lightly, becoming a little more at ease in the green room. Justin sighed with content. "Love has its ways of just working out for the best, I guess." Joey remarked, encouraging his friend. Several nods followed Joey's statement. "Some times the press has an insight into something, but they don't really realize what they know or have known all along." Chris added, reclining in his seat. "And some times they take it too far in their efforts to find out what's what." J.C. grumbled, scrunching his face up with an angered expression. Rosie nodded her head with full agreeance. She detested the media's constant assault on celebrities and their private lives. She was a victim and her friends were also victims. "Well, obviously, I won't discuss this on the show today or any day until you want to, Justin." Rosie assured him quickly, trying to make him feel more comfortable with the upcoming hour. Justin felt himself relaxing even more.

The pressure was slowly fading and he was getting a chance to be himself again.

A quick knock to the door again stirred everyone's attention. "Rosie, we're going to need you in wardrobe in two. Also, Ryan Phillipe has arrived and the guest chef is here too. We need you to meet with them, get all cheesy and then leave. Remember the order of guests appearing will be in your dressing room and Chelsea is asking for you. We need to get things moving." one of Rosie's producers announced in a rushed voice. His interruption destroyed the flow of conversations in the green room. Rosie pouted her thick lips and then tossed her hair back. She turned towards the door with peering eyes. "Okay, okay, I'm coming." Rosie huffed. The producer slowly let the door close, but he did not let it shut fully. Rosie glanced over her shoulder, still holding a lifeless look on her face. "I guess I'll see you guys in a few. Relax, enjoy ya'selves. Don't worry, it's all paid for. My producers will probably brief you on the run-down of what's happening on today's show and what kinds of questions will probably come up." Rosie said, drawing towards the door. Everyone stayed relatively quiet as Rosie began to make her exit. They did not want to use up their enegery on more trivial conversations when they knew they had a full day ahead of them. "Oh yeah, Justin, your son is absoluetly adorable. Congratulations on the whole marriage thing and becoming a father." Rosie made a final comment that lit up Justin's life. He was being conrgatulated for doing a deed many celebrities could not and would not dare. He felt his esteem growing. "Thank you." Justin said before Rosie's head disappeared behind the closing door.

The Rosie O'Donnell Show had begun with a playful melody and it was now half-way through, ending the first half with a more melodramatic melody. The guys of *NSYNC each occupied a small chair on the vast stage that was alloted to Rosie. Rosie sat behind her traditional desk reviewing notes while the guys of *NSYNC received different screams and babblings from the audience members. They had just completed a performance of the Diane Warren-penned 'This Side Of The Door' and now they had the pleasure of relaxing again, this time before a live-studio audience.

"We're on again in two people." one of the producers announced, running from the far end of the stage to the nearest camera. Rosie cleared her throat softly and then took a quick sip of her hot, lemon-coated tea. "Ugh, I think I'm catching something." Rosie complained lightly as her make-up technicians began to spruce her up for the next segment. The guys of *NSYNC sat patiently with smiles, trying not to overwork the crowd. "Make sure *NSYNC's microphones are up." another technician called out as Trsch's workers quickly checked all of the audio. "Hmmm, this is rather interesting." Chris commented softly to Justin. He compared the works of Rosie's staff to that of Jay Leno's and could see an obvious difference.

"One minute, audience hold tight!" the producer yelled out again. Justin scratched his temple, which was hidden under the black bandana he wore on his head. 'I hope Angel's okay.' he pondered, knowing his son still sat backstage with his nanny, Lea. He twitched his nose and waited as the coming thirty seconds began to tick down. "Smiles everyone and speak clearly." Trisch advised the guys of *NSYNC and then she quickly winked toward Rosie. Rosie pressed out a smile that screamed ignorance. Trisch stepped down behind the camera with a small laugh.

John McD cued up his band and they began to play a merry melody for the audience, signifying the return from the commercial break. Rosie gleamed happily for the camera, taping her cue card against her desk as the tune ended. "All right, welcome back. As you might know, I'm sitting with my favorite bunch of guys, the guys of *NSYNC!" Rosie announced chipperly and loduly, drawinh up a roaring applause from the audience which was maninly composed of young females. Rosie turned directly to the guys, ignoring the camera's presence. "I must say that I do love that song you just performed." Rosie said. The guys all thanked her in unison. "Yeah, it's been out for awhile now." Chris commented, trying to bring things closer to facts. "Right, right. And you guys said that Diane Warren wrote it, right?" Rosie questioned, leaning in their direction. She received several nods. "She writes all the good, sappy tunes." Chris remarked with his old fashioned sense of humor. "Right, like the Aerosmith one. Ya remember the one from 'Armageddon'?" Rosie agreed. Nods again followed her words. "Uhm, 'Don't Wanna Miss A Thing', right?" J.C. replied, glancing around to his friends. Joey quickly nodded the title of the song registering well in his head. Rosie's eyes brightened when feeling the natural chemistry between the boys. "She also wrote that Ricky Martin song." Lance laughed. "Oh, oh, oh! I remember that one. Hey, whatever happened to him? Did he ever go back to Menudo?" Chris said, pulling out laughter from the audience. Rosie pushed out a laugh, finding the comment somewhat funny. "Nah, he, Enrique and Mark Anthony are forming a group. I think it's called 'Three Latin One Hit Wonders' or something like that." Justin slyly said. A crude laughter fell from the crowd. Justin leaned to the side with a grin. "I'm just kidding." he said, signifying his trademark saying.

"Hey, hey, hey, she also did that song for Starship... you know the one from 'Mannequin'?" J.C. brought up a classic fact. Everyone glanced around, trying to contemplate the song J.C. was referring to. Soon the sounds of John McD's piano brought back a familiar tune for everyone's ears. The guys of *NSYNC began to snap their fingers while listening to the song. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! I know that one." Joey agreed, nodding. Justin began to bob his head and dance in his seat while hearing the tune. "Oh yeah!" Chris shouted out, standing from his chair briskly. Rosie laughed at the commotion the group began to make as they heard the song. *NSYNC began to sing the hook of the song with a few members of the audience that were aware of the song.

And we can build this dream together

Stand each storm forever

Nothing's gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We'll still have each other

Nothing's gonna stop us

Nothing's gonna stop us now

The guys of *NSYNC sang in tune with each other as the song slowly began to fade. "Oh right, I remember that song." Rosie chimed, clapping her hands as the audience had done minutes previously. *NSYNC stopped their singing as John McD ended his piano playing. Rosie laughed loudly as Chris finally danced his way to his seat. "She does a lot of great songs." Rosie commented quickly before glancing down to her cue card. "Now, you guys have a new song coming out though? That's what I hear anyway. It's like your fifth, sixth or so single from your album?" Rosie questioned. Laughter followed her inquiry. "Uhm, it's our fifth and final song from the album." Lance responded after the laughter had faded from *NSYNC's lips. Rosie raised her brow with curiosity written in it. "It's our last song and uhm, it's a remix actually. Produced by one of our own." Lance added, turning his head to J.C. J.C. affronted a smile for the crowd. "Oh, really?" Rosie said with intrigue. J.C. sighed happily and leaned forward. "Oh yeah, he co-produced our third single, but he actually stpped behind the production board to fully produce this next single coming up." Chris responded, his squeeky voice taking precedence.

J.C. felt the light falling on him as the eyes of the audience watched him. "Tell us, tell us." Justin insisted, adding a lisp to his voice. The change in Justin's voice received a few laughs from the girls. J.C. rolled his eyes with a morbid smile. "Uh, me and my friends, Alex Greggs and a guy named Riprock, we got together and figured we could remix one of the songs just for fun. So we re-wrote it and let the guys hear the demo and then we let the record lable hear it and they loved it. So we contacted Max Martin, cause he did the original, and we asked him if it was cool that we did it. We he heard it, he loved it and gave it the good 'head and the rest is pretty much history." J.C. explained the shortened version behind the forming of *NSYNC's next single. Justin and Chris nodded, knowing the full story behind the song. "And what's the song that you remixed?" Rosie asked, trying to pull out all of the facts. "It's the song 'Bye Bye Bye'." Justin replied, yanking out a rip of applause from several female audience members.

Justin looked around with surprise. He didn't know the song had gotten such acclaim. "The remix is really cool. We got our friends, Innosense, to cut the track wtih us. Justin's mom manages them and I think they were on here, what, about two months ago?" Joey explained, glancing over to Rosie. Another small, but cheerful, appluse came from a few members of the audience. Rosie recollected the group in her mind and could clearly remember their appearance on the show. She nodded for Joey, still fully intrigued by the conversation. "They're really good friends of ours and we've known them forever. So J.C. wanted it to be sort of a guy versus girl song so that eevryone could relate to it. Give it a new edge and all. Yeah, so we're going to shoot a video in the next couple of weeks and we hope to release the single next month." Joey continued with his soft voice. Justin leaned forward, seeing if the discussion was drawing to an end. "And they lived happily ever after." Justin again spoke in a different voice for comedic relief.

Rosie took a cue from her experience as an interviewer on her show and began to a transition to the next subject. "Speaking of Innosense, who might I say can really sing beautifully and are really cute girls, we had a nice little conversation when they were on here." Rosie said, causing Justin to stiffen up in his seat. He felt sweat taking over his forehead as his nerves tightened. The rest of *NSYNC listened with sharp ears, fearing that Rosie might go back on her word. "They informed me that one of their members was getting married to a Backstreet Boy. Do you think that's wise or that it's an easy thing, you know, for you teen idols to go off and marry someone? Does it really affect the way people look at you? Do you think being with someone hampers your career?" Rosie said, taking light of what she had been informed with shortly before the show. Everyone felt a sigh coming on, relieved that Rosie did not reveal or speak of Justin's relationship with Brian. "Well A.J. did marry the girl, her name's Amanda. They got married and he's still going strong with the Backstreet Boys." J.C. responded confidently. A gasp broke out around the crowd. Rosie's eyes shot open with surprise. No one knew of the marriage outside of a few people and now the knowledge was for all to see. "I think if you really do love that person you're with and you see that you can truly withstand anything thrown at you, then you should take that step. It's your life, not your fans life. As much as we love our fans, we can't really stop ourselves from being in love for their sake." Chris spoke from his own experience. He wanted to announce his own engagement to his girlfriend Kameelah Williams, but he withheld himself. He felt it was not the time for him to speak of it. "I just recently started dating someone again, but I've had relationships in the past that I'd say affected by career and were also affected by my career. I think it's all about the way you handle it. You have to be really careful." Lance commented, slouching his his chair. He didn't let a quick stare he got from J.C. change his mood. He could only speak the truth when it came to a subject he related to.

