Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Feb 15, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 50) - Justin's B-Day By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories pretty much follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Nite'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I'll try and forewarn you when I plan to stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 50TH STORY!!!. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics; includes previous songs) and the 'Brian & Justin' soundtrack Part II. That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtack features old and new songs from B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They have a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! I never thought this series would get this far! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got alot talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best B.S.B. story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for inspiring me, with his great storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJViscardi's for being a good friends and a great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. He helped me get through some instalement of stories. So until the next time, please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

** Please forgive me with this story if I skip a little ahead of time. I realize that A.J.'s birthday is before the other guys, but I have to make things move along faster. **

Justin's eyes were getting heavy as he watched Brian stand. "If you want, you can sleep in my bunk with me?" Brian said. Justin looked at him with a puzzled face. "But we just broke up?" Justin questioned. "No, no Justin, we didn't." Brian insisted as he sat back in the booth. "Brian, you just said that you couldn't put the ring on my finger because I betrayed you. That means it's over." Justin argued. "Justin, I'm not ready to marry you, but I don't want to break up with you. I love you. But I need time before I can say I'm ready to be engadged to you." Brian said honestly. "I can't deal with that Brian. I'm sorry. I love you, but you chose Nick over me." Justin shook his head in hurt. Brian sat dumbfounded. "I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight Brian." Justin said as he stood. He slid his finger across his eyes, catching the tears that were trying to escape. Justin rubbed his eyes softly and then stretched. He walked towards his own bunk and got inside. Brian sat, still confussed.

Kevin walked drowsily into the room and looked around. "What the hell was all that noise Brian?" Kevin asked as he plopped down in the booth. Brian didn't answer him. Kevin lazily opened his eyes and looked into Brian's distraut face. "Uh oh, what's wrong?" Kevin asked. "Nothing Kevin." Brian responded quickly. Kevin looked down at the table and saw the gold ring sitting there. Kevin looked up at Brian with wonder in his eyes. "Why is this right here and not on Justin's finger?" Kevin questioned. Brian sniffled and grabbed the ring. He looked at it in the dim lighting of the bus. "Brian what's wrong? Did you and Justin have a fight?" Kevin asked. "Yes, we did. And now, we're not getting married." Brian sighed. "What!?! Why?" Kevin asked in a fatherly voice. "Because I was stupid enough to choose Nick over Justin." Brian responded. Kevin was confussed even more. "Why would you choose Nick over Justin?" Kevin asked. "It's not that I CHOSE him, but I defended Nick and said some hurtful things to Justin. And now, I told him that I wasn't ready to be with him." Brian answered in a cracking voice. Kevin sighed and slouched in the booth. "What was the fight over?" Kevin asked.

"Well first, Nick found J.C. and Lance in the bathroom alomost ready to have sex together." Kevin quickly stopped Brian. "WHOA!!! When did this happen? What the hell has been going on sicne I went to bed?" Kevin asked. "This happened about ten minutes after you went to sleep. Then a big fight broke out between J.C., Lance and Nick." Brian explained. "And did anyone get hurt?" Kevin saked, now sitting up straight. "Yeah, Nick got belted pretty hard in the chest by J.C. Lance was messing with both their heads and now everyone is confussed. Nick was shaken up really bad by this." Brian answered. "And so you just did what you felt was right and helped Nick?" Kevin questioned. "Yeah, Nick's been my friend for a long time now. I felt really bad for him. On top of that, Justin knew all along about J.C. and Lance and he never told me or anyone!" Brian's anger returned. "Calm donw cuz. I'm sure he wanted to tell you, but like you did for Nick, he stuck by J.C." Kevin said intelligently. "But Nick was the one hurt in the end, not J.C." Brian argued. "How do you know if J.C.'s hurt or not? If Lance was playing with both of their minds, then my guess is that J.C.'s torn up inside just like Nick is." Kevin responded. Brian thought and understood. "I understand why you feel hurt by Justin's actions and you were just standing up for a friend, but I don't really think you're going to be happy until you put that ring back on Justin's finger." Kevin said seriously. "Kevin, I can't... not now." Brian explained in a sorrowing tone. "Then you may have just lost the best love you'e ever had." Kevin said as he stood. He walked to the refridgerator and pulled out the orange juice. He poured a glass and headed to the back lounge.

Brian sighed and stood. He walked from the front towards his bunk. On the way he saw Lance standing by Nick's bunk. Lance's was doing his best to apologize, but Nick wasn't listening. Brian shook his head at Lance with disgust and got inside of his own bunk. When he got isnide, he saw Justin's red shirt sitting inside. He forgot that Justin had left it there. Brian sighed once again and cuddled up to the sweatshirt. It still had Justin's scent on it and Brian took it all in.

Justin walked to the back lounge as he listened to his CD player. He looked in and saw Britney and Joey playing the Playstation, while Kevin sat in a corner reading his book. Justin hesitantly walked in and sat on the opposite couch from Joey and Britney. They both waved at him and continued with their game. Justin sighed and sat back on the couch. Justin's head bobbed slowly to Faith Evan's and 112's 'Stay Awhile' and his fingers tapped the edge of the couch. Justin listened to every lyric, reminding him of the times he spent with Brian. 'Why can't you stay with me for just awhile', ran over and over inside of his head as he listened. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the couch's arm. He sighed deeply as he listened to Faith belt out her verse.

"Justin... Justin!" J.C. barked as he tapped Justin on the shoulder. Justin removed his headphones recklessly and looked J.C. "What?" Justin asked harshly. "Telephone." J.C. said as he handed Justin his cell phone. "Who's calling at 3 AM?" Justin quetioned as he grabbed the cell phone. "Hi, this is Justin." Justin said quickly into the phone. "Justin, honey? This is your mother." Lynn responded. "Oh, hi'ya mom. How are you?" Justin said as he turned his CD player off. "I'm fine. I wish I could've seen you guys before you left." Lynn answered sadly. "Yeah, we had to leave right after the concert." Justin agreed. "Well, I wanted to apologize for what I said to you the another night Justin. I support you and Brian fully, but I was a bit hurt by the way you responded to my actions. I know that I was wrong, and I'm saying sorry for that." Lynn said sincerly. Justin listened as he walked out of the lounge. "I understand that you were just looking out for your son. I just wish now that I had listened to you." Justin commented sorely. "I'm sorry to hear that. J.C. told me some of what happened. It looks like things aren't going his way right now." Lynn replied. "Or my way, but I guess that's a part of life. I have to deal with me and Brian not being together right now." Justin huffed out. "You and Brian? I thought it was just Lance and J.C. and Nick." Lynn interjected quickly. "No, me and Brian too." Justin added.

"J.C. told me that you two got into a big arguement, but I didn't know you two broke up!" Lynn was beginning to sound histerical. "Calm down mom. Brian just decided that he felt I was wrong for not telling him about J.C. and Lance. I was wrong, but I didn't want J.C. to get hurt. In the end, I lost both ways." Justin explained as he walked to the front of the bus. "I'm so sorry, Justin. I know how much you care for Brian. I wish there was something I could do. Are you guys still going to do the shoot tomorrow?" Lynn questioned with concern. "Yeah, we're still going to. I think they're will be alot of tension on the set, but we'll do our best not to mess up the video." Justin answered, looking out the dark windows of the bus. He watched the large flurries of snow brush ont he bus. "Well what are you going to do for your birthday?" Lynn asked, changing the subject for Justin's benefit. "I don't know. Dad asked me to come home to Tennesse, but I told him I'd have to think about it. He doesn't know anything about me and Justin. I was thinking about flying down to Orlando for the weekend with the guys and just kicking it at me and Brian's, but it looks like that's not going to happen. Maybe I'll just chill in New York for awhile until the next show." Justin shrugged as he answered her. "Well you should come home and spend it with us. We'd love to have you home, if only for a few hours." Lynn suggested. "That'd be nice." Justin agreed.

Justin watched as A.J. came into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of cookies. A.J. sat in the booth with Justin as Justin finished talking with his mother. "It's kinda chilly on this bus. There's a lot of snow outside, so I guess the bus is just cooling down." Justin chattered as he shivered slightly. "Well Justin, you need to get covered up. I don't want you to get sick again." Lynn ordered as he talked. Justin stood and pulled the phone from his ear. "Have you talked with Nick?" Justin whispered to A.J. A.J. nodded and gave Justin a displeasing look. Justin sighed and put the phone back to his ear.

He walked towards the bunks, heading for his own. "So, what did you guys do for A.J.'s birthday?" Lynn asked Justin as Justin searched through his buk for his sweatshirt. "Well they went to a club that night, but A.J. spent most of the day with Amanda." Justin said as he threw his clothes around. 'Funny, I can't find my red sweatshirt.' Justin thought curiously. 'Shit, I left it in Brian's bed.' Justin pouted as he got out of his bunk. "And how's Nick taking all of this tuff going on?" Lynn asked, returning to their other conversation. "He's taking it hard. I feel kind of bad for him. He's done wrong things, but he didn't deserve that." Justin said as he walked to Brian's bunk. He knew Brian was sleep because he heard light breathing emitting from the bunk. Justin carefully peeled the curtains opened and looked in. Justin couldn't hear his mother's last words because he was shocked by the sight that laid before him. Brian laid silent, wrapped up tightly in Justin's red sweatshirt. Brian looked so adorable, clinging to the shirt that Justin didn't want to wake him. "Justin?!? Justin, did you hear me?" Lynn asked, barking into the phone. Justin's trance was broken as he heard her screeching. "Uhm, I'll call you tomorrow mom. I'm real tired and we have a LONG day." Justin muttered into the phone softly. "Okay. I love you sweetie." Lynn said. "I love you too." Justin responded as he ended the conversation.

Justin smiled at Brian's innocent look. Though he felt bad about losing Brian, he never forgot how cute Brian could be. Justin quietly closed the curtains again and stood outside the bunk. He was about to head back to the front of the bus when the bus suddenyl jerked forward. "Oh shit!" Howie complained as he fell out of his bunk. He hit the floor with a loud thump. "Ouch!" Howie complained as he laid on his back on the floor. Justin was caught off balance by the sudden stop and looked towards the front. "What happened?" Kevin asked as he headed towards the front. He pushed by Justin and Howie to get to where the bus driver was. Justin rolled his eyes at Kevin and helped Howie up. "You okay, Howie?" Justin asked as Howie stood. "Not really. it's bad enough I'm just recovering from one accident. Now there's another?" Howie complained even more. "Ugh!" Nick bellowed as he looked down from his bunk. "My head and chest are killing me." Nick said as he squinted his eyes. He adjusted his eyes to the light and looked around. "Hold on Nick, I'll get you some Tylenol." Britney said as she walked into the area. "Thanks Britney." Nick groaned. Lance came into the area and looked at Nick. Nick quickly backed into his bunk, avoiding eye contact with Lance. "Oh come now Nick! We need to talk." Lance pouted as he tried to get Nick's attention. "I don't want to talk with you anymore!" Nick shouted from inside his bunk.

"Do we have to listen to this right now?" Howie asked as he got back inside his bunk. Kevin came storming back into the area and looked at everyone. "What's up Kev'?" A.J. asked as he followed Kevin. "We've got a problem ya'll. First off, we're in the middle of a damn blizzard. Second, the bus's got a flat and it rammed into a snow drift. So the driver's called personell and he's heading out now to see if he can fix the problem outside. So we'll be stuck here for at leat two to four hours because some of the roads are out." Kevin said. All the guys groaned as they listened on. "What a perfect time for a blizzard!" A.J. said as he munched on another cookie. Britney rushed back into the area and looked into Nick's bunk. She nursed him as the others made talked. "Maybe you should come into the lounge Nick, that way you can relax easier instead of being cramped in this bunk." Britney suggested. "Yeah, I think I'll do that." Nick grumbled. He rolled out of his bunk and walked with Britney to the back lounge.

Justin walked back to the front and saw A.J. and Kevin talking. They quickly shut up as soon sa they caught sight of him. "Okay, if this is about me and Brian, you might as well talk. At least two people will be on this bus." Justin said as he grabbed his bottled water from the counter. "We're sorry Justin. We're just a bit concerned, that's all." Kevin explained. "Don't be Kevin. What happens between me and Brian shouldn't affect anyone but us." Justin replied. He took a sip of his water and leaned back against the counter. "I know it's only supposed to affect you and Brian, but it's affecting all of us. We're all concerned about you and Brian's health." Kevin said. "What does our health have to do with any of this?" Justin asked sarcastically. "Not much since you're both crazy as it is." A.J. laughed. "Oh shut up!" Justin laughed along. Justin did his best not to think about how hard it was going to be without Brian. "Actually Brian, I was talking about how you two are always there to support the other. If one's sick or one's sad, the other always does something to cheer them up. That's how you and Brian work so well together." Kevin said seriously. "Well i'm sure we'll both struggle on as friends." Justin sighed. He took another gulp of his water and placed it back on the counter. "I think I'm going to go see if J.C.'s okay, then I'm hitting the hay." Justin said as he stood up straight. Justin rubbed his eyes and walked away. "Make sure to bundle up, it's getting kinda chilly on this bus!" A.J. called out to Justin as he walked away.

