Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 20, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 42) By JM

As the plane landed, everyone jumped up in shock. "Geez, that was rough." A.J. complained as he rubbed his eyes. Justin lifted his head in surprise and noticed Brian was still sleep. "Hey, get up sleepyhead. We're in New York." Justin said as hu nudged Brian. Brian lazily lifted his head and looked around. He smiled as his blue eyes caught glimpse of Justin's eyes. "I thought it was all a dream." Brian whispered as he looked at Justin. "What was a dream?" Justin asked. "Me and you. But it's reality." Brian grinned. Justin rubbed his hand over Brian's thigh and smiled at him. He leaned forward and kissed Brian's lips softly, not holding them there for too long. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have now landed in New York. If you'll carefully grab your luggage, we can all exit the plane safely." the pilot said over the speakers. "I hope as safe as our landing." Joey barked from his seat. "Come on guys, let's just get moving." J.C. suggested. "Yeah, let's go." Kevin said as he stood. "Welcome to New York!" Brian shouted as he got up from his seat. Justin laughed at his enthusiasm and grabbed his backpack from the overhead.

As the limos glided easily towards the Hilton Hotel, the guys took time to get some rest. "What time do we have to get up and go to the MTV studios tomorrow?" J.C. asked Lance as they rode towards the hotel. "About noon at the latest, but if you want breakfast you have to get up earlier." Lance said, gazing out the tinted windows of the limo. "Okay. Sounds good." J.C. said as he gazed at his watch. As the phone rang in their limo, Justin jumped up with a surge. "Can't we get some sleep anywhere?" Justin said grumpily as he picked up the phone. "Hello?" Justin said lowly into the phone. "Where are ya'll at!" A.J. shouted into the phone, causing Justin to back away. "What do you mean? We're on our way to the hotel." Justin replied. "Well we're already here and it's taking ya'll forever. We're about to head up to our rooms. Are you going to room with Brian?" A.J. asked. "Uhm, yeah. Tell him just to go to bed and I'll see him in the morning." Justin said quietly. "Okay. Ask Lance if he's staying with Nick or should Aaron stay with Nick." A.J. said. Justin sighed and pulled the phone from his ear. "Lance, are you bunking with Nick or not?" Justin asked harshly. "No, I think I'll be staying with J.C." Lance whispered back, running his hand over J.C.'s thigh.

Justin rolled his eyes at Lance and picked the phone back up. "Tell Nick to room with Aaron." Justin said. "Okay, but he's not here right now." Brian responded. Justin's eyes quickly flew open. "Oh, I didn't know it was you Brian." Justin answered happily. "Yeah, it's me. Look our room is 709, so just come right in. I'll leave the door unlock for you, okay?" Brian said sleepily. "Okay. See you when I get there babe." Justin smiled as he answered. "Goodnight." Brian whispered into the phone. "Goodnight Brian." Justin whispered back and hung up the phone. Justin laid his head against the seat and slowly drifted back to sleep.

As the limo pulled into the hotel garage, Chris woke up. "Hey, we're here!" Chris shouted with joy. "Duh, you've been sleep since airport." J.C. giggled. Chris looked around and noticed Justin was the only one still sleep. "Look at him! Aww, he's so cute when he's sleep." Chris teased. "Should we leave him and let Brian come and get him?" Joey asked, not wanting to disturb Justin. "No, Brian already went to bed." Lance responded. He quickly leaned over and shook Justin. Justin opened his eyes slightly and jerked Lance's hands off of him. "What the hell is the problem Lance?" Justin answered bitterly. "We're at the hotel Justin. You can go upstairs and get in the bed with Brian." Lance responded even colder. Justin lifted his head in anger and rubbed his eyes. "Come on guys, let's go." Joey said as he emerged from the limo. "Hey, I'm not tired anymore. Anyone want to go to a club or something?" Chris said as he jumped out the limo. "Okay, that sounds cool." Lance said as he got out. "If I can go and get changed first, then I'll go." Joey said chipperly. "How about you J.C.?" Chris asked as J.C. got out of the limo. "No, I'm too tired." J.C. responded. He blinked his eyes sleepily and grabbed his bags. "Justin?" Joey questioned as Justin stepped out. "Huh? Uh, not tonight Joey. I'm way too tired." Justin responded softly. "Okay, let's go check in and then head out." Lance said. The guys grabbed their bags and headed towards the main lobby.

