Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jul 27, 1999


Just Beginning (Chapter 11) Written by JM

*** 'Just when I thought I was to be alone forever...' This is the continuation to the series 'Brian & Justin'. This story involves a romance between celebrities, mainly that of Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync). If you are offended by this kind of material, please do not read this series. If you have not read the first series, please do not read this one yet. I'd like you to know the story of Brian and Justin's saga. Otherwise, enjoy as we continue to drift into the lives of Brian & Justin. Any cooments for me, please send to: ***

*** I'm back!!! Welcome to the second chapter of 'Brian & Justin', perfectly titled by David as 'Just Beginning'. I do hope you like this series and I hope to bring you as much joy and sorrow as the first series. As always, read stories like 'N Sync Love' and 'The One' for good storyline. Special thank you to my inspiration and my "Blue", Leprechan. Read 'Bad Boy B-Rok' for his work of art. Special thank you to some of my closest friends also, Donnie, Shawn (you're not forgotten!), CJ, Rick, Jason, River, Mano, Jay & Josh, Ryan & Drew, Brian and Netboy. And very special thanks to all of my OLD & NEW READERS! I love you dearly for your support. The BIGGEST thank you goes to David at Nifty for his continuous support. As always, enjoy and hopefully, you won't be disappointed. So now, the story is 'Just Beginning...' ***

The sun glimmered into the three windows in the Littrell house. It was the start of a new day, the sun taking it's place upon their faces. It cascaded a golden weave over their faces while shattering the shadows that had cloaked them through the night.

Brian was the first to wake when the sun shimmered over his eyes. He woke shyly, still wrapped in Justin's arms. He rubbed his eyes like that of an infant and then turned his head to face Justin's. Justin face glew with the light of the day. It was a golden glow that he saw over Justin's face. "My angel." Brian thought as he rubbed his hand over Justin's gentle cheek. "Mmm, Bri..." Justin groaned, still trying to sleep. "I'm sorry babe." Brian whispered before giving Justin a small kiss on the cheek. He rubbed his own cheek with Justin's. 'Oh, I really don't want to leave him.' Brian thought of how he had to get up.

Brian hugged Justin a little closer, hoping that Justin would awake before he had to leave. "Let me sleep." Justin groaned playfully, trying to remain in his sleep. "Okay, but I've got to go in an hour." Brian whispered before sucking on Justin's earlobe. "Uh... Brian..." Justin groaned, feeling turned on by Brian's slow licking. "You'll get up now?" Brian asked with a gripping smile. "If you jack me off." Justin teased him. Brian nudged Justin and then ended their sleeping hug.

Justin yawned slightly and tried to control his need for more sleep. He soon felt a smooth hand wrapping around his soft shaft. Justin looked down to his hanging penis and saw Brian's hand. "I wasn't serious Bri." Justin tried to assure him. "Aaawww babe, I thought you were." Brian cooed, pulling a little softer on Justin's cock. Justin felt himself getting hard in Brian's hand. "Uhm, maybe we should stop now?" Justin suggested, placing his hand on Brian's. Brian kept a smooth stroke, keeping Justin's hand on top. Justin just kept his hand on Brian's, wanting to stop their act yet wanting to go further with it. "Mmmhmmm." Justin nodded as Brian's hand became quicker. "Now doesn't this feel better?" Brian asked. Justin couldn't release an answer, shutting his eyes to enjoy his husband's hand. "Would you like me to stop now?" Brian did his best to bring Justin out. "Oh no!" Justin grunted back. "Okay J.." Brian eased on the couch so that Justin's body could mold with his. Justin was calm and relaxed in Brian's arms, just as he had been many times. Just the mood of the morning made him love the way Brian held and touched him.

"Mmm, oh oh... Brian.. I'm close..." Justin warned his husband. Brian kept his smooth and steady stroke and watched Justin squirm for release. "Just..." Brian whispered his name. Justin let the sound go through his body and began ejaculating on Brian's hand and his own. "Brian..." Justin gasped out, his hips raising with each shot that was released. Brian rubbed Justin's leg with his other hand, trying to calm Justin down after his orgasm.

Justin fell back into Brian's arms and panted hard against Brian's neck. "Tha... thank you.." Justin grunted out, rubbing his ehad to Brian's neck. Brian placed his clean hand on Justin's chest and held him. "It was no problem babe." Brian assured him, kissing Justin's ear. "You're too good to me Brian." Justin cooed, trying to keep Brian holding him. "No Justin... you're my angel, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you." Brian disagreed softly.

Justin carefully pulled out of Brian's arms and sat up in his lap. Justin removed his shirt and then used it to wipe the cum from his hand and Brian's hand. "Brian.. are you feeling okay? You seem really down on yourself lately?" Justin questioned his husband with the most sincere voice he has ever used with Brian. Brian sat up slightly and rested his head on Justin's shoulder. "I feel like I fucked up in our relationship and marriage." Brian sniffled out. Justin's mouth fell open with shock. "Justin... I don't know why, but I'm always messing things up for us." Brian sighed. Justin quickly placed his hands on Brian's head to ease his suffering. "Brian, I'm happy. All of my life I have NEVER been this happy. I don't think we have a problem... we just need time away from everyone sometimes." Justin tried to explain his heart in words to Brian.

Brian rubbed his cheek to Justin's shoulder with more pain. "Yesterday, I had to know where Nick's head was at when he slept with J.C. So I went over to J.C.'s apartment and when I saw Nick... I pulled down my pants and told him to sleep with me so that I could see how he was feeling." Brian stated, still holding onto Justin.

Before Brian knew it, Justin had flinched away. Justin stood from the couch and quickly ran his fingers through his hair. Brian looked at him and knew Justin was angry. Brian let a few drops of tears escape his eyelids. "I had to tell you Justin becuase I'm married to you. I'm your husband and I can't lie to you. I love you too much." Brian explained his actions. "So you slept with him?" Justin sadly asked. "NO! No Justin, I didn't. I just needed to know if he was sleeping with J.C. because he wanted me. So I was testing him and he said he loved J.C. too much." Brian quickly explained. Justin shook his head and refused to turn and face Brian. "So had he said he wanted to, to stop him from fucking other people, you would have let him... you would have ruined the way I looked at you by letting him fuck you." Justin stuttered out with anger and sadness. "Justin I would NEVER sleep with Nick. If he was going to sleep with me yesterday, I would have left. But I had to know because too many people have been hurt in Nick's path." Brian gave his just and honest reasons. His hands trembled as he looked at Justin's back.

"So... so you wouldn't sleep with Nick, but yet you'd offer?" Justin tried to understand Brian's intentions, but the pain was too great. "I didn't say 'I do' to leave you for Nick." Brian stumbled out his words. Justin stayed in his position, battling with his heart. Brian couldn't take agony of watching Justin suffer. "If you just say it now Justin... I will take off the ring..." Brian cried.

Justin turned around to finally face Brian. Brian watched as Justin's cheeks were also stained with tears. "You did it to get him out of your life didn't you?" Justin asked softly. Brian nodded. "Justin... I know you are hurt... I know it sounds twisted that I did this for our marriage, but Justin.. I.. I can't keep my mind on him anymore... so I needed to know if he'd finally leave us. I love you.. can't go on without you, but I... I won't hurt you. I won't let you suffer because of your stupid husband. That's not how our marriage is intended to be. So if you want this to end, let me know.. because I love Justin Littrell, but I don't want him to be Justin Littrell... if he can't love his husband or if his husband makes him cry." Brian blurted all of his feelings out with his tears. He curled up on the cocuh and turned his head away from Justin. He couldn't look Justin into the eyes ad watched Justin crumble slowly.

Justin wiped the tears from his face. 'Oh Brian...' Justin sighed to himself. He didn't like seeing Brian in such agony and such disgrace. He walked over to the couch and sat next to Brian. "Come here baby." Justin tried to pull Brian closer. Brian once again feared touching Justin, afraid he may cause Justin further pain. Justin ingored Brian's lack of affection and hugged him. "You are the best husband in the world babe. You could have been like so many other men and kept that secret from the one you loved. You could have easily slept with Nick and kept the secret to yourself. You didn't though Brian. It's okay... you told me and that's what counts. You did it for me, I know you wouldn't sleep with Nick. It's not in your heart, I am." Justin stated, holding onto Brian. Brian sniffled and let Justin hold him. "I love you Bri." Justin whispered, trying to pull Brian out from the shell he had created.

Justin was rocking Brian in his arms and trying to stop Brian's small cries. "Babe, talk to me. Don't shut me out." Justin asked of him. Brian lifted his head slightly and then kissed Justin's left pec. "I'm not the best husband in the world Just. You are." was all that Brian wanted to say. Justin smiled briefly and then continued to hold Brian. "I just... I had to tell you. Last night I had to tell you. Justin I just have to tell you these things because I want us to be able to start this over, start Brian and Justin Littrell over on the right foot." Brian requested. Justin rubbed a hand over Brian's soft, sandy brown hair and frowned. "We never started on the wrong foot Brian. When I married you, I did it the right way. Our marriage is a but shaky at this moment, but I know in my heart Brian, we'll always have each other." Justin confessed easily. "But I messed up..." Brian argued softly. "No, you didn't. I still have you and you'll always have me." Justin disagreed with a smile. He kissed Brian's cheek and held him with just enough force. Brian rubbed his hands over Justin's chest and smiled.

"Let's skip rehearsals today and just stay here. Just me and you... because I don't want to let you go." Brian suggested with need. Justin sighed and only wish he could share Brian's wish. "Brian, you leave for Europe soon enough. We'll be apart for two weeks. I want to treasure our time together, but I know that we'll make it through this. So let's just get to rehearsals so no one shows up at our house tonight. Okay?" Justin offered his idea, knowing he couldn't afford to deal with his friends intervining in their lives that night. Brian sighed heavily and agreed.

Brian held onto Justin with desperation and hoped that Justin wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with Justin. "Will you go to tour rehearsals with me?" Brian requested with a soft spoken voice. Justin pondered the idea. "I just don't want you sitting around here without me today and I'd really miss you." Brian added. Justin smiled brightly. "Okay, I'll go." Justin cheered. Brian grinned with excitement and snuggled even more to Justin.

Within an hour, Brian and Justin were riding in Justin's Mercedes towards the rehearsal studio where the Backstreet Boys began their rehearsals. It was a short drive as Brian and Justin lived blocks away from the recording studios and rehearsal halls.

Brian held Justin's left hand while carrying his work out bag in the other. They enteed into a large room with four mirrors on each wall. The room had a few dancers, Fatima, Kevin, Howie and A.J. in the main area. When Brian looked at the dancers he was thankful that management only hired dancers that they could trust fully. Brian didn't want to deal with the pressure of not being able to be with his husband as he practiced.

Brian and Justin watched as they all danced hard to the music of 'Larger Than Life'. "It's about time you got here!" A.J. shouted as he took a break from rehearsing. "And brought the lovely husband too?" A.J. questioned, running over to them. Brian nodded for A.J. and dropped his bag to the floor. "Well then... Justin you're staying?" A.J. questioned, looking back to the hard working dancers. Justin nodded for him, keeping the silence that he and Brian had developed. "Well don't both of you speak at once or anything!" A.J. laughed, wiping his face with a large towel. "Sorry. Yes, my husband is staying with us for today. But ya'll know I'm not staying the whole time either." Brian stated, taking his eyes off his friends. "Yeah yeah yeah, you get to be in the new 'N Sync video while we work our asses off!" A.J. joked. Brian giggled, keeping his lock with Justin's hand. "You better get changed and all because we've gotta go over the steps for the songs while singing to them." A.J. explained, catching Fatima eyeing him. Brian smiled towards Fatima and then agreed to A.J.'s advice.

Brian walked Justin over to the side and let A.J. return to his routine. "Well do you want to sit around here or go back home? I don't want you to be bored." Brian gently talked to Justin. "I'm staying. I like seeing you sweat." Justin joked. Justin leaned back on a nearby wall and let Brian stare at him. "Thank you." Brian finally replied. "Don't thank me. Like I wouldn't pay a million dollars to be around my husband all day." Justin assured him with a ginger grin. "Well you don't have to!" Brian cheered before pulling Justin up into a hug. Brian held Justin in the air as Justin laughed and hugged him.

"Because I love you." Brian giggled, letting Justin back down. "Aaawww, I love you too." Justin snickered before releasing his hug. "Do you? How much?" Brian asked, slowly tickling Justin's ribs and sides. Justin was too caught up in his lauther to reply to Brian. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Justin shouted out with laughter. "Good because I love you ten times more." Brian laughed with him, ending his tickling fit. Justin bakced away from Brian in fear of being tickled again. "Nah, I love you more." Justin laughed lowly. "I bet you do. You probably love my cute ass." Brian said, winking at Justin. "I love it when I'm in your cute ass." Justin shot back the smile he received from Brian. "Ah ah ah, not 'til we get home sexy." Brian giggled and then began moving away from Justin.

"Wait, can I get a kiss before you leave?" Justin requested. Brian looked Justin up and down and gave him a solid grin. Brian gave him a small nod and then ran back over to him. "Soft or hard?" Brian asked softly, rubbing a finger over Justin's bottom lip. "Well i'm soft right now... but give me a few minues of looking at you and I'll be hard than a rock." Justin teased him. Brian pouted slightly but Justin kept his eyes dazzled. "You are always horny aren't you?" Brian asked. "Brian, no one hsa ever been able to get me this hard before. Well that's a compliment, sort of. What I'm saying is... Brian, I love you SO MUCH that I'd do anything for you when you asked." Justin did his best to make his words honest, yet sincere. "Well then I want you to kiss me like you love me." Brian whispered, inching his lips towards Justin's. Justin closed his eyes and gave Brian what he wanted.

Brian made sure he kissed Justin just as softly as Justin kissed him. It brought back memories of days where all Justin and Brian had time for was a slow and soft kiss. Brian didn't mind it as much as he enjoyed making Justin happy. Justin was relieved that Brian and him could even take a moment to kiss each other and make up for the time they had lost that morning. The kiss was everlasting in their minds as Brian pulled away slightly and then went back in for more. Justin smiled in his mind that Brian didn't want to leave. He kept his lips moving slowly with Brian's, just touching Brian enough to satisfy their hunger. Brian pulled back again and then smiled. "Uhm, I should go shouldn't I?" Brian whispered his question. "Only because you have to." Justin replied, gazing into Brian's blue eyes. "Yeah... but not just yet." Brian agreed before leaning in for another kiss. Justin didn't turn him away, but kept the same pace that they had started in the beginning.

There was no rush in their kiss. Justin's arms were wrapped around Brian's neck and Brian had his hands on Justin's waist. Brian gave Justin even smaller kisses, knowing his time was growing short. Yet Brian didn't show Justin any less love as they kissed. Justin was at ease and calmed with the feeling of Brian's lips, never growing tired. 'Hmm... he really doesn't want to let go...' Justin thought, leaving less force upon his kiss.

Brian smiled as he pulled away once more. He sighed lowly, loving every second Justin smiled back at him. "Uhm maybe I should really go this time?" Brian giggled his question out. Justin pondered the thought for meer seconds. "Only if you want to." Justin replied. His selfish reply was taken easy with Brian as Brian wanted to be with Justin. "No, I don't want to." Brian giggled and then leaned in again. Justin smiled back before preparing for another kiss.

