Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 9, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 18) by JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the 18th story (Wow!!! We sure are getting far!!!) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where chapter 7 left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very begining. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through the last story. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Till then, keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Justin awoke feircely to a pounding on his bedroom door. He was startled and quickly sat up in his bed. He felt tangled in arms, legs and cover. He remembered that Brian was still sleeping next to him and quickly got out of bed. "Justin! Hurry downstairs!" Lynn yelled from outside of the door. She continued her pounding upon her son's door, awaiting a response. "Okay ma." Justin said sleepily. Justin winced his eyes and rubbed them quickly. Brian rolled to his side and groaned. "Is it morning already?" Brian said quietly as he began to remove the covers. "Yeah huh. Already. We better get downstiars before my mom has a fit though." Justin said. Justin stretched and collected himself. He quickly grabbed a T-shirt from his bag and slipped it on. Brian stepped out of the bed and looked around. He remembered that he went to bed in just his boxers last night. "Throw something on Brian." Justin said with his typical smile. He stared at Brian's firm body in the morning's light. Brian blushed and grabbed a pair of jeans from the floor. "Do you think she knows anything?" Brian said as he pulled up the jeans. "I hope not. We waited until she went to bed last night. Though, with my mom you never know." Justin said as he shrugged his shoulders. "But don't worry about it." Justin said in comfort. Justin slipped on his gold 'N Sync chain and opened the door. Brian grabbed a baggy shirt and threw it on. Both walked quietly into the hall and down the steps. As they reached the bottom, they saw Jonathan and Lynn eating breakfast together. "You started without us?" Justin said confussed. "Actually, you're not eating breakfast here." Lynn said as she took a sip of her coffee. "Huh?" Justin said with even more confussion.

"The guys called. They want you to have breakfast with them." Lynn said. Justin frowned. "But they'll all be seeing us for lunch. I've arranged it with the management. So even though you're in the studio today, you'll still see me and Jonathan." Lynn said with a weak smile. Justin giggled and pushed Brian back towards the upstairs. "So shower and get out of here already." Lynn called humorously to her son. Justin laughed at his mother's comment and then shoved Brian in the room. He closed the door behind him. "That was weird." Brian said. Before he could hear Justin's reply, Justin shoved his tongue into Brian's lips. Brian gagged, but then realized what was happening. Justin backed away slowly. "I just wanted to say good morning." Justin said with a smile. "That's a nice way of saying it." Brian said. He held Justin in his arms, standing right in front of the door still. "Today's the day we make magic babe." Brian said with an innocent grin. "I thought we made magic everyday." Justin said softly. "Yep, we do." Brian replied. Brian let Justin go so that Justin and him could get dressed. "So, where do we head to have breakfast with the guys?" Justin said as he grabbed his clothes. "Probably the studio no doubt. I heard they have like a cafeteria there. It's a uge studio. Plenty of room for us to work in." Brian replied. "We never needed too much room to work in before." Justin said sarcastically. "You're hopeless." Brian said with a laugh. They both laughed for awhile, trading sarcastic jokes back and forth towards each other.

Brian and Justin walked outside into the yard of Lynn's home. "God it's beautiful out here. Wish we could stay here more often." Brian said. He took in a deep breath and relaxed. "Me too." Justin said as he rubbed Brian's shoulders. Brian relaxed under the strong hands of Justin. "This feels good too." Brian said softly. "Yeah, you'd know." Justin said as he pushed Brian forward. "Come on, we've gotta roll." Justin said happily. "Okay. To the studio we go." Brian said with cheer. Justin laughed at Brian's humor while opening the doors to his car. They both got in and looked at each other. Brian admired Justin in his baggy New York sweatshirt and his big, blue jeans on. Justin's hair was well-combed, let his little blonde tendrils just grasp his head. Justin gazed at Brian as he sat in his white, Tommy fisher-hat, with a dark blue sweater and loose jeans. Brian had his sleeves rolled up slightly, revealing his cuffed, white shirt. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." Brian said with a laugh. Justin quickly snapped out of his stare with a smile. "Okay, let's go Bri." Justin said as he placed his key in the ignition. Soon enough they were on their way to the studio.

As they rode smoothly towards the studio, Justin played 'Just' over and over in his speakers. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of this song." Brian said as he let his seat back. "Me neither." Justin said. Brian mouthed the words to the song as they blazed down the highway. "What do you think we should do for the new version?" Justin questioned as the song faded out for the fourth time. "Hmm, something different. I still want a slow melody, but a different feel and a different kind of melody." Brian said. Justin nodded and listened as 'Just' came on again. "Hey, how about you play the guitar?" Justin said. Brian looked at him with intrigue. "I don't know." Brian replied. "Ah come on. It'll be a different sound. More acustic." Justin said. "That's true." Brian agreed. Brian placed his ahnd on Justin's thigh, almost causing Justin to swerve. "That's why we work so well together." Brian said with a big grin. "Really? I thought it was because we can satisfy each other." Justin said devilishly. "You asshole. Your mind is on nothing but sex." Brian said.

