Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Oct 15, 2000


Angel's Wings (Part 6) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

-- Rated R: Thanks again Nsyncgrrl for inspiring me. She got me going with this first paragraph or so. So head over to: I guarantee that it will not fail to satisfy you. It does me and makes me want to keep romance alive in a new way over here at Nifty. Not everything is all happy and go-lucky and I want to keep that feeling true at Nifty. So, if things don't always go the way you want, I'm sorry. I'm going to try and be true with this story and keep what started going. So read Nsyncgrrl's stuff and send her e-mail! Tell her that I sent ya. ---

--- Rated G: Correction to Jonathan and Steven's ages. Jonathan is seven and Steven is three. Sorry about that mix up before peeps. Hold onto your hats people, this story is going off the walls in every direction. Either you're going to hate me or love me after this story, but a LOT of things are going to occur! A lot of music too! So sit back and enjoy this strange twists in everyone's chapter. ---

-Feature Presentation: Angel's Wings, Rated R-

"So, that's what happened?" Don't call them famous words or words that said too much. They were just words, simple and said in a mono tone. Nothing spectacular came of them except a sigh from Justin Littrell's lips. He sat in one of the back rooms at the Orlando venue, his head upright and his eyes peering deflt at his father, Randall Timberlake. His father had spoke the words, hoping to pull a little bit of emotion out of Justin's spirit. His usual crisp, lively blue eyes were now just hollowed out with distress.

Justin leaned against the chair he sat in, his eyes beginning to gaze around the small and quiet room. His father and step-mother had arrived in Orlando that morning with Justin's half-brothers, Jonathan and Steven. They were making a brief visit to catch *NSYNC's final show on their U.S. tour. Justin had not seen them since his tour stop in Memphis, the one he shared with his estranged husband and son. Now, in the midst of the dwindelling marriage Justin shared with Brian, his father wanted to know of the affair that his mother had spoke of so evenly. Justin wanted to be the one to tell his father of what occured between J.C. and him. When his mother spoke to Randall at the airport, informing him of the small affair that destroyed Brian's trust and faith in Justin, Justin grew irritated with his mother. He had resorted to ending all communication between the two, opting to spend a quiet hour with his other family before he had to prep' for the upcoming performance.

"That's pretty much what happened." Justin sighed out a reply, slipping his gaze from his father. He looked at his wedding ring, the gold band that remained wrapped tightly around his left ring finger. He didn't want to remove it until Brian told him they were getting a divorce. Now, after two full days without Brian, Justin felt an awkward emotion telling him that he would soon be seeing papers delievred to the home he once shared with Brian.

"Have you talked to him? Tried to work things out?" Randall questioned in a careless way. He was not pleased with his son when hearing of the affair.

It was nothing to smile about. "I tried Daddy, I did. Brian... he just needs his time away right now. I think he's saying that it'll probably be best if we don't talk. I don't think he wants it to work anymore." Justin answered him in a meek voice. He was suffering due to his guilt. It had stricken him helpess to the pain he had caused Brian.

Randall sighed with defeat. It took him a great time to accept his son's marriage to Brian, to accept Brian as a son. Now, Randall loved Brian, he adored Angel and without a doubt, he loved Justin. To know that Justin betrayed a sacred trust just as Randall did many years ago with Justin's mother made Randall regret not being a stronger influence in his son's life.

He could not praise Justin for his affair, but he could empathize fully with him. He wanted to be there for Justin and he wished he was told sooner, so he could speak with Brian. He didn't want to lose Brian in his or Justin's life, and he did not want Angel to be a repeat of Justin.

"Do you want to be with him, son? Do you love Joshua?" Randall questioned Justin in a concerned tone. Justin's eyes fluttered, his head drooping. He had given Brian all of his concentration and had yet to question his feelings for J.C. Was it just lust? Just was never able to decipher what was real. "Daddy, I love Brian so much... I didn't want to hurt him." Justin admitted, small tears sealing his eyes. He sniffled quietly, his nose flusing a red color. He swallowed hard, lifting his eyes to glance at his father. "If you don't want to hurt him anymore, you had better not have any feelings outside of friendly ones for Joshua." Randall warned Justin, hoping to stir Justin in the direction of his best interest.

Justin blinked softly, keeping the tears hidden in his eyes. He stretched and sluched in the chair, flopping his head back against it. He had to consider his father's advice and think of ways to correct the mistakes he created. "Justin's, where's Brian? Where's my brother?" Jonathan asked as he skipped over to his brother. He climbed into the chair with Justin, snuggling to his brother, laying his head on Justin's shoulder. Justin sighed, wrapping his arms around Jonathan's waist and holding him in his lap. "He's not coming Jonathan. He's... uh, he's at his house right now." Justin told his younger brother. He lifted a hand to scruff through Jonathan's soft, dirty-blonde hair. "He's not coming to see me? What about my nephew?" Jonathan wondered, patting his hand on Justin's shoulder. Justin sucked on his lower lip, a sour taste filling his mouth. It wasn't easy for him to tell his younger brother that he would not see his brother-in-law during his short visit. "Angel will see his Daddy tomorrow, hopefully, but Brian's not coming today. I'll let you call him later on, though. I promise lil' bro'." Justin assured Jonathan. Jonathan huffed, disappointed.

You, me, different as night and day

All we ever hear them say

What seems to be totally illogical

Makes perfect sense to me

We might be light years apart

Still we are tied at the heart

It's completely and totally illogical

But it makes perfect sense to me

Take 5 was controlling the stage as they opened for *NSYNC. A few members of *NSYNC took listen to them from one of their dressing rooms in the backstage area. Justin, J.C., and Joey resided in the room, hunting out relaxation from the press and media that desired to interview them. Lance took up another room to enjoy a phone conversation with his boyfriend, Bryce, while Chris spent a few moments with his future wife in another dressing room.

J.C. bobbed his head steadily to the beat of the song, relating it to his own life. He tapped his fingers along the sofa-chair he sat in. His eyes peered at Justin as he flip through press releases concerning the MTV Video Music Awards. Joey read from over Justin's shoulder, his hands resting on Justin's shoulders while his eyes peered at the papers. "They actually think we're going to perform with Britney again? Not a chance people." Joey commented, taking caution while reading a few lines of the press release. Justin snorted quietly. "You know your girlfriend would love to perform with us again. She might get mad love this time for singing." Justin snickered, flipping to the next page that listed the categories in which *NSYNC was nominated. Joey squeezed on Justin's shoulders, striving to inflict pain in Justin to show his disapproval. Justin flinched a little, fluttering his eyes upward. "As long as we have enough time to rehearse, being that the awards are less than a week after Chris and Meelah's wedding." Justin noted, looking back at the list of awards.

"Doesn't this song mean something to you? To us?" J.C.'s voice pulled Justin's eyes away from the paper he held. He could still hear the lively performance Take 5 gave of 'Perfect Sense.' His eyes wandered to J.C., confusion strickening them. "It was meant for us." J.C. whispered loudly, his focal point direction on Justin. Justin swallowed hard, leaning back into the seat he occupied. He could feel Joey's touch fading. No doubt, Joey was straightening up behind him. "It makes perfect sense, Justin. You and me. Why are we fooling ourselves like this?" J.C. declared without reservation, advancing closer to Justin. Joey crossed his arms, staring heatedly towards J.C. Justin felt an unwavering tension lock his body, making him helpless to movement. "What are you talking about?" Justin questioned with a hiss.

J.C. shook his head. He hated Justin's denial. In his mind, he had won and he needed to declare it. "Stop. Stop playing Justin. Take off the ring and be with me. It makes perfect sense babe. I can hold you and love you better than he can. Take off the ring." J.C. said in an uneasy, strained voice. Justin cringed in his seat. "Stop fucking around, Josh. You've already caused enough hell in this group." Joey hissed, edging to the side of the chair so that he was closer to Justin. Justin nibbled on the rim of his lower lip, his eyes falling down to his lap. He couldn't stare J.C. in the eyes. Sweat honed his body, leaving him lifeless to the room. "Guys, please don't start this. You're supposed to be relaxing and resting up for the performance." Lonnie pleaded, taking up a closer position near the three. J.C. shook his head again. He wasn't satiated with their desire. He wanted what he wanted and he did not have a desire to let it slip away. "I need you and you need me. It's perfect sense, Justin, baby." J.C. whispered, his eyes still baring down on Justin as he came but steps from Justin. Justin sighed lowly, his eyes closing tightly while tears broke free. "Stop it, he's crying." Joey barked, raising a hand to J.C. to hold him back. J.C. did not cease. "Love me." J.C. requested, his feet centimeters from Justin's.

Justin's head jerked up, his eyes puffy and laced with red lines. He sniffled hard, his lips quivering. 'Why is he doing this?' Justin thought out, his fists instantly jamming shut. He knew what he ahd to say. It was his confessional. "No! Hell no, Josh. I will not love you and I will not be with you. I don't give a fuck how much you need me. I need Brian! I need to be with my husband and to be loved by him because you aren't doing shit for me!" Justin growled, angered tears sliding down his thin cheeks as he spoke. His words slapped a white hue onto J.C.'s face, his eyes widening. It was unexpected, but it was needed.

Justin pushed himself to his feet, staring directly at J.C. as the tears trickled down his face. His lower lip trembled, but his eyes held all of the authority. He was now in control. His voice was going to be heard and his opinion was going to be openly expressed. "I don't love you, Josh. I love Brian. I love my son. I'm your friend, but I can't and don't want to be anything more. Being with Brian makes perfect sense to me and you can accept that or not, but I'm tired of giving a fuck." Justin hissed with spite in his tone.

Justin searched J.C.'s eyes for understanding and could only find it in the very depths of J.C.'s baby blues. The rest was covered in salty tears and shame. Justin had finally stated his claim and had to allow J.C. to embrace it. Joey watched both, awaiting the war to begin between the two friends that had crossed the line of friendship by allowing romance to trickle in.

"You kissed me! You had to have felt something besides a fucking hard-on in your pants. Don't pass me that shit!" The shouting that arose from *NSYNC's dressing room seemed to keep much of the staff and tour participants confused and lost. Security kept a tight watch on the area surrounding the dressing room, ushering on any unwanted vistors or eavesdroppers.

Pink held the stage, keeping the crowd at rest as the girls of Innosense prepped for their performance. "Can't you see that you're making me cry?! He didn't make me cry like this, feel like this." Justin's voice rose through the walls that separated Innosense's dressing room and one of *NSYNC's dressing rooms. Lynn Harless kept her eyes focused on the mirror before her, watching Danay and Mandy prep their hair for the performance. "He is an asshole." a declaration from J.C. drew Lynn's eyes away from the mirror. She glanced down at her watch, calculating how much more screaming she would have to tolerate before she could leave the dressing room with her group. She took a quick glance around the room, her tension-coated blue eyes watching Nikki adjust her clothing so she was comfortable for the show while Amanda Latona, a former member, relaxed on a couch in the dressing room, her eyes consdtantly moving around the room. Veronica and Jenny were missing, both leaving shortly before Take 5's performance ended and Pink took the stage.

The sounds of the dressing room door opening and Veronica peeking her head inside startled Lynn. Her nerves were too tense, preventing any calm feelings to circulate through her small frame. "Guys, we've got a problem." Veronica said meekly, sliding into the dressing room with Lance Bass in tow.

Lynn ducked her head, already overwhelmed with emotional troubles. "Yeah, no kidding and I wish it would shut the hell up." Danay barked, slamming her fist repeatedly onto the wall to try and silence the arguing occuring between J.C. and Justin. She shook her head with anger, trying to return her concentration to her hair. "No, not that guys." Veronica sighed, shaking her head loosely while sliding around the room.

Lance stayed close to the door, his face filled with grime expressions. 'I knew this was going to happen,' Lance thought, twiddling his thumbs. 'It was too apparent. He never gives up on what he wants, but he doesn't realize when to go after it. He always has the wrong timing.' Lance complained mentally, ignoring what occured in the dressing room.

"What's wrong Veronica? Dead crowd out there?" Amanda wondered, sitting up some to glance at Veronica. Veronica sighed again, finding a seat on the arm of the couch. She glanced down at the ground. She was never one to speak out immediately when there was a problem. She stayed debating her words for periods of time. "Come on V, speak up." Nikki requested, prancing past Veronica. Mandy puckered her lips, easing passed Veronica while humming the notes to 'Say No More.' Veronica watched both ladies with pale brown eyes. She was still contemplating. "Veronica, please speak up. You know that we're trying to prepare for the performance." Lynn asked of Veronica. Veronica groaned, leaning back in her position.

"Jenny's really sick and she's throwing up a lot in the bathroom." Lance shot out briskly, preventing Veronica from speaking her knowledge. Veronica whipped her head in Lance's direction, furrowing her brow at him. "What?!" Danay called out, her eyes peering at Lance. She did not take well to the surprise. Mandy halted her light steps, turning to glance at Lance with disbelief. "Is she nervous again? What? Maybe she's just a bit nervous." Nikki offered a simple solution that the others wished was true. Lance and Veronica shook their heads simultaneously. "She's got a fever guys. She was sick at rehearsals yesterday. You heard her voice and the way she was getting sloppy with her moves. She can't go on." Veronica declared in a stronger tone. Danay cursed under her breath, throwing her brush down onto the counter of the vanity mirror. Mandy leaned up against the wall, completely dumbfounded.

Lance turned his pale green eyes on Lynn. She had a face filled with debate. The added stress of Justin's affair and the current battle between her son and J.C. did not make any decision easy on Lynn. She hated herself for not seeing the signs in Justin and J.C., and now being blind to Jenny truly destroyed her. "Lynn, I got like that a good year ago and there was no way I could have performed two songs, let alone a full set. She's not really fit to go on stage." Lance commented directly to Lynn. Lynn nodded, hating the choice she was going to have to make.

"Trace's with her right now and she's not too happy about being sick. I don't think we should approach her about not going on right now. We have to figure out how to go on without her." Veronica added a comment that aided Lynn. "Veronica, how do you expect us to go on without Jenny? She sings leads on every song we're performing. Her vocals are so high and the rest of us aren't used to her choreography and her ad-libs on certain songs." Danay debated, her animosity flaring in her tone. Veronica lowered her head, not looking forward to a debate with Danay. "Maybe you and me can split her leads Danay. We can handle her range, right?" Nikki suggested, strolling over to the mirror to adjust her lip gloss. Danay shook her head briskly, crinkling her nose. "She sings too damn high. I could handle your leads, but not her's." Danay jested, thumping against the wall with disappointment. Nikki puckered her lips, considering her remaining choices as she heard J.C. scream out, "Why didn't you ever give me a chance? Who says I didn't have feelings for you way back when we were on the Mickey Mouse Club? You kept your mind on Britney for too many fucking years." She sighed, disappointed by him. She had spent much of her time on the Mickey Mouse Club with him and a few years following the cancellation of the show.

"Amanda can do it!" Mandy boasted in a cheery voice, leaping off the wall with excitement. Veronica's head snapped up, her eyebrow arching while her eyes turned to her friend. Amanda glanced around quickly, astonished by Mandy's suggestion. "She was at rehearsal all day the other day and she knows the the routine. Hell, she even came to rehearsals before we left for the tour and she used to rehearse 'Ride' with us all the time." Mandy beamed, standing behind Amanda with confidence. Amanda's face twisted with uncertainty. "Plus, she's got the vocal range of Jenny." Mandy added, her argument powerful. Danay crossed her arms, considering the notion. Veronica gleamed endlessly at Amanda, loving the idea.

Nikki smiled admirably at Mandy. All of the times they had argued over Amanda's place in the group following and during her pregnancy and Jenny's replacement of Amanda had left Nikki and Mandy on opposite sides. Mandy always debated on Jenny's behalf while Nikki stood in defense of Amanda, hating to lose her presence in the group. "I think it's a nice idea. Sort of bringing the original five back together for one last show in Orlando." Nikki smiled.

Veronica turned her eyes on Lynn, still seeing a strong debate revolving around her. She lifted her body from the arm of the couch and trodded over to Lynn. "Come on Ms. Lynn, say it's okay. Amanda can do this, she can take Jenny's spot for one show and save us from the hassle of fixing the other problems we'll have." Veronica pleaded, trying to coach her manager into allowing the event to take place. Lynn took a quick glance at Veronica and then shifted her heavy eyes to Amanda, reading her expressions. There was hope in her eyes, but there was no assurance in her appearance. "Amanda has to agree to it." Lynn finally agreed, her voice low and delicate.

Veronica automatically looked back at the nervous Amanda. "Come on 'Manda, bail us out!" Mandy begged, massaging Amanda's shoulders for added convincing. Nikki's eyes pleaded with Amanda as the woman stared up to her friend. Amanda could barely see through the small tears that circled Nikki's blossoming green eyes. Amanda nibbled her lower lip, small butterflies spreading their wings inside of her stomach. She felt sweat cover her palms. Her timid blue eyes blinked repeatedly. "You really don't have a choice Boojie." Danay chimed with a new glow around her. Amanda groaned softly, her head drooping. The pressure was thick, a mist of negativity clouding her choices. "Fine." she finally moaned out, laughing lightly. She was soon bombarded by hugs from Mandy and Veronica, gratefullness locked into their touch.

"Okay, I wanna do her hair!" Mandy chimed, leaping from the couch and dashing for the vanity mirror. "I've got dibs on make-up." Danay added in an equally child-like manner. "Let's see what she looks like in Jenny's outfit." Veronica cooed, rolling off the couch and heading in the direction of wardrobe. Lance found himself laughing at the girlish ways of the girls he knew to be so professional and strong. He had watch Innosense stand strong and never buckle under the heat of the moment and now they were prancing around the dressing room like the Pink Ladies during the sleepover scene in Grease. It looked as if Amanda would play Sandy.

"Girls, girls, wait just a second, I have something to say." Lynn yelled out in a demanding country accent. Movement stopped across the room, all eyes falling to Lynn. Nikki let her eyes fall to the ground as she heard another shout rise from the other dressing room. Each yell unsettled her even more. "I just wanted to thank all of you girls for being so patient with me during these past few days. This whole... well, all that's been occuring in my personal life has really been taking my mind and my attention away from my work and you girls. I'm really sorry about that. I shouldn't have let that interfere in my priorities and the time I should dedicate to ya'll." Lynn spoke elegantly, but with true love in her voice. A warm smile proceeded her speech. She felt the concentration of the girls she considered her surrogate daughters on her. She felt at peace for a minute second. "Thank you." she added a final whisper.

"Well, Ms. Lynn, if I didn't know better, I'd say that you want a make-over too." Danay chimed, causing the others to fall into a laughter. All but Nikki. She let warm tears descend from her eyes as her head continue to hang low. She did not attempt to wipe them away. She only desired to hide them. "I could be Angel's father. I could treat him right.

Hell, you could be Justin Chasez!" J.C.'s voice raised and caused more tears to slip into Nikki's eyelids. Nikki shook her head, disappointed greatly. Should couldn't understand why she continuously laid her heart on the line for him.

Innosense's had just performed '' The girls were breathing easy as the crowd cheered uncontrollably for them. Their skin was lightly coated in sweat from the vigorous dancing they put out and the strong vocals they willingly dispensed. Their outfits were bandanna-printed tops with Nikki, Amanda, and Danay wearing gray cargo's and Veronica and Mandy sporting navy blue ones. Each marched around the stage, preparing for the next song they would perform to hold the Orlando audience in their positions during their opening set.

Nikki stood at the head of the group, her head raised high and her eyes twinkling. It was something about the sensuousness of '' made her feel good, full of energy. She glanced at Mandy as she sipped on a bottle of water, waving to a few of the fans that she knew. Nikki wiped her fingers over her forehead, wiping away a few drops of sweat as she caught her breath. She let another drop of sweat crack from her forehead as technicians set up five mic-stands across the stage. "Hey Orlando, are ya'll ready for the next song?!" Nikki finally called out a question, receiving a large response in the form of applause and shrieks. She giggled, taking a small gulp. "It is so beautiful here in O-Town. The sky is so pretty and so beautiful." Nikki announced, taking small steps toward her mic-stand as her fellow bandmates found their spots on the stage. "Hey Nikki, I think we need to make it rain here in Orlando." Danay suggested through her microphone, raising her water bottle toward her friend. Nikki nodded as others cheered, aware of what song was to come next. Nikki pulled her hair back, turning bacvk to the audience. "You're right D. I think it's time we make it rain all over Orlando." Nikki stated with an ample grin.

The sounds of falling rain began to trickle through the speakers as the members of Innosense began to snap their fingers to the guitar-filled beat. They bobbed back and forth, smiling toward the crowd. They each found their own feel for the song. Amanda followed the steps she had seen in the rehearsals. They were not hard. It was choreography Amanda could dance to while still remembering the words she would have to sing. She followed Nikki's lead as Nikki belt out the beginning ad-libs and Veronica verbalized the spoken parts.


Oh, oh (I think it's gonna rain)

Ooooh (Can't you smell the rain)

Ah, ah, ah (Sure looks cloudy today)

Why am I here if you're there

So far away its not fair

To be without you like this

I miss you more than you know

The nights are long, the days slow

Without the warmth of your kiss

I wish you were back here with me

Cause out my window, all I see is

Rain rain in the sky

Everywhere I look my eyes see

Rain rain falling down

Cryin' as it hits the ground

Rain rain in my heart

Every day that we're apart

Rain rain, falling (Falling to the ground)

Rain rain (Splashin' on the ground)

Rain rain (Let it trickle down)

Only rain rain

The choreography moved in-tune with the mid-tempo ballad's beat. Not one member was out of step as they danced out their emotions. "Come on ya'll, move your hands as it rains." Danay requested as she slid to the end of the line. She glanced down to Amanda as she strolled to the middle microphone stand. Amanda puckered her lips, keeping her mind on the verse she had to sing in Jenny's place. She placed a hand on the stand and let the words come to her like her favorite song would if she heard it on the radio. She let the beat possess her. "Let it rain, let it rain." Veronica added an ad-lib while taking her position at the other end of the group. Amanda lifted her head, her mind only on the chords and lyrics.

The sun is strong when you're near

But when you're gone it disappears

Behind an ocean of blue

The telephone's not good enough

It can't reach out

It can't touch me like the way you do, oh ho

I wish you would knock at my door

Cause only you can stop this pouring

"Come on ya'll, it's gonna rain... get ready!" Mandy yelled out as the others belt out the second chorus. She ran to one end of the stage, her voice content on impressing the masses of the audience. "Wave ya hands and let it fall down." Veronica added, skipping to another microphone stand as Nikki pulled her microphpne from its stand. Nikki strolled in a casual way, making sure her body was ready for the bridge she was going to belt out. She passed Danay, patting her shoulder and smiling. Danay nodded, slipping back to her stand next to Amanda. 'Go job girl,' Danay mouthed to Amanda as Amanda sung the chorus. Amanda smiled even greater, putting her all into the ad-libs that were once crooned by Jenny. She watched as Nikki to the forefront and showed the entire arena that her voice was God-given.

Maybe I'll go outside

And walk beneath the clouds

Pretend it's you that's washing over me (Over me)

Distance is the only thing that comes between us now

Baby, soon we'll be together

Ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Veronica bolted from her mic-stand, stopping right near Nikki as Nikki lifted her voice even higher for added ad-libs. Veronica giggled quietly before lifting her microphone to her lips. She waved briskly to a few familiar fans before putting her all into the rap that was written by her for the song.