"Eh, I've been back in town for like five hours, just found out that Nick and J.C. had an affair, found out that we only have two opening acts right now for the tour... I'm dealing with shit from the label... I have no girlfriend and even Joey is getting laid more than I am... and all you two can do is sit up here and kiss while I sweat my ass off?" Howie spit out all of his words with his light Spanish accent. His complaint was heard well by Brian and Justin who ended their kiss when they heard him. Brian gazed over to Howie with a smile. "And can I get a hug Mr. and Mr. Littrell?" Howie laughed with his lucious smile. Justin laughed along and finally released Brian.

Brian was the first to walk over to Howie and hug him. "Enjoy Hawaii chico?" Howie questioned as his hug with Brian ended. "Hawaii? What's that? All I saw was something sliding in and out." Brian teased Howie, making pelvic movements for emphasis. Brian knew how Howie hated to hear about their love life. "You make me so happy that I'm single sometimes." Howie shook his head with disgrace. "Why? Are you knocking marriage?" Justin asked as he approahced Brian. "Actually I'm questioning sex all the time." Howie laughed before hugging Justin. "Ah, it depends on the partner." Justin teased him and then winked to Brian. "UGH!" Howie groaned while releasing Justin. "Sorry, he's just so good!" Justin continued his effort to gross Howie. "Oh that's nothing compared to Justin. Those lips... mmm if those girls knew his throat has better uses then singing." Brian joined in.

Howie gave both of them angered expressions. "But wait, have you seen Brian's ass?" Justin smiled at Howie. "Yes, quite a few times in the dressing room. Nothing compared to this Latin lover." Howie finally joked back. "Hmmm... something new?" Justin winked at Howie and then looked him up and down. "No, you have a ring and I prefer those... what do you call them? Is it girls?" Howie gestured towards the dancers. "Girls? What are those?" Brian laughed.

"Better than what you two are fucking." Howie ceased his moment. "Oh no, my baby is the best 'fuck' ever." Brian disagreed, looking at Justin with an erotic stare. "Yes, this coming from a man who has only had sex with Justin?" Howie snickered. "Mmm, when you have a good partner, no lips taste better." Brian sighed lovingly to Justin. Justin cocked a wicked stare at Brian and then rolled his eyes. "Yes, so would you be comparing Justin and Nick?" Howie asked with a sense of disgust. Justin was pained by Howie's remark. "Uhm, I think I'm going to go sit over there and watch ya'll." Justin commented lowly. He walked away quickly before Brian could call him back.

"Nick going D." Brian said as he popped Howie in the ribs with his hand. "What? What the hell did I do?" Howie questioned. "What was with the 'Nick and Justin' thing? You know I'm married to Justin and he has a tough enough time dealing with Nick being around. Now you have to take cheap shots at it too?" Brian chastisted him. "Geez, sorry. I forgot how damn sensitive Justin is." Howie sarcastically replied. "He's not sensitive, just a little insecure." Brian sighed, glaring over to Justin. The love in Brian's eyes were more than Howie could fight against. "Do you want me to go apologize to him? I don't want ya'll hae marital problems because me." Howie offered with a keen spirit. "No, he's okay." Brian replied, knowing Justin just liked to be alone at times. "Okay. Hey, how about you go and get change and we'll do a little something to brighten everyone's day?" Howie suggested, nudging Brian. Brian nodded and walked with Howie to the changing room.

Justin sat on the floor with his back leaning on one of the mirrors. His head was rested against the mirrored wall while he watched the Backtsreet Boys, minus Nick Carter, finish up rehearsing 'It's Gotta Be You'. Their high action and sweat breaking performance left Justin in awe.

"Excuse me? Uhm, you're Justin Timberlake right?" he heard a young female ask. Justin looked up towards his questioner. She was a short and nicely figured girl. Her hair was dark brown while her skin was honey brown. Her eyes were the right hint of brown while her smile made Justin smile back. "Yeah, but you don't have to be so formal about it. I do remember you." Justin chimed, reaching his hand up to her. The girl had barely recognized Justin with his backwards white and baby blue hat, yet she knew the voice well. "Well I was afraid you wouldn't remember since we only have a chance to talk for about ten minutes," she replied, shaking his hand. "Hah, ten minutes was enough, especially since I like your music." Justin giggled at her comment. She perked up with Justin;s kind nature.

"Uh, I don't know if you want to sit down, but you're welcome to." Justin said, offering a spot next to him on the floor. The young girl shrugged and took a seat on the floor next to Justin. "Wait, it's Irish right?" Justin recalled her name with glee. "Yeah, I'm Irish. From 702." Irish reminded him. "Hey, I remember the group. Like I said, I do love your music." Justin laughed. Irish became more at ease with Justin seeing that he was acting just as normal and bubbly as she would. "That's good because I love your music too." Irish added, gazing out to the Backstreet Boys. "Really? I didn't think you'd like pop music that much." Justin was surprised. "Yeah well... you'd be surprised what's in my CD collection and my car." Irish giggled. Justin was pleased with how honest and genuine she was with him. "Plus since me and the girls are going to be touring with the Backstreet Boys, it's nice to know the music right?" Irish joked. Justin nodded with laughter. "But then again, we'll be out there with ya'll after the first two weeks." Justin reminded her. "Oh yeah, I know. I've been looking forward to this tour since they called us about it because ya'll are the two biggest selling guy groups and you're shows are ALWAYS sold out." Irish added. "Aaaww, missed out?" Justin asked with a frown. "Just two shows I tried to go to. It's okay though." Irish replied. "Sorry about that." Justin said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I survived!" Irish laughed. Justin couldn't help but laugh with her again.

"So Irish, where the girls at?" Justin said, playing off of 702's song. "Funny." Irish gleamed. "No really, where are the other girls at." Justin asked again. letting the joke go. "Uh, Misha's on the phone with her boyfriend and Meelah's on her way to this studio. See we were rehearsing in the stuiod next door and now we're coming over here to work on some dance steps and just chill with the guys so we'll be cool on tour." Irish explained. Justin listened to her every word. "So why are you here?" Irish asked, getting more comfortable on the floor. "I'm here with a friend." Justin replied, gazing over to Brian. "Oh yeah! We have heard so much about ya'll through folks. The tabloids love boy bands now and you and... uhm, Brian seem to be like the focus half the time." Irish commented. Justin shrugged it off. "The media love whatever bits and pieces they get. It doesn't bug me and Brian though." Justin replied to her comment. "But they're like saying that you two are dating and all. I'd think that something like that would piss you off or drive you nuts. Especially if you had a girlfriend or something." Irish added her words, still in shock at Justin's carefree attitude. "Well they're wrong." Justin replied shortly. Irish cocked her brow at him with shock.

"I think I'll leave that alone." Irish tried to nicely back away from the conversation. Justin looked at her and grinned happily. "Irish, you are one of the coolest girls I have ever met. Had it been anyone else, they would have kept prying or whatever. But not you, you just go with the flow." Justin said, smiling at her. "Well I just try and not make a fool of myself. Plus it's your life and I can't really get in that." Irish stated happily. "No, it's fine when you ask questions. I like you like that." Justin chimed. Irish chipperly hugged Justin. "It's so hard to believe when you like a group that they can be SO NICE to you like you were their best friend or something." Irish proudly said. Justin released her from their small hug and smiled at her for assurance. "Well we are going to be touring together and you did want to be 'cool' with us, so I figure you're not all bad." Justin joked. Irish lightly slapped him on the leg before taking a sip off her Naya water.

Irish looked over to Brian and saw him smiling towards Justin. "He is always looking at you." Irish giggled, trying to get Justin's attention to Brian. Justin gladly waved over to Brian and then turned back to Irish. "He likes me like that." Justin cheered. "Aawww, you're just likeable aren't you?" Irish teased him. "That I am." Justin snickered. Irish leaned on Justin and watched Brian keep his steady smile at Justin. "Now see if you two were dating... then Brian would be really jealous with me right now." Irish decided to be bold with the lost subject. Justin grinned at the thought. "It he'd have enough trust in me that he wouldn't have to get jealous." Justin whispered. Irish was curious to his reply. "Well if he wants a fight, where my girls at?!" Irish snapped with laughter. "They're out back!" Justin joked along.

"Actually Irish, since we are going to be on tour together and I figure you'll find out sooner or later, can I trust you with something?" Justin jumbled his words out for her. Irish leaned in the other direction and then played with the top to her water. "I don't tell secrets. The only people I tell secrets to are Misha, Meelah and my twin sister Orish. Unless the person telling me the secret doesn't want me to say a thing ever about it." Irish replied to his words. Justin kept his smile with her and nodded. "Okay, well me and Brian..." before Justin could get his words out, he heard A.J. interupt them through A.J.'s microphone.

"Okay, is this thing on?" A.J. joked as he tapped the microphone. The feedback brought pain to everyone's ears. "Oops, sorry." A.J. snickered as he saw the effect of his gesture. "Okay, let's do this song and let's do it right folks." A.J. ordered as the dancers took their places and Fatima prepared to cue to the music.

Justin and Irish's eyes watched as everyone got into their places and the music came over the speakers. A.J. smiled and prepared for his place in the song.

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

On a memory's bliss of you

(goin' down, diggy, diggy down diggy down what what)

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

(goin' down, diggy, diggy down diggy down what what)

Brian took the front and smiled towards Justin. A.J. followed him as Brian did his verse and then A.J. followed.

I count the days, the hourglass

The days go and all I do is think of you

And wonder where you are at night

Oh, I remember everything

Every smile and even all the reasons why

You say I pushed you out of my mind

The chours was flowed in by Kevin and Howie joining the intricate harmonies.

Baby you set me

Huh huh huh huh huh

Baby you set me

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Set adrift on a memory's bliss of you

Huh huh huh huh huh

Baby you set me

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Set adrift on a memory's bliss of...

Brian knew the chorus was ending and walked over to where Justin and Irish sat on the floor. He knelt down right in front of Justin and smiled at his husband. Justin stopped bobbing to the music and looked right at Brian. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and held it as he sang his next verse.

Destiny is everything

Reality's replaced you with

The biggest empty void I've ever had in life, oh

(You've ever had in life)

Bet you say that I don't care

I bet you say that I don't even think of you

But God knows how wrong you are

As Brian ended his verse, he stood and then helped Justin stand. Justin was shy to stand with Brian as Irish watched on. Brian gave him a look of no fear and slowly began to dance closely with Justin. Justin decided that his fears had to slip away as Brian's did and Justin danced closely to Brian. He smiled and watched Brian belt out the bridge with A.J. and the others.

Baby will you be there when that moment comes

Baby will you be there

Just give me time (just give me time)

To fix my life baby (to fix my life baby)

Baby will you be there when I open my eyes

When I open my eyes

After all the time I've spent

Wishing you

Brian sang directly to Justin. He knew Justin needed the smallest gesture to make him smile, but Brian made it this moment to dedicate his time to Justin. Each note was carried by his love for Justin as they returned to singing the chorus.

Baby you set me

Huh huh huh huh huh

Baby you set me

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Set adrift on a memory's bliss of you

Oh baby you set me

Huh huh huh huh huh

Oh baby you set me

Baby you set me

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Set adrift on a memory's bliss

Brian released Justin from their dance but held Justin's hand softly as A.J. began his verse and then as before, Brian followed.

Sadness has overwhelmed me

But my thoughts carelessly

Imagine that you're happy

With your life right now, oh

I guess that's just the way it goes

Forever's gone so now I must

Praise you with all the things

That I could never have

After Brian's strong note flew out, they followed with the chorus. Brian turned Justin so that Brian's chest was resting against Justin's back. Brian held his mic in one hand while placing the other arm around Justin's body. Brian rested his head on Justin's shoulder. Justin could not tear the smile from his lips. He was uncomfortably happily to be with his husband, being held and sung to.

Huh huh huh huh huh

Baby you set me

Baby you set me

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

Baby you set me

Set adrift on a memory's bliss

Set me

Huh huh huh huh huh

Set adrift yeah yeah

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

So come on now

I know this much is true

Huh huh huh huh huh

I know this much is true

Dom dah dah dah dah dah

You, you, you, you, you, you, you

Brian smiled with his husband, not letting anything destroy the bond that they had built within that song. It was now a song that was improved within their love.

Just Beginning (Chapter 12) Written by JM

When the music had faded, Brian placed his other arm around Justin. He nuzzled his lips to Justin's exposed neck and slowly began to kiss it. "Brian..." Justin got an awkward look when he saw Irish staring at them with large eyes. Brian removed his lips from Justin's neck and looked up. He saw Irish sitting still with the confusion written upon her face. "Oh... uh, maybe we should say something." Brian stuttered out, remembering that the young girl had been in the studio the whole time.

Justin gestured for Irish to stand and walk to them. Irish still gave them an uneasy look. Justin was disappointed in her slight fear. Irish finally stood for Justin and grabbed her Naya water. She slowly approached them with a worried look. "The tabloids weren't lying were they?" Irish was the first to ask her question. Brian gave her a crooked stre while Justin pouted. "Irish, I'm sure you remember Brian from Cancun. Well Irish, this is Brian, my husband." Justin gave his response with his introduction. Irish's mouth fell open with surprise. "Hus.. husband?!" Irish stuttered out. Brian giggled softly and extended his hand to her. "Yep. Nice seeing you again Irish." Brian chimed. "You mean as in man and wi... I mean husbands?" Irish was still profoundly shocked. "As in I'm Justin Littrell and this is the man I married on July 4th, 1999." Justin nodded with his response. Irish felt light headed with the thought. "Hi Irish. I hope you don't mind me and Justin being married." Brian sarcastically said, still offering his hand to her. Irish shyly grabbed the hand and shook it. "But... but you said Brian wasn't your boyfriend." Irish tried to shake off the initial shock. "Well he's not anymore. He's my husband now." Justin replied with no insecurities. "Yeah, see the ring." Brian chimed, waving his ring for her eyes to glimpse upon. "Oh my." Irish let slip out as she grabbed her head with one hand. "Whoa, don't lose it on us Irish. I really love Justin." Brian tried to calm her by placing his hand on her shoulder.

Irish looked to his hand as a new friend. "So... no one knows about this?" Irish asked. "Just our family and some of our friends." Brian answered for Justin and himself. "Wow and uhm... WOW! I mean I thought Justin was cute and all, but Lord, married? To you?" Irish let her words slip out. "Hey, Brian's not all that bad. Just in bed." Justin joked with her. "And ya'll are sleeping together?!" Irish raised her voice with even more shock. "Whoa girl, you look like you've seen a ghost." A.J. commented as he walked by. Brian tried to hold in his laughter while Justin tried to help Irish understand. "And he's cool with it?!" Irish asked, pointing to A.J. "Whoa, cool with what? I ain't down for none of those threesomes. I've got a girl." A.J. joked, returning to their sides. "No, Irish here just found out that me and Justin are married." Brian explained. A.J. leaned on Brian and gave Irish a knowing look. "Isn't it crazy?!" A.J. asked of her. "It's not really crazy... just surprising." Irish shrugged it off. "Yeah well try staying in the room next to them. Every five minutes it's, 'Say my name baby! Say my name!'" A.J. made fun of the loving couple with his own brand of love. "It is not." Justin laughed, nudging Brian. "So you say." A.J. giggled. Irish was thrown by the way the conversation went.