Justin pulled quickly into the studio parking lot and parked his car. They both hopped out of the Mercedes and headed towards the studio entrance doors. They saw A.J. and Chris playing around outside. "Hey guys. What's up?" Chris said as he shoved A.J. playfully. "Nothing. Are all the guys already inside?" Brian said as he reached for the doorknob. "Nope. Joey and J.C. are inside laying their voices for a new track. Howie and Kevin are collaborating on a song right now. We don't know where Nick or Lance are right now." A.J. replied as he shoved Chris back. Brian looked at him confussed. Justin shrugged his shoulders. "So when do we eat?" Justin asked, avoiding the other subject. "When everyone gets here." Chris replied. Justin frowned and yanked open the door to the studio. Brian followed Justin in, his hands staddled on Justin's hips. "Let go Brian. Somebody's gonna say somehting." Justin said with concern. "Like what? They're doing the conga line?" Brian said with a laugh. Justin laughed too and began to sway his hips. They stopped in the middle of the hall, awaiting the word on what they are to do. A.J. walked pasted them and stopped. "Oh, you're probably wondering what to do. Well I'm eahding down to Studio 3 where Kevin and Howie are. You two are supposed to be in Studio 2. We have five studios that we can use to work on things. The other three are being used by others." A.J. said. "Like who?" Justin said with curiousity. "Like Innoscense." before A.J. could finish, Brian and Justin got two huge grins across their faces.

"What?!?" A.J. said with a confussed look upon his face. "Amanda." Brian said coyly. "What about her?" A.J. said. He bashfully looked at the floor. "Oh nothing." Justin said playfully. "Oh fuck you two." A.J. said as he stomped away. "Sorry, I only fuck one person." Justin replied and laughed at A.J. Brian laughed too. Brian and Justin walked into Studio 2 and sat at the engineer board. "So, is that what you want to do?" Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "Do what?" Justin asked with confussion. "What you said to A.J. in the hall you idiot." Brian said with a giggle. Justin thought for a moment. "What did I say?" Justin questioned. "Duh. You said you only fuck one person." Brian said, leaning closer to Justin. "Oh! Are you crazy? Now?" Justin said. He backed slowly away from Brian. "What's wrong with now." Brian whispered as he snatched Justin near him. "We're in the studio." Justin said. "And no one will know..." Brian whispered into Jsutin's ear. He began to seductivally lick Justin's ear. "I don't know Brian." Justin said in fear of being caught. He tried to fight off the temptation. "Come on Justin. I'm prepared. I have a condom, so we won't get anything wet." Brian said with a sexy laugh. He worked his way down to Justin's neck. He nibbled softly at the tender skin. Justin was now caught up in the ecstasy of the moment. He let a slight moan escape his lips. Brian took that as an okay to go further.

Brian lifted Justin from his seat and sat him on the engineering board. Justin sat back a little and awaited Brian's movements. Brian quickly pulled his own shirt off and put it on the chair. Brian reached forward and kiss Justin's lips lightly. Brian then grabbed hold of Justin's shirt and with Justin's help, he pulled it off. Brian rubbed his hands over Justin's smooth chest. Justin bit his lower lip softly, trying to hold back from screaming. Brian slowly licked the firm chest, tasting his masculinity. Justin's hands roamed Brian's back as Brian went lower on him. "Slow down Brian." Justin said as he arched his hips. "Okay." Brian whispered as he slowly began to unzip Justin's jeans. Justin felt release as his jeans fell to the floor. Brian admired the tent in Justin's boxers. He looked up at Justin and smiled. "What woudl you like me to do babe?" Brian whispered softly. "Whatever you want." Justin said with his eyes closed. Brian thern took his own pants and boxers off. He romaed his hands all over Justin's body. From his feet to his head. Brian knelt down and began to lick at Justin's toes. Justin giggled a bit and then moaned. Brian worked his way up, licking Justin's knees and then working his way to the inside thighs. Justin groaned loudly. Justin gasped as Brian as Brian's lips touched his balls. Brian worked his way slowly up Justin's shaft and then back down again. Justin grunted as Brian finally took his meat into Brian's mouth. "Oh God..." Justin whispered softly. Justin leaned back a little and began to thrust his hips in time with Brian's movements. Justin grabbed hold of the board and let Brian work his miracles.

Within minutes, Justin was squirting deep into Brian's throat. Brian chocked a bit and let Justin convulse until he was finished. Justin banged Brian's lips as he shot his cum. Brian slowly released Justin's penis as he finished his orgasm. Brian looked up at Justin with a smile. The seventeen year old boy smiled back with enthusiasm. Brian slide his hand in his pocket and pulled out the Trojan condom. Jusitn closed his eyes as Brian dropped his pants. Brian unwrapped the condom and slipped it carefully on his dick. Justin heard Brian groan a bit when Brian finally got the condom on. "I want this to be good for you." Brian whispered into Justin's ear as he grabbed hold of Jusitn's hips. "It always is." Justin whispered back as he felt Brian began to raise him from the board. Justin opened his eyes and found himself staring directly into Brian's baby blues. Brian smiled his brillant smile and raised Justin higher. Justin felt the cold feel of Brian's penis at his hole. Brian slowly lowered Justin on his meat, making Justin grunt in slight pain. Brian slowed his quest for ecstasy so that Justin could adjust. Justin felt the pain cease as always and he wrapped his legs around Brian's waste. Brian took this as an okay and began to go further within his lover. Justin groaned as he felt Brian's hot penis reach further and further in his ass. Jusitn wrapped his arms around Brian's neck and began to pull tighter with his legs. "Uh, Justin!" Brian yelled as he began to raise Justin up and down on his penis. Justin closed his eyes and moaned. Brian felt Justin's ass getting tigther around his shaft. He knew it wouldn't be long before he was shooting all in the condom. Brian increased his strong thrusts into Justin. Justin threw his head back in pleasure. Brian began to suck lovingly on Justin's neck as he felt himself getting close. Justin felt Brian's body began to shake as Brian sat down in the chair behind him. Justin knew Brian was cumming and he was cumming hard. Brian clenched his teeth and hissed as his cum shot into the condom. Justin looked down at Brian's face of ecstasy. With his eyes closed and smile wide, Justin knew that he had satisfied Brian. Justin leaned down and kissed Brian's lips.

