Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Nov 29, 1999


Just Beginning (Chapter 49) Written by JM

The movement of the Backstreet Boys' bus toward their third stop of the tour was slow. The night cloaked them from traffic problems. It was also a little depressing because it was J.C. Chasez stop on the tour. He knew his plane left right before the next show of the tour, but he did not let his sadness leak out to the others. He knew the one person he had to disguise his despondency was Nick. The three days he shared with Nick brought them closer as they spent any second available together.

Justin was cuddled to Brian in their bunk. Brian was playing with Justin hair as Tyke slept between them. Brian was slowly drifting in and out of sleep. Justin was a little more awaken, but that was out of slight anger and then out of previous rest. His anger rooted from the only hour he had with Brian all day. Brian had spent the entire day in interviews, press conferences, dance rehearsals and then the concert. Even afterward, Brian had to entertain fans instead of his husband. Justin did not care if their sex life suffered, he cared more for their romantic and normal life.

Brian snuggled his head to the pillow and released a soft exhale. "Are you going to sleep?" Justin asked, feeling Brian's fingers stop in their spot. Brian's eyes blinked open to Justin's voice. "I'm sort of tired Just." Brian answered him, batting his eyes to keep them open. Justin reasoned with Brian's exhaustion. "Then I won't bug you." Justin said. Brian let his eyes slide open when he heard Justin's voice. "You don't bug me. But this one girl... this girl I met backstage, after the concert, she bugged me. She was kind of obnoxious." Brian stated softly, his voice never getting too high. Justin let out a gentle laugh. "Did she ask you to sign a part of her body?" Justin asked while snickering. Brian nodded. "Just above the belly button, right?" Justin added. "Yeah!" Brian got excited with Justin's accuracy. Justin nodded for him. "I gave her the pass when I met her outside. She and her friend seemed to be cool when I was with Tyke. Plus they were older than the others." Justin explained to Brian. Brian grasped the information with no troubles. "She was... uhm, interesting. Kev' and Bone actually signed above her navel." Brian said, his eyes drifting shut again.

Justin adjusted to Brian falling to sleep again. He laced his fingers through Brian's hair and rocked him. "Go to sleep Bri." he advised, seeing Brian's eyes shut again. He rested a hand on Brian's chest and felt the heartbeat vibrate upon his fingertips. Brian gave a small smile. "Do you think J.C. and Nick are sleep?" Brian tried to stay awake with his husband. Justin traced his finger over Brian's forhead and down to the tip of his nose. "Probably. They're awfully quiet." Justin replied in a whisper. He placed his finger over Brian's lips to keep him qiuet. "Just sleep baby." he suggested. Brian nodded and kept his eyes shut. Justin closed his eyes, figuring everyone else on the bus had to be sleep with the utter silence running through the bus. He attempted to rest as the bus rocked him and Brian to sleep.

The bunk above them also held a couple. Nick and J.C. stayed quiet as the rest of the bus did. J.C.'s eyes were fimrly shut, but he was not sleeping. A surge of excitement moved over his body as he lifted his shirt a little. For a known reason, he was getting hot. Little movement nearby him helped to create this feeling. 'I'm glad I'm not too tired tonight.' J.C. thought out. The feeling of something wet rushed over him. His lips parted, but nothing discernible was heard. His hand drifted past his left pec and down his stomach. It reached something warm and it began to play with it. The hairs he felt as he played were even more exhilarating. He closed his eyes tighter and lifted his back. He felt a throb burn inside of him. His heart raced in passion. Something in his lower body was beginning to cause his body deep, physical pleasure. He could feel groans battling with his throat, trying to escape his mouth and be heard. He took a deep breath in between his teeth. A gasp broke his lips as he shoved his hips further upward. His lips girated, trying to form words. A release escaped his body, but not from his mouth. His body shivered heavily, sweat blistering from his forehead and chest. His back laid flat on the bed when he felt himself drifting from the feverish world he was enthralled in.

His eyes batted open as he panted softly. He felt his clothing being adjusted again. A kiss was laid on his cheek as Nick laid down next to him. "You taste sweet Josh." Nick whispered. J.C. grinned while panting. "Thanks Nickie." J.C. finally spoke up. Nick licked J.C.'s ear with the same tongue he had just used to give his boyfriend a lasting bout of oral sex. He wrapped his arms around J.C.'s waist and held him. "I don't want you to go." he whispered, his voice cracking. J.C. turned to his side, looking toward the curtain and not Nick. Tears broke from his eyelids, but he silenced all whimpers and sobs. "It... it's okay Nickie, I'll see you in less than a month." J.C. tried to assure him. He blinked out more tears that began to leave a puddle on his pillow. "And then there's... there is Thanksgiving hon'." J.C. reminded him, crushing his head into the pillow while he cried. Nick kissed J.C.'s shoulder, still oblivious to J.C.'s crying. "Yeah, it's not too far away. Just a couple of days." Nick agreed. J.C. was thankful that Nick let their conversation end with that comment. He sniffled softly and squeezed his eyes tighter so that all of the tears would fall from his eyes. 'Lord, please keep him safe and happy while I'm gone.' J.C. prayed, closing his eyes to try and sleep off his built up sorrow.

J.C. was gone. It had been two days. Justin was alone. The Backstreet Boys were in Atlanta and Justin was alone. He sat hugging himself in a back room of the Phillips Arena. The past two days had not been any easier for him. He felt alone in more than one way. He had been alienated from Nick due to J.C.'s abscence. A.J. alienated himself from everyone, especially Justin. Howie found other forms of communcation outside of Justin. Kevin was more into trying to find ways to spend time with Nikki than any of his friends. Brian had become too busy with Backstreet Boys affairs to actually find time to spend with his husband.

Justin heard the sounds of his cellular phone ringing. He looked to the side of the table he sat at and reached for it. He lifted the phone with hesitation. He finally answered it, trying to prevent anyone from hear the sorrow in his tone. "Hello?" he said. "Hey Justin, what's up bro'?" Chris's voice brought a familiar and home feel for Justin. "Hey Chris, what's up bro'? What are you doing?" Justin asked, reclining in his chair. "Well I'm just sitting here in Vegas chilling with Meelah and the girls. I leave for New York in about three hours to meet J.C. and Joey, so I thought I'd check up on you." Chris answered him. Justin sniled, knowing one of his friends cared. "So, tell me what's up? How's the tour? Where's your hubby?" Chris threw out several question for Justin. Each question sliced another piece of Justin's heart. "The tour is going good for the guys." he gave a dull answer. "Uhm, well how about you? How is the tour for you?" Chris could sense something was wrong. Justin stayed silent for a second. "Come on Just, tell me." Chris requested, his voice kind and nurturing. Justin let out a hushed sob. "I hate it Chris." Justin finally confessed the words he had not told anyone. Chris felt weak hearing his friend cry over the phone. "Why J?" Chris continued to ask questions to make Justin let out all of his emotions. "I just hate it... no one talks to me or even ackowledges me anymore. I can't even sit down for lunch with my husband because he has some schedule to keep. A.J. won't talk to me, Nick won't talk to me... even Howie ignores me. Everyone acts like I'm just not here anymore. I want to go home." Justin blurted out. He was alone in the room, but the echoing of his crying gave the affect of others in the area.

Justin wiped tears from his cheeks, trying to remain strong as he had from the beginning. "Justin, don't miss this oppurtunity to spend with Brian. You know you would regret it later on." Chris encouraged Justin. "I just want to go home... I want to be away from all of them." Justin sobbed. Chris regretted not being able to hug his friend at that instant. "We all feel like that sometimes Justin, but you're... Justin, you're married. If he can't give you all the time, you have to make the time apart filled with memories of all the things he has done." Chris tried to shine some light of experience. Justin rubbed his nose and tried to end the tears. "I can't let them do this to me. Any of them... because I didn't come out here to get to know Kevin, to get to know Nick, to be best friends with A.J. or to help Howie out. I am here because... because I want to be with Brian. And if I let them have this... if I let them see me crying, then they win. They will have broken Justin Littrell... and they haven't and never will." Justin stated with confidence, tears still settling on his cheeks. Chris smiled at his friends grasp on life. "And they can't break you boy." Chris added with a laugh. Justin smiled, thankful Chris made that call to him. "They may be our friends, but when it comes down to it, they're not like brothrs or your husband. So you can't let their little PMS kicks bother you." Chris's advice was in abundance. Justin nodded, feeling as if Chris was right there trying to help him. "I may want to be on their good side... but I just can't let it bother me anymore when I'm not. I.. I am not here to make them smile or to be with them all the time. I have to understand that Brian is close to them and I have to... to give Brian the space he needs." Justin agreed with his new tone. He adjusted his tennis bracelet on his wrist and brushed the remaining tears away. "Just remember, you're Justin Littrell and you're from 'N Sync. You're not a Backstreet Boy." Chris gave a final note.

Justin giggled, knowing that the reason Chris called was not to hear Justin cry. "I hope you're better now because I have to get going. I have to spend at least one hour with my girl before I go and the other hour listening to Irish tell me off for not letting her tak to you." Chris snickered into the phone. "Okay Chris. Take care and tell the guys and gals I said 'What's up'." Justin requested. "Will do J. Cheer up and savor your time with Brian." Chris requested. "I will C.K. peace." Justin relied, ending their phone conversation.

Justin placed his cell phone down on the table and looked down at his wedding ring. As he did, the door to the room he was in opened and the room began to be flooded with the Backstreet Boys and security. Justin bit down on his lower lip as everyone found a place to sit and relax for the moment. "There's no meet with the fans afterward guys, so you can just chill until the limo's ready to go to the hotel." Remo informed everyone. A pleasing sigh of relief stiffled the room.

Brian sat in a corner of the room, looking over a few papers. He was not close enough for Justin to feel comfortable. Justin looked over to Howie and smiled. "Howie, I was thinking me and you could hit the mall tomorrow and do a little shopping." Justin suggested, trying to grab his attention. Howie looked up with bitter, brown eyes. "I don't think so." Howie retorted without reason. "But why?" Justin questioned. Howie stood from his chair and walked away from the table, leaving Justin without an answer. This silence brought more grief on Justin's heart. He looked down at the table and frowned.