Justin shivered a bit as he walked towards the back lounge. He entered the lounge and took notice of everyone in the room. Britney laid sleep in one of chairs, while Joey read over some contracts at the table. The room was lit only by the light by the able and the light of the T.V. Justin gazed around and saw Brian sitting on the couh near the window. Brian was reclined on the couch with Nick laying on his lap. Nick was sleep and Brian was rubbing thorugh his hair, trying to comfort him. Justin's eyes met with Brian's as they both looked up. Brian gave a small smile while Justin kept a straight face. Justin grabbed his CD player and began to leave. "Aye, Justin. Come back here man." Joey hissed from the table. Justin looked back in the lounge, fiaxting his eyes on Joey. Joey waved for him to come back in.

Justin walked back in and placed his CD player on the couch. Justin walked over to the table Joey sat at and sat down. "What's up?" Justin whispered. "Just wanted to see if you were okay." Joey whispered back. "Yeah, I guess I'll be okay." Justin replied. Justin looked down at the table, avoiding Joey's looks. "Yeah right! I know you sooooo much better then that." Joey laughed lowly. "Why don't you go over there and talk with him?" Joey asked, casually pointing to Brian. "No, he's with Nick right now." Justin frowned. "You've never been so jealous." Joey snickered. "I'm not jealous Joey. Brian's free to be with whoever he wants now. If he thinks he can make Nick feel better, who am I to stop him?" Justin argued. "You're the man he loves. Brian's only holding Nick because Nick had a bad headache and Britney fell asleep on the couch. Brian was just there to apply the ice and make sure Nick was okay. Nick just drifted off on Brian's lap and Brian's too kind to kick him off." Joey explained. Justin raised his brow and listened to Joey. "Look, I'm going to carry Britney to her bunk and then I'll have Kevin come get Nick. Make sure Brian doesn't freeze in here." Joey said quietly. Justin nodded and watched Joey stand. Joey crept over to where Britney slept and carefully lifted her. He carried her in his arms out of the lounge.

Justin flicked the light off by the table and walked over to the couch that Brian sat at. Brian was drifting in and out of sleep as he watched Sleepless In Seattle. Justin cracked a smile as he looked at Brian. Justin reached to the side of the couch and pulled a blanket from the floor. Justin carefully placed the blanket over Brian's body, making sure not to cover Nick up. Brian stirred as he felt the soft material touch his face. Justin watched to see if Brian would awaken. Brian's eyes stayed shut as his breathing slowed. Justin laughed to himself about how Brian looked while he was sleep. Almost as if he was a child. Justin thought to sit next to Brian, but he noticed Nick's legs taking up the rest of the couch. Justin ran his hand over Brian's smooth face and sighed. Brian stirred again, his eyes batting open. Brian looked up at Justin, squinting his eyes. "What are you doing?" Brian questioned, trying to figure out where he was. "I was just covering you up. I didn't want you to get cold." Justin whispered back. Brian rubbed his eyes and looked back at Justin. "Thanks." Brian responded groggily.

"Just lay back Bri and go to sleep. It'll be awhile before we get rolling again." Justin suggested. "It's hard to sleep without you, Justin." Brian mumbled as he looked away from Justin. Brian lifted the blanket from his body and looked down at Nick. "He's so out of it. I'm worried about him." Brian commented. "I think with your help, he'll get past this." Justin said quietly. "I'm just his friend Justin, not his lover." Brian snapped back at Justin. "I meant as a friend." Justin apologized. "I should get to bed now. I guess I'll see you when we get to Kingston." Justin sighed as he turned towards the exit. "Justin..." Brian tried to gather the words to make Justin stay. "No, Brian, don't do this. We can't keep doing this." Justin shook his head. "Well it's hard for me to stop loving you." Brian interjected. "And it's hard for me to keep fighting to get you back." Justin added. "What? What's up guys?" Nick questioned as he lifted his head from Brian's lap. "Just go back to sleep Nick." Brian hushed him. "Yeah, just go back to sleep." Justin sighed as he began to leave the room. "Wait! Justin, is something wrong?" Nick said as he pushed Brian's hands away. Justin didn't answer him.

Before Justin could get fully out of the room, J.C. and Lance pushed him back in as they charged the lounge. "Listen Lance, I don't give a fuck what you have to say! I've dealt with alot of things in my life, but you saying that I meant nothing to you is all I can take!" J.C. shouted as they walked in. "I'm sorry. You don't know how hard this is for me." Lance pleaded to J.C. J.C. walked to the side and sat at the table. "What the hell is this about?" Nick said as he stood. "Don't worry about it Nick! Whatever Lance does, I don't want him now." J.C. barked from the table. "But J.C., I didn't mean it." Lance fussed even more. "I do love you." Lance confessed boldly. Brian stood and looked at Justin. Justin was too into the arguement to notice Brian's stares. "Then stop messing with Nick and be with me." J.C. said as he walked back to Lance. "He doesn't have to stop messing with me because I am through with him. What you did Lance tore me up inside." Nick confronted Lance. "Oh, and like screaming his name the first time we had sex made me feel good?!" Lance chastized Brian with his rhetorical question.

"I have nothing to do with this." Brian said as he backed away. "Brian, you have everything to do with this. Ever since Nick confessed his love for you, it's been all you you you you and not me. That's why I had to go to J.C." Lance yelled at Brian. "I can't control who Nick loves!" Brian argued. "But you can let Nick know that you're happy with Justin. But I guess that's a bit late, now." Lance barked back. Justin shook his head at Lance. "Don't involve me and Brian's relationship in your problems. We tried to be happy, but once again ya'll ruined that." Justin said. "I'm sorry about you and Brian, Justin, but I can't change that. Maybe you and Brian should stop being so petty and just get back together." J.C. said, looking directly at Justin. "Listen, I don't need Lance to love me for anything. The sex may have been good, but it wasn't all that!" Nick said, striking at low blow at Lance. "That's what I said to myself every night." Lance shot back. "I can move on with my life. I don't need you to hold my hand and guide me or defend me fr anything! I can be happywith anyone." Nick stumbled out. He quickly grabbed Brian's arm and forced him into a kiss. Brian yanked Nick away and looked at him. "Nick! I can't believe you did..." beofre Brian could finish his sentence, Lance came swinging at Brian. He hit Brian in the back of the head and then the back. Brian stumbled forward and regained himself. He was in a rage as he looked at Lance. "Brian?" Nick questioned as he looked at them. Justin knew what was going to happen next.

"Brian, don't!" Justin yelled as he stepped in front of Lance. Justin stepped in front too late and Brian ended up bashing Justin with his fist. Brian's fist rammed straight into Justin's left shoulder and Brian's second fist hit the wall of the bus. Nick tumbled back, pulling Lance with him to the floor, avoiding the fight. J.C. quickly interjected and slammed Brian against the wall. "What the fuck is your problem?!?" J.C. screamed as he held Brian against the wall. Justin doubled over in pain, still shocked by the hit. Nick looked at Brian and then stood quickly. "Let him go asshole! Lance threw the first punch, not Brian." Nick argued as he yanked J.C. away. Lance laid on the ground, trying to recollect his thoughts. "What the hell is going on in here!" Kevin shouted as he barged in. He and A.J. pulled J.C. away from Nick and Brian and tried to figure out the situation. "If Lance hadn't hit Brian, none of this would have happened." Nick shouted as he held Brian. Brian pushed Nick back and jerked away. "Get away from me Nick." Brian barked as he walked from Nick. Nick looked at Brian with confussion written all over his face. Brian walked to the middle of the room, where Justin was kneeling. "Justin... Justin are you okay?" Brian questioned as he knelt next to Justin.

Justin stood, his body perfectly straight. Justin didn't say anything to anyone as he walked out of the lounge. "Justin! Justin, don't go! I'm sorry!" Brian called out again and again to Justin. Justin kept a steadfast movement as he walked to the front of the bus. "Justin? What's up?" Chris questioned as Justin walked past him. Justin grabbed his Nike jacket from the front seat and walked out of the bus. Brian was right behind him, snatching Kevin's coat as he hopped of the bus.

Justin stood outside of the bus, leaning against the cool steel of the exterior. Justin wrapped his arms around himself, hugging hisself tightly. He shivered as the cool, flurries of snow fell on his head. 'I feel like a total ass sitting out here.' Justin said to himself as he looked around. Brian walked up next to him and looked at him. "It's too cold for you to be out here." Brian said lowly as he looked at Justin. "Brian, go back inside of the bus and tend to Nick and the others. You don't have to worry about me." Justin responded harshly. Brian leaned against the bus next to Justin and looked at the night's sky. "Why should I go in to them? I have what I want right here with me." Brian chamred. "Compliments aren't going to change things between us. And with that last fight, things have just gotten worse." Justin barked. Brian leaned off the bus and stood in front of Justin. "For you maybe, but not for me. I'm sorry babe for hitting you. I was aiming for Lance's face." Brian spoke softly. "That's the problem. You shouldn't worry about Lance, J.C. or Nick." Justin said. "Lance hit me first! How am I not supposed to worry about it. If I knew you were going to jump in front of him, I wouldn't have swung at you." Brian lashed back.

"I know Lance was wrong. And I'm pissed at him for doing it. It's just that... well why do things always have to be so hard for us? Why couldn't me and you just went to bed and avoided all of this." Justin fussed. "I don't know. I wish we could just be together, but it's hard." Brian answered Justin with a frown. "Well I guess theere's no sense in crying over spilled milk. Go back inside. I'll be in soon." Justin said. Brian too his ground and shivered as a light breeze blew over them. "Brian, I don't want you getting sick because of me." Justin insisted to Brian. "Then I guess I'm going to have to freeze. I'm not going back inside without you holding my hand." Brian said with a carefree attitude. Justin looked at Brian as if he had lost his mind. "Brian, you know it's over for us." Jsutin groaned. He rubbed his shoulder and clenched his teeth in pain. "Sorry, but I still love you. And if we have to get off this bus and run to Las Vegas to get married, I'm not letting you leave me." Brian responded. Brian gave a small laugh, hoping Justin would join in. "You know what?" Justin questioned with a straight face. "What?" Brian asked, stopping his laugh. "You make it so hard for someone to stay mad at you." Justin smiled. Brian smiled back, his blue eyes flashing in the night's sky. "So does this mean that you forgive me?" Brian questioned, advancing closer to Justin. "I didn't say that. I just said it's hard to stay mad at you." Justin stopped him.

Brian grunted and turned around. He looked at the sky as the snow fell harder. Justin shivered as a frosty breeze grazed his cheeks. The cool breeze was the only sound between the two of them. Justin watched Brian and waited for his response. "I do love you, Justin. Whether you chose to believe it or not. And I'd happily walk you down the aisle at the drop of a dime when I was ready. But I'm not crazy and I can't make you change your mind." Brian said, breaking the silence. Justin bit his lower lip and stared at Brian. "Brian, i love you too. There's no way I can deny that. It's just getting harder and harder to deal with people." Justin admitted shyly. Brian walked closer to Justin again. He wrapped his arms around Justin and hugged him. Justin was surprised by Brian's actions. Brian backed away slowly and looked into Justin's eyes. "Sorry, it's just a reaction. I guess I'm so used to hugging you, but I forgot." Brian whispered. "I know. Uhm, it's okay. I don't mind. If we're going to get back together, I guess we're going to have to learn how to hug again." Justin said softly. He smiled as he looked at Brian. Brian, realizing what Justin had just said, smiled back. "Really?" Brian asked in disbelief. "Really." Justin whispered. Brian kissed Justin's lips lightly and hugged him again. "God, that feels good." Brian smiled as he hugged Justin tight. "Can we get back inside now. It's kinda cold out here." Justin suggested, pulling Brain back. "Oh, yeah! Let's get inside." Brian said, rubbing Justin's shoulders. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and they headed back inside of the bus.

Chris, Joey and Britney quickly backed away from the windows as they saw Justin and Brian boarding the bus. They played coyly as Justin and Brian looked at them. "Well, we're back together." Brian chimmed. "We know... uh, I mean, that's great!" Joey stuttered out. Brian raised his brow at the three with wonder. "Well now that you two are together, maybe you can stop the arguing that's been going on this bus." Chris suggested as he pointed towards the back of the bus. Brian looked at Justin and then the back. "Forget it! I'm staying out of this one and so is Justin." Brian replied. Justin smiled and laid his head on Brian's shoulder. "You guys should get some sweat's on, it's getting colder on this bus." Brian suggested as he and Justin sat in the booth. "Well I've got this two boys to keep me warm." Britney laughed as she cuddled up with Chris and Joey. "Hey, no complaining here!" Joey laughed as he hugged Britney. Justin clinched his teeth as he removed his jacket. He looked at his left shoulder and saw a huge bruise forming on his shoulder. The bruise was the size of a brick, with a deep blue color. "Shit!" Justin hissed as he touched it. Brian looked at the bruise and frowned. "I'm so sorry about that. Let me get you some ice." Brian said as he hopped out of the booth. He rushed over to the mini-freezer and pulled out some ice. Brian threw the ice in a cloth and ran water on it. "Don't worry Brian, it's no big deal." Justin said as Brian got back in the booth. "It is a BIG deal. I shouldn't have hit you." Brian said softly as he applied the ice.