Brian snapped out of his state to feel Justin's long tongue enter his mouth. Brian gladly returned the kiss and slipped his tongue into Justin's mouth. Justin rubbed Brian's head softly and began to grind his hips on Brian's stomach. He felt Brian's dick began to get hard within his ass again. They heard a soft knock at the door and quickly stopped their movements. Brian released Justin's mouth and looked around. "Shit, we're in for it now." Justin said softly. Brian wiped his mouth and raised Justin off of him. Justin quickly gathered his clothes and began to put them on. Brian yanked his boxers and pants up and gazed at the door. "Who is it?" Brian asked as he stood. "It's J.C. I was wondering how things are going." J.C. said from outside of the door. "Good. Hold on a minute." Brian said as he walked slowly towards the door.

He looked back and awaited for an 'okay' from Justin. Jusitn quickly zipped up his pants and smiled. Brian opened the door quickly, as if they adh done nothing. J.C. stood outside with a look of curiousity. "So, things are going well." J.C. said as he invited himself in. "Yes J.C., they are." Brian said as he closed the door. "Well, what do you guys have finished." J.C. asked as he took a seat in the chair that Brian and Justin had just fucked in. Justin looked at J.C. wide-eyed and turned towards the engineer board. J.C. looked at both of them with wonder. "Well, we're working on a good concept right now." Brian said, avoiding all ther questions. "Okay. Well Justin, Viett is going to need you in the studio in about an hour. But we're having breakfast in about fourty-five minutes. So, you and Brian will have to wrap part of things up and come back to this." J.C. said as he stood. "Okay, I can do that." Justin said, still not making eye-contact with J.C. "Yeah, we can do that." Brian said as he walked towards the mixing board. "Okay, fourty-five minutes then." J.C. said as he hwaded for the door. "Eh, is Nick or Lance here yet?" Justin questioned, finally looking at J.C. "Nope. We don't know where they may be." J.C. said as he walked out the door.

"That's strange" Justin said as he sat down in his chair. "What's strange?" Brian sad as he grabbed a pen and a notebook. "Lance and Nick still aren't here. Wonder where they are?" Justin said. "Do you think they're together?" Brian said with a chuckle. "No." Justin replied with a serious face. "Hey, don't get all evil on me. What, you afraid someone's taking away your precious Nick?" Brian teased Justin. Justin ignored Brian and tried to think of how they were going to work the song out.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 19) by JM

Brian looked at Justin several times as he jotted down some lyrics. "What?" Justin said as he looked at Brian. "I don't really need you to write anything. You inspire me enough." Brian said with a grin. Justin blushed and slapped him on the leg. "Hey! What's that for?" Brian said. He seemed hurt as he rubbed his sore leg. "I got an idea. You can play your guitar. While you're doing that, I can write down some lyrics that you've inspired me to do." Justin said. Brian laughed at Justin's enthusiasm and grabbed his guitar from the side. He began to pluck away at the strings as Jusitn quickly wrote down some lyrics. Brian looked on as Justin wrote. He felt himself want to cry. Jusstin gazed up at Brian and smiled with concern. "Am I that good?" Justin said with a giggle. "Yes Justin. You've always been that good to me." Brian said seriously. Justin felt his smile turn into a face of love. "Thanks Bri." Justin said as he turned his attention back to the lyrics. Brian found the beat and melody he wanted for the song on his guitar. Justin finished writing and walked to the mixing board. He pushed a button and a symphony of sounds blazed through the speakers. "I think we should add this into the song." Justin said as he sat back down. "Fine. We can do that." Brian said as he set up a microphone. "Are you ready?" Brian asked as he sat in a stool in front of the mic with his guitar. "Yep. Let's get this going." Justin said as he stood. As the melody chimed on Brian's guitar and through the speakers, Justin felt himself getting into the groove. They both poured their heart and souls into the half-hour they had to lay down some vocals for the song. When they were finished, they felt that they had accomplished a triumph of love and of beauty.

"Kinda gets you teary-eyed doesn't?" Brian said as he set the tape to rewind. "Yeah." Jusitn said as he wiped away a tear from his eye. "Oh, I didn't mean to really get you going." Brian said as he hugged Justin. "It's okay Bri. I just think it was a great song." Jusitn said, with tears still rolling down his face. "Without you, it wouldn't have been." Brian said, feeling himself begining to choke up. "You just want me to keep going all night don't you?" Justin said, his voice cracking. "Sorry." Brian said. He began to lick Jusitn's tears away, showing his affection towards Justin. Justin smiled partially and stood there. "We should go. It's about time for breakfast." Brian yelled as he grabbed the tape from the deck. "Okay, let's go." Jusitn said as he walked towards the door with Brian.