"See that's what I was trying to tell you before Irish." Justin finally stated for her. Irish turned her attention back to Justin. "Uh, I won't tell anyone Justin. I know how you like to keep things like this low." Irish assured him. "Thanks Irish." Justin grinned at her. "So... Irish. You wanted to get with my husband did you?" Brian teased her, moving from Justin to her. He placed his arm around her shoulder and urged her to walk with him. Irish decided to be as friendly to Brian as he was to her and walked with him. "No, I have a boyfriend. It's just I thought Justin was cute." Irish replied shyly. "Don't we all." Brian cheered, looking back to Justin. Justin stood with his arms crossed, staring at them. "And even cuter when he's jealous." Brian giggled.

"All right ya'll, thirty minute break and then get your asses back in line." Fatima announced as she wiped off her face. "Finally." Howie groaned out. "Oh and Brian, after you're little dance session with Justin, you owe me an hour's more worth of rehearsal time." Fatima warned him. Brian rolled his eyes at her and continued to walk with Irish. "Eh Rok, me and Kevin are gonna go play some ball. Do you and Justin want to play?" A.J. offered, bouncing a basketball around in the studio. "Don't bounce that thing in here!" Fatima barked at him. A.J. sighed loudly and ran outside with the ball. "Yeah, Irish is coming too." Brian called out to him. Irish looked at Brian as if he had said something crazy. "Aaaww, come on. You'll have fun." Brian tried to brighten her mood. Irish shrugged and walked with him and Justin ran after them.

"Are you leaving me?" Justin asked sorely. Brian stopped his walk with Irish and released her. "Irish, see if you can get our security guard Marc to play too." Brian asked of her and then glanced back to Justin. "Uhm, okay." Irish shrugged and began her walk outside. "Now, would I ever leave my husband?" Brian questioned Justin's jealousy. "You tell me." Justin replied sharply. Brian frowned slightly and kept his walk towards Justin. "I'd NEVER forget my baby." Brian shouted with glee before lifting Justin into his arms. He cradled Justin and smiled. "Promise." Justin requested. "I already did. On July the 4th of 1999, I married Justin Randall Timberlake." Brian replied in his soft country accent. "Yeah and I becamse Justin Littrell." Justin sighed with love. "And you're the best damn Littrell yet." Brian cheered, walking Justin out of the studio in his arms. "Well I think there will be a better one in the future." Justin assured him. "Hmmm, would that be our son?" Brian asked with a smile. "Or daughter." Justin added. "Well Angel works both ways babe." Brian happily said, still cradling Justin. "One of those bisexual names?" Justin asked. Brian bursted into laughter as he heard Justin's naiveness. "It's unisex Justin. Bisexual would be what A.J. is." Brian joked. "Hey! I heard that! I love women!" A.J. shouted towards Brian with disgust. "Yeah yeah yeah, one night with me A.J. and I'll have you hooked." Brian teased him.

"Hey, I want to be your one night stand." Justin faked sadness for Brian. In the back of his mind, Justin thought of how Brian had offered himself to Nick. Justin then realized that Brian was all that he could think of and as of late, Brian was treating him like a king. "Justin, you are my everynight stand. And if anything, maybe we'll be standing while doing it tonight." Brian licked his lips as he talked. "Lord, you always want new positions." Justin teased him as they reached the parking lot with the small basketball hoop. Brian let Justin to the floor and kept his smile with him. "That's because every day with you is a new moment in love." Brian let his romantic side take back over. "Aaaww, you are so cute." Justin teased him, lightly pinching his cheeks. Brian smiled with him, feeling lightly embarassed by Justin's compliments. "But your butt is the best feature." Justin teased hima agin and pinched Brian's ass. "EH!" Brian shouted with shock. Justin grinned deviously at him.

"Okay, not until tonight you honry ass newlyweds." A.J. advised as he dribbled the ball. "Aaaww, something he won't be getting tonight." Brian continued his onslaught with A.J. "I can't afford any babies asshole." A.J. reminded before taking a shot with the basketball. "They can't either A.J." Kevin added his opinion towards the situation. Irish watched as the bickering increased. "You are so sure me and Justin can't have a child aren't you?" Brian asked, quickly snatching the ball from A.J. and going for his shot. "You two are still very young and just got married." Kevin replied, grabbing the rebound. "We're not adopting tomorrow." Justin reminded him as he watched Kevin dribble the ball.

"Okay, enough about babies. No one's getting one any time soon, so let's chose teams and get this game going." A.J. finally ended the conversation. "Kev, A.J. and Marc versuses me, J and Irish." Brian chose the teams and left no room for aruguing. "How come you get the best 'ballers and I get the sucky ones." A.J. was the first to bark out his complaint. "Hey, I suck at basketball." Irish spoke up with a smile. "Yeah well, so does A.J." Justin joked to her. "Look A.J., ya'll can have the ball first." Brian passed the ball to A.J. without worries. A.J. grasp the ball and kept the scowl on his face.

The game began with a slight aggressive nature on A.J. and Kevin's part, yet Brian and Justin kept the pressure on, stealing the ball for quick shots. "We're up, three to zip." Justin announced, wiping sweat from his head. "Kev, stick with the ball." A.J. scolded him as he tried to cover Justin. "Stick this." Kevin complained, grabbing his crotch. A.J. got even angerier with the competition.

"Irish, here." Justin laughed at his opponent's battling and passed Irish the ball. As Kevin noticed her taking the ball, he saw that Marc was too busy running around to cover her. "Marc! Get Irish!" Kevin hollered at him as Irish clumsily dribbled the ball. "Just shoot Irish!" Justin encouraged her. With carelessness, Irish threw the ball into the hoop. As it went in, Brian cheered with glee. Justin quickly ran over to Irish and lifted her into his arms. "Hey!" she laughed happily. "That's what I'm talking about! Even a girl can kick ya'll sorry ass." Justin proudly boasted as he carried Irish around. "Shut up and play ball." A.J. grumbled. Justin smiled towards A.J.'s anger and placed Irish to the floor again.

"We're going to five and then we're through." Brian informed everyone as the hard sun beat down upon his back. "That's not fair. Ya'll already have fucking four already." A.J. disagreed loudly. "It's not my fault your team sucks." Brian shrugged it off. "Last time I chedk you were the one sucking... dick!" Kevin made it his point to take a cheap shot at Brian. Brian growled at him with anger. "Enough Kevin." Justin warned him. "Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt Brian's feelings with the truth?" Kevin panted out. Brian dribbled the ball to try and clam his nerves. "No, don't you say that." Justin reminded him. "The truth hurts but I bet you when Brian gives you head it doesn't." Kevin continued with his words. "Kevin, shut the fuck up and play ball." Justin barked at him, awaiting Brian to continue the game. "Aaawww, he hasn't given much head lately has he?" Kevin ignored Justin's warnings. "Are you always this petty or you just forgot to grow up?" Irish finally jumped in with her bold words. Kevin's head snapped in her direction with surprise. "You're blowing out so much hot air and I already have a nie tan baby." Irish gleamed with her sarcasm. Kevin rolled his eyes directly at her and returned his attention to Brian.

Brian didn't heed any of Kevin's words. He prepared for his final shot with ease. As Brian dribbled and decided to go for his shot, he felt the brute force of his older cousin stopping him. Kevin's strong body slammed into Brian's, causing Brian to lose the ball and fall to the ground. Justin watched with surprise as Brian skid over the pavement. "Brian!" Justin screamed at his husband as Brian stopped. "Kevin, what the hell?!" Marc chastised him. "Nice going asshole." A.J. sighed as he ran over to Brian. "Foul! That is the biggest foul ever! We get a free shot. Give us our shot." Irish was too caught up in the competition to check on Brian.

When Justin had cleared A.J. and Marc from Brian, he took the time to examine Brian. Brian looked up at Justin with slight pain in his eyes. "Uhm, foul shot." Brian tried to make light of his situation. Justin looked down and saw the cut that ran on Brian's shin. Blood quickly covered the skin, leaving it scarlet red. "Damn it Kevin, what the hell is wrong with you!" Justin screamed at him. "What? I was just blocking him." Kevin tried to defend his actions. "Kev, you nearly knocked the boy to China." A.J. didn't agree with Kevin's actions. "He should be quicker on his feet then." Kevin shrugged off the incident.

Justin was prepared to lash out at Kevin and he felt Brian's hand on his arm. Justin turned to look at Brian with concern. "Let's not worry about Kevin right now. I think I'm bleeding." Brian once again tried to joke on his pain. Justin nodded and smiled at Brian. "I just scrapped it, it'll be fine." Brian assured Justin as he caught Justin staring at the cut. "Come on, let's get him up so that he does stain the concrete." Marc tried to keep things in a ahppier mood as he and Justin helped Brian up.

"Okay people, time's up! Get back in here so we can rehearse!" Fatima yelled at them from the doorway of the studio. "Oh Fatima's going to love this." Brian chimed as he limped with Marc. Justin stood behind as he saw them walking away. "Uh, I have to get back to rehearsing with the girls. Are you going to be okay?" Irish asked with mild concern. Just as she did, Justin saw J.C.'s Jeep pull up to where the basketball area was. Justin smiled happily and nodded. "I'm going to be fine. Thanks Irish." Justin replied to her question. "Okay." Irish shrugged and began her walk back towards the studio 702 practiced in.

Justin watched as J.C. stepped out of the Jeep and then he saw Nick stepping out. Justin gave Nick a crooked look and then stared towards J.C. "Hmm, what did we miss?" J.C. asked, looking at Justin through his blue tinted framces. "The basketball game from hell." Justin replied with a small laugh. "Oh, who won?" Nick asked. "Me, Brian and Irish." Justin perkily replied. "Irish?" Nick pondered the name as J.C. stood next to him. "You mean from 702." J.C. knew his musical knowledge well. Justin nodded with his answer, questionably looking at the two next to each other. Nick looked at J.C. and then Justin. "What?" Nick shyly asked. "Uhm, you two? Same car?" Justin was stumped. "Oh, we got engagded last night. I wanted to call you, but I figured you and Brian were busy." J.C. quickly spoke up, grabbing Nick's hand. Justin's eyes flew open with surprise. "You can believe that... or you can believe that Nick's my new boyfriend." J.C. giggled at Justin's naiveness. Justin's gulible nature soon faded when he relazed that his best friend was now dating someone who was once Justin's greatest enemy. "Well... if this isn't.. uhm, quick." Justin was still choken up by the idea. J.C. gave Justin a disappointed face. "I mean, I'm happy for ya'll." Justin covered up for his mistake. "Well I'm happy and that's enough." Nick cheered, hugging onto J.C. Justin was doubtful in Nick's genuine love.

"Eh, I'm going to get inside and see how the others are. Are you coming?" J.C. asked, looking directly at Nick. "You go ahead in. If I go in there, Fatima's going to make me dance my ass off and I'm still a bit groggy from the hospital." Nick replied, hoping J.C. would understand. "Oh okay. Do you want me to take you home?" J.C. offered, trying to make sure Nick was completely recovered. "No, you go ahead inside." Nick assured him with his simple smile. J.C. smiled back. He leaned in slowly and gave Nick a small kiss ont he lips. "Okay, have fun." J.C. whispered and then gave Nick another small kiss on the lips. "Not without you Josh." Nick whispered back. J.C. kept his smile and backed off of Nick. He looked at Justin, who had a puzzled face, and then walked off.

Justin began to bounce around the basketball while Nick watched him. "So, has anyone heard from Lance?" Justin asked, trying to start a small conversation. "Not that I know of. I'm actually rather worried about it, but I haven't told Josh that." Nick replied. "Josh?" Justin was aggrivated by Nick's use of J.C.'s full name. "Yeah... uh, you have a problem with me and J.C. don't you?" Nick questioned Justin. Justin continued his dribbling, trying to hide the obvious. "Nick, I just have a problem with Lance being fucked over in all of this." Justin gave his honest reply. "Really? I guess then he's just getting his fari share in a bit huh? I mean when he cheated on me with J.C. the first time, J.C. got 'fucked over'. And then when he cheated with J.C. again, I got 'fucked over'. And each time, you and Brian got 'fucked over'. So now I guess Lance is really just getting what he did to us... except he's not handling it like we had to." Nick stated the facts plainly for Justin to understand. Justin stopped bouncing the ball and gripped it. He bit his lower lip, knowing Nick was right. "Yeah, Lance is getting it this time... and doing this to all of us he's 'fucking' everyone over." Justin sighed. Nick nodded with Justin's reply. "But I guess you and Brian didn't get hurt this time." Nick shyly wondered. Justin looked at Nick and Nick knew the look.

Justin decided it was time he made his move with Nick. "Would you have slept with Brian?" Justin asked. Just the question caused Nick to lose control over his dribbling. He grasped the ball between both hands and turned his head to look at Justin. "He told you?" Nick questioned with disbelief. "Yes, isn't that what a husband should do?" Justin didn't let up on his questioning. "I wouldn't know Justin. I've never had a husband." Nick shrugged. Justin watched Nick begin to dribble the ball again. "You didn't answer my question." Justin reminded Nick. Nick sighed and brought his eyes to Justin's. "I have J.C., why would I want your husband?" Nick sarcastically answered. Justin was disappointed in Nick's answer. "If J.C. didn't love you and you only had him for a one night stand, would you have slept with Brian?" Justin challenged him with the full flegded question. "Justin... honestly, if I was drunk off my ass I would have slept with Brian. If not, I don't think I could. Before I could have because you and Brian were just boyfriends and it would have been easy to fuck him and have no guilt. Now it's different. Sure, I've thought about it... but Justin, Brian is your husband. I'm no Monica Lewensky, I can't just breakup a marriage because I need dick or anything. I love Brian that much... and I like you that much." Nick spilled his inner feelings and let Justin absorb them as he wished. Justin stood dumbfounded by Nick's reply. "Besides, in the back of my head I knew that Brian would NEVER sleep with me. We've had our oppurtunities, so if he didn't do it then, he wouldn't do it now." Nick added before ending his dribbling.

Justin had his doubts, yet Nick knew Justin needed reassurance. "I think we should talk about this Justin." Nick advised, sincing Justin's ill mattered face. Justin looked away from him and thought over Brian's words and Nick's words. "Justin, the only thing I can ask of you is don't be mad at Brian. You can be mad at me until you get old and gray, but don't stay mad at Brian. He... he really can't go on without you sometimes. He doesn't talk about you and love you for nothing. Brian's complicated at times, but it's only because he can't figure things out himself." Nick stated. Justin brought his eyes back to Nick's and frowned slightly. "Justin, if you only knew sometimes how much Brian cared." Nick sighed as he saw the slight jealousy written to Justin's face. "I do know." Justin disagreed softly. "But Justin, Brian did what he did yesterday because he thought I was sleeping with people because I couldn't have him. At first I thought it was because he had a big head, but then I realized, this was tearing his marriage to you apart. He just really wants you and him to last forever and I guess he figured this was the best way to get me out of your lives." Nick tried to give Justin the best hope. Justin just gave Nick a flat stare. "Your husband loves you more than you know Justin. Sometimes he can't show it the way the world wants him to, but trust me, he never wants to lose you. It's not because he's scared to be alone... it's because he's scared he'll never find something as magical as you." Nick gave his final words on the subject.