"I agree, you have to be real careful. Sometimes being with someone can truly affect your career and other times, I'd say you just have to do what you feel is good for you." Joey agreed with a serious composure. An ovation from his fellow bandmates followed Joey's words. "I think that Justin, personally, has had the most experience with ignoring what people say and just handling his own. And I'd say J.C. has had the experience with just dealing with putting your career and your relationship in two totally different categories." Joey announced as an added praise to his friends. J.C. licked his lips and tossed his head back. He scratched his incoming beard. "I mean, it takes time for you to get to the point where you feel secure enough to be in the business and still date. For me, it was the hardest thing because I wanted to say 'Oh well, tonight I can go on a date with so and so and then later on I can write this song for so and so' and it would all just collide and really ruin my perspective of both sides." J.C. stated his feelings on the subject. He cocked his head in the opposite direction of Lance. The bitter feelings between the two still had their spot in their hearts, just not as deep as they did before. Justin took a second to glance at Chris and see how he remained relatively quiet throughout the discussion. He knew Chris wanted to announce his recent engagement and the discovery that he was going to become a father in October, but it was too controversial and too soon after the drama for Brian and Justin and the announcement of A.J.'s marriage to Amanda. "It's like, man, I've heard the stories and I've listened to a lot of people go on and on about what they think about me, my personal life, the group, and a bunch of other things and I've just learned to tune it all out. I've got some really bad advice in my life that I've acted on and now I'm at the point where unless you're trying to really help me and I can tell you're doing it positively, I can't let you in on my life. It's just no help." Justin said in his most mature tone. He received a grand applause from the audience, clapping ringing through the studio.

"Exactly, that's exactly what I tried to tell people when they tried to bring you and your personal life into the lime light. The media's really not helping at all and that's a shame." Rosie agreed, feeling the scorn of her own battles with the media and what they thought of her personal life. Justin nodded with a smile, seeing true understanding in Rosie. "When people relate me back to all of these people that are either my friend or just an acquaintance, it's like, 'Man, is that all you think about? Who I'm with?' Like when they try and connect me and Brit', I'm not dating her. You know? She's a really good friend of mine, one that I really love, but not in that way." Justin said, finally breaking the silence about his feelings about the media and their constant emphasis on Britney and himself.

Joey eased to the side to watch Justin as he spoke. He had waited months to kno the truth about Justin, Britney, and the media. Now his friend had finally released an answer to a question that had always been on Joey's mind. "You've got to try and keep professional and personal lives separate and it's a hard thing to do." Lance added, his deep baritone voice reaching out. "Yeah, it's kind of hard." Joey agreed, shaking his head at the camera.

"And Joey, that's probably not always easy for you, with Justin and Britney always being placed together. I mean I've heard you two are an item, but not as much as you hear the whole 'Justin and Britney' thing." Rosie stated, feeling for Joey. Joey sighed with a small smile. He tried to keep his bitter emotions hidden. "Well, as long as me, Justin, and Britney know what's going on, it doesn't really matter. I try and keep it out of the media and away from the constant coverage, but yeah, me and Britney are together. And it's not like me and Justin switch on and off with who's dating her and it's not like I have hate towards Justin because that's his ex-girlfriend or that Justin has dislike for me because I'm now dating her. We're still very good friends and we keep everything separate and to ourselves." Joey insisted, once again clearing up a rumor that plagued their lives. Justin also felt relieved when hearing Joey agree with him when it came to the subject of their past and his relationship with Britney.

Rosie could see signs being waved to her by her producers. She glanced out the corner of her eye and could make out the familiar signals they were sending her. Her time had drawn to a close. "Well, guys, it's been fun having you as always. It seems my producers want me to wrap it up before half of my sponsors withdraw their offers." Rosie kidded with them, giving her attention back to them. Each of the men of *NSYNC understood and kindly let the discussion die. "Oh, we'll sponsor you! Buy *NSYNC CD's and while you're listening, hop on the couch and catch the latest episode of the Rosie O'Donnell Show." Chris cheered, trying to advertise. Rosie laughed again, faking it for the camera. "We'll have to try that some time. Please come back and see me, a lot sooner this time." Rosie pleaded, staring at the guys with fascination still in her eyes. Nods again followed her words. "When the next single comes out, we'll tell management that us and Innosense have to make a trip out to see Rosie. All ten of us." Lance said, letting his laughter consume him afterwards. Rosie's eyes grew large with the suggestion. "Wow! We might have to get a whole new set for that show." Rosie jested. Applause and giggling broke from the crowd. The idea was one Rosie could propose to producers, but she feared that it would conflict too much with scheduling. "Up next we've got Justin's look-a-like, Mr. Ryan Phillipe is here." Rosie said with a giggle, winking towards Justin as the band struck up the melody again and the show faded to commercial break.

"Okay, let's get the mics off of *NSYNC, a little mixing with the crowd and then let's get ready for the next segment." anotehr of the producers announced loudly so that things would move quicker. Rosie swivelled her chair in the direction of *NSYNC and grinned as workers began to crowd different areas of the set. "Hey, Justin, uhm could you leave your cell phone or house number with me so I can get in touch with you and when me and the kids come down to Florida, maybe I could visit you, Brian and the baby." Rosie requested softly, inching closer to Justin so that the audience did not pick up the conversation. Justin nodded, trying to pull the microphone from his clothing. "That'd be nice." Justin said shortly. He cleared his throat loudly just as he heard the shouting of his name from an audience member. He looked up with a smile, making sure to give the audience the attention they needed. "Did you guys want to go to lucnh, maybe after the show?" Rosie offered as the technical aspect of their visit finally ended. J.C. glanced around as he received a couple of screams from the crowd. He licked his lips and then proposed a smile for the crowd. "We can't. Right after this, we head back to the hotel for a minute and then we've got to ride over to MTV Studios for TRL." Joey responded with a bit of angst. J.C. gave his attention freely to the crowd while the others spoke. Lance felt his concentration being drawn to J.C. when seeing that he did not voice an opinion in the day's events. "Plus I've got to get back to the hotel and see how my girl's doing." Chris smiled, standing from the bondage of his chair. Justin smiled amicably when hearing Chris speak of Meelah. "Oh, okay. Well you guys be sure to stay in contact. Don't go doing all these tours and never stop by the show again." Rosie teased them as they all began to stand. "We won't Ro'. We'll be back quicker than you'll want us." Joey giggled, following J.C.'s lead as they began to exit the stage. The crowd gave applauded *NSYNC as they left the stage and made preparations to leave the NBC studios.

Carson Daly, a household known name, stood near the side of the interior of the MTV Studios awaiting the end of what seemed to be an endless commercial break on his progam, Total Request Live. He felt the unwanted feel of make-up being applied below his eyelids to cover the heavy bags that had formed under his eyes. Partying the previous night with the members of Limp Bizkit and his girlfriend Tara Reid was not the most advisable thing to do, but Carson was not one to follow the rules.

"Oh darlin', you just look like clogs fat floating in chicken grease after frying up a twenty-five piece on high for seven hours." Margie, the cosmetic technician said to Carson as she touched him up. Carson smiled lightly. "I think I feel just a little bit lower than that." Carson laughed as she applied gloss to his lips. "Stay still." she hissed as he tried to snicker with pressed lips. Carson closed his eyes for a second of rest as more gloss was applied. He felt awful, he could tell that his appearace, without the make-up, was awful and he knew his performance on the show had to accumulate to awful. Still Carson was used to days like this. He had met many of them head-on during his time as an MTV VJ. "Do you want me to touch up ya 'lashes sweetie?" Margie asked him as she dabbed his lips. Through the patting napkin, Carson said "No." Margie accepted the response and took a step back. She admired Carson from head to toe. She sighed heavily after eyeing him three times. "Well, at least now you look like the crust of the chicken instead of the fat." she said in her most flattering voice. Carson again laughed, trying to stay positive about his overall appearance. "Maybe they won't notice when *NSYNC comes on." Carson tried to lighten up as he glanced over to his producers. They were giving him the signal that the show would start soon. Margie wrinkled her lips. "Sweetie, I hope you're that fortunate. I heard they're working a number on two of them boys because they were just totally off with their look. Their hair was too light for their eyebrows and the skin complexion could have used an overhaul." Margie said, doing her best to appease Carson. Carson furrowed his brow with disbelief. "Maybe there is a God." he commented slyly, turning away from Margie and walking back to the center of the stage.

Carson grabbed his microphone from the stage and held it up, smiling brightly for the camera. "Welcome back to TRL, I'm your host Carson Daly and well... it's a rainy one out here in New York. It seems the minute a top-selling Orlando band hits New York, the weather just goes crazy." Carson commented, glancing out the large windows that viewed down on Times Square. Carson looked back to the camera and shrugged. "Oh well, we countdown your top ten most requested videos on this show and actually, I think it's time we bring out today's guest since we are midway through the countdown. Before we get into our number four video, let's have a round of applause for the guys of *NSYNC." Carson suggested. He placed his mic in between his arm and his ribs and began to calp, awaiting to see the first member of *NSYNC cross the threshold.

The small audience that sat inside of the TRL studios brightened up and let loose a loud ovation as *NSYNC crossed through the barriers and into the section set for TRL. Joey led the group out into the studios, casually waving to some of the members of the audience. He flirted promptly with a few of the females. Lance and Justin followed him, smiles on their face. Lance looked to the window that showed the rain falling heavily on New York.

He pouted his lips. Justin tried to get through the small walkway without too many fans trying to grab him. He smiled nervously and waved to a few of the girls in the audience. It proved one thing to Justin; his adoration from fans was still strong. J.C. and Chris held the tail-end of the group, walking slowly with a small conversation brewing between them. They gave just enough attention to the screaming fans, but not as much as they regularly offered. For some reason, their conversation was more important.

"What's up guys? How ya been? I heard you just got done with the Rosie O'Donell Show and hopped a cab on over here to MTV Studios." Carson sprung out with qusetions and comments before *NSYNC had the chance to become fully situated on the stage. Lance looked up with a raised brow. He looked to the guys who still seemed dazed by the wide applause from the fans. "Yeah, basically." Lance replied briefly. Chris shot Carson a confused face, missing every word of the question. He looked over to J.C. who seemed to be too into the rain to pay attention to either Carson or his groupmates. "Doing Rosie was fun. It was cool." Joey added a response, clueing Chris in on the question. Chris nodded with an overdone expression. "It was rad man! There were people and... well, people... but then there was, well more people." Chris' ability to go from excited to composed was unmatched. Carson found it unbearably hilarious. Lance laughed along with Carson, as did the audience. "Well the people at home would probably like to get a look at the number four video for today, huh? Coming in today at number four is Sisqo featuring Foxy Brown with the 'Thong Song Uncensored' on Total Request Live." Carson stated, drawing out a desired applause from the crowd inside the studios.

The video played and it ended shortly as all videos did on Total Request Live. MTV preferred the artists themselves over their overdone videos. "What did you guys think of that video? A hot one, right?" Carson questioned, turning his attention to *NSYNC. Their mixed expressions of surprise and delight pleased Carson. "I will say one thing for Sisqo, he's not afraid to be bold." J.C. stated, still trying to catch a glimpse of the video. Justin nodded with an astonished expression. "He sure did, uhm, bring to life that thong, thong-thong-thong." Chris agreed, a little more peppy with his voice. Carson laughed mildly. He waited for a response from the audience. "Yes, he does." Carson grinned. Justin shook his head at Carson. He was not shocked by Carson's ability to become bold. It was a notable quality of an MTV VJ. "Joey's wearing a thong actually." Chris stated quickly for his planned comic relief. Joey's head quickly spun in Chris' direction. Chris grinned with no fears. Joey cast a scowl on his face before facing the camera. "Well I borrowed it from Justin." Joey tried to make a recovery. Justin bursted into laughter, followed by the others. "More like stole it. I planned on wearing it at the press conference dude." Justin pretended to be mad for more humor. He brushed a hand over his hair and then looked at Carson who enjoyed the performance thoroughly. "You can borrow Lance's, it's cool." Chris said nonchalantly. Lance scoffed at him.