They headed down the hall, looking for the other guys in each room. "Down here!" they heard Kevin yell as they got closer to the cafe. Brian smiled and rushed Justin to the cafeteria. As they walked in, they saw the others eating already, minus Nick and Lance. Justin quickly sat down while Brian grabbed a plate of food. "You're not going to eat?" Howie asked as he stuffed his face. "Nah. I'm not all that hungry." Justin said. Brian sat next to Justin and drapped his arm around him. "So, you guys get the song completed." Joey asked as he took a sip of coffee. "Almost. We laid our vocals down, we just have to finish mixing some stuff." Brian said as he began to pig out on his plate. "Well Brian, you should tell your 'boyfriend' here to eat." A.J. said with a laugh. "You're not eating?" Brian questioned Justin. "No. I'm not." Justin replied feircely. Geez, sorry I asked." Brian said. He removed his arm from Jusitn and scooted away a bit. Jusitn just rolled his eyes and sat.

As Justin looked over his shoulder, he saw Nick and Lance stroll in. "So, where have ya'll been?" Justin announced, drawing everyone's attention to Nick and Lance. "Oh, nowhere." Nick said with a huge grin. Lance frowned and sat next to J.C. Nick grabbed a seat next to Brian, not removing his smile. "You okay Lance?" J.C. asked him. Lance didn't reply. Justin glared at Nick and began to figure things out slowly. "So, what's up with the song guys?" Nick said as he smiled towards Justin and Brian. "We're almost done." Brians aid as he took of drink of water. "That's good. Maybe me and ol' Lance here should do one." Nick said. Lance dropped his head, tears escaping his eyes. "Lance, what's wrong dude?" Justin asked in concern. "Nothing, just leave me alone guys." Lance said softly. Justin could hear the hint of pain in his voice. "Don't worry about it Justin." Nick said with a smile. "Shut up Nick! He's my friend and I'll worry if I fucking want to." Justin said boldly. "Are we going to get into this again guys?" Kevin asked, trying to intervine. "No, Kevin. If Justin would just worry about him and Brian, there'd be no prob'." Nick said. Justin rolled his eyes once again and looked at Lance. Brian was begining to notice Justin's concern for Lance. "Lance, buddy, you want to talk?" Brian asked. Lance ignored him. J.C. glared at Nick and then stood. He walked away from the table and sat at another. "What's with him?" A.J. asked as he ate his bacon. "I don't know." Nick shuggred. Jusitn could now hear the whimper in Lance's voice. "Would you excuse us." Justin said as he grabbed Brian by the arm. "What?" Brian asked as he stood. "Come with me." Justin said sternly.

Brian and Justin walked to the side. "What is it Justin?" Brian asked with confussion. "Something is definetly wrong with Lance." Justin said with serious concern. "If it has anything to do with Nick, it's none of our business. If he wants to tell us, he will." Brian responded. "How can you be so cold Brian?" Justin said in anger. "What do you mean? I don't want all of us getting involved in something that's going to end up hurting me and you again." Brian said. He placed his hand on Justin's shoulder. Justin shuggred him off. "Look Justin, I know he's your friend. But we can't just jump into things we know nothing about." Brian said. Justin stomped away from Brian and sat back down at the table. By now, Lance had his face in his hands, trying to conceal his tears. Nick sat, dumbfounded by everything.

Brian finally returned to his seat. Justin ignored him, making Brian feel lonely. "Well, we have to get back to the studio." Kevin said as he stood. He and Howie walked back towards their studio. A.J. and Chris joked as Brian stared at Justin and Justin stared at Lance. "What the fuck is the problem Justin?" Nick said finally. "You damnit. But I'll let your ass slide for now." Justin said as he pointed at Nick. "Don't use strong words unless you plan on backing them up." Nick said boldly. "Hey guys, let this go." Joey begged. "Lance, are you okay?" Brian whispered. "Leave me the fuck alone Brian. Your the reason I'm not happy!" Lance yelled. Brian looked confussed. Lance's face was twisted in anger, with etars rapidly falling down his face. "What are you talking about Lance." Justin said in defense of Brian. "He's the reason I'm crying. He has to have everybody. He ahs you and he has Nick too." Lance cried harshly. Justin stared at him with confussion. "What do you mean 'I have Nick too?'" Brian questioned. "I don't want to talk about it." Lance said. He wiped the tears from his eyes and sat in anger. Justin quickly snapped his head in Nick's direction. Nick sat with a smile. "What the hell is he talking about Nick?" Justin barked. "Nothing Justin. But he's probably right." Nick said. His grin grew wider. "Lance, I don't 'have' Nick." Brian said sincerly. "Lance'll get over it." Nick cooed. "Get over what?" Justin asked plainly. "Let's just say some things were said last night while me and Lance had a little fun." Nick said as he stood.