As they entered the lobby, they were awaited by the bellhops. "Let us take these for you gentlemen. You're rooms are ready." one the the bellhops said as he handed each one of them a key to their rooms. "Thanks." Joey said with a smile. They all packed into the elevators and headed to the 7th floor. The elevator climed to the 7th floor in silence. It seemed as if everyone was either too tired or too angry to speak to the other. As the doors swung open, there was a sigh of relief from everyone. "Gentlemen, your rooms are indicated on your keys. We have several messages for you. For Mr. Kirkpatrick, a message from your mother and from your sisters. For Mr. Bass, the record label called and wants you to contact them. Also, a Mr. Carter says he'll contact you in the morning and that he didn't want to be disturbed tonight. For Mr. Chasez, a Miss Spears says to call her when you get in. Also, a Mr. Richardson says to make sure that the guys don't stay out too late. Mr. Fatone, a young lady is waiting upon you down in the lobby. She says you met at the airport. And for Mr. timberlake, Mr. Littrell says that you can just go into the room and he'll be there waiting for you. And a message from your mother saying she wants you to call." the bellhop sputtered out as he went into the elevator.

"Well I'm crashing for the night fellas. I'll see you in the morning." J.C. said. He waved goodbye to them and headed into his and Lance's room. "We'll meet down in the lobby in about 15 minutes?" Chris asked as he turned the knob to his room. "Okay, 15 minutes." Joey nodded as he walked into his own room. "Okay. Hye Justin, tell Brian I said hi." Lance smiled as he opened the door to his room.

Justin nodded and walked towards his room with Brian. Justin stopped in front of the door and saw a small tin on the floor. Justin bent down and pciked the tin up. 'What's this?' Justin thought. He noticed the small letter attached to the tin and he opened it. 'Sorry about before. Love you and hope you get here soon.' the letter read. Justin smiled and opened the tin. His eyes sparkled as he noticed the tin was full of strawberries. "He's too much." Justin giggled as he jiggled the door open. Justin pushed the door open and threw his bags inside. Justin quietly crept inside and closed the door. He didn't bother flicking the lights on, knowing Brian was sound asleep. Justin walked towards the bed and sat down on it. "It's about time." Brian said as he laid on the bed. Justin turned around slowly and saw Brian's body glimmering in the moonlight. Justin admired Brian's smooth body and noticed that there was something different about him. Justin looked at him and saw a trail of whipped cream that led from the top of Brian's chest to the end of his erection. "Uhm, hi brian." Justin stuttered out as he glanced at Brian. "I see you got my note and the strawberries." Brian smiled uncontrolablely. "Yeah, I did." Justin stumbled over his words as he looked at Brian. "Well I just wanted to make up for earlier. And I couldn't figure out any other way besides this." Brian said devilishly. "Well, you look tastey." Justin laughed as he threw his shoes off. "Well I don't like to eat alone, so do you mind?" Brian asked seductively. Justin just smiled and began to strip his own clothes off.

Justin crawled exotically on the bed and grabbed the tin of strawberries. "So, is this my secret surprise?" Justin asked as he pulled a strawberry from the tin. Brian nodded with a smile. Justin smiled back and gently sat on Brian's legs. He leaned forward and gently fed the strawberry to Brian. Brian gladly munched on the strawberry. "I wonder why we nevre get to spend more time like this?" Justin said as he fed Brian another strawberry. "Because we let other people get involved in our relationship." Brian responded, taking another bite of the strawberry. Justin pulled out another strawberry and gently wiped it over the whipped cream on Brian's chest. Justin nibbled on the strawberry and looked into Brian's crystal eyes. Justin swallowed the rest of the strawberry and pulled out another. He then dipped it in Brian's navel, where a small patch of whipped cream was. "Hmm, aren't we playing for keeps." Brian giggled as the cool whipped cream spread over his bavel. Justin nodded and began to suck on the strawberry. "Are you trying to turn me on Justin Timberlake?" Brian whispered as Justin pulled out anotehr strawberry. Justin nodded again. Justin then took the strawberry and placed it on the whipped cream that sat on Brian's pubic hair. Justin leaned down and began toe at the strawberry as it sat near Brian's cock. Justin licked tenderly and lovingly to get the strawberry up, his tongue running over the bottom of Brian's cock. Brian moaned softly as Justin finished the strawberry.