"Sounds cool. Now you guys are announcing your tour dates today, right?" Carson asked with a planned question. Lance and Justin nodded, staying in tune with the questions. "Today from, I think one of the conference rooms of our hotel. It's a big press event." Justin stated with the facts he was aware of. Lance waited for Jusin to end his words before beginning his own.

"We're announcing the dates for the tour, the venues and also some of the opening acts set to be on tour with us." Lance added with the full line-up of *NSYNC's scheduled events. Justin leaned to the side, lowering his mic to allow the others to make comments. His mind stayed focus on how he could make more time for his son during the ending afternoon. 'Maybe I'll pick him up a Winnie the Pooh movie from the lobby.' Justin pondered while listening to J.C. explained the schematics of the upcoming tour.

Carson listened as his producers fed him more information to inquire about. "Okay, the tour sounds like it's going to go off without a hitch. It's been an expected thing for some time now, I mean ever since the MTV Video Awards back in ninty-nine. But more recently, you guys, well one of you anyway, has had some extra news coverage." Carson stated, drawing eyes and ears towards Justin. Justin clinched his teeth together while scratching his temple. He knew the question would appear some time during the day, it was beyond inevitable. He lowered his eyes and let his head droop. "So, Justin, what's up with that? What's going on dude?" Carson asked in his keen way. Justin lifted his deep blue eyes and stuck out his bottom lip. "Man, it's a lot of media drama. It's just a lot of people trying to get into my business and find out what I do, who I'm with and what life I lead. It bothered me at first, but then I realized in the business, it's hard to have a private life." Justin responded indefinetely. Carson nodded, relating heavily to the situation. He had had his share of battles and he despised the way the media always tried to connect him to people that were no more than friends. "But, you know, Brian was chatting with John Norris of MTV News and he kind of said that he's, what were the words... 'very close to you'?" Carson continued his line of questioning, one that disturbed all of the members of *NSYNC. Justin licked his lips with tension rising up. "Yeah, me and Brian are close. There's no point in denying that." Justin agreed, not letting the full truth be revealed. Carson raised his brow, interest circling his face. Justin felt more coming on, causing him to become a little less comfortable under the spotlight of the camera. He could feel the eyes of the fans looking for any sign of fiction and reality in Justin's varied expressions.

"I'm asking because, you know, some of our viewers actually cried when all of this broke out. It was a big them for them because a lot of them dreamed of marrying you, being with you and stuff like that and then they hear, 'Oh no, Justin might be gay. He might be living with Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys' and you know, that tends to crush their dreams." Carson explained, trying to help Justin see his side of the interview. Justin crossed his arms and offered Carson a serious face. He nodded, understanding Carson. "Yeah, that's got to hurt, but you know, I can't be with all of the girls. Man, I love the fans to death but when you're with someone, it's like you give the fans this much love and you give that person this much love. One has to out weight the other." Justin explained. He was losing his agitation and growing strength from the easy questioning. "Plus, I don't think any fan should stop loving the celebrity they do just because they may be black, white, Christian, Muslim, gay or even straight. It's the music and the way that artist can relate to you." Justin continued with a powerful message. An applause slowly followed Justin's words. Carson nodded to show he agreeded fully with Justin. "It's not always easy being in a boy band and then dating or falling in love with anyone. You're going to get judge no matter what side of the fence you sit on." Joey added. "Exactly. So the stuff between me and Brian will still be there, in the media, but at the end of the day, I look at Brian the same way I did a year ago when people looked at us funny because of our appearance on TRL. Me and him are still the same and as long as my friends and family can handle what happens in my private life, then I can't let the media rule me." Justin attached with seriousness covering his semi-deep voice. Carson smiled, knowing Justin was as strong as he spoke.

"I'd say that about sums it up." Chris interrupted the flow of passion when seeing producers need to wrap the segment up. Carson nodded, also seeing and hearing the demands for a close. "Well, I want to thank you guys for stopping by because I know the viewers missed you." Carson said, sending out his normal gratefullness to artists. He was also thanked in unision by *NSYNC. "And with that, let's head on over to our number three video. It comes from a Pop diva, in her own right, and one that Joey here is quite fond of. Here's Britney Spears with her new video 'Kiss' on Total Request Live." Carson announced, drawing up a loud ovation from the audience. The video soon flashed upon the screen and the genetlemen of *NSYNC began their conversations with the crowd as they prepared for a planned exit.

Lonnie and Dre led the group that consisted of *NSYNC, their management representative, their personal assistances and promotional representatives, plus a two other new security guards as they walked towards the three vans they arrived in. "Are we doing anything tonight?" Chris whined promptly as they advanced closer to the vans. Justin glanced at him with bewilderment. Lonnie too looked at Chris, only with disturbance ruling his brow. "Like what? Shouldn't you be taking care of your fiancée while she carries your child?" Lonnie asked rudely, making Chris automatically look away from him. Justin slipped a knitted cap on his head while praying that Chris would not come up with a smart remark. "Speaking of fiancés, J.C." Lance began to speak up. J.C. sighed with discontent. "Don't go there right now, Lance." J.C. requested firmly. Justin shifted his eyes towards J.C. and saw unwanted stress on his face. 'Hmmm, something's wrong.' Justin contemplated out of concern for his friend.

"I'll probably take Meelah to dinner then. Thanks for the suggestion Lonnie." Chris said with a crude voice. He faked a smile while whispering words under his breath. "Sure, anytime half-pint. Maybe you can still get the kiddie dinner." Lonnie chimed with his sarcastic tongue. Justin lowered his head, trying not to laugh at the comment while Joey burst into a round of laughter. "Okay, now you're pushing it you oversized gorilla. And shut up clown boy, looking like Bozzo with that red hair." Chris brooded, his shoulders raising to make himself look stronger. Joey merely shook his head with more laughter. Lonnie found himself beginning to laugh with Joey. "Just a quick question, Chris. Are you able to ride all the rides at Six Flags yet?" Joey jested, pulling out even more laughter from the rest of the group. Chris scrunched his face with distaste as laughter continued.

Justin snickered softly, trying not to let his friend hear him. "I'll answer that if you answer my question. Is your dick long enough for anyone to ride yet?" Chris emphasised his statement. Coos followed his words, striking a major blow to Joey. Joey licked his lips and tried to accept defeat. The enrtourage reached the vans with the laughter slowly dying out.

"Actually, only one girl rides me and she does a pretty good job at that." Joey sneered, pursing his lips as Lonnie and Dre began opening the doors to the vans. A loud howl of groans shattered the shifting silence. "I can't believe he said that!" Lance moaned as he stepped into the van. Chris began to make gagging faces towards the smiling Joey. "Man, she's my friend. How could you even mention that. Eww! The picture's in my head!" J.C. lamented, crawling into the van after Lance. Joey continued to smile. Justin shot Joey a grotesque expression. "I really, really, REALLY did not want to hear that." Justin hissed, sliding into the van after Chris entered.

Still, Joey smiled. "Oh come on Justin, like that could be gross to you. You do it all the time to Brian." Joey argued politely. More groans followed his words as Lonnie beckoned for him to enter the van. Joey stepped into the van. "Actually Joey, it's the other way around." Justin chimed as the doors of the van closed. Again, a loud unison of moans were heard.

Trying to enter the hotel at which *NSYNC stayed at was not as easy as security had hoped. The press conference had attracted a lot of media attention and also quite an entourage of fans. This made it no easier on *NSYNC who had their own personal streses to deal with. One-by-one, each member made their entrance into the almost empty lobby of the hotel. The clearance into the hotel had become rough and one that other guests did not enjoy. "We should have just retned the whole hotel out and made it easier on everyone." Chris complained as he followed Lance towards the front desk. Lance sighed heavily. "We aren't that rich Chris." Lance reminded him, staggering towards the desk. Chris furrowed his brow at the reality.

Chris shrugged and glanced back to see Justin finally breaking through the doors to the hotel. Justin had a scowl on his face, one that seem to fade a little when he walked through the lobby. "They're giving you a tough time Just?" Chris asked as Justin briskly caught up to him. Justin rolled his eyes as a sign. "When are they not getting to me?" Justin became sarcastic.

Chris ignored Justin's anger. He had become accustom to it. "When they're talking about that cute little boy you've got waiting upstairs." Chris reminded him, ruffling the cap on Justin's head. Justin fought it, he denied it and he even ignored it, but a smile ran across his lips. "I don't talk about Bastian with the media you goof." Justin said, pushing Chris away in a playful manner. Chris did not stop his onslaught on Justin's head and playfully tugging on him. "Cause Angel's not ready for his spotlight yet. He still has to grow those cute little curls and get those cute like dimples in his cheeks like you and Brian." Chris insisted, pulling Justin down into a headlock. Justin struggled with Chris while laughing as they continued to walk around the lobby. Justin let his feet drag in hopes of slowing Chris so he could break from the headlock. "Brian... does have cute dimples, ugh, doesn't he?" Justin could barely make conversation through the struggle. Chris laughed loudly. "You're too much." Chris said, ripping the knit-cap from Justin's head as they walked.

Chris could feel J.C. brush past him in hopes of reaching the lobby's front desk before Chris and Justin. He eyed J.C. with great suspicion. "That was rather rude." Chris said, pulling himself and Justin to a halt. Justin continued to struggle while glancing up. He spotted his friend, but could not see his face. "Maybe he wants to see if Nick called or something." Justin offered explainations as he felt Chris' grip become looser. He slipped his head from out of Chris' hold and quickly pushed Chris forward. He laughed as Chris tripped and nearly fell to the carpeted floor. "Hey you two, don't get to playing around and break something you can't pay for." Lonnie warned them as he crossed their paths, following Joey. Chris recovered his balance and then crossed his arms, peering at Lonnie. Justin mimicked Chris' actions, his eyes barely open as they stared at Lonnie. "Yeah right!" Justin and Chris said in unison, well aware of their financial situation. They felt no worries restraining them from enjoying themselves at the hotel before they were forced into another promotional event.

J.C. waited Lance to finish gathering his messages from the desk clerk. He leaned on the counter, trying to give his body a more relaxed position to rest in. His face was smug, but more depressed than angered. "Thanks Cathy." Lance spoke up, referring to the desk clerk who looked upon him with a flirtatious smile. J.C. rolled his eyes timely at the sight of Lance persuading the young girl to do things J.C. knew would be against hotel policy. J.C. once considered Lance the shy, more reserved of the group, but now he could see that Lance could be just as underhanded as the rest of the members when his time came. Lance peered over to his left to glance at J.C., reading his expression in every detail. "You need a nap." Lance insisted, trying to be cute with J.C. for antiquity. J.C. did not propose his usual smirk for Lance. He was too tense to allow it. Lance shrugged, trying not to lose his chipper spirit for J.C.'s customary mood swings. "See ya upstairs Josh." Lance passed him off. J.C. allowed himself to wave to Lance, but nothing more. He was still troubled.