Justin sucked air through his teeth with a gasp and closed his eyes tightly as the cloth touched his skin. A tear slithered down his cheeks as his arm stung with pain. "Sorry." Brian said again as he held the ice on. "It's okay." Justin sighed, letting another tear roll down his face. "Geez Justin, that's a big bruise!" Joey gasped as he looked at it. His eyes bulged out and then he looked at Brian. Brian fronwed and looked away from Justin. "I'm sorry Brian. Uhm, I know you din't mean to hit him." Joey said sincerly. Brian refused to look at them. "Brian? Don't worry about it." Justin reassured him. Brian looked at Jsutin for a moment and then just stared at the table. Jusitn looked at Brian's expression, that of a lost puppy. "Listen, we all had better hit the hay. We've got like an 18 hour day tomorrow. That and then we head right off to our next show." Chris suggested as he slumped out of the booth. "Yeah, I'm tired anyways. This has been a LONG night." Joey yawned. Joey got out of the booth and stretched. As his arms fell to his side, he looked at Britney. "Are you staying up or going to bed?" Joey asked. "Uhm, right. I'll get to bed now." Britney stuttered, drawing her attention away from Brian and Justin. "Try not to wake us up this time with another fight!" Chris laughed as he walked towards his bunk. "I think things have cooled down enough for us all to go to bed." Joey said as he stumbled off towards his bunk. Britney followed silently.

Just as Britney had cleared Justin's eyes, Kevin came stomping into the kitchen area. He slammed his hand down on the counter and stared at Brian and Justin. "What's wrong with you?" Brian asked in fear. "Well this whole Nick, J.C. and Lance thing ahs got me pretty upset. They're all acting like children and I'm pissed that you two were thrown in the middle. Nick's fussing with Lance for ten minues and then Nick and J.C. are yelling at each other. On top of that, Nick has found this new belief that he and Lance weren't meant to be because somehow, he thinks his love for you goes deeper!" Kevin yelled in anger. Justin and Brian both raised their brows at Kevin and wondered. "Nick's just upset right now. He'll cool off and forget about this." Brian comforted Kevin. "Yeah and I'm sure Lance will work everything out with everyone, hopefully without using violence." Justin added. "I'm glad ya'll are so confident." Kevin sighed. "Did everyone go to bed?" Justin asked, removing the melting ice from his shoulder. "Well J.C. went to bed. I think Nick went to bed too. Lance is in the bathroom crying his eyes out and A.J.'s trying to get him out. Right now, all I want to do is get to the video shoot and get it over with. Hopefully without conflict. That is why I'm suggesting Brian and Lance stay clewar of each other and Justin stick with Brian for awhile. Also, keep the Three Stooges from each other too!" Kevin barked. "No problem." Justin shot Kevin a smile. "I'll talk to Nick tomorrow." Brian said, causing Justin's smile to fade. "Thanks Brian. I could use all the help I can get." Kevin praised his cousin.

"Yeah well, this is great, but I'd better get some sleep." Justin stammered out as he stood. He stretched lightly and felt his shoulder tense up. "Ouch!" Justin hissed as he grabbed his shoulder. Brian slumped back in the booth and looked at him. "Guys! I'm back and we can get going now!" the bus drire announced as he stepped back on the bus. "Everyone okay?" he questioned as he looked at Brian, Justin and Kevin. "Yeah, we're fine. We just want to get going!" Kevin insisted. "You've got it boss." the driver said as he sat behind the wheel. He started the bus back up, causing it to jerk from the snow bank. Then the bus began to ride smoothly as it headed towards Kingston.

"Justin, you're forgetting something." Brian said as he looked into Justin's eyes. Justin grimiced and then looked at Brian. "Oh yeah." Justin brightened up. He leaned down in the booth and gave Brian a light kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight babe." Justin smiled as he backed away. "No, that's not it." Brian whispered as he grabbed hold of Justin's lower shirt. "What?" Justin asked as he looked at him. Brian watched as Justin's face scrambled in confussion. Brian sighed and reached down in his pocket. He pulled out the gold ring and waved it in Justin's face. Justin's eyes widened as he looked at the ring. Brian grabbed Justin's left hand and lightly glided the ring upon his finger. Justin smiled happily as it slid on, bonding itself with Justin's finger. "There, no it's all better." Brian grinned. Justin lifted his hand and held it in front of his face. "Yeah, all better." Justin said softly as he stared at the ring. "Well, me and Justin are going to be heading to bed now. We'll see you tomorrow or today or whatever, Kevin." Brian stuttered as he stood. "Have a good night you two." Kevin laughed as Brian got out of the booth. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and walked him towards the bunks. "Can we please just talk." Lance pleaded to Nick from next to his bunk. Nick's only response was throwing a pillow at Lance's head. "Now how mature was hat!" Lance gripped as he threw the pillow on the floor. Howie stood watching the whole scene, his face twisted in anger.

"Hey guys." Howie mumbled as he saw Justin and Brian. "Something up?" Justin asked as he looked at Lance. "Just a basic night in the Backstreet Boys-N Sync tour." Howie sighed. "Oh, sounds bad." Brian said over Justin's shoulder. "It could get worst and it did from what I hear?" Howie gave both Justin and Brian a questioning look. "Something that we don't want to talk about." Justin quickly said. "Right, right. Well you two should head into the lounge and avoid the crossfire. I'll stay up here and make sure things go okay." Howie said with a small smile. "Thanks Howie." Justin said as they began to walk psat him. "Thanks D." Brian whispered as he walked by. Howie nodded and watched them leave. Howie frowned as he listened to Lance plead even louder with Nick. "Lance, shut the hell up!" A.J. shouted from his bunk. "Will you just go to bed!" Britney called out from her bunk.

Brian and Justin stumbled into the loynge and fell onto the couch. Brian laid back on the couch and Justin laid his back on Brian's body. Brian gladly wrapped his arms around Justin and stretched out. Justin snuggled up to Brian and made hisself comfortable. Brian sighed and closed his eyes. "Goodnight Brian." Justin whispered as he shut his eyes. "Goodnight babe." Brian said softly as he drifted off to sleep. They both fell into a deep sleep as the bus rode smoothly through the white snow.

Brian felt a slight tap on his nose and scratched it lightly. He sighed and snuggled tighter with Justin. "Brian..." Nick whispered. "Hmm, go away." Brian said sleepily. "Brian, Brian get up." Nick shook Brian softly. "Why?" Brian groaned as he shook Nick away. "Brian, you've gotta get up man. We're at the video shoot." Nick said sternly, while keeping a low voice. "Huh?" Brian questioned sleepily. "Get up!" Nick finally barked. Justin's eyes shot open and he looked up at Nick. "What's the problem?" Justin asked. "Ya'll have got to get up now. We've gotta be on set in about twenty minutes." Nick answered softly. "Oh. Okay." Justin responded. He struggled to get out of his intanglement with Brian. "Come on Bri." Justin nudged Brian as he pulled away. "What? What's wrong?" Brian questioned. He finally opened his eyes to look at Nick. Nick rolled his eyes at Brian as he stared at him. "It's time to wake up Brian." Nick badgered Brian. "Okay, fine." Brian groaned in anger. Justin stood and stretched. As he raised his arm, he cringed in pain. Brian sat up sleepily and rubbed his eyes. Justin hissed in sheer pain and quickly brought his arm down. He grabbed his left shoulder in agony and rubbed it tenderly. Brian looked at Nick with half shut eyes and then at Justin.

"You two need to get on set soon. Kevin, Britney, A.J. and Lance are already out there." Nick said. "Oh, I need something to eat." Justin mumbled as he rubbed his shoulder. "There's food on the set. You need to get to wardrobe and then from there on the set. They've got like a 150 extras in there to play the roles of people in the club. Plus they've got about 15 dancers and even Britney's dancers. Oh and Fatima's there, waiting to help us with some dance steps." Nick said with enthusiasm. "Sounds great." Brian responded sarcastically.

Brian thought for a moment and then something popped into his brain. "Oh and happy birthday Nick! It's number 19 now? Right? God, you're getting old." Brian said without enthusiasm. Nick frowned at him. "Yeah, I'm 19 today." Nick grumbled. Brian stood and walked past Nick. Nick pouted as Brian walked by. Justin watched Brian out of the corner of his eye. Nick was quickly swept into the air by Brian's strong arms. "I'm just kidding Frack!!! I knew it was your birthday and I've got things planned." Brian laughed as he swung Nick around. Nick giggled with glee. Brian put Nick down and Nick stumbled to the couch. He laughed with great happiness. Justin smiled at Brian's care for the young man. Brian jumped on the couch and began to softly punch Nick in the arm. "1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6.." Brian went on with his punches until he reached 19. "And one for good luck." Brian laughed as he socked Nick one last time. "Ah!" Nick screamed with laughter. He and Nick rolled in their intense laughter.

"This is all great guys, but we might want to get to the set." Justin interupted them. "Oh, right Justin. We'll be right there. You go ahead out." Brian suggested as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Justin nodded in disappointment. Justin walked out of the room sorely and headed towards the front of the bus. He grabbed his jacket and then grabbed his sunglasses. As he walked out, he took a deep breath of the cold air. He blew heated mist into the air as he looked around. Technicians, make-up artists, lighting personell, reporters, stylists and producers. Justin avoided all attention as he strolled into the set. He looked around for familar faces, but couldn't find any.

"Justin Timberlake? Aren't you Justin of 'N Sync?" a kinda reporter stopped him with her question. "Yes, I'm Justin." Justin smiled. "Can I ask you a few questions for my news coverage?" the woman asked. "Sure, I guess I have time to answer a few." Justin said. The reporter smiled with excitement and grabbed her recorder. "Hi, this is Deborah Chiles and I'm with SuperTeen Teen Stars. I'm here with Justin Timberlake of the famed pop group 'N Sync and we're here on the set of the Backstreet Boy's new video, 'I'll Be The One'." the woman said quickly as she watched Justin's every motion. "How are you Justin?" the reporter asked. "I'm fine." Justin said. "Is there anything you want to say to the readers today?" she asked. "Yeah. what up ya'll? I hope you're looking for to our new album!" Justin said cockily. "Okay, Justin, you and the guys on 'N Sync will be featured in this video for the Bakcstreet Boys. Is this not your second appearance in one of their videos?" the woman asked. "Yeah, it is. We're real close friends with the boys. Plus we're touring together. So they invited us to come along for this one too." Justin answered. "But you're not the only ones appearing in this video?" she questioned. "No, not just us. Britney Spears and Innosense are around here somewhere. They're on the tour too. I think Aaron's here too." Justin responded, looking around for the others. "Aaron? As in Nick Carter's little brother." Deborah questioned. "Yeah, his little bro'. It's Nick's birthday today, so I think we're doing something for that too. Oh and it's Joey's birthday too." Justin replied. "Wow, that's great. When will we be hearing new things from you guys? The guys of 'N Sync I mean." she asked politely. "Well we plan on releasing our first single in a couple of weeks. And from there will be working more on the album." Justin said.

"That sounds great. I'm sure all the readers are looking forward to that. Now one more question, all of us want to know about this 'special person you've been mentioing in all of your interviews. The girls are in distress over this and they want to know if it's true." Deborah asked. Justin sighed and looked back at her. "Well that's a tough question to answer. You know what I'm sayin'? Cause as stars we're supposed to keep it true to our fans, but I don't want any problems. So I just try and be real with them. You know? So, sorry ladies, but I'm kinda seeing someone right now." Justin answered honestly. "Oh, that's good for you, bad for them. So it isn't really Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys like you guys kidded on Total Request Live?" Deborah laughed as she questioned him. "Oh yeah, sure. Me and Brian have been together for a long time. In fact, we've even got kids together." Justin laughed half-heartedly with her. He had to avoid any complications with her. Deborah laughed harder. "Well I've got get going now. See ya." Justin waved as he walked off.

Justin walked hurrily passed other reporters, causing him to bump into someone. "Oh, geez, I'm sorry." Justin stuttered out as he looked up at the person he fell upon. "It's okay, I like bumping into you." Brian answered as he held Justin's balance. "Brian? Didn't know it was you." Justin smiled as he looked at Brian. "It's okay Justin. Look, we've gotta get to wardobe and then the director will tell us what's up." Brian smiled as he helped Justin stand straight. "Okay." Justin said as he fixed himself. They both walked off towards wardobe as the people got things on the set straight.