The sound of thunder rumbled over the studio as the guys still tried to figure out what was happening. "A little fun? What was said!" Brian demanded to know. "Me and Nick had sex last night." Lance cried. Tears rolled over his face as he tried to clear them off. "You had sex!" Joey screamed. By now, Chris and A.J. were deep into the conversation. Another sound of thunder crashed over the studio. "I can't believe this." Justin said as he stood. "So what do I have to do with this?" Brian said, not paying attention to anything else. "Let's just say instead of screaming Lance's name, your's popped out of my mouth several times." Nick said plainly. All the guys mouths dropped open and hit the table. "You're sick." Justin said in anger. "What can I say. One kiss and other things make you want more from dear Brian." Nick said with a smile. Lance cried and whimpered, refussing to say anything. "Nick, I can't believe this. You yelled my name during sex of all things!" Brian yelled. "Yeah huh. Don't you wish Justin would do that." Nick teased. Justin felt a tear escape his eye. Lance quickly ran out of the room. "I'm sorry Lance. I don't think I'll fall for anyone but Brian." Nick called towards the sobbing Lance. "You bastard. You can have it if you want it that bad." Justin said with tears in his eyes. Jusitn quickly dashed out of the cafeteria. "Justin! Wait!" Brian called towards Justin. Nick quickly grabbed Brian's arm. "No Brian. He said he doesn't want you. He said that we can be together," Nick pleaded. "Get the hell of out my face Nick!" Brian yelled as he shoved Nick. Nick fell over the chairs and onto the floor. The others didn't bother to help him up. They were too disgusted and shocked over what they had just heard. "This shit is getting too much for a guy to take." Chris complained.

Justin ran out the studio doors and into the pouring rain. He stood in the middle of the parking lot, unsure of what to do. He felt his body begin to shiver as the cold rain hit him time after time. He heard Brian calling to him, but he paid no attention. Brian ran up to him, soaking wet from the rain. "Justin, what's wrong?" Brian said. Justin stood there, trying to hold back his tears. His eyes were bloodhsot and screaming for release. "Please tell me." Brian pleaded. He grabbed Justin's hands and felt them shaking. "I don't know anymore." Justin whimpered. "Well then why would you say that Nick can have me. I don't want him. I want you." Brian questioned. "Because he's bent on getting you." Justin cried. "Well, guess what? He's not going to get me." Brian said with a small smile. Justin hugged Brian, crying as the rain poured on them. "Come on Justin, it's okay." Brian said as he rubbed Justin's back. "Nick make's some dumb mistakes. But we don't have to suffer because of them. I feel for Lance." Brian whispered. Justin sobbed even more. "O-o-okay." Justin sobbed. "Good. let's get you inside." Brian said. He helped Jusitn walk towards the studio. They stood for a moment outside, soaking wet from the feirce rain. "Do me a favor babe. Don't let Nick get involved in our relationship anymore." Brian whispered. Justin nodded to show he agreed. "Good. Come on." Brian said as he walked Justin inside. As they got inside, Jusitn released a strong sneeze. "Bless you." Brian said as he wiped the water from Justin's face. "Thanks." Justin said softly.

"Justin?" Lynn said as she came walking down the corridor. "Mom?" Justin said as he fixed his eyes on his mother. "Justin, why are you soaking wet?" Lynn said as she rushed to her son. "Uh, I was out in the rain." Justin said shyly. "I can see that. And you too Brian." Lynn said as she tried to dry her son. "You too need to egt home and change. You'll catch a cold." Lynn said. Justin sneezed once again. "I think somebody already is." Brian said with a smile. "Get home you too." Lynn demanded. "But we need to finish our song and I have to record with 'N Sync." Justin complained. "Justin, your mom is right. I can stay here and finish the song." Brian said to comfort Justin. "I won't hear that Brian. You're going to the house too. We have a studio there that you two can work in. I'll just inform J.C. and the others." Lynn said. "Well, maybe they can come too." Justin begged. "Fine. Thehn we can all have lunch." Lynn said with a smile. Lynn headed towards the studios to inform the guys. Brian grabbed Justin by the arm and dragged him to the side. "You want to bring the Little Rascals to your house so we can have World War Three?" Brian questioned Justin. "Maybe we can avoid it." Justin said with a half-smile. Brian kissed Justin on the cheek, not feeling as confident.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 20) by JM

Brian grabbed Justin's hand and walked outside. They stood under the out-stretched roof and watched the rain fall. "Did know your mom had a studio at the house." Brian whispered to Justin as he wrapped his arms around him. "Yeah. She had it built in so that Innoscence could work on their album and still figure business stuff out." "Oh." Brian said as he held Justin. They waited on the others, just absorbing every second they could have together. "Well, can we go before these two go at it." Joey hollored with laughter as he headed for the limo. Nick walked by them, not speaking a word to either. "If you weren't holding me right now, I'd run up to Nick and ebat the shit out of him." Justin said softly to Brian. "Keep calm." Brian said as he held Jusitn tighter. A.J. walked by Brian and Justin with Amanda following. Justin's mouth dropped and Brian just grinned. "Guess she's stopping by for lunch too." Brian giggled. "Or A.J.'s getting lunch somewhere else." Justin said pervertedly. "You're such a dumb fuck." Brian whispered. "Well, you still like it." Justin said as he nudged Brian in the stomach. "Let's go people!" Kevin hollored as he ran into the limo. He was followed by J.C. and then Chris. "Catch you over there." Justin yelled. Lynn walked by the boys and then stopped. "This is going to take some getting used to." Lynn said as she looked at them. "It's not that hard. We all did." J.C. said from behind Lynn. "If you say so Josh." Lynn said as she and J.C. walked away. "She's going to adjust." Justin reassured Brian. Brian grinned and tried to avoid thinking about it. Lance walked by the two, still whimpering. "Lance..." Justin tried to say. Lance just kept moving. "I should talk to him." Brian said. "No, I'll handle it." Justin said.