Rain fallin' from the sky

All I do is cry and think of you

Can't dry my eyes

Rise above, the clouds

All my love is not allowed

You're not here to share the showers, all my powers

Taken over, can't find no cover (Everywhere I look I see rain)

Taken over the rain, rain

Comin' at me like a train, train

Driving me insane-sane

Wanna run to the sun (Rain)

"Here it goes ya'll! It's raining..." Mandy announced as, unexpectedly, a blizzard of silver confetti came falling from the rafters above the stage. The glittery confetti covered the air, the light wind in Orlando carrying the confetti across the arena. Mandy and her groupmates danced through the glitter, focusing on the choreography they were taught.

The others continued to sing the chorus as Nikki proceeded to carol her ad-libs. "Go O-Town, you made it rain, go O-Town!" Veronica chanted, laughing unconsciously. The audience screamed uncontrollably, thrown by Innosense's moving performance and the unforeseen 'rain.' Amanda danced merrily, winking to the fans that screamed for her. "Keep it going, keep it going." Amanda cheered as the others came to the close of the last chorus in the song.

Rain rain in the sky

Everywhere I look my eyes see

Rain rain falling down

Cryin' as it hits the ground

Rain rain in my heart

Every day that we're apart

Rain rain, falling, rain rain

Rain rain, only rain rain

It'll never be the same

If you don't stop the rain

The dramatic song came to an end with Nikki standing in the middle, holding one last note. The others cheered her on, trying to rile up support from the audience. It did not take much before the crowd was shouting wildly. The girls laughed softly, feeling a sense of pride and togetherness taking them over.

"Right about now, we want to introduce ourselves to you guys." Danay issued out as she toweled off her cheek, walking near the front of the stage. She glanced back at her counterparts, awaiting for their approval before initiating the introductions. Nikki nodded in her direction, clearing her throat quietly. "Okay, hello Orlando, my name is Danay." Danay called out in a Cuban-influenced accent. "Hey everyone, I'm Amanda." Amanda smiled, waving to the crowd. "What's up ya'll, I'm Nikki." Nikki grinned while strolling to the front. "What's up Orlando?! I'm Mandy!" Mandy cheered, trying to strike up more enthusiasm in the audience. "I'm Veronica." Veronica simply stated with a bubbly tone. The crowd cheered endlessly, all excited to see hometown favorites performing for them.

Veronica skidded to the front, holding her microphone to her side while she glanced around the audience. She smiled to a few friends, her focus dawdling from the performance. "Okay, as you guys can see, one of our group members isn't here tonight and, for those of you who know Innosense, one of our old members is here in her place tonight." Veronica remarked, turning her head in Amanda's direction. Amanda smiled, waving perkily to the crowd.

A mixed reaction came from the crowd, some becoming truly confused by her presence. "That's right guys. Jenny is sick tonight. She was unable to perform and one of our original members, Amanda Latona, is taking her place just for tonight." Nikki added, throwing an arm around Amanda. The crowd cheered lowly. Most knew Amanda's face as the bride to a Backstreet Boys while others knew of her career with Innosense. "Isn't she so nice? She's busy doing her own thing right now and she's married too. We're all very happy for her." Veronica spoke up, holding her position at the front of the stage. She attempted to point towards Amanda's wedding ring as the crowd squealed for the wife of A.J. McLean. "That's right, thanks Amanda." Nikki chimed, hugging her friend closer. Amanda slipped an arm around Nikki's waist, pulling her up as they stayed near the middle of the stage.

Veronica pulled her hair through her dirty-blonde hair, her fingers gracing over the blue tips she had at the end of her curls. She breathed peacefully as the crowd awaited someone to speak again. "Okay, Orlando, we need you to get on your feet because we're going to take a ride. Ain't that right Mandy?" Veronica said, directing her eyes at Mandy. Mandy tossed her blonde, red-tipped hair behind her back and stepped forward. "That's right Veronica. We need all of ya'll to get on your feet and go with us on this ride. If you feel the need to dance, shake, or just jump around, go ahead. We want ya'll to have fun." Mandy agreed as the background music to 'Ride' began to fill the stadium.

A low arousal of applause filled the arena as most of the Innosense fans began to bop around to the tune they knew very well. Innosense danced in tune to the beat, their arms moving briskly and their legs shimming around as they danced. "Come on, get those hands up!" Mandy called out, moving from the back of the line they danced in to get to the front. She kept a straight face, concentrating fully on the performance. The others gave off a more fun expressions, striving to get the crowd involved with the song.


I'm gonna rock this place right out of space

Give you something that you've never heard

Sing V


I'm gonna paint my nails and dye my hair up

Then take me champagne bubble bath (What?)


I'm gonna speak my mind any time

I find that I've got something to say


I'm gonna jump around and paint this town

Now let me hear ya'll say (Hey!)

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now follow, follow me now

Follow me now

Don't you wanna ride

Turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

The girls danced in in-synch motions, moving from side-to-side as they had been instructed during dance rehearsals. "Come on if you wanna ride!" Veronica screamed out, running to one side of the stage. Amanda kept a smooth smile, sticking to the routine she learned strictly through observation and sparatic rehearsals she had before she became too pregnant. She glanced at Nikki who seemed to get the crowd more involved than paying attention to the routine.


I'm gonna let it go and feel that flow

Gonna put you in a trance


I'm gonna take control cause I'm on a roll

And smash that pebble from out your hand


I'm gonna turn it out and scream and shout

Until I get my way, ah hah


I'm gonna turn that key and set you free

Hey Orlando, I wanna hear you say hey

The rap-like melody that the girls sang to provoked excitement in the crowd. "Come on, come on." Mandy cheered, clapping as a section of the crowd tried to mimic Innosense's moves. She smiled generously, running to another side of the stage as the girls set up the next set of dances for the hook. "That's right, over here." she gleamed, waving to another set of fans in the audience.

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now follow, follow me now

Follow me now

Don't you wanna ride

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now show me, show me how

Show me how

Show me how you ride

Turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

Now turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

Veronica took the more agressive role in the song, pouring her energy into striking up emotion in the crowd. She bopped around with a high spirit, ignoring the lifeless members of the crowd. "What What? What? Come on!" Danay chanted on the crowd, taking small steps away from the other members. She threw a hand up, raising it up and down. Her smile was never-ending as the watched a few of the closer fans mimic her. She glanced at Nikki and Veronica as they covered the left end of the stage, dancing in step. "Ladies, I think they wanna ride." Amanda commented into her mic, moving back to formation as they prepared for the bridge. Danay stood in the middle of the girls, smiling hard with her mocca-brown eyes staring directly at the center of the audience.

It's sunny outside (It's sunny outside)

And I feel fine (I feel fine)

No cares tonight (No cares tonight)

Ooh, it's time to ride

Ride, yeah

Now everybody say hey!

The girls all broke from their formation, dashing around the stage after the joint line. Amanda clapped her hands over her head, shaking her hips in time with the uptempo beat. Nikki bobbed her head, jumping up and down in one position. "I can't hear you?" Nikki said. "Yeah, yeah, come on and ride." Mandy crooned, sliding to a spot near Nikki. She slapped hands with Nikki and then strolled by her. "I see you!" she called out, pointing to a few parents that began to dance along to the contagious tune. "Go 'head, just ride." Mandy insisted, bouncing her shoulders. She pulled at her pink, badanna-print top, trying to hold it up as she danced wildly on the large stage.

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now follow me, follow me how

Follow me how

Don't you wanna to ride

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now show me, show me how

Show me how

Show me how you ride

Turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

Now turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

Innosense returned back to a formation at the center of the stage. They began repeating the dance moves they jammed to at the beginning of the song.

"All right, you got it." Danay smiled. "Come on, ride ya'll, just ride." Veronica demanded with a grin covering her face. "Do ya'll want to ride with us?" Amanda bellowed. She slipped strands of her reddish-black hair behidn her ear, her eyes focusing on the faces of the fans. The way they stared contently and danced humorously to the music made her smile. She was seeing her dreams again. Being with Innosense not only brought back her memories, but they also strummed the tune to the dreams she wanted to live daily again. For some reason, she knew music was where she belonged instead of being a mother, living a home constantly. Her passion was growing and she had to find a solution for it.

Take me, take me down (Ride)

Follow, follow me now (Ride)

Show me, show me how (Ride)

Show me how you ride

All the girls gave a perfect pose for the audience as they cheered amicably for the group. Innosense smiled uncontronallbly. The response from their hometown was always great. There never seemed to be a face that had not at least heard of the group that toured much of Orlando during their beginning. "Thank you." Danay cheered as the applause continued on. Amanda and Mandy headed towards the back of the group, searching for their water bottles. Nikki snatched up a small towel, wiping away some sweat from her face while walking to the front of the stage. She bounced around the stage, walking close to the edge as the others attempted to prepare for the next set. "Are you having a good time O-Town?!" Nikki finally yelled out, provoking more ovation from the crowd. She gleamed, lowering her towel. "We want ya'll to keep having fun tonight because this is our last show on the *NSYNC tour and we want it to be the best!" Nikki chimed. She waved towards a few of her friends that occupied the family member section of the arena. "And are ya'll ready for *NSYNC ya'll, come on!" Amanda ran to the front, hoping to keep the applause moving. Her idea worked as more girls screamed when hearing *NSYNC's name. Amanda giggled, striding backward. Veronica winked at Amanda. Having her excitement present on the stage again made Veronica feel more secure in her place with Innosense. She had someone who pumped the crowd as much as she did and it felt right again.

"You know, our album came out a couple of weeks ago and thanks to you guys, yes, you guys here in O-Town, we are now in the top twenty!" Veronica announced excitedly. The crowd shrieked at the announcement, many of Innosense's fans proud to hear such a revalation. "That's right. So tonight, for our last song, we want to sing the song that you made one of the hottest songs here in Florida. It's our first single and for those of ya'll who haven't gone out and got it, you should. Please, go get the single and the album." Nikki added, walking past Danay and Veronica as they set up near the left end of the stage. She glanced to her right to see if Amanda and Mandy were in position. When receiving a nod from Mandy, Nikki knew it was time and she waved towards the sound guyto begin the melody. "All right, this is our last song for tonight and it's called 'Say No More.'" Nikki added to her previous words, finding her position in the center of the group.

The thudding bass resounded through the arena, sending the audience into a fit of passionate screams. "Amanda! Nikki! Mandy!" Names were called out from all ends. The girls began their sexy routine to the song they were most known for. They stayed in the line they were directed to. One of their hands lifted and then began moving it around to the uptempo track.

[I don't care what you say, say, say, say, say]

Say - no

Say no more

(Innosense is here)

Ow ow oww, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ow ow oww, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ow ow

"Come on ya'll! Innosense is here!" Danay yelled, shaking her hips erotically to the heavy-hitting beat. She threw her head around, her hair swinging uncontrollably. Veronica smiled, pulling on her red bandanna, her smile increasing. "Sing it, come on." Amanda insisted, bumping hips with Mandy. Nikki gleamed, taking center stage as the others stopped in their positions to each side of her. She dusted a few strings of her brown hair from her face, an endless smirk holding her face.

I've come to tell you what's on my mind

Baby I have changed

I don't wanna keep playin' no games

I keep tellin' you time after time

That I (I, I, I)

I don't care what you say

I don't care what you do

Cause I'm never comin' back no more

(Never comin' back for sure)

I don't care what you need

I don't care how you feel

So say (say) no (no)

Say no more

(Innosense is here)

Ow ow oww, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ow ow oww, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ow ow

The audience screamed in a crazy fashion, thrilled to hear the live version of one of Orlando's most played songs. The girls of Innosense made sure to stay on key with their dance moves and singing. They didn't have to prove themselves, but they had to make their mark secure in the music industry. The home crowd of Orlando made that task simple. Each girl slide to the side, allowing Amanda to step forward and replace Nikki as the center member in their formation. "Shake it!" Mandy chanted as the girls swivelled their hips to the hook of the song. "Go 'Manda." Danay cheered on her friend, throwing her head to one side as the beat faded for a brief second. Squeals were emitted as Amanda smiled and waved at the crowd. She swallowed softly, trying to prep her vocals to replace Jenny's verse in the song.

You didn't care much for what I did

Treat me like a jerk

Babe, when I was hurt

I was alone, talking to myself (Come on)

But now I (I, I, I)

I don't care what you say

I don't care what you do

Cause I'm never comin' back no more

(Never comin' back for sure)

I don't care what you need

I don't care how you feel

So say (say) no (no)

Say no more

(Innosense is here)

Ow ow oww, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ow ow oww, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ow ow

"Come on, sing it!" Veronica bellowed, running to one side of the stage as her groupmates chanted the hook. Mandy yanked the rubberband that held her hair in a ponytail from her head. She shook her head, letting her hair fly freely. She smiled, running her fingers through her the hair that was naturally blonde with ruby-red highlights. She shook her hips saucily, inticing male attendants of the crowd as she did. "Uh, come on." she wailed, pointing to a few dancing members of the audience. Veronica folloed her close friend's actions, yanking her bandanna from her head and tossing it to the side. She let her dirty-blonde curls, with frosted blue tips, flow freely in the air. "Yo, Nikki, it's your part girl." Veronica giggled, sliding behind Amanda as they prepared to enter the bridge of the song.

[I don't care what you say, say, say, say, say]

[Oh baby, oh baby]

Don't say (say) no (no)

Say no more

(Say no more)

Nikki held the high note to a new degree. She surpassed her other attempts to hold it long by breathing out a higher pitch. She amazed the crowd at her ability to transcend the usual sorprano voice and hit a new octive of notes. She wasn't doing it to imperss and she wasn't doing it to win over fans. She was making a statement for herself. Watching J.C. go from lover-to-lover, his betrayel and his endless hiding hurt Nikki. She didn't want to be a victim and she had to say something. She held the note to prove she wasn't going to allow her heart to be stepped on. "Woo! Yeah, sing it girl!" Amanda cheered her on, shaking her body to the intense beat. Veronica's eyes widened with shock, seeing Nikki's intent of wowing the crowd. The crowd applauded and cheered her on, truly amazed by her talent.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, ladies, say no more!" Danay called out, borrowing a chapter from Nikki. Nikki pulled away from the note, stepping back some to recover from the power she put into ther last chord. The others continued dancing, keeping smiles glued to their faces. "Throw your hands up and say Innosense!" Danay requested, assisting Nikki back to her position in the group. Nikki sighed and continued dancing as the others sang the chorus. She put her all into one last rendition of the previous bridge, lowering her voice some to save her strength.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ow ow

The crowd stood in ovation for the girl group. Screams rang from all ends of the stadium, each approving of Innosense's true talent. The girls of Innosense panted lightly, trying to recover from the energy they placed into the four songs they performed for the opening number. Nikki briskly moved to the side of the stage, grabbing a bottled water and taking a sip from it immediately. Her face was flushed and her body was tired. She took a quick glance to the backstage area, her eyes catching sight of her friends Britney Spears, Jenny Morris, and Trace Ayala all watching the performance. She waved to all three, taking her attention away from the cheering audience. One other watched Nikki with a mixed expression. Nikki eyed him, unsure of how to respond to him. His blue eyes burned her. She felt an obvious distance between the two and she knew she could never cross the line that kept them apart.

"Thank ya'll so much for being here tonight. You guys are the greatest." Danay breathed out, drying her cheeks with a small towel. Amanda grinned, waving to several of the audience members as they called for her. "O-Town, you rock!" Mandy yelled, pulling her hair behind her shoulders. She laughed lowly as the reponse grew louder. "Thanks Orlando, we love you! And once again, we are Innosense." Veronica said, bowing with the others as she said their name. The crowd continued to applaud and scream for the girls. "Thanks O-Town! Get ready for *NSYNC!" Nikki shouted as the others found their way off the large stage.

Nikki glanced around the backstage area as she passed Britney, Trace, and Jenny. She did not stop for small talk like the others. She searched for the door to the dressing room that she knew was occupied by J.C., Justin, and Joey. Her ivory-green eyes spotted Lance, Lynn, and Nick standing outside of the room, listening to the loud arguing that progressed in the room. Nikki stopped several feet from the others, a towel wrapped around her neck and a water bottle in her right hand. She could read Lynn's thoroughly angered face while Lance held one of disappointment. Nick's facial expression seemed to read more like a John Keats' poem. It held hope, but disappointment at the same time. Nikki wanted to empathize with him, but she had suffered more than him. She had been heart broken many more times than he had been by J.C.

"No, you really don't understand what I've been through and, right about now, I couldn't tell you why the hell I kissed you that day!" Justin's voice seeped through the dressing room door. Nikki shook her head. She glanced over to Lynn, her face still wrapped in hostility. 'I wish you hadn't kissed him that day, Justin.' Nikki groaned internally. She leaned against the nearest wall, her mind debating on what to say to the three that stood in the hall laboring over the argument.

"Damn it, I'm going in there. I'm not going to let Justin talk to my fiancé like that." Nick growled, easing off the wall he had been leaning against. Lynn peered at Nick with hatred. She was already in a long-winded debate with her son, the added influences of Nick and J.C. did not assist Lynn in ending her animosity with her son. Lance stepped forward promptly, blocking Nick's entrance into the room. Nick peered at Lance. He did not appreciate Lance's siding with Justin. "You're a sad, sad person Nick Carter. Why and the hell you still claim J.C. as your fiancé is beyond me. You are not going in there and stopping this. Justin needs to end this now." Lance stated in a very firm voice. He was convincing, though Nick still wanted to argue in defense of the man he thought he loved. "Fine." Nick hissed, turning back toawrds the wall he had escaped from.

Nick's coarse blue eyes glared at Nikki when seeing her. He had no feelings toawrd her. He could see the mild flirting between his fiancé and his ex-girlfriend, but chose to do as he did with Justin and pass off the feelings as a weak moment for J.C. He grabbed a hold of the steel-ball necklace J.C. had gotten hi a few weeks prior. His still wet-and-gelled, spiky hair felt the touch of his fingers as they glided over it. He twirled a few of the balls on his necklace between his fingertips, striving not to stare at Nikki. 'What does she have to do with any of this?' Nick thought when feeling Nikki's disapproving eyes on him.

"What is with all the arguing?" Chris' voice stole all of the attention as he and Meelah made their appearance in the hallway. Chris' suspicios brown eyes searched all the faces of the hall for an answer, everyone staying silent for a moment. As Chris' brow twitched, Lance felt his need to speak arise. "Justin and J.C. are arguing over..." Lance did not get his chance to finish. "Over if they are going to take things farther and really destroy this group or whether or not they actually feel things for each other?" Chris questioned Lance, only debating over his first few words. Lance lowered his green eyes, his ehad nodding promptly. He heard Chris grumble, his displeasure more than evident. "If Justin would just leave and let Josh live the life he wants to live, we wouldn't be waiting here right now." Nick complained in an earnest tone. Chris shook his head, drawing his eyes in Nick's direction. He curled his upper lip toward the younger boy. "I'm sorry, Nick, when did you become a part of *NSYNC?" Chris asked sarcastically. Nick held his tongue, fearing an outlash from more than just Chris.

Meelah slipped her hand onto Chris' shoulder, squeezing it lightly. She did not wish for her fiancé to stress the situation more than it was already. She was aware of the conflicts in the group and she cared more for Chris' well-being than the friendships that were slowly fading within the group. "Chris, please don't get angry about this. Justin and J.C. can resolve this themselves." Meelah begged of Chris, tugging at his shirt. Chris ignored Meelah for a second, his ears striving to concentrate the words being exchanged between Justin and J.C.

Just as Chris' head began to turn so that he could respond to Meelah, the door to the dressing room swung open, sending a gush of wind through the hall. Lynn jumped, startled by the door suddenly being yanked open. "I told you not to start this shit J.C. I'm tired of seeing you do this to the group." Joey grumbled, stomping out of the dressing room. Nikki peered at the opened dressing room, waiting for J.C. to emerge. She gave Joey a quick glance, wondering how far the argument had went.

Lance's hand reached up, snatching Joey's arm and yanking him towards Lance. Joey stumbled toward Lance, his eyes showing rage. "Eh man, come here, don't let them get to you." Lance whispered, holding Joey in his position as he struggled to walk. Joey tried to maneuver out of Lance's grip, his madness evident. "I don't have time for their shit, I need to get ready for the show." Joey growled, shaking Lance away. Lance latched his fingers into the tail of Joey's shirt, tugging it. "Joey, man, don't do this. Don't get upset. We are still a group here. We are still *NSYNC." Lance pleaded with his brooding friend. Joey halted his marching, lowering his head. He wasn't always as optomistic as Lance and he regretted that. He preferred look at things head on and take a more negative response to it.

His girlfriend, Britney, had warned him that that will only bring turmoil in his life. She was right.

Joey sighed, dragging his fingers through his thick brown hair. He closed his eyes to gather himself, pressing out the negative thoughts he had towards his friends. He shook his head a little, his eyes batting open. "You're right Lance, I'm sorry." Joey breathed out, keeping his head lowered. Lance felt a smile tug at his lips. He was getting somewhere. Keeping Joey as a friend was good enough for him. "Now put a smile on those Brooklyn lips. You know Britney isn't going to want to be bothered with you if you're all potty-mouthed." Lance jested, throwing an arm around Joey's neck and hauling Joey's larger body back a few steps. Joey laughed softly, nudging Lance. "Aaw, save it for Bryce you old country boy." Joey snickered, shaking away from Lance's grasp. Lance giggled loudly with Joey, ignoring the others that chose to keep a silence in the hallway.

The laughter soon died out as Justin treaded into the hall. "Why won't you face up to this Justin? Why do you keep walking away? You are as much of the problem as I am." J.C. shouted after him, following him in a slower pace into the hallway. J.C.'s eyes did not look upon anyone but Justin. "You want me." he declared in a cocky tone. His words brought an immediate halt to Justin's walk. Justin spun on his heels, his brow lowered and his mouth twitching. He could feel the stare of his friends and his mother beating on his body. "Oh, Josh, I'll admit that there was lust between me and you, but it was brief and far from being special for me." Justin hissed through clenched teeth. He peered out the corner of his eye to see Nick watching the argument continue with a scowl coating his face. "Maybe it was because you weren't getting any from Brian that you came to me, but you know there was something when you kissed me at the hospital. Stop playing hide-n-seek." J.C. barked. His rage was despised by Nikki. She knew it wasn't his true nature. It wasn't who he permitted her to see when they were alone.

Justin eyed J.C. with an intense stare. He was now beyond angered with the man he once called his best friend. It was no longer worth chasing after a lusting thought. It wasn't appealing to be held by someone new anymore. His conscience had finally won the war when Justin heard J.C.'s final statement. "Do you even love me? Do you feel deep down that you could love me like or even better than Brian?" Justin asked, daring to present a question that he knew J.C. could not answer in a proud voice. He watched J.C.'s jaw flex a little, his stiffness evident. Justin shook his head promptly. "Do you love him, Josh? Do you care for him? Do you feel for him the same way you feel for me?" Justin continued to question J.C., pointing directly to Nick. Nick flinched, surprised by Justin's inquiry. He eased his hands into his pockets and kept his chin high, hoping J.C. would response positively. J.C. was still in silence. "Maybe him, Josh?" Justin wondered, leaning his finger to point toward Lance. Lance pinched his face with displeasure in Justin's questioning. "Or do you love her Josh? Is she the one your heart belongs to?" Justin became a little sincered with his voice as he finally pointed towards Nikki. Nikki felt small as eyes finally looked at her. She stepped back a little, trying not to be the highlight of another argument. J.C. watched her with hurtful eyes. He never intended for the disagreement to get this far. He didn't expect all of his lovers to be brought into the light of his failure. "I think you just love yourself, Josh, and that's sad. I know I love you as a friend, but nothing more." Justin stated firmly, turning away from J.C.