"Can I help you sir?" Cathy asked him in a petite voice. J.C. turned his attention to Cathy, suddenly. He cleared his throat softly, rubbing his neck as he did. "Yeah, uhm, are there any messages for Mr. Green? Mr. Sleepy Green?" J.C. asked, straining as he did. Cathy arched her right eye brow. She looked down at her set of messages designated for the men of *NSYNC, glancing over the aliases that they listed for themselves. Her face brightened up as she pulled out a few slips of paper. "Yes, here we go... Mr. Sleepy Green. You have four messages." Cathy chimed, looking up again. J.C. offered a small smile for her in hopes of finishing their transaction hastily. "Are there any messages from Karen Chasez or a girl named Nikki DeLoach?" J.C. asked with more concern. Cathy flipped through all of the small slips and then frowned her lips. It was an evident expression. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, all of the messages are from a man who went by the name of Gene." Cathy stated, handing the pieces of paper to J.C. J.C. knew the name or the use of the name. He reached his hand out and grabbed the pieces of paper. He was disappointed. "Thanks Cathy." J.C. said in a sullen voice.

J.C. began to read over his messages as Justin and Chris crowded the desk.

They both grinned at Cathy who seemed surprise by their sudden appearance.

"Can... can I help you gentlemen?" Cathy stuttered while splitting her attention between Chris and Justin. "Hi, yes, are there any messages for a Mr. Bastian Thomas?" Justin asked first, beating Chris to the chase. Cathy blushed lightly and then looked over the messages she had left. She pulled out two slips of the small papers and then smirked. "One from your mother requesting that you contact her and then you have another from a Miss Jean Brit Mouse, also requesting that you contact her." Cathy chimed, passing the papers to Justin. Justin's brow furrowed. Chris leaned onto the counter, ushering Justin to the side. Justin grabbed the slips from Cathy, his lips beginning to pout. "There were no messages from a Mr. Littrell? Or possibly a Mr. Randall Timber? Maybe Thomas Brian?" Justin pleaded with Cathy in a soft tone. Cathy briskly shook her head, feeling the grief of her job. She watched Justin slide backward with woe encasing his face.

J.C. watched his friend slowly walk towards the elevators, his sorrow surrounding him. "Hey Curly! Don't leave me behind!" Chris bellowed, following Justin toward the elevators. J.C. pursued Chris and Justin in the direction of the elevators, trying to make sure he didn't miss his chance to get upstairs. He began to run swiftly when seeing everyone board the elevator. "Hold those doors!" J.C. barked out, causing Lonnie to quickly press the button that held the doors open while Justin through his foot in the way of the doors closing. J.C. slide into the crack that was slowly becoming available to him and found a position near the doors on the elevator. "Thanks." J.C. puffed out. "Sure." Lonnie responded quietly, allowing the doors to close. Justin leaned into a corner of the elevator while Chris pressed his head against one of the four walls that made up the elevator.

J.C. drew out his cellular phone and began to quickly dial numbers. He figured if his messages at the hotel were not good enough, he could probably find what he was looking for on his voice mail. He listened to one ring and then a click. He could barely hear the operator request his password. J.C. lowered the phone from his ear, dialed in his password and then adjusted the volume. He was a man of hasty actions.

'Hi, this is Josh and you've got my voice mail. Lucky you. Please leave a message for me... a detailed one... and I'll be sure to call you back as soon as I wrap up whatever I'm doing with these goofs in 'N Sync. Much love to you.'

'You have seven new voice mails.'

The mere suggestion caused J.C.'s brow to raise. 'Seven? What the hell, I just checked my messages this morning.' J.C. thought while awaiting the first message to begin. He grazed his hand through his brown hair and then leaned forward.

'Hey there Josh, it's me. I left some messages at your hotel, but I wasn't sure if you'd have a chance to check them. I know how busy you guys can get when trying to promote things. So I figured it'd be best if I leave a message here too that way I know you can get back to me. I'm still sitting here in the studio, we're trying to finish up this song. I'll let you hear it later on. It's just me and A.J. trying to get down the final ad-libs and vocals on here though. All the other guys are gone. But that's not why I called. I made some calls and even though we haven't set a date, I still wanted to make some calls and set things up for the wedding. Just so we can have some options. I contacted some florists and also some tuxedo shops and other places. I gave them your number so they can contact you and give you some information. You know me, always a blonde. I'd forget it all. Also, I was thinking maybe a wedding around late December. Right before the New Year. We could get married in like New York, with all the white snow and everything. And I was thinking we could wear like purple and black tuxes or something. That'd be so nice! Don't you think? I know you'd love it hon'.

Oh, I've got to get going before A.J. kills me. Sorry about that. Uh, see ya when you get home and contact those people. I'd really like to set a date so I can tell the fam' and all, even though they are sort of... well, you know. Call me. We'll work some thing... bye, oh wait, oh yeah, love ya kid. Bye.'

J.C. quickly ended his cellular phone call after hearing his fiancé's message. He knew what the concern of the other six messages were and he was not ready to hear them. J.C. took in a deep breath, his mind pleading with his body to lament loudly. J.C.'s body refused. He had to give off the perfect impression, the grandest composure so that he would not be bombarded by questions from his friends. He sensed that Justin was going to be a problem with in itself, so he did not press to let himself become the center of attention. He was a twenty-three-year-old man, he believed it was him who should solve the problems that circled his life. J.C., however, couldn't fight the stress that came along with being engaged. He felt, day-by-day, that another task was being placed on him. Another wall placed in his way of doing what he wanted. He loved his fiancé, it was hard for him to deny. But at times, J.C. longed for the life of being boyfriends instead of having to deal with the pressure of getting married.

Justin stayed silent in his corner of the elevator. He spied several glances from Lonnie. He respected and adored Lonnie. Lonnied always looked after Justin as if he was his younger brother, a connection Justin respected greatly. He knew that if anything, Lonnie would make sure Justin got the privacy and dedication he needed during the beginning of a trying period in Justin's life. Justin was aware that Lonnie would guard Justin and, most importantly, Angel when Justin needed him to. He was grateful that Lonnie could replace one quality he saw in his husband.

Justin missed Brian uncontrollably. It was natrual for him. Spending months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds and even tenths of a second killed Justin. He was young and needed something to latch onto. The warm moments he shared with his husband were the 'things' Justin needed in his life. He required stability which he often found when being around Brian. Raising a child on the road was something both Brian and Justin agreed they would not do. One of the two had to be at home to raise their son while the other toured or promoted. They'd prefer that both were there to spend every moment with Angel, but they knew settling for one would be necessary for Angel to have a semi-normal life. They knew Angel would have to have one of his fathers to survive, but Justin didn't realize that he also needed to be with someone to handle the pain of a long distance relationship. He needed something and a simple phone call could have cured his grief.

Chris glanced over to the corner Justin stood in. He saw his face of disappointment and he loathed it. He adjusted his back on the wall and then smirked heavily. He was clever and he was quick. "Justin, if you sit around with a potty-mouth all day long then all of the girls will fall hopeless in love with my good looks and you'll just be anotehr guy in the group." Chris spoke out, swaying Justin's attention from his own misfortunes. Justin's glassy eyes stared at Chris with grand disbelief. He laughed roughly. "Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Justin asked him with a shameless smirk. Lonnie felt himself chuckling under his breath. Chris shot both of them an egotistical smile. He raised his chin and stood straight in the elevator. "Actually, the last time I looked in the mirror was that one time me and Brian were fucking on one of those beds with the mirror above you. You know about those?" Chris jested, stirring a doubtful smirk from Justin. Justin leaned closer to Chris and then playfully socked him in the arm. Chris natural instinct caused his hand to launch up and grab his arm with surprise enclosing his face. "That's what your dumb ass get for thinking you could get ass from my man." Justin said in his coyest voice. Chris crumbled his lips, pretending to be hurt.

Ring. It was the sound of the elevator coming to a hault and the doors slowly sliding open for the four gentlemen to exit. Laughter greeted them as they stepped off the elevator. Eyes lifted and concentration was drawn from the previous incidents in the elevator. Justin and J.C. automatically found the source of the noise. Justin raised his eyebrow questionably while J.C. puckered his lips. Chris stepped up to catch a view of where the noise came from, his eyes searching the length of the hall.

In the middle of the hall stood Lance Bass, Kameelah Williams, Lea Andrews, and Bryce Winters. They were all laughing in their own way and at their own pitch. It would seem as though their conversation made their unaware of their own surroundings.

It was shocking for J.C., Justin, and Chris to look on Bryce once again. It had been little over a month since their last encounter with him but they could definetely see that the romance had again brewed between Bryce and Lance. Ever since Bryce's appearance at A.J. and Amanda's wedding, Chris felt a need to inform his friends of the previous chapter in Bryce and Lance's lives. He had only told the full details to Joey and Justin while briefly informing J.C. He felt it was at everyone's best to keep the full extent of Lance and Bryce's former relationship vague to J.C. It helped to lighten some of the stress for the group.

"Boy, I wish I could have seen Chris' face." Bryce laughed loudly from his position in the group. J.C. peered at Bryce and then at Lance. He watched as Lance slickly slide his arm around Bryce's shoulder and pulled him closer. His eyes followed Bryce's arm as it slide around Lance's waist and brought them to a half-embrace. He sighed with his own fevered anger. "I'm going to my room to get changed." J.C. hissed, trying to change the direction in which he walked. J.C. stomped down the hallway that ran opposite of the one Meelah, Lance, Bryce, and Lea stood in. Justin and Chris both knew that was not the way to J.C.'s room, but they allowed him to leave. They could clearly see that he was not in the mood to be corrected or even spoken to.

"Daddy me!" the sound of Angel's cooing voice stole Justin's attention from his brooding friend. He located his son sitting in the open doorway of the room that was but centimeters from the laughing group. Angel's sudden choice of speech also made Lea and the others away that he had been sitting in the doorway while they spoke. Their eyes drifted from the small boy to where his voice was calling out to. Justin and Chris stood with simple smiles. "Now what was that about Chris being here?" Chris asked as he and Justin advanced towards the group, slowly being followed by Lonnie. Meelah perked up when seeing her fiancé approaching. "Uhm, nothing." Bryce snickered out, ending his small embrace with Lance. Bryce let Lance keep a hand on his shoulder while trying to look a bit more professional for the others.

"Look who just happened to be in New York doing some promotional stuff for Mandy Moore." Lance chimed, revealing the real reason Bryce was in New York at the same time as *NSYNC. Chris was impressed though he was the only one that saw through Bryce and Lance's lie. He knew more than anyone that the two must have set up a way for both of them to be in New York at the same moment, if not for the same amount of time. Justin gave Lance's words little attention as he went directly towards his sitting son. "There's Daddy's little man." Justin chimed when reaching Angel. He knelt down to where Angel was and just admired his son. Angel cocked his head to the side with a loving smile. He cooed promptly. Justin laughed at the humorous glances he got from Angel.

"See, I told ya you'd smile when you saw him," Chris cheered while hugging Meelah. Chris pulled away from Meelah while still admiring Justin and his son. He saw the brightness in Justin's smile and the adoration in his blue eyes. 'I hope it's that good for me when I become a father.' Chris thought.