"Justin, I need you to call J.C. some time tomorrow and ask him what his plans are after Thanksgiving." Nick brought Justin's concentration away from Howie. Justin gave him an odd look. "I don't know if I can Nick... uhm, I can try." Justin responded with an unsure expression. Nick rolled his eyes, noticeably. "Forget it, I'll do it myself." Nick brooded, briskly standing up and stretching. Justin could see that he was being looked down upon by Nick. "I can do it Nick, I'll just call him tomorrow morning." Justin assured him. Nick brushed him off. "Nevermind Justin." he insisted, walking from the table and then out of the room.

Justin dropped his head into his hands, two tears streaming down his cheeks. He sniffled softly, trying to fight his depression again. He brushed away the tears and looked up. He saw that Brian was still sitting in his corner looking over papers. 'Damn him.' Justin thought in his mind. He stood from his chair and brushed his hair back. He moved from the table to a couch that A.J. sat at. "Uhm A.J., can I talk to you... just for a sec?" Justin requested. A.J. looked up at Justin and then nodded. "I just wanted to know what I may have done to you to make you... treat me like I'm not even here?" Justin decided to approach the situation shyly. "What?" A.J. asked arrogantly. "What did I do?" Justin asked a little louder. "What are you talking about? Why are you bringing this shit to me now?" A.J. became irriated why Justin's vulnerable side. "I've seen it a couple of days... and you and everyone acts like I'm no longer here or something." Justin stated. He was greatly phased by A.J.'s attitude. "Well what do you think? Do you think we all hold secret meetings and think of ways to make you upset?" A.J. snapped at him with a hiss in his voice. He crossed his arms and glared at Justin bitterly. "No, I don't think that. I just wanted to know if I did something wrong." Justin was unsure of himself. "Cut the innocent shit Justin because it's played out. Maybe that's why people stop talking to you? You can't play like you're just this goody goody all the time and then turn around you're upset over something little one of us says about you." A.J.'s words were sharp. Justin was genuinely shocked by A.J.'s sudden turn on him. "We're not all out to get Justin and you need to grow up and realize that." A.J. added, standing from the couch.

Justin stood with him. "I didn't say that... but all of you are just ignoring me as if I'm in the wrong for something." Justin tried to urge him to stay. A.J. uncrossed his arms and turned to the side. "Do you hear this? Can ya'll hear this?" A.J. asked the room, trying to get rid of Justin in a rude manner. "My life is pretty heavy right now. I have enough drama to write a set of Joan Collins books and you want to add your shit too? I don't think so." A.J. argued. Justin felt dettached from A.J. and the others. A.J. walked away and groaned loudly to let Justin know of his distaste at the minute.

"Don't try and analyze it Justin, because it's a little too deep for you to understand right now." Kevin commented from the table. Justin did not turn to him to lose another battle. "Thanks Kev, I'll remember that." Justin sighed out, taking a seat on the couch again. He sniffled audibly this time, wiping away a few tears. 'Just remember, you're Justin Littrell and you're from 'N Sync. You're not a Backstreet Boy.' Chris's words were what Justin needed in his time of trial. He faced the fire with bravery and not the cowardness everyone wanted to break him down to.

Brian's arms wrapped around Justin's waist when he sat down next to him. He rested his chin on Justin's shoulder for comfort. "Don't hug me." Justin hissed at him, trying to break loose of the embrace. Brian was surprised by Justin's response to his gesture. "Why?" Brian asked, holding tight. "Because if you couldn't make time all day to do it, I don't want you to do it right now." Justin responded coldly. "But Justin..." Brian tried to get out an explaination. "No, Brian. You've been busy every day with things to do, so don't try to make a desperate attempt to make up for it now." Justin argued, firm in his decision. Brian gave up and let go of Justin. "What do you want me to do then?" Brian asked, trying to make up for his friends' rudeness. "I want you to take me to the hotel..." Justin said. "And help me pack because I want to go home." Justin added softly. Brian heard the last part even though Justin tried to keep it quiet and to himself. "You want to go home?" Brian asked in a low and sad tone. Justin nodded, trying not to break for more tears. Brian looked down into his lap, feeling lost.

"Okay guys, it's time to go!" Marc announced, causing everyone to look up. Shortly, everyone gathered their things and headed for the door and towards the limos. Everyone piled into different limos. The limos pulled out of the venue's parking lot and headed for the hotel, animosity lessening as the limos drove.

Brian sat in a limo with A.J., Nick, Howie and Justin. Kevin rode in the limo with Aaron Carter and some of security. Brian stared out of the dark tinted windows, a frowing scuplted into his mouth. 'This is our city... this is where we fell in love and we haven't even spent two hours taking it all back in. Why? What's wrong with him? What's wrong with ME? I'm the one who should be trying.' Brian was chastising himself and Justin in his head. The thoughts brought agony to Brian's heart and soul. 'We have to try before we can fall.' Brian declared.

Brian turned his head away from the window and looked around the limo. Howie seemed to be having a lively conversation on his cellular phone. Nick was trying to sleep in the seat next to him. A.J. did as Brian did and stared out the tinted window. Justin was falling in and out of sleep in his seat, looking highly uncomfortable. Brian placed his arm around Justin's shoulders and pulled his body next to his. Justin woke from his drifting and looked at Brian awkwardly. Brian nudged Justin's head and allowed him to rest it on Brian's shoulder. "Don't run away from me Justin." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin gave in to love and snuggled to Brian. "It's pur Atlanta, Justin. Stay with me tomorrow so we can enjoy it." Brian requested. Justin knew that the Backstreet Boys played two nights in Atlanta and the temptation was great. The compassion in Brian's sweet sounding, country voice seemed to win Justin's vote. "I'll stay." Justin whispered finally. He knew Brian was sincere. Brian brushed his cheek and grinned.

"Hey driver, pull over at this Hess coming up. I need to get something!" A.J. requested to the driver. "Yeah, I'm hungry." Howie agreed. The driver was hesitant in his passengers request. Finally he gave in and pulled into the Hess gas station parking lot. The limo came to a stop at the entrance. "Please guys, hurry. I could get in trouble for not going straight to the hotel." the driver requested, fearing running through his voice. "Chill dude, you'll be aight." A.J. assured him, pushing the door open. He exited the limo, followed by Howie. "Hey Nickie! Come on dude!" A.J. called back into the limo, waking Nick. Nick rubbed his eyes and looked out the door. "What?" he asked groggily. "Nick, come on." A.J. repeated, trying to shake Nick from his sleepiness. Nick yawned and then stumbled out of the limo. Brian nudged Justin and advised that they followed. Justin stretched out in the seat and then stepped out of the limo. "We'll be back in five partner." Brian said in a strong country voice. He slid out of the limo and shut the door behind himself.

Five minutes turned into ten minutes in the gas station. Justin kept himself entertained with the magazine section while everyone else racked up on snacks. "Get me some Twizzlers dude." Nick called out to A.J. He walked down the aisle of chips, searching for the perfect bag for his moood. "Cherry? Chocolate? Strawberry?" A.J. yelled back flavors while grabbing a pack of Starbursts. "Get me.. uhm, Cherry I guess." Nick replied, walking over to the aisle A.J. stood in. "I figured you'd want Strawberry, you know that fruit you eat off someone you love during hot sex?" A.J. cooed at Nick. Nick rolled his eyes and snatched the bag from him. "Ask Joshua, he's the one eating them off of me." Nick replied sarcastically. A.J. gasped with laughter. Nick slapped his arm and laughed with him.

"Hey, why don't they have the mustard Combos? Whatever happened to the mustard Combos? Does anyone want the mustard Combos?" Howie complained as he walked onto the aisle. "I think they want you to let it go," Justin stated as he walked down the aisle. Howie looked at him with an antagonistic stare. "I think they want you to kiss my ass." Howie ridiculed Justin without indecision. Justin gave him a distant look, feeling once again shot down by a Backstreet Boy.

"I think I want you to shut the fuck up and kiss my ass." a voice, unknown to them, stopped their talking. "Who the hell is requesting?" A.J. asked, looking down the aisle toward the register for a face. He did not see a face, but he did however see a jet black ski mask. The face was hidden, but seeing the all black dressed man did not hinder A.J. or the others thoughts. "I'm not requesting shit, I'm telling your ass to shut the fuck up while I get my money, bitch. Comprende?" the masked man barked at A.J. A.J.'s throat turned dry and he found it hard to swallow when he saw the black object the masked man held. "Yeah, silence is a lot better." the man smiled through his mask. A.J. felt fear trembling in his body, never being in a similiar situation. Nick and Howie stayed perfectly still, never moving any muscle that was not required. The silence was eerie and not gratifying for Justin. He felt his whole body become weak in anxiety.

"Just stay still and I won't let any of you boys come face to face with my friend, Mr. Black here." the man assured them, but his true psychotic nature brought doubt to all of their minds. Justin nibbled his lower lip and complied with the robber's request. "Let's go little man. I really don't have all day!" he barked out to the young man behind the cash register.

Justin's eyes peered around the store and a realization hit him. "Hey guys, have you seen the Sprees. I wanted to grab some for Justin." the country voice interrupted their silence as Brian crossed the walkway that separated the aisle in which Nick and A.J. stood in and the one Howie and Justin stood in. A.J. snapped his head in Brian's direction with shock. Nick gasped out with horror. Brian looked at each of them with ponderment. "What?" Brian asked, looking around. His head did not get a full gaze around the room before an arm was lifted.

A noise broke the silence again. The scrambling of feet and the sound of a gun being fired were the only sounds heard for a few seconds. After those stealth sounds, screams were heard all around. Another dash of feet were heard as the robber jumped through the glass door and began to run while cops pulled with a blaze into the parking lot. The added sound of the sirens brought on the drama in the area.

Brian opened his eyes and glanced around. He was lying on the floor of the Hess gas station and he felt like his body had been slammed against the hard tiling. He sat up with anguish in his back and looked around. To the side of him laid A.J. and Howie who seemed to be recovering from a fall. He could hear their mild moaning from agony. Nick was standing at the register, pleading with the attendant to call for an ambulance. Brian looked down and saw blood covering his shirt. He began to pant feverishly, his body tensing up. Tears began to roll from his eyes for an unknown reason. Brian's hand was smeared in the burgandy substance, causing more tears to build. The sight of the blood brought a sickness to Brian's stomach.