Justin and Brain got into Justin's car and made their way back to Justin's house. As Justin stepped out of the car, he let go a loud sneeze. "Bless you." Brian said as he rubbed Jusitn's shoulders. "Uh, thank you." Justin said. He began to clear his throat loudly. "You're really getting sick aren't you?" Brian said as he stood next to Justin. "Nope. It's just cause I'm still wet." Justin said. His body was shivering and his head was hanging low. "I don't think that's what it is." Brian complained. Justin decided to not saying anything as Lynn's car and two limo's pulled up to the house. The guys all hopped out the limos and the limos quickly sped off so no one noticed. The guys quickly ran for the house, trying to avoid the attention of the neighbors. Lynn followed behind, trying to find Justin and Brian in the crowd. "Okay okay guys and gals, let me get the door open." Lynn yelled as she budged through the groups. As they all walked in, everyone complimented Lynn on how great the house looked. Justin quickly grabbed Brian's hand and led him upstairs. "Where are you two headed?" Lynn asked as she stood at the foot of the stairs. "To get changed mom." Justin said as he continued his walk towards his room. "Well be down in five minutes." Lynn yelled towards them. "Okay." Jusitn hollored back as he shut the door.

Justin quickly began to strip his clothes off. Brian on the other hand took his time removing his wet clothes. Justin slid all of his clothes off and pushed Brian down on the bed. "What are you doing?" Brian questioned as Justin straddled him. "What does it look like?" Justin said as he looked down at Brian. "Look, the guys and your mom are all downstairs. We can't do this here." Brian said sincerly. "We did it at the studio." Justin complained. "Justin, baby, I know we did it there. But everyone knows we're up here. They'll think we're rude." Brian said in his sincere, Southern tone. Justin frowned and rolled off of Brian. He laid on his back, lookingat the ceiling. Brian felt guilty. He rolled to his side and looked at Justin. "Don't take it personal. I still love you." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "I'm not taking it personal Brian. If that's how you feel, I'll deal with it." Justin said while still looking up. "So why won't you look at me." Brian asked. "Because if I do, I'll have to kiss you." Justin said with a smile. Brian smiled back and got off the bed. Brian grabbed fresh clothes and quickly slipped them on. Justin stood and grabbed a pair of boxers and a T-Shirt. Justin sneezed once again. Brian was begining to worry about the young boy. "Are you sure you're feeling well?" Brian asked Justin. "Yeah." Justin said as he rubbed his nose. Brian walked towards Justin and placed his hand on Justin's forehead. "You're burning up!" Brian yelled as he took his hand off Jusitn's head. "I'm fine." Justin said lazily. "Yeah, right." Brian said in disbelief.

A loud knocking came ringing on the door. "Justin, your mom wants you guys downstairs for lunch." J.C. hollored. "Okay. We're coming." Justin said. "Well if you are coming, make sure you don't get the sheets wet." J.C. whispered with a giggle. "Shut up you dumb ass." Justin whispered in a hiss. J.C. laughed and walked back down the steps. Brian shook his head and tried to hold back his laugh. "Don't you do it." Justin held his finger up to warn Brian. Brian parted a smile and held it in. Justin slapped Brian on the ass and started to run for the door. Before he could reach the knob, Brian tackeled Justin causing them to fall to the floor with a loud bang. Brian began to tickle and kiss Justin as they rolled on the floor. "Stop it!" Justin laughed with a holler. Just as Jusitn began to kiss Brian back, Lynn busted into the room> "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!" Lynn hollored at them. Justin quickly pushed Brian back and they both stood. "Uhm, nothing." Justin stuttered. "Brian, go downstairs with the others. Justin, stay up here and I'll have Lance bring you a plate of food. I did not let you two come here to have yourselves your own personal sex show." Lynn said in anger. "Mom, it wasn't a sex show!" Justin complained. Brian quickly walked downstairs. "Just stay up ehre young man." Lynn barked as she closed the door. Justin cursed under his breath and plopped on his bed.

Lance walked lazily into the room and handed Justin a plate of food. "Lance, wait." Justin said as Lance was about to leave. "Yeah?" Lance asked, looking at the floor. "Come here bud." Justin said as he patted on the bed. Lance strolled over to Justin and sat down. "I want you to know that I'm sorry about what happened. You know I already think Nick's a asshole. But you can't blame Brian for this. Brian doesn't love Nick." Justin reassured Lance. Lance began to cry again, trying not to show emotion. "I don't blame Brian totally. But why Justin?" Lance said, now looking at Justin. "I don't know Lance. I don't know why Nick would do something like that to you. It was wrong of him. But Brian would never want to take Nick from anyone. Brian loves ME!" Jusitn said. Lance let the tears roll down his face. Justin hugged Lance, trying to comfort him. "Don't cry over this. I know how you feel. When Nick told me that Brian ahd kissed him, I wanted to die. But Brian has always been there for me. He always will be. And I'll be here for you if you need someone to talk to." Justin whispered. Lance lost control of himself and cried harder. "Do you love Nick?" Justin asked Lance, letting go of him. "I don't know." Lance said. He looked at the floor once again. Justin sighed. "If you do love him, you may ended up hurting yourself. He seems to be bent on breaking me and Brian up and that makes it harder for him to concentrate on anyone else." Jusitn said. "That's the thing. Why does if have to be all about you and Brian? It's not like you two will stay together or anything. Nick's probably makiing the moves on Brian right now. Damnit Justin, can't you just let him go!" Lance yelled.