Justin grabbed another strawberry and ran it ovre Brian's whipped cream covered cock. Brian felt shivers run up and down his spine. Justin took the strawberry and ran it over Brian's lips. Brian's lips parted slightly as he felt the whipped cream touch his lips. Justin then took the strawberry and gently placed it between his own lips. Justin leaned in further and pressed the strawberry to Brian's lips. Brian opened his mouth and kissed Justin, biting the strawberry as he kissed him. Brian swallowed half the strawberry and felt Justin's tongue replace it. Brian moaned softly and leaned back. Justin moved further on Brian and let their lips run together. Brian's hands romaed to the back of Justin's head and held him there. Justin grabbed another strawberry and ran it ovre Brian's nipples as they kissed. Justin backed away slowly and panted heavily. "God, you know how to push all my buttons don't you?" Brian smiled as Justin pulled away. "I just know what to do." Justin replied. Justin took out another starwberry and ran it all over Brian's penis. Brian hissed through his teeth as Justin rubbed the strawberry over him. Justin began to munch on the strawberry when Brian began to rub Justin's thighs. Justin looked down at Brian and Brian's eyes flared in the moon's light. Justin dropped the remains of the strawberry and began to kiss Brian's neck. Brian forced Justin down on him, causing Justin's body to rub in the whipped cream. Justin laughed through his kisses as Brian's hands ran over his ass.

Justin lifted his body a little and saw himself covered in whipped cream. "Look what a mess you made." Justin laughed as he looked back at Brian. "Well then I'll have to clean it up." Brian replied as he rolled Justin onto his back. Justin laid back as Brian began to lick away the cream on Justin's chest. Justin grunted slightly and gripped the sheets. Brian began to tongue Justin's nipples slowly, tasting the sweat and whipped cream that surrounded them. Justin closed his eyes as Brians tongue trailed it's way down to his abs. Brian kissed tenderly at Justin's abs and then dipped into Justin's navel. Justin giggled as Brian's tongue rolled over Justin's stomach. Brian came upon Justin's dick and slowly took it into his mouth. Justin shuddered as Brian's tongue ran over his head. Brian began to adjust his jaw for Justin's length as he went further down. Justin let out a loud exhale as Brian began to slowly bob up and down on Justin's penis. Brian's tongue ran from the base to the tip on Justin's meat as he sucked him off. Justin grabbed the back of Brian's head, trying to force Brian down further on his penis. Brian gladly began to work Justin's manhood over. Justin took in a deep breath and yelled "Brian!" as he came. Brian gladly took Justin's jucies in his throat, not letting a drop fall out of his mouth. Justin began to cry as Brian raised his head from Justin's cock. Brian cralwed up to Justin's face and licked away the tears. He knew Justin was crying from extreme pleasure.

Brian then grabbed Justin's hips and brought his body closer to his own. "I love you." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin moaned and enjoyed Brian's deep hug. Brian grabbed the tin of strawberries and poured them out on the bed. He reached in the tin and pulled out the condom at the bottom of the tin. Justin looked at Brian as Brian ripped open the package. Brian slipped the condom on and spread Justin's legs. "I want you inside of me." Justin whimpered as he felt Brian's cock press against the ring to his hole. Brian smiled and leaned forward. His cock slowly slipped into Justin, causing Justin to shudder in excitement. Brian pressed his weight against Justin's body and began to slowly withdraw from Justin's body. Tears once again cascaded Justin's face as Brian made love to him. Brian pulled out slightly and pushed in with more force. Justin spread his legs even more and let his ass adjust to Brian's width. Brian slowly humped Justin, increasing his pace as he got closer. Justin moaned heavily, running his hands through Brian's bronze hair. Brian's head flew back in pleasure as he moved faster in Justin. Justin's tears slid slowly down his face as the bed jumped in passion. Brian kept his pace steady and his cock strong inside of Justin. Justin gripped his own cock and began to yank it. Brian's hands romaed to Justin's lips and let Justin lick them. Brian then gripped Justin's cock and began to jerk him off. Justin screamed in passion as he got closer to cumming. Brian pulled Justin up in pain as he tried to hold back his own cum.