Brian sat up more and came to a serious realization. He felt no pain outside of that in his back. If he was indeed shot, there would be some sort of knowledge of it. This realization brought on another revalation. Brian was not covered in his own blood. His panting increased as he glanced around even closer. Laying to the side of him was his husband, Justin. Justin was unconscious on the floor, but his lower body seemd to have blood smeared on it. The deep red substance made a small pool under Justin, showing there was a source. Brian looked down and then shook Justin. He received no response. "Oh God, please..." Brian cried, shaking Justin harder. He heard a groan escape Justin's closed lips. He closed his eyes and whispered a small thank you. He sniffled softly and got onto his knees, trying to move Justin's body. This attempt caused Justin to scream out like a banshee. The sound shook Brian's soul. Brian could see the source of the outpouring of blood. Justin was bleeding from his left leg. He was the one shot, not Brian. Brian could remember the gun being aimed at him, the bullet being meant for him, but he could also remember Justin being the one to shed the blood for Brian.

Brian's tears were no cure for Justin's stiffness. Justin was crying hard when he finally regained all of his thoughts. Brian sensed the pain in Justin's body. "Don't move him dude, wait for the ambulance." Nick's voice warned Brian. Brian felt himself breaking down as he looked down at Justin. Justin was straining to grab his leg, the pain too great for him to handle. "I don't... want.. to... die..." Justin breathed heavily and cried just as hard. The tears were mixing in the pool of blood, not comforting Brian anymore. Nick brushed his hand over Justin's shoulder for comfort. "It's okay Just... you're going to be okay buddy, believe me." Nick tried to promise him, but even he knew not of Justin's situation. Brian shivered heavily nearby. "Brian... stop acting like a child and help him!" Nick barked at him, a cascade of tears gliding down Nick's cheeks. Brian was stunned by the outburst.

Brian sniffled and then moved closer to Justin. He lifted Justin's head and placed it in his lap. He leaned down and kissed Justin's cheek. He brushed his blood covered hand over Justin's chest while his clean one petted Justin's curly hair. "It's okay Just... it's okay baby. You're gonna be fine." Brian whispered to Justin. "Brian... I don't want to die." Justin sobbed, his eyes stayed squeezed shut. Brian hated to hear the thought of losing Justin. "You're not going to die babe... please, don't say that. You're staying with me. You're going to be here. You're going to be here... to raise our son with me. You're going to be Angel's dad baby. You... you'll be there to see him go to school, to see him make friends... you're going to be there when he first walks babe. You have to be there." Brian tried to remain calm, but Justin could hear Brian sobbing with his words of comfort. "You're going to be there to cuddle Angel... and hold him." Brian added, finally breaking down with Justin.

Nick watched the two and felt his heart tightening. 'God, don't do this... don't take him from us.' Nick pleaded. He could not look at Justin in his painful position. He looked up to the sky for some sort of conclusion, a resolution. "Justin? Justin, please talk to me!" Brian's barking caused Nick to look back down. He looked at the still Justin, quiet and without movement. "Justin!" Nick barked also, trying to shake Justin. "Jesus, Justin, please!" Brian pleaded heavily. Tears fell from his face and onto Justin's cheek. "Don't you fucking do this to me!" Brian demanded. Justin did not answer him. He remained still and quiet.

It had been six hours. Not five, not three, not one, but six hours had passed. Brian wore only black. He had escaped the clothing that was covered in Justin's blood. His face was dramatically pale and he was severly drained from crying. His eyes were heavy and burning. His body could not handle one more incident. A part of him died in that Hess gas station. Staring at a still Justin as the paramedics loaded him into the truck did not help. He did not seek any comfort in his friends. He feared that. He feared having to tell anyone what had happened and what he had experienced. He was, as Justin was earlier, alone.

"Hey Brian." Nick's voice made him look up from his seat. Nick sat down next to Brian followed by another man. The other man was without a doubt, a doctor. Brian could see Nick had been crying heavily. The tears still left stains in Nick's cheeks. "Brian, this is Doctor Rastlic. He's going... well doctor, tell him." Nick stated, looking back to the youthful doctor. The doctor looked into Brian's dead eyes and frowned. "Mr. Littrell, uhm, I guess we've kept you waiting long enough." Dr. Rastlic started off. Brian gave a small nod. "Well Mr. Littrell, he's not dead or close to it. He's actually doing very good. Your... uhm husband suffered a gun shot wound as you know. Actually, the bullet caused just a tissue wound, however it barely missed the femur in his left leg. We did surgery to remove the bullet from his leg under a local anesthetic. There is no nerve damage. We're going to keep him here for three nights and four days. He will need crutches for about a week afterward, and after a week he'll need to come back for a follow up visit." Dr. Rastlic spit out all of his knowledge. Brian seemed to take it all in with a blank expression ruling his face. Dr. Rastlic gave him a faint frown. "And we just have your husband on... Percocet. It's just to help him with the pain. He's taking a 5mg tablet every three to four hours with some Tylenol. He's awake enough to take the medicine orally, so that's a good sign. However, when we gave him the pain-killer, we gave him a Valium to help him relax and eventually sleep." Dr. Rastlic added. The final words still had no affect on Brian. Nick dropped his head with shame. "I guess I should put it all in terms that could change your mood. Justin's fine, just fine. He fell into shock when he was shot, but he's fine. Your constant comfort probably did a great deal for him. He's been asking for you since he got here and he hasn't stopped. So no matter what has happened, I'd still like it if you could comfort him and help make his recovery easier." Dr. Rastlic broke it down easily for Brian. Brian gave a gentle and miniature smile for the doctor. Dr. Rastlic smiled back, accomplishing his goal with Brian.

Dr. Rastlic stood from the small couch and looked over Justin's chart. "He'll need some rest, but I'd like it if you could visit him within this hour before the medicine takes full control on him." Dr. Rastlic stated, trying to coax Brian. Brian and Nick stood together and nodded. "Contact his family and see if he can get some more moral support too." Dr. Rastlic added. He closed the chart and walked off. "If you need me, have the nurse buzz me." he remarked before finally disappearing.

A.J. and Howie rushed over to Brian and Nick, seeing Brian's almost happy expression. "Brian, we talked with the cops. They wanted to question you and Justin... but we discouraged them from doing it." Howie announced when they reached them. A.J. nodded with a grin. "The robber's dead. He tried to flee from the police and they shot him in a nearby parking lot. He was D.O.A." A.J. explained. Brian was stunned by the news. "That's justice for you." Nick chimed in. Brian shook his head and glanced downward. "And since he's dead, the police don't really need to question you or Justin on the situation. So you're pretty much off the hook." Howie grinned for a moment, but it faded when je saw Brian's expression. "What's up Rok?" A.J. asked, seeing the same expression. Brian looked back up. "The robber is dead. He never has to relive this night, but me and Justin will. Justin will remember being shot. I'll remember Justin laying his life on the line for me when I've treated him like shit for the past couple of days. And so have you guys too. The robber will not have these memories." Brian stated with anger. The guys looked at him with shame. "What kind of sorry ass friends treats someone who they consider a brother... treat their husband like that?" Brian questioned them, chastising them with his stares. He shook his head again and began to walk away.

A.J. gripped his arm tightly. "Brian, you can't go just yet." A.J. stated, holding Brian in his position. Brian looked at him in anger. "Why not Alexander?" Brian asked in spite. "Because you only have an hour with Justin before we have to go to the hotel." A.J. insisted. Brian raised his brow at A.J. "No, I'm staying here for the rest of the night." Brian disagreed boldly. A.J. sighed and shook his head. "No Brian, you have to go. We have a show to do tonight and then a show the next night in Kentucky." A.J. informed him. "Fuck the shows, my husband has been shot!" Brian growled at him, snatching his arm from A.J.'s grip. Howie and Nick knew this incident was coming. "We know that Brian... but the press and everyone else doesn't. Our lawyers have already worked a deal where no one will know who the victims of this recent robbery will be. We'll just be nameless faces in the whole thing if you and the rest of us cooperate." A.J. explained in puzzling ways. Howie stepped up to Brian with compassion in his brown eyes. "Rok, if we continue with our shows and pretend as if nothing even occured, this will stay out of anyone's knowledge. Even our opening acts won't know. Our lawyers and management have already signed the papers and deals for it." Howie gave him the full scoop. "Brian, no one can know about your connection to Justin in a romantic way. The Firm prohibits it... so no one can know that you two were together... that he got shot or anything." Nick added. Nick's words created more anger within Brian. "I can't let anyoen know I have a husband? A boyfriend? A male lover?!" Brian barked out.

A.J. threw his hand over Brian's mouth to stop him. "I can't tell the world that my girlfriend is about to have a fucking child with me. We're not even married, but that's not that half of it. I can't even say that she's pregant. I can't even say she's my girlfriend at the moment because if any one of these fucking teeny boppers or reporters sees her, then my ass will be on the front page of every magazine... and it's all because our rep' can't handle it." A.J. hissed in a low voice. Brian struggled with him. "I haven't been able to be seen with Amanda for months while you and Justin make flirting faces during television show tapings. So don't complain because you can't be with Justin for two fucking days because you have Thanksgiving and the day after that off and then a few more dates before this tour is over. So you'll see your husband and you can go out and pretend to be friends in public while me and my girlfriend can't leave our fucking house. So stop bitching and deal with it Brian because it's a dog eat dog business and you have to cooperate or get fucked up the ass with a ten foot pole. Pick and choose boy, but I don't think you want the latter choice." A.J.'s words were harsh, rude, blunt but they were reality. They were the truth and the most brood honesty that was within him. Brian felt tears slide out of his eyes. A.J. slipped his hand off of Brian's mouth and sighed. Brian backed away from each of them with tender eyes. "I know it's hard buddy. I love you like a brother, but me and you know firsthand what it's like to be screwed with by management and record labels. This is just another thing we have to deal with. We should be thankful that you got married and I have this child." A.J. added to help ease Brian's slap in the face.

Brian lifted his hands to wipe away the tears. He drug his hands through his hair and exhaled hard. "I... I just need to tell him goodbye first." Brian said, wiping away his tears. Everyone agreed to his request as Brian walked down the hall.