Justin stepped in the direction of an exit, wearry of viewing the faces of judgment that belonged to his friends. "Justin, man, don't walk away. We can't keep doing this. Ya'll have to resolve this issue for the sake of all of us." Joey demanded in a light-hearted voice. Justin sighed loudly, crossing his arms. "He's right dude. My wedding is next week and I'm not going to have all of ya'll unhappy at the happiest day of my life. Ya'll need to get your acts together so that my son will see that his uncles are good, kind men. I want him to be able to run to ya'll just like I want Angel to be able to run to us when something's wrong." Chris stated, his voice demanding ears to listen. "When he wants to play, I want him to be able to fool around with Joey. When he wants someone to read to him, I want Lance to be there with a big, thick book for him. If he needs someone to sing him to sleep, I expect J.C. to be there. And if Kaleb wants to play with Angel or if he just wants to learn how to shoot hoops with the greatest 'ball player I know, then I want him to be able to go to Justin." Chris declared in a hearty tone. Meelah watched him with adoring eyes. He had calmed himself and was able to speak with the words she believed he could. He was able to speak beautiful words when he took them seriously. His friendship with Lance, J.C., Justin, and Joey was one thing he took seriously.

Justin loosened the tight expression he held on his face. He frowned at Chris. "Chris, you and Kameelah know I'll be there for Kaleb if he needs me just like I know you'll be there for Bastian." Justin affirmed with sincere blue eyes. He pushed out a tiny smile for Chris and Meelah. They returned the look, catching a glimmer of Justin's innocent side once more. "I just need to spend some time with my Daddy, Stevie, Lisa, and Jonathan right now.

Plus I want to see Bastian before Brian comes to get him later." Justin announced in a small voice. Lynn pursed her lips. She could feel the conflict still alive between her and her son and there was no hope to resolve it just yet. "Maybe..." Chris withheld a suggestion when reading Justin's expression. There wasn't much hope left in his eyes. There wasn't much Brian left inside of Justin.

The arguing had stopped, but only for a brief interlude. Only for *NSYNC to please their fans with a spectacular final live show on their two-month-long U.S. tour. They dedicated their spirits to the show, interacting in a friendly manner on the stage. Off the stage was seen as a different story for all of them.

Justin rushed back stage, howling loudly and ripping his baby blue badanna from his head. He caught a towel that Lonnie threw to him, a smirk etched into his puffy red lips. "It was a hot one tonight in O-Town!" Justin bellowed, wiping away the sweat that trickled down his face. The adrenaline of the concert took his mind from his pessimistic thoughts of J.C. and his depressing thoughts of being estranged from his husband. The rush of performing for screaming fans and doing something he was enamored with aided him in becoming a bit more mirthful, instead of lamenting around his house or Johnny Wright's offices.

"Man, they aren't going to stop screaming." Joey chimed, removing the ear transmittors from his ears, his ears automatically picking up the sounds of high-pitched screams and endless yelling. "Isn't that great?!" Chris cheered, leapig into Joey's back and latching his hands over Joey's eyes. Joey tumbled forward, briskly regaining his balance and holding Chris up. Justin stumbled back, moving of the path that Joey and Chris shuffled in. "Watch it." Justin groaned, tripping into one of the unused speakers. "Hush little boy, I'm having fun." Chris crooned, still blinding Joey and hunching his back. Joey moaned, trying to shake Chris' smaller body from his. Justin wrinkled his brow, tossing his towel in Joey and Chris' direction. "Kaleb is going to love how is father is so damn playful." Lance teased, ruffling his hand over Justin's curls as he passed by. "Hey!" Justin whined, pushing Lance's hand away in a friendly way.

Lance crossed past a few technicians that began to gather *NSYNC's equipment and loose wardrobe. He glanced around, observing the now quiet hallways. He watched as Mandy and Veronica rushed in his direction. His eyebrows automatically lifted, curious as to why warped expressions were plastered on the girls' faces. He yanked off the towel that rested on his shoulder and laid it to the side as the two females finally reached him. "Hey, what's the rush?" Lance questioned them with a small smile touching his lips. "Speaking of Kaleb, where's Meelah at? I want to get her back to the hotel early so she can rest. It could be any day now." Chris beamed, stepping into the area Lance was in with Joey close by his side. "It's right now." Veronica panted out, swallowing lightly as she tried to regain her breath. Chris, Joey, and Lance eyed her with mass perplexity. Mandy glanced at Veronica and then the others. She could see the mystification seeping into their faces. "Chris, Kaleb's coming right now... I mean, Meelah's having the baby." Mandy gushed, tugging on the end of Chris' shirt.

Eyes began to widen and then turn on Chris. Chris' mouth gradually fell open, his eyes growing larger. He had disbelief running throughout his baffled brown eyes. He turned his focal point on Veronica, still speechless. "What she said." Veronica shrugged, calming herself.

Joey gave Chris a nudge to stimulate emotion in him. The excitement of the situation kept Chris frozen in silence. His lower moved a little, pleading to speak and release words. Justin edged into the area, eavesdropping from the side. He stared at Chris with discontent. "Man, Chris, the baby's coming. Say something." Justin snivelled, lightly pushing Chris. "M-M-My son?" Chris' words were forced out when he stumbled forward.

Mandy groaned, tossing her hands up. She rocked to the left, frustrated with Chris. Veronica nodded wildly. "Yes, man, Chris, Meelah is having the baby. Can you say anything else?" Justin complained, strolling away from Chris. Chris couldn't. He was without a word to explain his thoughts, his feelings, his anticipation.

Chris' ghost-white face disturbed Joey. He brought his eyes to Mandy and Veronica, hoping to find answers to questions Chris could not ask. "Is Meelah at the hospital?" Joey inquired, directing his full cocentration on Mandy and Veronica. Veronica nodded again. "A.J. drove her, Amanda, and Britney to the hospital. Ms. Lynn and the rest of us are about to head over there." Mandy answered him verbally, her words coming out in a rushed manner. Joey sighed, edging past Chris. "And she hasn't had the baby yet?" Joey wondered, leaving the speechless father behind him. "No, not yet. A.J. said that the doctor said that Meelah will probably be in labor for a few more hours." Mandy replied, raising her voice some to show the urgency. "But they expect the baby tonight." Veronica added briskly. Joey nodded, taking in all aspects of the conversation. He took a quick glimpse over his shoulder, eyeing Chris. Chris was still in a state of shock. Joey shook his head, rolling his eyes as he turned his face back to Mandy and Veronica.

"Okay, so can we go now? Johnny has a van outside and Ms. Lynn has her car fired up." Mandy glozed, disconcerted by the slow nature of her friends.

"Yeah yeah, let's roll ya'll." Justin agreed, snatching up his towel as he rushed toward one of the dressing rooms. "Dibs on shotgun in Justin's car!" Lance called out, dashing towards the dressing room. "Hurry up ya'll, she could have Kaleb at any minute." Mandy barked. Chris stood in stillness as the others moved rapidly around the backstage area. Joey sighed, throwing an arm around Chris' shoulder and tugging him toward the dressing room. "Come on Dad, you need to get change so you'll be all nice and powdery-fresh for Kaleb when he gets here." Joey cooed, leading Chris down the hall.

Those few hours rolled on like pool balls as they break from their union in the beginning of a game. Justin slumed outside a hospital room, a Styrofoam cup filled with hot coffee trapped in his left hand while his right hand rested in his pocket. His head was drooped and his eyes were peering at his orange and yellow Nike's. The aroma of coffee was pleasing to Justin. He wasn't much of a fan of coffee, but it had been a stable thing in his life for over a year. Coffee was Brian's choice of drink in the morning and Justin found the scent of it engaging. It was the scent he smelled when he kissed Brian in the morning, tasting the lingering flavor of the caffine and cream on Brian's lips and tongue. Justin lamented with a sigh, lifting his eyes. He didn't really want to taste the coffee, though he had taken a few sips of it. He only wanted to reminisce.

His eyes traced the surrounding area with mild interest. Across from him was a couch that was occupied by Britney and Joey. Britney was sleep with her head in Joey's lap while Joey nodded off profusely in his uncomfortable position. His light breathing was matched by Britney's as the young woman clutched lightly onto Joey's jeans. Justin smiled on them. They were once a struggling couple and now they were fit for each other. Justin admired the way they complimented each other perfectly.

Justin ran his peering blue eyes over to the edge of the hall where three lined up chairs sat. In the first chair was J.C., his head in his hands and his body hunched over. He did not appear complacent in his seat. He was stressed and upset to no end, Justin knew. Justin also knew it stemmed from his strained relationship with Nick, his care for his friends Chris and Meelah, and his apathetic relationship with Justin. Each event collided into one night with Meelah going into labor, Justin admitting to not loving J.C., and Nick arguing with J.C. about going to the hospital. In the end, Justin had only a brief minute to apologize to J.C. about their previous actions, Chris had neglected speaking with J.C. to concentrate on his fiancée, and Nick leaving in his car to return to his Tampa home instead of J.C.'s apartment.

Justin drew his eyes on Lea, who sat next to J.C. with closed eyes. She was tired, spending most of her day attending to Angel's needs and becoming accustom to Jonathan and Steven Timberlake. She was fond of Justin's half-brothers and their love for their nephew, but she also found it an added stress. She was also adjusting to being considered a part of Justin's family. The way his father took her in made Lea cautious, but she trusted Justin and Brian. She only wished her life was not going to be split between Orlando and Miami.

Justin frowned when thinking of how he did not receive a chance to speak with Brian when he came to retrieve their son. Justin was so caught up in the excitement of Chris' and Meelah's son's birth that he did not get a chance to go to their house and see Angel off. He left that job to Lea and his mother, trusting that Angel would be safe. He only regretted not be able to see Brian once more and tell him how he was feeling inside of his heart.

Justin released a deep exhale when finally placing his vision on Lance. He was Justin's friend and now, Justin felt closer to Lance. The conversation they shared just an hour before was meaningful to Justin. It was encouragement for Justin to carry on, even if it meant he was to be a single father. Lance helped Justin accept that lust can not replace love. Justin was more than thankful to the man he felt so distant with over the past months. He thought his and Lance's friendship had dwindle to a meaningless companionship through the group. He was becoming wiser. Lance cared for Justin and Lance cared for Justin's marriage. They were one-in-the-same, two men who fell victim to a blind lust for J.C.

Justin smiled lightly at Lance as he curled up tightly in the chair trying to talk quietly with Bryce over his cell phone. Lance returned the smirk, giving Justin a small wave. 'Maybe you're right Lansten. Just maybe. You've gotten your life back, you're happy. Maybe there is life after this.' Justin tried to convince himself while taking another inhale of the coffee's perfume.

Justin's musings ceased when hearing the door next to him click open. His head automatically snapped in the direction of the door with enthusiasm coating his silvery-blue eyes. He awaited a word, a notion, a hint as to what occured in the room.

A nurse exited the hospital room, glancing down at her watch before quickly jotting down the time on a chart. She sighed softly, scribbling more information onto the chart while stepping out of the room. Her weary eyes lifted, a smile perching on her lips as she looked on Justin. It was custom. "You're Mr. Timberlake, right?" the nurse wondered in a shrill voice. Justin was still not adjusted to people outside of his friends and family still calling him Timberlake. It felt foreign to him. He nodded insistently, a smile curling his lips. "That's me." he added with a given charm. The nurse giggled lightly, her fatigue racing over her mind. "I still can't believe that you all are here. Had anyone told the media, well, this hospital would be swarmed with press. And that's not good for the little one in there." the nurse remarked, her voice ranging from joyful to solemn. Justin nodded with a fading grin. "That wouldn't be good at all. How is he?" Justin asked curiously, keeping his voice low so that his friends could enjoy their slumbers. "Which one? The father or the newborn?" the nurse chuckled, lowering the chart to her side. Justin snickered with her, stepping off the wall. "Well, I guess the newborn since I know the father will probably be the same no matter what." Justin joked, drawing his cup up higher. The nurse tilted her head to the side, breathing easy. "He's a healthy baby boy. We don't see any problems at all right now. His momma sure knew what to do during her pregnancy to make sure that the baby would be hearty." the nurse reported with her joyous demeanor. Justin smiled with relief.

"And it's always so good, in our time, to see a couple like that come together. Lord knows when I was younger society would not have been so open about an African American woman and a Caucasian man coming together like these two. Or vice-versa too. Let alone having a child together." the nurse declared, standing on a serious point. Justin nodded briskly, overwhelmingly proud of Chris and Meelah. He crossed his arms, hugging his chest. "It is a good thing to see. Though, some folks still aren't as open as they should be." Justin insisted, considering his own situation. He pursed his lips, sighing quietly. "Oh, I know honey. To see an interracial couple is still a rare thing, but it's accepted. Some people are just old-fashioned and plain ignorant. They do the same thing with couples of the same gender." the nurse agreed with a wrinkled brow. Justin lowered his head. "Why, just the other day, I seen this fine couple, two men, with their son at the park. They were all laughing and playing and some of the other parents looked at them funny. They stared at them." the nurse added, causing Justin's frown to grow. 'Been there.' Justin lamented in his mind. "But then I seen some of the more understanding parents allowing their kids join in on the fun. And all the couples talked and laughed and allowed their children to interact with no one judging the other. It was such a good thing to see." the nurse continued, adding a sign of hope to her words.

Justin's heart was warmed again. He smiled a little more, raising his head with pride. He felt butterflies emerging in his abdomen. "That... that is a good thing to hear." Justin said. The nurse nodded with her perky grin.

The nurse glanced down to her watch again and then a sigh wiggle through her lips. "Well, I had better get moving sweetie. The father said it was okay for you to go in and visit for a little bit. You just holler for me if you guys need anything." the nurse remarked as she began to shuffle down the hall. "Excuse me, could you tell me your name?" Justin requested in a raised voice, trying to capture her attention. The nurse turned a little, her smile still prominent. "It's Marge, Marge Abbigale Angel." she replied in a crisp voice. Justin's brow raised. "Did you say Angel?" he asked in disbelief. She nodded pleasently. "That's right darlin'. Married thirty years with two kids. One's name is Thomas and the other's Abby." Marge answered him, continuing her long walk down the hall while humming a tune by Etta James. Justin smiled again. 'Abbigale eh? That would be a nice girl's name.' Justin thought to himself, collecting himself.

Justin crept into the room with his head ducked, his eyes hoping to view pleasent faces. He received his wish when spotting Meelah and Chris resting on Meelah's hospital bed. They sat close, Meelah's head resting on Chris' shoulder with her body hidden under a spread of blankets. Chris rested comfortably on a small space of the bed, his body jammed between the metal railing and Meelah's warm body. In Chris' arm laid a blanketed infant. It was their son.

Justin grinned, taking small, light steps into the room so that he did not wake the sleeping child. "Hey Momma and Poppa." Justin whispered, edging near the bed. Chris glanced up from his newborn son to offer Justin a tight smirk. "Hey there yourself Daddy." Chris responded in a hushed voice. Meelah acknowledged Justin with a nod, her exhaustion from giving birth taking its full toll. "How are you feeling Meelah?" Justin wondered, stopping at the railing of the bed and resting his hand just above Chris' head. Meelah lifted her head a little, depositing her chin on Chris' shoulder. "I'm tired, but I'm okay. It was well worth it to see him." Meelah answered ina tight voice, lifting her hand to pet her son's head. Justin took his first glance at the child's face, wrinkled, taut, and red from experiencing the suddeness of childbirth. He was still handsome in his own right, his tiny hands clutched shut and his eyes resting peacefully.

"I don't know if he looks all that much like me. He resembles you too much Meelah." Chris complained quietly, petting back his son's hair. Meelah puckered her lips, uncontent by Chris' words. "Kaleb will probably look like you in time Chris, don't worry. He's got big brown eyes like you though. And soft, soft cheeks." Meelah answered him, placing a small kiss on Chris' cheek and hugging him around the neck. Chris smiled lightly, cuddling Kaleb closer to his body. "Besides man, who wants the kid to look like you, she's got all the looks." Justin teased Chris, ruffling his hair. Chris growled softly, snapping his head away from Justin's reach.

Meelah yawned in a quiet fashion, laying her head back onto Chris' shoulder. "I think Mommy's sleepy. She worked hard to get you out, Kaleb." Chris whispered to his sleeping son. Justin smirked. Chris was like Brian, a natural with small children. "I heard you got pretty worked up while I was in labor." Meelah commented with a hushed tone, her head burried into Chris' shoulder. Chris blushed innocently. He tugged at Kaleb's hospital bracelet. "I tried to be a soldier." Chris whispered loudly. Justin laughed under his breath. "More like a senseless soldier. I've never seen you so scared in your life." Justin joked, shoving Chris in a playful manner.

Chris wrinkled his brow, tracing his eyes up Justin. "Don't you have some place to be young buck? I thought all country bumpkins turned in by now so that they could get up and go out to the farm and milk Bessies and chase chickens all day." Chris snapped in a sarcastic way. Justin rolled his eyes backing away from the bed. "And don't forget that we have to spit our tabacca in our tabacca pots." Justin said, rudely imitating the noise. Meelah twisted her face in disgust, a small grin pushing at her lips. "Go somewhere strange boy." Chris insisted, waving to his friend as Justin began to exit the room. "You two take care of my little nephew now. And get some rest. You've just entered the world of parenthood and it's rough." Justin warned them as he slipped out of the room.

Meelah sighed, rubbing her face into Chris' neck. "What's wrong Mee-Mee?" Chris asked, rocking Kaleb in one arm while the other slipped around Meelah's weary body. Meelah sighed again, cuddling closer to Chris. "Justin's right Chris. We're parents now and have we truly boned up on what it's going to take to be parents?" Meelah wondered, resting a hand over her son's side. Chris shrugged. He bent down and kissed the top of Meelah's head. "We've watched Brian and Justin, right? They're pretty good with Angel. And we've seen other couples too. I'm sure we can do this." Chris tried to assure her, even though he was truly scared of the situation. Meelah nodded, too tired to present a strong argument.

"I hope Kaleb doesn't have problems to deal with being that he's mixed." Meelah whispered a thought aloud. Chris scrunched his nose. He didn't like the concept of society neglected his son because he was a breed of an African American woman and a Caucasian man. He shook his head. "I doubt it Meelah, I truly do. People will love Kaleb just like we do because he'll be himself. He'll have Angel to play with, and Amaiya too. I think he'll be fine." Chris responded, striving to bring his future wife into a more positive mood. He awnted to think of the happiness Meelah and Kaleb were going to bring to his life. He wanted to dream of the Christmases he would share with his family, Meelah's family, and Kaleb. He could see Kaleb running around a tour bus with Angel as their fathers prepared for another show. All of the musings brought a lively smile to Chris' face.

Meelah kissed Chris' neck, smiling briefly. "You're something else Chris Kirkpatrick." Meelah commented, her eyes falling closed. "You are too Kameelah Kirkpatrick." Chris grinned, kissing the top of her head again. "Hey, I'm still a Williams buddy, at least for another few days." Meelah retorted. Chris snickered thoughtlessly. "You're a Kirkpatrick in my mind baby, just like little Kaleb." Chris jested, holding Meelah close. 'Just a few more days.' he thought while holding his family.

A few days it was, an Orlando-bright day on the first day in September. Autumn was not a passion yet in the weather and summer was still twinkling a bright eye over the Florida area. There were only white clouds infrequently running through the ocean blue sky in the late afternoon. The weather was warm, but not hot. The wind shifted in a nice motion, only waving its hand to cool off the streets and to wash away the frie that trickled through the air.

A large ivory-flaxen colored house sat at one end of an Orlando subdivion, hidden away from the view of others was being attacked by cars of all kinds.

The outside of the house held flowery decorations, the walkway covered in yellow roses and the mailbox holding a single white balloon that jiggled in suspension. The name on the mailbox read: Kirkpatrick.

In the spacious backyard of the home were people of all ages, prancing around and searching for their seats. The backyard held rows of white chairs, all lined up perfectly and split in the middle for a long white cloth that ran from the altar down to the backdoor of the house. Decorations of flowers and candles were danced around the backyard, giving the area a look of comfort and of bliss. The sounds of a piano being played serenaded the seated people as they glanced at a large, ivory white arch stood above the altar. Before the altar was an arrangement of white and yellow roses with small yellow carnations hidden in the set. The guests to the home awed over the elegance of the backyard and the house.

J.C. Chasez loomed over the backdoor, watching as guests passed him to head for their seats. Awaiting them as they entered the backyard were A.J., Lance, and Joey, all wearing all-black suits and white ties. "Sure, right this way Mr. and Mrs. Williams," A.J. chimed, escorting Meelah's parents in the direction of their seats while Lance and Joey awaited the next guest to enter the backyard. Lance and Joey joked on the differences between Chris, Justin, and A.J.'s weddings, citing Chris' as the most homelike.

J.C. sighed, a helpess smile touching his lips. 'This is going to be a nice wedding.' J.C. told himself, glancing around the backyard. He eyed Kevin as he played tunes at the grand white piano, just to the left of the altar. Then his eyes traced the guests, recognizing only a few guests. He could see Lacne's mother sitting with Justin's mother, carrying on a deep conversation with his own parents laughed with Howie and Nick. He chewed on his lower lip as his parents adjusted to his fiancé. He was still unsure if his parents truly accepted Nick as his fiancé and future husband. He questioned himself whether or not it was what he truly wanted not that he and Justin had somewhat resolved their feelings. 'Justin,' J.C. thought, sighing to himself. What had he done? 'Man, he may never come to me as a best friend again.' J.C. thought, trusting that at least their friendship would survive this ordeal.

"Hey, how's Chris doing?" Toi Williams, Meelah's sister and maid of honor, asked J.C. in a hushed voice. J.C. turned his head a little, grining at her. "Last time I checked he was still real nervous, but he should be fine.

What about your sister?" J.C. responded. Toi shrugged, shooting J.C. a cocky grin. "Same thing." she giggled, crossing her arms to look out at the guests. There were only forty of the sixty guests in the backyard and it seemed to be full. Only exactly twenty chairs remained, spread in different arrangments throughout the backyard. "We should be starting in about another twenty minutes." Toi spoke up, glancing down at her watch. J.C. nodded, clearly his throat mildly. His eyes found Nikki, smiling loosely as she sat with Amanda, Amaiya, Mandy, and Bryan. He wanted to walk out into the audience and sit with her, just for a few seconds, and see if he could bring a stronger smile to her face. He restrained himself. It would be wrong of him. "Then I guess we should make sure that they're ready to go." J.C. commented, snatching his eyes from Nikki and bringing them on Toi. Toi nodded with a bliss-filled smirk. "J.C., you think just as I do." Toi laughed, grabbing his hand and escorted him back into the house.

"Wow, it's so nice out here. I'm glad they made it this far." Joey commented as he inched his arm around Britney's waist. Britney held onto Joey's arm, watching more guests slip into the backyard. "I've got this set." Lance spoke up, walking towards the guests as Britney and Joey stayed motionless. "Well you know Joey, if it wasn't for me, I don't think they would have made it this far." Irish remarked in a cocky tone. Joey turned his head in Irish's direction with a doubtful grin on his lips. "Puh-lease Irish, don't even build yourself up like that. You know it was me who got Chris to pop that question and this was before he knew she was going to have his kid too." Joey protested in a clear voice. Irish rolled her eyes and folded her arms promptly. "Now who's building who up? When Chris came out to L.A. and Vegas all those times, I don't remember seeing you there. I'm the one who made sure they always went out on dates while he visited her and made sure they had time to be alone in the studio. I was on it boy." Irish protested. Joey laughed, mocking her. "She visited here more than he visited there, man. I had them going to fancy restaurants and spending nights together. Shoot, I convinced Chris to get his own place so he could be alone with Meelah anytime." Joey boasted. Irish exhaled loudly, shaking her head. "You did not." she argued. "Did too." Joey crooned, releasing Britney from his embrace. Irish continued to shake her head, dropping her hands to her side. "I did, I did, I did." Joey prattled like a child. "Did not, did not, did not." Irish retorted.