Justin and Brian walked into the huge wardobe room and saw people running all around. They heard Monica's 'Angel of Mine' blasting through the speakers as they walked in. The room was brightly lit with stylists waitng on each person. Clothes were drapped on each chair and couh that was in the room. "This looks like my hotel room." Justin laughed as he looked around. "Justin, grab some clothes and try them on. We don't have all day." Kevin barked as he and a stylist tried different colors on Kevin. Brian and Justin both laughed and grabbed their clothes to try on. They quickly chnaged, Justin sporting a baby blue hockey jersey, a white t-shirt and blue jeans, while Brian wore a red Nike overshirt and black jeans. Brian grabbed a red baseball hate and placed it on his head backwards. Justin sported his lightly, purple tinted sunglasses and looked in the mirror. "Too fine." Justin joked to himself as he adjusted his jersey. "Yeah, he wishes!" Brian laughed as he walked by Justin. "Yo, Brian. Dude, we have to get on the set and pronto." Nick said as he walked into wardrobe. Brian looked at Nick and then tiffed at him. Nick was standing, arms crossed in a big, orange, button-down shirt with black pants on. "Okay, we're coming." Brian sighed as he fixed himself in the mirror. Justin walked towards Nick and tapped him on the shoulder. "Don't mind him. He didn't get much sleep last night." Justin whispered to Nick. Nick nodded and waited. All three walked out of wardrobe and headed towards the main set.

Nick, Brian and Justin walked into the huge club. They looked around at the well built set where dancers, bartneders, producers and others ran around like crazy. Multi-color spotlights chased each other around the huge room. The set was divided into four parts. Justin looked at the first part which consisted of a huge column of stairs where the dancers danced. He glanced at the second part, a revolving bar that sat upon a revolving, litted stand. Brian looked around at the third section, a bright, white stage that was set up for the Backstreet Boys to dance on. Then he looked at the fourth area, a room filled with balloons, glitter and exrtas. Nick looked around and caught notice of Kevin. He grabbed Justin and Brian's arms and directed them in Kevin's direction. Brian and Justin stumbled past the dancers to where Kevin stood.

He seemed to be talking with the director about the set. "Geez, this set is going to cost a fortune." Brian laughed as he interupted them. "Well it equvilates the cost of a small Iranian country." the director laughed. "Great to see you again Nigel." Brian laughed as he shook Nigel Dick's hand. "You too Brian. Glad to see you guys took me up on this idea." Nigel smiled as he looked around. "Yeah, it's a great concept." Brian nodded. "Well we we're just discussing how many camrea angles we plan on using. There's going to be about five cameras going around here, following you guys and the crowd. That's the exciting part. I get to direct on five different levels. I can call cut on one camera and still work with four others." Nigel said with excitement in his tone. "That sounds great." Kevin said. "Plus the extras have all been breifed on what they are allowed to do and not allowed to do. They can dance along with you and have fake conversations, but no harrashment or causing problems." Nigel added.

"It's good to know we won't be mobbed." Justin said from the side. Brian flinched in surprised and realized that he had left Justin standing there. "I'm so sorry. Nigel, this is Justin Timblerkae of 'N Sync. Justin, this is Nigel Dick, the famed director." Brian introduced them. "Hi. I loved your work on Britney's video." Justin said as he shook Nigel's hand. "Thank you. I am glad you and the guys could make it for this video. Who are the directors you've worked with before?" Nigel asked. "We've worked with Lionel Martin on our videos." Justin answered with ease. "Okay, he's done great work." Nigel said. "So, from what I hear, I need to keep you and Brian real close here on the video? At least for some of the shots, that way Brian doesn't kill me?" Nigel smiled as he looked at Justin. Justin blushed and gave a timid look. "Well, I don't want to leave my fiancee` for too long." Brian said as he wrapped his arm around Justin's shoulder. "So who's the girl in this video anyways?" Brian questioned as he returned his attention back to Nigel. "Well..." before Nigel could answer, Nick came barging into the group.

"Hey Brian, look what I found." Nick smiled as he flashed a small chihuahua in front of Brian's face. Brian was thrown back by the surprised but then regained his composure. "Tyke? Tyke!" Brian yelled as he grabbed the small dog from Nick's hands. Brian craddled the dog in his arm and showed it his deep affection. "What are you doing here, silly. What are you doing here." Brian laughed as he toyed with the dog. "What is he doing here?" Brian asked as he looked up at Nick. "Uhm, well, that's what we needed to talk to you about Brian." Nick said shyly. "Talk to me about what? What is Tyke doing here?" Brian asked Nick again. "Justin, could you excuse us?" Kevin asked Justin, advoiding Brian's anger. "No, what is up Kevin?" Brian barked as he stopped Justin from moving. Nigel backed away from the intense arguement and headed to the camera area. "Brian, it's about the girl in the video. Well, it's someone you know." Kevin spoke with a straight face. "Who? Who is it?" Brian asked anxiously. "Brian, it's Leigh Ann." Nick bursted out rudely. Brian's eyes buldged open and he stared at Nick with surprise.

"Leigh Ann?" Justin asked with confussion. "Yeah, the girl that is madly in love with Brian. They met on the set from 'As Long As You Love Me'. Ever since then she's been Brian's sorta girlfriend in her eyes, but not in his. He tries to avoid her, but Nigel cast her as the girl we follow in the club." Nick answered. Justin looked at Nick in shock. "You mean the one that everyone goes on and on about how Brian and her are so in love and they're everywhere together? I thought that was just a rumor." Justin spoke in a worried tone. "It is a rumor Justin. Brian's invited her to appearances we've been too, but there's nothing between them. Well at least to Brian." Kevin responded to Justin's comment with sincerity. Justin shook his head in disbelief. "Where is she?" Brian finaly spoke. "She's in the bar area. I think she's chatting with Howie right now." Nick said. He looked over the crowd to see if he could spot her. "I'll be back." Brian said sheepishly. "Where are you going?" Justin asked with fear. "To talk with Leigh Ann." Brian answered softly. "But..." Justin was stopped by Kevin. "Go ahead Brian. We'll talk with you soon." Kevin butted in. Kevin held Justin back and Brian walked on. "Don't worry Justin. He just needs to talk with her and make sure nothing goes wrong." Kevin reassured Justin. Justin fronwed and watched his lover walk into the crowd. "Come on Justin. You've gotta be hungry." Nick said as he pulled on Justin's arm. "Yeah, I guess." Justin answered. "Well let's go get something." Nick smiled as he pulled Justin towards the three, lrage tables that held the food.

Nick and Justin walked to the tables and looked at the enormous amount of food spread out on the tables. Nick grabbed a plate and began to fill it with small pizzas and grapes. He grabbed some bacon and eggs and pilled it all on a second plate. Nick looked up and saw Justin just looking at the food. "Are you going to get any?" Nick asked as he grabbed a glass of orange juice. Justin nodded and grabbed a plate. He filled it with pecies of cantaloupe and chicken fingers. Justin grabbed a banana and then a glass of water. He and Nick walked to the side of the set and began to eat their food. Jsutin ate quietly, avoiding eye contact with Nick. "Man, Justin what is up with you?" Nick bursted out. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." Justin responded quickly. Nick giggled and took a big sip of his orange juice. "You're wondering about Brian and Leigh Ann, aren't you?" Nick questioned as he took a bite of his bacon. Justin glanced at Nick with mystery. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Nick laughed as he looked into Justin's peircing, blue eyes.

"Look Justin, don't even worry about it. Brian doesn't like her. He really doesn't. I know from me, it's hard to believe because of the things I did before. But trust me, Brian's a friend of mine and I know him. He doesn't have any feelings for her. He just tries to be a good friend to everyone." Nick explained seriously to Justin. "And how does she feel?" Justin questioned. Nick rubbed his ear quickly and then looked at him. "I'm not sure now. I haven't talked to her in awhile. But last time I talked to her, she was pretty hung up over him." Nick responded honestly. Justin nodded and took a sip of his water. "But I'm sure Brian will fix that. He'll set things straight." Nick assured him. "Thanks Nick." Justin said with a small smile. "Why?" Nick asked as he ate some grapes. "For making me feel better and being a good friend to Brian." Justin said. "Even though I did all those things?" Nick asked coyly. "Yeah, even all those things." Justin laughed lightly.

Justin grabbed his banana and peeled it open. He took a big bite off the top and munched on it. "Do you know what that reminded me of when you bit that banana?" a voice said from the side of Justin. Justin raised his brow and turned his head in the direction of the voice. Brian plopped next to Justin and grabbed a chicken finger from his plate. Brian swallowed the chicken and smiled at Justin. "And we all know where your mind is." Nick laughed. Brian laughed too. "So, ready to start filming?" Brian asked as he placed his hand on Justin's thigh. Justin nodded. "There are going to start filming in about ten minutes and it's going to keep going for awhile. I mean, we can leave the set and all, but Nigel's says he's going to keep the song on continous play and keep cameras rolling on us while on set." Brian said in a confussing tone. "Huh?" Nick asked with a twisted voice. "Basically, the cameras will always be on while on set trying to get good shots of us and the music will keep playing all day. So we can fool around and whatever, as long as it doesn't fuck anything up." Brian explained. "Oh, okay." Nick smiled as he understood. "So, is Justin in the first part where you guys sit at the bar?" Brian asked. "Yes, he is. I'll drag him along with me all day if I have to," Brian answered for Justin. Brian nudged Justin and Justin smiled. "Come on, let's go." Brian said as he rubbed Justin's thigh. Justin nodded and stood. Nick followed and all three walked back onto the set.

"Okay people, we're going to start shooting now. I want everyone set up at their planned positions and then we'll move from there. If I need to stop and get one of the guys in a certain shot, then I'll have one of my five communicators inform you of it. If you're needed back on set, I'll inform you also. Please don't get too far away, because we have lots of things to do. Fatima will be here to help the guys and the dancers with the particular dances needed." Nigel spoke into his megaphone. Everyone listened and nodded when he spoke to a specific person. "Okay, let's go!" Nigel shouted as he stepped behind the cameraman.

The background music began to flow into the large club and the dancers took their cue to dance. Justin and Brian sat at the bar, making light conversation with the bartender. A.J. came up next to them and began chatting. Leigh Ann acted her part and came running by the bar with tears in her eyes. Brian watched her with discomfort and waited for A.J.'s part to come up. As A.J.'s vocals flowed into the club, A.J. began to lipsynch along. 'I guess you were lost/When I met you/Still there were tears in your eyes' were the first lines A.J. pretended to sing. He walked down off the revolving bar and headed in leigh Ann's direction. Justin bobbded his head to the music, while Brian watched A.J.'s advances on Leigh Ann. Justin grabbed a bright blue drink from the bartnder and faked sipping it. Brian hopped off the revolving bar and headed into the crowd. The camera followed him as his part came up. 'There you are/Wild and free...' came balrring though the speakers. Brian began to dance with some of the dancers, singing his part as he danced. The floor was filled with dancers, dancing to their own tune. Brian waved to Nick on the stairs and continued with his bridge. 'I'm am holding you all through the night' was the last thing Brian said before the chorus came in. Brian swervered through the crowd back towards the bar. He looked around and noticed Justin was gone. Brian played along with the lyrics and started looking for Leigh Ann.

Joey and Britney danced atop of the clumn-stairs, looking down at the crowd. "Hey, look!" Britney said into Joey's ear, pointing to Justin walking towards Leigh Ann. Joey looked down and took notice of Justin. "What's up?" Britney asked, looking back at Joey. "If they bump into each other, Justin's not going to be happy." Joey said. "Why?" Britney asked. "Long story, but let's say that it's an old friend of Brian's." Joey explained as he kept dancing. Britney shrugged and kept dancing.

J.C. sat on a couch in the small room with the other extras. He mingled with some of the girls when he noticed Lance walk in. Lance waved at J.C., but J.C. rolled his eyes at him. Lance frowned and walked back out of the room. J.C. took a sip of his coke and kept his focus on the camera.

Justin walked through the large crew, smiling at all the girls that waved at him. He looked to his left and saw A.J. and some of Fatima's dancers doing a choreographed dance on the stage. Justin stopped to watch them dance and felt someone bumped into him. "Oh excuse me," a young woman said as he regained her balance. "No, excuse me." Justin said as he looked at her. His eyes widened as he looked into Leigh Ann's eyes. "Uhm, I had better keep on moving. The cameras are following me and I have to make it look like I'm running from Howie." Leigh Ann said as she began to walk away. "You're Leigh Ann, aren't you?" Justin asked, stopping her. "Yeah, I am. And you are? Wait, aren't you Justin of 'N Sync? Brian's friend?" Leigh Ann asked as she sized him up. The word 'friend' tiffed Justin as he looked at her. "Yeah, that's me." Justin frowned and nodded. "Look, I'd love to chat but I have to go. Gotta make this video look good." Leigh Ann said as she rushed off. Justin watched her budge through the crowd and tried to shake it out of his head. 'He loves me.' Justin thought to himsefl as he began walking by the crowd. "Excuse, Mr. Timberlake. Nigel has requested that you join Nick, Joey and Nikki of Innosense on the stairs." a man said as he pulled on Justin. Justin sighed and began ehading towards the column stairs.