Brian was in room 330. He stood near Justin's bed. He was holding Justin's hand tightly. He bent down and kissed the hand. Justin was not awake, which made the farewell harder for Brian. Brian dealt with the situation though. His stress was great, but he placed it all to the side for Justin. He decided it was best if he kept things short and sweet for the sake of his body and his mind. He leaned down further and kissed Justin's forehead. "I love you my angel..." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "I'll be back in a couple of days... and I'll be thinking of you." Brian added, brushing Justin's hair with his hand. He kissed Justin's cheek, a tear falling from his eyes to his lips. "I'm sorry that I was an asshole... please don't lose focus on what's important though." Brian requested with a whisper. "I love you babe, always." he added, pulling back. He gave Justin's hair one last brush and then he stood erect. Another tear fell when he released Justin's hand. "Sweet dreams." Brian whispered, blowing Justin a final kiss.

Brian stumbled into the hall, controlling his crying. He pulled out his cell phone and in a rush, dialed numbers. He listened to the ringing while his thoughts were centered on Justin. He finally got an answer after several rings. "Yeah Bryce... hey, this is Brian... uhm, I need a serious favor from you and you have to help me with this. It's for Justin. We don't have much time to work with." Brian stated in the phone. His plan was formed in seconds, but his idea was given birth with Bryce's help.

--- Matt Thomspon (First Person View) & Section by Leprechaun ---

It was Thanksgiving Day, and I was in a hospital of all places. I had tried to make it in to visit Justin the day after Lance called me. Ofcourse, Lance was practically crying when he called, and could only say that Justin had been shot. It wasn't until I called JC that I found out that Justin wasn't in danger of dying. He told me it was just a tissue wound and that Justin was very lucky. I told JC about Lance calling me and what he had said. JC contemplated what I had told him and stated that Lance knew when he called that Justin was okay. I told JC that Lance must have just been in shock, to which JC made a "humming" noise and said "I suppose".

Anyway, I was walking down the long hallway towards Justin's room, talking to myself. I was practicing a British accent for the movie I was going to start filming in January. Everyone I passed in the hall looked up at me like I was crazy and had escaped from the fourth floor where they kept the mental patients. I just kept talking to myself and continued walking. I was dressed somewhat incognito. I had on an A&F sweater that was about two sizes too big for me, a pair of brown courduroy pants and a brown fisherman's hat on. I had tried to hide as much of myself as I could. The press sort of had a hard-on for me lately, so I had to keep a low-profile no matter where I went. I figured that if they got wind I was visiting a member of 'N Sync, I'd really be in the papers.

I got halfway down the hall and saw Lance leaning up against the wall across from Justin's room. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him and veered to the right and walked towards him. When I was within twenty feet of him, some guy I didn't recognize came out of Justin's room and walked over to Lance. The other guy didn't seem to notice me. However, he wrapped an arm around Lance's shoulders and spoke into his ear. I quickly changed my direction with a frown and walked as quickly as I could towards Justin's room. Lance jerked, like he wanted to say something to me, but I just knocked on Justin's door. As soon as I heard Brian's voice telling me to "Come in", I walked in, closing the door behind me.

I quickly removed my hat and threw it on a chair by the door, then walked further into the room and saw Brian sitting on the edge of the bed, watching Justin as he slept. Brian looked up, looking somewhat tired and spent, but smiled widely as soon as he recognized me. I smiled back at him.

"Hey you." I practically whispered.

"I'm glad you made it." Brian replied, sincerely.

"Me, too." I sighed as I sat down on the other side of Justin, across from Brian. "I'm surprised Barbara let me leave."


"Yes, my agent. I was in Los Angeles this last week signing contracts and whatnot. She wanted me to spend the holidays with her." I explained, not realizing I was still speaking in my British accent.

"Did you happen to spend the last month in England?" Brian giggled lowly.

"Oh," I laughed, trying to stop speaking in the accent, without much luck, "I'm practicing."

"It's cute, you should keep it." Brian replied with a smile.

"I'll think about that. However, I'm from Texas, I doubt anyone will believe that the accent is authentic."

"Well, you almost fooled me."

"So, how's he doing?" I asked, glancing down at Justin.

"He's doing fine." Justin spoke, his eyes still closed, causing Brian and I to laugh.

"Well, it finally wakes up." I smiled down at Justin as he opened his eyes.

"I couldn't sleep through your visit." Justin replied with a slight smile.

"I'm pretty special." I teased. "So, how're you doin' cutie?"

"I want to leave this damn place." Justin sighed.

"I believe that. I haven't been here long and I want to leave, too." I teased him again.

"Hey, you have to stay atleast an hour. It's a requirement of all visitors." Brian slapped me in the arm.

I stood quickly, and lifted the covers slightly off Justin and looked under the sheets.

"What are you doing?!" Justin laughed nervously.

"Well, two inches more to the right and I could have called you Bobbit, old chap." I spoke as I examined the wound, using my limited English dialect.

"Oh shut up!" Justin laughed loudly and snatched the covers back down.

"Testy, testy." I smiled as I sat down on the bed again.

"So, is this accent for that movie you're going to do with Leigh Ann?" Justin smiled evily.

"Ew. You're going to do that movie with her?" Brian squinched his nose.

"Yeah, I know, I know. However, it's good money and a great script." I smiled at their distaste.

"Well, atleast the accent is good." Justin smiled.

"Yeah, well I sorta got some help."

"Huh?" Brian looked up at me.

"I met Kathy Griffin in L.A. and she gave me some pointers."

"Who?" Brian asked.

"You know, the woman that Lance snoggered at the Billboard Awards?" I explained to Brian, laying the accent on thick.

"Oh yeah."

"Well, she told me to just use the word 'telly' instead of T.V., to say 'actually' a lot, say 'snog' instead of 'kiss', and use 'shag' for 'fuck', and 'darling' instead of 'sweety'. She's a genius." I laughed.

"Sounds like a bright woman." Justin laughed.

"Actually, she is." I laughed.

"Oh, I'm so glad I remembered this." Brian got both Justin and my attention.

"What?" I asked.

"B.J. is pregnant..." Brian started to explain.

"Who's B.J.? Did one of you knock some girl up?" I asked.

"No, it's my dog." Justin giggled.

"Oh, well I didn't have anything to do with it. Why are you telling me?" I teased.

"Yeah, yeah, mister wise-ass." Brian laughed. "Well, she actually gave birth yesterday. And we need to find homes for two of the puppies when they're ready to leave her."

"And....." I spoke slowly.

"We were hoping you might take one of the four." Brian finished his thought.

"What kind of dog? It's not like a Marmaduke dog is it?" I asked quickly.

"No, no, no. Tyke, the father is a Chihuaha, and B.J., the mama is a Japanese Spaniel."

"Oh, so the puppies are gonna be long-haired chihuahas, huh? That oughta be ugly." I teased.

"Noooooo, they'll be cute." Justin laughed.

"Well, I have a cat now. It'll get along with him, won't it?" I asked.

"It should, it's just a little puppy." Brian cooed.

"Please take one of the puppies. We want good homes for them." Justin grabbed my hand and pleaded.

"Oh, alright. I'll take one of your ugly puppies. As soon as it starts yapping or telling me to drop my Chalupa, it's coming right back home, though." I spoke quickly.

"Deal." Brian giggled.

"What's your kitty's name?" Justin asked.


"Strad?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, it's short for Stradivarius." I replied. "You know, the violins? Well they used to be strung with cat gut, so I thought it was a poetic name."

"Oh great, give the cat a complex." Justin smiled.

"Well, he'll get over it. I guess I could name the dog Snatchwad or something? It would remind me of Leigh Ann." I smiled.

"Yeah, that'd work." Justin smiled up at me.

----- END Lep/Beg. JM -----

"Why are so staring at the door so hard James?" a voice broke the stare that Lance had kept with Justin's door. He took in his lower lip and sucked on it softly. He was nervous. Lance turned his head back and tried to break a small smile. "No reason." he answered. "Are you sure? Justin will probably be up and in a better mood soon if you want to talk to him." the offer was tempting to Lance. Then he shook his head. "It's okay Bryce, he'll need his time with Brian. Brian's been gone for two days... with the tour and all. It's been very stressful on Justin with this whole incident and without Brian being there... it's been hell for him." Lance explained to the naive Bryce Winters. Bryce began to rub Lance's shoulders for comfort. "That doesn't mean he doesn't think about his friends." Bryce assured him. The words were lacking the judgement Lance needed. "He's pretty animate about seeing us I guess." Lance shrugged it off.

Bryce pulled Lance more to the side of the wall where eyes could not see them. He ran a hand over Lance's delicate yet chubby cheek. "It's not what they ask for vocally... it's what they want in their eyes." Bryce whispered to Lance when Lance finally stared into his eyes. Lance gave him a small smile. Bryce smiled back, feeling the doubt within both of their bodies. "A little bigger of a smile wouldn't kill you, would it?" Bryce became sarcastic, bringing out the humor in him. Somehow that sarcasm was cute even to Lance. "I don't know, what's in it for me?" Lance sighed, his eyes falling out of Bryce's. Bryce lifted Lance's chin and frowned. "Just be happy for a second." Bryce requested. Lance felt the compassion in the young P.R.'s voice. "You could get in a lot of trouble if Johnny or anyone knew about..." Lance stopped himself, not wanting to declare anything just yet. "Chris knows, so I don't care." Bryce whispered back. The strong confidence in Bryce's voice scared Lance.

Bryce closed his eyes, trying not to feel distress with Lance. He tried to control his feelings and not have them known to Lance, but disguising love was too difficult a task for the young Bryce Winters. "If you only knew Bryce... 'Truth is beauty and beauty truth." Lance said softly to the man who was almost his lover in many ways. Bryce was shaken by Lance's words. "Qouting from Keats, James." Bryce said in a low voice. Lance nodded happily. "Then feel the truth in this beauty." Bryce whispered, leaning forward. He watched Lance's eyes shut while his lips pressed gently on Lance's. Lance was awaken to his feelings by the kiss. He let it prolong for a moment as Bryce moved his lips gracefully over Lance's.

Lance lifted a hand and brushed it over Bryce's hair before pushing him back. Bryce's eyes winked open and he gave him a surprised expression. "We might get caught... I don't want you to lose your job." Lance gave his reasons in a mixed form. Bryce gave into Lance's request and backed away. He grasped Lance's hand and held it for safety. Lance allowed it before his eyes drifted back to the door.

--- End JM/Beg. Lep ---

I walked out of the hospital lobby doors, my hat pulled as far down on my head as it would go. I had talked to Brian and Justin for nearly and hour and half before I decided I had to go. I quickly fished into my pocket for my pack of cigarettes and my lighter. I was just about to light my smoke when someone screamed my name.