"All right you two, quit it. You both know that neither of you did this." Chris said in a commanding voice as he, Toi, and J.C. stepped into the backyard. Britney ran her small brown eyes up Chris. He wore a stylish tan suit with a dark purple button-down shirt and a shimmering, pastle purple tie. His brown hair was slicked up in spikes while his face was neatly shaven with his goatee masterfully crafted. He looked like a new man and in his heart, he felt like one. Irish and Joey silenced their babbling, each staring at Chris with amazement. "Well, get yourselves together. We've got a wedding to start people." Chris insisted with his cocky grin returning.

Britney peeled herself away from Joey, fixing her attire while awaiting instructions. "Misha and Britney, why don't you two go and make sure Meelah's fully ready." Toi suggested, edging past Chris. Misha nodded quickly, glancing over her shoulder to make sure her son was safe with his father. Britney pulled a string of her hair behind her head, turning to Joey. She laid a quick kiss on his cheek, sighing into his ear. "Be good Joey." she whispered into his ear, petting his hair as she backed away. Joey nodded, allowing her to slip away and follow Misha into the shadowy house.

Chris glanced around the yard, receiving several waves from friends and family. He smiled toward the front where his sisters sat around gushing over his newborn son. His son laid shielded in his mother's warm arms. She cradled him in a motherly way, her true grandmother nature shining brillantly. Chris winked toward his mother as Kaleb stayed quiet and peaceful while being surrounded by his aunts and his grandmother. "Well, at least he doesn't feel unloved." Chris remarked, slipping his eyes off of his son for a moment.

"I'm feeling a bit unloved people, can I get a seat?" Justin made his appearance known when he spoke up in his fading country accent. Irish's eyes lit up when seeing Justin step into the backyard, a broad grin running over his face. She greeted him with a smile while admiring him. He was dressed in a black suit, a black button-down shirt underneath with an ivory-blue tie strapped around his neck. His dark blue eyes were covered by small, blue-tinted sunglasses.

Justin laid a hand on Chris' shoulder, beaming at him. "I don't even know how you did this, J." Chris whispered, opening his arms to hug Justin. Justin grinned, gladly accepted the embrace. "Just breathe, man, just breathe. It'll all be over soon and you'll feel complete, trust me." Justin whispered into his friend's ear as he hugged him, striving to boost Chris' confidence and rid him of the nervousness he suffered with. He patted Chris' back while pulling back. Chris offered him a more confident grin. "I'm tired of you being the more mature one." Chris complained in a sarcastic manner. Justin shrugged, shooting Chris a cocky look. "That's life buddy." Justin snickered, fixing Chris' suit. Chris nodded, sighing arrogantly. "You're always right Daddy." Chris huffed. Justin rolled his eyes. "No, that's J.C. I'm the little one, remember?" Justin chimed, glancing over to J.C. J.C. was shaky in giving Justin a smile. Justin gave him an edgy smirk, hoping to clear the air of disagreement for Chris' wedding. "Yeah, yeah, can we get Justin a seat people?" Chris requested.

Joey gladly stepped forward, motioning for Justin to follow him through the backyard. "Glad you could make it Just, though you are a bit late." Joey remarked as the two walked through the elegant backyard. Justin glanced around, observing the decorations as they passed. "What can I say? Even without Angel, I still seem to make myself late. Go figure." Justin remarked. He was expecting to see his son at the wedding with Brian. It had been several days since Justin had the opportunity to visit with Angel, permitting him to spend more leisurely time with his father. "Well, that's a shame Just. Angel got here about an hour ago." Joey informed Justin as they passed several rows of seats. Justin raised his brow, somewhat surprised. The travel from Miami to Orlando was not a short one. "Is he sitting with Brian?" Justin asked as they got closer to the front of the section of chairs. Joey offered him a small grin, coming to a stop near the third row. "No, but you are." Joey said flatly, pointing to the chair Justin was assigned to. In the midst of the row was but only one chair left, in the middle of one of Chris' friends and Brian Littrell.

Justin stared at Brian, his heart heavy. They had not spoken since Justin had seen Angel. They had exchanged words when Justin called to bid goodnight to his son, but neither had truly spoken. No heartfelt words were released from their lips and their mild conversations usually ended with no simple farewells. The casualness of their relationship was dying and only stiff emotions prevailed. Justin knew then that this wasn't right.

Justin turned to Joey with a ginger frown, his eyes falling to the floor as his feet shifted. "Is there somewhere else to sit? I don't think it's best for me to sit right there." Justin said in a low, dragging voice. Joey raised his brow and then grinned timidly. "Nope, you've all got assigned seats in here. At least you get to sit down through this, I don't." Joey replied, offering up a little humor to appease Justin's sadness. "I think I wouldn't mind standing." Justin replied softly, his eyes lifting to glance at Brian again.

To Justin's surprise, Brian was advancing in their direction, his light blue eyes cool against Justin's skin. Justin turned away again, his own eyes pleading with Joey. Joey shook his head with no pitty for his friend.

"Is there something wrong?" Brian's country accent rang through Justin's ear as the heat of his body drew close to him. Justin shivered. It had been so long, too long. He missed the sweetness of his voice, the tenderness of his accent. "Justin won't go to his seat and we have to start soon." Joey answered him in a mocking voice. Justin gave Joey a stern stare, his eyes peering directly at Joey. "I just don't think it'd be advisable, considering the circumstances, for me to seat right there." Justin said through clenched teeth, directing his full attention toward Joey. Joey wrinkled his brow, failing to allow Justin to faze him. His coal brown eyes returned Justin's icy stare. "Well, we can't change the seating arrangement. This is the one that Chris and Meelah gave us. So please take your seat so that we can start." Joey hissed at Justin, forcing out a smile to keep the atmosphere shifty. Justin wrinkled his lips, sighing unconsciously.

Brian watched both Justin and Joey. He could see Justin's argument in a clearer way. He crossed his arms, conscious of anything he wanted to say. "I'm sure Chris and Meelah will be fine if I don't sit there. You know my reasons." Justin continued to argue in a low voice. Before Joey could respond again, another voice chimed in the air. "Nope, sorry J. Please go to your seat so we can start. It's for you and Brian's own good." Irish jested, stepping between Justin and Joey. She smiled brightly at Justin, placing a hand on his shoulder and lightly pushing in the direction of the aisle. Justin stood stiff, scowling toward her. "We're not changing the seats Justin. Honor Chris and Meelah's wish and sit with your husband." Joey pleaded in a stern fashion. "Please, Justin, just go." Irish added her own sweet and endearing tone. Justin stood strong in his belief. He knew what the added stress would mean to Brian and his already dwindling marriage.

Before Justin could offer up another contradictory statement, he felt a moist hand grab his own. His eyes briskly shifted to Brian, confused. Brian sighed out a small smile. He had to do it. It was the best thing to do. "Come on Just, let's just go to our seats." Brian suggested, his blue eyes opening a little liveliness for Justin. Justin's eyes widened, surprised in Brian's defeat. Was he giving up? Justin felt Brian's grasp get tighter. "Please, Just." Brian whispered, his lingering country accent tugging on Justin's heart. Justin blinked his eyes, still feeling shaky towards the idea. A smile softly ran across his lips. He nodded a little, finally following Brian down the row of chairs towards their seats. Joey and Irish grinned, ushering themselves back to their positions so that the wedding could commence.

Justin sat with an edgy demeanor circling him. He glanced around, his paranoia sending eyes toward him. He didn't know how to act anymore. He was sitting next to Brian, the man he hadn't truly spoken to in over a week, the man he was sure would be divocring him soon, the man Justin loved wholeheartedly. "Where's Bastian?" Justin got the nerve to speak, his voice tight. Brian turned to him, an endearing smile lacing his lips. He then motioned his head behind him, causing Justin's head to turn and glance backward. "He's with Harold and Lea. Harold just had to see his nephew on his visit and you know he couldn't go without seeing Lea." Brian answered him in a low, soft whisper. Justin smiled some, seeing his son being bounced on Harold's knee as he and Lea talked in a more than casual way. He could see the budding love in their eyes as words rolled off their tongues. He sighed to himself.

Soon, Harold's eyes caught Justin's stare and he began to peer at Justin, offering him nothing but a straight face. Justin felt a ghost slip over his heart, sending his head in the other direction. A frown struck his mouth. "I'm not his favorite brother-in-law right now, am I?" Justin asked in a distressed tone. He folded his hands in his lap and glanced down at them. He still wore his ring. Brian giggled lightly, leaning toward Justin. His shoulder brushed against Justin's in an unintentional way. "You're his only brother-in-law, Just. But right now, well, let's say Harold is going through some issues with our marriage." Brian answered him with small giggles entering his speech. Justin nodded, still holding a tight frown. His fingers plucked at the last button on his suit jacket. "He probably thinks it's a good idea for us to divorce, huh?" Justin wondered, his voice breaking. He listened to a cool sigh from Brian, one that brought his eyes upward. "You know Harold. He wasn't too open to us marrying in the first place." Brian responded shortly. His blue eyes told Justin the whole story, an ending that Justin despised.

Justin turned away from Brian again. The music around them shifted, a more familiar song being played as the wedding party marched up the aisle. Justin licked his lips, thinking. "And what do you feel about it? Well, you know, the idea of divorce?" Justin speculated, clearing his throat. His rounded his eyes to Brian once more, fear running through his own eyes. His timid blue eyes read Brian for an expression before words could be spoken. Brian lifted his hand, pressing his index finger over his lips, signalling Justin to be quiet. It was adorable to Justin, the way Brian knew what to do in the moment. Justin sat back in his chair, a tiny smirk brushing his lips. He could wait on an answer from Brian. Even if it meant divorce, he sensed that he and Brian would become friends again, over time.

It was a whirlwind for Justin. He couldn't remember watching Chris walk down the aisle or Meelah prancing down the aisle with her father or even hearing the poem that Chris' sister Molly read or watching Joey give a testimony of their love. The preacher's opening words and prayer were but a grouping of words floating in the back of Justin's mind. All he could think about was sitting next to Brian at the wedding. He could only think of feelign Brian's sweet warmth, listening to his steady breathing, and contemplating what Brian would say concerning their future together. Missing Brian wasn't a thought anymore. He was close to Brian and it satiated him.

"Now, we'll have Mandy Moore come up and sing for us the song that the couple has chosen to express their love for each other." the preacher spoke clearly, drawing Justin's attention. He placed his hands on separate thighs, trying to wipe away the sweat from his nervousness. As Mandy Moore strutted over to the piano, standing behind a microphone in a yellow, flower dress, he glanced over at Brian, seeing a warm smile etched into his lips.

I try but I can't seem to get myself to think of

Anything but you

Your breath on my face

Your warm gentle kiss, I taste

The truth, I taste the truth

You're what I came here for

So I won't ask for more

I wanna be with you

If only for a night

To be the one who's in your arms

Who holds you tight

I wanna be with you

There's nothing more to say

There's nothing else I want more than

To feel this way

I wanna be with you yeah

Heat slinked over Justin's thigh, a hand reasting on top of his. Justin felt his heart jump and then shudder. A lump formed in his throat as he rotated his head to face Brian. The smile was now directed towards him. Brian snickered a little when viewing Justin's surprised expression. He ran his fingers over Justin's knuckles, relishing in the feel of his tender skin again. He learned every dent, every bone again. His head titled as he did so, the shivers running through Justin's hands exciting Brian. He scooped up Justin's hand and then held it, lacing their fingers together. He squeezed lightly, holding the hand in his own. Their clammy plams met, rubbing together.

Brian leaned toward Justin, still smirking at Justin's bafflement. "Remember that question you asked me earlier?" Brian whispered his inquiry, drawing nearer to Justin. Justin strived to swallow the lump. His head nodded in a shaky fashion. He stared in the endless blue pools that were called Brian's eyes. Brian giggled again in a more flirty way. He rolled his fingertips over Justin's knuckles. Justin could feel Brian's wedding ring as it brushed his hand. The dimples in Brian's smile sent his heart racing. His sprouting beard attracted Justin. The way the whisps of red hair decorated the outside of his mouth left Justin praying for a chance to rub his cheek against Brian's once more. The feelings were alive and Justin again and he was afraid to let them go.

So I'll hold tonight just like if you were mine

To hold, forever more

And I'll savor each touch that I wanted so much

To feel before, to feel before

How beautiful it is

Just to be like this

I wanna be with you

If only for a night

To be the one who's in your arms

Who holds you tight

I wanna be with you

There's nothing more to say

There's nothing else I want more than

To feel this way

I wanna be with you yeah

Brian tilted toward Justin a little more, his grin growing. The tip of his nose brushed against Justin's as the tepidity grew. "Well, I don't like that idea at all, Just." Brian whispered loudly, giggling. His breath tasted sweet as it caressed Justin's lips. Justin was melting. "I don't like it at all and I don't want it to happen Justin. Do you?" Brian asked curiously, pulling back from Justin. His brow furrowed when asking the question. He desired an honest reply from Justin.

Justin's lips quivered, praying Brian would return. The feel of him so close, his warmness arousing him. The loitering aroma of Brian's cologne tickled Justin's nose. "Brian, I... I need you so much. I've been fighting not to call you and tell you because I thought you wanted to end it. I'm sorry Bri, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean for any of it to happen and I don't... I don't want to lose you." Justin admitted with a shivering voice. Tears began to line his eyes, his lips quivering. He sniffled lightly.

Again, Brian lifted his hand and placed the index finger to his lips. He asked for silence. Justin gave it to him, sniffling quietly as Mandy persisted to sing her declaration of love. Brian winked at Justin, hoping to stir him away from tears. He shook his head as his finger lowered back to his side. Just answer the question Justin." Brian requested. Justin blinked his eyes, the tears staying embedded in his blue eyes. "No, I don't Brian." Justin replied, choked up. The beam reappeared on Brian's face. His agile hand lifted and tapped the end of Justin's nose. He giggled again, this time with love floating in his voice. He proceeded to hold Justin's hand, a committment formed with just a stare.

Oh baby

I can't fight this feeling anymore

It drives me crazy

When I try to (try to, try to)

So call my name

And take my hand

You can make the wish

Baby your command (command) yeah

It seemed as the wind had shifted totally, leaving Justin blind to every event that happened around him. As he stood, listening to applause from every angle, he felt some of the ovation wasn't just for Chris and Meelah as they kissed at the altar. He was standing, proudly, holding Brian's left hand as he held Justin's right. Their shoulders were pressed together. He could feel Brian's middle finger tracing the seam of his pants. His own head was tilted, almost laid on top of Brian's. "We should talk about this Justin." Brian whispered into Justin's ear as the newlyweds sped past their aisle. Justin turned a little, his nose brushing against Brian's ear. He smiled in a gentle way, nodding for Brian. "This isn't a... a bad talk, is it?" Justin asked with a rabid curiosity. Brian snickered, leaning up so that his lips brushed past Justin's cheek. "Not at all, Curly. I'm praying it's a rather good talk. We just need to clear up some things, that's all." Brian said, softly, his lips dying to be pressed against Justin's cheek. He watched as Justin flexed his jaw. He missed watching that.

Just hearing the nickname 'Curly' again set Justin at ease. He felt others moving around him, but he did not want to move from Brian. He was scared it would take away their moment, his second chance. "Just, we better move and head inside for the reception." Brian advised, nudging Justin so that he would follow suit with the rest of the guests. Justin didn't want to nod his head or move his feet. He was terrified that that was their chance, his moment to devote his heart to Brian once more. Unconsciously, he shuffled his feet and began to follow Chris' friend out of the row of white chairs and towards the house. Brian was still holding his hand while his other hand had moved to the small of Justin's back, rubbing it as he tried to push Justin through the crowd and toward the house.

Justin was still in amazement, standing outside of Chris' house as the reception took place in all of its glory. He was standing next to Brian, chosing to stand than take a seat like so many had. He was waiting for Brian to start their conversation so that they could discuss their 'good talk.' Brian seemed to be caught up in a mild conversation with Nick and A.J., preventing him from giving Justin the time he desired.

"Hey," Chris' voice yanked Justin's mind away from his musings. He felt foolish for not enjoying himself at his friend's wedding. Justin glanced to his right to see Chris next to him, Kaleb craddled in his arms. Justin fumbled out a smile. "Are you going to have fun here or not? Cause if not, you can take you and your potty mouth back to your house." Chris declared in an obnoxious way. Justin knew Chris was trying to cheer him up and he allowed it. "I'll have fun when I want to Mr. Kirkpatrick." Justin gushed, folding his arms while tipping his champagne glass. Chris foiled a grin. He rocked Kaleb a little, glancing down at him. "Kaleb's having more fun than you and he's sleep, Mr. Littrell." Chris proclaimed. Justin snickered, admiring the sleeping boy. He did not let Chris' calling him 'Mr. Littrell' affect him. He wanted to believe that in a few years, he would still be Brian's husband.

Chris sauntered toward Justin, keeping Kaleb close to his chest. "I saw you two during the ceremony, J. Please say you and him are working things out." Chris whispered a plea into Justin's ear. Justin falsified a grin, elbowing Chris. "I don't know, Mr. Kirkpatrick, I just don't know." Justin chimed out loud, trying to sway suspicions from Brian. Chris puckered his hips, edging back. "It was a good ceremony though and a great reception." Justin boasted, leaning so that his body brushed against Brian's. "Prove it." Chris ordered, moving in the direction his bride was standing in. Justin raised his brow to ask the question, 'How?' "Enjoy yourself, for me, Mr. Littrell." Chris requested with another appeal. Justin sighed, shooting Chris a simple smirk. He mouthed the word 'okay' for Chris.

Chris wasn't gone from Justin's side long before the sounds of country music filled the backyard. The DJ began to spin a tune that screamed romance. Couples already held the miniature dancefloor that was set up to one side of the yard. A sparkling spotlight glided over the area, shining brightly on the couples. Justin glanced at them with envy circling his indigo orbs. He tried to smile as he watched Chris and Meelah walk onto the floor, sans Kaleb. He uncrossed his arms, sighing gently as the resonance of the Dixie Chicks came over the speakers. 'Life could be worse.' he told himself.

As he began to head in the direction of the house to dispose of his champagne glass, a hand gripped his left arm, squeezing it gently. Justin turned his shady eyes on Brian, confusing again tightening his face. His eyes glanced up as he saw a white cowboy hat perched up on Brian's head. A snicker crossed Justin's lips as he looked at the hat and then Brian's foolish grin. "Where are you going Just? Me and you haven't talked yet." Brian declared, tugging Justin toward him. Justin willingly moved in Brian's direction, smiling perkily. He felt Brian pressed up against him, a warmness emitting from Brian's body. "And you haven't given me a dance yet." Brian added, inching his face toward Justin. Justin raised his brow, tempted by the idea.

He did not resist Brian as Brian took the glass from his hand and set it on a nearby table and then led him to the dancefloor. He willingly slipped his arms around Brian's neck as Brian laced his arms around Justin's waist, pulling their bodies close together. Justin felt Brian interlock his fingers, letting his hands rest on the small of his back as they began to sway back and forth to the melody of 'Cowboy Take Me Away.' Justin didn't fight his smile as he stared into Brian's baby blue eyes. Watching him, feeling him, being with him kept the smile plastered on his face. When seeing an equally large grin on Brian's lips, Justin knew life couldn't be any better.

I said I wanna touch the earth

I wanna break it in my hands

I wanna grow something wild and unruly

I wanna sleep on the hard ground

In the comfort of your arms

On a pillow of bluebonnets

In a blanket made of stars

Oh it sounds good to me

I said

Cowboy take me away

Fly this girl as high as you can

Into the wild blue

Set me free, oh, I pray

Closer to heaven above

And closer to you

Closer to you

"So, something you wanted to talk about Brian?" Justin finally asked the question, pulling his eyes from Brian's for a second. His shyness was obvious. Brian's own face lost its luster of happiness to fall victim to a face of seriousness. "Well, you know I was hurt and angered by what happened between you and J.C., but I don't want to talk or dwell on that." Brian said, speaking clearly and only to Justin. Justin lowered his eyes, his shame engulfing him once more. "So what do you want to talk about?" Justin asked fearfully. Brian felt a tender smile brush his lips. Justin's innocence and fear encouraged him. "Well, I want to talk about us being together again. I want to talk about being under the same roof with our son and getting things right back to where they belong." Brian responded with a healthy country accent. He tugged at the tail of Justin's jacket with his fingers, hoping to lift Justin's eyes so that he could stare into them.

Justin followed Brian's signal, his eyes elevating and his stare returning to Brian's. "Where do things belong?" Justin asked, holding in a smile. He hoped for a solid answer. Brian giggled, drawing his face closer to Justin's. Justin only felt one hand resting against the small of his back. The other was lifting. "We belong together. We belong in our own little world with everyone else looking in, jealous of what we've got." Brian chimed in a soft voice, his lilting country accent still present. The smile was finally freed from Justin. "You belong in my arms like you are right now Curly." Brian added, his finger tapping the end of Justin's nose. Justin giggled, a light blush touching his cheeks.

I wanna walk and not run

I wanna skip and not fall

I wanna look at the horizon

And not see a building standing tall

I wanna be the only one

For miles and miles

Except for maybe you and

Your simple smile

Oh it sounds good to me

Yes it sounds so good to me

Cowboy take me away

Fly this girl as high as you can

Into the wild blue

Set me free, oh, I pray

Closer to heaven above

And closer to you

Closer to you

Brian and Justin kept their dancing in-tune with the music that played throughout the backyard. Brian let his nose lightly nuzzle Justin's, his affection towards Justin returning unconsciously. Justin admired the dimples in his cheeks, the way they flared each time they flirtatiously laughed. "This is a nice song." Brian whispered, his lips close to Justin's ear. The hairs of his developing beard brushing Justin's lobe. A shiver ran down Justin's body, his blood heated and his heart thumping. "Man, I missed your country accent." Justin admitted without thought. Brian giggled into his ear, hugging Justin a little closer. He ran a finger down Justin's jawbone and then across his chin, his finger feeling the texture of Justin's unruly goatee. "Well, you need to shave." Brian snickered, bumping his head with Justin's. Again, Justin blushed. "I'd say the same, but you look too sexy with your beard." Justin remarked in a quiet voice.

Brian lifted the cowboy hat from his own head and slipped it on Justin's, pushing the brim back to get a broad glance at Justin's face. Justin kept a gentle smile on his lips for Brian. "Does this mean you want to be with me again?" Justin questioned, losing his fear. Brian sucked in his lower lip. "With all that has happened, Justin, I mean..." Brian trailed off, lowering his eyes. Justin was disappointed. It was the only way he could describe it. He had let his hopes get too high, just for a second. He never thought that just maybe Brian only wanted to be friends now, continuing to live together for their son's sake.

"Of course I do silly." Brian's face raised with an uncontrollable smirk on his face. He laughed quietly, watching Justin's warped expression. He pushed forward, kissing the bridge of Justin's nose in a brisk fashion. As he pulled away, the grin returned to Justin's face. "We're going to be together, Just, don't ya worry. We're gonna work things out." Brian whispered to Justin for assurance. Justin didn't need it. Brian's cerulean eyes told the whole story to him in a timely fashion. "Yeeehah!" Justin screeched out as the music rolled on.