Justin couldn't believe how Nick seemed to know every doubt Justin had been having and had an answer for each. In a way, he hated that it was Nick that finally opened Justin's eyes to Brian's hidden love and in other ways he was happy that Nick finally supported Justin's life with Brian. Justin took a moment to think over his thoughts while Nick began dribbling once more.

"So now... will I have to worry about anymore cheap shots to the jaw?" Nick teased him happily. Justin snapped out of his trance and looked back to Nick with a small smile. "Yeah, I'll save it for when me and you really fight over Brian." Justin joked back. "Hey, I don't want your husband. He'll always be my best friend though." Nick assured him. Justin smiled at the thought. "Now, how about you help me out with Josh?" Nick requested. Justin was troubled by the idea. "Nick as much sa I hate to admit this, J.C. really likes you. When I saw him in the hospital yesterday, he was like nothing else. He was so upset that you were hurt." Justin answered honestly. "So he loves me?" Nick asked shyly. "I don't know about love yet Nick. It took me and Brian a week and three days before we could say we we're ready to 'love' each other like that. I do know you have a BIG place in J.C.'s heart now and I don't know how." Justin replied. Nick watched the ball and then passed it to Justin.

"I don't know how it happened either Justin. J.C. found me at the Ale House, we talked, we laughed, we got sad and then I was at his apartment. Next thing I know, he's making love to me in his bed. Except, the whole night I found myself growing closer and closer to him. I guess you could say I was his 'shoulder' that night and he greww closer to me too. So we slept together, but afterwards, he was so nice and gentle to me. He didn't kick me out and he held me all night. It was weird that me and him ended up together in the morning, but it felt really good because he held me all night long. Brian ony did that once when I was sick and we were fully clothed. Lance never did that because afterward, I was knocked out sleep or he was acting bitchy about something." Nick explained everything to Justin. Justin took a second to think over all of Nick's words. Nick ran his hands through his hair and thought of how much his heart was open for J.C. "Nick, J.C. really does care for you then. I don't think he and Lance had too many of those occasions when they woke up in bed together. Lance either had to run off to work on something or J.C. had to sneak away because he didn't want to be caught." Justin informed Nick of the things J.C. had told him.

"He took my virginity. I know you've been there. So... afterwards did Brian hold you?" Nick questioned softly. "All night and some of the morning too." Justin happily replied. Nick was satisfied with Justin's answer. "But since J.C. did... I don't know if you know much and J.C. and Lance's first time, but he didn't get to hold Lance afterwards. In fact, they didn't want to hold each other. So I think you and J.C. have some chance, but right now, you have Lance to worry about." Justin tried to bring Nick back to reality yet give him something to work with. "Yes, he is a small problem right now." Nick agreed. "Try BIG problem Nick. None of us can find him." Justin argued lightly. "I don't think Lance wants to be found right now." Nick responded. Justin found himself agreeing with him. "Well if I found Brian in the shower with you..." Justin stopped himself. "I know, you'd be hurt too. Me and Josh didn't plan on it, it just happened." Nick sadly finished Justin's words. "I know Nick, I'm sorry." Justin softly said. Nick returned with his smile. "This doesn't mean we're going to be friends now does it? I rather liked you as an enemy. You're a challenge." Nick teased him. Justin laughed loudly with him. "No Nick, we don't have to be friends. But this does bring back memories." Justin continued his laughter with his words. "Yeah, I'm just waiting for the good ol' doc' and Howie to drug us and put us in the bed butt ass naked again." Nick agreed. "Oh, the memories!" Justin cheered sarcastically. "Yeah, that's the closest we'll ever be to having sex." Nick chimed. Nick winked at Justin playfully. "Trust me, it won't ever happen." Justin assured him.

"Ah, that's okay. I have a boyfriend now." Nick chimed. Justin could see Nick's excitement. "A good one at that." Justin tried to drill the thought in Nick's brain. "You don't have to tell me. I spent the day with him." Nick smiled brightly. Justin saw the love in his words and eyes. The crisp blue eyes brought out a new in him. "You're hopeless sometimes." Nick giggled towards Justin. "Why?" Justin pondered. "Because you're so insecure sometimes but if Brian was here smiling at you right now... you'd be just fine." Nick answered him with a dragging voice. Justin smiled and went for his shot.

As the ball went into the hoop, they heard the faint sounds of Fatima's voice. "Nick Carter you aren't too weak to get in here and learn some of these dances!" Fatima screamed from the door. Nick groaned loudly and turned his head in her direction. "Don't I ever get a break?!" Nick complained to her. "How about all morning and all afternoon when your ass should have been rehearsing?" Fatima reminded him. "She's not going to give up." Justin chuckled to Nick. "Yeah well... neither am I." Nick stubborness took over. Justin just shrugged and dribbled his ball.

Just Beginning (Chapter 13) Written by JM

Nick and Justin found their ways to the studio where the others rehearsed. "Well, well, well." Brian was the first to speak up when he saw them. J.C.'s smile grew when he saw Nick's face in the studio. "You're lucky that J.C. convinced me to let you run free today Mr. Carter." Fatima hissed at him. "Aaaww, thanks bobbie." Nick smooched towards Fatima. She quickly rolled her eyes at him. Nick snickered with glee while Justin watched Brian rehearse with Howie and a few dancers. 'Looks like he wasn't too hurt.' Justin thought to himself as Brian ebagn to get into the movements. Justin as the words crossed his mind, Brian stopped mid-performance to grab his leg. Justin's fears returned when he saw the grimace of Brian's face. "Hey, do you want to stop?" Howie asked, stopping his performance to help Brian. "No, let's keep going." Brian advised, trying to shake off the pain. "Okay B, it's on you." Howie shrugged off Brian's resilience and continued his routine with the dancers.

"Okay guys that's enough for today. The dancers have to get home and ya'll have had enough for today." Fatima advised with her leadership voice. Kevin gladly agreed, followed by A.J. Justin was thrilled the rehearsal had finally ended, but he knew he had a few reearsals of his own to get to with the guys of 'N Sync for their new video. He watched Brian approach him with a smile. Brian limped slightly but kept his smile for Justin's sake. "Did you and Nick have fun?" Brian asked with a hint of jealousy. "Oh yeah, I never came like that before." Justin decided to tease Brian. Brian gave Justin an exagerrated face of pain. "But since I'm such a damn liar... how about I tell you the truth?" Justin suggested, seeing the real pain in Brian's eyes. Brian nodded and placed his arms around Justin's waist. "We talked and cleared somethings up... he's a pretty good guy when he wants to be." Justin stated, wrapping his arms around Brian's neck. Brian smiled with Justin's ability to overcome his past with Nick. "But let's not talk about Nick Carter okay?" Justin requested, inching towards Brian. "Then what do we talk about?" Brian softly asked. He saw Justin's lips moving closer and got the hint. "Let's not talk at all Bri." Justin whispered just before his lips met Brian's. Brian was thrilled with the suggestion and becan to gently kiss Justin. With each movement of their lips, Justin's body moved closer to Brian's. Brian felt the intense heat between them as Justin slowly furthered the kiss. Justin was too caught up in the kiss to feel Brian's hips gently grind with his own.

"Well Irish, I guess you were right eh?" they heard a female's voice interupt them. Justin reluctantly pulled off of Brian's lips and blinked his eyes open. Brian sighed softly and gently bumped his head with Justin's. Justin turned his head slightly to see Irish standing with two other girls. One of the girls was about the same height as Irish with nice, fine hair and a smooth chocolate complexion. The other was a bit taller with a lighter complexion then that of Irish and shaggy hair with catpivating eyes. Each had a confused expression on their face while Irish smiled at the loving couple. "Uh remember when I said that I only tell two other people about certain secrets?" Irish tried t cover for her friends' mistakes. Justin smiled towards her and then looked at the other two women. "Uh, hi." Justin shyly waved to them when he removed his hands from Brian's neck. "Hey Justin, right?" the lightest tried to recall his name. "Yeah, and it's Misha right?" Justin did his best to stay next to Brian and reach his hand to her. "Yeah, I'm Lemisha and that's Kameelah." Misha replied happily. "Or, Misha and Meelah." Irish added, nudging Meelah. Meelah still had a suspicious look on her face. "Don't mind her, she's the slow one." Misha joked as to her friend's reaction to Brian and Justin. "Oh, we have one of those too but he's not here." Justin giggled.

Brian stepped away from Justin and shook hands with Misha. "I hope you don't mind me telling them Justin and Brian, it's just that..." Irish was stopped by Brian. "We'll all be on tour together, so it doesn't matter. As long as you don't run to the Star or anything, we'll be fine." Brian assured her with his kind smile. She smiled back and turned to Meelah. "Meelah, say hi." Irish demanded with her smile. Meelah snapped out of her trance and returned to her normal self. "I'm sorry. It was just a little unexpected." Meelah quickly apologized. "It's okay, we get that sometimes." Justin tried to comfort her nervousness. "I mean I've watched ya'll all the time and never, never ever expected to find out that you two were together." Meelah explained her feelings. "And married." Irish added. That added to Meelah's confusion. "Well alot of people find it surprising." Brian sighed. "But it's not bad or anything." Misha tried to assure him. "Oh I know, I'm happy with him." Brian chimed, grabbing Justin's hand. "Aaaww, Irish was right. You guys can be so cute!" Misha cheered. Irish blushed lightly as did Justin. "We try to be." Brian giggled.

"Er, you guys won't be together for the first part of the tour will you?" Meelah questioned. Justin frowned at the thought again. "No, we won't be." Brian replied with a hint of Justin's sadness. "That's sad. I know I hate being away from my boyfriend and my new son on tour." Misha cooed. Irish agreed with her. "You have a son?" Brian questioned quickly. "Yeah, I just gave birth in June. I hate being out of town and away from him and his father." Misha answered with mixed emotions. "Yeah, I'm an auntie. Lil' Tony is so cute." Irish jumped into the conversation. "Wow, you don't even look like you had a child." Brian said, graciously complimenting Misha. "Thanks." Misha gleamed happily, feeling proud that she had lost the weight of pregnancy.

"Guys, we've gotta go. We have to meet Orish for dinner and then make final preparations with some folks for the tour." Meelah announced, looking from her watch to her friends. Irish groaned while Misha took the new in stride. "That's okay, I have to get going to rehearsals." Justin assured them. "At this time?" Irish questioned. "Yeah, we're having late rehearsals for our new video because our choreographer couldn't make time for studio practice and other complications." Justin explained. "Oh, well three goes your evening." Irish sympathized with him. "Hey, the night is forever." Brian tried to cheer both of them up. Justin gazed over to Brian lovingly. "That's true." Justin agreed with a loving sigh. Brian grinned back and pulled Justin closer. "Well not for us if I don't get my nine hours." Irish joked. Meelah and Misha agreed and soon they were saying their goodbyes.

Brian walked Justin outside where he saw Nick and J.C. sitting near J.C.'s jeep. J.C. was playfully messing with Nick's hair while Nick cuddled to J.C.'s lap. Brian stopped Justin in the middle of their walk and turned to face him. Justin did the same with a face full of surprise. "Justin... I have to stay late with Fatima and Nick to rehearse for the time I missed and for the time Nick missed. Could you ride with J.C. to your rehearsals and I'll meet you at home?" Brian requested with a small frown. Justin reflected the same frown for Brian. "Yes, I can." Justin bit his lower lip after the words fell from his lips. "Thank you." Brian whispered, leaning in for a small kiss. He kissed Justin's chin and then rubbed Justin's cheek. Justin let the sadness subside as his husband showed him tender love. "I'll make up for it tonight, okay?" Brian softly added. Justin nodded and then gazed over to J.C. and Nick. He could see that they were having the same talk as Brian and Justin had shared minutes before.

Nick held J.C.'s hand as they walked over to where Brian and Justin stood. "Ready Rok?" Nick asked shyly. Brian nodded and then took a final look at his husband. Justin leaned in and whispered something in Brian's ear as J.C. and Nick looked on. As Justin pulled back, Brian lightly slapped Justin on the arm. Justin giggled and then kissed Brian softly on the lips. "I love you babe." Brian said as the kiss ended. "Ditto." Justin laughed and then walked over to J.C.'s jeep. Brian gave Justin a sarcastic smile and then made a gagging face for him to smile at.

"So you're staying at Kevin and A.J.'s tonight?" J.C. asked as Nick hugged him. "Yes, just for tonight though." Nick answered with a sad sigh. "Well if you get lonely, you know where I live." J.C. left the option for Nick to grasp onto. Nick smiled at the thought of being in J.C.'s arms one last time. "Can you come and get me tomorrow for breakast? I want to spend my morning happily before I have to come back here again." Nick requested. "Sure." J.C. happily answered. J.C. leaned in and gave Nick a short kiss on the cheek. J.C. then let his tongue run over Nick's jawbone as a reminder of the night they had shared. Nick's grin became wider with the sensitive touch. "Say it for me..." Nick whispered a plea. "I love you Nick Carter... I love you so much." J.C. knew the words to touch Nick's heart. Nick leaned in and placed a small kiss on J.C.'s soft, pink lips. J.C. savored the feel of Nick's thin lips. J.C. ran a hand over Nick's nlonde head as Nick pulled away. "I love you too Joshua..." Nick finally replied to J.C.'s previous statement. J.C. smiled and let Nick walk away.

"Come on Mr. Smooth. The guys will kill us if we're late." Justin tried to arrogantly pull J.C. away from his boyfriend. Nick smiled and walked away with Brian. "Don't worry Justin, I'll be gentle with him." Nick tried to throw in his side humor. "If you fuck him, I'm fucking the hell out of J.C.!" Justin warned him. J.C. cocked a brow at Justin with interest. "Like I'd ever fuck you." Justin laughed at J.C.'s intrigue. "Like I'd ever let you." J.C. joked along. "Uh huh, don't get mad because I'm the married one." Justin chimed as he stepped intot he Jeep. "Give me time J, give me time." J.C. replied with a sure smile.

Nick threw his arm around Brian's shoulder and kept his smile. "What did Justin say to you?" Nick asked with curiosity. "He said for me to not drop my drawz for you this time." Brian laughed at Justin's joke. "Ah that asshole." Nick laughed along. "Hey, I'd prefer to be touching that asshole then be here." Brian sighed with his honesty. "Yes, Justin has a cute butt." Nick teased him. "Doesn't he." Brian decided to play along as they came upon the studio.

As they walked in, Howie quickly stopped them. "Nick, what's the deal with you and J.C.? I thought ya'll only had a one night stand?" Howie arrogantly questioned. Nick's face quickly became angered. "I am NO ONE'S one night stand." Nick barked at him. "Geez, I'm just saying what Chris told me. I mean you broke up Lance and J.C. Don't tell me you're trying to have something with him." Howie said with a disgusted face. "What's wrong with him and J.C.?" Brian questioned Howie's motive. "Come on Brian. J.C. and Lance had something good. Last time I checked, Lance got a ring. Now all of the sudden Lance and J.C. just break up and already Nick and him are something more than just sex?" Howie boasted. Nick's anger increased with the more words that flowed from Howie's lips. "Howie, shut the hell up." Nick advised pushing by Howie. "Yo, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on Nickie. I really don't think you and J.C. should be a couple or anything after what Lance has been through and the whole history between you and J.C." Howie stated his opinion. "'History'? What history?" Nick hatefully questioned. "Oh please, you two have been chasing the same man since day one and on top of that you wanted Brian too. So where do you two fit in together?" Howie snapped in. Brian was becoming disturbed by Howie's words. "Howie, me and J.C. love each other, that's the end of it." Nick tried to take the mature road. "Love?! How can he want to marry Lance one second and love you the next?" Howie asked with frusturation. Nick's feelings for Howie returned quickly when he thought of the confrontation between him and Howie in Lexington. "Don't get mad at me because you're stuck being alone every damn night." Nick hollered at Howie and then walked to the main dance area.