I turned around to see Lance dashing down the hospital steps towards me. I smiled slightly at him and lit my cigarette, waiting for him to get to me.

"Hey, why are you leaving?" Lance stopped right in front of me, slightly out of breath.

"Did you run the whole way down here?" I asked as I exhaled.

"Yeah." Lance blushed slightly as he looked down at the pavement.

"What's up, mister Lance?" I asked cheerfully.

"Uhm, I just wanted to talk to you for a bit." Lance smiled up at me.

"You had me freakin' out the other night when you called and were crying about Justin getting shot." I spoke lightly as I walked over to the brick wall lining the flower garden and sat down on it.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was just sort of in shock, I guess." Lance explained as he followed me and sat down.

"It's okay, but it got me worried is all." I took another drag off my smoke and pulled my legs up, sitting indian style on the wall.

"It sucks that Justin has to be in here for Thanksgiving." Lance sighed.

"Yeah. I'm sure Brian will bring him some dinner, though. I know it won't be too bad." I smiled at Lance. "So, what are your plans for dinner tonight?"

"I really don't have anything to do I guess. I mean, all my family is out of town, so I was just figuring on picking up some food and watching T.V. tonight." Lance answered quickly, as if he had been expecting me to ask.

"I don't have any family around here, but I feel like having the usual Thanksgiving foods. Which means I get to cook." I smiled as I spoke.

"Sounds like fun." Lance looked down, sort of disappointed.

"You can come over if you like." I smiled at him.

"I can?" Lance slowly looked up, disbelieving.

"Sure. You know where the place is. I'll be eating about seven tonight. Be on time." I spoke quickly as I stood up. "I have to get going. I need to finish cooking and all."

"All right. Should I bring anything tonight?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, wine. My favorite is Chateau St. Michelle 1995 Merlot." I laughed.

"I'll do that." Lance smiled.

"All right. See you tonight." I started to walk towards the parking lot, then turned around to face him again. "Invite your boyfriend if you like."

"He's not my..." Lance started.

"Yeah, yeah." I smiled. "You can invite him if you want to."

I quickly walked towards the parking lot to keep Lance from trying to explain further.

--- End Lep/Beg. JM ---

Brian admired Justin once again. 'He's so tuckered out.' Brian thought, pulling the covers further on Justin. He began to pet Justin's hair as he slept, peacefully. "Sleep tight cutie." Brian whispered, leaning down and placing a small kiss on Justin's forehead. He took hold of Justin's hand for a little support. 'Damn me for not being here for the past two days. You'd think that Jive... or the Firm would have consideration for me and my husband. Oh no, the show must go on because people paid to see Brian Littrell. Well fuck me if I can't have the man I love with me and safe.' Brian argued in his mind.

He released Justin's hand and rested it on the bed. He eased his own body off of the bed and walked over to the window. He began to close the blinds, his mind still not at ease. 'So the European fans didn't see me and Justin because I was sick... does that mean that I can't get at least a day off on this tour for Justin? I have to wait for a holiday to see him while he lies in this hospital?' Brian continued to curse the people that prevented him from staying with Justin. He exhaled softly, trying not to wake Justin.

Brian made a steady walk over to Justin's bed, looking at the arrangement near the bed. The table was filled with balloons, flowers, teddy bears and cards. Brian saw no happiness in the arrangement. 'Cards and flowers from Britney, Joey, J.C., Kevin, Howie and Nick... but where the hell are they? Do you think they'd stop by and at least check up on Just?' Brian was angered even greater by the sight. He toyed with even the dozen white roses he sent to Justin. He knew that material things did not cheer Justin up as much as actual people expressing their love for him. Brian looked over a few of the others and groaned. 'Even Nikki, Danay, Chris and Misha couldn't visit.' he complained in his head.

Brian grasped one of the white roses and pulled it from it's vase. He inched back toward the bed and laid it to Justin's side. "I'm here... you don't need them." he whispered, brushing Justin's fingers with his own. He stood straight and then walked from the bed. He made his way to the door and then exited the room.

Brian closed the door tightly behind himself and his eyes were met by a pair of blue eyes. His mouth became tight and puckered as he stared at the woman who seemed to give him a faint smile. "Must you always greet me in such a kind and loving way?" her sarcastic remarks did not add any love between the two. Brian brought himself to an akimbo position and stared at her with little care. "Sometimes you warrant it Leigh Ann." Brian stated. Leigh Ann gave him a smug look and then brushed her hair back. "Sometimes you make ex-boyfriends the reason I keep trying to find a good man." Leigh Ann chimed, trying to create even more animosity between the two.

Brian stepped away from the door and walked into the lobby, taking a seat on one of the various chairs that emcompassed the room. Leigh Ann sighed and followed him, taking a seat next to him to keep their talking discrete. "You know I have better things to do on Thanksgiving, Brian. Like being at home with my family." Leigh Ann stated softly, trying to draw his concentration. Brian looked at her, his ivory blue eyes not showing in satisfaction with her. "I didn't ask or tell you to come." Brian brooded with her. She ignored his anger and tried to look toward the human Brian. "I pratically followed Matt here... well since we're not praticing or rehearsing for the movie for a couple of days and he sort of mentioned stopping by here and maybe seeing someone. So I figured I'd find you... Harold told me about the whole Justin thingy." Leigh Ann bragged in a less than gratifying way. "It's not a 'thingy' Leigh. Justin was shot." Brian hissed toward her. Leigh Ann wanted to smile, but she knew not to. "You just called me, 'Leigh'. You haven't said that in awhile." Leigh Ann whispered with a heartfelt look. Brian looked down into his lap, feeling a little self-conscious. "Force of habit." he replied. Leigh Ann placed her hand on his with a generous smile. "It's a good habit." she tried to convince him in a nurturing way. Brian shook his head quickly. "No, it's an awful habit that I'm learning to let go of." Brian disagreed firmly.

Leigh Ann exhaled hard and grimaced. "You know, just because you and Justin live in this fairy tale of a world doesn't mean that all of the sudden we have to stop being friends. I mean come on... we had a pretty stable relationship once." Leigh Ann griped with him. Brian gave her an expression that craved astonishment. "You could not be that dense, could you? We had a nice friendship after I broke up with Samantha... and then we had a short and wasted relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. If you had not tried to play Erica Kaine, maybe friendships could have been established." Brian argued in a raised tone. "Let's not even talk about it Brian." Leigh Ann suggested, pulling her hand from his lap and looking toward the nurse's desk.

Brian's face was contorted in confusion. He grabbed her hand and held it as if it was an infant, delicate and fragile. "Listen Leigh... it's been a rough week, and me and you.. well we've had our up's and down's for the past couple of months." Brian began to explain himself to her. She felt no faith rested in Brian. "It's about that whole Harold thing, isn't it?" Leigh Ann knew Brian rather well. Brian likced his lips, trying to remain calm in the situation. "That was... is still a shock to me, Leigh. I mean, you could have..." Brian did not dare utter the words. Leigh Ann closed her eyes and tried not to think of the fear she had experienced within herself. "It was a moment of weakness." she stated. "A moment of weakness that could have easily messed up both of your lives and tore my family apart." Brian added on the true distress of the prior situation. Leigh Ann carefully drew her hand back. "Maybe within time I would have been accepted back into your family." Leigh Ann released a secret wish in her words. Brian placed his hands in his lap. "That's a lot to ask for Leigh Ann." Brian said.

Leigh Ann tried to gather herself, hearing Brian shatter her dreams did not build the ego she worked so hard for. "Is Tyke here?" Leigh Ann asked, standing from her seat. Brian frowned when he felt that she was leaving with their issues unresolved. Brian also stood. "No... but he'll be here in like three hours." Brian stated. "I don't have that much time, I have dinner with my family and friends." Leigh Ann said, looking down at her watch. Leigh Ann wanted to speak, wanted to act, wanted to feel something, but it was beyond her. "Hey Leigh... maybe me and you could get together for dinner? Lunch? Something? Maybe you could even stop by the house or something... spend the day with me, Tyke, Justin, BJ and the puppies." Brian tried to make ammends in any way he could. Leigh Ann turned to Brian abruptly. "Did you say 'puppies'?" Leigh Ann asked with a tarnished expression covering her face. Brian nodded, realizing that he had not informed Leigh Ann of BJ's pregnancy. "BJ gave birth to puppies yesterday..." Brian whispered to her. Leigh Ann's eyes grew larger when she thought of the possible father. "Just say it's not... Brian, please tell me it's not him." Leigh Ann demanded. She squeezed her hands tightly, balling them into a fist. "Do you mean Tyke? Who else would be the father?" Brian was dumbfounded by anger rage. Leigh Ann withdrew from screaming and shouting at Brian. "I don't know... maybe she's the tramp of your neighborhood. It doesn't necessarly have to be Tyke's puppies." Leigh Ann offered a solution that she knew was greatly from the truth. "Please, get over yourself." Brian asserted, turning from her to look toward Justin's door.

"Oh my gosh, is that like Brian Littrell and Leigh Ann Wallace?! What are they doing here? They are like the cutest couple!" a voice screamed down the hallway. Brian ducked his head, knowing that the attention would be brought upon the two. Leigh Ann stood tall and proud. She watched as four figures approached. Her smiled fell when she recognized the crowd. Leading the group was Chris Kirkpatrick. The three followed were barely recognizable to Leigh Ann's blue eyes. One walked with an easy stride, her long, dark brown hair held back in two ponytails. She wore all navy blue, from the jean jacket to the tight capri's. She seemed to be the tyoungest of the three. Walking a little behind her was a slightly older girl. Her short cut, brown hair accented her cheeks. It did not slip any further than her chin. She carried a young baby in her arms, showing her motherhood. Walking side-by-side with Chris was a fairly smoother looking woman. Her skin was the color of chocolate and her hair was brown with auburn highlights. Her lips were glistened frosty pink while her outfit was more of a light blue top and khaki cargos. She wore a black, leather jacket that Leigh Ann recognized to be Chris's.