Justin watched as a camera person walked by, chasing Howie through the crowd. Justin bobbed his head and listened to the song start over. He threw his hands up and began to dance with one of the females in the crowd. She smiled happily, realizing she was dancing with Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync. Justin felt a tap on his shoulder and stopped dancing. He turned around swiftly and saw Brian standing behind him. Justin raised his brow and acknowledge Brian. "What's wrong?" Justin asked, beginning to dance to the music again. Brian gave Justin an angered look. "Well if you're not going to say anything, then I'm going back to dancing." Justin said. He turned around and began to dance with his female counterpart again. Brian furiously grabbed the back of Justin's jersey and began to drag him off to the side of the stairs.

Justin stumbled to the back part of the stairs and yanked away from Brian in anger. "What the fuck is your porblem Brian?" Justin asked. "Why the hell were you dancing with her?" Brian shouted back at him. "What's it to you? Were making a video and I wanted it to look real." Justin barked back. "Yeah, it looked pretty real to me." Brian shot back at him. "Oh come on Brian. It that kinda petty shit bothers you, how about me being pissed over you chasing Leigh Ann over this damn set?" Justin cringed. "It's a video Jsutin! That's part of the concept." Brian explained in anger. "Yeah and part of my concept is to avoid seeing it. Or dealing with it." Justin argued, walking away from Brian. Justin began to dance his way to the top of the column stairs. He saw Kevin and Mindy from Innosense dancing and walked over to them. "Hey Justin." Kevin waved as he continued to dance. "Justin. What's up homeboy?" Mindy laughed as she danced. "Nothing. Just need to cool off." Justin answered, dancing with the crowd of people on the steps. "Well why don't you and Mindy dance up here. I have to get downstairs and do a dance with the other guys. Just chill." Kevin siggested, passing Mindy in Justin's direction. Kevin ran off and Justin began to dance playfully with Mindy.

Lance sat at the revolving bar, lonely. He took a light drink of his kiwi strawberry drink and sighed. He listened as 'I'll be the one (I'll be the one)/Who will make all of your sorrows undone' played in the back-up. "Wanna talk?" Lance heard a familar voice say as someone took a seat on the stool next to his. Lance looked up and smiled at Nick. "Yeah, sure." Lance said softly. "You okay?" Nick asked with concern. "No, I'm not. I feel like I've destroyed my relationship with everyone in the groups." Lance answered sadly. Nick nodded and placed his arms on the counter. "You did some pretty twisted things Lance. Things that I don't think I could have even done." Nick agreed. "Well I'm sorry. I really am." Lance responded. "I know you are. But I'm not the only one you should apologize to. You nearly caused a serious masacare on the bus between yourself and Brian. And you also caused Justin and Brian to break-up for awhile. And you know Justin was hurt by that. Plus J.C. and Brian aren't on the best terms right now either. And then there's always Brian punching Justin." Nick stopped himself when he realized he was hurting Lance even more. "If it helps, I forgive you." Nick whispered to Lance. Lance giggled a bit through his tears. "Look at me. I'm damn near turning myself into Justin." Lance tried to laugh. "Well if you need, I'll be your Brian." Nick smiled and threw his arm over Lance's shoulder. "Thanks. You're a great guy." Lance said as he wiped the tears from his cheeks. "Hey, I hate to have a good cry and sulk about it. So let's go dance!" Nick suggested. He grabbed Lance's hand and drug him out to the dancefloor.

'There you are/Wild and free/Reaching out like you needed me' came ringing through the speakers again. Justin kicked himself for arguing with Brian as he walked down the long steps. Amanda and A.J. walked up to Jsutin and smiled at him. "Hey, J, what's up?" A.J. asked. "Just getting ready to head over to the bar. Where are you guys headed?" Justin asked. "We're going to see Mindy and Nikki." Amanda answered. "Well where's Brian?" Justin asked shyly. "Don't know. I thought I saw him in the party room with Aaron and Joey. He should still be down there." A.J. said, looking down into the crowd. "Oh, well I'm gonna go take a break." Justin smiled as he walked by. "Okay, see ya in a few!" A.J. shouted out to him. Justin walked psat all the girls and guys on the set and headed to the side.

He stood behind all the camera action and watched Fatima direct the girls on how to dance on the white stage. "More attitude!" Fatima shouted from the side. She watched Justin walk past her and turned to look at him. "Justin! Come here buddy!" Fatima called out to him. Justin looked at her over his shoulder and smiled. he walked back over to her and gave her a hug. "Hey J-Man, how you been?" Fatima asked as she hugged him. "I'm okay." Justin answered softly. "Really? See if you were okay, you'd be all over Brian, keeping him from doing the dances I need him to do. But from what I've seen, he's been on call every second. So what's the deal?" Fatima asked boldly. "Who knows now. I just need to avoid him and Leigh Ann right now." Justin answered honestly. "Leigh Ann? She's here? Oh shit, that would explain alot." Fatima said with a twisted face.

"Lord knows I don't like that girl." Fatima complained while watching her dancers. Justin looked at her in surprise. "Oh yeah, I don't like her." Fatima confessed to him. "Why?" Justin asked with curiosity. "Well when we were doing the video for 'As Long As You Love Me', she was everywhere Brian was. She'd bug him and keep him occupied. Plus she'd act like a total bitch when I got on her about it. So she knows how I feel about her." Fatima said angerily. "I can tell that she's not much of a people-person. I thought she was just bugging off total PMS." Justin laughed. Fatima laughed along. "No, that's her every minute of the day." Fatima laughed. "Why don't you get back on set and find Brian?" Fatima asked. "Not right now. We had a bit of a fight and I think he needs time to cool down." Justin replied. "Oh, well I hope it's not over that girl? If so, you need to get over that. He doesn't like her at all." Fatima answered honestly. "Evryone's been saying that. But Brian acts as if it's important to be around her or somehting." Jsutin sighed. "It's part of the video. The guys have to act like they're trying to be her friend and trying to help her get over her lost love." Fatima butted in. Justin nodded. "But look, you go get your rest. I'm about to jump in this video and get my dance on." Fatima laughed. "Okay." Justin smiled as he watched ehr run into the video. He watched the skinny, lanky girl get into the groove of the party.

Justin walked off and laid down on a couch underneath the stairs. He did his best to drown out the sound of the music. He closed his eyes and slowly began to fall alseep.

Justin didn't get to sleep long. He felt a soft hand rubbing his cheek and kissing his nose. Justin rubbed his eyes softly and waved the face away from his own. "Who?" Justin spoke softly as he blinked his eyes open. Justin looked up at Brian and gave a small smile. "What are you doing?" Justin asked. "Trying to wake you up." Brian answered. "Oh, well you could've just shook me or sumthin'." Jsutin said sleepily. "Where's the fun and romance in that?" Brian giggled at Justin's remark. Justin pushed himself up on the couch and sat up. "I hate to wake you, but I heard you had been sleep for like 45 minutes. They need more shots of you on the set." Brian said. He ran his hands over Justin's face and looked into his blue eyes. "Okay." Justin nodded in a sleepy tone. Brian stood and helped Justin up. They both strolled back onto the video set and began to interact with the crowd again.

"Okay, everyone cut!" Nigel screamed into his megaphone. The music drowned out of the speakers and the house lights came on. Everyone stopped dancing and took a moment to re-cooperate. "We're taking an hour reak people. Make sure to get to wardrobe and make-up for touch ups and changes. Get everything done in this hour you have off." Nigel announced to everyone. "But before you go running off, the boys of 'N Sync and the guys of the Backstreet Boys have a special treat for two of their members. Would you join Kevin, Justin, Brian, Lance, J.C., Chris, Howie and A.J. in wishing Nick and Joey a happy birthday!" Nigel screamed.

Everyone clapped as the eight men took the stage. "This is for Nick and Joey. We love ya and wish you a happy birthday!" Brian said into his mic. Everyone cheered, while Nick and Joey blushed from the side. "Happy birthday to you... happy, happy, happy birthday to you." Brian sung into his mic. "Oh, have a happy birthday." Brian serenaded as the others joined in harmony. "Even though, you're just a friend/I think of you as more then that/Cause you're there for my up's and down's/So I'm wishing this birthday wish for you now" J.C. sung while dancing on the stage. "And just have a happy birthday" A.J. sung with J.C. "So happy, happy, happy birthday/Just for you/And it's from me" Brian harmonized into the mix of voices. "And even though you're just a friend/I think of you as much, much more then that" Justin sung, looking at his friends. "Cause you're like a brother to me/So I sing this happy birthday" J.C. joined in. "Happy birthday guys. Wishing you many more." A.J. spoke as the guys voices drifted out. The crowd roared for them as they finished.

The guys stepped down from the stage and gathered around Joey and Nick. A large cake was brought out and it read: 'Happy B-Day Frack & Phat One... Wishing many more...' Nick and Joey smiled as they looked at the cake. "Well are you going to cut it or look at it?" A.J. joked as he handed Nick the knife. "Whoa, are you sure he's old enough to handle sharp objects?" Brian nudged Nick. "If you're old enough to be so lame, then I'm old enough to cut you." Nick laughed. Nick began to cut large slices for the guys to eat. "Okay, this cake is for the guys and family. There's other slices in the back for the rest of you." Nigel announced to everyone. Everyone began to dissipate while Nick finsihed carving the cake. "Since I cut, you can hand out the cake." Nick smiled to Joey. "Oh yeah, leave all the grunt work for the old guy." Joey laughed as he grabbed two slices of cake. "Hey, Entertainment Tonight would love to have an interview with some of us about the video. I'm going. Anybody else?" Kevin informed the others. "Yeah, I'm in." Joey said as he grabbed his peice of cake. "Okay, I'll do it." Howie spoke up. "Me too." J.C. said.

All four headed towards the press area. Nick rgubbed one his cake while conversating with his mother and his brother. Justin and Brian sat in the party room eating their cake and talking quietly. "So, what do you want to do for your birthday?" Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "Get some sleep." Justin laughed softly. "My mom wants me to go home and see her. My dad wants me to come home and see him. I'm not sure which house to go to." Justin shrugged. "Well let me plan something then. Who knows. Maybe I can get both of them to show up somewhere, so that you can meet with both of them." Brian said softly. "That'd be great." Justin smiled.

"Hey guys, time to start recording again." Leigh Ann as she walked into the room. "Okay, then let's go." Brian sighed as he stood. "Come on Brian, we've got some close up's to do." Leigh Ann smiled as she grabbed Brian's arm. "Can't they wait?" Brian questioned as he looked back at Justin. "Not really. Nigel wants them now." Leigh Ann giggled. Justin frowned and got up. "I'll see you later, Brian." Justin said as he walked out of the room. Brian heard the music begin tp pick up again and he sighed. "Come on, dance with me in here." Leigh Ann insisted. Brian began to dance with her, keeping distance. Leigh Ann flirted casually and Brian ignored her bubbly behavior. His mind was on Justin.

Six more hours passed with the guys on the set. Nick made his mends with Lance and they stayed close for the rest of the shoot. Justin avoided Leigh Ann and Brian and mingled with the dancers. Kevin was busy doing his dancing shots with A.J. J.C. and Joey hung out around the bar, keeping J.C.'s mind off of Lance. Britney joined them. Howie was busy otherwise flirting with the girls of Innosense.

As the guys recorded their final shots, Justin sat sleepily at the bar. Brian walked up next to him and sat down. "I can see you've been avoiding me." Brian said to Justin. "No, just avoiding seeing you with Leigh Ann." Justin answered slowly. "Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I told her everything about two hours ago and I've been avoiding her." Brian responded. Justin raised his brow and smiled. "Actually I've been looking for you, but you've been jumping from scene to scene." Brian added. "Just trying to get good camera angles." Justin commented.

"Well I'm sure you've got some good ones now. So let's ditch this bar and get on the floor." Brian smiled. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and led him to the middle of the dancefloor. They danced for awhile and then noticed Nick and Britney's dancers dancing on the stage. "Go Nick! Go Nick!" the crowd cheered as they danced. 'I'll be the one (I'll be the one)/Who will make all of your sorrows undone' Brian lipsynched while dancing with Justin. The video ended with a bagn as huge amounts of confetti came falling from the ceiling. Brian grabbed Justin and foced his lips on Justin's. Justin closed his eyes and slipped his tongue in Brian's mouth. They kissed for five minutes as everyone clapped for the video. Brian let Justin go and took a deep breath. Justin smiled seductively at Brian and clapped. "Okay everyone, that's a wrap!" Nigel screamed to everyone. Everyone yelled and began to leave the set. "We've gotta get to wardrobe and give all these clothes back to Angie. Then we can leave." Kevin said as he walked back towards wardrobe. "And tell Angie we want some clothes like these for our next show." Brian smiled as he grabbed Justin's hand. They walked back towards the wardrobe area with Kevin, J.C. and Joey. "I wonder what happened to Nick and Lance?" jsutin questioned Brian as they walked into wardrobe.