"Let it go Howie. Let Nick and J.C. figure out their own problems." Brian suggested. Howie turned to Brian with surprise. "Come on now Brian, he's your best friend. You know Nick is just doing this because he can't have you." Howie sighed with irritation. Brian shook his head, knowing the truth. "Nick loves him." Brian stressed it to Howie. "What? Come on Brian." Howie was still in disbelief. "Trust me D, he does. I don't know about J.C., but Nick loves J.C." Brian assured him. Howie could see thw truth in Brian's expression. "You don't trust J.C. do you?" Howie pondered. Brian thought over the situation with care. "I don't know yet. I just know he's moving a little too fast for Nick to handle in the end." Brian answered. Howir shook his head at the thought. "Look, just make sure Nick watches his back. Lance and J.C. were pretty tight and this has messed up a lot of things." Howie advised before leaving. Brian agreed and walked up to where Nick prepared to rehearse with Fatima.

The night moved in as quickly as the day. The sky fixture was filled with purple skies and the streets were even busier with epople who finally put work behind for fun.

It wasn't that way for J.C. He had put work behind to go home lonely. Justin had caught a ride home with Joey and Chris had decided to go out clubbing with A.J. Now J.C. had to go home without Nick, while his mind was still on Lance. He hadn't heard from Lance since the incident yesterday. His mind was stuck on how he had killed a relationship that he fought so hard to create. 'Damn it J.C., he'll never forgive you.' J.C. blamed himself as he walked up the steps towards the floor that had his apartment that he shared with Chris.

J.C. toyed with his keys as he reached the top step. His eyes finally looked up towards the door that held his empty home and bed. As his eyes were fixed on the door, his eyes drifted to the figure that stood near the door. The emerald eyes caught his and he felt a sense of relief.

J.C. rushed over to the door and pulled Lance into a deep hug. Lance was stunned by the hug. "I was so worried about you." J.C. huffed out, caressing Lance's back. Lance pulled out of the hug and gave J.C. a wicked stare. "I'm not here for a reunion J.C." Lance spoke sternly towards his former lover. J.C. was hurt by Lance's alienation. "I just want to get whatever things I have here and get them back to my place." Lance added, turning his head towards the door. "But Lance, we have to talk." J.C. pleaded. "No we don't. I stopped by the Backstreet Boys' rehearsals to find Jusrin and when I got there, you and Nick were all on each other. There's nothing to talk about. You didn't care that I was gone and you latched onto the first penis that laid in your bed." Lance hissed lowly, trying to keep his profile from others. "Lance, you left me..." J.C. tried to argue with sadness. "Yeah well when you find me in bed with Nick, then you'll do the same thing." Lance sighed, becoming irritated with the conversation. He did his best to give J.C. the cold shoulder so that his feelings for J.C. or Nick would fluster into his heart.

J.C. had no choice but to give up on the situation. He placed the key in the door and pushed the door open. When the door opened slightly, Lance pushed passed J.C. and stepped inside. J.C. gave another sad sigh and then followed Lance in. J.C. closed the door behind them and then stared as Lance looked around the apartment.

'I can't do this yet...' Lance was caught up in his emotions. "Do you want the ring?" J.C. asked, removing his sunglasses and stepping over to Lance. Lance turned to answer him and was saddened by the sight. He saw a bruise right under J.C.'s eye. He knew where the bruise had come from. "I... I.." Lance couldn't answer as he wanted. He raised his hand carefully and rubbed it over J.C.'s wound. J.C. hissed slightly, but Lance kept his hand near his face. "It's okay Lance, you were mad." J.C. assured him, sensing Lance's guilt. Lance's hand moved to J.C.'s defined jaw. Lance reminisced as J.C. stood perfectly still for him. "Can't we start over... try again?" Lance whispered his request. J.C. knew in his heart what he wanted to do. "I love you Lance... but we can't try again. We've tried too many times and it never works." J.C. answered, still letting Lance touch him. "Because Nick is always in the way." Lance sighed deeply. J.C. agreed in his head, but in his heart Nick wasn't the problem. "Lance, we just can't work things out. You're always drifting from me to Nick and that's not fair. In love, you can't have both. You have to chose the one you love." J.C. stated.

Lance moved his hand to J.C.'s shoulder and rubbed it. "Is it because he's better in bed?" Lance questioned J.C.'s heart once more. At the sound, J.C. backed away. "Lance, sex has nothing to do with it. I can sti there for hours just holding Nick and not even think about fucking him." J.C. boasted with a sense of anger. Lance's face wrinkled with confusion. "Have sex with me one more time then. I know I can be what he is and more." Lance begged.

J.C. turned from him and walked over to the hall. He picked up the silver ring that had laid on the floor since Lance had thrown it. "J.C., Nick just wants to sleep with you." Lance boasted with anger. J.C. walked back to Lance and held the ring up for him. "This meant something to me. It meant James Bass was going to change and so was I. That we were both going to dedicate more time to each other. Well guess what? Joshua Chasex changed because I put alot of shit off for you. Then the one night I wanted to be with you, you picked work over me. Work that could have been done anytime too. That's not someone who wants to marry me, that's someone who just wants to sleep with me." J.C. sternly chastised Lance for his actions. Lance snatched the ring from J.C.'s fingers and squeezed it tightly in his hand. "And if I didn't do the work, what were we going to do? Suck and fuck all night like every other night? What happened to the times when we'd sit and talk?" Lance asked. J.C. gave him a cold stare. "Ever since we came back from Hawaii, those nights died out. And everytime I wanted to hold you afterwards, you just pulled away because either I hurt you or it wasn't good enough for you." J.C. exaggerated their lives. "It was always 'good enough' for me, but you acted like an orgasm meant saying my name one time and then cumming silently." Lance argued.

J.C. became frusturated with Lance's choice of argument. "Lance, it was never like that." J.C. sighed. "Wasn't it? God J.C., we're talking about Nick. The man was two seconds away rfom sleeping with Brian in Denver and then two more seconds away from fucking me back at Brian and Justin's now. Now he's in 'love' with you?" Lance spit out his anger. J.C. was shocked by the revalation. "No Lance, this isn't going to work." J.C. finally said, walking away from Lance. "What's not going to work Josh? The truth? It's hard to swallow isn't it. Just about as hard as it is to swallow the cum that used to be inside of me before you sucked it out of Nick," Lance hatefully said. J.C. felt sickened by Lance's prescnce. "Lance, please just get whatever you need to get and leave. We really are over and no matter how much you or anywhere else doesn't like it, I'm with Nick." J.C. softly said, leting a tear run down his cheek. "Yeah well... good luck. When he says Brian's name while ya'll are fucking, think about me and what I went through just to be with you." Lance warned him.

Lance held the ring and walked for the door. "After the video shoot, I'm leaving town for a week. Call me when you need me..." Lance left the offer in J.C.'s hands. J.C. couldn't understand the side of Lance he never saw. The cold-hearted side that left him disgusted. It was a side of Lance he never wnated to see again. "Lance, you're still a friend but I don't love you like I used to." J.C. finally announced without hesitation. Lance dropped the ring to the floor and watched it roll, like the love they had shared. "So please don't try and manipulate me to love you... because that's something Nick did." J.C. added, keeping his eyes on Lance. When the ring finally stopped and fell to it's side, Lance saw the love end. "That's what Nick will always be Joshua... a manipulator." Lance sadly declared. He grabbed the door and pulled it open.

"Tell me Lance, then why did you fall in love with Nick?" J.C. stopped him with his words. Lance turned his eyes back to J.C. "Because I saw the same side that you're seeing. He's an angel J.C. But be careful, because when his feelings for Brian return, I don't know how you'll be able to handle it." Lance replied softly, trying to control his pain. J.C. couldn't believe that Nick would ever fall for Brian again. "He's wonderful now... but it only lasts as long as you hold him." Lance forewarned him. Lance stepped out the door and closed it with desperation. He had to get away from J.C. and Nick, the two loves of his life that had faded from his eyes.

J.C. cursed Lance for making him have doubts. "Nick... Nick won't do that to me." J.C. let another tear fall from his eyes. He walked over to his stereo and changed the CD from Phil Collins to 702. He pressed the CD to play track ten and rubbed the tears from his eyes. He walked over to the couch as the sounds of Meelah's voice entered the apartment.

So many nights I felt your beating heart

As we were deep in the dark

I watch you sleeping tight

Protect you from the light

As if you were a child

Then put a kiss on your lips


Don't you go breaking my heart

Stay for awhile

I'll make it all right (make it all right)

Cause if you go breaking my heart (go breaking)

Then I won't survive (can't survive)

So stay for tonight

J.C. felt the tears flow even harder as the grabbed onto a pillow. He hugged onto the pillow, thinking of Nick and Lance. 'Please Nick... don't break my heart... like he did.' J.C. prayed in his head. He needed the comfort of the song to help him through the heartache that tore up his love.

Just Beginning (Chapter 14) Written by JM

Joey's black Acura SLX pulled into the driveway of the Littrell's. "Well at least he's here." Joey commented as he awaited Justin to step out of the car. Justin looked and saw Brian's BMW parked nicely next to his Mercedes. Justin smiled happily and turned in his seat. "Don't wear Phat One out too much tonight." he commented to the female sitting in the back. As she scooted forward Joey smiled. "Like we're doing anything tonight." Britney Spears chimed in. "Hey, he's a flirt, you never know." Justin reminded her with a grin. Joey playfully punched Justin to end Justin's tease. "Well I just got back into town, I'm not in the mood." Britney carelessly commented. Joey frowned slightly and held his hands on the steering wheel. "Aaaww, poor Joey." Justin giggled before opening the car door. "Yeah yeah, get out." Joey laughed. Justin stepped out of the car and looked back to the couple. "Call me tomorrow and we'll get together. I know Brian wants to see you Britney." Justin suggested with a grin. "Okay, will do." Joey answered for himself and Britney. Britney shrugged with the idea. "Tell that husband of yours I wanna see him too." Britney cheered. Justin nodded and closed the door.

Just as the door closed, Joey pulled the window down. "Eh Mr. Littrell, make sure to get some rest tonight. We've got more rehearsals tomorrow and Brian's gotta be there. So no nookie for you either." Joey teased him. Justin gave Joey the middle finger and laughed. "Hey, do what newlweds do." Britney added in her deep southern accent. Justin shot her a smile and then waved them off. When he did, Joey pulled out of the driveway and sped off.

Justin groggily walked up to the door and used his key to open it. The nice smell of the house hit Justin's nose automatically as he stepped inside. "Brian? Babe, I'm home." Justin announced as he closed the door. He was greeted by the perky and joyful BJ. "Hey girl." Justin cheered as he saw his puppy. He lifted BJ into his arms and cuddled her. "Where's Brian at BJ? Where's he at?" Justin asked as he scratched her head. Justin could smell the sweet smells of a good meal. "Brian?" Justin asked, peering towards the stair. He saw no sign of Brian. "Baby? Are you here?" Justin became curious about his husband's disappearance. "In here babe..." he heard Brian's sweet accent. Justin dropped BJ to the floor and walked towards the dining area where he heard Brian's voice.

As Justin stepped inside, the room was dark except for a single candle that sat in the middle of the room. Justin peered around and saw Brian standing by one of the chairs. "What... what's going on?" Justin questioned, surprised at the romantic atmosphere in the room. "I didn't have to stay late Justin." Brian answered with a small smile. Justin's eyes were dazzled by the sight of Brian. Brian's body glew in the light of the candle. He had nothing on except for a pair of black, silk boxers. "I stopped by a store and got some things." Brian smiled when Justin stepped closer. "Uh Brian babe... maybe I should get a shower and change?" Justin suggested, still lost in Brian's beauty. He felt out of place wearing his North Carolina jersey and baggy jeans. "No, I like just the way you are." Brian replied with a soft voice.

Justin took in the room as he finally reached Brian. "I told you I'd make up for it." Brian added with a whisper. Justin smiled at him, gazing into his twinkling eyes. "I missed you." Justin finally said. "I missed you too Justin." Brian replied, pulling Justin into a small hug. Justin kissed Brian's bare shoulder and exhaled lowly. "Come on..." Brian advised, pulling away from the hug. He pulled out the chair he saw in and awaited Justin. Justin still felt uncomfortable with Brian's surprise. He felt overdressed for the occassion. Justin lifted his jersey from his body and dropped it to the floor. Brian watched with a smile as Justin pulled down his baggy jeans and kicked off his Nike's. Justin stepped out of the jeans and scooted them to the side with his foot. "I feel better now." Justin gleamed as he stood in his white boxer-briefs. "You look wonderful." Brian commented, running a finger between Justin's pecs. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and then held it for minutes.

Justin glanced over to the table and saw a single plate waiting upon him. Justin finally sat in the seat that Brian had pulled out for him. He looked up to Brian and awaited his move. Brian took an unexpected move and sat down in Justin's lap. Justin gladly held him in his lap and then gazed down to the plate. The plate had a roasted piece of lemon-pepper chicken, baby carrots, mashed potatoes and glazed sweet potatoes. The food made Justin's mouth water, everything set to perfection. "Did you make this?" Justin asked of Brian. "I wish I did! But I put it on the plate for you." Brian giggled his reply. "Well that's enough for me." Justin smiled, hugging Brian. "Good." Brian became happy with Justin's reply.

Brian grabbed the fork and picked a few carrots onto it. He brought it up to Justin's mouth and Justin happily opened his mouth for the food. Justin took the carrots as Brian watched. "Mmmmm" Justin hummed while chewing the carrots. Brian ate a few of the carrots and smiled at Justin. "Sorry I didn't get any champagne, but I don't want to be tempted." Brian commented, raising the glass of water he had for Justin. "It's okay, I don't need it." Justin replied, taking a sip of the water. He swallowed the water and then let Brian give him a taste of the mashed potatoes.

Justin held Brian in his lap while Brian continued to feed him the carrots and mashed potatoes. Brian took his time eating the sweet potatoes, occasionally feeding Justin some. "Can I have some..." Justin requested as Brian scooped up some potatoes. "Mmhmmm." Brian nodded and fed Justin some. Justin grinned as he chewed. Brian cut a peice of the chicken and brought it for Justin to chew upon. Justin gladly took the piece into his mouth and savored the aslty, yet delicous taste of the chicken. "This is great." Justin remarked, nuzzling his cheek to Brian's back. Brian was in total agreeance with Justin. "Wait until you see what's for desert." Brian commented, before turning slightly to face Justin. "What?" Justin eagerly asked. "A nice and juicy Littrell popsicle." Brian grinned with his answer. "Ooh, sounds good. With the cream filling?" Justin asked in his erotic tone. "Thick cream sweetie." Brian gleamed.