"Don't hide yourself Brian, the girls don't appreciate it." Chris said as they finally reached Leigh Ann and Brian. Brian looked up and smiled when he actualized that it was Chris and the girls of 702. "Sorry, I just didn't want a mob attacking us." Brian pronounced. "Oh no, we left all the fans back on the second floor." Meelah laughed, grabbing Chris's hand and holding it. "I bet you turned a couple of heads." Brian jested. "Sure, with Misha and lil' Tony here." Irish spoke up from behind the group. Brian peered past Chris and Meelah to see the small child in Misha's arms. "Aaaww, let me see him." Brian cooed, pushing them aside to get to Misha. "Oh Lordy." Irish giggled, watching as Brian awed over the child. "Sure, he can see his Uncle Brian." Misha said, carefully passing Brian the five month old child. Brian cradled the child the minute he rested in Brian's arms. Leigh Ann watched from the side with a small smile. 'It could be us, Brian.' she began to contemplate the idea while watching Brian's natural talent with the child.

Irish looked at Leigh Ann from the side, feeling great discomfort in her prescence. It had been months since Irish had the displeasure of being near Leigh Ann, but Irish could vividly remember the incidents that brought the two to competing sides. Leigh Ann glanced over to Irish and saw the trivial stare Irish dished out. Leigh Ann gave her a smirk and then mouth the words, 'He's mine.' Irish could feel hostility raging inside of her. The fire that circled her eyes only brought more satisfaction in Leigh Ann's smile. "Misha... why don't you, Chris and Meelah go see Justin before we have to leave." Irish advised, trying to get an oppurtunity. Chris turned his eyes from Brian and Tyke Lyndon, Jr to look at Irish. "Yeah, that might be smart. We've gotaa get to the airport soon." Chris agreed with her. Misha nodded. She looked at her sister and a familiar expression written into Irish's face. Misha then turned her view to Leigh Ann who basked in the glory of hugging on Brian while he held Tony. Misha peered at Leigh Ann with hate. She scooted toward Irish. "Where my girls at?" she whispered into Irish's ear. "I'm in the front and I'm about to lay this girl flat on her back." Irish hissed back. Her voice was filled with anguish, enough for Meelah to catch a small part of the conversation.

Meelah looked at the two as they began to plot their actions. "Uhm, Chris, Irish, Misha... let's go see Justin before it's too late." she quickly insisted, seeing Irish's stares toward Leigh Ann. Chris agreed silently, still naive to the tension between Irish, Misha and Leigh Ann. "No, you guys go ahead." Irish stood firm against Meelah. "Irish Grinstead, do I look like I'm kidding? Justin is going to be highly upset if he doesn't see you." Meelah ordered her friend without resistance. Irish crossed her arms and still did not move. "Yeah, Justin will be really, really sad without you Irish. Why don't you go on ahead and go see him like a good little girl." Leigh Ann taunted her, knowing Irish would not backlash in front of her friends. Brian sensed a little more stress added in the way Irish appeared. He looked at Leigh Ann, deep within him he had convicted her without thinking. "Irish." Chris tried to coax her. "Me and Brian will stay here and watch Tony while you go." Leigh Ann added.

The notion brought Misha out from her shell. "Oh hell no!" Misha barked out, stepping forward to split Brian and Leigh Ann. Irish backed away with surprise. "I'll be damned if I'll let trash stay with my baby." Misha's words were defeaning for Brian. Chris grabbed Misha's arm, knowing what would follow if he did not stop her. Meelah reached out and cautiously removed Tony Jr from Brian's arms. "Trash? It's not nice to talk about yourself." Leigh Ann retorted. Irish knew she had enough of Leigh Ann with those spoken words. "Listen Miss Wallace, someone needs to let you know about yourself before you get too big of an ego. You're thiry years old, trying to fuck a twenty-four year old man. You should be out worrying about having menopause or something instead of trying to lick on Brian's jock. Brian doesn't want you... he's got a man. He may have worked at Long John Silver's, but he doesn't flip stank ass fish like you anymore. And please, sister, trying to get both brothers? That is rather played out. But the shame is that you didn't get either. So you Leigh Ann are by far the best definition of a dumb broad." Irish vocalized her anger and berated Leigh Ann in her own fashion.

Leigh Ann pushed Brian to the side, her disgust in full effect. "Listen you smart ass little girl, I will beat your little tail just as I did Britney." Leigh Ann growled toward Irish. Brian could not bare witness to another physical confrontation between a girl and Leigh Ann again. Chris could sense the same revolving events. He grabbed Misha quickly and pulled her back. "What are you doing?!" Misha screamed out as Chris ushered Meelah and Misha back. "Excuse me?" Irish's tone became stronger. She ignored the events that occured to the side of her. The only person in her view was Leigh Ann. "You heard me nice and clear Irish. Go on, show how much you love Justin, just like Britney. Give me an excuse to take Brian." Leigh Ann lashed at her with her words.

Brian moved stealthy between the two. He grabbed Leigh Ann's arm without warning, trying to silence her. Irish reached down and pulled her Nike off quicker than expected. "You can take this!" Irish shouted, trying to reach over Brian to hit Leigh Ann. She failed at each attempt. "Ladies... let's grow up for two seconds here." Brian demanded, lightly pushing Irish back. "She's already too grown." Leigh Ann hissed from behind Brian's protection. Irish finally backed down, ending her attempt at onslaught. "I'm cool." Irish sighed out, stepping away from Brian and Leigh Ann and slipping her shoe back on.

Chris, Meelah and Misha stood to the side, closer to Justin's room. "She's somebody to watch out for." Chris commented to Meelah about her friend. Meelah nodded, remaining quiet. "She's our little fire." Misha agreed. Irish fixed her hair and clothing and swiftly walked into Justin's room to avoid any further conversations with Leigh Ann.

Brian turned and faced Leigh Ann, disappointment showering his face. "I think it's time you go now, Leigh." Brian advised. Leigh Ann pulled her arm from his grasp with no gratitude. "I think so too." Leigh Ann agreed, fixing herself as she spoke. She walked off in silence while Brian made his way into Justin's room with Chris, Meelah, Misha and Tony Jr.

A.J.'s kitchen was filled with food. He was sitting on the counter top as his mother walked into the room. "Alex, get off the counter!" Denise insisted, slapping his arm. "What?!" A.J. grumbled, leaping from the counter. "You don't sit on the counter... you know that boy." Denise hushed him with her chastising. A.J. rolled his eyes and removed his sunglasses, dropping them on the counter. "Where's my Shitz?" A.J. questioned, walking around the kitchen. "Alex! We will not use profanity either." Denise barked toward him. "My Shitz mom. You know? My Shitzu?" A.J. brooded, searching the living room for his dogs. "Well you have names for them, use them!" Denise called out. A.J. felt discontent with her nagging. "Panda! Bear! Come see daddy!" A.J. bellowed out. "And keep it down! Your father and grandparents will be here any time now." Denise said, waltzing into the living room.

A.J. wanted to retort or speak sarcastically, but he held high respect for his mother. "Find those dogs before they come here here and leave prints everywhere too." Denise continued to babble at her son. A.J. sighed and searched another room for his dogs. He shifted through the laundry room while he heard his doorbell ringing. "Mom, could you get that!" A.J. yelled from the room. He did not have to wait long before he heard his mother welcoming someone. 'Don't let it be that lowlife.' A.J. pleaded. He lifted a few clothes and found his male dog, Bear, laying on top of some of his clothing. "Boy, you sleep just anywhere, huh?" A.J. laughed, picking up the small dog.

"Have a seat anywhere... I'm sure Alex will be thrilled to see you." A.J. could hear his mother's voice dictating information. 'Oh yeah, the man that wasn't there all of my life and I'll be thrilled to see him now. Good work mom.' A.J. saw no harm in being sarcastic mentally. He walked back into the living room and scanned the area for his father. He was out of luck. "Just like when I was growing up... never there when I needed him." A.J. stated out loud, not fearful of being bold. "Uhm, I wasn't there when you were growing up." a soft, female voice changed his tone.

A.J. spun on his heels and saw Amanda standing behind him. She was holding Panda, A.J.'s other Shitzu, in her arms. "Hey Panda." he said in a quiet, raspy voice. "Which one?" Amanda giggled. A.J. gave her a cat-like smile before running his finger over her face. "How do you feel big momma?" A.J. asked, looking down at her obvious pregnant stomach. "Hmmm, I feel fat." Amanda snickered. "Well you don't look the part." A.J. said, resting his hand on her belly. "Don't try to win brownie points now Alex... you've already knocked me up." Amanda gave him an exhilarate smile. A.J. shook his head and then walked her into the living room. "That's why I love you then." A.J. added before they sat down for a meaningful conversation.

--- End JM/Beg. Lep ---

I was in the kitchen at my condo in Miami, downing a glass of wine while Alanis Morissette stood next to me, talking about vegetarianism.

"Yeah, that line 'I haven't been eating chicken or meat or anything but you said yes...' is about me being a hypocrite when I tried vegetarianism by wearing leather." she spoke lowly, yet openly, in a serene tone as I watched her as if I were hypnotised.

Just when I was about to answer, the doorbell rang.

"You know, you really shouldn't bring up being a vegetarian on a day when people kill, cook and eat turkeys." I laughed as I set my glass down. "I'll be right back."

"All right." Alanis smiled.

I walked through the crowd of people mingling in the living room to the front door. I ran a hand through my hair, hoping no one else unusual had shown up again. I slowly opened the door and peered out.

"Hey, I thought you weren't going to come." I smiled as soon as I saw Lance.

"Yeah, I had a little trouble finding the place again." he smiled.

I noticed the same guy from earlier standing behind him.

"I know, I should've given you the directions again." I smiled and looked at the man standing behind him. "You must be Bryce?"

"Um, yeah. How'd you know?" he smiled at me as I extended my hand out to him.

"Word gets around." I smiled and glanced at Lance.

"Sounds like it." Bryce smiled at my cheerfulness, but Lance picked up that I was still a little surprised that he had a boyfriend.

"Well, why don't you two come in. I'm sure everyone will love to meet you both." I stated, standing back to let them both in.

"Everyone?" Lance asked as they walked in and I closed the door.

"Yeah, my friends that I invited. Can I take your jacket, Bryce?" I spoke quickly.

"Sure, thanks." Bryce smiled and took off his coat.

"I'm sorry, I thought you just invited Bryce and me." Lance blushed.

"Well, I only invited five other people beside you, but I ended up with about twelve -- including you two." I sighed with a slight grin.

"Oh, here." Bryce handed me a bottle.

"Ah, you remembered Poofu." I smiled as I realized he brought the wine.

"I'm not one to disappoint." Lance grinned.