I said I wanna touch the earth

I wanna break it in my hands

I wanna grow something wild and unruly

Oh it sounds good to me

Cowboy take me away

Fly this girl as high as you can

Into the wild blue

Set me free, oh, I pray

Closer to heaven above

And closer to you

Closer to you

Closer to you

Cowboy take me away

Closer to you

As the music began to come to a close, so did Brian and Justin's dance. Their eyes were still dancing, staring into the other's eyes. "I'm sorry I hurt you, Bri. I... I feel so guilty and I didn't..." Justin was not allowed to finish his statement. Brian pressed the tips of his fingers over Justin's mouth. "Justin, we've both had our chance to lament about this. I don't want to think about that anymore, okay? I know you're sorry and I'm sorry too. I just want to see you smile." Brian whispered, holding his fingers on Justin's lips. Justin nodded for him, keeping silent. Brian lowered his fingers, awaiting Justin to move. It only took a few seconds before an honest, just smirk crossed over Justin's full, red lips. "That's what I like." Brian said softly, his gentle country accent caressing Justin's lips. The blush smacked Justin's cheeks again, causing his eyes to drift downward.

"Hey, I want to kiss you right now." Brian commented in a hushed voice, his lips dangling near Justin's nose. Justin's head rose some, his eyes searching for Brian's. He felt an automatic reaction churn, his lips puckering for Brian. Brian grinned mischievously toward his husband. "But, Just, there's one more thing we have to discuss." Brian added, delaying what Justin wanted desperately. Justin pulled away, his face swallowed by a pale expression. Again, his fear took resident in his eyes. "You can't kiss me, can you?" Justin worried. He shucked his eyes without a wonder of Brian's response. "No, Justin, I could kiss you over and over and over again. That's not a problem. I just want you to know that, right now, I don't think we should sleep together." Brian answered him briskly, his voice carrying over the music that began to follow the Dixie Chick's song. Justin felt his heart rumble and his stomach turn. It was an absolute truth that Justin had never thought to deny. 'Why would he want to sleep with you? Why would he want to be anywhere near you? You betrayed him.' Justin told himself, causing his body to gradually pull away from Brian's touch.

Brian felt the tension appearing. He did not release Justin as he strived to tug away. "Wait, wait, don't do that," Brian requested, tightening his grip around Justin's body. Justin felt Brian clutching him. "All I'm saying is that I'm not ready to have sex with you again after what has occured. J, we can still sleep in the same bed and I can still hold you while you sleep. I just don't think we should rush things and think that sex is going to solve the problem or resolve the issues." Brian explained himself, praying Justin would understand. Justin ceased his actions. He no longer tried to run from Brian. He stayed fast in Brian's arms. "I... I understand, Brian." Justin said quietly, his face still looking down.

Brian cleared his throat, pulling the hat from Justin's unruly curls. He brushed his chin along Justin's temple, sighing above his ear. "I still want to kiss you babe." Brian repeated a stolen whisper. Justin allowed his head to rise, his eyes heavy. Brian shook his head, grinning amicably at Justin. He nuzzled his nose against Justin's. "I'm not gonna be happy about this unless you're happy Justin." Brian told him, his sweet breath drenching Justin's lips. Justin's mouth opened, pleading for Brian's lips. "If you're home with me, if you forgive me, if you hold me, I'll be happy." Justin murmured back, his lips reaching. Brian giggled, leaning closer. "Then looks like we're gonna be happy, Curly." Brian snickered, permitting his lips to brush Justin's before leaning in for a passion kiss.

The kiss was not only able to leave both Brian and Justin weak in the knees, but also J.C. Chasez as he looked on from a table he occupied. He pouted and then frowned. He could not have expected to see this. He did not want to see Justin and Brian in each other's arms again, kissing and holding each other freely in front of their friends. He felt he fought a hard fight, a strong and just one. Still, it was only just to J.C. He knew if he and Justin had taken their relationship any further, it would not have been accepted. Who was he kidding? J.C. knew he could not be Angel's father. He couldn't take Brian's place in Justin's life. He also could not turn away Nikki or Nick. Each held a different degree of affection in his heart. 'Now comes the choice.' J.C. told himself as he stole his eyes from Brian and Justin. 'Marriage to a man that could not be more dedicated to me or life with a woman who has held my friendship and love for so long?' J.C. contemplated, staring down into his glass of champagne. He tipped the glass, staring into the golden liquid. The gold could have represented Nick's soft, flaxen hair or the sprinkles of gold in Nikki's caring eyes. J.C. couldn't decide.

'If I was to divorce Nick, I'd have to go public. There is no way you can hide divorces in the industry.' J.C. told himself, failing to be optomistic.

'But then again, if I was to be with Nikki and we broke up, what would that say about me and her?' J.C. added an extra thought, another negative one. He sighed, rolling his head to the side. On one end of the backyard stood Nick, chatting with his parents and on the other end was Nikki, casually playing with Tyler. He groaned. 'Great, they both get along with my faily too.' J.C. grumbled mentally, pouting.

J.C. tapped his fingers along the table to a familiar beat in his head. He licked his thick, pink lips. "You know who you want Josh. It's time you do something about this." J.C. said aloud, pushing his chair back. Now that J.C. was without Justin, he knew in what direction his heart was moving in. It would take some time, but J.C. was determined to make things right with the one he loved. After all, who was he without the one he loved?

"Aaaww, now this makes my day." Bryce chimed as he glared at Brian and Justin dancing close, their eyes on only each other. Lance found himself curiously glancing over to the couple, taking his gaze from his boyfriend as they danced. He smiled innocently when viewing Brian and Justin. "It does do something for ya, don't it?" Joey giggled as he and his girlfriend, Britney Spears, danced near Lance and Bryce. Bryce nodded happily, clutching Lance tighter.

Britney ushered her eyes away from Brian and Justin. She wasn't as forgiving as Brian came off as. She had her own dislikes toward what had occured between Justin and J.C., but she chose not to voice them. It was her own friendly gesture. It was also her way of keeping Justin close, the way she loved him.

"It's been a good day. Seeing my friend get married and then seeing those two get together. It makes you want to celebrate all night long." Lance commented, snuggling his head to Bryce's shoulder. Bryce gleamed, rubbing his hand down Lance's back. The bristles of his incoming goatee brushed against Lance's forehead, sending shivers down the latter's back. "Me and you could celebrate all night long." Bryce whispered into Lance's ear before kissing the lobe of his ear. Lance shuddered again, gripping Bryce's waist.

He nuzzled his chin against Bryce's shoulder. "I'd like that a lot, Bryce." Lance answered in a loud whisper. Bryce giggled quietly, lightly brushing his crotch against Lance's. "And I like doing that." Bryce cooed as his lips pressed softly against Lance's temple. Lance's pale skin flickered a reddish shade. He grazed his fingers over Bryce's arms, pulling out of the embrace. "But I love you." Lance smiled while staring at Bryce. Bryce shook his head, fighting his bashful-like nature. "Love you too Jamesy." he replied, leaning closer to Lance. Lance rolled his eyes, his blush reddening. "It's always good to hear that my boyfriend loves me." Lance snickered through his abashment. Bryce nodded, tugging Lance back into his tight embrace.

Lance leaned into Bryce, dancing slowly to Innosense's 'I Wish.' He began to succumb to thoughts that had rolled through his mind since the start of the wedding. 'I turned down J.C.'s proposal at Brian and Justin's wedding; I got Bryce back while J.C. proposed to Nick at A.J. and Amanda's wedding; so what's going to happen this time? Will J.C. propose to Justin? Should I propose to Bryce?' Lance wondered. A thought struck him. 'Propose to Bryce?' Lance dawdled on the thought. He cleared his throat in a quiet manner, considering the option he had never considered before. 'He's the rigth guy for me. I mean, look at what we've been through and what he's given me. Your family loves him. Stacy couldn't love him more. The guys love him. He's better than those other two boyfriends and you know it.' Lance told himself. The soft caressing of Bryce's lips on his neck brought out a grin. 'Soon enough. It'll either be Joey or me, soon enough,' Lance smiled to himself, dancing just a little closer to Bryce. 'Hopefully, it's gonna be me.' Lance grinned.

Hey, when we met that day

I was thinking that I wanted to know you

And hey, we had so much to say

I was thinking that I wanted to go with you

(Oh, I) Never felt this way before

(Oh, I) Never wanted anyone more

If somewhere there's a lucky star

Listening to my heart

I wish

Every night when I close my eyes

I wish

I'll be yours and you could be mine

I wish

More than anything, at the top of my list

I hope that one day

"I love you," you'll say

That is what I wish, what I wish

The Innosense song seemed to continue on until the following week as it played heavily into the headphones that Britney Spears wore. It was New York City, home of the MTV Studios and also home of Radio City Music Hall, the music hall that was being revamped for the MTV Video Music Awards.

It wasn't the most quiet setting either. The show would start in eight hours and final rehearsals for the performers were beign held. There were but four acts left awaiting their opportunity to walk on the acclaimed stage. Britney was one of them. Her chance was coming next, following Christina Aguilera's rehearsal. She did not mind standing near the stage as Christina and her dancers discussed a mistake in their routine. She was awaiting her own dancers arrival in the front of the music hall.

Nearby her was Dave Holmes, prepping for a quick segment that would air on TRL that day. He was to interview the pop acts from the show, a task that was not foreign to him. In fact, Dave, unlike Carson, had become accustomed to it. He related more to the innocent, laid-back nature of pop acts more than he could with the heavy metal or hip-hop artists.

"Hey Brit', we're ready to start. How about you?" Dave's voice reached over the sounds of Nikki's soaring vocals. Britney turned to him, her head cocked to the side. She adjusted the long, yellow Nike coat that covered her white halter top and baggy, gray sweat pants. "Sure." she tried to coo, but she loathed the thought of dedicating her free time to yet another MTV interview. She forced out a smile for Dave as she lowered her headphones, walking in the direction of the cameras.

Christina glanced down to where Britney stood, her eyes giving off a selfish stare. 'What are you thinking Chrissy? Things have changed so much.' Christina strived to tell herself. She crossed her arms, her baby blue bandanna holding back her blonde hair. "Hey Christina, we need to go over the break down, the few steps towards the end, again." Tina Landin, famed choreographer, told the young singer. Christina glanced over her shoulder, her lips pouty. "Just a second, I need to catch my breath." Christina replied, her voice throaty. Her laryngitis was still lingering, preventing her vocals from being in top fashion. "Come on Christina, if we hurry, we can head back to the hotel babe." Jorge, Christina's not-so-famed boyfriend, spoke up. Christina furrowed her brow, sighing deeply. She gave Britney one more glance as she prepared to speak with Dave Holmes. 'Tonight, hopefully, we'll be seeing eye-to-eye girl.' Christina prayed as she stared at the girl she had once called a friend.

"All right, thanks Carson. I'm standing here with no doubt the best looking girl for tonight's show,Miss Britney Spears. How are ya Brit'?" Dave chimed, glancing over to Britney. Britney lifted her microphone, smiling tightly for the camera. "I'm good. You?" Britney voiced a perky answer. "I'm doing good, just fine. Now we hear that once again you have quite a few surprises for the MTV viewers during your performance tonight." Dave mentioned, his head turned towards Britney. Britney nodded, hiding a face of boredom. She brushed a few strands of her honey-brown hair behind her ear. "Anything you could tell us? Maybe give away a few things? I know last year we sort of let the cat out of the bag, so maybe you could tell us this time." Dave prodded, hoping for an interesting interview to deliver to the MTV viewers. Britney sucked in her bottom lip, considering her options. She shuffled her foot over the ground, watching the cameras. "Well, I don't really want to give anything away, you know? I want everyone to be surprised by what happens." Britney said in her slick, Southern accent. Dave nodded, understanding, but disliking the answer. "Just a little something, come on." Dave pleaded, searching for a response. Britney laughed, turning her head from the camera. She was faking it. "Okay, okay.

Uhm, gosh, I don't know what to tell ya without giving it all away. I don't want to be a goob about this and tell you all that's happening," Britney gushed, tossing more of her hair back. "Well, I'll be doing a lot of dancing and I'll be performing with a surprise guest. I think. Right now, it's working out pretty good. Me and this other person plan on putting on a real good show for ya'll." Britney gave a solid answer. Dave smiled, getting something from her.

"So, you and someone else? Will it be just a regular kind of dance thing or something more? Something we wouldn't expect from Britney?" Dave wondered, hoping for more details. Britney giggled again. She glazed her tongue over her lips, hoping to escape the interview soon. "Well... it's going to have plenty dancing, but it's definitely not what you would expect.

It's, uhm, it's rather risqué, if that's what you want to call it. It'll be one of my hottest performances." Britney answered him, growing serious. Dave's eyebrow raised, a devious grin crossing over his guilded lips. He slipped a hand into his pocket, lips curling. "Ooh, risqué? And hot too? You heard it here people. Britney Spears is about to get risqué for the MTV VMA's tonight." Dave gloated, turning his concentration back on the camera. Britney grinned, making faces to entertain the viewers.

"Now about the show tonight, who's your date? What are you wearing?" Dave gushed, trying to sound friendlier. Britney rolled her eyes, holding a tight smile. "Well my boyfriend will be there, but I guess you could say my official date is my mom. I know, I'm such a goob, but I wanted her to be there and to see the performance." Britney babbled. Dave nodded again, not really giving it much care. "No Justin tonight?" Dave wondered, sparking a controversial topic. Britney's mouth fell open, her eyes widening. "Oh mah Lordy, no. Oh gosh no. I'll probably sit between my mom and my boyfriend. That's Joey, not Justin." Britney said, her voice showing signs of irritation. "Okay, well we know you have t get ready to go rehearse for your set, so thanks for chatting with us Britney. We appreciate it." Dave grinned, extending his hand toward Britney. Britney hesitantly grabbed it, shaking it. "Anytime." she gleamed. "Hopefully you'll pick up an award tonight." Dave added as she backed away. Britney nodded toward him, making her final exit and fleeing from the bondage of another boring MTV interview.

A new sound had entered the arena. With a change in schedule, mainly switching rehearsals between *NSYNC and Britney Spears for technical reasons, *NSYNC rehearsed fiercely on the stage set up for the awards. Standing backstage, watching the performance from the shadows, was Lea and Angel. Lea craddled Angel in her arms, allowing the toddler to view his father as he danced perfectly to the fast-paced beat. Angel clapped his hand to the melody, a wild smile covering his face. He enjoyed seeing his father dance and sing along to the endless song. Justin's voice kept him satiated, especially when his father sang to him at night before he laid down to sleep. "Do you see Daddy?" Lea whispered into Angel's ear, her own smile thrilling. She was delighted that her employers and friends, Brian and Justin, were once again under the same roof and gradually they were becoming close once more.

Christina walked around the backstage, her concentration planted on a cellular phone conversation. "Yes, Mom, I understand. Just tell them that I said to fix it. I'm sure your dress will be fine." Christina said in a less-than-thrilled tone. She pushed back a strand of red hair, letting it frolic with the other strands of blonde, scarlet, and black hair that rested on her back. She tugged down the front of her bandanna, frustrated with her mother's constant complaints. "Mom, I have to go now. They need me to go do an interview for TRL and I have to meet up with you-know-who cocnerning the performance." Christina sighed, her delicious blue eyes batting in a soft way. She crumbled her pourty pink lips. "Okay, okay. I'll have it taken care of. Bye Mom." Christina grumbled in an urgent voice. She quickly clicked off her phone, desiring to toss it aside and leave all the stress of a simple awards show behind her.

Christina glanced around. She could hear that music was fading from speakers and dancers were exiting the main stage. She slinked her way forward, curious as to what performance had just been rehearsed. She slipped next to Lea, the nanny unrecognizable to her. "Who just got off stage?" Christina questioned with a whisper to Lea, still glancing around the backstage area. Lea took a quick look to her right, spotting Christina.

She swallowed easily, adjusting Angel's position in her arms. "*NSYNC." she answered her flatly.

Christina crossed her arms, intrigued fully. She tossed her head to the side, peering at the members of *NSYNC as they talked on the stage. Her eyes traced over to Lea and then Angel. She gave Angel curious glances, a wonder filling her blue eyes. Angel stared back at her, silent. His face was blank. Christina licked her lips, forcing out a smile to appease the child. "Cute kid. Looks sort of familiar." Christina spoke in a tart voice. Lea nodded, rolling her eyes secretly.

Lea began to take a few steps to her left before hearing Justin call out to her. "Wait, hold it just a second Lea." Justin bellowed. Lea cursed under her breath, holding steadfast. She raised her head, pulling Angel up so that he could latch onto his nanny. Justin stopped in front of the two, grinning insanely at his son. He tapped the edge of Angel's nose with his fingertip, inching closer to his son's face. Angel gleamed, raising his hands to his father. "I'm sorry Bastian, I can't hold you right now. I've got to go talk with your uncles." Justin whispered to his son, pushing Angel's arms down. Angel frowned, pulling away from Justin. Justi sighed, furrowing his brow. He did not want to deny Angel a second to be with him, but it was too risky for him at the moment.

"Oh my God, I thought I recognized him." Christina's voice caused Justin to shift in his position. His head popped up, the unexpectedness of her presence shocking him. He turned his head so that he could peer in her direction, his eyes glazing over her mesmerized expression. He shucked his blue eyes, frowning tightly. He allowed his head to rotate back in Angel's direction. He pet Angel's hair back. Angel shot him a curious glance, confused by his father's expression. "Daddy'll be right back, okay Bastian?" Justin spoke softly to Angel. Angel fumbled a silly grin for Justin.

Justin swayed his body in Christina's direction, a scowl fighting through his solemn expression. Christina viewed the expression with a sour taste deep in her throat. She peered her blue eyes at his lips. They were narrowed. "Something you needed?" Justin questioned her, animosity coating his words. Christina sighed, folding her arms. She was not looking for an argument, especially in the atmosphere she was in. "Justin, come on, we have to get passed this. You know I left messages on your phone, I've called your office, and I've even tried contacting your mother. I am sorry, so sorry for what I did. I was jealous, I was hurt, and I didn't know how to control my emotions. Those aren't excuses, just reasons that I acted so irrationally." Christina said, a plea running through her raspy voice. Justin held a stiff position, his hands sliding into his pockets. "You can't be like this forever. It's not you. Come on, all those years we've known each other. I know the true Justin, the forgiving one, the friendly one. Don't put up this front," Christina begged, uncrossing her arms to let one of her hands lay on his taut arm. Justin glanced down at the hand. It was sincere. "Please. I'm sorry." Christina whispered, her sincerity becoming silky and meaningful.

Justin was striving to become friends with forgiveness. After all, it was that acquittal that saved his marriage. Justin sought to do the same for being given a second chance. "Okay, Christina, okay. You're right... this has gone on a little too long and I don't have room in my heart for this anger anymore." Justin spoke clearly and poetically. Christina's gleaming smile touched her lips instantaneously. She loosened her touch, letting her hand glide up to Justin's shoulder. "I hope I didn't cause too much hell for you and your family." Christina added, trying to relieve herself of all guilt. Justin sighed, a smile wrestling with his lips. "We survived." Justin gave a brief answer. Christina grinned, contentment holding her.

Christina glanced past Justin, catching Angel watching them. She let her grin spread, her eyes admiring his youthful face. "I've never seen him this close before." Christina murmured. Her eyes danced while awtching Justin's son. Justin eased to the side, allowing Christina a closer look. "He's so cute." Christina added in her hushed voice, cautiously approaching Angel. Justin beamed when hearing the compliment toward his son. He crossed his arms, holding his chin up high with undeniable pride. "That's my boy." Justin boasted in a slithering country accent. Christina giggled, finally coming clsoe enough to stare directly into Angel's playful blue eyes. "Well, he's got your charm." Christina remarked when seeing Angel's gracious smirk toward her. Justin laughed loudly, letting his arms fall to his sides.

"Hey J, we got to get moving out of here so that Britney can rehearse." Chris called out to his friend from the side of the stage. Justin glanced up with solid eyes. He nodded, a petite grin scratching at his face. "Aight, be there in a sec'!" Justin yelled back. He glanced at Christina and Angel, their curiosity toward each other still glorified in their stares. "Lea, if you want, you can head over to where my mom is. She and Paul should be ready to check out of here soon." Justin informed his son's nanny, drawing her attention from Angel and Christina. Lea only offered him a nod, pulling back with Angel. Angel sighed in her arms, disappointed. Justin gave his son a small wave, hoping Angel would cheer up when seeing his grandparents.

Christina pulled herself up to an erect position again when Lea and Angel began to stroll away. "Just too cute." Christina whispered again, giving Angel a minute wave as he left. Justin took a small step forward, catching one last glimpse of his son. "I should get going Christina. The guys'll have a fit if I'm not present for this stupid MTV interview we've got to do." Justin spoke up in a leery tone. Christina narrowed her eyes again, disappointed by Justin's statement. "Yeah, I understand. I've got one of those to do in a little bit before I can get out of here." Christina sighed.

Justin nodded with a solemn grin. He shoveled his hands back into his pockets. Christina gave him a promising smirk. "So get out of here already, J. You know they'll cuss up a storm if your ass isn't over there." Christina giggled out, nudging Justin in the direction of his bandmates. Justin nodded, beaming as he began to run off.

"I didn't think you had it in you Christina." a female voice caught Christina's attention as she watched the man she lusted after run off. She cocked her ehad to the side, sighing a wail of disappointment. "Are you going to start something? I'm not really in the mood to battle with you right now." Christina gushed, crossing her arms and eyeing Britney as she emerged from the shadows of the backstage. Britney twisted her hips, coming to a stiff stop near Christina. She puckered her lips, trying to decypher Christina's mood. "I'm not here to battle with you, Chrissy. I'll give you credit for being bold enough to apologize to him." Britney spoke in a soft, yet sincere, voice. Christina's brow raised and her eyes let the slick coating of anger slip off. Her left eyebrow arched as she took an easier stance with Britney. "I know, I know, surprise, surprise, I admit that you have..." Britney began to speak, but Christin's voice halted her words. "Did you just call me Chrissy?" she wondered, a gentle smile fluffing her lips. Britney giggled, pushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear. She nodded. Christina giggled happily, falling into an eased position with Britney.

"We never had a real chance to talk in all these months that we've been battling each other." Christina remarked in a friendly tone. Britney nodded to show her concurrence with Christina. "Sorta like when we knew the end of the MMC was coming and we still didn't talk because of the whole Justin thing until the last party where we boo-wooed together the whole time." Britney laughed loudly after speaking. Christina followed her in the loud cackling. She placed a hand on Britney's shoulder for support, the memory still a vivid image in her mind. "Oh, do I. That was so, so sad, Brit'. To think we didn't even talk after that day except at like special events where we just had to talk." Christina babbled through her tittering. Britney proceeded to chuckle while thinking of their childish behavior. She allowed the same strands of her fall from behind her ear as her eyes lined up with joyful tears. "We were such goobs." Britney snorted. Christina nodded incorrigiblely.

Christina let her hand drop, her own eyes stinging with tears that desired release. "Look at us now, though. We're some kind of teen sex icons and we still act like the little girls we were on the Mickey Mouse Club." Christina gleamed, folding her arms. Britney leaned back, letting her hair fall backward. "We're still those kids at heart, that's all." Britney chimed.

"Christina, we've got to run now. Your stylists want to meet with you about your outfits." Jorge called out to his girlfriend, pulling Christina's eyes from Britney. Christina pouted, seeking more time to reacquaint herself with Britney. "Okay, I'll be there in a second." Christina belted back in a serene voice. Jorge nodded, dashing off into the shadows of the backstage area.