"And are you happy to see me?" Meelah asked, interrupting Chris' musings. Chris' head jerked in her direction. He gave her a blank expression before smirking. "Not really." he said coyly. He turned his eyes downward to Meelah's slowly developing stomach. He carefully placed his hand on top of her covered stomach. "But I did miss this little tike right here." Chris hummed, rubbing her stomach. Meelah giggled softly, Chris' cautious hands tickling her belly. She held his hand on her stomach with her right hand before sighing. "I guess that's good enough for me." she exhaled out. "Who are you kidding, of course I missed you Meelah." Chris laughed softly, looking back at her. Meelah rolled her eyes with a prize-winning smile. She tapped her fingers along his hand while letting Chris feel around her protruding belly. "I need to call Amanda and found out how she did this." Meelah groaned. She was feeling the beginning stages of pregnancy, still unaware of what was to come throughout her pregnancy. Chris huffed incorrigibly. "It's going to be a piece of cake for us. As long as 702 keeps getting the time off you gals need, you know, for your pgrenancy and for Misha to be with her son, then it'll be no problem whatsoever for us." Chris said with ignorance. Justin looked up at Chris with his own criminal doubt. He knew that if Chris was not careful, turmoil was to follow.

The sounds of Dre and Lonnie clearing their throats made everyone aware of their presence. "If you guys plan on getting changed before the press conference, I advised you do it now. Abby informed us that you're supposed to be down there in twenty-five minutes. She's meeting with the press, along with Jeff and Roger. Me, Dre, and Randy are taking you guys down there in twenty. So, let's not make a big production of this." Lonnie spoke out in his commanding voice. His authority caused the fun to end. "Lousy bodyguard." Chris grumbled, grabbing Meelah's hand and leading her in the direction of their room. Justin giggled quietly, reaching out and picking up Angel. He stood to his feet with no added assistance and glanced over to Lea. "Come on Lea." he whispered, causing her to follow Justin into his room. Bryce and Lance scurried to Lance's room in silence, never rebelling against authority when it is thrown in their face.

Once again, *NSYNC was at the cetner of attention, but this was a different audience. The audience was filled with media from all sorts of magazines, newspapers, television stations and radio stations. *MSYNC had to portray a wholesome, comfortable appearance for the cameras, even though each member now wished they did not schedule such a wide event for coverage.

Their eyes blinked heavily as they saw several cameras flashing their bright lights as pictures were taken. "Why did we do this?" J.C. whispered into Justin's ear, faking another smile for a distant camera. Justin shrugged and giggled out a grin. He tapped his fingers along the table with little conviction. "It's all for the love of fame." Justin sneered quietly, trying to play off the words he had heard so many times.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, if you'll all take your seats and remain seated for the press conference, we will commence. We will start with *NSYNC making their announcement and then we will conclude with a small question and answer portion. Please hold all of your questions until the end, thank you." Abby, the temporary P.R., spoke up. The press slowly stopped their flash photography and sat and the reporters silenced questions they were trying to shout out. Abby's voice did not speak out full authority, but it was enough for the press. She glanced out to the mass of people that occupied one of the hotel's conference rooms. She gave each and everyone of them a stare that demanded reticence. Her clear blue eyes helped to dimiss any thoughts of talking in the reporters' minds. She let a gleam creak out of her lips while she gave the room another glance. She nodded and then turned toward *NSYNC. She cleared her throat softly and pointed towards J.C. She had left the full responsibility on J.C. for delivering the announcement to the press. She had faith in his ability to control a room.

J.C. swallowed a lump in his throat and then cleared it abruptly. He leaned forward in his seat, feeling the pressure of being perfect for the camera overwhelming his normal senses. "Weare here to announce that starting June twentieth, *NSYNC will be hitting the road for our first United States tour with Jive Records. The tour will run us from the twentieth of June until the sixteenth of August. We will be hitting fifty-four cities in our tour and we will also be playing large venues and some smaller venues. The tour will be based around our current album, 'Another Step', and will also encompass other features that will have to do with our past album and our future album which we will begin recording in October, right after a small international tour." J.C. let out all of the information in a clear, yet, nervous voice. He cleared his throat again when finished. As soon as he finished his string of sentences, cameras began to flash rapidly. J.C. lifted his hand to wipe away a drop of sweat tha broke from his temple. His friends stayed silent, awaiting a cue to begin their own announcements.

J.C. glanced over to Lance, hoping for a savior in his eyes. Lance stuck his tongue in his teeth and tried to stay professional. He turned his face to the crowd. "We also plan on releasing our fifth and final single from our album at the beginning of the tour. The single will include vocals from our major opening act for the entire tour." Lance added to J.C.'s previous statements. He could see that questions were awaiting to be asked and he prayed that he could rush the other announcements so that they could finish the press conference.

"Our main opening act for the tour will be the girl group Innosense. Other opening acts as it stands right now will be Boyz N Girlz United, Take 5, Sk8, 702, Don Philip, and Sammie. Each act will take a few dates on the tour, some more than others. Other acts may join as we go along." Joey announced in his Brooklyn-thick accent. He kept an inert smile for cameras, a predictable action. Joey never let the press see too far into his thoughts. He liked it that way.

Justin scratched his chin while still attempting to give the appearance of a proficient person. He twitched his nose while sloping in the direction of of the microphone. "Also, we are recording two new songs for an upcoming soundtrack to a movie starring Ryan Phillipe, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jason Biggs, Joshua Jackson, Lil' Kim, and David Arquette. The movie is set to be called 'Wild Hours' and we have a small cameo in the film. We plan on releasing one of the future singles, which will be a duet between us and Britney Spears and half of the proceeds from the single goes toward charities of our choices." Justin gave the final announcement that set the journalists on the edge of their cushiony chairs. Chris moved his glass of water to the side and edged toward his mic. "The movie is set to be released in early September while the soundtrack will proceed it." Chris added to Justin's statement. More flashes were set off while the men of *NSYNC found themselves slowly becoming at ease with the room.

Abby slowly stepped forward, causing many of the columnists to stand from their seats. They knew what her movement signified. She barely reached the microphone before words were beginning to cross the mouths of a few anxious reporters. "Please, everyone, one at a time. *NSYNC has time to answer a few questions before they depart. They have an early flight to catch tomorrow and have other business to attend to today." Abby stated firmly, making sure her power was still felt. She was too late, though. Questions were being shot off from all ends of the room.

"Will you be starring in any other movies this year?" the first clear question was heard. J.C. glanced around, giving his comrades a chance to respond before he gave his berating words. "We don't plan to do any other films this year, but anything is possible." Lance took the question on without hesistance. "Is the song with Britney Spears being recorded because of her ties to Joey and Justin?" another question, a more lethal one, was shot out. Joey gripped his glass tightly and looked down at the table he sat at. He was too angered to respond directly. "Miss Spears ties to any of us has nothing to do with her involvement in the recording of the soundtrack. She is a labelmate and a respected entertainer by all of us. We feel it will bring a better sound to the pop world." Chris replied in his most intelligent voice, shunning many of the reporters.

"Where is Innosense?" a shout rang from the middle of the mass of reporters. Justin glanced up with a hint of interest. "They're in Orlando doing a little recording and also some rehearsing." Justin responded with bright eyes. He sucked in his lower lip while smiling. "Are they being put on the tour because they are managed by your mother, Justin?" one of the closer journalists asked with a loud voice. Justin's brow raised swiftly and his face crumpled with surprise. 'Is she serious?' Justin thought while trying to think of a proper response to the question. "No, of course not. We, as a group, chose Innosense to be our main opening act because of their great performing skills and because they are also close, personal friends of ours. We feel they could bring life to the show in the same way we try to. My mother's association with it is irrelevant." Justin replied with a hint of bitterness running over his tongue. He was strong enough in his words to silence some of the reporters. "We never play favorites. If you're good, we want you to be on the tour with us and if you're new, we also want you to get some exposure." J.C. added in full defense of the group's choice. "What about 702? There is a connection between their lead singer and Chris. Is that why they are touring with you?" an inconsiderate inquiry was thrown out. Chris could feel himself ready to snarl, his upper lip moving. Joey patted the table near Chris and then leaned forward. "The same applies when it comes to 702. We think they are a brilliant group." Joey replied briskly. He saw no need for Chris to become bitter with the reporters as Justin had.

More flashes occured as reporters became more anxious with their questions. "What's the next single from your current album and when do you plan on releasing your next album?" a query floated from the middle. Lance glanced around to his friends for a definete answer. Justin continued to suck on his lower lip with a diminutive grin. Joey pushed his fingers through his black and cherry-red locks. "Well, the next single we're planning on releasing is a remix to our song 'Bye Bye Bye.' As for our next album, uhm, we hope to release that around January or February." J.C. became bold and answered the question. His response satiated the press. "Will you be writing the song with Britney Spears for the soundtrack?" another question was quick to follow J.C.'s words. Justin licked his lips with pride. "We will be qorking with Rodney Jerkins for the song with Britney. When we go into the studio, we'll probably write a few things in the song with him, but I think he already has a plan on what we can do." Justin answered the song with his own motivation.

"J.C., is it true that you are involved with former Mousketeer Christina Aguilera?" an informal musing came from the front. J.C.'s eyes blinked quickly and then widened. 'Where the hell did that one come from?' J.C. thought with anger. He could feel Justin and Joey's eyes twisting on him. "No, not at all." J.C. replied abruptly. "What about Nikki DeLoach from the Mickey Mouse Club?" another inquiry was shot at J.C. Pressure was falling on J.C. with heavy rains. "No comment." J.C. said without care, trying to avoid any other questions that dealt with his past and current love life. Justin felt a sense of relief, though, it was a guilty one. He felt the demand on him lessen and more of it fall on his fellow bandmates. 'Maybe the press is tired of me?' Justin prayed.

"Justin, is it true that you are sharing a house with Brian Littrell, you're 'supposed' boyfriend?" the question finally fell from one reporter's lips and slowly shunned a silence across the room. Lance felt his fists tighten shut, his desire to defend Justin growing. Joey rubbed his chain and tried to stay quiet. He couldn't fight a battle that was endless. Justin glared at the table and then let his eyes look upward. He could see each flash from the cameras move slowly, starting with a small glow, growing into a ball of light and then fading again into a small flash. He let a sigh run over his strawberry colored lips. "Uh, no comment." he finally replied, a response that could be given or taken by the media. Lance closed his eyes and sighed in his mind. He was not entirely happy with Justin's answer. "The focus of this press conference is not to find out what is happening in our personal lives, but our careers." Lance stated when his apple-green eyes opened again. He pressed his thin cherry lips together and waited for another question. Justin tilted his head downward with little shame. He wanted to stand up and shout, "He is not my supposed boyfriend!", but he didn't. He didn't feel he was brave enough.

Out the corner of Justin's eye, he could see Abby walk up to the table and then his head lifted. He knew what that signal meant. "Thank you eevryone for coming, but as I said earlier, *NSYNC is very busy and they have other events to attend to. I want to thank you all for coming and thank you for your time." Abby said in her whimsically professional voice. This did not stop paparazzi from continuing their onslaught of questions for *NSYNC. Flashes continued to burst and words persistently fell from the journalists' lips.