Justin was totally thrown back by Lance's words. he ahd no other way to react but to let a tear roll from his eye. "Jusitn, I, uh..." Lance stuttered, realizing what he had just said. "Is that how you really feel?" Justin said in disbelief. "Yes." Lance mummered. Justin stod to his feet and removed the ring that brian had gave him. "If Nick and Brian are down there flirting right now, then that's Brian's life. I won't hold him back." Justin said as he placed the ring on the dresser. "If all ya'll want me to let him go, then I will. I can't stand here and take this abuse any longer. If all of you guys think it's all about 'Brian and Justin', then fuck it!" Justin yelled, tears streaking down his face. "I didn't mean." Lance sobbed. "You said what you meant Lance. I've never known you not to say what you feel. You want me to let him go, then you fucking tell him I'll let him go so you can have Nick." Justin cried uncontrolably now. "That's not what I want." Lance said, he was also sobbing. "It's not? Don't tell me you'd sit up here and tell me all of this for nothing. If you want Nick, you can have him. You want me and Brian to rbeak up, it's done!" Justin said in tears. Justin knelt to the floor, feeling as if he was going to throw-up. Brian, J.C. and Kevin came running into the room. "What's all the fuss?" J.C. said with concern. Brian rushed to Justin and knelt next to him Justin quickly pushed him away. "What is it Jusitn? What did I do?" Brian asked.

Justin was too sick to reply. "Lance, what's going on?" J.C. asked. Lance cried till his eyes were stinging. "I think I just broke Justin and Brian up." Lance whimpered. Brian looked at Lance with shock. "What do you mean we just broke up?" Brian asked in a histerical form. "Let's all calm down before this turns ugly." Kevin said sternly. "Too late." J.C. said as he pointed to Justin. Justin felt himself gettin ready to black out. Brian wanted to help Jusitn, but he knew how Justin would react. Just then, Jusitn let himself go and vomitted on the floor. Lynn rushed into the room, followed by Chris and Nick. "What's going on!" Lynn yelled as she rushed to her son's side. "This is all my fault." Lance whimpered. "It's not," Justin barely found the words to speak. Brian stood and grabbed the ring from the dresser. He walked out of the room, tears falling down his cheeks. "Brian!?" Nick said. "And you're still stuck on him!" Lance hollored. He quickly ran out of the room. Lynn cradeled her son as he laid on the floor. "I knew this would happen soon enough." J.C. said as he walked after Lance. "You can't blame me for my feelings." Nick said trying to defend himself. "Come on Nick." Chris said as he dragged Nick out of the room. Justin sobed as he laid on the floor, soaking his mother's shirt. "What's going on Kevin?" Lynn asked as she looked up at Kevin. "As far as I know, Justin just broke up with Brian because of something Lance said. This has been going on for awhile." Kevin replied. "Then I'll have to make the move in this situation. Go get Brian, Nick and Lance." Lynn said sternly. Kevin noded and walked out of the room.

Lynn helped Justin into his bed and quickly tried to clean up his vomit from the floor. Brian stumbled into the room, followed by the happy Nick. Lance then followed, still crying. "Sit down." Lynnn said to all of the boys. Nick quickly grabbed a bean-bag, whidle Brian sat on the bed next to Justin. Jsutin laid quietly on the bed, his head burried in the pillows. Lance leaned against the wall. His whole body was shaking. "From what I know, Nick has this vendetta aganist Justin for some odd reason. That reason would be Brian. And Lance seems to be hung up over Nick and has caused Brian and Justin to split. Now I don't care what any of your reasons are for this, but Justin can't deal with this. He is a seventeen year old boy who doesn't know how to take this kind of stress." Lynn said with anger. Brian looked at Justin while Lance and Nick both looked towards the ground. "I can only make one decision in this matter to help things." Lynn said, feeling totally in control of things. "Justin is leaving the tour and 'N Sync." Lynn announced. Lance frowned, while Nick smiled. Brian didn't pay attention at first, but then it finally clicked. "Oh my God, no Mrs. Harling, pealse don't do that! I can't take that." Brian said. His hands were trembling. "I'm sorry Brian, but this is the way it ahs to be." Lynn assured Brian. "Please don't take him away. I love hiM!" Brian shouted. "Brian, I'm sorry." Lynn said. Brian pleaded with her, his heart racing. "If he leaves, then I leave." Brian came to his final decision.