Christina turned to Britney once more, hoping to hold a brief conversation with her again. "Sorry about that. Boyfriends, go figure." Christina huffed, her tinted lips savoring a smile. Britney giggled, her head lollying. "I know all about that, Chrissy. But, uhm, I don't think I know about that cutie? You're gonna have to fill me in on him when you get the chance, girly." Britney hinted with a giggly expression. Christina rolled her eyes as she snickered. "Only if you tell me about Joey, Brit'." Christina bargained. Britney nodded, signing a deal with her former castmate. "Okay, but you better get running, girly. You know how stylist people get when you're not there on time." Britney jested, stretching from her position. Christina took a step back, sighing. "You're so right. Plus, my mom will go crazy if they don't fix some thing that's wrong on her dress." Christina huffed out, gripping her cellular phone tightly. Britney raised her brow with surprise. "Your mom's gonna be there?" Britney asked in a slightly ecstatic voice. "Yeah. Yours?" Christina wondered. Britney nodded happily, a sparkling smile covering her face. Christina grinned, leaning back on her heels. "I bet they'd love to see each other again. Quick, what's your cell' number so we can get them hooked up tonight." Christina questioned, dialing into the memory of her cellular phone until she reached her address book. Britney leaned over, glancing at the phone. She began listing off her numbers, thrilled that she and Christina had made a connection again, forgetting the past that had kept them apart for so long.

I can't stop missin' you

Only meant to be kissin' you

Can't you feel me wishin' were so

So together baby

Oh whoa, I can't stop hopin' time will fly

And we'll never say goodbye

Cause forever, you and me

So together baby

So, so together (Oh, so, so)

So, so together (Oh, so, so)

So, so together

So together, you and I

The voices that hamornized so beautifully for Dave Holmes and the camera crew of MTV belonged the the young women of Innosense. They performed an acapella for the cameras, hoping to win over many more MTV viewers with their talent-filled voices. They knew it was possible when they placed their all into the acapella performance of the remix to 'So Together.' It was the right tune to hold viewers in their spot in front of the television and keep their eyes open to the well-endowed voices these young women possessed.

Dave's brow remained raised as the girls finished off their acapella exhibition. His mouth laid gapping, his disbelief in their talent meaningless now. "Well, uh, wow, that was great ladies. Excellent. We hope to hear more from ya'll tonight on the show." Dave chimed, regaining some composure after receiving several cues from his producer and cameraman.

"We'll try Dave." Nikki gleamed, pulling back. "We'll see ya'll there." Veronica cheered, pointing toward the camera. Mandy and Jenny giggled, falling back from the microphone. "See ya later." Danay waved, smiling brightly.

Dave and his crew began to move away while the ladies of Innosense took a breather. "Whew, that was work." Danay exhaled, leaning against a few of the seats that occupied the vast area inside of Radio City Music Hall. "But we did good." Jenny added, pulling her hair back into a loose ponytail. She received nods from both Mandy and Veronica. Danay puckered her lips, releasing another weakened sigh. She scrunched her nose, watching Nikki stray away from the group and toward a seat of seats that were occupied by J.C. and Joey as they awtched Britney rehearse for her performance. 'Oh, girl, what are you doing this time?' Danay wondered, eyeing Nikki openly.

Nikki slid into the barren seat next to J.C., snuggling to him a little with a brightened smile. She let a hand rest on top of his, their arms brushing against each other on the armrest. J.C. glanced quickly at Nikki, offering her a gentle grin. "Hey Peaches." he whispered, trying not to interrupt Britney's performance. Nikki breathed easy, letting the sound of J.C.'s voice explain all of his thoughts. "Hey Josh." she exhaled as he began to lace their fingers together. She was glad that Nick had decided to remain in Orlando with his brother while J.C. attended the awards. She felt no guilt for being so close to J.C. when Nick was not around. She knew he would give her his full focus without regret or reservation. It was a custom gesture between the two.

"I love you Brit-Brit!" Joey wailed as Britney became engulfed in her dancing. Britney's concentration was broken as she laughed wildly at Joey's statement. She briskly stepped to the side, ending her choreography, leaving her dancers lost as to where they were to move next. Joey smiled endlessly, leaning forward on the seat in front of him, propping his arms on the top of it and resting his chin on his wrists.

J.C. and Nikki giggled quietly as all the dancers stopped their routines, falling into their own round of laughter at what was occuring. Tina Landin had a scowled transcribed into her face, her eyes looking down on Joey. "Joey, you're going to have to leave if you keep fooling around. I have three totally different shows that I'm trying to choreograph and I can't afford for you to mess them up with the little time I have left." Tina scolded him without hesitation, leaving Joey silent while the others endeavored to hush their snickers. Joey cocked his head to the side, a slight frown glossing his lips. he stayed silent, awaiting Tina's movement.

"Okay, now let's get this back in gear people so we can be ready for tonight. We only have fifteen minutes left." Tina called out, her anger still prominent in the way she spoke. The dancers quickly moved to take their positions again while Britney strolled leisurely to the middle of the group. She forced her laughter back down into her stomach when glaring at Joey's powerful brown eyes. She blew him a quick kiss, a giggle peeping out. Joey laughed to himself, smiling generously at his girlfriend.

"Think you'll ever smile like that again?" Nikki whispered a question into J.C.'s ear. J.C. perked up, leaning forward in his chair. His palm was sweaty from holding Nikki's hand, but he refused to release it. "I hope." he replied in a gentle voice, his eyes glancing around. Nikki bent forward, keeping her body clsoe to J.C.'s. "I hope so too, Josh." Nikki agreed, permitting her head to rest on his shoulder as they listened to Britney proceed with her rehearsal.

Justin sat comfortably on the edge of the bed in his hotel room, dressed in cream-colored, turtle-neck sweater with tight, brown and tan patchwork, leather pants. He stared toward the mirror on the dresser before him. Shopping with Lance for grocerries an hour earlier made him feel relaxed. Now, fully dressed for the awards, his stomach was no longer at rest. He was going to do something important to him, ending a chapter in his young life. He didn't know how he could survive, making a decision like this, but he had to do it for the individual sleep next to him on the bed. Justin took his lazy blue eyes away from the mirror and glanced down to the child that was heavy into his sleep right next to Justin's left leg. Justin couldn't imagine how watching an animated movie with Winnie the Pooh in it tuckered his son out so much, but it did and Justin did not fight the idea of permitting Angel to take a quick nap before the awards show.

His mind was stolen from thoughts of Angel when he heard the bathroom door click open and watched Brian emerge from it, his face filled with a comfortable expression. Justin sucked in his bottom lip, staring at Brian. Brian's golden-brown hair was still dripping wet, beads of water caressing his chest as he toweled off his shoulders with a fluffy white towel. His blue eyes peered at the mirror as he approached it, a tune humming from his lips. He wore a pair of loose, hip-hugging, dark blue, leather pants. The pants hug low enough that Justin could spy Brian's pair of white briefs on. His chest was bare as Brian headed toward the mirror. The water ran over his taut nipples and his semi-muscular chest. The scent of his cologne trickle through the thin air of the room.

Brian glanced into the mirror with open eyes, his cheeks flushing when seeing Justin staring at him. He giggled lightly, laying the towel down on the dresser. "Dressed?" he wondered, viewing his husband's reflection through the mirror. Justin gave him a small nod. He continued to suck on his lower lip, ducking his head a little. Brian nodded back, rotating his shoulder muscles to relax his body. He took another brisk look in the mirror, still staring into Justin's eyes through the mirror. Again, he smiled. "Why are you watching me?" Brian pondered. Justin shrugged, offering a simple grin to Brian. "It's been so long since I've had the opportunity to... uhm, look at your chest." Justin replied in a shaky voice.

He swallowed hard after his words had slipped off his lips. 'Should I have said that?' he speculated as Brian turned halfway around. Brian flexed his jaw muscles, his dimples hiding within his thin cheeks. "You see my chest every night when we go to bed, Just." Brian responded with an indifferent tone. Justin sulked on the bed, picking at the sleve of his sweater. He felt embarrassed by his words. "No, I don't. I'm always sleeping on my side when you come into the room, after your shower. I never look." Justin answered him in a shallow voice. He struggled with his words, speaking thoughts that he ahd kept hidden from Brian since their reconciliation.

Brian furrowed his brow, disappointed in his own way. He was blind to the fact that Justin was indeed turned in the opposite every time he had come to bed. They no longer took showers together because of Brian's request to slow the physical state of their relationship down. As Brian thought about it, he had always pushed off the thought of Justin's back being to him as a statement that Justin wanted to sleep in the spoon position. It made sense to Brian because Justin loved the position, it was comforting for both. Now, Brian felt as if Justin was scared to touch Brian in any kind of physical form besides an embrace or a kiss.

Justin heard Brian's light footsteps as he approached Justin. Brian took a seat on Justin's right leg, making sure not to put too much pressure on Justin's body. Justin instinctively placed an arm around Brian's waist, supporting him. He kept his head low. He did not want Brian to pity him.

Brian ran a finger over Justin's cheek, saddened by his quietness. "I remember the times we used to sit at the table; you'd be eating your cereal and I'd be sipping on coffee, playing footsie with you under the table. I'd sit around the table with no shirt on and we just sat casually, me and you, with smiles on our faces." Brian commented, reliving a fonder time in his marriage to Justin. Justin felt the need to sulk, his guilt rippling through him once more. "Just because I said we shouldn't have sex doesn't mean I don't want you to look at me or anything. I want you to lay your head on my chest at night, okay? Don't be afraid to come to bed without any clothes on. I mean, it might be kind of hard on me at first, but I think I'd prefer deny my penis pleasure before I'd deny my arms the chance to hold you." Brian stated in a soft voice, his limpid country accent cooling Justin's depression. He knew the words Justin wished to hear.

Justin shyly lifted his hand and let it rest in the center of Brian's chest. His fingers traced the scar on Brian's chest, touching it gently. He sighed, satisfied. He kissed Brian's shoulder as Brian pet his curls. "We're doing the right thing, right? This choice is going to affect Angel's life, babe." Justin wondered, concerned for the child sleeping soundly next to his leg. Brian nodded, glancing toward the mirror. "He'll adjust, I'm sure. Who knows, maybe deep down Angel's wanted this." Brian shrugged, scooting closer to Justin's chest. He could feel Justin's sweet breath tickling his chest. "Bri, Angel doesn't even know what's going to happen. He doesn't even know what it is silly." Justin giggled, giving Brian a nudge. Brian snickered with him. "Well, the papers have been signed, so he can't change it now." Brian boasted in a hushed voice, hoping that Angel would get all of his nap out. Justin shook his head, playfully rolling his eyes toward Brian.

"Our labels gave us enough trouble with just having Angel. I hope they don't change their minds concerning this." Justin remarked. Brian contemplated the statement, his mind on what had transpired in the two days that they ahd been in New York. "We signed a new contract, Justin. I doubt they'll try and break that or try to move around it. They eventually accepted Angel and they'll do the same this time." Brian assured him, resting a hand on Justin's shoulder. Justin sighed speechlessly. He wanted to be at ease with the whole situation, but he could not help but feel tense.

The sounds of a quiet yawn stirred them from their easiness. Justin and Brian, both, quickly glanced down to Angel as his head began to peek up. "Ah, he's awake." Brian whispered in a tittering voice. Justin grinned as Angel blinked his eyes open, staring up at his fathers. He yawned softly, his eyes batting closed again. "You should get dressed," Justin murmured, nudging Brian's back with his palm. Brian scooted up a little, watching as Angel stretched from his position on the bed. "I'll get him." Justin added as Brian lifted his body from Justin's lap. Brian nodded to show that he agreed with Justin.

Justin reached down for his son, but a hand grasped his. Justin looked up at Brian with bewildered blue eyes. Brian presented him with an angelic grin. "I love you, Curly." Brian whispered. Justin was caught. The web of affection in Brian's eyes held him as their son began to cough quietly. Justin began to question his words. He wasn't sure whether Brian meant it or said it in the moment.

Brian could read the doubt that flared in Justin's pupils. He leaned down a little further, his sincere expression trapping Justin. He licked his lips while his small blue eyes held Justin. "I'm not just saying this, Just. I mean it, I really do. I'm talking from the soul, okay? Despite what's happened over these few weeks, I really do love you." Brian confessed without hesitance. His voice was enough to assure Justin. The doubt lingered over his heart, but Justin did not allow it re-entry. He kept an optomistic view, praying that he and Brian would be able to get past the issue of his affair so that their marriage could survive many more years.

The sun was slowly fading, but it was ever-present outside of Radio City Music Hall. The air was not thick, but it held its aroma of delight. The lights from above were not enough for the masses. Splashes of brilliant light was emitted from cameras and towering lights, leaving celebrities blind and awe-struck. The massive red carpet that covered all ends of the outside of Radio Music Hall was covered in reporters, fans, and celebs. Each end held at least one important figure. The night was coming on, but not without the stars making their appearance first.

"Welcome everyone to our rain-free edition of the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards Opening Act here outside of Radio City Music Hall. I'm Chris Connely, sitting up top here with the lovely Serena Altschul. How are you feeling tonight Serena?" Chris Connely spoke clearly as the commencement of the show began with its news hour. Serena, with her hair entangled in a mixture of braids and platinum blonde weave, lifted her microphone, taking her eyes off of arriving guests. "I'm feel pretty dry, Chris, compared to last year's show. I could remember being over at the Metropolitan Opera House with Kurt last year and just getting drizzled on. So it's nice to see some sun this time around." Serena answered him in a foggy voice. "That it is, that it is, Serena. We've got all sotrs of things going on here and all sorts of peopkle arriving all over the place." Chris commented in his nasally voice. Serena nodded, taking a few more glances around. "I just saw Dr. Dre arriving a minute ago, and I think that I can see Destiny's Child getting out of their limo right now." Serena remarked. Chris slumped forward some, glaring directly at the camera. "And we've got our many correspondants, like Kurt Loder, Bryan McFadden, and Jon Norris, scoured across the red carpet to give you the quick interviews you need before the show starts." Chris informed the at-home viewers. "That's right, and right now we've got Jon Norris down on the red carpet and he's standing with a few guests that just arrived. Jon, who do you have for us down there?" Serena wondered as her producers fed her information via an ear-piece.

"Well, Serena and Kurt, I'm actually down here with a group of mixed nuts.

Well, a group actually. I'm standing with the guys of *NSYNC and a couple of friends." Jon responded, turning his attention to the group that consisted of *NSYNC, Meelah, Brian, and Angel. A few waves ran across the camera as screams rattled through the air. "We're all nuts." Chris chimed, trying to cause his voice to reach out to the microphone Lance held. Jon laughed unconsciously, falling victim to the natural humor *NSYNC possessed.

"I wouldn't say that... but you have brought quite a few people with you here tonight to the MTV Awards. I see you brought your girlfriend, Chris, and uhm, a Backstreet Boy too? What's going on guys?" Jon wondered with his own rabid curiosity. He gave Angel several looks as he clung to Brian, cringing at the sounds of screaming fans. "Correction Jon, I'm here with my wife." Chris gleamed, holding up Meelah's left hand so that the camera could get a glimpse of her left ring finger. Jon's brow raised immensely, his eyes glancing around briskly. Meelah shyed away, her eyes glancing toward the other celebrities that began to fill the carpet. "Wow! Really? An *NSYNCer is married? When did this happen?" Jon asked abruptly with a hint of excitement in his voice. Meelah turned her attention back to the interview with an indication of interest. Chris glanced at his wife, a smirk curling his lips. Meelah smiled wildly, sighing. "About a week ago. We're newlyweds actually, passing up a honeymoon to be here." Chris replied in a cheery, yet sarcastic tone. Meelah nodded immediately, allowing her husband to drap an arm around her.

"Whoa, really? That's pretty amazing. So, you two are Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick? And no one knew about this?" Jon wondered with dazzling eyes. His interest was unfaded. Chris scratched his goatee, contemplating a simple answer. "Yes, she took his name. Poor girl." Justin joked, patting Meelah's shoulder. The others laughed while Chris managed to press out a smirk. "We kept it pretty quiet. A simple wedding at our house with a few close family and friends. We didn't want the media there because it would ruin the moment. Now, we're telling everyone so they won't look at us funny or ask a lot of questions." Chris answered the question Jon presented earlier. Jon nodded, extending his mic toward Meelah. "Are you still going to be with 702? We haerd that when A.J. McLean married, his wife left the group she was with. Will the asme apply to you?" Jon shot out another inquiry. Meelah arched an eyebrow, a foolish grin rolling over her plum lips. "I'm still gonna be with my girls Misha and Irish. We're finishing up work on a new album that should be out by January." Meelah responded in a clear, calm tone. "Yeah, Chris did a little work with them on the new project." J.C. added with his own personal pride. Jon nodded again, searching his mind for one last question for the newlyweds. "We're the guys all in attendance at your wedding?" he wondered, gradually moving the microphone around in search of a response from one of the members. Nods circled around. "Yes, they were all there. Some were in the wedding party." Chris answered first. "We had a real good time." Lance added with his own charming grin.

J.C. and Joey began to wander away from Jon as they spotted a few of their friends. Lance glanced around as he could hear fans cheering for him. "So, you guys also brought Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys to tag along?" Jon pondered, offering his microphone toward Brian. Brian furrowed his brow as Angel scrutinized the patrons on the red carpet. "Actually, I'm here with him." Brian replied coyly, pointing toward Justin. Justin rolled his eyes, laughing mildly. "I'm confused." Jon stated plainly, a smile fading from his thin lips. Justin tugged on Brian's shirt, pulling him closer. He sighed, lowering his hand to grab Brian's. "Chris isn't the only married *NSYNC member." Joey chimed, throwing his arm around Brian with a bewitching smile. Jon's eyes grew in size, his mouth dropping some. Justin giggled, nudging Brian. "I'm here in support of the guys and my husband." Brian spoke up with his impervious country inflection. Jon's hand became unsteady with his microphone. His surprise was hard to disguise as the cameraman tried to focus on Brian and Justin. "They actually jumped the broom before us." Chris gleamed, trying to ease the situation. He knew how difficult it was going to be for Brian and Justin to admit to the world that they were a married couple and he wanted to support them fully.

"Wow, you're... uh, you two are a couple? The rumors are true then?" Jon wondered with a morbid experssion entangling his face. Justin giggled again, striving to fight through his nervous emotions. He turned to Brian for reassurance. It was there in Brian's eyes as they both laughed off the situation. "Not really. People were saying things like we were dating and that we were boyfriends or something." Justin stated. "We haven't been dating since... how long babe?" Justin added a question for his husband. Brian thought over the inquiry with a humorous expression on his youthful face. "Over a year now. We had our one-year anniversary back in July." Brian answered him directly, forgetting the cameras existing. Jon stood fearfully as his time began to run out. He knew this story was too big for his producers to rush; still, his time was limited. "Yeah, the Fourth of July. Independence Day ya'll." Justin acclaimed, his attention focused on the camera. "All the rumors of us dating and what not aren't true. We dated awhile back before anybody talked about us being together or anything.

So we didn't lie to anybody. We just kept our married life personal." Brian added to clarify their response to Jon's question.

Jon swallowed hard, taking a few glimpses to the other stars as they passed him. "And... and who's this?" Jon questioned, motioning toward Angel. Justin grinned in a fatherly way as the topic of his son was brought up. "That's little Angel. He's their adopted son." Joey cheered, ruffling Angel's hair with his hand. Angel crinkled his face toward Joey, hating when others played with his soft, blonde hair. "He's a sleepy guy right now, but he won't be here long." Brian added, pulling Angel closer to his face. Jon stood even more dumbfounded as the secrets many searched for were being revealed in a matter of minutes. "He'll be going back to the hotel to be with our little one in a minute." Chris agreed, divulging another grand secret to the viewers. "You... you have a child too?" Jon became more expeditious with his questions as he stumbled with his words. "A two-week-old son, back at the hotel with my mom." Chris replied with a broad smile. "We didn't want to leave Kaleb back at the hotel, but he couldn't be out here in this madness." Meelah noted with a wonderous look on her face.

Jon cleared his throat as his producers began to tell him to move to the next guest. "I'm sure ya'll had better be getting inside soon. Things are really starting to get crazy out here, but it has been a joy talking with you guys and I hope you win something tonight at the awards." Jon said, following his producers' commands and wrapping up his interview with *NSYNC and their family members. He extended his hand, grabbing Chris' first. "It's been a pleasure Jon." Chris agreed in a solemn voice. "Go MTV!" Justin rooted as his other friends began to head in another direction.

Brian tugged on Justin, causing Justin to stumble toward the path his friends had walked. "Come on Mr. Spotlight." Brian snickered, lacing his arm with Justin's and escorting both his son and Justin down the red carpet.

"Justin! Justin! Justin!" The name was shouted from several reporters' lips repeatedly. Justin sighed and forced out grins for many of the cameras. "We need to find your mother and Innosense. Lea is supposed to be hanging around with them." Brian remarked as he continued to walk down the red carpet with Justin. Justin rolled his eyes at the thought of speaking with his mother. "Justin, are you here tonight with Britney?" one reporter shot out. "Justin, what's going on between you and Brian?" another inquired. Justin pressed his lips together, searching for an effortless way out of his troubles. "He's here with me tonight. That should answer your questions." Brian responded with a sharp, but gentle, tongue. He shot the cameras a smirk before ushering Justin further down the walkway.

Britney Spears pulled her fingers through her highlighted blonde hair, glancing around as several cameras snapped shots of her. She snickered out an adorable grin for the lenses, her glossy pink lips shining. Her straight her, with the help of extensions, fell just above her shoulder blades, while she sported a tan, suede two-piece outfit. Her top was of reseaonable size with long fringes extending from the low-cut, V-neck collar and her pants hung off her hips. Around her neck was a thin chock with a long, indigo feather dangling from it. The outfit resembled a tattered Native American dress.

Standing but a few steps away from her was Christina Aguilera. She smiled brightly for cameras while her midn thought of many other things. She let the cameras snap pictures of her revealing outfit; a barely-there black ensemble with a long, flowing skirt that had thigh-high slits up the sides and a black G-string. Her blonde hair was striped with red and black sections of hair.

Christina glanced behind her and watched as Lynne Spears and her own mother, Shelly, chatted and reminisced over the children's experiences with the Mickey Mouse Club. Christina sighed with an endless grin. She strutted in Britney's direction as more photos were snapped. "They can't get enough of us, girl." Christina laughed as she stopped right near Britney. Britney nodded, glancing around the vast area. She searched for her boyfriend amongst the other celebrities. "I bet they are so shocked to even see us standing next to each other." Britney remarked while waving to a few shrieking fans. Christina nodded, catching a glimpse of Jon Norris as he and his camera crew advanced toward them. "Heads up, we've got an interview girlfriend." Christina whispered, taking a step closer to Britney. Britney sighed, already seeing a question in Jon Norris' eyes. She and Christina agreed with a nod, allowing Jon and his crew to step closer.

"Well, of all the musicians and celebrities out here tonight exchanging phone numbers and e-mail addresses, I and many viewers surely did not expect to see two of Pop's loveliest out here together." Jon commented as he held his microphone out toward Christina and Britney. Christina rolled her eyes promptly, holding a ginger smirk on her lips. "Don't believe the hype ya'll. Me and Britney are still good friends." Christina assured Jon. Britney concurred with a nod. "So there is no animosity going on between you two? The press rambles on and on about it daily." Jon prompted more curious questions for the young women. "Oh, no, not at all. It's just a big rumor. We just don't get to see each other as often as we did when we're younger, so of course, but we don't put up some kind of front for the cameras or anything. It's a friendly competition for us." Britney replied with certainty in her voice. "In fact, me and Brit' were just talking this afternoon about how our moms would love to see each other again. They don't get to talk since me and Brit' usually arrive at award shows different times and perform at different events. So we made sure to synchronize ourselves tonight so that they wouldn't miss each other." Christina noted with a snicker following her statement. Britney giggled along with her as a herd of people passed them.