"I wouldn't say that." I frowned slightly, which brought a weird look from Bryce. "Come on, why don't you two come meet everyone?"

I led them both into the living room where everyone, save Alanis, was sitting around.

"Everyone, this is Lance and his friend Bryce. You all know him from 'N Sync." I spoke up, getting everyone's attention.

The guys were greeted with several warm "hello's".

"They're sort of out of their element with all us actor and actress folk, so be nice." I smiled.

"Aren't we always nice?" Ben Affleck, who was to my right, laughed.

"You're the one I'm most worried about." I teased. "Lance, Bryce, these people are Ben, Gwyneth, Winona Ryder, Matt Damon, you guys probably recognize Leo and Devon, this guy in the corner is Dash Mihok -- he's shy, so be nice. This lady in the corner is Jennifer Spencer, she was in 'Into The Sun' with me. Be careful, she bites."

Jennifer laughed and quickly flipped me off.

"And this guy right here is Chris, my cousin. He's the youngest here, coming in at fourteen years old, so watch your language. Watch your cigarettes around him if you smoke as well." I laughed and looked down at him like a parent would.

"Nice to meet you all." Bryce spoke up.

"Hey, that's nine, I thought you said there were ten others?" Lance asked.

"Oh yeah." I laughed. "Bryce, why don't you watch my cousin for me while I introduce Lance to a special lady?"

"Sure thing." Bryce smiled and sat down on the couch next to my cousin.

I led Lance into the kitchen where Alanis was standing, testing the dressing.

"This lady here, trying to eat before everyone else, is Alanis Morissette." I spoke loudly as we entered, making her jump from surprise.

Alanis turned around, covered her mouth with her hand, her cheeks showing how full her mouth was from the stuffing.

"Hi, I'm Lance." he extended his hand with a laugh.

"Alanis. Nice to meet you." she spoke up as soon as she had swallowed the mouthful of dressing.

"Look what he brought us." I held the wine bottle up to Alanis.

"Oh good. Someone has good taste in red wine." Alanis laughed.

"It's MY taste, actually." I laughed and smiled at Lance.

"Shall we have some now?" Alanis pleaded.

"Oh, why not?" I faked a sigh, then laughed, looking for the corkscrew.

"Right here." Alanis picked up the corkscrew and handed it to me.

"Ah, there we go." I stated as I popped the cork. "Do you drink wine, Mister Bass?"

"Not really."

"Ah, come on. You have to have a glass with us." Alanis smiled as I poured wine into the glass she was holding.

"Yeah. You can't stay in here and visit with us unless you're drinking wine." I smiled as I started to pour my own glass.

"Oh, alright, you convinced me." Lance consented with a laugh.

"Here ya' go." I handed him the glass I had just poured for myself.

"Good deal."

I quickly poured myself a glassfull.

"Who's going to toast us?" Alanis asked as soon as I placed the half empty bottle on the counter.

"Go for it, Matt." Lance smiled.

"Hmmmm, let's see. Ah, I got it. An old Irish toast -- 'To the people who love us, may God bless them. To the people who don't like us, may God turn their heart. And to the people that would fuck us over, may God turn their ankles so we will know them by their limp'." I toasted then quickly drank.

"That was an odd choice." Lance grimaced at the taste of the wine.

"Well it was either that toast or -- 'From my top to your bottom. From my bottom to your top. From my middle to your middle. Be good Lance and I might give you a little'." I said the last bit as Lance was taking a sip.

Lance laughed, causing him to spit the wine out. Alanis and I started laughing loudly.

"You're such a smartass." Lance laughed, wiping his mouth clear of wine.

"I know, I know." I smiled as Alanis giggled at me.

"So, why aren't you with family, Alanis?" Lance changed the subject hesitantly.

"She's Canadian." I spoke up.

"Um..." Lance didn't understand.

"Thanksgiving is an American holiday." Alanis smiled slightly.

"Oh." Lance blushed.

"Easy mistake." Alanis smiled at me.

"I convinced her to bring Dash and spend the evening with me since she had no plans." I spoke, trying to embarass Lance further.

"That was nice of you." Lance spoke sheepishly as he sipped his wine again.

"Yeah, I'm a nice kind of guy." I smiled.

"I'm sorry, I can't drink this." Lance blushed with a smile and set his glass on the counter.

"Don't like it, eh?" I laughed, drank a healthy gulp from my glass, picked up his glass and poured the remainder into my own.

"No, but I see you do." Lance smiled.

"Yeah. I have to get a buzz going before we eat anyway." I smiled at Alanis, sharing a private joke.

"So, who did you bring with you?" Alanis asked Lance.

"My friend Bryce." Lance replied quickly, saying 'friend' with much inflection.

"Ah, your friend. Bryce -- your friend." I said and sipped my wine again, looking at Alanis.

Alanis smiled back at me, knowing the whole story about Lance since I had told her earlier.

"Yeah, friend." Lance frowned at me.

"Well, since you don't drink wine, what will you have to drink?" I changed the subject with a smile.

"Um, what do you have?" Lance realized I meant no harm and smiled back.

"Heinekken, Coors, Southern Comfort, Stoli, Bolli, and the Kool-Aid that Jonathon is drinking." I smiled.

"Um, how about Southern Comfort?" Lance asked.

"Southern Comfort for the southerner, gotcha. Straight up or with 7?" I asked as I set my wine down.

"Straight up on the rocks." Lance replied.

"Whoa, alcoholic alert." Alanis laughed.

"No shit. He'll be drunk by dinnertime." I patted Lance on the shoulder and he blushed. "Just kiddin', Poofu. Southern on the rocks coming up."

I quickly made Lance's drink and handed it to him, smiling.

--- End Lep/Beg. JM ---

Justin sat in his bed, flipping through a copy of Teen People magazine. He was exceptionally bored and his depression was fueled by the fact that he could not spend his Thanksgiving with his family. He stopped on a picture of himself, Lil' Kim, J.C. and Lance at the MTV Video Music Awards. He sighed quietly, slouching in the bed. 'It's our city.' he cogitated in his subconscious.

He heard a soft knock and then the door opening. Justin peered to the side to see who his visitor was. He saw Brian wave to him and then walk inside carrying something in his hands. "You're still here?" Justin asked, a hint of joyfullness in his tone. Brian winked at him with a secret message. "I'm not leaving you... well at least not until tomorrow afternoon." Brian answered him, reaching the bed. Justin sat up and gave him a curious smile. "What's in your hands? I wanna know! I wanna know!" Justin called out in a childish laughter. Brian giggled and took a seat on the bed. He opened his hands for Justin. Justin leaned up to see the contents in Brian's cupped hands. Lying in his hands was a puppy, resembling a mixture of Tyke and BJ. Justin awed at the site. "Look how small it is." Justin cooed, lightly petting the puppy with his index finger. "Yeah, he's cute." Brian agreed, letting Justin admire the puppy. "Can I hold him?" Justin asked, looking up to Brian. Brian's glass blue eyes reflected the sunshine in Justin's smile. He lifted his hands and mindfully deposited the puppy into Justin's lap. He progressed closer to Justin and the pup, petting the fine hair on the dog.

"Where are the others?" Justin asked. "With their momma. I think I've figured out which two we're going to give to Joey and Britney and to Matt." Brian said. Justin cuddled the puppy while Brian spoke. "I named the one girl already. Her... name is Ivory." Brian tried to grasp Justin's attention while Justin toyed with the small puppy. "We only have one girl?" Justin snapped back to reality. Brian tapped the edge of his nose and nodded. "She's got a nice, thin white coat on her." Brian answered him. Justin was satisfied with the name. He looked back down at the puppy in his lap. "What about this one?" he asked softly. Brian had an unerasable grin on his face. "What do you want to name him? He's ours to keep... since you're so found of him." Brian cheered for Justin. Justin looked up with a gleam on his red lips. "Hmmm... a name for him eh?" Justin thought over the proposition. "Please, nothing 'poetic' like Matt." Brian teased him.

Justin took into consideration different names while watching the puppy playfully try to move. "I think I've got it." Justin chimed in swiftly. Brian raised his brow with patience in his expression. "I want to name him... not the Skipper, but Giligan." Justin giggled, sratching the puppy's nose. Brian was sent into laughter with the idea. "Are you serioues?" he snickered while talking. Justin slapped his arm with a grin. "Yes, I'm serious. I think we should name him Giligan." Justin nodded. Brian shrugged away the decision. "Giligan it is!" Brian finally announced. Justin scratched Brian's head as if he was the puppy, drawing enthusiasm out of Brian. They both fell into the cloud of laughter again, enjoying what time they had together.

Brian dropped his hand on Justin's, almost accidentally, but enough to draw Justin's attention from laughter. Justin looked down at the hand, the soft skin pressed against his own. He nibbled on his lower lip as he and Brian looked up simultaneously. "A little bit of deja vu?" Brian tried to tease their situation. "No, that's when something happens twice. This is new." Justin whispered, trying to ease Brian into a spontaneous situation. Brian held Justin's hand while staring at him.

Justin saw it as one of those silent moments in a romantic comedy. He was just steadily waiting for Tom Hanks to kiss Meg Ryan. Without a further warning, Brian came through for Justin. He leaned up and stopped himself right in front of Justin's lips. "Then how about we try a little something old?" Brian suggested, his lips sealing his suggestion. Justin remained still during the beginning stages of the kiss. Soon the lip movement began and Brian and Justin were locked in their young, blissful embrace.

After several minutes of their soft kissing, Brian pulled back with a small smile. He licked his lips when he knew he had cleared Justin's face. "Mmm, you taste like honey babe." Brian whispered. He used his finger to wipe Justin's lips clear of his saliva. "Thanks." Justin said softly. Brian grabbed Justin's hand again and stood from the bed. "Come with me!" Brian became chipper. Justin gave him an awkward glare. "Where?" Justin pondered, feeling Brian pull on him. "Down the hall to see the other puppies." Brian pleaded. Justin sighed loudly, still not fading his smile. "How?" Justin questioned, trying to gesture to his leg. Brian released Justin's hand and bent down. "Grab Giligan." he requested, pulling back Justin's covers. Justin was dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a baggy Fubu shirt. He clutched onto Giligan before he felt Brian lift him up. Justin gasped out, surprised. "Tell me if I hurt you." Brian asked of Justin, squeezing him into his arms. Justin placed an arm around Brian's neck and allowed him to carry him.