Finally, Justin let a rage of cum splatter between their bodies and the whipped cream. Brian caused the bed to creek even more as he moed faster. Brian felt tears escaping his own eyes. He shouted Justin's name as he finally let loose his volley of cum. He nearly ripped the condom as he and Justin's bodies surged together. Brian fell ontop of Justin, his body spasming as the cum dripped into his condom. Justin ran his hands over Brian's face as they laid together. "I... I love you more... then anything" Brian shuddered as his orgasm faded. "I love you too." Justin cried as he ran his hands through Brian's hair. They laid silently in the bed, covered in whipped cream, sweat and cum. "Uhm, I had better shower. Things are getting a bit sticky." Brian panted as he raised his head. Justin nodded and let Brian get up. Brian rolled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. He limped in pain, but he knew his body hurt out of pleasure. Justin laid his head back on the bed and felt his body in a numb state. 'God, it's never been that good!' Justin thought to himself. Justin felt his eyes slowly close and he fell alseep on the bed.

Brian & Justin (Part 43) by JM

Justin's shot up with a cry and felt sweat covering his head. "Oh God!" Justin shouted as he opened his eyes. He wiped the sweat from his brow and let tears roll down his face. Brian slowly raised his head and looked at Justin. Justin placed his hands over his eyes as the tears fell down his face. Brian looked at Justin with a confussed face. Brian sat up and placed his arms around Justin. "What's wrong?" Brian asked as he hugged Justin. "I'm sorry if I woke you Bri." Justin whimpered as Brian hugged him tighter. "It's okay babe. If there's something wrong with you, I want to be up." Brian responded softly. Brian placed his finger under Justin's chin and raised Justin's head. Brian wiped the tears from Justin's eyes and looked at him. "What's wrong?" Brian asked. "Nothing. I just had a nightmare, that's all." Justin answered lowly. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Brian asked sincerly. "I think. It was just a bad nightmare." Justin whimpered out. Brian hugged Justin harder and tried to comfort him. "What was it about?" Brian asked. Justin did his best to talk, but he was too shaken up. "It's okay babe. Just take your time." Brian assured Justin. "It was about, well it started off as a wedding. And I was there, but I was sitting in the pews. And then... when I looked to see who was at the front, it was... it was you and... you and Nick. And you said to me... you said that you didn't love me and you nevre will." Justin stuttered out.

Justin began to cry on Brian's shoulder. Brian was dumbfounded by Justin's nightmare. He pulled Justin away and began to wipe the tears from Justin's eyes again. "Hey, hey Justin, it's okay. Don't cry, I'll never leave you for Nick. I love you. You know that." Brian assured Justin. Justin held in his tears and hugged Brian. "I love you too." Justin sobbed. Brian laid Justin back and kept his arms tightly wrapped around Justin. Justin laid his head on Brian's chest and cried. Brian ran his hands through Justin's hair, trying to comfort him. "Look, why don't you get up and get a shower. You're still all sticky. I'll get us something to drink and we can just chill for awhile." Brian said to ease Justin's mind. Justin nodded and got up. He limped towards the shower and closed the door. Brian got up and walked towards the phone. He called down to the frontdesk and ordered room service.

Brian laid on the bed for twenty minutes waiting on Justin. Justin soon emerged from the bathroom, only wrapped in a towel. Brian looked at Justin with unease. Justin stood shivering in front of the bathroom. Brian sat up and looked at him again. "What's wrong? Why are you shivering?" Brian asked as he got off the bed. "There's... there's no hot water." Justin chattered. Brian ran over to Justin and wrapped him in a tight embrace. "You're freezing." Brian said in anger as he held Justin. Justin let the towel fall and placed his arms around Brian. "You could catch pneumonia or the flu." Brian said in concern. He held Justin and they both walked over to the bed. Justin and Brian sat down and Justin laid his head on Brian's shoulder. Justin shivered as Brian did his best to warm him. Brian pulled Justin on the bed and wrapped him in the covers. "I'm gonna get you some clothes." Brian whispered to Justin, placing a light kiss on his forehead. Brian rolled out of bed and walked to his suitcase. He fumbled through his clothes for his Kentucky sweatshirt. He pulled it out and grabbed a pair of blue boxers. He walked back over to the bed and gave Justin the clothes. "As much as I like see you with nothing on, you should put these on." Brian smiled. Justin slid the clothes on. He sat back in the baggy sweatshirt and looked at Brian. "You make it so easy to love you." Justin said. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and held it up. He pointed to Justin's ring. "This is why." Brian smiled. They both laid back and fell back alseep.