"Speaking of a friendly competition, it doesn't seem like we'll see much of that from the Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC anymore. I don't know if you two ladies have heard, but Brian and Justin just admitted, about ten minutes ago, that they are married and have an adopted son. What is your take on that?" Jon wondered, sparking a more controversial conversation between himself and the two women. Christina's brow raised immediately while Britney chewed on her lower lip. She wasn't given time to warn Christina and she knew that she would not be prepared for the announcement. "Well, me and Justin go back for a long time, so it's no surprise to me. I spend a lot of time with that family when I have off time just because they're such a caring family and there's so much love between them." Britney informed Jon in defense of her friends. Christina attempted to swallow a lump in her throat, but failed. After her stunt with trying to frame the couple, she could not believe that, six months later, the couple would admit to being married. "So you've known all along?" Jon wondered, ignoring Christina's quietness. Britney gave a small nod, hoping not to incriminate herself. "I'm close to the guys and it wasn't something they wanted to hide from me or their families or anything. They just didn't want the public to know right away so that they could live a stable life and, of coruse, raise their son. I'm happy for them." Britney responded in a proud voice, her overlying country accent unaffective in the way she came across. "Yeah, me too. You can't help but be happy for them because they are so cute together. They're not like some couples where they're happy on-camera and then can't stand each other off-camera." Christina agreed.

Jon led his microphone in her direction with a fond curiosity in hearing Christina's take on the situation. "I think they felt some pressure for a long time to tell the world, but I figure that as long as they are happy with each other, why should they have to tell the world? I'm sure their fans will still love them and, hopefully, they will accept them." Christina agreed. Jon nodded, smiling lightly. "That was probably a factor in their issue with telling people, huh? Whether or not their fans will accept them?" Jon contemplated, looking for an answer from either girl. Britney pressed her lips together, biting her tongue. She knew to hold it before she lashed out against the support fans should show the couple. "Probably. I still think fans should support an artist for their music and not who they date or marry or whatever." Christina answered him in a smoother voice, allowing Britney a chance to consider a response. "I agree." was all that Britney answered with.

"I suppose that I should let you two get moving now. The awards should be starting soon. I hope you all win something tonight and best of luck with your performances." Jon stated when hearing another plea from his producer's to catch up with other celebrities. Both Britney and Christina waved and smiled for the camera as Jon and his crew pulled away.

Britney liberated an arrogant sigh when seeing Jon halt the next celebrity. "Well, wasn't that just so fuckin' wonderful?" Britney commented in a sarcastic tone. Christina smirked while crossing her arms. "I can't believe they actually told everyone." Christina remarked in a coy tone, her eyebrow arching as she watched another group of patrons approach. Britney mumbled another response as she eyed Joey advancing toward her.

Christina's head turned to see Joey give Britney a brief hug and then a kiss on the cheek. She submitted a gentle grin for Joey as he glanced at her. He nodded toward her, a way of showing his acknowledgement. His attention returned to his girlfriend as he heard a few reporters call for them. "Come on Brit', let's go and play nice with the press for a second." Joey suggested, leading his girlfriend away from Christina and the growing noise. Britney sighed once more, taking a quick look over her shoulder to watch her friend standfast. "I'll see ya on the inside Chrissy." she called back as she and Joey pulled ahead. Christina nodded, responding with a simple smile.

"Ooh! Justin, those pictures you sent me of him did not do him any justice." Lil' Kim squealed as she raised Angel slightly above her face, admiring the child. She pulled him back down, allowing him to clutch onto a piece of her patent leather outfit. Justin grinned, winking at Angel as Angel searched for escape. "Should I take that as a compliment Kim?" Justin wondered with a spicy tongue. Kim twisted her mouth to the side, peering at Justin. She then brought her blue eyes on Angel. "Your Daddy has such a smart tongue. Don't be like him. You're so much cuter." Kim chimed, rocking Angel in her arms. Angel poked out a smile for her. "And just as shy as your Dad, I can see." Kim giggled, bringing her eyes over to Brian. Brian blushed lightly, fumbling with the bottom of his shirt. "Don't encourage him." Justin jested, grabbing Brian's hand to comfort him in the midst of the media frenzy. Kim watched them with curious eyes. "Word sure does spread like wild fire when it comes to you two." she noted as cameras rushed to snap photos of the two holding hands. Justin was thankful he was near the edge of the carpet where much of the media had left to shop for other celebrities to interview. "They know a sexy couple when they see one." Justin smirked, nudging Brian to build up his confidence. Brian stayed as quiet as his son.

Kim arched her brow as reporters began to move in their direction. "Kim, we had better get moving. You still have to do a quick interview with MTV and then flirt with the reporters some." Hilary Weston, Kim's A&R rep, informed her. Kim sighed endlessly. She glanced back down to Angel. "Hon', don't be like your fathers. Stay out of the music industry, okay?" she requested of the toddler. Angel giggled, shaking his head in a humorous way. Kim snickered, offering the child back to his parents. "Ooh, you're so much like your fathers." she giggled as Justin gladly welcomed his son back into his arms. "That's our boy." Justin gleamed. Brian merely nodded.

"Justin! Justin! Brian!" The shouts came once more as Brian and Justin stood with Lil' Kim. Kim rolled her eyes, taking step to the side with her bodyguard. "You guys should get moving along. I'll handle these guys." Kim suggested as her bodyguard led her in front of Brian and Justin. She quickly puckered for the camera and then began to wave wildly toward them, a broad smile on her thin lips. Justin smiled loosely as Brian led him toward the inside of Radio City Music Hall, allowing Kim to blow kisses to the reporters that tried to steal pictures of the couple.

Serena Altschul stood near the entrance to Radio City Music Hall trying to complete her job of getting a few last-minute interviews. After having the pleasure of interviewing Steven Tyler and the displeasure of speaking with Eminem, Serena felt relieved to take another interesting route with talking with Chris and Meelah Kirkpatrick. "Well, Kurt, as you said, I am standing here with a couple that has surprised many just as his bandmates have. I'm standing here with Chris Kirkpatrick and his new bridge, Meelah Williams... er, Kirkpatrick from 702. How are you two doing tonight?" Serena wondered, correcting herself as she leaned her microphone in Chris and Meelah's direction. "Hey, she's got hair like I used to have." Chris remarked amongst the firey screams from onlooking fans. He toyed with Serena's braids, causing Serena to laugh and still search for an answer to her question. "We're doing great. How about you Serena?" Meelah answered for herself and Chris, smiling innocently toward Serena. Serena ended her laughter with a smile, pulling her microphone back. "Well, I'm doing great on this nice evening. Now you guys sure did shock us here at MTV by announcing your recent marriage and also, you two have a son now, right?" Serena began her interview with simple, but required, questions. Both Meelah and Chris nodded proudly. "He's only two weeks old. He's back at the hotel with Chris' mother right now." Meelah answered another of Serena's questions. "Yeah, hopefully my mom put him to sleep by now. Hey, Kaleb!" Chris added, waving graciously to the camera. "How did you go all nine months without letting the world know?" Serena asked with a sensible curiosity. "Uhm, I sort of did like my girl LeMisha did and kind of stayed at home quite a bit. I just took it easy, traveling occassionally back to Vegas to see my family. I spent a lot of time with Chris' though. You know, just taking a little bit of time away from 702 as the pregnancy went on." Meelah responded intelligently.

Serena contemplated a few more questions as she was prompted by her producers. "How was the wedding? I heard it was rather low-key." Serena wondered, throwing out the question for either to answer. "Yep, it was kind of a quiet affair." Chris answered her in a more serious voice. Serena kept the mic out, hoping for a more ellaborated reply. "We would've invited you, Serena, but we knew that we'd have cameras for days there if we did. It was more of a family and close-friends kind of thing. Nothing really big." Chris added. "We wanted everyone to feel comfortable at the wedding and it's kind of hard to do that with cameras all around. Plus, we didn't want Kaleb exposed to all of that right-away." Meelah attached to Chris' words.

"Speaking of exposure: Do you two have any comments toward Justin's announcement tonight? It's definitely a shocker to us, but you know, you're in the group with him Chris, and Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera both said that they already knew. Do you think this is going to have much of an affect on the group?" Serena stuffed all of her information into one simple inquiry. Chris thought over the question, expecting it. He scratched his goatee while raising his left eyebrow. "I hope not. Man, I don't really know, but I hope the fans are the same toward us and the media too. We're in full support of Justin and Brian, so we didn't really foresee a problem with them telling everyone. At least now they can take their son for a walk and know that people aren't going to print false info'. They wanted it to be a bit easier on their life." Chris responded in a grave voice.

Serena pushed out a meaningful smile, hoping to rid Chris of his stern expression. "What about the next *NSYNC record? Are you guys working on it or taking some time off?" Serena became more technical with her next question. "We're taking about two weeks off, right about now. But that's it. We're heading straight into the next record." Chris responded with a more earnest tone. "In fact, Justin, J.C., and Joey have been in writing sessions on and off with each other and other producers. We're hoping to get a lot of the songs done in the next month or so, so that we can head into the studio and record and have the album done by end of January for an early March release." Chris added a more descriptive reply. "Okay, well I'm sure your fans will be looking forward to that. You two should be heading inside now. I think they're doing a last call for guests to enter inside soon." Serena noted as the media tried to approach their area. Chris and Meelah both nodded, taking a quick glance at the other celebrities as they headed for the lobby of Radio City Music Hall.

Chris snatched up Meelah's hand, taking a few steps forward as Meelah latched onto his jakcet with her free hand and made sure she stayed close behind him. "Chris, what do you think the reaction will be from your fans knowing that you're in an interracial marriage?" a reporter managed to shot out a question that halted both Chris and Meelah's feet. Chris turned his head, anger circling his deep brown eyes. Meelah kept her eyes forward, praying Chris would control his temper. "I think the fans will respect the fact that I've married a very beautiful woman and they will not judge me or her by our skin color." Chris replied with a calm demeanor, catching the plea in his wife's eyes. Meelah sighed a sigh of relief, pushing Chris forward so that they could escape the oncoming media. "But if you'd like to contemplate whether or not our skin color matters, then I'll let you contemplate whether or not I'll dignify you with another word." Chris added in spite, returning to his walk with Meelah. He smiled internally knowing that he appeased both sides of his mind.

"And the winner is..." WWF star The Rock held his last word as Kid Rock began to tear open the envelope that held the announcement concerning the winner of the Best Dance Video award. Kid Rock lowered his sunglasses and shucked his mouth to one side. His long hair bounced as he tilted his head and leaned for the microphone. "Uh... *NSYNC?" Kid Rock announced in a foolish voice.

The announcement definitely appeased both sides of Chris' mind as he and his commrades leapt from their seats. Chris quickly snatched up his wife while receiving a pat on the back from Lance. Justin stood with a warry look before receiving a small hug from Brian. "Congrats baby." Brian whispered, brushing his hand vigirously over Justin's tight curls. Justin smiled wildly, patting Brian's stomach before ushering passed him. Joey followed him with a tight smile on his face.

Each member of *NSYNC made their way on stage, gladly accepted their moon man from the Rock and making casual conversation with Kid Rock. "Woo!" Joey howled as he looked at the Moon Man. He laughed lightly, finding a position at the back of the group as the others circled the podium. "Yeah!" Chris added with his own unique voice. "Well, all right." Lance chimed, his country accent flaring as he spoke. Justin found his way to the front of the group, taking a moment to admire the award. He smiled endlessly at it. "Okay, okay... man, we didn't expect this. I was sure Britney was gonna come up here and snatch this award up like she did last time." Justin jested humorously, receiving a few laughs from the crowd. "We love you Britney!" Joey attempted to call out from the back, causing a few fits of laughter to break out within the group.

"Okay, first we have to thank God for blessing us with this award. Without Him, we wouldn't have this." Justin started out, pulling an applause from Chris and much of the audience. "We wanna tahnk our families for supporting us no matter what we did, what we wore, what we sang, or whatever... thank you." Justin added, beginning to pull away and allowing Lance to step forward. Lance's mouth began to open, but the words never made it out before Justin jumped to the front again. "Oh yeah, I wanna thank my baby for supporting me throughout the year and through tonight, especially. I love ya and Bastian too." Justin gushed with his broad smirk.

He winked toward Brian, who in turn nodded toward him.

Lance leaned in toward the microphone, hoping to get a few words out. "We want to thank our management, WEG, MTV, and all the personnel that helped to get this song out on the radio and TV..." Lance started out, his deep voice and country accent slurring his words. "And especially the fans, we love the fans for all they've done. Without ya'll, we wouldn't be up here." Chris jumped in, interrupting Lance. Lance furrowed his brow, trying to remain happy while on stage. "Yes, thanks to the fans." Lance added, pulling back with a hint of disappointment written in his eyes. "Thanks MTV!" Joey bellowed as he passed by the mic. "Yeah, thank you MTV. Hey Mee-Mee, I love you. Look Ma', we've got a Moon Man." Chris added another statement, snatching up the award with pride. "We've got a Moon Man, we've got a Moon Man..." Justin crooned while snapping his fingers and dancing amusingly. J.C. stepped up as Justin moved away. He strived to hold in his laughter as Justin passed. "And that's all I have to say about that." J.C. spoke out, imitating Forrest Gump for a few, final laughs. The applause continued as *NSYNC trotted off the small section of the stage with a large entourage following them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Destiny's Child..." the announcer proclaimed as the MTV Video Music Awards returned from a drawn-out commercial break. A wide range of applause sprung out as the ladies of Destiny's Child strutted across the stage while the instrumental to 'Independent Woman Part I' vibrated in the background. Beyoncé Knowles, Kelly Rowland, and Michelle Williams strolled dressed in tight, black leather ensembles, their beauty overdone for the occasion. They lost no pride in their movement despite the drama they experienced in losing long-time members LeToya Luckett and LaTavia Roberson, and brief member Farrah Franklin.

They reached the podium, smiling, with a hint of egotism, for the cameras.

They glanced around after receiving their ample amount of applause. "All right, so some people have called us Divas-In-Training." Beyoncé began the introduction in her over-confident voice. "And some say that to be a diva, you have to be glamorous and walk with the grace of Diana, sing with the power of Whitney Houston and the style of Madonna." Kelly added, reading directly from the TelePrompTer. "But we believe that to be a diva, you not only have to walk like Diana, sing like Whitney, and dress like Madonna, but you also have to remain humble and stay true to yourself." Michelle stated in a shy tone. "That's right girl, and we feel that these two young ladies not only have all of those characteristics, but then some. They're some fly ladies with fly personalities and their style and grace ain't nothing to mess with." Beyoncé chimed, making sure the attention returned to her. "These girls can sing too, don't forget that." Michelle jested, glancing at Beyoncé. "And yet, these girls have also remained humble and they have great personalities. We feel they will one day be worthy of wearing that Diva crown." Kelly insisted, taking her eyes off the TelePrompTer for a moment to put attitude into her speech. "So ladies and gentlemen, would you please help us in welcoming these fabulous Divas-In-Training. Miss Christina Aguilera and Miss Britney Spears..." Beyoncé announced, clapping with the crowd as the attention began to fall on the stage nearby.

Come on over, come on over baby

Come on over, come on over baby

The sounds of Arabian music, mixed with the sounds of a remixed version of 'Come On Over Baby' left the audience curious. Christina emerged from behind a black curtain that sat at the back of the stage. She strutted to the front with her head high and her microphone near her face Her blonde-red-black hair flew wildly as she shook her head and began to cover the stage with her dancers. Her outfit cosisted of a red body-suit with a vertical zipper running down the middle of it. The zipper was only zipped partially, revealing a tight, black halter top while her arms were decorated in jeweled tattoos. She sashayed to the middle of the dancers and began her dynamic dancing to the beat that she loved so much.

I'm not just talkin' about ya sexuality (Ya sexuality)

But I can't help myself when you put your hands on me

(When ya put ya hands on me)

Oh, no

It's paradise, when you and I

Get close, get tight

When all I wanna

Go on all night

I wanna play the game with you baby

Listen to me

Christina strived not to strain her voice too much as she sang. Her laryngitis played a major part in how high her notes got. She allowed herself to sound scratchy to add to the sexiness of the song while her small frame bounced around the stage. She kept a strict eye on Jorge, hoping for some kind of enthusiasm to inspire to give her all to the song.

All I want is you - Come over here baby

All I want is you - You know you make me go crazy

All I want is you

Now baby don't be shy

You better cross the line

I'm gonna love you right cause all I want is you

Come on over, come on over baby

Come on over, come on over baby

Christina threw her head to the side while passing one of her dancers her mic. She pulled her long, flowing hair back and smiled senseleslly for the audience. She and her dancers mimicked the dance from her video for the dance break. They gave strict attention to every step they took, hoping to please Tina Landin with their effort. Christina forgot her troubles with her voice to win over fans by her dancing ability. She was more than thankful for those years on the Mickey Mouse Club. It aided Britney, J.C., Justin, Nikki, and herself in pulling off the difficult dance routines choreographers asked for.

As the dance break came to a close, Christina searched for her microphone.

She slide to the right side, snatching up her microphone from one her male dancers. Her icy blue eyes gazed around as her dancers got into position for the rap portiong of her song. Christina gleamed, licking her lips as she and the female dancers stepped to the side and began their own routine.

Don't you wanna be the one tonight?

We can do exactly what you like

Did you wanna be just you and me

We can do what comes so naturally

I've got a thing for you, got my mind made up

I'm serious

Never been more baby

Let me show you that it's real

And it's right here, so come on

Christina's set ended with an explosion, making for the perfect transition to the next set. Christina and her dancers dashed off to the side of the stage. The sounds of a semi-familiar song filled Radio City Music Hall as the black curtain was pulled open to reveal Britney Spears sitting with the back of a black chair to the front of her, her arms hoisted on the back while her head was tilted down. Dressed in a black suit-and-tie with a titled black hat, Britney bobbed her head to the melody of the Rolling Stones' anti-establishment classic, 'Satisfaction.'

La la la la, la la la la la

La la la la, la la la la la

Britney lifted her body from the chair as the song progressed, strutting irresistably to the center of the stage. She kept her head tilted downward so that her eyes were hidden by the shadows of her hat. Her blonde hair was pinned up in the hat while her body fit perfectly into the suit she wore.

I can't get no satisfaction

I can't get no satisfaction

And I try, and I try, and I try, and I try

I can't get no satisfaction

A hard thump sent Britney from the Stones' classic into a new beat. The crowd squeeled uncontrollably when watching Britney. She tore off her black suit to reveal a spangled, flesh-toned outfit. The outfit was decorated in glittery sequences, her bra-like top clutching to her breasts while her pants hung off her hips, revealing her newly pierced belly. She tossed her hat to the side with the rest of her outfit as her dancers ran over the stage. She licked her lips in a sexy way, prepared to move into her next song. The crowd could not stop chanting for her as she moved from teen pop star to a young woman who was more-than confident with her sexuality.

Tell me, oh yea

Uh, uh

I've never been one for a summertime fling

Something about you attracted me

Even though I was young when I met you

I'm a little bit older and things have changed

Britney cut the first verse of her rock-remixed version of 'Bubble Gum Love' in half. She allowed the pre-recorded parts to handle her higher notes while she groaned out the deeper vocals. As the hip-hop beat mixed with the rock beat, Britney and her dancers danced erotically to the music. They left no step undone while Britney made sure to amaze and shock the crowd with how much sex appeal she placed into her dancing. Her adrenaline-pumping routine left jaws on the floor while others cheered her on without hestitation.

I don't want no bubble gum love

That ain't good enough

Boy I know you've got love inside of you

But that's something you've gotta prove

I don't want no sugary love

Because baby that just ain't good enough

I know you've got something special for me

So stop acting innocent

Britney's song seemed to end all to quickly, but not without plenty of sexual moves. She and her dancers ceased dancing as the music dropped out and Christina and a few of her dancers waltzed to the area that Britney stood in. Christina's dancers rounded Britney's while Britney and Christina stared at each other. "Mmph, so you think you're better than me?" Christina asked through her microphone, her voice scratchy. "Well, uhm, yeah, I know I am" Britney replied flatly, her voice heavy with exhaustion. Christina rolled her head and responded with, "Oh really? You're that hot huh?" Britney sighed, shaking her hips a little. "Well, uh, I'm just nasty..." Britney jested, glancing out to the crowd for approval. There was no doubt that the crowd was enjoying the 'battle' between Pop's reigning divas.

Britney turned her head back to Christina, smiling lightly. Christina shot her a smirk, raising her hand. Just as soon as her hand lifted, a new beat shook Radio City Music Hall. The sound was too familiar for the audience, some automatically tapping their foot to Janet Jackson's classic. Britney and Christina both ran to the center of the stage, prepared to amp up the crowd.

Do you wanna get nasty?

We wanna get nasty

Do you wanna get nasty?

Ladies, let's get nasty

Who's that with those nasty moves? (Christina A!)

Who's that with those nasty grooves? (Britney S!)

Who's that with the nasty voice? (Christina A!)

Who's getting all those nasty boys? (Britney S!)

The girls and their dancers danced to the same routine, a choreography that was provided by one of Janet's former choreographers, Tina Landin. Their kept a steady beat with each other, watching from the corners of their eyes to make sure they were in-tune. Britney scooped portions of her hair back, praying that her outfit held up for the performance while Christina unzipped more of hers, revealing more to her body. They were walking over a line that proved their worth in the music industry and to end all the rumors that had plagued them concerning their relationship. They needed to prove that the only animosity they felt was for the media and their words against them.

Nasty boys, don't mean a thing

Ooh, you nasty boys

Nasty, nasty boys

Don't ever change

Oh you nasty boys

And with that, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera made their mark, once again, on the MTV community. With an overwhelming applause from the audience, Britney and Christina stood proudly, side-by-side, with grand smiles on their lips. Britney threw her hand up with satisfaction in the effort she and Christina put into the performance. Christina giggled quietly as her dancers pulled away. She turned to Britney, laughing incorrigibly. Britney joined her, slapping hands with her in approval of their performance. Christina offered her arms and Britney gladly fell into them, hugging the smaller girl with happiness. "We did it girl." Britney snickered into Christina's ear. Christina nodded, sighing. "Yeah, but I bet I'll be congratulating you later on." Christina chimed while releasing Britney. Britney shook her head before turning and waving to the ground. The applause proceeded on, giving each young woman her earned acclaim.

Christina was true to her words. What seemed to be a few mere minutes, in actuality a whole commercial break, Fiona Apple and Lenny Kravitz stood onstage presenting another award. "And the winner for 'Best Pop Video' is..." Fiona Apple stated, drawing out her words to allow Lenny Kravitz the opportunity to unseal the envelope. "Britney Spears for 'Bubble Gum Love.'" he said plainly, reading directly off the slip of paper.

Britney was forced out of her seat by her mother Lynne as an arousal of applause ushered her to escape the aisle she sat in. Britney glanced around, thoroughly shocked by the announcement. She felt Joey pull on her a little. She tripped into his embrace, permitting him to kiss the top of her head while she adjusted to her own surprise.