Each member of *NSYNC stood from his chair, following instructions given to them by their heavy security. There was no room for mistakes. They all tried to ignore the reporters as they heard their names being called for more questions. "Chris, is it true that you are working on 702's new album?" "Joey, is it true you and Britney plan on marrying at the end of the year?" "Lance, are you leaving the group? We've heard rumors of you leaving to stay on the management side of the business." "J.C., is your current relationship with Christina or Nikki?" "Justin, do you love Brian?"

Each question was haunting and even echoed, giving *NSYNC a lower esteem for the media.

"Can we get upstairs, like, now." J.C. hissed, trying to push Justin along so that they could get full clearance of the room and the lobby. Justin was not expeditious with his steps. He trailed slowly behind Lonnie, trying not to cling to the man he knew could keep him safe from the press. his only problem was Lonnie couldn't keep him from the truth that the reporters spoke of. He was stuck. "Come on Justin, keep it moving, man. I can't stand being down here when they get like this." Chris complained, softly pushing past Lance so that he could get closer to the front of the pack. Justin remained steadfast in his movements. It only bothered Chris more. "Yeah Justin, please walk faster so we can hit the elevators before anyone else does. I'm sick of this crasp." Joey requested in an unfriendly manner. Justin ignored him also. J.C. noticed Justin's aloof attitude. He watched Justin's action with a careful eye. He was accustom with the way Justin was carrying himself. He was slumping over some, his face was filled with dull expressions and his walking was slowed. The signs were obvious: Justin was depressed.

"Look, Justin, could you at least move to the side then?" Chris demanded as he ushered himself to the front of the group, bypassing Justin. Justin grunted softly. "Fuck off." Justin whispered, shoving his hands into his pockets as they reached the already opened doors of the elevators. All of *NSYNC stepped inside in silence while a few bodyguards followed them, trying not make sure the passage was safe for them. "We'll check the other levels and make sure no one's hiding out and waiting to get to the guys." Randy, another of *NSYNC's security, informed Lonnie and Dre as they stepped into the elevator with *NSYNC. Lonnie gave him a quick nod, quickly mashing his finger against the 'close doors' button and watching the doors slowly sldie shut.

The ride in the elevator was not long, but it was somewhat quiet. Only small conversations between Lance, Joey, and Chris existed and they were all short-lived in their own moments. "I am so ready to hit the hay and call it a day." Joey said as he stepped off the elevator. He scratched his busy red-black hair and walked towards his room. "Well have a nice and stay and remember, keep the bed bugs away." Chris followed Joey's humorous rhyming game, chuckling while following Joey down the hall. "Ya'll need to get laid because you are so lame." Lance snickered, walking in the opposite direction with his head high. Chris and Joey turned, both giving Lance as raspberry as he walked away. "Loser!" Chris shouted out, running down toward his room. Joey laughed out loud, watching his friend behave crazily.

J.C. kept his distance from his other friends as he followed Justin in the direction of his room. "Do you want to talk Just?" J.C. offered, prodding at Justin. Justin ran his large hand over his deep brown cornrows. He sniffled quietly. "I'm cool, Josh. You know me, I deal with life one second at a time." Justin sighed, edging close to his door. J.C. was not satisfied with Justin's response. He reached out and grabbed Justin's arm, tugging him back a couple of steps. Justin watched the semi-tight fist closed around his well-built arm. He ran his eyes from the reddening knuckles, and up the arm, toward the shoulder, and finally reaching the face that held the two, very blue, concered eyes. J.C.'s eyes called to him. They would not let Justin slip away for another night of bitter loneliness. "Hey man, we've known each other since you were twelve. Talk to me bro'." J.C. pleaded with him, his lips moving to form a loving smile. Justin felt comfort in the expression, wanting to wrap it around his entire body and hide from his own thoughts. Being young and vulnerable was not an easy part of life for anyone, especially not Justin. "I think it'd probably be better if I didn't talk about it. At least then, I wouldn't have to think about it. That's how us guys handle things, right?" Justin said, trying to become more mature instead of letting his feelings have their release.

J.C. lowered his eyes, expressing his objection to Justin's attempt at being carefree. "Do you want to come to my room? We can order some room service and watch a movie." J.C. offered, trying to remain humble. He began to gently rub Justin's arm instead of gripping it. He wanted both of them to feel serene. It was more of a desire than a goal. He licked his lips slowly, watching to see if Justin flinched or showed any sign of doubt. He raised his brow to give off a more lightened expression when seeing Justin's eyes drooping. "We don't have to talk about it, Justin. You know me, I'll be there for you like always. I just don't want you to be alone and depressed, when you could be happy... with me." J.C. whispered, inching closer to Justin to stay content.

Justin tilted his head downward. His deep azure eyes glanced at J.C. He smiled softly. "What about Bastian?" Justin asked in his quiet, semi-country voice. J.C.'s attention was deferred. He had missed one variable in his equation. He did not consider Justin's son. "Maybe he could stay with Lea for just a few more hours..." J.C. suggested. Justin's eyes were soon rimmed with displeasure. The mere proposal caused Justin to bring up his defenses again. He sucked in his lower lip while slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Oh Da!" the sound of Angel's voice again took Justin away from his conversation. The minute statement rang too familiar for Justin. He and J.C. both brought their attention to the source. Angel was not sitting on the floor like last time. Justin quickly shot his eyes in the vacinity his son was in. Angel was being held by someone Justin did not care about at the moment. He was also in the doorway of his room, again. The bright, glimmering grin on Angel's lips signified another thing for Justin. He could hear someone clearing their throat quietly, causing Justin to find out who's arms held his son. Justin's doubtful eyes looked a little deeper into the doorway that his son was in. "No way," a small statement fell off of J.C.'s thick lips. He backed away a little with his eyes only peering at the doorway. "Hi Justin." a soft, country accent called out. The voice was not filled with the happiness that it usually held. Justin smiled with a lump in his throat.

Justin took quick steps to get to the doorway and throw his arms around the person holding his son. "Brian." the name crossed both Justin and J.C.'s lips. J.C. was astonished and somewhat embarrassed. Justin could not let his happiness fade. He let his lips press against Brian's chiseled cheek. His grip around Brian's back tightened as Brian ran a hand over Justin's spine. His fingers lightly traced the long section of bones. It tickled Justin. Justin kissed the corner of Brian's mouth after giggling speechlessly. "Mmm, you're a sight for sore eyes." Justin whispered into Brian's ear, ruffling his fingers through Brian's golden brown hair. Brian did not respond promptly. He kept a gravely angered stare with J.C. He felt a pair of green contacts being placed over his timid blue eyes. "I wonder what a pair of good eyes would say." Brian finally joked with Justin, pressing his hand flat on the small of Justin's back, pulling him closer. Justin, again, laughed. The sound peeled the pout from J.C.'s pressed lips.

"So, how'd you get here? What are you doing here? I thought you had to saty in Orlando and record?" Justin began to shoot out questions while pulling away from his embrace with Brian. Brian casually passed his son to Justin, stretching afterward. He yawned softly. He leaned against the doorway, resting his head on the wood. "I laid my vocals and left. I hated being away from you and Timber. I caught the first available plane this afternoon. When I got here, you were getting ready for the press conference, so I called up to Lea's room, got her to come downstairs and verify that I'd be staying in the room with you and here I am. I've been here with Timber ever since you got into the press conference." Brian explained all of his daily events to Justin, while J.C. kindly eavesdropped.

Justin felt Angel resting his chin on his shoulder as he listened to Brian's words. Justin continued to smile, lightly rubbing Angel's back. "That's why I didn't get a call from you today." Justin said, putting missing pieces together. Brian nodded, unsure of where the the words came from.

Brian glanced up and could see that J.C. still lingered in the hallway. "Oh yeah, J.C., your fiancé sends his love. He hopes there's nothing tying you up and preventing you from calling him back but he knows how far you get into your work." Brian spoke out, emphasising key words with a resentful tongue. J.C. bit softly on his lip, nodding quickly. He laughed lightly, trying to play off the situation as a simple joke. He glanced quickly at Justin, watching him pet Angel's hair and stare warmly at the man he truly needed to be with that night. He felt his face twitch with unconscious disappointment. "Right, well, I guess I should be heading off to my room. This looks like a family moment, and well, I'm a Chasez, not a Littrell." J.C. tried to make light of the circumstances he was in. He continued to back away like the minutes previously. He attempted to smile through disbelief. "Make sure to call that man you're in love with." Brian amde a note to say, striking another blow to J.C.'s head. J.C. nodded with a false grin. "Will do." he replied flatly. He waved to Brian and Justin, walking backwards and down the hallway.

Justin cocked his head to the side with an amicable expression. He was in awe of Brian. "So, are you sleepy?" Justin asked him. Brian rotated his head to look on Justin. He kept a straight face with Justin. "What was all of that about?" Brian asked with a less-than-thrilled tone. Justin raised his brow abruptly. He placed his hand on Angel's butt for support and lifted him up a little. He sucked in his lower lip and then shot Brian a predictably confused face. "What was what about?" Justin replied with a question. Brian sighed, pulling back his bangs with his hand. He scrunched his nose. "The whole, 'We can order some room service and watch a movie in my room while your son stays with the babysitter' stuff." Brian said, refraining from using any strong words while his son was present. Justin furrowed his brow. Brian came off hostile and jealous. It was not a side Justin liked to see of Brian. "He's been my friend for six years now. He's there for me when I need him and because I hadn't heard from my husband all day long, I was just a bit down. So he was comforting me, that's all." Justin responded honestly. He saw no reason to begin an argument with Brian over something he knew did not exist. Brian struggled not to get bitter with Justin. He knew his true quarrel was not with him.

Brian could hear Angel's soft yawn being emitted from his small body. He licked his dry lips, letting s smile form from the corner of his lips. He became erect and stepped closer to Justin and Angel. He placed his hand on top of Justin's, the one that laid on top of Angel's soft, blonde hair. "Maybe we should get this little one to bed? He's had his bath, so he's probably pretty tuckered out." Brian advised, letting his eyes catch the glimmer in Justin's. Justin winked. "Maybe." he replied, feeling the tension slowly die out. He enjoyed the new simper Brian carried. "And then maybe me and you could go to bed." Brian said with encrypted words. He winked back at Justin, his dimples flaring. Justin broke out a cheeky smile. Brian brushed a finger over Justin's glossy red lips. They were unforgettable. "Say it." Justin whispered, almost daring his husband. Brian laughed under his breath. He shook his head. "I love you." Brian said with the thick country accent he was raised with. Justin smiled pleasently. He leaned forward and let Brian place gentle kisses across his lips. "Mmm... I love you, love you, love you... love ya." Brian said during his quick kisses. His voice made Justin laugh while he smiled carefully. "Mmm hmm... I love you too Rocky." Justin replied. He felt a warm sensation run over him. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and led him into Justin's room, the room they would share.

J.C. stumbled down the hallway with the awkwardness still surrounding him.

He sighed uncontrollably. Disappointment was the least of his thoughts while he walked the hallway. To him, the hallway seemed to be endless. He could hear laughter echoing from the edge of the hall. J.C.'s ears perked up to hear the sounds. The giggling and chuckling bounced through the cores of his ears. He felt as if he was being mocked, made fun of. It was life and love was looking down on him and laughing at his own self-defeat, his self-inflicted misery.