Justin and Brian's sleep was soon interupted by the ring of the telephone. Brian rubbed his eyes groggily and looked at Justin. Justin still laid sleep on Brian's chest. Brian looked towards the nightstand and reached for the phone. He yanked it off the nightstand and lifted the receiver. "Hello?" Brian said softly. "This is your wake up call. The time is now 10 AM." the machine said. Brian sighed and hung the phone up. He lightly shook Justin and sat up. Justin groaned and crawled under the covers. Brian laughed happily and slid out of the bed. "Well I'm getting up." Brian said as he headed towards his suitace. "We have the MTV taping today and then that benefit tonight." Brian said as he grabbed some clothes out of his bag. Justin grunted again and rolled under the covers. Brian laughed at Justin's moodiness and walked into the bathroom. "If you're not out by the time I get out of the shower, I'm going to tell everyone at MTV that you pee in the bed." Brian threatened with a laugh. Justin sat up and threw his pillow at the door as it closed. "You're such a loser!" Justin shouted as he got out of the bed. Brian ignored him. Justin scratched his head shyly and walked to his luggage. He scrambled through all of his suitacses for his North Carolina jersey, a pair of blue jeans and his Kangora hat. He piled them all together and waited for Brian to get out of the shower.

The phone blared loudly as Brian came out of the shower. "What, did you get another wake up call to make sure I got up?" Justin said sarcastically as he grabbed the phone. "Yes, this is Justin." Justin answered brightly. "Aye Justin, come on down to me and Lance's room for some breakfast. Just about everyone is here." J.C. said. "Okay. Me and Bri will be there in about ten minutes." Justin responded cheerfully. Brian looked at Justin and made a gagging face. Justin laughed lightly and listened to J.C. Brian kissed Justin lightly on the lips and placed his dirty clothing in the hamper. "Okay, we'll be there soon." Justin said as he hung up the phone. "Oh, so we be invited to another one of our traditional breakfast break-up's?" Brian snarled sarcastically. "Don't be that way. Nick and Lance are happy, Kevin's backed off,s o what do we have to worry about?" Justin asked. "Each other." Brian laughed as he did his hair in the mirror. "Well I'm gonna take my shower and then we'll head over to J.C. and Lance's room." Justin said sa he entered the bathroom. "Make sure to use the HOT water." Brian said slowly to tease Justin. Justin laughed at Brian's comment and then closed the door. Brian sat on the bed and slipped on his Nike's and his belt.

Justin came out of the bathroom humming the music to 'Just'. Brian smiled as he heard the familar tune strumming from Justin's lips. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and led him to the mirror. "What's up?" Justin asked as Brian held him. "Just wanted to see what took you so long to do your hair." Brian said as he wrapped his hands around Justin's chest. "Look at us. We already look like a married couple." Justin commented. "Well the way you nag me, we might as well be." Brian laughed. Justin nudged Brian and grabbed a comb from the sink. Justin pulled out a tube of Tigi from his kit and began to apply it to his hair. "Do you think I should dye my hair?" Justin asked as he rubbed the gel around in his hair. "No. I like it the way it is." Brian said as he watched over Justin's shoulder. "I think I should dye it platnuim blonde or something." Justin said as he cumbed his golden locks. "No, just leave it the way it is." Brian insisted. Justin shrugged and fixed the last peices in his hair. "Okay, let's go." Brian said as he let Justin go. They both walked to the door and ehaded out towards J.C. and Lance's room.