Britney pulled away from Joey as the background music to her song flooded Radio City Music Hall. She gripped her hands shut, a bewildered smile coating her lips. She pulled her hair back as she strolled up to the podium. She gratefully hugged Lenny Kravitz and then shared a mild embrace with Fiona. Her eyes widened when seeing the Moon man, her second American one in her career. She turned to the podium as the applause continued. She giggled with embarassment as Joey proceed to holler out her name. "Golly, I swear I was not going to win this award. It's really an honor." Britney boasted, taking a few more glances at the metallic figure. She let loose a glistening grin for the camera while thinking over the speech she had created a few days before. "Uhm, okay, first I want to thank God for blessing me with the ability to do this daily and for giving me guidance through this industry. I wanna thank my momma and daddy for all they've done. My little sister, my brother... uhm, Johnny! Oh, I've got to thank Johnny and WEG for their support. Fi, Laura Lynn... uhm, Max Martin for writing such a great song and Nigel Dick for directing such a fun video." Britney babbled out, endeavoring to remember all of her supportes. "Wow, uhm, thanks to MTV for this award and a great year. Wow, all my friends back home. Oh yeah, thanks to Innosense for being in the video. I love ya'll. Oh, yeah, yeah, thanks to the fans! I love you guys so, so much! You've done a lot for me." Britney chimed. Screams rattled through Radio City Music Hall, all chanting for Britney. She giggled quietly, grabbing a hold of the Moon Man. "Go Britney!" Joey bellowed out, hyping up the audience even more. Britney blushed lightly, tossing her hair back. "I love you too, Joe. Thanks again." she finally said, allowing Lenny and Fiona to escort her from the stage.

Brian sat anxiously in his seat. Justin had left minutes before the commercial break. He and the men of *NSYNC were headed for the dressing room to prepare for their performance on stage. Brian was not almost alone in the row *NSYNC occupied with their guests. Towards one end of the row was Meelah conversing with Joey's sister, Janine, and Lance's mother, Diane Bass. On the other side of Brian was his mother-in-law, Lynn Harless, and Lynne Spears, Britney's mother. He could not find refuse in any of the women. He knew he was receiving stares from several of the night's attendants. It was a territory he was going to have become accustom to.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome A.J. McLean from the Backstreet Boys." the announcer came over the main speakers again, revealing a surprise to Brian. Brian's baby blue eyes automatically shifted to the stage, gradually applauding as he saw his fellow Backstreet Boy walk across the stage dressed in a cut-off shirt, leather pants and a cowboy hat. Brian eyed A.J. with curiosity, unaware of his presence in New York City.

A.J. stepped up to the podium that was set-up on the corner of the stage. He glanced around, grinning like a Chershire cat. "Well, well, well... what's up New York?" A.J. called out, being greeted by a lasting ovation. "It's good to be here even though MTV decided not to give us any nominations this year." A.J. commented with heavy sarcasm. A mild laughter followed his statement. "But that's okay. At least it gave these guys I'm about to introduce a chance to win something. If we were here, we all know they'd lose." A.J. continued with his light humor while giving the next performers a chance to get set up backstage. "But anyway, this next group is a great set of guys. They're really cool and have sold a bunch of records over this past year. And if you heard tonight, they get bonus points because one of them is married to my friend. What's up Brian?" A.J. chimed, waving to his friend as he spotted him. Brian blushed, giving A.J. a small nod. "And that's cool, you know those two being together. It's the year 2000 people. So would you all please help me in welcoming the second hottest boy band around... *NSYNC!" A.J. announced loudly, hoping to pull an immense amount of applause for them. He suceeded as the crowd wailed for *NSYNC as the curtains parted across the main stage.

*NSYNC stood on the dim-lit stage, all in a line with their band set up on risers behind them. They were all dressed in orange cut-off shirts and baggy, white pants with Lance sporting a gray vest and orange tips in his hair. Justin wore a white bandanna, smiling lightly toward the crowd as the band began to strum up a familiar tune. He glanced at J.C. as he prepared to croon the first verse. 'Don't let me down, Josh.' he thought, turning his head back to the audience where he caught Brian staring at him.

Ba ba ba ba ba

Ba ba ba ba ba

I always dreamed of everlasting

Dreaming of serenity

Into a love that's my every dream

Something special just for me

My angel you are

My soul shall forever believe

The gentlemen of *NSYNC began to bob a little on the stage, trying to imitate choreography they had praticed during rehearsals. J.C. took a step to the side of the stage while Joey walked forward, his head cocked to the side. He waved to his sister and then Meelah. He felt his verse coming on as J.C. ended the first verse.

So I'll give you my love

And all of my heart

It's all for you

And the dreams from above

Our love

And I know this much is true

Ba ba ba ba ba ba

It's true

I know this much is true

The first song ended on a high note with Justin and J.C. holding the final notes to the chorus. As the band finished playing, each member took a quick look around. They all slid from their stiff positions in the center of the stage toward the long walkway that led past the mosh pits. "Hey, where's Britney?" Joey questioned, following the skit they had set up. "Man, we don't need her" Justin replied, glancing at Joey before snapping his fingers for the band to flow in with the next song. As the tune came on, members of the audience began to shriek, the familiar Max Martin song being played as Joey took the middle of the group again, the others following him up the walkway, mimicking dance moves they had been taught.

Oh baby, baby

How was I supposed to know

That something wasn't right here

Oh baby, baby

I shouldn't have let you go

And now you're out of sight, yeah

Joey grinned immensely as they finished a mock-performance of Britney's famous '...Baby One More Time.' He received an odd look from his girlfriend as he and the others pulled from their positions. "Enh eh, what about the Backstreet Boys?" Lance suggested as his bandmates found separate, but assigned, places to stand on the stage. Justin shook his head, smiling tirelessly. He turned to the band again and snapped his fingers, a few chords of another Max Martin song flowing from a keyboard.

I want it that way...

"Hey, hey, how about we get the ladies out here?" J.C. suggested, glancing at his bandmates as their skit continued. They all nodded, throwing one hand up in the air as Chris shouted, "Hey ladies!" With that, a hord of male and female dancers ran to each end of the stage while an upbeat, urban sound filled the speakers of Radio City Music Hall.

Strolling in from the left end of the stage, after all the dancers had found a spot on the stage, was Innosense. They were all dressed in tight, spangled, blue tops with baggy jeans that were decorated in swirls of blue and green. Danay sported a pink bandanna, while all the girls wore body glitter. Veronica's hair aws straightened, falling just above her shoulders. Nikki's hair was pinned up into a ponytail, her slender body sparkling with faux rhinestone tattoos. They danced around *NSYNC as the other danced wildly on the stage.

One two, three to the four

I think it's time to get on the floor

If you're looking for a hot boy to freak

I'm telling you girl, it's gonna be me

One two, three to the four

I think it's time to get on the floor

If you're looking for a hot boy to freak

I'm telling you girl, it's gonna be me

Bye bye bye

The J.C.-remixed version of 'Bye Bye Bye' came flowing into the speakers of Radio City Music Hall. All of the occupants of the stage danced as if they were in an urban club, closely, and passionately. Justin licked his lips, adjusting the head-set microphone he wore. He grabbed Mandy's hand and led her to the front, followed by the other members of *NSYNC and Innosense. He and Mandy took the lead dancing while Justin whined out the first verse.

Can't believe I put trust in you

Gave my all to you

But you did nothin' but fuss and fight

Said a promise is a promise

But you were never honest

So now, baby, I have to say bye bye

Mandy pushed Justin backward, following the other members of Innosense to one side of the stage. They popped their bodies and then shook their hips sensually. Nikki switched places with Mandy, becoming the leader of the group as she and Mandy took the main leads on the bridge with the others hamonizing in the background.

But you say

I'll miss you after today

Still I won't believe you

Cause you'll never change

(Never change)

Ain't givin' what I need to be

Gotta give me room to breathe

You try, you lie

And now I'm tellin' you bye bye bye

You had your chance, wanna try

I'm not gonna take you back in my life

This time, deny

But I'm tellin' you bye bye bye


Mmm, what what what

Justin riled up the crowd with his ad-libs as they all formed in a semi-triangle near the front of the stage. The cheers were evident that the performance was being loved. The music slowed up a little as the cries silenced some. J.C. bobbed his head, glancing from left to right and then vice-versa. He took a quick look at Nikki as she prepped herself for the next portion of the song. He smiled evenly, adjusting his mic so he could be heard.

Now, ladies, sing it for me

Uh huh, I hear it

Yo MTV... what?

Nikki, sing it for me

Say bye bye, bye

Oh whoa, say bye, bye

Boy, say bye bye bye

Nikki and Justin exchanged turns on the ad-libs as the fast-paced music rang through Radio City Music Hall again, the dancers running around to get the crowd hyped once more. *NSYNC and Innosense gave their full attention to the intense choreography, throwing little effort into the final hook. Jenny smiled towards Chris as the two danced, hoping to keep the enthusiasm going. It did not take much for Chris to grin and nod. "Come on, what? What?" he shouted out, trying to spark life back into the crowd. Justin laughed, thrusting his hips fashionably as Mandy danced behind him. He pushed his bandanna back some as sweat crept from his brow.

Ain't givin' what I need to be

Gotta give me room to breathe

You try, you lie

And now I'm tellin' you bye bye bye

You had your chance, wanna try

I'm not gonna take you back in my life

This time, deny

But I'm tellin' you bye bye bye

Bye bye bye

(What? What?)

Bye bye bye

(What? What?)

Bye bye bye

(What? What?)

Bye bye bye

The finale was signified by a few pyros and flashes of spotlights across the large performance stage. Each member of *NSYNC and Innosense breathed heavily, their bodies wary from the thunderous performance. "Thank you." Justin exhaled into his headset, smiling lightly. The crowd's approval came in a long-standing applause. They could not help but love the creativity in *NSYNC's performance.

The girls of Innosense held their pose for a moment, shock wrapping their face. It was the first VMA's they all attened, together. It was their first time performing for the MTV crowd. It was also their first true taste of fame and they did not want to spit it out.

"Yeah." Joey grunted, pulling out of his pose and pulling his headset from his head. He followed Lance up the catwalk and towards the exit. The dancers began to exit the stage as the members of *NSYNC did. Chris threw his arm around J.C., grinning widely. "That was hot." he gleamed while strolling with his friend. "Most def'." Justin agreed, escorting Veronica and Nikki toward the exit. "Let's just see if MTV likes it." J.C. warned them, a smug look on his face. Justin tossed his bandanna at J.C., disappointed in his reaction to their performance. "They'll love it, I'm sure." Danay assured the others as they walked.

Danay wasn't too sure, but she was right. "And the winner for 'Viewer's Choice' goes to... *NSYNC!" Lil' Kim cheered as she stared at the paper she had yanked from the envelope. The men of *NSYNC stood once again with shock written into their faces. They were picking up their third award for the night after already winning 'Best Dance Video' and 'Best Group Video.' It was a new experience for them. They felt as if they were now being accepted by a higher gentry of the music society.

Joey immediately pushed by all of his bandmates to reach his girlfriend, sweeping her up in his arms and holding her tightly. He had to share his enthusiasm with someone he never could. Britney smiled sweetly, running her fingers through Joey's hair as he hugged her. "Put her down you big goof." Lance insisted as he skated out of the condensed aisle. "Hey, let them have their moment, Bass." Dre, one of *NSYNC's security insisted. Lance crumbled his cherry-red lips as he watched Britney and Joey kiss, deep down, wishing it was Bryce and him. Lynne Spears smiled on her daughter and her boyfriend, clapping as the crowd did for *NSYNC.

Chris placed a small kiss on his wife's lips, squeezing her hand tightly. "Congratulations sweetheart." Meelah said, taking a second to wipe away traces of her lipstick with her thumb. Chris licked his lips as her hand dropped, grinning. "Boy, this feels so good." he chimed, holding her hand as the cheers continued. He took a glimpse down the aisle and spotted J.C. eyeing Brian and Justin with depression lining his eyes. Justin kissed Brian lightly on the lips and then hugged him. He ignored any shame or embarrassment he had in the past. He needed to show Brian his affection at a pentacle moment. Brian showed no regard toward attendants that desired to watch his husband and him. He slipped his hand over the small of Justin's back and held him. He waited so long to be able to show affection toward Justin publicly. Now was his time.

"Come on ya'll." Chris insisted, dragging J.C. down the aisle while tugging on the tail of Justin's sweater. Justin hesitantly followed Chris, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He took a quick look over his shoulder to see Brian waving to him with a proud smirk. He giggled quietly as Lance threw an arm around him and guided him up the steps to the podium.

Lil' Kim briskly pulled each member into an embrace, thoroughly delighted by their win. Lance immediately found the microphone, taking a brief look at their third Moon Man for the night. He laughed lightly. "Okay, last time we forgot to thank our label for saving us when they did. Thanks to Jive Records for pulling us out of the mud and putting us back where we belong." Lance said foremost. He could feel the others crowding around him, still commenting on their win. "And a special thanks to Johnny and WEG for always being there for us... and Brit'. We feel really honored to be apart of the management team with ya'll." Lance added, pulling back to let the others speak. "Okay, I just want to say that it feels good to have won this award. Take that A.J." J.C. cheered, snatching up the Moon Man as he spoke.

Chris shook his head with laughter. "Uhm, thanks to MTV and all the viewers. We appreciate this one a lot. Hey Kaleb, Daddy'll be home soon." Chris said shortly, hoping to pull away from the podium as soon as he could.

"Okay, I just wanted to say that this is the one award that we really wanted to win and we want to thank the fans for this. Really... I mean seriously, we would not be here if it wasn't for ya'll. So thanks so much! We love ya'll. We really do." Justin stated in a serious tone. The members of *NSYNC clapped, aiming their concentration toward the fans in the upper section of the music hall. "Oh yeah, I love you Bastian. See ya soon." Justin added with a grin. He followed Lance and Lil' Kim down the steps as the others celebrated mildly at the top of the steps.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears." the announcement sent a shock through the crowd. Christina and Britney pranced out on the stage hand-in-hand. Smiles covered their faces as they approached the podium. The fans cheered wildly when seeing the two together once more. They were, once again, making a statement against the media. They did not care what was published before. They were there to state the truth with their actions and silence the rumors with their speech.

Christina and Britney gave each other quick glances before giggling. "Tonight sure has been fun, girl." Christina remarked first, following portions of the TelePrompTer's dialogue. She brushed pieces of her lengthly hair behind her shoulder, puckering her lips. "It sure has, Christina. We're here at the beautiful Radio City Music Hall." Britney cheered in her bubbly accent. "And you got an award too." Christina added an extra comment.

Britney nodded, blushing with indifference in her eyes when reading the TelePrompTer. "There's been so many stars here like Bono, Blink 182, Eminem..." Britney followed the words exactly. "Anyway." Christina snapped automatically when hearing the name of the disgruntle rapper. Britney mocked a face of surprise, laughing afterward. Christina grinned, batting her seductive blue eyes. "And so many things have happened like the thing with Fred and the guy from Rage Against the Machine, us performing together, your old boyfriend announcing his married to a Backstreet Boy..." Christina followed the game, smirking. "Hey." Britney interrupted her with a mild titter. "Anyway, I think the biggest thing to happen here tonight would have to be us introducing this next guest." Britney boasted with a lingering smile. She turned to Christina and awaited her to complete their duty at the podium. "That's right, Brit'. Just like Destiny's Child said earlier, this woman is a Diva. Her versatility is unmatched. Plus, this woman, is truly all about the music..." Christina reveled.

Just as soon as the words crossed her lips, 'Music' came thumping into Radio City Music Hall and Madonna emerged from behind the large black curtain. She strutted her way to a microphone in the ecenter of the stage. She rocked a black cowboy hat while her blonde hair streaked with black, a black boa snaked itself around her neck and a black pants-suit clung to her firm body. The audience stood in ovation, clapping savagely for the musical icon. The crowd howled for her as she graced the stage.

Christina and Britney stood at their podium, clapping. They glanced at her in awe. They could only hope to be her one day and watching her was a pleasure for them. "Girl, I can't wait to get to the after-parties." Christina commented to Britney as the applause drew on. "Me too. Which one her you going to?" Britney wondered in a hushed voice. "Don't know quite yet. Probably Tommy Matolla's. You?" Christina replied. Britney smiled wickedly. "*NSYNC's party. You should come." Britney suggested. Christina contemplated the idea as the applause began to die down. They could see their cue to leave the stage as Madonna chatted casually. A smirk twitched around the corners of Christina's lips and she released it. "Okay, I suppose I can make an appearance for the hell of it." Christina agreed, trailing Britney in their nonchalant walk.

As the limo pulled up the Enigma club, Britney wasn't sure if she should have attended the party. "Now ya'll ca have fun tonight, but I don't want ya'll doing anything stupid and be cautious of who you hang with. I don't want to hurt anybody up in here." Lonnie warned all of the occupants of the stretch, black limo. He received several nods from everyone. He smiled with a reserved look as the door to the limo was pulled open.

"It's time to party." Lance boasted with his bass voice. He was the first to exit and wave to the masses as photographers snapped pictures of him and reporters called to him. "Let's make this live people." Chris insisted, holding Meelah's ahnd as he departed from the limo. Meelah sighed before following him. Meelah glanced around as lights flashed all around her. She pushed her hair back and awaited Chris' first move. "Ready baby?" he asked her in a coy voice. Meelah batted her eyes, unsure. She finally nodded when seeing J.C. emerge from the limousine. "Are we going or what?" J.C. wondered, wandering up to where Lance stood. Chris nodded with excitement flaring in his brown eyes. He gave a few, quick waves to the crowd before allowing security to escort he and half of his party inside of the club.

Joey assisted Britney in escaping the confines of the limo. Britney chewed on the corner of her lower lip with a nervous expression holding her face. She pushed pieces of her hair back while adjusting her blue jean jacket. "Hey everyone." Joey said, waving amicably toward the crowd. "Britney! Britney!" the fans called, causing Britney raise her head with a half-hearted expression of her face. She gave a few waves, trying to follow her boyfriend. She felt free to move in her baby-T and her ash-blue-colored jeans. On the front of her baby-T was a blue, glittery Superman symbol with the word 'Super Girl' on the inside of the pentagon-like shape.

"Miss Spears... Britney..." reporters began to call to her. Britney shrugged them away, keeping her eyes forward. "Let's just get inside so I can see my mom or Nikki and the girls." Britney suggested, nudging Joey toward the entrance of the club. Joey slinked his arm around her lean waist and pulled her forward. "Okay honey, let's go." he agreed, guiding her inside. Britney clung to Joey with a promising look in her faces. She was thankful that her boyfriend was so understanding. He kept her safe when she needed to be.

Justin stepped out of the limo with Brian close behind. Justin ducked his head from all of the reporters as Brian held onto the tail of his shirt. "Lord, where's Joey?" Justin wondered, reaching his hand backward and searching for Brian's. Brian briskly grabbed onto Justin's hand, holding it tightly as he tried not to get lost in the media frenzy. "There they are!" one reporter shouted out as the others began to flock in Brian and Justin's direction. Justin sighed arrogantly, holding his husband close to him. "Oh my God, look, they're really holding hands." a younger female gushed, turning her head away from them. Justin shook his head and began to pull Brian towards the club. "Don't worry, I've got ya'll." Lonnie assured them.

He began to push others back so that Brian and Justin could promenade toward the club. "I'm with you." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin nibbled on his lower lip with fear as more comments were slung toward them. "Is it true? Oh my gosh, is it true?" some girls shouted out as they looked on Brian and Justin. Justin hung his head, praying he would reach the front of the club soon. "I think it's so cute! Hey Justin!" another commented. Justin smiled lightly as he began to blush. Justin could hear the music of the club tugging him inward and he held Brian's hand tighter as they escaped the fire of the media.

Brian stood to one side of the club, bobbing his head to the intense music. He took a glance to the dance floor where he could spot Justin and Britney dancing, while Lance and Veronica danced nearby. Jon Norris stood near him, awaiting a word from his producer to begin filming a segment for MTV News with Brian. Brian swallowed lightly, eyeing Nikki and J.C. as they danced to one side of the club. 'He had better not try anything with Foxy.' Brian thought arrogantly while observing the two. "We're ready Mr. Littrell." a technician informed Brian in a loud voice. Brian nodded, sighing as he took his eyes off of the dance floor.

"I'm Jon Norris and I'm standing by, here at Enigma, the home of *NSYNC's VMA after-party, with Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys. How's it going Brian?" Jon stated, glancing at Brian. "Pretty good." Brian replied chipperly. "It's kind of crazy here. You've got all sorts of stars coming in here." Jon commented, starting a friendly conversation between the two. Brian nodded, taking another brief look around. "I just saw Lenny Kravitz and P!nk a minute ago. When we got here, we saw Lil' Kim, Lil' Cease, and Mark Walhberg. So it's a mixed group." Brian agreed in his healthy country accent.

"Well, if people haven't heard by now, you and Justin from *NSYNC admitted that you two have been married for what... a year now? And you even have a son?" Jon wondered, hoping to clear up some misconceptions. "That's right. It's been a year now and we have an adopted son... his name's Angel." Brian replied with a soft smile. "It has certainly been a surprise for everyone. What made you do it?" Jon questioned him, trying to reach his voice over the music. "Well, for awhile we wanted to do it, but there was a lot of red tape around it. So we knew we couldn't just do because we didn't know what the reaction was going to be. Finally, we just went to our management and our label and we were like, 'Look, everyone's asking and we're tired of hiding from it. We have to do this for our son.' And so, we did it." Brian replied fully, hoping it would end questions concerning the matter. "Sort of like, for the sake of the family, right? Just to end secrets?" Jon tried to clarify Brian's reply. Brian nodded immediately. "Definitely. It was definitely a family thing. Me and Justin wanted our marriage to stay balanced and to make sure our son's happy." Brian chimed. "But we didn't really think of it as lying as some people did. We were never asked about marriage, so we never worried about it. It was always a question of whether or not me and Justin were dating. So we just answered with what we could and that was that we weren't dating." Brian added. Jon nodded, considering a final question so that he could move along.

"Well, it's always good to hear that musicians are happy and that they can have both a career and a personal life. And we've already seen that the marriage won't affect the Backstreet Boys because you've still been touring and working on the album and everything." Jon noted. Brian grinned happily.

"It's not going to affect my music career. Justin's very supportive of it and the guys are very supportive for my marriage and my family life." Brian assured Jon. "Okay, that's great to hear. I know you're going to have a lot to deal with now with the new record and everyone knowing about you and Justin now. Anything you want cleared up?" Jon offered Brian a chance to shine. Brian did not have to contemplate on the question long. "Uhm, Justin doesn't go out with Britney! For so long, I've heard that and it's so funny to me. I mean, I love Justin and so I don't have to worry about that. Still, I hear it so much, it's crazy." Brian snickered. Jon laughed with him. "Now they know. It was nice talking with you Brian." Jon cheered, extending his hand to Brian. Brian gladly took it and shook it. He permitte Jon and his crew to walk away while smiling to himself. His marriage may have struggled and he knew more wars were to come, but now he had faith that he could at least have private and public support from Justin. It was a healing thought.


*** Did it take long enough? I'm sorry about that. I've been so busy with college! So please forgive me. I know I told a few of you that it would be done sooner than this and I hoped it would, but hey, it's out now, right? I hope you liked this one! Look, Brian and Justin made it... well sort of. There are still some unresolved issues coming for ya'll. Yes, mo' drama. Some of you thought I was mad or hurt because I said I didn't receive fan mail anymore. No, no, no. It doesn't bother me. I get plenty of responses! I get a lot of love and it doesn't bother me. Now, write me about this part! Make me happy with yuor complaints or compliments. It doesn't matter to me. Oh yeah, Innosense's album came out recently. Did any of you buy it? Let me know. You can expect to see more of their music in the stories. I suggest those of you who are sad because you don't get to be around a loved one to listen to 'Rain Rain' or for those of you who want a song about love, listen to 'I Wish' and 'So Together.' They're great! Anyway, I'm hoping to get right to work on the next part. Expect the return of two characters! I want to focus a lot on Brian and Justin, but is there another couple you'd like me to take a closer look at? Let me know and I'll try and focus on them soon! Thanks for reading this section. It's long, I KNOW! I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks again... I just know I'm forgetting something! UGH! Peace... ***

Next: Chapter 67: Ride

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