J.C. entered an intersection in the hallway, where the halls began to run left-to-right and at the center sat the elevators. Standing near the elevators, laughing loudly, were Lance and Bryce. Their hands were interlocked and their faces were close. Their bodies were slightly apart, but not enough for any visitor to know that they were a couple. J.C.'s eyes grew small as he gave off a mild stare. He watched as Bryce casually kissed Lance's lips between laughter. 'They're always laughing. Always. It's like their fucking relationship is one big old joke and all they can do is laugh their asses off like the rest of us get it.' J.C. grumbled in his mind, never stopping his fleetly steps as he came to the intersection. He made a sharp riht, trying not to be heard or seen by Lance and Bryce. His now green eyes did not want to witness any displays of affection between the two. Maybe he was too protective of Lance's heart or maybe he was bitter over unresolved feelings, but J.C. did not have the stregnth to argue for either side.

"Hey Josh." J.C.'s thoughts were cut off by the deep voice. He felt his body shiver, but his head only twisted to look back. He slowed his feet and kept his hands to his side. "Are you going to come down to this new club with Bryce, Joey, and me? Carson said it's a hot spot. We want to check this place out and see if there's any real hype behind it." Lance offered. His mellow green eyes were ignorant to his ex-boyfriend's thoughts. He used to read them without a second glance or even a thought. He just knew. Times were different now.

J.C. stopped completely and turned his body around, fully. He stared at the couple and then brought his eyes to a picture of the wall. He did not want to give off the impression that he was jealous. It wasn't worth his sanity to argue over why he felt the way he did towards Bryce and Lance. He found solace in the picture. It was of a couple, staring out into the city from a balcony. Somehow, the picture was too familiar for J.C. Maybe it was because he proposed to Lance on the balcony of a hotel in Hawaii? Maybe it was because he decided that Nick was just right for him on the Eiffel Tower in Paris? J.C., again, did not want to decide. "No, I think I'm going to head off to bed. Your best bet is to go that way too Lansten if you want to be up and early for that plane tomorrow." J.C. finally responded without heart. He didn't have one left for Lance. He sighed, his hands gripping the bottom of his shirt. He was frustrated.

Lance gave J.C. an odd glance. He smirked. "I'll be fine, Josh. You know me, always on top of things." Lance chimed, brushing a hand over Bryce's shoulder. J.C. eyed each finger that grazed Bryce's shoulder and hated them with a lust. "That's funny, I thought you were always a bottom." J.C. mumbled under his breath, sighing again. Lance looked up with intrgue.

"What Josh?" he asked, misunderstanding the jumbled words that fled from J.C.'s lips. "I said you should still try and get some rest." J.C. responded quickly.

Bryce gripped Lance's hand tighter. He felt his lip twitch. He wasn't comfortable while being around J.C. and he had no reason to deny that. It was a natural feeling for all people. "We should get going." Bryce whispered to his boyfriend, trying to distract Lance from J.C. Lance rotated his head to gaze at Bryce. He swayed in Bryce's direction and ran his lips over Bryce's cheek, his mouth remainging open and then closing as it made full contact with Bryce's cheek. It was a bit sloppy, but still, very affectionate. "Okay baby, whatever you say." Lance smiled. It was a real smile, a smile that could not be denied by J.C.'s eyes or by his mind. Lance was head over heels again, but unfortunately, this time, J.C. knew it would probably be for the good.

"Hey, Josh, man, we'll catch up with you later. It's time I spend a little quality time with Bry, here." Lance spoke up, taking J.C.'s mind off of the way the two were inseparable. He knew that image once, the flicker of life in which he and Lance were a couple. J.C. winced. "Yeah, okay, well you two have a wonderful time. Just the jolliest time ever." J.C. said in a counterfeit voice. He was once more fighting feelings. Lance cocked his head to the left. He raised his right eyebrow and shrugged. "Well, okay." Lance said carelessly. He allowed J.C. to finish his walk down the hallway and he returned his full concentration to Bryce. "So, where were we?" Lance snickered out, allowing Bryce and him to fall back into their fit of laughter that kept them happy and together

MTV. No. VH1. No. CNN. No. "Is the air conditioner on in here?" Justin called out from the bathroom. Brian glanced up from the television to the bathroom. He could see the light from the room, though, Brian could not see inside. He reclined on the bed and shrugged. "No, it's probably not. But being that you just got out of a steaming hot shower ten minutes ago, I don't think it'd matter." Brian responded sarcastically. He stretched on the bed, only clothed in a pair of light blue boxers, a white wife-beater and white ankle-socks. He pressed his finger down on the button and began to flip through the channels again. Nothing on the television never seemed to satisfy him. 'Maybe it's just New York?" Brian pondered, continuing to pass informercials and pointless late night talk shows.

"I still think it's pretty hot in here." Justin said while prancing out of the bathroom. Brian groaned quietly, rolling to his side as he viewed his husband instead of the snowy screen. He watched as Justin pulled a large white towel from around his waist, revealing a tight pair of ash-gray boxer-briefs. Brian grinned. 'Even after all of this time, he's still so damn sexy to me.' Brian thought, tracing his fingers over the sheets of the bed. "Maybe you should take a cold shower babe? That way it won't be so hot." Brian recommended. He pulled his legs up toward his upper body. He watched dropplets of water still caress Justin's back as he fished through his luggage for clothing. He could see that Justin was still wet by the large spots of water that had begin to spee into the boxer-briefs, making the clothing cling a little tighter to Justin. "Silly, you only take cold showers when you're horny." Justin snickered, pulling out an oversized Polo shirt from his bag. Brian licked his lips, keeping his dimple-forming smile. "I know." he said seductively, letting his legs stretch out again as he sat up some.

Justin glanced back and saw the desire in Brian's eyes as he stared at him. Justin placed one of his hands on the back of his neck and then stood up straight. His cornrows had small drops of water sitting in them. He was only clothed in the boxer-briefs that had begun to soak up the water. His crotch-area was showing dark patches from the collected water. He let his necklace dangle around his neck, sweat forming around his chest, causing beads to slowly fall. The sweat trickled from his left pec, down over his nipple, falling like a drop of rain over his stomach and then gliding cautiously to his navel and then over his string of curly, brown pubic hair that ran from its hidden patch to his belly button. He part his lips in a seductive way, eyeing Brian. "I guess then you're rather glad that Lea offered to let Bastain sleep in her room tonight?" Justin asked gently. Brian did not hesitate to nod for a response. It only made Justin giggle. He wiggled his toes on the ground and then dropped the shirt from his hands.

The shirt hit the ground without a sound. Brian did not even notice its departure from Justin's hand. He kept his solid blue eyes in the trance he held with Justin.

Justin slinked over to the bed with curious eyes. He crawled onto the queen-sized bed, an inquisitive expression holding his face in place. His lips pressed back together, showing the fullness of his red, delectable lips. He saw Brian's hand reaching out for his face and he gladly let Brian pet it. He pulled his body fully on the bed and let his legs become tangled with Brian's. He kept his head up, watching as Brian laid his back. It was natural instinct for the two. Justin ran his large left hand over Brian's chest, feeling the strong muscles through the wife-beater. Brian's lips separated to release a satisfying moan. He could feel Justin petting his hair back as the hand drifted lower and lower over his body. Brian lifted his hands and placed one on the back of Justin's neck and the other on Justin's warm shoulder. He pulled Justin's head towards him as Justin slowly pulled Brian's wife-beater. The wife-beater graced Brian's navel, slipping over his abs as Justin's lips began to slip over Brian's thin lips.

Brian kept his lips partly closed, letting them glide over Justin's with proper precision. Justin's long tongue snaked toawrd Justin's mouth, licking at Brian's lips. Brian knew it was a sign from Justin. He gradually opened his lips and let the tongue flick over his teeth and then over his own slick tongue. Brian moaned through the kiss, his hips trying to rub against Justin. Justin finally gave in and mounted Brian. He let his body rest on top of Brian's, finally feeling Brian grind vigorously against his crotch. Justin smiled through the kissing. His tongue flicked over Brian's again and again, continuing their erotic act.

Justin pulled up from the kiss to catch a breath of air. He breathed heavily while looking down at Brian. Brian's lips stayed parted, his pants growing louder. Justin could still feel Brian ginding against him. He nibbled his lower lip and then began to moan softly for Brian. He was not one to hold out on his feelings when it came to Brian. He watched the beads of sweat break from Brian's forehead while he pulled Brian's wife beater up to meet his face. Brian lifted his arms to assist Justin, allowing the article of clothing to be ripped off. The wife-beater was thrown into the air as Justin did not hesitate in attacking Brian's lips again. His fingers grazed over Brian's chest as they kissed. Justin felt the scar running in the middle of Brian's chest. He began to pet it gently, showing affection towards Brian's wound. His other hand continued to twist and lace through Brian's hair. His legs parted and rested on either side of Brian's waist. He pressed his lower body firmly against Brian's, feeling the length of Brian's thick penis through his boxers.

Brian's lips opened wide while kissing Justin. He extended his tongue, fumbling against Justin's, trying to reach for his husband's mouth. His hands finally ran down Justin's sides, running over the hot flesh that enveloped Justin. His hands grasped onto Justin's boxer-briefs when feeling the material. It wasn't meant to be on Justin. The rest of Justin was bare, still slick with small drops of water and sweat. His fingers hooked into the fabric, tugging at it. Justin could feel it coming down slowly, first exposing his strong patch of brown pubes and then his rigid, lengthy organ. His pre-cum slicked head slid over Brian's belly, making Justin gasp with pleasure. Justin quickly pulled his lips up from Brian, tearing his teeth along Brian's bottom lip. Brian grunted hard, yanking Justin's last article of clothing down until he couldn't anymore. "Oh.. oh," Justin moaned, rubbing his sweaty palms across Brian's pecs. "Don't stop now." Brian requested, blinking open his eyes. He massaged his pevic area against Justin's again, eliciting more moans from Justin's upright body. "Oh.... mmm, oh shit... oh Brian..." Justin crooned. He felt the heat circle him, making sweat pour from him. He lifted his hands from Brian's chest and brought them up to Brian's face, rubbing it and pulling on it. "Come on... mmph, come on Justin..." Brian pleaded, bringing his hands upward and firmly grabbing Justin's hips. He wanted Justin desperately.

Brian turned his head to the side and took Justin's middle finger into his mouth. He sucked sensually on the finger, running his soft tongue all over it. Justin twisted his finger around in Brian's mouth, laying his body down on top of Brian. He brought his face close to Brian, his ears catching the soft moans that were being hummed by Brian. Justin smiled, drawing nearer and nearer to Brian. His husky breathing attracted Brian's eyes. Justin licked his lips and then closed his eyes. He and Brian proceeded to stroke their bodies together. Justin found Brian's face with his lips, laying quick kisses over it. Justin's tongue slipped out, running the length of Brian's cheek before kissing it and kissing it. Justin's lips pressed firmly to Brian's dimple and then to the corner of his mouth. Brian let the finger glide out of his mouth, saliva covering it. He rotated his head in the other direction, locating Justin's lips. He began to kiss them, his tongue automatically darting toward Justin's throat. His hands scurried up Justin's back, kneeding the hot flesh.