Just as Brian and Justin had entered wardrobe, Nick was entering Lance's ass for the third time. Nick moaned and grunted as he fucked Lance. They were behind the stairs, hiding behind a huge, green curtain. Lance panted as rested his head on Nick's shoulder. Nick was standing up, shoving his penis into Lance's love hole. Lance had his legs firmly wrapped around Nick's waist. Lance closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. Nick panted harder as he moved faster in Lance. "Oh shit lover! Yes, baby!" Nick bellowed as he worked Lance harder. Lance scratched Nick's back and rubbed his hands through Nick's sweaty chest. "Yes, yes, yes Nick... oh yes." Lance groaned as Nick moved his penis in Lance's ass. "Mmmmm." Nick mumbled as he wiped the hair from his face. He grabbed hold of Lance's ass and helped him move quicker. Lance thrusted his hips forward, causing his dick to collide with Nick's stomach. "Oh, ho, ho, yes, happy birthday Nick.... yes, happy birthday baby." Lance groaned as he kissed Nick's neck. Nick couldn't stop himself. He had never made love to someone three times in a row. Lance was an animal on Nick. Lance gripped Nick's back in pleasure and moaned hard against Nick's ear. "Yes, the birthday boys going to cum." Nick heaved as he rose on his feet. Nick stood on his tip-toe's as he thrusted harder in Lance. Lance squeezed Nick's hips harder with his legs. "Ah, ah yeah. I'm think... I think I'm gonna cum... cum in you." Nick squirmed as he spoke. "Yes, I want you to cum again. I need you tonight." Lance panted as Nick got even closer. "And I need... oh God I need..." Nick couldn't finished his statement. He let out a ripping shot of cum into Lance's ass and began to complete his third orgasm. They both panted as Nick finished his load. "Yes, oh I love it." Nick huffed as he held Lance tightly.

Justin and Brian emerged from wardrobe and walked back onto the main set. It was slowly being taken down, area by area. "Justin." a voice called from the bar. Justin turned around and saw a familar face. Justin smiled and walked over to the bar. Brian shrugged and followed. "Johnny, my man!" Justin smiled as he slapped Johnny Wright's hand. "What up Curly?" Johnny smiled as Justin sat down. "Johnny? Is that you?" Brian questioned. Johnny quickly spun around on his stool and gazed at Brian Littrell. "Yeah, Brian. Long time, no see." Johnny said as he offered Brian a hand-shake. Brian gladly accepted and grinned. "What are you doing here?" Brian asked with surprise. "Well I heard that 'N Sync was making another guest appearance in you guys videos and I decided to check it out. After all, I do manage the guys. So I have to clear most of this stuff." Johnny explained.

"Wow, it's about time you made it out to see us on tour. You've been so busy." Justin said. "Things have been busy down in Orlando. Plus I'm trying to hook up directors and producers for your next project." Johnny answered. "Well it's cool that you're here." Justin said. "Yeah, it is." Brian added. "Well I'm going to try and make it to all of your appearances and things now." Johnny nodded. "All right, maybe things'll get crunk again." Justin laughed. "Oh, things haven't been that boring?" Johnny laughed. "No, the B.S.B. are real fun guys. They're just as active as us." Justin said seriously. "Yeah, I've been with that crazy bunch. I know that they do some outrageous things. Especially Nick and Brian." Johnny said, glancing at Brian. Brian smiled evily. "Yeah, especially Brian." Justin smiled as he nudged Brian in the side. Joey and Kevin came into the area. "Johnny!" Joey yelled excitedly. "Phat One!" Johnny responded with a louder yell. "What's up birthday boy?" Johnny asked as he hugged Joey. "Nothing much." Joey responded. "Kevin." Johnny acknowledged Kevin's appearance. "Hey Johnny. How's it going." Kevin answered in his low tone. "Things are fine." Johnny replied.

"Look, we've got to get going soon. We have to get to our next stop before noon tomorrow." Kevin interupted. "Okay, well you guys go. You'll be in California in like two days for that chairty event. So I'll see you there." Johnny suggested to them. "Okay Old Man, keep it real." Joey said sa he shook hands with Johnny. "You too and happy brithday." Johnny smiled. "Thanks." Joey grinned as he walked off. "We'll see you again Johnny." Kevin nodded in Johnny's direction. Johnny waved as Kevin walked off. "Man, it was great to see you again. Maybe we'll get a chance to catch up on things in California?" Brian asked as he shook Johnny's hand. "Yeah, I'd love to B-Rok." Johnny answered politely. "Dude, keep it crunk." Justin said as he hugged Johnny farewell. "You too, J. hey, what are you doing for your birthday?" Johnny asked as he let go of Justin. "I've got something planned," Brian answered for Justin. "Really? I guess we will have to catch up more next time I see you guys." Johnny raised his brow as he looked at the two of them. "Oh yeah, we're going to have to." Justin insisted. Brian dragged him off and they stumbled towards the tour bus. Evreyone piled in the bus and the bus pulled off.

Two days had passed since the video and Brian walked Justin slowly through an airport. "Okay, what are we doing in an airport at 12 in the afternoon?" Justin questioned as Brian pulled him along. "Do you always qestuon surprises?" Brian asked with a small chuckle. "No, just your surprises." Justin laughed. "Well because it's your birthday, I thought I'd do something special. So we're going somewhere." Brian smiled as they got to the lower part of the airport. "Where?" Jsutin saked as Brian pushed a large white door open. Justin grabbed his ears as he heard the blaring noise of the jets engines outside. Brian reached in his pocket and pulled out two sets of earplugs. He handed one pair to Justin and used the other for hisself. They were greeted by an engineer as they walked out. "Come on guys!" the engineer waved for them to walk with him. The powerful winds that blew nearly knocked Justin off of his feet. He braised himself as they got closer to a small, white jet. Justin looked at the side of the jet and saw the words Trans Continental on it.

Brian grabbed Justin's hand and together they boarded the jet. Brian shook the dust off his clothes and wiped the debris off of Justin's. "Why are we on a company jet?" Justin saked as he looked around. "Let's call it a gift from Lou Pearlman. He sends his best." Brian smiled as he took a seat. "So, are you going to tell me where we are headed?" Justin asked as he sat next to Brian. "Nope." Brian replied with a bigger smile. "Are we going to see my mom in Orlando?" Justin took his shot at guessing. "No, but she says she'll see you in Cali. This day is just for you and me." Brian grinned. Justin sighed and relaxed in his seat. "If this birthday is anything like your's, I'll love it." Justin smiled evily. "Well then you're going to hate this." Brian giggled. Justin looked over at him and Brian mouthed the words 'I love you'. Justin smiled and closed his eyes.

Within two hours, Brian and Justin had arrived at their destination. Justin was awaken by Brian's tongue on his neck. "Wake up sweetie." Brian whispered as he tongue Justin's chin. Justin smiled and moaned. "Waht a way to wake up." Justin slurred out as he opened his eyes. "It's time for you to get your surprise." Brian whispered as he rubbed Justin's thigh. "Would my surprise be you and me in a wild, passionate fit of sex on Big Poppa's jet?" Justin questioned as he opened his eyes. "Nope." Brian laughed as he got up. Justin frowned and looked at Brian. Brian pulled his cell phone from his pocket and began dialing. Justin sighed and stood. He walked over to Brian and wrapped his young arms around Brian's chest. "Yeah, everything's set? That's great. We'll be there in about twenty minutes." Brian said into the phone. Justin listened with curiousity. Brian quickly hung up and placed the cell phone back in his pocket. "Shall we go?" Brian asked, looking deep into Justin's eyes. "Where to?" Justin asked again. "You'll see." Brian said in an even more mysterious tone. Justin grunted in disappointment and let Brian go.

"Our bags are over at the Hyatt. So we can just get up and leave now." Brian said as he grabbed Justin's hand. "How long have you had this planned?" Justin asked as Brian led Justin outside of the jet. Outside awaiting the guys was a long, black limo. "I planned this two days ago." Brian answered as they crawled into the limo. The driver shut the door and then headed in the direction Brian instructed him to go. Justin looked out the tinted windows to try and figure out where they were headed. He had no idea where they were or where they were going.

The limo pulled into a stadium parking lot and Justin looked around in confussion. "Where are we?" Justin asked Brian, still looking out the windows. "We're at a basketball game." Brian said with a deep smile. "Huh?" Justin questioned. Brian laughed at Justin's naiveness. The driver pulled open the door on Justin's side and Justin stepped out nervously. Brian stepped out with pure confidence and tipped the driver. "If you'd wait here till the game was over, I'd appreciate it." Brian said as he slipped the driver a hundered dollar bill. "Sure thing, Mr. Littrell. I'll gladly wait here." the driver smiled with big eyes. "Thanks." Brian smiled back. He placed his arm on Justin's shoulders and began to walk Justin towards the back entrance. Justin looked around and read the sign that said 'North Carolina, home of the Tar Heels.' Justin's mouth dropped in astonishment.

"Welcome to the game tonight!!! It's the North Carloina University Tar Heels versus the Florida State Seminols!" the guard said as he ushered them in. "You're Mr. Littrell, correct?" the guard asked as he walked them trhough the corridors. "Yes, that's me." Brian answered as they got inside. "Okay, you guys are on the front row. Here's your special Carolina pack set and I hope you enjoy the game." the guard pointed out as they entered the court area. Justin looked around in utter amazement. "Wow!" Justin said as he looked around. "Welcome to North Carolina, Justin." Brian whispered as he walked Justin over to their courtside seats. "This is incredible." Justin spoke softly. "I hope you like the surprise." Brian said with a smile. Justin's mouth hung open as they sat down. Brian opened their packs and handed Justin a jersey. Justin looked at the jersey and his eyes widened. It was signed by everyone on the team and said 'Happy birthday Justin. We hope it's 'N Sync...". Justin nearly leaped out of his seat when he looked at it. Brian smiled and then handed Justin his pass. Justin looked at the lamenated pass and saw that it was for going backstage and the locker room. Justin couldn't believe hopw fortunate he was. He leaned over and gave Brian a big hug. "Thank you so much." Justin smiled as he let go. "Anything for you." Brian responded.

Brian sat back and turned his Kentucky hat around. Justin sat back also and waited for the game to start. As the game took off, the crowd roared with all the points the Tar Heels were scoring. In the first half, the points had already split from 48 (Tar Heels) to 25 (Seminols). Justin leaped out of his seat as North Carolina scored once again. Brian soon began to join Justin is his outburts of excitement as North Carolina mopped the floor with the Seminols.

During a time out, Brian said to Justin, "I have to use the restroom. I'll be right back." Justin nodded and watched Brian walk off. Justin sat back and a man came over the speakers and said "Everyone we have a treat for you tonight. We have Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync in our audience. It's his 18th birthday today and we have a treat in stored for him. A friend of his is here to wish him a happy birthday." The crowd cheered with excitement and girls everwhere tried to find Justin in the crowd. Justin blushed with embarassment. Soon the lights faded in the arena and a spotlight fell on the middle of the court. 'Happy birthday, Justin/We hope you have many more/Happy birthday, Justin/Evryone sends you their love...' Brian sang in the middle of the court. Justin smiled with pride. 'Though you'e just a friend/I think of you as more then that/And I want you to know/It's your birthday, so...' Brian balrred into the mic. 'Won't you stand up and have a party/And just get down with everybody' another voice came ringing. Justin's eyes bolted open as Brian McKnight came onto the court. 'Happy birthday, Justin/Hope you have many more' both Brian McKnight and Brian Littrell sang. "From two Brian's to Justin." Brian Littrell said with a smile. The lights came back on and everyone screamed. Justin had small tears in his eyes, overcome with joy. "Let's give Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys and Brian McKnight a hand everyone." the announcer said. A stand ovation broke out around the stadium.

"Come on over here Justin." Brian said into his microphone. Justin hesitantly stood and walked over to Brian. He gave Brian a hug and then shook hands with Brian McKnight. "Give it up for the birthday boy." Brian said. The crowd happily cheered on Justin. "Okay, now since it's your birthday, the arena officials are going to let you take a shot from the free throw line. In you make it in, one audience member will be lucky enough to get a basketball signed by the coach of the Tar Heels. If you miss, then nobody wins anything!" Brian announced to the crowd with a bleek smile. Justin's palms began to sweat as he listened to the conditions. "So, is he ready crowd?" Brian asked with a laugh. The crowd gave another loud yell, to build up Justin's confidence. Brian passed Justin the ball and said "The courts all your's." Justin dribbled the ball nervously and then closed his eyes. His confidence grew as he listened to the crowd shout his name. He felt the rush he feels when stepping on the stage to all of his adoring fans. Justin opened his eyes and bit his lower lip. He looked at the backboard and pin-pointed his shot. Justin dribbled two more times before going for his shot. The ball soared in what seemed to be slow motion to Justin. The ball fell into the net with a swoosh and the crowd roared in excitement. Justin jumped in the ait with a sense of victory. Brian ran over to Justin and swept him into the air. Brian and Justin laughed as Justin stood back on the ground.

"He did it ladies and gents." Brian laughed as he spoke. "Okay, Justin pick a number from 1 to 1,245." Brian said. "I'm gonna go with number 31 for my birthday!" Justin announced with glee. A young man stood to his feet and hollored with joy. "Congrats guy, you've got the basketball." Brian smiled, pointing at the young man. Brian and Justin ran off court and took their seats. "They're getting your ball signed by some of the players." Brian whispered to Justin. "Huh?" Justin questioned, still on a high from his win. "The officials are getting the basketball you just shot with autographed by some of the players." Brian said. "REALLY!" Justin screamed, grabbing hold of Brian's arm. Brian backed away in fear. "Yeah, they are." Brian laughed at Justin's reaction. "This is the best birthday ever." Justin confessed. "It's not over yet." Brian whispered to himself.