Justin leaned forward slightly and begged for a kiss. Brian gladly returned the favor and gave him a soft and slow kiss. Justin pulled Brian's legs apart so that Brian straddled his lap and then brought his hands to Brian's back. Brian placed his hands on Justin's face and controlled the kiss. Brian let his tongue move into Justin's mouth so that Justin could suck upon it. Justin tasted the food that they had been eating in Brian's mouth as he suckled Brian's tongue. Brian's moans softly entered their kiss. Brian felt Justin's hands move to his boxers and pull them down slightly. Brian smiled in his mind and let his tongue reach further into Justin's mouth, rubbing over Justin's.

Brian began to pull away when he heard the sounds of Justin's cell phone. Brian sighed heavily and pulled off of Justin. "No... let it ring." Justin requested, moving forward to further the kiss. "It'll ruin the mood." Brian complained. Justin pouted greatly and released Brian from his grip. "Just let me answer it and then I'll turn it off." Brian whispered and then gave Justin a kiss on the cheek. Justin agreed and let Brian stand from his lap.

Brian trotted over to Justin's jeans and yanked the phone from the jeans. He pressed a button and placed the phone to his ear. "Justin's busy right now, can I take a message." Brian chimed, still aggriavted by the phone call. When Brian heard the woman's voice, his worries grew. "What is it mom? What?!" Brian called into the phone. Justin looked at Brian with concern. He could hear the faint sounds of Jackie Littrell crying into the phone. "Is he going to be okay? Well how long has he been there?" Brian asked, growing sadder with the conversation. "They... they're not sure?" Brian sadly asked, his eyes filling with small tears. Justin stood from his chair and moved to his husband's side. He saw the tears break from Brian's eyes. "Brian? What is it?" Justin asked, placing his hands on Brian's shoulders.

When Brian heard his mother's words again he almost dropped the phone. Brian quickly passed the phone to Justin and walked from the room. Justin watched Brian walk away with utter fear. He placed the phone to his ear to talk to his mother-in-law. "Jackie? Jackie what's going on?" Justin swiftly asked her. As he heard her words, his knees became weak. "Will... will he be okay?" Justin found himself asking the same questions Brian did. "Yeah, I know. Uhm, yes, I'll talk to him." Justin agreed with his mother-in-law. "Okay, we'll try and catch a flight out there as soon as possible. Don't worry, we'll be there. Okay, I'll have Brian call you when we get the information." Justin spoke up, trying to control himself. "Okay, I love you too Jackie. Bye." Justin said, ending their phone call.

Justin slowly walked into the kitchen where he could hear slight whimpers from Brian. He saw Brian sitting on the floor, his back leaned up against the dishwasher. Justin was depressed even further by the picture of his husband's agony. Justin walked over to Brian and knelt in front of him. "Brian... it's gonna be okay." Justin tried to assure him. Brian couldn't agree with him. He looked up to Justin, holding in the tears that stained his eyes with red. "We have to go to Lexington." Brian pleaded with Justin. "Of course we're gonna go Brian." Justin assured him. Brian nodded, feeling relieved that his husband agreed. "I'm sure he'll be fine once we get there." Justin remarked, putting his hands on Brian's knees. Brian did his best to see Justin's positive view of the situation. "Yeah... when we get there he'll be fine." Brian agreed.

Justin pulled Brian into a hug so that Brian could let the last tears fall from his eyes. Brian couldn't ask for a better husband, one that made sure that things were fine. Brian hugged Justin strongly, thanking God for him. "Why don't you go get a shower and I'll call the airlines." Brian suggested, ending their hug. "Are you sure? I can call the airlines for you." Justin offered. "No, I'll do it." Brian said with confidence. Justin wiped the tears that were left on Brian's face and then gave him a kiss on the lips. "Okay, I'll be back in ten minutes." Justin whispered. Brian nodded and let Justin back away and head for the shower.

When Justin was finished with his shower, he walked down the steps in a towel. He looked around for Brian with uncertainty. He found Brian sitting in the den, surrounded by the wedding gifts that still had not been opened. Bria looked up when he heard Justin walking down the steps. "I called Delta and booked up first class tickets and accomodations. The flight leaves at four in the morning. I called my mom and she said we can stay at the house until we have to leave." Brian spoke up to Justin first. Justin nodded, not caring about the small details. His mind was on how he and Brian were going to handle the situation. "And I called Kevin and he said if he can get a ticket, he'll be out there tomorrow afternoon or night. I called Joey and told him that we'd be gone for a couple of days. He just said that we'd have to be back for the video shoot otherwise it would be fine. Plus I left a message with Johnny and told him we were leaving." Brian added as Justin took a seat next to him. "Brian, I know you handle everything." Justin tried to end Brian's ongoing speech. Brian nodded and looked at some of the presents he had just opened.

"Isn't this a nice frame?" Brian commented. The platnuim frame was small, yet nicely shaped. "It's real nice." Justin replied, leaning his head on Brian's shoulder. "Just right for a picture of Angel." Brian added, feeling Justin's hand on his thigh. Justin agreed, letting Brian run his emotions through his words.

"Justin, are you scared?" Brian finally asked. Justin lifted his head and bit onto his lower lip. "I'm just a little worried." Justin replied. Brian leaned onto the edge of the couch and looked at Justin. "He'll be okay though." Brian tried to lighten the situtation. Justin nodded and peeled the towel from his waist. "Do you want to sleep down here?" Justin offered as he saw Brian yawn softly. "Not without you." Brian replied quickly. "No, I'll stay here." Justin assured him, crawling onto Brian. "Okay... then lte's sleep down here for a couple of hours." Brian answered as he kissed Justin's forehead. Justin leaned down and kissed Brian's chest softly. Brian enjoyed Justin's lips and felt Justin become erect on top of him. Brian shook with shock. "Justin... I'm sorry. I guess our evening is ruined?" Brian questioned, trying to compisate for Justin's erection. "No, it's fine Brian. We can do this anytime." Justin agreed. Brian sighed lowly and hugged Justin. "Do you want me to jack you off?" Brian offered to help Justin. "No silly." Justin nudged him with a smile. "Oh, you're gonna do it yourself?" Brian giggled. Justin snuggled his head to Brian's chest and grinned. "I bet you'd like to watch that." Justin teased him. "You're so damn sexy." Brian joked. "Mmhmmm." Justin agreed happily.

Brian looked down and saw Justin beginning to jerk on his cock. "Justin..." Brian whispered as he saw Justin's hand begin to move up and down slowly. "Ssshhh... I can do this." Justin promised him, continuing his slow movements. "But I can..." Justin stopped him again as he continued to move his hand up and down. "No." Justin flatly answered, keeping his concentration. "Okay." Brian shrugged but didn't take his eyes away from Justin. "Mmmm..." Justin moaned lightly. His mind was on Brian as he tried to relieve himself.

Brian watched as Justin's penis grew bigger. "Almost there?" Brian whispered his question into Justin's ear. "Ah, yes..." Justin groaned. He squeezed his eyes shut and soon felt a soft and gentle finger slip inside of his hole. He knew it was Brian trying to help him more. Justin began to raisee his ass slightly and then bring it down, letting Brian keep his hand still. Without Justin's knowledge, his ass was massaging Brian's swollen cock. Justin kept his pants loud to show Brian he was enjoying the sexual experience they were sharing. "Brian babe..." Justin moaned softly. Brian smiled and let Justin continue his masturbation. "Justin... nice and slow..." Brian advised, still feeling the joy of Justin's ass rubbing over his covered cock. "Okay Bri..." Justin panted back but kept his hand moving at a quick pace. "Oh yeah..." Brian grunted as he came closer. "Mmm.. oh my..." Brian panted into Justin's ear.

When Justin realized he was 'helping' Brian with his movements, his mind was blown. With a loud yell he came, shooting long streams of cum over his chest and a few drops hitting Brian's shoulder. "Oh Just..." Brian grunted and came in boxers. Justin tried to calm himselfr om his orgasm. Brian felt Justin's ass gripping his finger when the orgasm ended.

Brian kissed Justin's ear, still recovering from his cum. Justin's clean hand rubbed oer Brian's hair while his other hand lightly played with his soft penis. Brian smiled, thinking of how he and Justin could spend days just staring at each other or share any sexual experience with each other. It was a special bond they had built. "Maybe the night wasn't ruined?" Justin giggled, feeling Brian's cock became soft. "Maybe." Brian agreed, keeping a silly grin on his face. He decided to just let his cum sit inside of his boxers while Justin stayed in the same position.

Justin turned to his side and snuggled to Brian's warm body.. Brian hugged him and found himself falling asleep with Justin on the cocuh in the den. Justin slept peacefully as did Brian, knowing they would be there for each other when they arrived in Lexington.

Before Brian knew it, he and Justin had arrived in Lexington. It was in the kate morning when their plane landed. Brian was glad that Justin held his hand tightly when they finally arrived at the hospital. Harold had picked them up at the airport and taken them straight to the hospital. Brian didn't have to argue with Harold on the subject because Harold knew how sensitive it was to Brian.

Harold escorted them to the floor that he knew his mother was on. When Harold, Brian and Justin stepped off the elevator, Brian's eyes brightened when he saw his mother. "Brian... Justin..." Jackie sighed with relief when she saw her son and her son-in-law. Brian rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug. Jackie smiled joyfully. "How was your flight?" she asked, pulling out of the hug. "It was fine. Don't worry about it." Brian replied, feeling edgy towards the subject. Jackie looked past Brian to see Justin standing wqith Harold. "Hi sons." Jackie giggled, waving to both of them. Justin and Harold laughed lowly and waved to her.

"Where is he?" Brian quickly ending the greetings. "He's in there, he's sleeping." Jackie replied, pointing to a room that was to their left. Brian looked to Justin and reached out his hand. "You two go ahead in. Me and Harold will wait out here." Jackie said softly, urging them to step in. Justin walked up and took Brian's hand. Brian gave his mother a quick kiss on the cheek before leading Justin into the room.

Brian and Justin gazed around the small room, listening to monitors and breathing machines. The room was dim, using the light beaming through the window shades and the neon light on one side of the room as it's main source of light. Brian walked Justin over to the bed, still holding Justin's hand tightly. Justin gazed at the name on the chart and sighed lowly. Brian read the chart, seeing the patinent as diagnosed as 'slight case of pneumonia'.

Brian's eyes shifted to the name on the chart, 'Baby Jacob'. Brian felt choked up again before he looked down at the sleeping baby. They stood on the pediatrics floor of the hospital. It was a sickened place for the eyes as babies and small children filled each room with sickness that prevented them from smiling.

Justin reached his hand down into the crib and touched Jacob's hand. His eyes were filled with sympathy for the sick child. The warmth was not regular for that of a baby. Justin knew that Jacob was running a fever. Brian watched as Justin tried to control his need to hold Jacob.

"Brian?" Brian and Justin heard a young female call out softly. Brian turned his head towards the doorway and saw his cousin standing in the doorway. Brian smiled at her and walked over to her. He gave her a small hug and then looked into her eyes. "How are you?" he asked in concern. "I'm doing a bit better. Me and Mike have been here since yesterday morning and have barely gotten any sleep. We've just been so worried about Jacob." she stumbled out her words, trying not to cry again. "It's okay Jennifer. I'm sure he'll be fine." Brian tried to be strong for her. "That's what your mother keeps saying. I just wish Jacob would react the way that you two say." Jennifer showed her doubts. Justin looked up at her with surprise. Jennifer saw his stare and gave him a smile. "Oh, I'm sorry. Jennifer, this is my husband Justin. Justin, this is my cousin Jennifer, Jacob's mother." Brian made the introductions. "So, you're the great Justin Jackie always brags about." Jennifer chimed. Justin blushed lightly and nodded. "I wanted to thank you two for that day you spent taking care of Jacob. I heard he became rather fond of you two." Jennifer stated, watching Justin care for Jacob. "We became fond of him too." Brian replied with his thanks. "Can I?" Justin asked, showing gestures to wanting to pick Jacob up. "Yes, the doctors said as much love as you can give him, please do." Jennifer replied. Justin smiled happily and picked Jacob up into his arms.

Brian watched as Justin cradled Jacob and carried him around in his arms. Jennifer couldn't believe how openly Justin was to loving Jacob. As if Jacob was Justin's son. "Uh Brian... Jackie said that you two flew down here to see Jacob?" Jennifer questioned. Brian turned his attention back to her. "Yes, we did." Brian replied. "Are you staying with him?" Brian pondered. "Jackie said you two were staying for a couple of hours? So I asked her if me and Mike might be able to go home and grab some things for Jacob. We haven't been home at all and wanted to just pack a few things so one of us could stay overnight." Jennifer explained. Brian gave her a small smile. "I mean I don't want to put you two on the spot or anything. I just know that you two are real good with Jacob and Jackie and you father are right out there." Jennifer did her best not to be a burden. "Take as much time as you need Jennifer." Justin spoke up. Brian smiled at his husband and agreed with him. "Okay, thank you to so much!" Jennifer's hopes returned with Brian and Justin's giving nature. Brian gave her another hug. "No, thank you." Brian whispered, knowing that this is what he and Justin needed. "I'll be back probably in two hours." Jennifer stated before leaving her son in the care of Brian and Justin.

Brian walked over to Justin with a smile on his lips. He watched as Justin rocked Jacob in his arms. "Hey..." Brian whispered to get his attention. Justin looked up and smiled at Brian. "He's kind of warm." Justin commented. Brian frowned slightly and then rubbed his finger over Jacob's nose. "He's gonna be okay." Brian tried to sway Justin's worries.

With the sound of Brian and Justin's voices, Jacob's eyes blinked open. When they did, Brian and Justin gleamed for him. Jacob didn't find a reason to cry. Though he was a child and he had pnly spent a day with Brian and Justin, the sight of the two brought back the joyful memories. "Hey baby.." Justin cooed when he saw Jacob. Jaob gave a small smile yet his sickness complicated anything else. "I think he remembers us." Brian softly said. Justin nodded and continued to coo the baby. "Hey there lil' man. How are you?" Brian joined in. Jacob yawn lightly and then cringed with pain. "I think he's achy." Justin commented. Brian agreed and led Justin over to a rocking chair that was in the room.

Justin took a seat in the rocking chair and began to rock Jacob in his arms. Jacob stared into Justin's as Justin held him. Brian admired the two, thinking of them as father and son. "I'll get a bottle." Brian informed Justin before walking out of the room. 'He's changed.' Justin thought, looking at the empty doorway. He looked back down to Jacob. "Did you miss me?" justin giggled, looking at the simple smile on Jacob's face. "I missed you." Justin gave his reply to Jacob's unasked question. He toyed with Jacob's hand and then lightly tapped his nose. "I wish I could take you home sometimes Jacob." Justin let out his true feelings to the child. 'But one day I'll have my Angel.' Justin tried to cheer himself up.

Jacob began to cry softly, feeling sicker with the moment. When Justin heard his cries, he lifted Jacob and placed him on his chest. He let Jacob rest on his chest. He lightly patted Jacob's back and rocked slowly. "Ssshhh... it's okay Jacob." Justin whispered as he rocked. Jacob's cries soon ended as he felt the comfort of Justin's arms. "I'm here lil' buddy." Justin assured him. Justin kissed the top of his warm head and di his best to be a 'father' for Jacob in his time of need.

"I'm back." Brian said softly, standing in the doorway watching Justin and Jacob. Justin didn't bother looking up to his husband. He took the moment to hold and care for Jacob.