Brian and Justin reached the edge of the hall and a door was opened. Brian carried Justin inside to a room that not only held BJ, Tyke and their three puppies, but also Lynn Harliss, Paul Harliss, Jackie Littrell, Harold Littrell and Harold Littrell III. "Well it's about time!" Jackie called out in her deep Southern accent. Justin's eyes widened to the sight of his family. "You know Prince Charming over there." Brian's brother, Harold III, made his appearance known. "Always bro'." Brian chimed, carrying Justin over to a chair at a long table. Justin stared at the table with even more surprise as it was dressed with food for a Thanksgiving meal. "Your hubby here dished out much deniro for all of us to come here." Paul commented to Justin, placing a hand on Justin's shoulder. "He just wanted you to be surrounded by family during the holiday." Lynn stated, sitting down next to her son. Justin smiled with a glow about his face.

Jackie strolled over to the area Justin sat in and wrapped her arms around him. "I would have got here sooner, but it's hard to get tickets during the holiday season. I'm so sorry this happened to you darlin'." Jackie was joyfully yet sad in her speaking. Justin lifted his arms and hugged her while she talked into his ear. "Thanks mom." he whispered when she was finished. "And they said to fear mother-in-laws." Lynn tried to make light of the situation to cheer Jackie up. Jackie and Justin ended their hug so that Jackie could smile at Lynn. "No sweetie, mother-in-laws are notorious for dropping by unexpectedly... it's the father-in-laws that you fear." Jackie joked with her. Lynn cackled loudly. She had yet to find a flaw in Jackie. She was thankful that her son and her son-in-law brought the two families together.

"Are Mamaw, Pawpaw and Ena coming?" Justin asked Jackie. Jackie frowned toward her son-in-law. "No honey, Kevin and the family took them in for this Thanksgiving since we're here with you. I'm sure Kevin will have a ball introducing his little sweet potato pie to them." Jackie responded, her chipper voice never failing. "Yes... Nikki is a jewel." Lynn agreed. "Please... sit down Jackie. I'm sure you and Lynn have a lot of gossip to share about your sons." Paul insisted, pulling out a chair for her. "Well I don't mind if I do." Jackie giggled, glaldy accepting the offer. "Uh oh, sounds like bad news for me." Justin jested, reclining in his chair. "Of course Justin." Harold, Justin's father-in-law, agreed with a hollow laughter.

Brian stood to the side with his brother, watching the laughing table. "Is he okay?" Harold III asked. Brian looked over to his brother who cuddled Tyke. "Yeah, he's happy." Brian answered him lowly. "He wasn't upset that you were gone was he?" Harold III pondered, watching his younger brother. Brian shook his head. "If he was... he's not showing it," Brian verbally answered him. Brian held Ivory in his hands while BJ fed the other two puppies below. "But his mom was here two days ago and everyone's been stopping by to see him and make sure he's okay. J.C. even missed his flight to stay the night with him once." Brian added. Harold III was pleased to know his brother-in-law was well taken care of. "He's worth the love... I suppose." Harold III said snobbishly. "Get real big bro'! You KNOW you love him." Brian bellowed out while chuckling. Harold III shoved him kindly. "He's likeable." Harold III shrugged. "Likeable? More like down right adorable and oh so cuddly." Brian swooned. Harold III gave him an odd look, still adjustin to his brother's love for a man. "He's not a cat Brian. he's Justin." Harold III teased him. Brian rolled his eyes, keeping a smug smile. "I'll give him props for being a cute younger bro' though. I wish you could have been that blessed." Harold III continued to tease his younger brother without rest. "You're evil H-Dawg!" Brian tittered.

Brian and Harold III played with the dogs while the others continued to laugh and gossip. Justin did not expect such a blessing for his Thanksgiving. He pictured a lonesome night in the Atlanta hospital. Then the revalation came to him. He was in Atlanta, where one of his dreams had already come true a year before. He met and fell in love with someone. That someone was Brian Littrell, the same person who arranged Justin to spend his Thanksgiving with his family, extended and close. Even as they all sat around the table giving thanks, Justin had nothing more to give thanks for than his life, his family and Brian Littrell. The pleasure in everyone's face to see the young and romantic couple flirt was enough for them to give thanks.

--- End JM/Beg. Lep ---

"Matt, I think I better leave soon. I'm about to pass out." Bryce smiled drunkenly at me from the couch.

"And just when I was winning." I laughed and took another sip of wine.

"I'm sorry. We'll have to finish the game some other time." Bryce started to stand.

Dinner went by without a hitch. Probably because I drank about two bottles of wine on my own. An hour after dinner, most of the crowd dispersed, save Alanis, Dash, Bryce, Lance and myself. Alanis and Dash left an hour after everyone else, leaving just Lance, Bryce and myself -- which was when I sent my cousin to bed. Somehow, the three of us decided to play Asshole. I was winning, depending on how you looked at it. Lance was in second place and Bryce was totally getting smashed.

"You ready to go, Lance?" Bryce slurred.

"No. Why don't you go ahead and go? I'll be right behind you." Lance sipped his drink as he replied.

"You rode with me." Bryce laughed, but somehow ended up frowning at Lance's suggestion.

"Oh, yeah." Lance laughed. "Well, I'll grab a cab. I'm having fun."

"It would probably be best if you took a cab, too, Bryce." I suggested seriously.

"No, I'll be fine." Bryce shrugged me off. "Okay, well I'm leaving. I'll talk to you later, Lance?"

"Yeah, I won't stay too long." Lance looked at me as he spoke.

"Alright. Well Matt, thanks for dinner, it was great." Bryce smiled at me, then walked towards the door.

"You're lying, but thanks." I teased.

"Thanks, again. See you later, Lance." Bryce stumbled out the door and closed it behind him.

I sat there for a moment, staring at the closed door, wondering why Lance had stuck behind.

"Dinner really was good." Lance slurred, trying to break the silence.

"Thanks. It was all right, I guess." I smiled and sipped my wine.

"I still can't believe who you had over for Thanksgiving." Lance laughed with disbelief.

"Why's that?" I questioned, turning to face him.

"Oh come on. You had half the big names in Hollywood here." Lance looked at me wide-eyed.

"They're my friends." I smiled, shaking my head.

"Yeah, well..."

"You probably should have left with your boyfriend." I stated quickly, changing the subject.

"He's NOT my boyfriend." Lance practically screamed.

"Does he know that he's not?" I questioned, not taking notice to his raise in volume.


"I thought so." I smiled. "Why'd you come tonight, Lance?"

"You asked." Lance bowed his head, taking his eyes off mine.

"Dinner is over." I stated.


"Why are you here now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you said you came to dinner because I asked. Dinner is over, so why are you still here?" I explained my position.

"I don't know. I was having fun." Lance blushed, seemingly frustrated.

"Lance, can I level with you?" I asked.


"I really like you..."

"You do?" Lance looked up, starting to smile.

"But I think you should really go home to your boyfriend." I started to get up off the couch.

"Wait!" Lance grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

"What?" I asked, even-toned.

"Um, I just -- I don't -- I mean..." Lance fumbled for words, then yannked me towards him and kissed me.

At first, I didn't know what to do. I struggled for a second out of shock, then stopped and let him kiss me. He held me for a good five minutes, his lips pressed against mine before he let go of me and looked at me.

"I'm sorry." he moved away from me on the couch.

"It's alright. I think I better call that cab for you." I said as I started to stand.

"Matt...." Lance tried to stop me again.

"Lance." I stood and looked down at him. "Maybe a different time and place."


"You have a boyfriend, Lance. If you don't, he sure seems to think he is." I sighed.

"He's not my..."

"He's not your boyfriend. Yeah, you've said that." I spoke quickly, interrupting him. "But he doesn't seem to know that you feel that way."

"Who cares what he thinks?" Lance shook his head from frustration.

"I do." I laughed in disbelief.

Lance looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm not a ho. I don't steal boyfriends and I don't hurt people's feelings, even when I really have a desire to. It's just not my style, I'm sorry to say."

"I didn't mean that." Lance tried to apologize.

"I know you didn't, Lance. But I'd feel like that's what I was if I let this go on. I'm not going to be a one night stand or fling you have behind someone's back. I don't work that way. I really like you and would really love to be with you, but right now probably is not the best time. I can't bring myself to do it." I explained again.

Lance continued to look down like he was hurt.

"I better call that cab." I smiled, trying to not be anymore sad than I had to be.

"Can I just stay here?" Lance asked.


"I meant, stay here and sleep on the couch. I didn't mean anything by it. I just don't want to go home." Lance spoke quickly.

"I really don't think..."

"Matt, really. I'm not going to try anything. I just don't want to go home. I'd rather stay here. I'll stay on the couch all night and be good." Lance begged.

I stood there, contemplating whether or not I should let him stay. Despite my better judgement, which was probably impaired by the wine, I decided he could stay.

"There are two guest bedrooms. Chris is in the one next to my room. You can have the other. There's no point in you sleeping on the couch." I sighed.

"All right, thanks." Lance actually smiled.

"Let me get you something to sleep in." I kicked Lance on the foot playfully, then walked towards my bedroom to get his some pajamas.


*** Like or not like? It's all in your hands. I'm going to try and be quick with this part and stick to the basics. Hmmm, first we must thank the oh too wonderful Leprechaun for his work on Chapter 49. I bet everyone got mixed up in what was happening there, huh? Blame Lep! LOL. Send him all of your comments so that he knows he's loved with this story. It's a required activity people, COME ON! LOL. Next up, there's thanking David for continuing to deal with my shit and actually post my story. I bet he wishes this would have been over after the first 100! LOL JK. Next up we have 'December'. I'll be taking A LONG time to write this. Don't expect 'December', AKA Chapter 50, to come out until late December. I have a LOT of ideas for it and it'll be long. So read this section over and over. I ask that NOT ONE of you dare write me and ask when it's coming either because I just told you. It's annoying when people write me and basically say, 'Well when's the next part coming out?' I appreciate the love, but don't rush me or you'll get poor or no work. So be patient. If you want to know anything about what to expect or what's happening with 'December' you can head over to the webpage I set up for it at: And be sure to check out the regular webpage, thanks to Netboy! So until late December folks, this is JM signing off. I do hope you've enjoyed what you've read so far... because it's all changing... ***

Next: Chapter 53: December

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