Justin pulled back hesitantly and then dove back in for another tongue-filled kiss. He let Brian's left hand begin to drag his boxer-briefs down his strong legs. The movement exited Justin. He used his own feet to kick the clothe aside. His hand gripped Brian's left pic, jerking it. Brian quivered under him. Justin's index finger and thumb pinched Brian's left nipple, aming sure it was fully erect. "I... mmm... I, mmph... oh, I.. I... have to get... out of these.. damn boxers..." Brian pleaded in between the fierce kissing. He slinked his arm in between their bodies and searched for the top of his boxers. His hand met with Justin's in attempt to grab the clothing. He snickered as he persisted to kiss his husband, as did Justin, inducing them to end their kissing. Justin aiding his husband in navigating the pair of boxers off.

After the boxers were shed, Justin leaned down and began to kiss Brian once more. He only kissed the outer portion of Brian's lips. Brian drug his fingers over Justin's skin, panting immovably. Their cocks finally ran over each other, the hard flesh grazing. Their balls bounced off each other. Brian loved the sensation. He craved it. Their kissing broke as Justin's arms wrapped around Brian's body, pulling him up. Justin traced his lips over Brian's neck, briefly licking it, until he reached Brian's shoulder. His lips latched onto the shoulder. His teeth nipped at Brian and then his lips kissed him. "Oh... mmm, fuck..." Brian groaned, feeling Justin become more aggressive with his grinding. Brian enjoyed it. Sweat streamed from his head. "Heh heh, oh yeah..." Brian heaved out when he felt Justin suck harder on his shoulder. He kissed the top of Justin's head, his breathing increasing intensely. His hands massaged Justin's slick back. He eased his husband back some, trying to hold him.

"Should... mmm, should we get a condom..." Justin asked, pulling his head up from Brian's shoulder. He kissed harder on Brian's lips, forcing Brian to open his mouth again. "No... uhh, oh, uhhh, uhh, heh heh, I want something else in my mouth... besides your finger..." Brian panted, his mouth forming a cheeky grin. Justin swallowed hard, trying to catch his breath. The idea was more than tempting for Justin.

Justin could feel Brian push up, trying to lay Justin back on his back as Brian sat up. Justin quickly fastened his hands on Brian's shoulders, pushing him back. It was a push-and-pull game. "Wait." Justin called out, preventing Brian from struggling anymore. Brian became putty in Justin's hands as he stopped all movement. 'Did I hurt him? Doesn't he want this?' Brian began to ponder as he glared at Justin. Justin lifted himself from Brian and turned around so that his lower-half was right in front of Brian while his upperbody faced Brian's lower body. Brian was confused, perplexed. He felt Justin's right hand wrap around his penis, grasping it tightly, squeezing on it. Justin slowly began to masturbate his husband, his face directly in front of Brian's throbbing member.

Brian cooed under his breath. He stared at Justin's hanging balls, his extended cock and his tight ass. Everything was enticing to his eyes. He leaned forward and went for what he wanted. His tongue met with the skin of Justin's taut balls. He flicked it over the sandy brown hairs that covered them and then began to press his tongue on the flesh. His mouth opened fully and he took one of Justin's balls into his mouth, sucking it. His nose took in the musk that Justin gave off. It was definetely masculine. He drew his tongue over to Justin's other nut, taking it in after he had finished suckling the first.

Justin moaned loudly, rubbing the tip of Brian's cock with his fingers. He collected the pre-cum on the tips of his fingers, running it all over Brian's dick. The sticky fluid made for perfect lubricant as Justin continued to jack Brian off. He tried to picture the last time he had seen his husband masturbate. Justin could remember sneaking into the bathroom once to get one of his gels and seeing his husband masturbate heavily in the shower, soft moans coming from his body. It was exhilarating for him. To know that even his husband had to jerk off some times to relive his sexual needs made Justin believe that Brian was just as human as the others. They were young and masturbation was a pleasureable part of a male's life, whether anyone wanted to admit it.

Justin bent down and stuck his tongue out. His tongue ran over the head of Brian's cock, taking in more of the leaking fluid that ran from Brian's penis. Justin lapped up the clear substance. He then began to lick at Brian's piss-slit, trying to fit the very tip of his tongue inside. He listened to Brian's hard groans as Brian tried to suck on Justin's balls and still enjoy the pleasures of oral sex. Justin giggled mentally while slowly taking Brian's thick head into his mouth, sucking and licking as he swallowed Brian's penis. His mouth took it in inch-by-inch, making sure not to gag on the dick he had pleasured orally so many times during their time being together. From friends to boyfriends to fiancés to husbands, Justin had had the opportunity to give Brian many blow jobs that left Brian speechless. 'Maybe it's a gift?' Justin thought.

Justin held the shaft of Brian's cock in his warm, sweaty hand as he guided the rest in. He felt Brian's ragged breathing against his dick, calling to him. Justin leaned back a little, allowing his penis to dangle near Brian's lips. Justin lifted and then lowered his ass, causing his cock to run over Brian's pressed together lips. He knew Brian desired his penis and wondered if he would ever take it.

Justin did not have to wait long after his thoughts began to build. Soon, Brian's lips parted and his tongue extended, tracing the full length of Justin's cock with the very tip. Brian carefully extended his tongue more, running it over the soft shaft and then rolling until it met with the head. Brian's hand hseitantly grasped the cock, trying to control its motions. He felt the strong vibrations that rattled from Justin's penis. 'He'll be ready soon.' Brian thought, finally beginning to lead Justin's dick into his mouth. Justin groaned roughly against Brian's cock. He took more of Brian in as Justin suckeled the head of his penis. It tickled at first, feeling Brian's lips and tongue plkay with the head of his cock, but soon the ecstasy took away all other thoughts.

"Oh shit, Jesus Justin... uhmph, on yeah..." Brian groaned when he felt Justin tonguing the slit of his penis again. He was forced to release Justin's penis when feeling the strong sensation ripple over his body again.

He smiled oddly and took Justin back into his mouth again, the hot surfaces of his tongue pleasuring Justin further. He took his time just suckling the head of Justin's cock. He saw no reason in rushing.

Justin grunted as Brian began to give him a sensual blow job. He felt Brian arching his back, trying to force more of the shivering cock into his mouth. Justin obliged happily, moving his lips in a more rapid motion. He wanted to bring Brian to a full orgasm with his lips and tongue. "Fuck! Mmm.. Justin, slow down for a sec... oh shit!" Brian heaved out as he felt his balls pull up close to his body. Justin rubbed the underside of Brian's penis with his hand, concentrating on the head. His lengthy tongue gliding over every region of the beautiful organ. He pressured himself into tasting every inch of Brian's penis. His lips closed around the head while his tongue tickled the center.

"No, oh God, please... uh, no more baby..." Brian called out, rubbing Justin's ass tenderly. He did not know if he could hanle the power Justin was placing into the oral sex. He began to pet Justin's pink hole with his finger, watching it open and close at the touch. He could feel Justin's body shiver. He threw his lips back onto Justin's cock, moving rapidly up and down, grazing Justin's cock with his teeth. He carefully nipped at the flesh, not roughly. He received the yelp he longed for from Justin, watching his ass flex. "Oh Bri... that's... uhhhh, oh, that felt fucking good..." Justin exhaled. He returned his lips to Brian's cock while Brian smiled. Brian drew a circle around Justin's hole with his middle finger before lapping at the piss-slit of his cock. He tasted the clear, salty substance that fell from it. He licked his lips quickly and then began to suck Justin again.

"Man, am I going to cum..." Justin panted, letting Brian's red meat have a rest as his hands squeezed and tugged on Brian's balls. He nibbled his lower lip, bucking back and forth to assist his husband in their act. His chest became tight as the pleasure overwhelmed him. Sweat frolicked on his temples and his forehead. "Heh heh, fuck Brian... oh yes!" Justin moaned, closing his eyes tightly and rolling his hips. He twisted his penis in Brian's mouth. "Cum!" Brian called out, using his tongue to stimulate Justin. Justin placed his hands on Brian's thighs and tried to stay up. He slid one hand over to Brian and began to masturbate him again, trying to make the sweaty sex proceed.

Brian's breath became intense again, causing him to arch his back higher. He inserted the tip of his middle finger into Justin's hole while rolling his tongue over Justin's shaft. "Uh, uh, uh, uhhh... oh Justin! Uh, no, oh yes, oh no... heh heh... ah, ah!" Brian released several unrecognizable grunts as he felt his body shiver and his penis ejaculate his semen onto his thighs and the sheets. He let his orgasm orlong when feeling long, thick ropes of cum land on his neck, chest and his cheek. He was too caught up in his own climax to notice that Justin too began screaming and releasing his seed. He smiled lightly, feeling Justin's hole get tense, pulling on his middle finger. He drew it from Justin while Justin turned around.

Justin crawled up Brian's body, running his hands over Brian's chest and stomach. Brian beamed for him. He exhaled heavily, pressing his head into the pillow beneath him. His breathing was still quick and ragged. "Open up baby." Justin mumbled. Brian raised his eyebrow. He watched as Justin leaned down and began to lick up his own cum from Brian's cheek. Brian giggled softly. He ran his hand over Justin's cornrows and spread his legs so that Justin could fit between them. He acutiously opened his nmouth and soon felt Justin's tongue dart in, rubbing a mixture of Brian and Justin's cum into his mouth. Brian closed his lips around Justin's tongue and began to suck on it. "Mmm... mmmm... mmmm! Mmmmm!" Brian moaned, rubbing his other hand across Justin's clammy back.

Justin pulled back, grinning widely. He pet Brian's damp hair while Brian swallowed the semen. "Yum yum in my tum." Brian cooed, holding onto his husband. Justin laughed loudly, keeping his body pressed firmly against Brian's. He kicked the covers aside. He did not hesitate in playing footsy with Brian as they laid in silence. "Are you still hot Just?" Brian asked out of the blue, running his hands over Justin's cheeks. Justin looked down, still feeling Brian's feet rub against his. He traced Brian's inner calf with his foot and then shot Brian a smirk. "Yeah, I'm still hot and now, I'm all sweaty too." Justin laughed. Brian soon joined him. "Oh well, I tried little boy." Brian snickered, his dimples flaring once more. "Oh Da!" Justin shouted out, imitating his son. They both fell into laughter, cuddling on the bed as night took its full course over New York City.


*** Looks like I'm back! And I know you're saying, "It took him long enough!" Well, you brats. LOL. I was and still am uncontrollably busy with work and stuff, so I can't write as often as I'd like. But look, I got it done, right? Right! So tell me what you think, you know I want to know.

I got so much support during the whole retirement thing and everyone has been nice. I'm still getting new readers! So that's real cool, at least for me. Anyway, I'll try and have the next part out ASAP, but work makes that hard. Also, I missed Brian and Justin's annivesary! Damn! Don't worry, I'll be writing a story about that after the next one, don't you worry. And don't think I forgot about Angel's first birthday either. I'm on top of it all. So, again, tell me what you think! I want to know! It's my first story back and I want to know if I'm still any good or if it's time fo flush it all down the drain. Thanks for reading and have a blessed day. ***

Next: Chapter 60: Angels Wings 2

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