Brian made his approach to them. He kept a straight face as he watched Justin. Brian saw that Jacob had fallen asleep in Justin's arms. Justin finally looked up to Brian with a small frown. Brian helped Justin out of the chair and then walked him over to the windowsill. Brian took a seat in the spacious windowsill and awaited Justin to follow. Justin shyly took a seat between Brian's spread legs and leaned his back to Brian's chest. He continued his gentle rocking with Jacob as Brian drapped an arm around them.

"I got these at the nearby gift shop." Brian whispered. Justin glanced over to what his husband was holding. Brian held out a white rose and a small, stuffed, blue bunny. Justin smiled at the sight of the two objects. "I was thinking of you two." Brian commented on the gifts. "I'm sure Jacob will love the rose." Justin joked with Brian. "I got the rose because it's our year anniversary." Brian whispered. Justin's face twisted in confusion. "Didn't we just celebrate a week of marriage? Already we've been married a year?" Justin asked out of shock. "No you idiot. A year ago today, 'Brian and Justin' started in a way. It was when we first started on the tour." Brian explained shortly. "Oh you mean our little 'bump' at the airport?" Justin questioned with a grin. "Yes and then there was the kiss I gave you in my room, the game of strip basketball... all of it." Brian reminisced as he spoke. Brian knew how to romance Justin's heart with memories. "But the best part was looking into your eyes when we were on the floor in the airport." Justin sighed lovingly. Brian snuggled with Justin. Justin grabbed the rose and held it loosely. "This means a lot to me Bri." Justin whispered. "Just being here with you and Jacob means a lot to me." Brian replied even softer.

They sat in the same position for an hour before Jacob finally awoke. Nurses came in and out checking on the sleeping baby. He coughed softly on Justin's chest. Justin looked down at the struggling baby and lifted him. "Hey there." Justin cooed when he saw Jacob's eyes open. Brian looked into the baby blue eyes and smiled also. "Brian, how about you feed him a bottle while I go get something?" Justin requested, passing Jacob onto Brian. Brian gave Justin an unsure look but it soon faded when he saw the trust in Jacob's eyes. Justin handed Brian the bottle and then stood. He stretched painfully and then sighed.

He looked back to Brian whose eyes were caught into Jacob's. Justin leaned down and caught Brian's attention when he kissed the tip of Brian's nose. "I'll be back Brian." Justin whispered. "I wish you wouldn't leave." Brian requested. "I'll only be gone a second." Justin assured him and then gave him another quick kiss on the nose. "Do you love doing that?" Brian giggled at Justin's choice of affection. "I can't help that your nose is so cute." Justin replied. Brian smiled and before he knew it, Justin's mouth was touching the tip of his nose again. "I want to make up for last night." Brian whispered as Justin pulled away. Justin was shocked by Brian's words. "When we get back to Orlando sweetie." Justin whispered, rubbing a hand over Brian's defined cheek. Brian wanted to disagree and protest, but didn't. He knew that Justin had his own special reasons.

Time moved by while Brian sat in the rocking chair rocking his baby cousin. "You love me right?" Brian asked of the baby. Jacob cooed for him, showing slight signs of improvement. "I love my husband you know? He's that cute guy with the curls that's always holding you." Brian informed the six month old child. Jacob giggled for him. "Yeah, he makes me laugh too." Brian laughed. "He's just as cute as you though. I think sometimes he wishes he was your daddy though." Brian became slightly serious at the thought. Jacob's eyes were filled with love as he watched Brian. "Can I tell you a secret though? Sometimes I wish I was your father too." Brian whispered for the baby. He felt Jacob grab his hand and hold it. Brian laughed at his gesture. "You're cute." Brian teased the baby.

"You LOVE him don't you?" Brian heard his mother's voice. Brian looked up with a smile. "How can I not love him?" Brian chimed in. "I know what you mean. He's a real cutie." Jackie agreed in her deep accent. "Yeah." Brian grinned, looking back to Jacob. "Brian... sometimes you and Justin amaze me. This baby was sick as could be yesterday. Now that you to are here, he's more active and he seems to be smiling just a bit more." Jackie commented on the immediate. Brian was pleased with her diagonsis. "Maybe all he needed was some love?" Brian offered an answer. "Or you and Justin." she replied to his words. Brian thought over his love for Justin and their love for children. It was deep in his mind that there was something they were missing and maybe, as much as he tried to fight it, it was a child.

"It's medicine time again." a nurse cheered as she entered the dim room. Brian frowned at the thought, sensing Jacob wasn't too loving of his medicine. "Do you want to hold him while I give it to him?" the nurse asked, looking directly at Brian. "Yes." Brian agreed to her offer. The nurse shrugged and approached them. Brian held Jacob up for the nurse to give him medicine. The nurse injected the medicine into Jacob's mouth through a syringe. Jacob gagged quickly at the taste. Brian watched him carefully, holding onto him tightly. Jacob reluctantly swallowed the medicine and coughed hard. Brian lifted him up and brought the bottle to his lips to wash out the bitter taste. Jacob sucked down a bit while Jackie and the nurse looked on. "Hmm, he'll be a nice father someday." the burse commented to Jackie. Jackie gave a frown at the thought. "In a couple of years maybe." Jackie replied. The nurse shrugged off her reply and checked Jacob's vitals. "He seems to be doing a lot better. We may just lte him go home tomorrow if he doesn't have a fever through the night." the nurse rejoiced for them. Brian's smile grew. "Did you here that? You may get to go home to mommy and daddy tomorrow." Brian spoke softly to Jacob. Jacob let Brian pull the bottle from his lips. He cooed with joy when looking at Brian. 'Maybe sooner than I'm ready for.' Jackie thought to herself as she watched Brian's natural talent for children take over.

"Well somebody's happy." they heard Justin say as he finally returned to the room. Brian looked up to his husband with love. "Yep, that's the happy one." Justin cooed Brian. Brian snickered at him, letting Jacob toy with his finger. "I got you something this time." Justin announced as he walked by Jackie to get to his husband. Brian looked with enthusiastic eyes. "Tell me! Tell me!" Brian began to rock with glee. Justin handled Brian a keychain and then took Jacob from his arms. Justin cradled Jacob while Brian admired the silver tag that hung from the chain. It said, '# 1 Husband'. Jackie gazed over to the keychain and smiled. Brian stood from the rocking chair and quickly walked over to Justin. Justin smiled at Brian's rushed moves. "I LOVE YOU!" Brian boasted and then gave Justin a quick kiss on the lips. "I was going to get you a '# 1 Daddy' one, but I figured I'd save that until it was true." Justin explained as Brian admired him.

Jackie shook with the thought and made her way over to them. "Guys, Jennifer called and she said that Mike and her were on their way over. So I figured you guys can go back to the house now and come back in the morning before you have to go." Jackie stated, opening her hands to take Jacob from Justin. Justin looked at her with slight shock. Brian nudged him to give up the baby, knowing that's the last thing Justin wanted to do. "I'll have Harold drop you guys off." Jackie added, awaiting Justin to hand her Jacob. Justin looked down to Jacob and frowned. "Nighty nite Jacob. I'll miss you." Justin whispered to the baby. He gave Justin a small and soft kiss on the head. Jacob gave Justin an unsure look. "I'll see you tomorrow." Justin added.

Before Justin could hand the baby to Jackie, Brian grabbed Jacob. "I want to say my goodbye's too." Brian charmed his mother before walking off with Jacob. Justin watched as Brian walked Jacob over to the doorway. "Don't miss me too much little one. If you need me, you just tell those nurses to call me on my cell phone." Brian joked with Jacob. "Oh and don't worry about Justin... I'll take special care of him for you." Brian added. He tapped Jacob's nose and grinned. "Maybe your mommy and daddy will bring you down to Orlando to see me and Justin. And when they do... maybe I'll have a little friend for you to play with." Brian whispered to him. Jacob grinned for Brian. "But you'll always be my lil' J. And Justin will always be J." Brian cooed for him. Jacob laughed loudly at Brian's facial expressions. "Love you." Brian softly said before giving Jacob a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Brian! Brian is Jacob okay?!" he heard Jennifer call out as she rushed down the hall. Brian gave her a crooked look when she reached him. "Lil' J here is just fine." Brian asured her, sensing his motherly fear. "Thank God." Jennifer sighed loudly. "He was in good hands with Brian and Justin today." Jackie added as she walked over to the two. "Oh, that's so wonderful to here." Jennifer smiled as Brian handed her Jacob. Jennifer gladly held him and smiled towards her son. Jacob smiled back, yet in his small heart he missed Brian and Justin.

Justin walked up to Brian and placed a hand on Brian's shoulder. Brian looked back at Justin and caught onto the signs. "We should get going. It's been a long day for us." Brian suggested as the evening grew on. "Okay... but before you go, me and Mike discussed some things and we would... we would love it if you and Justin became Jacob's God fathers." Jennifer quickly blurted out. Brian and Justin were caught off guard by the suggestion. Jackie clapped with joy. "His God fathers?" Brian questioned, still trying to overcome the shock. "Yes, I hope that wouldn't be too much trouble." Jennifer was becoming insecure with Brian's expression. "Too much trouble?! We'd LOVE it!" Brian boasted happily. Justin smiled at Brian's enthusiasm. "Oh good." Jennifer finally spoke up. Jacob watched Brian leap around the room with laughter. "That's his way of saying he's happy." Jackie commented on her son's actions for Jennifer. "You're okay with it Justin?" Jennifer asked of him while looking at Brian. "I'm more than okay with it. We love Jacob a lot Jennifer." Justin answered, staring at the young baby. "And I can tell he loves you two alot." Jennifer added, looking down at the smile over Jacob's face. Justin smiled back at Jacob.

Justin watched as Jacob's motuh tried to form words for him. "Does he talk?" Justin asked Jennifer as Jacob tried his best. "He says a few things, but no real word yet." Jennifer answered, watching her son. Just as she ended her words, Jacob began. "Da.. da.. dada." Jacob bellowed out. His eyes were directed at Justin and Justin looked at him with surprise. Jackie's eyes bulged out. Brian ran over to them and looked at Jacob and then Justin. "Did he just say 'dada'?" Brian asked, looking up to Jennifer. She was too shocked to reply. "He just called you 'dada'." Brian shooked Justin with happiness. Justin let a small tear escape his eyes and then smiled at Jacob. Justin mouthed the words, 'I love you' and then looked to Brian. Brian was caught up in reverie looking at Jacob. "He.. he's never said that before." Jennifer stuttered out, living within her shock. Jackie gave Justin an astonished stare. "There's a first time for everything." Brian reminded her for Justin's defense. Jennifer agreed and looked at her son as he smiled towards Justin. Justin smiled back, treasuring his time with Jacob.

Just Beginning (Chapter 15) Written by JM

Thunder began to rumble all over Lexington. A thunderstorm was rapidly making it's presence known to Kentucky. The sounds were terrifying to the natives yet common to Brian. He didn't mind the thunder or the rain that had yet to fall. It was an easy movement for him to get through, even when his husband was with him.

He stood in his parents house, gazing out to the backyard. He could still hear the words Harold had said moments before he left. 'I gotta go run some errands and mom and dad won't be home 'til sometime after midnight. There's food in the 'fridge, so help yourselves.' Harold had uttered the words before running out of the house. Brian knew that Justin had listened to Harold's every word, but Brian was too far into his own reality to pay attention.

"Hey there cutie. What's on your mind?" he heard his husband ask. Brian felt a role reversal as Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's waist and rested his chin on Brian's shoulder. Brian kept his steady stare out to the yard. "Everything." he finally spoke to Justin. Justin snuggled closer to Brian for comfort. "Well name one thing and maybe I can help..." Justin suggested. Brian thought over the offer as he saw drops of rain beginning to fall. "I liked it when Jacob called you 'daddy'." Brian sighed lowly, rubbing his fingers over the window he stared out of. Justin understood Brian's agony towards the subject. "One day... one day we'll have a son to call you 'dad'." Justin assured him. He lightly kissed Brian's neck and returned his chin to Brian's shoulder.

Brian laid his head next to Justin's and smiled. "You are what dreams are made of." Brian chimed for Justin. Justin blushed with the compliment. "Except for my dreams... because you're in there." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. "And what am I wearing?" Brian tried to kick back into his famed sense of humor. "Hmmm... me." Justin erotically replied. "With a little whipped cream." Brian played along with Justin's fantasy. "No... just me and you." Justin whispered before lightly licking Brian's ear. Brian's smile grew with seconds.

He turned around to face Justin just as the thunder grew louder. They listened to the rain pour as they stared in each other's eyes. Brian stepped near Justin, kicking off his shoes. Justin watched him with a sharp eye. Brian brought his hands up to Justin's knitted sweater and lifted it. Justin shyly lifted his arms so that Brian could slip the shirt off. Brian laid the sweater to the floor and smiled at Justin. Justin felt secure and let Brian rub his chest. Brian ran his soft hands all over Justin's firm chest and stomach. Justin watched him with love in his dark blue eyes.

Justin pulled his hands to Brian's blue button down shirt and began to unbutton each button with a quick hand. Brian didn't pay attention to Justin's actions as he continued to feel Justin. When the air exposed Brian's nicely shaped chest, Brian let the shirt slip off of his shoulders and then down his arms. Brian knew what he wanted from Justin but he had to find out what Justin wanted from him.

The dark room didn't hold out the light that shined in thier eyes. Justin looked at Brian and saw the crave in his eyes. He watched Brian step even closer and soon he felt Brian's lips on his chest. "Justin... just trust me..." Brian requested with each kiss to Justin's pecs. Justin let out a soft moan and began to unzip Brian's khaki shorts. "I trust you..." Justin whispered. Brian began sucking on Justin's left nipple as his shorts fell to his ankles. Justin helped Brian step out of the shorts, Brian keeping his thin pink lips on Justin's chest. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's back, rubbing his fingers over it.

Brian's hands found their way to Justin's jeans and unzipped them slowly. When the baggy jeans finally reached Justin's ankles, Brian released Justin's chest. He looked up to Justin with pleasure. Justin quickly stepped out of the jeans. Their eyes moved from each other's down to their lower bodies. Brian stared at the tent that was trying to form in Justin's Tommy boxer-breifs while Justin glared at Brian's Backstreet Boys boxer-breifs.

Brian leaned forward slightly and began to run his tongue over Justin's neck. Justin knew Brian used this as a distraction to pull down his boxer-breifs. He let Brian's hands do the work as his own grasped onto Brian's. They both struglled and finally got the boxer-breifs to their feet. They stood again and slipped out of their last drop of clothing.

Brian didn't let their touching of each other go far. He grabbed Justin's left hand and held it in his right. He held it so he could admire the wedding ring he gave Justin. Justin kept his watch on Brian. Brian smiled towards Justin, showing him that there was no animosity between the two.

Justin felt Brian tug him a bit as Brian began to move in the opposite direction. Justin carefully followed him as Brian walked towards the glass door that led to the outside deck. Justin gave Brian an odd stare as Brian opened the glass door. Brian looked back to Justin with a striaght face. He mouthed the words, 'Trust me', for Justin to see. Justin trusted Brian fully and begin to walk with him.

Brian stepped out onto the deck was the rain fell a bit harder over Lexington. Justin was right behind Brian, stumbling out to the deck. Brian felt the rain hit his body and he smiled. He tilted his head back and enjoyed the feel of the water over his face. Justin stepped out into the rain and looked at Brian. He let the water soak his body as his husband took in the water.