Justin sat comfty, surrounded by stuffed animals, a jersey, his basketball and other merchandise provided by the Tar Heels management. Brian looked at Justin with seductive eyes, trying to draw Justin's attention in his direction. Justin finally glanced at Brian and caught his exotic stare. "What's running through your mind?" Justin asked as he smiled. "You." Brian answered devilishly. "Well am I tired yet?" Justin joked. "No, I keep you going." Brian responded. "Where to next Brian?" Justin questioned, changing the subject. "The hotel." Brian answered. "Well I'm glad we got something to eat after the game." Justin laughed softly, gazing out the window. "So, what are we going to do at the hotel?" Justin asked coyly. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Brian said playfully. Justin laughed and continued his look out the window.

As the car pulled into the parking garage, Brian pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He once again began his rapid dialing, causing Justin to worry about his surprise even more. "Yeah, Kevin? This is Brian. When are ya'll heading for California? You'll be there around 8 in the morning?" Brian questioned. Brian nodded and listened, while Just did his best to be nosey. "Okay. Thanks for covering for us. We'll be at the show tomorrow. We'll be there first thing in the morning." Brian responded, listening to Kevin. "Okay, see ya." Brian smiled. He turned his cell phone off and placed it back in his pocket. The driver pulled open the door and Brian stepped out. Brian reached his hand back in to help Justin out. Justin smiled and took his hand with pride. Brian helped Justin out.

"Thanks for the ride. Here's your tip and be sure to be here bright and early tomorrow to take us back to the airport." Brian said as he handed the driver a fifty dollar bill. "Yes sir. Gladly." the driver gasped. The driver skipped over to his side of the car and pulled off. "Are you always so friendly with your money?" Jusitn asked Brian. "Yeah. It makes me feel good when I can give back what I've earned." Brian responded honestly. "I don't think I'll ever find something about you that I don't like." Justin grinned. He grabbed Brian's arm and headed towards the elevators. "Well, I snore." Brian giggled. "You do not." Justin laughed along. "We'll see tonight." Brian teased as he pushed the elevator button. The doors opened and Justin and Brian stepped in. Brian pressed the 'PH' button and the doors closed again. Justin leaned back against the wall and wondered. 'PH?' Justin thought to himself. "I've always wondered if the secuirty guards watch the people making out in the elevators." Brian commented, moving closer to Justin. Justin didn't hear anything he said, his mind still pondering where they were headed.

As the doors opened, Justin realized where they were. A tall man met them sa they exited the elevator. "Ah, Mr. Littrell. Welcome to the Hilton in North Carolina. Your room is prepared for you with all the things you requested." the man spoke in a proper tone. He held the key card in front of Brian's face and then gave Jusitn an awkward stare. "Thanks. Can I get a wake up call around 6 tomorrow. We have to leave for the airport early." Brian requested, taking the small key card from the man. "Yes, sir. We'll be sure to get you that. And if you need anything, please ring the front desk and I'm sure they can find it for you." the man said with a bright smile. His teeth were so pearly white, Brian thought he would need sunglasses just to look at him. "Thank you." Brian nodded and grabbed Justin's shirt. "Come on." Brian whispered as he dragged Justin towards their room.

The floor was reserved for them only. Brian and Justin stood outside the large, white double-doors that awaited them. Justin looked at the gold sign on the door that read 'Penthouse Suite'. Brian placed the card in the slot and jiggled the door open. Brian pushed both doors open and allowed Justin to walk in before he closed them again. "WOW!" Justin said as he gazed around the room. The room was dim lit with furniture everywhere. It had a bar, a small hot ub in the bathroom and a king sized bed in the bedroom. Justin stood in the main area of the suite and gazed around like a child in a candy store. Brian smiled at Justin's enthusiasm. Brian grabbed the small 'Do Not Disturb' tag from the table and placed it on the outside of the door. Brian flicked his shoes off and walked around the room. He walked into the bar area and grabbed a bottled water from the mini-fridge. "Want something to drink?" Brian asked, looking around for Justin.

He found Justin in the bathroom, fixing his hair. "No, not thirsty." Justin answered. "Okay." Brian shrugged. Brian stepped in the bathroom and sat on the edge of the hot tub. "Brian, I have to admit, you out-did yourself this time. I never pictured any of this for my birthday." Justin said softly. He spun around on his heels and looked at Brian. Brian was taking another small sip of his water and nodded. "It's not all just for your birthday. I guess it's also for putting up with me when I had to deal with Nick." Brian spoke with sincerity in his voice. Justin smirked and then knelt in front of Brian. "Well then should we go in the bedroom and see how good we are at making up?" Justin said softly. "I just want to look at you. We can save all that for later." Brian answered even softer. He leaned down and gave Justin a small kiss on the lips. Justin bit softly on Brian's lip as he pulled away. "Okay, enough looking. Remember, you can buy, but you can't look." Justin said with a smile. He stood and awaited Brian to stand. "Well since I do owe you for that party you gave me. I suppose that I owe you tonight." Brian gave in. In the back of his mind, he would have ripped Justin's clothes off then and there and made love to him on the floor.

Brian placed his water on the edge of the hot tub and stood. He grabbed Jusitn's hand and guided him towards the bedroom. "Tonight, I want to make love to you till your body can't take it anymore." Brian whispered to Justin as he opened the bedroom door. Brian was thrown by the sight of the bedroom. The room was drapped in white with small candles circling the room. The bed was laced in white linen and draped in curtains. Brian held Justin's hands tightly and walked backwards towards the bed. Justin stood by the side of the bed and looked into Brian's eyes. They glimmered with the shine of the ocean in the candelit room. Jusitn let go of Brian's hands and grabbed hold of his own shirt. Brian quickly stopped him. "No, I want to make love to you. Let me remove your clothes." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. The heat of Brian's body made Justin's body shiver.

Brian stepped back slightly and removed his won shirts. He threw his shirt on the floor and quickly ripped off his jeans. Justin looked at Brian's graceful body as Brian removed his boxers. Justin's heart thumped heavily in his chest. His lover looked heavenly to him in the light of the candles. Brian walked nervously towards Justin and began to kiss his lips. Justin closed his eyes and softly pressed his lips to Brian's. Brian placed his hand behind Justin's head and guided his tongue into Justin's mouth. Their heads moved in sync as they breathed their words of ecstasy. Brian backed off of Justin's mouth and placed his hands on Justin's heaving chest. Brian slowly pulled the shirt up and off of Justin's body. Justin raised his arms to help Brian remove his shirt. Brian admired the panting chest with curiosity. Brian ran his fingres softly over the peach skin. He guided his hands over each nipple, gently caressing them with the tip of his fingers. Brian lowered his ahdns to Justin's small abs, grazing over each fraction of Justin's lower body.

Brian placed his hands on the zipper to Justin's jeans and held it there. He slowly undid the belt and then the button to Justin's jeans. He stood there and let Justin wait in excitement. Justin rean his hands over Brian's chest and felt the small goosebumps forming over the traces of his fingertips. Justin admired the slightly tanner flesh as if it was the first time he was touching Brian. Justin held Brian's attention for a moment before Brian returned his eyes to Justin's jeans. Brian finally began to unzip the jeans, slowly pulling the zipper towards it's end. Brian let the zipp hang and then let the jeans fall gracefully down the sides of Justin's legs. Jusitn placed his hands on Brian's shoulders and slowly stepped out of the jeans. Brian helped Justin get himself untangled from the jeans. Justin slyly kicked the jeans to the side, causing him to trip forward some. He fell directly onto Brian's chest, Brian supporting Justin as he regained balance. Justin felt safe in Brian's strong arms, taking in the manly scent that vibrated from Brian's body. Brian let Justin stand back up. Brian grabbed hold of Justin's Calvin Klein boxers and pulled them down slowly. Justin took a deep breath as Brian removed the boxers. Justin stepped back and let Brian admire his now naked body. Brian gazed up and down the young man's developed body. He admired the fully erect cock that laid between his thighs.

Brian took Justin's hand into his own and held it tightly. He pulled Justin forward slowly and placed his lips upon Jusitn's. Justin gladly accepted the kiss, letting his mouth open catiously. Brian darted his tongue in Justin's mouth, causing the kiss to get intenser. Justin placed his hands around Brian's neck and widened his kiss. Brian raised his arms and guided them to Justin's back, letting Justin's hand go. Brian grapsed Justin's lower back and let their kiss prolong. Justin ran his hands through Brian's soft, amber hair and felt each tendril slide between his fingres. Brian's penis jumped in ecstasy as he kissed his lover. Brian slowed the pace of their kiss and let his hands slip lower down Justin's back. Justin let his tongue slid back into his own mouth and titled his ehad mroe in their kiss. Brian finally let Justin's lips go, causing Justin to grunt in frusturation. Justin backed away from Brian's face and winked his eyes open. Brian smiled at Justin and let go of Justin's back. Brian guided his hands up Justin's body, moving from his hips to his chest. Brian wiped the saliva from Justin's lips and stuck his fingers in his own mouth. He licked his lover's saliva from his fingers and gave Justin an intense look. Brian's hands dropped back to Justin's hips and Brian lifted Justin into the air.

Brian laid Justin genlty on the ivory sheets and laid softly ontop of him. Brian began to kiss Justin's neck with desperation. Justin closed his eyes once again and moaned in a feverish battle to control his hormones. Brian ran his hands over Justin's sides and examined every aspect of Justin's neck neck. Justin's hands grazed over Brian's back and then clinched to it in a despreate cry. Brian licked excitedly at Justin's sex dripped neck. "Mmmph Brian..." Justin called out as Brian's lips touched his neck again. Brian crawled his way back to Justin's lips and licked them gently. Justin opened his eyes and gazed up at Brian. Brian gave Justin a look of need and Justin returned the look. Justin looked over Brian's shoulders and could see a mirror on the bed's canopy. This gave Justin an even more sexual feeling stirring within his groin.

Brian rolled himself off of Justin and reached to the side of the bed. Brian pulled up a small bottle of baby oil and crawled back to Justin. "Roll on your stomach." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin slowly and seductively turned onto his stomach and gave Brian full view of his backside. Brian poured the baby oil onto Justin's back and gently massauged the oil into Justin's skin. He started at Justin's calves, then worked his way up to Justin's ass and then upper back. Justin groaned in a pant. He had never been so turned on in his life. Brian's hands worked miracles over Justin's young body. Brian ran a finger slowly from Justin's shoulder blades down to Justin's inner thighs. Brian could tell Justin was hot, just by the sounds coming from Justin's mouth. Brian grazed his fingertips over Justin's ass. Justin cooed as he felt Brian's baby soft hands touch his butt. Brian massauged the skin with the touch of an angel. He admired Justin's glowing skin as he rubbed his fingers into it. Justin stretched his arms out and grapsed the silky sheets between his fingers. "Oh yes..." was the only two words that escpaed his lips as Brian massauged him. Brian got ontop of Justin's ass and sat up. He began to lean forward and then retract back, his hard dick running over Justin's upper back. Justin grunted as he felt Brian's shaft and head run over his body. Brian moaned in passion as Justin's slippery skin touched his hot dick. Brian's thighs became slippery with the essence of the oil. Brian got off of Justin's butt and rolled to his side.

Justin too rolled over on his side and admired his lover's glowing body. Brian ran his baby oil-wet hands over Justin's chest. Justin's chest began to glow in the pale light of the room. Brian reached under one of the pillows and pulled out a bowl of grapes and a small container. Justin watched as Brian sat up on his knees on the bed. "Lay on your back." Brian instructed to Justin. Justin leaned back and laid on his back. Brian took on the grapes and placed it in Justin's belly button. Brian then leaned down and sucked the grape out. Justin shivered in the heat of the moment. Brian chewed the grape slowly and then swallowed. "Mmm, tastes good." Brian commented as he fed Justin a grape. "This feels so right, so good." Justin said as he chewed the grape. "I wanted tonight to be perfect. I want to make sure you have a time that you'll never forget." Brian whispered as he laid down next to Justin. Justin threw his arm over Brian's chest and whispered, "Everytime with you is a time I'll never forget." Brian blushed and looked into Justin's blue eyes. "I think it's time we returned to our activities." Brian said softly. Brian sat up again and grabbed the small containter. He moved his body down towards Justin's midsection. Brian sat up on his elbows and squeezed the container right over Justin's cock. Golden, thick liquid came gushing out of the container. It slid slowly onto Justin's penis, some falling onto his pubic hair and his balls. The liquid left an auburn glow over Jusitn's crotch area. Brian leaned down and began to lap the honey from Justin's balls. Justin laid his head back and screamed in pleasure. Brian kissed the firm balls, one-by-one before leaning up towards Justin's penis. Brian licked tenderly at the honey-covered rod. He kissed the piss slit and then the rosey, red head. Justin grunted in desperation. He was overcome with ecstasy. Brian too the head in his mouth and rolled his tongue over the head. He lapped up every string of honey on the head before taking the rest of Justin's meat into his mouth. He savoured the sweet taste of honey, sweat and pre-cum. Brian worked his mouth in a slow pace over Justin's penis. Justin's hands clinched the sheets to control his outburts. He nearly ripped the sheets apart as Brian's head began to bob faster and harder. Brian sucked with the intensity of a vaccum cleaner on Justin's ample cock. Brian licked up every trace of honey before Justin let a rage of cum shoot into Brian's mouth. Brian swallowed what he could and then let the ret slid down the sides of his mouth.