Justin laid, tears still slipping from his blue eyes. Brian's face was mushed in tears and agony. "I don't want to be the reason that Brian leaves the B.S.B." Nick said. He was hoping to convince everyone that he ahd some good nature in him. Brian clenched onto the ring in his ahnd and dropped it on the bed. "I respect your wishes Lynn, but you can't take Justin from 'N Sync. That's his life." Lance said in his deep voice. "Nothing that hurts Justin should be his 'life'" Lynn said to Lance. Brian whimpered and tried to hold abck the rest of his tears. "Your his mother Lynn. If that's what you believe, then that's what shall happen. I'll have the B.S.B. quit the tour with 'N Sync and then Justin won't have to worry about me ever again." Brian said in pain. "I'm sorry Brian. I truely am. I know deep down that Justin loves you, but he can't deal with the pressures of the others right now." Lynn said sincerly. "I know Mrs. Harling. Thank you for having me here and it's been nice meeting you." Brian said in tears. He walked out of the room. Nick floolwed him, trying to talk to Brian. Brian just ignored Nick's efforts and waited for the others in the living room. Lance felt guilty for causing so much trouble. "I'll go downstiars." Lance said. He exited from the room. Lynn kissed her son on the head and left his room.

Lynn met all of the guys down in the living room. Brian was the first to stand as she entered. "I'm going to go now with Kevin and A.J. and head over ot my place. I'll let the management know that Justin's not going to be at tomorrow night's show." Brian said polietly. "Thank you Brian." Lynn said with a smile. "Could you just tell Jusitn one thing." Brian pleaded. "Sure." Lynn said gladly. "Can you just tell him that I love him. I know it may sound dumb, but that's all I could ever say to him." Brian said with a frown. "I will." Lynn said. Her face turned serious. "Thank you." Brian said, a tear escaping his eyes again. "Do you want me to talk to him for you?" J.C. asked as he grabbed Brian by the shoulder. "No, I want him to be happy. I don't what anything but that." Brian said sadly. "And what's for us?" Lance said to Nick. "I'm sorry Lance. There can't be an 'us'. I hae feelings for Brian. Maybe now me and him can finally be together." Nick said honestly. "If that's what you want. I won't hold on any longer." Lance said, holding back the tears. Lance walked away from Nick and Nick headed for the door. "It was nice meeting you." Kevin said with a bye as he walked out the door. Lynn smiled and waved. Howie and A.J. followed him. "Brian, if there was anyone I'd want my son to be with, I know now that it'd be you. You give yourself so selflishly to him. I appreciate that." Lynn said with a smile. "If there's anyone I could have Lynn, it'd be your son." Brian said sadly. "We'll see you guys at the rehearsal tomorrow." Chris said with a frown. "Yep." Nick replied.

"I'll have Kevin come by and pick up my stuff tomorrow so that Justin doesn't have to be bothered with me." Brian apoke in a low tone. "Okay, I'll have them ready for you." Lynn said. Nick headed out the door and Brian slowly began to follow. Lynn felt sad that Brian was leaving with a broken heart. Brian didn't bother to glance back as he stepped into the doorway. He felt a hand touch his shoulder as he stood there. "Goodbye Lynn." Brian said, not turning around. "I don't want you to say goodbye." was the reply that Brian recieved. "What?" Brian said softly. He looked at the hand on his shoulder and noticed the sterling ring shing brightly on one of the fingers. Brian turned around slowly and looked at Justin in shock. "Don't leave me." Jusitn cried. Brian quickly lifted Justin itno his arms and hugged him. "I knew they wouldnb't break up." Chris said with a laugh. "Don't these stories always have happy endings." J.C. said with a giggle. Justin looked down at Brian, his smile wider then the sun.

"I don't know what to say." Brian said, etars falling down his cheeks. "Just say you're not going." Justin whispered. "I'm not going." Brian said happily. Justin leaned down and kissed Brian lightly on the lips. Brian let Justin down and held him in his arms. Lynn smiled. "Maybe you're the cure to Justin's pain." Lynn said with a grin. "I hope I am." Brian said, looking at her. Justin coughed several times and then backed away from Brian. "I think I am sick Brian. So once again, you're right." Justin said. "Right about what?" Brian said with confussion. "You were right about not interferring in Lance and Nick's problems. You were right about bringing everyone here. And you were right about me being sick." Justin said, looking at the ground. "Well I'm glad that Chris and J.C.w ere right about us." Brian said with a smile.

"What's going on." Nick said as he rushed inside the house. "You lose Nick." Justin said with a smile. Nick looked at Brian and then Justin. "Oh fuck it." Nick said as he stomped out of the house. "Let me get you upstairs so that you don't give these other guys you're flu." Brian said happily. Justin smiled and they both walked upstairs to Justin's room. "Why did you decide to take me back?" Brian asked. "It's not exactly taking you back. I should have never broke up with you. After Lance and Nick cut their ties, Lance rushed upstairs and told me everything you had said. I couldn't let you leave." Justin said. A tear rolled down his gourgeous face. "Well I don't want to let you go." Brian said as he threw Justin on the bed. Brian quickly stripped and ripped Justin's clothes off too. They immediately went at it, kissing and fondeling each other. Brian began to finger Justin, making Justin moan loudly. They lips touched several times. Another of Brian's fingers slipped into Justin. Just couldn't hold back any longer and began to ejculate all over the two of them. Brian laid back and held Justin. "Aren't you going to get off?" Justin asked as he laid in Brian's arms. "Just having you here is enough to get me off." Brian whispered.


*** For the lyrics to "Just Part II" well you know what to do... And I'll catch you on the next story (bet you thought it was over?)! ***

Next: Chapter 10: Brian and Justin 21 22

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