Brian released Justin's hand and used both of his hands to pull his hair back. He turned his head in Justin's direction and eyed him. "Come here..." Brian whispered in the rain. Justin loved the sound of his husband's soft accent. He stpped over to Brian with light feet. He felt the water trickle between his toes as he walked over the glossy-finished deck. The auburn wood contrasted greatly to his feet.

Brian took Justin's hand in his again and pulled Justin fully to him. Justin stood with Brian, chest to chest. Justin felt Brian's light breath on him and he kept the straight face that Brian mirrored. Brian didn't have to say any words to Justin. He just leaned forward and began to lightly kiss Justin's lips as they rain poured over them. Justin went with Brian's kiss and wrapped his arms around Brian's neck. Brian was thrilled Justin moved so easily with him. He carefulyl began to further the kiss by slipping his tongue into Justin's mouth. He kept his erotic movements going, rubbing his tongue over Justin's sensitive tongue. Justin's eyes were shut, yet his eyes were open for what Brian wanted. He knew Brian wanted every second to be their's in the Lexington storm.

Justin rubbed one of his hands over Brian's drenched hair. He felt Brian's hands slip to his waist. Brian rubbed his fingers over the soft skin that was slick by the rain's drops. 'Just be careful Brian...' Brian thought as he tried to further their actions.

Justin felt Brian's mouth pull away slightly. Justin let Brian leave the kiss so that he could see his lover's face. Brian opened his tender blue eyes to the falling rain. Justin looked at him, his face dripping with drops of rain. "I'm making up for the nights that we spent in the rain..." Brian said softly, hearing the thunder rumble. Justin puzzled out Brian's enigma as Brian moved forward. Brian caressed Justin's ear with his lips and then whispered, "All of those nights I was without you and you were without me... the nights when you cried and I cried... I just want you to know I love you always." Justin felt an actual tear creep out of his eyes when he heard Brian's gentle words. He hugged closer to Brian after Brian was finished. "You don't have to make up for anything Brian..." Justin assured Brian with a whisper. Brian smiled in his mind when he worked out Justin's words. Brian rubbed his hands over Justin's hips more, feeling his ring roll with his fingers.

The thunder gave a more soft strike as Brian grasped onto his husband's ass. Brian lifted it slightly, giving Justin a sign. Justin closed his eyes and stood on his tip toes. Brian lifted Justin with more force and soon Justin spread his legs. Brian held onto Justin as Justin wrapped his les around Brian's waist. Brian held him up, just trying to be closer to Justin. Justin began to kiss Brian's shoulder as Brian rubbed Justin's butt. "Go ahead Brian..." Justin whispered before laying another kiss on Brian's shoulder.

The rain dripped over there bodies with less force. Brian imagined the rain as the tears they had shed for each other. Brian's erect cock lightly rubbed over the entrance to Justin's body. Justin panted lowly, expecting Brian to enter him within seconds. "Can I?" Brian asked. Justin had never known Brian to ask such a question. He loved making love with Brian in any fashion. Now Brian was taking a second out of their lives to question. This made Justin's heart grow even larger. It was a moment that was now etched into his memories with Brian. "Always Brian." Justin gave his reply, lifting his head.

With that, Brian let Justin slowly sink onto his cock. They used the rain as their only lubricant for their sexual intercourse. Brian gasped slightly as Justin's warm body took him inside. Justin clenched his teeth for minutes as he adjusted to Brian being inside of him again. Brian panted lowly against Justin's shoulder. Justin let his asshole grip Brian's penis with love. 'Okay... slowly..' Brian coached himself. It didn't take long for Brian to slowly begin to withdraw in and out of Justin. Justin enjoyed the feel of Brian's penis rubbing on the inside of him. Brian let Justin kissed his cheek with each thrust upwards. He didn't moan or make any noises, just letting his thoughts fall like the rain.

The rain hit the deck with smaller drops, causing the noise of their passion. Justin placed his cheek next to Brian's as Brian continued to move inside of him. He stuck his tongue out and began to tongue the outside of Brian's ear. Brian opened his mouth slightly to coo Justin on. The water slicked their faces yet they didn't care. They were both lost in a zone of ecstasy.

Brian hard penis shifted slightly, rubbing against Justin's prostate. "Uh..." Justin finally groaned for Brian. Brian didn't mind the sounds of the rain as their own sounds of ecstasy. He wrapped his arms around Justin's back and lte Justin use his legs as a way of staying up. Brian moved gently with less force inside of Justin to hoild himself from orgasm. Justin pleasured from the slow love making in the rain.

With another crackle of thunder, the rain began to fall with force again, showing signs of returning. Brian's knees began to become weak as his thrusting became weaker. He bent his knees slightly and Justin took it as a knowing gesture. He felt Brian carefully pull him to the floor and then Brian laid Justin onto the deck. Justin felt the puddles of water soak his back even further as Brian knelt over him. Brian was still tightly nustled inside of Justin and he opened his eyes to look down at Justin. He saw the trust in Justin's eyes. He did his best to use his body as a cover from the rain for Justin. He watched as Justin nibbled on his lower lip. "Are.. are you okay?" Brian panted his question out. Justin shyly nodded. "Do you want me to go on?" Brian gave Justin a caring question. Justin nodded again, raising his hand to Brian's cheek. Brian took that as his final go ahead and then closed his eyes. He began this thrusting again, picking up a slight speed. Justin felt that within him and savoured it.

Brian's thrust began to become more rapid as he gradually began to let out moans for Justin. Brian felt Justin wrap his arms around his back and he leaned down. Brian placed his hands on either side of Justin's face and then began to kiss him. Justin tongued Brian's lips and let the kiss move on. Brian began to kiss Justin in the heat of their ecstasy. Brian tried to control his moans as they love making went on.

Thir bodies rocked over the slick deck as Brian's body shook slightly. He knew he was close to cumming and tried to slow the rate in which he slipped in and out of Justin. Justin felt Brian's soft balls rubbing against his ass and he smiled. Brian's mouth had moved to Justin's neck and was lovingly licking it. Justin gasped for the first time in an hour. "Brian..." he panted to Brian. Brian lifted his head and saw the tears leaving Justin's eyes. He slowed his rocking even more to find out what was making his husband cry. Brian took a second to look down and saw that Justin had orgasmed during their love making. Justin closed his eyes again and let the soft rain drizzle over his face. Brian wiped the rain and tears away and kissed Justin's lips softly. "It's okay..." Brian whispered as he held Justin. Justin nodded and continued to let Brian fuck him. his sexual desire had yet to end and he knew Brian was still keeping it alive.

Brian arched his back slightly when he felt his balls constrict. 'Oh... no now...' Brian thought as he tried to control himself. He felt Justin pet his head and he knew it was time. "Justin... mmm... I love... this... and .... you..." Brian groaned out, finally letting himslef cum. Justin felt the warm sperm rip inside of him. Brian laid ontop of Justin to let himself cum hard. He panted with short beaths. Justin felt Brian's rapid heartbeat as he continued to cum. Justin felt as if Brian had saved his cum for this moment.

The rain began to wash away the drops of cum that had slipped outside of Justin. Brian was still holding Justin, laying in the rain. Their bodies were soaked with water. Brian's soft penis was still slightly inside of Justin's body, finding Justin's body as it's home. The rain had lightened, still drenching Lexington it its blanket of tears. The deck they lay on had puddles filling it.

Brian lifted his head and looked down at Justin. Justin eyes were still closed and ecstasy was written over his face. Brian smiled, feeling he had brought Justin to the depths of sexual pleasure. He rubbed the water from Justin's cheeks and Justin's eyes blinked open. He smiled at Brian, feeling completely satisfied. 'I love you' he mouthed before closing his eyes again. Brian had never seen Justin so worn out from making love.

Brian head the soft thunder and slipped himself out of Justin. He brought his other hand to Justin's chest and rubbed it. Justin's erect nipples called for attentiona nd Brian leaned down and kissed them. Justin opened his eyes again and pondered of Brian was going to continue their sex. Brian stopped kissing Justin's nipples and rubbed his stomach. He thought of the pains Justin went through before and wished he could kiss them away. He leaned down and began to kiss Justin's navel. Justin giggled slightly. "Brian... that tickles baby." Justin whispered. Brian kept his kissing going, rubbing his tongue into the inside of Justin's belly button. Justin giggled even louder. He rubbed his hand over Brian's pulled back hair and smiled. "You're gonna make me pee." Justin whimpered in his giggle. "I can't help that I love your body..." Brian replied happily. "Mmmm, it loves you." Justin sighed lovingly. Brian smiled at the response.

"Don't you think we should get out of the rain before we catch pneumonia?" Justin advised, sitting up. Brian sat up and then scooted next to Justin. "At least then we could be at the hospital with Jacob," Brian sighed his repsonse. Justin gave him a small frown. "Then what good would we be to him?" Justin tried to change the mood. Brian agreed hatefully and leaned on Justin.

"Do you feel pregnant yet?" Brian tried to joke on the situation. "Oh yeah Brian, I feel like your sperm just entered my ass and are making a baby." Justin teased him back. "I've heard I've got that real STRONG sperm." Brian cackled. Justin nudged him lovingly. "Well if you could see your face when you cum, you'd know." Justin kept their humor moving. "Well no one else will see that face but you." Brian whispered his assurance. "I hope not." Justin giggled. "Well Nick's offer may still stand." Brian tried to tease him. "And if you take him up on that offer, I'll make sure you never stand again." Justin hissed. Brian grabbed Justin's thigh and lightly squeezed it. "Why sleep with that londe when I have my very own one right here." Brian cheered. Justin let his smile return.

Brian leaned off of Justin and stood. "I'm gonna run inside and get us some towels." Brian explained before running into the house. Justin didn't have time to protest to Brian's idea. He just shrugged it off and stood onto the deck.

Justin walked towards the door and stood under the small roof to protect himself from the rain. He wrapped his arms around himself and tried not to shiver outside. His mind wasn't on Jacob as earlier. His mind had seemed to stay on Brian. He couldn't stop the smiles and butterflies he got when he was around Brian. Just the small things Brian did sent shivers throughout his body.

He felt Brian place a towel on his shoulders and he spun around with surprise. "I hope you weren't too cold." Brian whispered, watching Justin's teeth chatter slightly. "Just a little." Justin replied. "Well come inside then." Brian advised, pulling Justin into the house and then closing the glass door.

Justin looked at Brian who had his hair still pulled back and a blue towel wrapped around his waist. His body was still slightly wet from the rain. "Don't just stand there, hold me." Brian demanded, opening his arms for a hug. Justin laughed softly and then hugged Brian. "That's my sweetie." Brian giggled. He gave Justin a quick kiss on the shoulder and then ended their hug. "Are you hungry?" Brian asked, grabbing both of Justin's hands. Justin nodded quickly. Brian chuckled for seconds and then walked Justin into the kitchen.

"I'm sure mom has something good in here for us." Brian said, releasing Justin's hands. Justin took the towel from around his shoulders as wrapped it around his waist as Brian had done earlier. "Take a seat on the counter and I'll find something to fill you up with babe." Brian advised, opening the refridgerator. Justin followed Brian's instructions and leaped onto the counter. He made sure the towel stayed wrapped around his waist and watched Brian fish for food.

Within minutes, Brian closed the refridgerator door and placed a plate on the counter. Justin looked at the plate and saw a small apple pie. He looked up to Brian with a small smile. "Mom always knows when you're coming." Brian joked while getting a knife. "Guess she really likes me then." Justin chimed. "Oh yeah, she loves you!" Brian agreed, cutting a piece of the pie. Justin grinned with the notion. He had grown fond of Brian's family.

"Okay now open up." Brian requested in his country accent. Justin opened his mouth and let Brian feed his a piece of the pie. "Mmmmmm." Justin hummed, chewing the pie. "Is it better than my Littrell posicle?" Brian etased him. "I don't know... I didn't get to try the popsicle." Justin giggled. Brian fed him another peice with a hugr smile. "You'll get to try it when we get home." Brian stated, taking a piece for himself. "Ooh, sounds tasty." Justin joked. "I heard it is." Brian gleamed, taking in another piece. "By whom?" Justin questioned his husband before eating anothe peice. "My husband." Brian chimed, giving Justin an erotic stare. "Oh... well he was right then." Justin laughed. Brian tapped Justin's knee with happiness. "It's really think and creamy." Justin continued his joking. Brian shook the fork at Justin, trying to end his tease. "I'm sorry... does this mean I can't get a lick?" Justin frowned. Brian groaned loudly and fed Justin some more of the pie. "You can lick it whenever you want." Brian answered him with a straight face.

"How about right now..." Justin offered, peeling back his own towel. "Oh no, not now." Brian disagreed, eating a small piece of pie. Justin frowned again and wrapped his towel back around his waist. "My mom would kill me if I got cum all over her cabinets." Brian finally added on with a grin. Justin's smile returned. "Why don't we take this to my bedroom and see what real southern men are made of?" Brian suggested, playfully rubbing Justin's knee. "Hmmm, two southern guys..." Justin started out. "And some apple pie..." Brian finished with a wink. "What if you take a taste of my apple pie?" Justin offered himself freely, leaping from the counter. "Mmm, now that's a pie mom just can't make." Brian gleamed. "Well then, let's see if it's better than your mom's." Justin advised, pulling Brian as he walked. Brian grabbed a small plate of apple pie before running with Justin towards Brian's room. They made good time of the time they had for they knew when they returned to Orlando that things were going to once again be busy as usual.


*** Well, how was that? I had fun writing this part though it took me longer than I thought. Thanks to everyone for their e-mails in support and for the confromations on Brian and Justin. I appreciate it all. And if I haven't gotten to you yet, I am going to. So don't worry. Sorry if Chapter 15 seems kind of short, but I do a LOT of interesting ideas set for the next chapters. For those of you who were looking for Nick and J.C., they're coming too. So don't worry. E-mail with compliments, complaints and whatever. Maybe I'll be fortunate to get some awards. Who knows. Until next time, be safe and be happy... ***s

** Thank you to Rick, Allen, Shawn, CJ, Adam, Donnie, RJ, Loner and the rest of you that kept me going through these parts here. It's hard to find good friends on the Internet, but I have found some pretty good ones. So if you're feeling down, please, find someone that can make you smile. Also, I enjoy writing my series a LOT! I really do. One thing that I have to ask of readers now, I can be a great listner and sometimes help, but I can't be that always. So I have to take a break from that. I have played Dr. JM for a LOT of people and now I can't anymore. So for awhile, please try and find someone to help you with your personal problems. I do try and help, but I've taken on some stress with that. So I'd appreciate it if you'd just give me a little break. Okay? Thank you! I love ya regardless... **

  • One last thing! If there are any people on the Net that are good at altering images, I'd love your help. I'm trying to create more pictures and things, but I can't! I'm not too great at it. So if you can help, PLEASE e-mail me! Thanks. Oh yeah, Netboy (webmaster of my site) has been ill and has just moved. He is unable to update the page right now, so please have patience with him and me. He'll get to it when he does have the chance. To clear that up, I do not control the page, so I can't update like some of you have requested. But for now, stick to Nifty to read the stories. Thanks. *

Next: Chapter 41: Jm Interview

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