Brian let the saliva covered cock go and crawled up to Justin's face. He began to lick Justin's soft cheeks with his cum and honey-covered tongue. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck and let Brian kiss his chin and face. Jusitn then opened his mouth and tasted Brian's mixture of honey and cum on his tongue. Their lips didn't meet, but their tongues danced an exotice dance of love and lust. Justin reached down and grapsed Brian's cock within his hands. He began to jerk the cock slowly as they intesified their kiss. Brian ran his hands over Justin's thighs as he kissed Justin's hrder. Soon Brian was cumming in a fit in Justin's hand. Justin slid his cum-covered hand over Brian's chest and his abs. Brian let Justin's lips go and gasped for air. Justin panted under him and wiped the cum from his fingers. Brian laid down ontop of Justin and did his best to recover from his orgasm. "Just take your time baby." Justin whispered as he rubbed his hands over Brian's back.

Brian sat up again and got off of Justin. He grabbed Justin's back and lifted Justin. Brian and Justin rolled towards the head of the bed and Brian ripped the sheets back. Justin laid down underneath Brian and Brian pulled the sheets over their bodies. "I want to make love to you until I can't anymore." Brian spoke softly into Justin's ear. Justin responded by moaning softly. They looked into each other's eyes and felt the heat between them. Brian lifted Justin's thighs, causing Justin to wrap them gently around Brian's hips. Brian led his cock to Justin's entrance and held it there for a moment. He then leaned forward to kiss Justin, causing his cock to force it's way into Justin. Justin sucked air thorugh his teeth in pleasure and let Brian make love to him. Brian eased in to the hilt and then pulled back slowly. Justin grabbed Brian's shoulders and let Brian move his penis inside of him. Brian finally reached Justin's lips and planted a deep kiss on them. Justin closed his eyes. He never pictured his 18th birthday would be filled with a night like this one. Brian moved slowly inside of Justin, making sure to hit every spot of Justin that made Justin scream. Brian let go of Justin's lips so he could hear Justin's cries of pleasure. Justin tighten his grip around Brian's hips. Jusitn felt Brian's soft hands begin to rub his penis with ease. Justin pressed his head firmly into the huge pillow. Brian repeated his gentle thrusts into Justin, causing heavy friction between the two. Justin's head whipped from side to side as Brian forced deeper into his body.

Brian ran his hands over Justin's face as he moved harder and deeper in Justin. Justin's face was twisted in a scence of ecstasy. Brian let Justin have a little more control as Justin rolled their position. Justin laid ontop of Brian, forcing his body down onto Brian's hot rod. They began to toss in turn in an exotice roll of pleasure. Brian continued making love to Justin and jacking him off as they rolled around on the bed. Justin's hair was tossed ina mess of sex and sweat as he was finally pinned by Brian. Brian shook the bed even more as he felt himself getting closer. Justin finally came in Brian's hand, opening his eyes as he cried out Brian's name. Brian loved to hear Justin squeel his name while they were having sex. But this night it was even more important to him. He wanted nothing but pleasure for his finacee` as he made passionate love to him. Justin looked up at the ceiling mirror and watched Brian's ass move up and down under the sheets. he could tell Brian was really into what he was doing. Justin ran his hands over Brian's sweat covered back and felt the drops of moisture rub over his palms. Brian leaned forward and kissed Justin's neck as he humped faster. "Uh, Justin!" Brian finally screamed as he came inside of Justin. Justin felt the whole bed begin to shake hard as Brian came. Brian's balls empty a huge load into Justin's ass.

Justin rolled them over so that Brian was at the bottom again. Justin could tell Brian was worn out from their love making. "Just close your eyes and go to sleep baby." Justin whispered as he ran his hands through Brian's hair. Brian nodded and shut his eyes. Justin kiss Brian's forhead and laid back. He felt Brian wrap his arms around Justin's body. "Happy birthday, Justin." Brian whispered. "Thank you Brian. It's the best present ever." Justin responded with a smile. He laid his head on Brian's chest and drifted to sleep in Brian's arms.

Before Justin and Brian knew it, they were on the jet to California. Justin laid sleep in Brian's arms as they flew smoothly through the air. Brian ran his fingers over Justin's blonde curls and smiled. 'I wish me and you could spend forever in that hotel bed, Justin.' Brian said to himself. 'And I wish that last night could have lasted for an eternity.' Brian thought with a huge grin. Jsutin stirred a bit in his lovers arms and snuggled closer to Brian. "I love you Brian." Justin mumbled in his sleep. Brian smiled with pleasure and whispered, "I love you too." into Justin's ear. "We're preparing to land in California gentlemen. I hope you enjoyed you're time away." the pilot said over the speakers. Brian sighed and shook Justin gently. "Time to get up sleepy." Brian said as he shook Justin. Justin opened his eyes sleepily and gazed around. "We're already there?" Justin questioned as he rubbed his eyes. Brian nodded and let Justin's go. Justin yawned shyly and rubbed his nose. he scracthed his head and then looked at Brian. "I really did have a good time, Brian." Justin commented in a draggig voice. "Me too." Brian agreed. The plane skidded stubburnly on the ground as they landed. "Are we going straight to the venue from here?" Justin asked as he stood. "Yeah. Kevin's supposed to be meeting us here." Brian answered as he stood also.

He grabbed their bags and stepped out of the plane. He looked around, covering his eyes from the bright morning's sun. He took a glance of Kevin waiting by a large, black limo. Kevin waved happily. Brian smiled and waved back. Justin stepped off the plane and gazed around. Brian walked towards the limo and Justin shortly followed. "Did you two have a good time off?" Kevin asked as he took Brian's bags. "The best." Brian responded chipperly. "Yeah, the best." Justin agreed. Kevin grabbed Justin's bags and threw them in the limo. "Well happy late birthday Justin. So sorry I wasn't there, but I'm sure you guys are glad I wasn't there too." Kevin commented with a devious smile. Brian blushed while Justin smiled. "Thanks, Kevin." Justin nodded awkwardly. "Well let's get going to the venue." Kevin suggested. they all stepped into the limo and the driver drove off.

"So, have we missed anything while we've been gone?" Brian asked as slouched back in his seat. "Just a little bit. Ya'll were only gone 24 hours though." Kevin laughed. "Well, what did we miss?" justin asked inquisitvely. "Well, it seems that Nick and Lance are trying to patch things up. But I don't know how well that's going to go over. J.C.'s not dealing with any of it too well. He's been kinda distant. Plus Lance isn't feeling too well, I think he has a cold and he's spread it to J.C. and A.J." Kevin answered. Brian and Justin both gave Kevin cross eyed looks. "So, I dont know how the show's going to go over. I mean, J.C.'s fighting the cold, but Lance's got a fever and A.J.'s got a sore throat. A.J.'s says he'll still perform and I think Nick's going to perform too." Kevin said. "If he gets enough rest, he'll be out there." Justin spoke from experience. "How's everyone else?" Brian asked. "Well Amanda and the girls are fine. Howie's been flirting with them as much sa possible. Britney's cool, she and Joey have been kicking it alot lately. Aaron's been with his mom and Chris... well Chris's just Chris." Kevin answered. "It's good to know that not everyone's living a miserable life." Justin joked.

The limo pulled into the back lot of the venue and the three boys quickly hopped out. Kevin handed Brian and Justin their passes and they all placed them around their necks. They walked by security with no problem. They walked onto the stage where they saw Britney rehearsing '...Baby One More Time'. Britney stopped her dancing when she saw Brian and Justin walk on stage. "Hey guys!" Britney yelled as she ran over to them. She quickly gave Justin a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. She then gave Brian a hug. "How was the birthday surprise?" Britney asked with a weird smile. "It was the best present I could ever get." Justin smiled, placing his arm around Brian's waist. "Good. Happy birthday anyway." Britney giggled. Nick and Joey walked over to them with smiles. "Well if it isn't the return of the birthday boy." Joey laughed as he shook Jsutin's hand. "What up bro?" Justin said as he shook his hand. "Nice to see you two back." Nick said shyly. "Where's the others?" Brian asked, looking for J.C. and Chris. "Lance is backstage resting his voice. A.J. is sleep on the bus. J.C. and Chirs are right over there practicing their dance steps. And Howie's chilling with Amanda and the girls in the back lot." Nick pointed out each person.

J.C. looked over at the crowd and started walking towards them. As he did, he felt his feet giveway from beeath him. He fell over on the stage and everyone bursted into a loud laughter. J.C. couldn;t figure out how he fell so easily. Then he felt another shake beneath him. This time everyone felt it. "What the hell?" Joey said as he looked around. Before anyone else could say another thing, the ground began to rumble in an intense state. "Shit! It's an earthquake!" Nick called out. Everyone began to panic in attempt to flea with area. "Get under the canopy!" Kevin called out as he ran towards the canopy. He successfully made it and awaited the others. Joey desperately grabbed Britney's hand and drug her towards the canopy. Before they could make it, the ground rumbled harder. They both fell to the ground, causing Britney to skid her knee. She cried out in pain. J.C. quickly ran towards them and picked Britney up in his arms. "J.C! I'm scared!" Britney screamed as J.C. lifted her. J.C. ran her towards the canopy and looked back for Joey. Joey's foot was caught between one of the floorboards. "JOEY!" Britney screamed out as things began to fall from the ceiling. "Watch out!" J.C. called from under the canopy. Joey shook his leg to free himself. He quickly rolled to the side, avoiding being hit by a sandbag.

Nick paniced in the wake of the tremor. "Nick, move it!" Chris said as he pushed Nick out the way. Chris fell to the floor from the intense earth shaking. "Get under there!" Chris pointed out to Nick as he got up. Nick ran under a show prop and Chris joined him. "Brian! Brian!" Nick yelled as he saw Brian and Justin standing in the middle of the stage. "Move it!" Kevin yelled from under the canopy. Before he knew it, the canopy was caving in ontop of him and the others. Kevin braced his arms as the heavy wood fell over them. Britney screamed in fear as J.C. covered hre up.

Brian grabbed Justin's hand and began to run for the prop Chris and Nick were under. Jsutin ran with him, trying to keep up with Brian's fast pace. The tremors became stronger, causing Justin to fall to the floor. He tripped in a sliding fashion, causing him to let go of Brian's hand. Brian stopped his running and looked back at Justin. "I can't run! I think I twisted my ankle!" Justin cried out in pain. Brian looked towards the prop and then Justin. "Help me Brian!" Justin cired in fear. "Brian, get over here!" Nick called back. Brian looked up at saw a spotlight falling in Justin's direction. Brian quickly ran back to Justin and grabbed his arm. The spotlight fell slowly, it's cording catching it before it hit ground. The large light slapped Brian in the head, causing him to fall to the floor.

Justin screamed out as Brian hit the ground. "NO!!!" Nick called from the side. He began to run towards Brian, but Chris held him back. "Let me the fuck go!" Nick screamed as he tried to get to Brian. "No, you can't!" Chris screamed as he held Nick back. Justin crawled to Brian with tears in his eyes. He took all that he had inside and forced himself to stand. Justin grabbed Brian's arm and placed it over his shoulder. Brian was unconscious. Justin limped his way towards the prop, avoiding falling debris. Just as Justinr eached the prop, Nick pulled Brian under it. Justin stepped forward and heard a loud spark. He turned around and saw a pole falling. Jsutin backed away and fell to the floor again. The pole fell and slapped right on his arm. "SHIT!!!" Justin screamed in pain. Chris grabbed Justin and yanked him under the prop.

A.J. fell out of his bed as the earthquake rocked the bus. "Oh fuck!" A.J. said as he shook off the shock. he heard screams of the girls of Innosense and Howie. Howie helped the girls to the area A.J. was in and they all watched as pots, food and other things fell all in the bus. "Evreyone get down and stay down!" A.J. called put as he covered up Amanda. As the earthquake stopped, the venue was in silence. Ambulances and police came raging through the area, doing their best to help out survivors. Brian laid in pain in Nick's arms, while the others were unknown, as everyone came running inot the venue.


*** Well there you go.... I know i took awhile, but I'm sure it's worth it!!! Hope to see you next time as I start # 51. Also, hopefully you can look for me soon working with Adam (author of 'Nick and Adam'), CJ (author of 'My Night With Howie D'), Josh & Jay (authors of 'Loving BSB') and Jon (author of 'Matt and Brian') on a joint story. Look for that sometime in March probably.... ***

Next: Chapter 25: Brian and Justin 51 54

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