Brian tapped on the door and waited for an answer. Lance opened the door shyly and invited them in. "It looks like a buffet in here." Brian commented as he looked at the tremendous amount of food in the room. "We made sure we got everything they had in the hotel." Lance laughed softly as he walked back to his seat. "Good morning you two." Kevin waved as he ate his bacon. "Hey Kev'." Brian waved. Brian snatched a seat on the couch next to Aaron. He watched as Aaron and A.J. battled it out on Diddy Kong Racing. "Ah, come on Aaron. Don't let old A.J. beat you!" Brian cheered Aaron on. Justin grabbed a plate and began to fill it with food for him and Brian. "So, sleep well?" Lance asked Justin. Justin frowned and shook his head 'no'. "What's wrong? You and Brian have a fight?" Lance asked sincerly. "No. Me and Brian are fine. I just couldn't sleep well." Justin responded. "Well we had fun at the club. Though we wished you and J.C. were there." Lance said as he grabbed a peice of grapefruit. "Well i was too tired to go." Justin insisted. J.C. walked in the room and took a seat next to Brian. "Hey J.C., you want something to eat?" Nick asked as he wrapped his arm around Lance. J.C. looked at them and said "No thanks. I think I just lost my appetite." "Your lost buddy." Nick said as he filled his plate with more sausage. Lance frowned at J.C. and began to eat his eggs.

Justin finsihed filling his plate and walked back to where Brian was. He looked at J.C. and saw no room to sit. Brian grabbed the controller from A.J. and began to race Aaron. Justin shrugged and sat directly on Brian's lap. "Aye, aye, aye Justin." Brian said as he lifted the chord out of the way. Justin just smiled and began to eat some bacon. "Do you want anything to eat?" justin asked Brian, snuggled next to him. "What do you have?" Brian raised his brow while still playing the game. Brian felt something rubbing against his lip and he looked at it. Justin was holding a strawberry in front of Brian's face. Brian couldn't help but laugh and lick his lips. "What's so funny?" A.J. asked as he looked at them. "Nothing." Brian snickered. "Are you two always so affection." Britney asked as she sat on J.C.'s lap. "They are always that affectionate, if not more!" A.J. groaned as he grabbed the controller from Brian. "And what about you two?" Justin asked as he pointed to J.C. and Britney. "Us! Get real!" Britney said as she playfully pushed J.C. "Actually, I ehar Britney has been courting a cretain Fat One in our group." J.C. whispered to Justin. "Joey?" Justin asked. "Hey, that wasn't supposed to get out." Britney said as she lovingly nudged J.C. Justin raised his brow and returned to his bacon.

"Hey, we're out of here in about thirty minutes." Chris announced as he drank his orange juice. Everyone booed him as they went back to their conversations. "So, is their a date set for, uhm, you know?" Britney questioned shyly. Justin and Brian knew what she was referring to. "No, no date set." Brian responded, taking a bite off of Justin's bacon. "Oh. Well from what Joey was telling me, you two have been through a rough time." Britney frowned. Justin's eyes quickly fluttered to Joey's direction. "You've been telling Britney everything about us?" Justin said to Joey in anger. "We just talked Justin. Chill out." Joey responded coldly. "He's right Justin. It's okay. It's not like Britney wasn't going to find out." Brian said to calm Justin. Justin rolled his eyes and finished his eggs. "Come on guys, we have to get going." Kevin announced as he shut off the Nintendo 64. A.J. and Aaron both yelled at him, but he gave them a stern look that shut them right up. "Ah Kev, I didn't even get a chance to play." Nick complained. "Play on the bus." Kevin barked at Nick as he tried to gather everyone up. "Come on before he gets on us." Brian said. he patted Justin's ass nicely and Justin got up. Britney got off J.C.'s lap and stood.

They all headed towards the elevators. "Half of us get on one elevator, the other half on the other." Kevin said, taking full charge. "Security and the PR are waiting for us at the limos." were the last words Kevin said as he got on the elevator. Justin watched as Brian made fun of Kevin. "He can be such a grouch when he doesn't get his sleep." Brian laughed as he and Justin got on the opposite elevator. "So can I when I kept up all night listening to moans and groans." A.J. complained as he got on the elevator with them. Justin's eyes flew open and he blushed. "You mean, you heard us?" Justin asked in fear. A.J. nodded and placed his sunglasses on. Justin dropped his head in shame. "And I bet you were saying, I wish Amanda was here." Brian teased A.J. A.J. gave Brian the middle finger and laughed. "I'm sorry A.J. I only do that with Justin." Brian quickly responded with a laugh.

Next: Chapter 20: Brian and Justin 44 45

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